#but i can understand why anyone coukd see this as shipping.
marinerainbow · 4 years
Hi! I have a Darkwing request! In the show, there is one clip where Gos needs to get in bed, but she won’t. So Drake chases her, until he gets distracted. It was such a cute moment! I was wondering if you could write just a small amount of family fluff, where Drake is chasing Gos around the house, while Launchpad watches, possibly cheering them both on. It’s ok if you don’t! No pressure! That moment is just really cute!
Anyways, I better calm down so you can (hopefully) enjoy a drabble! I'm still new to writing so hopefully it wont suck too much.
The red headed girl slid under the coffee table, her father jumped over it.
Launchpad was standing off to the side as he watched his two best friends chase each other around the house. He knew well by now it was best to stay out of the way when they got like this.
"C'mon 'DW!" The pelican called out after dodging the two speeding avians, "Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if 'Gos stayed up for a little longer?" He asked, trying to reach a compromise.
"Yeah dad!" Of course Gosalyn would agree with that, "It's only 10:30! I'm twelve now so I can stay up a bit longer!"
Drake may have been a crime fighting hero, but if there was one person in the entire world who could give him a run for his money, it was most definitely his daughter. He may have been fighting criminals for years, but Gosalyn was small, a hockey player, and spirited.
"Staying up past your bedtime is bad for your health!" Drake exclaimed after emerging from the closet he crashed into, "When I say it's time for bed young lady, I mean it!"
Drake had almost caught Gosalyn, before she leapt out of his grasp and over the lazy boy. Exasperated, he called out to his trusty sidekick, "Launchpad!"
Launchpad jumped out of the way just in time before either duck rammed into him, "Well uh, you know 'Gos, your dad's right! Not getting enough sleep can make you tired all the time and you cant focus on work, you could get bags under your eyes, maybe you should go to be-"
The crash and frustrated yell that was heard from the kitchen told Launchpad that they were all gonna be here for awhile.
The short duck sluggishly walked down the stairs, he looked like he had just ran a marathon!
Which considering who he was chasing around the house only an hour ago, he probably did.
Gosalyn had finally tuckered out after... a few hours or so of running, hiding, and sneaking out of bed. Drake was finally able to tuck her in, sing her her lullaby- despite how much she claimed she was too old, Drake could see the smile form on Gosalyn's face when he offered to sing it to her. Only minutes ago was she resisting bedtime, but now she was sound asleep.
Drake practically collapsed onto the couch, Launchpad was waiting for him with a glass of water, which Drake wasted no time in chugging.
Launchpad chuckled a bit seeing his friend, he would have been more than happy to help but Drake insisted on getting Gosalyn to bed himself, "Looks like 'Gos finally hit the hay huh?"
Drake looked like he was ready to pass out himself, he didnt respond so Launchpad continued, "Looks like your battery could use a little recharge too! Hehe."
"What? No I'm fine!" The duck claimed, raising a single finger in the air, forcing himself to stand and make a heroic pose, "My spirited daughter is no match for the terror that flaps in the night!"
Launchpad resisted the urge to remind Drake that Gosalyn had actually threw him off her trail without leaving the house.
Instead, he stood up and stretched, "So DW, we got any crime fighting to catch up on?"
At this, the mallard sunk back on the couch, looking dejected and frustrated at the same time, "No! Not a single crime tonight! Since when dies a city not have crime!?"
Nevermind the fact that this has happened a couple times.
Launchpad offered Drake a reassuring smile, "Hey, that means you can get some rest! From the looks of things you need a nap after that chase, hehe!"
Drake gave Launchpad a slight glare, he knew that the pelican meant well, but how could he rest when his city could be in trouble? "Oh please LP, hasn't being my sidekick taught you anything? St. Canard is never 'at peace'! In fact, I bet there will be a robbery right now!" Than he clicked on the radio that was sitting on the lamp table.
Nothing to report.
"Uh, DW-"
"Ok, ok, ok, so maybe the broadcaster is late!" Drake exclaimed, "Theres no problem in checking!"
Launchpad sighed as he watched his friend head over to the two chairs that would lead to his secret lair. Sitting on one, he looked expectantly at Launchpad, "C'mon LP!"
Launchpad stood up and walked towards Drake, but he didnt sit down in the other chair, "C'mon DW," he started, "It's late! And Gosalyn tuckered you out! Theres no harm in taking a power nap!"
Drake shook his head as he looked at Launchpad scoldingly, "Launchpad, like I told you, imperfectly Fi..."
As if on cue, Drake let out a massive yawn.
Launchpad crossed his arms and quirked a brow at Drake but he still smiled, "That looks pretty tired to me."
Drake crossed his arms, not unlike a child who didnt get their way, "I'm not tired!"
Launchpad shook his head, not in a dissapointed manner, and said, "Drake, you havent been getting much sleep lately, you should take this chance!"
Logically speaking, Drake knew Launchpad was right. He had to tell Gosalyn that every other night. But st the same time, he wasnt a twelve year old, he was St. Canards hero! He couldnt just sleep now!
Even so, Drake couldnt deny the way his eyes felt droopy, or how it felt like the chair he was sitting in felt like it was pulling him into itself. Not to smother him, but to lull him to sleep.
Of course, no chair- no matter how comfy it may be- was no match for the great Darkwing Duck! He would rise above this bout of exhaustion! He would show the world that nothing could keep the terror that flaps in the night down!
However, he should have made that resolve sooner, for now the hero of St. Canard had succumbed to the clutches of sleep.
'Wow,' the pelican thought, 'I didnt think that would work!'
At first, Launchpad considered carrying Drake upstairs to his own bedroom, but than he remembered that with Drakes instincts, he would be wide awake and alert if someone touched him.
So instead, Launchpad quickly, but quietly, got a spare blanket from the linen closet and carefully placed it over his friend. He wanted to grab a pillow too, but he would have to have moved Drakes head to fit it under him.
When he made sure Drake was snug, Launchpad sat back down on the couch, leaning his head against his palm as he felt his own eyes get droopy.
Launchpad would have gone to his own bedroom to sleep, but before he knew it, he had fallen against the couch, already snoring peacefully.
I meant to get this done sooner, but I was having a hard time getting the scenes in my head and portraying them into words, sorry for the wait!
I... I dont know if it's just my own paranoia, but I feel like the ending was bland. I coukdnt think of anything else to put in.
But anyways, I would VERY much appreciate constructive criticism! Dont be shy!
Again, thank you so much for requesting! Have a good day!
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blkmxrvel · 5 years
The Persistence of Memory (NO A4 SPOILERS)
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader (thought this part could be read as gender neutral)
Words: 1,559
Request: carol danvers x fem!reader, readers memory of carol is distorted and she can’t remember her face. but she keeps asking for carol. begging for carol to be here that she needs her. it breaks carol’s heart.
Warnings: Descriptions of Depression and Anxiety. Cursing, Mentions of Kidnapping.
A/N: 2 out of a lot of cm requests lol. There’s gonna be a part two of this so let me know if you guys want a tag lst for cm or any of my fics! Enjoy! Also be on the look out for another marvel fic or a Lena 5v1!
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Your eyes opened as you felt the ship land with a shake. There was still a little bit of blood trickling from your forehead as you yawned. You stood up (more like limped) and looked out the window at the house that stood before you. Immediately, flashes of smiles and laughs appeared in your mind and you immediately thought of one name: Carol.
One minutes your walking towards the ship door and the next you’re racing towards the house, not giving a damn about the pain in your body.
“Y/N, wait a second!” You heard Talos call after you, but you didn’t care. You needed to see the one person that has kept you alive all these years. You weren’t sure what she looked like, that was something they had taken from you, but you were sure you could recognize her energy from a mile away.
So imagine the disappointment you felt when you busted through the door, tears ready to escape from your eyes. You searched frantically around the house. “Carol!? It’s me, Y/N!” There was no sign of her; no sign of anyone.
You didn’t understand. You were more than positive that this was the house. There was the swing that you used to push Monica on; the table that still had the glue from when you accidentally broke it. Everything was the same, though it just didn’t feel quite like home. You sank to the floor much like your heart did. You figured that this would be what you needed to regain your memories back, to not feel like such a waste of space and an experiment gone wrong. The headache that began to pound at your mind (and soul) proved you wrong.
It wasn’t all bad though. A warm feeling spread through you when you heard her voice, her laugh in your head. Hey, pretty girl. She greeted. You love me anyways. She mocked. Baby please! That tickles! She begged. I’m so proud of you, my love. I knew you could do it. She praised. I love you, Y/N. Forever and always, no matter what. She promised.
The tears finally fell, rejoicing and running down your cheeks. Sobs wracked your body as you buried your face in your hands.
“Y/N?” A shy voice rang out. You snapped your head up, wiping your eyes. “Auntie Y/N? Is that really you?”
You looked at her confused. Why was she calling you Auntie? You didn’t have any siblings. “I-I’m sorry. Do I know you?”
Monica’s heart fell. She’s been through this once before, with Carol. The look on your face matched Carol’s so perfectly that it made her heart sink. Walking forward, now meeting you eye to eye, she placed a hand on your shoulder. “They got to you too?”
You flinched at the contact, a product of the numerous cold-hearted blows to your body. Her hand didn’t feel cold, not in the slightest, but you didn’t even know who she was. How could you trust her?
“What are you talking about? Who are you?” Monica just smiled at you. She removed her arm from yours and saluted to you in one swift motion.
“Lieutenant Trouble, reporting for duty, Captain.” Her smile grew wider as you gasped. With eyes wide and a hand over your mouth, you looked her up and down. More you could finally put a face to the tuft of brown curls that always bounced around in your memories.
“Monica?” The girl in question nodded her head, giving you the biggest hug she coukd manage. Your arms went to her hair, shaking but hugging her back.
“I’m so glad to see you, Auntie Y/N. I just wish they were under better circumstances.” She said as she pulled away.
“Likewise, Lieutenant.” The memories kept coming back, each every one of them you saw Monica’s face, and each and everyone of them you heard Carol’s voice.
“Monica!” Talos again. “Just the person I was looking for. I see you’ve reunited with Y/N here.”
She nodded, leading you over to the couch as your legs went soft.
“Yes, I have. I’m pretty sure I have a clear idea of what happened, so no need for a debrief.”
You tuned out the rest of their conversation after that. Your brain was too focused on the soft whispers and warm hugs you felt subconsciously. All you could hear was her voice, all you could manage to feel was the way her arms wrapped around you so perfectly, the way your head fit so good in her neck: like a puzzle piece. It frustrated you to no end, to not be able to see her face. Your blood boiled at everything Yon-Rogg and the Kree did to you. You just wanted-
“Carol?” You whipped your head between the two of them. The fragility in your voice was ever present. “Is she here?”
“You remember?” You shook your head.
“I don’t remember what she looked like. But her aura, her presence, her voice, I never forgot that.” You played with your fingers now. “When is she coming back?”
You weren’t an expert on humans, these days. But you were certain that the way Monica looked away from you and cleared her voice wasn’t good. Talos took this moment to step away.
“Y/N…She…There was-”
“Just say it!” You pleaded. The tears were already streaming down your face. Monica took a deep breath.
“Carol isn’t coming back.” Immediately, your mind went to the worst, brainwashed and twisted. The fire in your eyes grew.
“What did you do to her!? What do you mean she’s not coming back? She has to she told me she would!” Your fists began to glow, it was nothing like Carol’s though. Her were calming, controlled, collected. Your were unsettling, powerful and angry.”
Monica stood, her arms going out to protect herself. “Y/N she’s away saving the world, trying to get everybody bac-”
“Bullshit!” There goes the new vase she just bought. The tears that were coming from your face were steadily evaporating.
“Y/N please!” She tried her best to calm you down.
“Where is she!?” That was all it took. Energy exploded from your body, knocking Maria back on her ass while you sank down once again.
“Y/N….” You couldn’t hear Monica, not over your sobs and the sound of your heart breaking. You wanted Carol, needed her. She was the reason you never gave up, the reason you never forgot her. If it wasn’t for the way Carol loved you, who knows where you would be now.
If only you could see her face, maybe then you would be better.
The next few weeks didn’t do much for your mental or physical health. You weren’t sleeping, barely ate, and you definitely weren’t talking. You didn’t understand how you were supposed to do anything without Carol.
The only good thing that came out of this were your memories, the real ones. You weren’t quite sure what did, you were just glad that it had happened. You knew everything for the most part.
A knock came from your door, you didn’t move an inch. It wasn’t her. “Y/N…” Monica soothed as she walked over to your bed. You tuned her out.
“…..So I talked to Bruce and we think it’s best to run a few tests, just to see what you’re working with and how we can get you better.”
“I know how you can get me better, get me Carol.”
Monica sighed. “Y/N….we’ve talked about this. She can’t come back.”
“Then I guess I’m not getting better then.” You quipped.
Another sigh. “We leave tomorrow, Y/N.” You shot up at that, eyes glowing red.
“No! I’m not going anywhere! Not without Carol.”
Monica scoffed. “You don’t need Carol, Y/N. God, what is it with you? Can’t you just understand that you can’t have her. You can do shit on your own, Y/N. You don’t need to be so hung up on a memory of a person when she isn’t even thinking about you.”
You were fuming at that point. You threw your blanket to the other side on the room and it immediately disintegrated. “You know what? I can do shit on my own.” Weak and all you stood and walked towards Monica. Her eyes widened dramatically and she ducked, preparing herself for the worst and receiving the best when you walked righgt past her. Out the door is where you went, trying to make sense of your powers and fly anywhere but here. You’d go back to Hala, at least then you weren’t able to think for yourself, let alone breathe. Being tortutured was never this painful and emotional taxing.
Just as fire escaped from your hands, the air started to go crazy Your hair went every which way and you weren’t able to get your balance. You fell just as you got in the air.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” A man in a blue shirt and black pants came up to you. He was faster than you could fathom.
“What are you-” You started as he grabbed hold to your neck.
“I’m so sorry for this.” You felt a sharp pain in your arm.
Screaming at the sensation, panicking at the way your legs and arms gave out on you, you began to fall. You didn’t even know you made it to the floor before everything went black.
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