#but i didnt think it was him as the fuckin mastermind behind it all like this
deelovesbooks · 5 months
ok y'all I gotta be honest, but I totally knew that Ragh had gotten Kalina from Porter and thought that everyone else also knew this so seeing some people surprised threw me for a loop a bit
However this certainty of knowledge had absolutely no impact on any of my thoughts and theories this season 😂 not once did it cross my mind that Porter was the one with the spies tongue curse and honestly it didn't even cross my mind that Porter had infected Ragh on purpose I figured it was an accident like when Sandra Lynn and Tracker did the healing
I just didn't like Porter bc he was a dick and mean to Gorgug 😂
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anxiousfanchild · 3 years
Since people liked my Teruteru posts, I’m going to be listing every character in V1 and V2 and saying if they are overrated or underrated and why. WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES/ANIME
Junko: overrated, obviously. She’s very pretty but other then that? Not the best lmao?? Abused and manipulated Mikan and Mukuro
Makoto: Boring, was carried through the whole game by kirigiri. Not even all that funny in the anime, he’s just a boring kid.
Togami: A spoiled rich boy that messed with poor Chihiro’s body. He’s cute but a total asshole and a twink (derogatory). He should have been a victim.
Toko: I love her personality and her design is very pretty, but the way they are further demonizing DID with her character is horrible and I do not stan. 
Leon: Underrated boy, everyone gives him a lot of shit for being the first murderer. He’s cute, he’s got a funky lil shirt (that he shares with nagito?) and hes got some scottish roots like me. A good boi (minus the fact he killed someone.) 
Maizono: Overrated, shes not even all that pretty. The REAL musical ultimate was Ibuki and you can’t convince me otherwise. 
Hifumi: He never did anything *wrong* in v1, but he gives off this horrible vibe. Probably has a body pillow of Kisa from Fruits Basket or smth gross like that. 
Kiyotaka: In the fandom, his personality has been muddled down to “old gay man” but lets be real, if this dude wasnt in a killing game, he’d be a c*p (o)
Aoi: Her personality is literally eating and big boobs and closed lesbian. Not a fleshed out character and honestly, Sakura should have survived, not her. 
Mondo: You’ve heard of mommy and daddy issues, now get ready for “I accidently killed my big brother when he gave me his biker gang when I was literally 15 years old and now I lay awake for nights thinking about and on top of that I might be gay and oh my god I just got turned into butter.” issues
Yasuhiro: 100% underrated. Is there colorism in the fact he’s one of the only dark skinned characters in this series and his personality is literally “spout off random bullshit and have the whole fandom think i’m a druggie?” yeah, but if i remember correctly, in the anime, he’s actually really smart or something? (in the second anime, not the first.) And he was really kind when he was taking care of Kiyotaka when Mondo died. He’s a good character, minus the obvious racial stereotypes
Sakura: Deserved to live. She was a great friend to Aoi and sacrificed herself so her friend could keep going. She’s a good gorl. 
Chihiro: Prefacing this with I’m a Chihiro Kinnie: overrated and everyone in the fandom sexualizes him. Or headcanons him as mtf or nonbinary. It literally explains why he dresses as a girl (he was v v weak and sickly so if he convinced everyone he was a girl, they wouldnt pick on him for being a weak boy). Headcanon what you want, but dont come at me with the “hE wAnTs To Be A GiRl” cause youre literally erasing his entired character and the REASON mondo was able to kill him. 
Celestia: She’s so creepy and mean? and not even in a cool way I just don’t like her. If Junko wasnt the mastermind behind this game, it totally would have been celestia. Manipulated Hifumi, framed Yasuhiro, and killed Hifumi and Kiyotaka. Not a fan with the double kill tbh
Kirigiri: I personally don’t like her cause she has no personality beyond “gotta solve this mystery like im fuckin scooby doo” and “I can’t believe its daddy issues!”
Mukuro: literally wants to fuck her sister. No. 
V2: (I’m not finished with it yet, just finished the Mikan trial) 
Teruteru: underrated and over villainized. he’s literally a horny teenager and was just trying to a) protect everyone from nagito cause he thought twogami was nagito and b) just wanted his mom. 
Nagito: literally insane lol. If I hear him say anything else about hope, I’m going to scream. 
Nekomaru: No personality minus “I need to take a shit”
Akane: (see Aoi) they are literally the same character
Ibuki: overrated, but I can see why. She was really nice and cool. (I also have an Ibuki interject in my system so I can’t really bad mouth her.)
Mikan: Annoying at most. If Junko didnt hurt her, she probably wouldnt have killed anyone. 
Chiaki: I get.... v bad vibes from her, but I also kin her so its an odd toss up
Hajime: Whole personality is “fuck off nagito” and “orange juice in a wine glass” 
Mahiru: No my favorite, I didnt really like her, but she was really nice to Hiyoko so she’s okay in my book. 
Hiyoko: Underrated because no one takes into consideration: she is litearlly like 16 or 17, shes under 5 feet tall, she’s never gone through a killing game before, shes probably terrified. Thats why she’s mean. And she’s not even mean to everyone, just to Mikan really (who didnt deserve if but she was a really easy target)
Fuyuhiko: boss baby, tiny boy, underrated. He lost his sister and his best friend, let him be. 
Peko: Eh?? if she didnt have a literal slave mentality she’d be cool (and i dont think it was hiko’s fault, cause there are many times where he was just trying to treat peko like a friend and she was in full human shield mode.) 
Gundham: nice design, but the theatrics are getting on my nerves. Whats with the hamsters? I like his scarf though
Kazuichi: literally a giant perv, but i like his design and I have a small soft spot for pervy characters. If he would have left Sonia alone, he would have been an okay character. 
Sonia: overrated, annoying, would fuck ted bundy and run a true crime blog on this gods damn website. Not a good girl and I’m surprised she hasnt killed kazuichi yet. 
I dont think I missed anyone so here you go. Read it and weep /j 
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blookmallow · 4 years
dangan ronpa.... time for mukuro trial take 1 
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i know he was most likely hoping for a potential source of news from the outside world but “HOLD ON. WE COULD WATCH TV???” 
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also monokuma casually showing up behind them when everyone was convinced he was broken/the mastermind was dead is SO funny
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Society Hates Him!!! Local Bear Hijacks Entire Television Broadcasting System With This One Weird Trick 
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while i appreciate naegi respecting kirigiri’s privacy and not looking in her bathroom, why are you so fixated on shit like this 
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im appreciating togami’s character development a lot more this time around than i ever really noticed before, he goes from��“all of you are peasants and we are all enemies stay away from me” to “naegi i command you to accompany me. maybe i will impart some of my glorious wisdom unto you if you beg” to like. just kind of. investigating together? he starts to lose the “i know everything and i alone will win this game” attitude and starts shifting toward working together, i forget why i have this screenshot in particular i know i was gonna say something about this scene but i forget now
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also fukawa’s REALLY mad about me hanging out with togami :’) 
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what the FUCK is this courtroom
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i legitimately had to go through an entire argument sequence just to prove to hagakure that kirigiri, who was standing two feet away and participating in the debate, was not in fact dead. why are we even indulging this 
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Having Legs, of course, as we all know, is the #1 indicator of not being a ghost 
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im also really fucking sick of fukawa she basically never has anything to contribute and just sits there screaming about how everyone hates her and fetishizing everything togami does 
i love genocider but i did not remember fukawa being this insufferable 
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that didnt end up being the case this time (rip, that one chicken) but still 
anyway the trial gets all thrown off because nobody can figure out what happened with the junko/mukuro swap yet, naegi gets blamed, alter ego fucks up the execution and we end up in the trash zone
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i forgot most of how all this plays out ok so
junko’s following all these weird rules because the purpose is to make them kill each other, a display of “i can kill anyone i want!” power would be way less effective than “these students were friends and were supposed to be symbols of hope and look at them destroying each other” its. to prove a point, basically
mukuro broke the rules so junko/monokuma was able to just kill her outright 
kirigiri and naegi are becoming A Problem but were following the rules, so junko needed them to disappear but couldn’t just kill them bc it would look bad/potentially give viewers hope if it looked like the mastermind was getting desperate 
the whole scene with mukuro’s body was supposed to frame kirigiri and get her executed, lying about the true culprit wouldn’t have been seen by the audience (presumably whatever camera footage exists of what junko did, she wouldn’t air that part) so no one would necessarily know what happened, naegi got blamed instead but he was Also A Problem so junko went with it 
i think,
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in which naegi suddenly becomes a knd character
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also this came across like.... an affectionate “awwww you fuckin little shit” which is. actually very cute 
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ur not wrong but also did you need to word this like that 
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[naegi steadily becoming delirious standing around in the sauna for no reason] hhehehehehehh thaursday
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also it turns out the swimsuit he’s been lusting after this entire time was hagakure’s all along 
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #10: “Im not his slave im his partner.” -Andrea
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https://youtu.be/StsZDwB6I6E https://youtu.be/_LKpUMGO2jY
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I just feel.. really good? I think anyways. I’ve been talking to Ci’ere a lot today and I’m realising that I don’t even try to have a social game, I just just be good at talking to people??? Idk. But yeah it’s mostly good.. I have a lot of people I want to go far with which means I’m gonna have to let everyone else control the vote so I don’t look like I’m betraying people maybe?? Or I can just do what’s best for me , but I don’t need to worry about that yet I’ve still got og auva to get rid of :)
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Holy wow. Final 9. I made the halfway mark. That's legit scary and I feel like throwing up because I rarely make it this far. I think that I have been in the good graces of everyone... seeing that I am one of the 2 people who still have 0 votes against me. Like my social game is doing that well and as conceited as this may sound- I think that I have a good shot at winning this whole show! But I still have to vote out 6 or 7 more people. Still not sure how this end game will play out, but it is coming and it is coming like a bullet train.
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Well, it's the F9, and I didn't win that challenge like I'd hoped. I'm unsure if there was an idol clue involved or not. I'm hopeful not, but we'll see. Regardless not good for me because I was hoping Drew H would go next.
I think my ideal target this round is Drew T. Just because he threw my name out last time and it was frustrating to heck to hear that.
Beyond that I feel like I'm running out of players I could beat at the end, but maybe I'm underselling myself, and I'm playing a great game. I'm playing in the middle at the moment, which either nobody's aware of that, or everyone is and they either don't care or are planning my demise as we speak...
Let's go find out then shall we! :D
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death. okno but like idek whats goin on. I am tight w just about everyone. With my cool new no lying stage theres more confrontation but i like... still dont think im playing a poor game idk i could be fuck I just know that in 6 days Sam and I hit 1 year of GP. He was my closest ally there and hes turning into it here. I adore Loris, don't think I could vote him out, but Sam just is so similar to me strategy wise and we just click its disgusting. However, when I make my cutesy post talking about how amazing GP is and my #1 ally, we'll be in f7. No gucci. I dont wanna get voted out for him again. Im not his slave im his partner.
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Well, I'm playing a dangerous game, and tonight I can totally see it being me, nobody's giving me any warning at the moment though, so I'm still hopeful that I'm going unnoticed.
I still haven't found that damn idol which I'm definitely gonna want in the near future so that I can make a couple more bolder moves.
I think my ideal F2 is Emma, and my ideal F3 is with one of Loris, Sam, or Ci'ere, which I can think of some valid points against/with all of them. The one I'm less sure of as a 3rd would be Ci'ere, but we'll see how the game shakes down, or if I even make it that far to think about it.
Ideally it's Drew T that goes this round, and then it's Andrea or Drew H next, and the other one comes after that. But again those ideal circumstances, who knows if it'll genuinely work out that way, or if I'll even be around long enough to see anything past this tribal. But I'm making plans, thinking about who's on the jury, what I have to do to get there, it's just a matter of... GETTING there.
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this tribal is sad. that’s all. I don’t feel I have much else to say zzz :(
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I hate being busy everyone is being too quit :(
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Me at F11: Guys we need to vote out Emma, it's the right move!
Drew T.: I don't trust Ci'ere, we can't do a plan that banks on him being honest with us after last time. (Dylan leaves) Me at F10: Guys it HAS to be Andrea, even if we're forcing rocks, like let's fuckin go and play this game Roxy: I actually already voted for John (John leaves) Roxy at F9: I just don't think Kori is the right move, if it's not our call to make we're playing this game wrong YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT WE'RE PLAYING THIS GAME WRONG, WE'VE BEEN PLAYING IT WRONG ALL SEASON BECAUSE YOU WON'T PLAY BALL AND TAKE A SWING, AND THINK IT'S BETTER TO VOTE OUT PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING AND PROVEN TO WORK WITH US BUT NOW THIS IS WHERE WE ARE AND THERE IS ONE PATH TO MAJORITY AND IT'S ALREADY ROCKY AS FUCK SO NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR RIDICULOUS DOUBT. THAT TIME WAS FIVE DAYS AGO. WE'RE HERE NOW. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail again and I"m pretty sure it's because of the people I'm with. I really should've aligned with Logan and Odd…
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bruh this has been such a hectic round. basically im in the complete middle spot as a swing, and it seemed like it was a revati 4 against the auvas and ciere with me smack dab in the middle. but the thing is, I have alliances with everybody now, so I was at a complete loss on what I was going to do. I don't want drew t gone, but I also didnt want kori gone yet either, who the drews were proposing as a vote. The tricky thing is, after results last night kori came to me with a suggestion to vote andrea out, which made me know even more that the "revati 4" aren't this unbreakable tightly knit crew. so it really begs the question for me, what group of people will want to go to the end with me, and what group of people only want me around until like f6 or something
the best part is, I have a f3 alliance right now with loris and andrea, and 2 more secret f2 deals with roxy and kori, who nobody else in the game is aware of. it makes it that much more entertaining when loris and roxy don't trust one another, and it makes me the perfect middle man between these different "sides." then of course there is the obvious wanting to go to the end with drew t, but im not sure yet if I want to do that or not. I love the dude to pieces, but im not sure if its best for my game to stick with him long term or not. but for now, he trusts me wholeheartedly, and I wanted to repay him by working my ass off to save him this vote, since I have no intention of turning on the revatis since I know for a fact they aren't a tight group
so then comes this crazy idea that pops up in my head: why not get rid of ci'ere? he's lied to me once already, and he's in the most "disposable" position for me since I know for a fact right now I don't plan on going very far with him. because I know he'll just lie to me again if he has to. so ive been going to everyone and tryna convince them that drew going now wouldn't be as beneficial, seeing as he's a huge public target right now, and no one really "needs" ci'ere at this point.
so im hoping this works out, ci'ere leaving not only allows this whole auva vs revati thing to continue or whatever and let me stay in the middle, but it also allows me to hide behind people such as kori and the drews who I feel will always be targeted over me as long as they are in the game. ive worked my ass off, and so far I think it's paying off in the sense that im pretty well connected with everyone. but it also means I have to blindside that many more people to get myself to the end
theres also the possibility of the drews tryna use this vote change as a way to eliminate kori, which yeah would suck, and esp since ciere will know I went after him, but can he blame me? he lied to me already lol. and I mean, everyone other than ci'ere will still be aware that I tried to do what was best for them, like saving drew to the auva side, or not voting kori and voting in the minority with the revati side, so either way if this doesn't pan out how I want, I should really only have one person mad at me, and that one person isn't near as connected to people in this game as I am. so come at me bruh
god this has been such a stressful tribal, but whether I vote in the majority this time or not, if everything pans out the way I hope it will, i'll still have the trust of everyone I need in this game to still be able to keep my f2/3 deals I have so far
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Yup, Kori pretty much just confirmed that he’s willing to go to the end with me. At the same time, Drew H. said that at least we know we can work together. From being at the bottom to being in a swing position right in the middle. I’m an important vote for both sides so this is stellar! It would seem that Drew T. thinks he can get Sam to flip this round btw. We’ll see if he can work his magic, but Sam specifically said he didn’t want Drew T. at the end because he’d win and he trusts me way more.
Omg, just when I felt like giving up in the codebreaker challenge I decided to keep pushing myself to find the page because I want a W & I ended up finding it! I believe I was the first person to get to the puzzle, but I’m not exactly sure because it says someone already complete it? I took longer than I had hoped on the puzzle portion & as soon as I finished Kori was being Kori. It seemed like he was trying to flex that he was finished so he might’ve beaten me ugh.
Anyway, Kori got exposed for lying to Auva 2.0 about his vote & all the heat is on him which is great! I’m kicking him under that bus just a bit to hopefully keep that target there.
Sam is telling Auva 2.0 that he wants to flip this round. Now let’s see if he goes through with that.
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So I've been talking with Roxy, and it seems just about a sure thing that I'll be getting votes tonight. Loris was apparently putting my name UTB, and he decided to call me the mastermind for the John vote. WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN WANT JOHN GONE!
But sure let's see how this mess goes, I'm gonna take advantage where I can and do what I have to to come out unscathed.
Drew T is voted out 5-2-2.
0 notes
[[The sound clearly came from the infirmary, but further shouts of surprise do not continue. In fact, it is eerily silent and moreso than usual.]]
DAVENFORTH: -Okay, so maybe he wasn't actually able to place that scream. Regardless, Davenforth wasn't sleeping well. A combination of a lot of things, a lot feelings he wasn't processing correctly...or at all. Keeping busy would help right? He rounds the corner into the infirmary, hair poofy and without its proper treatment.-
DAVENFORTH: Whats goin on here
QIRIN: =She is in the hallway in the process of stepping from wall where in her surprise she had flattened herself against it and knocked over several instruments on a medical cart. Lowering the hand she had thrown in front of her by pure reflex, she briefly rested it upon her chest then allowed it to drift down to her side.=
QIRIN: =Qirin lifted a brow to him in greeting as though she hadn't just emitted the noise.= Pleasant night, Davenforth? =On the floor in front of her in a pile of linen which had spilled from the closet rose a teal colored grub that is chirruping happily, waving her forelegs and slowly waddling her way toward the carapacian.=
DAVENFORTH: -Okay wow, that's a lot of commotion for...a grub? He raises a brow at her.- Thought someone was being murdered
DAVENFORTH: Looks like condy is enlistin em younger and younger
DAVENFORTH: -Squats down to the grub- A lil messy though
QIRIN: =She knelt to the ground beside him as the grub turned her head towards Davenforth, lifting her head to sniff the air= She is not supposed to be here. Her caretakers must be wondering where she is. I must notify Miss Raziga immediately. How long has it been since we departed from Avalon? =As she continues, her voice is gradually getting more strained. She is calm however, despite hiding a great deal of panic. =
DAVENFORTH: Long enough that we cant afford to turn the ship around to bring her back -Welp....more grubs. He holds his hand out to the tiny-
DAVENFORTH: So youre not a tiny assassin huh
DAVENFORTH: Thats good because youre really sloppy
QIRIN: =Small, extended whine of despair=
QIRIN: Truly, a criminal mastermind. This was her plan all along, I know it.
GRUB: =She's squinting under the bright infirmary lights and gingerly bats at Davenforth's hand, i.e. the blurry blob in front of her=
QIRIN: This one has been following me from the brooding caverns since the Union's physicians were assigned to give the little ones health checks. I should have known something was amiss when she did not appear at the ship for her scheduled stalking within a week. =her shoulders droop= I suppose I had hoped she had finally lost interest and another lusus had selected her under their keeping.
DAVENFORTH: -Congratulations grub, you have a hand. Davenforth squints at her behind his shades- So you never told anyone she kept sneaking off
GRUB: =still squinting, she hooked her other foreleg around his hand and dragged herself forward. His hand is going into her mouth, and she subsequently began to nibble at it.=
QIRIN: Of course I did. Dirk has known of these occurances since he caught me returning one day. At the time, I told no one as it was merely a minor issue and I felt it was unnecessary to inconvenience staff. The caretakers of the mothergrub know. Some of them thought this to be quite funny.
DAVENFORTH: -Ugh...gross...this is his life now- Looks like shes got somethin in common with jin
QIRIN: Jin? =She's a little out of the loop=
GRUB: =Now that the meat has been sufficiently tenderized, it is time to scale this mountain.=
DAVENFORTH: -Just gonna let this grub climb on him.- Uh yeah
DAVENFORTH: Me and lif have a grub
DAVENFORTH: Thing just kept stalkin her so she decided to keep it shes a limeblood
DAVENFORTH: A statistical impossibility
DAVENFORTH: Like me being a parent
DAVENFORTH: Which apparently i am now
QIRIN: =Her eyes trail from Davenforth to the grub, who is now crawling up the length of his arm=
QIRIN: =she snickered= Congratulations. It should have been expected with the way impossibilities seem possible on this ship. Trolls caring for the own, mystical abilities, coming back from dead. Even you, Dave, becoming a guardian.
DAVENFORTH: Yeah no shut up im not supposed to be a parent
QIRIN: And why is that?
GRUB: =Now perched upon his shoulder, she continues her exploration by sticking a leg in his ear=
DAVENFORTH: -This is fine. Except it's not, and he cranes his head away like please no.-
DAVENFORTH: Because ive got no right bein apart of a kids formative years all im gonna do is fuck it up i dont even know how to take care of a kid
GRUB: =when he moves, she makes a mrrrrrp! noise=
QIRIN: ... =You and me both, Dave=
QIRIN: I am sure you would make an excellent caretaker. If not, there are many on this ship from who you can take advice.
QIRIN: Your namesake, for instance. He has a child of his own.
DAVENFORTH: First things first im his namesake
DAVENFORTH: Im not askin my little nephew about baby pointers
QIRIN: You will have to forgive me for that slip up. Blame it on the fact that I am still reeling from the shock of a grub leaping at my face from what was supposed to be a harmless linen closet. =She laughed again=
QIRIN: Are you betting your child's life on a matter of pride, Dave? ^_^
DAVENFORTH: No cuz lifera is a great mom the kid is halfway in good hands
QIRIN: And why not make "the kid full way in good hands"?
DAVENFORTH: Because my hands aint good for raisin kids -Speaking of, he plucks up the grub into his hands and boops her nose-
QIRIN: =eyes those hands= You are not providing sufficient evidence to prove your theory correct.
DAVENFORTH: Playing with a kid and actually helping them grow without fuckin em up are two different things
GRUB: =looks astonished by the boop and waggles her legs around trying to find the source of what did it=
QIRIN: =she glances at the bby troll, slightly concerned. The eyedrops hadn't improved her vision problems, and Qirin wouldn't know more information until pupation.=
QIRIN: You have barely begun. How are you so sure of this?
DAVENFORTH: -Squints at the little grubby and places his hand over her eyes, kind of shielding it from the light-
DAVENFORTH: Because its me and if theres one thing i know its me
GRUB: =squints a little less=
QIRIN: =she watches this interaction closely. He wouldn't be a good father my ass.=
QIRIN: So. What you are saying is that you have already resolved to failure and you are not even going to attempt it?
DAVENFORTH: Its the light thats botherin you huh yeah its stupid bright in here -Bye Qirin-
QIRIN: Why is it when I come close to making my point, you divert the subject?
QIRIN: =She huffs and gets up to stand to fix the lighting situation, because he may be onto something there.=
DAVENFORTH: Whats that rami
QIRIN: =She flicks off the lights to that portion of the hallway and dims the others to the floor lights so that they arent sitting in complete darkness.=
QIRIN: I am trying to state you will not know until you try, and there is absolutely no harm in asking for advice from those who know the subject of childrearing.
QIRIN: =she began picking up the linen that had fallen to the floor, neatly stacking them back in the closet again.=
QIRIN: You can either accept that there are certain subjects of which you are unaware, and pursue sources of knowledge to rectify that. Or you can make no attempt and remain ignorant. ^_^
DAVENFORTH: Pffft and here you are preachin again look i know what i know and i know what i dont
DAVENFORTH: Didnt know a damn thing about being my own manager and i figured that out
DAVENFORTH: If youre so high and mighty as a parent then why dont you take care of this one instead of screamin bloody murder
QIRIN: =she seems aghast at the prospect.=
QIRIN: Dave, I know that I may sound—
GRUB: =At the adjustment of the lighting, the grub's eyes turn spherical and she chirrs. Nibbling Davenforth's fingers in thanks, she makes a subsequent beeline for the Carapacian.=
QIRIN: =eyes the grub almost fearfully= ....incredibly...hypocritical....
GRUB: =starts crawling up Qirin's skirts=
QIRIN: But I literally know nothing of the subject. When I was cloned, childrearing was not written into the construct of my DNA. I have no intrinsic knowledge of how to care for the upbringing of my own kind, and I especially do not have the knowledge of how to care for children of another species.
GRUB: =Slides back down the fabric of her leg=
QIRIN: =slightly distressed= Oh, little one, I do not fit the requirements necessary to be your caretaker. D:
QIRIN: Surely, there are others far more qualified.
GRUB: =tries climbing up her leg again=
DAVENFORTH: No one is born with child testing in their dna
DAVENFORTH: You wont know know until you try and theres no harm in asking for advice from those who know
DAVENFORTH: You can either accept that there are certain subjects of which you are unaware and pursue sources of knowledge to rectify that or you can make no attempt and remain ignorant
QIRIN: I admit I dug my own grave there.
DAVENFORTH: Theres always someone more qualified
DAVENFORTH: Just because i think im gonna fuck the kid up dont mean i wont try
QIRIN: Well.
QIRIN: That is good, then.
QIRIN: Effort is always commendable.
QIRIN: However Dave, this is an entirely different situation that I—
GRUB: =manages to crawl up her side and into the crook of one of Qirin's arms=
QIRIN: =her arm automatically (and subconciously) moved to cradle the grub.=
GRUB: =She snuggles in, just wanting to be held.=
QIRIN: =horrified=
QIRIN: This is a manner of...of...of mistaken identity! I am no lusus!
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