#honestly i dont even think i took it as like an actual class feature healing like a cure wounds
deelovesbooks · 5 months
ok y'all I gotta be honest, but I totally knew that Ragh had gotten Kalina from Porter and thought that everyone else also knew this so seeing some people surprised threw me for a loop a bit
However this certainty of knowledge had absolutely no impact on any of my thoughts and theories this season 😂 not once did it cross my mind that Porter was the one with the spies tongue curse and honestly it didn't even cross my mind that Porter had infected Ragh on purpose I figured it was an accident like when Sandra Lynn and Tracker did the healing
I just didn't like Porter bc he was a dick and mean to Gorgug 😂
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Title: So… Proposals, Huh?
Author: @thatsrightdollface
For: @namsuuuuuuu
Rating/Warnings: Somewhere between G and T, again.  :P
Prompt: komaeda and hinata are back in jabberwock island, watching the sunset on the beach (or somewhere else ill leave that up to you) just chatting and then komaeda randomly says he wants to marry the hope sleeping inside of hinata and hinata is like tf are u saying now komaeda i dont have time for ur bs (the plot twist is that they do get married)
Author’s Notes:  :D  Gift three out of three for you!!!  I truly hope you’ve had fun with them…  Happy Komahina exchange, and I’m sorry for anything I got weird!  Thank you.  :’)  This one is about 2,000 words!
It was easy to forget this version of Jabberwock Island wasn’t real. The sand was just as warm under Hajime Hinata’s feet as it would’ve been otherwise – just as likely to be filled with spiny buried shells, too, and bits of sea glass like opaque chess pieces with all their features worn away.  Knights without battles left to fight; kings without crowns worked into the makeshift bone of their tiny heads.   Sunlight catching over the ocean even stung Hinata’s eyes just as badly as the real thing did, on that boat where he lived now with all the other former Remnants of Despair.  He had thought it was funny when Nagito Komaeda asked to come back here, into the simulation where they’d met.  But hey, a lot of what Komaeda said or wanted seemed kinda funny to Hinata, and so he’d said screw it.  Why not?
Jabberwock Island had been meant as such a healing place, on that pseudo-class trip so long ago.  Too many of Hinata’s memories from that time were sour, though, obviously.   Focused on murder games, Ultimate Despair and some dumb robotic bear.  The smell of blood and sea-salt.   Class trials.  The Final Dead Room.  All that.  But not every memory was awful, Hinata supposed.  It would’ve been hard to forget how warm and comfortable things were with Komaeda at first, there, before he started in on his toxic, murder-y Hope shtick.  Before Hinata learned who all of them really were, or had been, or could give into one more time.
It wasn’t that Hinata felt a burning need to build sandcastles on Jabberwock Island again – especially given the way bizarre things always seemed to happen to Komaeda’s sandcastles, like the one that got swallowed by a huge groaning whale or the one that sank into a mysteriously-opened underground crypt they’d decided not to explore thanks to all the bloodstains.  Komaeda being the former Ultimate Lucky Student was just like that.  But Hinata hadn’t been exactly opposed to riding that Jabberwock Island carousel one more time, either.  Komaeda’d rested his cheek against the fancy mechanical horse’s hand bar thing and closed his eyes for a second, then, listening to the music.
Hinata and Komaeda were the only two running the Jabberwock Island simulation, just then, and the world seemed so quiet all around without their classmates dueling one another over snack food or screaming about the fearsome might of demonic hamsters.  That was okay, though.  Komaeda hated loud places, and Hinata knew sometimes the Remnants’ boat got to be a little much for him.  They were in pretty cramped quarters nowadays, after all, and Komaeda’s bunk was just across from Nekomaru Nidai’s.  The Ultimate Team Manager wasn’t known for a subdued daily routine, not by a long stretch, and Komaeda kept having to patch up his newly-splintered wall before seagulls flew in and attempted to nest in his hair, or a wave swept up and drenched everything he owned in sticky ocean water.  Hinata had asked Komaeda to trade bunks a few times by now, and Komaeda always glanced over him slowly, then.  Calculating.  He had something to say about that business, for sure, but he hadn’t actually said it yet.
The sun was setting over Jabberwock Island, now, and Hinata was leaning back in one of those beach chairs he and his classmates hadn’t gotten to relax in much back during their murder game days.  The sky looked sweet and syrupy citrus, like a pack of popsicles melting all over the ocean.  Once, that dripping red-pink strawberry sun would’ve made Hinata think about bleeding, first.  Probably because he’d seen so many of his friends bleeding into the sand.  Now, Hinata tried to decide if Komaeda would’ve rather had a lime or grapefruit popsicle, if he went to grab some.  Komaeda didn’t really like sweet things, but it was ridiculously hot on the islands even as nighttime came.  Maybe they’d have to get back to the boat soon, actually.  Make sure nobody’d finally sunk the damn thing.
Komaeda’s hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail low on his neck – he was burying his own legs in the sand, thoughtfully.  Slowly.  It probably meant something that Hinata’s first thought on the matter had been “Huh, maybe Komaeda’s making himself a fish tail or something?” instead of “Looks like Komaeda’s burying himself alive.”
“All I’m saying is I think I could’ve had that boss myself if I’d picked different armor,” Hinata said.  They were talking about this video game they’d been playing with Sonia Nevermind lately, back in the bowels of the Remnants of Despair boat.  It was a game that’d used to belong to Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer – it was a game Hinata was determined to finish up even if it was super hard and took him a million years.  Hinata was playing as a Rogue that’d turned out to be frustratingly difficult to level up, the Ultimate Princess was playing a Berserker with tons of expensive weaponry and Komaeda was playing a Paladin he’d somehow managed to corrupt pretty early into the game with insanely powerful dark magic.  It was an easy conversation.  Hinata had been over this before, and he knew just as well as any of them that his character definitely couldn’t have taken on this particular boss all alone.  Sonia’s and Komaeda’s characters probably could’ve done it, though, so he had to hold his own, didn’t he?
“Oh, I’m sure,” Komaeda said, clearly unconvinced.  He patted down the sand over his ankles.  Shot Hinata a soft smile.  “I’d offer you my armor – but it’s cursed, you know.  Pretty unlucky…  I can only wear cursed armor, after all…”  That was one of the conditions of Komaeda’s dark magic thing, in the game.  He was communing with ancient eldritch creatures living behind these spooky black mirrors you could find everywhere, too.  That was gonna be an important plot thing, Hinata just knew it.
“I could try it out, at least,” Hinata said.  “Hey…  Before we head home, do you want a lime or a grapefruit popsicle?”
“Lime,” said Komaeda.  He wiggled his toes under their layers of sand.  Tipped his head over so it rested against Hinata’s arm for just the barest second.  And then he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, “I want to marry the hope sleeping inside of you, Hinata.  Did you know that?”
“What…  Uh.  What the hell are you saying?” Hinata asked.  He tensed up.  He thought about jerking away, but of course that would mean Komaeda tipped sidewise, if he didn’t pull back fast enough.  Komaeda would knock his chin on the beach chair armrest and probably end up with a chipped tooth or something.  Komaeda had injured more bones than Hinata’d even known existed, apparently.  The former Ultimate Lucky Student would laugh another accident off without seeming too surprised, even as he bled more bright salty blood into the sands of that super-fake, too-familiar Jabberwock Island.  “We don’t have time for any of your…  You know.  We can’t mess around like this.  C’mon.  We have to get back to the boat soon.”
“Oh, you’re right,” Komaeda said.
Hinata and Komaeda’s wedding was a fairly small one, in part because the Remnants of Despair were still technically on the run from international law.  Sure it was a little unconventional to get married inside a simulation, but they made it work.  The whole “simulation” bit made it a little easier for some of their more distant friends to attend, too.  Komaeda just about screamed, clapping his mechanical prosthetic hand over his mouth when he saw the actual Ultimate Hope in the audience…  And Hinata walked up the aisle to meet him holding Chiaki Nanami’s arm.  Well.  A simulated computer-program version of Chiaki Nanami, but if anyone was going to give him away nowadays it would’ve had to be her, right?  They still hadn’t beaten that particular game she’d left behind, with all those black mirrors and Hinata’s incredibly difficult-to-play Rogue, but they were getting there.  Things would come together in time…  Or else Sonia would just get fed up and kick all the enemy characters’ asses on her own, one of these days.
Hinata couldn’t honestly believe how everything was coming together around him, actually, but there it was all the same.  When he’d given Komaeda a ring a few weeks after their conversation on the beach, Komaeda had opened his mouth like he had so many things to say.   Monologues about Hope and worthiness, about his own ruinous luck – exclamations about the potential he’d always seen inside Hinata, like a sacred stone burning with light from deep under a mountain.  Something. But he’d just melted into Hinata’s arms, actually.  He’d hidden his face in the crook of Hinata’s neck and murmured, “…I thought you decided all that was just some of my bullshit again…”
The ring had words engraved along the inside of its thin white-gold band.  Hinata would probably be in debt to the Ultimate Affluent Progeny for all time, after borrowing enough to have it made.
Nanami had done up Hinata’s tie for him, just before the wedding, telling him they’d come a long way.  His hands were shaking too much to do it up himself, which was weird because, you know, this was Komaeda waiting at the end of the aisle.  This was Hinata’s Komaeda, who he knew he didn’t have to be nervous around by now.   Komaeda whose hair he’d pulled out of his face while he was seasick, and who hadn’t known what to say when he read what Hinata engraved on the inside of his ring.  Komaeda who actually hadn’t worn that ring yet, not even once.  The Former Ultimate Lucky Student was sure it would end up exploded or melted off his hand, somehow, because of who he’d always been.  And y’know, that might’ve been true, but Hinata had bought the thing for him anyway.  Hinata knew what he was getting into, here.
He’d caught just a glimpse of Komaeda in a pale cream suit, standing with his hands behind his back under a canopy hanging with shells and flowers, strung with soft lights.  Komaeda was standing so still, as if that could keep his luck from wrecking the moment just before it came.  He was waiting with his eyes closed, a peaceful smile on his face, ready to see Hinata whenever Hinata decided he was ready for him. Their friends were sitting in rows before them, on either side of a pathway lined with spiny seashells Gundham Tanaka had gotten his army of ferocious hamsters to dig out of the sand for them just that morning.   The ocean sparkled at Komaeda’s back, unknowable and huge, full of monsters and sunken ships and – well, actually…  Maybe not.  This was an artificial ocean, after all.  It existed for this moment on the sand.   So easy to forget that, huh?
Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician, played something uncharacteristically slow and gentle on her guitar as Hinata started up the aisle.  She sang a new song Hinata hadn’t heard before, about impossible luck, about proposals made that didn’t expect to be believed, about her friends who had believed in a future even when she couldn’t. Komaeda shifted when that music started up, blinking his eyes open against the glare of the sun.  When he saw Hinata watching him, he choked out a laugh.  Komaeda laughed when he was nervous, Hinata knew.
He mouthed the words, “We’re okay.  Breathe,” as he walked, and Komaeda took a deep, shaky breath.
This was all just a few minutes before that huge wave came, taking away most of the canopy and a whole table full of food the Ultimate Chef had prepared for everybody, but…  Hey.  Hinata and Komaeda each got in most of their vows before any of that, at least.  There you go.
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raionmimi · 5 years
Do you have any oc's? I always love hearing about people's oc's
I do but I’ve been neglecting them these past few years
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Honestly for the most part, I just use the same damn design and alter it to fit whatever series I want a persona in. Timeline and OC details under the cut, and fair warning I ended up talking a lot more than I had intended because I keep remembering stuff 
2000: Lumina
I once read a kid magazine in my school and it featured something with a sneak preview of the Sonic Shuffle game. I really liked the character’s name (Lumina) and always used it when I played games with my best friend (her character was Danny). We really were out there larping our raw ocs with each other
2008: Yumi
My best friend in high school insisted that I have a Japanese nickname like her (She is half Japanese but still a huge weeb. Her nickname was Kisa) and even had a list of names for me to choose from. I ended up picking Yumi from my head and to this day I have no idea where I actually got the name from. Our senpai, a Chinese girl nicknamed Yue, who helped me with my art told us the animals we represented best, so Kisa got a tiger, and I got both a bunny and a lion since Yue couldnt decide which was better for me. 
I made up “blion” and attached the name Yumi onto it. She became my persona and rapidly took on my chaotic gremlin personality. I decided Blions were a species that devours souls in order to heal/revive others, but it had to be an even balance otherwise the creature would die. When they’re weak, blions turn into a small rabbit with puffy chest fur like a mane (basically picture eevee tbh) with a long lion-like tail. The gem on the end of the tail is where the souls are stored.
2011: Torola Olébul
When we were all huge Homestucks, my friends and I decided to make fantrolls of ourselves so Yumi became repurposed into Torola. Same personality, so not much difference. I eventually redid her so she was nothing like me. She became extremely shy and basically Babey. She’s the ox/cow in my set of Chinese zodiac fantrolls (I have designs and personalities for all 12 but I’m not gonna post them here, I already wrote so much) She’s a sylph of heart, her weapon is pinwheelkind, her chat handle is apothecaryBovine, and her lusus is obviously a giant cow. She’s an amber blood troll (in between rust and bronze) who used to live with a teal blood and acted like a little messenger girl. After the teal blood was murdered by indigo bloods, Torola was forced to escape and live in the middle of a forest, where she was pretty much adopted by a herd of hoofbeasts. Torola has a dancestor Pazvea/The Actress(??) and Torola’s ancestor self is The Guardian. 
Torola is the predecessor to Coryla, which was a fuschiablood.This one is just one huge Little Mermaid reference because she falls in love with a man who doesn’t love her back since he goes for someone else
2015: Onyx
Onyx was a short lived OC compared to Yumi and Torola and I didn’t do a lot of art of her. She’s kind of like a spy/surveillance guard because her gem extends out like bat ears. The other gem on her head is actually fake but she has it there so she looks symmetrical. It stores data though, so it has an actual use and she can remove it. She has wings that fold up on her back, and she uses it to check out a location. Since she’s extremely bat-themed, she uses sonar to check for other gems and stuff.
I also made her companions Sunstone and Obsidian, which make Bloodstone. Sunstone is a very laidback gem that spoils Onyx rotten, so she thinks she can get away with everything. Obsidian is the brooding type that complains whenever Onyx causes mischief. Bloodstone is a bounty hunter that uses Onyx’s surveillance abilities to aid them. They used to live on Homeworld, but they eventually came to earth long before Steven dealt with the diamonds. They have never interacted or met with Steven himself though
2011/2017 or 18: Riya/Tau Kiniun
I once drew a raionmimi character because I was thinking “Hey what if Yue had said I was just a lion instead of a bunny.” I didnt think much of it at the time and only doodled her once. She was a literal black lion that turned into a black lion cub but like with a mane to represent her hair. Years later, I dont know what possessed me to revamp her, but I did. Since I wanted to get away from having fandom shipnames as urls, I decided to go with Raionmimi which is literally “Lion Ears” and used Riya/Tau as my new mascot.
OCs that werent in the chart because I forgot lmaoooo
2011: Euphoria
She’s the oc I had to make for an animation class. We were instructed to make a superhero character to animate on the computer and also with claymation. The art is super bad, but she was supposed to be a terrible hero because she had no intentions on saving anyone!! She’s actually a deity of life that’s come to earth because her brother, the deity of death, is causing problems. Whenever she stops his plans, people praise her for being a hero. It wasn’t her attention at all. She’s expressionless 99% of the time and doesn’t really care much about humanity. Ironically, her brother thinks humans are pretty neat. Her name is actually one of my favorite words of all time, and that’s why I used it for her!
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2016: The Witches
I totally forgot about them until now, but I have a set of triplet ocs. I use them for D&D and Pathfinder sometimes. They’re little witch girls that run a potion shop. Euphoria (yes, I repurposed the name from my superhero oc), Celeste, and Cheshire! Hopefully you can kinda read my handwriting to get their personalities
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2018: Socks and the succubi
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One of my fave monster girl species have always been Succubi, so I made different sub-species of them! I think I may have posted them a long time ago, but I dont remember. Socks is also my mascot for my old lewd art tumblr blog that I abandoned eons ago because having side accounts takes up too much energy for me. I kinda want to make a webcomic about Socks but I haven’t gotten around to it. She’s a platonic succubus who feeds off of intimate energy, and she befriends an agender, asexual college student (I guess you could imagine Haruhi from Ouran)
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