#but i dont know how to say holopad
pesterloglog · 10 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider
Act 4, page 1510-1511
GG: ok some of these things we can deploy but some things we dont have nearly enough grist for!
TG: you mean the jumper block thing
GG: no no weve got enough for that.....
GG: but its still pretty expensive
TG: wait what
TG: the thing costs 1000 for me
GG: yeah me too!
GG: and we have 2000 to work with
GG: ok 1998 ._.
TG: what
TG: man i only got 200 to splash around with in roses rainbow world
TG: what the hell
GG: ohhh...
GG: how much did rose start with? when she was playing with john?
TG: hang on ill ask
GG: k
TG: she says 20
GG: i guess we keep getting more with each server/client connection!
TG: yeah
TG: so i guess you can buy everything now
GG: no!!!!
GG: i cant buy the holopad thingy and the intellibeam laserstation
TG: ok now i know youre making this shit up
GG: hahahaha no theyre right here!
GG: they cost a fortune
TG: well all i got here is the designix which i cant deploy cause i dont have any purples
TG: and the expensive as hell jumper thing and the cheap shunts which i assume do dick all without the jumpers to put em on
TG: oh also this cd which is 100 but i didnt drop cause it seemed like a stiff allocation of resources for now
GG: yeah ive got that too!
GG: i will deploy it
TG: so with each new connection in our player chain i guess new weird deployables are introduced
GG: yes i think that is how it works
GG: when john connects with me he will probably get some cool new things too!
TG: hey look we're learning stuff
TG: what should i do with these beta copies
TG: i dont really need them anymore
GG: i suppose just hang on to them for a while........
GG: and then later
GG: just do whatever you are naturally compelled to do with them!
TG: wow that was a weird answer
TG: but ok
0 notes
anagrammaddict · 7 years
Small Messages (bou din waa zuk)
Last fic for SpiritAssassin Week. Late as usual, because I kinda burned out yesterday & the day before, lol
Thank you everyone for reading. & many thanks to @fyeahspiritassassin for hosting. I had great fun doing this but man I’m so relieved it’s over. this was hands down the most difficult writing thing i’ve done lately.
SpiritAssassin Week 2017 Last prompt: celebrations
There are ghosts in Chirrut’s eyes.
He sees:
colour mostly, or the memory of colour. Jedha City, or the memory of it. When his eyes were still functional, when the world pin-bright broke into seven colours and flipped upright on the screen of his retinas. And that was sight for him.
Nowadays the only eyesight he has are old visuals. He sees with ghost eyes. Useless.
He remembers:
when he was still a novice at the Temple, when the Temple still stood, when his eyesight worked fine, and yet he kept missing things. Muddling up. And Baze would tell him where everything was, where to look.
Where are my prayer beads? In front of you.
Where is the datapad? You’ve been looking right at it for ten minutes.
Where did I put my shoes? You’re practically stepping on them.
I know I left my prayer beads here! You did, and they are still there. What is that saying you always use?
Gwai am ngaan! Ghosts covering  eyes.
When Chirrut lost his eyesight, he said: “Remember what I used to say?”
Baze never found it funny again.
The holopad powers up. A buzz. The harsh phosphorescence of the screen makes shadows spatter onto his grey featureless vision. Incoming message.
There is a crackle of interference and then the steady hum of a line. Connection. Nobody speaks. The silence is heavy with a familiar presence.
“You can start,” says Chirrut gently, “by telling me the time.”
“It’s early,” Baze answers. “Your time, that is.”
It’s strange that they’re far enough apart that they can split time between them. Yours and mine. Your half and mine.
“Have you eaten?” says Baze.
Chirrut remembers that he hasn’t. He hums a note in both reply and dismissal.
“Just because I’m not there,” says Baze, testily, “doesn’t mean you can forget to eat. Don’t pine too hard for me.”
“I was going to meditate,” Chirrut says. “There are other types of hunger besides the one that you speak of.”
“Who said anything about hunger? It’s basic self-care. But I forgot you know nothing about that.” There is a clatter of movement from the other side. A hiss and a sputter. Clacking. Something being dismantled. For cleaning. Perhaps a weapon. A shush of air, like an exhaust pipe.
“The Force--,” Chirrut begins.
“--will not feed you. You should eat something.”
Chirrut sighs. “It’s been three years. And you’re halfway somewhere across the galaxy. And you've gone right back to your nagging self.”
“I’ve lost count of the years,” Baze says. There is a lie in the falter of his voice. A flinty note of defiance.
“I’m going to meditate.”
“Wait,” says Baze.
Chirrut waits.
“Leave the connection running.”
“I don't talk much when I meditate.”
“You don’t have to.”
There is a festival (there is always a festival) going on in Jedha City and people have begun lighting tapers and burning sticks of incense in the many street braziers.
You’re supposed to do acts of compassion. Pray for the dead. Feed the hungry. People bake bread, boil vats of porridge, distribute food to the homeless, to the pilgrims, to anyone who asks for food.
Chirrut sits beneath an archway on a back lane, running his fingers along the worn beads of his prayer necklace. Sandals shuffle, the scrape of fraying leather. The hems of robes touch his knees and ankles, stray butterflies of fabric. The crowds move and he feels their wingbeats and their edges. The wake of their movement. The rotund vowels of a muezzin’s call. A minaret in the distance. The wind snapping the tarp. The souk, a heaving organic entity of commerce.
There are more unwelcome sounds now. Heavy boots. The presence of Imperials, their conversations in staccato, voices standardised into a nasal flatness by the inbuilt vocoders in their helmets.
Someone presses a roll into his hands and a flask.
“Eat and drink, uncle,” someone says, performing their act of compassion for the day.
Chirrut thinks of Baze. Of course he does.
“Are you asleep?” says Baze.
“What do you think?”
“Sorry,” Baze says. “I need sleep.”
His voice is thick, like textile, as though he’s lying in bed somewhere, one corner of his mouth pressed against rough sheets. Perhaps he has lain awake all night. Is it night where he is?
“Will you tell me where you are?”
“On a planet. There’s a lot of water here. Marshes. The speeders here are shaped like dragonflies. I haven’t been dry in days. When I took the job I didn’t know I’d have to become amphibious.”
“The job?”
“Like any other job,” Baze says, evasive.
The connection sputters. But it holds.
“Night time on this planet is longer than Jedha’s nights. About three times as long. People sleep three times as long, too.”
“You should get some now.”
“What is that?” Baze says suddenly. “There, on the side of your face. Turn your face to the left.”
It’s a cut. Healing, though. It must have been just a thin smudge in the holographic display of his face, but Baze’s sharp eyes had caught it.
“I was cornered,” Chirrut admits. “In a cul-de-sac. By five Imperials.”
Baze swears. “You took on five Imperials without backup?”
“The Force was with me.”
“Of course it was.” Baze scoffs. “So you had no backup. You idiot.”
“So says the true fool, who is faithless,” Chirrut shoots back. “So gwaa.”
Chirrut passes through the forms of zama-shiwo, ghost-eyed, with the slow silk movement of his arms and legs. There is no end or beginning to the forms. Perpetual transition. Keep your mind still. Absolute. Nucleatic. The body is not yours. The body is your environment. You are part of a larger body. Only the negligible pinprick of Chirrut’s mind shimmers, edged with feelers, hungry for messages, for a grid of sense.
The sun, he remembers, is frail and dewy, angling away like errant vapour from the domes and the glittering mosaics in the murals. Useless light:  the city’s solar dishes had to coax heat out of it, old, old dying light.
But now that his mind and his body are sharp with the recent practice of zama-shiwo, he can feel the sun’s heat, amplified. The sun is a hot salty coin at the back of his throat when he tips his face upward. Sunlight is swallowing metal. The scrape of thirst.
Where Chirrut is standing on this rooftop, he should not be able to feel this much warmth. Not at this time of the day, because this time of the day, the shadow of the Temple would have stretched over it, blotted out the sun.
The spire of the Temple is no more, though. And its shadow fled with it.
The holopad buzzes as Chirrut puts the porridge to boil on the portable stove.
“Look,” Chirrut says when the transmission comes through, “I’m eating. Or at least I’m going to.”
Baze makes a noise of approval on the other end. There’s silence for a bit.
“There was--” Baze begins. And then changes his mind. “This marshland planet, it’s got a very high evaporation capacity. Whole lakes can vanish in days. Then it will rain and rain somewhere else until there are floods, and there’ll be a new lake. All within such a short span of time. They call this the planet of Leaping Lakes.”
Chirrut imagines it. The transient landscape of it. The lakes leap faster in his mind, faster than Baze, slogging through marshes that dry out as he walks, his skin old and cracked from sand. Unamphibious. Dragonfly speeders zipping over dead reed beds.
“I had to--the job involved--,” Baze begins.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Chirrut says. “About the jobs that you do. I can hazard a guess. Or three.”
“What if I want to talk about them?”
“Then tell me how you’ve changed. How they’ve changed you.”
The porridge boils over. Chirrut hisses and Baze lets out a long, slow sigh. Too long and slow to be sincere.
“Your fault,” says Chirrut testily. The porridge has thickened into a layer that clings to the bottom of the pot. A skin of rice. Carbon bitter.
Baze fled not long after the Temple was sacked.
“I will never put on those vestments again,” Baze told Chirrut all those years ago. “They have been burnt.”
Chirrut reeled. He’d known the slow crumble of Baze’s faith. But still. “I won’t let you. You can’t go. You are the most devoted of all the Guardians.”
The words broke out of him, splinters of pleas.
“Then come with me,” said Baze. “The Temple is gone. The kyber crystals are gone. There’s nothing sacred here any longer.”
“The Force is still here.”
“Yes it is,” Baze started to walk towards the gates of the Temple. Across the half-uprooted courtyard. “The Force is here and there and everywhere and it is dead. We breathe in its deadness every day. We celebrate its death in the deaths of everyone else. So. Are you coming?”
Chirrut steeled himself. “A match.”
Baze laughed. “I’m not a Guardian. I don’t play with sticks any longer.”
“If you beat me, you can go. You can leave.”
“And you’ll come with me.”
Chirrut didn’t say anything.
“Fine. Just to humour you, then,” Baze said.
They sparred in that ruined courtyard and Chirrut won.
He brought Baze to the ground, kicked his knees in, elbowed his throat and slammed his staff into Baze’s abdomen.
Baze lay on the ground, panting. How Chirrut would have liked to straddle him, lick away the blood from his teeth. He’d hit Baze on the jaw.
“Well,” said Baze. “I guess I stay, then.”
Chirrut hated the hostility of his laughter. He put the end of his staff at Baze’s neck, tipped his chin upwards.
“No,” Chirrut said.
“Are you still angry at me?” Baze asks. The sound of thunder in the background. But not thunder. Just a downpour in the marsh planet, in some distant corner of the galaxy.
The generator in the room that he lives in is old. It rattles. It smells like breath. There are probably small dead things caught beneath its casing, things like rodents and moths, fossilised inside.
“No,” Chirrut says. “Are you?”
“Not at you. Never at you.”
There are countless things to be celebrated in Jedha City. Apart from the big festivals. There are weddings, births, engagements, various milestones of growth. Deaths, sometimes, depending on what you believe in. Seasonal shifts. Phenomena like rain.
The Imperials have put a damper on many of the Holy City’s festivals, and declared that permits need to be granted for the rest.
But here’s the thing about people: they remember. They remember when celebrations are due, when rituals start calling to them, feast days notched into their internal calendars. The secret way which they measure time within themselves.
And so people find other reasons for celebration. New acquaintances. Extra rations. Finding lost things. Finding lost people. And so on.
The reasons for celebrating anything become smaller and smaller. Until Chirrut finds himself rejoicing at coins on the street. Or coins in an alms bowl. A call of a bird far out beyond the city walls. Clean washing brushing against his face as he wanders through the alleyways and courtyards. A day without the sound of blaster fire in some quarter of the city or other. A memory, an old visual of the inner sanctum of the Temple, stored in his ghost eyes. Still vivid. Preserved even after the destruction of the building.
He goes home in the evening, his stomach a whorl of hunger. The pot with the burnt crust of porridge is still sitting on the stove. The smell is thick and disheartening. Outside, wind. Sand scours the window.
The sting of saline. There are ghosts in his eyes. And sometimes they weep.
But then. Then he remembers something. He reaches for the holopad. Trusts in the Force. Prays for connection.
A crackle and a hum. There is transmission. There is a line, the thinnest thread across the galaxy, but steady. It feels like a celebration.
“I was finally getting some sleep,” Baze grumbles. But it’s a glad sound. Relief to be woken from the lonely press of sleep.
“So,” says Chirrut, “when are you coming home?”
bou din waa zuk - literally translates to ‘boil telephone porridge’. means when you talk for hours on the phone. except there are probably no phones in R1
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Return to Me - Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Batte of Serenno, Part 1
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A/N: Hi all! I don’t know how I feel about this chapter, but it should get better next time! I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want to be tagged, have any questions, or what you think! 
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 3,059 Synopsis: A trip to Serenno finds the reader deciding what their next steps should be and facing off with the First Order once more.
Tag List:  @xeniarocks, @too-many-baes, @araceli91103, @idocarealot, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr, @thescarletknight2014, @cspr-2, @ibikus, @mellow-f1, @mrsdaamneron, @trustme3-13, @ella-solei, @minelskede, @gleigh42, @givemethatgold, @and-claudia​, @constantdisgrace​, @wordsinwinters​, @readingvogueonprivetdrive​, @trshbb​, @kaitlynw011​, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands​, @fairytalesforever​, @thanos-jeep​, @mixedfandxms​, @pastelbunny1501, @emotionalcal​, @danicalifxrnia​, @getyourselfaunicorn​, @spider-starry​, @roserrys​, @blushingwueen​, @sam-wilsonnn​ , @commondazy​, @throughparisallthroughrome​, @ms-dont-care​ , @bubblegumcat229​ , @barnesdameron , @i-hope-the-roof-flies-off​ , @deliriousgeek​ , @elisearts​
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“They agreed?” Rey asked as you walked back into the cockpit. 
“They did. Eventually,” you said with a smile. “They didn’t want to leave me, but I eventually got them to go to Chandrila for the time being.”
“Good. And you’re still set on Serenno?” she asked. You nodded your head.
“Yes. I trust Lin. He’s the only person I want to start this all with. We kind of already did,” you said. Rey gave you a strange look, but you didn’t want to push it. You were grateful to have her here, even if she was the only one who wanted to. It was going to take a little while for everyone to trust you, especially on your own, and Rey wasn’t terrible company while that happened.
“Well, then let’s head to Serenno.”
“Thank you,” you said. She nodded her head, and you took that as your dismissal to leave. You made your way through your ship, until you reached your own quarters. You reached for your Holopad and pulled up your plans again. 
They were the same plans you had made with Lin, all those months ago, in Serenno’s dark library. They were the plans to rebuild the senate, to rebuild the Republic. But as you stared at them, they just seemed like words.
But you remembered what Leia said when you expressed this worry to her. Everything had to start small. All progress was good progress. You tried to remember that as you changed, and prepared to land on Serenno. 
Lin Ral was waiting in the hangar when you arrived, a small smile on his face. You embraced him tightly, glad to see a friend. 
“How was the abdication?” he asked.
“It went well.”
“That’s it?” he asked with a smile.
“I don’t know,” you said, laughing, “It was how I expected, and nothing like I planned years ago.” Lin nodded his head, and didn’t push.
“And things with the Resistance?”
“They’re okay. A little rocky.”
“It’ll get easier.”
“I hope so.”
“The good news is, that video is doing extremely well. I set up that private donation fund, like you asked, and we’ve already got lots of contributions.”
“That’s wonderful,” you said, taking the Holpad he handed to you. He started to lead you into the castle, your handmaidens talking with his people. “Any word about the Coruscant?”
“Since the explosion,” he said, a grim look on his face, as he remembered that day as well. “There’s been nothing. Jem Ologrami has gone silent.”
“Do you think she was working with the First Order?”
“I can’t say for sure, but no. I think she’s just scared.”
“Like everyone else,” you muttered. Lin nodded solemnly. 
“Yes. But we’ve already started sowing seeds of hope. It’ll turn around soon enough,” he said. You smiled up at him. That was the exact reason you had come here. It helped that Lin was one of the only people who didn’t actively resent you, even though he had more reason to than most, but he had an overwhelming talent of seeing the positive side of any situation. And with the odds stacking against the Resistance as it was now, you desperately needed his point of view. 
“So we need a new base,” you said. “A new home for the Resistance.”
“Yes. I’d offer up here but--”
“No,” you said, agreeing with him, “We need someplace new. Someplace the First Order wouldn’t think of looking into. Any ideas?”
“No, but I think we can find a place.”
“But will people come?”
“I think so.”
“Well, let’s make certain they will.”
Lin smiled at you and led you back to the library. He pulled up a Holomap of the galaxy, and together, the two of you went from planet to planet for hours, discussing where the best location for your new senate should be. 
“Coruscant would be perfect,” you groaned, laying onto the couch, “If the First Order didn’t know about it.”
“Yes,” Lin said, laughing softly, “That does seem to be the problem with most places. Maybe we should take a break.”
“I’m tired of taking breaks,” you said, standing up. You circled the map again. You asked Lin’s droid to show you all ecumenopolis planets, planets covered in cityscapes. There were only a few left in the galaxy, Coruscant being one. 
“What about Denon?” you asked, approaching the planet in the Inner Rim.
“Um, formerly affiliated with the Empire, but had some brief ties with the New Republic. Before . . .” he said, referencing his own Holopad.
“That’s the place,” you said confidently.
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” you said with a shrug. “I have hope.” Lin smiled at you. 
“Then I’ll have some hope, too. Let me see what I can pull up about their New Republic contacts. Hopefully they knew one of our parents, or our parents’ friends.”
“I’ll check the Resistance databases. See what they’ve got.”
“Okay. How about some dinner?” Lin asked. You didn’t really look up from your Holopad, but gave him a lackluster nod. He laughed gently.
“Alright, I’ll go put in an order for us. Be back in a moment.”
As he walked out of the room, you snuggled deeper into the couch. You flipped through the limited information the Resistance had on Denon. It would have almost been easier if there was lots of information that aligned Denon with the First Order. At least then you would know that they were the wrong choice. But there was practically nothing here. 
The door opened again, bringing Lin back into the library.
“Hey, maybe we should plan a--”
You turned slowly, noting the urgency in his voice, and found yourself face first to a blaster. Lin was in the doorway, a Stormtrooper holding a blaster to him as well. You swallowed and out of sight, quickly deleted your search history.
And you were thankful for it, too, as another man walked into the room. You recognized him from the Holos Poe had shown you. Agent Terex.
“There you are, Y/N,” he said with a grin.
“Who are you?” you asked, hoping to stall for . . . something. Someone. Rey should be nearby, but you had no idea where. 
“Agent Terex, Your Highness,” he said, sweeping into a bow.
“That’s no longer my title,” you said, carefully rising from the couch. “To what do we owe the pleasure, Agent?” you asked.
“You’re a very hard woman to track down,” he said, strolling deeper into the room. You noticed Lin tense as he approached you, but you held your ground. Terex stood in front of you, looking at you with cruel eyes. “But now that I’ve got you, I can make my return to the First Order.”
“And why would I go with you?” you asked. Terex laughed.
“My dear, Y/N, what makes you think you have a choice?”
“Serenno’s army will be here any minute,” you said, not knowing if it was true.
“That very well may be,” he said casually, “But you don’t think me foolish enough to not come with an army of my own? And once we bring you back to Broden and Ren, they’ll destroy the planet.”
“No--” Lin began, but he was silenced when the end of the blaster met his ribs. 
“Why?” you asked.
“Because Serenno went against the First Order. Rules have to be set, Y/N,” he said, taking a set closer to you, “And we’ll show the galaxy just what happens when they step out of line.”
“I thought that was the whole point of destroying the Hosnian System,” you said, pulling away from him. 
“It was,” he said snidely.
“Must not have been a very strong message then.”
“We’ll make sure this one is much stronger.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
When the transmission came in, Poe was in his chambers at the new base on Chandrila. He had dosed off while looking at a briefing Leia had sent over, and only stirred when he heard BB-8′s frantic beeping. He jumped slightly and turned to the little droid.
“What?” he asked groggily. BB-8 beeped his response, and in an instant, Poe was on his feet, rushing down to the situation room. As he walked in, he found Finn and Leia first, looking at the schematics before them.
“Show me,” he said firmly. They didn’t even respond as Finn pulled up the transmission Rey had sent half an hour ago. 
She was crouched in the corner of somewhere dark, and it was impossible to tell where she was, except they knew she had gone to Serenno. She had gone to Serenno with you. 
“This is an urgent message for General Leia Organa and Commander Poe Dameron from Rey. I am currently on Serenno with Y/N Y/L/N. A fleet of First Order ships has arrived on the planet, and Agent Terex has taken both Y/N and Lin Ral hostage.”
Hot, overpowering fear flooded through Poe’s body at the mention of Terex. He thought he had finished all his business with Terex, but clearly, the stubborn Agent had other plans.
“I have taken shelter, and will do what I can to reach Lin and Y/N, but we need help. Please.”
The transmission cut out after that. Poe looked up at the faces around him, but focused on Leia’s.
“General?” he asked.
“We’re already preparing our fleet. Suit up, Commander,” she said. He nodded his thanks and ran for the hangar. He stopped in the locker rooms outside of it and quickly changed into his jumpsuit, before running to his X-Wing. He climbed in at the same time with BB-8.
“Alright everyone,” he said, switching his comm line on, “This is the first piece of action we’ve seen in a long time. Everyone keep their heads straight, and don’t miss.” He flipped off the line and took in a deep breath. 
“I’m coming for you, Y/N,” he said gently, “And I’ll kill Terex.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“Serenno is a peaceful planet. If you’re here for me, just take me,” you said, looking up at Terex. He barely gave you a look as he continued surveying his troops. He had taken you and Lin up to the control room of Serenno’s palace, as he began ordering his troops into the palace and city surrounding it. 
“These people know nothing of my plans here,” you tried again. “They’re innocent and have nothing to do with the Res--”
“Silence,” Terex snapped, finally looking at the two of you, handcuffed to a couch in the corner of the room. “Your bargaining does nothing, except irritate me. We will demolish the planet, and then it’s beloved leader,” he said, looking to Lin, “And then you and I, Y/N, will be returning to the First Order. I know Broden is eager to see you again.”
“That’ll never happen,” you said simply. You glanced away from him, hoping your aloofness would draw him in. When he scoffed and took another step towards you, you knew your plan had worked. 
“And why would that be?” he asked. You looked up at him with a bored blankness on your face.
“The Resistance will be here any moment, and when they join forces with Serenno’s army, already stationed throughout the city and the castle, you’ll be doomed.”
“Have you so much faith in Commander Dameron?” he asked, stepping in front of you. You looked up into his face, so devoid of emotion since the First Order reprogrammed him, and saw nothing but still, cold anger in his features.
“I do. And I think you know so, too,” you said. “I can see the fear in you. He’s defeated you time and time before, so what’s the difference now?” you asked. His face twitched with some emotion, but he quickly schooled it. He stood up and straightened his jacket.
“We shall see,” he said, storming away from you. As he walked back over to his control center, you looked to Lin. He had an eyebrow raised at you, but a small smile that showed he was impressed, and proud of the fear you had instilled in Broden.
“Are you so sure the Resistance will get here in time?” he asked. You shrugged, truly unsure.
“I have faith in Rey. I’m sure she’s already up to something. We just need to buy everyone some time.”
“And how do we do that?” he whispered.
“Let’s see if we can push more of his buttons,” you said with a little grin.
“He is fairly robotic.”
You smiled again. “Just like that.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
As Poe’s shipped jumped out of Hyperspace, he immediately switched his comm lines on to speak with Rey. There was a fleet of First Order ships ahead of them that they would need to move through before they could even land on Serenno, but he needed to know what was waiting for them beyond the fleet.
“Rey? What do you got for me?” he asked.
“They’re waiting for you down here,” she said, “I’ve managed to link up with Nové and a few of the others from the ship. The First Order wants a fight down here. They want to decimate the city by fighting with the Resistance.”
“What are we looking at?”
“They’ve got the city barricaded in. Including it’s army. I’ve tried reaching out to them a few times, but they’re heavily guarded by the First Order. Any squadrons outside of the city are either tied down too or too small to make any progress.”
“So we’ll need to unleash the army. Can you get to them? Set them free?”
“I think so. I’ll see what I can do. Just get here soon.”
“We will. They don’t know what’s coming for them. Anything from Y/N? Or Lin?” he added reluctantly.
“Nothing yet. They’re still locked up with Terex in the control center as far as we can tell.”
“Alright. Well, we’ll be there soon. Hold tight ‘til we get there.”
With that, Poe shut off the commlink. There weren’t many ships waiting for them, but enough to slow them down, to give the First Order enough time to start wreaking their chaos. 
“Alright, Black Squadron, you know what to do. Open up this blockade so our troops to get down there. And don’t go easy on them,” he said with a grin, before blasting forward. 
He maneuvered his ship, easily falling into the familiar controls. If there was one thing he knew about himself, better than nearly anything else, Poe knew how to fly. He was good at it. It came natural to him. And he was going to remind all the First Order ships in front of him of that fact. 
As a TIE fighter came for him, he carefully spun out of its range, before whipping back around. He hit the fighter with a few shots, until it exploded. He repeated the actions over and over, taking out the ships that kept coming for him. Anything that came in his way of getting to Serenno. Getting to you.
“Poe, we’ve got an opening,” Snap said. Poe turned to where Snap was flying and saw the opening they had created. It wouldn’t last long. There were still too many ships to deal with, so he would have to send the others in until he could clear the space around the planet.
“Ground troops move in,” he said, watching as the carrier led them onto the planet’s surface. “We stay up here until their only chance of escape, these ships, are gone. And then we bring the fight to them.”
“Copy that, Commander,” Snap said, relaying his orders.
It took longer than he wanted, but they managed to take out all their fighters, and when there was only their lead ship left, facing a squadron of Resistance ships, it jumped out of the system.
“They’ll be back,” Poe said. “They’ll need a way back. Let’s just hope they don’t return with more troops. We’ll leave a squadron up here to keep an eye out for more First Order ships. The rest of us move down to the planet’s surface. We need to move in and out quickly. Get the First Order gone, and save Serenno. Then we get the hell out of here.”
In response, he watched his friends move down to the planet. He took a deep breath, readying for the destruction he was about to face, about to inflict, but he remembered what he was fighting for. Who he was fighting for. 
Even if you hadn’t been on Serenno, Poe knew he would have been here in a moment. He needed to take out any trace of the First Order, until it was wiped from the memories of everyone in the galaxy. 
But with you here, he knew he would be twice as fierce as he attacked, as he made his way to you. He only hoped that you were doing the same. Hoped that you were fighting to get back to him, too. Fighting against Terex so that you would be able to fight another day. 
As he landed his ship, he took one last breath. 
“Stay here until I send word, BB-8,” he said, turning to the droid. He beeped his response as Poe climbed out. “I’ll bring her back,” Poe said, “And hopefully, she’s giving Terex a hell of a time before I get there.”
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
I had a sudden thought. So I haven’t had my period in over a year (yay IUD). But I had the absolute worst mood swings and the first 3 days the cramps would be so bad I had to have some sort of heat pad. I hated not being able to have a bath.
How do you think Anakin would help with those nasty moods or cramps? I’m willing to bet he’d never leave your side and give the strongest snuggles just take your mind off of everything.
AYYOO this has been in my inbox for a long time now but I wanted to take my time with this so lo siento about the wait bb 💖
But this morning I had the WORST cramps so I think that was a sign to get my ass on it 😍
Ok so first of all, I think he’d be very very confused at the mood swings. One minute you’re fine, the next someone could literally breathe in your direction and you’d be like “yo shut the actual fuck up your existence was a mistake 👹👹👹” and he’d just be like “👀😯🤭” and not say anything at first until you probably make someone cry.
And then I think he’d kneel by your side and be like “hey baby I know you’re going through a tough time right now but I think it’d be better for everyone if you took a nap or something...”
And then that would just make you cry and cry and cry, and feel like the shittiest person ever because if Anakin mf Skywalker, King of Dramatics, has to tell you to calm down... well... you must have been awful.
And so you’re crying and trying to hide from him cause you feel so bad and blubbering all “get away from me I suck im sorry I’m such an awful person oh no” but he’s there tugging your arms away from your face and wiping your tears like “no no no it’s okay you’re okay I didn’t meant it like that— 🥺”
And then you turn to him with a tear streaked face and go “well fuck you then for making me feel like shit!!” And I definitely think he would discover you had a pretty colorful mouth at this point.
But my god he’s just confused now cause what did he say?? It doesn’t really matter cause now you won’t talk to him and you’re still crying a little but your stomach rumbles so he just gets up make you some food cause he knows you’re not actually angry at him 🤷🏼‍♂️
And then while you’re eating you’d mellow out a bit, even laugh at something on the tv. But after you finish you’d get kinda sad and grumpy again cause wtf you’ve been hopping from bed to couch back to bed for two days now and you’re getting real sick of it and there’s barely anything to watch anymore and you want a bath and the mf cramps are hitting again—
And when he sees that I think he’d take your food and set it out of the way so you can curl up with your heating pad, and he’d sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your hair for a while until the worst ones pass, yaknow the ones where it’s like if anything touches you you might combust.
And a few minutes in I think you’ll be so miserable that you don’t even care how pathetic it is to ask him to lie with you, you’ll just mumble like “can you come here please” and he’ll know thats code for “come hold me or I might die” so he gets on the bed with you and probably has you sit in between his legs so he can hold the heating pad to your stomach and rub it up and down and whisper soothing things in your ear as you tense up in his arms and ride out the cramps.
He hates seeing you that way, especially when there’s not much he can do but hold you and maybe use a little bit of the force to take some pain away but it’s not enough, or at least he thinks so.
But for you, it’s nice just to have him here because he’s saying things like “you’re okay, I’m here, I’ve got you..” and “I’m sorry, I know it hurts, it’ll be over soon” and “it’s okay you can squeeze my hand— ow okay, other hand”.
And he’s also trying to distract you, his hands on your arm rubbing circles into your skin, his lips by your neck tickling it as he talks to you, maybe holding a holopad in front of you and playing a stupid game with you.
But if it hurts too bad and you just curl up in his arms and bury your face in his chest he’ll settle for rubbing your back and holding you gently and resting his head on top of your hair as you shiver through the pain.
And you might say something like “fuck me fuck me fuck me this is so unfair” he’ll be like “I know I know I’m sorry” or “fuck you you suck” he’s like “yeah yeah I know” or “this is awful I hate everything” “it’ll get better soon I promise”
BASICALLY he takes everything in swing. Kind of absorbs all your nasty words if you’re in that mood, wipes your tears when you’re crying, and also feels really bad the whole because I will die by this— Anakin is the biggest sucker for tears. And he’ll wait on you hand and foot, get you anything you need, carry you from bed to couch to anywhere else you might want to go, holds you when you want him and watches you sleep when you don’t, etc.
And secretly you feel bad for being sort of a nightmare to deal with but you’re really trying to be nice, it’s just a shitty situation. So in the quiet moments you’ll be like “I’m sorry for all this” but he’ll just hush you and be like “I’m just happy I get to spend time with you 🥰”.
Which is like— 🥺 bro stop.
On the flip side I think at one point he might get annoyed at you, crying and complaining that everything sucks and you wanna rip your organs out and “go away I wanna be miserable in peace maybe I should just succumb to the pain—“
You’ll throw your heating pad to the floor, but he’ll come barging in like “stop that, you need this” and try to put it back on you, but you’re just shoving it away and burying yourself under the covers like “no I’m sick of this lemme die” and he’s like “don’t be such a baby, put it back on” “go AWAY” “not until you put it on” “I DONT WANT IT ANYMORE 👹” “you’re hurting I can feel it” “ANAKIN MF I WILL PUNCH YOU 👹👹👹” “come out here and do it then baby 🙄”
So you rip the covers off and he uses some fkcn twai con doe move (ignore the way I spelled that I’m illiterate) to pin you to the bed and strap the heating pad back onto you and then he’s wrangling your punching and kicking limbs to the bed all pissed off but worried like “😠KNOCK IT OFF you’re going to hurt yourself!!” And then another bad cramp hits you and you kind of deflate like “ow.. 🥺”. And he’s like “I told you 😑 now come here.” And he takes you in his arms while you clutch at his robes and apologize.
Yeah u suck but he knows you can’t really help it so he tries to be patient and honestly, he’s good at it when he tries 🤷🏼‍♀️💖
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yeetussfetus · 4 years
aight this one is kinda silly, i like it but then i dont ya know anyway the way i got this idea is really weird imma explain it at the end and uh yeah enjoy
words: 2341
warnings: cursing, alcohol, fighting (implied)
Pryce walked down the long hallways with her coffee, along with her many files about the latest rebel activity. To be honest, she was extremely proud of how it turned out. She had worked hard on this particular file the night before, also why this was her 5th cup of coffee that morning. However, she was sure that when high command read the file, it would all be worth it. Of course, considering this was the Empire, she also had low expectations, but no matter what they had to say, she was sure that this was going to be good.
But she was so in thought of her little project that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. And in result, she bumped into you. Fortunately she didn’t spill her coffee, but she did drop her files, which was technically a datapad. You reached down to pick it up, and seeing that it was already turned on you read a little bit of the file. Pryce did not stop you, as she wanted to see what you would say about her hard work. 
You smiled politely while reading it, “Wow, Pryce, this is really good. I’m sure high command will agree.'' Pryce's pride shot through the roof, but it immediately died out when your smile dropped. “Oh, you have a typo here. It’s supposed to be ‘their’ not ‘they’re’.”
Handing it back to Pryce, you started to walk towards your destination. You turned back to give her a comforting smile. “I’m sure the high command won’t notice, though. See you around!”
Watching you walk off, she gripped the datapad with unknown force. “I fucking hate my job.” 
Deciding that the high command could go fuck themselves, she headed towards the bridge where they would be waiting for her work.
Eli was actually surprised with how well Pryce’s work was. Not saying that she was terrible at her job, but this was extremely well put. Besides a few typos, but if the rest of the officers wanted to bitch they could bitch.
Thrawn was certainly impressed, and even though it might’ve been hard to read it, it was obvious that he was from his almost non existent facial expressions. He turned to look towards you to see if you were the same way, but he didn’t see you at all. He looked around the bridge, only to see that you weren’t there. Were you late? No, if you were, you would’ve been here by now. 
Thrawn seemed to see how confused Eli was, and leaned towards him. “If you’re wondering what they mean by the attacks on naboo, they mean the ones that happened last week.” Eli turned to him, a little offended that he thought Eli didn’t understand what they were talking about. “Yeah, I got that, I’m trying to look for _____, have you seen her?”
Thrawn straightened himself, before replying, “Last I heard, she was heading to Tarkin's fleet for a meeting. She will be back by tonight, so do not worry.” Eli felt a little hurt that you wouldn’t tell him, but then again, Tarkin liked to pull you from Thrawn's fleet for random meetings, probably just shit talking sessions, so he didn’t hold it against you.
They all turned their heads towards the intercoms when they heard the long ‘beep’ that played out when something long was about to be announced. Eli sighed and waited for a few seconds. But nothing played. Confused, he looked around the room to see if everyone else had heard it. They did, and they were all looking confused as well. Then, there was the faintest sound of audio being picked up, before it seemed to be… playing a recording.
Before anyone was able to ask what was going on, strange music started to play through the halls, and then Eli realized that the song that was playing was the “Coconut Mall” theme from Mario Kart. It got a little louder, then a little  lower, before it stopped being adjusted. 
Everyone in the room just stood there, listening to the theme song, wondering what the hell was happening. Finally, after almost 2 minutes, the song ended. Thrawn stared at the intercoms with a slight glare, but he turned back to the group to talk about Pryce’s excellent work  but got interrupted when something else started to play. This time it was caramelldansen, out of all the songs. 
Eli turned to his datapad and opened a new browser and looked at the security cameras, where he then went to the area where they would play the weekly announcements or just emergency alerts. However, the place was in shambles, with the people who were supposed to be controlling the comms were all trying to stop whoever was messing with them. Eli tapped thrawn on the shoulder and showed him the camera footage. Thrawn stared at the panicking staff, before he pulled out his own comm, which could technically be broadcasted to the entire ship and walked over to one of the control panels and inserted it into the panel. 
After a bit of typing, he was pleased with what he could do, and pushed a button that would technically override the comms, but before he even spoke, the control panel beeped, before a error message played out on the screen, reading, “CANNOT OVERRIDE EMERGENCY COMM”. Thrawn seemed to be even more confused, and continued to type away at the panel, but the same error just appeared on the screen. The typing started to become louder and louder almost as if he was trying to drown out the song that was playing overhead, but it was no use. 
Whoever planned this was extremely smart in making sure that they wouldn’t be able to get the comms fixed. Finally, in an act of frustration, Thrawn just raised his fist and banged it onto the screen panel. However, the spinning wheel of death came to a halt, revealing the words, “CANNOT OVERRIDE EMERGENCY COMM”. With this, thrawn took out his comm, and then tried to broadcast his own voice, but the same message played. By this point, the song was almost over, and everyone thought that this would be it. Whoever was playing this prank was sure that they were going to be caught.
But unfortunately, it didn’t.
After a few seconds, a new song played. All Star by Smash Mouth. 
By this point many of the technicians were heading towards the intercom area, to see what the hell was going on. Most of the crew on the bridge were impatiently waiting for the speakers to be fixed and so that they could find whoever was playing the songs. Pryce looked like she wanted to murder someone for ruining her presentation, and Thrawn had a resting bitch face, which eli was able to tell from the way he would galre at anything and anyone. 
The first time the song ended, everyone was waiting for which new weird song would play. But the same song repeated itself. Which was weird, considering the fact that they had played a different song each time. But Thrawn didn’t seem to care, simply talking over the song telling people to resume their normal duties and that the song should be down by the end of the day. How wrong he was.
The song played for a third time, and at this point Eli was starting to focus more on the song then his work. Whoever is doing this is gonna wish that they were hiding…
Then, a fourth time. Pryce came into Thrawn's office where Eli resided with Thrawn, because, well, Thrawn had his room soundproof, so that he could scream in peace when the Empire was complete bullshit. Since the speakers in his room were designed to be quieter so he could work in peace, it was a godsend for Eli, especially now. 
The fifth time it played, it almost seemed as if the quiet speakers were useless. Eli was starting to get the song stuck in his head and it was bothering the hell out of him. Pryce was trying to revise her presentation in case she missed something, but everytime she went to edit it, her brain tried to write the words she was hearing. Thrawn was just about ready to reveal a flask filled with alcohol if the song didn’t stop.
The sixth time was when shit hit the fan. In the middle of the song, Eli heard running from outside the door, and he then heard, “WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKS ARE DOING THIS, I’M GONNA BEAT YOU ALL TO-” and then the sound of people fighting each other. Someone probably got tackled to the ground. Eli didn’t even want to go outside to see what was happening.
The seventh time was complete insanity, Eli was able to hear the screaming and fighting outside. He had no idea how this would have happened on the ship, but it was absolute chaos. Looking at the security footage, there were at least 6 different viewpoints with multiple fights. He was just about to call a goddamn containment breach.
Then, out of nowhere, a new song started to play. It was Wii music. He was almost able to hear the cries of relief from the crew, and as it played he tried to fall asleep to drown out his problems. He listened to the calming music of the speakers that brought peace to his mind, and he was about to fall asleep, when.
Screams could be heard from across the ship as the eight time, and people started up their fights again. Eli saw from the corner of his eye Thrawn pulling out a datapad and he started to type to someone. This continued for a minute before he pulled out a holopad and turned it on. He pulled out your contact and called you. When you answered you were sitting down somewhere, holding a random datapad probably from Tarkin.
“Thrawn? Are you good?” Thrawn seemed almost to cry in relief when you answered his call. “No, my dear, I am not.” He then went on to explain the situation, before he hung his head low, almost wanting to die having to explain this to you of all people. You stared at him for a moment, before reassuring him, “Don’t worry, I’ll get them to send someone with experience to help you out. They’ll be there in about half an hour.”
Well. Could be worse. Eli found two pillows and stuck them on his ears trying to drown out the song.
The ships came earlier than expected. Then again, the place where Tarkin usually resided wasn’t too far from their post, but he wasn’t expecting Tarkin to bring about 4 ISD to the scene. 
However, it became apparent why when Tarkin stepped off the smaller ship that had been sent out. Along with you. The song had still been playing, the goddamn tone was getting to Eli so much. 
Walking through the halls was a mess in itself. People were trying to restrain others, they were fighting each other, it reminded you of the time the whole Life Day incident happened. But this wasn’t the same. 
When the two of you finally reached Thrawn's office, the place had been put on lockdown, still the damn song playing. You did have to admit it was starting to get annoying having to hear it on repeat. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like for an hour.
Walking into Thrawn's office, you saw Eli in the corner, on the floor, with two pillows held up against his ears, Pryce sitting on one of the chairs with her elbows on her knees, head down, and her hands covering her ears, and Thrawn had a tipped over flask on his desk. Overall? A fucking mess.
However, before anyone could explain anything, the music stopped mid play. It was a relief to everyone. Pryce lifted her head like she was seeing an angel for the first time. Thrawn looked almost the same, but his eyes held relief. Eli didn’t hear it stop because the pillows were so good as sound blockers that he didn’t have to worry. 
Tarkin gave a smirk, before asking, “So, you needed help with what exactly?”
That same day Thrawn held a bounty to whoever could find out who did the prank. A lesser reward for whoever had any info on them, but it was all the same. The ship had to be cleaned up from the whole ordeal. Multiple cleaning crews from other ships had to be requested. Even the Emperor got attention for what happened and had a good laugh (in private). 
Vader was supposed to appear for a meeting the next day, but it had to be postponed from the damage.
You, Thrawn and Eli had a secondary, more private meeting in Thrawn's office, where Eli explained what happened. You had to hide your laugh as a cough, which worked better than expected.
After the mini meeting was over, Thrawn left, but you asked Eli to stay for details on what happened that you knew Thrawn wouldn’t want to remember. Eli begrudgingly agreed and told you what happened in detail. You had a good laugh, and Eli did as well, long forgetting his anger towards the situation. After a bit of laughs, you gathered your things, telling Eli that you would be getting on with the report you had to give to Tarkin about the situation.
However, before you left, you turned back to face him. “You know, I’m surprised that those emergency comms had that much range. I was expecting it to die out, you know? But I guess they’re called emergency comms for something.”
Eli stopped, dead in his tracks, and turned back to face you. You gave an innocent smile, before saying, “Hope you didn’t mind. See you around, Eli.”
Eli was left with a feeling of betrayal from one of his closest friends, and a feeling of emptiness.
did it. ok so the way how i got this was that i was scrolling through someones blog and i found a funny video about john mulaney and that whats new pussycat and i was like oh hey didnt something happen to my brother and so i asked him about it and long story short in highschool someone had played pumped up kicks like 3 times i think and there was a fight somehow that ended up with someone going to the hospital so yeah. also i havent edited this much so pls tell me of any mistakes lmao anyway heres the guys who imma tag:
@theninjahobbit666 @danger-xylophones @justalittlecloud @queenie-chi-cosplay @ssevent33n @fallenrepublick
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hey, idk If you accept suggestions or ideas, but I dont know who else to tell. How about a fic in which the reader is injured and Din takes her to a hospital where she undergoes surgery, and Din is too nervous and sad? I need to read that. Thank you
Mandalorian Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Come on, sweet girl," your eyes were closed and body limp as Din carried you in his arms towards the nearest hospital. It was lucky that his current bounty was in such a large city; hospitals were few and far between and trying to find one in any smaller place would have been a nightmare, "be with me. Please just be with me."
He burst through the hospital doors and looked around wildly for someone, anyone to help him. Luckily, it didn't take much for the looming Mandalorian to attract attention and a nurse rushed to his side. His eyes flicked between your weakened body and Din's visor as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Help her," he was almost pathetic in tone as he looked at the nurse and motioned for him to take you.
"What happened?" another nurse quickly brought over a stretcher and Din laid you down gently, making sure you weren't hurt. The nurse looked over you body and noted the gash on the side of your head, which was still bleeding quite heavily and the surrounding bruising.
"I-I don't know," he admitted, "I just came back and found her like this in the fresher. She wouldn’t wait up, but she’s still breathing. I don’t know what I’d do...please, just help her.”
“The would looks pretty bad,” the one nurse said quietly under his breath to the other. Of course, Din overhead everything and his face paled under the helmet, “we’ll get her in now. The doctor’s available.”
“W-wait,” Din looked after them as you were wheeled away, his chest feeling like it was on fire; he’s never felt like this before and was sure quite how to describe it.But he knew it wasn’t good, “w-where are you taking her? What’s happening?”
“We’re going to make sure her head injury is okay,” the remaining nurse told him, “it’s just in a bad position, and we treat all head injuries as serious.”
“Can I-”
“You’ll need to wait out here,” the nurse pointed to the crowded waiting room filled with different people and creatures from throughout the galaxy. Din sighed lightly, just enough for him to hear as he walked over and slumped down in one of the few empty seats.
And he sat there for what seemed like ages, watching people come and go as he held his head in his hands. He didn’t know what he’d do if something really happened, something permanent that he might have prevented. All he had done was go out and start looking for a particular bounty and when he’d come back, he’d finally found you after repeated calls of your name. His stomach had churned and heart twisted when he had seen, lying there so...lifeless. He had relaxed a little when he’d realized you were still breathing.
But what was he supposed to do if you...no. He wasn’t going to even think about that possibility. You were going to be fine, just fine. And that’s what he chose to think about while he sat there and waited, and waited, and waited. For what seemed like an eternity. Until finally, someone came and called for him, “sir?”
Din’s head snapped up in a flash and he was nervous again as he stood up and waited for the nurse to say something, “is she...what happened?”
“She’s just fine,” Din let out a long sigh of relief as his heart beat started to slow down and even out. Nothing happened, nothing was wrong, “it just looks like she might have fallen and grazed her head as she fell. The gash was a bleeder, but nothing too deep. Mostly just superficial. She’ll be sore, but okay.”
“Kriff,” normally it would have been a sound of exasperation, but today it was a sound of relief, “is she awake? Can I go and see her?”
“She’s awake, but tired,” the nurse gave him a small smile, “only family is allowed back right now though. Are you her...”
“Husband,” he said without hesitation. It was only a bit of a stretch...you’d never really put labels on your relationship, but you were his cyar'ika, and that was all that mattered.
“Go on then,” he pointed down the long hallway and explained how to find your little hospital room. But just before he could go on to find you, he heard the nurse say a faint, “congratulations.”
Din shook his head a little bit but didn’t question it too much. Perhaps the nurse was really excited that you were okay as well? Either way, the Mandalorian made his way down the hall and to your room, poking his head to make sure it was really you.
Looking up as you sensed someone, a smile stretched across your face as you realized it was Din. He rushed over to you, putting his hands on either side of your face, his fingers gently touched the large bandage that was covering the side of your side. He made a small sound, but you put your hand on his wrist, giving it a soft squeeze.
“It’s okay, Din,” you promised, “it doesn’t even hurt that bad. It looks worse than it really is.”
“Are you sure you’re-”
“Positive,” you nodded and he seemed to relax a little as you could feel his eyes scanning you over to make sure you were really okay.
“Do you remember what happened?”
“I...yeah, it’s silly,” you admitted, biting your bottom lip, “I’m here basically because I’m a silly dummy.”
“Oh, my sweet girl,” he sat down next to your bed and took your hand in his, removing his glove and lacing your fingers through his, “you’re not silly. Did something happen? Did you slip?”
“Umm,” you were nervous all of a sudden, “something happened. I got excited, slipped, and hit my head and now we’re here.”
“What happened?!”
“I found out that...well I’m-”
“Ahh, you’re both here,” the doctor walked back in, charting a holopad containing your information, “I guess this is the perfect time to congratulate the two of you. A baby is such exciting news!”
You let out a small breath of surprise as you looked at Din who seemed to be frozen. For a moment you wondered if he was mad, or annoyed, or something else, but before you could do anything else, he leaned over and wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you in as close to him as possible.
“That’s what happened when I fell,” you admitted sheepishly, “I found out earlier and was so surprised I just kind of slipped and fell and well, you know the rest.”
“A baby?” his voice was soft and gentle as you nodded. Gods, how you wished you could whip of his helmet then and there and kiss him properly.
“Yeah,” you grinned at him, “a baby.”
“I love you,” he whispered in your ear, “oh my sweet, silly girl, I love you so much. This is...”
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Party Crashers
I want to write but haven’t properly written the next bit of blurred lines so I’m doing a little writing practice
Gacen and Risha attend a fancy event, what could possibly go wrong
Gacen closed his eyes, he was staring at his holopad showing him an invitation on his holopad “you are cordially invited to Coruscant for some gala for those helping with the war or something” he assumed that’s what it said he’d skimmed the invite. He hated going to these things if there was one thing about working for the republic he hated it was all the damn republic pr. Still that wasn’t the important part the important part was the fact that it had a plus one option, after their moment in the alley Gacen needed a good excuse for a date to make the thing with Risha official this was good enough right? He’d sacrifice his own dignity for a few hours to make it real, but now he had to do the hardest part he had to ask her what the hell was he gonna say.
Gacen played through each possible scenario and eventually realised he’d been standing there for like an hour, he swallowed all his pride and made his way to the engine room. When he arrived he saw Risha sweating out of breath, her coat was around her waist, she was messing with the hyperdrive with a wrench Gacen had no idea what she was doing but it’d probably make the ship better. Covered in soot looking quite tired Gacen was amazed how the hell was she still so stunning even now, maybe he just had rose tinted goggles about the whole thing. Risha turned to look to him with a grin, nope she’s just that pretty that’s a fact he thought as she frowned at him, she dropped the wrench folding her arms at him.
Risha raised an eyebrow “do you need something from me Gacen” wow she could see right through him Gacen went red why was this so hard he asked out girls all the time
Gacen cleared his throat “well uh yeah there’s well there’s this uh stupid gala thing I have to go to for the republic it’s stupid but well I am supposed to bring a plus o-” Risha walked up to him putting her finger to his lips
Risha smirked “I’ll go find something to wear” she gave him a quick peck on the lips and left to find something to wear. Gacen was left there wide eyed wow that was way easier than he was expecting he was stunned but he guessed pleased, he glanced to the wrench on the floor he hoped that Risha hadn’t left the hyperdrive on the fritz.
Gacen buttoned up his red and black suit he chuckled he certainly had a theme, he had to admit he looked amazing in suits and it seemed others liked him just as much in them so every now and again he’d do the galaxy a favour and wear one. Red jacket, black shirt, red tie the classic Gacen look this suit had won him more games of Pazzak than he could count. He looked in the mirror at his mohawk he narrowed his eyes for a second should he do something with it what was there to do with it he thought it looked best that way, but other people seemed to disagree one of which was his date for the night. He picked up the comb moving it in his hands took a deep breath combing his hair down to the side, he brushed it out his eyes and looked into the mirror immediately regretting it he looked awful and he didn’t have any gel to fix it. Gacen sighed he’d not even got to the gala yet and he already would be making a fool of himself, he heard a knock on his door startling as he dropped his comb well here goes. He remotely unlocked the door revealing Risha wearing an elegant long black dress with long gloves of the same colour she was posing eyebrow raised but her posture quickly changed as she began laughing making eye contact with Gacen. 
Gacen let a long sigh “yeah I know the hair but in my defence you said my mohawk was stupid” Risha continued giggling
She collected herself walking up to him “no the hair looks cute it was just a surprise that’s all” she leant in kissing him “besides I only make fun of your mohawk cause it makes you so mad” Gacen let himself smile she was right there. Risha moved back striking an elegant pose “so did I nail it or what” Gacen couldn’t argue there she looked amazing 
Gacen nodded “oh yeah everyone is gonna be so jealous Rish” Risha gave a warm smile which surprised Gacen that looked like a genuine smile maybe he wasn’t as bad at this as he thought 
Risha gestured for him to link arms “I like hair down Gacen he’s certainly a gentleman” Gacen linked arms grinning him a gentleman that didn’t sound right
Gacen chuckled “me a gentleman you insult me my lady” he made very over the top posh gestures, Risha gave him a mild grin she loved his antics he could tell behind all that Drayen coolness.
They made their way out of the ship and began making their way to the building the gala was being held at. Risha tugged on his arm “so who exactly is gonna be at this event anyone we’re gonna need to get in the good books of” Gacen wracked his brain trying to think of the last gala thing he was at, memories were somewhat fuzzy he seemed to remember being quite drunk.
Gacen frowned “oh the usual some important jedi, a couple high ranking military people, spies, senators basically anyone who can help with the war effort” Risha nodded looking less than pleased with the list
Risha chuckled “not exactly our scene then” Gacen nodded “at least we get a good night out of it” Gacen could certainly agree there this night was gonna be awesome
Gacen chuckled “most the time at these thinks I just get super hammered and make a fool of myself” he turned to Risha who had an expression that he could interpret clearly as ‘DONT’ “buuut this time I think I won’t need to do that” Risha’s expression softened as they arrived outside the building
Inside the lobby was a small line of people at the elevator before Gacen had a chance to walk over though he heard “GACEN” from his left as a few seconds later something had rapped their arms around him. He looked across startled to see the Basen’thor hugging him she was wearing a long yellow dress with white gloves, after a few seconds she let him go beaming at the two of them
He turned back to Risha who was looking at him with a confused smile “who’s this Gacen?” Gacen was still so flustered from her sudden appearance 
Gacen cleared his throat “uh this is um” he knew it started with a K but he couldn’t remember it “Ka- uh Ky no Ku uh” god damn booze, the Basen’thor gave him an awkward look
She held out her hand to Risha “Kavaraa Basen’thor for the jedi it’s nice to meet you” Kavaraa ohhh that made sense wow he felt so awkward right now he looked to Kavaraa who had seemingly moved past it
He gestured to Risha “uh and this is Risha Drayen my date” Risha shook the togrutas hand and chuckled to herself
“wonderful to meet you despite my dates bad memory” Kavaraa chuckled Gacen felt so bad
Kavaraa continued smiling “no worries by my memory he was quite drunk at the time it’s wonderful to see him with someone though I’m sure you’ll be great together” Gacen’s eyes widened as he remembered Kavaraa’s forwardness 
Gacen quickly cut her off from going further “uh yes well It’s early days so uh well anyway how about you do you have a plus one this year” nice conversation deflection Gacen, thanks Gacen.
Kavaraa looked away awkwardly “well uh no unfortunately not I’m on my own again but hopefully that’ll mean I can discuss tactics with people” Gacen felt bad for Kavaraa now that he remembered every time they’d been to one of these she’d been on her own. Gacen had the same situation at the prior galas but he was a full on disaster so no date was expected. It was fine before when Gacen didn’t have anyone either because she didn’t stand out but now he had a super pretty queen on his arm his status had rather changed. Kavaraa looked towards the event “well I uh won’t keep you any longer it was nice to see you both, I love your hair by the way Gacen” she quickly scurried off leaving Gacen and Risha alone, huh the hair was a hit.
Risha squeezed his arm playfully “she’s certainly bubbly I didn’t think that was your type” Gacen inhaled shocked
Gacen frowned “uh a no we never dated where did you get that idea” Risha cocked her head at him
“you pretended not to know her name her” Gacen chuckled to himself 
“no Risha that really was because I was drunk, I’ve been drunk every time I’ve met her I guess her name just slipped through the cracks” Risha closed her eyes nodding understandingly
she couldn’t help but chuckle “yeah actually that makes a lot of sense” she tugged on his arm “come on let’s go pretend to be high class” Gacen smiled he could certainly get behind that.
They made their way into the event and were met with a huge room full of everyone who’s anyone in the republic, he could see the Shans/Malcoms (weird family), Master Sumalee, that spy guy Balkar?, some senators he didn’t recognise all the usual.
Risha walked forward “wow this is so fancy I love it why have you never invited me to this before I totally would’ve come” Gacen’s eyes widened what it was that easy how did he miss that. Risha grinned deviously oh she was fucking with him she beckoned him over “come on lets get something to eat I’m starving” they made their way over to the food table or as Gacen called it the reason he came to these things.
Gacen immediately grabbed a plate and filled it with a bunch of food turning to see Risha looking at him with her eyebrow raised “you’re an animal you know that” Gacen shrugged he wasn’t apologising for loving food. He made his way along the table stopping when he saw a figure to his left staring at him he turned to see an unfamiliar blue chiss. Female long black hair, bangs wearing what seemed like armour, she had a pretty noticeable scar on her face looked lightning related.
Gacen frowned “um can i help you miss” he stood up balancing his mountain of food, the chiss looked him up and down without a word nodding
The chiss scoffed “I see” Gacen frowned who the hell did this chick think she was ‘I see’ we’ll see about that, despite the outrage Gacen did nothing but stood there awkwardly. “and the republic hired you because they thought you’d help us?” ok wow there’s some salty judging on that statement
Gacen screwed his face up “yeah what’s it to you” the chiss looked at him perfectly calm Chiss were always like that, it was pretty weird to see a chiss at a republic gala though
the chiss took a deep breath “My name is Ash’shen’tor I represent Havoc squad and I would like to think I have a vested interest on who works to further the war effort” oh it’s like that he always had people questioning his methods but he got results, well he did an adequate job, well he got out alive usually, well most of the time.
Gacen tried to stand up taller but was fully aware of the imposing form of the chiss “well Ash I may look like a bit of a scoundrel and that’s because I am that’s why I am being used to further your precious war effort” Ash’s eyes narrowed at him
she moved up to him even though he was taller than her he felt like she was towering over him “first of all no one calls me Ash second of all I’m rather against the use of smugglers I think they’re ineffective and brash” Gacen swallowed hard wow she was intimidating
Gacen tried his best to cool off “well as I remember it’s not your call soldier” at that she did move back with a subtle glare, just before she responded she seemed to get a holocall turning away from Gacen. 
Gacen let out a big sigh of relief turning to see Risha looking at him “yikes talk about sergeant scary” Gacen did an over the top yikes face then walked back over to her
They began walking to a table and after they were out of earshot of the chiss Gacen spoke up “yeah what crawled up her ass and died, I’m doing an alright job for the republic” Risha shrugged Gacen imagined he would see sergeant scary again hopefully not too often.
They sat down and began eating immediately Gacen remembered why he came to these events shovelling the food down then looking to Risha, she was wincing at him he slowed down he forgot he had an image to preserve today. Gacen still couldn’t believe she’d said yes, it had certainly taken a while to get her but she was here he hoped she didn’t think it was a mistake. She looked so beautiful and totally out of his league how in the force was he gonna spin this, she was definitely the hottest girl here he was only getting by on his charm but how far did that go? 
Gacen realised he’d been staring at her for way too long she was looking back at him frowning “you alright there dumbass” ok now was the time he’d just be honest
Gacen leant in “you’re just so beautiful I dunno I’m just so stunned you came” Risha smiled chuckling
“wow who knew you were such a gooey romantic” Gacen chuckled wow that was really gooey wasn’t it
he raised his eyebrow “I am not how dare you” Risha laughed slapping the table “it’s just a fact you know”
A droid band began playing as a space was cleared for dancing Risha smiled holding out her hand “alright mister romance how about a dance” oh god Gacen had no idea how to dance like that
confidence right don’t mess it up “Um sure let’s dance” he took Risha’s hand leading her to the dance floor. His mind immediately began to race how do you dance? what is ballroom dancing? what if he stepped on her feet? He turned around and attempted to lead her to the beat for a few seconds, quickly he found himself nearly tripping over Risha causing her to stifle a laugh
she helped him steady himself “ok Gacen how about I lead us so you don’t end up on the floor” Gacen nodded embarrassed he never learnt ballroom dancing when would he have had the chance on Dathomir? “ok just follow my lead it’s easy” Risha began moving to tempo and Gacen tried his best to keep up. “there you go you’re getting it” 
Gacen was starting to get the hang of it managing at least to follow Risha’s footsteps “so I assume they teach ballroom dancing in princess class” Gacen chuckled to himself 
Risha gave him an icy glare “I can always let you lead” Gacen shut his mouth at that quietly following Risha’s movements as the waltz piece transitioned into a slow dance piece.
Gacen’s eyes widened oh god were they ready for this, this was just a first date that seemed like a bit much right “um uh Risha are you ok wi-” as if in response Risha pulled him in close putting her arms on his shoulders
she smiled “just go with it dumbass don’t ruin the moment” Gacen nodded trying to put the anxious thoughts to the back of his mind. He put his arms around her shoulders and again allowed her to lead for fear of further embarrassment. They stared into each others eyes for a few minutes before Gacen tried his best to be brave grinning “how’s this for romantic” he pulled her in for a long passionate kiss
eventually they pulled away blushing “wow yeah uh that’s much more like you” Gacen was so happy right now he could die in this moment, he could forget about everything that happened if he could just stay here in this perfect moment just stay here please. He saw something out the corner of his eye he looked away from Risha as he spotted someone moving in the shadows, he frowned looking around he could see more of them what were they?
He looked back to Risha “we need to move” Risha frowned at him confused “somethings wrong I think there’s some bad people here” Risha nodded quickly following him as they headed off the dance floor. As they did a large explosion sounded from behind them causing them to jump behind the tables. 
Gacen instinctively pushed over the table hiding behind it, Risha shuffled up against him “what the hell was that!” Gacen looked over the table to see people running to tables as the droid staff began shooting at them.
Gacen ducked back down avoiding a blaster bolt “well it seems the gala has been infiltrated again” Risha frowned at him confused
Risha looked at him pointedly “what do you mean again!!” that was a fair question 
Gacen awkwardly held the back of his neck “well this kinda happened two galas ago” Risha looked furious oh no 
“and you didn’t think to tell me” she lifted up the leg of her dress getting a blaster out that was strapped to her leg “all i have to defend myself is this” 
Gacen looked at her wide eyed “I know this isn’t pressing but wow you’re hot right now” Risha gave him a confused but appreciative look, he got his own blaster out “and too be fair I thought they had their security in check this time”. Suddenly a blue form jumped over the table landing on the right of Gacen, he recognised it as the chiss he met earlier Ash
She cursed to herself “damn it I told them they should’ve checked the droids but no you’re just being paranoid sir it was two years ago sir” she picked up a large rifle off her back turning to see Gacen and Risha “oh of course” she grimaced before returning fire to the droids. 
Gacen proceeded to do the same but was surprised when a large holoscreen appeared with a bald chiss on it, looked imperial in nature “my apologies for the intrusion ladies and gentlemen but I have a score to settle” Gacen could see the jedi present begin to cut through the droids as a number of cloaked individuals appeared from the shadows. 
After the volley ended Gacen ducked behind the table “um sir commander sergeant whatever who’s that?” Ash had not stopped firing as volleys of blaster fire passed their heads.
Ash didn’t respond until her blaster had to reload “that is Cipher nine an agent in imperial intelligence and lets just say he would want many people in this room dead” she picked up a separate blaster of her belt and began firing it “myself included”
Gacen could here the sound of sabers clashing oh no how many people were here “um Ash how can we help” Ash continued shooting without a word
She eventually looked back down to him “you can stay here you’re civilians” with that she jumped over the table
Gacen turned to Risha baffled “civilians my ass we’re not just gonna stay here right Rish?” Risha held her blaster up smiling
“do you even have to ask?” Gacen grinned “definitely not how I expected our first date to go” Gacen chuckled as they made their way round the rapidly forming table barricade 
“I’ll admit it was a little less extravagant” Risha laughed as they returned fire to the rapidly decreasing droid populations. Gacen spotted Kavaraa taking on a hooded sith with a purple blade, Ash was taking on about 8 droids at once while Gacen spotted a jedi he believe was called Dzûsa slice through the majority of the droid band.
Risha playfully slapped him on the back “hopefully if we don’t die it can still end the same way” Gacen gasped wow she really was forward he refocussed he had to stop these droids. 
They dropped down next to a man with spiky brown hair “Gacen Zandar and Risha Drayen here to help” the man turned to him he had cybernetic implants and a big red jacket, Gacen liked this guy.
He smiled at them “Theron Shan SIS, I’ve been slicing into the tech controlling the droids and it seems there’s a transmitter in this room now normally I’d go right for it but” he revealed a small scorch mark on his leg “I’m slightly impaired” Gacen nodded he could do that running head long into danger and improvising was his jam
“I can go just show me where it is” Theron showed him a map, he could see it pinging on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, of course it wasn’t easy “awesome can do” he’d think of something. He turned to Risha “I’ll be back in five” Risha frowned at him holding him back
“what makes you think I’m letting you do that alone” ugh how could he spin this
“I don’t want to lose you Risha” he leant in kissing her “just let me be heroic this once I’ll never do it again I swear” Risha reluctantly nodded “see you soon” Gacen vaulted over the table and began running across the battlefield. 
Ok how the hell was he gonna get up to that balcony let’s just get near it first, he saw a droid turn to him ready to pepper him with blaster fire. He slid under the legs firing a volley at the droid as he slid under, he saw Kavaraa to the right she was pretty busy with the hooded sith she couldn’t force him up there. He turned to his left where a few others fought the droids that side seemed less urgent he spun around sprinting over to the mess of droids surrounding Ash. He threw a flash grenade which he hoped blinded them all maybe also Ash, then he proceeded to fire at each of them taking out 6 of the 8. Ok he could hand to hand this he went to punch the droid on his side but as his fist impacted he reeled back his hand stinging with pain how did Ash do it. He looked to see the other two swiftly dismantled by the Chiss wow she was so strong, he offered her and hand up but she proceeded to get up on her own leaving before he could ask for her help. Dammit where to now he looked to see Dzûsa fighting a sith nearby ok this was risky
he called over “Dzûsa!!” the big sith pureblood turned his head letting out a hearty smile 
he parried this siths attacks effortlessly “Gacen!! my friend what do you need” he turned back to the sith managing to disarm them perfect
Gacen tried his best to concentrate “can you force throw me up to that balcony there’s some transmitter controlling the droids there” Dzûsa nodded as the sith began to fire lightning at him 
he blocked the lightning with his saber “absolutely just make sure to pick a good moment” the sith brought the saber back to her hand as Gacen began to run. He jumped and as he did he felt the push from Dzûsa propel him up to the balcony landing on it with a heavy thud. After a few seconds he stood up ok ok ok transmitter transmitter he looked around spotting a mouse droid in front of him. Oh god he sighed as he began to try and grab it, the droid shot away Gacen promptly followed taking out his blaster and trying his best to aim at it as it shot down the corridor. Gacen quickly ran out of breath but to his luck the droid reach a dead end at the elevator, Gacen ran over as the elevator arrived jumping in with it. He grabbed the droid and tried to dismantle it as the elevator descended, but he couldn’t destroy it so instead he held it out and shot it with his blaster. The thing fell inactive and Gacen wondered if he succeeded, a few seconds later the lift arrived and he stood up rushing out to see the droids all back to normal, there was no sign of the sith looks like they had buggered off. He made his way back into the main chamber seeing Kavaraa nearest her dress looked ripped as she was breathing heavily
Gacen rushed up to her “uh is it over?” Kavaraa nodded putting her saber away
Kavaraa looked surprisingly angry “this was a big operation Darth Nox was here there’s probably a lot more at stake than this gala” Gacen nodded as if he understood what she was on about.
Ash made her way over talking into a comm “agreed I’m having teams move out checking the state of important locations Cipher nine was involved this was more than just a settled score” Gacen was so confused about what that all meant but he’d done his part he could leave now.
Gacen looked around for Risha and quickly spotted her staring at him, they quickly made their way to each other embracing in a long kiss. Risha pulled away smiling at him “wow mr hero himself” Gacen laughed oh god he’d said that hadn’t he “never do that again you know I’m holding you to that promise”
Gacen raised his eyebrow “to be honest it wasn’t that heroic i fought a mouse droid, soooo loophole” Risha chuckled putting her arm around him
“come on dumbass lets go I think we’ve had enough of high society for a while” they walked out of the building arm in arm
Night had now fallen on Coruscant so Gacen put his jacket around Risha “so how’d I do for a first date” Risha grinned at him
“who says the dates over Gacen there’s still plenty of things to do on Coruscant” Risha gestured for him to follow, Gacen just stood still watching her. Risha looked at him puzzled “what are you doing?” Gacen smiled 
Gacen closed his eyes “wishing I could be back here” when he opened them he was back on the ship, no Risha no nothing, back in reality, bottle next to him alone the way things always ended up...
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kissmekissme-calum · 7 years
Resistance turned First Order Fighter Part 2
Part 1 here 
i dont feel like this is where it should’ve gone, but it’s what came to my head. i may do an alternate part 2 or might put a part 3 in there and have that continue to story to what the anon was originally requesting
If you wish for any more requests let me know :)
Word count : 1239
It had been weeks since you’d arrived at Star Killer Base, every day was another day of training with Kylo Ren. He had you up at the crack of dawn and you were in bed way after the moon came up. There was no rest. There was nothing you could do against him, you did as he said or he tortured you to the point to where he made you do as he wished. He held no mercy.
You weren’t what they thought you’d be by now, you were doing well enough to keep yourself over the balance beam on the Resistance side though Kylo and Snoke and Hux, all of them were trying to push you over the edge to the First Order. A few times they’d almost had you, but you were able to resist. The thought of returning to Poe, kept you feeling the power of the light side. You couldn’t let them take you to their side.
By now you were trained well enough to fight on your own whether you were happy about it or not. Kylo knew how to train, how to make you train and have it stick into your brain. Even you had to admit, he knew what he was doing, you’d just hoped that he’d turn it around and do that kind of work for the Resistance instead of the First Order.
The voice brought your attention to the door and away from your holopad, they’d allowed you one but only to help them with their plans and what not. You were carefully watched so there was no way you could get a signal to General Leia or Poe.
“(YN).” They spoke again.
“What do you want?” you ask, walking over to the door, trying to see who your visitor was. It wasn’t Kylo, he wouldn’t have spoken, just come in. Not Snoke, that man never left his chair. And no way was it Hux, he couldn’t stand you and loved to see you writhing in pain under Kylo or Snoke’s control. “Who are you?”
You heard digits being pressed onto the keypad outside your door and in came two storm troopers.
“I asked what you guys wanted, tell me.”
The two stormtroopers shared a look and each took an arm of yours, leading you out and to the main window of the ship, showing you that you were close to another system. They’d never brought you out here before.
“What’s the purpose of this? What are you showing me?”
“What my mother wanted you to see.” Kylo Ren strode into the room closely followed by an always unpleased General Hux. “She wanted you to take plans from us, what else would she have you purposely get captured for. Also, you talked in your sleep, stormtroopers overheard and spoke to us.”
Plans? What plans were they talking about? Leia had honestly never said anything to you about it.
Sensing your confusion, Kylo rolled his eyes. “Pathetic, we know you know, (YN). As for these planets, they’re what we’re after, they have what we want, turns out your friend Rey’s power of force was able to attract more of an awakening of force across all galaxies. Sparked a chain and now there’s more force out there. Need them on our side.”
“You’re telling me your plans, why? I have no one to tell them to now!”
He laughed. “I know, we just wanted you to see the destruction of these so called resistance based planets, they’re for you guys, not us. But we’ve got you trained for our side. You may have the look of the Resistance but you fight for the First Order now. Time to show your skills. Fire!” he screamed and shots from the ship went straight into the planets, blowing them up.
Instantly you wanted to fall to your knees, but the two stormtroopers still held you in a standing position. “Why?”
“To get you to see reality!” He roared. “This is all because of the Resistance! They cause lost lives!”
“You did this! Not them!” you counter back.
Kylo strode over to you and stroked your chin, you felt the stormtrooper on your left tense up at that, but kept your focus on Kylo. “Oh, (YN), stop letting them win over your heart and mind, see reason will you? We are the good guys, we’re the ones who know how to rule, we rule and everyone lives. Don’t you see that?”
You shook your head. “You’re a monster, I’m not! The Resistance will win.”
“Stubborn you are.” Hux huffed, earning a glare from Kylo.
“Take her back to her room. Tomorrow she’s going under her final training. Whether she comes out of it alive or not, well, she’s just going to have to choose the right side tomorrow. For your sake,” He looked right into your eyes, you could feel the burning glare. “You will choose wisely, or you will pay the ultimate price. Take her!”
With that dismissal, you were lead away to your rooms, at least that’s where Kylo told the storm troopers to take you but you weren’t headed for your rooms. You were lead to the hangar, many ships were being fueled, ready to make another attack on the Resistance base.
“What’s this? Not my room I hope you know since you took me from there.” You mutter and begin to fight against the stormtroopers but they were much stronger than you were. “Imbisols.”
The stormtroopers took you to a large ship, bringing you aboard, bringing you to the cockpit with them. You only stared at them in disbelief. “If Kylo Ren finds out we’re all dead.” Both stormtroopers sat at the controls, one of them started the ship up, the other prepared the weapons systems. The one who started it up, flew you guys out of the base and then sent you to lightspeed and soon you were in the galaxy again.
You were free. This couldn’t be real. You glanced at the stormtroopers again and nearly fainted at the sight that greeted you.
Poe and Finn had come to rescue you and take you back home.
Poe smiled his cocky smile at you. “The General told us everything. You did good, (YN). Good to see you again.”
You were still so lost. “I don’t understand, how were you guys able to get on board and rescue me. It seems too easy.”
Finn nodded. “True, we’ve got some tie fighters coming our way most likely once they realize we took you and what happened but, let’s just say the First Order played right into the General’s plans. And as Poe said, you did good. Thank you.”
“What did I do? I trained with him, not by choice, he forced me.”
Poe’s eyes darkened when you told him that Kylo forced you to train with him, but he nodded anyways. “(YN), you couldn’t be told too much, she knew Kylo would try to get it out of you. She couldn’t’ let that happen. The true plan was to get you to train with them, sorry about him forcing you, I’ll make him pay for that later but, they wanted you to train with them, and well, now we know how they operate that base, you followed Kylo everywhere. You did more than you know. You did the best anyone could. We’re extremely grateful.”
You sat on Poe’s lap. “Take me home.”
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vexkader · 4 years
Solis Part 4
  My head pulsed and pounded, as a constant knocking was felt in the back of my skull. Rolling over and letting out a waking groan I look to the time. 
  10:45am, Venus Standard 
  Letting out a dry huff, I lick at the roof of my mouth. A cotton feeling inside, reminding me I needed water. Lifting the blanket off of my body, I lifted myself to my paws and stretched. My back aching and creaking from the stiff sleep. With a yawn I made my way to my small kitchen, sliding a cabinet open to grab a faintly orange tinted glass. Filling it to the brim with water, as I drank away the last bit of the pills I took. 
  "It's about time you came out of bed, I was tempted to grow a body and perform CPR!" 
  Sighing, I set down the water and begin a hunt for food. Not wanting sugar tarts again. 
  "Very funny, maybe I should've made you a comedian over an AI. At least comedy is legal."
  "Because your health is the biggest joke this year."
  Shaking my head with disapproval, I settle for some instant waffles. Heading to my fridge instead and grabbing a cool black handle. Freezing air from the freezer waking me up last of the way. As I spotted a bright yellow package that had two left in there. 
  "Even funnier." I tell him off with the last bit of tiredness I had, whispering to myself. "Fucking arse." 
  With a pop, golden waffles spring out of the shiny black and metal toaster. Grabbing a plate, I set them down on it. Slathering them with a gooey strawberry syrup and jam. The smell was wonderful. Out of all the Earth fruits and berries, strawberries must've been my favorite. 
  Biting down into it with a wet crunch, it filled me with a morning joy. Taking me back years and years ago, mornings with mum just before school.. mhmm. 
  "However you may feel now Vex, what did you find out?" BB shifted the topic, as I took another bite of the waffle. "It'll happen on Mars, but I don't know when though. I think winter from the snow."
  "Mars? Is that so?"
  "Certain." I say with a mouthful, swallowing quickly. "Name one other place with red sand and snow."
  "Mars it is then, any indication in how soon. Winter can be vague, this years winter? Next years?"
  Shrugging, I finish up the last of the waffles, and place the plate into the sink. It giving a final clink as I walked off. Heading back into my living space of the ship, with plans to just relax for the day. Traveling through caves, getting knocked out by an orb, and dealing with slashers takes a toll on the body. 
  "Though Vex, this all has me thinking." BB started up. "Once you figure this all out, how will you convince everyone an invasion is happening. You can't just walk into any government office."
  I scratch my head briefly, he was right I couldn't just do that. Screaming about impending doom is well enough to get you put in a mental care facility, and enough medication make a meal. 
  "Honestly, I havent thought about that. I was figuring getting all the evidence first."
  "Interesting, I have a better idea however." BB proclaimed, which made me roll my eyes. 
  "Fine, let's gear this idea of yours." Flopping down on the couch, I stare out the window. The scenery was rather dull and drab, just ships taking off and landing at the docks. Wanting a change of pace from that sight, I pull put a holopad and start swapping through scenery options. Meanwhile BB went over his idea. 
  "I was thinking a proxy, someone close to the government or at least in a position of respectable power."
  "And?" I urge him to go on, eventually settling on snow-capped mountains. Covering the wall to wall window in icy peaks. Casting a low and chilly blew over the room, the white tiles only adding to the illusion. 
  "I'm sending you to a party." I could hear him trying to hold back his monotone laugh. 
  "You're what now?!" I shoot up, protesting the idea of a party. A bloody party? Full of sods and pricks I don't know and don't know of me, and now I have to interact with them! No no no! Absolutely not! 
  "Relax Vex, conveniently one of your old highschool classmates is holding a party.. a get together for all you who graduated. And I've already secured you a spot." At this point I believe he was mocking me. 
  "That's even worse, sending me back to deal with those idiots!"
  "Vex think about this, you went to a private school didnt you? Everyone there was rich, and a few well-connected. I'm not asking you to make friends, just at least someone with connections that will believe you."
  I was outraged, stomping through the lounge, ridiculous! Sending me back to those clowns who never gave two sides of a moon about me! 
  "BB I will not go back to see those faces again!"
  "Its being held at a tiki bar, including free drinks on tap." Now that got my attention. 
  "Free you say?"
  "Mhm, free as the air you breath."
  "Who's holding the party?"
  "One of the baseball players that's now on his way to becoming pro I believe. Asher Davis."
  I remember him, never interacted but the human certainly made his rounds. Not surprising he wants all together again. 
  "Fine." I reluctantly agree. "Only for the drinks, nothing else!" 
  "Dont make a fool of yourself, remember you do have an objective." 
  I huff, I knew I had one! He didn't need to remind me of that. Theres plenty of people in power there, or at least that would have powerful friends. However, how they not see me as anymore crazy than the government would? I certainly had to think this over. Maybe inviting them over to the ship for a few drinks could work, however that could be seen as sketchy. 
  I wasn't particularly close to anyone from highschool, mostly a loner in my time. Perhaps a few felt sympathy for me though. No matter I have to figure this out, but I would certainly save that for the party; after a few drinks to get creative. 
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Return to Me - Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Three: I Won’t Go Speechless
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A/N: Ahh! I’m so excited for you all to read this chapter!! I know we haven’t seen Poe in a while, but I promise, he will be back soon! Let me know what you think of this chapter and if you want to be tagged! I love you all!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,054 Synopsis: Tired of running, the reader finally decides to do whatever she can to bring the galaxy back to order, which leads her to Kylo Ren’s fortress on Byss.
Tag List:  @xeniarocks​​, @too-many-baes​​, @araceli91103​​, @idocarealot​​, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr​​, @thescarletknight2014​​, @charlottie2998​​, @ibikus​​, @mellow-f1​​, @mrsdaamneron​​, @trustme3-13​​, @missjess71, @ella-solei​​, @minelskede​​, @gleigh42​​, @usuallyweepingnacho, @givemethatgold​​, @and-claudia​​, @constantdisgrace​​, @wordsinwinters​​, @readingvogueonprivetdrive​​, @trshbb​​, @kaitlynw011​​, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands​​, @fairytalesforever​​, @thanos-jeep​​, @mixedfandxms​​, @pastelbunny1501, @emotionalcal​​, @danicalifxrnia​​, @getyourselfaunicorn​​, @spider-starry​​, @jimhalpertcanbuymelove, @angelicaxhouston, @roserrys​​, @blushingwueen​​, @americasass-romanoff​​, @commondazy​​, @throughparisallthroughrome​​, @ms-dont-care​​ , @bubblegumcat229​​ , @barnesdameron​
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 It only made sense that Kylo Ren had decided to build his personal fortress on Byss. The planet had been the home of Emperor Palpatine, and it was rumored that the planet still held much of the dark forces he had embedded within it years ago. First Order ships surrounded the planet, and before you could even really see the bright blues and greens of the planet, they had surrounded you and informed you that they were boarding.
You looked to Khwaabi and nodded that it was okay. 
“I expected nothing less,” you said.
“Well, as long as you’re fine with it, princess,” he said with an uneasy grin. A few moments later, a group of six Stormtroopers walked onto your ship with their blasters aimed at you. You put up your hands and smiled easily as you stood up. Before you left Arvala-7, you changed into the last dress you had kept when fleeing Naboo. If you were going to be your true self, you might as well look recognizable. 
“State your business,” the leader commanded.
“I wish to speak with Kylo Ren.”
“Yeah? And who the hell are you?” another asked.
“I am Queen Bhavisama, of Naboo. But perhaps I am better known to Kylo Ren as Y/N Y/L/N. I can quite guarantee that he’ll want to speak to me,” you said firmly.
“And who is he?” they asked, motioning to Khwaabi.
“A friend who offered his services to me. He has no business here and I ask that you let him go freely. I am the only one who wishes to see Kylo Ren.” They exchanged a few looks while the one in the back typed a few things into his Holopad. The leader of the group looked back at him for confirmation.
“Very well, let’s go,” he said, yanking your arm.
“Take care,” you warned. They exchanged a look, but they did correct their behavior as they led you from your ship. “Thank you, Khwaabi, I will never forget this.”
“Be safe.”
“You too. Don’t forget about what I said. They’ll want your help.” That was as specific as you could be. There was no way they were going to let him go if they knew he was going to be running off to the Resistance.
“Whatever you say, princess,” he said in a causal tone, but his eyes held a serious note. 
“Not princess, queen!” you called back as you were moved onto the First Order ship. They sat you down in the back of the ship, still gathered around you, but said nothing. The flight into Byss was peaceful enough, except for the knot forming in your stomach. You had been so sure when you left that you were doing the right thing, but now you weren’t so sure.
You came to a smooth landing and the Stormtroopers instructed you to stand. They led you out of the ship and into the fortress. The walls were tall and dark, similar to that of Aleen, but with none of the warmth. They led you to a smooth doorway that seemed to be made of pure black glass and instructed you to stop.
“Wait here.” 
You nodded and waited anxiously as they walked behind the doors. You suddenly wished desperately that someone was here with you. It was easy to console someone that everything was going to be okay, but to tell yourself that was another story.
“He’ll see you now,” a Stormtrooper said as the door opened again. You smiled politely and stepped through the door he held open for you. They shut quickly behind you.
This room was even darker than the halls and it took a moment for your vision to adjust to the color. When they did, you realized you were in a long, seemingly never-ending dining room. Just as you were about to call out, you heard a sound behind you, another door open and shut.
“Hello?” you called.
“I didn’t expect to see you,” a deep voice responded, changed to sound different, more mechanical by the mask you knew he was wearing.
“Is that you, Ben?” you asked. A hitch in his breathing told you that it was. He didn’t like to be called by the name his father gave him.
“It’s Kylo Ren now,” he said, taking a hesitant step forward.
“Prove it,” you said, a flicker of a smile spreading across your face.
“We used to be friends, Ben,” you said, ignoring his contempt for his name, “Show me your face. I want to see what lies behind that mask.” He took a few steps closer. You could see the mask that covered his face and the body that could only be Ben’s. He towered over you, but his hand wasn’t on the Lightsaber at his hip. “Show me. Please,” you said, taking a step closer to him.
He took a deep breath as his gloved hands reached up to his mask. Suddenly, you were met with the face of your entire childhood. Save for a few new scars, he looked the same. Maybe a little harder.
“Ben,” you said with a smile, touching his cheek softly. His face softened a little, but a smile would betray his look. He gloved hand covered yours but pushed it away after a few seconds.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Can’t I come visit an old friend?”
“We haven’t been friends in a long time. If you’ve come to fight, you must know it’s hopeless. My ships were on yours well before—”
“I promise you, I didn’t come here to fight.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I came to talk,” you said with a sigh. “I have lots of questions, and I think I deserve answers.”
“About Broden?” he asked, a wicked smile daring to pull at the corners of his mouth.
“I’ve got something to show you first,” he said, taking hold of your arm. You tried to pull away from him, but he held tight.
“What if I don’t want to see it?”
“I really think you do.”
He forced you out of the room and back into the hallway you had stood in before. More Stormtroopers stood in the halls than when you were out here before. It seemed they really did not believe you when you said you hadn’t come here to fight.
He pulled you down the hall until he came to a door far away from his dining hall. You were pushed into a hangar that could have fit at least two hundred Millennium Falcons. However, this one was only housing what looked like a huge black ship, or at least, what would eventually be a huge ship. Giant parts of it laid scattered around the hangar, and about a thousand Stormtroopers were moving in and around it.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Kylo Ren asked proudly.
“What is it?”
“Starkiller 2.”
“Well, you never were known for your creativity,” you said, looking at it in disgust. He laughed under his breath and surveyed the progress next to you.
“This one is stronger, doesn’t take as long to recharge.”
“Seems a lot smaller,” you said, looking up at him.
“It’s not complete yet. But I promise you when it’s done, I will make Naboo my first target should anything go wrong during our meeting,” he said. You swallowed hard.
“How do I know Naboo isn’t your first target already?”
“Because Broden still holds some favor over the cursed planet. He has asked that we save it, but I’m willing to break that promise. Understood?” he asked, looking down at you angrily.
“Understood, Ben.” He flinched at the use of his name again, which brought a smile to your face. He wasn’t the only one who knew how to push buttons. “So, let’s have that meeting.”
“Weren’t you raised better than that?” he asked. “We don’t talk politics until after dinner.”
“I’d rather not.”
“I don’t care,” he responded instantly.
“I’m not even dressed for dinner,” you said with a trying smile. He locked eyes with you and shook his head.
“I’m sure I have something you can wear,” he said, pushing you back out of the hangar.
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“Well, you’ve got quite the taste in clothes,” you said, walking into the same dining room you had met him in before. He looked up at you, seated at the end of table.
“Don’t you look nice. Rather queenly,” he said, motioning to the chair to his right. You sat down and looked at him strangely, unsure of what his gambit was.
“The gloves might be a little too much,” you said, holding up your hands.
“It came with the dress,” he muttered. You laughed under your breath.
“So what are we having?”
“So eager?” he asked, looking at you.
“No, I just want to get to the part where you answer my questions.”
“We can start now,” he said, leaning forward. “What do you want to know?”
“How long has Broden been with you?”
“A better question would be how long have I been with him. He was part of the First Order long before I was,” he said simply, looking at the food that was placed in front of the both of you. You had little time to react to his answers, you just needed to get as much information out of him as possible, because you knew he could stop giving you answers at any time.
“How important was it that I became queen?” you asked.
“Did my becoming queen keep you from attacking Naboo?”
“The only thing that kept us from attacking Naboo was Broden’s order not to. When you went off with the Resistance after Starkiller was destroyed, he instructed us to take over. We would have stayed there if not for that pesky handmaiden outsmarting Terex.” You smiled for Lore’s victory.
“So my becoming queen only served to help Broden, because he couldn’t get elected?”
“Why does this bother you so much?” he asked, leaning in a bit closer.
“I was told that becoming queen was the only way to save my people. That’s the only reason I left my husband.”
“Oh yes,” he said with a smirk, “The pilot.”
“You know his name,” you spat.
“Poe, isn’t it? Yes, I do remember. One of the hardest minds to crack, although I can’t say I didn’t enjoy breaking him.” You glared at him, his eyes never leaving yours. “Careful, Y/N.”
“Sorry,” you said, gritting your teeth.
“I can’t believe you had stayed together for that long. I expected you to have thrown him to the side not long after you started dating.”
“We were married when you left,” you said.
“Yes, and I distinctly remember you begging me to stay,” he said, smiling again, “That you’d even take me back if I did.” You dropped your head, not being able to stare into his wicked face.
“Well, clearly I was foolish back then,” you said. He let out a sigh.
“Clearly. So, why did you come here?”
“I needed answers.”
“You’ve got them. But why else? I know you better than that, Y/N.”
“You don’t know me at all,” you said, looking back up at him.
“Why are you here?” he asked again.
“I want you to stop.”
“Stop?” he asked with a laugh, “Just because you asked? Come on, Y/N, you’ll have to convince me better than that.”
“I don’t know what it is you want, but you know what I want. Tell me your price.”
“My price to stop?” he asked, leaning in close.
“Your price to leave my friends alone.”
“You want me to leave the Resistance alone? The only group in the galaxy who is trying to stop the First Order? How foolish do you think I am?”
“A lot,” you said, leaning in, too. “But I imagine you have your price.” He stared at you, his eyes boring into yours in a way that used to make you weak in the knees, but now all it made you want to do is throw the bowl of soup in his face. Ben was still there, but he was piled underneath all of the horrible things Kylo Ren had done.
“I can’t promise that they’ll be completely out of harms way, but if they back off, so will our troops.”
“For what cost?” you asked.
“You,” he said simply. You opened your mouth to argue but he cut you off. “I want Broden gone. Broden wants you. He’ll have no choice but to bow to my will if he sees that you’re on my side.”
“You want me to join the First Order?”
“I want you to claim that I am the leader of the First Order and that all planets in the galaxy should bend the knee. I’m not a bad person, Y/N,” he said, moving uncomfortably closer to you. “I can lead the galaxy like no one else can. I just need to ability to do so. No one respects a leader who kills to get to the top. With you at my side, I wouldn’t have to fight so hard.”
“I thought you wanted Rey at your side.”
“Rey refused my offer,” he said, clenching slightly. “She was foolish. But you’re not fool, are you, Y/N?”
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said, sitting back in your seat. “I’m not going to stay with—”
“You misunderstand me. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. From what I can tell, you’ve been tainted by that pilot, and I don’t want his sloppy seconds,” he said. You set your jaw as you stared at him, holding yourself back from grabbing the knife in front of you. “Broden saw that you’re a leader that the galaxy can follow. I just need your endorsement, and then you can run back home with Poe and have all the imbecilic children your heart so desires.”
You studied his face, searching for a trace of a lie. He looked genuine, but you weren’t sure how much you could trust him.
“Can I have time to think about it?”
“I can’t wait forever,” he said.
“You won’t have to. Give me until the morning. I suspect you have somewhere I can stay?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said, raising his eyebrow at you. He was checking to see how trustworthy you were as well. “You can stay if you promise you’ll consider my offer.”
“I will.”
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Of course you weren’t going to consider his offer. Kylo Ren was the reason you were in all of this mess. Your agreement to think about his request to join him and overthrow Broden was just a stalling technique as you figured out what you were going to do.
He wanted you for his plan, Broden wanted you as part of his. Poe said they needed you in the Resistance, and so did your father. Everyone had a place for you, except for yourself. As you sat in the quarters he had chosen for you, you thought about what you truly wanted, about what mattered to you. The truth was, you could run away from here, and keep running. You could hop around from every point in the galaxy, and maybe, they would tire of looking. But you weren’t sure that was what you wanted.
You hadn’t wanted to become queen, and yet, throughout your rule, you found yourself loving it more and more. You loved Naboo, and all of its people. Leaving them behind forever hurt almost as much as leaving Poe did.
You were certain that no one had ever loved another person as much as you loved him. And you knew he felt the same way. The years you spent in the Resistance with him were arguably the best years of your life, and not just because you got to spend it with him. You got to fight against the First Order, who represented everything you despised in the world.
You knew they needed to go, just as much as you knew that if you ran now, you would never forgive yourself. It hadn’t been your choice to live in this world. To have to watch your best friend run off with the very people you were trying to destroy. To have to leave your husband. To have your oldest and most trusted friend turn his back on you. But this is where you were. Your life was made up of choices that were made for you, but now, sitting in this dark chamber of the First Order, you knew that you had to make this decision now. Only you.
Broden wanted you to be alone, but you weren’t alone.
You thought of your parents, your mother and father who had dedicated their lives to fighting for what was right in the galaxy, not just in their politics, but in their time in the Rebellion as well. They raised you to do what was right in the world, even if it was hard. They had made a mistake, but they were rising to the challenge, standing in where you had run.
You thought of Leia and her dedication to this fight for decades. You thought of all the times she had your back. When she arranged for you to join the Resistance and go to school. When she married you and Poe. The countless times that she had put her own life and happiness on hold to do what was best for the galaxy.
You thought of the Resistance fighters. Black Squadron, the toughest group of fighters you had ever seen in your life. You thought of Jessika, how her face lit up when she saw Nové. You thought of Suralinda, with her long hair and her infectious ways. You thought of Karé and Snap, the only two people in the galaxy who might be more in love than you and Poe.
You thought of your handmaidens, their hopes and dreams for the world that they put on hold to serve next to you. The sacrifices they had made for their planet and their galaxy. You thought of Nové, and all of her many messages to you. You thought of Loré, sitting by a pile of gowns, unsure of what to do now that you were gone. And you thought of Sondé, a woman who had put her life on the line for you more times than you could count.
And you thought of Poe. You always thought of Poe. His parents had raised him right. He fought for what was right with all his heart, and he loved with even more. He had shown you time and time again that together, there wasn’t anything you couldn’t do. He had shown you that against all odds, good still wins.
You thought of Lin Ral.
You thought of Amilyn Holdo.
You thought of Senator Rebianakl, Jobee Qod, Captain Zaisa. You thought of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Paige Tico. You thought of Rey, Finn, and Rose. You thought of BB-8, C-3PO, R2-D2, and the thousands of droids who had died next to ‘The Great Destroyer.’ You thought about the billions of lives lost when the Hosnian system was destroyed, and you thought about the many more that could be lost.
But mostly, you thought of yourself. You thought about all you had achieved and lost. You thought about the people you had helped, the ones you couldn’t, and overall, you thought about what you wanted.
You wanted your life back. You wanted to be married to Poe again. You wanted the Republic back in working function. You wanted to trust your friends and grow old with them. You wanted to see happiness in their faces again. And you wanted the First Order gone, because if they weren’t, none of the things you desired would come to fruition.
You looked out the window in your room. You could see the hangar from here. It would be hard to maneuver in the dress you were wearing, but it was doable. Once you got to the ship, you weren’t sure what you were going to do. Flying was definitely not your strong suit, especially in a First Order ship you had no familiarity with, but you had no other choice.
You stripped off the dress Ren had given you and changed back into the clothes you arrived in. The climb out your window was easy enough, it was getting down the side of the building without being side that was the hard part. You shimmied down an old shaft and landed hard on the ground below you. The Stormtroopers were making sure no one got into your room, they weren’t looking for anyone getting out. You moved through the bushes past them.
The hangar was in your reach in a few minutes. A TIE fighter sat in the corner of the hangar. Even from this far it looked far too complicated for your menial flying skills. But you didn’t have another choice. 
As you made your silent approach towards the ship, you saw another Stormtrooper marching along towards it. You paused and looked around the hangar, finding no one else present. You crept along towards the ship, listening to the Stormtrooper talk into his headpiece. 
“Yes, sir. All controls are secured. I leave for Serenno now.”
You realized that this was your only chance off the planet. The TIE had already been granted clearance to leave, and with a Stormtrooper piloting, you could guarantee that you would make it soundly to Serenno. Although Lin Ral’s home wasn’t the first location you had in mind as you made your return to the Resistance, you knew you weren’t going to get much better. 
You waited until he had made all of his final checks before crawling into the back of the ship. There was no way you could strap yourself in directly behind him, so you crouched down in the corner uncomfortably. There was a reason you had chosen to keep this one outfit from all the rest. It had been a special creation by Loré. When wrapped around you, the fabric of the cloak blended in perfectly with your surroundings. 
As the ship started to lift off, you knew it would be an unpleasant ride, but you were almost certain that you would be safe. You felt the ship leave the atmosphere, and when it jumped to Lightspeed you tumbled slightly, but the Stormtrooper paid little to no attention to the noise you made. 
The jump from Byss to Serenno couldn’t be that long, so you quickly got to work sending a transmission from your commlink to Lin Ral. You explained where you were and told him that you were going to need his help to get off this ship. 
You waited in agony for the next twenty minutes until you finally got a reply. It simply said, “Yes, Your Highness.” You let yourself smile for the first time in a while and relaxed. You had no idea why the TIE was even going to Serenno, but you were glad that luck was finally back on your side. 
And as the TIE jumped out of Lightspeed, you heard the sound of Serenno’s ships ordering the TIE to disengage and knew that although you were no longer stuck with the pilot, you were now going to have to face another tough battle, that was only the first of many. 
You felt the tractor beam pull you in and knew that once it did, you were going to have to face Lin Ral again, and apologize for all the hurt you had caused him.
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