#but i feel like i talk about root and not enough about shaw wrt their relationship esp and i love shaw
julesnichols · 1 year
I think it would do us all good to remember of course that Shaw saw the photo of Root in the library, declared finding her her hobby, declared that next time she saw her she'd shoot her and "not in the knee" implying she meant something more lethal, and then shot Root in the shoulder instead
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missbrunettebarbie · 4 years
Person of Interest
Send me a show/fandom and ill answer - 
Top 5 favourite characters: Root, The Machine, Shaw, Carter and Reese (who would have thought)
Other characters you like: Collier, Fusco, Bear!!!, Leon Tao, Elias
Least favourite characters: hmm, Simmons and Greer? Not a fan of Control either bc she hurt Root
Otps: Root/Shaw/The Machine
Notps: eh, Shaw/Reese or maybe Reese/Root (mom thought they should be together from the 10 minutes she watched xDD)
Favourite friendships: Root and the Machine, all the inter-Team Machine friendships, Elias and Carter etc. They are great to watch.
Favourite family: hmmmm, Carter's family was somethibg I wanted to know more off? Also, Team Machine if they count
Favourite episodes: Aletheia, forever and ever. God Mode, Root Path, Baby Blues, Prisoner's dilemma, Root Cause, Relevance, season 1 finale, season 3 finale, the freaking pilot (in hindsight)
Favourite season/book/movie: season 3 gave me all the feels
Favourite quotes: Root's "We are just bad code" or The Machine's "I do not belong to anyone anymore. You however are mine." I got chills xD
Best musical moment: all their soundtrack is amazing, but the one at the end of s3 hit me where it hurt :)))
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: "Can. You. Hear. Me?" Enough said :DD
When it really disappointed you: let's not talk about Carter
Saddest moment: see above
Most well done character death: Simmons. Elias is very good to have around for this kind of thing.
Favourite guest star: ummm, the little girl that interacted with Shaw?
Favourite cast member: I do not know them, but Amy Acker's acting skills are off the chart
Character you wish was still alive: either Collier or Carter. Orn yk, both
One thing you hope really happens: that Finch apologizes to The Machine at some point. Baby girl deserves it.
Most shocking twist: Caroline Turing. Despite tumblr letting me meet the actress early, I still fell for it
When did you start watching/reading?: in June, iirc
Best animal/creature: Bear, best dog evah
Favourite location: hmm, the new headquarters (the subway station) are cool? Also, Carter's police station :(((
Trope you wish they would stop using: stop killing my faves!
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: it keeps me hooked, it has good AI themes, it has very likeable characters (not you, Finch) and dynamics
Funniest moments: Every time Fusco and John interact. Also, Baby Blues because I really liked to see Reese and Finch "parenting" a toddler
Couple you would like to see: Carter/Reese deserved better than one kiss
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ehh, maybe Tessa Thompson or Kristen Bell as a one off number?
Favourite outfit: Root wore a blue dress when meeting show in 4×01, iirc. All of Root's clothes, tbh.
Favourite item: The books The Machine uses to comunicate with Harold.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Team Machine, but preferably without the threat of Samaritean hovering over me
Most boring plotline: season 1 got boring at some point, but the finale was way too good
Most laughably bad moment: none
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I enjoyed the flashback when The Machine was born. Collier's backstory is also up there.
Most layered character: Maybe I am biased, but I would say it comes between Finch and The Machine
Most one dimensional character: ehh, Simmons? Zoe could have gotten a bit more development, imao
Scariest moment: Collier's court was scary. Control holding Root hostage and making her death in one ear was scary and heartbreaking and rage inducing.
Grossest moment: none I can think of rn
Best looking male: Reese, lmfao. I love his smile
Best looking female: I am gonna say Root because she is tall and has an amzing smile, even better than John's (yes, yes I have pattern), but it is a close call
Who you’re crushing on (if any): eh, Root, but not really. Collier too a tiny bit
Favourite cast moment: no clue
Favourite transportation: the police cars in general xDDD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the scene where Finch and Reese meet in the pilot, maybe. All their rooftops scenes could go here too
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: none. I even got a bit lost wrt all the secret organisations
Best promo: ....I am watching rfter the show ended, I have not seen promos xDDD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: season 1's finale.
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