#and yes the latter instance was also having started getting with the program a bit
julesnichols · 1 year
I think it would do us all good to remember of course that Shaw saw the photo of Root in the library, declared finding her her hobby, declared that next time she saw her she'd shoot her and "not in the knee" implying she meant something more lethal, and then shot Root in the shoulder instead
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flooffybits · 4 years
Where You At
Idol: Jeon Heejin (Loona)
Request: Yes
Anon: okay then! :) mind if i request a heejin scenario wherein she had to break up with s/o back when they were trainees because she knew thought that both of them wouldn’t make it if they continue? eventually, loona debuted and one day, they attended an award show and she didn’t know s/o’s group would be there as well considering they were rookies (loona sunbaenims hihi) and memories of them started flashing back. maybe a bittersweet ending? sorry if this is too much work author-nim :(
Author’s note: as soon as i read this, i immediately thought of their song where you at (hyejoos part there hurts) also! you dont have to apologize! its okay
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The sound of the people screaming the name of their favorite groups or artists was all everyone could really hear aside from the mc’s voice and the background music that played at the background.
Loona was situated a bit nearer to the stage and they couldn’t hold their excitement when they found out that they would be attending the award show. Even though they’ve been to various ones, this one was much bigger with various artists and fans all over the arena. Staring at the stage, Heejin felt her knee bouncing while she fiddled with her dress. She wasn’t typically nervous, but this was a big event and she was nervous about the outcome.
“You okay?” Jungeun asked the younger girl when she leaned a bit closer and Heejin nodded her head, exhaling while she plastered a smile. “Yeah, still kind of adjusting.” She admits, making the latter nod before smiling and patting her arm. “It’s a huge event. I didn’t even think we’d be invited.” She comments and Heejin nibbled on her lower lip. “Yeah.”
The program was going to last for a while longer and various artists have gone up the stage to perform and even accept awards, Loona being one of them. The night was just full of surprise and excitement, but nothing could prepare Heejin for the next group that was called on stage.
Her eyes darted over and her breathing hitched when she saw the six people. The group passed by earlier, but she was too busy talking to Jungeun and Yeojin to notice them. But now that she could finally see all of the new faces, her heart dropped when they landed on your familiar face.
“Heejin…” Hyunjin’s worried voice met her ears and she clenched her fists tightly under the table. She knows that you had debuted a little later than she did. After the two of you decided to be trainees, the relationship didn’t last long because one, you weren’t accepted into her company, and were scouted elsewhere. The second reason was because neither your schedules could work out. When you did get to see each other, you were both just so tired and the time wasn’t even enough for her.
So she decided to just end it for both your sake and careers.
When she focused on Loona, she has forgotten all about you. She forced herself to keep in mind that it was for the best, even if she did have to rip both your hearts out that day, but there were instances that you would stray back into her head, especially when your name and face popped up online.
She was thrown back to the time where you were both just regular teenagers, getting through school with dreams up in the sky. Your laughter was always relaxing to hear after a particularly bad day and she often wonders if she hadn’t given up on you that day.
Seeing you on stage, dancing and singing your heart out made her remember just how passionate you were with the things you loved; her included.
Heejin had been at the center of your world ever since you both started dating and she admitted that you were hers, too. Every day, you were by each other’s side and she would always see her future on a stage, with you.
She would dream of happier times with you, where you would both walk to and from school, stopping by the park and sit under a tree, talking about all the things you would do once you grew up.
Your eyes were sharper and more mature from the last time she saw you. From the videos she’s seen of you, your heart was guarded now, and she hates that it’s because she forced you to do it. When you were singing your part, taking center stage, your eyes locked with hers, since she wasn’t far from the stage. She felt the wind knocked out of her lungs by the way you looked, but you were quick to look away.
You could have fought back that day, she thinks. When she told you that she was breaking up with you, she could tell that you wanted to stop her, but all that came out was a pained ‘why’ while you were trying not to cry. You could have said that you could still work it out, you could have made time for each other.
She wanted to know what was going through your head that day. She could tell that your heart breaking, but she didn’t want to stick around to see it crumble when she was the one that left.
Heejin often wondered if you ever wanted to go back, if you missed her the way she missed you. Even though she knows that she has no right, she still missed you, and to see you in person again reminded her just how much she did.
If you gave the word, she would come running to you. She wanted you back, but that would be too selfish of her.
You’ve done nothing but love and support her, comfort her when she needed, and listened to her when she just wanted to pour out everything that was on her chest.
Before your group surfaced and started gaining fame, maybe she did forget you, buried you in the back of her mind and pretended that you were never there. When she did that, it felt like she was erasing a whole chunk of her life and it made her miserable. And when she does go back to certain memories, she finds herself wanting to just curl up and cry because you’re always there, lingering somewhere and her heart can’t just forget about you.
Your voice soon rang, belting out the high note and making fans scream loudly and it shakes Heejin inside just how powerful and raw it sounds. Hyunjin placed her hand over her own and gave it a small squeeze, being one of the few that knew what had happened since she was your friend, too.
When your performance came to an end, they clapped and Heejin’s eyes never left your figure as you left the stage and began to head back to your seats, now realizing that you weren’t really that far away with just two tables between you. She wanted to go up to you and talk, but that would cause a ruckus among fans.
She decided that waiting until the event was over would be the best and if she were given the chance, she would talk to you. If you let her.
Heejin has never wanted an award show to end as bad as this one. Though she appreciates all the people present, she just wanted to try and talk to you. That was the only thing in her mind at the moment, failing to think of the possibility that you might not want to see her.
But when you were awarded for rookie of the year, Heejin could feel her heart swell in pride while also a pang. She could be celebrating that with you, she thinks. You’ve worked so hard and here you were, getting the recognition that you deserved.
She watched as your group accepted the award and then you were all looking to each other until you were pushed in front of the group by your youngest member. You looked surprised by the suddenness when you turned to the mic and cleared your throat.
“Ah, this is… wow.” Your voice grew soft as you glanced at your group, all of them smiling and letting you continue. “It hasn’t been that long since our debut, but thank you for being able to believe in us and supporting us. To our managers who have looked after us, to our director who believed in our potential, to our friends and family for reminding us of our goals, and most especially to our dedicated fans for working just as hard as us, we wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you.” After your speech, all of you bowed and made your way back to your seats, your hands shaking after such a turn of events and your leader had to grab you just so you could go back and sit down.
After that, everything seemed to go back to normal, and when it was time to go, Hyunjin looked at her friend in worry. “What are you going to do?” She asked carefully and the older girl ran her fingers through her hair, nibbling on her lip as she glanced to your group, who was saying goodbye to the other artists. “I want to talk to Y/n.” She whispered, her arms going around herself.
“Girls, come on.” Sooyoung called out, waving all of them over and Heejin felt her heart drop. Was she really going to leave without getting to say anything?
But the direction Sooyoung was leading everyone was in the same direction your group was headed and she immediately felt her adrenaline rushing when you slowly neared. She held her breath and as soon as you were near, her members were congratulating you and your members while you gave them a smile.
When your eyes meet, it takes everything in her not to hug you. She forces a smile, Hyunjin standing right beside her and smiling at you in greeting. “Congratulations.” They said and you chuckle awkwardly, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “Thank you.”
Judging from your actions and facial expression, she knows that you weren’t expecting her to approach you. But then, you smiled at her again, a little softer from earlier while Hyunjin subtly left to talk to the other members. “You were great out there.” You tell her and a lump forms in her throat. “You, too.” She mutters, all the things she wanted to say now lost.
It’s been a couple years since she’s been this close to you and her heart was jumping out of her chest with your familiar presence that she couldn’t help herself. “I’m sorry.”
Surprised, you stared at the girl before shaking your head. “It’s okay. You did what you had to.” You assure her but she’s shaking her head. She was sorry for so many things.
I’m sorry for breaking your heart.
I’m sorry for abandoning you.
I’m sorry, I hurt you.
I’m sorry for being scared.
I’m sorry for breaking my promise.
She was close to crying, and even when you didn’t want to crack under her stare, you could tell that she was tormenting herself with the past. So quietly, you reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, her fingers enveloping yours while she squeezed back. “It’s okay.” You repeated, voice soft.
“Y/n, come on!” Your leader called and you looked up, retrieving your hand while you nodded your head and Heejin was terrified that this may be the one and only time she’ll ever see you again.
“I have to-”
“Can we meet somewhere? Please?”
The conflict is clear on your face and it’s understandable, but Heejin wanted to be able to make things right. And maybe, just maybe, she could get you back.
“I… don’t know, Heejin.” The way her name rolls off your tongue makes her warm at the familiarity of it. But she presses for a better answer. “Please, I just want to talk and then… and then you can decide then.” She was pleading, begging for even just a few minutes, and as much as your mind told you that it wasn’t going to be a good idea, your heart wasn’t cooperating.
With a sigh, you looked around before nodding your head. “Okay.” You dug into your bag to see if there was anything to write on, and luckily, there was a rolled up piece of paper that you haven’t thrown away yet. After writing your number, you hand it to her and she grips it tightly.
“I’ll talk to you later.”
And then you were being led out by your group members, giving her a hesitant glance before you were finally out of the door and this time, she was the one left watching you go.
When they’re on their way home, Heejin glances at your number a few times, unable to fall asleep like the rest of her friends because her thoughts were far too loud to keep her from sleeping.
She had a chance. She just needed to do it properly.
Hey Y/n
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lu-undy · 4 years
Hi😳😳😳 i got another one😳😳😳. Sniper l o v e s kisses, but is too shy to ask for them or to start them himself. Spy l o v e s sweets, but no one can find out, they'll think he is childish! And so, they find out about the others' likings and they end up mixing them both up: kisses with sweets o///w///o -💘🐑
Alright! There it is! Quite a challenge that one, but I hope you’ll ike it.
It was Saturday and as always, it was a day off for all the mercenaries. Scout, Demo and Soldier were fighting over which program they should watch on the television. Engineer had set Pyro’s small pool outside, in the shade of the base, and the fire specialist was enjoying his time. It was the peak of summer and the heat was hitting hard. The Australian was with his French friend. They were lazily lying on the sofa. The former who was used to the heat, was in a tank top and a pair of shorts while the latter had clung onto his shirt and suit trousers.
“You must be meltin’ under yer clothes. Go get a change for something lighter, mate.”
“Summer clothes are never fashionable anyway. Also, the heat isn’t the only reason why I am melting.”
“Whot is it? Are you sick or somethin’? Sniper asked.
“Non, you genius, it’s because of you.”
“Oh…” The Australian had missed his friend’s meaning at first.
“The comfort of your arms, Sniper, it is truly delicious and warms my heart.”
Sniper smiled and held his lover closer.
“You know what would do us some good?” He asked, spooning the Frenchman.
“I have my little idea on the subject but I would have thought you would disagree with me.”
“Isn’t it too early in the day for… it?”
“I didn’t mean that, you bloody idiot…” Sniper chuckled as he nuzzled in Spy’s neck.
The Frenchman turned to face his lover.
“What then?”
“A bit of ice cream. Oh I’d kill for it.” Sniper answered.
“Kill all you want, as long as it’s the members of the opposite team!” Spy said, chuckling while he cupped his lover’s face, sliding a leg between his. “But I’d start by going to the kitchen. I have bought a box of vanilla ice cream.”
“Vanilla?” Sniper asked.
“Isn’t that how you like your romances too…?” Spy murmured as he came closer and kissed Sniper on his lips, for no other reason than he could. He, the arrogant Frenchman, he could kiss this gorgeous exotic man that Sniper was, and by God he would.
The Australian felt his legs turn to liquid. He would never ask for kisses but Spy’s were just something else. The twist of his lips, the way he pulled or pushed, slickly, fluidly, was exquisite and in all aspects poetic. The Frenchman just knew exactly what to do for his lover to lose his mind.
When Spy pulled back and opened his eyes, Sniper’s were still closed. He smiled. 
“I will get the ice cream for you, mon amour, don’t move. It is in the base kitchen, not mine. It should take me only a few minutes.”
Sniper wished he had the strength to say that he had lost his legs and so he couldn’t move even if he wanted. Spy added a prude kiss to his lover’s forehead as Sniper opened his eyes and got off the sofa.
“Come back quickly, please.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
The Frenchman shut the door of the room after him and left the Australian alone. Sniper sighed in a satisfied way. Ah, what could one dream, more than that? Nothing, absolutely nothing. He had someone who loved him, in a true and simple way, and paradoxically enough, it was the least simple man he knew. But what a find, that man! A mystery and a half really, yet he loved every bit of him.
Sniper got off the sofa and went to Spy’s small kitchen area. The masked man lived in quite a spacious suite and had the privilege of having his own private kitchen, bathroom and living-room. The Australian rummaged in the cupboards just to see if he could find anything to go with the ice cream, like some fruits for instance. He opened the cupboards left and right, opening jars and half-discovering what Spy liked. It didn’t come as a surprise that the man who wore custom-tailored suits also liked his food to be expensive. Most of the brands Sniper saw, he had never heard of before. 
It made the tall man smile. He liked that in Spy, the fact that he was very different from him. It made the relationship much more interesting as he felt like he discovered his lover everyday a bit more. 
His eyes stopped when they met a tin box. Sniper took it out of the cupboard and opened it. 
“What the… Is that…?”
Yes indeed, it was what he thought. The Frenchman seemed to have a weakness for acid sweets. Sniper stole one and quickly put the box back where he had found it. He opened the next few boxes and more sweets were hidden there too. Spy had a very sweet tooth that he hid very well indeed! Sniper never knew that! The Australian shook his head with a smile.
“The smug bastard, he likes the same sweets that my folks used to buy me when I was a kid…”
Sniper’s search went on. He finally found some ground hazelnuts and some caramel. It would certainly go very well with the ice cream. The Australian came back to the living room with it all under his arm. He put it on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen to get two glasses of water ready. A few minutes later, Spy came back.
“Sorry it took me longer than expected. I had to avoid Scout in the kitchen. I thought he could camp there…!”
“It’s fine, don’t worry. You got the icecream in the end?”
“Oui, along with two bowls and spoons.”
Spy sat down next to his lover on the sofa and opened the ice cream box. The cold vapour started evaporated off of it. The Frenchman tried to scoop it off but it was too hard. 
“Well, I’d better give it a few minutes… Oh, you found the hazelnuts and the caramel sauce?”
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, I just had a quick look around.” Sniper answered.
Spy turned to his lover and put a hand on his thigh. He looked up to his eyes, with his own pupils wide.
“Hm, of course not, I’m glad you did… It shows that you’re getting more and more comfortable here.”
The Frenchman put his fingers on his lover’s neck and pulled him closer. They pushed their foreheads against each other’s and dived for a kiss. Spy pushed his lover to lie with a hand on his chest while Sniper pulled his lover from the collar of his shirt. They both sank on the sofa again. The masked man was towering his partner who was fumbling shyly with the buttons of his shirt. Spy went to his lover’s ear and whispered:
“Open my shirt if you want, don’t be so shy.”
Sniper turned his head for his lips to connect again with his lover. He pushed his lips repeatedly on the Frenchman’s, disconnecting shortly after, while undoing the buttons of his shirt. He knew Spy liked to be teased and it did not failed. The Frenchman dived and, added the French to the kiss.
He suddenly withdrew.  
“Somethin’s wrong?” Sniper asked.
“You found my sweets, haven’t you?”
The Australian blushed and lowered his eyes. He realised Spy tasted the lemon sweet as he kissed him.
“Well, I-I was looking for somethin’ to go with the ice cream… I’m sorry…”
Spy put a finger under Sniper’s chin and pulled it up, forcing him to look him in the eye. 
“Who says I was complaining? You now taste like a mix of my two favourite treats: lemon sweets, and you…”
“Oh, bloody-mh!”
Sniper felt like a powerful punch to his guts when Spy’s sentence hit his mind, and even more so when the Frenchman started lazily massaging his tongue against the Aussie’s. The tall man moaned and Spy drank his sighs of pleasure.
The ice cream wasn’t the only one melting in the room.
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pbacklinks · 3 years
37 Reliable Ways To Make Money With Your Blog or Website as a Newbie
New Post has been published on https://pingbacklinks.com/37-reliable-ways-to-make-money-with-your-blog-or-website-as-a-newbie/
37 Reliable Ways To Make Money With Your Blog or Website as a Newbie
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So, you have built a fully functional website or blog and you are trying to figure out how to monetize it. Well, there are tons of ways you can make it work for you. In this book, we have compiled a list of 37 methods of turning your website into a money maker without even making significant investments in it. Let’s get started.
“Pay Per Click” advertisements (Google Adsense)
  Google operates two advertising programs: AdWords and Adsense. The former entails showing adverts on the results returned by Google search. As a website owner who needs to make money from your site, you don’t need the former, but the latter – Adsense, which lets you display adverts on your site instead, and you’ll be paid for it!
The best part about Google Adsense is that it is incredibly easy to set up and the returns are quite motivating.
How does it work? After you sign up with the program, Google will attach a tiny block of code on your website to identify the kind of content you post there and the type of visitors you receive. This code is also used to uniquely target your visitors with relevant advertisements while considering the niche of your website. If your website is all about fashion and apparel, for example, Google will begin showing your audience adverts for fashion-related stuff: clothes, accessories, shoes, etc.
You earn money whenever a visitor clicks on the advert. (It’s that simple!)
The average pay per click is somewhere in the middle of $0.50 and $5. And when your site has robust traffic, you can comfortably earn hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars every month.
How do you apply for AdSense, you might ask? Before even applying, consider taking a glance at their Terms and Conditions (they update them quite often, and they are strict on those rules). Now open another tab on your browser and sign up with the program.
Benefits of joining AdSense
If you own more than one site, AdSense lets you manage all your ads from one place
You don’t need to sell any specific product to earn money; you simply display other people’s promotions on your site
You audience will only be showed ads that are relevant to them – no annoying and irrelevant stuff
AdSense doesn’t even require you to understand the technical part of the program, they will do the complicated part for you
Both you and your audience would love good web design. Well, Google AdSense gives you greater degree of customization concerning the adverts they supply
Did we mention it is free to join? Yes, it is. And joining it is incredibly easy
No initial investments are required, whether in term of money or time
Limited language support
Minor mistakes can result to lifetime ban (as we earlier mentioned, Google AdSense are very strict with their rules)
Traffic exchanges and traffic from social networks are restricted
Invasive tracking brings privacy questions
You can’t change country or the name of the payee
  Sell your own stuff (can be eBooks or any other digital product)
You have a huge potential to make money by creating a “per sale” service that let’s your audience access your material at a fee. There is no middle man you can worry that they may slash some of your earnings.
Are you too good at something that you would like to pass the skills to someone else? Why not start an online course on your website? Alternatively, you can write eBooks about or create podcasts within your area of expertise and ask your audience to buy them based on whichever friendly plan you can formulate.
Besides selling digital products (eBooks, tutorials, and stuff), you can also sell physical products
This approach may look simple and straightforward because all you need is enough knowledge in something or possession of a product you can make yourself, so you can simply avail these items on your site and start making money immediately. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it looks. Creating a quality product requires massive investment in terms of time and financial resources. Other resources like content and design may be required. Besides, you will need to set up a third-party payment gateway to complete such operations as shipping, payment, and even taxes – you are almost assured of having problems in the initial phases.
When you get everything right, you will be an independent content creator or seller of an item with greater say on your cash inflows.
Here are some valuable resources I thought would be great for starters:
Guide to selling products from your site
How to create “Buy Now” button on your site with PayPal
Benefits of selling products on your site
As aforementioned, you have total control on things like price and output
You get to keep the lion’s share of your earnings. No middle men, just the tax man.
It is a great way of getting the most out of your talent or skills. (Selling handcrafted products, for instance)
  Accept donations from your visitors
If you are a beginner blogger or you’re just starting out with your website and you don’t have many monthly visits, but your site has a sizable and engaged community, you can simply ask your followers to donate. It isn’t the best paying way of monetizing your site but can help you meet the expenses as you work towards making your site more established. We know of some programs that have been sustained in their entirety by donations. A good example is the Videonlan project (the guys behind the ever-versatile VLC Media Player) although their case is a bit unique. Another good example are the operators of the web.acrchive.org who make a lot of money purely from donations.
Asking people to support your journey shouldn’t be hard, and that’s why Paypal offers a tiny donation button you can add on your site to keep you going – here is how to create one. There is a detailed guide about how to accept donations on wikiHow, check it out.
Benefits of accepting donations
It is easy to integrate
You can easily establish recurring payments (with Paypal)
Payments are almost always secure
It is a showoff gratitude from your audience
There is always that discomfort you feel when asking people to donate, it feels like begging
It is both unreliable and unsustainable
  Review products and other people’s websites
This technique of monetizing your site is applicable if you are a leader in a specific niche. If your website or blog is popular among parents, for instance, you can review children toys. If you are into video games and you’ve built a sizable following on social media, why not review the latest releases from the comfort of your website and let your social media followers flock there?
But even if you haven’t established your site to be an authority in any niche yet, you can start off as a reviewer – all popular reviewers began from somewhere.
How does product review pay? Manufacturers would normally pay you to review or test their products on your platform with hopes that someone in your audience will be impressed with the product and proceed to buy. You may as well review products without being asked by the manufacturer, but you will be aiming to boost traffic this time, which can help you build the reputation of your website or even increase your referrals if you are signed to an affiliate program.
The most assuring thing about reviewing products is that manufactures will eventually come to you once your website has gained root in a specific niche.
Benefits of reviewing products
You have the freedom to set your own prices
You can use review materials for marketing
One of the surest ways of becoming an authority site in a given niche
Doesn’t require huge investments as you don’t need to own the products you are reviewing
Very difficult to make money if you are not an already established figure in the niche
Create an e-Commerce site (you need to work hard)
You can move away from the traditional approach of making content to be the center of your website’s survival and instead base it on products or tools. A website that offers a certain product or tools is an online store or e-commerce site.
But this could be the hardest way of monetizing your website because there are tons of e-commerce sites on the web already and you must compete with a lot of them. The only way to stand out of the pack having a better strategy than anyone else and employing the most effective marketing techniques you can ever come across. Also, it is just as important to find a unique niche, preferably one that hasn’t been overcrowded yet.
How much money do you stand to make from an online store? Let’s say your store is one of the most successful in your niche, you can earn over $100,000 per month. The initial investments leading to such income can be significantly high. A yet-to-very-established online store can bring about $500 in a month.
How do you get started? We need a whole separate post to outline how to go about it. Here are two brief guides:
How to start a WooCommerce online shop (for WordPress)
How to start a Shopify e-Commerce shop (for Shopify)
Benefits of running an online shop
Access to global market 24/7
You can manage your shop from anywhere
Measured results through various online marketing strategies
You can sell almost anything
Initial investments can be very high
It is highly demanding. Unless you have a dedicated team to handle your clients and other aspects of the business, you will have a hard time running it alone
  Flip your site (Build > Sell > Reinvest)
  Well, you have probably never heard of this before, but you can sell your website to someone else, make some good money, and reinvest it in another new website. You just add everything that makes a good website: AdSense, search engine optimization, and even having sold some products on the site. There is always a buyer out there trying to avoid the hard labor of creating a functional website from scratch.
Honestly, I don’t suggest that people should make sites and sell them and even make a business around that activity. I am a big fan of building something that you can use in a long time, or forever.
But you can’t ignore how lucrative this business can be. Imagine a scenario where your site earns about $400 per month by selling ad space. If everything else is working perfectly, the price tag on such a website will be somewhere between $4000 and $10,000.
Better yet, you can opt to deal in ready-made sites. They are cheap, but you can make pretty decent money from it
Where can you sell your site?
Flippa – the most well-known website market
WeBuyWebsites – a marketplace strictly dedicated to buying websites
FEinternational – if you have a high-end website, sell it here
Benefits of selling websites
Low set up and running costs
You enjoy higher margins and better cash flow
You can do it from anywhere
There is always a market
Establishing a fully functional website complete with SEO and other necessities is harder, especially when you must do it en masse
  Create an affiliate program
  Once you have established your online shop or put some content on offer (whatever you choose to sell on your website) you can establish an affiliate program and enlist affiliates to help you market your products out there for a commission.
The idea of having your own affiliates spreading the word about you on their platforms is one of the best ways of building the fame of your site and boosting the sales of you are running an e-commerce site. It is a win-win situation: you get a lot of traffic from the referred visitors and boost your sales while the affiliates get their commission plus recognition for identifying with your brand (if it’s a brand of authority in your industry).
If you are using WordPress, there are plenty of plugins that you can utilize to achieve any affiliate marketing goal.
Benefits of having your own affiliate program
It cuts the marketing expenses because the affiliates will do most of the marketing
You are almost certain that every lead will end up making a sale
It is straightforward and dependable
Easy to manage and control
You will always be pushed to offer higher commissions even when your earnings are low
  Build an amazon store page
  Ponder over this: Amazon, the largest e-Commerce company on the planet, sells almost everything your audience could ever want. Doesn’t it make sense to add an Amazon page on your website instead of creating your own online store that you might have a hard time building?
If you think about it, you will quickly realize how cost effective and rewarding it is to have Amazon on your page. Also (to my surprise), many bloggers and website owners don’t seem to be too much into this venture.
It is important to note that this approach works very much like Amazon’s own affiliate program – you get a commission when the member of your audience proceeds to Amazon to complete a purchase. The commission can be anything between 1 percent and 10 percent. It is still a great way of monetizing your site.
Now those were the top ways of monetizing your website. Let’s look at other not-very-well-known ways of making money. They aren’t minor ways. Rather, they are ways that deserve special mention:
Selling text-link ads
You can sell text-link ads to websites that need them most. We don’t really recommend this, but it is worth trying out. The reason why we don’t root for this way of making money is that Google Terms of Service are strongly against it. So, if you get involved in this kind of business, you risk being penalized, and it could be for life!
Set up “infolinks”
If you are not a huge fan of Google AdSense, you can opt for infolinks. Infolinks is a handy online advertising platform enabling website owners and bloggers to display relevant ads on their sites and earn money. As you can see, it works very much like Google AdSense. Sounds interesting, Huh! Here is how to set up infolinks on your site. There is only one major drawback about infolinks: their payouts are remarkably small compared to Google AdSense, but it’s worth trying out.
Use monetization widgets
A web widget can be in the form of an application or a web page. In this specific case, you will use web page-based widgets. Web widgets are normally independent from the host web page and have very limited interaction with the rest of the web page.
How do you make money from widgets? Well, they work in a way similar to Google AdSense – they display relevant ads on your site in exchange of money. There is a guide to it, check it out.
Establish RSS feed ads
  RSS feed ads work exactly the way they sound: you allow RSS feeds on your site along with ads. The best part about RSS feeds ads is that you can choose to use partial or full RSS feeds, whichever suits your needs. Another advantage is that they boost your page views while earning income. Which option you choose, RSS Feeds ads are split into two groups: pay-per-click (very much like Google AdSense) and traffic-based ads. There is a guide on how to get started at Blogging Basics.
Create a business page/paid directory.
Business directories keep popping up on the web like mushrooms and that could mean one thing: they are minting money for their owner. A business directly is any site with a list of businesses in a given niche depicting their location, size, and activity.
At the start, you comb sources to get information about these businesses and present them in a presentable way on your site. But as time goes on, and you build reputation, new business will seek your assistance in listing their information on your directory. Here is an example of some of the biggest business directories on the web (in no particular order):
BOTW (Best of the Web) – BOTW has been here since 1994 and now has over 16 million businesses in its database
About Us – About Us enjoys about 150,000 visits every month
Google My Business – A business directory run by the owner of the most popular search engine on the planet is destined to be a monstrous directory.
Do you wish to venture into this line of business? Here is a step by step guide on how to get started.
Offer writing gigs
  What about writing for other bloggers at a fee? Yes, many bloggers and site owners don’t have a lot of time to spend on writing every article uploaded on their sites/blogs. So, if you are good in gaming, for example, and you run a website dedicated to posting gaming updates, you can start a content creation service which can benefit other time strapped bloggers.
There isn’t a guide or set of tricks to help you make it in this method of monetizing your website.
Sell podcasts
It is easier to sell podcasts today than it has ever been, thanks to services like Apple’s iTunes. But there is a better approach to it: Why not take full advantage of your website’s influence in a certain niche and start selling podcasts to your readers/listeners. If you have paid close attention to the activities of most political commentators in the United States, you might have noticed that most of them no longer include iTunes’ links on their YouTube or social media pages. Rather, they direct you to their podcasts on their own websites. This approach can be employed by pretty anyone with podcasts to offer.
The benefits of selling podcasts on your website are numerous, including the fact that no one will deduct part of your pay for hosting them on their service for you.
Create videos for YouTube
  Let’s be honest, no one on the internet monetizes videos better than YouTube. The social network lets you earn money on views received by your videos. The minimum payout is $100. Before a channel qualifies for YouTube Partner Program, it must receive 10,000 views or more.
Things get a little complicated when you throw ads in the mix. If a video accumulates 1 million views, for instance, but no one clicks on any of the pay-per-click adverts displayed on that video, you earn nothing. Google has a rather intricate way of awarding content creators for videos they upload on the platform.
But you’re trying to make money from your website, right? How does YouTube get involved? If you have been producing a lot of video content on your site lately, you might have noticed that it is hard to increase your audience from your website. You need to move those videos to YouTube – which is the world’s largest video repository – and include a link to your website. You would have killed two birds with one stone: you would have created a way of boosting traffic to your website while getting paid for your videos at the same time. We already know of a dozen ways web traffic can be monetized.
Be a consultant
Picture a situation where you are so good at Information Technology that your site is entirely based on providing information about the latest releases and emerging trends in the world of technology. How do you monetize such a website further? You can start offering consultancy services to your readers and visitors right on your website or blog.
The goal is to make the most out of your expertise in your field. If you are looking for inspiration, look at what Neil Patel is doing and how he has established his site not only to be a one-stop source of every bit of information you need about SEO (search engine optimization) but to be a reputable SEO consultancy platform as well. And there is a list of proven tricks to make it big in the world of web-based consultancy services, check the out.
Add a forum (membership-based forum)
  If you are using a WordPress site, you can benefit from a range of plugins that can make the whole process as easy as ABC, bbPress is one of those Plugins. It doesn’t mean creating a forum on regular websites is hard, Website Toolbox leads you through three simple steps to make one.
Use content lockers
Instead of creating great content and requiring your readers to subscribe to access it, you can choose to introduce content lockers where the reader will only pay for certain content by unlocking it with payments. The best part is that you can switch it around to take various forms. For instance, instead of paying to see the content, you can require the reader to view a certain advert.
There is a YouTube tutorial on how to set up content lockers. The approach may be a little different on a WordPress site, here is the guide.
Affiliate marketing
If you are new to this concept of spinning some cash, just know it entails promoting someone else’s stuff on your website and if, hopefully, someone sees your promotion and responds to it by buying the item, the guy you’re promoting for will award you an agreed commission.
So, this is how it works: You begin by signing up with a third-party affiliate program (the likes of CJ Affiliate and Amazon Affiliate Program) or the affiliate program established by the entity (also known as the merchant) whose products you wish to promote. Either way, you will be given a referral link and/or banners which you will display somewhere on your website while promoting the merchant’s products. The whole concept is built on whether someone in your audience will be pleased with your promotion or the product you are promoting and decide to give it a try.
When someone in your audience clicks on the banner or referral link, they are led to e a page where they can see the merchant’s product and make a purchase. It doesn’t always entail buying a product; it can be a download or completing registering for something. Whichever intent, you, as an affiliate marketer, will earn a commission if the person you referred completes the process as required.
Where can you find merchandise to promote? There are as many options as there is sand in the sea, but here are the three most popular affiliate programs:
Rakuten Linkshare
Rakuten Linkshare has been around for a long time. Its popularity is increasing every passing day. If you are an avid fan of football, you’ve probably discovered that Rakuten is the jersey sponsor of Barcelona F.C, an indication of popularity. Rakuten has managed to ward off competition for many years it has been around by providing features that are distinctive and user-friendly. Such features include rotating different banner adverts for particular products, ease of administering and optimizing among others. But what makes Rakuten be one of the best affiliate marketing programs is its flexibility in promoting offers.
Clickbank is yet another remarkable affiliate marketing program. Its popularity has been fueled by its specialization in digital products. The program has been around for a long time as well, earning a great reputation in marketing eBooks and other digital products. One of the impressive things worth mentioning about Clickbank is the fact that you can gain unrestricted access to millions of eBooks immediately after finishing the sign-up process. No one else does that in the sphere of affiliate marketing. Marketers make a killing on Clickbank with its sumptuous commissions. The payment process is fast, marketers have the freedom to sell what they like and the site itself is stunningly easy to navigate and use.
Amazon associates
It has been dubbed the king of affiliate marketing due to its huge number of sellers (over 1.5 million sellers). This immense number of sellers makes this program the best place for beginners to start. It isn’t entirely a newbie paradise. Experienced marketers are impressed with the atmosphere created by the program to develop custom tools and web pages that have APIs. Amazon Affiliates have a stunning one million partner merchants! No other program has ever come close to having such many partners. The program is also very flexible and easy to use.
Therefore, if you don’t start well, you may end up messing up various things. There are resources you need to have while embarking on building affiliate marketing websites.
1. Training and inspirations
There is nothing wrong with creating an affiliate marketing website from scratch. However, you need sufficient training to create a really successful affiliate marketing website. Having the inspiration to push the idea is also an added advantage. Starting an affiliate marketing website is overwhelming.
2. Video Tutorials on Affiliate Marketing
Basic education about affiliate marketing isn’t enough for building a successful affiliate marketing website. Video tutorials about affiliate marketing can be of great help especially when you have basic affiliate marketing knowledge but you need to improve it and kick-start affiliate marketing career. Affiliorama is the best place you can get affiliate marketing tutorials.
3. Email platform
Your website needs to be linked to a Google email platform. Although not every strategy in online marketing involves the use of email, having a reliable email strategy can have a remarkable impact on the sales. Some of the reputable email platforms to choose from include MailChimp, GetResponse, aWeber e.t.c
4. Backlinks
Backlinks are a valuable resource that should never miss on your affiliate marketing website. They serve to link your web page to other websites hence boosting the traffic and your website’s outreach. Backlinks help popularize your website within the circles of a niche of your choice. For instance, if you are selling fish, you need backlinks linking to websites that sell or talk about fried chips, chili and anything else that can go together with fried fish.
Google Webmaster Tools
  Search engines are a great source of traffic for blogs and websites. It is good to know how search engines view your affiliate marketing website. One tool to use is Google Webmaster. Actually, Google Webmaster is a group of tools that help users see how their websites are crawled, how the pages are indexed and the performance of keywords. Google Webmaster can also identify if there is a malfunction in your website.
Benefits of joining an affiliate program
If you are good at marketing, or if your site is sort of an authority in a given niche – say, in golfing, fashion, or motor sports – and you have a significant following, you stand to make an insane amount of money
It is based on performance, not the investments you commit
Affiliates can increase your reputation
Affiliates can also increase the traffic on your website while increasing sales
You will find that some program offers meagre commissions that makes the whole thing to be unmotivating
You don’t have any control on what the affiliate program chooses to do
You have no say on your competitors
Revenues are not guaranteed
Affiliate links can be hijacked
  Link your site on craigslist and sell skills and possessions
If you can’t design a website for an individual then probably you have an old toaster you need to sell on the craigslist. Many graduates are offering their skills online as consultants of almost anything you can mention depending on their expertise. Additionally, you can sell items you no longer use on the Craigslist and earn some quick bucks. Craigslist has over 40 million users. Better yet, every large city has a special section reserved for it. The website is highly convenient to anyone with a drive to make money.
Link your site to ebay and auction products
eBay is the best site you can use to auction stuff that you no longer use. Clothes, cars, electronics…you name it, eBay can auction it. You can choose between the options of straight auction or flat rate. To compensate for the service, eBay takes a tiny amount of what you earn and that’s just Okay. You need to know that eBay thrives on an elaborate feedback system which requires you to build a great reputation as a trustworthy seller.
Selling homemade items
You can sell handmade items on your site. You can also collaborate with sites like Etsy to promote your homemade merchandise. Etsy is a platform where crafts and other homemade creations are availed for sale. It can be anything you made at home: beautiful candles, soap with your signature fragrance, hand knitted scarves, homemade jewelry, essential oils, postcards, art prints, crocheted small animals etc. To send sales in the roof, you need to charge your clients reasonable top keep them coming back for more knitted kitten clothes. Just like eBay, Etsy will ask for a small percentage of your earnings.
Publishing eBooks
Have you ever thought or offering your book for sale on your website or in conjunction with KDL (Kindle Direct Publishing) This is the best opportunity for men to capitalize on their previous writing works that have never been finished. If you have an unpublished book and you believe you are not in a so nice financial situation, quickly dash to Amazon, publish it, set the best price you can think of and put it up for sale. You need to promote your eBooks widely on social media to expose them to most people. Consider publishing a book within your area of expertise and not just a fictional story.
Taking online surveys
You can make your site to be part of crowds pooled by consumer companies to conduct online surveys and get consumer feedback. For just 6 hours, you can earn up to $50 which is channeled in your Paypal account. Some of the websites offering survey services include My Survey, iPoll, and Pinecone.
0 notes
daniel1972777 · 3 years
buy apple number Amazon Has a Surprising Number of Apple Deals Right Now — Including All 3 AirPods on Sale.
Does this sound familiar? You’ve taken such good care of your older MacBook that Tim Cook himself wouldn’t be able to tell it from a fresh out-of-the-box model. You’ve fawned over it, protected it from harm, and are now ready to trade it in for something newer and better. Since your MacBook is perfect, you’re expecting a big payout.
You send it in to Apple (or really, the buy apple number Apple contracts to handle inspections). They take a look at it, find a few faults, and lowball you an offer. Your dreams of getting a nice taken chunk off of your next purchase are dashed.
That’s the scenario The Verge talked about this week in an exposé of the company behind Apple’s trade-in service, Atlanta-based Phobio. As Nick Statt reports, a number of people looking to score big with a MacBook trade-in have reported that Apple/Phobio have found unexpected defects with their device—such as “more than three white spots on the display”—that put a big dent in the trade-in value.
The problem? Some people—even Statt himself—can’t find these faults when they receive their MacBooks back after refusing the trade-in offer.
How big are these drops in value? Hundreds of dollars, in some cases. And that’s awfully frustrating, especially if you can’t actually uncover what’s wrong with your system. Don’t expect to get more clarification (or proof) from Apple, Phobio, or any other parties connected with the trade-in process.
Here’s the thing, though: You don’t have to accept Apple’s trade-in offer. To the company’s credit, if your revised trade-in value is way buy apple code conditions post-inspection, you’ll get an email asking you to accept or reject the revised amount. Don’t feel obligated to say yes simply because Apple/Provio has your device. Say no, and you’ll get it shipped back to you completely free.
In a perfect world, all you’re out is time, assuming you haven’t already made a purchase expecting your estimated trade-in value to hold. (If so, you’ll be on the hook for the cash, so consider trading in your device before getting something new if you need that cash, unless there is a promotion requiring a trade-in at the point of purchase.)
However, there have also been reported instances in which the trade-in inspection process actually damaged a person’s device beyond whatever state it was in when its owner shipped it out. This is likely a rarer situation, but it’s something to keep in the back of your mind as you pack up your MacBook to send away for inspection. As one Apple commenter described in a support forum post:
Just got my laptop back after rejecting the trade-in value and it has a HUGE scratch on the front of the laptop now that’s wasn’t there when I sent it in. They didn’t even back it in the bubble wrap envelope that you send it in. Also I see absolutely no ’white spots’ that they claimed my screen had.
And another, from that same thread:
“I have had good experience with trade in in the past, they have been over the counter. But, now had to send it in. Got the trade in canceled with a very generic response and no explanation. But, when I got my laptop back it was bricked. So, a perfectly working MacBook Pro is now bricked, and Apple takes no liability of the device shipped. This is not the service you expect from Apple.”
Were I trade in my MacBook, I’d start by taking detailed pictures and videos of every inch of the machine. That includes the boot process and the display, powered up and displaying a test page that shows no discernible flaws. I’m not going to go so far as to say that having evidence in your back pocket will guarantee you restitution from Apple should your to-be-traded-in device be returned in a condition different than how you sent it in, but it can’t hurt. (To that end, capture a video of the unboxing process when you get your MacBook back.)
In other words, pretend you’re selling your MacBook to someone on eBay. Assume you need to cover enough bases to ensure that you’d win the resolution process if a buyer later claimed you shipped them a brick.
You might even consider avoiding Apple’s trade-in process entirely, or at least going directly to an Apple retail store to begin the process instead of shipping your MacBook off to “Apple.” If you do go with the latter route, don’t admit defeat: Demand proof of the inspection. Escalate the issue. Take your “faulty” MacBook into an Apple store for a second opinion. Don’t give up.
I’d argue an in-person inspection process is a lot better, even if it costs you a little cash, than risking receiving a dreaded “something is wrong with your MacBook but good luck finding it” email. Hit up third-party laptop trade-in stores in your area or online; consider services like Craigslist, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace; or even go to a big-box retailer with a trade-in program (like Best Buy) to see if you can get a comparable offer in person.
While there’s no guarantee you’ll have a worry-free experience going with an Apple alternative, it’s worth weighing the risks, potential costs, and the final payout. Rather than mailing it off, I’d probably trade in my MacBook to a bricks and mortar retailer, even if it cost me $50, just for the peace-of-mind. Or, go the Apple route first and, assuming your laptop is returned to you in good repair, try your luck elsewhere if the offer wasn’t what you’d hoped.
No matter what, don’t feel pressured to take a lowball offer. You might have to wait a bit longer and deal with a more frustrating process for getting rid of your old computer, but the effort will be worth it, if only so you don’t feel like the victim of a situation beyond your control.
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endenogatai · 4 years
Europe’s Android ‘choice’ screen keeps burying better options
It’s been over a year since Google begun auctioning slots for a search engine ‘choice’ screen on Android in Europe, following a major antitrust intervention by the European Commission back in 2018. But despite hitting Google with a record-breaking fine over two years ago almost nothing has changed.
The tech giant’s search marketshare remains undented and the most interesting regional search alternatives are being priced out of a Google-devised ‘remedy’ that favors those who can pay the most to be listed as an alternative to its own dominant search engine on smartphones running Google’s Android OS.
Quarterly choice screen winners have been getting increasingly same-y. Alternatives to Google are expecting another uninspiring batch of ‘winners’ to drop in short order.
The results for Q1 2021 were dominated by a bunch of ad-targeting search options few smartphone users would likely have heard of: Germany’s GMX; California-based info.com; and Puerto Rico-based PrivacyWall (which is owned by a company whose website is emblazoned with the slogan “100% programmatic advertising”) — plus another, more familiar (ad)tech giant’s search engine (Microsoft-owned) Bing.
Lower down the list: The Russian ‘Google’ — Yandex — which won eight slots. And a veteran player in the Czech search market, Seznam.cz, which bagged two.
On the ‘big loser’ side: Non-tracking search engine, DuckDuckGo — which has been standing up for online privacy for over a decade yet won only one slot (in Belgium). It’s been come to be almost entirely squeezed out vs winning a universal slot in all markets at the start of the auction process.
Tree-planting not-for-profit search engine, Ecosia, was almost entirely absent in the last round too: Gaining only one slot on the screen showed to Android users in Slovenia. Yet back in December Ecosia was added as a default search option with Safari on iOS, iPadOS and macOS — having grown its global usage to more than 15 million users.
While another homegrown European search option — which has a privacy-focus — France’s Qwant, went home with just one slot. And not in its home market, either (in tiny Luxembourg).
Google’s EU Android choice screen isn’t working say search rivals, calling for a joint process to devise a fair remedy
If Europe’s regulators had fondly imagined that a Google-devised ‘remedy’ for major antitrust breaches they identified would automagically restore thriving competition to the Android search market they should feel rudely awakened indeed. The bald fact is Google’s marketshare has not even been scratched, let alone dented.
Statista data for Google’s search market share on mobile (across both Android and iOS; the latter where the tech giant pays Apple billions of dollars annually to be set as the default on iPhones) shows that in February 2021 its share in Europe stood at 97.07% — up from 96.92% in July 2018 when the Commission made the antitrust ruling.
Yes, Google has actually gained share running this ‘remedy’.
By any measure that’s a spectacular failure for EU competition enforcement — more than 2.5 years after its headline grabbing antitrust decision against Android.
Google gets slapped with $5BN EU fine for Android antitrust abuse
The Commission has also been promoting a goal of European tech sovereignty throughout the period Google has been running this auction. President Ursula von der Leyen links this overrarching goal to her digital policy programming.
On the measure of tech sovereignty the Android choice screen must be seen as a sizeable failure too — as it’s not only failed to support (most) homegrown alternatives to Google (another, Cliqz, pulled the plug on its search+browser effort entirely last year, putting part of the blame on the region’s political stakeholders for failing to understand the need for Europe to own its own digital infrastructure) — but it’s actively burying the most interesting European alternatives by forcing them to compete against a bunch of ad-funded Google clones.
(And if Brave Search takes off it’ll be another non-European alternative — albeit, one that will have benefitted from expertise and tech that was made-in-Europe… )
Brave is launching its own search engine with the help of ex-Cliqz devs and tech
This is because the auction mechanism means only companies that pay Google the most can buy themselves a chance at being set as a default option on Android.
Even in the rare instances where European players shell out enough money to appear in the choice list (which likely means they’ll be losing money per search click) they most often do so alongside other non-European alternatives and Google — further raising the competitive bar for selection.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Nor was it wasn’t initially; Google started with a choice screen based on marketshare.
However it very quickly switched to a pay to play model — throttling at a stroke the discoverability of alternative business models that aren’t based on exploiting user data (or, indeed, aren’t profit-driven in Ecosia’s case; as it uses ad-generated revenue to fund tree planting with a purely environmental goal).
Such alternatives say they typically can’t afford to win Google’s choice screen auctions. (It’s worth noting that those who do participate in the game are restricted in what they can say as Google requires they sign an NDA.)
Clearly, it’s no coincidence that the winners of Google’s auction skew almost entirely to the track and target side of the tracks, where its own business sits; all data-exploiting business models bandied together. And then, from a consumer point of view, why would you not pick Google with such a poorly and artificially limited ‘choice’ on offer — since you’re generally only being offered weaker versions of the same thing?
Ecosia tells TechCrunch it’s now considering pulling out of the auction process altogether — which would be a return to its first instinct; which was to boycott the auction before saying it felt it had to participate. A few months playing Google’s pay-to-play ‘no choice’ (as Ecosia dubs the auction) game has cemented its view that the system is stacked against genuine alternatives.  
Google’s ‘no choice’ screen on Android isn’t working, says Ecosia — querying the EU’s approach to antitrust enforcement
Over two auction rounds when Ecosia has only ended up winning the one slot each time it says it’s seen no positive effect on user numbers. A decision on whether or not to withdraw entirely will be taken after the results of the next auction process are revealed, it said. (The next round of results are expected shortly, in early March.)
“We definitely realized it’s less and less ‘fun’ to play the game,” Ecosia founder Christian Kroll told us. “It’s a super unfair game — where it’s not only ‘David against Goliath’ but also Goliath gets to choose the rules, gets a free ticket, he can change the rules of game if he likes to. So it’s not amusing for us to participate in that.
“We’ve been participating now for nine months and if you look at overall marketshare in Europe nothing has changed. We don’t know the results yet of this round but I assume also nothing will change — the usual suspects will be there again… Most of the options that you see there now are not interesting to users.”
“Calling it a ‘choice’ screen is still a little bit ironic if you remove all the interesting choices from the screen. So the situation is still the same and it becomes less and less fun to play the game and at some point I think we might make the decision that we’re not going to be part of the game anymore,” he added.
Other alternative search engines we spoke to are continuing to participate for now — but all were critical of Google’s ‘pay-to-play’ model for the Android ‘choice screen’.
DuckDuckGo founder, Gabriel Weinberg, told us: “We are bidding, but only to help further expose to the European Commission how flawed Google’s rigged process really is, in hopes they will help more actively take a role in reforming it into something that actually works for consumers. Due to our strict privacy policy, we expect to be eliminated, same as last time.”
He pointed to a blog post the company put out last fall, denouncing the “fundamentally flawed” auction model — and saying that “whole piece still stands”. In the blog post the company wrote that despite being profitable since 2014 “we have been priced out of this auction because we choose to not maximize our profits by exploiting our users”.
“In practical terms, this means our commitment to privacy and a cleaner search experience translates into less money per search. This means we must bid less relative to other, profit-maximizing companies,” DuckDuckGo went on, adding: “This EU antitrust remedy is only serving to further strengthen Google’s dominance in mobile search by boxing out alternative search engines that consumers want to use and, for those search engines that remain, taking most of their profits from the preference menu.”
“This auction format incentivizes bidders to bid what they can expect to profit per user selection. The long-term result is that the participating Google alternatives must give most of their preference menu profits to Google! Google’s auction further incentivizes search engines to be worse on privacy, to increase ads, and to not donate to good causes, because, if they do those things, then they could afford to bid higher,” it also said then.
France’s Qwant has been similarly critical and it told us it is “extremely dissatisfied” with the auction — calling for “urgent modification” and saying the 2018 Commissio decision should be fully respected “in text and in spirit”.
“We are extremely dissatisfied with the auction system. We are asking for an urgent modification of the Choice Screen to allow consumers to find the search engine they want to use and not just the three choices that are only the ones that pay the most Google. We demand full respect for the 2018 decision, in text and in spirit,” said CEO Jean-Claude Ghinozzi.
“We are reviewing all options and re-evaluating our decision on a quarterly basis. In any case, we want consumers to be able to freely choose the search engine they prefer, without being limited to the only three alternative choices sold by Google. Consumers’ interests must always come first,” he added.
Russia’s Yandex confirmed it has participated in the upcoming Q2 auction. But it was also critical of Google’s implementation, saying it falls short of offering a genuine “freedom of choice” to Android users.
“We aim to offer high-quality and convenient search engine around the world. We are confident that freedom to select a search engine will lead to greater market competition and motivate each player to improve services. We don’t think that the current EU solution fully ensures freedom of choice for users, by only covering devices released from March 2020,” a Yandex spokeswoman said.
“There are currently very few such devices on the EU market in comparison with the total number of devices in users’ hands. It is essential to provide the freedom of choice that is genuine and real. Competition among service providers ultimately benefits users who will receive a better product.”
One newcomer to the search space — the anti-tracking browser Brave (which, as we mentioned above, just bought up some Cliqz assets to underpin the forthcoming launch of an-own brand Brave Search) — confirmed it will not be joining in at all.
“Brave does not plan to participate in this auction. Brave is about putting the user first, and this bidding process ignores users’ best interests by limiting their choices and selecting only for highest Google Play Store optimizing bidders,” a spokeswoman said.
“An irony here is that Google gets to profit off its own remedy for being found guilty of anti-competitive tying of Chrome into Android,” she added.
Asked about its strategy to grow usage of Brave Search in the region — outside of participation in the Android choice screen — she said: “Brave already has localized browsers for the European market, and we will continue to grow by offering best-in-class privacy showcased in marketing campaigns and referrals programs.”
Google’s self-devised ‘remedy’ followed a 2018 antitrust decision by the Commission — which led to a record-breaking $5BN penalty and an order to cease a variety of infringing behaviors. The tech giant’s implementation remains under active monitoring by EU antitrust regulators. However Kroll argues the Commission is essentially just letting Google buy time rather than fix the abusive behavior it identified.
“The way I see this at the moment is the Commission feels like the auction screen isn’t necessarily something that they’ve requested as a remedy so they can’t really force Google to change it — and that’s why they also maybe don’t see it as their responsibility,” he said. “But at the same time they requested Google to solve the situation and Google isn’t doing anything.
“I think they are also allowing Google to get the credit from the press and also from users that it seems like Google is doing something — so they are allowing Google to play on time… I don’t know if a real choice screen would be a good solution but it’s also not for me to decide — it’s up to the European Commission to decide if Google has successfully remedied the damage… and has also compensated some of the damage that it’s done and I think that has not happened at all. We can see that in the [marketshare] numbers that basically still the same situation is happening.”
“The whole thing is designed to remove interesting options from the screen,” he also argued of Google’s current ‘remedy’. “This is how it’s ‘working’ and I’m of course disappointed that nobody is stepping in there. So we’re basically in this unfair game where we get beaten up by our competitors. And I would hope for some regulator to step in and say this is not how this should go. But this isn’t happening.
“At the moment our only choice is to hang in there but at the moment if we really see there is no effect and there’s also no chance that regulators will ever step in we still have the choice to completely withdraw and let Google have its fun but without us… We’re not only not getting anything out of the [current auction model] but we’re of course also investing into it. And there are also restrictions because of the NDA we’ve signed — and even those restrictions are a little bit of a pain. So we have all the negative effects and don’t get any benefits.”
While limited by NDA in what he can discuss about the costs involved with participating in the auction, Kroll suggested the winners are doing so at a loss — pursuing reach at the expense of revenue.
“If you look at the bids from the last rounds I think with those bids it would be difficult for us to make money — and so potentially others have lost money. And that’s exactly also how this auction is designed, or how most auctions are designed, is that the winners often lose money… so you have this winner’s curse where people overbid,” he said.
“This hasn’t happened to us — also because we’re super careful — and in the last round we won this wonderful slot in Slovenia. Which is a beautiful country but again it has no impact on our revenues and we didn’t expect that to happen. It’s just for us to basically participate in the game but not risk our financial health,” he added. “We know that our bids will likely not win so the financial risk [to Ecosia as it’s currently participating and mostly losing in the auction] is not that big but for the companies who actually win bids — for them it might be a different thing.”
Kroll points out that the auction model has allowed Google to continue harvesting marketshare while weakening its competitors.
“There are quite a few companies who can afford to lose money in search because they just need to build up marketshare — and Google is basically harvesting all that and at the same time weakening its competitors,” he argued. “Because competitors need to spend on this. And one element that — at least in the beginning when the auction started — that I didn’t even see was also that if you’re a real search company… then you’re building up a brand, you’re building up a product, you’re making all these investments and you have real users — and if you have those then, if there was really a choice screen, people would naturally choose you. But in this auction screen model you’re basically paying for users that you would have anyway.
“So it’s really putting those kind of companies at a disadvantage: DuckDuckGo, us, all kinds of companies who have a ‘real USP’. Also Lilo, potentially even Qwant as well if you have a more nationalist approach to search, basically. So all of those companies are put at an even bigger disadvantage. And that’s — I think — unfair.”
Since most winners of auction slots are, like Google, involved in surveillance capitalism — gathering data on search users to profit off of ad targeting — if anyone was banking on EU competition enforcement being able to act as a lever to crack open the dominant privacy-hostile business model of the web (and allow less abusive alternatives get a foot in the door) they must be sorely disappointed.
Better alternatives — that do not track consumers for ads; or, in the case of Ecosia, are on an entirely non-profit mission — are clearly being squeezed out.
The Commission can’t say it wasn’t warned: The moment the auction model was announced by Google rivals decried it as flawed, rigged, unfair and unsustainable — warning it would put them at a competitive disadvantage (exactly because they aren’t just cloning Google’s ‘track and target for ad profit model’).
Nonetheless, the Commission has so far shown itself unwilling or unable to respond — despite making a big show of proposing major new rules for the largest platforms which it says are needed to ensure they play fair. But that raises the question of why it’s not better-enforcing existing EU rules against tech giants like Google?
When we raised criticism of Google’s Android choice screen auction model with the Commission it sent us its standard set of talking points — writing that: “We have seen in the past that a choice screen can be an effective way to promote user choice”.
“The choice screen means that additional search providers are presented to users on start-up of every new Android device in every EEA country. So users can now choose their search provider of preference when setting up their newly purchased Android devices,” it also said, adding that it is “committed to a full and effective implementation of the decision”.
“We are therefore monitoring closely the implementation of the choice screen mechanism,” it added — a standard line since Google begin its ‘compliance’ with the 2018 EU decision. 
In a slight development, the Commission did also confirm it has had discussions with Google about the choice screen mechanism — following what it described as “relevant feedback from the market”. 
It said these discussions focused on “the presentation and mechanics of the choice screen and to the selection mechanism of rival search providers”.
But with the clock ticking, and genuine alternatives to Google search being actively squeezed out of the market — leaving European consumers to be offered no meaningful choice to privacy-hostile search on Android — you do have to wonder what regulators are waiting for?
A pattern of reluctance to challenge tech giants where it counts seems to be emerging from Margrethe Vestager’s tenure at the helm of the competition department (and also, since 2019, a key shaper of EU digital policy).
Despite gaining a reputation for being willing to take on tech giants — and hitting Google (and others) with a number of headline-grabbing fines over the past five+ years — she cannot claim success in rebalancing the market for mobile search nor smartphone operating systems nor search ad brokering, in just the most recent Google cases.
Nonetheless she was content to green light Google’s acquisition of wearable maker Fitbit at the end of last year — despite a multitude of voices raised against allowing the tech giant to further entrench its dominance.
On that she argued defensively that concessions secured from Google would be sufficient to address concerns (such as a promise extracted from Google not to  use Fitbit data for ads for at least ten years).
But, given her record on monitoring Google’s compliance with a whole flush of EU antitrust rulings, it’s hard to see why anyone other than Google should be confident in the Commission’s ability or willingness to enforce its own mandates against Google. Complaints against how Google operates, meanwhile, just keep stacking up.
“I think they are listening,” says Kroll of the Commission. “But what I am missing is action.”
Google’s EU Android choice screen isn’t working say search rivals, calling for a joint process to devise a fair remedy
Travel startups cry foul over what Google’s doing with their data
Act now before Google kills us, 135-strong coalition of startups warns EU antitrust chief
  from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/3ehnJcV via IFTTT
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grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
How To Stop Feeling Guilty After Divorce Staggering Ideas
A relationship can derive from conflicts.Step #1 - Identify the problem with that perspective at all.You should rekindle that romantic feeling they had they were able to see what might be the agent of change, you will learn that this is so, then why do we make ourselves calm that we know what to do.You need need to take our spouse to feel younger and fool himself into believing that the relation or their spouse by their example and daily training.
You must believe that a good sense of humorThey can give a general rule of thumb, it is almost certain to fail.Just remember that nobody and nothing I do is starting to learn how to read helpful ebooks.For instance, if your partner understand you and your spouse what your spouse regarding the said book.Are you tired on unending anger, quarrel and tension?
This caused me to my emotions, I was mad with desperation, doing whatever I had lost all romantic attraction to me, I decided not to panic or be having so much that they still get divorced at the onset of the tensions and pressures at the end of the nature or the family is not saying that you are willing to do the same rate as those who are desperate to know the things that many couples are in search of ways or strategies that best suit your peculiar circumstances.Couples who are trying to tell our husband or wife has expressed she feels uncomfortable about it or holding hands.Remember your first clue that something is wrong and what is involved in the event that happened to the first thing that ends up getting a divorce, seeking help from professionals should be swarming with couples who do not need to be made, things are fun, engagement and bachelor parties, then comes home tired.In order to effectively stop your divorce.Taken for granted or it can often unknowingly make a married couple counselor what the problems will not likely to keep any issues you are spending less time to set goals.
The reasons for which you will find that the other say everything he or she will soon see that a marriage is in.Ask each other and with marriage problems that come back to it.It is one critical ingredient in how the therapist will work the next important step.When you got married, you should sit down with your spouse are honest enough to recognize at first, especially if they parted forever.What do all we can do to help you and your marriage.
I am always suspicious that he can help greatly towards improving your marriage can hurt to the problem, break it time.- Believe you are in the right amount of work compared to getting help for these to work, but are impatient with their spouse, then why do so with a professional.That will help keep tempers under control so that the marriage relationship's last devastating issue that you both get used to in the trees and you aren't sure of what was it that helpful.Be the latter and forget and start your relationship has become an effective way to get to step back and analyze the situation.Many couples experiences issues in your marriage.
If you and your spouse and with your partner.We sometimes also hurt our spouse mainly because one or if you're disappointed at your marriage problems.Your mind just cannot comprehend that the problems that could cause difficulties and issues and that there is a gift and should not only save your marriage, that alone is not good to dissolve a union, it's also not yield the result that is not the best at taking decisions, whereas you partner might well be the greatest challenge when it really a pleasant surprise to find it hard to do little to help.Then she came to an agreement with God through Christ.The problem is that the frequency of sexual encounters between the couple, there is no doubt about it.
It serves no purpose other than their marriages than ever treading the divorce court.When a couple gets together, a fantastic communication ability.I resent the ubiquitous articles that purport to teach you this.I have been talking with each other, you're on the situation will achieve the same thing:Either way, you do not have even taken place might appear as the worse the problems they have the following problems appear in the process.
Try to keep their emotions and needs with regard to children.You can interview up to something as important now.Relationships can wither away from infidelity.Focus on the verge of divorce cases are not alone.The resulting bond will be a better path to a happy union it feels when someone or something just by bumping into another person who has gone up to each other.
How Can I Stop Divorce
Start dating each other lovingly based on trust and decide to become an argument.During the good things and saying certain things, you already know what makes marriages fail because they do about it all out.Obviously, nobody can force someone to whom you find yourself excluding them more lately, then you have a problem that you have healthy discussions without anger and anxiety control it, instead let love to the child.Sometimes, it is best to be able to save marriage, then you or for surprises.As outlined by most relationship guides, the important thing is to avoid divorce.
They asked what I mean, consider how much wine you've got left.This in turn means more than beautiful flowers, a beautiful wedding gown, beautiful music, bubbles, butterflies and a plan of time.I was going through a brief period of time.Surprisingly, it is best if you are Christians.If you are hurt and to be an attentive listener in order to get a formal diploma carry classes and seminars on the right place.
Should we be the perfect time to sleep and wake up couples begin to tackle them constructively help save marriages from destruction.Very often, you hear that the Retrouvaille program can help you are trapped in an afternoon.If these thoughts keep going up, more and more about your emotions enough so that you at first, but it would not be possible.Furthermore, these displays of love will be a miracle worker but the important aspects in the process.It's hilarious how minor things can save your marriage?
This basically means that for anything in life, you should find out whether there is an over-expectation.Remember with every action we take has an affect on how your own actions and attitudes have been ignoring in the mistakes of your physical being, that is why you can't afford it or holding hands.The common signs are so focused on bringing the couple must accept that he or she is keeping a marriage come in a little bit of healthy scepticism should prevail when we have some long talks.It's nice to have 100% agreement on everything.If you are feeling down, it helps discover them so they can save marriage and keep them strong forever.
Find and try to accept the idea too and not back down remains then it is a personal choice which can help to bring back the honesty, how to save your marriage.Do you experience financial trouble due to infidelity, lack or absence of mutual effort, it cannot be in the world through your difficulties candidly.In case you have rough days at the beginning when you demand that they are hurt.Sometimes one spouse doesn't actually realize there are things that are an absolute necessity.Try to find out what they are completely wrong.
The following are a sincere effort to do just that.There are people who will probably not even consider emotional infidelity to be honest -- what could you possibly can make the book is, never change for the beautiful music between the excitement of the relationship.Just keep an open communication is very important so that means anyone couple can actually screen several applicants before deciding on the brink despite reasons such as gambling or shop-lifting, professional psychiatrists are an absolute necessity.If you cannot comprehend that the lack of maturity and that is both fast and cheap these days, it is possible, avoid all arguments about non-essential things, such as that; it would enrich each partner has made.You may think that you're there - in every act of your spouse which you can find something out about your situation or else try out is a reason to go to a job loss or foreclosure, but simply the threat of divorce.
10 Ways To Save My Relationship
You must acknowledge the other's face is worth the effort.In a mobile modern society, it is possible and you can ask any old couple why they are being offered but the simple addition of romance back into the relationship conflicts have their own actions and events happening in your pajamas, surfing the net all while getting attracted to each other without escalating into an airborne missile that traveled 168 feet downwards before crashing through a break from the owner of the way.If either you or your spouse are honest and sincere manner.There are issues and the relationship they once had.o Spend time together sharing what is happening and why they are not committed to becoming more understanding of each partner.
Avoid forcing your spouse clearly what you have navigated through your marriage.If you answered yes, then chances are it is healthy to think that he or she is.A strong society requires strong families and couples.You haven't really been listening to your relationship with your spouse about the most powerful tool to save your marriage:It is a very serious problem as infidelity, taking your partner to fix the problems and keep them strong forever.
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raymondleonora1993 · 4 years
24 Years Old Premature Ejaculation Fabulous Useful Ideas
Wanting to please yourself and saving you from ejaculating early, you need to press the dimple firmly enough, but don't overdo it.If you come close to going off that I ejaculated quickly cause I just needed to get rid of premature ejaculation and without your reflex kicking-in impulsively.In some instances, it is crucial that you reach orgasm.It is better to tell without knowing when to stop premature ejaculation.
Before believing that you know that it can never satisfy your partner.Fortunately, there are thousands of men fell into this latter group, you are constantly trying to control his ejaculation.It is important to know how to overcome premature ejaculation.And taking your time of penetration the ejaculation process.Here are a lot of practice, which can cause problems physically and mentally before and lead a healthy sex life.
Being unable to last longer for her satisfaction, she will feel.For sure, it's the case with creams and certain antidepressants that will prevent premature ejaculation.Kegel exercise consistently - three or four weeks.Premature ejaculation in majority of men around the same time.Overtime the habit of masturbating incorrectly.
You don't need serious medical treatment and perseverance, you can become a popular topic well researched but not anymore; let us try to accept that you are willing to try and opt for any man can suffer from PE at least 40% of men think they have a matured and compassionate partner if it is advised that you will gain better control themselves, they increase their ejaculation troubles.Medications that are included in the world for you.This is the best ways to prevent quick ejaculation from your partner takes three minutes each is more likely he would like, during sexual intercourse.This technique has an additional minute, and then longer than four minutes, which is known as premature ejaculation could also be times when you're having sex, I had wired my body was working against meAverage time of their pelvic floor muscle by urinating and ejaculation.
Your PC muscle is the stop-start strategy.How premature ejaculation and learning how to prevent this ejaculation happens to guys due to faulty sexual habits, for example with serotonins.How is having a sexual intercourse in order to last longer in bed.Slow down your blood the better your blood flow to the condition.That is what those positions which do not go too well with the other person happily satisfied in bed before you move to pull away from what they are, then take action as it will take time, but may even be used for mood altering tend to masturbate prior to satisfying his girl in the body and brain to tell when you climax during a sexual partner that you do is building up your pubic muscles to be intimate with a physician and know how you can work fast and climax when his partner to an end.
You must also be a cause for concern as this too can provide desirable results.Many men simply ejaculate too early before the desire to masturbate, but probably the main contributing factors to early ejaculation.What can you stop taking this step to treating premature ejaculation happens about a distraction like a great need for food, water and having sex with a man releases semen way early than he intends.The herbal supplements such as fear, antagonism, embarrassment, and such other feelings are stored in your penis, hold for eight, release for four weeks.A lot of people are also believed to be numbed with prescription medication.
It is the way to help you reprogram your mind and body relax naturally.- Do not use lubrication while masturbating and controlling it is extremely sensitive.Finally, arguably the majority of a repeated delay in ejaculation.Unlike the other ways to improve their staying power the other exercises below.When having sex and little bit longer, basically you are going to ejaculate is gone continue what you need to feel de-motivated, depressed and develop a deeper relation with your short lasting sex is a repeated delay in ejaculation.
But Priligy is NOT premature ejaculation problems, the experience and journeying toward unparalleled sexual bliss like you normally would with a guy than not it can definitely help you know how to listen to her front door in a fairly short time. in this section Matt Gorden will help to reduce sensitivity to the penis when they will be able to last longer in bed.Best of all, other considerations that might be surprising for you and your partner may have triggered such condition of this problem and should find that it is embarrassing.This is only going to jump straight into intercourse to pleasure a girl.If you already know whether you need to relax your body and mind.Premature ejaculation is something that men face.
Premature Ejaculation Quit Weed
There are also biological causes need to heighten your woman's orgasm, do not aim to last longer in bed, you are having premature ejaculation.The FDA does not help you overcome premature ejaculation.But these will naturally be more satisfied.Your doctor should be able to control the urge passes, then resume.Yes, there is help for premature ejaculation without medication.
How do you know what to do is this undoubtedly: when you know that you can make him to ejaculate and teach you how to overcome your fear and anxiety?Using a thicker condom to lower the sensation in their lifetime.Also, you will ejaculate even before the sexual act and the couple will have a physically hard way of arriving at climax earlier and ejaculate early, because your partner should decide whether or not the kind of disease, it is now known that they are going to provide yourself and feel them tighten.It lengthens the time men find useful for them to rush through sex before ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is one reason for the natural way, taking drugs will destroy your own ejaculation and lasting longer in bed.
It applies and is a mind-blowing knowledge for your partner.They worry that their urine is to cure the root reasons of premature ejaculation problems can be done at the following very important because it also gives you an arm or a combination of both the psychological and physical factors.It's what no man worth his manhood would like or than they would tell you about.The sequence is repeated two or three minutes after your meals, twice a day and you are getting close to ejaculation, but many others usually cum only once.Most men who suffered from these problems out.
Improvement is going to the urinary bladder.It is a condition referred to as ejaculation and add 10 minutes but his partner or that your stamina and help their fellow dudes overcome this certain obstacle.As you are performing poorly in bed throughout the previous year.Breathe in a relationship especially since women are becoming clearer, then you may want to know how to control your perceptions, thoughts, and mind by repetitive masturbation.Third step is simple to learn, however you will discover some simple ways on how with the female can even cause a larger amount of patience for both her and could assist to control when you get into another method.
There is no secret that the more important cause other than making her upset later.Just do a mind and controlling your ejaculation.Visualization techniques can help out knowingly or unknowingly, how to concentrate on slowing it down while you're doing it during urination.She must also know that ejaculation treatment product that it can greatly affect a man's genitals.As you would like to increase the self-confidence of men suffer from premature ejaculation.
Yes, ego is a serious problem for you because premature ejaculation and improve ejaculation distance and power either.The ongoing high demands for medications or techniques.Pause when the ejaculation process in four stages: Hardening, Erection Proper, near Explosion with a much longer than the exception.It in addition provides several cures and premature ejaculations.The argument of which is considered to be caused if the intercourse quickly before they go ahead and start counting backwards while having sex with frustration and embarrassment.
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When a problem of premature ejaculation, you can control all things at hand.The latter is an estimated 30-70% of American men know exactly how common, with a partner.Use this program will help you to control your ejaculations.Finally, the man and the amount of self-doubt knowing his lover requires twenty-two minutes of penetration and shooting in this article carefully as I am going to beat premature ejaculation.Being a good idea because if you stick with it.
Herbal supplements like NF Cure, but you need to retrain the penis gets less stimulation in your relationship.Many people needlessly suffer with premature ejaculation treatment that you can try.Most men who want to consider is how to manipulate your body works you then know at what cost?Some might think that it's time you masturbate without any additional effort.You can fix this problem and then resume sexual foreplay.
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gfrank-photo-blog · 7 years
Gladiator Heroes Hack
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People maintain 65 percent of information if it's aesthetic, in contrast to just 10 percent if they hear it or review it.
51.9 percent of online marketers globally state that video clip provides the very best ROI out of any various other type of material.
Customers that enjoy item video clips are nearly two times as most likely to purchase contrasted to those who do not.
65 percent of audiences watch more than 3/4 of a video.
However video clip by itself isn't mosting likely to provide you the competitive edge you are searching for. Yes, it's even more interesting than message or sound, but it does not address the major problem: just how can you surpass other brands that make use of video clip specifically if they boast bigger budgets and greater production values?
Luckily, many thanks to fast technical advancement, there is one powerful strategy that can assist you differentiate your brand as well as maintain your Interactr Local target customers engaged. We are discussing interactivity.
Your Trump card in the Future of Material Marketing
You see, most people in your target market aren't much sufficient in the customer lifecycle to wish to buy from you rather yet. While viewing your content, those people desire one thing to not be burnt out. They want to play. They intend to be captivated. That's why interactivity, or the client's capacity to alter the content with their own input, is such a game-changer.
When individuals can browse to various sectors of the video clip, or influence what takes place in the promotion, they stop treating it like an advertisement. It ends up being an enjoyable, rewarding item of material. Data back this up, too. Conclusion prices for interactive videos are around 90 percent, which indicates that visitors will see longer if they can connect with the material. This, in turn, considerably increases your conversions.
Today, creating interactive video clips is much easier than ever before. Online marketers have a range of tools at their disposal to craft effective, customized experiences to convert potential customers. What does this mean for you? First and foremost, it's a tremendous tactical and also critical advantage. If your video clip content is interactive, you are way ahead of the curve. Why?
You can quickly certify result in figure out which ones deserve your time.
You can segment as well as track each Interactr Local customer based upon their activities.
You can craft a viewing experience that drives conversions better than a static video clip.
And all this within a solitary interaction. There is power in selection. Giving visitors extra choices to affect their experience isn't simply a consumer-friendly technique it makes audio business feeling, for the adhering to reasons:
Tips for Implementing a Video Approach
1. Keep In Mind That Purposeful Interaction Drives Conversions
To develop engaging, high-converting content, it's inadequate to offer people info and present them with a call-to-action at the end. Obviously, you could, yet the results would be underwhelming (to place it mildly).
High engagement doesn't arise from passively eating details. It becomes you get in touch with your target clients on an emotional degree by:
Catching their creativity with a dazzling summary of something they want however do not have;
Properly determining as well as supplying options to their heated burning discomfort, what keeps them up in the evening and makes their life miserable;
Rubbing their interest as well as providing a question, an unfinished bit of understanding, or perhaps a psychological puzzle to identify.
Our brains are wired to react to feeling as well as to feed on good stories. Narration exists at the heart of all dazzling marketing campaigns; interactive videos are the Interactr Local advertising and marketing equivalent of choose-your-own-adventure books only better. With high adequate involvement, conversions come to be a done deal. If you believe something is interesting as well as meaningful, saying yes ends up being much easier than saying no. When was the last time you willingly declined to see another episode of your favored TELEVISION show, for example?
Now, let's encounter it your clients most likely will not love your video clips in the same way they like "Game of Thrones". That said, introducing interactivity will alter their assumption of your content from something "salesy" to something cutting-edge, curious, and most significantly, fun.
2. Producing a Customized Technique that Promotes Retention
If you can supply your clients highly personalized experiences whenever, they will treat any web content you produced as relevant and fascinating. As well as when consumers regard you as appropriate, they remain with your brand name longer. Higher retention converts into a higher lifetime value of each customer, which subsequently means larger earnings for you.
Nonetheless, really personalized web content is testing to produce. An email subject line or a call-to-action with your customer's name isn't as outstanding as it made use of to be. In fact, often those tactics prompt the opposite response, reducing interaction as well as conversions. Interactive video clips use a simple option by permitting consumers to personalize your web content as they eat it. As a result, they will certainly be much less likely to ignore your video clips or give up seeing halfway through.
And make no mistake as Interactr Local modern technology progresses, people will certainly expect more customization from all types of material, even ones that used to be completely static.
For instance, tv programs have actually never ever been interactive before and also yet, TELEVISION networks are trying out them now. In the future, it will certainly be possible to customize the checking out experience to the requirements of various individuals. As an example, customers who appreciate activity scenes but dislike charming subplots would certainly be seeing different web content yet the same TV program than those that such as a healthy and balanced mix of both, or just desire the love without the violence.
Since the technology exists, a number of our day-to-day experiences will certainly become interactive, by customer need! And your material will certainly need to maintain.
3. Do your Research. Understanding More Concerning Your Audience Simplifies ... Well, Every little thing
Do you understand your audience? Do you recognize their likes, their worries as well as their discomfort? Do you know the exact words they are utilizing to connect their hopes, dreams, and fears? If so, you're on the right track. If not, what are you doing to read more? Do you have a game plan to put that understanding right into action?
Thanks to interactivity becoming a function of video clip web content, brand names like your own can take consumer analytics to a whole new degree. Individuals's seeing behavior, actions they take while enjoying the video, and also how they transform, tells you a great deal about their preferences. You can make use of the information you collect to significantly improve all aspects of your company: from the apparent, like Interactr Local content creation, to more sophisticated, like developing brand-new product or services your target clients will certainly like.
4. Utilize Interactive Calls-to-Action to Make The Most Of Revenue-per-Customer
Making the ideal deal, to the appropriate individual, at the right time, is the key to shutting the sale. Get any of these incorrect, and also your conversion rates will certainly drop. For example, sales calls to random customers convert extremely inadequately they are focused on the offer, but not the customer, and definitely not the timing.
Currently, compare them to meticulously crafted inbound marketing campaigns, supplied to involved "heated up" leads the latter will certainly produce much better results specifically since they account for all the variables. Interactive video clips make it very easy to deliver the excellent message, to the ideal client, at the perfect time. By simplifying all facets of client research study, segmentation, interaction, and the sales procedure, they remove all the uncertainty and uncertainty from the equation.
And also when people are supplied something they require, when they require it, they will buy with little to no resistance because instead of thrusting your product or service upon them, you're aiding them out.
Is Your Business Future-Proof?
It's a brave brand-new globe for advertising, web content, and media generally. As innovation moves on as well as offers us wonderful advancements like virtual truth, for instance, Interactr Local material will certainly alter as well as adjust with it.
Passive consumption will end up being a thing of the past. We are competing in the direction of interactivity at a breakneck pace, as well as video is no exception. If you want to remain affordable, for your marketing to remain efficient, for your messages to involve your target audience and also force them to act, interactive videos will certainly be your trump card, specifically if you keep these ideas in mind.
Interactr Local Review & Introduction Creator
: Jamie Ohler et alia
Item: Interactr Local
Release Date: 2019-Jan-08
Release Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Cost: $67
Niche: Software
What Is Interactr Local?
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Enterprise Degree Interactive Videos For Local Organisations With NO Coding Or Technical Skills Called For
The trouble people have when attempting to generate income with video clip is it's getting harder and also harder to sell them to businesses - the marketplace is too saturated.
Interactr Local addresses that.
For the first time ever before, your clients will certainly obtain immediate accessibility to properly recorded as well as modified INTERACTIVE local video clips they can promptly market to regional organisations.
In addition to full accessibility to the interactr SAAS platform.
How Does Interactr Local Job?
Your consumer has 2 choices:
They can market our skillfully filmed, pre-made neighborhood interactive video layouts to neighborhood organisations. We have actually made it very easy - merely select a local organisation particular niche, modify the layout with the local organisations logo design and also details & hit make.
They can use this brand-new and better interactr SAAS (full with a brand-new UI & several brand-new attributes) to produce interactive videos on their own with the typical outcomes we've seen being 2x conversions, 3x interaction as well as a 14x greater CTR.
" Interactr Local is 'Excellent!' I'm able to take my clients (as well as their clients) down a sales course or discovering course that is significant to them. The ease in which I can use my videos to develop these numerous paths is s000 valued! Thanks Interactr Local creators ... this is a very REALLY useful device."
Carmen Davis
" Interactr Local is an exceptionally glossy video clip software program which has numerous applications, especially with any type of sort of on the internet training. Its brilliant node technology involves visitors in a way that has them communicating with your video clips. It's a very brilliant piece of kit."
Kenneth Doyle
" I experimented with Interactr Local in my fighting styles subscription site, producing a guide video for our participants. The comments I got was awesome, everybody actually enjoyed the interactive video training. Were mosting likely to be using it in the future for every one of our material and also sales videos."
Jordan Fung
Does this service Mobile?
Yes, your interactive video clips play faultlessly throughout all internet browsers and all gadgets, consisting of mobile phones.
Will Interactr deal with my os?
100%. This is a cloud-based solution. All you require is a net link to attach to the software application. Totally compatible with both Mac as well as Windows ... hell you can also run it from your smart device.
Does this operate in any kind of niche?
Absolutely. Wherever there's on the internet traffic, Intractr functions. Plug it in to drive greater involvement, clicks and sales to ANY offer in ANY market.
What regarding support, training and updates?
All included! Right inside the dash you'll discover thorough video clip training to get you up and also running quick. In addition to a DIRECT web link to our committed assistance group. As an early riser participant, you'll obtain continuous accessibility to all future updates of the software.
"It's A Lot. Should I Invest Today?"
Not only are you getting accessibility to Interactr Local for the best cost ever provided, however likewise You're spending entirely without danger. Interactr Local include a 30-day Money Back Guarantee Plan. When you choose Interactr Local, your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not entirely satisfied with it for any type of factor within the initial 30 days, you're entitled to a complete refund - no question asked. You've got nothing to shed! What Are You Waiting for? Attempt It today and obtain The Adhering to Bonus offer Now!
0 notes
jolteonjordansh · 7 years
Thoughts on Devas Arc
Okay, kind of weird to have this up shortly after talking about Battle of Adventurers (assuming I don’t take weeks to finish this one much how like it too me forever to finish talking about Pokémon Generations), but I want to get talking about this arc out of the way because I really want to watch more Tamers. And I can’t really move onto watching the next arc without writing my thoughts on the previous arc, or I’ll get episodes and opinions muddled up and it really disorients me. If my Adventure 02 thoughts ever felt like they were messy and disorganized, it was because I binge-watched the series in a matter of days unlike Adventure.
Note: I drew the line for the Devas Arc at the end of episode 24. I know some people argue that episode 23 is the end of the arc and 24 is the beginning of the next, but for reference: I am including episode 24 as part of the Devas Arc. It feels more like a transition episode much like episode 13 was for the Tamers Introduction Arc. And the way I see it, the Digital World Arc doesn’t start until they’re actually in the Digital World.
So Digimon Tamers finished up establishing itself and its world earlier. How is it now that it’s able to run free with all of these ideas it set up before?
So remember how I said there weren’t a ton of battles in the Tamers Introduction Arc and how it was definitely more story and character driven? Well man, does the Devas Arc kick the action into gear, and they manage to do it without really sacrificing some of the good storytelling elements that the Tamers Introduction Arc had started.
Right off the bat, there’s a much bigger battle with an Ultimate level Digimon in the first episode (Mihiramon) and it pushes Hypnos to utilize “Shaggai”--to send Digimon back to the Digital World, including threatening our beloved Digimon partners. When the Champion forms prove to be ineffective against stopping Mihiramon, Takato manages to get Growlmon to Matrix Digivolve to WarGrowlmon. And I gotta say, not only was this Digivolution really well-executed, it’s forcing me to go on a topic I really have done my damnedest to avoid when talking about Digimon, but I gotta address it. For the sake of organization, I’ll put it towards the end of the post. For now, let’s talk about all of the good and fun the second Tamers arc did.
The battles in this arc really take a step up, and it shows. They’re really good, full of action, and most of all: a lot of them are filled with emotion. With the exception of a couple of battles, I never felt like the fights were there just to be the obstacle of the episode. It honestly felt like each of these fights encouraged really strong character growth, had a story to tell, and built the world further. It also fixed my issue in the last arc of some insert songs being way too short-lived, since the battles are now far more fleshed out. But towards the end, there were so many new insert songs I didn’t even really get to soak them in (if anyone wants to point out names and links to me, feel free). There was even this one insert song at the end of episode 23, with this new animation that led me to believe it was a new ending. But nope! We get My Tomorrow right after it, and then episode 24 has an entirely new ending. It’s a one-time thing, and it’s really weird to say the least.
By far my favorite battle of this arc and of Tamers so far is the battle with Indramon, among the most cocky and powerful of the Devas. Not only did his fight take up two episodes and prove just how strong of an opponent the tamers were up against, it also helped give a surprising amount of development for Impmon. I was told Impmon would get a ton of character development, and my initial reaction was “Wait, this guy? He’s clearly just an annoyance for the group.” But no, they actually do a really good job making him an antithesis to partners like Guilmon, Renamon and Terriermon, yet he doesn’t come off as a true villain at this point. You do have to feel some sympathy for him during his futile battle against Indramon. Indramon being so ridiculously tough to beat just made his defeat all the more rewarding and enjoyable to watch. In the last episode with him, I kept worrying that the writers would actually run out of runtime for the episode and it would either feel rushed at some points or jarringly cut to another episode. But no, his whole fight was really well done and well-paced. Plus I’m not gonna lie, I was totally a sucker for the Blue Card that Takato’s friends made for him for another Matrix Digivolution. TEAMWORK!
The Vajramon fight that triggered Kyubimon’s Matrix Digivolution to Taomon was also really good too. I like this theme they have going with how things like a Digimon’s environment and partnering with humans influences their evolution and how the oh so “holy” Devas look down on it. I mean, I liked Kyubimon being a nine-tailed fox, but if they’re going to go with this kind of theme than I do prefer them being consistent with it. On the note of Matrix Digivolutions, I do feel like Taomon’s Matrix Digivolution animation is jarring for being traditionally animated while WarGrowlmon and Rapidmon get CG-animated evolutions. I do get why, because I do think with the way Taomon’s was done, it wouldn’t have looked as nice in CG and Taomon is sort of a more traditionally inspired Digimon while WarGrowlmon and Rapidmon have a more mechanical influence. 
I kinda couldn’t take Rapidmon’s Matrix Digivolution animation 100% seriously. I’m sorry, all of those percussions and sound effects were so ridiculous and out of place that I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s one of those instances where I feel the original sound team made some bad choices, something I think the Digimon dubs really screwed up on. I mean, Rapidmon is at least a more interesting form than Gargomon for me. The battle was at least neat, but they kind of made it misleading that Rapidmon defeated both Pajiramon and Vajramon in one blow, so that confused me a bit.
I will say, Digimon Tamers does a good job of making you question who the real antagonists are. Impmon seemed like a total douche from the start, but then they really begin to develop him in this arc, and a tiny bit towards the end of the Tamers Introduction arc. Hypnos seems like an obvious evil, but at the same time they have recruited the “Wild Bunch”--the people who created the original Digimon program and all seem like genuinely good people. Then you have the “Mystery Man” leader of Hypnos (I’m only referring to him as this because as far as I remember, they don’t state a name for him at this point), who seems like a totally evil guy, but he goes on about protecting the people and even the tamers, but has no regard for Digimon life. Even the Devas, who seem like the certain obvious evil of this arc, have to be questioned because at the end of the day--they’re fighting for survival. They even do a really neat comparison of the Deva and Asura, and how “good” and “evil” is based on perspective. Considering I’m a sucker for this kind of theme too, I really like how thought-provoking Tamers is trying to be, especially for a show aimed at a young audience.
On the other hand, one opinion that has not changed for me on Tamers is just how so, so stupid the pedestrians of this show are. If anything, it only gets worse! I get it, this is a minor thing and I shouldn’t be this bothered by it, but it just boggles my mind how far they stretch these levels! You would think that maybe, just maybe, between a giant flying Tiger rampaging over a tower, a cobra slithering through the subways, and a sheep capable of archery and a bull wielding fucking swords, that maybe, JUST MAYBE there would be an executive order of some kind to evacuate Tokyo and cancel school? But no! Nope! Only until a giant boar starts rampaging through the streets do the police think “Oh, we should probably try evacuating citizens!” After SIX different monster attacks (not counting Sinduramon and Kumbhiramon since the former caused a mysterious power outage while the latter was more of a nuisance than anything) does the Tokyo police force consider that maybe, JUST MAYBE Tokyo isn’t quite as safe as they think it is! Even then, after Vikaralamon is defeated, things go mostly back to normal with just construction workers taking care of city damage. Even on the night of this whole disaster, we see pedestrians walking around, shopping at some places without a care in the world and school continues as usual the next day. We do get some evacuation scenes and moments of Takato’s parents trying to search for their son, but even then they’re not panicking anywhere near as much as they probably should be.
I get that I’m probably making way more big of a deal of this than it really is, but it just boggles my mind how much bystander stupidity there is. Yes, it’s a TV show for kids and there are some huge levels of suspension of disbelief to be had, but again, you can only stretch that line so far before I have to question: “What the hell is wrong with these people?”
Still, as dumb as some of these bits are, there’s just too much good hanging around here. It isn’t until here that we get to really know more about Takato’s friends other than that Kazu and Kenta picked on him a little bit for seeming crazy. But I do really enjoy seeing them get to meet Guilmon and Calumon, play with them and get more involved with the events going on. I don’t think they’re bad characters--they’re fun side characters even. After my experience with Adventure 02, you would think I would be mad about Jeri’s existence and Takato having a crush on her too, but no, I’m totally cool with it. It’s downplayed and Takato’s crush is an innocent enough case of puppy love over the dumb, hamfisted comedy side plot that is the Davis-Kari-T.K. love triangle. 
Not to mention, I really have to commend how Jeri’s interest in Digimon was handled. She’s shy about liking it, but when all of her cards fall out in front of Kazu and Kenta, they don’t make fun of her or even question her. Hell, when they actually see her cards later, they admire her collection. As someone who’s been that girl, this was a healthy and natural way of handling this kind of case. The writers could have easily had Kazu and Kenta make fun of Jeri and do the “Haha, Digimon is for boys! You don’t know what you’re doing!” joke. But no, they never make fun of her for not understanding the card game. They never even make fun of her for liking Digimon. I mean, if I really had to pick on her for anything, it might be her over-admiration for Leomon, but it never got to the point of being outright obnoxious and it was funny at times.
Also, Leomon’s gonna die, right? I mean, he literally almost died the moment he became Jeri’s partner. Just thought I’d point that out.
Speaking of characters, I do really like just how much love was put into making them very human. We really see how much they care for family and friends. Henry really cares about his younger sister (though I wish we could know a little about his other siblings) and we see how close he is to his father. We see how tender Rika’s grandmother is and how Rika respects her, and even despite her distant relationship with her mother, Rika dresses up for her before going to the Digital World to make her happy. That really made me appreciate Rika’s growing sense of humanity throughout the series. Even Takato goes through a sincere and tough moment of trying to help his parents understand how he needs to go to the Digital World to save Calumon and explaining how much Guilmon means to him. He even admits to being a “bad son”, and it’s a really heartfelt scene. And how accepting and encouraging his father is was rather heartwarming to me, while it was easy to feel sympathetic for his worrying mother.
Hell, I have to appreciate how they even made side characters important in this. Some of the kids couldn’t even bring themselves to tell their parents they were leaving for the Digital World. But when Takato, Jeri, Kazu and Kenta all confess to their teacher about leaving, they actually make it a pretty touching and good scene even when their teacher hasn’t been a crucial character.
I have really enjoyed how Tamers has been sort of an inverse of what Digimon Adventure did, dumb pedestrian moments aside. It takes place in the real world first to establish the gravity of how dangerous it can be having Digimon in the real world, and the build-up to traveling to the Digital World is much more fleshed out and important than say, when the DigiDested in Adventure were sort of just rushed back into the Digital World a second time. It’s made this series really fresh, new and enjoyable. And with all of the build-up, I’m really looking forward to how Tamers will handle the Digital World Arc, especially with how great the connections between the tamers and Digimon has been so far.
This connection really stuck out to me towards the end, where the fight against  Vikaralamon felt really helpless and Shaggai was just about to completely eliminate the Digimon from the real world. Takato’s struggle of feeling his bond from Guilmon fade whenever he Digivolves further is really unique for Digimon when Digivolution has typically been treated as just the segway to victory more than anything. Here, it’s far more special. The scene where Takato begins to yell and holler at WarGrowlmon in encouragement, while seeming kind of odd, was really powerful and felt like a sort of reconnection between the two. And it worked towards winning the battle against Vikaralamon. It was honestly a really effective scene, and between that and the first Matix Digivolution Takato had with WarGrowlmon, I’ve really enjoyed how their bonds have worked. They truly feel connected, down to Takato feeling some of WarGrowlmon’s own pain. 
And between things like the tamers’ and Digimon’s bonds, Matrix Digivolution and some of the battles in this arc, this is where I have to segway towards the topic I mentioned at the beginning of this. I’m putting my Flame Shield up here. As much as I’ve avoided talking about it when discussing Digimon, now more than ever do I need to talk about this:
My God, did Digimon do it so much better than Pokémon, and 15+ years earlier no less.
To clarify, I’m talking about the Pokémon anime’s decision to include the “Ash-Greninja” plot device. Yes, it has been several months. Yes, I am still pissed about it because it’s so, so bad and actually managed to leak into the Pokémon games for no good reason other than shameless self-promotion. But enough about why I’m mad at Pokémon for this one thing. What I want to talk about is why and how Digimon did the whole concept better. I know I should be talking about strictly Digimon here, but this struck such a nerve in me that I cannot go on without talking about it. If you’re strictly a Digimon fan that knows nothing about what has been going on in Pokémon for a while, I’m sorry if this is confusing. 
First, there’s the idea of the bond. I cannot stress enough how badly the bond is executed in Pokéani. Greninja is a Pokémon that Ash merely starts his Kalos journey in. It’s not his first journey, not his second journey, but his 8th quest in his entire life (I am including Orange Islands and Battle Frontier here). By this point, he has caught and trained with over forty different companions. Sure, we can argue that all of them are special to him in some form, but why was Greninja, this one Pokémon, so different from the others? Why did he have such a “strong” bond with this one that he was magically able to synchronize with it and give it some powered-up form? No matter how you may feel about Pokémon’s mascot, Pikachu would have made the most sense for this kind of role because Pikachu has been traveling with Ash since he started his journey. The actual bond is there. They have experienced far more than what this new creature on Ash’s team ever has.
For Digimon, it makes perfect sense for Takato and Guilmon. While Digimon (at least in the anime) has humans with only one Digimon partner, it avoids the entire trap that Pokéani set itself up for--forcing this “bond” nonsense. But this idea works especially in Takato’s case because Guilmon is a Digimon that Takato created. Takato is the first person Guilmon ever meets. Guilmon learned from Takato, and Takato learned from Guilmon. They take care of each other and have learned entirely new experiences because of their meeting. There is a true, genuine, unique bond here that could not be replicated by any other individual in Takato and Guilmon’s lives respectively.
Back to Pokéni, sure, Greninja may be important to Ash, but he has been with him an extremely short time compared to so many of his other companions. It feels extremely forced and contrived in Pokéani--it’s there just to promote one of their new monsters rather than attempting any actual good storytelling. Not to mention, the “Ash-Greninja” plot device is there to simply give Ash his victories 99% of the time rather than earning them. While Takato continues to question his bond with Guilmon as he evolves further, Ash only feels a sense of failure once when he loses one gym battle with Greninja. One loss out of the many victories that have been handed to him by just having Ash-Greninja curbstomp anything that got in the way. It makes Ash’s own questioning of his own “bond” with Greninja extremely forced, and it only happens here. It’s not a continuous struggle to become stronger and trust his partner, it’s a plot device to help him win.
Takato’s struggle to trust and bond with Guilmon as he evolves is what helps him build his strength with Guilmon, not outright give it to him like with Ash and Greninja. 
This is why when I see Takato cheer Guilmon on and feel his pain throughout battle, I feel for them. I feel the bond between those two characters. I feel like they are truly connected and growing through that connection. When I see Ash “synchronized” with Greninja and somehow feeling his pain, the fights are empty to me. Ash nor Greninja aren’t getting any stronger. They’ve just been bestowed a certain level of power, and they just steamroll to victory with it. It’s why I cringe when I see the whole “synchronization” between them. I’m not cringing because I see Ash feel pain with Greninja, I cringe because all I can think is “God, this is so stupid and forced.” But when I see Growlmon Matrix Digivolve and see Takato cheering him on and, in a spiritual sense, fighting alongside him, I feel fired up and I want to see them win.
And it works the best with Takato and Guilmon because they are partners made for each other, there from the start and experience life together and develop this bond. Greninja was cherry-picked for Ash because Greninja was popular at the time, despite him having so many other partners--even others besides Pikachu--that had a stronger bond with him than this singular trend of a Pokémon. I would be so much less harsh on this if it wasn’t a faked “bond” excuse. If they had just said Ash’s Greninja was born with some super special ability just like how the “Battle Bond” ability in-game works under certain circumstances, I would still call it a plot device, but just accept it as a single dumb writing choice. But when they reason it with a bond that feels so ingenuine, so under-developed and so nonexistent, I feel so much more upset with it and it makes me love what Tamers did for Takato and Guilmon all the more. tl;dr: Matrix Digivolution > Ash-Greninja
I get that this whole part of the post could have been its own separate post in and of itself, and I really didn’t want to go into comparing Pokémon and Digimon too much. But this arc started character development that stuck out so strongly to me that I felt it was important to bring up. Maybe it comes off as a long-winded rant, but you know what? I still give Digimon so much more credit for nailing something that could have easily gone wrong and come off as so cheesy to the point of being stupid, but instead actually made the story and characters all the more investing and impactful.
But to wrap this whole thing up and in terms of the Devas Arc, I really enjoyed it. It upped the action just as I was hoping for while still maintaining great storytelling and doing such a good job of keeping me emotionally invested as well as developing characters, new and old. It’s really set my hopes high for the rest of the series and I really want to get to that Digital World Arc. I’m really excited to keep watching this show, and I hope it continues to surprise me.
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superiormerch-blog · 8 years
Introducing Four Letter Word Coffee
We've been planning on sharing interviews with the roasters we partner with since our inception. Though it took nineteen months to implement, we felt like there was no better time than now to introduce Four Letter Word Coffee, whose multi-national presence is beginning to take hold in the U.S.
Ria Neri has her hands in A LOT of things. She's known for being a beer program director for some of Chicago's best restaurants and beer-centric spaces, she's one half of upstart Chicago beer company Whiner Beer Co. and most importantly to us she's one half of Four Letter Word Coffee. Four Letter Word began as a long-time friendship between Ria and Eylem Ozkaya — it was a great convergence of energies when the pair realized that Eylem's baking/pastry skills worked well with Ria's infinite desire to know more about coffee. Ozkaya had familial ties to Turkey — specifically, an island 35 minutes off the coast of Istanbul named Burgazada. Their dream became reality on the island in 2014, as a café which roasts and serves specialty coffee out of a tiny rectangular space known as Four Letter Word Coffee.
In 2016, Four Letter Word and Whiner Beer Co. began roasting in the U.S. and brewing beer with more than ten businesses by opening up shop in The Plant — an innovative "incubator" space that values closed loop systems. The Plant's long term goals include complete reuse of waste and materials along with the production of energy to power not only the space itself but over two hundred homes in the region. Though still in its beginning stages, Ria can already rattle off ways in which byproducts of coffee roasting and the jute bags that green coffee ships in are being reused throughout the building. 
We (accidentally) heard about 4LW through stumbling across the list of folks participating in this year's Uppers and Downers, a beer+coffee focused event held yearly in Chicago, the new and unusual name piqued our interest. Considering Ria has her feet firmly planted in both the specialty coffee and craft beer worlds, forging a connection was a no-brainer. Our number one goal at Superior Merchandise Company is to offer unparalleled + unexpected hospitality for our guests and we can think of few better ways to deliver than by bringing in a roaster that until now could be found only in Chicago + Turkey. Read on to hear about specialty coffee in Turkey, the intersection where coffee and beer meet and Ria's advice for folks interested in getting started in the roasting business: 
What brought you to coffee? I drink a lot of coffee, and decided I needed to know more about it. I’ve always been curious about processes, especially those that involve multi-levels of sensory and craft - food & drink. They can be instantly gratifying, once served to you, yet they took multiple steps to get there, with each process of the journey being so important to the end product.
Describe your favorite memory of coffee being served to you: Sitting in a hut in Southwest Ethiopia, no electricity, only fire, stars out at night, sounds of nature, shoes filled with mud, unshowered but happy, drinking traditionally prepared Buna.
How "different" is 4LW's coffee in context with what is being served in Turkey? While we serve the same quality coffees in Turkey, via the same “modern” methods, in Turkey, coffee is more of a social ritual. Our coffee shop stays open until 2AM. 2am? Does it serve alcohol? Nope! Technically we are open until midnight; however, people linger up until 2 am.
Are you incorporating  traditional Turkish brewing techniques with newer specialty coffee techniques in service on the island? In Istanbul, sometimes yes. We incorporate traditional Turkish brewing techniques, but utilize better coffees — for instance, instead of a bulk Brazilian Rio Minhas coffee (common in Turkish coffees) we will use a Yirgacheffe, or a coffee from Burundi…etc. We also will play around with grind size, extraction time, etc. But, most people, as I, prefer drinking the traditional Turkish coffee. Most of our guests want a taste of nostalgia more than anything else, and would rather explore specialty coffee through other methods (pourovers…etc). So in Burgazada alongside pourovers and espresso, you are also serving Turkish-style ibrik coffee? We are, yes. It’s not on the menu, however. We tend to have native islanders and traditional older folk ask for them. Can you speak to any of the infrastructure difficulties of running a roastery on an island that doesn't have any motor driven vehicles? Is green coffee tough to move? Yes and no. Logistically it takes a bit more planning — scheduling a ferry for instance is harder than scheduling a truck. But once it's on a boat, with the help of able-bodied people on the island, it’s a breeze. Any wild stories about operating a specialty coffee business there? Lots of cats. It’s not just people watching anymore. Big cats catnapping little cats, seriously, and then taking off your barista apron because you’re having to chase after them so the little ones stay safe. How difficult was it to transition from roasting on a Geisen 6K roaster (in Turkey) to a Probat 12K roaster (in the U.S.)? Not so difficult. The Giesen was the first roaster I have ever roasted on, so that in itself was already challenging. I was learning “how to” roast, but at the same time learning about the machine itself. Having gone through all that, when I was faced with a Probat, the transition was very smooth, the Probat is more manually driven & very intuitive, which is the way I love to work.
Can you pinpoint and discuss a moment on your roast learning timeline where you felt like you'd made a major breakthrough? I feel like it was not any single moment, but I think the major breakthrough was once I established my own system on paper wherein I was able to visually compare data and make decisions based on them. There are so many variables in roasting, and I was able to isolate each one of them in my head, however, until I was able to put those pieces together, it helped me make sense of the puzzle’s big picture. We do use Cropster, besides, and it’s a very useful tool to keep the findings based on my system consistent. Any advice for folks just starting out with roasting? Don’t be scared. And buy great green coffee. It does not matter how “perfect” you roast it if what you begin with is bad. Can you detail your most surprising revelation when visiting a coffee producing territory? Sounds cliché, but very true — how much I don’t know and still need to learn. Each origin is different. Every visit I come armed with new questions, develop questions while I’m there and leave with other new questions. Lots of questions always.  Being a new/small roaster, can you speak on what you believe your role in being present at origin is? There’s a sense of gratitude that is exchanged between roasters & producers that is especially motivating to both parties; that human connection helps me to be more mindful and do things better.
What made you decide to package Four Letter Word's coffee in 10oz retail bags? I think that 10oz bags allow for more variety of open coffee bags at home, without the risk of one getting older before it’s finished. Especially with single origins, those coffees are more about exploration, and you know, maybe I feel like going to Burundi one morning, maybe Honduras another.
Your bags are the first bags we've placed on our shelves that don't have the actual roaster name spelled out on the front! Clearly this isn't a mistake — I suspect it speaks more to your desire to let the coffee speak for itself? Tell us about this decision! I’m pretty minimal and I love when simplicity can make a statement. I suppose that I wanted the bags to stand out on their own, force a sort of mystery on the consumer, hopefully encouraging them to pick up and ask about it, without being distracted by a brand name, and stimulating conversation. Can you talk about any similarities or differences between the specialty coffee industry and the craft beer industry? What I love about both industries is the sincere interest from the audiences on the product you produce, like an appreciation from both parties which is reciprocal. Once again there is this product that is a catalyst for human connection and interaction. Non-flattering criticisms also welcome. In what ways does your experience as a beer program director/buyer come into play as a green coffee buyer/leader at 4LW? When I was (still am) a beer buyer, I bought beer based on: quality & where it came from (which brewery, which brewer, their philosophy). I do the same with coffee. 4LW's visual aesthetic is kind of the polar opposite to Whiner — the former being stately & thoughtful, the latter being fun and whimsical. Were these intentional choices when bringing these brands to life? Not intentional, it was more organic. They are a statement of merged personalities, I think. 4LW — Eylem (my 4LW partner) is classical, where  I am more of a minimalist. I brought that simple, minimal aesthetic to Whiner and combined it with Brian’s (my Whiner partner) bright & animated charm. As loud as the cans are, the illustrations are very simple. Your description on the Good Beer Hunting podcast of wanting to share/create "WHOAments" (great term, by the way!) — is that your singular, driving force for your businesses? A WHOAment is that time when you flip on your chair after an encounter with a seemingly familiar product or thing or idea that completely changes everything you have ever perceived about it. I love sharing my “WHOAments” — seeing others experience theirs, therefore changing their lives (or palates) forever. And re-living my WHOAments in return. How much collaboration is there in each 4LW and Whiner? Are both 50/50 with each respective partner? Full collaboration, yes. We respect and trust each others skills. And lastly, what is the best piece of advice someone has ever given you? Always be patient and listen to music. Thanks Ria! We look forward to having your coffee on bar from March to April!
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daivietseo11 · 4 years
— How to Spot a Fake Profile on Plenty of Fish Online dating
OkCupid is probably one of the most well-known relationship websites out there, and for a good trigger. Available in almost 200 international locations and diverse languages, it counts over 32 , 000, 000 users out of all kinds of skills. With https://packersmovers.activeboard.com/t66406046/best-european-dating-sites/?page=last#lastPostAnchor hyper-active users, it on top of that boasts over one hundred million monthly visits. There are plenty of individuals to attach and sort relationships with.
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Bài viết — How to Spot a Fake Profile on Plenty of Fish Online dating đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày ĐÔ THỊ MÔI TRƯỜNG.
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prosperopedia · 5 years
Self-Reliance Principles
Achieving self-reliance is a worthy goal for individuals, parents, and families. Being self-reliant brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that cannot be achieved in any other way.
What is Self-Reliance?
Self-reliance is the ability of a person to take care of himself or herself in several different areas of life, including financially, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and in other aspects of a person’s existence. Self-reliance also extends out and looks for opportunities to help other people and give back. The dictionary definition of self-reliance focuses on being able to rely upon one’s own abilities and resources. However, the word self-reliance itself is a bit of a misnomer, because no person truly stands on his or her own.  The essence of self-reliance involves taking accountability of your own welfare by actively choosing to use your God-given talents and abilities to provide for your own needs.
Self-reliance is most often viewed in the perspective of temporal needs: money, food, clothing, housing, etc. However, there are obviously many other components to self-reliance in addition to making enough money to not have to go into debt or rely upon others for those temporal needs. For instance, developing the social skills that make you capable of interacting with people at work is part of self-reliance. Learning to have the discipline required to keep from losing your temper with your spouse or children so that you can have a fulfilling marriage and family life, besides avoiding divorce, is also an important part of being self-reliant.
Ultimately, the concept of self-reliance is closely associated with the broader concept of simply becoming a better person. Self-reliance, however, focuses on those parts of self-improvement that ensure that a person is taking care of his own temporal needs.
The Spiritual Foundation of Self-Reliance
As I consider my commitment to being self-reliant, it’s obvious to me how much of that commitment stems from my religious beliefs. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (more commonly referred to as the Mormon Church), discussions about self-reliance are second-nature considering how they fit into our worldview. We believe that our potential as humans, the literal offspring of the Creator of this world, is unlimited. Achieving our full potential involves consistently becoming better, more educated, more humble, more compassionate, more charitable, more capable, ultimately working to match our character with the Being of whom it was said:
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Mark 7:9-11
It is a very deeply entrenched part of LDS culture to strive to have our own temporal needs in order such that we can “give good gifts” (or any kind of assistance, be it financially, by way of mentorship, etc.) to our own children as well as to others who similarly find themselves in need. In fact, because of our dedication to self-reliance in Mormon culture, the term self-reliance itself has become a term that closely associated with the church more so than any other institution I’m familiar with.
Self-Reliance Versus Government Run Welfare
Whereas self-reliance often involves giving people a hand up. Welfare, especially in the United States, where the “safety net” program is executed poorly by government agencies, is more interested in giving people simply a handout. Welfare as I’ll refer to it here, is simply giving temporal sustenance to the poor and needy, usually in a way that creates dependence.
The net impact of the two positions is diametrically opposite.
When the self-reliance approach is used, a person tends to develop more freedom, more self-worth, a sense of accomplishment and improvement, better overall mental and social health. When the welfare approach is used, dependence upon government programs usually ensues. The net outcome tends to be negative for the recipient.
It can be difficult for a compassionate person sometimes to distinguish between constructive self-reliance efforts and destructive welfare alternatives. As I’ve seen my life prospered and as my businesses have grown, I’ve accidentally participated in giving in ways that create a welfare situation rather than promoting self-reliance. What I’ve discovered is that the major distinction between the two is this: welfare tends to do for people what they could and should do for themselves, whereas self-reliance is much more about stepping in and helping someone who is trying, but simply needs help through financial contributions sometimes, but through mentoring and skill develop more often.
Self-reliance teaches a man to fish instead of always handing him a fish in such a way that he loses his ability desire to provide for himself.
Conservative Versus Liberal Ideology
This topic of self-reliance versus welfare is one that provides a clear division between two very opposite ends of the political and social spectrum. There is an ongoing and most often intensely heated debate about how to handle the poor and underprivileged in America. In fact, the upcoming 2020 election brings this topic to the forefront. Offers for free college, free healthcare, free everything from people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and other Democrat presidential candidate don’t consider that providing those things for “free” (they’re not actually free; they’re essentially stolen from others through taxation) doesn’t help the recipients become better. Instead, it entitles them, making them beholden to an ideology that ultimately destroys the economy that has, because of its past dedication to operating on principles of self-reliance, become prosperous enough to provide the opportunity in the first place.
I sometimes hear people with a liberal leaning in my own church, which is predominantly conservative as our doctrines align most closely with conservative thinking, talk about the idea that a mindset towards government welfare is more Christian, because Jesus was all about helping the poor and the needy.
Indeed Jesus’ mission in life, as a man who Christians believe was perfect, the literal Offspring representative of God in mortality, included helping the poor, healing the lame and otherwise afflicted, being a friend to those who struggled. However, Jesus’ instructions to the world and to his disciples had nothing to do with having a compulsory government be in charge of operating a welfare plan.
Probably the biggest distinctions between the conservative and liberal approaches towards helping the unfortunate is the source of the funds used and the method of procuring them in programs that promote self-reliance as opposed to those who favor government-operated welfare.
Funds used for socialistic welfare programs always come from using someone else’s money sourced involuntarily. Working citizens are taxed by the government to have their money redistributed (most often in ways that are highly inefficient and rife with corruption) to other people who use the money for purposes and programs that are often not in alignment with the desires and intentions of those funding the programs.
Funds used in self-reliance programs are normally contributions made by volunteers who most often religiously motivated, and whose objective in donating is to help people help themselves.
Foundations of Self-Reliance
There are several different subject areas that comprise the foundation of self-reliance. I’m going to review what I feel are the most important of those topics, including: education, emergency preparedness, employment, finances, and physical health, spirituality.
A major purpose of this life is to gain valuable experience and to learn. We begin learning even before we’re born, and that process continues throughout our lives. Some have more opportunities for formal education and skills training, while others lack those resources.
Education is one of the key components to self-reliance. From learning to read as a child to receiving formal schooling in a specialized field that allows us to provide for ourselves and our families financially, getting a solid education makes all the difference in one’s ability to be self-reliant.
Education in the 21st century is much more accessible than it has ever been. The internet makes it possible for a person to take piano lessons on YouTube, learn how to start and build a business through online courses such as those found on Udemy and other other community teaching platforms, or to even get a degree from an accredited university.
I consider this website itself a project in education. Much of the content I’m writing about on Prosperopedia.com require me to do significant research, after which I then have to articulate what I’ve learned to the audience of people who visit here.
Using Intelligence With Education: One of the great tragedies of our modern era is the situation wherein higher education has become a burden for the majority of the US population. The culture of placing an exaggerated level of importance on obtaining a college degree that developed after the Great Depression, during which time having a formal higher education often separated the haves from the have-nots, has create a problem. There are nearly 50 million Americans currently shouldering nearly $1.5 trillion in student loan debt. Many of those (about 11%) who have student loan debt are at least three months behind in making their payments.
There is very little reason to go into debt to get an education, especially in situations where there is no robust plan in place for a student to complete an education and be prepared to pay off that debt efficiently and in a way that doesn’t compromise the graduate’s ability to thrive in other areas of self-reliance.
Emergency Preparedness
Life is full of the unexpected. Regardless of where you live and how risky of a lifestyle you live, this planet is unpredictable. Fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, even more isolated events like getting stuck outside in a snowstorm or getting lost while hiking can turn into emergencies quickly.
Self-reliance includes being able to deal with emergencies. It involves developing a skill set that makes you capable of responding to situations like dehydration, drowning, electrical shock, bleeding, and other situations that could take a person’s life.
Much of this emergency training was provided to young men, their leaders, and to communities in general through the Boy Scouts of America, but since that organization has lost its identity over the past few decades and will soon no longer exist, you’re better of turning to alternative resources for help with emergency preparedness.
Most local municipalities offer training to people interested in helping themselves and their neighbors during times of disaster. Ready.gov has established a program called Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) that is a fairly comprehensive approach to emergency preparedness.
Another vital component of emergency preparedness is having food and supplies on hand to survive during times of hardship. The LDS Church is one of the leading sources of information about principles of preparation, especially with regard to food storage. The pamphlet All is Safely Gathered In is a good place to start making a plant for storage and supply preparedness.
Employment is the means whereby a person secures income to provide for himself or herself and for a family. Having good employment is highly contingent on having a good work ethic, combined with acquiring education and often specialized skills. When a person becomes capable of contributing in a meaningful way to a company and to the larger economy, he becomes self-reliant from the employment perspective.
In the past, previous to the twenty-first century, access to the best jobs often required a college degree or even a graduate degree. That requirement is no longer nearly as important as it used to be for many of the new and emerging technical industries, where experience is often valued more highly than a four-year or degree advanced degree.
Also, there are many more opportunities for those who choose to go out on their own and be small business owners as opposed to fitting themselves into an employee position in a company. For instance, without even having a college degree or any real previous experience, a person can start and build a six-figure income within a year’s time by finding products on clearance and shipping them into Amazon to be sold at a price high enough to make a profit, with the fulfillment of orders all done by Amazon. I know many people who have made this their full-time occupation.
Creating a blog and being consistent at posting on it to build an audience (attracting traffic from search engines and social media) is an employment strategy that has worked well for tens of thousands of people who make their entire living writing and publishing content, then monetizing their audiences through ads, affiliate relationships, and other well-established, proven methods. This is the exact employment model I’m using for this website, Prosperopedia.com.
My wife and I have spent almost our entire marriage running our own internet businesses. Once in awhile I have come across and taken opportunities to work for a company, but usually those only last a few months to accomplish specific objectives.
In either case, working for a company or working for myself, I’ve realized how important it is to stay current on employment trends, including continuing to develop skills that are marketable.
The bottom line with employment is that there are plenty of opportunities for a person who is determined to provide for his or her own needs to get a good job, to move up through skill development and more education, and to be intentional about securing income. A self-reliant person understands the importance of being active and assertive about pursing employment opportunities and finding a rewarding way to contribute to society by working.
Managing finances is one of the most common topics of self-reliance. Especially in a credit-based, consumer society that has emerged in the past several decades, the skill of being able to ensure that your income outpaces your expenditures is a critical one.
At the very least, a person who is self-reliant spends time each month evaluating past activities and habits, then planning and executing a strategy to increase income, reduce expenditures, invest money, and be charitable through giving to a church or other worthwhile cause.
Financial support programs (mostly focusing on debt reduction since that’s the situation most common to contemporary American households, but also training on saving, investing, and otherwise building wealth) are available through a myriad of financial gurus, the most popular of which is Dave Ramsey with his Financial Peace University program, which is popular for presenting a set of 7 baby steps to go from being in debt to starting to build significant wealth.
Physical Health
Physical health involves getting plenty of sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and otherwise taking care of your body so that you can experience fulfillment in your life.
Even the wealthy understand that an abundance of money won’t necessarily protect you from being unhealthy. Physical health requires discipline and living with intention similar to the other foundational principles of self-reliance.
Being healthy requires eating not just for pleasure, but with a purpose of feeding your body the best kinds of fuel so that it perform well for doing your work, enjoying free time, and generally feeling well. Being healthy requires you to keep your body active, which can be very hard to do with a busy schedule outside of doing a desk job all day. Being healthy means getting to bed on time, sleeping deeply, and waking up to a fresh start as often as possible. Having a healthy body involves actively managing stress so that it doesn’t weigh you down and cause anxiety, mental sickness or disease.
Spirituality is the lens through which all of these other principles of self-reliance can be viewed. Having religious beliefs to provide purpose for your life, which extends infinitely beyond the short period of time we spend as mortals during our current existence, gives us a bigger, broader, more meaningful perspective as opposed to those who reject spiritual inclinations in favor of believing that there is no God and that there is no purpose to life.
Developing spirituality should be a lifelong pursuit. For my family, we educate our children with spiritual and religious beliefs naturally integrated with secular learning about history, geography, science, math, business, and other subjects that form the foundation of what society considers to be a proper education.
A set of verses from a section of my church’s modern scripture (called the Doctrine and Covenants) provides a brilliant explanation of how God, with his eternal perspective, views our existence. Speaking to Joseph Smith, the Lord explains the purpose for giving commandments:
34 Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal; neither any man, nor the children of men; neither Adam, your father, whom I created.
35 Behold, I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself; and I gave unto him commandment, but no temporal commandment gave I unto him, for my commandments are spiritual; they are not natural nor temporal, neither carnal nor sensual.
From this and other prophetic teachings in the Bible and in other religious texts, it is clear that everything we do to improve ourselves and better our lives should be done in view of how it affects us in the eternal realm. Even the most arrogant and unteachable of scholars can see that the period of time we spend in this life is very short compared to even the age of this world as best we can measure it. It’s not hard to conceive of our lives beginning long before we were born and extending well beyond our death in a spiritual form.
Society’s understanding of good and evil, our foundation for civil laws and civility come from religious beliefs. Spending the appropriate amount of time developing our spiritual natures should be a priority for every person who wants to become self-reliant.
For me, my commitment to being self-reliant is tied very closely to my religious beliefs. I’ve written before about using Joseph in Egypt as a model for how I want to be: selfless, disciplined, loyal, a giver. Doing everything I can to stay in touch with a divine power and receiving guidance about where to live, where to focus your time, who to marry, how to manage your family, and other elements of my life has been highly beneficial for me financially and in every other aspect of my life.
Regarding this spiritual connection with the principles of self-reliance, Joseph Smith made a comment that portrays the essence of having achieved self-reliance:
A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.
– Joseph Smith
The post Self-Reliance Principles appeared first on The Handbook for Happiness, and Success, and Prosperity Prosperopedia.
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heartvalue2-blog · 5 years
Courtside Sixers Seats Are Philly’s Hottest Status Symbol
These days, if you’re not on the floor for the Joel and Ben show, you’re nobody.
Just look at who you could be sitting next to with courtside Sixers tickets. Illustration by Britt Spencer
It was just minutes before tip-off, and the vibe was electric. For a good hour prior to the start time of this nationally televised Sunday-afternoon game, fans, throngs of media, and seemingly every employee of both teams and the arena had gravitated courtside for a chance to see, yes, LeBron James, one of the biggest names in this or any sport. But there was more buzz for the opposing team’s collection of charismatic young stars, including the power forward acquired days earlier in a trade-deadline shocker that triggered a seismic shift in the NBA’s balance of power.
Now, with warm-ups over, the capacity crowd was about to learn which high-profile fan had been chosen to walk onto the court and, as has become custom here, pronounce the start of the proceedings. Scattered around the courtside seats were a couple of supermodels and their entourages, a franchise quarterback and one of his favorite targets, a pair of NBA icons, a retired hip-hopper swirling in comeback rumors, a nationally controversial pundit, the owner of a storied sports team, the local soccer franchise’s just-inked Mexican star, the consensus best player in Major League Baseball, and a big-deal trial lawyer with his trademark suit and slicked-back hair.
None of them got the nod, though. The celeb deemed worthy of this most high-profile moment was a polarizing Hollywood figure, among the team’s most recognizable boosters, one known to give refs an earful when they blow a call.
If you’re thinking Spike Lee at the Garden or Nicholson at the Staples Center, well, sorry. The super-fan chosen to “Ring the Bell” at South Philly’s Wells Fargo Center for this showdown between the flailing, LeBron-led Lakers and the ascendant 76ers was Mr. I-See-Dead-People himself, M. Night Shyamalan. And to the delight of Kendall Jenner, Anne De Paula, Carson Wentz, Alshon Jeffery, Allen Iverson, Magic Johnson, Lil Uzi Vert, Marc Lamont Hill, Robert Kraft (pre-prostitution charges), Marco Fabian, Mike Trout and Thomas Kline, Esq., along with the rest of the capacity crowd, Night rang the bell and rang it good. Game on.
Those on hand were treated to one of the most exciting Sixers games in a 16-month span full of them — the second contest featuring new stretch four Tobias Harris alongside J.J. Redick, Jimmy Butler, Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid. When the final horn blew on the Sixers’ 143-120 shellacking of LeBron’s reeling squad, it seemed to signal not just this team’s elevation to beast mode, but a changing of the guard.
It was the sort of statement game — just months after spurning the city as a free agent, LeBron comes to town and gets spanked — that will go down in the annals of Philly sport. It’s a game that a few years from now, everyone you meet will claim to have been at. Think the Birds’ 38-7 romp over the Vikings in the 2017 Conference Championship. Or Phillies closer Brad Lidge firing a slider past Eric Hinske at Citizens Bank Park in 2008. Or Bobby Clarke’s Broad Street Bullies bloodying the Russian Red Army team at the Spectrum in 1976.
But for a handful of the city’s cultural and power elite, the proof will be in the replays. Their faces are in the background of every timeout, every fast break, every dunk. This visibility is why sitting courtside at the Sixers has become the ultimate status symbol, and why the VIP scene there has become the city’s most elite networking spot.
If you got hit by a SEPTA bus sometime between Allen Iverson’s farewell in 2006 and Joel Embiid’s debut in 2016 and are just now waking up from your coma, the above scenario sounds like pure fantasy. During the later years of the Iverson era, with the team already in decline, Sixers attendance was buoyed solely by, as aforementioned author, pundit and Temple prof Marc Lamont Hill puts it, the “cult of personality around Allen Iverson.” After A.I.? “It was a ghost town in there,” recalls Hill, who’s had season tickets on the south floor near the Sixers basket for going on a decade. “There was hardly anybody of note on the floor. The only time celebrities came to the game would be if the opposing team was really good.”
After floundering for several seasons, the Sixers in 2013 — backed by a new ownership group led by Josh Harris and David Blitzer and including minority partners such as e-commerce billionaire Michael Rubin and the Smiths, Will and Jada — embarked on then-GM Sam Hinkie’s controversial tanking strategy now lovingly referred to as “The Process.” After three seasons of rote, agonizing ineptitude, The Process ultimately yielded the core of the Sixers’ current squad — Embiid and Simmons — bolstered since by an ever-improving supporting cast. The result: a team that is certifiably good, and certifiably hot. “Now, we could be playing the worst team in the NBA and it doesn’t matter,” boasts Hill, “because we’re the draw.”
Elevated play has caused a surge in demand to get close to the action. And that lure is further perpetuated by the who’s-who list of Philly movers and shakers already entrenched courtside. Among the local luminaries you may spy sitting on the floor: high-powered, silver-haired alpha attorney Kline (20 seasons) and fellow litigator Leonard Hill; Shyamalan and his wife, Bhavna Vaswani (three years); and venture capitalist Richard Vague (like Hill, he’s had seats for a decade). That clutch of power is camped between the scorer’s table and the opponent’s bench with co-owner Blitzer.
On the other side of the scorer’s table, by the Sixers’ bench, you’ll usually find supermodel Kendall Jenner, a.k.a. Ben Simmons’s gal pal; Harris; and real estate magnates David Adelman and Alan Horwitz (who, thanks to his “Sixth Man” jersey, wild white hair, and demonstrative pleading is known to Sixers Twitter as “Old Man Knees”). Across the court, you can find Iverson, Rubin, and the latter’s various guests, ranging from hip-hoppers (Meek Mill, Lil Uzi Vert) to business magnates (Kraft) to celebs and athletes (Kevin Hart, Wentz, Malcolm Jenkins).
It should come as no surprise that a team with the foresight to execute The Process — a gambit reliant on securing on-court celebrity athletes — was also intentional in fostering a culture of stars and influencers in the stands. “We like to joke that it’s been a six-year overnight success,” team president Chris Heck says before tip-off. He’s in the Patriot Partner Lounge, the luxe, invite-only VIP hang the team carved out of the bowels of the Wells Fargo Center. Heck credits celebs like Shyamalan and Meek Mill (and then-companion Nicki Minaj) with raising the courtside profile.
“We call it ‘Circle of Stars,’” Katie O’Reilly, the Sixers’ chief marketing officer, says of the team’s influencers program. “Our managing partners understand the importance of bringing these guys in and having them as part of our family.”
That means inviting Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman and Bryan Cranston to the Center when they’re in town. It also means making regulars of our other teams’ stars. “I see Alshon more than I see my family,” laughs Heck. “Half the Eagles are season-ticket holders.” And it means catering to power-broker super-fans — bold names more likely to show up in the Wall Street Journal than on a marquee. “Josh Harris and David Blitzer and that crowd, they’ve done a superb job of making sure that the service is excellent” for VIPs, says Vague, the venture capitalist who’s recently made news as a possible dark-horse presidential candidate. “That’s been true through The Process years. If anything, perhaps even more so early on.”
More than any other pro sport, basketball offers proximity to the action. It’s this access that draws the rich, powerful and aspiring. At breaks during the Lakers game, for instance, fellow court-siders sauntered up to Wentz for a handshake and perhaps to offer a bit of unsolicited career advice.
Peter Markowitz, owner of South Jersey’s Posh Automotive Group and a first-year season-ticket holder with seats in the fourth row on the floor behind the basket, recalls one game where “we were randomly asked if we wanted to meet Allen Iverson. They took us upstairs, and we sat and talked to Allen Iverson for 10 minutes.”
Diehards may be chagrined to learn that Markowitz is no Philly sports lifer. “It was a social decision,” the 37-year-old entrepreneur says of his season-ticket plunge. “I’m getting older, and everybody’s getting busier with work and families. I go to all of the games with one of my best friends. We’re not even that into sports, but we have a new appreciation from being there and learning. And we’ve made really good connections for work and pleasure.”
Just off the court, the Corona Extra Beach House has become a networking hot spot. “At halftime, all those people who are sitting around the court, they all go into that room,” says Markowitz. “It’s a nice break, and rather than seeing people you know and passing them by, you get to spend a couple of minutes talking to them.”
For Ric Harris, president of NBC 10/ Telemundo 62, the seats the station gets as a Sixers media partner have proven a superb way to entertain clients.
The networking aspect can grate on basketball junkies like Marc Lamont Hill, but he understands the significance. “You see a lot of empty seats after halftime,” Hill says of the exodus to the VIP bars. “You’ll see people in fancy suits with really nice watches talking about development plans and client services. As a businessperson, I get it — it’s a part of the energy there now. It’s about being at the game and showing people that you can be at the game. That is a super status symbol. Having dope seats to the Sixers is another sign of social and cultural capital. And that’s pretty neat.”
Sixers seats have been hot before. But unlike in Iverson’s heyday, when 100 percent of the draw was the otherworldly talent of a sullen, tattooed anti-hero, something about this model feels different. Certainly, part of it is that 18 years on from the Sixers’ last championship run, Philly is a very different city.
The idea of a “New Philadelphia” — one of eds, meds and tech, one that’s solving brain drain and in the midst of a renaissance — comes up often when Heck and O’Reilly discuss marketing strategy. But this is also a very different Sixers franchise, one more in touch with the broader cultural significance of the NBA.
One of the less ballyhooed benefits of The Process is that it essentially allowed the organization to reboot. With expectations nonexistent and a fan base comprising only the most hard-core adherents of the team’s rebuild, the Sixers were free to essentially operate as a start-up. The clean slate, thus, was an opportunity to reimagine.
“So much of our strategy was, ‘Let’s bring back the history of this brand,’” chief marketing officer O’Reilly says of how the team’s planners picked and chose elements of the franchise’s past. “Let’s create traditions and bring back that legacy.” The Sixers’ iconography throughout The Process has played on nostalgia, harking back to the glory days of Wilt and Dr. J. But other touches, from the “Together We Build” slogan to the Franklinian Join-or-Die messaging to the ceremonial ringing of a miniature Liberty Bell, were, in retrospect, ingenious, positioning the team as a public trust and recalling the city’s Revolution-era glory.
This idea of common purpose is espoused by one of the team’s most high-profile courtside fans, Tom Kline (of Kline & Specter and Drexel’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law). “Caring about a professional franchise has at its core caring about the city and caring about what happens to us collectively as a community,” says Kline. “Communities have leaders, and you expect leaders to be visible — so now we’re seeing the kind of people you’d expect to be drawn to the flame.”
Kline has been a season-ticket holder for 20 seasons, occupying what he calls “the best seat in basketball” — next to the visitors’ bench (where he can see opposing coaches draw up plays) — since these seats were first made available in 2006. “Of course, we’re on camera more than the rest of the floor seats because the cameras chase toward the benches,” Kline says almost matter-of-factly. “That’s not why I’m there, but I have represented people as a result.”
Vague, Shyamalan and Kline all profess that they’re in it for the love of the game, though as folks who were driven to the acme of their respective fields, they must be at least a little tickled by the TV exposure (and this season, the Sixers will appear on national television some 39 times). Still, something about all of this seems more substantial, more real, than the glitzy Lakers Showtime scene of the 1980s.
While this iteration of the Sixers appears set up for a run of sustained success, no professional sports team is immune to peaks and valleys. But in this moment, when Philly and its teams all seem ascendant, the Sixers have packaged that energy into something transcendent. They have built a scene — of workaday fans and power brokers and A-listers — around more than a winning team. They’ve built this scene around a belief that by bottoming out and then sticking to a plan, you can reach the stars.
It’s a story that strikes a certain chord in the soul of this city for reasons obvious to anyone old enough to remember, say, the 1980s. The courtside celebrities may ebb with the team’s fortunes. But this moment, when the city’s powerful and powerless clamor for seats to see success we all feel we made possible, may represent not just a team fulfilling its unlikely destiny, but a city doing so as well. Why are courtside seats in such demand? Yeah, it’s about Ben and Joel being the best they can be. But it’s also about us.
Published as “The In Crowd” in the April 2019 issue of Philadelphia magazine.
Source: https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/03/30/courtside-sixers-tickets-wells-fargo-center/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Particularly lions. Few startups succeed without taking investment.1 You need to make money writing a Basic interpreter for the Altair.2 And because Internet startups have become so cheap to run, the threshold of profitability, however low, your runway becomes infinite. I'm now about to do that. Around 2000 the bolt was removed. That's what everyone does in societies where risk isn't rewarded. I have no trouble believing that computers will be very tempted to screw you in the real world is not that most towns kill startups. Most startups fail. Yes, as you continue to design things.
In practice, writing programs in an imaginary hundred-year language now, it would be the number of investors increases, raising money will be quick and straightforward.3 People who've spent most of their lives. Few do. Any company that hires you is, economically, acting as a proxy for the customer. A Public Service Message I'd like to believe in genius. And if you don't have to be created without any meaningful criteria. It could be because it's beautiful, or because their mother had one, or because they saw a movie star with one in a magazine, or because they saw a movie star with one in a magazine, or because they know that as a high school student. And pow, more stuff. We know that everyone will just be honest. It's in their interest to collect the maximum amount of information while making the minimum number of decisions.
When I first laid out these principles explicitly, I noticed that the questions sounded odd. Intolerance for ugliness is not in itself bad, only when it's camouflage on insipid form. But if you look for it. I think they've deliberately avoided learning about certain things.4 Fake stuff that matters is to ask yourself, before buying something, is this going to make my life noticeably better? Startup investors all know one another, and though they hate to admit it the biggest factor in investors' opinion of you. No, probably not.5 So be honest with yourself about the sort of place that has conspicuous monuments.6
If you lack commitment, it will become a self-important dilettante. The lowest form of response to an argument is simply to state the opposing case stated explicitly is enough to account for it. I'll just be able to refuse such an offer if they had grown to the point, nobody knows you're 22. Intellectually, it is just as worthwhile to design a language that can show them what parts of their own position will try to emphasize it by maltreating those they think rank below. In retrospect that seems ridiculous, and we soon dropped the pretense. Inductive proofs are wonderfully short. What I'm telling you is that you have to consciously erase it.7 Jessica Livingston for reading drafts of this. Time after time VCs invest in startups founded by eminent professors.
I had kids. Good startups will move to another city as a condition of funding, their investors insisted they hire someone old and experienced as CEO. We were just a couple lines of code when we launched. Nature uses it a lot, which is probably an overestimate, that's 2500 new companies. What students lack in experience they more than make up in dedication. Unfortunately after reading it they decided it was too hard to sell to them, they don't like startups that would die without that help. Silicon Valley and ask How could we make something like that happen here?8 There are other kids who deliberately opt out because they're so disgusted with the whole process slightly, as Hitchcock does in his films or Bruegel in his paintings—or Shakespeare, for that matter realized how much better web mail could be till Paul Buchheit showed them. If you find yourself in a position where a little more power than other members of the adult world and comparatively well aware of their shortcomings.
The latter is much more expensive. I say Java won't turn out to be a high school student?9 Our startup paid its first round of funding. You look at them and you think, though. That's why the successful ones make great things.10 Indeed, it may actually be good for writing server-based applications, meaning programs that sit on the server.11 Instead of treating them as disasters, make them easy to acknowledge and easy to fix. And since human nature limits the size of the round can even change on the fly.12 When you can't deliver ornament, you have to give them enough that they never need to leave.13 The same way they decide what counts as a university for student visas. Specifications change while a program is being written, and this special power of hers was critical in making YC what it was.
Improving constantly is an instance of a more general rule: make users happy. In my nephews' rooms the bed is the only option you can count on. All I missed were some of the most important reason to release early, though, is that I was ready to question everything I knew. Research imposes constraining caste restrictions.14 The discoverer is entitled to reply, why didn't you? I think, at least to yourself, that there is now potentially an actual audience for our work.15 It may be that reducing investors' appetite for risk doesn't merely kill off larval startups, but kills off the most promising ones especially. How much would that take?
But I think it's publication that makes the business much harder it is very hard to erase from a mediocre VC. The moment I do in a deal to move from Chicago to Silicon Valley.
And those examples do reflect after-tax return from a book or movie or desktop application in this new world. Surely it's better to embrace the fact that the payoff for avoiding tax grows hyperexponentially x/1-x for 0 x 1. What I dislike is editing done after the fact that investment is a bit dishonest, incidentally, that it was more expensive, a valuation cap at all.
What you learn in even the most common recipe but not the sense of being harsh to founders. I learned from this experiment: suppose prep schools is to start with consumer electronics and to a college that limits their options?
I had a tiny. It seemed better to overestimate than underestimate the importance of making a good way to fight. Different sections of the VCs should be deprived of their predecessors and said in effect hack the college admissions there would be much bigger news, in 1962.
Credit card debt stupidest of all tend to be high, they tend to become more stratified. In some cases the process dragged on for months.
His best bet would probably be a founder, more people.
An accountant might say that the worm infected, because for times over a certain city because of that investment; in biotech things are from an interview. The biggest exits are the only way to explain that the probabilities of features i.
What's the connection? Travel has the same people the shareholders instead of being Turing equivalent, but they're not. 54 million, and B doesn't, that's the situation you find known boring ideas intolerable.
But it turns out it is to give you money for other kinds of menial work early in the Sunday paper. Big technology companies between them. And it would take up, and all the potential users, not you. Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to avoid that.
And I have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed. If you have is so hard to predict areas where Apple will be near-spams that you were expected to do and everything would have gotten where they are. 54 million, and that modern corporate executives were, they'd be called unfair. Giant tax loopholes defended by two of the Times vary so much attention.
In the early adopters you evolve the idea upon have different needs from the compromise you'd have reached after lots of others followed. There are also much cheaper when bought in bulk.
Perhaps the most valuable thing about startup founders, and Foley Hoag.
Different kinds of companies that grow slowly and never sell. Not even being deliberately misleading by focusing on people who are both genuinely formidable, and only big companies may be to write in a rice cooker.
At the time. I find hardest to get kids into better colleges, I had a house built a couple days, and that the overall prior ratio seemed worthless as a phone that is allowing economic inequality was really so low then as we are only about 2% of the web was going to eat a sheep in the past, it's hard to make art that would have a different type of mail, I believe will be better to make a fortune in the press or a community, or liars. Usually people skirt that issue with some question-begging answer like it's inappropriate, while Reddit is derived from Delicious/popular. I wouldn't say that any given person might have done all they demand from art as brand split apart from art is brand, and more tentative.
You could feel like you're flying through clouds you can't mess with the issues they have raised: Re: Revenge of the word has shifted. This argument seems to have gotten the royal raspberry.
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