#but i get why they didn't show them in their pt shorts because they're packed
balladofthe101st · 4 months
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Context is Everything, Pt. 2
Or... "Have You Actually Watched The Show?"
Pt. 1, with excellent additions by @camelotpark and @princeescaluswords can be found here.
As anyone who follows me knows, I've been particularly active when it comes to defending Scott McCall on Teen Wolf recently, because we've had a lot of anons (one anon on repeat) harassing us. It made me more familiar with those who are just hellbent on taking Scott and casting him in the absolute worst possible light at every opportunity.
As such, occasionally, I'll find myself venturing behind enemy lines to see what nonsense they're spouting now out of a sense of morbid curiosity.
And boy did I find some doozies this time around.
For example:
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This is why this post is titled Context, because its something that these people conveniently leave out when they try to woobify certain characters and demonize others.
Take this one - every line written down there is taken out-of-context. If people actually watched the show, they'd know that Derek was living in the burned out shell of his family home by his own choice. We found out later that he had a hell of a lot of money, enough to by entire building. Hell, there were even clues before that, in the fact that he drove around in an expensive muscle car and clearly had enough cash to replace a shattered window on said car in a relatively short period of time. Derek lived in squalor (first the mansion and then the train station) by choice, which is entirely apparent if one would just watch the show.
And then there's the attempt to deflect by bringing up Derek's trauma, hoping that people won't pay attention to all the horrible things Derek did in the first two seasons. These people straight up switch the definitions of Excuse and Explain in an attempt to make Derek's actions, particularly toward Scott and Stiles seem either not that bad, or weirdly enough, romantic (in the case of Stiles). They like to pretend that the horrible things that Derek went through (which explain his behavior) give him free reign to do whatever he wants, particularly when it comes to assaulting Scott (them trying to excuse his behavior.)
They wave Derek's trauma, being sexually assaulted and manipulated by Kate Argent who used him so that she could murder his family as an excuse for him to assault teenagers new to this world, breaking-and-entering, attempted murder (more than once) and actual murder. This is even more disturbing when you remember that the same people who love to troy out what Kate did to him when he was a teenager love to ship Derek as an adult with Stiles, who is a teenager. The irony is so thick you could choke on it.
Derek may have had one of the most fulfilling arcs on this show, but just because he finally stopped trying so hard to be something he wasn't and learned to let go, doesn't absolve him of the things he did in earlier seasons. Was he a hero by the end of the show? Yes, but he wasn't always. His first two seasons were him being one of the antagonists to being more akin to an actual villain (not the main villain, but still a villain - or anti-villain) in the second season.
And then we have this gem:
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Once again, every aspect of context from the show is removed from these sentences to make Scott look like the worst thing since the plague.
Without context this just paints Scott as some warmongering asshole who goes around picking up random teenager shapeshifters and inducting them into his personal war.
With context, we know that Scott saved that kid, Alec, from Tamora and her hunters after they'd already killed all of his friends/pack. Scott didn't just pick Alec and say "hey, you're a werewolf and these hunters are after you so you have to join me or else." He invited Alec to join them in stopping the hunters with full knowledge of what he would be getting into. Not at all Derek's recruitment of Isaac, Erica and Boyd, where he preyed on them at their most vulnerable and gave them the most vague idea of what they'd be getting into. You need further proof of that? How about the fact that Derek's whole pack left him because they didn't sign up to be foot soldiers in his personal vendetta. Erica and Boyd straight up left after saying that Derek lied to them about what they'd be getting into and Isaac went and joined Scott's pack, because Scott actually cared about those in his pack.
Scott never asked any of his friends, his pack, to fight for him. Hell, in season four, during the whole deadpool hitlist plot, when Liam was too scared to get involved any more, Scott reassured him that it was okay and that he didn't think any less of him. And when Liam did get involved, that's because it was his choice. Scott didn't order him to fight, Liam chose to because it was the right thing to do. This is in direct contrast to Derek ordering his betas to kill Lydia on nothing more than his own suspicions and lack of knowledge about his own world.
Its also another blatant use of their double-standards when it comes to Scott. For the entire run of the show, these people have complained ad nauseum about how Scott didn't do anything. He was too nice and let the villains off without any consequences (he didn't, but they don't care about that), and yet here, in the finale, we have him finally taking the fight to the people coming after him, and suddenly its a bad thing.
Am I the only one that's confused by that logic?
What makes it worse is the fact that they're comparing Scott and Derek at two very different points in their lives and trying to paint Scott as comparable to Derek at his worst (kudos to them for admitting Derek was bad). Once again, with context, we know that the two situations are completely different, no matter how similar they may look. Derek went actively recruiting child soldiers, turning them into werewolves to fight in his war against Gerard and the hunters. Scott only ever bit two people, and one of them was an accident. Everyone that joined his fight was already a werewolf (or shapeshifter of some kind). Scott didn't turn any of them. He found Alec (and I'm assuming others) and offered him the chance to fight back against people who were actively hunting him. Isaac, Erica and Boyd weren't in any danger from the hunters until after Derek recruited them. On the surface, these two situations look very similar, but with context, they're not even remotely the same.
Context is everything. Without it, people can make whatever statement they like, but it doesn't change the truth of what actually happened. All it takes is for someone to actually watch the show to see how things actually went down.
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angellesword · 5 years
Silver Dust
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Summary: Yoongi proposed to you and you're contemplating whether to say yes or no.
Pairing: Songwriter Yoongi x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: Fluff, fluff, and fluff.
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings/ author's note: I wrote like a whole ass song using Cypher pt.4 beat lmaooo, kissing, minor smut, mention of rape, abuse, killings, and corruption.
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<<< The first meeting >>>
The first time you met Yoongi's eyes wasn't really that special.
There was no sign of your heart skipping a single beat, if there was, you're 100% sure he's not the reason behind it because 1) you pretty much believed it's just the effect of drinking three shots of espresso in one sitting. 2) You were damn nervous since your prelim grades were already out.
You didn't even feel any butterfly in your stomach, nor did your world light up—and this, to be honest, was understandable, especially when Yoongi's eyes were dead as fuck. You figured that if it wasn't for your shared seven am class, he would probably still be lying in bed.
"The professor said you're my partner for this project." Even the first time you heard his voice wasn't special.
If there's one thing that made Yoongi Yoongi, it's his monotonous voice. At first, you thought he just didn't like the idea that you two were stuck together to work on a project. (Again, it's understandable) You also found it ridiculous that your professor actually paired you with a stranger.
Well, it's not like you knew Yoongi. Unless knowing his full name counted. But really, it's inevitable since the two of you went to the same classes since freshman year (you're a senior now) apart from that, almost all your professors never failed to voice out their adoration for him.
You first heard his name when your history instructor made it very clear that Min Yoongi's works would be his "standard" when it came to grading your individual projects. In short, if Yoongi got an A, you and your classmates should also either get an A or an A+ or else, you're considered 'failed.'
It’s kind of fucked up, really. Most of you knew that Min Yoongi was a monster when it came to collecting As. Unfair. All he did during class lectures was sleep and yet, he still managed to be number one.
Huh. It must be awesome to be God's favorite.
There was also this one time when one of your professors, Mr. Bang, cried when he asked Yoongi to read his essay in front. The smart boy was reluctant at first. He despised exposure, that's for sure. However, the professor's so persistent that Yoongi obliged just to make the annoying instructor shut up.
You're actually glad Mr. Bang managed to persuade Yoongi. His speech about finding yourself and being happy made Mr. Bang and almost everyone in your class cry. Yoongi transformed into a completely different person the moment he started his speech. Monotonous Voice? Gone.
You figured that yes, your heart didn't skip a beat when you first caught his eyes, but boy did your heart hurt when those simple words leaving his mouth turned into a piece of art.
<<< Your one brain cell >>>>
The second time you met Yoongi's eyes was in front of his house. The two of you decided to work on your project at the school's library, however the place was loaded with students cramming their paper works and you just couldn't bear to hear another person aggressively typing on their laptop anymore. You were sick of it.
"Uh, hi?" you awkwardly smiled at the blond man in front of you.
You weren't quite sure how to react when he was just staring at you blankly. Yoongi's lips were pursed together and that alone made you uncomfortable.
"We were supposed to meet at the library..." He raised his brow as if he wanted to know how the hell did you know where he lives? And were you a fucking stalker?
"I..." You instantly trailed off when he narrowed his brow more. Man, he sure was intimidating. The lack of spark in his eyes made you wince. The man in front of you had thick, low set brows—making them appear almost completely straight. (Poker face alert)
You swallowed the thick lump in your throat before trying to form a coherent sentence.
"There...people. I mean, the library is packed with uh, people."
"So you just decided to show up in my house?"
His question made you quiver. This was such a wrong move. Of course you couldn’t just knock on his door like this; you two were not even friends!
"I'm sorry. I just didn't know any other place and I..." You heaved a deep sigh. "I saw your friend Jeongguk and he told me where you live—“
"Right." He cut you off by opening the door wide. Of course it had to be Jeongguk. That little shit really knew how to annoy Yoongi.
"Holly peed on the couch so there's no way we can work there. Is my room okay to you?" Despite not seeing his face, you instantly knew that Yoongi's question was directed at you. He was leading the way inside his house and you're behind him, quietly following where he's going.
Yoongi's house was not that big, but it's a lovely and comfortable place. Unlike your dorm, you felt at home here. It's probably the indoor plants that made the place more alive. You suddenly wondered if he's living with someone. Did the love of his life stay here? Or did he have a roommate? You're adamant that he lived alone; otherwise all these plants would probably be dead.
You weren't really a judgmental person, you're rather logical. Yoongi slept during class hours; he couldn't be bothered by moving a single inch, too. You guessed that he hated any form of activity and maybe, that included watering plants.
You were about to ask him if he lived alone when your voice had been overpowered by loud, boisterous bark.
"Oh! Hello there, little guy..." A giggle escaped from your lips when a small dog went your way to lick your exposed legs.
You squatted in front of the puppy so you could pet his furry head.
"Holly, no!" Yoongi called the attention of the brown poodle, but it couldn't care less. The dog named Holly still continued to ask for your affection.
You almost whined when Yoongi took Holly away from you. You're sure the puppy hated it too. But Yoongi told you that his pet needed to learn his lesson first. The naughty dog really peed on the couch right after his bathroom training. Yikes!
Yoongi let you inside his room after your little encounter with Holly. The vibe of his room contradicted the overall theme of the house, but you had expected it to be this way nonetheless.
His bedroom walls were painted dark blue, too dark it's almost close to black. There's nothing much in his room except a single bed, a study area with lots of technical devices, and oh!
Amusement danced in your eyes when you noticed different manga books on his shelf. You didn't think that Yoongi was the type of person who would dwell on such things, but what really caught your attention was his album collection.
"You like Epik High!?" you couldn't help your enthusiasm when your eyes found the band's album called Shoebox resting on the black metallic shelf near his bed. Damn. Shoebox was your best-loved album of all time! You liked all songs by Epik High, however nothing could ever top the said album for you. Your ultimate favorite song had to be Amor Fatti. That song slapped, though its meaning was often misunderstood by many.
Yoongi only spared you a few glances from the moment you showed into his house, this time, however, he was looking at you intently and for the first time, you saw him smile, a shy one at that.
"Yeah...they're the reason why I write songs..." He whispered, too soft you barely heard it.
You even blinked. Did you hear him right?
"Oh, you're a songwriter?" You flashed a loop-sided smile that made Yoongi's cheeks red.
"Uh, well...it's just what I like to do during my free time."
You nodded and hummed, your eyes were still busy roaming around his room when an idea popped in your mind.
"So why don't we make use of your talent and write a song for this project?" You caught Yoongi's eyes again, but this time, it didn't look dead, truthfully, his pupils dilated when he heard what you just said.
You instantly defended your suggestion.
"I mean, we don't really have a plan, and now we have. I think you're pretty good at it so it'll make our jobs easier. I can sing, don't worry..."
You hated saying that, though you didn't have a choice. You needed to convince him that producing a song would be such a good idea.
Your professor said you needed to make something, anything that would elicit a reaction from him and your classmates. This was a psychology class and your topic for midterm was all about emotions. Mr. Kim Seokjin, your professor, was tired of doing all the talking, especially because your class was unresponsive, so to save his voice (and brain cells probably) he told the whole class that the remaining meeting for midterm would be about his students showcasing their talents that wold, like what you had said, gain extreme emotions from your classmates. It's actually easy except that you're paired with someone you were not close with. On top of that, the presentation of the project shouldn't exceed ten minutes, and lastly, it should be personal.
You spent days thinking about what you and your partner could do, but your brain cells weren't cooperating since you only had two of it, the first one was sleeping and the other only knew the words "Nothing, bitch."
And so now that your former brain cell decided to wake up and save you from your misery of being stupid (even if it's just for good three minutes) you're willing to take it.
Before your 180 seconds ran out, you immediately started blabbing words to convince Yoongi to produce a song with you.
And guess what? Your convincing power must be really good (or maybe you're just as annoying as Mr. Bang and Yoongi just wanted you to shut up too) but hey, at least Yoongi agreed!
<<< Weirdo >>>
The third time you met Yoongi's eyes—well, it's not really the third time. You had actually lost count on how many times your eyes locked with each other. Sometimes, it's a conscious act, but most of the time, it's not. You guys would just find yourselves staring into each other's eyes when you didn't know what lyrics to write next.
Producing a song was not as easy as what you thought it would be. It had been three weeks since the two of you started this project. Yoongi's room had been your workplace ever since. He had the equipment you needed plus it's easier to meet here since your dorm was just meters away from his house.
"My damn throat hurts like hell!" You groaned before collapsing on top of Yoongi's bed.
The past three weeks you spent with Yoongi made the two of you start a beautiful friendship. Admittedly, it's not really beautiful since most of the time; you're bickering at each other. You and Yoongi were so different from each other. He liked starting his work early because he wanted to finish it early. You, on the other hand, were his exact opposite. You're the play now, work later type of person and Yoongi hated it so much. While he practiced delayed gratification, you sat there and ruined everything.
You were always on his bed, cuddling his pet Holly. That's most likely the reason why it's only been two days since you two finished the song. It took almost three weeks because of your procrastinating ass, and now, you suffered. The two of you only had a week before you performed this in front of your class. Yoongi was pissed off at you for the reason that you still hadn't finished memorizing the lyrics and your voice was already strained.
“If I ever see you drinking cold water again, I will fucking drown your ass on that water as I behead you, and then I will freeze your head." Yoongi warned as he joined you in bed.
"Ohhh, morbid. I like that..." You shrugged your shoulders and then you buried your face on his chest—making him groan in irritation.
"You weirdo, get away from me!"
"No..." You laughed because Yoongi was the weird one here. He told you not to touch him or stay close to him, but at the same time, he's wrapping his arm on your waist.
You wondered if this was okay, it's just been three weeks since the two of you had been formally introduced, and yet, you found comfort here. On his bed. In his arms.
You smiled to yourself, yes, Yoongi was a weirdo, but so were you.
<<< Namjoon’s Party >>>>
What you considered as the fourth time you met Yoongi’s eyes was also the first time he called you by your given name.
“You feel so good…” He moaned your name on your neck, his hands were tightly wrapped around your waist—enjoying your body heat.
You suddenly thought if dragging Yoongi into this party was the best idea. Right now, you had no freaking clue how to act. You’re drunk, but not too drunk to not think about the consequences of this night. But damn, you’re just a human. A horny human! How could you possibly stop Yoongi when he’s using his soft lips to paint bruises on your neck!?
You could just push him away and you knew that, though you were also aware that your mind and heart wouldn’t want that, not when you liked what he’s doing to you.
“Namjoon’s party sucks.”
“Just not your crowd, weirdo...” You chuckled. Oh, thank heavens for Namjoon. He was one of your childhood friends and frankly, the song you and Yoongi produced wouldn’t be finished without the help of Namjoon. So when that friend of yours texted you to come to his birthday party, you immediately agreed. Fortunately, you didn’t have to force your one brain cell to wake up just so you could convince Yoongi to go with you.
This wasn’t what Yoongi likesd he hated parties because he didn’t want to talk to stupid people and drunken people were stupid people. Perhaps the only reason why Yoongi was here was because he couldn’t turn down Namjoon—not after all your friend’s genius advice.
“I hate this place.” Yoongi added, he’s now looking at you with sparks in his eyes—or maybe you’re just drunk. Too intoxicated to feel and see anything other than the fact that Yoongi’s already grinding at you.
You huffed; suddenly offended by the clothes you’re wearing. Were you supposed to wear this when all you wanted was to feel Yoongi’s touch on your bare skin?
“We’re here for Namjoon—”
“God, can’t you take the hint?” Yoongi cut you off by pouting.
You blinked. Did this weirdo just pout? And oh, his lips…his lips were hot….hot against your own mouth.
“Yoongi….” You breathed, your eyes were too hazy to see his gummy smile.
“Let’s get the hell out of this place…”
That night, you once again lost count as to how many times you met his eyes. You also figured out that his eyes looked best the most when he’s down on his knees, facing your hips.
<<< The Performance >>>
You were expecting to meet Yoongi’s eyes as soon as you opened your very own one; however panic and fear consumed your whole being that you immediately ran out of Yoongi’s room. You’re too frightened to let him see you that you hurriedly put your clothes on and left his house.
It’s not like it was going to change the fact that you slept with your classmate in Psychology, however, you were scared. Scared to see his eyes back to being dead when just last night, the moon and the stars were there, staring at you like you’re not just a dust in this universe, but the whole universe.
Besides, you had one logical reason: you needed to pick up your costume for your upcoming performance with Yoongi. Taehyung, your designer friend was only available till nine in the morning, so you literally had to run like a lunatic right after you woke up from your cozy sleep on Yoongi’s bed.
Your outfit was perfect. Damn, Taehyung really had a talent when it came to this. Your confidence level was boosted just by wearing the clothes your great friend designed. You thought you’re finally ready to perform the song you and Yoongi produced for one month.
You were so ready, but your heart was not…
Just…where the hell was Yoongi? It had been two days since you last saw him. You hadn’t heard any news from him since you left his apartment the day after Namjoon’s party. Was he mad at you for leaving? Or did he even care?
You had fifteen minutes left before Mr. Kim Seokjin, your psychology professor, marked your grades zero.
“Fucking Min Yoongi, where the hell are you?” You grimaced when your call was directed on his phone’s voicemail.
You had two options: fake death so you wouldn’t have to perform, or kill Mr. Kim Seokjin. (They wouldn’t probably notice if you stabbed your professor on his side since most of them were busy preparing for their own presentations.)
But just as you’re about to resort to your latter option, Yoongi’s familiar scent immediately attacked your nose. You looked back only for you to cancel killing Mr. Kim Seokjin and just choose your former option.
God, how could it be possible for you to still want to stay alive when Min Yoongi was killing you with his looks? Gone was his light blond hair, but you’re not complaining since his now black curly hair was much much better than the previous one.
“Sorry I’m late. Holly peed on the couch again…” His multiple earrings looked too damn good on him. You’re silly; you’re fucking silly because you worried for nothing. Yoongi was still Yoongi, and the sparks in his eyes were still visible.
“It’s okay, we still have time…” You smiled as if the thought of murdering your professor didn’t just cross your mind. Oh well, nothing else mattered when Yoongi was here, right?
Mr. Kim Seokjin said that you and Yoongi would be the last performers for this day, which meant you still had at least half an hour left to stare at Yoongi like a vampire wanting to drink blood. But time flies fast when you’re busy with something. Thirty minutes ago, you were just ogling at your partner, right now, you were in front of the class, spitting fire with your partner.
The first verse of your produced song was rapped by Yoongi. Scratch that, Agust D was in front of you and not Yoongi. Your partner told you that he preferred to be called Agust D whenever he was performing his rap song.
Robber! Robber!
Sorry bae
Killer! Killer!
Sorry bae
Sorry bae
“Oh! The court’s case you got away?”
Your partner smirked before proceeding to the next verse. You, on the other hand, stood there to hype the crowd.
You always get away
I’m sorry bae
You smoke cocaine but get away
Justice won’t be served
I’m sorry bae
Everything, everything, everything
You were nervous. The next verse was assigned to you. The plan was that you only had to sing the chorus part, though Yoongi had another idea. He wanted you to go out of your comfort zone and try something new. So here you were, rapping.
You commit the same sin
Sorry bae
Your silence they love it
Sorry bae
I see same pigs on the senate
Boring bae
Your vote they bought and they’re not
Sorry bae
Nothing’s new but rich people’s car are
Brand new
Sorry bae
You can’t be illiterate coz they take advantage
Before you know it, you’re one of the reasons
Why innocents are salvage
Politicians know your name
But after the election they act like they don’t know your name!
You and Yoongi both performed the chorus part. It looked like the crowd was enjoying your presentation because they also started shouting and hyping you up.
They love, they love, they love themselves
They know, they know your sufferings
But they don’t they don’t and will never care
Youth wake up, stand up, we should fight the state! Brr!
The following verse was rapped by Yoongi again. You took your time to feel yourself as you discreetly watched the reaction of the people in front of you. A whole month of stress and worry seemed to pay off. You even locked eyes with Park Jimin, one of your most-respected classmates; he cheered for you and that was enough for you to successfully perform the next verse.
I wanna get job (job, job, job)
But I can’t get on the spotlight
Yeah I wanna have a good life!
But my parent’s wings are cozy
I just wanna hide
It’s okay I have time
My trust fund won’t end
So I can still live
And breathe while I finish this game
Called being “dependent”
All night, all day
All night, all day
Don’t care, don’t care, don’t care!
The next verse was easy to execute since you and Yoongi both rapped it. You were facing each other and suddenly, you forgot that there were eyes watching you. Min Yoongi caressed your cheeks once. You smiled as you sensually rolled your body.
Who plays by the rule?
No one!
Who wants to grab a woman's hair?
Yoongi slightly pulled your hair this time. You grimaced, but you still continued rapping.
He has mistress so the wife’s depressed
He forgot about their kids but that’s okay
She can cover up for him like how
She can cover her bruise and play cool
As she says “I love him, anyway.”
You moved away from your partner. Your mood instantly changed as you approached the next verse. This one’s challenging to write. Your heart was breaking as you sang.
The other woman on the street has been pulled
By the stranger claiming she’s wet like a pool
She should be thankful since this will feel like
a dream come true
Lick it lick it right, you can take it, right?
She cried and cried and cried, that should be a sign
But “High five!” he told the other man
As the woman cried, her voice is too loud
So they killed her that night.
You let out your frustration by growling and jumping. Min Yoongi was also lost in his own world as he rapped—raising his middle finger from time to time.
They love, they love, they love themselves
They know, they know your sufferings
But they don’t they don’t and will never care
You’re horny, you fucked up! Go on and hate yourself! Brr!
It’s Yoongi’s own verse again. His mood shifted too. If you weren’t part of this performance, you would probably just stare at him. Goddamn, Min Yoongi had his own way of expressing himself.
Back back to the killings!
Your guns check
Call me when you need a gunman I can kill
Even for a dollar
Hashtag no conscience
I don’t believe in God so hell sounds okay
I’ll be with my gang gang
So hell won’t be boring!
The demon you summon
so money won’t be your worry
Payday, paycheck so I can have that rolex
He pointed the rolex on his wrist. It’s not an authentic one, but that’s not the point. Clearly, he just wanted everyone to see that there were other ways to “look cool.” However, many people still chose to listen and be their own demons.
Click clack to the bang bang
Your time has run out.
Click clack here’s my gun
I’m so high on drugs
I see you as a rat
They can control me with money
So you take these four shots
Your life is like a fruit fly
“I can’t understand. Why is it so easy for them?” This was Min Yoongi’s question to you. He asked this while you two were writing the following verse. He hated a lot of things, though he could forgive and tolerate some of it easily. However, he clearly told you that he could never treat someone right if that person used violence.
Click clack to the bang, you and you
Wait your turn
Shit! You little boy
Come here look at the blood
How? You’re asking me?
I don’t know, you’re a man you should know how
He also told you how much he hated this unfair world. He respected women more than ever, but Yoongi was an advocate of both equality and equity. Why can’t boys cry? Are we robots? These were some of his questions too.
If this is the kind of world we live in
I don't wanna live at all
If I exist for your pleasure
then I refuse to accept this call
You joined Yoongi singing the last verse of the song.
They love, they love, they love themselves
They know, they know your sufferings
But they don’t they don’t and will never care
Yo’ human, are you human? If yes then help us save this place!
By the time you finish the song, everyone’s clapping their hands and cheering for you and your partner. You swore you even saw Mr. Kim Seokjin wrote “100” on your paper.
You smiled. The performance was over, contrarily, the attraction you felt for your partner was only starting.
<<< Kimchi and Other Sauces >>>>
The first time you met Yoongi’s pleading eyes was during dinner time. After your performance in Mr. Kim Seokjin’s class, your partner said that the two of you should celebrate this success. Of course you immediately agreed, but that did not mean you were willing to spend money.
“I swear to God, Yoongi…if you ever bring me to a fine-dining restaurant, I will fucking kill you.”
You were not joking. You had student loans to pay so you couldn’t afford to spend a hundred dollar for a fucking spaghetti and sparkling water.
“Chill, you weirdo. We can just—” He stopped mid-sentence because a brilliant idea just popped into his mind.
“What? You’re not planning a yacht dinner date, are you!?” You started freaking out and the uneasiness you felt only intensified when Yoongi smirked.
“Actually, I was planning to…you know…maybe…make you eat my cum.” He simply shrugged his shoulders.
He said it so casually that you just stared at him. Was he serious or were you supposed to be laughing now? You could feel your blood rushing. You were so confused. Excited. Worried.
After what it felt like forever, the staring contest with Yoongi finally ended. He offered his hands and of course, you immediately took it. The both of you rushed toward his big, black motorbike. Yoongi only brought one helmet so he told you to just wear it. The ride to his house wasn’t that far, anyway.
The both of you were in a hurry. Countless profanities were thrown at him for driving hastily; Yoongi even parked his motorbike in a reckless way. Still, you two couldn’t care less, especially Yoongi. How could he? Huh, definitely not after you stroked his cock while driving. That’s really not a smart move, at least not when Yoongi’s mother welcomed the both of you just as Yoongi opened his apartment’s door.
“Eomma! What are you doing here?!” Clearly, your partner wasn’t expecting to see his own mother. It’s pretty obvious since Yoongi’s jaw dropped and his neck was slowly turning red.
“You brat! Why wouldn’t I be here? This is my house!” You knew you weren’t supposed to laugh, however it’s hard to control yourself when Yoongi’s being hit by his own mother while he was trying to cover the bulge on his pants.
“Eommoni! Please! I have a guest!” Yoongi got away from his own mother by hiding himself behind your small frame.
“What—oh!” His mother’s eyes widened when she saw you. She seemed surprised to see Yoongi bring someone. Of course, Yoongi had never brought his friends home. Not even once. At this point, his mother was actually convinced that her son was allergic to human beings.
“I didn’t know that Yoongi is friends with someone as charming as you…” The frightening aura of his mother was completely gone. The older woman engulfed you into a tight, warm hug as she asked your name. You answered her with a smile on your lips.
Yoongi’s mom led you in the kitchen. Actually, you tagged along with her. She wanted to prepare a meal for you and her son, but of course, you couldn’t just sit still and look pretty. As a sign of respect, you needed to help her. Besides, you loved kitchen works, though you’re pretty sure cooking hated every fiber of your being.
The older woman just asked you to set up the table because according to her, she was always in charge of cooking. She also told you to be prepared because you’d surely forget your name once you tasted her award-winning Sam Gae Tang or that chicken soup with ginseng. Hoseok, one of your best friends, made the best chicken soup so your standard was kind of high. For you, nothing could beat Hoseok, but we’ll just have to see.
“Please be kind to my mother…”
Yoongi’s voice and eyes were pleading as he sat beside you. The food was already prepared and the two of you were ready to eat. You were just waiting for Yoongi’s mom to finish washing her hands.
You just raised your brows at the man beside you, clearly not understanding why he’s pleading because really, you knew how to respect elders.
Yoongi sighed.
“My mom is a terrible cook. Her soup tastes like shit, man…” Yoongi shook his head like a traumatized kid. He even bit his lower lip.
You’re about to say something, but you heard his mother’s footsteps, meaning, if you spoke, she might hear you, and so you just kept your mouth shut. You’re expecting Yoongi to do the same, though he just leaned on your shoulders—his eyes were still begging.
“Please, baby? Just put a lot of kimchi and other sauces on your soup to get rid of the awful taste. Can you do that for me?”
You simply nodded. That night, you realized that Yoongi was willing to do everything just to make someone he loved happy. Days, weeks, months, and years passed and you still admired how every time you had dinner with him and his mother, Yoongi would urge you to put kimchi and other sauces on your chicken soup.
At this point, you were convinced you loved Min Yoongi. You had always loved cooking, hell, you were willing to lose your bachelor’s degree if that meant you would be good at cooking, because…
You, just like Yoongi’s mom, were a terrible cook. But Yoongi never complained nor did he ever put kimchi and other sauces on the food you cooked just for him.
<<< Silver Dust>>>>
The first time you asked Yoongi why he liked looking into your eyes was when the both of you were having a staring contest.
The wind was unbelievably cold tonight, clearly, you weren’t expecting to freeze in the middle of a summer night. The annoying weather led you into thinking if climbing on top of your boyfriend’s house’s roof was a good idea. Sure the stars were pretty, but you felt cold. Too cold.
“Do you know the story about the Window and the Mirror?” Yoongi asked out of the blue. He also pulled your body closer to him—making you grimace. The texture of the roof was hard on your back. You shook your head, why did you choose to lay on the roof without any blanket again? Sometimes, your choices in life were really questionable.
“Nah, what happened?” You’re never a fan of stories.
Yoongi sighed. He pulled you closer to him until your face was buried on his neck. Damn. He smelled like smoke and sex.
“Well, for starters, my father left us…”
Yoongi’s words monetarily made you stop breathing. You had known him for years now, but not once did you ever talk about his father. You were aware that his father left him and his mom, though you didn’t know the story behind it.
“My father was a good man and he always tells me he loves my mother more than ever. For the longest time of my life, I believed him. He never looked into anyone’s wife. He never had a mistress, but my father is selfish.”
You just hummed to let him know that you were listening.
He cleared his throat.
“Mom just wants a simple life and that’s why we never left Daegu. This is my home. Our home.” Yoongi’s grip on your shoulder tightened, he looked up in the sky—the stars were prettier when you were in Daegu.
“My father doesn’t like to be here, though. He loves the city. He craves city life. Ever since I was young, he kept telling my mom that they should move to Seoul. Abeonim hates farming. He calls our strawberry farm disgusting. Said he should become a CEO and not a stupid farmer.” Yoongi laughed bitterly. He could still remember the way his father said those words.
“And guess what? He fucking did. Min Hyun Sik, chief executive officer of Bighit Company…” Yoongi cackled and you gasped.
Min Hyun Sik was his father? That guy was like the richest man in South Korea! You wanted to confirm this news that he just dropped, however, you couldn’t move because Yoongi’s grip on your shoulders was so tight.
“He became someone with power by leaving my mother and I.” Yoongi repeated as his eyes darkened. He no longer found the stars pretty. For him they were just lights—shining to hurt his eyes.
“He just left a note like that was going to be enough. He didn’t even say sorry. The only words written on those notes are him telling me to go to University using the money he left.”
You bit your lower lip. His grip was really, really tight…
“He wants me to go to college so I can follow him in the city, and so I went to college. But it’s not because I want to follow him. I enrolled just so I can fucking drop out during my last year.”
You furrowed your brow. If that was Yoongi’s original plan, then how…how come he’s a college graduate now?
“That was the plan before I met you…” Yoongi’s grip on your shoulder loosens, giving you the opportunity to look into his eyes.
He smiled at you.
“So, the story of the Window and the Mirror?” He offered and you just nodded.
“There’s this rich man—”
“Richer than your dad?” You asked. He laughed.
“Fucking richer than my dad…” He left a chaste kiss on your mouth. You giggled. “Anyway, the man went to see a rabbi, some sort of Jewish teacher. Of course the rabbi asked him what he wanted and the rich man said he doesn’t know what to do with his life anymore.”
“Uh, duh? He should give us money!” You butted in again. Yoongi kissed you once more just to make you shut up.
“Unfortunately, the teacher didn’t tell the rich man to give you money, weirdo. The Rabbi just led him over to the window and asked him this.” Yoongi cleared his throat. “What can you see through the glass?”
“And what’s the response of the rich man, Mr. Min?”
“I can see men coming and going and a blind man begging for alms in the street.” Yoongi answered you. “The rabbi seemed content with his answers, so this time, the teacher led him into a large mirror to ask him another question...”
“What is the other question?” You pressed.
“The rabbi asked him this, baby…” Yoongi pressed his lips on your mouth before proceeding to the story. “When you look in this mirror, can you tell me what you see?”
“And?!” You pressed again.
“I can see myself…”
“Obviously.” You rolled your eyes. You just wanted to know the sense of this story.
“And you can’t see the others. Notice that the window and the mirror are both made of the same basic material, glass. You should compare yourself to these two kinds of glass. Poor, you saw other people and felt compassion for them. Rich — covered in silver — you see yourself.”
“Oh,” was all you could say.
Your boyfriend smiled at you.
“My father chose to look in the mirror and I almost did the same. I almost dropped out of college just because I want my father to see that having a degree is useless. But, baby, if I actually chose to drop out, I wouldn’t have met you. I wouldn’t be able to give my mother a better life. I wouldn’t be able to afford to hire a cook and who knows? If I drop out of college, I would probably still be eating my mom’s shitty chicken soup.” You laughed at that.
“I am just saying, I like to look into your eyes because it reminds me of a window. It made me see a lot of things—new opportunities. Because of you, I stopped being selfish. You removed the silver in the mirror; you turned the silver into dust.”
“I fucking love you!” This time, you initiated the kiss.
You kissed Min Yoongi so hard that when you pulled away, he’s desperately gasping for air.
“I fucking love you too.”
<<< The Proposal >>>>
After reminiscing some of your unforgettable moments with Min Yoongi, you finally looked into his eyes.
Yoongi proposed to you and you’re contemplating whether to say yes or no. Your boyfriend despised the crowd, but here he was, down on his knees—shakily holding a ring on his hand.
You examined his face. His lips were quivering, for the first time; you saw how vulnerable he looked. It’s as if his whole life depended on this, and to be honest, it did. Yoongi couldn’t imagine life without you.
“Baby, are you gonna say yes or no?” Yoongi knitted his brows together.
You chuckled. Typical, Yoongi.
“Please stand up…”
Your boyfriend looked at you with confused eyes. His heart started beating so fast he’s very sure it would explode.
“B-But why? Don’t you want to—“ He stammered.
“Just stand up, Yoongi.”
With a heavy heart, Yoongi followed what you wanted. Deep inside, Yoongi was already murdering his friend, Jeon Jeongguk. He just told Yoongi that proposing in a strange, busy city would win your heart.
You two were currently in New York, New York. Strangers were watching you, and Brooklyn Bridge served as your backdrop. Jeongguk said that if Yoongi proposed in a place where no one knew you, then it was a sure win because your mother wouldn’t be able to stop Yoongi. Your childhood crush or ex wouldn't be in the picture too so it was another win for Yoongi. But your boyfriend was starting to regret his decision. He shouldn’t have listened to Jeongguk. What did that dipshit even know about love?
“Yoongi, are you listening?”
“Huh?” Your boyfriend’s train of thoughts were suddenly halted when you spoke.
“I can’t believe you. I just said yes!” You shake Yoongi’s shoulder. It looked like he was still out of his mind and that made you anxious. What if…what if he decided you’re not worth it anymore? What if he didn’t want to marry you anymore?
“Baby, I can’t believe you too. Please give me your hands!” Yoongi exclaimed.
“Oh!” You exclaimed as well. What the hell! You were so apprehensive that you zoned out too!
“We’re both weirdos, do you know that?” Yoongi shook his head after putting the sparkling ring on your finger.
You laughed.
“Oh, just shut up and kiss me.”
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The Road So Far (pt. 1)
Sweet Pea x reader
Summary: Y/n Winchester and her two older brothers go to the small town of Riverdale for a case. Y/n must enroll into Riverdale High to help the case, and meets one Sweet Pea on tbe way.
Riverdale + Supernatural crossover
Requested by: @sgarrett49
Author Note: So Tumblr cut me off from writing any more on this text, so it's going to be stretched out into a mini series.
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3402
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"I just don't get why I have to go to school to hunt a werewolf."
Dean closed the trunk of the car. "Because, we heard from some of the people here that the teenagers basically run this town."
"Really?" You said. "Ugh, it's like we got a case inside of some crappy new age TV show." Sam laughed and Dean nodded. You all went inside of a motel next to some trailer homes.
The next day you took your stuff and went to school. Apparently a school got closed down due to some hazardous stuff, so there was only one in the town.
When you got to school, there was a small crowd of teens waiting for you. "Excuse me, are you Y/n Winchester?" You nodded. "Okay then. Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge, and welcome to Riverdale High."
"Lodge, as in Lodge Industries?" You asked. Her smiled faded a bit, then came back just as quickly.
"Yes, but whatever daddykins does with his business, I am not associated with."
You smiled and compressed your laughter. "Daddykins, huh?" She nodded. "That's a new one."
She let out a small laugh. "Well, this is Archie, my boyfriend."
He waved. Then another one spoke up. "I'm Betty, I'm one of the people who run the blue and gold newspaper. This is Jughead, he also runs the blue and gold."
"You guys solved some murders right?" Maybe they could help you with the case. The two of them nodded.
Then Jughead spoke up. "This is Fangs and Sweet Pea." They both nodded.
You look at Sweet Pea's tattoo. "What's that mean?" You put two fingers to your neck pulse, indicating the tattoo.
"It's a symbol for the Southside Serpents." Her said, looking down at you.
"That a gang?" You asked as a joke. When he nodded, you responded with, "Wait really?"
A person bursted through the doors. "Ignore the hoodlums. Don't pay any attention to the raggamuffins, they're only important in their greasy, Southside bar. Hi I'm Cheryl blossom. Maybe if you lose the flannel and band shirts I could consider you to be a River Vixen."
"So you're captain of the cheerleaders?" You asked, amused.
"Yup." She said, smug. "I basically run this school."
You bursted out laughing. "Okay, let me get this straight. There's turfs, gangs, murders, and, no offence Ronnie, a mobster in this town?" They all agreed. "And yet, for some reason, cheerleaders and football players are still important? And the head bitch in charge is a ginger?"
You had began to laugh again. "Aw, this is a bad new aged TV show, isn't it?" Jughead snorted.
"You you have a problem with my hair color?" She looked pissed.
"Of course not, gingy #2, I think gingy #1 seems like a nice guy. Look, minus Carrie White over here, you all seem like pretty cool people, but unfortunately I won't have the pleasure of getting to know you. My brothers and I will probably be gone in a week or two. So where do I go to get my schedule?"
"Um, I have it right here." Veronica said. You were going to grab it, but she took it away. "But, we have been asked by principal Weatherbee to make you feel at home."
"No, you and Betty were and you two dragged us into it." Jughead said.
"Well, either way, I want to become friends with you, even if you will only bless us with your presence for a short amount of time."
You looked at her, amused. "Okay then."
She beamed her smile. "Alright, well you have a class with each one of us, and also four classes with Sweet Pea, so we will be with you for the whole day."
Sweet Pea had been watching the entertainment you had been giving this whole time. Who was this girl? One of the first people who didn't care about the social status in Riverdale.
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. You ready Sweets?" You asked. He was taken aback by the nickname. You did the same with Veronica earlier. Was that just a thing you did?
"Uh, yeah, let's go."
As you walked down the hallways, you see signed about some Red Circle group. You grabbed one off the wall. "The Red Circle? What is that?"
"The bulldogs made a group to terrorize the Southside. Trying to clean up the streets and protect their people."
"Really?" You giggled, confusing him. "What kind of piss poor excuse is that? They want to pretend that their in a gang so they can sound cooler than just being a group of sex deprived football players."
He laughed. He was so intrueged by you. You said what was on your mind, and your logic was that of an outside perspective. You were funny and adorable, and came with an I don't give a fuck attitude.
You walked into class together. The teacher told you to sit next to Sweet Pea, who sat in the far back, since you seemed to get along with him. As you walked to your seat, a guy said, "Careful sweetheart. I wouldn't get too close with the snake boy. He's not like us."
You stopped, looking at the letterman jacket he wore. You then held up the red circle sign. "You in this?"
"You know it. The name's Reggie Mantle."
"Wow!" You said in a fake overly happy voice. "You know, when I first walked through those doors I thought you were a douchebag, but I was totally wrong. You're a wanna be ghetto ass douchebag!"
You crumpled up the paper and threw it at him, continuing to walk. Everybody gasped and Sweet Pea smiled excitedly, nodding in his seat.
You silently laughed at him. "Woah."
"What?" Sweet Pea asked, still smiling.
"You look adorable when you're happy." You turned back to the front, missing the smile slide off his face as he stared at you.
As classes went by, you both enjoyed each other's company. Turns out that in every class Sweet Pea is in the back because the teachers fear him. You liked being in the back of the class with him though.
When it came to lunch Veronica practically dragged you to their table. This was your chance to get some information. "So," you said, looking towards Betty and Jughead. "I heard there's been murders of people and animals recently. Do you know anything about it?" They all looked at you, confused. "I'm just really into that stuff."
"Well you'll fit right in here." Veronica joked.
"Not much, but people have been saying things about werewolves." Betty said. "Ethel said that they had a pack at Fox Forest. We were gonna check it out tonight. Do you wanna come?"
"I'd love to." You genuinely smile. If you were to ever stay at one place, it would probably be this one.
Betty smiled. "Okay. This'll be fun."
"Gee gang, sounds like the start of a new mystery." You said without much thought.
"Did you just quote Scooby Doo?" Jughead asked.
"I think this is the beginning of a new relationship." He said as he munched on his food.
When you got to PE Sweet Pea heard girls talking about you. They were talking about how you had scars covered up, and laughing about how they were ugly on you. He was about to go and tell them off, but was stopped by you calling out for him. "Hey, Sweets!"
"We're supposed to partner up, and I think you're the only one who could be close to keeping up with me." You playfully put your hands on your hips.
"We'll see about that, won't we sweetheart?" He gave a smirk.
"Sweetheart, huh? My brother calls his one night stands sweetheart." You counter.
"Don't worry Winchester, you're worth more than that to me." Your cocky smile faded and was replaced with a small, genuine smile with some red on your cheeks. "What's wrong? Not used to the praise?" He slyly said.
"Not at all." You said truthfully. He faltered a bit, but you just brushed your embarrassment off. "C'mon, let's just start the stuff."
Sweet Pea learned just how in shape you were. No matter what exercise was being done, you seemed to excell in it. It was a hassle trying to keep up with you, but he did.
PE was your last period, so the two of you were seen talking together right after school. It seemed that everybody saw, because the five others who greeted you in the morning, except Cheryl, went to go talk to the two of you. It was a rare thing, to see Sweet Pea even give a second glance to someone who isn't a Southsider. But here he was, happy as can be right next to you.
"Hey guys." Betty said. You waved.
"Well well well," Veronica said. "It seems that the new girl in town has found herself a man, and no other than the toughest guy in Riverdale." She was smiling slyly.
They have never seen Sweet Pea so happy, at least not at Riverdale High. Nobody had even seen him look at any girl except Toni, who was one of the guys to him. So having someone crack a smile on his face was a sight to see, and they all automatically wanted the two of you to be together. After all, you made him smile.
Betty then had an idea spring up in her head. "Sweet Pea," he turned his attention towards her, his face unintentionally being a little more colder. "You should come with the three of us tonight to Fox Forest. We're working on the deaths of those people and animals."
Sweet Pea thought about it for a bit, but looking at your waiting face made him not need to think about it at all. "Sure. You guys will need protection, so it's smart if I tag along."
Your face perked up into a smile. Just then a 1967 black Chevy Impala pulled up to the front of the school, classic rock being heard from inside. Two men stepped out and were both leaning on the side of the car. You were guessing that they wanted to look tough to show people not to mess with you.
"Nice ride." Sweet Pea muttered.
"Thanks." You said, everybody turning to you.
"Oh my God, who are those beautiful men standing over there?" Veronica asked. "Especially the one on the left." She said, staring at them.
"That would be Dean. The other one with the long hair is Sam. Those are my brothers." Everyone was in awe of how badass the two looked.
"Well now, some new blood hotties have rolled into town." You all turned your heads to see Cheryl enjoying the view as well. "Who would have known that they were related to a greasy little raggamuffin like you."
"Okay, let's not check out my brothers guys, this is weird and gross for me."
You look at Sweet Pea, who seems to be in a trance as well. "Really? You too?"
He laughed. "No, it's not that. I'm looking at the car." You laughed back. "Don't worry y/n, you're the only Winchester I like to look at." You giggled.
Dean spotted you laughing with some guy. "What the hell?"
"What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Look at that kid, getting a little too chummy with y/n. I'm gonna have a little talk with him."
"You don't know if he's doing anything bad, they could just be talking Dean."
"The kid has a neck tattoo. He's a douche." They watched as you nudged him, smiling and talking. Sam cleared his throat, not knowing how to defend you anymore.
"Oh hell no." He angrily went over to the group of teenagers, ignoring Sam's calls. Everybody brought their attention to the eldest Winchester walking up. "Hey there." He said to Sweet Pea with a smile. "Wanna tell me why you're standing so close to my sister?"
"Dean." You said, standing in between the both of them, although not making a difference from you being a lot tinier than the two. "Don't."
"We were just talking sir." Sweet Pea said, sweating bullets. He stood up straight and his voice was clear, but he was more nervous than anything.
"Oh, you were just talking. Well to me it seemed like flirting, and if you think I'm gonna let-"
Suddenly a hand clasped hard on Dean's shoulder. "Okay, that's enough. Sorry you all had to see that." He smiled at everyone, making the females melt.
Dean took a few steps back before pointing to Sweet Pea and saying, "We have guns."
"Dean!" Sam said in a sturdy voice.
"Are you satisfied big bro?"
"Get in the car." He said in a strained voice. You mouthed the word sorry to Sweet Pea, then looked at Betty and Jughead, nodding. They nodded back.
When you got to the motel, you were on your way to the bathroom. "Imma go take a shower."
Dean grabbed your arm and plopped you on one of the beds. "Oh no, you're not." You innocently smiled at him, making him even more annoyed. "What the hell were you doing with that kid?"
You looked at him, dead face. "Talking."
"Talking my ass! I saw you two, way too close for friendliness. I don't want you around that guy anymore."
You huffed, kicking off your shoes and getting comfortable. "Why not?"
"Because that kid is bad news. He has a neck tattoo of a double headed snake, I mean, that says it all." He smiled, although unamused.
"It's just a tattoo! I have one too." You were referring to the anti possession tattoo just below your collarbone, which was the same place your brothers had theirs.
"That's different."
"Sam, help me out here."
Sam sighed. "I don't know y/n, you guys were standing pretty close."
"Ha!" Dean said.
"But you really could have only been talking."
"See?! Thank you Sammy. You know what, whatever. I'm gonna head to that 50's themed diner. Want anything?"
"Just a salad. Thanks."
You nodded and opened the door. "Don't forget the pie!" Dean called out as you shut the door.
You huffed as you went into a diner called Pop's, heading to the front. You didn't notice the four people with leather jackets. You smiled as an old man with the name tag of Pop came. "Do you have pie?"
"Cherry's our best slice." He smiled.
You smiled back. "Perfect. I'll have that, two combo #1's, and a Caesar salad to go please."
"Sure thing. What kind of milkshakes?"
"Of course, everyone who comes here gets a milkshake. They're the best you'll ever have."
You shrugged, still smiling. There was something that you liked about him. He was just so peaceful. "Surprise me." He nodded and headed to the back. You sat at the counter, waiting for your food.
Meanwhile, Sweet Pea ducked his head when you walked up to the counter. "What's with you?" Toni asked.
"He's into the new girl over there." Jughead said.
"Until her brothers came and scared the crap out of him." Fangs teased.
Sweet Pea flushed from both embarrassment and anger. "No they didn't, I was just showing them respect."
"Then go up to her and ask her out." Fangs said all too casually.
As his three friends stared him down with their evil grins, he awkwardly stood. He knew he couldn't get out of this. He walked over to you, sitting next to you. "Hey."
You swiveled your seat in his direction. "Hey. Sorry about my brothers. Dean likes to get overprotective sometimes, especially when it's with guys that have tattoos on his neck." You have him a teasing smile.
"It's fine." He chuckled out, rubbing where his tattoo was.
"We still on for tonight?" You cocked your head as you waited for his answer, which he found adorable.
"Yeah, I have to be there in case you get yourself in trouble Winchester."
"My hero, but how do I know you won't leave me hanging with Jug and Bets?" There it was again, the nicknames.
"I'm not that kind of guy." He put a hand over his heart jokingly.
"Then why are your friends staring at me?" You squinted your eyes a bit at him.
He put his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it nervously. "They, uh, wanted me to ask you out." You raised your eyebrows at him in an unimpressed manner. "But, I know that you deserve more than some date from a dare. The date will come, but it will take more time. And I don't care if you'll be leaving soon, I'll drive out to wherever you are and pick you up, and we'll have a good date."
You giggled. He suddenly felt hot, having watched him just pour out his soul. He probably seemed like an idiot right now. "That might have been the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me." You nodded. "Okay, you've got yourself a date. Full warning though, never been on a date. So if I'm weird I'm sorry. But on the bright side, you won't have to top anything from my experience."
He put up his hands to his eye level in victory. "I hit the jackpot."
"Just one thing," you put up your index finger. "You didn't answer my question. How do I know you aren't lying and leave me waiting for you?"
He took off his skull ring and put it on your middle finger. "I have to get my ring back from you." He saw you looking back behind him, then at you. "They're still watching aren't they?"
"Yup." You then leaned to him in your seat and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, I'll put on a show for them." You whispered in his ear, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds up," Pop said, with a bag and a cup holder with three drinks in hand. "But your order's ready. The pie is on the top, and I labeled the flavors of milkshakes on the cups."
You leaned away from Sweet Pea. "Bless your beautiful heart Pop." You reached for your wallet, but Sweet Pea smacked some money down before you could get your own money out. You gave him a side smile. "Ever the gentleman."
"Does that surprise you?" He looked you up and down.
You grabbed your dinner, hopping off your chair. "I bet it would surprise most in this town."
He ignores your comment, and instead focuses on your situation. "Do you need a ride?"
"Um, on your bike?" He nodded, to which you responded by raising the items in your hand. "I have precious cargo."
"Then I'll walk you back to your place."
You gave him a questioning look. "And possibly see my brothers again?"
He shrugged. "I have to protect you, remember? I'm your hero."
You rolled your eyes and smiled. "If you insist."
You both walked and talked, you holding the food and him holding the drinks. "I'm thirsty." He said. "Which one of these milkshakes is yours so I can steal some?"
You laughed. "I have no idea. I told him to surprise me, so that's what he did. Which one do you think I'd like?"
"Peanut butter cup. Definitely." He then took a sip of it, taking it out of the cup holder and putting it towards you. "Try it. Maybe it'll make you stay."
You look at him as he smiled. "I wish. If it tastes bad I'm releasing my brothers onto you." He chucled. You then took a sip, not ready for that level of tastiness to be in that shake. "Holy crap that's amazing!"
"What is up with this ghostly bipolar town? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone." You then both got to the motel. "You can go if you want."
"You're living in a motel?"
"Always. Well, sometimes we sleep in the car." You said casually, knocking on your door.
Dean answered the door, eyeing Sweet Pea. "What are you doing here kid?"
"He was at Pop's, and wanted to help me carry dinner." You said with a smile. "He also bought our food! Isn't that so nice of him?"
Sam came to join in. "How considerate."
Your smile became even wider. "Right Dean?"
"You two go on ahead, I'm gonna have a little talk with Mr. Nice Guy outside."
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