#but i guess It’s cuz she has like 200 songs and I listen to all of them
theamazingannie · 2 years
Every year I’m in the top .5% of Taylor listeners and every year very few of my top songs are even Taylor. I have no idea how that works and I think Spotify is just being mean
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids” 4 times in 1 week and here are my thoughts
carmen your nightgown is like 200 years old, get a new one
you clearly know this story by heart, you’re saying parts of it. why are you questioning what “take him out” means
a double wig should be more obvious than that
we can see that that’s a glass elevator. people can see you changing, ingrid
nice hat
why did you kill the swan
is that paul rudd???????
how are jets ripping pages out of a book
heart shaped parachutes shouldn’t be working that well
why is there a guitar on your bed. how do you sleep
i think the kids would have seen the track in the floor at SOME point
why is there a jungle gym in their house. i know they’re spies but who has a jungle gym.... in their HOUSE
carmen you’re a frog
i think juni just legitimately try to kill carmen
why are both parents going to school. is that like, a Thing????
juni how do you do that
who puts a video screen in the front seat
hey look its floop. love that guy
they’re not picking on you for the bandages, it’s cuz you brought the toys OUTSIDE your backpack. always put them inside. trust me
did his mirror just.... zoom in?????
h*ck yeah beat him up greg
do all the other kids hate him too??????
dang that hurt
“chief” that’s so white
stupid kid. his dads a spy
that floop doll isn’t even close to accurate
hey look its floop again. love that dude
Big Willy Wonka Energy
oooh skipping numbers i see. love that
why do the subtitles have “mr. floop” as his name. its just floop, yall
“sometimes in order to think big you have to think small” pretty inspirational tbh
oh hes fidgeting!!!!!! love that
woah what are you doing this is rated pg ingrid
i wish my uncles would tell me im shrinking. they just make small talk abt school 😔
this gradenko lady looks like jan from the office
hey its floop again!!!!! love that dude
yes juni. its a fire drill in your own home
these dudes have a jungle gym AND a pool. what the h*ck
why did you pull off your mustache to prove you’re not related. if anything that makes you more related. greg does that too
why did he put the mustache back ON
where did those boats come from
carmen says manual weird. man-yull
right, cuz adrenaline causes warts
“don’t touch anything” *immediately touches everything*
basic boat ettiquette: don’t shit in the boat. those toilets can’t handle anything
is that globe..... punched in???????
floop!!!!!!! love that dude
feet on the desk????? i dunno seems pretty gay
since when did carmen get keys to that
i might be wrong but i dont think thats every country
what does pressure have to do with positioning a laser
this floor is the best mechanic in the whole movie. reminds me of a richie rich comic i had as a kids
why did they not run into the wall. i wanted to see that
is the slide there when floop films his show????
HEY ITS FLOOP!!!! love that dude
theres a bunch of normal food like.... sour worms. why did they pick the slime from charlie and the chocolate factory when johnny depp finds the oompa loompas
thats a sick coat. best one in the movie
that was a good snap. nice acoustics
God what a power move. something thanos would say
listen floop i love you but thats not how you say research
and hes gone. cool
did she kick the camera?????
haha author unknown. cuz hes a spy
why did you take that one specifically????? plot convenience????
he can still be a spy, just not a good one. learn to read
is that supposed to be a question?????
FUN FACT if you listen closely when carmen says “like felix said” you can hear a weird cut in “said”, almost like its a new clip
theres no keyhole
i think juni can read. why are you spelling it
did you have the floop toys in your pocket????
what do those things do?????
i can feel the pain from the fan blades
how did that break the chain????
why would you annouce that. they can hear you. just because they’re thumbs doesn’t mean they’re deaf
that’s a thing, not a place
FLOOP!!!!! ON A BILLBOARD!!!! love that dude
how are you slipping. shes holding YOU
how do people not notice the jetpack dudes
that’s a cute coat
why is the lady cool with carmen just... doing that
ofc you can’t think “straight enough” you’re gay
why is mexico sepia tone
when do you think juni had time to change and learn a new language
i wanna be on that merry-go-round
i love how junis just like “we already got a fake uncle”
ALSO MORE FLOOP!!!! say it with me, LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!
minion looks like barry from friends
wait i lied this coat is better
we DO have uncles like that!!!!!
if your inventions are so good why is your font so BORING
hey wait carmen said that. hmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
glowsticks dont help you see like at all
the map looks like gallifreyan but its not. spy kids is older than the doctor who reboot
they go ZOOM
great job carmen YOU wrecked the plane
oh its just a breathing thing
haha pee joke. funney
where are the brains coming from???? that factory is Not Correct
if i were juni i would look back over all the floop’s fooglies tapes and see what the agents were saying backwards. once the mission was done, ofc
it took me like 5 minutes to figure out what sknaht meant the first time
F L O O P  I S  G O D
love that dude
you discussed with the spy parents that juni watched the show. he just told you that you took his parents. you KNOW this is juni, why are you surprised that he watches it????? you already know!!!!!!
tbh i kinda want some of those colorful chains. they’d look cool somewhere
haha voice crack
no wonder your shows not doing well. those are awful times
why is there a sexy thumb nurse. why did floop make the thumb nurse sexy
use her first name?????? you’re clearly dating
he cares so much about this show!!!!!! its so sweet!!!! love that dude
haha you killed carmen
ok this scene with the acid crayon is like my absolute favorite. something about using a crayon to escape and then floop (love that dude) opening the door a second later and then doing a double take. FAVE
wheres belize
ok so apparently its a country by mexico
no you CANT tell her you need to ESCAPE
we finally got a clean outside shot of the castle.... that place is wack
haha minion can’t sit in the hand chair correctly because hes STRAIGHT what a loser
minion you know what the robot costumes look like AND what juni looks like. dont be stupid
what..... what do you want carmen for, exactly, minion??????
floop is supportive of others’ art!!!!!!!!!!! love that dude
he says doppelganger beautifully
“its too late” that timing was BEAUTIFUL
you COULD take 500 brains out if you just TRIED HARDER. still love that dude
his control panel has buttons that spell “floop”
if its reversible why do you have it in later movies
carmen fights fake juni and juni fights fake carmen because they didnt have the fancy clone (?) technology
nice censorship
wow nice 3 buttons thats totally how you hack
oh look they have all died
oh. guess not :((
machete you better rip off your mustache
wow no shit ingrid
did he leave his wart bandaid on the kitchen counter?????
ok CLEARLY other people watch floop’s show, he’s rated number 2. kids at the school are gonna recognize juni and carmen. they better get popular
is that george clooney
well that’s not how it works in spy kids 2. or 3. or 4. or the tv show
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popopretty · 5 years
Piko’s Spring Tour “Pathfinder” report
There are just so many things I want to write down for this live but I realized I would not be able to put everything into one post and I have also forgot some parts of it so please bear with my scattered memories.
I went to almost all the lives in this tour except for the one in Sendai. So it includes Nagoya, Osaka, Yokohama, Fukuoka and Tokyo. It is an amazing feeling following an artist on tour, like waking up in a different city everyday, meeting the fans you don’t usually meet but still being able to say “See you tmr”. For two weeks I was filled with Piko feels and I couldn’t really remember doing anything else.
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KEEP READING - There is A LOT more under the cut lol
For most of the venues, there were like 150-200 people each. The final was in a bigger venue so there were more than that. There are girls, guys, couples, families, Japanese, foreigners, all kinds of people you can think of. And everyone is super nice and friendly. I still feel super awkward with my Japanese but people’s warmness there just calmed me a lot.
For the tour goods, there are T-shirts, mirrors, towels, mobile charger, tote bag and stuff from previous lives. If you buy one album, you will get a ticket to high touch with Piko at the end of the live. Plus there are chekis and if u are lucky enough you can get one with Piko’s sign.
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My favorite thing from the goods this time must be the totebag. Its cheap and convenient since you can use it both as a handbag and a shoulder bag. The mobile battery is a new thing, which is a bit expensive imo but it works pretty well and has a super cute design so everything is forgiven xD I also bought 2 more CDs to get a high touch with him. I will write about it in more details at the later part.
Piko wears a different outfit every live. For the one in Nagoya, he wears the black outfit as in Black Swan cover, then in Osaka it was the white one as in Realizing. He is back to the black one in Yokohama and in Fukuoka is another white shirt with black gilet. He went with the Black Swan outfit for MOST of the final live lol. If you read my last posts, you have already known what else he was wearing xD
As for the setlist. The setlist is the same for all the small lives. Only the final is different so I’m gonna list out all the songs that he has sung in all the lives, not in the exact order.
- Realizing - This is the opening song for all lives.
- Loki - He sang this in all the small lives but not in the final.
- Ghost Rule
- Tengaku - He sang this in the final only
- Re:Act
- Rolling Merry Go Round - this is also in the final only. I was so surprised when he sang it ;; this is also my first time listening to the song live ;;
- Dappo Rock
- Kachoufuei - This is one of my favourite songs in the new album
- Sakurane - This is also final exclusive! In one part he messed up the lyrics and he was super embarrassed so he laughed and asked the audiences to sing for him lol
- Black Swan - the most beautiful song live from the new album. Tbh I didn’t like the recording that much cuz the instruments are a bit too loud for me. But in the live it sounds much better and Piko’s voice just resonates around the live house and it is absolutely beautiful.
- Kokoronashi Acoustic - This is in the final only. He sang this song many times before but this time is totally different. He sang the first verse with no instruments at all and the acoustic guitar sound only came in in the second verse.
- Kasa - He sang it with a backup vocal of himself since it is a self-duet and many parts are overlapped. He sang the guy’s part with female backup in the first verse and then switched to the girl’s part with male backup for the second verse. In some lives, the fans even sang along with the backup parts which was really cute xDDD
After this part there is usually a small MC parts where Piko can talk and take a short rest before entering a non-stop session of about 4-5 rockish songs xD
- Murabito A - I love the song and the message in it. Whenever he gets to the “kamisama” I really just reached my hands towards him as if he is my God lol
- Futaiten Path Finder
- Lost One no Goukoku - I cant believe Piko covered it just recently! He sounds absolutely amazing in it. He didnt try to sing the original key (though I think he totally can). He chose a lower tone which showed off his beautiful, manly middle range and I love it so much. In the entry part of the song, he asked everyone to raise hand and shout out at the end of each drum session. He also asked the girls and the guys to do it separately. Even though there were only a few guys, they were really energetic, even when Piko asked them to say Yeah but in a girly cutesy voice. (They did it anyway lol!)
- Haikei Doppelganger - Of course this cannot be missed! This is like the most heated song in the live. Everyone was just headbanging like crazy. He just sounds absolutely powerful and precise for such a hard song that I lost my mind every time I heard it.
- Make Our Days - this is like a sequel to Make My Days. He mentioned that this is a song where he wants everyone to become one by doing the same moves. It is pretty similar to Make My Days and I dont know how to explain it in writing lol. So lets wait until some videos of it actually come out xDD He also asked all the band members to do that with different style every time and it was so funny (I will write more about it but probably in a separate post)
- Piscium - Last song before the encore. He spoke about the meaning of it, about how he started his career as a net artist, how it was in the beginning where they didnt really know what to do but try different things and see how it works. And it has been a long way with both joys and sadness and now he realizes that its not him walking alone, and that everything he does has the people who support him being a part of it. Thats why its not about him anymore but about all of us. Thats why Make My Day becomes Make Our Days, and Piscium lyrics also say “You made me. I made you”.
It was a beautiful moment…
Before the funny part kicked in xDDD
If you follow Piko, you might have already known that he has a corner called Pikone jinsei soudan in his namahousou, in which he puts on an okama personality and gives people advices on their problems xDD The live this time also has a session like that.
- Tokyo Shinobizaki
The first song of the encore is Tokyo Shinobizaki, which is an ending he sang for a short anime recently. It is a slow, jazzy and mature song, the type you may find in some old bars I guess. In the small lives, Piko would wear his live tour T-shirt, walk out and sing it with a stand mic. And he kept swaying and sliding his hands up and down the stand mic xD He has such lovely hands that my eyes kept fixating on them through out the song @@ In the final, when the music started playing, everyone was waiting for Piko to come out as usual, but it was just a band playing a super long intro. The live house for the final has a smaller stage on the right side that looks like a small balcony. And when the intro finally ended, Piko walked out from there, wearing a long red dress (the same one he wore in luz’s event not too long ago). He looked so pretty in that dress that everyone could have mistaken him as a girl without knowing him before >w<.
After he sang Tokyo shinobizaki, the jinsei soudan session started. Every live he would pick 2 letters from the fans and read it out loud (in okama voice) and then gave advices to them. All the band members also helped him out (and they also spoke in funny voices lol). There are many interesting questions but I think I will write about them in a separate post. I will just mention a few moments here. In the Osaka live, one fan was asking about how to deal with a rebellious son. And Piko was like “hmm I dont know. Should I ask my own parents??” and then he looked to the back of the stage, raised his hand and shouted out “Mama~~”. Turned out his mom was also there and all the lights of the stage started pointing to her xDD she then said that she actually didnt have to deal with Piko’s rebellious phase cuz he was a super good kid and didnt have that phase at all xDD In the final, Piko randomly picked a guy from the audience and asked him if he has any questions. The guy didnt have any, but he said that he brought his daughter to the live to see Piko. And Piko, still wearing that dress, rephrases his words like “Oh, so papa likes me, and papa wants his daughter to like me too so he brought her here?” He then asked to see the daughter. We all expected like a little grown up girl but turned out she was a super tiny cute little girl xDDD and Piko was like “ok lets get married” lol
- Yoshiwara Lament: Normally Pikone only sang Tokyo Shinobizaki but in the final she sang this one too xDD
After the Pikone part, Piko got into the backstage and changed again.
When he was inside the big screen started playing and they played a part of Black Swan MV which is coming soon.
And they also announced on the screen a two-man live with Pokota on November 4th this year!
2nd encore:
- Thanatos
- Hypnos: As some of you might know, Thanatos is the god of death in Greek mythology. Hypnos is his twin brother. Hypnos is a god of sleep. Piko said that the tour is like a dream. And when this tour end, everyone will wake up from their dream, go back to their everyday life. Thanatos is his first CD ever released, but Hypnos is the future. He will keep moving forward and come back, being a stronger and newer Piko. He asked for a title call and wrapped up the live with that song.
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After the live came the high touch. I did it 3 times. One time was in the first live in Nagoya. I didnt buy the CDs but one friend of mine was kind enough go give me one of her tickets. The high touch is super short. You touch hand with him and say one sentence or two and thats it. I kept thinking what to say in Nagoya and ended up telling him “I LOVE YOU” in English lol. Second time was in Fukuoka. I did’t plan to buy a CD that day but that was 3rd day of the 3-day-in-a-row lives that Piko performed in (Tour in Yokohama, Chan-gero Sonic, tour in Fukuoka). He sounded a little bit tired at the beginning in Fukuoka but he tried his best and still sounded wonderful till the end of the live. So I bought a CD to high touch and tell him how well he has done. I also asked him not to try too hard. And all the time he just gently smiled back and said Thank you. The fragrance left from his hands still linger on mine even after I left ;;
Another interesting event did happen to me and my friends in the final. After the live I went for dinner with a few Pikoots and on our way to the station, we were supposed to pass by the livehouse again. A taxi was running from behind us so we decided to stop and walked to the side to let it pass. Then that taxi stopped in front of the livehouse and turned out it was Piko’s taxi. So we saw him getting in the taxi so we waved at him and said good job. Of course we all freaked out after that, like not believing what just happened. It was a miracle, really xD
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So that’s the end of my tour dream. I tried to keep this report short but you can see how long it has become. I feel like its still not half enough to write down everything I want to write but I hope it helps you understand how wonderful a live it was. There were a lot of cameramen during the final so I am secretly hoping there will be a DVD!
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Australia to Eurovision with the Statue of Liberty's opera number
It took 4 years for Australia to figure out one day, “you know what would improve our chances with the viewing audience that’s tired of bland and easily produced pop? That’s right, a GODDAMN NATIONAL FINAL!!!! anyone here agreeing, mates? ehhh???”. And so we finally had an Australia Decides - the whateverth of many of the NFs to be added to the NF family. Where only the best of the best Australian acts compete for their title to get to Eurovision. The last Australian NFs I’ve seen before then were fan-made NFs for online Eurovision fan contests. And they were fun, but now they’re not as fun anymore as a real life-sized counterpart, with shorter than 1 week voting periods, real live performances of totally new songs, all on the same arena, and actual hosts instead of the short but clear instructions of “here are the songs, here are the voting details”. Good times.
Rather exciting the show was, full of anything AND everything. And what did it birth? The first ever totally white Australian participant (nothing wrong with it, it’s just that other 4 ones were of more exciting descents than European), Kate Miller-Heidke. The surprisingly older-than-she-looks operatic blonde with a sizeable career to boot, with nice songs on her overall repertoir (and a chubby lil bun of a son :3). I admit I knew of her from one of those mentioned online fan contests, at the very time one of her songs “Sarah” was popular in a fan circle of like 150-200 people. Since then I heard two more of her songs, so when she (and Sheppard) were announced as part of the Australia Decides lineup, I was excited because of the “automatic name recognition alert!!!” triggering in my head. And I hoped her song is as exciting.
But then I did listen to “Zero Gravity”. And I got confused.
But then again, it’s Kate. I had this moment of realisation that I actually am not a huge fan of her music overall? Just a couple of songs here and there, and probably that’s all. The other ones that I listened to that aren’t those ‘couple of songs’ are nice, but something that I’d only listen to volutarily to torture my inner state of mind.
For me the problem probably arises from the fact that I don’t feel the song’s structure and a lot of things feel like unfinished (because it takes a humongously long time between songlines ksksksk). But at the same time it might as well be the point of the song?? As far as I remember this is very much so about mental issues and how is one trying to break free off them while entering the “ze-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-eeeeeee-ro gra-a-a-a-a-a-aaaaaaa-vity”, and the “stone in shoe” thing (don’t you hate it when you find tiny-ass pebbles in your shoes, guys? cuz I do!!! let alone finding bigger sized ones like Kate just did!!!). Whatever’s keeping her down this time. But for some reason I don’t quite think that Eurovision has really been graced with great mental issue songs - Malta last year was just a cheap pop song stuck in the early 2010s with its dubstep sound; Romania last year was just an average teen sitcom background rock song, and it’s a shame about it being all that forgotten by others because I just happened to like it more and I feel for all those that feel depressed about their own existence and feel like saying “goodbye cruel world, I’ll see you never again anymore”. It feels odd not wanting to break the taboo before I become an animal or going where there’s zero gravity with these songs, yanno what I mean??
BUT! I didn’t say I hate that song. It has its qualities. Like, the verses are pretty decent, it’s just that the chorus feels completely detaching from my interest, which baffles me because I wanna like it more. We have these standard 00s mild-synthpop-like choruses and Kate’s blissful singing into your ear (ffs she starts her verses with “hey you” with THAT vocal sound. You don’t feel like turning up to her to ask “yes”??) on top of them, and then the chorus buildup feels like a helium balloon ride I wanna be let go of already. Alright, well, the 1st post-chorus doesn’t sound TOO bad... but the 2nd one, I’m not really a huge fan of it when she vocally warms up and then SPITS the opera vocals at me scarily. I’m spooked out. And then the last minute of the song is spent with sounding like it’s taken from a cheap-rent theatre play (I say ‘cheap’ because nothing here aside Kate’s voice sounds like OTT theatrical musicals to me), now with some more of delightful opera voice and the backings reminding us all that ain’t nothin’ holdin’ Kate down no’ mo’, ayy! The ending of the song is just so painfully obviously theatrical though, where all the horns rise up and let out a final blast with the final high vocal note like a flat silver-painted chocolate star on top of a dazzling white cinnamon-lemon cake with white glaze and some red berries sprinkled around... I guess I felt excited, I guess I felt like I was carried through a musical journey, but I still ended up completely unsatisfied because there were long pauses in the song that didn’t reasonate with me all that much. My soul really has something against songs that only have two verses and two choruses and that sound like they have potential but are overally unappealing (like me not getting over at how silly “Meggyfa” from A Dal 2018 sounds with all those horsefly and DAW-produced cartooney violins thrown in the song... it should have sounded like a fairytale about a king’s cherry tree, not a peasant’s made-up hallucination of an old and dried-out cherry bush :V). There shall be the day I overcome that obstacle, but for now, I’ll keep it be...
All in all, a competently composed, but at the same time, estrangedly composed song, performed by a classical fairy princess dressed in white and decorated by glitter (and her complementary backings that are cheerful enough sounding for a pop and/or tune). And the entry shines bright, too. As much as Kate’s beautiful teeth and shiny red lips - a perfect combo that could potentially scare an audience for being too perfect.
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Approval factor: I’m on a fence with this one, yet again, but my views are leanings toward a mild non-approval. Though objectively I do approve this because it’s finally not a safe-ass entry that is just there to keep Australia afloat on Eurovision, but subjectively... it will take me several lightyears just to get over that severely cheap-ish chorus.
Follow-up factor: Again, it follows up the trail of Australia’s in Eurovision nicely, being so far something totally and completely unexpected from the nation’s, and something so daring in Eurovision overall (we got plain opera songs in the past, now here’s a more popera-musical crossover song that is not anyhow as schlagertastic as that one entry performed by Greta Thunberg’s mom 10 years ago!). A step in the right direction, even if it means that I am personally still inner screaming about it, lol.
Qualification factor: it’s perfectly capable of floating through a couple of places in the territory of both a safe qualification comfort and a hellish danger zone. I’ll leave it up for juries and televotes to judge it for themselves, but for me personally? If that pink foggy cloud from Greece underperforms with no chances to come back into a better shape, I think it could lend a spot to the Oz’s even-foggier thundercloud of joy, and it could even climb up higher if people aren’t overly charmed by the other game changers of the semifinal (like Iceland and Portugal, especially Portugal). But as of now, I guess I’m indifferent anyway the wind blows, and literally anything can happen. It’s truly one of those “anything can happen” songs, I assure you 100%, and it shall be fine, and any result for it will be perceived as spectacular, imo.
FYI, if y’all want, you can rewitness the whole show here (before SBS sues off that for copyright reasons), but let me guide you through some of my personal highlights:
��� If you guys that ever read these reviews know of any other Sheppard song than “Geronimo” then it’s okay, and it’s also okay if you don’t (and if you even haven’t heard of “Geronimo”)! I’m just saying that these guys were the first ever exciting sight in the Australia Decides lineup (along with KMH of course), and now, I’m not saying I wanted something that could top over the hit song of these guys in my personal opinion (well their actual NF song, “On My Way”, might be slightly on the path of suffering from the “it’s-no-hit-song-so-it’s-automatically-disappointing”-itis, which is incredibly contagious, especially for all the one hit wonders out there (and not only), but despite people accusing it of not being “Geronimo” here and there, I sat down, listened and simply liked it), I am just saying to stop throwing shit at the artist just because their management is worse than their music. Yeah! Remember the time it was uncovered that Sheppard is funded by their parents’ business being torturous? There are Papua New Guinean asylum seekers locked away in a faraway island where all kinds of shit happens - abuse, torture, rape... and the parent Sheppard is responsible for all this (well actually he’s only 1/3 of the responsible men), and he makes profit off it. That’s disgusting to the max, I know, and by no means I support this pasttime, but I really hope that the Sheppard kids don’t support the way their parents get the money to fund their hopes and dreams, otherwise... well anti-stans you were right. I might as well begin regretting stanning Sheppard now but for a dumb bitch I am there always exist a shard from a broken hope I can hang on to just in case things would get better. Just like the time when Kesha broke free from the Ke$ha image at the time it came out to light that her former producer, Dr. Luke, is THAT kind of guy. Anyway, if there are people down here that sometimes come for the music and not for the backstory, I’ll leave a video for Sheppard’s entry, which wouldn’t have come onto Australia Decides if not for the Sheppard fans (that they still had before the mentioned incident?) that encouraged them to go ^_^ Is your love for this song on fire? (probably not but I still am asking b/c fuck it)
• I know what you’re thinking, so I’ll include Electric Fields as well. And with a good enough cause because I liked their song too, just like many people did. “2000 and Whatever” mixes electronic music with a relatable message for all the millenials out there who don’t want to “live forever”, Aboriginal sounds and cool inclusion of new and unheard-in-Eurovision-before language(s?) and all in all would have definitely made a more kickass Australian entry for this year. And what’s the best about it? They didn’t need to have a big fanbase like Sheppard’s or a relatively middle-sized abroad but big inside like Kate’s. They did THAT by being incredibly fun and unique and gained both national AND international fans with their one year Australia Decides stint, and now the fans are hopeful to see this duo come out on another Australia Decides in the future. I salute their newborn fanbase for being so passionate and hopeful already. Oh, and of course, they got a meme out of their way at the same time without even needing to win (which wouldn’t have happened if not for SBS’s care to translate different languages than their own):
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casually describing the jury chatter on National Finals like
But my favourite moment of the performance that they had is when the lead singstress let go of her headscarf to show off her beautiful long dreads to the viewing audience <3333
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• For those combined fans of both ESC and RuPaul’s Drag Race, Australia fished out a special surprise with Courtney Act (what, you thought all drag race queens have had to be American of origin?!) being on the lineup as well! Together with several other dancers, she presented “Fight for Love” (not to be confused with Dami Im’s “Fighting for Love”) on the Gold Coast stage - just your typical soft club banger with tight red dressing reminiscent of Lady Gaga’s eccentric costume era and Courtney’s special stare:
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(what’s more hilolololarious is that Logo, who aired BOTH ESC AND RDP, has not gotten a renewed contract for Eurovision this year, which means that if Courtney DID win, the Muricans would not be able to see a drag alum they might have loved at some point! As they already cannot broadcast Lady Madge, the only American performing on show, flashing her covered-up sponge pudding. A devastation <3)
• Hey, let’s not underestimate the other acts, too! There were 6 others that I didn’t mention, and among them my favourites were Ella Hooper (as during her performance I felt like I was watching that Shania Twain concert DVD again with her outfit being as outstanding as in this video) and Alfie Arcuri (one of the other names I heard before just like Kate and Sheppard - it’s a homosexual guy that feels confident enough with his sexuality by turning his struggles to songs!), and Leea Nanos (a 16 year old girlie who, like Electric Fields, don’t really have fans, but she came here to have a good time and performed confidently enough for her age! *clap* *clap*) wasn’t so bad, either.
• Australia Decides as a whole is a thing to remember. Not too annoying hosts? Check. Beautiful introductionary postcards (involving the NF guys going around to enjoy nature, talking some more about themselves and a specific soundshape for each act at the end of each postcards)? Check. (Fun) Interviews with the contestants and interval acts?? Yeah, you can check that as well. Behind-the-scenes get-togethers of every one of the participants and them getting to partake in a fun questionnaire?? Wow, they even have that!!! All in all I admired this slick production, the smooth flow and the nice details that went into this whole event. Thumbs up on that one! First organisational pancake did not burn up.
• Then again, every single one of those nice ones have to have an ugly interval act hidden somewhere, like, the German drag-like caricature that appeared on AGT not so long ago, Hans from Adelaide, who did a Eurovision medley and included “Ooh Aah (Just a Little Bit)” in it as well... needless to say, the fandom didn’t approve of that, and obviously the Måns's version from EYD was better.
• Also also, what do other NFs don’t do that Australia Decides just did this year??? A REJECTED ENTRIES COMPILATION SHOWCASE!!! Damn straight! When was the last time you’ve seen one of these? At least SOME recognition given for those songs that were close enough but the NF compilers found much better songs than those ones so those other ones just didn’t get their chance... amazing considering I believe I’ve never seen a thing like that before. There indeed were some rejected NF songs that are marginably better than some from the actual list. And thanks to Australia Decides showing them, they’ll never be any other NFs rejects ever again, unlike the Melodifestivalen/DMGP/etc. ones. Yeehaw. Maybe this serves as a ladder of hope for those rejectees to get up and try again so we’ll see them in another edition?
• Let’s not forget Kate herself. She did come down at us as the Australian version of Statue of Liberty (as the title of this write-up suggests, youhouuuuu) that looks more like someone’s unused Miss Universe national costume, but still very goddamn dazzling. And the rando flying above her presence that couldn’t be “holding [her] down”. What would have been any other way to present a mental issues awareness song than that. Majestic. I’d printscreen her dress for this one in full motion but I’d rather put down this picture with a more interesting shirt choice walking nearby the Australian Eurovision songstress while she was getting down to be ready for her winner’s reprise. I’m sure you’ll be able to see the dress in this too!
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(if only I could use some extra fries in life!! =( )
All in all, I applaud the Down Under-ners for a succesful kickstart in the NF business, and I really hope SBS invests in this more than just calling up DNA Productions again to find themselves a starlet from an old Australian Idol/X Factor season that’s of different descent as always and slap a pop tune onto their discography with which they gotta go with to ESC. Would be incredigood. Thanks.
I’ll wrap this cumbersome beauty up by wishing the whimsical beauty Kate all the best in Tel Aviv! Hope your infected foot did not ruin the fun for you, dear sis.
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bobalafullaaaaaaaaa · 7 years
was tagged by @duckybeth99 !! I gotta tag 25 people at the end but I ain't doin that
Last drink: orange juice before bed 🍊
Last phone call: uhhhh one of the 200 patients I had to make appointments for yesterday
Last text message: 🤡🔪
Last song you listened to: oh it was this neat mashup of the Luigi's Mansion theme and a Missy Elliot song on SoundCloud
Last time I cried: I don't cry a lot! but uhh it was actually. Tuesday bc I uhhhh fucked up at work and mom was yelling at me 
Dated someone twice: nobody thinks I'm good enough to date me for more than uhhhh two weeks so ha! No
Been cheated on: again, no one wants to date me so cheating isn't really an option
Kissed someone and regretted it: ANY time I kiss someone would be a Ragret bc that's uhhh my worst fear
Lost someone special: not in the sense hat this means (death) but I've had way to many fallouts/betrayals (?) by close friends that have fuckin wrecked me (boy oh boy I am a social hermit I Can't Trust People and Don't Want To)
Been depressed: end of high school (like last 2 years) was. really really bad for many reasons (the whole situation with mom's boyfriend, all my "friends" fuckin havin a great time pickin on me and singling me out, general school stuff, etc)
Been drunk and thrown up: nope! 
IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU: Made a new friend: yes!! the past month actually!
Fallen out of love: I don't know if it was love in the first place so I can't say < : / (but it wasn't in this past year actually)
Laughed until you cried: absolutely (thank you mcelroys)
Met someone who changed you: not in this past year!
Found out who your true friends were: this is a question for High School Me bc oh boy that was... hard (true friends? at the time it was One Person from tumblr bc absolutely everybody fuckin turned on me INCLUDING school staff I thought I was good with, I was so fuckin lonely lol)
Found out someone was talking about you: yes but in a good way! mom told me she heard the patients talking in the waiting room about what a good job I do ^^
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: people I met irl first? god uhh nobody. people I met online and then met irl: 2 lol
Do you have any pets?: too many,,, it's so much work,,,, 2 dogs 2 cats 1 bearded dragon 2 turtles 1 fish 1 bird 1 hamster (brother's) 1 Betta (mom's)
Do you want to change your name?: Not legally, like officially, but when I start Making Content I wanna go by Clara and not Madeline
What time did you wake up this morning?: I wake up at 6 everyday for class and today I was supposed to sleep in but here I am laying in bed for two hours bc I can't sleep so. 6 again
What were you doing last night?: oh I saw the second kingsman movie!! not as good as the first but unpop opinion I liked it Name something you cannot wait for: UHHHH HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS TONIGHT
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my grandfather and my uncle's names are Tom lol (and my brother's middle name)
What’s getting on your nerves right now?: my mom and how frustrated she gets (then proceeding to take it out on me)
Blood type: I think I'm B!
Nickname: Clara, Sissy, Mattie (in a couple discord servers uhhh Slappy)
Relationship status: single (ace aro looking for several quasiplatonic friends)
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius! (I actually fall into the category of the unofficial 13th sign jdbsjdbdj but also in Sagittarius)
Pronouns: she/her!
Favorite tv show: currently it's Boku No Hero Academia but I think of all time that's gonna be. Kim Possible
Hair color: brown : 0c
Do you have a crush on someone: nope!
What do you like about yourself: I think I'm a pretty good leader type,,, I'm really good at getting the most out of whatever experience I'm in, and my art has been improving lately! I think I can get a Andre on new materials fairly easily and my construction uhh in. general is pretty solid. I have a good hand/feel for whatever I'm working with
First surgery: hasn't happened yet!
First piercing: nope ain't nothin gonna pierce me
First sport you joined: I think it was softball when I lived in Maine?
First vacation: probably was up to Pennsylvania over the summer as a kid!
First pair of sneakers: I'm one f those Sketcher's girls
Eating: currently nothin but the last thing I ate was. jesus uhhh I think some caramel corn in the movie theater 
Drinking: nothin! Again, last night some OJ before bed
I’m about to: get up and start the daily grind Saturday Edition™
Listening to: nothin! I guess tho the sound of my mom snorin in the other room and my cat purring really loud while she pulls my hair over my pillow
Want kids: no and pregnancies really creep me out I think they're uhhh A Squick
Get married: nah prolly not! don't wanna commit to a relationship like that cuz if it goes sour what the hell you gonna do other than lose half your money, heartbreak, and anxiety
Career: I think the more immediate answer is that I'd like to have a show running in tv ala Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, etc, but dream job and big goal? I wanna be a character designer for nintendo. specifically zelda stuff

Lips or eyes: eyes? I'm not a Romantic person but in drawing I like eyes better than mouths. I think? if it was mouths it might be a tough choice but it says lips. 
Hugs or kisses: hugs, again
Shorter or taller: I'd rather be taller!
Older or younger: younger folks make a lot of necessary mistakes but I think this is a question about dating and I'd rather date someone a little older who's already made those mistakes
Romantic or spontaneous: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Sensitive or loud: I listen I music pretty loud in my car but otherwise I'm pretty sensitive to loud noise
Hook up or relationship: ?????
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker. I don't make trouble really but I'm certainly not hesitant 
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank hard liquor: nuh uh Lost glasses/contacts: don't wear em!
Sex on first date: what first date
Broken someone’s heart: probably!
Been arrested: not me!
Turned someone down: yes. 
Fallen for a friend: not sure! 
In yourself: yes ^^ I can't afford not to if I wanna get to my goal!
Miracles: they can happen! but it's not like "gods will" or whatever just crazy coincidence that happens to benefit one person
Love at first sight: it's lust at first sight. how the hell can you love who someone is by looking at them. it's lust
Heaven: I think this is a concept people have come up with for millenia bc the idea of just Leaving and not existing anymore is too scary 
Santa Claus: I used to! ahhh good times
I tag @phantomtype @lyzardy @pennydreadfuljournal @trickortreatryo @lyesander !!!
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einstienette · 7 years
ninety-two questions tag
I was tagged by @obsidianstudy (i saw urs and was interested)
Rules: Answer the 92 questions and tag other people
LAST 01 Drink: Snapple fruit punch
02 Phone call: Mom
03 Text message: ‘yeah’
04 Song you listened to: ’When I Was Your Man’- Bruno Mars
05 Last time you cried: maybe a week ago idk  i’m a very emotional person
HAVE YOU 01 Dated someone twice: no
02 Kissed someone and regretted it: no
03 Been cheated on: no
04 Lost someone special: yes?
05 Been depressed: yes
06 Gotten drunk and gotten sick: no
02 Gold
03 White
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 01 Made new friends: Yeah boi
02 Fallen out of love: no
03 Laughed until you cried: YES
04 Found out someone was talking about you: Haha YES
05 Met someone who changed you: Yes
06 Found out who your friends are: yes
07 kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
01 How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: majority of them lmao some of them just add me to add me even though i talked to them once
02 Do you have any pets: my cat, romelie
03 Do you want to change your name: nah but i used to cuz I have a hyphen and nobody ever got it right :)
04 What did you do for your last birthday: just spent it with my fam
05 What time did you wake up: like 9am? Took a nap and woke up at 11am.
06 What were you doing at midnight: rick and morty marathon
07 Name something you can’t wait for: rick and morty season 3, riverdale season 2, and college
08 When was the last time you saw your mom: two hours ago
09 What is one thing you would change in your life: not have such strict parents lol or maybe gain a sense of direction (i get lost very very easily its sad)
10 What are you listening to right now: the slow, soft hum of my pc
11 Have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
12 Something that’s getting on your nerves: not seeing my bf
13 Most visited websites: tumblr definitely
INFO ABOUT ME 01 Moles: a few on my arms and legs
02 Childhood dream: a doctor but i get freaked out at organs and blood so imagine lmao
03 Hair color: Black
04 long hair or short hair: my hair is long but i wanna cut it short again (i think it looks cuter??)
05 Do you have a crush on someone: ya my bf lol
06 What do you like about yourself: my big eyes i guess? they so big and brown
07 Piercings: only the standard ear piercing everyone has lol
08 Blood type: O-
09 Nickname: liz/lizzy/lizard/eliza(ham fans know this one)
10 Relationship status: in a relationship
11 Zodiac: gemini
12 Pronouns: she/her
13 Favorite tv show: riverdale!!!
14 Tattoos: none
15 Right handed or left handed: right handed
16 Have you ever had surgery: ya
17 Sport: none? im not athletic ;-; i do like swimming tho
18 Vacation: somewhere with a pool or a beach, its sunny and nice and u can take cool pictures and show ur friends
19 Favorite pair of trainers: idk really, i like Nike tho?
MORE GENERAL 01 Eating: nothing really
02 Drinking: nothing either (i need water rn tho)
03 What i’m about to do: finish this up and get some food
04 Waiting for: college to start
05 Want: college tuition covered, like 200 followers (im at 160 yo), avocado toast with egg and tomato, and some toned thighs
06 Do you want to get married: yessir
07 Career: college student idk
WHICH IS BETTER 01 Hugs or kisses: kisses
02 Lips or eyes: eyes
03 Shorter or taller: taller
04 Older or younger: older
05 Nice arms or nice stomach: i lov people’s tummies, all tummies are nice tummies
06 Sensitive or loud: sensitive
07 hook up or relationship: relationship
08 troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER 01 Kissed a stranger: no
02 Drank hard liquor: no
03 Lost glasses/contacts: yes
04 Turned someone down: no
05 Sex on the first date: no
06 Cried when someone died: yes
07 Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 01 Yourself: i want to say yes bc i do cool stuff sometimes lol
02 Miracles: yes
03 Love at first sight: yes/no? i think if u like the person upon first meeting, get to know them a bit more before you start calling them ur bf/gf or something
04 Santa claus: No :/ i stopped when i turned 13 (i found out the sad truth on my sister’s amazon purchases LMAO)
05 Kiss on the first date: yes/no? (depends if i knew the person beforehand for like a few months or a year or something. if it’s the first time meeting then no)
06 Aliens: yes
OTHER 01 Current best friend name: miguel
02 Eye colour: brown as heck
03 Favourite movie: hidden figures, wonder woman, clueless, and heathers
PEOPLE I TAG: @psyduckstudies @alexander-homilton @studyign
and anyone else who wants to do it, just say i tagged u. this was fun!!
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