#but i had like 20 thousand bucks in my bank account
stairset · 2 years
Just made the most insane impulse purchase that I have ever made and probably will ever make
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sacredstem · 6 months
re: your post abt a credit card, im not sure where youre located/who you bank with but my bank had an option for a "secured credit card" bcuz i wanted the most low-stakes baby credit card imaginable (i didnt want to get one bcuz for a long time i had no credit which i was fine with but then i learned that something somewhere had somehow given me credit and then ruined it, im not even sure what bcuz i havent taken out loans etc of any kind but ANYway) the "secured" thing means its a super low limit, 300USD, and essentially i put 300USD into an account to get it and then if i were somehow to default/overdraft, money would just get taken from that initial 300. so its like a weird pseudo savings account that doesnt accrue anything but also i like cant get fucked by racking up a bunch of debt. and it is nice in emergencies or like for travel or single large expenses, but also my minimum monthly payment is like 20 bucks so even if im a little broke i can pay it off fine. highly recommend if thats an option for you! its actually been great, i have a great credit score now after getting it like 4 yrs ago and my limit hasnt gone up which is what i wanted bcuz i know ppl who have like. applied for every credit card offered to them or taken every limit increase they can and then maxxed them out and are now under the age of 30 and in literally thousands of dollars of debt. sorry this is so rambling. best of luck in your credit card journey!
i am gonna do this thank u for typing this all out 😭 xx
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
i have a question about nannying just bc ive never met anyone who does it--are the families you nanny for like really wealthy(like, multiple houses, yachts, overpriced vagina candles, etc)? bc in movies its always like uber rich ppl but do like upper middleclass ppl get nannies? obvi you dont have to answer im just curious
no- upper middle class people get nannies, i've nannied for two families, one more wealthy than the other. like- the first one currently has a townhouse in new orleans, the mom was this total powerhouse- like worked for a senator and is still regularly on nbc to talk about the stock market. no wonder why she needed help cuz she was the main breadwinner. she makes about 500 thousand dollars a year. i got paid around 1,500 for every 2-3 weeks of work depending on how many hours she needed me and if she needed me overnight.
it's kinda crazy but my mom actually nannied for her - so it was kinda like- full circle kinda? there's actually an interesting story as to why she stopped nannying for their family too but i digress. the dad was useless like- didn't even know how to tie his 5-year-old daughters hair in a ponytail.
The family i help now is more down-to-earth and runs one of like- the oldest country clubs in the united states. And the dad is the sibling of the mom of the first family i nannied for, so like- at least they liked me enough. Technically I am on the grounds of said country club rn because he lives on the premises, and yeah like- their mom doesn't need to work and their house is full of bougie shit. they always have strawberries in their fridge and that's a real marker of wealth to me. none of the families I've worked for have had secondary houses, yachts, but they have had apartments that they rented out for other people.
it's also worth mentioning that all of the kids I've nannied for had trust funds. the youngest of those being 1 1/2, who already had more money in her bank account than my mom makes in a year.
I get paid like 20-25 dollars an hour though depending on when I work- if it's overnight or not. and that's pretty high in general for a nanny of my age. But I also live in a really high-income bracket area so that makes a difference too. Even though my family is firmly on the edge of the lower middle class. ( and what I mean by that is that like- being out of work for two or three weeks wouldn't kill my mom and I but it would certainly be stressful at the end of those three weeks).
in my opinion, it depends on how much money you make the kind of nanny you have? like you could probably hire a college kid to watch 2-3 kids at 15 bucks an hour if you were a working-class family. but they might not like- make your kids food or clean your house or really be the best influence. But like me- I make the kids dinner, I leave the house cleaner when I leave than it was when I arrived. I'm trained in CPR and certified.
i have a lasting bond with the kids and i genuinely love them- and that's what you kind of pay for when you hire a trained nanny because while they're not my kids I know how to treat them like they're my own within their mom's parameters. I've learned how she wants me to be with her kids and that's how I treat them- different from how I'd treat them if they were my own. unfortunately, because emotional labor has a price tag on it too- rich people can afford to hire people who care.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
My Love Don't Cost a Thing
Fandom: Marvel (CEO AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky have been together since he started his business. He's a big time CEO and, over the course of time, he's become, he thinks, not that great looking anymore. So he begins to buy you anything and everything you want in hopes that it'll make you stay with him.
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It was a Saturday morning and you were surprised to find that your boyfriend of several years was nowhere to be found. 
You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and called out, “Buck?” you listened for a moment for any reply or sound, but nothing. 
You frowned, reaching over to your bedside and swiping up your phone. You see that you received a text from Bucky so you answer it:
Bucky Baby: morning, babe! i got called into work for an emergency meeting. breakfast is on counter as well as a little something else. love you!!
You softly smiled and proceeded to slide out of bed, stretching your arms above your head. You then made your way to the kitchen and instantly smelled Bucky’s blueberry pancakes that you loved so much. 
Beside your plated breakfast was a gift bag with the famous Prada logo on it. You can’t help but sigh because you’ve noticed that Bucky’s been getting you a lot of expensive gifts lately. You appreciate it, but you don’t really need thousand dollar bags and clothes. 
You opened the bag and appreciated the item that you pulled out. It wasn’t too fancy, more like a casual streetwear kind of bag. One that you know that’s been trending for a while. 
You set it back into the bag and sat at the counter, proceeding to dig into your breakfast. As you ate, you typed up a message to Bucky:
You: morning, babe! thanks for the bag. again, you really don’t have to buy me extravagant gifts! I’m totally fine with flowers and chocolates. Nonetheless, thank you. i love you and have a good day at work! hope it’s nothing too bad. 
It’s seconds after you set your phone back down that you receive a reply back:
Bucky Baby: i just love to spoil ya. you deserve the best, baby. ;D
You sigh, texting back a kissy face emoji and then back to eating your breakfast. 
Bucky let out a breath of relief when you told him that you appreciated the gift. Despite you saying you’d appreciate the little things, Bucky felt like he had to spoil you with luxurious things. Why? 
Well, first off, he’s the CEO of the prosthetic company he built from the ground up after getting discharged from the army after getting his left arm blown off. Because he was the CEO, he ended up earning a lot of money, money that he could spend on you. 
Second, with work taking up a lot of his time, Bucky ended up gaining a lot of weight. He ate a lot of takeout food and hardly had time to go to the gym. He no long looked like the strong, fit, handsome guy you met several years ago. Now there was a little bit more chub to his cheeks, arms, thighs, and bellies. 
You’ve never stopped reminding him how handsome he is nor have you ever stopped being intimate with him, but still. Bucky knows that his attractiveness was what first brought you two together and now that he isn’t at that level anymore, he’s sure you’ll eventually leave him for it. And that terrifies him because you’re his world. The thought of losing you breaks his heart. 
So he tries to make up his lack in looks with his plentiful bank account. So far, you haven’t made the slightest indication that you want to break up, so that’s good, right?
Bucky should’ve been home by now. It was almost 6pm and your reservations for dinner were at 6:30. You were dressed and ready to go, but Bucky wasn’t even home. When the doorbell rang at 6:20, you were hoping it would be Bucky, but you were sorely mistaken. 
“Y/N L/N?” the young man was holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a takeout bag, and a gift bag with the Louis Vuitton label on it.
“Mister Barnes sends his apologies. He won’t be able to make it to dinner, but he ordered your favorite.” he handed you the flowers and the bags and nodded, “Have a good night, ma’am.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled somberly and closed the door. 
You went over to the kitchen, setting your things down and plucking your phone off the counter, dialling Bucky’s number. 
“Hey, honey,” you can hear the exhaustion in his voice and you feel pity towards him. 
You sigh, rubbing your forehead, “Hey, Buck.”
“You get my gifts?”
“Mhm, see about that, I think we need to have a talk, Bucky.” 
Hearing those words from you, made Bucky’s heart drop to his stomach, “Is-Is something wrong?”
“Yes? No? Kinda? Ugh, I just-” you took a deep breath and collected your thoughts, “I want to have this conversation in person. So when you get home, we’ll talk. If I’m asleep, just wake me up. Okay?”
With a stuttered breath, he replies, “O-Okay. I’ll probably be here for another hour or two.”
“That’s fine.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I know, Bucky.” you ended the call without saying ‘I love you’ back to him and Bucky started to panic. 
They hate the gifts. They’re going to break up with you. They’re tired of pretending to love you. It’s over.
For the next two hours, those thoughts kept running through his head, so by the time he arrived back home, the luxurious home he bought for the both of you, he began to truly prepare for the worse. 
He gulped and cautiously moved towards the living room where he heard the TV on, “Y/N?”
You looked over the couch and softly smiled at him. You picked up the remote and paused the show you were watching on Netflix, “Hey,” you got up, greeting him and kissing his cheek, “Everything at work turn out okay?”
He nodded, “Yeah, uh, Parker rewired one of the prototypes wrong, which means our production date is pushed back.”
You rubbed your hand up and down his bicep, “Sorry to hear that.”
He shrugged, “It happens,” he then gulped down, “So, uh, you wanted to talk?”
“Mhm,” you took his hand, leading him to the couch, both of you sitting down, “So, I noticed you’ve been buying me a lot of stuff lately-”
“Do you not like them? I can return them and get you something better or-”
“-No, no. Bucky, hey, that’s not it. While I do appreciate everything you’ve given me, I don’t need them. And, I’ve been having thoughts.”
“What kind of thoughts?”
You sigh, looking away from him, trying to figure out how you want to say this, “Every time you cancel a date or you have to suddenly leave for work, you end up giving me something expensive and I just-I don’t know. I feel like you’re trying to buy my love, which I don’t understand because I already love you.”
“I’m not trying to buy your love,” Bucky says, scooting closer to you, “Well, maybe I was. I-I-” it was his turn to take a deep breath and collect his thoughts. 
“We’ve been together for seven years. When we first got together I was this fit guy that oozed sex appeal and now, I’m pretty sure I don’t ooze anything other than sweat.”
You look at him confused, “Bucky..what?”
He scoffed, “C’mon, Y/N. You have eyes. I’ve gained a lot of weight since we first got together. You probably don’t think I’m as hot and sexy as I used to be.”
“Okay, first off, that’s not true. Second, so you buying me all this stuff was to, what, make sure that I stay with you? Bucky, we’ve been together for so long and you really think that money and expensive gifts will persuade me to stay with you?”
“Maybe, I don’t know, Y/N! I just-I feel like I need to provide you something! I don’t give you anything nice to look at, we barely see each other at home anymore, I rarely take you out on dates. I’m trying to make sure you don’t leave me.” he says the last part with watery eyes and a broken tone. 
“Bucky,” you cup his round cheeks in your hands and look deep into his deep blue eyes, “I love you. I loved you when you struggled to accept yourself after getting discharged from the army. I loved you when you were struggling to find a job that would stick. I loved you when you came up with the idea for your company. I loved you when you had trouble looking for investors. I loved you when you opened your company. I loved you through it all and I love you now. 
“I knew that being with you while you started up and ran your company would mean sacrificing parts of you and I was fine with it. I’m still okay with it because you’re doing something that you love and something that will help so many people. What I’m not okay with is that you think you should buy my love, when it’s already something you have.
“Sure, you’ve gained weight and that’s fine. I still find you incredibly handsome and sexy. Did last night not give you that impression?” you asked with a chuckle and he just shrugs.
“I sometimes think that you’re just pretending to be attracted to me.”
“I promise you, babe, that’s not the case at all. I love you, Bucky Barnes. Whether you’re broke or rich, chubby or skinny. I love you and I’ll always love you.” you lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips and Bucky sighs. 
“How did I land someone amazing as you?”
“I know right? I’m such a catch!” you giggle and Bucky joins you, leaning in for another kiss. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for thinking expensive things would make you love me.”
“I forgive you. And I meant what I said earlier, Buck. I’m a simple person. Flowers, chocolates, and teddy bears appeal to me so much better than fancy clothes and accessories.”
“So if I proposed to you with an expensive ring-”
You laughed, “Bucky, you could propose to me with a ringpop and I’d still say yes.”
“Noted,” he says with a soft smile, love shining in his eyes. You were right, you’re a complete and total catch and Bucky’s lucky to have someone like you.
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sapphireglyphs · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, Amy my dear! @shineyma ❤ Also, you moved to Louisiana?! How is this the first time I’m hearing about this?! O_O *sigh* we need to catch up, friend!
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1. What is the color of your hairbrush? So my current hairbrush I got while I was in Hawaii for my middle sister’s wedding. The head of the brush is an iridescent lime-yellow with black bristles and yellow tips. The brush’s handle has a quilted-patterned silicone for a comfy, semi-squishy grip. I got it bc it reminded me of a pineapple.🍍 
2. Name a food you never eat. Banana; I’m allergic. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm. 🥵
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? The 7Leaves drive-thru for my morning milk tea. 
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? Reese’s Fast Break or a Twix.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? I don’t think so...
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “Ah! Sorry water bottle!” (I knocked him over on accident 🥺)
8. What is your favorite ice cream? Pistachio
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Milk tea
10. Do you like your wallet? So... I have a thing for mid-end wallets and purses... it puts a strain on my bank account but I make do. The very first time I saw my current wallet was on Ebay and it was love at first sight. The problem was it was an older design so it was harder to find for less than $100. So I waited and waited and waited whilst also scouring the internet for months looking for one that was reasonably priced in the color I wanted... and I nearly gave up when, lo and behold, it was going on sale for $60 bucks plus free shipping on some outlet website! I had to triple checked the website (make sure it was legit) before I shelled out the cash for my prize and the rest was history~ 😍
11. What is the last thing you ate? Lunch.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Not last weekend.
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Oh my goodness... it has legit been so long since I’ve watched any sports elated anything (besides the occasional sports-like competition on my weekly variety shows)...  
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I’m not a huge popcorn fan (mainly bc when it gets stuck between my teeth it can get really painful) but California’s own “Gaslamp Popcorn” Malibu Mix, which combines the company’s signature Sea Salt & Olive Oil, White Cheddar and Kettle Corn flavors is like crack. Arguably, the best popcorn in existence!
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My friend Anson. 
16. Ever been camping? Does 6th grade camp count as camping?
17. Do you take vitamins? Not regularly.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? No - it used to be a family thing. So now I only go to my local temple for New Years. 
19. Do you have a tan? I don’t tan, I typically just burn.
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? It depends on what I’ve had recently.
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? Only if I’m given a straw. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear? I typically wear nylon socks bc of the flats I wear to work so they’re mostly nude or black. 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? More often than I care to admit unless I am distracted (which is not great either way). 😅
24. What terrifies you? Not being able to find someone to call my own. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? Water bottle, can of compressed air, pencil pouch, sunglasses, glasses, and old receipts. My table is a mess. T_T 
26. What chore do you hate most? I hate cleaning the bathroom... ugh! I’m getting a headache just thinking about it! 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Jake Sim of Enhypen reading his lines for their debut trailer. 
28. What’s your favorite soda? Every holiday season I would get my all-time favorite soda, Canada Dry (Cranberry) Ginger Ale... when it’s not in season, I typically drink clear sodas like 7-up or Sprite... and ginger ale. 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thru.
30. What’s your favorite number? 9
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom.
32. Favorite meat? Fish.
33. Last song you listened to? "All Night” ASTRO. K-pop playlist on shuffle~
34. Last book you read? Ah… I haven’t been reading anything outside of fanfics lately. The last like novel I started reading but never finished was “A Thousand Beginnings and Endings” by Ellen Oh… I should pick it back up again.
35. Favorite day of the week? Tuesday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I think so but not nearly as fast nor proficient as I would be the right way around. 😆
37. How do you like your coffee? I don’t typically drink coffee but when I do I like it so sweet and creamy it shouldn’t be considered coffee any longer. 
38. Favorite pair of shoes? I have the cutest pair of navy blue ballerina flats with scalloped edges and a tiny gold bow atop each side.
39. Time you normally get up? Lately it’s been late... usually around 9-9:30?
40. Which do you prefer: sunrise or sunsets? I think I prefer sunsets.
41. How many blankets on your bed? 1 comforter is usually more than enough for me.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Vintage, milky white chinaware with scalloped edges and a pink cherry blossom pattern. Circa France,1960.   Florentine by Arcopal.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. Pretty damn clean but that’s bc yesterday was the holidays, so my mom was in a cleaning mood. 
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I don’t drink.
45. Do you play cards? My family plays a Thai version of Old Maid called “Dummy”. It’s kinda’ addicting but I can’t play it by myself which sucks. 
46. What color is your car? Dark blue. 
47. Can you change a tire? Nope. 😕 I should probably learn how to do that...
48. Your favorite state or province? I’ve only been to a few and I think like Washington best... but Cali is where all my friends are sooo...
49. Favorite job you’ve had? Clerk typist for the elementary school I worked for.
tagging: @cancered-gemini​ @omiyukio​ @nosevenadapresente​ @cerberus-angel​ @doiloveyou-myohmy​ @safelycapricious​ @moonladymusings​ and anyone else who fancies killing some time!
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corvid-420 · 5 years
So here’s the situation in a nutshell: i’m long-term unemployed after a labor violation (which i recorded lmao; see readmore) and don’t even have a laptop after I and everyone at a more recent part-time job got fired. also i just found out my bank didn’t let me overdraft to pay the IRS the $226 i owe the little eichmanns for all four thousand dollars of my 2018 income so I owe that, too.
Here’s my PayPal. I’ll also be finishing and posting more content on my Patreon in the coming days. Botnik Strategies is the channel I want to use to teach y’all how to give scheming liberals and their fascist allies a taste of their own treachery; trust me i have experience with that.
Here’s some of the work I’ve done on The New Inquiry, and a case study of how I’ve used the Frankfurt School in strategic communications is here (password is in paypal).
For this to be sustainable and to just find a job I need to actually have a laptop, or at least regular access to the library’s computers which also costs money but with -10 cents on my clipper card, and .16 cents in my bank account with no certainty of income in the future (oh save for 50 bucks for a survey I did, and a 5 dollar starbucks gift card. oppalance!)
My goal of course is to avoid buying American or from any of its suzerainties, not just for political reasons, but that they’re crap (my old Acer is Taiwanese, and Fuck apple more generally; more on the acer below). Most importantly, I need to scrape through long enough to reunite with my husband overseas, and at least try and see family here in California, which I haven’t been able to since my purge.
Thank you all again for your support throughout these times! Even just a reblog and words of support really do help, for as Clausewitz says, the most important element in war is morale, and whether you realize it or not, someone’s already at war with you.
On the day of Trump’s election, the scheming vipers at the Sierra Club finally succeeded in purging me from the organization despite distinguishing myself from my “peers” for having the gall to anticipate trump. I spent literally all of 2016 trying to professionalize their election strategy, aka taking Trump seriously, and approach him as a political professional should, not as a drunken frat boy would just calling him “crazy”.
After Trump won, rather than say, “oh hey, you were right and maybe we should use your skills in some way,” they instead saw me as a liability that would undermine their Russian conspiracy theories and fired me despite my union. The maneuver they resorted to was a shady mode of termination known as an ‘amicable separation’.
They had to resort to this contrivance by maliciously recasting my attempts to optimize campaign strategy as my being “rude” and “unprofessional”. Once these accusations were made, I did relish in the opportunity to be petty, but I did so only once they began accusing me and only after it became clear they were making me jump through hoops rather than take my suggestions seriously throughout the entire year. 
And once I realized they weren’t going to reward me for my foresight but punish me for it, I applied my acumen by arming myself with a recording of a meeting with my manager for use in future separation negotiations, which I’m not sharing today out of need and desperation and in possible breach of the crooked deal they forced on me. In this audio, my manager’s low capacity for stratagem has him resorting to saying he loved me while demanding i apologize in violation of my Weingarten rights. The bourgeoisie is always laying a trap... (pw is in paypal, as well).
Note the difference in caliber and approach between my work, and their work, with careful attention to when they were uploaded, and it becomes clear why they plotted to purge me. The meeting in the audio took place the week before Thanksgiving.
Since then I’ve been unemployed, save for a few freelancing gigs. With these and the tireless work of my husband @bumbakvetch I was able to keep shelter for a time in a kitche-nless slum where I contracted H pylori, so things have been worse in some ways, but it’s been a steady decline since.
Most recently I had a gig that I won’t talk shit about until I decide in the coming days whether I’m throwing the Feds at them for firing everyone on staff after they tried to make us sign away unrestricted access to our phones without paying us for using our data for the job (which is illegal, btw).
Point is, since losing that job in March, I haven’t had a functioning laptop. The acer I relied on is breaking at the screen, it shuts off spontaneously even at full battery, it doesn’t always ‘register’ that it’s plugged in so it’s almost always at 20ish percent battery, the keyboard/mouse will often stop responding unless I let it spontaneously shut down or close/reopen the laptop, further degrading the already broken screen, it’s a mess. Here’s a few shots of just the cosmetic deterioration:
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the other side is also threatening to fall apart soon, see the lower right corner, that’s a fissure that grows every time I have to close it, though I try not to if I don’t have to.
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And if you have ADHD like I do, you know it can crater your productivity to have to spend 10-20 minutes every hour or so to troubleshoot the next problem while looking at the lights constantly to see if the laptop registers that it’s charging, and that’s if the laptop bothers to turn back on at all.
And yes, I’ve tried to fix it many times, but i bought it refurbished so there wasn’t warranty, and tinkering with the motherboard to see if maybe the power jack was just loose didn’t do anything, nor did buying different replacement cables.
I’ll send a picture of my IRS bill or amount owed if anyone has to see it to believe me, but here’s a screenshot of my bank account from this morning:
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diez-minutos · 5 years
Stronger (guzmán x reader)
Part 6 of the Promise series!
Pairing: Guzmán x reader
Warning: language
A/N: I think this was my favorite part to write so far, so I hope you enjoy. Gif is not mine!
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“Guzmán!” you cried into the phone when he finally answered. “They arrested him. Guzmán, I don’t know what to do. I’m freaking out.”
“I left as soon as I heard. I’m on my way to your place, okay? We’re gonna figure this out.”
When he finally arrived, he hugged you tightly as you cried into his shoulder. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. I shouldn’t be upset.”
“It’s okay, (Y/N),” he rubbed your back. “It’s okay to be upset.”
“What the fuck am I going to do?”
“Look at me,” he sighed. You did after a moment. “We can pay bail and everything will go back to normal.”
“Bail is three hundred thousand dollars, Guzmán. I can’t pay that. No one can fucking pay that!” you started to cry again. “No one’s going to want to help them, you realize that, right? My dad...your dad...they fucking screwed us over once again.”
“Hey,” Guzmán grabbed your wrists gently. “Baby, breathe with me for a minute, okay?” You nodded and followed his lead as he took a few deep breaths. “You and me. We’re gonna figure this out. We don’t need anyone else. It’s us against the world. No one can stop us.”
The next day, you walked into the cafeteria and saw Guzmán leaning against the vending machine when Lu approached him. “What are you doing?” she asked as she touched his shoulder. “Reading comments? Amor, that’s the last thing you should be doing.”
You were so tired and upset you couldn't even fight her anymore. You sat down next to Nadia and put your head on the table. She placed her hand gently on your shoulder for a moment. It wasn’t a big gesture, but it was comforting. You heard footsteps and felt another hand on your back that left as soon as you felt it. You knew your boyfriend’s touch, but couldn’t react.
“What’s wrong with you?”
You finally lifted your head. “Hm?”
“You can’t even console him?” Lu rolled her eyes at you. “I can’t believe you.”
“I don’t know if you realize this, but I’m going through the exact same shit he is, and I’ve been by his side since it happened.”
“You don’t give a shit about Guzmán,” she shook her head at you. “He needs someone better than you who can help him during times of crisis. Not make him feel worse.”
“Enough, Lu,” Nadia rolled her eyes. “Why do you always have to get in the middle of things? They’re clearly going through things and you’re just making worse.”
Lu was shocked and finally glared at you again. “He’ll realize it soon enough.” She stood up and walked out of the room.
“It’s fine, Nadia. I’m used to it,” you stood up. “Thanks though.”
“(Y/N),” you heard behind you at your locker. You turned around to see Ander’s mom. “How are you?”
“Alright,” you mumbled.
“I’ve let Guzmán know but if you need anything at all, Las Encinas wants to do what it can to help you right now.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded and started to leave.
“And-” she put her hand on your shoulder gently. “Our family is here for you.” You simply nodded again. “Why don’t you come and stay over tonight? It must feel so lonely by yourself.”
“I’d like that. Thank you.”
On your way to Ander’s, you both stopped at Guzmán’s house.
“Hey,” Ander hugged him.
“Hey, Amor,” you kissed him quickly.
“How are you, man?” Ander asked.
“Fine,” he shrugged. “Glad to see you.”
“I came to see if there is anything I can do for you,” Ander responded.
“Do you have 300,000 bucks?”
“Guzmán,” his mom groaned and you rolled your eyes. “Please,” she turned to you and Ander. “Hi.”
“Hello,” you both responded.
“We don’t have the money. Not for the bail, the lawyers, nothing. Our accounts are empty. We are penniless. Dad left us nothing. So I guess he’s going to spend the next 20 years in fucking jail.”
You grabbed his arm gently and rubbed it.
“And she’s so calm. I don’t get it,” Guzmán didn’t even react to you.
“That’s enough,” his mother responded.
“Why don’t you ask for help at a bank?”
“No one wants to be linked to us right now,” you mumbled.
“What about a friend with money?”
“No one wants to call us,” you sighed.
“Not even Carla’s father,” Guzmán added. “And he’s their partner. My godfather. And our consultant,” he shrugged you off. “That’s how toxic we are, Mama.”
“Maybe we should call them,” she sighed.
You watched as Ander went to talk to Marina and you turned to Guzmán.
“Us against the world right?” you placed your hands on his chest.
“The world didn’t leave us much of a choice.”
You sat at your desk looking at your phone when Guzmán sat next to you. “I’m gonna go visit my dad after class. Do you want to come?”
“Only to support you. I don’t want to talk to my dad.”
“(Y/N), have you even thought about how you’re gonna get him out? Or what you’ll do if you can’t? You’re still a minor and who knows what will happen.”
“I know.”
He grabbed your hand gently. “Let’s go talk to them.”
“Fine,” you nodded.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw and felt as your dad sat across from you.
“Papá,” you mumbled.
“Hija,” he smiled. “I miss you.”
You could only nod in response.
“Say something please, Hija.”
“You’re all I have, Papá...Actually...fuck that you and Guzmán were all I had and you let me down. You have a daughter!” You were getting angry. “I exist! And I am worth so much more than your stupid company that isn’t going to do well anyway. You treat people, me, like shit and expect them to forgive you. And you know what? I have no fucking idea how you’re gonna get out because no one wants to help us. Papá, no one cares about us and you know what will happen if you can’t get out? They’ll take me away, Papá. You know what else? I hope they do.”
“You cannot talk to me that way. I’m your father,” he was getting angry too.
“Are you? Because I don’t think a father would jeopardize losing his only daughter. His only family he has left might I add.”
“I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“I know. Bye, Papá.”
When you were out of the building, you ran to Guzmán’s arms and cried into his shoulder. “We have a plan, Amor,” he stroked your hair. “I can get my dad out in a few days then he’ll pay your dad’s bail. We’ll have our family back.”
“You’re my only family, Guzmán.”
That evening you decided to stay the night at Guzmán’s. When he got up to go to the bathroom, Marina walked into the kitchen. “I wanted to tell you that Lu is going to get the scholarship.”
“How do you know?” you laughed. “Rankings haven’t-”
“She’s doing Martín a favor, so she’s gonna get it.”
“Fuck,” you laughed sadly. “That’s fucking great. My one chance to actually be able to go to school.”
“What do you mean? It’s not like you don’t have the money.”
“My father is in fucking prison, Marina. And unlike yours, no one wants to help him.”
“Hey,” Guzmán wrapped his arm around gently. “We’re gonna get him out. He’s going to get out and everything will be fine.”
“No, it won’t,” you sighed. “Lu’s getting the scholarship.”
“How do you-”
“She’s doing Martín a favor,” Marina explained.
“Fuck,” he looked at you. “I’m sorry, Amor.”
“Guzmán, what if you can’t get him out? I have no money. I can kiss Las Encinas goodbye.”
“Did she tell you this?” Guzmán looked at her seriously. She didn’t respond. “Marina, you have to tell someone.”
“I just wanted you to know, (Y/N),” she walked out of the room.
“Look at me,” Guzmán held your face gently. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what happens with our dads, I am with you through all of it. I promise.”
You nodded and started to cry again. “I love you, Guzmán.”
“I love you,” he kissed your forehead.
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Insurance claim check?
Is it true that when you are still paying for a vehicle and you get into a car accident the check for the repairs that the insurance sends you has to be under the name of the person who purchased the vehicle and the finance company? I suggest you to visit this internet site where you can get rates from the best companies: http://howmuch4insurance.xyz Target of motor insurance fraud? last year I'd the police generate at my door declaring that i had hit a vehicle roof having a claw hammer i didn't no the things they was going on about i did not get imprisoned plus they left, couple of days later I obtained an insurance correspondence thur the post declaring that I'd collided with a bmw and forced off making the witnessed, there insurance paid him out 5000, i talked to my insurances and stated Idon't no what is going on they expected for photographs off my vehicle i sent them, i contacted law enforcement and asked them they said there is no further activity will be obtained while the person as dropped the chargers, so i phoned there insurance plus they said we are waiting for police accounts, i stated law enforcement aren't acquiring it any further whilst the individual as he'd fallen the chargers, they did not trust me and required me to pay 3500 in week or two i stated no, i dropped 3 years no statements and my payments went up, i just needed to await months:(I acquired a notification today off there insurance stating we have Had the police reports and there's no more action against me or my insurances... Alright what'll occur to anyone what composed this rest to his insurance as he told his insurance another and the authorities a very important factor??????" https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/commonwealth-kentucky-insurance-commissioner-isaiah-mitchell/ involved with a car accident which auto insurance just expired couple of days ago? I lent my buddy in law car and sadly, i collided with another car. I recognized that my brotheris car insurance with GMAC has simply expired couple of days before. I really donot possess the same handle with him because I recently moved here, use his car periodically. I've my very own motor insurance in another condition with AAA. So what can Ido within this circumstance?" How much car insurance must I have? I wish to know what would be the authorized restrictions on car insurance inside the state of Kansas for a borrowed automobile? I've a 07 Hyundai and a Mazda. They're equally financed. How do you start figuring the cheapest restrictions I can legally have out? Thank you! A car without insurance in Colorado? I'm going to spend a couple of months outside US, and while my motor insurance am touring will expire. After I'm back I am going to allow insurance terminate and renew it. Could I enter a trouble for just owning a vehicle without any insurance (naturally, the car is likely to be in the storage and none will use it)? Am I supposed to file Affidavit of Non-Use within this predicament? PS: Stickers will not terminate, if this changes anything" "Just how much would my auto insurance be, under-25?" Im interested how much motor insurance would be and im looking to get an automobile soon. 2012 toyota corolla s im 18, woman, Reside In Florida Not committed or anything, no kids Iv been operating for 2 yrs No crashes or passes Furthermore I've no credit (Ps whats a secure method to acquire credit?) and i work on dunkin donuts. Thats everything in my opinion i would need to know the solution." Porsche boxster insurance? I just got a price online with my parents insurance for my new porsche boxster. $2789 annually is said by it. If i say my mom will be the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 annually. I reside in a little village in Ontario. What's the cheapest motor insurance in California (West Palm Beach)? I recently started college (18yr old), & likewise this really is my first-time owning a car. I've never had insurance. Important thing is the fact that I can't afford to cover $300-$500 a month simply for motor insurance." Regular motor insurance? Hello I possess a 2004 Saab in Nj. I'm time for NJ next month and would like to get it. The car is owned by me, but I want a car insurance policy for-one month. I'm 18...Is this feasible todo? Or is there a rental-car choice for 18-year olds?" "I don't possess medical insurance and I livein So Ca am 55 years of age, I have continuing medical problems. Any help Any subjections for low income physicians. Insurance to get a motorcycle 125cc? I am 19 and that I wish to learn how much insurance would be to get a motorcycle 125cc. Think about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I'd be considered a starter. From dublin ireland If everyone can propose a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks "May I take out a life-insurance plan shes in her late 40s, on my mother, and what kind of insurance-do i get" Im inside the millitary and my dad and mother only devote to much money and therefore are planning to leave all of it if you ask me what type of insurance and does it cost How to get my automobile insurance company to reduce my motor insurance? 212 to 259 was gone from by my car insurance but i need full-coverage i am the full time nursing scholar and i just got 10 monthsto go but i'm on the budget which my budget does n't be fit by auto insurance charge Problem on auto insurance? Our grandma died, and on her car insurance, my dad was the main driver. Because my grandmother died and my uncle was on the policy while the principal driver, would it be okay to go away her title about the coverage? On it trigger its the past thing that she got sort of an emotional matter, in her label, we want to keep her name. Since my dad will be the main driver, but would it be alright to leave her name around the plan? I've State Farm insurance if you want to know." Is it possible to have insurance for a couple of weeks for 18-year old? I passed my exam several months ago and really want to push for summertime, but I cannot afford an automobile right now. How is it possible to obtain insurance on my mothers car to get a couple of weeks? When I go away to uni in October, probably? Cheers." Motor Insurance Price for 99' Corolla.? Iam considering getting this 99' Corolla but I'm not sure just how much the automobile insurance is going to be. -I'm 17 years of age and Drivers Edd was taken by me. -I reside in area. I hope a few of this information may help with the estimate. Looking /month, for just how much the insurance will cost per year." Car... May insurance pay off mortgage? I am confident yesterday, that I totaled my car. I hadnt also had it to get a month nevertheless, but I'd got an auto loan from my lender to get the vehicle. I hadnot also begun to pay to the mortgage for that vehicle since I have merely had it for this kind of short-time. If it's certainly announced totaled from my insurance carrier from the claims adjuster, could it be probably that my insurance can pay off the whole mortgage? I've full coverage insurance, and had made no main modifications to the auto from Once I started using it to yesterday after I wrecked it hence the value ought to be comparable." Motor Insurance? Freeze it before 3 Nov or fairly I do want to end my insurance. Would i enter into trouble although if i needed it for the garage after I had cancelled eve or my insurance froze it." Do you know of any auto insurance companies thatn't base your charges in your credit report? On account of a disease/ disability within our family, despite having medical health insurance, we owe thousands in medical costs. Those that wouldn't work with us flipped them into variety. They currently show on our credit history. We got a notice saying our car insurance had opted up hundreds of bucks each year according to a credit history they obtained despite being protected for our household insurance and our auto-insurance for 20+ year using the insurance provider. We have never had a collision, ticket, etc. and the quantity automatically happens of our checking monthly. Plus, before this, they turned us within the organization to a chosen collection and presented us a discount whenever we confronted to modify last year. How to learn which insurance providers base your insurance charges on your own credit report and-or rating? Will they tell you overall? This is actually the first I've actually identified which our corporation was wondering if they all do it and did this, or would you just find out about it like we did whenever you obtain a notice? I get their reasoning but it may seem like this kind of rip off when a lot of come in our ship- protected but with insurance that's currently just starting to pay less and less and cost more. If we had a collision anyway plus, if we were not to pay and they have our bank checking account, they wouldnot lead to us. Appears like a double whammy in my experience. Can anyone help?" "By using the bike security class just how much could i save?" And is their different beneifits to using the safety course like, getting a discount at something or the dealer area" False County Court Claim Against Me on My Car Insurance? Someone has placed a claim in against me for damages, for an accident I am aware nothing about. It is from early 2010 and has been happening since then. I've been contesting it to the reasons I have not been in an episode, though the thirdparty lawyers have released State Courtroom actions against me. Our insurance provider assert they have presented a barrister and are currently putting in a defense. I am truly frustrated with this specific as I know I'ven't been in an accident. I could comprehend if perhaps these were declaring I trimmed them-and I had accomplished it without recognizing but they are proclaiming for an accident that we haven't any familiarity with! I have joined the Magistrate's Judge reading and I've been found guilty around the grounds that for that occasion and date of the collision I have no alibi, witness or additional data to guide my whereabouts although I pleaded not liable. Another party comes with an impartial witness who alleges she might acknowledge my vehicle however, not me as being a driver and performs for the same organization. I was fined by magazine court and presented 6 points to me on my licence. I am no longer working (rather than in receipt of any benefits) and also this CC claim portions to 5k! How might I spend a similar to this??? If I was discovered to become at fault, or could my insurance provider payout??? Please enable! Where do I stay on this? Any help appreciated. Cheers!" Is that this usual for house insurance? I've AAA-California household insurance and we had an event recently involving our fire suppression sprinkler lines and a squirrel. AAA suggests they merely protect the harm caused (rugs, sheetrock, water, etc.) by the rabbit eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is that this standard for several home insurance, or do I just have a coverage that is lousy?" How does car insurance work? (also average investing in a car vs rental)? Im 16 rightnow. My concern is, how can motor insurance function? I understand you've to pay for monthly and according to each vehicle its unique but might auto insurance be cheaper when the automobile is rented? or when its acquired? Likewise I understand each car depreciates alot each year. At first i thought of renting it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would have been a better decision about the long-run?" Who are addresses being changed by a great automobile insurance corporation for active-duty military users usually? Insurance providers who include multiple states "Why do Conservatives have trouble with getting health insurance however not car insurance? They care more about their cars than individual living typical! How do they not be unselfish!? I don't see numerous conservatives about having to purchase motor insurance complaining. Conservative hypocrisy that is typical! Life insurance for young people? Hey, Does somebody understands what sort of insurance I need for 11 years old boy? What firm I should pick? So I believed the best will be if he possess an insurance, little boy is performing a great deal of activities. Insurance must address overseas too. Any help will appreciate. Many thanks, Ed" Insurance claim check? Is it true that when you are still paying for a vehicle and you get into a car accident the check for the repairs that the insurance sends you has to be under the name of the person who purchased the vehicle and the finance company? I suggest you to visit this internet site where you can get rates from the best companies: http://howmuch4insurance.xyz Is that this an excellent planet to bring a child into? I sometimes be worried about having children as a result of planet heading down hillside, theres a great number of bullies and poor people out there,i dont think I could manage my youngsters getting hurt by someone or bullied,likewise how much will auto insurance be in 18 years, A19 year old at the job keeps finding 5000 rates for 1.1 vehicles,identification like some opinions on this as me and my spouse are preparing to have children shortly,am I fretting about nothing or does other people feel like this?,i want my children to have a nice life." My motor insurance got cancel? I've to pay for 2, 700 to get my auto insurance back is their any motor insurance firms that may let me have auto insurance today? And that I still will pay off the 2.700?" Nj motorcycle insurance? im 23, male, have a pretty good car driving record (if that helps), but my credit isnt that great. Just how much (ballpark) would it maintain nj for motorcycle insurance. im thinking about buying a motorcycle next 8 weeks and wanna understand how much i should expect to purchase insurance. I'll get yourself an offer, i just wanna learn from you people a rough estimation. Cheers" they and so car crash got outdated insurance.? I obtained in a car accident last November and so they tried going to 6 duis with no proof against me. We got the FDLC effects 6 MONTHS LATER, plus it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they'd to impose me however... It had been reduced to careless driving. Once I got inside the incident, I quit in a ambulance. The police gave out the incorrect auto insurance (I'd simply got statefarm the afternoon before.) They provided like esurance to everyone, which was THE INCORRECT insurance. Thus, I wound up needing to tell the hospitals etc that they gave the insurance that was incorrect out. Then I obtained a call in one of the people I reach's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I'd (They stated the plan they were presented ended in like 08.)... Area of the package of careless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police provided out the wrong insurance, but he explained that there must be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I recently got a letter within the email recently saying that I owe some person 2500. Is it possible he was given the wrong insurance aswell, hence me getting charged for this?" Is there any inexpensive insurance on the market for students? Hi, My name is Courtney and Iam looking to buy an automobile shortly but I-donot have motor insurance. So I need anything really inexpensive because I'm a student my parents don't set me on theirs and I donot have money. Is there some place that provides insurance for low rates that are low?" "Insurance- Cabin, uncertain which insurance?" Ouside of Europe lives, but own home with a cabin on it. Dad and cousin possess it. Based on the insurance if among the owners (ppl to the insurance) aren't around the residence (state, 500 miles apart) if something occurs (like someone falls breaks there leg) to somebody we get there, we're not lined and might sue us. Our mother possess the to promote the house without us having any state, if my father put me around the insurance would? He feels that if I am put on the insurance I'll be on his half and my cousin will have her half thus offering her more energy. Is there any way around this suing and insurance factor easily want to rise there with some buddies?" Which vehicle could be cheapest on insurance? Nissan 350z Ford s2000 ford mustang v6 Infiniti g35 coupe Motorcycle insurance is not expected in california. But can i ride a california motorcycle in Va? I live in California and am likely to obtain a bike license. But I am most likely not likely to get insurance since it's my first bike in the US, and it's really planning to be considered even a liter cycle or a 600. (I Have in riding internationally, thus i do possess the expertise, but that doesn't count in the usa). Florida doens't involve me to possess insurace, but will I not be unable to experience this bike occassionaly out from the state without insurance? To driving inside the condition can I be restricted?" "Insurance wise, am I permitted to travel my parents' auto?" Our parents ordered me a car (Honda Accord), and my title is just under that car in the existing instant, while their titles are under all of the automobiles in this family. Consequently, basically drove my dadis Acura TL, listed under him and my mommy, and I got stopped for a random gate, could I be okay?" "How would you obtain a car without insurance, and the way do you get insuracnce with out an automobile?" I quit my insurace terminate, and noe I need to get insurance, but I-donot understand what car I am planning to get, therefore which comes first, the insurance or perhaps the vehicle?" Just how much can insurance and my payment per month be to get a sports vehicle? Im attempting to figure out how much my auto insurance is likely to be. Ive never held a car, im 17, haven't any credit score and i need to purchase. $5000 will be most likely cost by the automobile. I simply really should understand how much I could be prepared to be paying with insurance payments" Cheap insurance firms for a Piaggio NRG 50? I just acquired a Piaggio NRG 50 and thinking who's the best firm to acquire insured with and the way much does it charge at the least? Thanks! "What's the common expense of homeowner's insurance to get a home that's estimated 000, at 169 and acquired for 166k? Property is in Rhode Island. Mr2 Spyder Insurance Rate? About just how much insurance a month does one buy 2000? Could it be costly (can it be labeled as a sports vehicle) or is it common? Additionally, could you suggest this car? Why or whynot?" "Can it be worth in case your automobile is not only superior, finding complete comp insurance?" Can it be worth getting whole comp insurance if your automobile is not only superior?" Insurance Nissan 350z? I was thinking how much it's for insurance to get a nissan 350z i'm 18 and havenot pushed nonetheless! Maybe someone can help me "For out of state speeding ticket, does insurance rise?" I hae a New York drivers license, I had been stopped heading 45 in A - 30....$150 solution...............i searched it up and i understand I don't get details on my history, but does my insurance go up? Does anybody knoow and also have an excellent supplier they are able to offer? Cheers" Do I have to possess my insurance? I live-in Oregon state. I turn 17 . I've my very own car but it is under my dads name since I am young to have a vehicle under my name. I can get my license. I have to possess my own personal insurance once Ido may I still generate it or do? Thanks!" Please Recommend Inexpensive & Hassle Free Car Insurance? I am looking for cheap automobile providers THAT NOT - Ask to view license sent through the post or does not verify files or has the choice to reject. If you utilize yourself please just recommend or learn someone who does. No critiques please, merely insurers that don't verify at the start of the plan. Our initial thought was Tescogood or bad idea? 10 things today for response that is some pertinent. Cheers!" Does phone protection plans a damaged iPhone screen that is 5c? Help! My Child slipped the screen totally broken and my iPhone 5c!! Is this covered?? "Once you transfer of condition when does medical insurance expire?" Suppose you have health insurance in Newyork, and also you want to go on to California. Before the real transfer, you get a vehicle across place, get yourself a California certificate, register your automobile. Then you definitely fly back to Nyc for four months. You-go to the physician, along with your NY insurance gives up. But then you get a letter in the insurance carrier, delivered to the Florida tackle but forwarded to NY, stating they heard you would moved, so your insurance will be terminated. You create back, telling them their information is rapid, when you finish the move which insurance transform. After four months, you finish the go on to CA, and two nights after your arrival, you start feeling woozy -- feverish with unexpected headaches -- demanding plenty and bed rest of fluids. You will want to determine a physician if this doesn't get rid of in two or a day. Are you considering covered by the NY insurance, given that you'ven't had time however to get CA insurance?" What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger? Well they both would be 2007. V6 cause my insurance is not already low . And what you might you decide on I'd like a mustang but a lot of people have them-but a charger includes a body that is huge Car Insurance? Freeze it until the 3 November or fairly I want to cancel my insurance. Could i get into trouble once I had cancelled my insurance or eve although easily took it towards the garage froze it." I want a sr50 and require insurance in Indpls? I want a sr50 and require cheapest insurance in Indpls? Just how much will insurance cost on a 94 eclipse? I am an 18-year old very first time driver. The car has 133000 miles onto it and that I'm contemplating buying it from a friend. It is white. how much may the insurance be regular? Around?" Insurance claim check? Is it true that when you are still paying for a vehicle and you get into a car accident the check for the repairs that the insurance sends you has to be under the name of the person who purchased the vehicle and the finance company? I suggest you to visit this internet site where you can get rates from the best companies: http://howmuch4insurance.xyz
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Why a big fall can be a nice thing
Cryptocurrency has been a bit of a wild ride for a number of reasons. I came from a place where I’d never had stability in my life and was at my wits end after a dance with unemployment. I discovered cryptocurrency and upon getting some income decided to invest a proportional amount. The world of cryptocurrency wasn’t exactly too different to many of the people and places I’d already been to on the internet, but it was an interesting, fascinating beast
I never really invested in a financial sense but it was more directed towards it being something I’d taken a big interest in. I did sense that it would probably change or become bigger, but I never really had any expectations of what it would ever be. Money can be nice but I’ve seen plenty of it in my life and I’ve always known there is little to do once you have it.
After being a bit too engaged with my work I finally quit for reasons of my own wellbeing and at the time I wasn’t quite sure where to go or what to do. I knew I had a bit of money which would mean I didn’t need to work for some time. 
Initially, I had enough to live for about a year taking into account a monthly stipend. That’s the kind of metric I use when counting my money, how long can I do nothing with what I have. How long can I survive without having to answer to anyone else?
Pretty soon “one year” changed to 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and finally 25 years. I finally had enough money to survive well into my older years with little worry.
I don’t really spend much money, I’ve never had any debt in my life, I’m not into fast cars, I’m not into many of the expensive things besides buying a better computer. I, of course, took some money out and kept it as a backup in my bank account because I needed at least something that wasn’t risky and I still continue to give away money to charitable causes and software projects that make things like Bitcoin even be possible.
Once the rise happened the phone calls started. Not people asking for money, rather people asking for help and advice. I’m very staunchly opposed to giving people financial advice or handling other people’s money and its something I have actively refused regardless of any offers of money, but despite never faltering on this the calls never stopped.
“What should I buy?” “How can I buy it?” “What’s going to happen with the price of bitcoin?” “Bitcoin dropped 5% in one day!” “Did you check the price of bitcoin today, its up so high!”
Even my gym trainer began asking me every day about the price of Bitcoin and no matter how much I told him that I didn’t really look at the price (which I don’t)
Also at this time a dramatic shift happened with cryptocurrency, many of the places I’d participated in and had stimulating discussion had seen a rapid change in the type of people that would join. It was the “money guys”. “money guys” are perhaps the most irritating of anyone because they never read, they never seek to know, they just want to drum up support for the things they’d invested in. They just want to cause arguments and throw accusations behind anything critical that might be said.
Many of the “money guys” worked to do things like post on websites or make videos in support or criticism of videos and never really work with reading further or doing things based on knowledge. There are many reports of people having access to thousands of Twitter and Reddit accounts which are used to manipulate sentiment surrounding various projects.
I cannot lie and say that money never comes into the equation. It does. People I know sometimes say that I don’t do any work, but the work involved is not only an investment of money but also an investment of time. If I back a project and read into it and support it I do it because I believe in the future of it. I also have plenty of experience with knowing what effect words can have on people and I can be patient enough for my words to have value.
It came to a head when I decided to take a position on a project. It was a project I was fascinated in, the name of nature of it isn’t really important, but the developer had effectively disappeared for some time and after spending a large amount of time trying to be productive and take things forward the project got infiltrated by the “money guys” who seemed more interested in pumping up the price and then dumping it later on.
One day I woke up and saw the picture you see below. A cryptocurrency “money guy” sitting in his hotel room, with an empty bottle of champagne on his table and a messy bed in the background. “You need to buy this project” is what he said and he couldn’t actually provide much technical reasoning. It seemed very clear to be an attempt by someone who made similar videos to make a quick buck at the expense of others.
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At this point, as well as having seen recent efforts at the same thing as well as a few tales of human misery by those that had decided to take out loans and credit cards to buy more tickets to the winning meal I decided that my patience had finished.
Many of the long-term people who had been following things had either given up hope and either publicly said so or dramatically reduced putting time and effort into things because the developer had effectively gone radio silent.
I gave the developer a deadline to prove progress and he failed to meet it, turning up a day later with tales of a hacked account and a number of other things. He had proven his honesty and integrity on several occasions, the project was a really great idea but its still an immense task for anyone.
In the confusion, and after the developer resurfaced much later on after basically a year of doing nothing the price tanked hard and the “money guys” accused me of orchestrating the downfall of things, basically claiming I had caused a $15 million drop in the value of the project.
A lot of other things had happened in cryptocurrency and this is when the prices went through the roof. Those calls from before only increased. The dumb messages from people who did no actual reading only increased. And I decreased. I stopped reading, I stopped writing and I withdrew.
The 25 “years of money” I had amassed slowly crept back to 20, 15, 10, 5 and finally 2. The people who had thought they were going to win a prize and had taken out loans and credit cards had lost, and they started to die off.
And although I do empathize when people lose money, it finally feels like I can get back to being involved again. I’m much happier having 2 “years of money” rather than 25 if it means I can finally enjoy reading and writing again with 90% of the idiocy gone.
Bitcoin and almost all of the cryptocurrencies still perform the exact same function as they did before all of this. They’re just pieces of software that keep chugging along and for all the problems humans create or experience they still have the same consequence: they don’t matter.
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bestpowerball · 3 years
Latest Powerball 파워볼 Tips and News
People 파워볼 게임 cannot fathom the nightmare – William Post III
William Post III the thirds Powerball lottery winner is 파워볼 사이트 추천 another right to riches story at the time he claims to have only $3 left in his bank account with which she bought the lottery ticket but he took it even a step further pawning many of his remaining possessions to generate another $40 all of what she spent on lottery tickets. Most people review this as a gambling problem however one of his lucky tickets came in banking him over 16 million.
선별된 파워볼 사이트 리스트를 확인하세요
As you might appreciate a little concept of how to manage money as he never really had much of it in his life, but the truth of his lottery winnings and their impact on his life and turned out to be a nightmare
I am sure you are asking how could that happen, dismiss taking once but only be considered as an intelligent decision to receive his winnings in installments of over 400,000 every year when this payment came in they were spirited in the first month within 12 months he was already 500,000 in debt he was being sued by his girlfriend has she claimed that I have the money with hers she won the case but he claimed he couldn’t pay the debts so his lottery payments were frozen. Eventually, he was forced to declare bankruptcy and only walked away with 2.6 million of his 15 million jackpot when she eventually spent immediately later he was arrested on firearms charges for shooting his brother and his wife hard to a hitman to come so they couldn’t hurt his money I was in 13 years but a lot of victims of the lottery cars died paying us and alone depending on welfare.
What is Powerball?
“Killed for his cash” – 파워볼 게임 Abraham Shakespeare
when Mr. Shakespeare collected his 40 million winnings in the Powerball lottery in Florida in 2006 at first he was overly generous with his money he gave it to her arrest and despite this, he couldn’t escape the lottery cars
Unfortunately, Abraham was illiterate due to his early high school dropout he won the jackpot as he reminded me stopped at the convenience store and I gave his coworker a couple of bucks to buy lottery tickets because his 최상위 파워볼 coworker purchased the lottery tickets and because of this the jackpot was his, not Shakespeare’s. Despite losing the court case it just pushed Shakespeare further into the limelight drawing more and more people to him like moths to a light bulb the stage bear he was openly admitting life was better before he won the jackpot he no longer who his friends were as infants.
He then met a lady called Didi Moore she claimed to want to write his biography and said she could help him with his money management problems won’t he agreed she immediately started spending his money on herself buying Corvettes and hummers she even came possession of his properties however more wasn’t happy just to steal his money the Kansas stage where she murdered Shakespeare and had his body buried under country slabs at her boyfriend’s home
She was eventually caught as she continued to pretend Shakespeare was still alive she tried to bribe his family and started sending fake texts later she was caught and eventually convicted of the first three murder undoubtedly Shakespeare’s roller coaster lottery ride would have been better off avoided and if he had kept his $5 in his pocket, they may want to sleep in life today
Murdered for $20 Million – Jeffery Dampier
Another celebrity winter murder unfortunately for Jeffrey Dampier Jr he took all the best advice he could following his 20 million lottery win he moved himself and his parents to Tampa bay along with his second wife and her family they invested in a successful popcorn business and following somebody purchases himself he bought some holidays at Connor apartment for his sister-in-law. Despite his generosity, both Victoria and her boyfriend get their hands on all of his lottery winnings. Pretending to be suffering from car trouble Victoria comes to her apartment on arrival Victoria’s boyfriend assaults them tied them up and stole thousands of dollars. They didn’t write them internally shut up in the back of the head killing him however they were quickly caught and charged with kidnapping and murder an hour before serving life sentences.
Some Powerball Lottery FAQs
Is the Powerball Lottery available on any Social Media platforms?
The Powerball lottery would like to point out that it has no affiliation with any social media platform anything you see reporting to give away prize money from the Powerball lottery on Facebook Instagram or any other platforms is to be viewed as fraudulent also lottery companies will never contact you via Facebook unless you have specifically entered a lottery contest or promotion and give them your contact details
I received a phishing email, what should I do?
I recently received a fraudulent email asking me to send my bank account details so I can collect my Powerball lottery prize I understand lotteries will never contact me if you’re a telephone or email unless you have an existing ticket for that contest or promotion. Powerball lottery never asks for payments up from receiving prices, so if you get contacted by one of these scams contact the Powerball lottery company immediately and your local police force.
What happens to my Powerball Lottery prize payments if I pass away?
Despite what some people think if you pass away before you receive all your annualized. the Powerball lottery administrator is will instantly pay out the balance of your prize to your estate. You just need to get a court order the payments will the
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newstechreviews · 4 years
The car horns blared as Joe Biden took the stage just before 1 a.m.—not to proclaim victory, but to urge his supporters not to lose hope, no matter what President Donald Trump might say. “We believe we are on track to win this election,” the former Vice President told the crowd in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 4. “It ain’t over until every vote is counted. Keep the faith, guys.”
As the new day dawned and dragged on, it increasingly looked as though Biden was right. Having flipped Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin, Biden appeared to be inching toward victory. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina remained too close to call as of the evening of Nov. 4. Independent forecasters believed Biden was likely to eke out the requisite 270 electoral votes when all the votes were counted, over the President’s noisy objections.
Even with the White House nearing their grasp, Biden’s supporters could be forgiven if they found it hard to keep the faith. The 2020 election did not go according to plan for the Democrats. It was a far cry from the sweeping repudiation of Trump that the polls had forecast and liberals craved. After all the outrage and activism, a projected $14 billion spent and millions more votes this time than last, Trump’s term is ending the way it began: with an election once again teetering on a knife’s edge, and a nation entrenched in stalemate, torn between two realities, two cultural tribes, two sets of facts.
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TIME illustration
Even if he has lost, a President who trampled the rule of law for four years was on pace to collect millions more votes this time. And though they braced for a bloodbath, the congressional Republicans who enabled him instead notched gains across the board. The GOP appeared poised to retain the majority in the Senate and cut into the Democratic House majority, defying the polls and fundraising deficits. Republicans held onto states such as Florida, South Carolina, Ohio and Iowa that Democrats had hoped to flip. They cut into Democrats’ margins with nonwhite voters, made gains with Latinos in South Florida and the Rio Grande Valley, and racked up huge turnout among non-college-educated white people, while halting what many conservatives feared was an inexorable slide in the suburbs.
Amid record turnout, Biden seemed sure to win the popular vote, possibly with an outright majority—a resounding statement by any standard. But many Democrats expected more. They believed that voters had soured on Trump and his party, that his mishandling of the pandemic and divisive style had alienated a wide swath of voters, that a new political era was about to be born and Trumpism banished to history’s dustbin. Instead, they awoke to a different reality. “Democrats always argued, ‘If more people voted, we would win,’” says GOP strategist Brad Todd, co-author of The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics. “Well, guess what? Everybody voted, and it didn’t help the Democrats. There is a multi-racial, working-class ethos that is animating the new Republican coalition.”
As the votes were tallied into the following day, the candidates’ positions fell along predictable lines. The challenger encouraged the core exercise of democracy to continue, while the President tried to stop it. Biden’s camp urged patience; Trump voiced unfounded suspicions about fraud and cast unwarranted doubt on still incoming returns. Despite widespread fears of chaos, the vote was mostly peaceful and devoid of major irregularities. The President’s baseless declaration of victory was a sign that the test he has posed to American institutions isn’t over yet.
Biden’s campaign was predicated on a return to the pre-Trump political order, a “normal” that may always have been a figment of the collective imagination. If he emerges as the winner, his achievement—toppling an incumbent who manipulated the levers of government to try to gain an advantage, and made voter suppression a core campaign strategy—shouldn’t be discounted. But even if he becomes the next President, it seems clear that he will be governing Trump’s America: a nation unpersuaded by kumbaya calls for unity and compassion, determined instead to burrow ever deeper into its hermetic bubbles. Win or lose, Trump has engineered a lasting tectonic shift in the American political landscape, fomenting a level of anger, resentment and suspicion that will not be easy for his successor to surmount.
Whoever takes the oath of office on Jan. 20 will be tested by a historic set of challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has just entered its worst phase yet, rampaging across the country virtually unchecked. The economic fallout from the virus continues to worsen without new federal aid. Trump has given few hints of what his next months in office may hold, but few expect them to be smooth. An urgent set of policy problems, from climate change to health care to the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, may run into the wall of divided government. America’s democratic institutions will continue to teeter. “If in fact Biden wins, it’s still the case that an openly bigoted aspiring authoritarian not only won the presidency but captured the complete loyalty of one of two major political parties, and—but for a once-in-a-century pandemic—he might have been re-elected,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a non-partisan legal group. “If that doesn’t tell you that something is completely rotten in the foundations of our democracy, I don’t know what would.”
The story of American politics in the 21st century has been one of escalating polarization and gridlock, a nihilistic feedback loop that has made the country all but impossible to lead. For years, a chaos-ridden nation has waited to deliver its verdict on Trump’s unorthodox presidency. But this is 2020—the year when up was down and real was fake, the year of the plague, the year of the unexpected: of course it would not be that easy. Both sides hoped for a knockout blow, a landslide that would forever settle the question of which version of America is the true one. Instead, our identity crisis continues.
The campaign unfolded over a year so convulsive that the third presidential impeachment in history now seems a distant memory. COVID-19 upended Americans’ lives and drained their bank accounts. Millions of people, from all walks of life, took to the streets to protest police violence. The West Coast’s sky was blotted by fire for weeks, while the East was battered by a record hurricane season. And yet, against this backdrop of chaos there was an odd political stasis: Trump’s standing in polls remained about where it had been when Biden first entered the race—a sign, Democrats believed, that Trump had little chance of persuading an electorate that had long since rejected him.
Not that he particularly tried. Strategists of both parties believe the campaign was winnable for the incumbent if he had embraced a more traditional strategy and style—something his entire presidency has shown him to be uninterested in doing. Discarding the advice of the political professionals, Trump insisted on rerunning the 2016 election, down to the leaked emails and antiestablishment rhetoric. He made little alteration to his bull-in-a-china-shop attitude, even though the hellscape he raged against was now one that unfolded on his watch. “COVID certainly didn’t help, but this election was about the President’s performance over the last four years, not just the last nine months,” says Brendan Buck, a former top adviser to the GOP ex–House Speaker Paul Ryan. “It was four years of bumbling his way through every issue, alienating everyone who didn’t agree with him, and never being able to use the tools he had for any particular good.”
As Trump careened from one outrage to another, Biden limited his campaign to theatrically cautious appearances: masked speeches to small, distanced groups; “drive-in” rallies where attendees sat in their cars. The longtime pol known for his garrulousness and gaffes stuck unerringly to the script. Many lines in his final TV ads were identical to what he said when he launched his campaign a year and a half before. Unusually for a general-election candidate, Biden actually saw his standing with the public improve over the course of the campaign. Only about 10% of the ads aired by Biden’s campaign and allies were attacks on Trump, according to the Wesleyan Media Project. His campaign believed that his themes of unity, compassion and expertise were an implicit rebuke to the incumbent. “The message has been incredibly consistent: an implicit contrast between Trump’s character flaws and their consequences for real people,” says Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson, a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. “Trump is self-absorbed and chaotic; Biden is the opposite: in it for others, stable, the antidote to everything Trump represents.” But Democrats now wonder if Biden, like Clinton before him, put too much emphasis on character and not enough on kitchen-table issues, and whether his decision not to campaign more in person was a missed opportunity.
Biden was buoyed by a vast grassroots movement: the Trump era has seen a frenzy of political action, with thousands of newly motivated activists leading local political groups. Middle-class women gathered their Facebook friends to drink wine and make canvassing phone calls; disaffected Republicans waged a multimillion-dollar campaign to mobilize their peers. A weak fundraiser who ended the primary essentially broke, Biden shattered general-election fundraising records—his campaign hauled in $952 million, dwarfing the incumbent by more than $300 million—as liberals showered donations on him and the party’s congressional candidates.
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Angela Weiss—AFP/Getty Images“It’s not my place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this election. That’s the decision of the American people.” — Joe Biden, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del., just after midnight on Nov. 4.
Peter van Agtmael—Magnum Photos for TIME“We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court.” — Donald Trump, in the East Room of the White House early on the morning of Nov. 4.
But Trump had his own army of enthusiastic supporters. His massive rallies—held at cavernous airport hangars and sports arenas with no social distancing and limited mask wearing—were not just aimed at flattering Trump’s ego or creating images of enthusiastic throngs for local and national media. Republican National Committee (RNC) teams perched outside each event, registering new voters and creating a database of supporters. “People sometimes pooh-pooh the rallies and say there’s really no campaign structural benefit to them,” says Brian Ballard, a Republican lobbyist with close ties to Trump. But they allowed the campaign to “utilize the crowds that not only go, but the crowds that registered to go, and sometimes that number is five times the amount of folks that actually show up.”
Trump’s campaign also kept up its field-organizing program through the summer, while Biden’s team hung back out of safety concerns. The joint field program between the RNC and the Trump campaign boasted 2.6 million volunteers, according to figures provided by the RNC. They made more than 182 million voter contacts—more than five times what they did in 2016—and added nearly 174,000 new GOP voters to the rolls. Early voter-registration figures in Florida, North Carolina and other states showed that Republicans had “essentially neutralized what had been a Democrat advantage” by mobilizing new voters, says John Podesta, who ran Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential bid.
Democrats underestimated the Trump tribe’s breadth to their detriment. “I think you miss some of the Trump quotient [in polls] because these folks come out of the woodwork, and they’re out of the woods and waters of South Carolina,” says former GOP Representative Mark Sanford, a Trump critic whose Charleston-area district Republicans took back on Nov. 3. Despite putting more than $100 million behind Senate candidate Jaime Harrison, Democrats fell short of defeating Senator Lindsey Graham by double digits. “These Trump rallies and Trump parades and all those kinds of things, they don’t strike me as the type that would be answering a polling call,” Sanford says.
Having made the decision to forgo traditional field organizing, Biden’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon instead turned the Biden campaign into what may be the largest digital-organizing machine in American political history. “Jen O’Malley Dillon took a risk in investing as much in digital acquisition as she did,” says Patrick Stevenson, chief mobilization officer at the Democratic National Committee. “You’re putting down $1 million in April that you’re expecting to show back up as $5 million in August.” By September, the digital operation was printing money. Digital organizers recruited more than 200,000 volunteers and deployed them on hundreds of millions of text messages and phone calls. But the result raises questions about whether this virtual juggernaut could really substitute for old-fashioned face-to-face campaigning.
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Lorenzo Meloni—Magnum Photos for TIMEThe different style of the campaigns— and of their supporters—was echoed in their Pennsylvania offices.
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Lorenzo Meloni—Magnum Photos for TIMEDavid Lawrence, a Republican supporter, in Erie on Nov. 3.
What comes next is anybody’s guess. There are 2½ months until the next Inauguration. A lame-duck President with the world’s biggest platform, an even larger ego, and millions of supporters who internalized his rhetoric about election “rigging” could stir a lot of trouble on his way out of town. So much, including the odds of violence erupting, depends on Trump’s rhetoric in the days and weeks to come. Then there is the question of tapping the federal treasury on the way out—his companies and family have pocketed millions in government funds during his time in office—and whether he might seek to pardon himself and his allies. “His impulse might be to abuse executive authority, and my hope and prayer is that those around him would restrain him, though they haven’t been very successful so far,” says Tom Ridge, the GOP former Pennsylvania governor and Homeland Security Secretary who endorsed Biden. “I have never felt that this President has ever truly respected the Constitution, the rule of law and the freedoms embodied in our democratic process.”
If Biden does take office, he will confront a set of challenges like few Presidents before him. He has laid out a comprehensive—and expensive—federal plan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic that includes promoting mask wearing, ramping up testing and the production of protective equipment, improving information transparency and scientific reopening guidance, and creating and distributing a vaccine. Democrats have previously proposed trillions in new spending to help individuals, businesses and local governments and shore up the health care system needs that will only grow in the coming months.
The coronavirus is far from the only problem Biden and the Democrats have promised to solve. A former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden would likely devote great attention to restoring America’s traditional trade and security alliances. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently said the congressional agenda for 2021 would include a major infrastructure bill and an expansion of health care. Liberals will be pushing for fast action on police reform, climate and immigration. Democrats have been remarkably unified since Biden effectively sewed up the nomination in March, but the party’s left wing has signaled it will not be so deferential once victory is in hand. Progressive groups have been circulating lists of potential Biden nominees they would (and would not) accept for key Administration posts.
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John Locher—APReflecting the exhaustion on both sides of the aisle, a Trump fan rests on a table at an election-night party in Las Vegas.
Four years of Trump have left Democrats with few worries about overreading their mandate. “If we win the election, we have a mandate to make change, period,” says Guy Cecil, president of the Democratic super PAC Priorities USA. But if Republicans retain their hold on the Senate, prospects for major legislation will be dim. Republicans had won 48 seats as of the evening of Nov. 4, with at least one January runoff in Georgia that could decide the balance of power in the chamber.
Whatever the ultimate result, the election exposed the shaky edifice of U.S. democracy. From the antiquated governing institutions that increasingly reward minoritarian rule, to the badly wounded norms surrounding the independent administration of justice, to the flimsy protections of supposedly universal suffrage, to the nation’s balky and underfunded election infrastructure, Trump’s presidency has laid bare the weaknesses in our system. But initiatives to reform campaign finance, government ethics and voting rights seem fated to run aground in a divided Washington.
A round of harsh recriminations seems certain for the Democrats, who had assumed that their coalition of minorities, college-educated white people and young voters was destined only to grow as a share of the electorate, while the post-Trump GOP would be doomed to rely on a dwindling population of older, white, non-college-educated voters. Instead, Republicans appeared to have increased their share of the Black and Latino vote. Democrats failed to topple any GOP incumbents in Texas and lost a congressional seat in New Mexico. Their hopes for a surge of college-educated suburban voters also fell short, suggesting that the GOP’s attacks on liberal ideology proved effective in places like Oklahoma City and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. “Democrats need to ask themselves why someone like Joe Biden is an endangered species in the party,” says Justin Gest, a political scientist at George Mason University and author of The New Minority: White Working Class Politics in an Age of Immigration and Inequality. “Why is the party of experts, urban intellectuals and woke social-movement activists not producing candidates who can mobilize people in Montana, Ohio, North Carolina? It just doesn’t look like a national party.”
Republicans, even if they lose the presidency, are likely to feel emboldened to continue pursuing Trump’s themes. “Donald Trump isn’t going away,” says Buck, the former Ryan adviser. “He’s still going to be the leader of the party and the biggest voice, and he’ll at least flirt with the idea of running again. It’s going to continue to be a populist, grievance-fueled party.”
Some elections mark a breakthrough—the emergence of a new American majority after years of conflict and gridlock. A landslide like Franklin D. Roosevelt’s in 1932 or Ronald Reagan’s in 1980 would have signaled a nation ready to move on from its cultural and ideological cleavages and seek some way forward together. Instead it looks more bitterly split than ever. “There was a substantial political divide in this country before Donald Trump was elected,” Ridge says. “His presidency has exacerbated that divide to an almost unimaginable degree. But that did not begin with Donald Trump, and it will not end with him, either.” —With reporting by Charlotte Alter, Brian Bennett and Tessa Berenson/Washington; Anna Purna Kambhampaty/Honolulu; and Mariah Espada, Alejandro de la Garza and Simmone Shah/New York
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
New top story from Time: Even If Joe Biden Wins, He Will Govern in Donald Trump’s America
The car horns blared as Joe Biden took the stage just before 1 a.m.—not to proclaim victory, but to urge his supporters not to lose hope, no matter what President Donald Trump might say. “We believe we are on track to win this election,” the former Vice President told the crowd in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 4. “It ain’t over until every vote is counted. Keep the faith, guys.”
As the new day dawned and dragged on, it increasingly looked as though Biden was right. Having flipped Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin, Biden appeared to be inching toward victory. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina remained too close to call as of the evening of Nov. 4. Independent forecasters believed Biden was likely to eke out the requisite 270 electoral votes when all the votes were counted, over the President’s noisy objections.
Even with the White House nearing their grasp, Biden’s supporters could be forgiven if they found it hard to keep the faith. The 2020 election did not go according to plan for the Democrats. It was a far cry from the sweeping repudiation of Trump that the polls had forecast and liberals craved. After all the outrage and activism, a projected $14 billion spent and millions more votes this time than last, Trump’s term is ending the way it began: with an election once again teetering on a knife’s edge, and a nation entrenched in stalemate, torn between two realities, two cultural tribes, two sets of facts.
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TIME illustration
Even if he has lost, a President who trampled the rule of law for four years was on pace to collect millions more votes this time. And though they braced for a bloodbath, the congressional Republicans who enabled him instead notched gains across the board. The GOP appeared poised to retain the majority in the Senate and cut into the Democratic House majority, defying the polls and fundraising deficits. Republicans held onto states such as Florida, South Carolina, Ohio and Iowa that Democrats had hoped to flip. They cut into Democrats’ margins with nonwhite voters, made gains with Latinos in South Florida and the Rio Grande Valley, and racked up huge turnout among non-college-educated white people, while halting what many conservatives feared was an inexorable slide in the suburbs.
Amid record turnout, Biden seemed sure to win the popular vote, possibly with an outright majority—a resounding statement by any standard. But many Democrats expected more. They believed that voters had soured on Trump and his party, that his mishandling of the pandemic and divisive style had alienated a wide swath of voters, that a new political era was about to be born and Trumpism banished to history’s dustbin. Instead, they awoke to a different reality. “Democrats always argued, ‘If more people voted, we would win,’” says GOP strategist Brad Todd, co-author of The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics. “Well, guess what? Everybody voted, and it didn’t help the Democrats. There is a multi-racial, working-class ethos that is animating the new Republican coalition.”
As the votes were tallied into the following day, the candidates’ positions fell along predictable lines. The challenger encouraged the core exercise of democracy to continue, while the President tried to stop it. Biden’s camp urged patience; Trump voiced unfounded suspicions about fraud and cast unwarranted doubt on still incoming returns. Despite widespread fears of chaos, the vote was mostly peaceful and devoid of major irregularities. The President’s baseless declaration of victory was a sign that the test he has posed to American institutions isn’t over yet.
Biden’s campaign was predicated on a return to the pre-Trump political order, a “normal” that may always have been a figment of the collective imagination. If he emerges as the winner, his achievement—toppling an incumbent who manipulated the levers of government to try to gain an advantage, and made voter suppression a core campaign strategy—shouldn’t be discounted. But even if he becomes the next President, it seems clear that he will be governing Trump’s America: a nation unpersuaded by kumbaya calls for unity and compassion, determined instead to burrow ever deeper into its hermetic bubbles. Win or lose, Trump has engineered a lasting tectonic shift in the American political landscape, fomenting a level of anger, resentment and suspicion that will not be easy for his successor to surmount.
Whoever takes the oath of office on Jan. 20 will be tested by a historic set of challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has just entered its worst phase yet, rampaging across the country virtually unchecked. The economic fallout from the virus continues to worsen without new federal aid. Trump has given few hints of what his next months in office may hold, but few expect them to be smooth. An urgent set of policy problems, from climate change to health care to the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, may run into the wall of divided government. America’s democratic institutions will continue to teeter. “If in fact Biden wins, it’s still the case that an openly bigoted aspiring authoritarian not only won the presidency but captured the complete loyalty of one of two major political parties, and—but for a once-in-a-century pandemic—he might have been re-elected,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a non-partisan legal group. “If that doesn’t tell you that something is completely rotten in the foundations of our democracy, I don’t know what would.”
The story of American politics in the 21st century has been one of escalating polarization and gridlock, a nihilistic feedback loop that has made the country all but impossible to lead. For years, a chaos-ridden nation has waited to deliver its verdict on Trump’s unorthodox presidency. But this is 2020—the year when up was down and real was fake, the year of the plague, the year of the unexpected: of course it would not be that easy. Both sides hoped for a knockout blow, a landslide that would forever settle the question of which version of America is the true one. Instead, our identity crisis continues.
The campaign unfolded over a year so convulsive that the third presidential impeachment in history now seems a distant memory. COVID-19 upended Americans’ lives and drained their bank accounts. Millions of people, from all walks of life, took to the streets to protest police violence. The West Coast’s sky was blotted by fire for weeks, while the East was battered by a record hurricane season. And yet, against this backdrop of chaos there was an odd political stasis: Trump’s standing in polls remained about where it had been when Biden first entered the race—a sign, Democrats believed, that Trump had little chance of persuading an electorate that had long since rejected him.
Not that he particularly tried. Strategists of both parties believe the campaign was winnable for the incumbent if he had embraced a more traditional strategy and style—something his entire presidency has shown him to be uninterested in doing. Discarding the advice of the political professionals, Trump insisted on rerunning the 2016 election, down to the leaked emails and antiestablishment rhetoric. He made little alteration to his bull-in-a-china-shop attitude, even though the hellscape he raged against was now one that unfolded on his watch. “COVID certainly didn’t help, but this election was about the President’s performance over the last four years, not just the last nine months,” says Brendan Buck, a former top adviser to the GOP ex–House Speaker Paul Ryan. “It was four years of bumbling his way through every issue, alienating everyone who didn’t agree with him, and never being able to use the tools he had for any particular good.”
As Trump careened from one outrage to another, Biden limited his campaign to theatrically cautious appearances: masked speeches to small, distanced groups; “drive-in” rallies where attendees sat in their cars. The longtime pol known for his garrulousness and gaffes stuck unerringly to the script. Many lines in his final TV ads were identical to what he said when he launched his campaign a year and a half before. Unusually for a general-election candidate, Biden actually saw his standing with the public improve over the course of the campaign. Only about 10% of the ads aired by Biden’s campaign and allies were attacks on Trump, according to the Wesleyan Media Project. His campaign believed that his themes of unity, compassion and expertise were an implicit rebuke to the incumbent. “The message has been incredibly consistent: an implicit contrast between Trump’s character flaws and their consequences for real people,” says Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson, a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. “Trump is self-absorbed and chaotic; Biden is the opposite: in it for others, stable, the antidote to everything Trump represents.” But Democrats now wonder if Biden, like Clinton before him, put too much emphasis on character and not enough on kitchen-table issues, and whether his decision not to campaign more in person was a missed opportunity.
Biden was buoyed by a vast grassroots movement: the Trump era has seen a frenzy of political action, with thousands of newly motivated activists leading local political groups. Middle-class women gathered their Facebook friends to drink wine and make canvassing phone calls; disaffected Republicans waged a multimillion-dollar campaign to mobilize their peers. A weak fundraiser who ended the primary essentially broke, Biden shattered general-election fundraising records—his campaign hauled in $952 million, dwarfing the incumbent by more than $300 million—as liberals showered donations on him and the party’s congressional candidates.
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Angela Weiss—AFP/Getty Images“It’s not my place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this election. That’s the decision of the American people.” — Joe Biden, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del., just after midnight on Nov. 4.
Peter van Agtmael—Magnum Photos for TIME“We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court.” — Donald Trump, in the East Room of the White House early on the morning of Nov. 4.
But Trump had his own army of enthusiastic supporters. His massive rallies—held at cavernous airport hangars and sports arenas with no social distancing and limited mask wearing—were not just aimed at flattering Trump’s ego or creating images of enthusiastic throngs for local and national media. Republican National Committee (RNC) teams perched outside each event, registering new voters and creating a database of supporters. “People sometimes pooh-pooh the rallies and say there’s really no campaign structural benefit to them,” says Brian Ballard, a Republican lobbyist with close ties to Trump. But they allowed the campaign to “utilize the crowds that not only go, but the crowds that registered to go, and sometimes that number is five times the amount of folks that actually show up.”
Trump’s campaign also kept up its field-organizing program through the summer, while Biden’s team hung back out of safety concerns. The joint field program between the RNC and the Trump campaign boasted 2.6 million volunteers, according to figures provided by the RNC. They made more than 182 million voter contacts—more than five times what they did in 2016—and added nearly 174,000 new GOP voters to the rolls. Early voter-registration figures in Florida, North Carolina and other states showed that Republicans had “essentially neutralized what had been a Democrat advantage” by mobilizing new voters, says John Podesta, who ran Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential bid.
Democrats underestimated the Trump tribe’s breadth to their detriment. “I think you miss some of the Trump quotient [in polls] because these folks come out of the woodwork, and they’re out of the woods and waters of South Carolina,” says former GOP Representative Mark Sanford, a Trump critic whose Charleston-area district Republicans took back on Nov. 3. Despite putting more than $100 million behind Senate candidate Jaime Harrison, Democrats fell short of defeating Senator Lindsey Graham by double digits. “These Trump rallies and Trump parades and all those kinds of things, they don’t strike me as the type that would be answering a polling call,” Sanford says.
Having made the decision to forgo traditional field organizing, Biden’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon instead turned the Biden campaign into what may be the largest digital-organizing machine in American political history. “Jen O’Malley Dillon took a risk in investing as much in digital acquisition as she did,” says Patrick Stevenson, chief mobilization officer at the Democratic National Committee. “You’re putting down $1 million in April that you’re expecting to show back up as $5 million in August.” By September, the digital operation was printing money. Digital organizers recruited more than 200,000 volunteers and deployed them on hundreds of millions of text messages and phone calls. But the result raises questions about whether this virtual juggernaut could really substitute for old-fashioned face-to-face campaigning.
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Lorenzo Meloni—Magnum Photos for TIMEThe different style of the campaigns—and of their supporters—was echoed in their Pennsylvania offices.
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Lorenzo Meloni—Magnum Photos for TIMEDavid Lawrence, a Republican supporter, in Erie on Nov. 3.
What comes next is anybody’s guess. There are 2½ months until the next Inauguration. A lame-duck President with the world’s biggest platform, an even larger ego, and millions of supporters who internalized his rhetoric about election “rigging” could stir a lot of trouble on his way out of town. So much, including the odds of violence erupting, depends on Trump’s rhetoric in the days and weeks to come. Then there is the question of tapping the federal treasury on the way out—his companies and family have pocketed millions in government funds during his time in office—and whether he might seek to pardon himself and his allies. “His impulse might be to abuse executive authority, and my hope and prayer is that those around him would restrain him, though they haven’t been very successful so far,” says Tom Ridge, the GOP former Pennsylvania governor and Homeland Security Secretary who endorsed Biden. “I have never felt that this President has ever truly respected the Constitution, the rule of law and the freedoms embodied in our democratic process.”
If Biden does take office, he will confront a set of challenges like few Presidents before him. He has laid out a comprehensive—and expensive—federal plan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic that includes promoting mask wearing, ramping up testing and the production of protective equipment, improving information transparency and scientific reopening guidance, and creating and distributing a vaccine. Democrats have previously proposed trillions in new spending to help individuals, businesses and local governments and shore up the health care system needs that will only grow in the coming months.
The coronavirus is far from the only problem Biden and the Democrats have promised to solve. A former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden would likely devote great attention to restoring America’s traditional trade and security alliances. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently said the congressional agenda for 2021 would include a major infrastructure bill and an expansion of health care. Liberals will be pushing for fast action on police reform, climate and immigration. Democrats have been remarkably unified since Biden effectively sewed up the nomination in March, but the party’s left wing has signaled it will not be so deferential once victory is in hand. Progressive groups have been circulating lists of potential Biden nominees they would (and would not) accept for key Administration posts.
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John Locher—APReflecting the exhaustion on both sides of the aisle, a Trump fan rests on a table at an election-night party in Las Vegas.
Four years of Trump have left Democrats with few worries about overreading their mandate. “If we win the election, we have a mandate to make change, period,” says Guy Cecil, president of the Democratic super PAC Priorities USA. But if Republicans retain their hold on the Senate, prospects for major legislation will be dim. Republicans had won 48 seats as of the evening of Nov. 4, with at least one January runoff in Georgia that could decide the balance of power in the chamber.
Whatever the ultimate result, the election exposed the shaky edifice of U.S. democracy. From the antiquated governing institutions that increasingly reward minoritarian rule, to the badly wounded norms surrounding the independent administration of justice, to the flimsy protections of supposedly universal suffrage, to the nation’s balky and underfunded election infrastructure, Trump’s presidency has laid bare the weaknesses in our system. But initiatives to reform campaign finance, government ethics and voting rights seem fated to run aground in a divided Washington.
A round of harsh recriminations seems certain for the Democrats, who had assumed that their coalition of minorities, college-educated white people and young voters was destined only to grow as a share of the electorate, while the post-Trump GOP would be doomed to rely on a dwindling population of older, white, non-college-educated voters. Instead, Republicans appeared to have increased their share of the Black and Latino vote. Democrats failed to topple any GOP incumbents in Texas and lost a congressional seat in New Mexico. Their hopes for a surge of college-educated suburban voters also fell short, suggesting that the GOP’s attacks on liberal ideology proved effective in places like Oklahoma City and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. “Democrats need to ask themselves why someone like Joe Biden is an endangered species in the party,” says Justin Gest, a political scientist at George Mason University and author of The New Minority: White Working Class Politics in an Age of Immigration and Inequality. “Why is the party of experts, urban intellectuals and woke social-movement activists not producing candidates who can mobilize people in Montana, Ohio, North Carolina? It just doesn’t look like a national party.”
Republicans, even if they lose the presidency, are likely to feel emboldened to continue pursuing Trump’s themes. “Donald Trump isn’t going away,” says Buck, the former Ryan adviser. “He’s still going to be the leader of the party and the biggest voice, and he’ll at least flirt with the idea of running again. It’s going to continue to be a populist, grievance-fueled party.”
Some elections mark a breakthrough—the emergence of a new American majority after years of conflict and gridlock. A landslide like Franklin D. Roosevelt’s in 1932 or Ronald Reagan’s in 1980 would have signaled a nation ready to move on from its cultural and ideological cleavages and seek some way forward together. Instead it looks more bitterly split than ever. “There was a substantial political divide in this country before Donald Trump was elected,” Ridge says. “His presidency has exacerbated that divide to an almost unimaginable degree. But that did not begin with Donald Trump, and it will not end with him, either.” —With reporting by Charlotte Alter, Brian Bennett and Tessa Berenson/Washington; Anna Purna Kambhampaty/Honolulu; and Mariah Espada, Alejandro de la Garza and Simmone Shah/New York
This appears in the November 16, 2020 issue of TIME.
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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carpostnet · 5 years
Thoughts on the Tata Tigor EV Electric Sedan
  The story of the Tigor EV Electric Sedan begins with a authorities contract. For as soon as in 2017, the babus get it proper – as they take an excellent resolution of kick beginning the nascent Indian EV four wheeler market, with a stimulus. So an order of ten thousand automobiles is tendered. When all the bets appeared to be on Mahindra strolling away with the order, Tata Motors emerges as the darkish horse.
Having began my profession with Tata Motors, I’m stunned. The firm just isn’t actually recognized for its agility. To proceed the babu story – what they didn’t anticipate – is the hostile response to EVs that the sarkaari drivers would have. Used to the perks of siphoned petrol and diesel, the drivers’ resistance developed, as they may not determine easy methods to siphon electrical energy! But the greater subject, at the least from the Tigor EV perspective, was the decrease vary. And particularly, when it received in comparison with the different participant, in the two horse EV car race in India, the E-Verito.  ​ The episode jogs my memory of the story, of the demented man who goes to a city and locations an order with the carpenter, who in flip goes on to rejoice by enriching the baker – and many others – and usually the city will get again its financial system. Later on,  the carpenter realises that the order was a spurious one, however by then it would not matter – the velocity has come again in circulation in the financial system, and as the three idiots would say, all izz properly. Like the madman in the above story, EESL realised that that they had goofed up on the specs – and determined that the greatest method to save face was to postpone accepting deliveries. And so right here was Tata Motors, who had spent massive bucks on creating the Tigor EV, questioning what to do with the Tigor EV.
Earlier N. Chandra, the new chairman of the Tata group, had different plans. He created a particular EV division at Tata Motors, which is impartial of the Commercial and Passenger Car enterprise. The division has its personal President – who reviews on to the Tata Motors MD. The consideration of the prime administration made a distinction. Instead of jettisoning the Tigor EV after the lack of Government orders, the firm determined to vary route and promote the car to fleet operators. And guess what, the fleet guys gave the identical suggestions, as the authorities – give us extra vary. And TML listened. In Oct 19, they upgraded the battery pack – and received the vary as much as an ARAI accredited 213 km. A standard Ola / Uber car does about that a lot in a day – in most cities in India, with the exception of the sprawling NCR. So I believe 200 km is a candy spot for the fleet guys. Increase the vary additional, and you’ve got each value and weight penalties.  ​ With BS 6 coming in Apr 20, most car corporations are out of the blue going to be discovering diesel going out of trend. The urea tanks required in diesel automobiles to satisfy NOx emission requirements aren’t actually endearing themselves to car homeowners. So now is an efficient time for corporations to start out providing the electrical drivetrain as an choice to petrol. Of course, at double the worth. There is extra logic to this transfer than that. Given the dismal volumes in India for EVs, it is smart to unfold the mounted value of car improvement – R and D, sheet steel dies, homologation et al – over bigger variety of automobiles. This approach, you may have EVs that do not burn the trousers together with the customers’ pockets. Platform sharing appears to be like to be the approach ahead for everyone.
The best method to do a coronary heart transplant in a petroleum car, is to make use of the engine area for the motor and related electronics – and the area for the gasoline tank for the battery. And that is precisely what Tata has executed. Tesla has its battery pack operating all alongside the flooring, however then Tesla is a ground-up EV. Interestingly, the greater battery floor space of the Tesla additionally presents a hearth hazard – as there have been incidents the place Teslas have flamed up by items of steel mendacity on the highway. The new Tigor will get a 22 kWh battery, which is up from the 16 kWh one earlier. The 30 kW motor does an enough job of dealing with regular city visitors. The battery is a prismatic LFP pack.   ​ Heart transplants include their very own negative effects. What a petroleum car DNA engineer nonetheless doesn’t perceive, is how necessary the battery, aka gasoline tank, in an electrical car is. Imagine designing a Tigor sized car with a scooter gasoline tank – that is the scenario with EVs immediately. And in such a scenario each drop counts. So effectivity is the identify of the sport – and never the brute drive effectiveness – which Tata’s ERC has been used to, of their greater than 50 years of engine constructing. The first rule of effectivity is to journey gentle. I roam round the county with a backpack – and the size of the journey doesn’t matter – so long as I get to do my laundry on a regular basis. On the identical strains, frugality must be the DNA with EV design. How to get the most out of each Watt-hour of vitality saved in the battery. And we hope that the Nano classes of frugality haven’t been forgotten by the Tata Motors crew.​
Here are the low hanging fruit for upping effectivity. Low rolling resistance tyres, that are a wee bit over inflated to get extra juice out of the battery pack. TML crew knowledgeable us that the tyres do have lesser resistance – however I couldn’t see the Toyota Prius type of treads in them. The air-con requires about four kW energy. For a 75 kW petrol car it’s simply 5% of output, however for an electrical it’s greater than 10%. The identical cooling unit additionally has to do a job of cooling the battery pack – and that is necessary – as batteries don’t like being on the fallacious facet of 40 diploma Celsius. The distinction in inside temperatures in white car parked in the solar, when contrasted to a black one parked for the identical variety of hours, will be as a lot as 5 diploma Celsius. No marvel, most Tigor Electrics bought are white. My recommendation to future EV consumers could be, it doesn’t matter what the coloration of your cash, however let your EV be white!
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And now coming to the excessive hanging fruit – weight. Here is my estimate of the weight break-up of the Tigor EV. 
Battery Pack – 215 kg
Motor and drive practice – 85 kg
Body Shell – 300 kg
Steering and Suspension – 150 kg
Seats, Dashboard et al – 150 kg
Electronics and cabling – 150 kg
Air conditioning and Cooling – 100 kg 
Tyres, together with stepney – 80 kg
A complete of 1200 kg – which is about the identical as the petrol / diesel variants. The underlying philosophy being that if the weight stays the identical, the dealing with would stay the identical. Maybe we will query this philosophy. Maruti, in spite of everything, has grow to be market chief in India, as a result of it is automobiles are usually lighter than competitors – with in fact, the concomitant enhance in gasoline effectivity. Government has taxation norms for petrol/diesel automobiles based mostly on the size of the car. For EVs the slabs needs to be weight based mostly – in order that relative vitality guzzlers like the tremendous heavy Teslas – if and once they come into the Indian market – find yourself paying the highest taxes.   The best factor in weight is to do away with the spare tyre. Not joking! The Mahindra E2O was really bought in European markets with no spare wheel – and the frunk (the entrance boot) really had a fish basket. And in addition – the Tigor proprietor would additionally get extra boot area. But coming again to heavier points – the exterior panels are the costliest – and it will not make sense to the touch them. But the inside sheet steel will be checked out. With lesser load in the engine compartment, there might be some weight saving prospects there. Since the car runs smoother, and would sometimes not be a rural off roader, there will be extra weight financial savings in the suspension too. I imagine TML is working on lowering weight in the cab space – we imagine that the seats of the newer Tigor are lighter. What prevents extra investments in weight discount is the uncertainty about volumes. Group chairman Chandra is prepared with investments, proviso to gross sales occurring. Chicken and egg. The goal needs to be to get the Tigor weight all the way down to lower than a ton. 
The different variable that performs a call in car shopping for, particularly EVs, is preliminary value. The operating value at 1 Rupee a km is a wow ingredient. But the preliminary spend of 13 lakh + is a dampener. The greens would love this worth – and the excellent news for the greens is that the car is now out there for particular person homeowners. However, with FAME subsidies not being given to people, it will be a good suggestion for revolutionary accountants to give you monetary jugaads which may give firm homeowners the cloak of changing into a fleet proprietor – and get the subsidy. We don’t actually count on TML to endorse this conduct, which is on borderlines between good and dangerous ethics. But the moral issues would get sorted out when a fleet proprietor leases the automobiles to people or corporations. The different benefit of leasing an electrical is that it de-risks the proprietor, as she doesn’t have to fret about upkeep. My recommendation to TML could be to start out the leasing service itself. Why let aggregators take away a market – and make a commodity out of cars. The belief in the Tata model will make a lease from Tata simpler for customers to purchase. Till date, business banks have been fearful of lending loans for EV purchases, not being too positive of what the residual values of the automobiles are going to be. Auto producers now have to put cash the place their mouth is – and inform customers by their actions about the belief they’ve in the automobiles they’re constructing. We have seen that occuring with Revolt in the electrical bike area – and the glorious response it has acquired from the market. Time for an encore in automobiles, TML!  Jugaad apart, most of our desi sensibility loves seeing extra inexperienced in the pocket than exterior of it. The battery pack is the greatest value driver of EVs. My guess is that we’re battery vitality storage prices of about 500 $ per kWh. So there goes 11,000 {dollars} or Rs. eight lakh straight. Battery swapping has potential to decrease this value. If swapping can occur in the identical time {that a} fleet driver spends at a CNG pump, then we’re good. We will nonetheless want an actual life vary of 100 km – as we count on a fleet proprietor to drive round 200 km a day. The authorities generally is a big enabler over right here. The crucial in battery swapping is requirements. And right here is the place the babus appears to have adopted a wait and watch mannequin. Even easier stuff like charging ports haven’t been standardised – as the babus anticipate the extra developed nations to actually, take cost. 
In the good previous days of petrol automobiles, the Americans would provide big variety of engine choices. Maybe the time has come, to supply an enormous variety of battery choices in the Tigor EV. Batteries, being modular, work on a special paradigm. Economies of scale occur at the module stage. And once more, if corporations get collectively to outline these commonplace modules, everybody stands to win on this cooperative-competitive sport. Most people and small fleet homeowners wouldn’t be investing in the excessive present quick charging infrastructure. It takes 11 hours to do a full cost with sluggish charging for the Tigor EV. A type of boundary line for in a single day charging. One shudders when one thinks of the 18 hours it takes to cost the 35 kWh Hyundai Kona on sluggish cost. But then with a 452 km vary (ARAI determine), you are able to do a cost each Sunday. One extra choice that may be provided in the Tigor EV is with out capacity for quick charging. Am positive it will shave off a lakh from the worth. And now that I’m on it, my suggestion could be to shift the sluggish charging port to the facet – with much more area to drag out jammed charging ports. Like in Volvo buses, you may have hoses that go into the gasoline tank from either side, the firm can have a look at having the sluggish and quick charging ports on both facet of the car – in the identical slot as the gasoline tank flap.  Combined with a decrease battery dimension, the magic determine of sub 10 lakh might be reached for the private car person.  ​ To finish; would I purchase this car? Hmmm… Real life vary is about 150 km. Now for E2O customers who’ve lived with 100 km vary, to not point out Reva customers who lived with 60, 150 is certainly a step up. If we have a look at typical city drive cycles, most are lower than 100 km. So in a way, the Tigor will meet your week day wants. So if you’re already an E20 person, who has discovered the E20 to be becoming in your drive cycle, and there’s one other ICE car in the storage, then do check drive the Tigor ASAP; this might be E20 substitute. But if the EV goes to be your single car, and you intend to do lengthy drives on weekends, vary anxiousness can occur. A bit of chicken tells me that the Tata Nexon EV launch is only some months away. And with a worth differential of some extra lakh – and a variety distinction of greater than 100 km – weekend drivers, wait and watch!
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