#but i have a li'l soft spot for ol' rat face
recurring-polynya · 3 years
ok so i really like choei and i’ve been wondering what he looks like...i mean he’s a pretty prominent oc in a big chunk of your fics so maybe... a doodle? xD
(2/2) ok maybe prominent is not the right word but memorable would definitely be it 
So, a while ago, I had the idea to try and draw a bunch of my Squad 6 OCs and do, like, little profiles for them? Like they used to have at the end of the Bleach volumes? Mostly, I just wanted to practice drawing faces. Anyway, this turned out to be way more work than I expected, so this may be the only one I end up doing, but it was fun.
Ahhh, Choei. It was 2019. I was writing my second fanfic. I needed two Squad 6 OCs, whom I hoped to reuse, because I hate making OCs. Two upper seats, one of them who laughs at Renji’s jokes and one of them who would never laugh at Renji’s jokes. The former became Fourth Seat Kuchiki Choei, the OC that dared to ask the question: what if a Kuchiki, but also a bro?
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Birthday: November 26 (Sagittarius)
Height: 183cm (6′0″)
Weight: 80kg (176lb)
Zanpakutou: Namazu
Release command: Furuwasero, Namazu!/Shake it up, Namazu! (furuwaseru means to cause something else to shake as opposed to furueru / to shake)
Special skill: Plays pivot on the Squad 6 futsal team
Hobby: Collecting stuff from the World of the Living.
Food: Likes: Yakult (yogurt drink)  Dislikes: Mushrooms
How he spends his day off: Can often be found wearing a backwards baseball cap and Sidewalk Surfers and hanging out in one of the trendy Living World-style karaoke bars and coffee houses that sprang up in the years following the ryouka invasion.
Theme Song: “Good Time” by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen
Choei facts!
Namazu, Choei’s zanpakutou is an otsuchi, a war hammer traditionally used for breaking down doors. Choei has two special attacks: (1) he can slam Namazu into something with tremendous concussive force, shaking it to pieces and (2) he can strike the ground to cause small earthquakes.
Namazu is named for the legendary catfish that causes earthquakes in Japanese folklore. He is normally trapped by the thunder god Kashima under a stone or gourd, but sometimes he gets rowdy and thrashes around, causing tremors. He was a popular subject of ukiyo-e prints in the 19th century and is also regarded as a deity of social justice and wealth redistribution. (Choei likes to redistribute his wealth at the bar on Saturday nights). The trailing ribbons on Choei’s zanpakutou are meant to be evocative of catfish whiskers.
In Squad 6, all shihakushou accessories must be approved, in writing, by the captain. Choei holds the record for the most rejected applications, including, but not limited to: Doc Martens, ski goggles, a puffy vest, a trucker hat, and a fanny pack. To date, the only thing he has gotten past Byakuya is a pair of bro-ass grippy weightlighting gloves which he claims are “functional.” (It is a great mystery among Squad 6ers whether Byakuya makes Renji submit accessory applications and actually approves them or if Vice Captain just does what he wants and Byakuya lets him. Also why?? how?? Is it because he has bankai??)
Choei is Byakuya’s second cousin (his paternal grandfather is Ginrei’s brother). He has four older brothers and one older sister, Naoko, who is the Lady of the Gotou branch family.  
Choei is a bit of a black sheep. He is a not a man of culture and he isn’t interested in settling down and making a nice marriage alliance. He joined the Gotei because it’s about the only thing he’s able to do to the satisfaction of his family. Although he has very high reiatsu and is a strong fighter (his zanpakutou is especially well suited for smashing Hollow masks), he has rarely been motivated to work hard, and was often dismissed by his relatives for his fun-loving lifestyle and fighting with a “vulgar”, non-bladed weapon, not befitting a Kuchiki. Since Renji came on as Vice Captain, he has made Choei do approximately 900,000 pushups and lets Choei hit Hihiou Zabimaru in the face with his hammer. Renji doesn’t know this, but Choei admires him deeply and has improved a lot under his abuse tutelage.
Choei managed to distinguish himself in my sadtimes Byakuya Dies AU, Portions for Foxes by passing the Lieutenant’s Exam and becoming Renji’s Vice-Captain (and also by hooking up with Sentarou.)
Special thanks to @kaicko for help with Choei’s zanpakutou and release command and also just listening to me ramble about my bro son.
Also, credit to AdorkaStock for the pose reference!
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sexy-sans-the-ass · 6 years
Bitty Match up: 1. Depends. Usually a late sleeper, but I have my odd moments where I wake up early. 2. Night owl. Hands down. Though with my current pain meds, they knock me out in seconds. It's so weird sleeping early. 3. Lazy and mellow, unless really hyper or excited. Then I become a ball of energy and hop all over the place. 4. Depends on the people I'm with, but most of the time I tend to be a wall flower. Not big on being social. (part 1)
5. Clumsy as hell. I've broken both legs (each one a year after the other), ran into the corner of a wall that left a big ole scar above my left eye, torn the ligament in my left ankle, cracked my left index finger and I constantly bump into stuff or trip and things like that. 6. Nothing beats a home-cooked meal, but I'm lazy as hell, so takeout is usually my go-to. 7. I'm currently not working. Though starting soon. (part 2)8. Once more, depends on what's said and who says it. Usually I try to be thick-skinned, but inside I'm just a marshmallow tender hearted individual. 9. Really depends on how much I'm craving physical affection. Some days I'd prefer to be left on my own, and other days I just wanna spend the whole day cuddling. (part 3)10. A pet rat named Skeeva. She's like a little puppy and loves sitting on the nape of my neck or my shoulders, and when I wear my hoodie, she loves to sit in the hood or the front pocket. And I have a pet Jack Russell named Lisa. She's middle-aged and a bit lazy, but bring out food, and she's like a young pup once more. 11. Stubborn as all hell. Unfortunately it does sometimes cause issues with others. I tend to be more of a pushover when it comes to people close to me. (part 4)12. Day dreamer almost always. Once something doesn't have my interest, I start wandering around in my li'l imaginary world. However, once something really catches my interest, my focus will go into this zone where nothing can distract me. 13. Personally, I'm a pessimist. But I always try to be as optimistic as possible when I try to cheer others up. (part 5)
14. I suffer from depression, anxiety and somewhat weak immune system. Some days, my depression and anxiety get so bad, I can't muster up any reason to get out of bed to face the world, so I just wrap myself in a cocoon and just stay there. As for my immune system, I tend to get sick fairly easily, though usually nothing serious. 15. Self conscious. I don't have a lot of confidence, but I'll try to act confident as a self-defense mechanism. (part 6)16. Build-A-Bear. I. Want. Plushies. I love cuddling with soft and cuddly things when I feel down or bonely. 17. Both. I love books and games equally. There's nothing like immersing myself in a book and it's world and picturing it all in my mind. And then there's games and how I love to bond with the characters and learn more about them. (part 7)18. Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm trying to focus on drawing, then I prefer silence. But otherwise I like to listen to music, especially when I'm feeling down. 19. Movies, because there is an end to it, where TV shows just keep going on or just end abruptly without concluding anything. And there's nothing like having a movie marathon and wrapping myself up in a cocoon. 20. I love both, though prefer a mix of realism and animation. I love blending them together. (part 9) S-sorry.~~~~~~
Your bittybones is: Sansy (Bitty Ut Sans)!
He can handle your switches between lazy and Hyper without much fuss (unless it's super early or super late). It's okay if you'd prefer the Wallflower life, he'll keep you company and help keep any social encounters smooth. Your clumsiness stresses him out big fashion, and the fact that you've been injured because of it so much in the past doesn't make it any better. He's more than happy to be your cuddle partner, but if you'd rather be alone all you have to do is let him no, and he'll give you as much space as you need. Your rat is his best friend. Sometimes he'll share his food with her, and it's not uncommon for them to play until they're tired, which is surprising considering the lazy nature of Sansy. Whenever you wish for space, you'll often find him asleep on the dog. She's warm and doesn't move too much, so it's a perfect nap spot. He's pretty pessimistic himself, but he tries to help you be more positive. The two of you help each other. This especially goes for your mental issues, which you share. When you can't bring yourself to get out of bed, he'll stand whisper soothing things and assurances to you to try and help you feel better. When he has bad days, he likes to just be near you, tucked against the crook of your neck or hidden away in your pocket. He suggest you start drinking Sea Tea, so the magic will help build your immune system. Whenever you stop by a Build-A-Bear, he wishes he were big so he could buy you all sorts of soft things, because he likes the way they make you smile. He likes to watch you play games, and more often than not, he'll sit and read with you. He ends up falling asleep after a while though, pulled under by your rhythmic breathing and steady heartbeat. Same thing with movies. He's lazy enough to sit through them, but he usually falls asleep by the end. Especially if he sits through a marathon with you, all warm and snuggled up with you in a blanket cocoon.
Woo, this was a long one! No need to be sorry, I have so much fun writing these. Do you guys have names for your bitties? I'd love to know what you are naming these little gumdrops!
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