#that hammer was a giant pain in the ass to draw i tell you what
lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xvii- dust and blood
“if you must die, i’ll envy even the earth that wraps your body” - albert camus
summary: you can’t stop thanos. now you have to deal with the consequences.
wordcount: 4k
warnings: cussing, violence, death (oops), angst (oops), breakdowns, unhealthy coping mechanisms, more violence, fluff if you squint
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsprashimusic
a/n: tfw you forget ur writing a series and write a new piece in one night 🤭 anyway, i really like this bit so i hope y’all enjoy 🤍 i love y’all and i’m sorry it’s emotionally devastating also i literally am posting this from class
previous part | series masterlist | next part
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As soon as the barrier around Wakanda opens, the entire army charges forward.
You take to the air in an instant, watching in disgust as the dog-like aliens pour from the gap. They’re concentrated right outside the border.
Charging up your powers, you slip through and cast down dozens of blasts on the horde. They shriek and wail in pain as you duck back inside the force field, shooting down the few that try to jump up at you.
They’re easy to kill. Hardly death fodder, if anything. But there’s thousands. And they keep coming.
One tackles Bucky to the ground before you swoop down, kicking it away and blowing it into bits.
“You need to be more careful,” you scold as you help him up. He spins a knife in the new vibranium arm, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. Go tell Steve that.” He points to your partner, who’s standing in the middle of a river, fighting three aliens at once.
You start towards him, but a few quick punches from the blond kill them before you can even take a step.
“You know what? Never mind,” Bucky says. He stares a bit before smirking. “Violence looks good on him.”
“Hell yeah. Cathartic, even,” you respond. From the water, Steve feels your eyes on him.
He raises his arms. “Are you two gonna join us or just stare at me?” he shouts, before kicking another alien into the muddy banks.
Out of nowhere, a giant metal weapon flies through the air, smashing Rhodey to the ground. When the chain retracts, it returns to the hand of the larger, bulkier alien at the edge of the border.
More aliens swarm in, and you can barely keep them at bay. You don’t want to risk flying, not when that thing easily knocked a Stark-made suit from the sky.
It’s frantic dodging and firing, and the combination of Bucky’s machine gun, shouting from all sides, and the vicious growling of the creatures is overwhelming.
“There’s too many of them,” Bruce shouts over comms. You don’t even have room to breathe, let alone respond. Drawing back your bow, you fire an arrow down an alien’s throat.
“I know! But Shuri has to get the stone-“ You’re cut off by a light striking the ground. The resulting blast is as bright as your powers.
An ax flies from the stream, lighting trailing behind it. Thor.
When the glow fades, the god himself stands in the crater. Alongside… is that a tree and a raccoon? A raccoon with a gun?
“Oh, shit, I really am going crazy,” Bucky mumbles.
You blink a few times. “Then that makes two of us.”
A few yards away, the helmet of the Hulkbuster suit retracts. From the comically large suit, Bruce cackles. “You guys are so screwed now!”
Thor runs at the enemy lines, demanding Thanos as his newly forged weapon glows with power.
With the new arrival, the tide begins to turn. You fight your way to Steve as the aliens are distracted.
“Glad you could join me,” he snarks. You chuckle, shaking your head as you fire arrow after arrow.
“I only came over because you also need to be careful. I can’t kick alien ass and babysit you two.” He dodges an attack before sending the creature flying.
“I’m Captain America, (Y/N), I don’t need to be-“
The alien with the retractable hammer sends it flying towards the blond before you blast it away, searing with heat in the water.
You raise a brow at Steve. “Like I said. Careful.”
Bucky comes running towards the both of you. Right away, you go into alert mode.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“I’m fine.” He promises you and Steve. “Uh, the raccoon with the gun tried to buy my arm, but other than that…”
You all look at the small creature. It’s shouting obscenities as it crawls around.
“I’ve seen weirder,” Steve decides after a moment.
You make a disbelieving sound as you ready another arrow. “Are you sure?”
A low rumbling shakes the ground before he can joke back. Something’s moving, and fast. The ground bulges, and some sort of technical monstrosity tears out.
They’re like giant razors, rolling across the field and ripping up everything in their path. T’Challa calls for everyone to fall back, but you take to the sky instead. Even though the machines are taller than the trees, 70 years of training helps you find the weak spot.
Nimbly dodging the sharp edges, you fire a powerful beam of light into the center of the wheel, along the side where the engine is stored. Thanks to the radiating heat, the whole thing shuts down, crumbling apart and running into the ground.
But there are nine more, and you don’t have the energy to keep this up.
“Sam, Rhodey.” You call out to the other fliers. “Focus on the sides near the center, there’s some sort of engine there.”
They respond in the affirmative, and after a while, drive it back toward the enemy. It’s progress, but it’s too slow. People are dying.
Then you spot a glowing red blur.
Wanda’s powers cover the wheels, tossing them into the air before bringing them down atop the oncoming aliens. She smiles up at you, nodding in unspoken understanding.
She’s unstoppable, really. Whatever her powers are, they pack quite the punch. And it looks like you could almost win with her influence alone.
“Guys, we got a Vision situation here,” Sam says. Shit. He’s tackled out of the air as he heads toward the forest.
From the center of the fighting, Steve shouts, “Somebody get to Vision.”
“I will,” you call to him. It’s not like any of the ugly space dogs are jumping up to where you hover 200 feet in the air, and the alien generals are preoccupied with Wanda, Thor, and the rest of the group. Well, mainly Wanda and Thor.
You hear them before you see them. Bruce trails you as you spot the giant alien and a skinnier male. He’s carrying a scythe.
The scientist lands first and almost immediately starts duking it out with the larger one. So much for teamwork. You practically crash-land between the android and alien, light swirling around your hands.
“Back up,” you warn the wrinkled creature. “Or I’ll blast you back into space.”
He sneers at you, before spinning the weapon in his hands. Okay, not one for conversation, you think to yourself as he charges.
You block the strike by grabbing the pole and slamming your elbow in between the plates of his armor. Even as he crumples to the ground, he clings to the scythe.
You should’ve melted it when you had it in your grasp, because before you can block he leaps up and slices it across your leg. Flinging yourself away from him as you groan in pain, you watch as Vision rushes forward.
“C’mon, c’mon,” you wince, watching the skin stitch together. The cut was deep, and you’re already exhausted. “Kind of in an important situation right now.”
While you’re still down, the alien manages to stab Vision through the gut. You didn’t even think it was possible. One of the robot’s many abilities was to change his density, so if something was thrown at him, it could simply pass through without harm. But as you watched, you saw his body flickering, almost glitching.
“I thought you were formidable, machine,” the thing hisses. “But you’re dying, like any man.” He yanks the weapon from your friend’s body, and only then do you find the energy to blast him back on his insectoid ass.
When your leg is still healing, you stand shakily.
Hissing from the pain, you limp to the alien. He swings the scythe again, but you grab the hilt, kicking it from his hands.
You yank a knife from your belt, allowing yourself to fall back on instinct as you slash and stab. Even if you only manage to nick him a few times, it’s better than letting him close to Vision.
A downward slash here, a stab as he dodges, toss the knife to your other hand and go for the face.
Eventually, you get tired of attacking and he gets tired of dodging. The alien kicks you square in the ribs, knocking the air from your lungs as you fly back. Shit.
He looms over you, scythe in hand. You groan. It probably won’t kill you, even if he stabs all the way through your body. But it’s gonna hurt like a bitch.
Your savior comes in the form of Steve, in all of his spangly glory, knocking the alien off his feet.
“Get out of here!” he yells to you and Vision. “Go! Get to Bucky!”
Rather than doing as he says, you fire off a beam of light at the man, tag-teaming him as Vision struggles to get on his feet.
“I’m not leaving you,” you sternly say. “And I’m definitely not losing either of you dumbasses.”
Steve has the gall to laugh before the alien throws him over a log and chokes him. From behind the two, the android gestures to the scythe. It’s still on the ground.
You grab it as the two fight, tossing it to Vision.
He stabs it through the alien just as Steve starts choking. Raising the shish-kebabed creature before tossing him away, Vision almost collapses before Steve helps him up.
“I told you to go,” the latter chastises. Despite the gaping, glowing wound in his chest, Vision chuckles.
He repeats Steve’s quote from earlier. “We don’t trade lives, Captain.”
A loud boom sounds from behind your group. As soon as you raise glowing hands, Thor bursts through the tree line.
“Hrafn.” He calls you by a language that even you don’t recognize. “I need your help.”
Steve presses a kiss to your hand as you take off, soaring into the air after the god.
“There, target the seams,” he shouts over the howling wind. You can feel his powers crackle. They’re more erratic than yours or Wanda’s, but they’re also destructive. Perfect for blowing up alien ships.
You cast blasts at the tech, your precise attacks followed shortly by Thor’s lightning.
Then something changes in the air. You feel it in your bones. A deep unrest that stills you mid-air.
Your boys. You have to get to them.
Thor’s already gone by the time you drop from the sky. You want to shout for them, but if this feeling means what you think, you don’t want to draw in any attention.
You practically jump a foot in the air when Steve and Bucky appear from the brush behind you.
“Doll,” the latter gasps, hurrying towards you. He grabs your face in gentle hands as Steve joins the both of you.
Swallowing hard, your voice almost breaks when you speak again.
“Do you feel that?” you whisper. It’s haunting, and sends a cold chill up your boys’ spines. “It’s in the air, it’s…”
Steve raises a hand to his earpiece. “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.”
It’s silent for a moment, then something appears in the woods. It almost hurts, the wave of energy that washes over you.
He’s there.
Thanos is as ugly as you imagined. He’s absurdly tall and purple. But more than anything else, he wears a gauntlet. And there are five stones in it.
He’s come for the last.
Steve expands the shield on his arm, sighing slow and long.
“Eyes up. Stay sharp.”
You stay further back, waiting and watching. Bruce is first to charge, but phases through the titan and lands halfway in a cliff.
Steve is thrown by a purple surge, so is T’Challa. Sam’s wings are deactivated and he crashes to the forest floor.
You run over to Wanda as Thanos fights the others.
“I’ll hold him off.” It’s too late to save Vision. “I’m sorry,” you say, gently squeezing her hand.
Rhodey goes down, so do Bucky, Okoye, and Nat. Plus the tree alien. But you’re not too worried about him.
You draw your bow, aimed on the titan as you pour all of your energy into a single arrow. Light pours from it, searing and burning. You loose it.
Thanos tries to block it, but it soars to its mark in his chest. He goes to rip it out, but you raise a hand and force the light deeper.
He’s groaning in pain now, clawing at his chest where the light is embedded. If you can just get close enough, you can get the gauntlet, or maybe the stones from it.
You creep forward, hand twisting every time he seems to push through the pain.
‘I can do it,’ you think. ‘The gauntlet is right there.’
The second you lay a hand on the golden glove, Thanos’s eyes shoot open. Through the pain and the literal burning hole in his chest, he grabs you and throws you away.
The force with which you slam onto the ground causes your head to fling back, hitting the ground with enough force to knock the average human out.
You blink hazily, gasping for air and words and your boys. If Thanos is going to win and you’re going to die, you want to spend your last moments with them. They’ll move on without you, you think.
A part of you wants them to move on. To remember you fondly and smile as they learn to live without you. But you’re too selfish. You never want them to live without you.
Turning your head to the side, you see Bucky a few feet away. You crawl to him, dragging yourself across the leaves.
“(Y/N)?” he whispers. He’s as dazed as you are.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s me, Buck.” Slowly, he pulls you close, shielding both of your eyes from the titan. You don’t have enough energy to even stand, much less put up a fight.
And then the Mind Stone shatters. You feel it, and manage to raise your head to see. Vision’s body is gray, and Wanda is sobbing, but maybe it’ll keep Thanos from the last stone.
“He’s got the Time Stone,” Bucky mumbles. Your heart drops.
Just as he said, Vision is back in the blink of an eye. And Thanos crushes his skull as he pries the stone from his head.
If the energy upon his arrival was powerful, it grows stronger with all six stones. You tuck your head under Bucky’s chin, trying to fight off the headache.
From behind you, Thor strikes. You hear a blow connect, and a whisper of, “I told you… You’d die for that.”
The next words remove any hope you had.
“You should’ve gone for the head.”
Bucky barely manages to roll over to take the brunt of the explosion, holding you even closer. He doesn’t know where Steve is. He’s almost too scared to look up to find him, lest all he sees is his body.
Gentle hands give him a breath of relief.
Steve grabs the both of you, helping you sit up and Bucky to stand.
“Where’d he go?” the blond asks.
From beside you, Bucky feels something in his flesh hand. A tingle, like it’s asleep.
“Steve? (Y/N)?”
You want to scream. He’s dissolving, he’s fucking dissolving and you’ve healed bullet wounds and lacerations and bones completely out of their place but you can’t heal this.
All you can do is hug him as Steve does the same. You’re both crying now, pressing kisses to his lips before it’s too late.
“Please don’t go,” you whisper.
Bucky laughs, scared and quiet. “It’s all right, doll. You two take care of each other, and I’ll see you a long time from now. You’ll be okay.”
“Not without you,” Steve pleads. He can’t watch this. Not again.
Then there’s nothing. He’s gone.
No blood, no screams. Just… dust.
In the field, you see more soldiers turning to dust. They just vanish. Painlessly, at least.
Steve goes to reach you, comfort you and for you to comfort him. He needs to know you aren’t going to disappear too.
And you won’t. A part of him knows that.
But when his hand goes to pull you in it dissolves.
“No.” Your tone is final. You’re shaking and the tears are coming silently now. Grabbing his quickly disappearing arm, you push your powers to their limit. But there’s nothing to heal. There’s nothing to heal because there’s technically no injury. No illness.
You sob out in frustration, wishing for the first time that HYDRA had fucked you up even more if it would let you save at least one of the loves of your life.
“I’m so sorry,” Steve whispers, kissing your forehead. You’re going to be alone again. You’re going to watch both of them die and it breaks him knowing that it’ll break you. “I’m sorry sweetheart, you don’t deserve this.”
Your knees buckle under you and he’s not there to catch you.
Neither of them are.
You cradle your arms to your chest, and curl in on yourself. Your forehead rests on the dust, but you can't bring yourself to gather the remains.
The last time you lost Steve and Bucky, there was still a sliver of hope. But you just watched them both slip through your fingers.
They’re gone.
None of the surviving Avengers have it in them to pull you away from the dust-covered ground, not when you’re screaming and sobbing hours later.
After the crying, you go silent.
It’s late at night when Natasha comes to check on you.
Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, your hair is messy from where you’ve grabbed at it, and there’s marks on your hands where you dug your nails in.
She sits next to you without saying anything. Instead, she puts an arm around your shoulder, and lets you lean on her. Your grief is palpable.
As smart as Natasha Romanoff is, she’s slightly lacking in the healthy coping mechanisms department. So she proposes the exact thing that will get you out of this goddamned field.
“Thanos is still out there.”
It’s all she has to say.
“I’m going to kill him. And it’s not going to be quick,” you respond. Your voice is hoarse and level but tired all the same.
She nods. “Once we find him, he’s all yours.”
You wish you could say that you were excited when Tony came home alive. However, the weeks were blurring together and everything was washed in an all-consuming grief and frustration.
When Tony came off the plane and saw you alone, he knew in an instant.
He knew better than to wish you well, or give you condolences. All of the thoughts and prayers in the world can’t bring back a loved one. Tony knows that more than most.
And the day later, the surviving heroes gather. There’s a new girl, Carol Danvers, another alien that knows the raccoon. You try to be polite, but you can’t. You’re too drained, too tired.
And honestly, you’re angry above everything else. You’re tired of being so fucking sad. You hate how much of your life you’ve spent grieving, and how every time you get something, it’s ripped away in the cruelest way possible.
You’ve lost the ability to distinguish anger and sadness. The ache hurts just the same. Burning.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” You look up at Rhodey’s voice, and immediately wish you hadn’t.
You’re met with a picture of Bucky. An ID.
James Barnes. When it flashes away, Steve Rogers takes his place.
You swipe the screen away.
Natasha doesn’t mention it. “World governments are in pieces.The parts that are still working… are trying to take a census and it looks like he did… He did exactly what he said he was gonna do.”
“Thanos wiped out… 50% of all living creatures,” she finishes.
“Where is he now?” Tony asks before you can.
Rhodey shrugs. “We don’t know. He just opened a portal and walked through.”
The genius rolls forward a bit in his wheelchair, pointing to Thor.
“What’s up with him?”
“Oh, he’s pissed,” the raccoon, who’s name you’ve come to know as Rocket, sighs. “He thinks he failed.”
“And he didn’t?” you spit. You know you’ll regret blaming him later. It’s not his fault any more than yours. But now, you just need a reason that you’re alone again.
“No, he definitely did. But there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.”
You listen to them argue back and forth, tensions rising, flinching as Tony rips out the IV and starts yelling.
“Listen!” you snap. “All I want, is to know where Thanos went.” Your voice starts shaking again, but shit, you aren’t going to start crying. Because if you start, you won’t stop.
“I- I just need to know where he went so I can do what I do best, and… And you’ll never have to deal with me again.”
No one wants to ask what you mean by that.
Nebula, a blue cybernetic alien, speaks up.
“I can tell you where Thanos is.”
Before loading onto the ship and heading to the planet the titan was on, you dug through an old bin.
Some more of yours and… Bucky’s equipment had been recovered from Siberia a while back. And in your box there was a weapon.
HYDRA had tried to train you with the scythe, with a blade far larger than the one carried by the alien a few weeks ago. It didn’t go well. A scythe really isn’t meant for constant combat. It’s a tool for execution. That’s why you were HYDRA’s scythe.
It’ll work perfectly.
The group climbs on the ship, and jets off. At any other time, you’d be in awe of the vastness of space. Now… you squeeze your eyes shut before you think too much.
Carol flies back up from where she went to scout. “There’s no ships, no armies, no recon. It’s just him.”
The planet is gorgeous. Even through all of your cynicism, you can’t deny that.
Even so, your eyes are set on the cabin in the distance. You split up and arrive last, scythe at your side and your eyes set on the titan.
He’s well restrained. Danvers had him in a chokehold, Bruce has one shoulder in the grasp of the Hulkbuster suit, Rhodey has the other arm, and Thor’s chopped off the hand with the gauntlet.
Rocket turns over the severed hand, and it’s empty.
“Where are they?” you ask Thanos.
Carol tightens her grip. “You heard her. Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose… beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!” Bruce yells, shoving him back.
“You should be grateful.”
Natasha speaks when you can’t. “Where are the stones?”
Thanos gasps from where he’s been punched to the floor. “Gone. Reduced to atoms.”
“You used them two days ago!”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me.”
You laugh. “You’re gonna wish it had.” You tuck the scythe into the holder in your back and kick Thanos further into the hut.
There’s so many things you could do. You’ve inflicted horrific tortures on people, and this one is the most deserving. You could grow new bones, you could puncture his lungs or rip apart his organs. You could-
“(Y/N)?” Bruce asks. He moves the suit in front of you, but the look in your eyes will haunt him for years. He hasn’t known you long, but the violence you’re about to inflict scares him.
“Move.” When you go to step around, Rhodey and Nat pull you back. “Let me go!” you shout. Carol charges up her powers, but you shove them all away with a harmless wave of light.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos says. You smirk, cold and unfamiliar.
“So am I.”
You don’t even know what you’ve done until you sink the blade down the middle of his skull.
The body is covered in deep cuts and burns, boiling across the skin and melting the muscles and organs that are visible.
There’s blood. There’s so much blood.
As you step back, Thor takes the head off the corpse in one swing of his ax. The two of you start walking out, intent on leaving and never looking back. The god had promised to drop you off at an old safehouse before disappearing. He was as broken as you were now.
“What did you do?” Rocket whispers in horror. You pause, swallowing down the mix of guilt, regret, and so much grief.
“I avenged.”
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
ok so i really like choei and i’ve been wondering what he looks like...i mean he’s a pretty prominent oc in a big chunk of your fics so maybe... a doodle? xD
(2/2) ok maybe prominent is not the right word but memorable would definitely be it 
So, a while ago, I had the idea to try and draw a bunch of my Squad 6 OCs and do, like, little profiles for them? Like they used to have at the end of the Bleach volumes? Mostly, I just wanted to practice drawing faces. Anyway, this turned out to be way more work than I expected, so this may be the only one I end up doing, but it was fun.
Ahhh, Choei. It was 2019. I was writing my second fanfic. I needed two Squad 6 OCs, whom I hoped to reuse, because I hate making OCs. Two upper seats, one of them who laughs at Renji’s jokes and one of them who would never laugh at Renji’s jokes. The former became Fourth Seat Kuchiki Choei, the OC that dared to ask the question: what if a Kuchiki, but also a bro?
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Birthday: November 26 (Sagittarius)
Height: 183cm (6′0″)
Weight: 80kg (176lb)
Zanpakutou: Namazu
Release command: Furuwasero, Namazu!/Shake it up, Namazu! (furuwaseru means to cause something else to shake as opposed to furueru / to shake)
Special skill: Plays pivot on the Squad 6 futsal team
Hobby: Collecting stuff from the World of the Living.
Food: Likes: Yakult (yogurt drink)  Dislikes: Mushrooms
How he spends his day off: Can often be found wearing a backwards baseball cap and Sidewalk Surfers and hanging out in one of the trendy Living World-style karaoke bars and coffee houses that sprang up in the years following the ryouka invasion.
Theme Song: “Good Time” by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen
Choei facts!
Namazu, Choei’s zanpakutou is an otsuchi, a war hammer traditionally used for breaking down doors. Choei has two special attacks: (1) he can slam Namazu into something with tremendous concussive force, shaking it to pieces and (2) he can strike the ground to cause small earthquakes.
Namazu is named for the legendary catfish that causes earthquakes in Japanese folklore. He is normally trapped by the thunder god Kashima under a stone or gourd, but sometimes he gets rowdy and thrashes around, causing tremors. He was a popular subject of ukiyo-e prints in the 19th century and is also regarded as a deity of social justice and wealth redistribution. (Choei likes to redistribute his wealth at the bar on Saturday nights). The trailing ribbons on Choei’s zanpakutou are meant to be evocative of catfish whiskers.
In Squad 6, all shihakushou accessories must be approved, in writing, by the captain. Choei holds the record for the most rejected applications, including, but not limited to: Doc Martens, ski goggles, a puffy vest, a trucker hat, and a fanny pack. To date, the only thing he has gotten past Byakuya is a pair of bro-ass grippy weightlighting gloves which he claims are “functional.” (It is a great mystery among Squad 6ers whether Byakuya makes Renji submit accessory applications and actually approves them or if Vice Captain just does what he wants and Byakuya lets him. Also why?? how?? Is it because he has bankai??)
Choei is Byakuya’s second cousin (his paternal grandfather is Ginrei’s brother). He has four older brothers and one older sister, Naoko, who is the Lady of the Gotou branch family.  
Choei is a bit of a black sheep. He is a not a man of culture and he isn’t interested in settling down and making a nice marriage alliance. He joined the Gotei because it’s about the only thing he’s able to do to the satisfaction of his family. Although he has very high reiatsu and is a strong fighter (his zanpakutou is especially well suited for smashing Hollow masks), he has rarely been motivated to work hard, and was often dismissed by his relatives for his fun-loving lifestyle and fighting with a “vulgar”, non-bladed weapon, not befitting a Kuchiki. Since Renji came on as Vice Captain, he has made Choei do approximately 900,000 pushups and lets Choei hit Hihiou Zabimaru in the face with his hammer. Renji doesn’t know this, but Choei admires him deeply and has improved a lot under his abuse tutelage.
Choei managed to distinguish himself in my sadtimes Byakuya Dies AU, Portions for Foxes by passing the Lieutenant’s Exam and becoming Renji’s Vice-Captain (and also by hooking up with Sentarou.)
Special thanks to @kaicko for help with Choei’s zanpakutou and release command and also just listening to me ramble about my bro son.
Also, credit to AdorkaStock for the pose reference!
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Gene... My baby mama... I need... More alt!dream... Whatever you got fr. I just need more I'm.. I love him (probs not as much as you) but I love him
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𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃. ♘ 𝐚𝐥𝐭!𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟏𝟖+)
pairing: alt!Dreamwastaken x fm!reader
warnings: smut (18+), language, semi-public sex, light mentions of needles, domination
previous part ♘ fanart that i can't stop crying over
recommended listening: Hi Frequency by Vague002
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The bus swayed slightly, your grip on the cool bar tightening to keep you from knocking into Clay as it turned. The dark city outside the windows bustled with sparkling lights, catching your eye every few seconds. As more people filed into the cramped space, Clay grabbed your hand, looping your arms around his waist and smugly grinning as you fought not to blush. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Will this be your first time in a parlor?” He asked, voice low and raspy as he whispered to you, not wanting to disturb the other members of society who just wanted to get home after a long day of work.
You nodded your head, making him chuckle. You knew it would be a different experience, mainly because it was taking place during the tattoo shops “after hours,” which Clay had only briefly explained the benefits of attending. “What are you getting done again?” You asked, moving so your hands were holding onto his arm instead, fingers brushing against the exposed skin peeking from beneath the cut-up shirt under his dark jacket.
He shrugged. “I couldn’t decide. Why don’t you pick?” He joshed, smirking at the way your eyebrows raised.
“I don’t want to be responsible for a mark on you,” you murmured, making him snort.
He hooked his fingers into the neckline of his shirt, stretching it down enough to reveal the litter of hickeys peppering his skin that you had left the night before. Your eyes widened as you swatted away his hand, looking around carefully in hopes that no one had seen them. He looped an arm around your shoulders, loving the fact that you were so worried about the crowd when all he wanted to do was fluster you.
He pressed his lips to your cheek, the warmth of his body encompassing you. “I love it when you get all blushy,” he teased. “Seriously though, you should pick. I won’t look at it if I don’t like it,” he snarked.
You groaned lightly. “Clay, come on.” He brushed his lips against yours.
“I trust you, sweetheart,” he cooed almost mockingly, his nose moving to press into your hair.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, trying your best to remember what was already on his body. You thought about the impending reality that whenever he saw the new tattoo, his mind would linger on you, and for some reason, heat traveled to your ears at that thought. “Um… what about a bird?” You asked, voice uneasy as if on eggshells.
His face twisted into a pleased smile. “A bird?” He repeated. You shrugged beneath his arm, making him chuckle. “I like that. George likes doing bird tattoos too, so you might just make his night,” he added, his praise and approval making your stomach fill with confidence. He pulled you closer, his lips brushing against your shoulder. Your mind began to forget what the two of you probably looked like to the other people as his scent invaded your senses. “Will you hold my hand while I’m in the chair?” He joked.
You scoffed. “Are you gonna cry?” You teased, making him chuckle.
“No, I’m just clingy,” he answered without skipping a beat. Your grin was hidden in the soft corduroy of his jacket.
The tattoo parlor was nothing like you had expected. The door was locked behind you after a bouncer let the two of you in, the man leading you two up a staircase and into a dimly lit room. The sound of heavy metal music and the buzz of tattoo guns swirled together, echoing off the dark brick walls. You slipped your hand into Clay’s as he talked to the receptionist, your eyes attempting to focus on one detail instead of letting the atmosphere overwhelm you.
The thick layer of smoke above your heads made you scoff, realizing it was coming from the opposite corner of the shop, a hookah lamp sitting on a coffee table like an outstretched octopus. The people around it seemed to be discussing something rather intense, their haircuts sharp and defining almost as if they stepped out of some kind of alternative fashion magazine. There were three tattoo artists, each with a white lamp focusing on their work as they carried on to the beat of the music.
Clay’s description of the place flashed into your mind, making you realize just how off the cards the parlor actually was. Clay took a toothpick from the receptionist’s desk, taking it between his white teeth before being waved down by a shorter man with dark hair across the floor. You followed closely behind him as Clay greeted the man; you quickly realizing that this was the famous George.
As Clay shrugged out of his jacket, George pulled out a binder, standing beside you as he flipped to a page with scattered drawings of different flight poses of birds. Your eyes drifted away from the page as Clay’s arms came into view. His old t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off was doing wonders for his biceps. Before you knew it, the two of you agreed on a mix of a few designs resembling a crow and Clay was laying on his back with his hand tucked behind his head. The spot he was filling was in the dead center of the flesh of his upper arm; a spot that George had grumbled about being awkward to reach, especially on someone as large as Clay.
You watched closely with curious eyes as George began to tattoo the design on Clay’s arm. Clay’s other hand was wrapped around the back of your elbow as you leaned on the chair at Clay’s side. His finger pads drew circles into your skin as you asked George about how he got into tattooing, making small talk here and there.
You liked George, mainly because he was quiet until he conjured up some kind of relentless backhanded comment. His tattoos revolved around a giant tree stretching from his back and down his arms. You wondered how long he had to sit for it and what the healing process was like. As he worked, his teeth played at his snake bite piercings, his dark eyes focused intently on the work in front of him.
Clay switched his toothpick to the other side of his mouth, his hand tightening around your arm with a small groan as George reached a sensitive spot. “Don’t be such a pussy,” he grumbled, continuing his work. He stopped, cleaning off some of the sprayed ink and filling a new cap with grey. “You have any work, pretty girl?” He asked you, voice low and charming.
You shook your head, earning a small tsk from him. “This is the closest she’s been to a tattoo gun,” Clay prided, making George sarcastically raise his eyes.
“A total virgin, huh?” He joked, winking at you. “Dream’s not corrupting you, is he?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek trying not to blush. “I’m trying,” Clay leered, smirking at you with his smug ego hinting at his lips.
George bit back a laugh. “Don’t get horny in my chair,” he muttered, eyes trained on the lines he was scaring into Clay. “Speaking of, I heard you got busted up by Punz, and by the looks of it… seems right,” he commented, gesturing to Clay’s eye that seemed to have started fading finally.
Clay let out a dry laugh. “His ribs are still healing,” you added, making George smirk with a shake of his head.
“You know what all that’s about right?” George asked you, taking his foot off the pedal to grab more paper towels from his desk. You looked up at Clay whose jaw tense as he chewed on the toothpick. After you shook your head, George continued. “Punz’s sister is stupidly in love with Dream,” he plopped back in his seat, swiveling his chair, and drawing a hand through his locks, revealing the bleached undersection. You had the fleeting mental image of him tying his hair back to reveal it.
He pulled on a new glove. “Madly in love, huh?” You pried, twisting your chair closer to Clay’s shoulder. Clay rolled his eyes at the fact as if he had been bugged about it for years. “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, Clay,” you teased, and he looked up at you with a tired expression, making you bite back a giggle.
After George finished, you followed Clay through the door, breathing in the fresh air; or as fresh as it could be in the midst of the city’s industrial square. Clay’s fingers knitted together with yours as he led you down an alleyway, flicking aside the toothpick. You chewed on your lip in anticipation before he pinned you against one of the walls. His devious grin sent shivers down your spine as you looked up at him.
You swallowed. “Shouldn’t you take it easy? Let your arm heal a bit?” You asked, voice coming out in a soft whisper as his lips pressed against your neck. “Won’t it hurt a bit with your ribs, too?” Your heart hammered in your chest at the fact that someone could turn the corner and catch the two of you.
He chuckled against your skin, slipping his hands beneath your skirt to grip your ass. “I like the pain,” he mused, tongue grazing against your skin as he pulled your hips against his. He kissed you hungrily as if not being able to press his body against yours for that hour was too much for him. His hand dropped to wrap around the back of your knee, moving his own leg to prop your thigh up against his hip as your hands dug into his hair.
The friction from his jeans made you moan into his mouth as his hand moved beneath your shirt, fingers fitting beneath your bra to palm your breast. He mumbled praises against your lips at how good you made him feel and how beautiful you were.
He turned you, your hands planting against the coarse brick as he ground his hips against you. You bit your lip, trying not to be loud enough to draw attention to the two of you, which seemed to be the last thing on Clay’s mind as you heard him unbuckle his belt behind you. You could practically picture his cocky grin, controlling eyes set as his hand gripped onto your hips, shoving your underwear to the side. “You were so much fun to show off tonight,” he chided darkly, lips brushing against your shoulder. “Such a good girl.”
As he pushed into you, one of his hands moved to knot into your hair. He moaned at the feeling of you clenching around him, tugging on your hair as he pulled your hips back against his. A low grunt tumbled from his lips as he set his rhythm, basking in the fact that you were secretly ready for him to ruin you as soon as you stepped into the parlor.
His fingers moved to wrap around your neck, the thought of his tattooed hand tightening around your pristine skin sent shivers through your body and heat flushing your cheeks, the tension in your body tightening. As he pressed you closer against the wall, you thought about the power he had over you; his height and build would make it easy for him to break you if he wanted, yet even as he pounded into you like he wanted you to forget your own name, the restraint he showed was enough to send you over the edge if you let yourself divulge in the thought.
Clay pulled out of you, only to turn you, your shoulders hitting the wall again with a soft thump as he hoisted you up ever so slightly, thrusting up into you as his hand dig into your thigh, the other resting against the brick beside your head. Your arms looped beneath his jacket, raking down his skin as you held onto him.
He groaned as your thighs tightened around him, making his hips stutter as if he were trying not to let himself finish too early. He dug is face into the crook of your neck, burying his teeth in your neck to stifle his grunts of your name. Your head tilted back against the brick, hand moving to tighten around the wrist that was beside your head for some kind of anchor.
His hand wrapped around your waist, driving himself deeper into you, brushing the part of you that needed him the most. You moaned, carding your fingers into his hair as he pressed his lips to yours roughly, wanting to taste your pleasure as it washed over you from his movements.
You tugged on his hair, making his cock throb inside of you, him finishing inside you with a low groan, his hips snapping against yours to stimulate a reaction from you. The feeling of his sloppy pleasure as his movements lost their rhythm sent your hips grinding against his, his teeth marking your shoulders as a reminder of his work on you.
Your toes curled, finally reaching your orgasm as he murmured dirty expressions of him ruining your pretty clothes against the wall. As he pulled out of you, your knees felt weak, threatening to buckle beneath you. You tried not to give off how much he had trashed you, but the warmth snaking down your thighs and your bliss-ridden mind proved otherwise.
Long story short, the bus ride home was rather interesting.
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Dream Taglist: (follow this link to be added :))
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @unstableye @tinyegg @behzzyboo @darphobic @twist3dtinkerbell @sparkletash @lindsayhunz @shroomieissmall @mintmochiii @clubfairy @aroyaldarknessblr @camerondiaz48104 @madsbbg @victory-is-here @rat-poisin
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alirhi · 3 years
guys... idefk lol
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 3/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable.
WARNINGS: m/m, in case that wasn't obvious. probably some swearing. I rarely do explicit sex but it might get to that point, depending on if the mood strikes me. If you're under 18, just go away XD Notes: I'm sorry I keep skipping around in the timeline. I'm kinda just letting my brain do whatever the hell it wants right now lol Also, I am aware that the conversation with Thor in the SHIELD camp happened before Loki tried to pick up Mjolnir. Given that it happening the other way around suited my purposes, I've elected to ignore that fact XD
He'd never used his powers for an offensive before. Over a thousand bloody years of life, of training with the most skilled witch in Asgard (his mother, naturally), and he'd never thought to weaponize any of his abilities! Impotent rage was really the most obnoxious feeling. Bucky was trapped, was being forced to kill for the organization he'd fought so hard to take down, and Loki had promised – he'd promised! - to save him, but he couldn't. Not yet.
Thor was an oaf, but he was a warrior. The hothead loved nothing more than conquest. Perhaps the Trickster should start spending time with his brother again. They could hardly stand each other, but there was nothing Loki wouldn't do or endure to rescue Bucky, now that he knew he was alive.
He had time, thankfully. He knew from Bucky's cloudy, fragmented memories that HYDRA froze him between missions to keep him disoriented and compliant. Likely it was also to keep their assassin around longer. He loathed to leave him in their clutches, but he didn't see another option. It wouldn't be much of a rescue nor revenge if Loki's mostly passive abilities only got them both killed. It wasn't easy for a human to kill an Asgardian, but it could be done. Better not to risk it.
So he trained, and he fought, and he accompanied his idiotic brother into every ridiculous skirmish he caused. Every once in a while, if he felt things weren't progressing quickly enough, he caused a little mayhem, himself, just to get Thor's little squad of squabbling dorks to get off their asses and back into action... and to bring Loki along as the voice of reason, of course. It was all taking too long for his liking, years were passing during which he couldn't even imagine the suffering his love was enduring at the hands of his captors, but he was on track.
Until a minor, regularly scheduled scuffle on Jotunheim imploded his reality.
"I-I-I'm the monster parents tell their children of at night?" This... This was why no one loved him? Why Thor looked down on him, why nothing he did could ever make Odin proud, why Heimdall watched him with such suspicion? Did everyone know but him?
He didn't have time for this! The thought snapped him out of his bitter, angry meltdown and he realized that the man he'd looked up to and loved as a father all his life was prone on the steps before him.
"Guards! Guards, come quickly!" Father, don't die! I'm sorry!
He backed down a few steps when the guards came, to let them take the All-Father to the relative safety of his bed. What was he going to do? Odin was unconscious and Thor was banished-
To Midgard.
Of course! Going to visit his exiled brother would give him a pretext to go to Midgard without arousing suspicion. As long as Odin remained unconscious and the Warriors Three focused on the grave injustice of their friend and leader being banished, the only one he really had to worry about was bloody Heimdall.
He glanced back at the casket and sighed. There was too much going on, too much to figure out. Even his thirst for vengeance was beginning to cool. All he wanted in all this confusion and turmoil was his precious Bucky back in his arms. He'd let Bucky know him, more completely and intimately than anyone else in his life. From their first meeting, Loki had hidden nothing from him, and somehow that extraordinary man, who couldn't fathom loving another man that way, had loved him. The briefest of flings, especially to a being who would live for thousands of years, but significant for all that. There was nothing Loki wouldn't do to preserve that love.
But he still had to figure out what the hell was going on with his own life. Good grief. That Jotun couldn't have waited until after Loki saved Bucky to grab his arm and turn his whole world upside down?
Think. Think. Think! Figure this out, you fool!
Odin was incapacitated. Thor was gone. The Jotuns wanted war. Frigga likely wouldn't leave Odin's side, and Thor's absurd friends didn't have the sense to see past his exile. Loki was a Frost Giant, albeit apparently a small, wimpy one.
Bloody hell...
He wanted Bucky. Bucky had a knack for making everything make sense... except for homophobia, but nobody was perfect. Honestly, there was no making sense of that utter nonsense.
Focus, damn it!
To Midgard, then. Perhaps he could wake Bucky up for a moment, as he had last time, and they could talk this problem through. Or perhaps the mindless soldier would find a way to kill him and end his confusion and misery another way.
Oh, don't be dramatic! Get up and do something or he'll die there!
He wasn't entirely sure when he'd sat down, but he didn't bother thinking too deeply on it as he stood and started marching back up the stairs.
I told him not to get killed! Well, I suppose technically he obeyed. He's not dead yet. Damn it, James, why couldn't you just come home with me? Stupid, stubborn, macho, painfully attractive idiot!
Somehow the word 'idiot' jogged his memory, and Loki stopped in his tracks at the landing.
The idiot's bloody hammer!
Of course! Finally, he had the beginnings of a plan! Thor was stripped of his powers and utterly useless – not the biggest change there, really – but Odin had sent the hammer to Midgard with him! Just because Thor couldn't use it didn't mean Loki couldn't. He'd take Mjolnir and use it to wipe HYDRA off the map. It was perfect!
Except he couldn't lift it. Seething, he stared at the thing for a moment, willing it to lift when he pulled. Nothing. It didn't so much as shift. So much for that idea.
Well, he'd might as well go and visit Thor, then. At least taunting him a bit might cheer Loki up. If he had to be miserable and humiliated, at least he could share the pain a little. The Mjolnir plan was rather half-baked, anyway, he had to admit. Perhaps something better would come to him while he stripped his adoptive brother of all hope.
That silly Midgardian saying suddenly made so much sense: Misery loves company.
Next Masterlist
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fluffybunnyartist · 5 years
I like your work btw it's nice to see actually decent work on the whole slasher thing! Anyway I have a request. This S/O Has very fragile body, How would Michael Myers (or other slashers) deal with this in a relationship. Especially when their S/O get under the skin. Since their bones are like twigs and a simply arm grab leaves them with BLACK bruises. Again thanks for you work!
The first time Bubba leaves marks on you he freaks badly. He treats you like porcelain maybe even more fragile than that.
Bubba will actually fight his brothers. Nubbins and Chop Top will try to see how dark you can get because it's so easy to do so.
Bubba will and has grabbed Dayton's beating stick and whooped the twins asses with it. Drayton was surprised and proud of him. Also a little scared.
You're either in the kitchen helping with small tasks or sitting down folding laundry or sleeping. Don't expect to work at all if your injured. You'll be locked upstairs.
Don't be surprised if he rarely has sex with you. He's just so worried you're so fragile! He doesn't want you to break! You're not a toy you're his little Y/N! His baby! He loves you so much and will treat you like a glass figurine.
Dont expect to do ANYTHING in this man's presence. Maybe if you whine enough he'll give you small tasks like rinsing off food or watering plants and be expected to be carried every where.
It'll take at least four years and very little injuries for him to even CONSIDER sex. Not really though but if you beg and accept the rules maybe you'll get sex from this gentle giant.
He's more careful than Bubba though. He's more in control of his emotions than him. But be prepared to be treated like a baby. He even starts to baby proof the house.
He has a list of rules. No going outside the cabin without him. No going upstairs without telling him. No strenuous work and absolutely no going anywhere near the dock. Follow these more so for Jason than yourself.
Thomas will beat the FUCK out of Hoyt or Monty if they bother you or even touch you. He let's them push him around for the most part but not when it comes to you. He refuses to let the best most precious thing in his life be ruined.
He's afraid to touch you at first. What drew him to you was how fragile you were. His mama simply held on to your wrist as you tried to leave and it left a black mark!
He's surprised to see such a physically fragile person like you be so fiery. He loves it! Opposites attract right? Sex might happen if he finally touches you.
If you show him how to touch you without leaving marks he'll be so grateful and if he does end up leaving a mark kiss him and touch him. Itll help him.
He enjoys it at first until he realizes how big of a strain it is on your body and how little it takes to hurt you. He doesn't feel as bad as the rest of them but he does make sure it happens less often.
He becomes way more dominant. You're never more than 20 ft away from him. He may even stop killing for a bit due to your fragile state.
He'll never admit that he's softer than a marshmallow for you. But he becomes 20x scarier when someone does try to hurt you. You're his little doll! No one else's. He's even kidnapped would be attackers and tortured them in the basement.
Rude customers at your work better watch out too. People are too afraid to try to move him from your place of work if he's loitering outside or visit you on your break.
He becomes a full time daddy dom. No one hurts you but him. And even that's limited. You make the voices stop. You make him forget about Loomis and the asylum. Your his.
Another daddy dom becoming full time and taking care of you. Soft gentle and fragile he loves it.
Just seeing you fall and gush blood made him so protective of you. Like look at you baby girl! You cant even defend yourself! Looks like daddy will have to help you!
Vincent and Lester are at your command. Bo makes sure that you don't overwork yourself. Bo is also putty in your hands.
He loves sex with you because it's so slow and sensual. He makes sure you're not getting hurt and has a certain safe word hammered into your head.
All in all good man. And when you get pregnant get ready to be pampered hand and foot 24/7
He's so worried. He thinks of it like beauty and the beast. He's tall and strong freak while your soft and fragile beauty.
As much as he hates how easily you get hurt he does like to draw them beacuse it's so interesting but he doesn't wanna hurt you to see more marks
He will gives hickies and wrap you up with rope just to see some marks as long as it doesn't cause you any pain or discomfort. But he loves to see you healing up.
Dont expect to be doing anything at all. Injured or not he's refusing to let you do any work. Unless it's to grab something five feet away you're not doing it.
Sex is super soft and slow and builds up. He also will take a long ass time to convince to have sex with him. He's worried about hurting your little body.
Side note: Thank you so much! I'm actually trying to write a novel and I just love slashers so I thought this would help with my writing skills. So i really appreciate it!
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dirtychocolatechai · 5 years
his best girl | s.r
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: smut - bondage, ballgag, teasing, daddy kink, spanking, orgasm denial if you squint
Request: absolutely loved your sugar daddy! bucky story. would it be possible to change characters and put steve rogers in the sugar daddy spot? sugar daddy! steve meets fifty shades of grey.
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The Financial District is a veritable ghost town at night, the rows of buildings sleeping giants steeped in silent shadows, all the hustle and bustle of the day exchanged for an eerie stillness rarely experienced in other parts of a city that never sleeps.
No screeching rails, no ripples of human chatter, nothing to draw Y/N’s attention anywhere but the here and now just how Steve likes it; a wooden desk against her back, rope around her wrists, a vibrator on her clit.
A thick blindfold obscures her vision, the damp silk crimping her eyelashes as the tiniest slits of light creep under the edge, dancing across the apples of her cheeks.
It hinders more than helps, everything a blurry mess through the tears.
She gave up resisting ages ago, too strung out to care.
“How are you doing, Pretty Girl?”
A shadow cuts through the light, trim hips and a pair of firm thighs eclipsing her view, black slacks straining over the rigid line of an erection. She jerks with a whimper when long fingers caress the dip of her bellybutton, the featherlight touch pure torture on her oversensitive skin, her clit throbbing in response.
“All you have to do is say the words, and this stops.”
Y/N glares in the direction she imagines his face is.
The bulbous sphere of a ballgag keeps her mouth stuffed full, the straps digging into the corners. This one doesn’t have air holes, allowing little more than needy whines and frustrated groans past.
The smug bastard chose it on purpose. She knows he did, loves spoiling her as much as he loves tormenting her.
“Mmphf,” she mumbles, trying to impart every bit of her displeasure into the limited syllables allotted.
“I don’t know why you do this to yourself, Baby.”
His tie brushes against her nipples as he leans over her prostrate form, turning up the intensity of the vibe.
“Just tell me to stop and I will.”
She keens beneath him, hips writhing furtively.
The buzzing is maddening.
It’s on a low enough level that she won’t be able to cum, but high enough that it’ll tease her to no end. She’s already soaked, has been since she walked into his office two hours ago, and just when she thinks she couldn’t get any wetter, he rips the rug out from under her.
“Fumph ygh.”
“Watch yourself, Pretty Girl.” Tsking, Steve taps her nose, at odds with the malice of his words. “Today’s not a good day to find out why I have so many rules.”
The dark promise in his voice sends a thrill through her, a tug of pleasure deep in her belly.
“Now are you gonna be a good girl for Daddy?” he asks.
If she could, Y/N would smirk.
As it is, she replies with a muffled, mangled no and closes her legs. Her thighs press together, squeezing. A moan breaks past the silicone. In this position, the vibrator has complete contact with the top of her slit, giving her abused nub some much-needed relief.
The tension drains from her shoulders. She sags into the desk, the cool wood a balm on her heated flesh. She doesn’t even care what happens now. This is totally worth it.
Until a bruising grip jerks her up.
Her world spins, a kaleidoscope of colour as she attempts to reorient herself, eyes met with a sea of carpet and the edge of a window.
Steve kisses a damp cheek, his lips gathering fallen tears. Chest to chest, her nipples catch on the fine material of his dress shirt as they breathe as one. His cock is a hot, hard line grinding into her hip.
He speaks, low and dangerous, “Such a needy little thing you are. What should we do about that?”
Without waiting for a response, the man flips her around, the palm against her back shoving her chest first into the desk. A foot slides between her feet smoothly, widening her stance with a gentle kick to her ankles.
“Stay put,” he orders, a firm hand squeezing the back of her neck, taking command so easily it’s second nature.
It’s what got him this fancy office filled with fancy things, and her, someone who makes all the money worth it.
Squirming, Y/N breathes heavily through her nose, heart hammering in her chest as his presence disappears. The cool air of the office dances across her folds, startling her with how fucking ready she is for his cock.
A sudden, brutal open-handed swat to her bottom has her yelping. The rough touch doesn’t end there, Steve’s fingers kneading the plump flesh.
“You’ve been a very bad girl, Y/N.”
The free hand settles along her lower back, pinning her in place.
“Daddy’s disappointed in you.”
Another slap has her sobbing, strategically landed in the same spot to maximize the pain. Her bottom sways, thighs spreading as the discomfort quickly dissolves beneath the overwhelming desire to see his marks on her skin.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” Steve says, dipping a thumb into her entrance as the vibrator continues to work her clit.
He groans softly under his breath, her walls soft and fluttering.
“You’ve made such a mess of yourself, haven’t you?” he asks, pulling out to brush a knuckle over her silken folds. “You’re going to take your punishment like the good girl I know you are, and Daddy might even let you cum if you ask nicely. Do you understand, Sweetheart?”
Groaning, Y/N nods.
As a reward two fingers shove deep, a spark of pleasure shooting through her as they curl to nudge her g-spot. Just as quickly they leave, wiping her slick off on the back of her thigh.
He hums. “That’s what I like to hear. Now behave, we’ll go all the way back to one if you don’t.”
Y/N doesn’t make it more than five smacks before she’s shifting away from his touch, every impact stronger than the last until her ass is blistered and burning. The blindfold is completely damp, her forehead slick with sweat, muscles taut and aching.
“Careful, Pretty Girl,” he warns, cupping a tender cheek.
Gasping, Y/N flinches, teeth biting down on the gag as pain follows his touch.
“You were doing so well.”
Her head shakes desperately, a sob catching in her throat. She’s not sure she can take much more of this. She already knows without looking that she’ll be feeling the imprint of his hands for days to come.
Steve makes a noise in the back of his throat, tracing her slit.
She can only imagine how she must look, sprawled across his desk, thighs tacky with sweat and slick, desperate to cum. Between his exploration, the sex toy, and the biting sharpness of palm strike, it won’t be long.
With or without his permission.
“I don’t think you’ve shown me how sorry you are, Y/N.”
Swallowing roughly, she stares ahead unseeing, holding still and keeping quiet in the hopes of appeasing the man in control. Does her best to ignore the liquid fire pooling between her thighs but there’s only so much she can do so close to the edge, hips twitching involuntarily.
“Let’s try that again.”
His smile, full of heat and teeth, presses against the sensitive juncture of her neck. A hot tongue glides along her fluttering pulse, his words a whisper on her skin, full of amused spite.
”This time show Daddy how sorry his best girl is.”
She whimpers.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Dragonrezi Gets Even Bigger Comm
A commission for @alt-hammer, of the Dragonrezi from one of my earlier fic concepts of a fantasy AU that featured Vriska as a conquering giant sorceress and Terezi as a dragon monster girl she tried to wrangle into being her familiar,and Karkat as a plaything to placate Terezi; comm-er wanted to see some elaboration on it and Terezi getting even bigger! (A link to that earlier story!)
Featuring some implied JohnVris, this round!
In the most magically scarred continent of the world, recent wars in the homelands of long-gone troll empires had left the whole place a chaotic mess, filled with ruins, warlords and all manner of danger. From one perspective, it was a bad situation; monsters formed from magic and taking shape from the most powerful spell-users around regularly came out of nowhere, most cities and towns didn’t last more than a few days, and it wasn’t uncommon for people to immobilize themselves by making themselves too busty to move with the wrong application of magic, which tended to have consequences for their villages.
But to those intent on putting some kind of order on the world, it was an opportunity. To build new empires, to uncover the mysteries of the old ones, and to grow strong.
(Terezi Pyrope felt it was best to bide your time, and steer the course of things. All of these things, she would do in time, but she would work with things first.)
Now, consider one of the more stable lands in recent times: the Cerulean Kingdoms, the Serket lands. Statues across its beaches, floating sea-cities and cliff-side realms portrayed the image of a sorceress queen, as impossibly curvaceous and busty as only the strongest of magic users were. In truth this sorceress and her friends, and rivals, were a hidden society and adventuring party when the times were right, and they all shared her distinctive figure as a consequence of sufficient magical power and expertise. Kanaya, scion of the vampires, her belly swollen with converts to vampirism… Aradia of the Megido necromancers, her own body eternally pregnant with the countless souls she gestated new bodies for in a form of resurrection. And the others, equally huge and curvy in their own unique ways, from Feferi the life-crafting witch to Jade the wolfish witch of the wilds…
And Vriska Serket, who hoped to be the biggest and most powerful to make her mark on the world, and trying so very hard to outdo her own dragon familiar, Terezi Pyrope.
The boundaries of her lands were easy enough to make out, as her magical palace flew over her lands. A grand construct of sapphire gems grown with her powers, black metal and shimmering stones imbued with raw magic, the gigantic citadel was unbelievably massive and it eclipsed some mountains as it flew over her lands and seas, though never past her boundaries, unable to move past the limits of her power. And, somehow, it was even bigger on the inside. Statues of herself stood at attention on the elaborately carved exteriors, a mirror to the ones in her towns and cities.
The statues did not quite do her justice; capturing the incredibly stylized robes, jackets and web-themed skirts of Vriska’s regal attire was a tricky enough affair, but to get across just how… buxom Vriska was? That was really not doable. You started with something shaped like a violin, made the wide bits as large as you possibly could, and then you made then even bigger than that… and by this point you gave up, because mere stone tended to crumble underneath the weight of such curves. She was thick, even by the standards of magical users.
To hear that Vriska Serket, queen of the sea-lands, might feel inadequate, was laughable. Who would she possibly feel skinny next to? And for an answer, they would point at the far, far larger statues of Terezi, which were not attached to the Citadel. They were the Citadel, at least its walls.
Within the Citadel, Vriska’s latest plan was coming to fruition.
Smirking in a way appropriate to the mightiest sorceress this side of the universities frequented by the Maryam Clan in their oasis on the other side of the known continent, she waved a hand at the twenty thousand undead soldiers carrying the artifact. She didn’t need to speak to command them, but she instinctively felt that there were some things you just had to do. “Put it down here.”
Zombies, mechanically-reinforced skeletons, the occasional feral ghost and a few enthralled mindless vampires (unrelated to the Maryam Clan, though possibly spawned from a similar process) all moved in a great mass and lowered the ancient arcane battery into a special pedestal. In a wave it clicked down, and they flowed away, their thousands of steps briefly obscuring the potent ritual patterns encircling the relic.
Here, in her floating citadel, Vriska was at her strongest. This was her place; arcane geometries channeled the power right into her, specially carved spires collected magic from the air and diverted it into the mystical foodstuffs that would be fed to her; the air itself rumbled with potential, and it discharged into her.
She smiled, fangs dimpling her thick lips, and strode off. Her undead minions (a gift from a friend, a necromancer called Damara Megido, who Vriska had helped with a serious academic question) trailed after her. It was difficult to tell if they could feel anything, but as her hourglass-shaped body moved, robes tightly conforming to her massive hips, their gazes were fixed on her. She went through a door shaped to permit her gigantic hips and breasts, and the undead followed, as did a small human all in blue.
Vriska stopped, and leaned down. Three hundred feet of troll leaned down, and her breasts hit the ground before her knees did. The human, John Egbert, stopped as a genuine valley of cleavage appeared before him and he peered up into the mightiest sorceress alive; famed for her ruthlessness, her limitless hunger for power, and so it might have been surprising for her rivals to see the indulgent look her face.
Vriska’s face softened even more as she picked him up, apparently on impulse; he didn’t seem to mind being held captive in a metallic prosthesis of magically resonant metals. Lips as wide around as a street to him pressed on him in a soft kiss, and he smooched her back as best as he could. Vriska put him down, and spoke. “John, gonna need you to stay here for a while until the ritual is complete.”
John nodded. “Okay, ma’am!” he saluted her, in the fashion he thought was expected of an apprentice to a magical teacher. “So… what do I do?”
Vriska made a grumpy noise. “Keep Terezi out of here! I just know that pain in my splendid ass is gonna show up and try to hog all the power boost for herself. So when, not if, when she shows up to, I don’t know, try to eat it or something, get her out!”
John saluted with a slightly worried expression. “I’ll… do what I can!” Vriska grinned, and left. Her building-sized heels clicked against the ground and her undead army followed. The door closed, with an appropriately satisfying bang. He had spent some hours weaving drama spells so get that sound just right!
He waited, dutifully, and marked the way the word-spells around the magical battery slowly increased. To pass the time, he tried to recall just where the thing had come from. Unfortunately history was not really his expertise; it was apparently a troll artifact from one of the bygone civilizations that hadn’t survived the sorcery wars of ancient times. He knew it stored magic (a truly horrific amount of it, and Vriska’s intentions were to deprive enemies of the chance to weaponize it, AND to also enhance her powers and beauty). And he knew that it looked a little bit like something he’d like to put on a stick and smack monsters around with. It had a cool look to it. It’d probably make a funny sound, too!
There was a small, teal lizard on the ceiling that had come there when he had been distracted. Privately, the lizard mused that maybe Vriska had a bit too much confidence in her human.
John contemplated the pros and cons of using it to make a magic hammer that would absorb magic but put some of that magic into making comedy sound effects whenever you hit something with it. The word-spell around it and all over the room were well along by this point, and they shone the liquid blue of Vriska’s magic.
He did feel the swell of enchantment, and he stepped back in surprise. The swell blurred his magical senses, and he experienced the mystical equivalent of something going ‘???’; all his more mystical senses went blank from overload, and he desperately stepped back as light flooded from the relic, briefly materializing into solidified wild magic. Fortunately, before it could erupt into any number of hazardous monsters or destructive disasters, it was grounded and safety channeled into the Citadel.
No, he thought, with a smile. Into the word-spell, and thus, into Vriska! He thought of all this power going to her… into her, and he goggled at the thought of when he’d see her next, at her full size!
She was three hundred feet now, and already such an hourglass-shaped beauty; he couldn’t imagine what she’d be like, but he did his best.
Thus distracted, he did not notice the lizard descending downwards and changing shape, expanding to a much larger form. He did hear, behind and above him, a very soft noise. He glanced up suspiciously, a faint suggestion of titanic movement drawing his attention, and saw nothing more. The walls and ceiling of the magic room vaulted high up, with many curving supports that would be ideal for strong claws to punch right into.
He paused. He didn’t recall that particular bit of ceiling looking so… leathery.
It unfurled, and the ceiling came down.
The world crashed about him, and as a looming force reached lazily for him, John squeaked as claws plucked him up. The ceiling hadn’t fallen down! Something really big, on the ceiling, just dropped down!
Or, to be specific, a really, really big someone.
The feminine form now filling up a good portion of the room was built on similar lines to Vriska but… bigger. Vriska had an hourglass body type, counterbalanced by her massive mane of hair, while the humanoid dragon, her gorgeous face a pleasing mix of troll and dragonish features, was… motherly. Girthy. A huge pair of wings swept around her, along with an enormously thick tail. Scales and golden shapes studded her body, from toe claws to horns, so that every inch of her shone, armored in her own splendor. A big belly propped up a pair of breasts even bigger than Vriska’s, and she had a lot of very solid muscles underneath the softness.
And oh yes; if Vriska was three hundred feet tall, than her dragon familiar, Terezi Pyrope, was… bigger. So much bigger, indeed. Terezi grinned at John, and around her the chamber telescoped outwards. There were potent enchanting spells to make rooms bigger to fit anyone who might be in them, but Terezi had a talent for pushing them to their limits. Her red eyes stared down at him, dull and blinded in some ancient paladin’s oath, but her smile was full of sharp teeth, and very snidely aware.
“So,” she said, as he realized too late that the little lizard in the room had been the exact same color as the teal monster girl sitting in the room right here. “You’re gonna stop me, huh?”
John wasn’t particularly scared, even in the grip of a dragon woman known to devour entire castles whole. Over five thousand feet tall from claw to horn bases, she looked very much like a troll; scales instead of chitin, her black skin tinted a vibrant shade of teal, and a thick dragonish tail sprouted from her massive backside just as a pair of huge wings furled around her so much like a fancy cloak. There were other signs; the crackling pathways of power along her throat and chest, where her breath weapons were powered up, the digitigrade legs just like a bird’s… and the big claws on her hands and feet. Bit funny to forget that, considering that he was pinched between them.
It was a bit like having some very pointy buildings hugging you into compliance. John wriggled politely. “Uh… yeah, absolutely! Let me up so we can have our fight!”
Terezi grinned at him. Leaning WAY over so he could see her. A truly buxom monster, she had to adjust herself so that her gold-studded breasts could shift out of the way, propped up on her big belly so they looked even bigger. Those boobs were huge, sticking out over five hundred feet out, the scales studded with the contents of an entire hoard to decorate her maternal body. She had to lean over just so he could see her, and his heart skipped a beat as she spoke, her enormous blue-green lips shaping so perfectly around her words. “Nah. Be a good boy and hold still so I can go do the thing.”
“Uh.” He lowered his fist. “Um. First, what are you planning on doing…?”
Terezi inclined her head at the artifact. “Guess.”
“...No way!”
She just grinned in reply, a clear ‘yes!’.
“Terezi, no!”
“Terezi yes!”
“I’ll stop you!” he cried valiantly.
Terezi smirked. “Vriska’s tiny hero rises to her defense! Honestly, I love it. You’re probably a great influence on her. Buuuuuut…. I don’t really wanna deal with that right now.”
She breathed out, and her breath was infused with the magic inherent to dragons. She cast a spell, not with lore or divine connection, but with her innate connection to the forces of magic, and her breath became a bubble. It flowed around John and he floated up into the air, yelling helplessly at her. The bubble contracted and twist as his wind magic tore at it from the inside, it bounced as he turned momentum into super speed and flight, but all his power wasn’t enough to overcome the micro-fraction of her power that she put into the bubble.
If she wished, she could have burned the continent to the bedrock without much effort. Sealing away an apprentice boy, even one in service to a living goddess-sorcerer, was hardly a challenge. But she liked to give herself something to test herself against later. “Tell ya what. As a present for standing up to me, I won’t just eat the damn thing. I’ll leave Vriska a TINY something. But all this,” and she gave one enormous hip a healthy, lusty smack, making various pats of her body jiggle enticingly. “Is a much better destination for its power than stroking Vrisky’s ego!”
“Kind of hypocritical for YOU To be talking about ego!” John said as Terezi lightly batted him with a finger that was, to him, larger than a building.
A claw bigger than a walkway smacked into him again and again, thoughtfully. “Okay that’s fair,” Terezi said, and then snorted. “But I don’t really care~!”
With a cheerful swagger, her tail smacking a few pillars around in such a way that she somehow carved her name into them like a signature, Terezi stepped right into the circle, so large that one toe filled up the whole thing. John beat and hollered at his little prison, and summoned forth the wind magic that was an expression of his fundamental tendency for powers of movement and direction both physical and abstract.
The bubble flew, at incredible force, right towards a patch of scales. Unfortunately that patch was on her butt, which was very well padded, and so he bounced off harmlessly. With such force that he impacted into the wall, cracking it, and there he was stuck. John’s powers just didn’t work if he was stuck!
Terezi’s thick, muscular tail waggled at him tauntingly, and swung up to slap her own butt. First the left side of one massive hip, and then the other, making it wobble and jiggle in hill-sized ripples; John blushed, angry and aroused at so much titanic butt. You could build a castle on all of it! And so, he was a bit too preoccupied with her dangerous flirting to realize that the blue magic lines were turning teal.
Magical colors were a personal thing. They indicated the influence of a magic user, the literal color of their soul as it entered the world. Reality WAS magic, shaped and codified into substance, concepts, forms. And color? Well, that was just light, but people saw color, and it meant things to them, and perspective was really all that counted in magic. So with magic users, the color of your soul shone forth when your power waxed mightily.
And when Terezi bothered to put even the slightest smidgen of effort, her magic made her shine like a sun.
Intricate patterns appeared on her scales and hide, mirroring the spell runes around her. (above her, Vriska on her interface throne froze up as she felt the trickle of magic being pumped into her assets dry up, and then only scraps being fed into her. Everything was teal.)
Terezi tilted her head back, a giantess big enough to destroy an army of demons with a single step or firm press of a finger’s claw, and breathed the power in. The artifact wobbled and then was violently tossed out of the magical circle as its power was promptly sucked out of it. Possibly by coincidence, it was flung right into John. It didn’t hurt him, just bounced off his bubble without any harm, but it was still loud and surprising enough that he was compelled to complain about it. He beat his hands against the bubble and yelled, but Terezi wasn’t listening.
(Upstairs, Vriska fumed as her body continued to grow, already five hundred feet tall by now, with boobs twice their original size… but she wasn’t getting as big as she expected. The power! The precious, delicious power… what had been river was now just a tiny stream, and where she should have been scraping against the clouds in her citadel’s magical environment, she was growing bigger so slowly that she could actually perceive things around her getting smaller. No! It was supposed to be bigger!
It was only through great force of will that she didn’t jump off and race downstairs to yell at Terezi. Who was absolutely, obviously behind all this! It was ALWAYS HER.)
Terezi was well aware of Vriska’s thoughts on the matter thanks to the magical link between familiar and sorceress that gave Terezi an insight into her thoughts. Unfortunately (from vriska’s perspective), this meant that Terezi could passively read her mind pretty much all the time, no doubt a reason how Terezi kept commandeering all her plans and sucking up her power gains. So Terezi ‘overheard’ Vriska’s complaints, and she gloated over Vriska’s shock at losing out on massive bust gains.
She blew a mocking kiss at John’s protests, and by sheer coincidence she started growing bigger, swelling upwards as her wiggling claws waved away the kiss. The magic flowered into her blood, bone and the core of magic at her center, and it flooded her with such power, so much that the only way to express it - was to grow!
The chamber rapidly got a lot more cramped as she expanded, slowly growing upwards. Already so large, Terezi grew right in front of John’s eyes, the magic pouring into her. Her tail slapped against the walls and cushioned her as her shoulders rose into the ceiling, despite the ceiling magically growing so you’d always fit into it; she was getting so big, so fast, she was outstripping it!
Four hundred feet, and upwards, her growth steady but very, very rapid. Her butt swelled up so that her fat tail was propped up, and several pillars were broken beneath its weight. Her butt kept swelling out, along with her hips, keeping pace with her expanding height; the expansion charms of the room were soon exhausted, and John could no longer see anything behind them but the lashing of her tail.
The magic flooded into her as she kept growing; another thousand feet piled on in a brief size burst, and by now it was plain to see that she was not funneling most of this tremendous potential into her size. Sure, she was growing larger, but… the growth was petering out surprisingly fast. As John watched, she wasn’t getting taller, her height getting more staggered. Where was it going.
The answer lay in her chest’s sudden explosive growth; her breasts swelled out faster than she was growing upwards, new scales growing to cover acres of new flesh between the patches of gilded scales. In moments, her breasts doubled in size, and she kept getting taller, her bustline not only keeping pace with her height, but surpassing its growth!
And they just kept growing; all the immense magic of the ancient battery, potentially to be used in war or some terrible misuse, now being pumped right into her bustline. Enough power to blow a country off the world was forced into her chest and milk production. Terezi cooed as her breasts hit the floor, rapidly growing so big that they were taller than she was!
The weight of her expanding bustline pushed her against the wall, her body rising up on her own bed-tier bustline. And since she was still growing physically more gigantic, this pushed her into the roof.
Terezi kept getting bigger, growing taller until she crashed into the floor, her wings and back cramped into the roof and too big to fit properly now, but she was still growing largely. Her breasts kept growing more rapidly by the second; John squeaked as a tide of teal filled up the room, a sloshing sound as if of an approaching sea getting stirred up as they smacked into place.
The walls creaked. Terezi and her boobs were still growing.
And though John could now see nothing, absolutely nothing at all but teal-tinted darkness, grow bigger she did. But now the last of the magic was greedily swallowed up by her magnificent body, her height finally stabilizing. Her breasts continued to grow in a few more shakes and wiggles, apparently hopeful for more, and at least they stopped. The room was now as good as a bra for her massive breasts, and Terezi sighed in contentment as her new body settled. Her butt pushing out behind her, her breasts big enough for her and a couple others of her to sleep on… a fitting temple to her glory.
Teal magical signs appeared all over her body, in languages no longer written anywhere in the world (so far as they knew). These two faded, and with that, the spell was done. The absorbed magic faded away, into Terezi’s rune-streaked body. She smacked her huge lips and licked a few scraps of quintessence off, patting a swell of breast bigger than some kingdoms. She kept growing, but in bits and bumps, not the smooth (if very fast!) expansion she had done before. About seventy-five hundred feet tall by now, and shrinking a bit as she willingly suppressed her power for the sake of it being really funny to spring on Vriska at the first opportunity, she cleared up some room.
Thusly, John was now able to see… well, not much, still. All he could see now was one toe-claw dominating his view of the universe, but he could feel her presence. In any case she picked him up, the tips of two claws neatly pinched his bubble and wrenching out of the wall.
“Well, check me out!” Terezi said sweetly, holding him like a little marble against the ceiling so he could see all of her. “How’d I do, huh?”
John saw nothing but… a sea of such massive, scaley, huge busty goodness… he clammed up, turning red. He loved Vriska with all his fierce heart, but… not even she was that big and gorgeous. He’d never admit it, but… he couldn’t lie!
Terezi giggled, and blew him another kiss.
The door slammed open and out came Vriska. With some difficulty, and at first there was a hint of massive breasts and a shoulder trying to force their way through the doorway, and then the doorway was magically transformed to allow her through, and through it came Vriska.
She was significantly bigger, John judged at once, with love in his heart and desire in his hips. Almost… a thousand feet tall, now! More than twice her original size, but compared to her original goal of approaching Terezi’s size, she still looked distinctly puny. Though it was hard to say that, when she now had a figure with hips that left the door way a ruin, and breasts with lower hemispheres around her hips. You couldn’t even see anything of her body above the waist, just two massive bouncy globes. They swelled up as Vriska drew in breath, and wailed: “TEREZI!”
Terezi flicked John right into Vriska’s cleavage, and somehow moved. In a flash she transformed, becoming a small lizard. With a cheeky slap of her tail she scurried away into the suddenly open hallways, leaving Vriska spinning head over horns with the impact of the John-projectile. “Thanks for the snack!” Terezi said, just to be cheeky. “Hope you don’t mind staying so skinny!”
Vriska howled in fury, and Terezi’s cackles echoed throughout the citadel as she exited it, and then her shadow eclipsed it, and all the kingdoms of the Serket was in awe as her buxom glory was revealed to them.
Dragons do love to show off their hoards, and Terezi’s body was a hoard for her!
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 12 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2000
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This was the hardest list to make so far, so yeah, it’s a top twelve because I felt disgusting cutting the last two songs. Oh well. Screw the rules.
I turned 12 that year! I had my own cd player, which was also a radio! I could make tapes and burn cds. I could even BUY cds too if I saved all my money for a couple of months! School wasn’t great, because of some bullies, but I still had some friends. I loved Pokemon and drawing in the park. Life felt good.
Music had never sounded better.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
Not gonna lie, this list changed A LOT over the course of this post and I had to rearrange it several times. And then I gave up and changed it into a top 12. Also, this list of honorable mentions could almost make it a top 20 since several of these (half of them, actually) were on the top at some point.
All the small things (Blink 182) - I’m really glad these guys are still around today, to be honest. They always make me smile when I hear their new songs on the radio.
The Riddle (Gigi d’Agostino) - Love it, but it loses some of its appeal without the music video.
Lady (Modjo) - I claim overplay for this cut.
L’Alizé (Alizée) - More on that later.
Move your body (Eiffel 65) - Would have made the list in a more mediocre year, I swear.
Optimistique-moi (Mylène Farmer) - I literally said “self-care” before making this cut. Also the music video is great, it’s an artist trying to escape from some sort of nightmare circus, and a magician helps her. Very underrated music video.
Music (Madonna) - The most painful cut of all. I absolutely loved this song and how weird and disjointed and broken it sounded, and had it on several tapes. And yet there’s no room for it even with a top 12.
And now, the actual list. Warning: it starts with a curveball.
12 - J’pète les plombs (Disiz La Peste)
US: Not on the list / FR: #29
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A French rap song about a guy losing his job and being stuck in traffic and subsequently going postal.
Here’s the kicker, though. This guy was rapping for my city, and this music video was filmed mostly in the estate I was living in at the time! That McDonalds at the beginning? It was across the street! That bus stop was in front of high school! Heck, I painted the rocks in that park at the end several times already!
And it became a huge hit!! You have no idea how excited we were in middle school. Everyone knew the lyrics (translation here)! Even if some parts were very rude! We still loved it! We were quoting the entirety of the McDonalds part where the guy wants an egg in his sandwich and is ready to fire a harpoon to get it. “Désolé, il est midi et après midi eh ben l’mac morning c’est fini” was a goddamn meme here.
It would probably have been less funny if the singer didn’t look like a cute nerd, it turns the music video into a hilarious parody. Especially because instead of a gun, he’s menacing people with a harpoon, a giant wooden hammer and a water pistol.
Legends only.
11 - One More Time (Daft Punk)
US: Not on the list / FR: #30
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Around the World was a repetitive song, and while I kinda liked it, I didn’t quite get the hype around it at the time. But One More Time is a huge party, and everybody is invited, and all the drama stays at the door, and everyone just has a great time. And it has one of the most fitting music videos ever.
It’s a monster of a song, and even if it’s still a bit too repetitive to be listened to on a loop, it was a delight everytime it was on the radio. And it still is! Godspeed, Daft Punk.
10 - Innamoramento (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #91
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I really, really tried to keep her off the list. And I failed. Innamoramento, the album, is one of my favorite albums of one of my favorite French artists ever and I’m weak, and out of the five (five) singles out of that album, I only managed to leave two out of my top 10 lists.
This sounds absolutely fantastic. There’s no way I could kick it off the list, even to make room for a guy who was rapping for my estate. And not even for goddamn Daft Punk.
Kill me now.
9 - Absolutely (Nine Days)
US: #35 / FR: Not on the list
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I discovered this song in 2008 through a Silent Hill 3 AMV about Heather. Yeppppp. It’s here, and it’s still great 11 years later, and I love it, and this song was so good I put it on my playlist immediately and it stayed on it for several years.
The lyrics never really deliver their promise of telling a “story”, but it’s still a fantastic, bouncy, uplifting song, and it made my world better, and I have to thank that ephemeral band for that.
And I especially loved the very brief pause before the last “girl” in the song. Very relatable.
8 - J’en rêve encore (De Palmas)
US: Not on the list / FR: #27
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Listen. I have no idea what’s up with these specific chords, but they are the sound of a weird mix of nostalgia, anger and above all, discomfort. No other song has the exact colors this one has and no other broadcasts this very specific mixed feeling.
Too bad the lyrics are yet another breakup song, or more specifically a post-breakup song (even if the lyrics are very, very good ; I just checked who wrote them and it’s Jean-Jacques Goldman. I had no idea but now, I can definitely hear it), because the music is really something else. At least to me. Is anyone else hearing this?
7 - The Real Slim Shady (Eminem)
US: #51 / FR: #28
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Wow. Would you look at that. The ex angsty angry teenager loved Eminem. What a surprise, uh.
To be honest, I already genuinely liked this song as a kid even if I could only understand a few isolated parts and words, and the fact that this guy was pissed off and clearly being offensive, possibly towards everyone, was enough.
Now that I can understand the lyrics entirely, I obviously don’t endorse all of them (like the very backhanded argument for gay marriage. Jesus), but I can’t help it, this song still kicks ass. It would be dishonest to leave it out of the list. I loved it so much at the time. And I still enjoy it a lot.
6 - Natural Blues (Moby)
US: Not on the list. Not on any US year-end list actually. I thought it was big everywhere but no. What happened. / FR: #49
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There’s overplay, and then there’s “I keep hearing this song everywhere and yet I can never get enough of it, and I will sing it at school, and I will put it on tapes, and I will listen to it even when it’s not on the radio.”
If you asked me what the year 2000 sounded like, it sounded like Natural Blues. I genuinely can’t believe it’s not on the US year-end chart.
5 - Around the World (ATC)
US: Not on the list / FR: #48
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This has no right being this catchy without ever, ever becoming annoying. What kind of evil pact did you make to get this result. How.
4 - Jeune et Con (Saez)
US: Not on the list / FR: #70
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The title is “Young and Stupid”. It’s an extremely angry song against the establishment. Didn’t pay a lot of attention to it when it came out because well, I was 12, but I would drink up this kind of angry, angsty song only three/four years later. It has aged like fine wine too and feels like the ultimate ‘Ok Boomer’ song ; here’s a translation. It is brutal. You’re welcome.
If I had better taste this would be above the next two songs.
3 - Daddy DJ (Daddy DJ)
US: Not on the list / FR: #5
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As I said in the intro, I started to BUY music that year. I could pick what I wanted to own, as long as my parents thought the cds were appropriate.
So I went to the nearest record store. It was called “Madison” and had a chrome aesthetic, with neons and fluorescent 90s shit everywhere, and banners with band names on it, and somewhat menacing posters (the Iron Maiden ones looked scary). It was very intimidating.
And so, 12 years old Johannes, under dad’s supervision, picked the cd they wanted above all the other cds in the shop knowing THAT one wouldn’t make anyone angry at home, went towards the desk, slapped a lot of coins on it, and bought this, trying to look as fierce and determined a 12 y.o can, which isn’t much.
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It still slaps nearly twenty years later and I don’t regret a single thing. That’s all I have to say about Daddy DJ by Daddy DJ.
So I was making this list, feeling pretty good about putting Mylène Farmer so low on it, and I was like oh wow, I genuinely love all these other songs more than the two she released that year! This feels great. This is healing. This is progress. It also means the most controversial things on the list are a nerd threatening people with a water pistol and Eminem spouting his usual bullshit empty provocations. No big deal. It’s okay! Moving on.
What was the French #1 for that year, by the way? I can’t rememb-
2 - Moi Lolita (Alizée)
US: Not on the list / FR: #1
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Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Mylène Farmer wrote this for Alizée. Screw the entire universe. I want her off my lists but I can’t because I need to make them honestly.
“I’m not a sucker, I never bought the album AND I never bought these singles in a SHOP, I got them in a garage sale the next year for less that a quarter of the price”, says the person who is, in fact, clearly and definitely a sucker.
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How can a song be so horribly catchy and horribly controversial at the same time. HOW. It’s unfair. For some context about how controversial this is if you’re an English speaker, this is what would happen if Bad Guy by Billie Eilish was the catchiest shit in the world. This was almost #1 on my list before I noticed my actual #1 song made it pretty high on the French year-end list despite being mysteriously absent from the US one.
Also I’m glad the music video provides a mostly harmless context: this girl is supposed to babysit her little sister, but she went dancing in a club. And the little sister is looking after her instead. I’m saying “mostly” harmless because there’s that creepy guy who keeps watching her, as if the story was saying “you should not do this and you are putting yourself in danger and this will end horribly”. Which is a sentiment I can definitely get behind, and at the time, I was already highly skeptical about the message this song was sending even if I loved it. I’m just judging that through the comments I was writing next to it on my “favorite songs” lists (”leave your little sister out of this, Alizée”):
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Bonus: most relatable comment on the video by a mile.
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Same, my dude.
This is why the first album I bought was Daddy DJ and not that one or, uh, the next one.
1 - Stan (Eminem)
US: Not on the list either?? What happened. Why / FR: #18
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This song actually created a new English verb. Think about that for a second.
Also, until the end of my life, I will wonder why people suddenly decided, a couple of years ago, than “to stan” now meant “admiring a lot and being a huge fan of” instead of “being a creepy obsessed stalker and possibly dangerous”.
I couldn’t understand one tenth of the lyrics at the time this was a hit, but I still sneakily put it on my tapes. I knew my parents disapproved. Oh, I liked it. I loved it. I adored it.
I was also terrified of it.
One of the only lines I clearly understood with my limited English was the “I’m your biggest fan” line, and how increasingly dangerous the guy sounded, and that Eminem was trying to answer him at the end but it was too late and he had already done some horrible shit.
This is a horror story in song form, it stays with you long after it’s over every time you listen to it, and it’s a rare and precious thing.
I’m still genuinely terrified after all these years, though.
Next up: another mix of embarrassing shit and valid stuff
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chaniters · 6 years
Lies and deceit.
Following up the story, Sidestep grows closer to Elyise, and the dynamic of his conflict with Steel unfolds, as usual between them. 
"HOLD ON!" Steel orders
You take hold as the boat evades the incoming fire barrage, one sharp turn after another. Elyise's barrier stops most of the bullets, but some come through, digging holes in the boat's surface. She doesn't really need to hold since her powers should protect her from the sharp turns.
You try to keep your head low.
Ortega's modded hand digs into the boat hull as he takes hold. He holds your arm with his other hand.
The gesture either makes you think he is being protective, or he thinks you are the fool that's going to fall overboard.  
"TRUST ME!" she screams to be heard over the enemy fire.
*Help me with this* are the words she sends into your mind. You nod.
Steel gives another turn, this turn aiming for the large cargo ship, bullets coming left and right.
You lose track of what Steel is saying. You are with Elyise. Helping her focus. Steading her hand so to speak. Her powers are much greater than she able to manifest. But with your help, she can really exploit them.
You expand her focus. Give her training wheels so she can go on to do great things... great things... she is destined for great things... The alien thought sticks in your mind. Perhaps it's one of hers? Wouldn't surprise you. She's not like you. She has a really bright future as a hero in Los Diablos once she masters all of her abilities.
The boat jumps in the air at top speed, floating over the ocean thanks to Elyise's Psychokinesis... The mercenaries look bewildered and try to dodge... Too slow. It lands on top of their machineguns, crushing several of them.
You are flung forward by the impact's strength, falling over the ship's deck in a roll, as you were trained to do.
Ortega also manages the roll. You know about his parkour past.. Steel is not so lucky and slams into it with force. Still, his armor should do the trick and keep him safe.
Elyise... you don't see her...
Oh. She's slowly gliding down. Of course. Sometimes you forget she can do that.
"KILL THEM!" a mercenary yells. They pick up their weapons.
You and Ortega look at each other and charge onto them. You've done this a million times.
Ortega runs straight at their leader, all their shots missing since you're projecting an illusion of him having jumped to fall above them.
He doesn't even ask you to do it by now. You just do.
One of them draws an electric baton and comes for you, but you take his arm and fling him overboard.  
Steel has recovered and charges sending several of them to the floor. Their leader soon joins them, beaten by Ortega.
A pile of beaten humans, lying on top of each other. They wrest themselves free, knocking each other.
The group runs towards the lower decks... but is stopped when a massive figure emerges from the hatch. It simply swats them like flies on it’s way. Obviosuly it doesn’t consider them useful anymore. 
His metal suit is enormous. He must be about 2 and a half meters tall... and his arms ... One ends in a mechanical claw. The other is a straight-up cylinder.
Military grade armor. Fuck. The dark frame of the armor's head becomes transparent, revealing the man inside.
You sense recognition from whomever’s inside. Steel is startled...
"Ahhh... If it isn't Hood's little pair of hostage boys and friends? Coming to ruin my party? If I had known, I would have been out there to receive you from the start!" The metallic voice echoes through the ship.
"JUPITER!?!" Ortega asks bewildered.
"What are you doing here?" Steel stood in a cautious stance.
"What does it look I'm doing! Ha! I'm going to spank both of your asses like I used to do every week back in the day. And there will be no Hood saving you morons! I can tell you how this is going to end... " the arms begin pointing at Ortega and Steel "It ends the way it ALWAYS does! With me getting paid!"
"ORTEGA! MOVE!" You scream. He tries to. But it's too late.
The metallic claw on his right arm starts spinning... and then emits a bolt of pure thunderbolt at Ortega, sending him flying through the duck up in smoke.
Steel charges at the armor.
Steel is faster and quickly jumps to the side as Jupiter's left cylinder points at him. As the device activates, it extends at full speed, destroying the deck where Steel stood a moment ago.  
A giant pneumatic hammer used as a weapon on a suit. Now that's a new one. Sometimes it’s the simplest technology that’s the most terrifying.
Steel closes in and holds the suit's arms upwards, pushing him, trying to throw him overboard.
Jupiter headbutts him, sending him down. As he lies down, he points the cylinder directly at Steel's head.
"Now die ranger!" He speaks in a cold murderous tone. You can sense the fear in STeel's mind.
You invade Jupiter's mind as swiftly as you're able. Sending a whirlwind of random colors to block his sight and lose his balance. It works, he stumbles and the cylinder moves slightly down and left of its target.
"What... the.. fuck!" The cylinder activates and Steel screams in pain.
The armor around his arm is almost destroyed, taking the hit. Well, at least it wasn't his head.
Jupiter regains his balance and turns on you and Elyse.
"YOU! YOU FUCKING KID! IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THIS!" He does despise younger heroes. You keep the colors blocking his eyes, but he isn't a fool.. he's managing to see trough.
"When I tell you... help me again," Elyise asks.
You nod lightly, focusing on Jupiter. The claw on his right arm begins spinning... charging with power for another bolt. It looks for you... trying to find you as you try to keep it from targeting you.
You let go and lend her your focus.
She lifts the boat again... and sends it flying at Jupiter's suit.
The lighting bolt hits a wooden box by your side, making it explode as his aim is thrown off by the impact. Jupiter's suit is knocked to the side, as he tries to regain his balance and hold his ground against the boat pushing him.
He begins regaining ground... Not even Elise's full power unlocked with your help is enough against his armor suit.
"Who's were you saying  going to get spanked today again?" Ortega asks. He reaches the boat and begins it onto Jupiter.
"As Hood used to say..." Steel speaks, taking pushing against the boat with his functional arm "The Rangers always get their man!"
"Yeah, even if he has to be drowned first!" Ortega adds finally.
Jupiter struggles, but all the added strength pushes his suit backward, towards the edge of the ship.
"Not this ranger shit again... You can’t... you... you aren’t stronger than.. me...” his voice sounding more desperate by the second “Hey... Hey kids! Wait... we can... HNHg... discuss it!"
"Do you hear something Charge?" Steel asks, his face red with effort.
"Nope. I only hear the sea. Do you hear anything Sidestep?" Ortega asks while pushing as hard as he can.
"Nothing at all Marshall," you say with a grin while aiding Elyise’s psychokinesis.
"WAIT! I Yield! I'll tell you everything! I can’t go underwater in this suit! I’ll drown!" Jupiter pleads as his feet touch the edge of the ship.
"Well.. in that case," Steel started.
And then Jupiter’s claw lowers again, taking aim at Ortega.
"It's a trap!" Elyise screams as she is the first one to notice. "THROW HIM DOWN BEFORE HE SHOOTS THAT THING AGAIN!"
"WHAT? No! No! Wait! This is a misundersta..." he screams desperately as the boat pushes him and his suit over the railing, and into the sea.
You approach Ortega and Charge, watching ...
The suit sinks hard like a rock, going straight for the bottom.
"You think he can survive in there?" Ortega asks Steel.
"He's got even more mods than I even without the suit. No way he can float. IT's over"
You feel a little bit conflicted by this. "Can we do anything?"
"No," Steel says in the end. "We don't have a way to pull him up. It's the end of Jupiter."  
"He tortured so many people..." Ortega speaks with pure resentment. "I'm not going to cry Sidestep. And neither should you"
And then he stumbles to the left and lands on his butt.
"Fuck! Ricardo, are you ok?" you approach him. He got hit with a lightning bolt after all.
"My batteries took most of it" he smiles lightly. "It can't be so bad!"
"You idiot, of course, it can be bad," you say checking the mods.
"What about you Steel?" you force yourself to ask while trying to evaluate the damage. He's an ally too.
"I think my armor's toast around ... and the arm hurts like hell... but it's not broken as far as I can tell," he says flexing with a pained expression.
"Alright... Let me take care of it" you say, volunteering to get the first aid kit from the ship. You're trained as a field doctor among other things. It took Ortega and Steel a few injuries to realize you have more experience than some hospital surgeons. And of course, you refused to answer why. Not their fucking business.
You volunteer to get both a toolbox and first aid kit from the ship to repair the damage. That bastard Jupiter did a mess on Ortega's mods. A few bad moves and his legs could disconnect completely.
Not a hard fix, but it takes a while to reinforce it aboard a ship. Some dermal cream for the burns is all you can do about that, but it doesn't seem like it will leave a mark. You’not sure why is he under so much pain... you check his wounds twice ...
It takes you a few moments to realize he’s just exaggerating his pain. 
You just see it in his eyes. He wants to draw you in. He’s going to kiss you once more if you play his game.
You quickly turn. Steel is in need of just as much help.  The armored around his arm is destroyed and really causing him severe pain. No way to fix it, all you can do is disarm it and free his arm, leaving it bare.
"Sorry... I don't have replacement parts"
"It's alright," steel says, flexing his arm. "At least it's stopped hurting so much." "Thanks" He adds after a few awkward seconds. He always thanks you for helping them. Doesn't stop him from wanting to get rid of you. It's the passive aggressiveness you don't stand.
---------on the lower deck. -------------
"Gulf war Tech. Must be stolen" Steel says after hacking onto the onboard computer. " They were smuggling about a hundred boxes worth of it... enough to start a little war. I guess the mercenaries didn’t want to pay for the delivery.”
Large boxes as far as you can see in the storage compartment.
"Well... better count them," you say. And you begin doing exactly that, while Steel goes over the details. 
Elyise is helping Ortega. That's why you chose to start counting yourself. He’s still there pretending to be seriously hurt. Trying to drag you into talking alone again. He pulled the same trick at the party. When he told you he needed to go to the bathroom.
And you can't have that. Because if you do, he'll invite you out again, and you know you are going to say yes because you're a sucker for him.  And that will end up with him finding out. You need some way out... He will try again later, and with the boat in this condition, you’ll have to wait for a rescue team. You’ll be together for hours. 
It takes a while to count each box. You make it take a while. You don't actually make mistakes when counting stuff. It's another difference between you and humans. You could count about a thousand identical stones without counting any of them twice or making a mistake. Your body is purposely built for information gathering, and it’s a skill you’ve also been trained in.
"95... 96... 97" You end. "Steel... there's three missing boxes. They must have taken something from here." you add pointing at some oil marks, left by a wheeled metal cart.
"That's no good. It doesn't seem like they could open them if they needed to carry them out"
"How do you know?" Ortega asks.
"These are old" Steel explains. "You need the old war Theater of operations codes to open one of these. Only someone in a unit with authorization from back then could have them."
"Oh. MAkes sense " Elyise adds looking at the boxes.
"You two, head upstairs.” He looks at you and Elyise “My unit was assigned there back then... I'll see what's inside."
"Why do we have to go upstairs?" You ask
"Because you are not rangers" He simply adds, as if that was the end of discussion.
Ortega stands by you. "Hey... let's go upstairs, let steel do his thing. we can chat and..."
No. Definitely no. That is NOT happening. And Steel just gave you the way out.
"Oh, so we're good enough to save your ass from Jupiter, but we're not good enough to see some rusted old weapons?" you start. You know what he said makes perfect sense. You're not authorized to see the weapons. You would do the same thing. But as usual, he is giving you the perfect excuse.
"It's not my fault you won't follow proper procedure and join us instead of following Charge around like a lost puppy!"
You force yourself not to smile. You come up with a comeback. He answers, adequately insulting. You respond in kind. Ortega steps in trying to calm you both down. Steel just throws in the big ammo, actually calling you names. Now that's a record. You raise his bet. Both of you look at Ortega. He's the Marshall after all.
He sides with Steel. He has to. You're not authorized to see stolen war gulf-war era weapons. 
You yell at Ortega for siding with him.
Its true Steel is right, but he could just skip procedure this time if he wanted. It's all it would take to throw off your little scheme. He could do it if he truly cared so much. 
Instead, he tries to justify Steel's words. To make you see reason. 
“Don’t be like that! You're acting like a five-year-old!”
“I’m not a fucking kid Ricardo! I’ll go upstairs, I guess I should have learned my place is always at the back row with you guys.” You snap at him and storm off. They have made exceptions for some famous vigilantes and heroes. But not for you. It irritated you. But certainly suits you now. 
Elyise follows you speechless. You've taken part in this dance so many times now. Most of the time, Steel wins. But sometimes, you just want him to think he won.
Mission accomplished. Now you have the perfect excuse not to talk to Ortega for a long while. 
That AND, he is the one who will feel guilty about sending you off. You do feel bad about the whole thing. But you would feel worse if the farm captured you again. And maybe killed him while doing it. He is nothing to them.
Lives are interchangeable. Expensive Experimental Regenes that have been on development for years are not.  
"Is it always like that?" Elyise asks as you reach the stairs. "Yes. It's always the fucking same," you answer, trying to look hurt, your shields suitably raised up. "Well... I guess he's just trying to do his job... could use with some better manners though... " She sighs. "Let's go up, shall we?" "Yes, lets'" She moves, letting you go first. As soon as you reach the ship's surface deck, you look down. "Damn... I think I lost a glove down here! Give me a moment"
You sigh, turn and look at the sea. She climbs up half a minute later and joins you. "Hey.. are you still mad about this?" she says putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah," you say. It’s true that you orchestrated this. But a part of you expected Ricardo to ruin your plan and tell Steel to go fuck himself. And he didn’t. And you felt alone again.  You *are* made about it. For real. 
 And so you spend the rest of the trip, venting about Steel with Elyise.
Steel called you Ortega's lost puppy. But it's Ortega who looks the part in the end. Standing by himself, wanting to approach you but knowing you’re furious. 
You're not sure if that's a reason to celebrate. The whole thing just makes you drift apart from them. And Ortega is... you don’t know what he is, but he’s definitely more than a friend, and you can’t talk to him now. 
Oh well. 
At least Elyise is your friend now.  
My fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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kenzieam · 6 years
Surrender to the Call - Chapter Two (Bucky X Lev)
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Rating: M (language, violence, mentions of torture and abuse, eventual smut, angst)
Genre: Drama/Angst
@captstefanbrandt @iammarylastar @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @notimetoblog @captain-ariel-barnes @jaamesbbarnes @lancefvcker @bitsandbobsandstuff @softlybarnes @lovelybbarnes @buckitybarnes @bucky-plums-barnes  @moonbeambucky @badassbaker @citylights221 @empress-of-boujee @tbetz0341 @chook007 @shynara51 @diinofayce @casestudy-mw  @jewels2876 @damnaged-princess @everythingisoverrated @allmyfanficfaves @melgoodwin @clarabella960 @curvybihufflepuff @plaidcat4815 @angryschnauzer @wowspideyholland @sergeantwhitewolf@smilexcaptainx  @shirukitsune
If I missed any tag requests, I apologize!!
**Potential Triggers, please read with caution**
Hey guys…. so ‘The Call of the Void’ is over, and I ended it on a cliffhanger….. sorry about that. Here is the sequel ‘Surrender to the Call’.
Lev has been recaptured by HYDRA, will Bucky be able to save her this time?
All dialogue in BOLD is Russian.
“What did she say?” Steve asked, heart sinking; Bucky looked like he’d just had his heart torn out.
He took a deep, steadying breath and answered. “She said ‘You are still my mission, Asset’.”
Steve looked sharply at Bucky, forehead furrowed.  
They were right back where they’d first started with Lev; the first time they’d rescued her from that abandoned base in Siberia. There was no trace of the woman they loved and cared for, the woman that owned Bucky’s heart and soul.
Lev slammed the flat of her fist against the glass and her lips twisted into a sneer when the men on the other side jumped. With a sigh, there was no point of it anymore, not with Lev seemingly able to see through it, Bruce reached over and flicked the switch that changed the glass from one to two-way.  
Lev’s predatory gaze didn’t waver, but her lips curled back from her teeth and she slowly ran her tongue along her canines as she assessed the men in front of her. After a moment, she turned her head and spoke a rapid-fire burst of Russian at Steve; he looked to Bucky for a translation.
Bucky sighed, rubbing the side of his hand roughly across his mouth. “She said, ‘it’s good to see you again, Captain. It’s been a long time.’ She’s -”
He was interrupted by Levi’s sudden laugh, a twisted, sardonic bark. Once more she hit the glass, the flat of her hands this time, and pushed away from the surface, storming away and sitting silently in a corner, folding surprisingly gracefully into a cross-legged position. Her eyes closed and her face relaxed, as if she were meditating.
“What the fuck do we do now?” Bruce muttered. 
Five more hours passed before Tony returned to the Tower. He looked like hell when Steve, Bucky and Bruce met him in the main briefing room, his voice raspy when he asked for a report on Lev’s condition, wincing when he learned the extent of her problems.  
“Jesus,” he mumbled.  
“What about the agreement? Is Lev clear?” Bucky asked, fists clenched in anxiety.
“They want to question her-”
“No. Not gonna happen.” Bucky snapped.
Steve leaned forward to diffuse Bucky’s growl. “She’s not going to say anything.... Tony, she’s just like before, closed off, pure HYDRA. They’d have better luck getting blood from a stone.”
“Yeah, and like I said, they went further this time; chemically enhanced her, cognitive subversion. She’s like a Rage infected ‘roid freak.”
Bucky snarled furiously at Bruce, slamming his metal fist on the table. “Fuck off Green Giant-”
Steve slashed through the air in front of both men with his hand. “Stop it!” Returning his attention to Tony he spoke again, his voice resigned. “It’s pointless, if she says anything, it’ll be a lie, a game. And either way, she’s not in the right frame of mind for what could be taken as a criminal interrogation. How secure is your agreement that she won‘t be held responsible for any of this?”
Tony shrugged. “If their attempts to destroy HYDRA are successful, then pretty secure; but if they need a scapegoat....” he trailed off uncertainly.  
“They can’t prosecute her! She’s a victim-” Bucky began, eyes widening in shock.
“And the country will want retribution. Someone’s head will roll for this, and if they can’t get the ringmasters from HYDRA, they’ll want Lev’s.” Tony replied, sounding exhausted.
“So much for your fucking negotiations! They’re going to destroy my girl like a fucking dog because you couldn’t-”
Steve slammed his fists on the table and both Tony and Bucky, who’d been leaning towards each other, readying to attack, pushed guardedly backwards, eyeing each other warily.  
Steve took a deep breath. “Tony, I thought we had assurance that Lev would be protected?”
Tony shrugged, earning a warning growl from the scowling brunette across the table from him. “She was willing to agree to pretty much anything at the time, but she’s much more calculating about it now.”  
“She can’t do that!” Bucky snapped.
“She’s the President, yes she can.” Tony sounded so tired.
“You can’t let her!”
“How, Tin Man? Start up some kind of Waco stand-off if they come for her?”
“Lev is an Avenger! She’s loyal to you!”
“Until HYDRA started stirring up her brains-”
“FUCK YOU!” Bucky roared, launching himself across the briefing table. Only Steve’s lightning fast reflexes saved Tony from the full brunt of Bucky’s attack, and the two serum-enhanced men crashed to the floor in a tangle of thrashing limbs and bellows of rage, Steve’s voice rising in desperation as he tried to calm his friend.
Tony had the sense to shut up and stumbled back from his chair, bracing himself against the wall, watching the wild scrabble at his feet. Bucky’s eyes flashed murder when they caught his.
“This! Isn’t! Helping!” Steve shouted, struggling with all his strength to restrain Bucky, his nose trickled blood from a well-placed fist and his heart hammered in his chest. This might be it, when Bucky finally snapped and killed Tony Stark.  
“Stop it!” Steve screamed directly in Bucky’s ear. “Think of Lev! Don’t make this worse!!”  
Bucky instantly went slack in Steve’s desperate grip, his eyes nearly black with heartache and sorrow. His chest heaved with exertion and emotion, his jaw clenched. He pushed Steve away suddenly, with surprising strength and stood, Steve clamoring to restrain him again.
“I am thinking of Lev.” Bucky retorted, his deep voice tremulous. “I won’t let you sell her out. You try, and I’ll kill you.”
His promise hanging heavy in the air, Bucky turned and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.
Steve turned back to Tony, panting for breath and scowled.
Tony had the grace to look sheepish.  
Although it hurt, like razors across his skin, like a lashing across his back (something HYDRA had done more than once in his seventy years at the Winter Soldier), Bucky was drawn again to the sub-basement.  
Lev was pacing again, stripped down to a muscle shirt and sweats that had been left for her on the cot. The changes her body had undergone were sickeningly obvious without her armor and combat gear. There was almost zero fat on her body, only corded, hard muscle, the type that is built through harsh, painful training, pushing past your boundaries constantly, tearing and reforming tissue constantly. Her knuckles were bloodied and scabbed and fresh scars littered her visible skin.  
Gone was any trace of her gentle femininity, her tempest-in-a-teapot elegance, a lethal ballerina; the certainty that, although she looked like a Victoria’s Secret Angel, she could and would kick your ass and you’d still like it. Left was brutal violence, rage and savagery. Her hands no longer looked capable of the feather-soft caresses that always set Bucky’s heart alight, prompting a bone-deep relaxation and contentment like he’d never felt before; instead they looked ready to tear and ravage, break bones as easily as it was breaking Bucky’s heart to see her like this.
His Levi was gone.  
Could she be found again?
Bucky startled out of his thoughts, locking eyes with her. She’d stopped pacing and was now crowding the glass again, seemingly larger, as if her rage was making her grow. Gone was the gentle amethyst glow, the faint teasing lift at the corners of her full lips. Her jaw and cheekbones looked razor sharp, ready to cut and draw blood.  
“I’m not the Asset anymore.” He answered.
“You can’t escape it.”
“I did.”
“Did you?” The words were flat, mocking.  
“Yes, and you will too.”
Levi threw her head back and roared, a derisive, sneering sound so unlike her normally harmonious laugh. Dropping her head again she fixed Bucky with such a cold, heartless look that his blood froze; he’d never felt such desolation, not even as the Winter Soldier; Lev’s very soul was barren and bleak, devastated, a wasteland.  
“Tell yourself another fairytale, Asset.”
Bucky turned quickly away, fighting sudden tears. This was a mistake, he was too vulnerable, weakened too much by his love for Lev to be able to handle this change, this monster wearing her skin.
“She fought it... for you.”
Bucky couldn’t stop a shudder; every nerve ending screamed to run from the room, but his feet wouldn’t move, he crossed trembling arms across his massive chest, heart hammering a shaken tattoo.  
Lev continued conversationally, speaking in ghoulish third-person. "She screamed your name, twisted and fought the restraints; even when the agents were holding her down and savaging her...  she screamed for you.”
“SHUT UP!” Bucky roared, whirling back, fists clenched, chest heaving.
Lev laughed again, reptilian cunning in her eyes. "She screamed so sweetly, I love the sound of pain-”
Bucky launched himself at the glass, slamming against it with an inarticulate scream of mixed rage and anguish. Somehow, through the red haze, Bucky saw glittering triumph in Lev’s eyes and he staggered back, shaking. This was exactly what HYDRA wanted, they’d corrupted her in every way they could, morphing her body into a killer, and her mind into a remorseless sociopath.      
“Bucky! Bucky, save me!” Her voice, rough and harsh, mocked in a gruesome falsetto, shredding the words and the remaining pieces of Bucky’s heart.  
Bucky screamed in wordless agony, clawing at his face, his mind treating him to an unfiltered, horrific vision; Lev screaming, tears streaking down her bleeding face, eyes wild and rolling, blood-stained teeth bared in a keening wail of anguish and misery, fighting with every remaining ounce of her strength to resist the HYDRA agents swarming her, the wild fear, because she knew what was coming... again, as they flipped the switch on the memory suppressor another time, her body convulsing in agony as the last traces of her former life were torn from her mind-
Arms banded around him suddenly and dragged him away. Sound broke through to him again, and he realized that Steve was here, Steve was pulling him away, shouting in his ear.  
“Bucky! BUCK! CALM DOWN!”  
Bucky went limp, beyond exhausted and Steve dragged him from the room, Lev’s maniacal laughter ripping at the tattered remains of his sanity. With a grunt Steve slammed the heavy doors shut then turned back, catching Bucky as he staggered, before he fell.  
“She’s gone, Steve,” Bucky broke down, clawing at his friend’s shoulders, body shaking. “She’s gone, they took her and turned her into that thing-” his voice cracked and he couldn’t finish, dropping his exhausted head to Steve’s shoulder, his body trembling with mingled exhaustion and anguish. His vision swirled grey, then black.
A headache pounded behind his eyes as Bucky hesitantly, reluctantly opened them. It was quiet, and his muddled mind was slow to recognize his own quarters, the soft feel of the duvet beneath him, Lev’s favorite, the one he’d clung to since her capture, cried into each night as he desperately breathed in her fading scent.  
His eyes drifted shut again, unable to hold them open. He was so exhausted, both physically and mentally, bone weary and sick to death. The... creature they’d recaptured from HYDRA was beyond horrific, a sadistic monster who wanted to watch the world burn. It was such a polar opposite from the gentle soul that he loved; the beautiful, both inside and out, woman that he was soul-mated to.  
Could Lev come back from this? This was much worse, worlds apart from the first time. Then, they’d rescued a broken girl, now, they’d retrieved a soulless killer, a remorseless demon. Tears squeezed out from under his lids and trickled down his temples.  
His head turned, wincing, eyes reluctantly opening, when someone cleared their throat beside him.
“Steve,” he rasped, throat dry.  
Steve nodded absently. His bottom lip was swollen and red, like he’d been chewing and worrying at it constantly. He took a deep breath. “What was she saying to you?”
Bucky exhaled tremulously as her words came screaming back to him, all the hateful venom fresh. “She uh.... she said Lev fought,” his voice broke, despite his efforts. “Fought for me, screamed my name as the agents held her down-” he couldn’t finish and looked away.
“She was using third-person? Like her and Lev are completely different people?” Steve sounded perplexed and he rubbed his jaw distractedly, the stubble rasping.  
“Yeah,” Bucky looked upwards, blinking, trying to keep fresh tears from falling. “Lev’s not in there, Steve. It’s a totally different person, a monster wearing her skin.”      
Steve sighed, an exhausted exhale and rubbed roughly at his eyes. “What can we do?”
Bucky shrugged. “Maybe Shuri can help again? Get that HYDRA poison out of her mind? We’d still have the physical problems, but maybe... maybe Levi is still in there.”
Steve picked at his jeans, worrying at a small hole. “They still want to question her, but it’s looking like they’ve gotten some good intel from that captured agent, God knows what they did to get it.”
“So, that bitch will keep her end of the bargain? I’d have let her family burn if I’d known she was going to go back on her word like that.”
“No, you wouldn't.” Steve replied tiredly.
No, probably not... “I doubt they’ll get much, she either forgotten it or just refuses to use English, they’ll need a translator.”
Steve grimaced, eyeing Bucky sheepishly.  
“Me.” Bucky grumbled. The last place he wanted to be right now was back with Lev, translating her answers and listening to the full extent of his love’s corruption.  
“Nat is... Jesus, Buck, she won’t even leave her quarters, if it wasn’t for Clint she wouldn’t even eat.”
Bucky nodded absently, while he’d been in absolute hell these past months, Nat had been right beside him and, more than once, Clint had been the only thing standing between her and utter destruction. She’d emerged from her self-imposed hell for the recovery mission, but the shape Lev had been in when they’d rescued her had sent her scurrying right back. “When do they want to talk to her?”
“Soon. Go eat something jerk, you look like hell.”
“Pot, meet kettle.” Bucky grunted.
This is going nowhere, Bucky thought to himself, biting back a snarl as the same question was asked again. The President had the decency to look unnerved, but the agent that had accompanied her to do the actual interrogation was ice-cold.  
“Please explain where you were during the Embassy bombing in Moscow.” The agent asked, again.
Bucky exhaled, doing his best to hide his exasperation and translated the agent’s exact words to Lev, who was lounging against the glass, thoroughly enjoying herself.  
Lev smirked covertly, in a ‘we have a secret’ way at Bucky then began speaking earnestly and enthusiastically in flawless Russian.  
Bucky listened, forcing himself to keep a straight face. " You expect me to tell them that?” He asked flatly.  
Lev laughed heartedly and nodded, eyes dancing with amusement.  
“I can’t say that.”
“Do it Asset, translate for me.”
Bucky glared daggers at her, she was putting him in an awkward position, as she had been for the last half-hour, with her increasingly ridiculous and mocking answers.  
“What did it say?” The agent asked sharply, he couldn’t even be bothered to address Lev as a human.  
Bucky sighed, glaring balefully at Lev one final time. “She said ‘frolicking in a meadow, singing ‘The Sound of Music’.
The President huffed and the agent’s face went an interesting shade of puce.
“She really said that?” The agent snapped.
“You think I would make it up?”
“Covering for your girlfriend? Yes, I do.”
Steve intervened smoothly, stepping in front of Bucky while Tony intervened with the agent.  
“We explained at the beginning that we believed she would be unhelpful. If you don’t believe Sargeant Barnes, you’re welcome to bring in another translator, but HYDRA has corrupted both her body and mind; it’s as useless to interrogate her as it is to hold her responsible for HYDRA’s actions. She is a victim, just like-”
“DO NOT compare that... creature to the innocent people that were killed or wounded or just flat out disappeared.” The President commanded, eyes flashing.                                                                                        
Tony nodded crisply. “Alright, but she is not responsible; you agreed to that and we upheld our end of the bargain, your family is safe.”
The President flinched ever so slightly, her gaze moving abruptly to Steve and Bucky. Bucky was waiting tensely, trying to control his breathing, while Steve stood beside him, his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm his volatile friend.  
“Fine.” The President agreed abruptly. She glared disdainfully at Lev, who grinned merrily back. “I am bound by my word, and I cannot afford to have you, Mr. Stark, or the Avengers as enemies; I will need your help to crush the remnants of HYDRA. Do what you can with her, rehabilitate her but rest assured we will be monitoring her progress. If you fail to restore her to her former self and remove this... dangerous corruption, then we will have to intervene.”
“And do what?” Bucky growled.
The agent answered, a faint glimmer in his eyes. “Rabid animals are usually destroyed, Sargeant.”    
Steve tightened his hand on Bucky’s shoulder in warning and it took all of Bucky’s considerable restraint to not react.  
“I’ll escort you out.” Tony said, his tone professional, gesturing with his arm. The President nodded to her agent then turned to follow Tony.
“The hills are aaallliivvveee-” Lev purred, too low for anyone but Steve and Bucky to hear. The men waited until the metal doors had shut before turning angrily towards her.  
“Lev? What the hell was that?” Steve demanded. “It’s obvious you can still speak English.”
“Calm yourself, comrade.” Lev replied scathingly. Her reptilian eyes flicked to Bucky. "I made the Captain swear, my love.”
Bucky flinched. Lev’s voice was scathing, acerbic, mocking. Her pet name slashed at his soul with rusty claws, tearing deep and the twitch of her lips said she knew exactly how badly it had hurt.  
Taking a large step backwards, Lev braced her feet shoulder-width apart and crossed her arms over her chest. The teasing glint in her eyes died instantly, her violet eyes going cold and dark.  
“Take your sniveling elsewhere, you shame our masters.”
Breathing hard, Bucky just stared at Lev for a long moment, unable to reconcile this... monster with his Lev; in a way, this side of her was worse than the raging beast, this showed cruel intelligence, a psychopathic streak of callous, sadistic evil.  
Bucky turned and fled, fighting to control his racing heart.
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Betty Crocker Headquarters:  Arrival
JADESPRITE: -She drifts -- or rather nyooms down toward the lakehouse encampment, green glowy gooing her way through one of the walls and looking around for just about anyone that's in sight.-
DIRK: -HE'S HERE. just sitting around the living area with his leg bouncing restlessly. he glances in jadesprite's direction when she oozes in.-
JADESPRITE: everyone
JADESPRITE: we need to go
DIRK: What's up?
JADESPRITE: somethings happening at the hq
JADESPRITE: terezis there
JADESPRITE: i think this might be our chance
JOHN: -stands up- 👀
ROSE: -She's fiddling with her needles. The creepy ivory quills she got from deep down on LOMAT. She's going to be using them pretty soon, it seems, might as well be ready.-
ROSE: You mean already?
JADESPRITE: -she nods- we should head there now
JADESPRITE: im sure shes going to need our help
JOHN: -isn't terezi supposed to be dead??? but now is no time for questions he has BEEN ready for action.-
JADESPRITE: where is everyone else? we should get everyone
URSAIS: -SHE'S HERE TOO. Bear rumble.- should i rally th' troops? they're on standby.
ROSE: Some injured, but I suppose most of us are... around the area.
ROSE: Do you have a large bell we could ring to summon them? Communicators would probably tip them off.
JOHN: i have an airhorn.
DISCIPLE: -her eyes peek from atop a shelf-
JOHN: -he really wants to use the airhorn.-
DIRK: Use the airhorn.
JOHN: yesssssssss.
JOHN: -....-
JOHN: -dramatic pause-
DIRK: -🙏-
JOEY: should we come up with a battle cry?
LATULA: -well shit an airhorn wakes her up-
JOHN: (ehehehehhehhehehe.)
JOHN: put up your dukes! it's time to fight!
PENNY: -GROGGY AS SHIT. Walks in.- ugh????
ULFURA: -She's currently outside, just feeding and petting this GIANT ASS DRAGONFLY. Her precious...-
HEITOR: -probably fiddling with the electricity or something-
URSAIS: -texts her and everyone.-
URSAIS: -i really need to think of a cool name for this little abnd of rebels but for now you're just URSAIS'S CREW.-
ULFURA: -At this message, she runs to the lakehouse door and all but KICKS it open.-
PENNY: -squints at everyone...-
HESONY: =He's just been looming in a corner this entire time but was currently ourside on self-appointed guard duty. Since they arrived, he has been uncharacteristically quiet. Best not draw any unnecessary attention to himself and all that.=
URSAIS: we'rRe goin'. and we'rRe gon bring the pain. t' wherRe the fightin is thickest. -glances at dirk.-
ERIDAN: -was watching Sunny this whole time from his brooding place in the ice cream truck. Yeah he knows that color and name bruh. He knows it.-
MICEXA: -She's already paying attention to all this... and heading out to tell Sunny what's up. ANOTHER FACE ERIDAN CAN RECOGNIZE, INCIDENTALLY.-
ERIDAN: -He's reading all about it on the Alternia newsfeeds, don't worry.-
ERIDAN: -taking this time to change back into his combat gear. Good thing he's outside.-
HESONY: Hey. =he replies, his expression softening a fraction.= Are we moving again?
MICEXA: To the HQ.
JOHN: are we gonna go grab jake? my dad? -IF THEY WERE BRIEFED ON A PLAN...john might've just forgotten it.-
HESONY: =stares like she just grew an extra head= What.
JOHN: -forgive him-
JADESPRITE: it seems like terezi is going to try to get them out
JADESPRITE: but of course if they need help we will help them
ROSE: Death really doesn't take the way it used to, does it?
JADESPRITE: no, it doesnt
JADESPRITE: theres definitely something different about her, though
JOHN: lucky for us! -laughs nervously-
JADESPRITE: ... -glances around like maybe she shouldn't have said that-
JADESPRITE: either way, we need to get moving
JADESPRITE: -floats toward the wall-
DIRK: -just grunts about that and tries to raise his voice over everyone's excitement- Ok, I need some of you to stay here and watch the injured. The rest of you follow Jadesprite.
DIRK: ... Like, through the door.
MICEXA: ... This is it.
JOHN: -just starts shuffling towards the door even though he's a doctor....-
JADESPRITE: -schlorps through the wall on that note!-
PENNY: .... so whos stayin?
DIRK: -points at rose's white board of THE INJURED.- If you're on this list, you're not going.
DIRK: That means you, Redglare.
HESONY: =he laughs, shaking his head= We're going towards the people who want to kill us...
HESONY: =he patted her shoulder and squeezed it.= Okay. We don't stop.
ROSE: -...one dagger-
MICEXA: -she reaches up to cover his hand with hers, her grip a little tighter.-
MICEXA: You don't leave my side.
DAELOS: -Also not too happy about this arrangement because he's on that list.-
PENNY: what about Riley?? shes sure as fuck not going.
DIRK: Of course she's not.
DIRK: -LOOKS AROUND SUSPICIOUSLY... is she trying to sneak away...-
HESONY: Wouldn't dream of it.
DEREK: -walks in- Dont worry I locked her in the bathroom.
HESONY: =also dropping eaves on the people behind them=
PENNY: good deal.
ROXANNE: Good call. -At Derek, yes shes totally been here.-
PENNY: I uh.
PENNY: (God damn it.)
PENNY: I can stay and watch her.
PENNY: and the rest of you folks. nobody get any crazy ideas.
JOHN: -where's kankri? john wants to make sure he stays behind with his tiny knife and otherwise complete lack of being able to defend himself, but also one more hug would't be bad...-
KANKRI: -Hes certainly staying behind to take care of people, he knows he and his little knife would be useless on this type of mission.-
MICEXA: .... -sighs a tightly held breath before glancing at the dragonfly.- \|/e should start boarding up.
REDGLARE: 3xcus3 m3?
REDGLARE: Who 1s th1s wom4n. D1d w3 just... coll3ct h3r.
PENNY: from the dump specifically.
KANKRI: -John so help him dont you be reckless.-
PENNY: hi. Im your new nanny.
JOHN: -He's going to be as nonreckless as you can be while you smash people with a hammer and use magic wind powers.-
KANKRI: -J o hn.-
HESONY: =he nodded giving her shoulder one more squeeze. No more promises of living through this. That only ever brought back luck.=
URSAIS: -MOUNTS THIS DRAGON FLY like it's no big deal.-
MICEXA: -Well, she's going to do her best to make sure it's true, even if unspoken. She heads for the dragonfly.-
MINDFANG: -Also she is ready to brawl, she even did some maintenance on her arm even without your help Hesony. Now it probably wont fall off while she fights.-
ULFURA: ALRIGHT COME ON GET YOUR FANNIES ON BOARD!!! -gestures aggressively at the many rows of carrying seats on this dragonfly's butt.-
RUFIOH: -Waiting outside for people to gather... he's anxious as he shuffles his wings but. Didn't come here to sit on his ass. As much as he would like to. Shit's scary...-
ROXANNE: -Climbing on board with no time to waste, shes got important people to save.-
HESONY: =yeah, but i bet that piston still sticks, Wolfchow=
JOHN: -While he's huging people, Dirk and Rose also get a squeeze b4 they board. Wait? Is that Rufioh? Also hugged? Meulin? Hugged.- be safe you guys!!!  
LATULA: -HUP. She's climbing on-- she got used to the dragonfly a while ago, slinging out her rifle as she takes a seat.-
LATULA: 41ght!!!!
JOHN: -he's very liberal with these warm hugs.-
MEULIN: -HEY SHE IS HERE, peering out from around the lakehouse.- AH--
MEULIN: -snugs JOHN!!-
MICEXA: -climbs RIGHT ON BOARD. It's possible she's ridden something similar before at some point as well... but either way, she's not hesitating to get a move on.-
URSAIS: -sitted near the front.-
JOHN: -after he's done spreading his love around, he hover into one of the farthest seats cuz tha back of the rollercoaster is always the most fun.-(
LIFERA: -She runs out and climbs on board, too, also toward the back. She figures they're going to need people watching the butt.-
HESONY: =clambers on=
SOLLUX: -And he, meanwhile, finally drags himself out of the lakehouse. His appearances have been infrequent, but he's here now, quiet as he navigates awkwardly toward the dragonfly and then floats himself into a seat.-
SOLLUX: -MAY HAVE SAT ON SOMEONE??? We just don't know.-
SOLLUX: -hello-
SOLLUX: -is this what seats are supposed to feel like???????-
URSAIS: -....clears her throat. casually picks him up and places him into the seat next to her instead.-
SOLLUX: .... 0h.
URSAIS: safety first 'n all.
SOLLUX: -slowly rests face in hands.-
SOLLUX: -there's no other choice. he's going to have to die today.-
DIRK: -you son of a fuck-
HESONY: =pondering how this crew has survived for so long=
DIRK: -no fuck you-
JOHN: -the ones staying behind, i mean.-
[[ WHAT AN EXPEDIENT PROCESS. Once everyone going is on, Ulfura eyeballs the whole troupe. ]]
KARKAT: =is here=
ERIDAN: -Hi everyone. This fish is here. Most people probably don't know who he is??? He's just a guy sitting here with a big gun in his lap, half his face wrapped up in scarf.-
ERIDAN: - >> -
ERIDAN: -Yeah, true.-
ULFURA: -climbs the dragonfly and gets on the upper part of its back, grabbing reins and settling in up there.-
ROSE: As ready as I can possibly find myself, yes.
JOHN: heck yes!!!
JOHN: let's try our best everyone. -anime voice on purpose-
JOHN: -the only way to respond to this horrifying situation is to be INCESSANTLY CHEERFUL.-
SOLLUX: (i swear t0 g0d egbert.)
JOHN: (ehehehhe. get fucked.)
RUFIOH: -gonna be flying with the gang off to the side... Gives the dragonfly a pat though. Wishing it the best of luck and a safe flight.-
URSAIS: go ahea' and kick off, pupper.
URSAIS: we got a lot a shit to do an little time t' do it in.
ARANEA: -does rufioh mind if she joins him? her wings are getting strength back but she figures she needs them for the battle... so she's giving them a stretch!-
[[ The dragonfly flickers its wings in buggy acknowledgement. It feels so FRESH and reassured now. ]]
RUFIOH: -He does not mind at all. Side eyes Aranea.-
DAELOS: -stares through the window in the rain at her. he wants to slay their enemies alongside her again. :(-
ARANEA: -reaches dramatically for daelos with her heart...-
ULFURA: LET'S DO THIS!!! COME ON FLAP FLAPS!!! -tugs the reins gently and nudges the dragonfly with her communing powers-
ARANEA: ::::) -at rufioh-
DAELOS: -just be as ruthless as possible for him-
[[ The dragonfly suddenly lurches, kicking off from the ground, and its wings start flapping wildly to take them up into the sky. Takeoff and landing is the hardest part. ]]
RUFIOH: -pchooooooooooo time to fly!-
URSAIS: -This part always makes her a little queasy. She doesn't like being off the ground. ʕ灬→ᴥ←灬ʔ-
ERIDAN: -scrunches up his face at the wind buffeting his hair. He thinks he smells rain on the horizon...-
JOHN: -basically uneffected-
[[ They rise into the sky quickly, if not weaving side to side a few times between the wind and the dragonfly adjusting to its new weight. It soars above the treetops, higher into chillier air. The pressure and wind aren't super comfortable, but Ulfura keeps it from going too high. They're on the way, headed straight for Golden Valley. ]]
ROSE: -Twirling those needles in her hands, thinking. Working off nerves. This... really is happening. The flying doesn't bother her-- it's everything else. It's the fact that she can't even fathom seeing something useful with her powers, or the fact that she can hardly conjure a spark. She just focuses on breathing. Deep breaths. Think. Don't get impaled by a fork.-
ROXANNE: -Is probably sitting next to Rose, because its unlikely she would let anyone else take the seat next to her daughter right now.-
ROXANNE: -And she also glances at her with a touch of concern, but unfortunately most of her expression is just determined sternness for what is to come.-
JOHN: -YELLING to be heard above the wing flaps and buffeting air.- SO! I DON'T THINK. I KNOW THE NAMES OF LIKE ...75 PERCENT OF YOU. YOU WANNA LIKE...TELL ME THEM? -he has his own ways of working out his nervousness.-
ERIDAN: -No. Giving John the cold shoulder. Don't look at him, motherfucker...-
JOHN: -He has his eyeballs on you Eridan. All over you.-
MICEXA: ... -does she even want to yell above this wind...-
HESONY: .... =well he sure isn't going to be an ass! He glanced up to see a flying human. Okay. He will accept this.= ....Hesony. =He says, in his regular voice.=
MICEXA: -side eyes Sunny like pls-
HESONY: =EXCUSE only FRIENDS call him that. Whatever=
HESONY: Greetings, John.
MICEXA: -gosh.... she loves this grumpy doofus-
MINDFANG: -John do not thank them for anything.-
MICEXA: -just sort of softly grunts at that.-
JOHN: - He doesn't know these are the peeps that fucked up his friends otherwise he might be less friendly. -
HESONY: =Anything for Terezi's friends, no matter how ungrateful they are.=
HESONY: No problem. =he says instead=
ERIDAN: -gazing at these legislacerators. Saying nothing. Sipping tea with just the look in his eyes.-
[[ Below them, they'll being to see signs of smoke and fire, and the vague sounds of explosions and weaponry through the buffetting wind. In patches where they can see, it looks like there are scattered Alternian troops fighting little scads of rebels. The further they go, the more fire there is. Looks like quite a few things blew up down there. ]]
MICEXA: -why's this bitch got an in flight beverage...-
LATULA: sh1t dud3 th4t lookz pr3tty n4sty.
LATULA: no off3ns3 but 4r3 your p33poz gonn4 b3 4bl3 to hold out?
JOHN: - promptly shuts up at this point. he's totally stoked and not sick/scared-
[[ The dragonfly sways here and there to try to avoid the plumes of smoke. It's likely Ulfura is guiding it around them; bugs tend to react badly to signs of fire. ]]
URSAIS: - bracing herself- worRy bout yerRselves.. we'rRe used t' this. shit.
URSAIS: an' stay brRave.
SOLLUX: -he doesn't seem to react much there next to Ursais... just tilted his face out toward the outside of the seat, almost like he would be looking down at the ground if he could see.-
[[ They fly over lakes and green landscape -- it would be beautiful in just about any other circumstance, but today, the serenity of the landscape only seems to be feel cold and empty for the reality of what's happening below. ]]
JOHN: -equips Zillyhoo. It makes him feel better, even if it does put chanting voices in the back of his head.-
JOHN: -zi-hi-hi-hilly hoo~-
URSAIS: -ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง-
HESONY: =Same, Sparky Jr. Cept he has eyes. You dont. Neener neener neener.=
ARADIA: -by sollux cuz you don't get to brood alone-
DIRK: -ha, that gives him an opportunity to brood alone too. YOU CAN'T STOP HIM HE'S IN CHARGE.-
SOLLUX: -oh so now YOU'RE in ursais' lap???-
DIRK: -he might as well straight up be doin the thinker pose he's so contemplative right now-
ARADIA: -where am I...I am everywhere...-
SOLLUX: -just hoping she's flying alongside him tbh-
SOLLUX: -just out there smiling and being a creep-
[[ As they fly along, they'll finally start to see it breaching the line of the trees. The headquarters turned into something almost fortresslike, and empty expanse instead of trees -- water surrounds the building on all sides, centering it in a huge lake. Sticking out of the water nearby is a giant silhouette-style statue, but instead of the businessman it used to be, it's in the shape of )(er Imperious Condescension. ]]
[[ The building has been rebranded, of course. Instead of the original spoon, there's a bright red trident. ]]
ROSE: -eyes that silouette. plz...-
JOHN: :/
DIRK: -squints at all this. that's where they're being held... they're so close he thinks his heart is about to jump right out of his chest. he's never not anxious, of course, but the possibility of him or anyone dying here has never felt more real.-
QIRIN: How charming. ^_^
DAVENFORTH: Qirin please
JOHN: okay if we win or finish early can we all mutually agree that needs to be heavily vandalized or blown the fuck up.
LIFERA: -just staring at this statue. It's ridiculous, but also... it's so huge. It looks like the way the Condesce feels -- larger than life, the figure that's loomed over her since she hatched. And now...-
DAVENFORTH: -Puts a hand on Lifera's thigh-
LIFERA: -She sort of jumps -- but only just barely, and looks over at Davenforth. She doesn't smile this time, but she acknowledges him.-
ERIDAN: -He more or less feels the same as Lifera about seeing these real actual headquarters. But with knowing NO ONE, he refuses to voice it. He fixes his eyes on the building, determined. Hopeless.-
QIRIN: =You stop that=
DAVENFORTH: -Squeezes gently. It's all cake baybe, we got this.-
QIRIN: =Get your pessimism out of the optimist club=
MICEXA: -yeah they're probs gonna die-
QIRIN: =what the fuck did i just say?=
ROXANNE: -Why do all you new people always assume we're going to die.-
HESONY: =because it HAPPENS that's why=
ROXANNE: -Nuh uh. No one is dying this time either, nope.-
HESONY: =thats what he said last time then terezi bit it=
[[ From closer they can also begin to see ships on the lake -- most of which appear to be Alternian in nature, but also some that aren't. There's a lot of pirate-style fighting going on down there. Boy howdy. ]]
JOHN: -Hhhhhh-
QIRIN: =Patience, my padawan=
ULFURA: -she's starting to weave this dragonfly even more now, to avoid any lines of fire they may ultimately end up in. They're beginning to do a slow circle around the headquarters building.-
URSAIS: ya did grReat now, pupperR.
[[ The dragonfly SWOOPS, knocking at the mainsail of one of the Alternian ships on its way around with some of its legs. It rattles everybody a little. ]]
DIRK: -(mccree voice) whoa there- =swears under his breath=
[[ The dragonfly finally swoops down to the platform entrance of the building -- it's almost a tight fit for such a big fucking bug with wide wings, but it manages. ]]  
[[ It lands with an even bigger rattle. ]]
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insomniasix · 7 years
Chapter IV -Living Legend - Part III
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Feedback is always appreciated! 
 “Titan.” The word left Six’s lips as a low whisper while she stared into the fiery eyes of her old friend, wondering why she couldn’t understand a word he said. She could only comprehend what the boys could. Gibberish sounds and a really angry glare. What was with him?
“Goddamn…” Noctis swore, getting back to his feet “This is the Archean?”
Six didn’t answer. She didn’t have anything to say about the giant in front of them that they didn’t already know.
“Seems we woke the big guy up.” Gladio thought out loud, gently getting hold of her hand and drawing her back with them “You alright?”
“He’s trying to tell us something.” Six flinched at the stinking pain she shared with Noctis “But what?”
“Noct!” Prompto’s voice was heard from above the fallen cliff “You okay?”
“Thank heavens you’re safe.” Ignis followed “Is there a way back up?” he asked, getting as close to the edge as he could, enough not to endanger himself or Prompto.
“Iggy? Prom? Stay away from the cliff!” Six ordered and they instantly took a step back “There’s a path.” She said once they stopped moving again “Gonna see where it leads.”
“You two try to get down.” Gladio yelled back at them and Ignis agreed with his plan.
“Very well. We’ll look for a way. Be careful, now!”
“You, too.” Noctis joined in the loud conversation.
“What?” they heard Prompto whine, almost in fear “We’re going where?”
“Don’t rush off on your own, huh?” Gladio turned his attention to Noctis, who was quickly stepping ahead of them.
“Don’t get left behind.” Noctis barked back, not changing his pace as Six rolled her eyes at their upcoming bickering.
“Wise guy.” Gladio continued before a pack of Dynoaevis flew above their heads “They’re on edge… let’s not ruffle their feathers any more.” He said and Six nodded in agreement, chuckling to herself as Noctis continued his little barbs.
“Um, try shutting your beak.” He said in a princely manner, moving his hand like a poncy brat.
“Just offering sound advice.” Gladio was starting to get pissed off and Six noticed. Shooting a glare at his direction as he squinted his eyes at the dark haired Prince while he continued with an exasperated sigh.
“Yeah, like a parrot in my ear.”
The three made quick work of the beasts. With Noctis and Six warping around in the air and Gladio striking the killing blow when the creatures were laying on the ground, the flying pack was out of the way faster than the lava around them burned the soles of their shoes.
“Here.” Six made her way to stand closer to Noctis, dematerializing her sword “You’re all dirty.” She said, whipping some of the ash on his cheeks as he frowned his brows at her sudden urge to mom him.
“Hey, over here.” Gladio pointed at a narrow passing at the edge of the mountain walls before making his way ahead “No room for error here.” He urged the two, plagued by headaches, to watch their step.
“No time to chill, either.” Noctis said, looking around nervously “Make it quick.”
“Hey.” Six grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and tugged him, making his attention dart back to her “Can you chill for five seconds? He’s doing the best he can to get both of our asses out of this hell hole.”
“Just want this to be over.” Noctis made a small pause at the end of every single word, moving through the broken road, his back stuck to the wall as the tips of his feet stuck out of the edge, making his footing unsteady as he moved in Gladio’s steps.
“I know, kid. You’re gonna make it.” Six reassured him, moving close behind him, one hand touching the stone behind her, steadying herself, while the other stood ready to catch Noctis if needed.
“Tremors… Hang on!” Gladio was quick to turn towards the two when yet another earthquake shook the ground underneath their feet, knowing that the aches usually hit right after.
“My head.�� Noctis whined softly, grabbing his head while trying to keep going.
“Of all the times…” Six breathed, mirroring the Prince’s actions.
“You two need to be on steady ground.” Gladio sounded worried “Let’s hurry the hell across.”
Noctis tried to keep a steady pace, moving behind his towering friend while the Glaive tried to keep an eye on him, squeezing her eyes shut in pain every second step “Noct, you doing alright?” she grunted.
“No…” he answered, breath picking up as the pain hit harder. He felt as if someone was pounding his head with a hammer, the rising heat around him not helping one second.
That’s when he appeared again. Titan’s gigantic hand, moving to break through the mountain rocks to get to them.
“Hey, buddy! What’s the big idea?” Six yelled back at the giant as his hand moved to grab whatever –or whoever –he could.
“Save it, we’ve got to get across!” Gladio ordered, everyone starting to move again at the sound of his voice.
“Faster!” Noctis picked up his pace, not caring about his pounding headache.
“Calm down.” Gladio urged him, doing the same “I’m going as fast as I can!”
The pounding in their heads was strong enough for Six to start losing focus on the moving hand, just a few inches before her face. Knowing the same thing was happening to Noctis she turned toward him fast, warping and catching him just seconds before he fell to the abyss under them. She called upon her weapon, throwing it right under him and warping through him on the lower level of the mountain. Luckily it was an open space, so they didn’t hit on anything as they both found themselves on the floor. Six holding Noctis close to her, making sure he wasn’t hurt before Gladio jumped down next to them as the Titan’s hand destroyed the passage they were walking on.
“If that’s his welcome,” Gladio said giving a helping hand to both of them “hate to see how he treats intruders.”
“He’s not mean.” Six said, mostly to herself, as she tried to understand why the Astral acted that way. Trying to understand if that was his way of getting Noctis to prove his worth.
“You wanna talk?” Noctis asked, seemingly to both Gladio and the Titan “So do I.”
“Glad the feeling’s mutual.” Gladio answered “Let’s move.”
The three moved further away from the attacking hand of the Titan, following the trail deeper in while Noctis kicked every piece of small rock he could find and grunted “I’m sick of this endless walking!”
“And I’m sick of your endless whining!” Gladio was off the edge now, grabbing Noctis’ arm and making him turn to look at just how mad he made him “Calm the hell down.” He ordered, taking him by the collar and making Six jump at his sudden outburst.
She just stood there, ready to act if needed; having a small battle with herself as to what she was supposed to do. It wouldn’t come down to it; but in case it did, what was she going to do? It was time to face the question that haunted her since the start.
“Get off my back.” Noctis whined.
“Are you a man of royal blood or aren’t you?” Gladio asked in a serious tone. Fiery eyes looking straight into Noctis’.
“Of course I am!” Noctis ordered, pushing Gladio off him “I couldn’t forget it if I tried. What about it?” he demanded to know.
“I ain’t saying that you’ve forgotten,” the Shield was calmer after hearing his answer and Six realized what he was doing, relaxing her posture and standing straight again, waiting to see where he was going with it “but you gotta know something: You’re not the only one who’s having a tough time!” he said, eyes darting between the Prince and his Glaive a couple of times as she let her eyes fall to the ground, not liking the feeling of becoming a burden “We’re all on edge.”
Silence fell over them for a second, before Gladio continued his chain of thought “We Amicitia are the king’s sworn shields.” His sentence sending shivers down Six’s spine, her mind traveled back to Gladio’s father, Clarus; her friend. Noctis realized where this was going too. Lowering his head and listening carefully to his friend’s words, drawing strength from them. From him.
“Guard the king with our lives –that’s the way it’s always been. I’ve embraced my duty.” He looked up at Six, blessing her with a warm smile, knowing she understood the feeling “And I take pride in it.” Gladio turned his attention to Noctis once again, hitting his fist on his chest, giving power and meaning to his words.
“When you can’t focus, I focus for you. It’s my job, so let me do it, alright?” he turned to move ahead but Six stopped him, placing her hand on his lower back as he turned to look at her.
“I’m so proud of you.” she mouthed, silently and he graced her with one of her favorite side smiles before winking at her and moving ahead.
“Come on.” She moved her head for Noctis to start follow again and he was kind of surprised at how sweet her voice was, how calming and caring.
Gladio’s words and Six’s voice lit a fire in Noctis’ heart. He was once again focused on his task. Determent to fight, not only for himself, but for them as well.
“Sorry,” Gladio said after they were on their way again “but I had to get it out.”
“And remember, don’t rush ahead on your own.” Six momed him again.
“Hey, Gladio.” Noctis said “Your dad… I’m grateful to him.” He moved closer to Six, tugging her arm and making her look at him “To you too.” He smiled warmly.
“Just doing our job.” Six smiled back.
“Is that your phone?” Gladio asked, both him and Noctis turning towards her as she answered.
“Ignis?” she answered after looking at the name on the screen, almost wondering how it was still working.
“You’re safe.” She heard him let out a breath he was seemingly holding in, in between the static of the low signal “Good. Listen, imperial troops are near.”
“What is it?” Noctis asked.
“Got cut off.” She answered, pointing higher up at the Niflheim drop-ships “But I got the idea.”
“It’s about to get even hotter in here.” Gladio commented on the news, moving ahead through the burning surroundings to the clearing straight in front of the Archean “We finally made it.”
“I know.” Noctis said, swiping off some of the sweat building on his forehead.
That’s when they noticed them. Imperials assassins! Right in their way.
They never got the chance to deal with them; as Titan’s hand swiped from the sky and sent the MT’s flying through the air, crashing on each other when they hit the rocks and exploding.
“Hey! I’m here!” Noctis yelled at the Astral in a wave of bravery.
The Titan began his gibberish again, sending a wave of pain on both Noctis and Six’s brains “What the hell is it you want?” the prince mattered, mostly to himself before raising his voice against him again “Quit screwing with our heads!”
“NOCT!” Six screamed, opening her eyes right as the Titan had clenched his fist, aiming it at Noctis.
“You gotta be kidding me.” He breathed before he saw her materializing in front of him, taking most of the punch as her sword blocked the Astral’s attack; both of them sent flying into the air before warping on steady ground.
Noctis warped right on spot while Six lost her footing and hit the ground with a thud; Noctis run over her protectively.
“Are you serious?” She breathed, watching as the Titan raised his foot, ready to stomp on them both.
“Six!” Noctis called out, summoning his Mystic sword “Stay down. I’ve got you!” He covered her body with his, standing tall as he countered the Giant’s foot with all his strength; helping her on her feet before the Astral decided to make another attempt at attacking them.
As the Titan’s foot came down with might and both of them stood ready to deflect him, Gladio jumped for the rescue. Literally jumping through them, grabbing both and landing them on safe ground.
“Are you two alright?” Gladio asked in a panic, making his way close to them quickly before helping them up.
“We owe you one.” Noctis breathed, getting back on his own feet.
“This ain’t gonna work.” Gladio said, making sure Six was okay to follow his next order “We gotta run.”
“Best advice you’ve given all day.” Noctis commented, following the couple close as they all run to safety.
“Well, we can’t have you dying here. C’mon!” Gladio took the lead, blocking or jumping away from the incoming punches of the Astral as they kept on coming in a steady pace.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ Six stared up at the Archean after deflecting his attack; clutching on her side and watching the way he looked at them. A mixed look of sadness and anger. ‘What’s going on, Arc?’ she wondered before Noctis made her run with him again.
“Over here!” Gladio showed the two a butte on their way, getting ready to give both a boost up and over it.
Six went first, stepping on Gladio’s hands and jumping up gracefully, turning around to help the boys. Noctis followed suit, landing on all fours while she helped Gladio push himself up and flinching in pain.
“You alright?” he asked, looking at her pained expression. She’d hurt her shoulder when deflecting the first punch the Archean had made against Noctis, using the same arm to counter the next once and helping Gladio’s muscled body up didn’t let her heal; the last action sending waves of pain through her body, as well as the her hurt ribs from Deadeye.
“Move!” she heard Noctis call out before she had the chance to answer. Darting her eyes up, she saw the Archean attacking again, not leaving any opening for them to catch their breath. Six pulled both the boys on her and jumped back and away from the incoming punch.
“Go, keep moving.” She ordered, shoving both of them ahead as she followed close behind “Don’t stop. Run!”
“I’ll hold him!” Gladio roared, summoning his great sword and stopping the Titan’s hand from moving any further, putting all his might in holding him in place after Noctis glided underneath the blade “Get clear!”
“Gladio?” Six breathed but he send her away.
“Hurry! I can’t keep this up!”
Six followed his order, running towards Noctis and pushing him down the cliff with her by his waist; keeping him close as she warped him away, on steady ground.
She cried out once her feet touched the ground, falling on one knee as she grabbed her shoulder in pain.
“Six?” Noctis run to her side.
“Look out!”
The Titan had left Gladio alone, turning his attention at the Prince in question, getting his fist up in the air before forcefully bringing it down upon him. Noctis stood protectively again, forcing the Archean away as Six got back up, placing her hand on his shoulder, nodding for him to attack instead of deflect, and he followed her lead.
Both throwing their swords directly at his fist before he punched them down to his feet “I’m not gonna take any more of this crap!” Noctis yelled in exasperation.
“I’m here. Let’s do this!” Six was slightly limping, moving to stand next to him as protectively as he had for her.
Both summoning their weapons, timed perfectly at his attack and hitting against him with everything they had left, one attacking from the right as the other attacked from the left, determent to bring him down.
“Did you miss us?” Prompto’s voice was heard from behind them, right before the loud bang of his gun.
Six stepped back at the noise, falling straight on Ignis who had just thrown a fire spell, catching her “Apologies.”
“Where’s Gladio?” she asked, eyes wide with worry.
Ignis shrugged before summoning his daggers, sharing her concern as they hadn’t seen any sign of him while making their way down to the Archean’s feet.
“Take him down!” she ordered, eyes darting between the Titan and the Imperial drop-ships, leaving MTs all around them.
“Think those imperial soldiers just wanna say hi?” Prompto laughed, changing his gun’s mag.
“Doubt it –look out!” she got him out of the way of the Astral’s attack just in time.
Six turned around towards the MTs. They were also trying to keep the Titan down. They wanted him defeated. Was this the reason Ardyn had helped them?
“Are we alright?” she felt his warm arms getting hold of her shoulders, drawing her back as she turned around to look at him. Gladio was safe! The company was whole again. It was time to put an end to this before it got out of hand.
She nodded before giving the situation a couple of seconds of thought, coming up with a plan.
“Noct!” she grabbed his attention “It’s time. Use your Armiger.”
Noctis didn’t even question how he was supposed to do it. He trusted her to be there and he instantly knew what to do. Using the power of the Kings he possessed as both their eyes glowed a bright red! Noctis attacked the Archean alongside Six, as she mirrored his movements while the others stayed there, looking in awe. It was like she shared his power, being able to possess the power of the Kings. When Noctis grabbed one of the Kings’ weapons, Six grabbed the other. Both attacking in perfect synchronization and bringing the Titan down hard.
“Ignis. Now!” Six ordered once she and Noctis were done and the Advisor knew exactly what needed to be done. He passed a Blizzara spell on both Gladio and Prompto and they all threw them at the Titan, freezing him instantly before Noctis and Six dealt the last blow at him.
“It’s over!” Noctis yelled, bringing his sword down with all his might. The Titan’s crystallized arm shattering at the heavy contact.
“We all still here?” Six asked after the attacks stopped, dematerializing her weapon and looking around at her people.
“Does this mean it’s over?” Prompto asked, taking in deep breaths, trying to calm himself.
As the words left the blond’s mouth, the Titan slowly stood tall again, winding up as the earth around him shook.
“What is he doing?” Ignis asked.
“He’s winding up!” Prompto voice reached a high pitch at the feelings overflowing him.
Six took a step forward, staring straight into the Astral’s eyes as her own glowed a faint red color, like they had before “He’s proven he’s worthy!” she yelled at him; the Titan’s attention seemingly being on her. He could understand her again. “You know what must be done!”
The Archean bowed his head, eyes moving to stare at Noctis before he screamed to the heavens as his body lit in flowing power. Noctis saw it clearly now. He knew what the Archean asked of him.
“That was…”
“Luna.” Six breathed, understanding as well. She had made a pact with the Astral, vouching for the Prince’s worth as it was the duty of the Oracle. His Oracle!
“You spoke with her?” Noctis looked straight at the Astral “That’s why…”
The ground shook again, stopping him on his tracks and making everyone fall to their knees as a huge wave of power released from the Archean’s body. Bringing down all the surrounding ships of the Empire and extra power in Lestallum.
He was gone!
The meteor had also fallen, unleashing all the heat, fire and lava the Titan was holding in place with his presence.
The company was in danger; with no obvious way of getting out and the fires getting higher around them.
But alas, the ‘man of no consequence’ blessed them with his presence and offering of assistance once more.
“Fancy meeting you here!” he smirked at their need once the doors to the Imperial drop-ship opened, revealing his grand posture.
“Of course.” Six breathed, finally connecting the dots.
“It occurs to me I never formally introduced myself.” Ardyn smiled, taking his sweet time making himself known to all of them “Izunia. Ardyn Izunia.”
“Imperial Chancellor Izunia?” Ignis asked as Six took a more protective stance over them. The heat of the surroundings taking its toll on all of them as her shoulder and ribs were still hurting in every bit of movement she tried to make.
“At your service.” Ardyn winked at her, smirking “And more importantly, to your aid. I guarantee your safe passage. Though you’re always welcome to take your chances down there. Buried among the rubble, is it?”
No one liked the idea of accepting his assistance again, especially now, knowing who he actually was. Knowing he’s working for the enemy. But there was no other way.
“Dying here is not an option.” Ignis spoke his mind and Six agreed in her way.
“I’d rather die than trust him.” She said, looking at his never fading smirk “But Ignis is right. We have no choice, Noct.”
“I know.” The prince said before they all made their way to the enemy drop-ship that would lead them to safety.
The trail was complete. Prince Noctis had won the Archean’s favor and Six’s friend was nowhere to be found –or heard.
It was time for the company to move on.
There was still too much to do.
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valamerys · 8 years
nessian bedsharing part 1/2
“If you don’t stop smirking at me, if you snore, or if I feel so much as an Illyrian *toe* end up on my side of the bed, I will push you right out,” Nesta warns him.
Nesta takes one look at the room and pivots to glare at Cassian.
“I had nothing to do with this,” he says quickly, hands up in self-defense. “I asked for two, and when they said they only had one room left, I assumed they meant only one room with two.”
The single, solitary bed in this crappy inn room sits there innocuously. Mocking her.
“I’ll find somewhere else to stay, then,” she bites out.
“There’s no other inns around for miles, Nes,” Cassian says placatingly. “Believe me, we wouldn’t be staying in this craphole if there were.”
Nesta clenches her jaw in his direction. “Then I’ll find some strapping wealthy man to seduce and stay in his bed for the night.” This is a ridiculous threat, at almost midnight when it’s freezing cold out and they’re stuck in an outpost in the middle of nowhere consisting of an inn, a brothel, and a bar, but Nesta’s exhausted and she’s mad that now the possibility of literally sleeping with Cassian is something she has to deal with.
Cassian cocks his head at her, lips tugging upwards playfully. “It just so happens that I’m a strapping, wealthy man very open to seduction. And I’m paying for this room, so technically it is my bed.“
Nesta feels every murderous instinct in her sharpen to a wicked point.
“Oh, well,” she says, dripping with sarcastic sultriness. She drops her bag, begins to unbutton the top layer of her leathers, slinking towards him. “When you put it like that…”
Cassian’s joking demeanor evaporates instantly; the mood of the room shifts on a dime. She stops a hair away from him, close enough that she can feel his breath on her lips. He must know she’s playing with him, but the big idiot is affected anyway like he always is, lips parted, eyes locked on her like he’s either going to devour her whole or fall to his knees.
Even now, when she’s pissed off and tired, there’s something that makes her feel alive in this game of theirs, their unique ability to get under each other’s skin. Nesta lets her eyes drag over his lips, flicker once demurely to his eyes before she pushes herself up on her tiptoes. Her lips brush his jaw calculatedly before whispering, “You’re sleeping on the floor.”
She draws back with the smuggest glare she can muster to hammer home the point before sweeping away from him, grabbing her bag, and heading for the bathroom down the hall. It’s hard to tell through what he’s wearing, but she’s pretty sure she leaves the commander of the Illyrian armies with a hard-on.
Nesta pads back to their room feeling how absurdly cold the wooden floor is under her feet, even through woolen socks. The air is an alright temperature—magically, probably—but Nesta’s not risking anything, wearing thick leggings and a long-sleeved shirt to bed.
When she gets back, Cassian has already changed into something similar, and is arranging a blanket and a pillow on the floor near the foot of the bed.
He glances up at her as she enters. “Actually, as far as floors I’ve slept on, this one is reasonably soft,” he offers with a little smile.
It’s meant to be a truce of sorts, but instead it just pokes a tiny, painful hole in Nesta’s animosity. It takes her a moment to place that its because she’s reminded of how often he’s had to sleep on the floor—or the ground—in his life.
She tries to shake it off. “Good,” she says automatically, with a biting, deliberate undertone of I don’t care.
The bed creaks miserably in protest as she gets into it, and it smells faintly of mildew. It might be big enough for two humans, or high fae, but there’s not much in the way of wing space. Just as well Cassian is on the floor, she thinks, seizing on the thought to fight the guilt that suddenly nips at her. Nesta stares up at the ceiling, bargaining with the sensation, resolutely refusing to feel bad for Cassian. He’s spent 500 years as a soldier in brutal conditions, surely he doesn’t really mind. This bed is sort of crappy anyway, he’s not missing much. But the floor’s so cold…
Cassian gets up to extinguish the faelight near the door, and to give her a cheeky look as he does, like he somehow knows she’s having feelings. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
The nickname bring’s Nesta’s scowl back. “Goodnight, prick.”
He chuckles into the sudden darkness, and Nesta listens to the groaning of the wood and the sound of rustling wings as Cassian lays down and attempts to get comfortable.
He’s the one who wanted to take this trip, he’s the one who chose to stop in this shitty excuse for a town with an inexplicably full inn. She will absolutely not feel bad for him.
Except that she does, and the gnawing at her conscience won’t let her sleep, as three minutes pass and then five and then ten and she’s so tired her eyes ache. Cassian lets out the faintest grunt as he attempts to adjust himself comfortably and Nesta gives up, cursing every known higher power who might possibly be responsible for landing them in this situation.
A pillow lands squarely on Cassian’s face, and he removes it to see Nesta glowering down at him from the foot of the bed.
“Get up here.”
“It’s fucking cold down there so get in the damn bed, commander, before I change my mind.”
A big, dumb grin cracks Cassian’s big, dumb face as he gets up. “So Nesta Archeron doesn’t have a heart of stone after all.”
“Shut up and go to sleep,” Nesta says darkly, retreating decisively to what is now her half of the space as he clambers into bed with her, the mattress creaking loudly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” Cassian throws the blanket he’d had on the floor over the both of them, still smiling like an idiot at her, and Nesta already regrets this. “We can’t ruin your reputation for being an ice princess.”
“If you don’t stop smirking at me, if you snore, or if I feel so much as an Illyrian toe end up on my side of the bed, I will push you right out,” Nesta warns him. Cauldron, he’s a furnace, she can feel his body heat even across the distance between them and she firmly ignores the instinct to move closer, to breathe in his scent, as achingly welcome as it is among these gross-smelling sheets.
He looks at her with fake alarm while adjusting his pillow. “What if I get cold and you have to cuddle me to keep me from freezing to death?”
“Then you’ll die,” Nesta snaps at him, rolling over so she doesn’t have to look at the way the muscles of his broad shoulders work as he settles in, “And I’ll be rid of a gigantic nuisance.”
Based on his voice, the smirk is back. “Ah, but then whose ass would you stare at during training?”
Nesta is forced to roll back so she can properly direct the full force of her hate for him with gaze alone.
“Az’s just isn’t as nice as mine,” he adds, unintimidated.
“I do not,” she grinds out, “stare at your ass.”
(Yes, she does. It looks good in leather, what is she supposed to do?)
He’s grinning again, more indulgently this time. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
Ugh, he’s smug, smug Cassian is the worst Cassian. That’s it, she had a moment of weakness and if he’s going to be a dick about it—
“Do you recall that list of things that will get you pushed out of this bed?” Nesta hisses, sitting up for emphasis. “I’m adding talking to it. One more word from you about your ass or anything else and I will put you back on the floor. Violently.”
Cassian’s eyes still glint with amusement, but he takes a moment to process this and wisely decides not to speak. Nesta’s about to lay back down when Cassian raises his hand like he’s a schoolboy.
Nesta huffs in annoyance. “Fine, what?”
“Can I say goodnight again, at least?”
Nesta’s officially out of energy to deal with him. She lies back on her side, tucks the covers under chin. “If you must.”
“Goodnight, Nesta.”
She does’t even mean to say it, but it slips out on reflex: “Goodnight, Cassian.”
Nesta thinks that surely she won’t be able to sleep with this giant, hairy, overly warm body next to her, but she’s so worn out that she’s unconscious before she forms another coherent thought.
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driusha · 5 years
Dictionary of Obscure Sexual Terms
Angry Dragon Immediately after you blow your load in a girl's mouth, smack the back of her head and make it come out her nose. When she gets up she'll look like an angry dragon. Arabian Goggles A "seldom-seen" maneuver when you put your testicles over her eye sockets while getting head. (Picture it: ass on forehead) It may be anatomically impossible, but what the fuck else is new. The Bait N' Tackle The sailors used this one in the old Navy days. Before you go off for a long, lonely voyage, get yourself a tall jar and fill it completely with earthworms. When you get lonely, open the jar and fuck away. The earthworms will provide some slithery stimulation, and your protein load will keep them nicely fed. Gone fishing! Ballsacking Takes some luck of the gene pool, but if you're able to do it, always great fun. While you are straddling her, take your nutsack and spread it out over her face like pizza dough. Bear Claw A synonym for extremely large pussy lips. Beef Curtain The shanked out remains of the labia after being stretched like Play-Doh from an hour or so of jimmy-jam. Beer Dick This is what most guys get after a good night of drinking. They tend to fuck anything with a pussy while experiencing beer dick. Blumpy You need to find a real tramp to do this right. It involves having her sucking you off while you are on the shitter. The Bronco You start by going doggy style and then just when she is really enjoying it, you grab her tits as tight as possible and yell another girls name. This gives you the feeling of riding a wild bronco as she desperately tries to buck you off. Brown Bagging It Sometimes you meet a girl with a body like there's no tomorrow but a face like a mangy dog. Don't let that body go to waste and let her hideousness stop you from fucking her though. Just draw the smiley face on a brown paper bag, place it over her head, and fuck away while keeping your composure and piece of mind. Brown Necktie You're about halfway through ass-wrecking a chick, and instead of filling up her keister with your demonseed, you pull out and proceed to tittie fuck her, leaving a brown streak between the funbags. Brunski When a man puts his face between a woman's breasts and quickly moves his head back and forth while saying "Brunski" in a very drawn out and exaggerated manner. (There are many other variant names.) The Bullwinkle The sign given to a friend in hiding while doggie styling' some chick. It is performed by placing both hands over the head, with palms facing out and waving wildly. Can be supplemented by shouting "Hey Rocky." (Make sure to use appropriate Bullwinkle voice tone.) Butter Face When you see a chick with an awesome body, "but her face", is nasty. The Canine Special Liberally apply peanut butter to your dick and call over the family dog. Lick Ubu lick. Good Dog. Arf! The Carpet Cleaner While banging a girl doggy style, tie her arms behind her back, lift up her hips, and run around the room pushing her face first across the carpet. Not recommended with large women. The Chili Dog When you take a hot dump on a girl's tits and then proceed to titty fuck her. Chocolate Pizza Happily discovering hemorrhoids while eating a shitty brown eye. Cleveland Steamer The act of leaving a shit stain on the rib cage of a woman while receiving penile pleasure from friction between the mammaries. Cock-Stuffing Apparently somewhat on the fringe in gay circles, but involves using thin, cylindrical items (thermometers, wire, rubber worms, etc.), and inserting them into the dick hole. Over many months, continue to gradually ream out the hole-at-the-head with larger items, thus ultimately allowing your "buddy" to obtain the goal of fucking your urethra. Wow! Cold Lunch The act of vomiting directly onto some chick's head while she's performing fellatio. The Concoction First, ejaculate all over the floor. Next, have your psycho bitch girlfriend menstruate on your semen. Stir it with your finger until you get a nice thick pink mixture. Proceed to paint yourselves up silly, just as if you were in kindergarten again. The Compton Gangbang You meet a young lady at the bar. She tells you she has a boyfriend, but she ends up going home with you anyway for a one-night stand. When you take her to your place, tell your friends to wait outside your bedroom door. Just when she's about to get off, your friends barge in the room and plainly beat the shit out of her. That should teach her not to fuck around. (Ladies, feel free to perform a Compton Gangbang on guys too. I know you've got some fat girlfriends to help you out.) Cop's Delight The act of taking a girl in the ass, pulling out, and spewing all over her "pastry buns", thus transforming her rump into the allusion of an oversized, quivering glazed donut. The Corkscrew Cross your fingers, middle over index. Twist your wrist back and forth and go to work on your desired orifice. With practice, you'll have the effectiveness of a dill press and within weeks you'll be able to bore through wood. Corn Originating from the fine campus of Cornell University comes this unique, rarely used term. Saying that a girl is "Corn" means, she is so fucking hot, so beautiful, so utterly drop-dead gorgeous, that you would happily eat the corn out of her shit. Can be used as a great pick-up line or friendly compliment, for instance; "Baby, you're more Corn than Green Giant", or "Damn bitch, you are Corn!" Couch Bombing When you fill a small ziploc sandwich bag with Crisco (or your favorite lubrication) and place it between the cushions on the couch. You then proceed to fuck the couch as if it were a woman...but no need to buy It dinner first Coyote This occurs when you wake up in the room of a nasty wombat and you know you've got to give her the slip. However, you realize that your arm is wrapped around her. Therefore you must gnaw off your own arm to get out of the situation. Can be very painful. Cum Dumpster A quadriplegic whore. Cum Guzzling Sperm Burping Bitch The once in a lifetime act when blowing a hot steamy load down the back of the girl's throat, proceed to give her a large cold bottle of your most favorite carbonated drink and make her guzzle it down. Then, shake her head vigorously back and forth to create the Cum Guzzling, Sperm Burping effect. A great way to impress your friends. Daisy Chain Partner (A) is sucking off or eating out partner (B) who is sucking off or eating out partner (C) and so on until the final person is sucking off or eating out partner (A). Partners can be gay, lesbian or straight. Davey Crockett A sexual maneuver in which you slip muscle relaxants into your gal's snizzpod, then slide your head in, thus wearing your partner's now-relaxed snatch-fur as a coonskin cap. Can come in handy on those cold winter nights. Dirty Sanchez A time honored event in which while laying the bone doggie style, you insert your finger into her asshole. You then pull it out and wipe it across her upper lip leaving a thin shit mustache. This makes her look like someone whose name is Dirty Sanchez. Dirty Swirly While boning a chick doggie style near a toilet (preferably one filled with a healthy load of shit, or some hot piss, or both), stick her head in the toilet and flush...she'll dig it. Dog In A Bathtub This is a proper name for when you attempt to insert your nuts into a girl's ass. It is so named because it can be just as hard as keeping a dog in the tub while giving it a bath. Donkey Punch Banging a girl doggy style and then moments before you cum, you stick your dick in her ass, and then punch her in the back of the neck. The blow to the neck will stun the muscles in the female's ass, which will constrict the penis and give you a tremendous orgasmic experience when you ejaculate. Duct Tape Trick Wrapping a hamster in duct tape so you can safely fuck it without the danger of a messy split. Dutch Oven Entrapping an unsuspecting sleeping partner in a world of ass odor by farting under the covers and pulling them over her head (and yours as well if you're into that sort of thing). Dutch Treat The unexpected result of a Dutch Oven gone terribly awry. Can be very messy. DVDA The abbreviation for "double-anal, double-vaginal". This is the term used when a girl takes four cocks in two holes. A hard core porn industry norm. The Electric Chair Your psychobitch girlfriend decides she wants to try something kinky, so she props your stupid naive ass up in a chair, strips you down, and ties you up. After arousing you, she then takes a car battery and clamps two jumper cables to each nut sack. This causes you to have all sorts of synapses, spasms, and convulsions. She then mounts your Frankenstein and proceeds to get electrofucked. Warning! May cause erectile dysfunction after performed. Felching A gay activity which I do not condone at all. It happens when one fag fucks another fag in the ass and then sucks the jizz out with a straw. Only included for those of you who are considering going to jail. *note: never seen it done with a straw... The Fish Eye From behind, you shove both fists in her ass (or his if in prison). Thereupon she turns around in a one-eyed winking motionsignaling that she has been there and done that. Fish-Hook When you pull back towards the pussy after you stick your finger up her anus. The Fire Island This consists of telling someone you're going to spunk on their face while they are asleep, only half-jokingly, and then when they don't believe you, doing it just to prove that you're that demented. Flaming Amazon This one's for all you pyromaniacs out there. When your screwing some chick, right when your about to cum, you pull out and quickly grab the nearest lighter and set her pubes on fire, then...extinguish the flames with your jizz! Flooding The Cave Inserting the penis into a woman's pussy and then urinating inside her. Applies to butt pirates as well. The Flying Camel A personal favorite. As she is lying on her back and you are hammering her from your knees. You very carefully move forward and prop yourself (without using your arms) on your dick while it is still inserted in her vagina. You then proceed to flap your arms and let out a long shrieking howl much like a flying camel. Strictly a class move. The Flying Dutchman This didn't used to be a specific deviant sexual act, it was just a phrase that sounded dirty and would be shouted out during intercourse on occasion simply for the novelty factor. However, its popularity increased and it has now developed into a specific act, namely that of, just as you are about to blow a load, in any sort of sexual situation (even masturbation for those true pioneers who are constantly on the cutting edge of the sexual revolution) you begin to shout, "Here comes the Flying Dutchman!" This should confuse your sexual partner (or whoever is in hearing range) completely, sometimes causing interesting side effects. The Fountain Of You While sitting on her face and having her eat your ass, jerk off like a madman. Build up as much pressure as possible before you release and spew like a venerable geyser all over her face, neck and tits. (Better in her bed) Fur Ball You're chomping away at some mighty trollop who has a mane between her legs the size of Lionel Richie's afro, a mammoth hair ball gets lodged into your throat. Gobstopper With two hands, spread your tramp's anus open, then spit a big-ass loogie down the asshole then close it back up. You can give her a smack on the ass when you're done, if you want. Golden Shower Any form of dropping piss all over your partner. Great for those who like watersports. Greek The act of using your "glue stick" (if you know what I'm saying) and gluing your gal's eyes closed with your man seed. E.g. "Hey guys, check it out, I just greeked her!" or "Sorry honey, but you asked for the Greek salad Ham And Cheese Sandwich Eating a woman's box after you ejaculate all over it. A delightful, tasty combination of her yummy meat curtains with your added cheesy topping is sure to appeal to anyone's appetite. Hershey Highway When plugging your girl in the ass, you run into some hot diarrhea. Don't hurt her feelings by getting grossed out though, just pretend it's extra lube. High Dive The skill of pulling your Johnson all the way out of your partner's hole and in one motion jamming it home again. Best suited for use in the corn hole, but can be very dangerous. The Hindenburg When some slut who is so bad at oral sex, you're forced to cry "Oh! The humanity!" as her teeth scrape your man tool. Hogging While intoxicated, high, or just plain desperate, you go searching for the fattest bitch you can find and proceed to ride her like a Harley. Best accomplished with large groups friends. Hole In One The act of sticking your dick in your own ass. Just try not to get a huge boner once it's in, or you'll get a nice snapparoo. Hotdog In A Hallway When laying the pipe, you realize your dick isn't even touching the walls of her vagina, kind of like tossing a hotdog in a hallway. Most frequently happens when banging the neighborhood trick or if you're slinging a small dick. Hot Karl The act in which a woman sucks the cock of the same man who moments earlier was balls deep in her can. Hot Karl Candy Cane A variation of the above in which the man who is receiving the oral cock cleaning gives the woman a reach around. Hot Lunch The result of defecating a tube of shit directly into a girl's mouth. Hummer The well known added variation to a blowjob in which a broad hums her favorite tune while she sucks away. The vibrations felt against your dick will most definitely produce a healthy orgasm. The Hunter Gatherer You and your partner defecate while 69ing. Pretty much self-explanatory. The Indian Cock Burn While a chick sucks you off, she twists her hand around your shaft as if she was trying to give you an Indian burn. The Jedi Mind Trick When banging your partner, you repeatedly shout "I'm NOT fucking you, I'm NOT fucking you". The Jelly Donut Give some skank a facial and follow it up with a swift pimp crack in the nose. The resulting blood and jizz that covers her face bears a resemblance to a jelly donut. The Juanita Special Bean Dip While your tramp rides you like a mechanical bull, insert your thumb into her poop chute (be sure to get your thumb nice and gooey), then stick your brown thumb into her mouth, and slip it under her tongue so she can get the full robust taste of the Juanita "special" bean dip. Kennebunkport Surprise The act of covertly filling your cheeks with chunky-style New England clam chowder, and screaming in disgust as you hurl it between your partners legs while eating her out. Kick-Fucking The act of receiving sexual pleasure from repeatedly getting kicked in the ass. The Landshark The woman braces herself facing a wall, naked, hands against the wall, legs spread, bent over so that her ass is lusciously jutting out. (hint: She might want to wear a biking helmet and some rollerblading wrist guards to avoid serious injury.) Next, the guy also naked as well as stiff cocked, walks to the opposite end of the room, places his palms together and raises them above his head, (thus imitating the dorsal fin of a shark) and begins chanting the theme to Jaws. When given some predetermined signal, the guy sprints toward the girl at full speed with his pelvis-out, fin protruding, and rams her dead square in the ass. The Lorena Bobbit Obviously, this one is for the ladies. When engaging in some hard core booty sex, squeeze your butt cheeks together as tight as you can, and start violently jumping and thrashing your ass around, in an effort to rip his dick off. (To reach true Lorena status, you must take the severed dick for a drive and then toss it out the window.) The Menthol The act of getting head from a woman who just moments earlier ate a numerous amounts of cough drops, thus insuring a pleasurable, tingly feeling on your cock. The Mellon Dive Headbutting a woman's big fat titties. Always lots of fun. Monkey Wrench When some sadistic bitch takes your dick back between your legs and sucks you off. Monroe Transfer When you and your partner connect each other's assholes with a tube. One defecates through the tube, thus transferring the turds to the rectum of the other. The Moped A chick that's a fun ride until your friends see you on it, if you know what I mean. The Mork Made famous by Robin Williams on Mork & Mindy, stick your pinky and ring fingers up a girls ass, then jam your middle and index fingers up her cunt. (Please note: Not complete until you finish it off with a Nanoo-Nanoo!) Moses A man who enjoys going down on a woman during her period. Derived from the Biblical figure Moses, who parted the Red Sea. The Motorboat While performing oral sex on a girl, flap your lips together on her clit, thus imitating the sound of a motorboat. She'll love you forever. Muff Teaser Finger, suck, eat, etc. a girl until she is begging for it. Then rub your stiffy round her golden valley until she screams at you to give her a banging. Right when her frustration is at its highest level, stop and finish with a DIY(do it yourself) handjob. Then leave the room without saying a word. Not to be tried if you want to shack up with the selfish bitch again. The Mung Obtain a female that has been dead for 2-3 days (the time period since death is important). Then place your mouth just outside her vaginal opening. Have a friend jump on her stomach, and try to catch as much stuff that comes out as you can in your mouth. Mushy Biscuit This is actually a very fun game. Just choose a piece of food that you and your male friends like to eat. Then you and your buddies form a tight circle around the food item and proceed to jerk off all over it. Last one to bust a nut gets the prize of eating the food. New Jersey Meat-Hook The unusual method of inserting one's finger in the ass of your partner while screwing her, and feeling her cervix. This procedure is most effective from behind. New York Style Taco Anytime when you are so drunk that when you go down, you barf on her box. Happy trails. The Nixon A variation of the Bullwinkle in which you give two peace signs as your signal of dominance. May enhance the act by shaking jowls and yelling, "I'm not a crook". This is considered very bold and is frowned upon for those with a modicum of decorum. Oyster A derivation of the tea bag which is accomplished by numbing one's testicles with ice and then inserting them in a chicks mouth and letting the tramp munch on them. Pasadena Mudslide This happens when you leave a windy shit between the breasts of a woman while you straddle her neck for a blowjob. (A close cousin to the Cleveland Steamer.) Pattycake While you're nailing some girl doggie style and your friend is catching some head off the same girl, you get a quick game of pattycake going. This makes you reminisce of your childhood memories and eases the sight of watching your friend blow his load. Paying The Rent A position in which the woman is folded in half, knees above shoulders, while the man holds the back of her calves and bangs ferociously. Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Shit on a woman's snatch during menstruation. Proceed to munch. Mmmm Mmmm Nasty! (Crunchy or smooth...depending on what you've been eating.) Pearl Necklace Well known. Whenever you cum on the neck/cleavage area of a girl - it takes on the look of beautiful jewelry. Fuck that diamonds are forever shit. The Pig Roast While you're plugging some girl's hole doggie style, (up the dirt road or the funhole, pick your poison) she's blowing your best friend's cock at the same time, hence simulating a pig on a spit. Very Similar to Chinese Finger Cuffs. Pink Glove Hate when this happens. Every so often a girl is not wet enough during sex. When you finally pull out to give her money, the inside of her twat sticks to your hog. Thus, the pink glove. The Pirate's Treasure While fucking your girl in the ass, you strike a hefty load of shit. After you've found this buried treasure deep in her booty, you scream, "Argh!", like a pirate. Plating Take a clear, glass plate and place it on your partners face, then shit on it. It gives them a nice view without all the messy cleanup. How come you don't see that on any Dawn commercials. The Popcorn Trick First, take your girlfriend to the cinemas, for a nice romantic date. Buy a tub of popcorn, wait until the lights dim, and carefully make a hole in the bottom on the tub. Then, inconspicuously insert your penis through the bottom of the tub into the popcorn and casually offer some to your bitch. When she digs in, she will find nice surprise. Who doesn't love buttered popcorn? Puerto Rican Fog Bank While 69ing with your partner, release a cloud of sphincter fog directly into her nostrils. Purple Mushroom This occurs when a woman is giving you oral sex and you withdraw your penis in order to poke it back into her cheek. It should leave a lasting impression similar to a purple mushroom. Queef A well known, but sometimes embarrassing occurrence. Queefing happens when air gets trapped in a girls vagina, and makes a soft hissing, or farting kind of a sound while that air is released. The Ram When attacking from behind, you start ramming her head against the wall in a rhythmic motion. The force of the wall should allow for deeper penetration. Very handy in those lulls in penile sensitivity. Rear Admiral An absolute blast. When getting a chick from behind (while both partners standing), make sure you don't let her grab on to anything when she is bent over. Then, drive you hips into her backside so that you end up pushing her forwards. The goal is to push her into a wall or table. It's almost as much fun watch her face hit the floor. You rise to Admiral status when you can bang her around the room without crashing into anything and not using your hands to grab onto her hips Red Wings Another name for navigating the moose knuckle with your tongue while discovering the girl is on her rag. Be a real man and earn your red wings soldier! Resuscitation When a girl is asleep, carefully open her mouth so that she doesn't awake. Then, squat over her face and carefully place your shit hole on her lips. When the time is right, you let rip the biggest baddest fart ever known to man and see if it wakes her up. Great fun during those long sleepless nights. The Roddy Piper When getting your girl from behind, you toss the sleeper hold on her and knock her out ala Rowdy Roddy Piper. While nailing your unconscious victim, you get to simulate your life long dream of necrophilia. Now you never have to break into the morgue again. The Rodeo Similar to the Bronco. You start once again, banging a chick from behind. At a pre-arranged time you grab her hair with one hand just as several buddies bust into the room. See if you can hang on for 8 seconds cowboy. Yee Haw! The Rose Creeper Seductively brush a beautiful long stem red rose against your sweetheart's neck, breasts, and inner thigh. Slowly rub the rose along her smooth skin as you tenderly kiss her entire body. After working her into the mood for some deep love making, unzip your fly and pull out your raging boner. Begin to punish-fuck her dumper while whipping her with the rose and screaming nasty obscenities at her. I bet she never saw that coming. The Rusty Trombone This is what happens when you've got a less then respectable female (AKA be-yatch) tongue deep in your chute. She wiggles her tongue as she does the reach around to pump you like a Catholic priest doing an Alter Boy, thus mimicking a trombone player. Sandbag Under an assumed name in a tropical region, you meet a young hottie and engage in the well known cliche of sex on the beach. Just before insertion, remove the rubber (without getting caught of course), and proceed to bang away until you blow your load, without pulling out. As you dismount and prepare for departure, grab a handful of sand, throw it in her eyes, and run away laughing hysterically while leaving her blinded, butt-necked, and knocked up. Especially lots of fun when accomplished during the spring break season. The Screwnicorn When a dyke puts her strap-on dildo on her forehead and proceeds to go at her partner like a crazed unicorn. The Seatbelt While one fag straddles his partners cock, he receives a blowjob from the fruitcake on the bottom. Shirley Temple Pour a can of 7-Up on a girl's menstruating pussy and eat her out. The Shocker When you insert your index and middle fingers in the woman's vagina and pinky in her anus. After giving her a few good minutes of double duty finger banging, pull your fingers out and give your index and middle finger a quick sniff and pinky a good sucking, all in one smooth motion.(a.k.a. Smoking the Pinky.) Shop Vac When a dirty, talented tramp stuffs you're entire package (balls and all) into her mouth, and blows you with amazing suction power. Shrimping The term for licking or sucking your partner's toes. Skiing While facing in the same direction, a girl gets between two guys and jerks them both off, thus imitating some hardcore cross-country action. Slumpbuster When a professional athlete finds the dirtiest, nastiest, fattest, most disease-ridden skank and puts the wood to her with the intent that it will break up a slump. Snerd Nurgling The act of moving your anal lovers turds about within his/her lower intestine with your dick. Really popular with the lavender boys, hence the expression, "Oh Lance, Nergle me you Snerd"... Snoodling When an uncircumcised homo pulls his extra foreskin over the cock of another homo and proceeds to jerk him off. Those gays have way too much free time. Can be used at as a great derogatory term as in, "You Snoodler!" Snowball Ah yes, every man's worst nightmare, the dreaded snowball. This happens when a girl blows you and spits the jizz in your mouth. Another definition is when a girl blows some other guy, and then gives you a hot sloppy kiss with some of that guy's fresh jizz still in her mouth. With all those dirty broads out there, odds are it has happened to you. Just ask your friends if it has, cause they probably already know and have been laughing their asses off at you. The Snuff Lovingly fuck the shit out of your virgin or ragging girlfriend and wipe your bloody member across her face. Take a couple Polaroids, show them to your friends, and brag that you're a snuff film superstar. Stranger Sitting on your hand until it falls asleep and then jerking off, giving you the feeling of a hand job from someone else. Stranger On The Rocks Numbing your hand by sticking it in a bucket of ice and then jerking off. Spanken not stirred. Strangers In The Night When you and your gay buddy each numb your hand (you should know how by now) and spank each other off. Thus eliciting the feeling of a hand job from someone else, from someone else. Stingy Nut When a chick isn't worth fucking; pull down her pants, bend her over, and jerk off all over her ass. Sud N' Fud When trying to bang a girl, she gives that same old story, "I not that kind of girl.", "I don't fuck on the first date.", "I'm catholic.", "Stop asshole.", etc. etc... After hearing all this bullshit, you whip out your handy bar of soap. Then lather up her armpit (or any other joint you prefer), and proceed to fuck that instead. Surfing This happens when you nail a fat woman. As you watch the rippling effect of her rolls with every thrust, along with the feeling of being drenched, off balance, out of control, and in danger, you are given the sense of riding the ultimate wave. Swimmer's Ear When a girl is giving you a good sucking and right before you erupt, you remove yourself from her mouth, place your purple head in her ear, and fill her ear with some sweet love seed. Hopefully, you will give her an infection. Tea Bag To perform the tea bag, have the girl lay flat on her back. Then you squat over her with your hands on your knees, and gently dip your nut sac in and out of her mouth in a motion similar to performing some kind of fucked up yoga exercise. 3-Eyed Turtle Basically plug every orifice of a girl in the following manner: thumb in ass, fingers in pussy, and dick in mouth. The Tortoise When you eat out someone who doesn't have pubic hair yet - i.e. you got there before the hair (hare) did. Tossing Salad A common prison act where one person basically chows asshole with the help of whatever condiments are available. (I.e. jelly, syrup, olive oil, etc.) Tropical Wind When getting your asshole eaten out by a worthless tramp, you break wind. Tuna Melt You're down on a chick lapping away and discover that it just happens to be that time of the month. By no means do you stop though. When the whale spews tartar sauce with a hint of raspberry smothers your face. Twisted Sister Have your dominatrix girlfriend dress up in some hot black leather gimp wear and proceed to handcuff your hands behind your back and then force you to your knees. Unsuspecting, diminutive, and cradled over with your ass is in the air, she then gives you the most erotic enema of your life. Now that's some great S&M fun. Vegetarian Hot Lunch A variation of the Hot Lunch in which the diner stretches a piece of saran wrap over her mouth such that chewing (for texture) is possible, but no actual contact with waste product occurs. Wake Up Call Waking up in the middle of the night with the hard on of your life. You then turn to your fast asleep partner and dry fuck her ass into oblivion. The clincher to performing a wake up call is to act like nothing of the sort happened in the morning. E.g. "Sweetheart, what's that on your back?" The Walrus After spunking in a girl's mouth, you pinch the center of her two lips together and hold her nose. This will force the cum to dribble out of the sides of her mouth, thus the teeth of the walrus. Western Grip When jerking off, turn your hand around, so that your thumb is facing towards you. It is the same grip that rodeo folks use, hence, western. Westside Glaze Same as the eastside glaze, but the majority of your jizz lands on the left side of her face. The Woody Woodpecker When a girl is sucking on your balls, tap your cock on her forehead. The Zombie Mask While getting head from your favorite, unsuspecting, trash-barrel whore, tell her you want her to look right up at you with those pretty little eyes" when you blow your load. Then, just when you're ready to spew a good week's worth of goo, blast that hefty load in both eyes. This temporary state of blindness will produce the zombie effect as she stumbles around the room with arms outstretched, and moaning like the walking dead.
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