#but i have desided to let them stay here forever so others can have the joy of them forever too
thelien-art · 1 year
I am officially starting my first-ever DTIYS event as of now!
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This is my first time doing this, so I apologize if it gets a bit messy~ and feel free to send in advice for what would make it more functional!
Remember to tag me so I´ll see it!
I´ll be reblogging here and on my main, the reblogs here will only be up for about 24 hours, the ones on my main will be there forever, so I can look at them and do happy smiles! - If I don´t see it after a day feel free to reach out to me as that just means it´s either got lost or I haven´t been notified
✏️The Drawings✏️
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It´s normal to only have one art piece up for a DTIYS but I´ve seen a few artists do more than one too, so there´s more to choose from, and I always found it harder to participate when there´s only one drawing to choose from, so that´s why there're six drawings up to choose from
I can´t wait to see all your amazing and beautiful personalized style art pieces!!!
The challenge doesn´t have an end date so no need to worry!
Find the individual drawings; Melkor, Nerdanel, Elrond x Celebrian, Maglor, Maedhros, Elwing
❗last drawing❗ tw; nude Elwing
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I decided to keep her under cut as I can´t rate the whole post as mature just because of her
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Supernatural/avengers Pt.5
Supernatural/avengers pt.5
Supernatural/avengers: part 5 of 5 
Part 1 
part 2 
part 3 
part 4 
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(Y/n) had the best sleep ever. She did worry about monsters killing her and her family in the middle of the night. Nor did she worry about Hydra coming to take her away. She was slowly waking up when she felt something moving her hair.
Opening her (y/e/c) eyes she was met with Lokis green/blue ones. He smiled as he leaned forwards to place a soft kiss on her lips. Placing a soft peck on her lips he pulled away as a the two heard multiple footsteps coming into the living room/kitchen.  
"Good morning you two." Steve said as he, and the winchesters came into the living room. Y/n chuckled as she seen the bed head Sam had. Loki had a smile on his face until the oldest winchester spoke up.
"So I found a case back towards home. Demons I think; so I figured we'd leave today since we finished the case." Dean explained as Steve fixed a pot of coffee and Sam sat on a couch next to the couch where Y/n and Loki were laying.
"We're leaving today?!" Y/n exclaimed; sitting up really quickly.
Dean looked at her confused as he started to speak. "Yeah, I mean we only came to do the job. Its like every other hunt we go on."
Loki felt her body tense as she stared at the older winchester. Sam could tell she was tense. Dean looked at Y/n confused and then to Sam who gave him his famous bitch face. A face that pretty much said, 'you should understand whats going on.' "Do you have all your stuff ready?" Dean asked as he took a sip of his hot black coffee that Steve had just handed him.
"No, i dont." Y/n answered as she frowned, slowly getting up from her spot on the couch.
Deans green eyes meet her (eye color) eyes. He seen the emotion behind them and spoke softly.
“Look, I know you love staying here with all your friends. But we have a job to do. I understand if you want to stay, but me and Sammy. We have to go. Hunting is our life.”
Y/n nodded as she looked at Dean. Loki got up from the leather couch walking with y/n. The two walked hand in hand to the elevator to go to Y/ns room. He could tell there was something wrong, but he wouldn't push her to talk about it. As they approched her room loki took his hand out of her and cupped her cheeks looking into her eyes.
"Are you okay, my queen?" She shook her head slowly. She wasn't okay she didnt really want to leave. She loved hunting with Sam and Dean, but she also loved being an avenger and being with Loki.
"I just. I don't know what to do." She took a deep breath as Loki took his hands from her face to open her bedroom door. They walked in and they both sat on the edge of the bed. Loki stayed quiet allowing Y/n to speak freely.
"When the guys and I came here, i thought that I would want to leave when it was time. I didn't think that you would want me. I thought when i left that it was the last time I would see everyone." She slowly started to explain. "I don't really want to leave. I love being here with the avengers. I love being with you! But i also love hunting with Sam and Dean." Loki wiped the tears from her beautiful Y/s/t face. Looking into her Y/e/c eyes he gave her a soft kiss on her lips.
"No matter what you choose, I promise you, my queen. I will always support you and your desision." He promised. "Why do you have to be so amazing?" Her voice was muffled as she had her head pressed into loki's shirt. Loki was going to give a smart reply, but didn't when she started to talk again. "I love hunting, but i love you more. I just don't know what to deside." "Well, my love. What ever you choose, I'm sure everyone will understand." Y/n looked into his green/blue eyes with a soft smile on her face. "I love you." She spoke the three words that made his heart beat harshly in his chest. She leaned forwards bringing their lips together. Loki kissed her back as soon as she brought her lips to his.
After a few minutes of a heated kiss a knock was heard at the door. Y/n pulled away, but loki wasn't quite done. He continued, kissing down her neck leaving soft kisses, love bites and hickeys. "Loki, there's someone at the door." She moaned as he sucked on her spot on her neck. "They will leave eventually." He mummbled against her neck, bringing cold chills down her spine. The knocks continued louder this time. "Fine." Loki said letting Y/n get up from off the bed. Loki rolled off of her and stood up. He walked to the door as Y/n made herself look presentable.
"Sam, what's up?" Y/n said as she stood beside loki. "I was just making sure you were okay. You seemed upset about leaving." He explained himself. Y/n nodded looking at Sam with a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. I have something I want to talk to everyone about. Can you tell everyone to meet me in the common room in 20 minutes?" Y/n asked her bestfriend. Sam nodded as he leaned in to give her a hug. He kiss the top of her head (IN A FRIENDLY/BROTHERLY WAY). 
"We're always here for you, you know that right?" He said softly as he looked down at her. (If you don't watch supernatural, you probably don't know this but he is for real 6'4). She nodded as she pulled away. Loki wrapped a protective arm around her give Sam a glare that said not to mess with his queen.
Sam got everyone together in the common room while Y/n got a shower and dressed. She had something important to say to the avengers and the Winchester brothers. 
(Ending 1)          (ending 2) 
Choosing to continue hunting:
Everyone grouped up in the common room. Each avenger/hunter wondering what it is that (Y/n) had called a meeting for. Y/n and Loki exited out the elevator; Y/n seemed nervous as Loki was holding her hand. His thumb trying to help her anxiety.
“Hey guys.” Y/n greeted them with a soft smile. She stood in front of them as Loki went to sit beside his brother on the leather couch.
“So what’s going on?” Natasha asked looking at her younger sister. Everyone looked at Y/n waiting for her to answer the question black widow had given her.
“Yeah, so you know how I’ve been having a bit of trouble about leaving? Dean you gave me the choice of staying here and being an avenger or leaving and continue hunting.” Y/n started.
She was so nervous she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to get the words out.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to keep hunting. When I was an avenger I could’ve brought hydra straight to you guys. And that’s not what I want. They still don’t know I’m alive. Plus hunting as been the best for me! I love doing it! I love saving people and being with you guys.” She said looking at Sam and Dean with a smile.
“What about you and Loki?” Thor questioned as he looked at his brothers lover.
Loki smiles softly as he goes to answer his brothers question.
“We will continue to be together. Whenever she had time to visit she will. Whenever I Choose to I can. As long as my Powers allow me to. Plus with modern technology we can communicate.”
Thor nodded satisfied by the answer. “This won’t be the last time you guys see me. It never is.” Y/n smiled looking at the group of the people she loves to call her family.
“We know it’s not. You just better be careful.” Steve said as he stood up. He walked over to the (y/e/c) eye woman. Giving her a friendly hug. “We are going to miss you. So you’re gonna have to text us every so often, so we’ll know your okay.” Bucky said as he stood beside Steve waiting to give Y/n a hug himself.
“Group hug!” Wanda called out as she stood up. Skipping happily as she gave Y/n a tight hug. Everyone piled into the hug. Even Sam and Dean.
“I’m gonna miss this though.” Y/n said softly. Everyone chuckled as they hugged.
-choosing to stay with Loki and the avengers. Instead of leaving with Sam and Dean.
Everyone grouped up in the common room. Each avenger/hunter wondering what it is that (Y/n) had called a meeting for. Y/n and Loki exited out the elevator; Y/n seemed nervous as Loki was holding her hand. His thumb trying to help her anxiety.
“Hey guys.” Y/n greeted them with a soft smile. She stood in front of them as Loki went to sit beside his brother on the leather couch.
“So what’s going on?” Natasha asked looking at her younger sister. Everyone looked at Y/n waiting for her to answer the question black widow had given her.
“Yeah, so you know how I’ve been having a bit of trouble about leaving? Dean you gave me the choice of staying here and being an avenger or leaving and continue hunting.” Y/n started nervously.
She was so nervous she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to get the words out. She was scared as to what was going to follow after she said what she was going to do.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to stay here and do the little bit of extra training to be an avenger. I loved hunting, I did truly. But I really never was the best. I couldve messed up and hurt you guys. Or I could’ve brought Hydra straight to you guys.” She looked at the Winchester brothers while talking.
“Just because I’m done hunting for right now. Doesn’t mean I can’t come help you guys when you guys need help. Hell I’ll do anything for anyone in this room. I love all of you. But that’s my choice.”
Dean was the first to do something. He stood up and walked over to her. He whispered something in her hear as he gave her a tight hug. Sam then walked over to them and gave Y/n a hug after dean had finished hugging her tightly.
“You’ve always been a sister to me, and hell of a hunter. You just never give yourself enough credit.” Sam whispered softly.
“If you need anything call. Well come straight here or where ever you are.” Y/n chuckled nodding her head as tears started to form in her beautiful y/e/c eyes.
Sam pulled away wiping the tears from her beautiful face. Kissing the top of her head before backing away.
“Family, always and forever.” Dean said looking at her with a smirk. “Always and forever.” She said quoting their favorite show they binged watched together.
-hope you guys enjoyed that. Request open
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