#but i have tried very very hard to be impartial poll runner
victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Okay you guys have pissed me off enough.
I don't care about Sharon Carter. I have never thought a single thought in my entire life about Sharon Carter other than "oh a new love interest for Captain America"
The bias you all claim to see is your own damn fault. You're the ones who submitted her propaganda. If you think it sucks, it's because you guys submitted shitty propaganda. I have never said anything against her in the tags except that Lizzie should win (which is on a reblog and not the main post).
You Sharon fans have been a pain in my ass since the poll started. You have done nothing but annoy me. You said anyone who voted for Peggy should kill themselves in round 1. In round 2, everyday when I checked my notifs you had either insulted Pepper, me, or other voters. I dread checking notifications because of your nonsense. The only person I had to block was one of you. I legitimately hate you guys now.
That vague post from round 2? The one like hey be nice to other people? That was about you. Because you were all being giant dicks everyday the poll was active
I'm on my hands and knees kissing the earth that Lizzie is beating her because I don't have to deal with you people for another round. And, if for some reason the world hates me and Sharon wins this round, I'm pulling the poll runner card and pretending I do not see. Lizzie wins anyway. Fuck you guys.
Maybe stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason Sharon has a bad reputation is because you are so goddamn annoying.
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