fuckyeahklamille · 28 days
Living In The Moment With You By My Side. Chapter 5
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fuckyeahklamille · 29 days
Living In The Moment, With You By My Side. Chapter 4
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fuckyeahklamille · 29 days
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I love how beautifully those scenes were captured. Every frame gives us a peek into the world of Camille and Klaus. It serves as a gentle reminder that we are mere spectators, allowed to witness the pure, private, and magical connection between them.
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fuckyeahklamille · 29 days
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That comment from ScorpioxMoon was absolutely epic! Those were exactly my thoughts. Intimacy is not the same thing as sex. Is feeling safe enough to fall asleep in someone’s arms. Choosing not to rush things and getting shagged after kissing for the first time is just one of the many small details that demonstrate Klamille's pure love. Loving someone entails caring, trusting, and having faith. It means cherishing them and taking time to just be with them. There was a strong sense of sexual attraction and passion in the scene, as evidenced by the intensity of the bedroom kiss. However, what was happening was more than just sex. That was the moment when everything was going to change for both of them. The setup of that scene was exquisite. They stop kissing to share a very long, intimate gaze. They exchange a silent "I see you, I see all of you, and I'm all in; I'm all yours, and my life will never be the same again after this."
Now the fact that the writers took it quite literally and to the next level by killing Cami and changing her life and Klamille relationship forever is another story...
As it is the fact that Klaus Mikaelson, the most powerful being, gifted with literally super hearing, super smell, super speed, etc., fell so deeply asleep that he didn't listen to Camille while she was slashing her throat and was bleeding to death next to him; he didn't smell the blood of the woman he was graving... Well, I don't know what the hell it is. We can sugar it up by saying he was so comfortable and safe with her and his emotions that he let his guard completely down, or we can just say that it was one of those things that never made sense and happened because the plot need it to happened. 
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fuckyeahklamille · 30 days
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fuckyeahklamille · 1 month
Living In The Moment With You By My Side. Chapter 7
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fuckyeahklamille · 1 month
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Pairing: Klaus x Camille (referenced, past) x Elijah.
Warning: Contains themes of grief and loss.
Summary: inspired by the song "Wildflower" Set in New Orleans' French Quarter, this story follows Klaus Mikaelson one year after Camille O'Connell's death. Struggling with grief, Klaus is comforted by his brother Elijah.
Klaus stood within the French Quarter, gazing up at an artist painting. The night was enchanting, with streets illuminated by the gentle glow of lanterns and the soft melody of jazz filling the air.
His lips were drawn in a tense line, his blue eyes revealing profound sorrow. Time had shattered his heart; she had been his girl, and he had wanted to show her the world. He had loved her with all of his icy heart, and she had molded him in countless ways. Closing his eyes as the nighttime breeze tousled his hair, a lone tear slipped down his cheek.
He shouldn't be putting it all behind him, should he? But how could he move on when she had been the one who had most changed him into the person he was now? Life moved fast, and without her by his side, each day grew more difficult.
Turning his gaze away from the painting, Klaus found himself suddenly face to face with Elijah. With a flick of his hand, he brushed away the tear that had dared to fall.
"Niklaus..." Elijah gently whispered, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder, fully aware of the significance of the day.
"It has been a full year now, Elijah, since she slipped through my fingers. Time moves so fast."
Elijah nodded in recognition, gesturing towards a nearby bench. Both brothers took a seat, Klaus with his gaze fixed on the pavement.
"Her image haunts my mind, a constant fever that never breaks."
Elijah moved closer, resting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "In the centuries we have resided in this world, we have experienced losses and grief. It is all part of this eternal existence. It never becomes simpler; all we can strive to do is honor their memories. Niklaus, I vow to you that the pain will eventually lessen."
Listening to his words, Klaus's head slumped onto his brother's shoulder, tears welling in his eyes a vulnerable side that he rarely showed. All Elijah could do in that moment was hold him, allowing them to share this moment, ultimately strengthening their bond even more.
"What if we gathered some wildflowers and laid them upon her tombstone?" Elijah suggested, his hand moving lightly over Klaus's back as he let out intermittent sobs.
Klaus met Elijah's gaze, his eyes heavy with sorrow and puffy from tears, his hair tousled. He wiped away the tears, quiet whimpers replacing his sobs. "Those flowers shall be plucked. I've not set foot there in ages, unable to bear the sight of her name etched upon that tombstone."
Rising from the bench, they both started to stroll towards the location where Elijah recalled they could gather flowers. "This is why I stand by your side, Niklaus. You don't have to face this alone."
Grateful for Elijah's presence, they walked through the untamed blooms. Elijah stooped to pick some white and orange flowers while Klaus observed. Eventually, Klaus also bent down and discovered a unique white flower with hints of blue. In the end, they had assembled a lovely collection of flowers, each boasting a unique array of colors.
Klaus inhaled the scent of the flowers, his eyes briefly closing. "They are beautiful, Niklaus. Camille would have adored them," Elijah said softly. Klaus silently agreed as they both headed towards the Lafayette Cemetery.
Klaus knelt by Camille's tombstone, gently brushing off the leaves that had settled on it. "I miss you, my love," he whispered, his voice filled with longing. Elijah bent down next to his brother, gently offering the flowers to him.
"Always and forever, I will do better, I promise." Klaus gently set the wildflowers near her tombstone, softly pressing a kiss against the name delicately carved in the stone.
"You have not been forgotten," Elijah softly spoke as they stood up, taking one final look at the tombstone before walking away from the cemetery. Klaus struggled once again to control his emotions, especially as he moved further from the cemetery, feeling like he was leaving her behind.
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fuckyeahklamille · 1 month
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fuckyeahklamille · 1 month
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Fan du couple Klamille. Mon couple préféré du monde des séries.
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fuckyeahklamille · 2 months
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Camille's analysis of Klaus' Thoughts, excerpt on AO3
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fuckyeahklamille · 2 months
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fuckyeahklamille · 2 months
Living In The Moment, With You By My Side. Chapter 1
A Klamille fanfic
"Back off " Camille screamed, the men that Aurora just killed and turned into vampires were looking at Camille like she was prey and her heartbeat wasn't helping. Is this how I am going to die? She thought to her self. One of the vampires came at her and sank his teeth onto her neck and she screamed.
Camille jolted awake with tears running down her face, with fear that made her heart beat so fast that she couldn't even think straight. Her hand went straight to her neck to inspect the vampire bite but she felt nothing, she looked at her surroundings, that's when it sank in...she wasn't at her apartment but at the Mikaelson Compound. Klaus brought her here so that he can take care of her and protect her after what Aurora did to her but it looks like even in her dreams Aurora was still haunting her, she felt scared and helpless. She tried to calm herself by counting 1 to 100, closing her eyes and hoping that she won't see those faces anymore but she was wrong so she got up and walked out of the guest room she was occupying, she let her feet guide her to Klaus's bedroom door. She wasn't sure if he was home or awake but she knocked softly on his door and waited. She knocked again and opened his door and walked in.
Follow the Wattpad link to find out what taking care of Camille looks like for the original hybrid.
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fuckyeahklamille · 2 months
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fuckyeahklamille · 3 months
You Hand in Mine a New Klamille fic
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It was just another long night. The brave bartender was tired of being on her feet for so many hours when Klaus walked into Rousseau's for a late drink and some advice. However, things took a turn when Will called Cami for a late date, leaving Klaus displeased. Cami politely rejects Will, and she can't help but feel frustrated with herself and how Klaus's hurt feelings seem to control her life decisions. She knows she hasn't done anything wrong, and they are not romantically involved, and that makes her angry. Klaus dismisses the whole thing, claiming that the detective is not a suitable match for someone as extraordinary as her. Curious, she asks Klaus who he believes is deserving of her, but Klaus remains silent. They have been avoiding their unspoken feelings for so long that pretending it's not an issue is becoming draining. Yet, the truth remains: the compatibility between a mortal girl and a thousand-year-old Original hybrid is simply non-existent, making their situation all the more complicated.
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fuckyeahklamille · 3 months
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🩷 Klamille moodboard 🩷
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fuckyeahklamille · 3 months
Camille: I owe you one.
Klaus: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
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fuckyeahklamille · 3 months
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