#but i like character studies and i like brutal drama (in appropriate doses ofc-- too much just makes it less effective)
beauzos · 9 months
3, 17, and 20 for the ao3 wrapped prompts ^_^!!!!
AO3 Wrapped Questions
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I definitely never measure my success by popularity, considering my environmental niche on AO3 is posting the most hyper-specific shit about side characters most people ain't interested in to begin with lol. Ain't no good to play a numbers game.
Anyhow, by and large, my favorite (and, ergo, the one I am most proud of) has to be The Endless Ocean (Or; Leder's Private Treatise on Grief). I really like this one. Leder is one of my favorite Mother series characters hands down. He is so ripe for the picking when it comes to fleshing out the world and his character. He has a lot of depth in and of itself within Mother 3; I admire how Itoi can create the illusion of depth without having to go super in-detail about a lot of the characters. You can just sort of see it, and work your way through it.
So, writing a work that is from Leder's perspective was very fun and rewarding. It took me a while to write, but it turned out really well, and I think it's the best of the fics I wrote this year, out of the four complete fics I had. I also really love fleshing out pre-Mother 3 stuffs. I'd been wanting to do more writing centered on the White Ship and the people on it, since I imagine that there were a lot of people who, for one reason or another, did not make it to Nowhere.
Engaging with all these characters in different stages of grief, how they cope with what they have and what they expect, and how things drastically change when the White Ship survivors erase their memories is fun. And Leder being at the center, the only one who still remembers after all this time? You also get to center on/examine the way his grief manifests, knowing he doesn't get to join the others, but that he did it for the love of them. It's a nice work. I still really like it.
Oftentimes, I reread my works and think they're pretty good, but Endless Ocean is one of those ones I feel is genuinely really damn good. IDK, that's just me, though.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Is it cheap to say Leder? I had to avoid saying he's one of my favorite characters to write in the previous question, lol. But it's true! Leder really is my favorite of the characters I wrote for this year. He has so much potential and depth, and I love examining his thoughts and how he approaches everything from his perspective. Leder is so profoundly unique and intriguing. He's the perfect foil to so many other Mother characters.
So, yeah. He's my favorite.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
If it's not The Endless Ocean, then it was probably Feet of Clay. I reread Feet of Clay quite a bit because it's a very chill, slice of life work. It's easy to approach and revisit over and over. It's just a little snapshot of life for Tazmilians during the timeskip period, and sometimes, the simplicity is delightful too, ya know? I love Paul and Abbot as a friendship dynamic, and it's all about them and how their lives intersect with the other villagers at the Clayman Mines. I don't know how many more ways I can find a way to say "it's fun" KRJKF cause that's really the only reason why I keep reading it.
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