#but i love cd and their relationships to everyone. they are so weirdgirl to me and they’ve always been
ALSO. May you infodump a little about Cognitive Dissonance. Just for fun. For the bit. For me
I beg
HMM well i’m not sure what to talk about without revealing Too Much(tm). she is so silly to me. something very wrong with her. remember when i said she was normal before the virus? Lied. she was still quirky and unhinged and lackluster. just to a lesser degree than she is now. she always tried to get everyone in her local group to relax and have fun. she made lots of art and still does! it’s a bit on the abstract side and doesn’t fully make sense, but like. she likes it. she’s always liked it. and she likes music!! she’s a big fan of wayback’s music specifically!!! but she thinks he’s so cool so she’s shy about talking to him at all. and she’s also scared everyone in the group will hate her if she admits she’s his fan (even though wt keeps telling her that’s irrational. but it’s not her fault she has fucked up brain) she likes bothering ns because…it just…well…feels right? is that it? yeah probably. it just feels…ANYWAYYY her other favorite person to bother is son. she thinks they’re best friends (son does not understand why. they try to ignore her most of the time in hopes she leaves) and she likes hanging out with them. even though hanging out with son is just like … just siting there together with them. while she talks about everything and anything and they just look at her bemused. i need to shape her in my hands like clay
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