#but i love every arc so it isnt like how i was with Card Room
arytha · 2 years
choi han staring cale down when he names Raon pure korean words just reminds me of the [redacted] arc 550 chapters from now and how excited i am to eventually get back there-
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
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:::OP Sugar Daddies/Mommies cont:::
:::Dressrosa Arc ft Kidd
Part 2 of the Money Mutual Saga
Part 1 here
MINORS DNI-  TW- Doflamingo being Doflamingo, petplay, dom/sub, praise, degradation, slight yandere tendencies, suggestive behavior. 
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"Everything has a price on it. Whats yours kitten?"
[ ] He flaunts his money every chance he gets. You so much as 'oooo's' an item you scrolled pass in your phone and hes already ordered about 4 in every color for you
[ ] You belong him thusly you are his property
[ ] has a collar with his name on it that he insists you wear for him
[ ] A High Maintenance Sugar Daddy™️
[ ] You must aways look your best with him. Which means hair always did, nails always done and you MUST be turing heads when you walk besides him
[ ] He flaunts you as he would a trophy and his has to be the biggest and shinest one
[ ] Only thee finest you wear and buy
[ ] Yacht Parties, Private Parties, Exclusives Only Parties and especially BuisnessTripVacations!!
[ ] He always wants you to come along with him so forget about you even having a job
[ ] "Kitten be prepared to attend a buisness seminar in the morning ok. Oh and pack the color burgundy-whats wrong?
'Nothing i....you do know i have to give a 2 week notice before i leave work right?'
Hed laugh "Darling, you insult me. Why would you need that lousy job when you have me? Hm? I can provide for you much better than those pleabs can. Now enough of this 'job' nonsense and go pack"
[ ] Tried to take him outta his luxury lifestyle once and didnt know what a thrift store was
[ ] hes only here because you challenged him
[ ] asked the shopkeeper why is everything in double digits and even gave him buisness advice
[ ] ....he actually ended up buying the whole damn store....
[ ] 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
[ ] "When its good, its sooooo good. But when its bad hes rotten"
[ ] Oof. Ok so Doff doesnt like disobedience so when he told you to stay in the hotel room til hes done chatting and you came outside still dressed in your little nightdress he lost it. The vein popped out on his head and he stiffly told everyone to leave now.
[ ] Rip that ass. Cuz he spanks you for every whimper you let out.
[ ] *__* Didnt *__* i *__* tell *__* you *__* not *__* to *__* show *__* anyone *__* else *__* whats *__* mine *__*
[ ] For fucks sake don't cry. He loves it when you cry
[ ] "Now now kitten you chose this. You could have behaved but no, you chose to disobey my one order. Now you wanna cry like a weak, sniffling slut you are. How terrible. Maybe i should freeze your cards, or maybe move you back into my room hm? I still have your pretty little cage available"
[ ] LISTEN!! Doffy aint Doffy without degradation🥴🥴 The 'D' stands for Degrade
[  ] Just like his older brother he spoils you rotten and also sees you as his possession
[  ] Often sends you clothes he wants you to wear that day and demand you send him pictures in each one, multishots also!
[  ] He adores the ground you walk on. Always showering you with praise and compliments
[  ] "My princess looks as lovely as always today, doesnt she?".
[  ] Oh, unlike Doff that doesnt want anyone to see you, cora looooves showing men what they can never have.
[  ] "Look at her! An absoulte treasure isnt she? And shes all mine. You men will never have something this beautiful along side your arm"
[  ] Ooof he loves you so much!! He recently bought your mom a mansion and basically asks if you want him to buy any other family member a house of their own
[  ] He loves kids and will always remind you about that.
[  ] 'Accidentally' bought a baby crib thinking it was a chair🙄🙄
[  ] "Princess if at anytime you would like to change our arrangements from me being just a sugar daddy please let me know"
.    'Ok i will'
     "...thats it? Will it be anytime soon-"
.     'Nooope'
[  ] *sad cora nosies*
[  ] He loves you to much to say no to you or to let you go
[  ] He rarely says no so its no need for punishments tbh🤔
[  ] he doeeess however get possessive when he sees his older brother trying to talk to you. He forbids you from being alone with Doff especially if hes not there.
[  ] Disobey this one rule and he would edge you all night. The literal 8 hours OF DARKNESS HE LEGIT WOULD.
[  ] Doesnt like seeing you cry so he blindfolds you and snaps his fingers to keep you in a soundproof silent bubble
[  ] Seems pretty strict but is just as big a simp as cora
[  ] He made you sign a contract stating what he expects from you and the rewards you will get in return
[  ] A sucker for your pouty face
[  ] "For fucks sakes y/n i told you how many times before to-....what...whats with that face...IM NOT FALLING FOR THIS AGAIN....stop acting cute!!!.....*sighs* you're always causing me trouble".
[  ] Hes the type to wanna invest in you rather than make various spendings on wasteful things.
[  ] wants you to go to college or university to atleast further your education regardless if you wanted to work or not
[  ] He also carries you on business trips also but dresses you up as a partner instead
[  ] he shows you how his company works and introduces you to alot of big names, thusly is why he makes you sign a contract
[  ] Values simplicity over lavishness
[  ] Bought a whole ass restaurant to have dinner with him cuz he hasnt eaten with you for almost a week.
[  ] he also renamed it for you
[  ] Doesnt get jealous or possessive unless the Donquixote brothers are stopping by to do business.
[  ] Your relationship or arrangement isnt meant to be all that sexual but....
[  ] Hed have you seated in his lap as if you were his pet...because you are.
[  ] Petplay. That is all. Bye!
[  ] Hes by far the easiest one to crack because once you throw on a pair of cat ears on and a tail and hed buy you the entire state.
[  ] misses work often cuz you dont want him to leave after you both spent a night together.
[  ] Uuuugggh hes so fufflyyyy he loves aftercare and treats you so well
[  ] he has a private chef cook for you daily but when hes off he rather cook for you.
[  ] Makes sure you eat healthy and nutritious meals.
Baby 5
If you know baby 5 you would know she automatically spoils tf outta you but with her i feel it'll be more for the emotional comfort that sexual
[  ] Being so emotionally damaged she would never want you to leave her side
[  ] Always wants your opinions when shes about to make a buisness deal
[  ] Netflix and Cuddles🥺™️
[  ] Love her because she deserves
[  ] Alot of headpats and back hugs
[  ] Every time you both have dinner its on one of her yachts and you both dress so extravagant. Dresses, chokers, heels THEE WORKS
[  ] She sometimes asks if she can treat you like her child
[  ] Has a extremely huge mommy kink. Omg call her mommy and she'd cry and run away with you
[  ] She loves treating you to simple stuff like icecream and amusment parks
[  ] A 'On sight' type
[  ] Shes always ready to throw hands, tables, chairs whatever she has to, if someone as much as bumps pass you a little to hard
[  ] she once broke a guys arm that tapped your shoulder to tell you that you dropped your hair tie
[  ] "No one is allowed to harm you! If that b*tch at works says another smart ass remark at you let mommy know and id buy the company and fire her ass...oooo or better yet put her as your personal mule"
[  ] Sometimes forgets her role....
[  ] You: Congratulations! I heard you closed that big deal. Im so proud of youuu!! You did so well
    Baby5:...y-you're p-p-proud of ME! So that means i can pick our wedding dresses???! I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS.."
[  ] Love her pls🥺😩
[  ] Wander-LUST
[  ] Hes the reason why your passport needs constant renewal every few years
[  ] He enjoys you as a travelling buddy at first
[  ] First time he saw you he said he knew you'd take some bomb ass beach pictures
[  ] He also needed you to model for him on couple of his yachts
[  ] Wasnt suppose to be sexual but oopie
[  ] He loves you beneath him...you look better there
[  ] Loves POV when you suck his dick
[  ] "Smile for the camera kitten."
[  ] "Mmmm lemme see how far this pretty little mouth can fit over my cock"
[  ] "No no kitten, eyes up here only"
[  ] "Close your eyes one more time and i'll flip you on your back and fuck this throat nice and deep....regardless of your breath intake. Do i make myself clear?"
[  ] Makes a vow to fuck you on atleast 25 different beaches
[  ] So now he loves travelling and fucking you
[  ] The type to wanna record you both everytime hes fucking you
[  ] Vain boi
[  ] He loves the way he looks whiles hes fucking you dumb
[  ] Makes you call him Daddy whenever yall go out
[  ] Your closet is filled with suitcases and old passports....
[  ] ....at this point hes tempted to buy u a jet of your own
[  ] Also the type to send you hella memes...dont question this OK
Eustass Kidd
[  ] Sex
[  ] Sex
[  ] Whenever he calls its like its thee only thing on his mind
[  ] "Im on my way to your place now. Have your bag packed and make sure bring those- nevermind i rather you fully naked."
[  ] He has an issue with clothes idfk
[  ] "Once you step into my house, take those off....everything betters be off"
[  ] He hid your clothes so you had no choice but to walk around nude.
[  ] He gives you a robe...sometimes
[  ] Compliments your ass more than your smile
[  ] "Im doing a fantastic fucking job with your ass"
[  ] "Dont roll your eyes at me brat!"
[  ] "Its only this big because of that pretty arch i alway press into your back"
[  ] Hes just in it for the sex tbh
[  ] Emotionally distant
[  ] He keeps you at arm lenght and avoids any activities that may cause him fall in love with him.
[  ] ....no cuddles after sex
[  ] well....it was like that.
[  ] Ends up falling hoplessly in love with you.
[  ] Went from payment only after each meeting to him sending lunch over to your work everyday now
[  ] Lowkey insecure about his age, which is why he didnt wanna get close to you.
[  ] He invites you to his company workshops
[  ] Loves when you can get immersed in his passion
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
when i said it i thought it was true [2] {Ben Hardy}
A/N: 2821 words. continuation of the Fake Dating AU; enjoy
[part 1]
He calls you darling with his head between your thighs, and a camera over your shoulder, and you’re scripted to card a hand through his hair - you can barely look at that wig and keep a straight face - and just as you do, the door in the centre of the frame bursts open. The camera refocuses, and it’s Gwil in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, announcing that the band had been played on the radio. After a beat, he stops, sees you scrambling to push Ben away and cover yourself, but he’s more excited at the news as he gets to his feet.
It’s a short scene, and once cut is called on the first take, and the crew take a moment to look over the footage. Like clockwork, people start moving around you, adjusting lighting, shouting technical jargon that you’ve learned to tune out over the years, and Ben sits on the edge of the bed as Gwil joins the pair of you, chatting with Ben about the football.
You’ve got a robe somewhere but you don’t bother with it, just wait as the scene is reset around you, and people come in and fluff the pillows behind you, and the camera angles itself a little lower as the sheet gets pulled off of you. You’re very glad that most of the crew are professionals, because they’ve got you in a pair of high-cut, surprisingly flattering cotton panties, and a tight, brown crop-top with a fringe that stops just above your stomach.
Gwil leaves and Ben leans back, his head pillowed on your thigh, and you gently kick him with your free leg, though it only serves to make him laugh. And then the cameras are rolling and Ben shifts so he’s laying on his stomach, his cheek resting against your thigh as he looks up at you with that mischievous glint in his eyes.
There’s a moment, seeing the way he looks up at you, part of you forgets it’s acting on top of acting, and you feel like you’re thrown back in time, leaning against his headboard as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, the room dark around you apart from the warm glow of the light beside his bed and-
The director calls action and you’re ripped from the memory. If it hurts, just a little, to see him smile at you again like that and know it means nothing, you try not to dwell on it. You smile back.
“Do you have to get up? We’ve got the day off.” Ben wraps an arm around you pressing his forehead to your back, his voice still rough with sleep.
“You have the day off.” You correct with a small smile, trying to sit up. He just tightens his grip, pressing a kiss between your shoulder blades. “Ben.” The way you say his name is a gentle warning, and you can feel him smirk, his lips against your back as he gives a hum of acknowledgement. “They want me on set in an hour and a half.”
“Come on, that’s heaps of time.” And he’s tugging at your hip. You take that as your cue to turn, fondly exasperated when you finally look at him. “So this one is...?” He prompts, small smile on his lips as he sees the way you’re playful annoyance turn endeared. 
It’s something else to wake up next to him, his hair a curly mess, expression unguarded and affectionate in the morning light. The curtains aren’t open, but there’s a sliver of light peaking through a gap between them, and the light shines in, hitting the arm he’s got draped across you. The idea of Ben Hardy trying to keep you in bed, smiling at you like that, would have been laughable just a few months ago, yet here you were.
“Midsomer Murders, they’ve got me playing a baker’s daughter who’s killed ‘cos she looks like some bloke’s ex.” You tell him quietly. There’s a moment of silence that follows, and you’re not even sure he heard you, a look in his eyes like the world outside could be burning and he wouldn’t even care if you’re by his side. 
“Sounds like it’s right up your alley.” He mused, arm still around you, and you laugh at that. The sound makes his smile brighter.
“What the baker, being murdered, or looking like an ex?” You asked lightly, though you realise too late that it could be construed as some sort of twisted relationship test, thought he just chuckled, not reading anything into it.
“Finding yourself playing someone tragic.” He explained. He’s still smiling, but your own expression falls as you consider the weeks you had ahead of you.
The producers of Eastenders had sat you down to explain that your character was going to overdose at the end of the Season, and be rushed to hospital. The survival of her was entirely dependant on the fan’s reaction to the character and the event, but even if she recovered, her romantic arc with Ben’s character would end. The fans wanted him back with Lauren, and the production team agreed.
“Do you think it’s weird that my characters keep getting killed off?” You asked, and he rests a hand on your cheek, thumb gently brushing against your cheekbone.
“‘course not, babe. Two is a coincidence, maybe start worrying about being typecast if it happens again.” He’s so gentle when he says it that you can’t help but smile back, leaning in to press your lips to his before getting up to start getting ready, and Ben grumbles without you by his side, but he’s smiling as he watches you flit about the room.
“You and Ben were together last time we worked together, right?” You and Gwil are the first two on set for the first day of shooting the Madison Square Garden after party. You’d just wanted to get their early knowing you’d have to spend a good deal of time in hair with the wig they had for you for the scene. 
“That was a while ago; surprised you even remember that.” You laughed, eyes closed where a makeup artist was busy applying eyeshadow. 
“Yeah, I forgot about it until the Interruption Scene,” he says, and you snicker, humming with agreement. The silence that stretches between you is a pleasant one. You’d been on quite a few episodes of Midsomer Murder with Gwil, enjoyed his company well enough, not that the two of you had really spoken back then, he’d been a lead and you had different bit-parts every time, and you hadn’t really kept in touch, but he was shaping up to be a good friend on set here.
“How are you two going now?” He asked, idly, watching your reflection as your lips were painted a bright red.
“Good.” You answer automatically, pausing to blot your lips before elaborating. “It’s- uh, honestly it’s weird being back together.” You cast an uncertain gaze to the makeup woman who was clearly trying to hide her surprise. 
“Good-weird?” Gwil asks, raising an eyebrow, and you hesitate. When your words come out next, they spill, too fast as if making up for the silence in which you had to actually think about the answer.
“Yeah, of course, it would be weird if it wasn’t, you know, good-weird.” After a beat, you took a deep breath, forcing your shoulders to relax. “All relationships are weird at first.” And you swallow, standing from your seat and heading into get your wig. Ben’s yawning as he steps past you to get to the makeup trailer, and you catch his wrist as he passes. 
“Hey.” Voice soft, you smile at him, trying to push down your sudden uncertainty. He looks a little confused, but his answering ‘hey’ is kind and fond. He catches sight of a makeup assistant waiting for him, and he presses a quick kiss to your temple before making his way in.
It’s easy to pretend to love him. 
Almost as easy as it was to actually love him.
"So are you gonna leave him once you leave Eastenders?” Maisie was rather blunt. She was one of the only people you talked to after having your production with her had wrapped, and that’s more so because she was a freelance production assistant for indie movies, and she’d let you know about upcoming projects. 
“What the hell, May, no.” You spluttered, and she rose her eyebrows leaning back and taking a long sip of her coffee. She’s judging you. She’s always judging you. It’s part of her charm, you learn not to be insulted.
“Oh, I thought it was just like, a publicity thing.” She admitted, and your brow creases in confusion.
“That’s fucked, that’s so disingenuous.” 
The two of you fit together so easily, sitting on a gilded love-seat in the middle of Freddie’s living room set. Ben’s got an arm around you and a prop glass of alcohol free champagne, and there’s extras all around you buzzing with energy. Every so often you’ll catch one of them watching you and Ben as if you’re some sort of spectacle, and you have that unique sinking sensation that comes with being a public figure; of everyone knowing your business whether you told them or not.
“I think they know.” You murmur in between takes, and he makes a hum of acknowledgement, before turning to you, expression neutral, if not a little confused. “I know, that’s the point.” You know what he’s trying to say without him having to say it, reading him even after a few years apart. 
“You wanna get dinner after this?” He asks quietly, and your expression turns reflexively confused.
“It’s already midnight, it’s not like anyone will expect us to be out, not that anything’s open.” You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he looked out at the crowd.
“We can go to Seven-Eleven for all I care, I just need to get food after this.” He muttered, and you suppressed a smile.
“So we’re putting it on for the cashier?” You asked, and he turned to face you, chin bumping into your forehead when you refused to move your head.
“Babe,” he says pointedly, and you have to laugh, because if you don’t you think your chest might ache a little, “I just want company, it’s not that complicated.” 
Except it is that complicated. Being around him like this has reminded you how good it felt to be with him. It’s been almost three months, and you’ve forced yourself into the habit of reminding both of you that it was fake, that it was for attention, and even if you were really friends again, there was nothing real about the romance. It was getting on his nerves, now that you were closed to the end of filming.
“I know that this isn’t real.” His grip on the steering wheel is white knuckled as he drives to McDonalds. “I get it, okay, I know what’s happening, you can stop reminding me.”
“It’s not all for you, Ben.” Voice soft, you lean back in your seat. He’s parked, but neither of you feel the need to leave the car. 
“What? You’re reminding yourself?” He asked, and you made a noise of affirmation, and he’s quiet for a long time. 
“Half the time, if I don’t remind myself, I just forget.” You refuse to be embarrassed or ashamed by that. “We didn’t actually break up that long ago,” you reminded him; it had only been about two years, “so I’m sorry if it’s weird for me.” 
“It’s weird for me too, okay?”
Your final scene of the Season has you laying in a hospital bed. There’s no words, just the steady beat of a heart monitor that’s going to be added in post production, and a shot of Ben’s face before he leaves, slamming the door to lean against it with his face in his hands. 
You fall asleep about five minutes into filming, and it’s only when Ben comes and lays down beside you on the hospital bed that you wake. Apparently they’d already filmed three takes. His eyes are red-rimmed, but he’s smiling.
“Don’t cry for me.” You tell him, gently teasing, laying your head on his chest and yawning loudly. He wraps an arm around you.
“Tell that to the writers.” He snorted, his hand rubbing gently up and down your arm. “I don’t know how you can sleep through all this.” He mused, and you give him a deadpan look.
“Well someone didn’t let me get a lot of sleep last night.”  Though your tone is accusatory, your smile is playful, and Ben refuses to meet your gaze, a blush rising on his cheeks.
“I’m not going to apologise for that.” He says, tone lofty, though his voice drops to a murmur. With a giggle, you press a kiss to his jaw, murmuring that he shouldn’t need to apologise anyway. 
When he looks at you, looks past the makeup they’ve put on you to make you look sick and weary to the way you’re grinning at him, and he kisses you gently, his finger beneath your chin, lifting your lips to meet his.
Ben’s called away a few moments later, and you see the woman playing Lauren smirking at him from the door frame. Ben rolls his eyes at her as he climbs from the bed, telling you over his shoulder that he’s sorry he disturbed your nap, and you laugh at that, shuffling into a comfortable position as one of the crew members came over and straightened the hospital blanket around you.
After the two of you talked in the McDonalds car park, things have become easier. There’s no more reminders, not in the traditional sense; when it’s just the two of you, he calls you dude, and you call him buddy, and neither can take the other one seriously. He almost snorted beer from his nose when the two of you grabbed dinner at a pub and you’d told him;
“You look cute tonight, buddy.”
Low effort, low pressure, you let yourselves fall into the role of best friends who occasionally kissed when in public. It’s not even weird when you remember little details about one another from when you were together, it was more fond than anything else.
“Ben, settle an argument for us,” they’re on the set of Freddie’s first apartment, and you weren’t actually in the scene, but you’d been bored out of your mind at the hotel you were staying at and came along to watch the recording. Ben was sitting beside Lucy on his phone on the brown leather sofa in the middle of the set, while Rami and Joe were laying side by side on the mattress by the piano, and you were behind the camera with Gwil, trying to touch his wig, and getting your hand slapped away every time, as if it were a game.
“Is this the most impractical bed,” Joe parroted the script, and Lucy’s delivery, to which the actress rolled her eyes with a goodnatured smile, “or just a genius designing his room to best suit his own creative feng shui?”
“Why would you ask him?” You call over as Ben considers thoughtfully for a moment. “He designs his living room about how to best minimise glare on the TV.” You snicker, and Ben looks like he’s about to protest, but then his expression changes and he’s nodding in agreement, before adding.
“The bed’s impractical though, I keep kicking my shin against it.” He adds, and when the boys are giving him a confused look, surprised that he agreed so quickly with your words, he shrugs. “We lived together, she knows what my living room looks like.” He says, as if it’s explanation enough, and honestly, it is.
“Do you ever think about getting married?” The two of you are curled up on his sofa one evening, binge watching something forgettable on Netflix, and your whole body freezes. “Christ, calm down, I’m not asking you, I’m just curious.” There’s a laugh in his words, and you let yourself relax.
“Maybe one day, when I’m a bit older.” You muse, sighing softly and leaning further into him. “When I stop playing crack whores and murder victims.” 
“But you play them so well.” He says, with all the fake-enthusiasm he can muster, and you shove him in the ribs.
“Oi, I’ve got more range than that.” You huff, before settling back down. “What about you?” You ask, and he lets out a low, long hum.
“Haven’t really thought about it much.” He admits, and you make a noise that’s halfway between amused and confused.
“What’s got you thinking about it now?” When you ask, he tightens his grip on you, just a little, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Not really sure.”
the rat pack: @callumidiot @rockandrollandshit @bohorap @pietrorunsforme @sweetfierceimagines @itsjackothy @mhftrs @sherlockiantheatrenerd @softbenhardy @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @virtualsheepeat @smile-nine 
(crossed out means it wouldn’t tag; i’ll try again for the next part, lemme know if you wanna be tagged xx)
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glowstickhaloboy · 7 years
AU where jack is a librarian and bitty accidentally studies
jack loves books. bitty hates studying.
but bitty needs to try something, bc whatever hes doing now is not working, and finals are coming up, so he thinks maybe if he gets some silence and solitude things he needs to know will start sticking
so he goes to the library and lo and behold theres an adonis behind the counter with a pencil tucked behind his ear as he intently reads a biography on Joan of Arc. bitty hears his conscience speak to him in beyonces voice, telling him that this boy is his
but hes a nervous wreck now that he knows theres someone hot here so yeah hes definitely not getting any studying done
except the cute boy doesnt even look up, and bitty remembers that hes probably straight anyway because thats the way the universe likes to be, so he keeps his head down and makes his way to an empty table (but he chooses one that keeps the cute boy in sight, and he isnt sure if thats because he is a masochist or isnt one)
he does his best to vibe this guy, who only looks up from his book when someone comes to check out or ask for the bathroom key, and bitty decides that hes gotta play it cool. that boy likes knowledge, so bitty will have to pretend that he also likes knowledge and isnt absolutely boy crazy, so he opens his textbook and gets down to business, hoping that that cute boy will look over at least and notice how studious this southern young man is
and almost three hours passes where bitty actually studies. he looks at his phone and realizes what hes just tricked himself into doing. he checks back on the cute boy, who is looking at him holy hell it was only for a second and then he quickly looked at his book again and relax eric relax he was probably just zoned out and happened to be staring at your face but maybe he could also sense how good you are at making pies and is deciding whether or not your boyfriend material
its already been three hours, but bitty definitely cannot leave now that developments are taking place
but its only fifteen more minutes before someone else shows up and takes the cute boys place behind the desk. the cute boy walks into the back and comes back with a jacket slung over his shoulder. “see ya, chris,” he says, and bitty wonders if hes being loud enough for his voice to carry on purpose, and when cute boy leaves, bittles insides all start screaming and he wonders if hes being blessed or punished because that boy must do squats or something.
bitty plays it cool for another half hour after that, because he cant look like he was only here because that cute boy was, but hes really only on twitter now. then he packs up his bag and spends the entire walk back to his room thinking about the moment he glanced up and the cute boy glanced down.
and he comes back the next day. bittle may play the slow game, but he has to see where this is going. day one, a glance, and maybe if hes really lucky, by day two he might get a pleasant “good afternoon. welcome to the library.”
he doesnt. he walks right in and sits in the same spot as yesterday, and the cute boy is reading the same book, but bitty tries to keep his face controlled, because this time cute boy looked up as he came in, and unless bittle was reading too much into it, cute boy looked down again as though this wasnt supposed to mean anything, like that was what he wanted bitty to think, but secretly it did.
they continue like this for two weeks, and eric is blessed to discover that the cute boy works a four hour shift every single day. which means theres never a day bittle has to miss out on seeing his sculpted-by-the-gods face.
and then valentines day rolls around.
bitty wonders what in the world am i doing so often while he bakes on february 14th that he knows he has lost any semblance of self-control
he walks into the library thinking the exact same thing, and of course, theres the cute boy, who has moved on to reading an account of the cuban vie for independence from spain, and for the first time, bitty actually approaches the counter
“um, hi,” he says, slightly breathless from the cold, and the cute boy looks up and smiles and says “hi” back. bitty has to ignore his pounding heart and continue on with the words hes been rehearsing since he turned the oven on.
“so, ive been spending a lot of time in the library recently, and i bake a lot, and since today is valentines day, i thought it would be nice to make these cookies for everyone today, so would it be alright if i left these on the counter and people sort of just... helped themselves if they wanted one? i made a card to”
bitty reaches into the basket and holds up a card designed by his friend lardo that reads “happy valentines day! please take one (1)”
the cute boys smile widens, and he says, “yeah. wow, they look great!”
after all the work bitty put into making them, they damn well better. he hasnt worked this hard on a batch of cookies since he campaigned for ninth grade class president. still, he cant help but turn as pink as the frosting on them when the first thing this boy ever says to him is a compliment on his baking.
“its nothin’” says bitty, setting the basket down and stuffing his mittens into his pockets
the cute boy latches onto bittys damnable accent and asks with interest “where are you from?”
“oh, georgia”
“nice. im jack, im from montreal.” he sticks out his hand and bittys suddenly clams up with sweat. oh no this cant be a horrible first handshake, it needs to be warm and nice
bitty decides he has to keep the mitten on, though, because that could be considered cute, right? sweat definitely couldnt. “eric,” he says, and doesnt allow himself to think about the fact that hes just put a bright red mitten in an adonis’s hand. they both seem to be running out of charm, though, so bitty muddles through
“um, they might be a little frozen from the walk over, but they should be good in a few minutes,” he says, then scurries over to his table because two weeks is way too soon to start talking
he distracts himself with literature homework to try to forget what a darn fool he just made himself out to be, but he cant completely tune out the rustling coming from the front desk as jack makes a careful display out of bittles basket and card, even allowing it to block the laminated sign warning patrons the repercussions of keeping overdue books.
a few more students trickle in, and a couple of them go for the basket, and Professor Whitmond tromps in with his two grandkids, who leave covered in powder and sprinkles, but bitty exercises all of his willpower to block it out because he cant believe he did this
but he also wonders if jack is going to take a cookie. hes obsessed with the thought of it. he needs jack to eat one of those cookies and realize that bittle is not just a pretty face. bittles entire body is on high alert, praying for it.
and then it happens. jack reaches into the basket, pulls out a cookie, and takes a bite. bittle thinks, checkmate.
he notices jack glance over at him, and bittle is now confident enough that he chances a bright smile. those cookies are good. they would never have made it out of his kitchen if they werent his best.
jack points at the cookie, his expression one of utter astonishment, and mouths, these are amazing.
bitty raises an eyebrow. i know.
jack makes another expression of astonishment, then waves bitty to go back to his studying. bitty pretends to, but really, hes wondering if bringing in a batch of cookies every friday would be too much.
(he does it anyway)
fridays become the staple of his relationship with jack. bittle brings in a basket of cookies, jack says something that makes bittle wonder if hes flirting or teasing, and bittle feels satisfaction drop into his gut as jack helps himself to the first of the bunch. there has never been a day where every cookie is not eaten.
and then jack changes the schedule. bitty comes in on friday with his usual basket, and jack says, “Eric. I had a question.” and bittles heart starts thumping in its stupid, traitorous way, and jack continues, “About these cookies...” and bitty thinks, oh great, theyre too much, hes only been pretending to like them for my benefit, enough is enough, “Would you mind making me a batch to send to Montreal? My parents want to try them.”
and bittys mind goes completely blank. Something about the way Jack says it completely straight throws bitty off guard. Because, yeah, hes caught on to the fact that Jack can be a bit socially awkward, but this definitely takes the proverbial cake.
“Your parents?” asks Bittle. “How do they know about my cookies?”
“I told them,” says jack, as if its obvious. “We call every friday night, and I always talk about your cookies.”
Bitty’s mind hurriedly re-writes his knowledge of the past few weeks to include the fact that Jack From The Library Has Been Speaking To His Parents About His Cookies And Now Jack’s Parents (IN MONTREAL!) Want To Eat Them.
“So, would that be too weird?” asks Jack.
“Not at all!” says Bitty, laughing slightly because hes terrified. “I can bring some in tomorrow if youd like!”
Its only when Jack smiles that Bitty feels relieved, like hes successfully navigated a minefield correctly. “Thatd be great!” says Jack. “I’ll pay you, if you want, to cover the cost of the ingredients-”
Bitty waves him away. “That’s not necessary, Jack, I’d love to.”
he goes to his seat and cuts his study time in half because he cant stop freaking out about making baked goods for jacks parents, who have never met him, and need to decide within their first taste whether bittle has any worth in their sons life
hes up half the night, and it definitely shows on his face when he brings into the library the next day. all he wants to do is say get them out of my sight.
jack accepts them with a confused look on his face, thanks bittle as bittle marches to his table and begins spreading out his books
oh yeah, and bitty has been getting weirdly good grades since all this started?? it turns out that bi-weekly flirting is the perfect reward for someone who needs to study more. his test scores have gone up dramatically, and even his GPA has gotten a modest boost.
thats only the secondary goal here, though, his real goal has always been getting jack to notice him
for three days, including baking night, bittle sleeps horribly, angsting over what jacks parents - whoever they even are - will think of his cookies. on monday, he gets his answer
“Eric!” jack greets as bittle walks into the library. hes smiling wide. “ive been told to tell you that youre moving to montreal to become my parents’ personal dessert chef.”
relief smacks into bitty like a forty-pound fist. he feels slightly whoozy. “they liked them?” he repeats.
jack just stares at him. “Eric. Have you ever had one of your cookies before.”
“No, I mean, well, yes, obviously I have, but it’s just that I’m always worried whenever new people try them that they’ll hate them, and since baking is the only thing I’m really good at, it’s important to me that people, you know, like my stuff.”
“Eric,” Jack says, for what feels like the thousandth time. “Everything you make is incredible. And baking isn’t all you’re good at. You study like a champion.” He offers Eric a fist bump.
Eric takes it for what it is, a sign of friendship, as he belatedly registers that Jack just called his baking skills amazing. Even if the boy is straight, he knows how to play Eric like a fiddle. And Eric is just gone enough to let it happen.
spring weather is finally setting in, and bitty starts to think about just how many days hes spent in the library this year, all so he can gawk at a boy he doesnt have a chance with. all this time, and he couldve been actually out there looking for someone who will genuinely be with him and make him happy.
he stops going to the library on a tuesday. by friday, he feels bad because the people on campus have come to expect his cookies every week, and he owes it to them to keep their stomachs satisfied with finals approaching. he makes a batch, not knowing what hes going to say to jack, or if jack will even care that bitty has been out by the pond enjoying his afternoons with his friends instead of hanging out inside.
he walks in with his basket, and jack seems to look both relieved and slightly cross. “Eric,” he says, because thats all he ever says. “You haven’t been here.”
Bitty shrugs. “I made cookies,” he says, and offers Jack the basket.
Jack’s brow furrows. “Is something wrong?” he asks.
“No,” says Bitty, which, because he doesn’t know what on Earth he’s feeling, is almost the truth.
Somewhat stunned into silence, Jack accepts the basket Bitty offers him and watches Bitty leave again. Bitty walks until he’s out of sight of the library, then sits on the nearest bench and wipes his eyes. He’s being ridiculous. There was literally never even anything between him and Jack. It was all made up in Bitty’s head, a fabrication based on a few standard conversations and lies garnered by baked goods. Maybe Bitty is crying because he’s such a fool. Why did he waste so much time on a needless fantasy? What was wrong with him.
“Well,” he mumbles to himself, standing. “At least your grades went up.”
this is the part where he looks up, hoping that jack might have followed him and was now waiting, out of breath, to say something meaningful and restore all of bitty’s hopes. but the sidewalk is empty, and bitty is left exactly like normal--creating a version of jack that doesnt exist based on the picture he has in his head
he goes back at the end of the day, when he knows jack will be gone, to collect his cookie basket from the library. a boy named chris hands it to him. “yeah, thanks for bringing these in today!” says chris. “the guy i work with seemed kinda down, so i think he needed a pick me up. i mean, he said that theyre for the patrons, but i got him to eat one, and i could tell he even felt better afterwards. theyre super good! i mean, i always ate them, i didnt know jack didnt, but-”
“thanks,” said bitty. he thought that if he didnt interrupt, this young man would never have stopped talking. “er, thats sweet of you.”
so for three weeks, bitty only comes in on fridays to drop off cookies. he and jack dont say a lot to each other. but as bittys mood steadily improves, jacks mood steadily worsens.
im healing, bitty thinks as he walks in on the third friday. that wasnt healthy, eric, it was sensible to get out of that.
“hey jack,” he says happily, setting the basket of cookies on the counter. “special delivery.”
jack squints at him for a moment, with a smile that seems more like a grimace. “thanks,” is all he says. he says it in a very particular way. flat. thanks.
bitty’s brow furrows. he thinks about asking, but he grew up in the hospitable south, where the popular motto was let everyone get on with their own business or get cussed out for pryin’. “um. youre welcome.”
he almost walks out, then shouts screw it! in his mind and turns around. “are you mad or somethin’?”
jack looks up as though feigning ignorance. all the lines on his face look hard. he sighs. “no, eric. its nothing to worry about. thanks for the cookies.”
“because my mama used to teach me lessons in passive aggressive bullshit when i used her pan sheets without askin’.”
“its nothing. its me. have a good day.”
“only she never tried to brush me off when i wanted to talk to her about it.”
jack considers him. “you dont come into the library anymore,” he admitted. “im not mad at you, im just... grumpy.”
bitty has to fight hard to keep his heart bolted down. he misses his friend, he tells himself. do. not. read. into. it.
“Oh,” says Bitty. “I, um. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Er. Have you been reading anything good recently?”
jack defrosts a little and they have a nice conversation about the true crime novel jacks gotten into. bitty feels a little bad for ghosting him, and maybe he misjudged things a little by saying there was nothing there, because hey certainly got along well, but he wasnt naive enough to think there was any use kidding himself about something romantic.
by the end of it, jacks laughing, and eric finds it in himself to giggle along too, and it feels like a nice resolution. maybe you cant have it all, eric thinks, but you can have this.
he bids jack goodbye, feeling better about the whole mess, glad that he said something.
at the end of the day, chris returns bittys basket, and bitty cant help but ask how jack was today. all chris says is, “Glowing.”
For the first time, bitty and jack run into each other outside the library. theyre at the campus coffee shop, perhaps both gearing up for finals week, and jack is leaving just as bitty is entering.
“Eric,” says Jack, genuinely smiling. Bitty’s smile is also completely real.
“It’s weird, but it just kind of clicked for me that you’re a real person,” says Jack, then makes a soft face of pain. “I mean, obviously you’re a real person, but I’d only ever seen you at the library before. Now that we’re somewhere else-”
“I get it,” bitty assures him. “Are you working there next year, too?”
Jack shrugs. “Who knows? I’d like to, but someone with work-study might take my place. I’m always getting yelled at for reading when I should be re-shelving books. And I get cookie dust all over the counter on Fridays.”
Blushing, Eric says, “That is entirely your fault and no one else is responsible for that.”
“Not at all.” He’s still smiling, which Bitty thinks is ridiculous. “Are you doing anything right now?”
Bitty gestures to the line ahead of him. “Buying coffee,” he says.
“Anything else?” Jack clarifies. Bitty shakes his head. “I’ll wait with you. We can sit down and drink it together.”
He has to know what he’s doing, Bitty thinks. Once again, blind hope fills his chest and Bitty says, “Sure. That’d be nice.”
by the time their cups are drained, theyre too deep in conversation to move. when a pause comes, however, jack clears his throat. “Um. Actually. Eric. I, um, just wanted to clarify something, because I think I didn’t before.”
Bitty sighs dramatically. “I knew it. You’re using me because your parents want more cookies.”
Jack’s laugh is music for Bitty’s soul. “They seriously have not stopped asking about you since I sent those cookies. I didn’t know what to say to them when you stopped coming to the library.”
Bitty turns a little quieter. “Sorry about that,” he says. not because he feels sorry for not going, but because hes sorry that jack was hurt because of it.
“It’s okay, Eric, really,” Jack says, and hes so earnest that bitty believes he means it. “Anyway, what I wanted to say was, I think I didn’t clarify that when I asked you to sit down. You know. With our coffees. I sort of intended that to be. You know. Asking you out for coffee. Because I think you’re great.”
Bitty’s heart starts beating triple-time. His eyes turn to saucer plates. “This entire time, I was trying so hard to convince myself that you would never be into me!” he all but shouts. “I couldn’t deal with having a crush on a straight boy so I avoided the library like the plague.”
Jack blinks. “I never told you I was straight, Eric.” It’s not a reprimand, but it also totally is. Bitty puts his head in his hands.
“I thought I was being a fool for one thing,” he says, “but I was being a fool for something else entirely. I am so sorry, Jack.”
“You could make it up to me by letting me buy your coffee next time.”
Eric peeks at him through the gaps in his fingers. “Don’t try to fool me into thinking you’re smooth, Mr. Zimmermann. I know you too well.”
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therewas-a-girl · 7 years
Ppl thinking oliver queen would have been better - liked/treated/his issues better respected - by fandom, if he had been a woman has me laughing at the… is it called paradox? Blatant nontruth of the statement?
Here are some easy examples of how this is not so:
Laurel lance (lol most heatedly hated character of arrow for a myriad for reasons, at least half of them sexist bullshit the other ¼ shipper bullshit; had some shit writing which is always taken as a character trait and for which SHE is blamed for; had a depression arc, is an addict, after all the times shes been kidnapped abused and beaten probably has some form of lingering effect from all the… u know… trauma + the emotional upheaval that has been her life for the last 10 years. And yet - still loathed and her issues are negated and belittled at every turn. Always misinterpreted, rarely afforded the luxury of viewer empathy; favorite fandom strawoman usually)
Sara lance (ptsd from all the fucked up shit the league put her through amd that she went through before that, which was very visible when she was on arrow. Probably dealt with some for of sexual harassment/threats of violence/violence when she was on the Amazo, which we never explicitly saw thank god. A good portion of Olicity fans dispise her cause ship reasons, same with lauriver fans. Who is the REAL black canary discourse is still going strong btw, which inevitably generates hate on either of the lance sisters side. Saras bisexuality is constantly erased or denied or treated as sth tintillating for the straight male gaze; she is slutshamed at every corner; ppl hardly can be bothered to remember that she was actually suicidal at one point, that she thought she was not worthy of love or capable of love or of being with someone - HUGE CHARACTER MOMENT HERE - when she broke up with oliver usually dismissed/forgotten cause felicity walks in the room so most of the olicity fandom - big portion of arrow fandom - 9 times out of 10 doesnt bother to remember that sara was talking about herself here)
- yes shipper tendencies matter, they shape character perceptions.
Bonus: thea queen (neglected by her mother, abused physically and emotionally by her monster father, has some serious issues with violence, probably ptsd-related avoidance for it, the mask, her old life. Has utterly detatched from a whole side of her personality and history, something that was intrinsic to her for 2 years, and yet nobody sees that as eyebrow-raising worthy for some reason cause that is what a tots normal person would do. The almost oliver-like split of the sides of her life/personality is mentione…. how many times in fandom? The metas are where? Maybe ive just missed them. Okay. Oh i almost forgot - was stabbed and just about died. But she got over that, right? Which has nothing to do with the bloodlust, by the way. Thats from the Pit. Trauma outlasts the bloodlust. And yet whenever she displays behaviour that is consistent with some kind of post-traumautic symptoms/behaviour… she is bitchy or ungrateful or whiny or being a child again. Literally do not know how to go on with this one)
Extra bonus: felicity smoak. How much felicity’s trauma was aknowleged = she has all kinds of traumatic shit happen to her, including but not limited to near-death experinces, and yet the effect this had on her is nearly nonexistent in big fandom spaces. Sunshine felicity yay! Supporting and taking care of oliver. Yay. Always the light to guide his way. Untarnished. Y. A. Y. (Feel my burning enthusiasm for this interpretation. But thats my preference and of no consequence here.) And the moment it was “officially” aknowleged that a ptsd arc would be explored with her (which is, imo, still a euphemism, or a gross misusage of this very serious illness /that they cant be bothered to portray right on a woman/) - the same ppl that say ‘olivers mental illness is disrespected cause he is male’ were all about (paraphrasing here) “olivers LONG LASTING and X YEAR LONG ptsd is as valid as felicitys NEWLY CONCOCTED/FRESHLY CREATED ptsd” …somehow managing to insult the both of them and imply that the years one lives with an illness give u a sort of precedence and ‘elder card’ in the club. ‘Empathy should go first HERE where its mooore…’ more what? I just dont know how to continue this. needed? Valid? I dont know man. I mean, by works of logic the obvious non-truth of the beginning statement of this post is encapsulated by this last example. But lets be thorough.
Look there are layers. Olivers character deals with shit writing sometimes and horrifying demonisation of his mental illness FROM THE WRITERS OF HIS OWN SHOW. And there is a shitton of ableism in fandom about him.
But if he’d been a woman… my dude… my guy… my pal…. experience shows fandom generally, not as separate ppl but as a block unit, (fandom currents? Fandom tendencies?) have *lower* empathy for women and their narratives (e.i. a lot **less** 29596k word metas about why he does the things he does, trying to explain away the writing holes would be floating around). Lower patience for their fuckups. Lower imagination for their inner lives and even lower willingness to search them out. The show itself would have a lower interest in exploring these issues, as they have shown it to be the tendency with female characters.
Oliver queen is human, he fucks up, he has a deep inner life and his trauma has far reaching shockwaves. All those are characteristics we assume him to have, as default, cause hes a WHITE MALE presented as straight. Who has to contend with bullshit ableism, sure, and fandome expectations colored by toxic masculinity, which canon doesnt even support. But he would have faaaar more prejudices to contend with if he were female. All those assumptions - of hidden logical reasons, depths, triggers etc - up there wouldnt even go halfway if hed been a woman, or not white or, god forbit, a woman of color.
(Dude can u imagine the shitstorm of slutshaming that would hit a female!oliver for sleeping with a *fraction* of the number of ppl oliver has slept with??? In canon he has always had emotional ties or reasons for sleeping with every single one of his partners whether fandom likes it or not, and STILL he is called a manwhore, as if he only thinks with his dick. Even oliver isnt afforded brains and emotions when it comes to sexual agency. It baffles me.
But im willing to bet that it would be worse if he were a woman because the reason for dumbing him down would go from ‘i want to belittle all these other relationships he has so that THIS ONE SHIP shines thru’, to straight up sexism and womens agency over their bodies and emotions. Case in point ppl were calling felicity a plethora of disgusting epithets for sleeping with ray (ONE MAN) when she was a FREE BEING WITH AN INDEPENDENT WILL tied to !!!nobody but herself!!!, just cause she didnt plant olivers name on her ladyparts from the moment she first saw him. (Lets also admit that shipper reasons are present here too but the difference is that in olivers case, his sexing up other ppl lowers olicity’s value cause hes not devoted enough and whatnot. In felicitys case, her sexing up other ppl lowers *felicity’s* ‘value’ because… do i rly need to explain why here? Hint - It ties back to the ‘pure felicity oliver’s light’ argument and the dehumanization of her character by making her the literal object of olivers salvation and therefore nullifying/ridiculing her choices if they make her path deviate from olivers.) Ppl are saying Laurel would be betraying tommys memory by loving oliver still - TOMMYS MEMORY. a man whos been dead for *four years* matters more than a live womans feelings. Just… christ…)
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
animal crossing gamecube
animal crossing gamecube
Animal Crossing cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Animal Crossing cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Animal Crossing.
Genre: Simulation, Pets
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: September 16, 2002
36,720 Bells At Once!!
If you are a cheater like me you will love doing this. First you go to Tom Nook’s and go to the option “say code,” then enter the code for the jingle dresser (3 is the max you can do at once). Then open the presents and sell them. You will get 36,720 bells. Then to repeat this go and save and quit, and then go back (no time will need to be changed), and enter the code for the jingle dresser 3 times more. Note: This is a good hint for paying off your debt to Tom Nook.
I just don’t understand the pelicans on this game. Normally you think there’s 3 pelicans on animal crossing right? Pelly the sweet day time post office lady pete the love sick delivery guy and phylis the grumpy night post office lady? WRONG! Actually there’s 4 pelicans! The one I speak of is “pelliper”. Pelliper is a sailor that doesn’t know how to swim, wears an EXTREMELY child like sailor costume and constantly washes up on the beach of you town. When you see him he looks like hes dead. But he isnt! All you have to do is keep talking to him and he’ll wake up! When he does he thinks you saved his life and thanks you with an extremely rare item he “borded off a seedy looking merchant in afar away land, you won’t find another like it! . At least I don’t think you will. ” (is what he says to you after he gives it to you). Now you can only find him on rare occasions, cause, well, its not every day a funny lookin’ pelican was his up on the beach, but you can ALWAYS find him during any festival that takes place: AT THE WELL! Some people don’t get that. No matter how big I type it. Any way good luck finding him hes, very, very, very, odd. p. S: when you talk to him he tells you about his travels and how his many gold fish were heart broken when he left them,. He gets one at every port. (thats the only reason I actually believe hes a REAL sailor, cuz he said he gets one “at every PORT”.
How To Catch ALL The Fish!!!
Fishes Found in
River, PondTimeCrucian carpAll year All dayCatfishAll year All daySmall bassAll year All dayBarbel SteedAll year All day DaceAll year, 4:00pm-9:00amBluegillAll year, 9:00am-4:00pm KoiAll year All dayBitterlingDec.-Feb. 4am-9pmLoachMay. 9am-4pmCarpAll year All dayPale chubAll year 9am-4pmLarge BassAll year All dayBassAll year All daySalmonSept. All dayPond smeltDec.-Feb. 4am-9pmAngelfishMay-Oct. 4pm-9amFreshwater gobyAll year All dayGuppyApr.-Nov. 9am-4pmRainbow TroutMar.Apr.Sept.Oct. 4am-9amEelJuly-Aug. 9pm-4amPopeyed GoldfishSept. 9am-4pmBrook TroutAll year All dayGiant CatfishJune-Aug. 4pm-9amGiant SnakeheadJuly-Aug. 9am-4pmKillifish (holding pond)Apr.-Aug. All day Large char(waterfall)Mar.June.4am-9pm Frog(holding pond)May-Aug.All day Cherry SalmonMar.-June 4am-9am ArowanaJune-Sept. 4am-9am StringfishDec.-Feb. 4pm-9am GoldfishAll year All daySweetfishJuly-Aug. 4am-9pmPirahnaJune-Sept. 9am-4pmArapaimaJuly-1st half of Sept. 4pm-9amCrawfishApr.-1st half of Sept. All day The following are caught in the oceanBarred KnifejawMar.-Nov. 4am-9amRed SnapperApr.-June 4pm-9amCoelacanth (when raining) All year 4pm-9am Jellyfish2nd half of Aug. All day
Nooks Expanshions
The more you buy or sell from nook the closer he gets to acomplishing his dream about having a big store. he has four expanshions he can have. Nook’s cranny, Nook ‘n go, Nookway, and Nokkington’s. Keep buyin’.
Get The Most Expensive (and Worthless) Item
Pay off your loan to Tom Nook. Start depositing bells. Deposit 999,999,999 bells to get a Model of the Post Office.
Free Paper From Nook!
When you start a new town/person and you are working for tom nook and when he tells you to write a letter take the paper and drop it outside and go back in and ask for more he will give it to you! Its that easy!
Free Stuff
Go to the police station everyday and say it’s yours.
Talk To Pete The Pelican
At exactly 9:00am or 5:00pm, wait around the bulletin board. At that time, Pete will come and take a landing to deliver your mail or other human player’s mail. While he’s delivering the mail, you have a chance to talk to him. Once he’s done delivering the mail, he’ll fly away, so you better be quick if you want to talk to him. He will just say stuff like I’m busy, don’t talk to me right now.
NES Games On The Go
When you play NES games on your GBA using a Nintendo Gamecube GBA link cable, just unplug the cable out of the GBA without turning it off and you will still be able to play the NES game on your GBA. That way, you can play it anywhere like on a trip.
April Fool’s Day
On April 1st, talk to main characters like Tom Nook or Copper and they will tell you an April Fool’s joke. Also try going to Tortimer the Mayor at the Wishing Well so he can give the NES game Super Tortimer along with an April Fool’s joke.
Blonka The Cat With No Face
Sometimes when you go on the train If you can’t see anyone in the back talking on the phone. A white cat with no face will walk up and sit where the other cat usually sits When She ask’s you whats wrong tell her “You got no face” Then she’ll ask you to draw her a face. This is quite fun to do. It’s quite sad for Blonka Because every time she washes her face she loses it.
How To Get Songs
Every Saturday night between 8:30 and 9:30 go up by the train station and there will be a white dog. Talk to him he will sing to you and what ever he sings to you, you will get that song to put in your place where you listen to music.
Run Rabbit Run!!
Have you ever gotten tired of always pressing the B button to run? I know I have! Well you can also hold down the L and the R buttons to run! Now you can run with only 1 hand!
Snowman Series
To collect pieces from the exclusive Snowman series you have to know how to make the perfect snowman! If you succeed at making your snowman perfectly you’ll receive a piece of snowman furniture from the snowman series. To own the complete series continue making perfect snowman (that is after your first one melted or you knocked it down).
Coconut Crave
If you visit your town’s local island you may notice there are several palm trees with coconuts growing on them. Well, of course you can eat them, but what fun would that be? Instead snag a couple of them and grow them on your own in your town! Cool-huh? The catch is that you only can grow the coconuts buy your ocean(beach). Which basically is all of the F arces!
Don’t you just love the snow, well I do. In da winter time I like to make snowmen. Well in dis game you can to. First you find 2 snowballs and then you push them together and you make a snowman you will talk to him and he will give you special items!!
Dragonflies On Your Head
If you go to the insect room in the Musem, the dragon flies in there will land on your head. Note: You have to stand still for a while.
Double Bed
First, buy two beds. Then, push the beds together. Get on one and, press the control stick towards the other bed. You will roll over to the other bed. Note: This won’t work unless the beds are side by side and the feet and heads of the bed are faceing the same way. The beds don’t have to match either.
K.K. Comes
K.K. Slider everyone knows him but his REAL name is Totakeke (trust me i have the animal crossing cheat code book) well anyways every Saturday at 8:00 pm to midnight he will be by the train station go there and listen to some totally rad tunes!
Golden Stuff
To get a golden bug net, catch every type of fish there is.To get a golden net, catch every tye of bug.To get a golden shovel, first buy 2 shovels, then dig up a spot thats golden, (the hole where you dig up money) Drop the shovel in and bury it. Soon it will grow into a golden tree and when you shake it and a golden shovel will come down.
Live Anyware
This is kind of stupid because you will loose your house. To do it you need 2 memory cards. One with your town data and one with 3 avalable blocks. Talk to porter and say you are going on a trip with the memory card with town data in slot A and the other one in slot B. When he is done saving data take out the memory card in slot B. Say your you they’ll say you are traveling and are you sure you want to play. Say “sure”. Then as soon as you get out of your house, save and quit. Then when they ask “Are you all ready?” say “Before I go” and say other things, demolish a house of the person you want to live anywhere with. Make sure the memory card is out while you are doing this.
How To Get Free Flowers
When you start your game meet 1 person. Then go to Tom Nook. When he asks you to plant flowers go to your gyroid and say store an item. Store 4 flowers under display. Put the rest of the flowers in your house.
Always Talk To Mayor
Always talk to mayor when you see him he might give you a free item!
Fish Cheat
Ok this cheat takes a while so make sure you have some time on your hands.Take your fishing pole and go to the river in the A,B and C acers and fish there (stay in those acers) fill you pockets with fish you will most likely catch alot of Pond smelt barbel steed and cheap fish like that but when you pockets are full DONT GO SELL keep fishing and swaping fish you will start to catch alot of Bitterling Goldfish Large Bass Koi and some string fish witch are worth 15,000 bells.
Bug Hunting Tips
Bug Huntin Tips:1. You'll find a lot of butterflys near flowers on the island2. Um. I found a grasshopper on flowers on the island3. You'll have to be fast to catch dragonflys4. You can be fast to catch butterflys and ladybugs, but try to be soundless when aproaching.
Resett the game many times.Eventually Don (Ressetis big bro.) will appear and insult Mr. Resseti.
Make Someone Mad Enough To Move Away
Okay this is stupid but who cares. First get a shovel then go find somone in you’re town and hit them on the head three times. After the last hit they will get really mad at you. Then they might move.
Multiply Your Money
To do this you must have 2 memory cards (one with town data and another without town data). First deposit all of your money into the post office. Then go save travel data onto your 2nd memory card. Now go back as the funny looking person without a face. Go and take out all of the money and drop it outside the post office, and save and quit. After that put the memory card with the travel data back in and the animal will say “Huh?” “You already came back from traveling. Then they will ask you if you want to continue. Press “Yes” now go back take the money that you dropped out side the post office. You will now notice that you have the same amount of money in the post office as you do in your inventory.
House Model And Manor Model
If your house is very stylish to the point where you get over 70,000 points from the Happy Room Academy, you will get a house model. If your house gets over 100,000 points you get a manor model. Also the models have the same color roof as your actual house.
If you and a friend both happen to play animal crossing. And if you live in the same village. you will think of fun things to do with each other. I know four but i will only share one. Beacuse you should invent your own it would be alot funner for you. You can go bury something say in area c-4 then have your friend load up there character and have them go find it. Only one person can run around town at a time, you cant run into each others characters but you can still go and look in ther house and you can still find your animal friends.
Rocky Jackpot
Each day, one of the large rocks in your town will contain alot of bells. ( As you should know.) If you strike one that turns red keep hitting it for more bells, duh! Whats that you move out of place when you hit it? Oh that can be fixed. But DON’T hit the rocks at all yet. first dig three holes by the rock in a v shape pattern. ( You know what v’s look like dont you? the point of the v should be as close to the rock as possible.) Then get in the hole closest to the rock then hammer on the A button. you can get up to 13,300 bells a day, even more if you follow feng shei! REMEBER DO NOT HIT ANY OF THOSE STUPID ROCKS UNTIL YOU HAVE THE V SHAPED PATTERN DUG BY THE ROCK!!!!!!! Beacuse if you hit the rock before that you wont get a second chance. Well thats it I hope that hint was helpfull have fun playing. Happy gaming
Museum Model
To get the museum model all you have to do is fill in the museum with everything.
How To Get Rid Of A Mean Neighbor
Say you have Rolf as a neighbor and you can’t stand him anymore. OK, send him or her a letter but only say one letter like A. After that go to the dump see if you have a can or boot. Pick it up send it to the neighbor, and wait for a response of “I’m moving and I’m never coming back.”
Get All The Harvest Furniture In One Day!
As you know, to get the harvest furniture take the fork and knife from the table (go up to them and press the b button) and bring them back to the turkey guy. But you can do this more than once. After you give him the forks and knives go back and take them again and give it to him again until you have all the harvest material. This is good for bringing up your score in with the Happy Room Academy (HRA).
What Happen’s When You Pay Off Your House??
I’m here to say that i have succsefully payed off all of my debts to Mr. Nook, The prize isnt really all that great but if you like large golden statues of yourself then i think you’ll be interested in paying off your house. The easiest way to do this is to wait till its raining then go to teh ocean at 12:00 AM to catch teh colecaneth, then after you catch it about 2-5 times you can start to catch Red Snappers, Barred Knifejaw. Before you know it you’ll be running around town and watching over the train station at one time! �O ya!
How To Make Golden Trees Grow
If you are wondering why your Golden Trees are not growing? Here is your answer. First of all, the best time to grow a Golden Tree is in the spring. Second of all, you are most like likely to save your game and quit, and change the date to a differant date. But thats where you are wrong, you are suppost to chang the date to one day after you planted the money or shovel to get a Golden Tree.
See Mr. Ressesti While Listing To K.K.
If you have seen Mr. R at least 2 times then when K.K. is playing look in the top left corner of your screen when leaves strt falling to see him it whille be short. So be on your toes.
More Fruit Trees Than What You Have!
When you talk to somebody, it gives you 3 options: “Gimme a job”, “What’s up?”, or “My mistake”. They may not say those EXACT words, but they all do the same thing. When you talk to different animals to the point when they get EXTREMELY annoyed, they will some times want to trade you items if you have alot of them. They say things like “I’ve noticed that you have a Bell cricket with you, can I trade you this fruit?” Once you’ve gotten the fruit, BURY IT IN A HOLE! DO NOT EAT IT! The more you get, the better chance you have of them growing. The best part of this trick is: TOM NOOK PAYS YOU 500 BELLS FOR ANY EXOTIC FRUIT! Say it with me: Payoff?
House Expansion Info & Prices
Prices on upgrading your house is as follows.
Big Fish Prices
These are the prices for Big Fish on Animal Crossing:
Barred Jacknife= 5,000Stringfish= 15,000Coleceona= 20,000
Big Fish!!
On a rainy day from 12:00am to 1:00am you can catch a living fossel!!! This is what you have to have to catch that fish. 1. A fishing pole 2. Able to do this for a long time. Go to the ocean and search for fish. You can fish if you want. Walk don’t run or else you will scare the fish away! You Will find a bigger fish than usuall in a little bit of time. This is the best way I can explane this hint. Good luck fishing.
Prices For Houses
When you first need to pay off yor house it cost roughly 48,000 dollars her is a list of the rest of your future payments..
1)first upgrade= 178,000 dollars2)Basement= 49,000 dollars3)second upgrade= 398,000 dollars4)Attic/2nd floor= 789,000 dollars!!!
When you pay off all your house extentions something will go outside the train station for all to see. Im not telling what it is so you’re gunna have to work for it
Get Music Quick
To get music fast just set the clock ahead to a Saturday at 8:00 and then go talk to K.K. Slider and ask him to play you a tune then he will give you a copy and you’ll be able to listen to it on your stereo.Continue this intill you are satisfied with whatever songs you have.
Free Items
To do this, you need a friend with his own town and the item you want. Get him to get the code from Tom Nook for the item, then go enter it. Of course, you get the item. What most people don’t realize is, if you write the code down, you can enter it as many times as you want, getting that item free each time!! If you enter it three times, Tom won’t let you enter any more codes. Don’t panic. If you save and quit, you can do it three more times. If you have a really expensive item, (like the White King), you can get big money fast!
Special Feng Shui
Some itmes have special Feng Shui. Special Feng Shui means that the items can be placed anywhere in the home and they will still have a positive effect on your luck.
Special Feng Shui Items:G LogoHouse ModelMailboxFishing TrophySpring MedalPiggy BankManor ModelBig Festive TreeLuigi TrophyTreasure ChestAngler TrophyTissueSamurai SuitHinaningyoFestive TreeTanabata PalmHouse ModelDracaenaMario TrophyPost ModelAutumn Medal
Item Trading By Codes
This is one of the coolest and most unique features of the game. You can trade items with other people in other towns without the use of memory card trading. Find someone who wants an item that you are willing to trade off, then go to Tom Nook’s store. Select Other Things from the menu and the select Hear Code. Type in that person’s name and town name, and then give the item to Tom. This is the crucial part: make sure you get the code correctly or the item will be lost. He will give you a code that contains the recipient’s name and town, as well as what item it is, in crypted code. Give this code to the person that wanted that item and he would go to Nook and select Say Code and put in the code you gave him. Voila, he now has that item. Have him do the same to return the favor.
Pay Off Your Debt
There is a quick and easy way to pay off your debt to Tom Nook. At the beginning of the game, when you see the animal asking if you’re ready to go, select other opions, more options, and then set clock. Set the clock to Jan 1st. Check in your mail and there will be a letter with 10,000 bells in it. Save and repeat this process, adding on another year every time. Once you are done, deposit or keep the money, and change the clock back to normal time. The only side effect is that weeds have now grown all over your town. But dont worry about that. It took me about 45 minuets to take them all out. Anyway, I would only recommend doing this if you are paying back your second payment for your larger room because pulling up weeds is annoying. If you talk to him, he’ll ask you if you want to upgrade your house, or add a basement. The choice is yours, but I would definitely recommend a basement to store junk. (the HRA doesnt check your basement:-)
Extra Songs On Saturday
As you may know, you can only get one song from K.K. Slider every Saturday. To get more songs on the same day, travel to another village and get one from him there, or play the game in your village as another character that has been created. Then just put in the Gyroid for free and then you can claim it.
Expand Your House
If you pay off your debt to Tom Nook everytime he give ya one he will ask if you want to expand your house, if you say yes he will ask what color you want your roof, then he’ll say it will be expanded over night, then he’ll give you another fee (don’t expect ’em to be cheap they can go over 100,000,000 bells!!!!) but they only get bigger each time you expand your house so don’t worry about that for a long time, then he may also expand his shop too! But if you say you don’t want to expand your house oh well just live in a cramped house the rest of your game life.
Feng Shui
Certain items are feng shui items. Feng shui items bring good luck when recieving gifts or money management. Not every piece of furniture is a feng shui color but if you manage to get one put it in your house green is south orange is north red is east and yellow is west.
Special Visitor Tracker
Everyday you should go to cooper at the police station because he can tell you if anyone has come or is coming to town.
Tom Nooks Shop Expansion
If you buy and sell from Tom Nook all the time he may get new and better items. If you do it enough he may even make his shop bigger to hold more items.
Summertime Items
Sometimes in the summer people will take a vacation to your town. When they do they might give you a gift that you can only get from them.
Snowman Items
When snow is on the ground, the snowman may appear in two halves. Roll them together to recieve an item that you can only get from him.
Secret Items
If you have a gameboy advance, a gamboy advance to gamecube link cable, and the nintendo e-reader and the animal crossing cards you can get secret items on animal cross.
Extra Item Space
If you find yourself short of poket-space, fill up your letter part of the menu and put items as gifts attached to letters. It even works on letters recieved.
Moving Animals/Residents
If you made another town and your residents from YOUR town moved to it, here’s how to get them back! Every time you get on a train to visit a town and come back a resident moves to that town you visited. So, if you want them back make a new character in the other town the resedent moved to(unless you already have one) and go on the train and visit the town your other guy lives in and come back. One of the character has moved! These are random residents every time. keep taking a trip and back until all of the other residents moved back! Note: at least five residents must stay in one town!
Rare Fruits
Each town has a certain native fruit that can be sold in that town for 100 Bells. If you travel to another town, you can sell that fruit for a whopping 500 Bells. And the same goes in reverse. If you collect a foriegn fruit from another town, you can sell it in your town for 500 Bells apiece.
The Turnip Market
On Sundays, you can buy turnips from the travelling turnip sales-boar, Joan. Later that week, you can sell the turnips to Nook for a HUGE profit.
Between midnight and 4am you can find a wisp or ghost around the town. Talk to him and he will give you a gift or pick all the weeds.
Easy Money
When bees appear from trees, take out your butterfly net and face the beehive. If you can catch a bee, you can sell it for $4500.Place orange furniture to the north, green furniture to the south, yellow furniture to the west, and red furniture to the east part of your house.Note: This trick requires a Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Play the game with the Game Boy Advance attached. Collect as much fruit as possible and travel all the way to the south. Go the pier at the beach. A Kappa will be there and will to bring you to a new island to the south. Get to the new island and drop all of your fruit. Return to the Kappa and leave. Transfer the island to the Game Boy Advance. On the Game Boy Advance, knock on the door to the house of the island animal. After it appears, move a piece of fruit in front of the animal. It will eat it and become happy. Keep repeating this until the animal drops money bags. Feed all your fruit to the animal, then put your Game Boy Advance on standby. Resume the game on the Gamecube. Go back to town, then return and talk to the Kappa again. Your game will now be updated with the Game Boy Advance data. Travel back to the island and collect the money bags.Go around town with your shovel and hit every rock you can find. One of them should turn red when you hit it. Keep hitting it to get more money.Every New Year your parents give you 10,000 bells. Change the system date on the Gamecube or in the Animal Crossing options and change the date to the new year. Check the mail box and you will have 10,000 bells from your parents. Repeat the process, but change the year.Dig for fossils every time you play. When the museum fills up with fossils, you can make a mint at Nook's or trade with residents for good items with fossils. Skulls of dinosaurs seem to be worth the most, usually bringing in 4,000 to 6,000.Play the Stalk Market. Turnips do not seem like that much of a commodity, but its gold in the game. You can make a fortune buying Turnips and selling them at the right price.
If you are not catching the fish you want to catch, move to another section of the map and fish there. Some fish are only found in certain areas.When fishing, do not actually reel in the fish (press A) until you see the bobber go under the water.Fish at the ocean in the rain. You have a much greater chance of catching the Coelacanth. They sell for 15,000 a fish. Also, you have a greater chance of catching the Barred Knifejaw and Red Snapper. They sell for 5,000 and 3,000 respectively. Generally, fishing in the rain is much easier, but in the ocean, for easy money. Also, its easier to fish at night.
Skip Time
When the Gamecube logo appears, hold A + B to get to the memory card screen. You can change the system clock to whatever time you wish. Begin the game and you should start at that day.The game allows you to change the setting before you load it when beginning. When it asks "Are you ready?", the options are "Yes" and "Before I go". Select "Before I go" and it will allow you to change the game's time without changing with the system clock (which also effects other Gamecube games that rely on it) Also, if you have bought turnips to sell them in the Stalk Market and change the system clock or the game time, they may go bad. It depends on the amount of time -- the game remembers.Note: Play a little every day. While you can reset the game's clock and go to Nook's store, this gets old. Also, resetting the clock disrupts timed events that you do not know about. The game is filled with events that depend on month, day, and hour. It is better to just play the game as it unfolds. You will get more furniture, carpet, etc. this way. When you change the time, it disrupts the chain of events permanently and you may end up actually getting less new things then you would if you just played the game as it was supposed to be played.
Easy Items
One of the best ways to get new items that you cannot buy is to do work for the residents, and do it often. Do their little chores and they will (more often than not) reward you with things that are hard to come by in Nook’s store.Talk to people whenever you are near them. Sometimes they will ask you if you want to take a table or some clothes or other things off their hands. Also, do errands for people often. If there are no errands available you will only have to wait ten minutes.
Talking To People
When you are talking to residents, talk the same person repeatedly. Talking to them too much will upset them. However, in a few minutes they will get over it. By doing this, they will reveal more of the workings of Animal Crossing to you. You also stand a much greater chance of playing a game, getting free items, or trading things with them.
Golden Shovel
First, buy two shovels. Find a piece of glowing earth and dig it up. Then, plant a shovel in the glowing earth.
Golden Fishing Pole
Catch all 40 types of fish. Note: There may be more or less.
Golden Butterfly Net
Catch all 40 types of bugs.
Golden Axe
Get your town rating to be “Perfect” for two entire weeks. The Golden Axe is indestructible.
Growing A Money Tree
First, find a glowing piece of earth. Dig it up and you get a money bag. Plant the money bag in the glowing hole and a seedling will sprout, which will grow in to a money tree.
Getting NES Games
Talk to the townspeople until they ask you when your birthday is. Most of them will say something similar to “How would you like a train set for your birthday?” Answer “Yes” and you will put in your birthday. On your birthday, one of the townsfolk will be outside your house. He or she will present you with a NES. For example, Virgos will get Donkey Kong.
Mr. Resetti
Reset the Gamecube during the game. Start the game again and Mr. Resetti will appear to complain. Repeat this to make him more angry.
30,000 Thousands Bells
WB2&pARAcnOwnU jMCK%hTk8JHyrT.
Universal Codes
Go to Tom Nook and enter in these codes for free stuff.
Jingle dresser:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHceoBLdG7Y%PEClassic chair:11ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7Y%PE
Song List
These are all of the songs that you can request from K.K. Slider and play on your own stereo. Make sure you put in the periods after the “k”‘s.
Aloha KKCafe KKComrade KKDJ KKGo KK RiderI Love YouImperial KKKK AriaKK BalladKK BluesKK BossaKK CalypsoKK CasbahKK ChoraleKK CondorKK CountryKK Cruisin'KK D & BKK DirgeKK EtudeKK FaireKK FolkKK FusionKK GumboKK JazzKK LamentKK Love SongKK LullabyKK MamboKK MarchKK ParadeKK RagtimeKK RaggaeKK RockKK SafariKK SalsaKK SambeKK SkaKK SongKK SoulKK SteppeKK SwingKK TangoKK TechnopopKK WaltzKK WesternLucky KKMr. KKOnly MeRockin' KKSenor KKSoulful KKSurfin' KKThe K. FunkTwo Days Ago
Universal Code:Golden Rod
Tell:Tom Nook.
Universal Code: 100,000 bells
wB32ParacrOWnuJmCk%Iul8jhYRtTell: Tom Nook
Autumn Medal
Gracie’s Top
Tell to Tom Nook:
Crab Stew
Universal Codes
100 Turnips Code:aPShDyYoeR685bafcAlkwcRCmqi3Tell Tom Nook100 Turnips Code:mRSMDqYokR685s&%OL&kwcRCmqi3Tell: Villager8 Mat Tatami Code: sqo9cb#3UaKHs3Tell: Tom Nook8 Mat Tatami Code: sqo9cb#3UaKHs3Tell: VillagerAngler Trophy Code: sf09cb#9vaKHL4Tell: Tom NookAzalea Bonsai Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACt6iMwbzCGvFs&QTell: Tom NookBackpack Code: sqO9cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookBalloon Fight Code:CbDahLBdaDh98d9ub8ExzZKwu7ZlTell: Tom NookBarbecue Code:aPYhDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookBarber's Pole Code:TGGu@@Zzfuq#0zb3Nn27lGVImPGGTell: Tom NookBarber's Pole Code:axxxxxxxxxxxxx Tell: VillagerBig Festive Tree Code:lLhuwvEDA33emAdbgnvzbCIBAsyUTell: Tom NookBilliard Table Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFs&QTell: Tom NookBirthday Cake Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR358foDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookBiwa Lute Code:l6&6KQom9DzR35kfLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookBlack Bishop Code:aDSLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookBlack King Code:lLhuwvEDA23fmAdsgnvzbCIBAsyUTell: Tom NookBlack Rook Code:aDShHyYoeR685bafyBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookBlack Queen Code:1LhuwvEDA22fmAdagnvzbCvBAsyUTell: Tom NookBluebell Fan Code:NmxIGWIeSLYFFCu6iMwbzCGvFsnQTell: VillagerBlue Clock Code:2%Q2fhMKhAyAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookBlue Corner Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHs4Tell: Tom NookBlue Wardrobe Code:n1ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7y%tETell: Tom NookBonfire Code: sh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookBoxing Barricade Code: sh09cb#9UaKHb4Tell: Tom NookBoxing Mat Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHq5Tell: Tom NookBoxing Mat Code: sq09cb39Vak#84Tell: VillagerBug Zapper Code:cPYhDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqiRTell Tom NookCabana Bed Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35DfkDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookCabana Chair Code:2%QafhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookCabana Screen Code:2%Q3fhMdRByAY3Z5yYAK9zyHxLo7Tell: VillagerCabin Dresser Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcebBLdG7Y%PETell: Tom NookCafe K.K. Code:jePccCvLTRJoBApcddkwe9ej9wO4Tell: VillagerCannon Code:IRSMDqYokR685s&%LO&kwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookCannon Code:IUSMDqYokR685s&KLO&2wcRCmqi3Tell: VillagerCello Code:2%QqfhMeRByAY3OKyYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookChalk Board Code:aDShHyYoeR685bafxBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookChowder Code: sh09cb&9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookClassic Cabinet Code:2VzAOxZiZ3oGFI Tell: VillagerClassic Chair Code:11ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7Y%PETell: Tom NookClassic Hutch Code: sh&9cb#9Uh9w04Tell: Tom NookClassic Sofa Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35RfyDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookClu Clu Land Code:Crm%h4BNRyu98d9uu8exzZKwu7ZlTell: Tom NookCoin Code: sh09cb39UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookCompass Code:adShDyYoeR685bPfQBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookCooler Code: sh09cb&9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookCosmos Model 1 Code:cISIHBYokR685s&%LO&kwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookCosmos Model 1 Code:cISIHBcB3iadra&%LO&kwcRCmqi3Tell: VillagerCosmos Model 2 Code: sh09cb#9UaKHA4Tell: Tom NookCosmos Model 3 Code: sh09cb#9UaKHl4Tell: Tom NookCroakoid Code:iPFhDyYoeR%85bufkBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: VillagerDaisy Meadow Code:2Ea4vQLlTUq325ajQpZfAv9wfYw#Tell: Tom NookDesert Cactus Code: sh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookDesert Vista Code:gES58yYoev685bBfMBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookDetour Arrow Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcnqBYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookDice Stereo Code:1LhuwvEDA33fmAdbgnvzbCIBAsyUTell: Tom NookDjimbe Drum Code:4PqRIYFs8D5tX2U4TIZBKWagsKXiTell: VillagerDolly Code:aPShDyYoeR685bPfbBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookDonkey Kong Code: %8JUjE5fjljcGr4%ync5EUpTell: Tom NookDonkey Kong Jr. MATH Code:bA5PC%8JUjE5fjljcGr4%ync5EUpTell: Tom NookDonkey Kong Jr. MATH Code:jePccCvLTRJoBApcddkwe9ej9rc4Tell: VillagerDraceana Code:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tell: VillagerDump Model Code:LLhOwvrDA22fmtdagnvzbCIBAsydTell: Tom NookEbony Piano Code:2%Q3fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerEbony Piano Code:2%QRfhMdRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookElephant Slide Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsn#Tell: Tom NookExcitebike Code:3%Q4fhMTRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLd7Tell: Tom NookExcitebike Code:3%s4fhMCRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLd7Tell: VillagerExotic Bed Code:2%Q2fhVtRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookFan Fan Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcvqPYAKGaeFdjopTell: Tom NookFestive Tree Code:aDSLDyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookFireflower Code1kT1D0Y4k3685184L613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookFlagpole Code: sqO9cb39Vak#84Tell: Tom NookFlying Saucer Code:2%Q3EhMeRByAY3n5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerFolding Chair Code:B6&6KQom9DzR358fkDC4%EEpCmiRGarbage Can Code:2%43EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerGarden Pond Code:2%Q2fhVeRByAY3Z5yYAK9z9HxLo7Tell: Tom NookGargloid Code:dq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqdTell: Tom NookGerbera Code:2%42fhMtRByAY3O5yYAK9zgHxLo7Tell: Tom NookGlow Clock Code:aDShDyYoeR685bafaBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookGolf Code:Crm%h4BNRbu98d9un8exzZKwo7ZlTell: NookGreen Desk Code:aD%3RxM3M#X3aoQPRxO8Q8xEITqvTell: VillagerGreen Drum Code2%Q2fhVeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookHamster Cage Code:vPdhDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell Tom NookHandcart Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookHandcart Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNfxLo7Tell: VillagerHarp Code:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tell: VillagerHarmonoid Code: sq09cb#3UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookHarvest Bureau Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHP5Tell: Tom Nook>Harvest Chair Code:ifc74nVlY%zoI4 Tell: Tom NookHarvest Clock Code:R5ngoARS6I3iVLy&M6IJyNoWUBW4Tell: Tom NookHarvest Clock Code:R5ngoARS6I3iVLy&M6IJyNoWUBW4Tell: VillagerHarvest Dresser Code: sqO9cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookHarvest T.V. Code:vPSYDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookHarvest Wall Code:aPShDyYoeR685bAfhBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookHawthorn BonsaiNmxIGWIeSLYAACt6iMwbzCGvFs&bTell: Tom NookHi Fi Stereo Code:1LhuwvEDA22emAdbgnvzbCvBAsyUTell: Tom NookHigh-End Stereo Code:aDSLDyYoeR685bafaBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookHinaningyo Code:PD%3RxM3M#X3ao4PRxO8Q8xEITqvTell: VillagerHouse Model Code:aRShDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookHowloid Code: shO9cb#9UaKHL1Tell: Tom NookImperial KK Code:3%J%cCcdSxWiItgivJsjsAznGVDBTell: Tom NookImperial Wall:gaSX8yYoeR685bzfMBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookIron Frame Code:2%Q3EhMeRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJack-in-the-Box Code:2%Q2fhVehAyAY3Z5yYAK9zhHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJack-in-the-Box Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACDriMwbzCGvFs&QTell: VillagerJack-o'-Lantern Code:2%Q2fhMURByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJack-o'-Lantern Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerJasmine Bonsai2%Q2fhVeRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJingle Bed Code:aPShHyYoeR685bafvBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookJingle Dresser Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHceoBLdG7Y%PETell: Tom NookJingle Lamp Code:aPShDyYoeR685bafTBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookJingle Piano Code:aDShHyYoeR685bafEBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookJingle Sofa Code:aPShDyYoeR685bafhBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookJingle Table Code:lLhuwvEDA33emAdbgnvzbCvBAsyUTell:Tom NookJukebox Code:a#S8UItokM6850h%LO&kwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookKayak Code: shO9cb#9UaKHo4Tell: Tom NookKiddie Bookcase Code:aPSLHyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookKiddie Stereo Code:6LhuwvEDA23fmAdbgnvzbCIBAsyUTell: Tom NookKiddie Table Code:QtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW&PulBcTell: Tom NookK.K. Condor Code:Oqtjq2f&4MOru9IM8dr2pYkxqla#Tell: Tom NookK. K. "I Love you" Code:69UFKKdcMs%Qrs Tell: Tom NookK.K. "Only Me" Code:69UIKKdcMs%Qrs Tell: Tom NookKK Rock Code:69UIKkdcMs%Qrs Tell: Tom NookK.K. Ska Code:1CT1DOY4k36851r4#613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookK.K. Steppe Code:3%J%wCcdSxWiItgivJMjsAznGVDBTell: Tom NookK.K. Western Code: sz09bc#9pbFKb4Tell: Tom NookKoopa Shell Code: shO9cb#9UaKHs4Tell: Tom NookLady Liberty Code:LLhOwvrDA23fmtdsgnvzbCvBAsydTell: Tom NookLantern Code:zkT1D0Y4k36851847613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookLawn Mower Code: sh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookLeaning Stone2%Q2fhVeRByAY3O5yYAK9znHxLo7Tell: Tom NookLefty Desk Code:aPKhDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookLemon Table Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAABtrwMwbzCGvFs&QTell: Tom NookLemon Table:umxIGWIeHLYAABtrwMwbzCGvFs&QTell: VillagerLighthouse Model Code:aRSLDyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookLocomotive Model Code:a&SLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookLovely Armchair Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR358fLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookLovely End Table Code:4u&x5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookLovely Kitchen Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35kfLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookLuigi Trophy Code:BCQ4iZFK%i5xqoSnyrjcrwAeDMkQTell: Tom NookLunar Lander2%Q2fhMehAyAY3O5yYAK9zaHxLo7Tell: Tom NookManor Model Code:aRShHyYoeR685baf&BlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookMega Alloid Code:aPFhDyYoeR%85bufkBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: VillagerMega Bovoid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbdTell: Tom NookMega Buzziod Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMega Croakoid Code:3Na1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%CmqirTell: Tom NookMega Dinkoid2%Q2fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zaHxLo7Tell: Tom NookMega Drilloid Code: sq09cb39UaKHs1Tell: Tom NookMega Fizzoid2%Q2fhVthAyAY3Z5yYAK9zpHxLo7Tell: Tom NookMega Gongoid Code:2%42fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7Tell: Tom NookMega Harmonoid Code: sh09cb#9Vak#I1Tell: Tom NookMega Lullaloid Code: sh09cb#9UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookMega Oboid Code:aPShDyYoeR685bafLOlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookMega Percoloid Code: sq09cb39Vak#83Tell: Tom NookMega PlinkoidaPShDyYoeR685bafDOlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookMega Puffoid Code: sh09cb39Vak#I8Tell: Tom NookMega Quazoid Code:2%Q3fhMiRByAY3Z5yAYK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerMega SproidAscNVAY#qoI4 Tell: VillagerMega Squelchoid Code: sq09cb39vek#z1Tell: Tom NookMetatoid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMiniature Car Code:aRShDyYoeR685bPfqBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookMini Buzzoid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqgTell: Tom NookMini Drilloid Code: sq09cb39UaKHs1Tell: Tom NookMini Echoid2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 Tell: Tom NookMini Fizzoid Code2%Q3EhMtRByAY3n5yYAK9zgHxLo7Tell: Tom NookMini Fizzoid Code:2%Q3EhMtRByAY3n5yYAK9zlHxLo7Tell: VillagerMini Harminoid1FThDOY4k3685184U613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookMini Howloid Code:1CT1DOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookMini Lulaboid Code: sh09cb#9Vak9I8Tell: Tom NookMini Nebuloid Code: sq09cb39vqk#01Tell: Tom NookMini Rhythmoid Code: sh09cb#9UaKHI1Tell: Tom NookMini Rustoid Code:1FThDOY4k3685184s613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookMini Sproid Code:aq%iugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMini Sputnoid2%Q2fhMthAyAY3O5yYAK9zxHxLo7Tell: Tom NookMini Warbloid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEuTell: Tom NookModern Desk Code:TGGu@@Zzfuq#0zz3Nn27IGVlmPGGTell: Tom NookModern Dresser Code: shO9cb#9Uh9wO4Tell: Tom NookModern Lamp Code:b6ZsCg6gM%RJudyqq2dhMduKC&DrTell: VillagerModern Sofa:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tell: VillagerMuseum Model Code:LLhOwvrDA22fmtdagnvzbCvBAsyUTell: Tom NookNaomi Figurine Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR35kfyDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookNeutral Corner Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHL5Tell: Tom NookNeutral Corner Code:4UFdTp48GZ3HW3dw#%jtLEqj5ZBfTell: VillagerN Logo Code:MuQx5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookNoisemaker Code: sqO9cb#9Vak#84Tell: Tom NookOboid Code: sh09cb#9UaKH67Tell: Tom NookOdd Clock Code:aDShDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookOdd Clock:WDShDyYoeR685bHVZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: VillagerOombloid2%Q2fhVthAyAY3Z5yYAK9zCHxLo7Tell: Tom NookOrange Box Code:rNkGuNubwCYx4OOp5XbBP6PxGsc9Tell: VillagerOwl Clock Code:aPSLDyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookPapa Bear Code:11ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7y%PETell: Tom NookPansy Model 1 Code: sq09cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookPansy Model 2 Code: Tell: VillagerPear Dresser Code: shO9cb#9Uh9wO4Tell: Tom NookPear Wardrobe Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcE3BLdG7Y%PETell: VillagerPine Chair Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACt6sMwbzCGvFs&bTell: Tom NookPink Tree Model Code:aRShHyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookPlate Armor Code:a&ShHyYoeR685baf%BlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookPlinkoid Code: sh09cb39Vak#I8Tell: Tom NookPlinkoid Code: sh09cb39Vak#q1Tell: VillagerPond Lantern Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsn&Tell: Tom NookPropane Stove Code: sh09cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookPropane Stove Code:GSgE&zpk3NzKqcpaV#9GrTzxiyCdTell: VillagerQuazoid Code:dq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbuTell: Tom NookQuestion Block Code: sh09cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookQuince Bonsai Code:2%Q2fhMNRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookRed Boom Box Code:aDShDyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookRed Corner Code: sh09cb#9Vak#I4Tell: Tom NookRegal Armoire Code: shO9cb#9Uh9wO4Tell: Tom NookRegal Bed2%Q2fhVthAyAY3O5yYAK9zjHxLo7Tell: Tom NookRegal Chair Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR35DfyDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookRegal Lamp Code:2%Q3fhMKRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookRegal Sofa Code:2%QYfhMdRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell:Tom NookRegal Table Code:Mu&x5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookRetro Stereo Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35RfLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookRetro TV Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35DfoDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookRhythmoid Code: sh09cb#9UaKHBETell: Tom NookRingside Table Code:1kThDOY4k3685184U613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookRockin K.K. Code:69UiKKdcMs%Qrs Tell: Tom NookRound Cactus Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsnjTell: Tom NookRuby-Econo Chair Code:B6&6KQom9DzR358foDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookSamurai Suit Code:aPShHyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookSaw Horse Code:vP5hDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqiRTell: Tom NookScale Code:2%Q2fhMdRbyAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookShop Model Code:alShDyYoeR685bPfbBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookSleeping Bag Code: shO9cb#7UaKHl4Tell: Tom NookSlim Nebuloid Code:1FThDOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookSlim Quazoid Code: shO9cb39UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookSnowman Code:a&ShHyYoeR685bafyBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookSpace Heater Code:11ACKGI9JE#JF@GHCEOBLDG7Y%PETell: Tom NookSpace Shuttle Code:2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpace Station Code:2%42fhMtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpeed Bag Code: sqO9cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookSpeed Sign Code:vPYhDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqiRTell: Tom NookSpooky Clock Code:2%Q2fhMKRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpooky Dresser Code: shO9cb#9Uh9wO4Tell: Tom NookSpooky Sofa2%Q2fhVehAyAY3O5yYAK9zJHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpooky Table Code:2%Q3EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerSpooky Vanity Code:2%Q2fhMdRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpooky Vanity2%Q3EhMtRByAY3n5yYAK9zdHxLo7Tell: VillagerSpooky Wardrobe2%Q8SuMeRByAY3K5yYAK9zAHxLo7Tell: VillagerSprinkler Code: shO9cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookSquat Nebuloid Code: sh09cb39vqk#01Tell: Tom NookSquelchoid Code: shO9cb37UaKHLETell: Tom NookStanding Stone Code:2%QzfhVeRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHyLo7Tell: Tom NookStarman Code: sh09cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookStation Model 1 Code:1LhOwvrDA23fmtdsgnvzbCIBAsydTell: Tom NookStation Model 2 Code:a&SLHyYoeR685bafqBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookStation Model 6 Code:a&SLDyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookStation Model 11 Code:ILhOwvrDA23fmtdsgnvzbCIBAsydTell: Tom NookStation Model 13 Code:aRSLHyYoeR685bafoBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookStation Model 14 Code:aRSLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookStrange Painting Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsnQTell: Tom NookStone Coin Code:aPShDyYoeR685bPfBBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookStone Couple2%Q2fhVehAyAY3Z5yYAK9zpHxLo7Tell: Tom NookStrumbloid Code: shO9cb39UaKHs1Tell: Tom NookSuper Mushroom Code: sh09cb39Vak#I4Tell: Tom NookSuper Mushroom Code: sh09cb39Vak#I4Tell: VillagerTable Tennis Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFs&jTell: Tom NookTaiko Drum Code: @DSfEcC6YLYybGMoMyTell: VillagerTailor Model Code:a&SLHyYoeR685bafQBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookTall Buzzoid Code:3ea1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%CmqirTell: Tom NookTall Clankoid Code:aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEuTell:Tom NookTall Echoid:2%Q3EhMtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zxHxLo7Tell: Tom NookTall Lamentoid Code:gfc82NV1Y#zoI4 Tell: Tom NookTall Lullaboid Code: sh09cb#9UaKHB3Tell: Tom NookTall Oboid Code:1CT1DOY4k3685184I613wcRCmqirTell: Tom NookTall Oombloid Code:2%42fhMtRByAY3O5yYAK9zeHxLo7Tell: Tom NookTall Poltergoid Code:Fsy74NV1Y#zoI4 Tell to: Tom NookTall Puffoid Code: sh09cb49UaKHL3Tell: Tom NookTall Nebuloid Code: sh09cb#9UaKHI3Tell: Tom NookTall Sputnoid2%Q2fhVtRByAY3O5yYAK9zfHxLo7Tell: Tom NookTall Strumboid Code: sAO9cb39UaKHA3Tell: Tom NookTape Deck Code:aPSLDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookTatami Floor Code: sqodcb#3UaKHs3Tell: VillagerTea Set Code:2%Q2fhMKRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookTennis Code:jePccCvLTRJoBApcddkwe9ej9rO4Tell: VillagerTent Model Code: sh09cb#9Vak#I4Tell: Tom NookTimpano Drum Code:4u&x5fw9GINwLSfljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookTrack Model Code:a&SLeyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookTrash Bin2%Q2fhVehAyAY3O5yYAK9zgHxLo7Tell: Tom NookT-Rex SkullQtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW#PulBcTell: Tom NookT-Rex Tail Code:1LhuwvEDA22fmAdbgnvzbCvBAsyUTell: Tom NookTricera Skull Code:aDSLHyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookTulip Model 1 Code: sq09cb#3UaKHP5Tell: Tom NookTulip Model 2 Code: scO9cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookTulip Model 3 Code: sc09cb#9Vak#I4Tell: Tom NookTulip Model 3 Code: @sTRJsYYsh09cb38Vak#I4Vaulting Horse Code:umxIGWIxSLYAABtrwMwbzCGvFs&QTell: Tom NookViolin2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 Tell: Tom NookWagon Wheel Code: sh09cb39UaKHL4Tell:Tom NookWatering TroughvPdhDyYoei685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookWatermelon Table Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcyqyYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookWarbloid Code:aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookWeight Bench Code: sh09cb39UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookWell Code: Tell: Tom NookWell Model Code:a&ShHyYoeR685bafABlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookWhite Golf Bag Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR35RfyDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookWhite King Code:aPShDyYoeR685bafbBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookWhite Knight Code: shO9cb#9Uh9HO4Tell: VillagerWhite Pawn Code:RtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW#PulycTell: Tom NookWhite Queen Code:aPShDyYoeR685baf%BlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookWhite Rook Code:aPSLHyYoeR685bafxBlkwcRCmqi3Tell: Tom NookWriting Chair Code:Q6&6KQom9DzR35DfkDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookYellow Pinwheel Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcEqyYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookYuki Figurine Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35kfoDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom Nook
Universal Code
100 Turnips - aPShDyYoeR685b afcAlkwcRCmqi3Teller - Tom NookTip - There will never be a one or a zero in any password in Animal Crossing.
Universal Codes
This is the list of every Universal code found so far.
Angler Trophy: sf09cb#9vaKHL4Tell: Tom NookAzalea Bonsai Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACt6iMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom NookBackpack Code: sqO9cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookBarber's Pole Code:TGGu@@Zzfuq#0zb3Nn27lGVImPGGTell: Tom NookBig Festive Tree Code:lLhuwvEDA33emAdbgnvzbCIBAsyUTell: Tom NookBilliard Table Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook Blue Clock Code:2%Q2fhMKhAyAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookBlue Corner Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHs4Tell: Tom NookBonfire Code: sh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookBoxing Barricade Code: sh09cb#9UaKHb4Tell: Tom NookBoxing Mat Code: sqO9cb#3UaKHq5Tell: Tom NookCabana Bed Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom NookCabana Chair Code:2%QafhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookCabana Screen Code:2%Q3fhMdRByAY3Z5yYAK9zyHxLo7Tell: VillagerCabin Dresser Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcebBLdG7Y%PETell: Tom NookCello Code:2%QqfhMeRByAY3OKyYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookChowder Code: sh09cb&9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookClassic Chair Code:11ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7Y%PETell: Tom NookClassic Sofa Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35RfyDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookCoin Code:Ai9GES@sTRJsYzsh09cb39UaKHL4 Tell: Tom NookCosmos Model 2 Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHA4Tell: Tom NookCosmos Model 3 Code:fi9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKHl4Tell: Tom NookDesert Cactus:8i9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookDetour Arrow Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcnqBYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookDraceana Code:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxS6nY2JIFOGE@izTell: VillagerEbony Piano Code:2%Q3fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerEbony Piano Code:2%QRfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookFan Fan Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcvqPYAKGaeFdjopTell: Tom NookFolding Chair Code:B6&6KQom9DzR358fkDC4%EEpCmiR Garbage Can Code:2%43EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerGreen Drum Code2%Q2fhVeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookHandcart Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNfxLo7Tell: VillagerHand Cart Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookHarp Code:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxS6nY7JIFOGE@izTell: VillagerHarmonoid Code:Bi9xES@sTRJTAAsq09cb#3UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookHarvest Bureau Code:Di9xES@sTRJsYYsqO9cb#3UaKHP5Tell: Tom NookHarvest Dresser Code:fi9GES@sTRJsAAsqO9cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookHowloid Code:Ai9xES@sTRMsYYshO9cb#9UaKHL1Tell: Tom NookImperial KK Code:3%J%cCcdSxWiItgivJsjsAznGVDBTell: Tom NookIron Frame Code:2%Q3EhMeRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJack-in-the-Box Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACtriMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom NookJack-o'-Lantern Code:2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerJack-o'-Lantern Code:2%Q2fhMURByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookJingle Dresser Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHceoBLdG7Y%PETell: Tom NookJingle Table Code:lLhuwvEDA33emAdbgnvzbCvBAsyUTell:Tom NookKayak Code:4i9xES@sTRJhAAshO9cb#9UaKHo4Tell: Tom NookK.K. Condor Code:Oqtjq2f&4MOru9IM8dr2pYkxqla#Tell: Tom NookK. K. "I Love you" Code:69UFKKdcMs%Qrs ij#H@ooBWlWok5Tell: Tom NookK.K. "Only Me" Code:69UIKKdcMs%Qrsnj#H@ooBWIWok5Tell: Tom NookKK Rock Code:69UIKkdcMs%Qrsnj#H@ooBWlWOk5Tell: Tom NookK.K. Steppe Code:3%J%wCcdSxWiItgivJMjsAznGVDBTell: Tom NookKoopa Shell Code:Bi9xES@sTRJsAAshO9cb#9UaKHs4Tell: Tom NookLawn Mower Code:fi9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKH84Tell: Tom NookLovely End Table Code:4u&x5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom Nook Lovely Kitchen Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35kfLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookMega Buzziod Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMega Lullaloid Code:fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookMega Quazoid Code:2%Q3fhMiRByAY3Z5yAYK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerMetatoid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMega Drilloid Code:Di9GES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39UaKHs1Tell: Tom Nook Mini Sproid Code:aq%iugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookMini Warbloid Code:Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEuTell: Tom NookModern Desk Code:TGGu@@Zzfuq#0zz3Nn27IGVlmPGGTell: Tom NookModern Lamp Code:b6ZsCg6gM%RJudyqq2dhMduKC&DrTell: VillagerNeutral Corner Code:Di9xES@sTRJsYYsqO9cb#3UaKHL5Tell: Tom NookN Logo Code:MuQx5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookOboid Code:8i9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKH67Tell: Tom NookOrange Box Code:rNkGuNubwCYx4OOp5XbBP6PxGsc9Tell: VillagerPapa Bear Code:11ACK6I9JE#Jf@gHCeoBLaa7y%PETell: Tom NookPansy Model 1 Code:fi9GES@sTRJhAAsq09cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookPear Wardrobe Code:11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcE3BLdG7Y%PETell: VillagerPropane Stove Code:GSgE&zpk3NzKqcpaV#9GrTzxiyCdTell: Any VillagerPropane Stove Code:Bi9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookQuestion Block Code:vi9GES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookQuince Bonsai Code:2%Q2fhMNRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookRockin� K.K. Code:69UiKKdcMs%Qrsnj#H@ooBWlWok5Tell: Tom NookRuby-Econo Chair Code:B6&6KQom9DzR358foDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom NookRegal Lamp Code:2%Q3fhMKRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookRegal Sofa Code:2%QYfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell:Tom NookRegal Table Code:Mu&x5fw9GINwLS9ljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookRetro Stereo Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35RfLDC4%EEpCmiRTell: Tom NookRetro TV Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35DfoDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom NookRhythmoid Code:Ni9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKHBE Tell: Tom NookSleeping Bag Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsAAshO9cb#7UaKHl4Tell: Tom NookSlim Quazoid:Vi9xES@sTRMsYAshO9cb39UaKHs3Tell: Tom NookSpace Heater Code:11ACKGI9JE#JF@GHCEOBLDG7Y%PETell: Tom NookSpace Shuttle Code:2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpeed Bag Code:4i9GES@sTRJsAAsqO9cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookSpooky Clock Code:2%Q2fhMKRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSpooky Table Code:2%Q3EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7Tell: VillagerSpooky Vanity Code:2%Q2fhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookSprinkler Code:Ai9xES@sTyJsYYshO9cb#9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookStarman Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI4Tell: Tom NookStrange Painting Code:NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsnQTell: Tom Nook Strumbloid Code:Vi9xES@sTRMsAAshO9cb39UaKHs1 Tell: Tom NookTall Puffoid Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb49UaKHL3Tell: Tom NookTall Nebuloid Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHI3Tell: Tom NookTall Strumboid Code:gi9xES@sTRMsYAsAO9cb39UaKHA3Tell: Tom NookTea Set Code:2%Q2fhMKRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7Tell: Tom NookTent Model Code:Ai9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9Vak#I4Tell: Tom NookTimpano Drum Code:4u&x5fw9GINwLSfljjHSoLwZMD7&Tell: Tom NookTulip Model 1 Code:Di9GES@sTRJhYYsq09cb#3UaKHP5Tell: Tom NookWagon Wheel Code:1i9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb39UaKHL4Tell:Tom NookWatermelon Table Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcyqyYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookWarbloid Code:aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEdTell: Tom NookWeight Bench Code:Bi9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb39UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookWell Code:vi9GES@sTRJhAAsh09cb@9UaKHL4Tell: Tom NookYellow Pinwheel Code:cAQifhGeBsyjYcEqyYAKxjeFdjopTell: Tom NookYuki Figurine Code:B6&6KQom9DzR35kfoDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook
Currently we have no unlockables for Animal Crossing yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Animal Crossing yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Animal Crossing yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes