#but i really am attached to dropout for a host of reasons
grapecaseschoices · 1 year
If you could reccomend one if game off to someone what would it be. 👀
okay ima need to flip a coin or something -- do a list randmizer ... spin around three times and spin the tail on the IF
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shinahbee · 4 years
November Favorites 2020!
So as you may have seen I have been uploading a bunch of art all of November, not every week because of my crippling job at the moment taking away my sanity.lol. But i did try my best to update whenever I can. I do have so much more to complete so please look out this December for more digital art being pumped out
How are you all doing?  I'm holding up decently, I'm trying to avoid talking about covid since that's all i've been hearing from work and home and it's really making me anxious since i'm not able to work from home due to the nature of my job. I hope you all are holding up hope and taking care of your selves, let's all remember that there is a time after this and we will get through this.
with that being said I will have a lot more time to spend on my art after January since my work term is going to end and I don't plan to stay for an extension, so maybe then I'll catch up on all of my previous art that I was supposed to upload, a.k.a my hero academia ones.lol
also I'm still chugging along reading more manhwa (web toons ) from korean and chinese artists, i'm so disappointed in myself for not discovering these sooner, these stories are really good and so much effort was put into the art panels, as I have said all I've read was manga so i'm used to just seeing black and white panels, so i never really dove into web toons though I have appreciated the work put into it, now that I'm down the rabbit hole I am discovering really good story lines that are different from the manga I've read thus far and I'm really enjoying it!
so i'm excited to share my thoughts on everything I've been liking
so previously in last months recommendations I have talked about a few of the manhwa I've been reading so I'll briefly list those below since they are all still ongoing
1) who's baby is it
2) to be or no to be
3) social temperature
4) salad days
all of them are still ongoing and i'm still in the process of reading them so I can't give a full review till it's completed but so far I am still enjoying them, that's definitely a good sign since i tend to just drop something after I don''t find it interesting anymore at some point in the story. If you have not read my October favorites journal please do so for my initial thoughts on these manhwas. Now i'm actually going to talk about some of the ones that are completed   , so you can definitely read all of them without waiting for the an update from translators, lol
this is in no particular order, just fyi
1) Path to you
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"When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel( Neil ) suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them...”
this is the summary from one of the manga websites I was able to find, it does not even describes the emotional plot line that goes along with this later, this is ones of my absolute favorites! I love this manhwa so much, its a great depiction of a coming of age story for collage students going through their life journey and slowly getting though life's difficulties  and challenges, one character is going though emotional trauma and trying to over come it for years and another character is going through anti social disorder and discovering his sexuality, it's a plot line that portrayed human aspects in life quite well. I love the relationship between the two main character and how their relationship developed over time from being friends to being a couple. there is a lot of relationship building and minimal drama, which is really refreshing from mangas that I've read, so if you are just starting to delve into BL webtoons, please read this first! you will not be disappointed
with that being said, I love Neil, so much.... you don't even know. lol. He's so precious, literally like an actual cinnamon roll. LOL. i'm exposing myself ...so i'll leave it at that, i’m also wondering why his name is neil instead of nathan or nate...? lol.
2) Here U Are
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"Orientation of  the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn’t that bad of a person at all...”
I really wish I could find better summaries, lol. but it's to the point without giving away too much so i'll take it. This is one of the most popular series and I can totally see why after reading it, this story has every possible human aspect and relationship building  between the two main leads, I actually teared in some parts of this manhwa and I've never done that before! such a good story and plot line, if I were to pick any series in a web toon to be animated then I would choose this series hands down. There's also sub plots between different characters as well and how they deal with their interpersonal relationships and relationships between the two main leads, I love it! This is everything I want in a story, so please check this one out
also yuyang looks a lot like miyuki Kazuya from Daiya no ace and that just made me drawn to him.I really liked his personality and in the manhwa he has girls and guys in love with him and dude...I get it.
3) BJ Alex
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"Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.”
so um...this is more yaoi than shounen ai cause of all the graphic scenes in the manhwa, if you are veteran you may have already read this one cause its really popular. It also has a lot of comedic elements to it too so it's not too serious, but the relationship developed between the two characters later on is really sweet despite the infinite amount of sex scenes. Not much else to say about this story, it's easy to follow and the only abuse in here is the emotional kind
I'm not really entirely sure how i felt about it in the beginning but the end is really good
4) No way, vampires don't exist
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"Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?”
I have to preface by saying that ever since my twilight phase, I didn't consume anything that had to do with vampires for a very long time, for obvious reasons, but this one I just came across after reading path to you and thought I would at least check it out. It started off really comedic and I was like...what am i reading?  but it gets really light hearted and wholesome later on in the story. What I like about this is the character juwon, If you look at him he's that type of character that would look like the stoic a-hole of the story and those characters never appeal to me. But turns out he's the sweetest person most decent person of this story, it makes you want to route for him  and another thing I like about this story is that it looks like a harem but you can tell that there’s only one person the main character doungha treats differently from the rest and how the two are compatible with one another.  in these kind of stories, it’s always treated as every character is a possible route that leads to their own story but in here....there's only one...let's be real. This is one that is an odd ball cause it's technically completed but the translations are not...so i had to read the rest in korean, which makes it a good practice for me since i'm learning korean at the moment, it’s a good exercise...lol
                             Anime/ Drama
Not going to lie this department is lacking...lol. I have only been watching Heavens official blessing as mentioned in the last journal
but I have just found out that there is a remake of Shaman king in the making....and my little girl heart is screaming cause I loved shaman king when i was younger...so I can't wait for that
as for dramas, I've tried watching Start Up but I didn't like it so I dropped it, I might try watching crash landing on you since my best friend was obsessed with it, I watched a little of it but I left it since I was busy so i may get back to watching it from the beginning
i'll put together a play list for you when you read these manga/manhwa...lol. cause that's what i've been doing
Crush- No words
Sam kim - Breathe
Crush - let us go
Kim feel - falling
Paul kim - Dream
Kim feel - Hallelujah
Davichi - please don't cry
Yoo mirae - say
taeyeon - a poem called you
baek yerin- Here I am again
I wish tumblr has a way to play music on your page, without copy right..lol. I would share all of these songs cause they are so good
so that's it for the month of November, lets' see what i get up to for December, I will be updating as frequently as possible so please look out for more art from me and follow me on my social media , I will see you all next time
     Social media      
Devianatart: she-be.deviantart.com
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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comicbookgeek13 · 7 years
How to Properly Adapt Stephen King’s The Shining into a Movie
I always thought it’d be cool to see someone adapt Stephen King’s The Shining more faithfully than Kubrick and with more skill than the miniseries.  So, I wrote up a rough outline for that movie for fun after finally reading the book.
Stephen King’s
The Shining
·        Jack Torrance-A man in his 30’s, Jack is attractive in that dad sort of way.  A loving father and husband, Jack relies on jokes to mask his anger issues and status as a recovering alcoholic.  Jack’s main triggers are authority, stress, and his deep-seated self-loathing, and this is what the Overlook uses to break him. Once he has been ruined by the Overlook, Jack is violent, vulgar, and venomous, not the ever-lovable Jack Nicholson oozing his unique crazy charisma.
·        Wendy Torrance-Also in her 30’s, Wendy is a blond-haired knockout of a woman. She’s introspective, observant, and fierce.  She deeply loves both her husband and son, but feels somewhat excluded by closeness. She knows to distrust the Overlook and its influence on Jack when it becomes apparent that something isn’t right about the hotel.  She’s also keen to Danny’s “Shine”, and is unsurprised when he tells her and Jack about it.
·        Danny Torrance-A boy of 10-years-old with dirty-blonde hair, Danny is a quiet boy who desperately loves his Mom and Dad, and wants them to love on another. Visions shown to him by “Tony” warn him of the Overlook, and his Shining allows for minor mind reading and precognition. He is likeable, not creepy.  His actor should be talented and believable.  
·        Dick Hallorann-A black man in his late 40’s/early 50’s, Dick is a symbol of wisdom and comfort to the audience.  A laid-back kind of cool, Dick has a kind of humorous approach to life that causes him to ooze a content love of life.  
·        Stuart Ulman-A man in his 40’s, Stuart is the pompous and cold manager of the Overlook. He’s incredibly punchable.
·        Watson-Watson is the foul-mouthed and charismatic maintenance man of the Overlook.
·        Delbert Grady-A thuggish-looking man, Grady is the last caretaker before Jack. As a phantom, Grady has been totally altered and is the fate awaiting Jack if the Overlook has its way.
·        Floyd-A man with the sort of dignified, gaunt features that call to mind Peter Cushing, Floyd is the Overlook personified by Jack Torrance’s inner-demons. A friendly, refined bartender, Floyd is sympathetic and encouraging of Jack’s selfish feelings of anger and self-pity.
The film should have the exterior shots be of the Stanley Hotel, but create the interiors in a studio as was done with the Kubrick film.  As things get worse, the set design should take inspiration from the illogical layout of Kubrick’s Overlook.
During scenes transitions, the date and time should be displayed in the lower right-hand corner.  Scenes that take place on the same day as previous scenes should only display the time.
Act I
         August 15th, 1980, 1:30 PM
         The first scene is of Jack Torrance being interviewed by the manager of the Overlook, Stuart Ulman, for the position of the hotel’s winter caretaker.  Ulman is a very strict manager who expects only the very best for the Overlook.  Ulman brings up Jack’s history as an alcoholic, and that he lost his job at Stovington Prep school due to an unspecified violent incident. Jack, though he keeps up a job-interview appropriate air, asks Ulman why he’s bothering to see him if he has so many issues with him.  Ulman tells Jack about the previous caretaker, Delbert Grady.  Grady was an alcoholic and high school dropout.  He was also a husband and father of two girls. During the dead of Winter, Grady murdered his wife and daughters with an axe before blowing his brains out with a shotgun.  Ulman tells Jack that he just wants to be sure Jack’s history of alcoholism and anger-problems won’t be an issue.  Jack reassures Ulman that he won’t have the same problem with him.  He’s working on a play, he and his wife, Wendy, are both big readers, and they’ll be home-schooling their son, Danny, over the winter.  Despite Jack’s sensitivity towards Ulman’s fears, Ulman is still unpleasant towards Jack. He does give Jack the job, though, and says he should go speak to the maintenance man, Watson, about the boiler.
         1:45 PM
         This scene has Jack walking with the astonishingly blue-collar Watson in the guts of the Overlook while they conversate with one another.  Watson explains to Jack just why Ulman keeps his job.  “Ulman knows how to keep shit running good, yeah, but that ain’t why he’s so goddamned good for this place.  He knows how to keep shit out of the papers.  Every hotels got its fair share of ghosts, yeah, but the Overlook’s have a flair for the dramatic.  He told you about that shit with Grady, right?  Well, that ain’t the only time some fucking thing has cropped up that the papers would have had a field-day with, but Ulman has always kept that shit quiet.  Had this wife of some shyster come in with her 30-years-younger boyfriend, right?  Boyfriend skipped out one night, and wifey slits her wrists in the tub.  Ulman shut the shyster AND the reporters up.  He’s a viscous little prick, yeah, but he knows what the fuck he’s doing.”  He then tells Jack about how sensitive the boiler is due to age, noting that the only reason the Overlook is even still around is that Grady shut it down before killing himself, and how to operate it.
         3:25 PM
         This scene has Wendy Torrance doing dishes in the little apartment they’ve been living in, eying Danny through the kitchen window. He’s sitting on the curb, waiting for his Daddy to get home with the news about the Overlook.  She dries her hands, and goes to sit with her son.  She asks what he’s doing, and he tells her what she already knew.  She notices a toy plane of his sitting next to him, the right wing just barely attached, and she offers to fix it.  Danny declines her offer, saying he wants Jack to fix it.  She asks Danny how he feels about Jack getting a new job.  Danny says he doesn’t understand why Jack can’t just get a job in the town they live in now.  After searching for the words for a few ticks of the clock, she asks if he remember why his Daddy lost his last job.  Danny says he knows it had something to do with their bug’s tires getting slashed.  Wendy explains that the father of one of Jack’s students was unhappy that Jack cut his son from the debate taem.  Danny asks if Jack punished the boy’s father too hard like he had Danny.  An affected Wendy closes her eyes to keep herself calm.  We cut to Wendy holding an 8-years-old Danny, whose arm has been broken and is sobbing over it, and calling an ambulance.  Another cut, this one to Jack’s office, papers of his play strewn everywhere and drawn on.  There’s a spilled can of beer on the floor.  Jack’s curled up in a ball.  “Worthless, stupid…Just like him, just like him, just like him…Oh God, I’m so sorry, Doc…”. Cut back to Wendy in the present, who opens her eyes before finally giving a “Yes.”  She says that it was very hard for Jack to get a job because of this.  She adds that the Overlook provides a chance for Jack to prove he can do better. Danny nods to all this.  Wendy asks if he wants to come in to eat cookies, but he declines.  Wendy goes back inside.  Danny remains on the curb.  The wind picks up, and a voice is heard whispering Danny’s name.  “T-Tony?”  Danny becomes visibly drowsy before falling back-first to lay on the soft grass of the Torrance’s lawn, asleep.  What follows is a quickly cut together montage with the only sound being that of various people screaming.  There’s the wrecked interior of the Overlook, the windows blocked up by snow.  Danny’s feet running on a blue-black carpet with vaguely jungle-like patterning to it.  A new sound emerges, that of thunderous impacts.  The screen goes black, and red jagged text spells out, “COME HERE, AND TAKE YOUR MEDICINE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!  TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!”.  A shot of Wendy running with a limp down the hallway of the Overlook, clutching her left side with blood running out of her mouth.  Black screen again and red letters saying “RED RUM” appear until the screen is solid red.  Danny wakes up with a start, and sits up to see their yellow volkswagon turning down the street.  Clearly excited, Danny meets Jack when he gets out of the car.  Jack sees Danny’s plane, and says he’ll help fix it once they bring in the groceries.  Wendy comes out to greet them, and asks if Jack got the job.  Jack answers with a game show host voice declaring she’s the lucky winner of an all-expenses-paid family trip to the mountains of Colorado. She’s elated, and they kiss.
         8:30 PM
         This scene shows Danny, clutching his mended plane, sitting with Jack on the couch.  The both of them have fallen asleep in front of the TV. Wendy turns it off, waking Jack, and she says it’s time for bed.  We cut to Jack placing Danny in his bed, Wendy watching from the doorway to their son’s room.  Jack joins her there, and they look at their son.  Wendy says that things finally seem to really be looking up for them.  Jack tells her that it’s because they are.  They both profess their love for one another.
         September 30th, 1980, 10:30 AM
         We see the Torrances driving down a road that cuts through the piney forests of Colorado.  The forests give way to the mountains, and we see the Overlook in the distance.  They pull into a parking space, other cars leaving, and Jack tells the other members of their trio, “We’re here.”  They enter a lobby full of all sorts of people leaving.  In the center of this chaos is Ulman.  They approach him to talk, but he tells them to go meet with the hotel’s cook, Hallorann, for a tour of the kitchen.
         10:36 AM
         This scene shows Dick Hallorann in the apartment the hotel provides for him, luggage packed up.  There’s a knocking at the door, and Dick goes to answer it.  The Torrances introduce themselves, and Dick is very warm and happy to see them.  He jokingly offers to take Danny with him to Tampa, Florida, which makes the boy giggle. He then offers to take the family to the kitchen for a tour.
         10:45 AM
         While giving them the tour of the kitchen, listing off the Overlook’s stock as well as the turkey he bought for them to use on Thanksgiving, he pretends to forget what his name is.  He asks Danny what it is, and Danny says, “Mr. Hallorann, Dick to your friends.” Hallorann replies with, “Then I guess you can call me Dick, then.  Can you dig it.”  Danny says that he can.  After the tour, Hallorann goes back to his apartment with the Torrances.  Jack says they ought to go see Ulman off, but Danny insists on helping Dick with his luggage.  Dick assures them he’ll bring Danny back to them before he leaves.
         10:52 AM
         The next scene shows Dick and Danny loading his bags into the trunk of Dick’s car.  Dick asks if Danny’s told his parents about his powers, the older man’s mouth not moving when he says it.  Danny, visibly surprised, says no.  He asks Danny if he thought he was the only one with powers. Danny says no, that he knows his Dad has a little that lets him know how Wendy and him are feeling at any given time. He doesn’t think his Dad is aware of it, though.  Dick tells Danny that his Grandma was the one with powers that he knew.  He tells him that she called it “The Shining”.  Next, Dick asks if Danny’s had any visions or bad feelings about the Overlook.  The boy says yes.  Dick tells him that there’s good reason for that.  That there’s something wrong about the Overlook.  That it will try to scare him by showing him scary things, but that he doesn’t think that they can hurt him.  He does advise that Danny avoid the topiary animals and Room 217, though.  He says that if things do look like he or his family will be hurt, Danny should call out to him with his Shine, and Dick will come to save him.  Then he and Danny head to get the boy back to his parents.
         11:15 AM
         This scene has the Torrances with Ulman in the now-deserted lobby. Though still very punchable, Ulman wishes them luck.  The Torrances watch him leave, and take in the view. Then, Danny says he’s hungry.
         12:05 PM
         This scene shows the Torrances eating their lunch in the deserted Colorado Lounge.  Jack says that the activity feels weirder than he’d thought it would be, and asks if Wendy and Danny feel the same.  They do, and the family move to eat in the living room of Dick’s apartment to eat lunch while watching TV.  They are all very happy.
         October 13th, 1980, 7:30 PM
         This scene has Jack working on his play in the caretaker’s office, and Danny working on his time-tables in the employee bedroom just across from where Jack and Wendy are sleeping.  Wendy pokes her head into her son’s room, and tells him to brush his teeth and go to bed.  He does this, but, while brushing his teeth, the voice from before calls his name. Wendy knocks on the door to check if Danny’s still in there, but Danny doesn’t answer.  She knocks harder and calls Danny’s name.  Jack hears her, and comes down to check on Danny too.  After Danny continues to not answer, they break the door down to find Danny seizing on the floor, toothpaste running out of his mouth.
         October 14th, 1980, 10:00 AM
         The next scene has the Torraces waiting in a doctor’s office. A nurse calls for Danny, who goes to see the doctor.  His parents look worried, and we cut to them talking with the doctor.  He asks them if they know about Tony.  They acknowledge they do, Wendy saying that she’d hoped Danny had finally outgrown the imaginary friend.  He tells her that Danny told him that the two of them had been considering divorce recently.  They say that they were, but it wasn’t something they talked about out loud. They wonder aloud about how he could’ve known, and this causes stories to come out about Danny knowing where things were when no one else did.  The doctor then asks if the divorce was a thing brought upon by some sort of event. They seem pensive, and then Jack tells the doctor about his alcoholism, breaking Danny’s arm, that leading to his dropping drinking, and what lead to Jack losing his job at Stovington.  There seems to be a relief brought about by their talking about this aloud.  The doctor explains that Danny probably has a lot of perceptiveness about him that allows for him to notice things like the divorce being in the air and where things go. The doctor also explains that Tony was likely created as an escape when things were bad in the house, and now Danny was making him a negative force so that he can outgrow him.  Jack seems convinced about that, but Wendy, not so much. Cut to Jack and Wendy going back out to Danny, and Jack saying that they should head back to the Overlook.  He calls it “home”.
Act II
         October 16th, 1980, 12:00 PM
         This scene has Jack Torrance nosing around in the guts of the Overlook.  The area he’s in is chock full of piles and piles of old paper.  Newspapers, receipts, check in/check out logs, magazines, and junk mail.  He’s looking for rats.  Jack looks like he’s ready to leave when he notices a large, white photo album with “The Life of The Overlook” written on the front cover in faux gold.
         1:15 PM
         Jack’s looking through the album in the living area of Dick Hallorann’s apartment, enraptured.  Wendy comes in and asks him what it is he finds so interesting.  Jack tells her that the book is a compilation of newspaper and magazine articles having to do with the Overlook’s history. It goes all the way back to the beginning.  It turns out that Watson’s family were the ones to open the place.  During the time that they owned the place, two presidents stayed there.  The Great Depression killed it.  The history becomes truly interesting in the 40’s.  Henry Derwint, a famous and reclusive businessman of the day, bought the place a little into World War II.  He was the one to update the Overlook’s interiors.  One night, a masquerade party was held.  After everyone had unmasked at the stroke of midnight, a spurned lover slit Derwint’s throat with a straight razor, killing him, before slitting his own throat, committing suicide.  After that, the place was turned into a glorified whore house. After that was done, the mob got the place.  The kept it as a location to hold meetings at until there was a gangland-style murder of a lieutenant and his five bodyguards by other mobsters in the suite that the presidents had stayed in.  The Overlook lay abandoned throughout the sixties.  Ulman and his took the place over in 1972.  “It’s like the dark side of every post-World War II phase in America is represented here.”  Wendy thinks it morbid, but Jack says it might make a great book someday.
         October 19th, 1980, 10:05 AM
         This scene shows Jack cooling the boiler off.
         11:03 AM
         Jack working on his play in the caretaker’s office, Wendy reading a book and Danny watching TV in the living area of Dick Hallorann’s apartment.
         12:05 PM
         The Torrances building a snowman.
         October 20th, 1980, 2:00 PM
         We see Wendy rocking in a rocking chair, further into reading the same book, and Danny sleeping with Lego all around him.  They are in the lobby of the Overlook.  Wendy hears what sounds like jazz music and looks up from her book, concerned.  The music stops, but her expression doesn’t change.  
          October 22nd, 1980, 1:45 PM
         We see Jack and Wendy making love in the hotel room they’re sleeping in.  Meanwhile, Danny’s wandering the halls and listening to The Hobbit on tape using a Walkman with Jack’s name on it.  He walks past one of the old-fashioned fire-extinguishers.  His tape’s audio begins to slow down until the tape is stopped completely.  Looking frustrated, Danny starts to take out the Walkman to examine it, but is stopped when he hears something fall to the blue-black vaguely jungle patterned carpet of the Overlook’s hallways with a thud.  He looks over, and sees that the head of the hose has fallen.  The sound of insects buzzing starts to play, and a lump begins to appear in the hose.  Danny watches with wide-eyed horror as the lump inches further and further down the hose while the buzzing gets louder.  A giant wasp begins to emerge from the nozzle.  It’s halfway out when Danny runs away.  His tape starts back up, and Danny looks back at the hose. It’s just a hose lying on the carpet.
         October 28th, 1980, 10:00 AM
         We see Jack putting on winter clothes in the caretaker’s office.  Wendy and Danny come by, and asks if he wants to come with her and Danny to do some grocery shopping.  He declines, saying he needs to trim the topiary animals before the heavy snowfall hits. We see the Overlook’s pickup truck go off, Jack heading towards the topiary.
         10:15 AM
         We have Danny and Wendy driving in the pickup truck. Looking visibly unsure, Danny asks if Wendy likes the Overlook.  Wendy asks him why he asks.  Danny says he thinks that it’s kind of creepy.  Wendy asks if he thinks there’s anything dangerous about it.  Danny says that he doesn’t think so.  Wendy asks him what Tony says about it.  Danny says Tony thinks there’s something in the Overlook that wants to hurt Jack. Wendy is visibly worried.
         10:22 AM
         Jack has just finished trimming up the rabbit.  We get a good establishing shot to let us know where all the topiary animals.  Jack starts heading for the lion.  “You may be king of the jungle, but I’m king of the clippers, baby.”  He starts trimming it up, but hears the sound of snow falling in chunks.  He turns and we get a POV shot of Jack scanning the scene until he notices that the rabbit is on its belly now, clean of snow.  A shot of a confused Jack saying “What?”.  The sound of snow chunks again.  Jack turns to see that the lion is gone.  He’s still processing the sight when he hears footsteps behind him.  He turns to see all of the animals in the topiary facing him, the lion leading the pack.  Jack looks rightfully scared.  Sequence of Jack blinking and the animals getting closer until Jack falls backwards into the snow.  When he scrambles up to his feet, afraid, the animals are all in place again, snow where it should be.  Jack looks terrified.  “You’re losing your mind…”  Jack gets to his feet proper with a “No!”.  As he cleans off the snow and gets the clippers, he mutters things to soothe himself.  
         6:30 PM
         Jack is sitting in the caretaker’s office, staring at the typewriter and the blank page it holds.  He is frustrated.  Wendy pokes her head in, and asks if he wants to come watch Star Wars with her and Danny. Jack looks at the blank page for a beat, and says he’ll join her.
         November 8th, 1980, 7:30 PM
         We see that Jack has made a path in the snow for the door leading outside from the kitchen.  He tosses some grease out through there.  
         November 11th, 1980, 1:15 PM
         Wendy’s in front of the fireplace again, sleeping.  Jack is in the caretaker’s office, reading “The Life of The Overlook”.  We see the key rack in that office, and the key for 217 is missing.  Cut to Danny standing in front of Room 217 with the key. “I’m not afraid of you.”  Despite his determined words and tone, Danny opens the door cautiously.  The room is in darkness, the lights off and curtains drawn.  Danny sighs with relief.  “Empty…”  Then there’s a sound in the bathroom.  Cautiously, Danny goes into the bathroom.  The shower curtain is drawn around the tub.  Danny approaches, and pulls it back.  A long-dead woman, skin thin and pale, belly bloated, lies naked in water that has a thin layer of scum made from old blood and chunks that have come off.  Danny is wide-eyed in his terror.  The woman opens her eyes, goo webbing between the lids, and reveals that they are a solid white.  She smiles, the skin at the corners of her mouth ripping.  She begins to get out of the tub, and Danny steps back out of fear. We cut to Jack, whose now asleep in his chair, “The Life of The Overlook” lying in his lap now.  The CB radio that’s been on the desk in that office crackles to life.  “Jackyyy…Jacky-Boyy…”  The voice that speaks of someone who is husky and drunk, and it stirs Jack out of sleep. “D-Dad?”  The voice goes on.  “That’s right, Jack-Boy!”  “But you’re dead, Dad.” “Hey, watch your mouth, Pup!  I’m here now, ain’t  I?  So do somethin’ smart for once, and listen to what the old man’s got to say!  It’s that wife and kid, Jacky, that bitch and her little pup.  You gotta kill ‘em, Jacky.  They’re gonna stab you right in you’re back!  Sabotage any progress you make as a writer.  As the caretaker.  As a man, Jacky!”  Jack says no, and for his Dad to shut up, but the voice goes on.  “Kill ‘em, runt!  Bash that cunt’s brains in, and rip the pup’s arm off!  They gotta take their medi—”  The voice is cut off when Jack smashes the CB, the noise waking Wendy. She gets out of the rocking chair, and rushes to Jack.  Jack’s standing over the radio, fists clenched and shaking.  He looks to her, afraid.  She goes to him, and they embrace.  He explains that he had a nightmare that his Dad was talking to him through the CB, telling him to do terrible things, and that he must’ve destroyed it by sleepwalking.  He talks about how he’s ruined their only means of communication.  She comforts him, and asks where Danny is.  Jack says he thought that Danny was with her in the lobby.  They both notice the key to Room 217 missing from its ring.  Cut to the woman walking out of the bathroom, arms outreached and giggling like some kind of witch.  Danny’s got his back to the door of Room 217, scared out of his mind.  He sinks to his feet, muttering about her not being real. She wraps her fingers around Danny’s throat.  Cut to outside the room door, Jack and Wendy just reaching it.  Using his master key, Jack opens the door to the room.  Danny falls out into his Father’s arms.  Danny is totally unresponsive, catatonic, and Jack notices bruises shaped like fingers on his son’s neck.  Wendy notices this too, and takes Danny from Jack. “Don’t touch him!”  Jack, initially confused, quickly becomes furious that Wendy would suspect that he’d ever hurt Danny.  Wendy tells Jack to stay away, and leaves for the hotel room they’ve been sleeping in.  Jack is left to stew in the hallway, head down and fists clenched.
         1:45 PM
         The scene starts with Wendy cradling Danny in her and Jack’s room.  Cut to Jack entering the Colorado Lounge.  It is entirely empty, chairs on all of the tables.  Jack approaches the bar, and sits on one of the stools.  The camera faces Jack for the next sequence. He looks down at the bar sour before looking up, grinning a hateful smile.  “Hi, Floyd.  Say, you’re a man whose heard his fair share of woe, right, Floyd?  ‘Course you have!  You’re a bartender, and the best of them at that!  I Imagine you’ll know what I mean when I tell you I feel like a ghost.  I mean, I spend all of my time making sure my wife and kid are happy.  I took a job that gave us access to one of the finest luxury hotels in America, and hopped on this damned wagon for them.  Does anyone notice?  Anyone thank or appreciate me?”  Pause.  “Exactly right, Floyd!  Like I said, I’ve gotta be some kind of goddamned ghost for no one to notice me doing all of this.  No, I’m not crazy, Floyd, I know that I’m no ghost.  It’s just that she’s too damned busy giving me shit for something that happened two years ago!  Something I already fucking hate myself for!  And I do hate myself, Floyd, you can set your watch and warrant on that.  I tell you, Floyd, it’s enough to drive a man to drink.  And on that note...”, Jack pauses, reflective and drops the joke.  “Stop being pathetic for once, Jack, and go check on your wife and son.”, Jack says to himself in a small, self-loathing voice.  Before he can get up, though, Wendy calls out to him from behind. She’s at the Lounge’s entrance, holding the still-catatonic Danny’s hand.  Jack says something, but Wendy can’t make it out.  “What?”, she asks.  “I didn’t hurt him!”, Jack yells.  A shameful look appears on Wendy’s face.  “I know, Jack, and…I’m sorry.  I’m scared Jack…”, she says.  Jack says he is too, and gets up from the bar to go to his wife and son.  As Jack approaches, Danny comes out of his daze, and runs into his father’s arm, sobbing.  
         2:20 PM
         The Torrances are gathered in the kitchen.  Wendy has just made chocolate milk for Danny.  When asked what happened, Danny tells his folks everything.  About his powers, Dick’s own powers and warnings to Danny, and Tony’s warning him with visions.  Jack asks why Danny took the key without permission, and Wendy looks annoyed that he would care about that given the situation.  Danny says that he wanted to prove to himself that there was nothing the hotel could do to hurt them.  “But, she was in there.”  Danny then tells his concerned parents about the dead thing living inside Room 217.  When Jack goes to check it out, he takes the elevator, and this causes Wendy to fret about it not being safe.  Jack doesn’t pay her fears any attention.
         2:32 PM
         Jack enters Room 217, and finds it be in the same state it was in when Danny entered.  He goes into the bathroom, where the light is off.  After turning it on, he sees the curtain pulled around the tub.  He pulls it back, and finds nothing but an empty tub. He sighs with relief at this.  Cut to Jack closing the door to Room 217, and walking down the hallway.  He’s stopped in his tracks when the doorknob begins to rattle furiously as if someone inside is trying desperately to get out.  Then, the rattling stops, and we get a look at the fear on Jack’s face.
         9:30 PM
         Jack and Wendy are sitting at the end of their bed, Danny sleeping between where they’ll sleep.  Their room is lit only by the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. Wendy says they need to get out of the Overlook ASAP, and Jack agrees.  This said, he expresses fear over how they’ll survive after they get away without any money or job.  Wendy says they’ll stay with her Mother’s, and they’ll both find work there somehow until they can get back on their feet.  Jack looks worried, and Wendy, noticing this, says they have to get away if they want to be safe.  Jack says that she’s right, and that he’ll go see the state of the hotel’s snowmobile being kept in the supply shed the following day.
         November 12th, 1980, 8:15 AM
         The screen is dark.  Then light enters when Jack opens the door to the supply shed.  He flicks the lights on, and we get a look at the shed’s contents.  He pops the hood to the snowmobile to find a corroded battery.  Jack searches the room for a box for the same type of battery. He finds one, but it is empty when he opens it.  Jack, clearly upset, sets the box down on a work table.  Jack turns the light off, leaving all in darkness once more.  The light that enters the room when Jack leaves reveals the still-open box on the workbench, a new battery inside.  The door shuts, and all is darkness once more.
         November 25th, 1980, 4:30 PM
         This scene shows Jack in the hotel’s guts, reading “The Life of The Overlook”.  Cut to Wendy and Danny doing multiplication tables in Jack and Wendy’s room.  The presence of Danny’s things in the room tells us that is also his room now.  Cut to the empty Colorado Lounge.  Cut to the door of Room 217.  Cut to the topiary animals, half-buried in the snow with even more falling.  The wind can be heard howling in every part of this scene except for Jack’s.
         November 28th, 1980, 3:00 AM
         Danny and Wendy are sleeping in the bed, Jack’s side showing that he’s gotten up.  The sound of the elevator going up and down is audible.  Danny wakes up, and shakes his Mother awake.  The two of them go to find out what’s going on.  They find Jack watching the elevator go up and down, in a daze.  Wendy calls out to him, and he stirs, asking what she and Danny are doing up.  Wendy asks what it is that he’s doing. Annoyed, Jack says he’s doing his job, and checking on the clearly malfunctioning elevator.  Jack inserts a key into a panel, stopping the elevator. Wendy insists that he check the elevator’s interior for any passengers.  He does, and finds an empty elevator.  Dissatisfied, Wendy check herself, and finds confetti and masquerade masks strewn all about the elevator floor.  She tosses a mask at Jack.  “Does this look like nothing?!”
         November 29th, 1980, 5:30 PM
         Jack is standing in the bathroom of Room 217.  The curtain is again drawn around the tub.  He pulls it back to find a badly beaten woman lying in the empty tub. “Mom?”, he asks in a scared voice. His father speaks up from behind him. “Shut that bitch up good, didn’t I, Jacky Boy?”.  Jack turns around.  His father, a large, mustachioed man in bloodied scrubs, sits on the end of the bed inside the darkened Room 217.  He’s holding a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in his right hand.  He takes a swig from it as Jack approaches.  Jack is stunned and confused.  There is a long, black cane with a golden sphere topping it next to his Dad on the bed.  It’s covered in blood.  “Yep, I had to reassert myself as the one in charge, Jacky.  Had to give that bitch her medicine.”  His father looks at Jack, and points at his son using the index-finger of his booze-holding hand.  “That’s what you gotta do, Jacky, you gotta reassert yourself as th’ man in charge!” “Dad, I am the one in—” “SHUT THE FUCK UP, PUP, I AIN’T THROUGH!  You don’t want to lose steam on that play of yours, do you, Jacky?” “No…” “You don’t want you and yours to scrounge around for food in th’ gargbage like a pack of rats, do you?”  “No…” “You don’t want to leave the Overlook, do you?”  Jack is quiet.  “DO YOU?” “N-No, sir.”  Jack’s father stands up from the end of the bed.  He puts his hands on Jack’s shoulders.  “Then you gotta be a man, Jacky.  And how do you do that?” “Make them take their m-medicine.”  “I can’t hear you, pup!” “They’ve gotta take their medicine!” Jack’s become visibly angry now.  “Who does, boy?”  “That bitch and her whining, little pup!” “Atta’ boy, Jacky!  Here—“, Jack’s Father picks up the cane.  When he gives it to Jack, though, it’s become a clean Roque mallet. “Go make ‘em take every last drop.” Jack leaves the room, mallet in tow, and finds Wendy and Danny having a picnic in the hallway.  They look up at him, lovingly, and Jack prepares to swing. Jack wakes up in the Overlook’s guts, “The Life of The Overlook” in his lap, terrified.  He cries.  It as this point in the scene that the date and time are displayed.
          December 1st, 1980, 9:30 PM
         Danny is running down the blueback carpet hallways of the Overlook.  The sound of screaming and of the thunderous impacts behind are all the sound that exists. We see a Roque mallet impacting the walls, denting holes in them, and splintering the mallet a little more with each impact.  There’s blood on the mallet.  Wendy is in the Torrance’s bedroom, blood running out of her mouth in a way that makes her look like some kind of puppet.  The screen goes black again and “RED RUM” turns it red.  The deserted Colorado lounge.  The Torrance’s rooms’ door beginning to splinter and cave in from some pounding outside force.  Cut back to the red screen with “MURDER” in black until the screen is as it was originally.  The date December 2nd, 1980 in red.  Danny wakes up in the bed next to Wendy.  He looks to see Jack’s side is empty.  Danny closes his eyes tightly.  Cut to Dick Hallorann playing poker with some friends in Tampa, Florida. Dick is all smiles and laughs, and suddenly becomes serious.  Intercut of scenes from Danny’s vision.  Dick says he’s gotta go.
         December 1st, 1980, 9:45 PM
         Danny gets up out of bed, and goes out into the hallway. The hallway proves to be home to a drunk man in a dog costume, his mask in one hand.  “Henry!  Henry!!!” He leans his head back as he yells louder.  This reveals an open, bleeding wound where his throat’s been slit.  His voice becomes high and scratchy when his head is like this.  “HENRY, COME OUT HERE, YOU BITCH!!!” He looks down, noticing Danny.  Danny says for the man to get out of his way so that he can go see Jack.  The dog-man grins.  “I’m going to eat you, little boy!”  He starts barking, actual dog barks coming out.  Danny closes his eyes saying that this isn’t real.  When he opens them, the dog-man is on his hands and knees.  He is barking and growling now.  He looks ready to pounce Danny, and the boy runs back into the hotel room.  He curls into a ball next to his Mom, looking at her.
         10:00 PM
         Jack is relieving the Overlook’s boiler.  After he does so, he hears music playing, and leaves to investigate.  Inside the Colorado Lounge, there’s a party on.  There are people masquerading in themed masks.  There are prostitutes fucking party-guests.  There’s mobsters talking business.  There’s a big band playing “No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature”. At the bar is Floyd.  Jack has a bemused look on his face as he makes his way through all of this.  Jack takes the seat right in front of Floyd.  “It’s been some time since we’ve had the pleasure of your company, Mr. Torrance.”, Floyd greets him.  “That’s right, Floyd, but I’m back.”  “What will it be, sir?”  Jack puts on an exaggerated expression of contemplation.  “Make it a Martian, Floyd.”  “Right away, sir.”  “That’s why you’re the best of them, Floyd, you don’t judge or nag.”  “I’ve no time for wagon-talk, Sir.”  “People could learn a lot from you, Floyd.  My bitch of a wife, for example.  You should’ve seen the hate in her eyes when I’d get home from the bar.  Used to think it was only there when I got drunk, but I know now it’s always there whenever I’m having a good time.”  “How do you know that, Sir?”  “Because she’s had it since we got here!”  Jack laughs, and Floyd smiles.  “And why does she hate for you to be happy, Sir?”  “Because of that damned pup!  That disobedient little welp’s lucky that I didn’t break both of his arms!” Floyd places Jack’s martini in front of him.  Jack takes it, smiling.  Before he can drink it, though, Floyd speaks up.  “About your son, sir, The Manager has taken a particular interest in him.”  “D-Danny? What’s he got to do with the Overlook? I’m the one The Manager should be interested in, I’m the caretaker.”  Floyd gives him a deadly serious look.  “Do you presume to know better than The Manager, Mr. Torrance?” Jack looks behind himself, and finds that the party guests and band are all now nothing more than skeletons in bloody tatters.  He turns back to Floyd, and says, “No…I guess I don’t.”  He jack hammers the martini, and the party starts again.  A new martini is already waiting for him by the time he sets his glass down.  
11:45 PM
Danny, still curled and watching Wendy, the sounds outside consist of the dog-man talking about fucking Henry in the ass until he bleeds.  Danny is crying quietly.  
11:47 PM
Jack now has several empty martini glasses before him.  “Floyd, I have got to take a piss.”  Jack gets up, his latest martini in hand, and walks through the party.  The band is playing “Midnight, The Stars, and You”.  Jack stumbles, dropping his drink.  He’s cursing himself when he looks up to find a thuggish looking waiter. The waiter offers him a drink. Despite the man’s appearance, he has a very dignified British accent.  The waiter is about to depart when Jack notices his name-tag.  “You’re Delbert Grady?”  “Yes, Sir.” “No, no, you’re not.”  “I beg you pardon, Sir?”  “Delbert Grady was the last caretaker.  He chopped his wife and two girls up with an axe before filling his skull with buckshot.”  “I do have a wife and two girls, but I’ve certainly not murdered them.  They’re sleeping in their beds right now, actually.” “I see…”  “As for this business about being the previous caretaker, I’ve never been the caretaker, sir.  I’m a waiter. You are the caretaker, Mr. Torrance. You’ve always been the caretaker.”  “Riiight.” “I did have some trouble with my wife and the girls some time ago, Sir.  They’d decided they wanted to leave the Overlook.  I explained things to them, though, reasserted myself as the man in charge and all that.  Now they love the Overlook.  Now, they call it home.  That’s what you need to do, Sir.  Reassert yourself.  Deal with Wendy’s doubt.  Rid Daniel of his disobedience.  He could be something great, Sir.  The Manager thinks as much, but you mustn’t spare the rod.”  Jack slurs in agreement.  “Enjoy the party, Mr. Torrance.”  Cut to Jack washing his face in the bathroom sink.  As he look at his wet face in the mirror, the party-goers outside chant “Unmask! Unmask!”  Jack exits the bathroom, and finds the lounge as it had been the last time he’d been there: empty.  He’s confused.  “Floyd! Grady!”  He sees that there’s still booze stocked behind the bar.  He walks over to the bar.  “Fine!  I’ll get it myself!”  He tries to slide over the bar, and ends up blacked out on the floor behind it.
         December 2nd, 1980 2:30 AM
         Dick Hallorann arrives in Colorado.  He exits the airport wearing clothes that are considerably more appropriate giving the weather condtions, and hails a cab.  He goes out to the rangers’ station. There’s only one man at the station due to the late hour.  Dick tells the man that he knows that there’s something bad going on up at the Overlook. When the man doesn’t believe him, Dick tells him to try CB-ing to prove everything is okay.  After this fails, the man says that Dick can use the station’s snowmobile, and that he can bring the Torrances to his house if there’s something bad going on up there.  Dick heads out for the Overlook, the man waving him off in the distance.
         3:00 AM
         The next has Wendy waking up to the crying, scared Danny.  She asks him what’s wrong.  “It’s Daddy! The hotel broke him, and he’s been drinking all night!  The hotel wants him to hurt us, Mommy!”  Wendy pulls her son close to him, her expression initially overwhelmed before becoming determined and protective.  Cut to Wendy leaving the room, a pocket knife slid up her sleeve. She walks to the Colorado Lounge. She calls out to Jack.  There’s a groaning noise.  She goes over to the bar, and, when she gets behind it, Jack’s struggling to get up.  He’s apologizing to her.  Wendy continues to approach him, cautiously, and Jack, moving quicker than he seemed capable of, grabs her by the ankle.  “Sorry you’re such a stupid bitch!!!”  He yanks her down to the floor, and climbs on top of her.  He punches her in the face repeatedly, busting her lip and nose.  She kicks him in the groin, and pushes him off of her while he reacts.  Using the pocket knife, she stabs him in his left thigh. Wendy scrambles to her feet, and runs off.  Jack pulls the knife out of his thigh, cursing Wendy all the while, and gets up to chase her.  As he’s running after her down the hall, he sees Floyd, whose holding a Roque mallet out of him.  Jack takes it from the phantom with a “Thank ya’, Floyd!”  Jack starts bashing the wall with the mallet.  We cut to Wendy hearing the bashing, and Jack’s declarations that she’ll take her goddamned medicine.  She runs into the kitchen, and Jack follows her.  He yells and slurs about how he knows that she’s in there. He’s walking around the kitchen, slightly splintered mallet at the ready, when Wendy pops out near where the pots and pans hang, and stabs a kitchen knife deep into his back.
3:30 AM
This scene shows Dick on the snowmobile, still on his way to the Overlook.  The building is becoming visible in the far distance, and Dick’s travelling speed is a steady one.  His headlight starts blinking on and off.  A topiary lion appears in the distance, just on the edge headlight’s range. The lion appears closer with every time that the light goes out until Dick crashes trying to swerve out of its path. His snowmobile is on its side, the lion trapped in the steady headlight beam.  Dick’s getting up out of the snow when the blinking starts again.  The lion turns, and begins to head for him.  Dick struggles, but manages to get the snowmobile upright.  He starts for the Overlook again, the sound of a beast chasing behind.
3:37 AM
Wendy is still standing in shock over stabbing her husband.  Jack slowly rises behind her, the knife handle sticking out of his back, blood staining the back of his shirt.  “You bitch! You’ve killed me!”  Wendy tries to run, but Jack hits her left side with the mallet, right in the ribs.  Wendy goes down, taking a few pots and pans with her.  Jack brings the mallet back down on her right leg.  While he’s leaned down from the swing, Wendy smashes his face with one of the pots.  While Jack’s still reeling, Wendy gets to her feet, and hurriedly limps away from him. Jack limps after her, shouting about how he’s going to bash her brains in.  While she’s running, the dog-man tackles her.  He’s got an already bloody straight razor, and starts slashing wildly at her.  During their struggle, Jack’s yelling gets steadily louder.  She throws the dog-man off of her, the costume becomes tattered and the man a skeleton during the cut to its impacting against a hall wall. Wendy barely manages to get to her feet in time to remain ahead of Jack. He’s close behind, though, and Wendy only barely makes it to their bedroom. Danny’s gone.  She screams out for him, but there’s no answer.  She stops when she hears Jack beating the door in. She runs into the bathroom, and grabs the razor blades.  Back in the room, the door starts to give.  Wendy is ready.  The now quite splintered and jagged mallet bursts through, and Jack moves to unlock the door through the hole.  “No where left to run now, you cunt!!!”  Wendy slices at his hand and arm, drawing blood.  “You bitch!”, Jack growls after pulling lack and seeing the injuries. He’s about to start again when he notices Grady.  “There is an outsider who wishes to ruin our party, Sir.”  With that, Jack lurches off to the lobby.  Wendy, meanwhile, passes out once the adrenaline stops flowing.  
3:45 AM
Dick Hallorann stumbles through the doors of the Overlook’s lobby.  Snow covered and exhausted.  He yells out for Danny and Wendy.  He’s progressing further into the hotel when Jack bashes him in the face with the Roque mallet.  Dick crumples to the floor, unconscious.  Wild eyed, Jack starts yelling for Danny, and runs off into a direction to hunt for Danny. He’s running through the nonsense halls of the Overlook when he hears Danny yell, “I’m right here!”  Jack charges after the boy, yelling all of the things from Danny’s visions.  Grady, looking as he did after killing his family with axe and all, appears in Danny’s way, but Danny banishes him with a wave of the arm and declaration, “False face!” Jack’s bashing the wall with the jagged thing that used to be a Roque mallet.  Jack chases Danny on and on, not realizing his son is leading him.  They run through the kitchen, and end up outside. They both stop their running.  The snow is falling thick, and building on them fast.  Danny turns to face Jack.  “Why are you running?”, Jack asks in a calm, dazed voice.  “I’m not running.  I’m just not scared of you.”  “That’s no way for a boy to speak to his father.  Come along, now, we’re missing the party.”  “You’re not my Father.  You’re just wearing him to your stupid masquerade party.”  Jack gives with an evil, bitter smile.  “I’m Jack Torrance, alright.  I’ve got the two birth marks and pecker to prove it!  Just ask your Mother.”  He begins moving for Danny, but is stopped cold by what Danny says next. “I know you’re not my Dad because he would’ve remembered to check on the boiler!” Jack drops the mallet, his eyes go wide, and he runs back into the hotel.  Danny closes his eyes, and we cut to the sleeping Wendy, then to Hallorann. The two of them get up, in a daze, and begin heading out of the hotel.  They meet Danny, and come out of their daze, confused.  Danny says they need to hurry, that the hotel is going to explode soon.
4:00 AM
Jack reaches the guts of the Overlook.  It’s full of steam, and the boiler is rattling. Jack puts his hands on the wheel to cool the boiler.  He looks ready to turn the wheel, but stops.  His eyes become clear for the first time since he entered the Colorado Longue.  Jack takes his hands off of the wheel, and backs away calmly despite the chaos of the situation.  Jack sits down, knees drawn to his chest, and tears begin to fall from his eyes.  He buries his face in his arms.  Cut to the outside of the Overlook.  An explosion destroys part of the building.  The fire catches to the rest of it despite the snow.  The smoke should look like a manta ray for a frame of the scene.
May 13th, 1988, 5:30 PM
A class of students are gathered on a football field, donned in blue robes and hats.  Down in the sea of blue robes, an 18-year-old Dan Torrance, wearing glasses, sits quietly.  The principal’s voice calls out for, “Daniel Anthony Torrance”.  Dan gets up, and retrieves his diploma.  After he’s returned to his seat, he looks, smiling to the bleachers.   In the bleachers where the families are seated, Wendy Torrance, hair now cut short and a cane in her hand, and Dick Hallorann, older with long-healed facial scars on the side of his face the mallet hit him, sit in the bleachers, smiling back at him.  Down in the shadows, is a sharply-dressed Jack Torrance.  Tears fall from Dan’s eyes, and he blinks them away.  After he does, his father is gone.
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