Girls are so fucking hot thank god im gay
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When you see it, REBLOG IT
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So I found out you write. I didn't know, and while it perfectly suits you, it came as somewhat a suprise? You did immediately tell me about your newest work, a short story (I won't give the details, those are yours to tell), and gave me the link so I could the first part. And it was good. It was amazing. Ever since you showed me your site, and your writing, I've been visiting your site to see if you'd uploaded anything new. Can't wait for the next part.
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You're so passionate about it. I mean, you just programmed something so it would work, while you could also download an app that did the same thing. But you wanted to do it yourself, just to see if you could. And I really like you for that. It's amazing listening to you talking about it, even when I don't understand half of what you're saying. I really could listen to that voice all day, all night.
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It was fun at the party. Just being with friends, having some pizzas (the host bought way too much, 15 pizzas is too much for us (even though we're all hungry teens)), and just talking and watching this really long meme playlist on youtube (guess who knows memes now) And we, well, we had our own time too. I don't know when it started, but we started tickling each other. Not even long, but just brushing fingers in a ticklish motion across each others' stomachs. After a while, a friend somewhat annoyed, somewhat amused, asked if we were fucking. I believe we both didn't respond to it. After a while, we just sat next to each other. At first you didn't want my leg touching yours, but not soon after, your leg rested on top of mine. It was a good party.
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Why can't my dad do simple house chores by himself? Why the fuck does he need my help? I have to do it fucking alone. So should he. It's not like I don't want to help, ofcourse I'll help. But he won't ever help me with things as the dishwasher, I just need to do it alone. But then he suddenly has to do it, and he needs help. Because a fucking dishwasher is something so extremely difficult, he can't fucking do it alone. Like, just why? If I have to do it alone, if my mom has to do it, even way more often than me, alone, why can't he?
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I don’t understand why Tumblr is so anti horse, like horses eat 22 hours a day and are constantly stressed out about everything. Fucking relatable.
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it’s so dumb that broad shoulders are considered unattractive in a woman just because the ideal of womanhood is based on the perceived fragility of a smaller frame. have you ever seen a woman with broad shoulders? looks like she was sculpted by the gods themselves
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Dark Fairytale Princesses - Belle, the Beauty and the Beast
Crowned with roses and thorns, her name the sweetest sound, her face glistening in summer sun and autumn dusk. Red is the color she desires most, wears it like a garment made of blood and rubies. She writes books and stories about her foes, the nonbelievers, fills pages and volumes with blood and ink. She reigns in her castle of death and at night she lets out her own beast, the monster that hungers for lives and flesh and bones and takes what belonged to her right from the start.
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“Please save me! I’ll do anything for you!” “Then perish.” “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” “Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?” “…Then I shall face God, and walk backwards into hell.” “…I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.” 
-All of these are from shitposts, regrettably not from literary classics.
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People should stop being afraid of crows
They’re sweet, and smart, and just trying to warn you of danger. 🌿
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The type of predation horror that scares us the most (zombies, Jason/Michael meyers, Terminator) is a reflection of the exact same hunting technique humans are evolutionarily defined by.
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Crow babies are important
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my favorite Millennial Thing™ is when a group of us are standing around and talking and someone asks a question that no one knows the answer to and suddenly it’s a race to get out your phone and google it and be the first to know, and then someone starts reading the Wikipedia article about the thing aloud to everyone else, and what started as a casual conversation is now A Learning Opportunity and we all walk away a little more knowledgeable about a random topic
Like, Boomers hate when we do that, but I think it’s one of the best things about us.
So long as we have internet or a cell signal, all of the world’s collective knowledge is at our fingertips, and damned if we aren’t going to use it.
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People who prefer hot weather: Snow and ice are a pain, and the cold is just kind of uncomfortable even when you wrap up, you know?
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call me ignorant but i genuinely don’t understand why sports have to be split up by gender.
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things i think dragons do
that thing where the pupils are big but then get SUPER TINY when prey has been detected
grabbing someone and then doing a tiny bite
rubbing on things they like
basically cat behaviors
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