#but i scrapped most of thr burned stuff off so it still doesn't pretty good
Writer Interview: Tag Game.
I was tagged by @my-fickle-muse
1. What made you start writing in the first place?
Well I’m not a hundred percent sure. I think I just started writing out random thoughts that came to my head and slowly realized that some of them were actually rather poetic in their own way.
2. If you could only write about the ocean, the forest, or the desert for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Hmm… I’d really prefer not to have to pick because I hate the idea of confining myself in anyway, but If I had to I would probably pick the forest, for some reason they’ve always appealed to me. Like the colors of them, the smell, I think maybe I associate them with the idea of possibility and adventure, because so many fairytales and stories take place in forests, or under trees.
3. Would you ever write a memoir?
Probably not, I’m not all that interested in people that aren’t friends of mine knowing me well. I mean maybe someday in my future something exciting will happen to me and I’ll want to write a memoir about that experience. But even then I might not.
4. Do you like writing by hand, or writing with a computer?
It depends on what I am writing. If I’m writing a story I prefer to write with a computer or on my phone. When I’m writing down my thoughts on something I usually write by hand, but not always.
5. Would you rather be popular with your readers or critics?
My readers most definitely, I mean it’d be great if I could have both but if not I’d much prefer my readers to enjoy my work.
6. Do you listen to music while you write? What is the best writing music?
I usually don’t, although I maybe should start doing that. I do not really know what the best writing music is. In my opinion the band Of Monsters and Men give you a lot of interesting things to think on in their songs, so I’d guess their music would work.
7. Do people you’ve met find their way into your writing?
Oh hell yeah. A lot of the stuff I write on here are my personal thoughts and feelings, so the people around me definitely influence it.
Thank you so much for asking!
Tagging: @bluephoenixe @acesheart @frofc
@infinitepocket @sedehaven
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