#but i still decided to interact with the fandom more and saw many tik toks and stuff
ladyhavilliard · 2 years
When you get to that one point in book 3 but you've already been spoiled by simply knowing which characters the ship beefleaf stands for...
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tovelarisdreams · 3 years
I agree with everything you said in the post about Elucien or Gwynriel (same anonymous). I’d choose Elucien too, because let’s face it…their fate is already decided. If Az didn’t end up with Elain but with Gwyn, I’d still prefer Elucien more. But as you said, she has been rejecting Lucien for like 3 books so for them to just get together in the next book…that book would have to be 2000 pages long to fit every resolution and decision💀
But tell me your thoughts on Gwynriel, I’m interested to know :)
Hello! Im sorry i took so long to answer, but I had a crazy college essay to write 🙄
Let’s talk about my opinion on Gwynriel x Elriel!
I think I need to give a bit of context before I actually explain my opinion!
So I’ve always been a casual reader and didn’t really engaged with the fandom. Therefore I did not know what who was a fandom favorite and who wasn’t. Also, didn’t know any theories.
When I read acowar, it was clear to me that Nessian was endgame and Elriel was too. I liked elucian but the way Elain acted around him, made clear to me that it wasn’t going to happen.
But when ACOSF came out, I was so worried about family problems that I couldn’t read it right away. That’s when I joined tik tok and started to engage with the fandom.
Then I saw the whole gwynriel thing. I was surprised cause it didn’t make sense with the other books. But people were talking about so many romantic interactions and how the couple was clear, and I was ok with it.
That’s is until I read ACOSF. And to my surprise, didn’t see any chemistry between them or any romantic interactions.
Even more when I got to the extra chapter. I was so confused cause, in my mind, that chapter set the next book perfectly. And it truly does.
My main problem with Gwynriel is the fact that I don’t see the romance there. I see the start of a friendship maybe. Which Azriel makes clear they don’t have yet.
I didn’t see Gwyn showing any interest in him. Even the other pristess are show to be attracted to him. But not Gwyn.
The necklace. She never uses it. We don’t know if Clotho even gave it to her. If the necklace was so important, wouldn’t Sjm make some sort of mention to it in the actual book ? Like maybe nesta saying gwyn was wearing a shine necklace, It would take one line! And everyone would know what that meant. But she didn’t.
The shadows. We never see the shadow reaction to Gwyn’s voice and curling with her breath in the extra. But never in the book. And we know the shadows tend to vanished when Azriel is comfortable. So I don’t think it was supposed to be seen in a romantic way but actually related to Gwyn’s powers.
Azriel’s protective nature. We know how Azriel is when someone he cares about is in danger. We have seen it MANY times. We also know that not even Rhysand can stop him when he wants to help/save someone he likes/love. Did he do that when Gwyn was in danger? No. He was worried about something else. And Sjm gave us Cassian being crazy worried about nesta and not really caring that he could die of he tried.
Now, my other issue with this ship.
How can this couple happen without one of them having a book ? Will Sjm build a full relationship for Azriel in the background? Azriel ? One of the fandom favorite characters? I don’t think so.
And let’s be honest. The chances of them getting the next book is very much none. Cassian didn’t get one. RHYS didn’t get one. Why would Azriel be any different?
I probably forgot to explain something. But that’s pretty much it! And don’t dislike Gwynriel completely. I just don’t think that’s where the story is going 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mrskurono · 3 years
i wanted to say something related with the thing about the plain repetitive fics earlier when the notification popped up but was busy and in a horrible humor 🥴🥴 so imma say it now
we as consumers (the ones who only read) are most at fault here i think bc the writers always ask and the ones with beautifully written 5k words almost beg for readers to interact/reblog so it spreads and gets to other people(i am at fault here too im a social anxiety ridden person) and because of this lack of interaction the "shitty" or plain or whatever gets more interactions... on other side there are also lazy ass people that don't wanna read 5k words (their loss lol) and stick with the plain ooc shitty cookie cutter stories, the ones who get the spotlight unfortunately...
sorry for the long ass rant, got lost in the middle and wrote it with a baby crying and screaming and laughing by my side lol, hope ur having a good day/evening and taking care of you and your baby💕💕
For the five hundred and fifty two years I've been on this site I will say there was a definitive switch between supporting content creators (of any media) and now expecting things to be spoon fed them in the simplest way without feeling an obligation to return the favor with even the meager of feedback. I wouldn't say it went down hill when Tumblr did it's purge bc honestly it was going downhill before that. It was like one month people were excited to share their hyperfixations and fandoms. And now no one wants to do anything bc of the cringe worthy puritan culture that has swept through most social medias. This focus on likes only, popularity and being a god send famous person is just so fucking weird to me. Anymore anyone is so afraid to even entertain the idea that they would consume something "unsanitary" and then get in trouble for it that it's reached its way to the creators. Many have stopped bc of hate. Many have stopped for fear of hate. Just as many have stopped bc its just not worth it anymore. It's frankly sad bc now "trendy" things are the only thing that sells. Tik tok reaction crap, daddy kinks, uwu sub babies, etc. This very tiny box of what's "ok" has doubled down on so many people just straight up quitting. These things that have been deemed "acceptable" while other things get demonized.
And this goes for non sexual items too. Wanna write best friends au? Unrealistic, bull crap, "never happens". But twelve dozen people wanna write a mafia au? Great, brilliant, "totally plausible". A lot of people complain about the sexual factors of fandoms but honestly fluff is just as looked down on unless it's exactly how this mass decided it to be. It use to be in fandoms you could find so much. Oh my god there was so so so much you could find. If you thought of it, you could find it. But now its the same idea regurgitated fifty times. I get people enjoying what they enjoy (I for one enjoy friendships and mutual pining and such) but the fact that everything else gets shoved to the side bc the majority doesn't "want it" and then others are "too afraid" to engage frankly means more and more writers are going to leave and not come back. And it's sad really bc so many writers are wonderful and great but no one wants to support them. I understand being anxiety riddled. I didn't start posting even online half a decade after I started writing. I kept everything on a note app and interacted with no one when I did get brave enough to post online in the small fandoms I was in. So the anxiety thing I get but at some point you have to decide if it's worth more to lurk and watch your content creators and friends leave. Or to support them and others.
Make entirely new blog. Give no defining traits to yourself. Don't even have to talk to anyone if you don't want to. But reblogging (with proper tags) means a million different things to artists of all kind. You don't even have to leave a comment. Simply reblogging something and making sure it can be spread through proper tags in the fandom means the world to creators and it's so small but keeps us going. I do it here on my blog all the time. I'm not an avid reader but I adore art and reblog the crap out of characters I might not even like. Just so that artist knows "hey, someone saw this and they want more people to see it bc its amazing"
This isn't meant to be mean spirited or a lecture but frankly Tumblr is going to loose a lot of its media and its sad to watch it go down the drains. But on the brightside ao3 is still wonderful and a heavenly place to post fics! The traffic is wonderful and to any fic writers who haven't signed up for it I really suggest it. All the fandoms I've posted in so far have been really engaging and lots of people even comment which is just such a serotonin boost. If you haven't started cross posting on ao3 I highly suggest it
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