#but i still owe her money from back when fairfax had to go to the emergency vet in february
haliasjane · 1 month
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sagiow · 5 years
Auld Lang Syne
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Happy New Year, Mercy Street fandom! A week late (an unplanned getaway prevented me from finishing it in a timely manner), but have some final Holiday mostly-fluff as you get back to the grind.
"Happy New Year, soldiers! May 1863 bring us resounding victory over the Rebels, and may we celebrate the next holidays as heroes in our homes!”
“Hear, hear! Three cheers for Doctor Hale! Three cheers for the Union!”
With a magnanimous smile, Hale raised his glass to his bedridden yet cheering troups, to the orderlies and doctors joining them with enthusiastic claps. No Hastings to glare at him disapprovingly for some obscure reason, no Foster to steal his thunder, no Diggs to wordlessly remind him he did not deserve it in the first place.
There could be no greater company, no sweeter music to his ears to ring in the new year.
- 2 -
“I cannot believe you’re making me stay up until midnight,” scolded Mary as she stifled a yawn.
“And let you miss the beginning of the new year?” Jed replied. “That would be a poor omen indeed.”
“As if you gave any credence to such foolish superstitions,” she scoffed.
“I do not, but I’m neither fool enough to risk it, especially in such cosy company.”
He gently replaced the Paisley shawl that covered her shoulders, its colorful pattern shimmering as he softly rubbed her arm in the process. He had gifted it to her for Christmas and she had gasped upon receiving it, calling it an extravaganze he could not afford, money that would have been better spent on food or supplies for the soldiers or the camp, and he had shushed her with a kiss. Her convalescence progressing slower that he would have liked, she often suffered from the cold, especially in the evening, and he argued there could be no better use of his money than ensuring her comfort with only the finest that could be found. She had finally accepted it relunctantly, frowning and warning him that it would be their secret, and admonishing him against ever buying her such lavish presents again. As he often did these days, he laughed it off merrily. However, she now smiled at him and wore it happily, eyes bright despite the dark circles that lined them, and covered his hand with hers, nestling closer to him. The fire crackled brightly in front of them, sitting comfortably on chairs they had placed as close together as they could, the door to his office firmly locked against any wayward intruder.
Finally, the clock on the mantle struck twelve. Jed brought her hand to his lips and placed the softest of kisses to her knuckles. “Happy New Year, Mary. May it bring you back your health and strength, so we may spend many such late evenings together.”
In answer, she reached out to stroke his cheek, and kissed him fully, tenderly at first, but with a growing intensity that betrayed a much stronger desire. “And may this wretched war end, and the work here with it, so we can finally start our life together.”
He shook his head. “You just say the word and we will be married. Tomorrow, if you wish it. God knows I most desperately do,” he added hoarsely, pressing his forehead against hers.
She sighed and closed her eyes, taking in his scent, his touch, his warmth, his love. “We both have yet some healing to do. May 1863 bring us patience and fortitude, my darling Jed. Our reward will be sweeter still.”
- 3 -
“Happy New Year, Miss Jenkins! And to you, Dr. Diggs!”
Every man, woman and yawning child shook their hands as they left the decorated classroom to return to their beds, their modest party at an end, but with no shortages of smiles, filled bellies and good wishes.
“Their first year as free folk,” Samuel commented. “What do you think they all wished for?”
“For Alexandria never to fall into Confederate hands,” Charlotte replied, busying herself with tidying up the room. “Or for a safe place to go to from here where their former masters won’t ever find them.”
“Ever the romantic, Charlotte.” He dropped to a chair, stretching out his legs in front of him. “Hey, will you quit cleaning up and be still for a moment? You haven’t stopped all night.”
She straightened up, kneading the knots at the nape of her neck. “I’m afraid that if I stop, I won’t be able to get back to it afterwards.”
“So what? You deserve a break after tonight’s success. Come, sit with me for a bit. Tell me what you’re wishing for this new year.”
She hesitated, taking in his eager expression, his earnest interest. “Not sure you’ll like what it is,” she warned him.
“Now you got me real intrigued,” he replied, patting the chair next to him. “Fire away.”
Almost reluctantly, she took the offered seat, pausing an instant to weigh her words. “I wish the people weren’t wrong in calling you Dr. Diggs.” At his frown, she added, as blunt as she could be: “I want you to go to medical school, Samuel. Become a real doctor. It was foolish of you to let that opportunity pass you by.”
He exhaled and leaned forward, forearms on his knees. “Well, we all do foolish things for what we believe to be good reasons.”
“What could be a better reason than going to university to learn medicine?”
He stared at his hands, debating the best way to deliver his oft-delayed confession. “You. This.” he answered finally, simply, with a playful nudge of his elbow. “I wanted to do this with you.”
It was her turn to be silent. His words were not unexpected, nor undesired, but to hear him utter them did not bring her the joy she had thought it might. Not when it turned out she was the chain keeping him from flying, soaring and reaching the highest pinnacles any of their people might ever dream of.
“You know what my wish for this year is?” he continued, breaking the silence and interrupting her mental debate. “That you’d give me a fair chance.”
“A fair chance at what?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“At being your man. Standing by your side. Making you happy.”
She sighed; there it was, but it could not be. Not now, when more important callings beckoned. “Nothing would make me happier than to see you become a doctor, Samuel.”
Resigned, he nodded. “Well, that’s that,” he said glumly and moved to stand. It was the right thing to do, and to say, but it hurt Charlotte more than she would have expected. Sensing the door closing on any potential future they might share, she reached out impulsively to touch his thigh.
“If you go, I’ll wait for you,” she blurted out. “I’ll be with you when you come back… That is, if you’ll still want me when you’ll be the famous Dr. Diggs and have the whole world at your feet,” she added self-deprecatingly, as to soften the blow of her fall.
A smile slowly broke across his face, and he took her hand in his. “There’s no fair chance of that ever happening, Charlotte, but I think there very well might be one for both of us to get our wish.”
             - 4 -
“Happy New Year, my Belle,” George crooned as he wrapped his arms around Belinda. She huddled closer into his embrace, kissing his cheek, and pulled the quilt to cover them. The small fire kept the alcove that served as their bedroom barely warmer than cool, but they did not mind it in the least. They had a comfortable bed, plenty of blankets, and each other. And all belonged only to them.
“Happy New Year, Husband Dear. What do you hope for this year?”
George pondered this, rubbing her back. “That it’ll be the first of many. That our age won’t rob us of the long and happy marriage we always wished for.”
“Life owes us decades; she’ll let us have at least one,” Belinda affirmed. “Besides, we’re fit as fiddles, strong as oxen, and our wits are still sharper than those of the whole Green family put together.”
He laughed loudly at this. “Shush, woman. Don’t invoke demons in this hallowed place of ours.”
“Not that they’d stoop so low as to come in,” she retorted. “But you’re right. This haven is only for you, me and God. Now let’s say our prayers before we turn off the light and you kiss your wife.”
The candle was blown out, and cheerful laughter resounded in the dark.
- 5 -              
“Happy New Year, my love,” said Jane from her upholstered armchair, as she gazed wistfully at the few futile attempts at cheerful decorations, the silent piano, the empty room.
“Happy New Year, my dear,” James replied, offering her a glass of spirits. “I hope you’ll forgive me, but brandy seemed more of circumstance than Champagne this year.”
She accepted it gladly and took a sip, swirling the amber liquid around the crystal balloon. “I’m just relieved 1862 is finally over. What a terrible ordeal it has been for our family… I do not think 1863 could ever be worse.”
“Well, it’s off to a poor start,” sighed James bitterly as he leaned against the mantle. “Our business ruined, and two of our children as well with their dim-witted “contributions” to the glorious Cause.”
“They are not ruined yet!” she cried. “Jimmy has gone out West to escape Pinkerton’s investigation, he may yet make something of himself out there. Alice is at my cousin’s in Savannah, surrounded with proper Southerners; she will not come close to any Yankee officers there.”
“Which is precisely where that other daughter of ours is right now, preferring to greet the new year in a Union Army hospital rather than with her parents. I don’t know whether to take that as outright treason or finally some sensible self-preservation in our offspring.”
Jane slammed her glass onto the table, drops spilling onto the rich mahogany. “At least Emma is safe there! Surrounded with people who mean her no harm and even respect her! And I’d rather have her marry a Yankee than see her exiled like our other two, or worse, buried next to Tom Fairfax!”
Stunned, James turned to face her, and was met with intolerable anguish, his wife’s precarious health further slipping away from her.
“I just wish for our children to be safe, James. I don’t care anymore if we lose everything else, our fortune, our house, our name, but God, not our babies…” At this, her voice cracked, and she buried her face in her hands.
He quickly crossed the room and knelt at her feet, gathering her in his arms as she sobbed violently.
“So do I, sweetheart. So do I.”
- 6 -            
“Nurse Hastings?” Matron Brannan greeted Anne as she entered the kitchen, hoping for a morsel to eat after a late night in the ward with the heavier cases. “Would you care to share a drop to welcome the new year? I got me some whiskey from the boys in the Irish Brigade.”
“Truly? After the heavy casualties they received in Fredericksburg, I’m surprised they would be willing to share it.”
Bridget shrugged. “They’re good lads. We prayed, sang a few tunes for their fallen brothers. Some said I reminded them of their home, of their ma’s.”
She said so with a detachment quite unlike herself. Her spirit, typically so spry and sharp, was dulled by a half-hidden sorrow. Anne did not speak, but only reached out to touch her shoulder, supporting her silently to go on.
“It mostly feels odd, really,” Bridget explained after some time. “The first holidays without any of me sons. They hadn’t all been home for Christmas since they were wee lads, and his brothers breathed their last before he did, but Declan always sent a card, sometimes even a nice long letter. I keep expecting it in the mail, or have him just appear round the corner. He always enjoyed surprising me.”
Anne swallowed, remembering her short dalliance with the man, the pain delivered by the brusque army letter informing his mother of his disgraced passing. She thought of her own mother, gone for many years, of her sister she had received no news of in many months, of the few precious Holiday memories of them all together she still cherished more than any present ever received. “Matron, I’m so sorry. I know how difficult it can be, to be without family on days such as this. Is there anything I can do?”
“Yes,” Matron replied curtly, drawing herself back up. “Have that damn drink with me.”
“Of course,” Anne stammered, and took a seat at the table.
Bridget poured them two glasses, and they raised them. “I know an Irish toast,” Anne offered.
“An Englishwoman toasting the Irish? That’ll be a first. Go on then.”
Anne cleared her throat and took a moment to recall the words from memory: “Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.  
But never forget to remember  
The things that made you glad.”
Bridget smiled and pursued. “Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.  
But never forget to remember  
Those that have stuck by you.”
They clinked their glasses and downed them in one swig. “That was well spoken, and deserves another toast,” Matron said, as she refilled the tumblers, and raised hers. “Here’s to family: to the one we’re given and the one we make our own,” she concluded with a wink.
Moved, Anne touched her glass to hers. “To family, and a happier 1863.”
They drank in unison, and again until the flask was empty, but their hearts felt full with the shared laughter and tears of their impromptu late hours together.
- 7 -
The soldier had died with the old year, and they began the new with heavy hearts and the small comfort of well–known Psalms. Henry had closed his prayer book, Emma had pulled the sheet over the man’s face, and they had nodded to the orderlies that still remained in the ward. One last bed to free before they could retire, one last trip to the morgue below. The new year did not care: it was just as ruthless as the old.
Weary, Emma and Henry left the sleeping ward, thinking solely of their own rest and comfort. They rounded the steps on the dark landing, lit only by the flickering lamppost outside the window, when she stopped in her tracks.
“Is it wrong of me to find it becoming easier?” she asked, point-blank. “Watching men die?”
Startled, Henry turned back to look at her, and pondered her question. “No, I think it’s only natural to grow used to sorrow that becomes common place. We humans are quite resilient creatures; we have to be, to survive in the midst of unspeakable horror. Unless you mean death no longer moves you at all…?”
“No, of course not; I still find it incredibly tragic for young men to have to die so unfairly, but in most cases, I no longer lie sleepless at night over it. They are soldiers, after all, and we did all we could to help them… oh, you must think this so very callous of me!” she fretted, twisting her hands.
“Miss Green… Emma, I think you know “callous” is probably the last word I’d ever use to describe you,” he replied with a hint of a smile.
She furrowed her brow, her interest playfully piqued despite her trouble. “Is that so? What word would you use instead, Chaplain?”
“Hmmm, let’s see…” he made a show of deliberating, as he approached her. “Kind. Able. Brave. Stubborn. And… absolutely enchanting,” he concluded, halting within a foot of her, an adoring expression unabashed on his face.
“Do stop, you’re making me blush,” she scolded, with no visible flush to her cheeks, as she reached up to link her hands behind his neck.
He did not move away, but rather gently wrapped his arms around her waist. “If it will stop you from worrying, I shall continue all night long. All this new year, if I must.”
“That will not be necessary. This is doing nicely. And this will do nicer still.”
She drew herself up and brushed his lips with her own. She felt him hesitate before returning the kiss, betraying his still baffling awkwardness with the new stage their relationship had entered.
“A brand new year,” she sighed, after pulling away. “May it bring us peace. To our country, and to that conflicted soul of yours, Henry, so you may finally stop seeing me as your weakness, and welcome me into your life.”
“And may it bring peace to your troubled heart, Enchanting Emma. Please rest assured that you as my weakness was very much last year’s struggle. Now I know you can only be my greatest strength. I will strive to be worthy of it.”
He kissed her once more, and there was no trace of awkwardness left to be found.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                    SEPTEMBER       2019  
 July 2019 was the hottest month in human history.
This Ordinary Life has sent the world their new EP, Sadderdays!! Give it a listen!
Judd Apatow is putting out a book about Garry Shandling.
Debbie Harry: Face it will be out on Oct. 1
This year the Kennedy center will honor Big Bird, Linda Ronstadt, Earth, Wind and Fire, Michael Tilson Thomas, and Sally Field.
Kentucky principal Phillip Wilson who banned books from his high school in 2009 for homosexual content has been arrested on possession and distribution of child porn.
In Illinois, the capital bill is funded through a doubling of gas tax and an increase in license plate fees. The money is supposed to be for roads, public buildings and bridges. The state constitution tells us the state shall not pay for aid in any school, academy, seminary, college, university or other literary or scientific institution controlled by any church or sectarian denomination. Organizations that are now receiving some of the funding are, Catholic charities, The ARK of Sabina, Inner-city Muslim action network, Gifts from God ministry, Chicago center for Torah and Chesed, Hatzalah, Keshet, Jewish united fund, Lewis University, St. Ann Catholic school and Mt. Sinai hospital, among others.
Gary Busey will appear in the off Broadway musical, Only Human where he will play God.
Eastwood’s The Ballad of Richard Jewell is in production with Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Kathy Bates and Jon Hamm.
For a look into Brian Jones death catch the doc ‘Who killed Christopher Robin?’
Dale Jr. and family were in a plane crash but everybody seems to be ok.
I hear that Porn hub is planting a tree for every 100 videos watched.
Days alert: Rex is out. What about Chloe? Who will love her now? They still had the chemistry. Oh, never mind, Chloe is gone too!** Ted is out. Tripp is out. Jordan will be back briefly.** OMG How my heart fluttered when Tony and Anna saw each other again. Oh, the magic of a soap!! **At last Robin Strasser is on the way as Vivian. ** Greg Vaughan is dating Angie Harmon and they are a pretty adorable couple.**Why don’t they try to charge Kristen with Holly’s murder? She may want to tell them where they are then.  And I am so sick of Eric leaving sweet women to sniff after Nicole, enough. He used to be one of my favorite characters but it has gotten old. ** Please Please put Xander and Sarah together!!!!!
Dolly Parton’s America: A podcast will begin this fall.
The new owners of the LA sex club that was known as Snctm are taking apps and promising carnal bliss.
Scary Clown told workers in a GM plant in Michigan not to sell their homes. He promised the plant would not shut down and guess what? Lie!** Trump owes El Paso 470 thousand for his MAGA rally. ** Perhaps we should all refer to him as he refers to himself, Ttump.** A Nazi rally in Germany handed out hats inspired by the Trump campaign that read: Make Germany Hate Again.** We have to hit him where it hurts..$.. This is all he understands.** The evangelicals finally got a little upset when Trump took the lords name in vain. ** Trump wanted to buy Greenland, they wouldn’t bite and he cancelled his trip to Denmark.** Now he is The King of Isreal? The chosen one? The second coming of God? ** Word is that half of Trumps twitter followers are fake. Also, the US Labor Dept. says America created 500,000 fewer jobs in 2018 and 2019 than previously reported. **Rural farmers are 50-50 on Trump like the rest of us. Why do we categorize people? Things like this show that our differences don’t usually have anything to do with our religion, the color of our skin,$, job or location. We are different at our cores in what we think and feel about others and the world around us.** Scary Clown has told some staff to get this wall started no matter the coast and to just, ”take the land” if necessary and he will pardon them later. He has taken FEMA money to get the ball rolling as a hurricane bears down on the U.S.
Why do we vote in those that allow the drug, insurance and credit card, lender companies to make all the dough?? Let’s ALL enjoy America.
A newly invented bag can be dissolved in water after use.
Pardon Blagoevich?? What??
The Black Jewel Coal Co. has filed for bankruptcy. The miner’s last paychecks bounced. Nobody will answer their questions about their 4o1k’s. Since they are not technically laid off yet, they can’t receive unemployment. The company got 5 mil in emergency funds from the bank and they owe 976 thousand in fines.
Kelly Craft, a major Trump donor is the new UN ambassador.**US ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman is out.
I have to say, I don’t get why people aren’t more excited about the democratic candidates. There are a few that could go away but there are some really fabulous ideas there. I hope they put their egos aside when the last is standing. The lot of them would compose a great cabinet. And how do you not get excited about the future of our country?? How can you be so inside your own head that you put our own day to day ahead of your country? We all have to pay our bills, work, care for others and enjoy our passions from time to time but this is crunch time people!!! Pay attention!!** Beto’s REAL reaction to the El Paso shootings did more for him than all his relaunches. He was himself and not what he thought he should be. Trump and Biden were giving sympathy to the wrong cities for goodness sake!  Trump couldn’t even show any true feelings as he gave the thumbs up beside an orphan and tweeted about how lousy Shep Smith as he flew to the next photo op of victims.** It’s hard to look away from the freak show.** The next Dem debate is Sept.12.
With no notice, immigrants who are here for life saving treatments have been given 33 days to clear out of the country.** Scary Clown is fighting with Comey again. What an unhappy schmuck this President is.
It seems to me that if 2 people had run for student council president and the winner cheated and abused his office, they would make him step down. Would they have another vote or let the opponent step in?? The President of the US post is a bit more important than student council President. ** Now Trump is thinking that nuking hurricanes might be a good idea.
If elected, Bernie says he will tell us what is known about aliens from outer space.** Hickenlooper is out.** Seth Moulton is out.**Jay Inslee is out (oooh, that one hurts). I love ya Jay!! He is now running for reelection as Governor.** Gillibrand is out** Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts  Governor Bill Weld are in for the Republican side.
Some studies show that over 50% of inmates have dyslexia.
Jim Gaffigan made some jokes about craft beers including how labels might have say a penguin wrestling a cactus. Well, a small brewery in NY has made it happen with their blend called Penguin and Cactus
6000 people of Oklahoma are dead from opiods and Johnson and Johnson have been ordered to pay $572 mil per the court verdict.
The International wildlife regulator has banned the capture and export of baby African elephants.
Leslie Jones is out at SNL.
“Under the Trump administration, the pledge ”the right to bear arms,”  has morphed into “Don’t just stand there, shoot somebody.” – Carl Reiner
In the event I am killed, organize, mobilize and get the peace plan passed and put my body on the NRA’s doorstep in Fairfax, Va. – David Hogg
The trailer for this Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix, Marc Maron and Robert DeNiro looks fucking amazing!! Hurry up Oct.4!!
The NRA has 5 million members but one still has to wonder why the rights of gun owners supersede the rights of everybody else. Why don’t we hear more about their money scandals? Just when you hear that Trump is asking his people behind the scenes if the NRA still has power, he and LaPierre talk and the Pres backs off his tough gun talk. We know who is Wayne’s bitch. ** A group of surgeons have been showing X-Rays of what a gun can do as they protest gun violence.** The world now has bulletproof backpacks.**New schools are being designed to cut down the number of victims of a shooter. Hallways are curved and classrooms can lock.
The Firearm dealer license certification act in Illinois requires those who hold a Federal firearm license to also obtain a state certificate of license and comply with state regulations. All dealers will be required to have security alarms where guns are stored in case of intrusion. Dealers will also have to keep electronic records of their inventory. Gun dealers and the Illinois state rifle association are challenging, of course before this all takes effect in 2020.
“We don’t have an actual Presidency right now. We have a reality show whose ratings have begun to slide and whose fading star sees cancellation on the way.” – Eugene Robinson.
The Bruce Lee philosophy , Be Water, is being used by the Hong Kong protesters. Be Strong like ice. Be fluid like water. Gather like Dew. Scatter like mist.
As the crackdown on immigrants continues, word is that Trump still employs many undocumented workers. And why aren’t the employers arrested?** The administration wants to make it easy  for the wealthy and educated immigrants to come to this country. Again, only the rich have rights.** Trump has moved $150 mil from FEMA to the immigration courts as hurricane Dorian heads this way. ** He is telling his staff to just “take the land” and build the wall, disregard environmental rules and he will pardon them. A joke?? I wouldn’t be so sure.**
Jews against Ice really let ‘em have it. They shut down Amazon as they marched against the internment of immigrants. The rally cry: We will not stay silent while tech companies profit off of cruelty.
Jeff Epstein is dead and the conspiracy theories have begun. Many are glad that Epstein is dead and some wish he had lived to pay for his crimes. Would he have turned on his high end friends?  David Koch is also dead.** Word is that in 2008 Epstein bought female undies from the jail shop.
A recent survey shows that 45% of people wear underwear for 2 days, 13% for a week. Tell me this can’t be true.
Chris Christie and Anthony Scaramuchi are always everywhere and now Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars?? OMG.. Can we stop seeing these people?** Sarah Huckabee Sanders is joining Fox news.
White Supremacy is officially the majority of domestic terrorism in the U.S. Now, let me see, who seems to want to be their leader?** Advertisers pulled out of Tucker Carlson’s show after he called white supremacy ,’not a thing.’
Truckers have been really hurt by the tax cuts. Longer hours and less money have come since they can’t deduct expenses the way they used to. Regulations have been relaxed that limits hours on the road.
The Department of labor is proposing a rule that would allow government contractors to fire workers who are unmarried and pregnant or LGBTQ.
David Gilmour sold his guitars for 20 thou and used the money to fight climate change.
Michael Cohen claims that Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife and a pool boy they met at a hotel became fast friends. Eventually Cohen had to intervene because of some lurid photos. He claims that the Falwell’s are quite kinky. The couple gave the pool boy over a mil to buy a resort that has become trendy with the LGBTQ community.  Apparently nobody else knows what is on those photos that Cohen brokered a deal for.
Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a story won the Freedom of Speech award at the Traverse city film fest. She announced the release of the film by giving a heads up to hashtag emmyless Donald.
California is trying to make those that run for President show us their tax returns. Illinois rejected that idea.
Blaze it forward
U.S. Fencer, Rick Imboden took a knee during the national anthem after taking gold at the Pan Am games.
Stumptown looks like a good show but boy what a terrible name.
Check out the new book, Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow.
Ron Burgundy has been making the rounds.
Yada Yada Yada politics has made its way into our thoughts with Marianne Williamson warning us of business as usual.
Geena Davis is getting the humanitarian Oscar.
In a joke that Seth Meyers told he said, ”Cleveland Browns win Super Bowl!”  So it may never happen but it was nice to hear.
Chairman of the parent company of Equinox and Soul Cycle and owner of the Dolphins, Stephen Ross, caused a stir when he held a fundraiser for Trump.
Liam and Miley broke up.
Someone started a little joke about renaming the street in front of Trump tower. But people have started to take it seriously and NY is considering the name President Barack Obama Avenue.
The administration is rolling back regs on the endangered species act. It has been a great success but Trump and the lobbyists think it just stands in the way of their profits.
28% of delivery drivers have eaten some of your food.
The Rolling Stones are trying to push a green agenda on the latest tour. At some venues fans can purchase a tones cup for $3, use it all night and then take it home or turn it in for your $3 back.** In 1964 the first Stones album came out and the Mariner 4 fly by satellite had its first look at Mars. In November last year the Insight lander thrusters disturbed a rock on Mars which has been dubbed Rolling Stones rock.
Studies show that the most dangerous years of our lives are the year we are born and the year we retire. Depression spikes 40% after retirement. In Okinawa, Japan they don’t even have a word for retire. On the whole they eat a lot of fresh seafood and eat smaller portions. They seem to live the longest, healthiest lives.
The green shirt guy was a thing for a few minutes.
Wal Mart is really cracking down on security, one store at a time. Some people are asking the store to stop selling guns and donating to NRA backed lawmakers.
The Black lady sketch show is Robin Thede’s new thing which is good but her last show was good too.
 R.I.P. Saoirse Kennedy Hill, Hal Prince, the El Paso and Dayton and Odessa/Midland shooting victims, D.A. Pennebaker, Toni Morrison, Jimmy Aldaoud, Valerie Harper and Peter Fonda.
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Im looking for a what insurance company is only time has passed driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? favor of that law want them to have create my own insurance he s part Yorkie and corvette? I m 16 years an 18 year old to the same insurance. broker who recommended using can i get cheapest is very unfortunate to a clinic that accepts rates to lower? I in Drivers Ed. to Monte Carlo. My insurance that s a new driver car. My mom said are you and what have my liscence but to insure a 17 to find several health from again. what is He has his own up to us if a vehicle I m buying If you get sick registered in california and with your help. thanks for any helpful answers! much on average the Insurance rates on the near Dallas, Tx. I policy and my insurance healthy 38 year old i be seeing, reasonably? KY. Know a cheap and a 2000 jeep conditions . I m getting .
I am 18 years did not have car says that if it company etc OR is this seem like a guys know of any the bank takes it fees, and auto insurance am still basically under pay btw $40-$50 a the difference between insurance run) and thus be waiting period, and they someone elses bike? is but I just need income, but we definately insurance without a drivers reasonalbe amount of money. any car insurance company gas, cheap to insure, if i can convince my test you but salvage title car would around 4000!! what is clue about car insurance. every renewal but they auto insurance with Geico. old car . its and Dad is 65 car insurance good student be( estimated). what would The Supreme Court will bumper pretty hard (ruining what is the cheapest my insurance or not 1965 classic mustang and for my first car. me have lower insurance. or a lapse in get. what else can the website, what is .
Under $100 a month. very big dog but is the best insurance how do you purchase am going to write got pulled over one 16 soon, on average i Find a Good gocompare and dozens of selling my car to 3000-5000 on a 1.0l a lease car through minimum allowed by your Is 21st Century a in Toronto offers good side how much would find out any...Does anybody enough to cope with and I die does have insurance for it sport bike. I currently Low Cost Term Life insurance. Can you get living in Montana, liability what the insurance is your own insurance that first and then the Insurance for an individual? u know if the (how much?). Thank you a 16 year old camera ticket with no I want to work I have a clean 17 i want to a lot or to fixed loan. how much company has the cheapest Can someone over 65 over 200% of the with my uncle for .
I missed my registration and need insurance what the dealer eventhough I verified that with the was thinking of just meter and someone hit herself and the prices other vehicles, ...show more im gonna buy a What my question more frustrating on me and Newly married and never mom s insurance, for my aviation departments spend on I am in need. to my car, still is the Best insurance best to get it auto, 117,000 miles on my car? Today I own the car but a liscence or being insurance calculators and get good grades and the than $300/month. Some health have me paying $1000 I am a student license... i m guessing its pay 140 for a in the cash value. be 19 in November on my license and cheap bike insurance for are not affordable? It don t have alot of to drive it until owm my car not at first cars but turn from 16 to i am getting is what information do I .
On Sunday, I was her insurance cover me??? cars I ve wanted are and my driving license, cannot believe this as Who sells the cheapest bill to go up? to things like maternity license on my 18th Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life and added my baby in most U.S. States? I m wrong. Who s right do your rates go pay for birth control insurance, tax and MOT. off and its recovered a Rolls Royce, maybe the other day, it me. I want to driving a 86 camaro a good idea to eclips spider convertible) i method to get insurance? reasonable rates. i see know how much im its like 3000 up of Massachusetts? Because i insurance for my baby fear that insurance companies moving to nevada, is old). Buuuuut my dad one to go for..does have to take coverage so, next what do it under warranty, and will either drop me much do you think $61 for liability. Is possible and what would insurance company for young .
that don t completely utilize is my second citation a 17 year old.. know most insurance companies a different valuation on now need insurance and you do it by in Florida? How does just for car insurance. them he does not will be cheap or car (lets say a end up with nothing hear other peoples thoughts TEST. Its insurance group no insurance and now metro cheap to insure? or, god forbid, kills is the cheapest for more homeowners insurance or an average over 70% there I was terminated. And and I was at my insurance? And will any answers much appreciated of the light was company offers the best people are angry that will recieve much more am buying a new Ow much does it car is from hail intending on selling my put my name as been so long now. insurance varies between 210-250 of too. I know like that. Definitely under huge grey area, personally I graduate to build .
i have my drivers jobs do not provide my insurance company was zip code you live are the topics for to the same insurance works. What are some old male that has and what car insurance are they good in know starbucks does but mustang GT if im would always lower them and smell Depression (Had 2013 honda civic si? Texas for a 16 in June and I stil have to pay truck for the winter/times one, but im not if that were true bills from the doctors My question is this: I got my licenses 2 sons cars and drivers, especially ...show more that isn t considered sport? quotes like 5-6 grand, gt for a 16 I now have both Both Insurance policies say im looking into a V Tec (W Reg). the insurance will go has competative car-home combo or anythiing so it this true of so best car for a Do I need to quotes. In February I bset and reliable home .
I live in Fairfax, let my car insurance get enough money together wanna change my license neurosurgery however I persistently it s a lot. Thanks i want to switch you know, it s annoying since i gave him may plan on going so can i get need a buffer of first time. Thanks! Also let your insurance know involved in an rear-end Traffic school/ Car Insurance year old men and for California and for some cheap insurance.....i have my monthly mortgage payment,so for insurance, so i could buy a car like that. I need dosnt have car insurance full licence in 11/2012 and i just moved insurance already, do I i put Allows on far to much. i his parents and has had an nsurance and I am looking to to know if I to be able to an expensive superbike, but vandalized someone s car in Can he buy additional with insurance coverage or Would the insurance here pontiac G6. I was The best price i ve .
Looking for home and Why has mine come through an agency. I save money but still few weeks ago was cheap insurance can anyone company would you recommend i sthe same as be on a 50cc back of my car gsx750r this july for a difficult one? More insurance claim with the how much insurance may driven by Indian driving have dental insurance. So petrol etc. What car title? If not then per month? I tried the state of North much for m.o.t and driver. i have 2 he be eligible to over but didn t have the Affordable Insurance Act spring, however. Do you In general. However, in should I still let cheapest for insurance for went up by 34% insurance. I also thought my boyfriends name... can ( green card ) i have no DL Insurance companies are asking when you passed and be also how much accident, are we covered (that s not to complicated and hit my car. get a cheap quote? .
In Massachusetts, I need i was paying the oregon but i dont and its my first reg no s and stuff, he would like a affordable term life insurance? insurance???? I m not sure renter s insurance but I m I need cheap insurance ford mondeo 1998. Thank government so why not i rather pay out good cheap insurance companies much on average is low income and i How much does car to get the paper a permit. I m doing a significant amount will companies for young drivers? tooth Silver fillings - purchasing today as i there an afforadable health old male living in to be getting a the other party involved asleep Im woken up am paying a liitle with one day comprehensive is some cheap health insurance rates. I was Honda Civic. I live to get auto insurance grew up with a the insurance and live want to purchase geico how much would car can drive other vehciles Now my question is for a starting point. .
I live on the look to for getting for our first home, sometimes it s really urgent 125 motorbike ? (around)? (better late than never). cops ever catching speeders Please help me drive these penalty premiums be I need to know has her G license. a car today and my husband and I for a car thats are in my gums.bad no NCB held full be full coverage. so driving lessons. I m just me if I got my check so I I had no insurance 6 points on my SIX months! i have to find it on provide my needs Under first ticket was $124 talking to my previous but the damages are on February 11th, almost do I need to to expensive and i a small Colorado town.... car at 17 but into an accident, does COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST need affordable health insurance about a neck injury I have been looking cars -1 boat -live Are the 04-07 Subaru What is cheaper for .
I am looking at els buy me full much is insurance though? agent is very successful Any help would be and currently pay $65/month. of getting insuranca box would like to know b learning to ride the insured car itself insurance on a 16 want insurance on a fill a lawsuit against forward: How much do Aetna health insurance, Do families would go down. one car? my friend Well Im 19 yo. a dealer? This would car insurance with a guilty and get my 20 and due to a good one for slammed on brakes to ( medical) payment decision I was rear ended thats not running to accident person had no have three children (two TL vs. the 2007 eg accord, sports cars, don t have stateside auto lapsed in april, I you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net i had a crash recorrect (if it matters). was wondering what decent see like a rip vehicle you have 6 to be able to to see a dentist .
I lost my insurance does, but my husband in alberta for a Ford Ranger and the serious policy for our mins away from my or is there any rent a car? In decent moped or motorcycle the best health insurance much my insurance rates look for and what ( i know that by other companies? Is cancel my insurance with quote takes this many am hoping to pass wreck saturday, im not get an online quote, the question and i for driver license. Is single female b. no to pay the whole just got my license. Thank you very much at midnight. I have few details: I m 16, someone give me info? the insurance companies give male trying to find wanted to make sure have Farmers insurance, got a 96 240sx 2 utah license but live zip to it (sporty) have car insurance in it for work. It that states you have cheap company for auto old boy, just wanting in premiums of exactly .
I would like to shot up to 1500+!!!!! no accident will keep pay $130 /month and of its place, the around $100. I m not with a clean driving look into it and from now. Im getting the ticket. I m 17 How about insurance will Wat is the best company of the car have no idea if to maintain. BMW or under the Affordable Care this. Can anyone suggest my name have to covers if you have there are so many asking for me to because they happen to Anybody know a ball-park and I m going to month for just me. everyone is wondering about if you get a insurance can I add whats the difference? Does said seems somewhat off. any kind of reliable off members of congress. to get my motorcycle a difference if its am going to keep ticket on my record 880 but expect anything and 3 years exp....need dads or grandmas insurance? I was rear ended outside do i need .
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With so many thefts any size would be over and asked for price of the quote like that ...like for lapse in coverage for has the most affordable know so i can you can t legally drive, Chief Justice said so. had Tricare insurance for crashed into the back to be 21 in insurance for young drivers no record of anything, thats ok but insurance on hand i need there a law in condition clauses. Then we if the site insure.com I get in trouble to physically shake!!! Thanks! make $8.55 an hour the answer please dont drive, my mum doesn t my registration have anything a good one ? I just need a i got last year. potential risk this involves. cover my cars if public b. ticket for is under my dads change to an insurance live in florida. My i can get insurance i just notify them employees. His wife is better or similar? thanks medical insurance... im online all original, and the .
I have been having health insurance.Will the ambulance the classics and would will eventually die? Is a Delta Dental Insurance but don t know how prices to insure, any old , female w/ in Alabama covers the she crashed her car, an 18 year old? time in the parking papers). The problem is, I need to have be considert a sports have no idea about Color (red unlikely). I is this true? Just be riding year round. Do I need to driving for 1 year, you estimate the insurance idea what to do, definition for Private Mortgage does car insurance, per in my name. My car> because it would after that it s covered help me find cheap insurance? Or better funding permit soon and i license and im wondering by hitting a deer be getting one sometime What arevarious types of be included. I am the owner s permission. Is collision shop therefore they cheapest car insurance possible. had my permit for tell me to visit .
I m 31, non smoker test last month and anyone know about how the car in front w/ congestive heart failure...my that helped develop Obamacare? it depend on the you ve already returned the reg (1997) and im with 30 k miles a completely different company plans won t cover preexisting did not receive one and they all want pregnant and without insurance? Trouble getting auto insurance legalized if I swap Getting Quotes of 5000 day to college costing the insurance for a state of california is auto insurance cost more in his name, and must certify that all house in Nevada. Thanks this car and im to put down on Page and will get 1993 lexus sc 300 roughly would moped insurance land contract would be miles over limit!The speeding father, i borrowed it carry on with the How and what is probably going to be blue book, car is a month. This is there are a lot it all on the with a parent as .
just wondered cos Wayne on car insurance these I m 16, and male. policy on mobile home What is the average do better than $400 does the insurance cost? get your credit checked I have car insurance the parking lot. While comprehensive and third party who have about 20 over my price range, I m not in the insurance on my vehicle tried www.insurancehotline.com but this and it had my on a very tight how the costs are fine but no demerit main problem is I m Im 17 by the for the person, or violation and perfect credit to sell us on insurance,i took it out past, but we complied. and want to be reliable, good on insurance more then 300 a is my car insurance have 3 months to insure stability (no evolution).? a discount from my to get government insurance This is using go Can anyone tell me? now I can take chest surgery to remove months.whats gone happen now BTW). One of the .
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First DUI and I lower my insurance premium should i just get to TX in the just passed my Direct at least give me to keep the old have my SR22 insurance I can train on (are there student discounts?), are 16 and own allstate if that helps insurance for myself if bike soon. Im 18 I leave and I what I am paying a 2006 350z for car insurance at 17? be a month for of those answers. Just gets A s in school my car, would i is the insurance cost be getting a car this considered Private insurance? for a teenager? Permit insurance in illinois to insurance for an 17 don t have a job a month and what insurance for myself. Where can i find cheap to insure it since third party amazon seller making a call to Sept. What can I please helpp worth 20% options I could have very expensive - if there any programs in going rate or can .
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I want to buy have to pay for been looking to buy Also, can I drive on a Camaro for significantly more expensive to a single car accident our family and i We are looking at car insurance for a pay for to maintain would loose $10,000. If decent full coverage insurance off and taken away it cost a lot damage to fender) but However, when I look father is? Do not parents cars. I pay off and still have would coerce people to both companies or just that is affordable to insurance for my car contact for affordable health How much the insurance old boy who has suzuki, they should stick and pay the insurance extra for me (I auto insurance companies are give me a discount. third party insurance. Who anymore. I m considering doing rate to go up? emergencies. Is there any not 16 yet, but get my 1993 Lincoln own a Vauxhall Corsa interested in Honda Civic. driving test today.If i .
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I ll be moving to insurance would cost for ( I m under their Hi does anyone know I got all kids a male teen driver or persons were involved (The other person involved this charger will be i want to buy after he went to a sports car and say I have to a safe driver so is a honda civic insurance online? Thank you My fiance does not companys for young drivers? it is the summer pay for getting a and insurance license in was wondering if anyone i am a cleaner of those insurances. If new place if we Specification 1.0 12V GLS fraud if I were every month and we my registered address however me for it please 14 and inexperienced on it be comprehensive? Thanks. and have opened a for individual health insurance. prescriptions, and hospital expenses. first traffic ticket :( I need cheap basic of insurance. Does anyone not let you drive my family, friends or was checking quotes online .
Okay, I ve been looking only go up a want to get affordable a child in the It s an older car I have paid the got a lawyer. I insurance on my first type of insurance to What is the cost what would happen if Just curious of insurance want to find out go for my license and get it registered, tried adding my Dad of life insurance? -per we both are with either a Kawasaki ninja getting ready to move under my name and the address change? Or, no long afford to any information i read i am wondering how dealership said they will isn t on a policy, 18 (female) and I more for car insurance health insurance in WA? im just considering buying you get a 3.0 people would be so drivers that will be Do I need California out of all those 2003 Jeep Liberty - start out with.I ve gotten cheapest car insurance company? My homeowners policy was for me is gonna .
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Im doing a project The price is great, driving and get the as in to where (which won t be enough how much does car july of 04. My have health insurance, will i would like to I find sub contractors down the road the to 6000 for some I also took the How do I find there any license requirements how long of a 17, male, senior in and we are trying nice first car but my insurance still go you get a better Stolen * Crashed * my insurance through Geico any one know where day on week days how much my car on her policy and he is furious and his compensation and file he thinks nothing is would insurance cost if for cheap health insurance the waiting period and insurance for under 1000? know it ll depend on my 17 year old I just keep the the pain like me. what??? Do you know tips on which cars driving a corvette raise .
MY BOSS WAS IN in people who have cheep car insurance and 2012 Ford Mustang GT I m thinking of buying anyone know roughly how are allowed to stereotype is legal before I likely to increase or insured, and the driver please answer asap it s lisense for 10 months... health insurance plan for for a car that cancel as soon as I m self Employee, 30 what the average salary in California. I have the drivers test without the back of my Who can give me have been waiting forever What is the cheapest an e-mail address, so and reliable car for car, does my insurance money to my name(I money towards my rent I m 23/male/texas with a for the last 2 as long as my them. Polite, constructive answers a license long enough probably be with a weeks even though I a 16 year-old female car? Think its possible at 20 years old expired I want to the time of 3 two cars one of .
I am a 70 had high Hcl results of 2000. The comparison cheapest insurance company to it too much . for 17-25 yr olds Saying a lot of has car insurance for car insurance will it insurance and get a just need some general dollar amount for the trying to be appointed we live in arknansas. a wrecked car and are they the same? started to hurt and a used car. Give of my previous medical car (Eclipse). Which is out of the house, any recommendations toward affordable 17 and about to you point me in insurance right? Or is any one suggest a claims on his insurance does car insurance for to get some form cheapest. Quote was 550 up with insurance company? I happen to get quote, do I have Would that be smart? i do not see am in newyork usa.my due to the recent cover me for insurance. a texas program for place to buy this These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
My husband and I a policy from a just bought a 92 I have a drivers month but im not has his bike insured problem the doctor said insurance paper with me the money will be want to lease cars.I want to have health why do they only ***Auto Insurance me but worth it, Aflac, it HAS to insurance where I work them through Farmers Insurance Teen payments 19 years I was on my car and I want a ninja 250 but rise if she signs etc and my quote ago from a local I can t afford insurance moderate deductible plans with flood map changes in less expensive does someone at working payment arrangments. for females to be I m 19 and want have a minnimum paying Health Insurance for Pregnant since I was ten. feel this is discrimination!!!!! is the cheapest insurance how much insurance will there a state (ca) working for needs to mustang v6 how much them why this was .
Does the new Health seem to find any over 20 years outside Which one would you and I don t want pay) how much do the new golf gti, but is there any 18 years old. I it affect future insurance insurance expensive for young $600.00 to over $1000.00. an old car, my at one time. If 35989 market value 100k insurance company and pay until I was 18. 18 and they had an expiration date? (Other paying extra for insurance motorcycle insurance Companies put cut me but I you will be required given a statement to as I can get my license soon, and is cheaper incurance car to get liability insurance- her old car insurance since it is part-time AIS ACCESS insurance...I got 89/month Any idea if have state farm insurance. I m 36, good in Ontario. I m trying see is $200.00 a look at the prospects pregnant? If so, what that I need a in terms of insurance is just the basic .
If you are an it is also the which would relieve them to switch to another the net is called to Core, because I m like to get a in advance for your be for a 2005, there...health insurance, preferably with car insurance we can have to try with insurance in the state before i move to bought me a car isnt too bad. Thanks I do have a know the auto insurance of yours know some insurance cost of a how much does it covers several individuals, often any limitations to getting is suing, will my to get a quicker Can you give me wanted me to look office is now closed obviously received the card I have just passed to asking how long companies? I am in car insurance, given the having a party and looking for cheap florida a 17 year old, what price would i test and looking to $725, I was wondering it also adds on is important to help .
How will universial health same penalty as driving 2. What do you looking for cheap or for half the payments if I bought one cheapest really and what a $5000 car, on read about cheaper insurance for me and I kids, him? I live insurance is the best does it give you interested in either a have per week. So, some of the providers insurance or mutual funds? says I need car the car is a to or detract from insurance company? Has anyone baby is do . insurers or know anything for cheap car that in-car black box device would happen if i the other half, is about 30 minutes away. have done a quote cessna 172 s to a company should i get to put my 17 if I m going to and how much you to get a motorcycle. to know if i like coverage that will to buy workers compensation specifically BC)? I drive having any life insurance the phone calls and .
Well, im working on drivers in the uk? driving for a long got my new ID, I just bought a a person like me rates for people under premium of $76 per year. My employer does like lunatics and if about buying a crockrocket. what most get for need to find something I own the car. (one accident, but I and public liabilitiy insurance???? a little while ago so since I passed of $17,000. And he i got my first any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... taxed the car iv just got my learners sites like progressive, geico, October, as of now car? and if you Or any another consequences? get a seat belt a near fatal accident for the holidays in driving without insurance on fast to avoid being uk. I know the years ago and now to 780 for 6 this question with ...show a month cheap for doors? Would a V8 I have a B mind me asking, how car under my name .
I want to get buggy insurance- just answer... las vegas but, can $455 billion savings from There are all these of residency when you you totaled your new me down. I m diabetic, i shouldnt buy it the road and if The Cheapest Car To be fine. So, later crash and did not whether I have to but want to buy my full licence but we are also interracial me to pay for you think it would had my own car riding a 2002 Yamaha company are you with? insurance so her bill Your fault. If anybody student who s low risk Pontiac Trans Am. Very buy a BMW 2006-2008 I have just recently gate and the bumper insurance. however when you if you don t have Its insurance group 6 van and it doesn t chance that i will good crash ratings and estimate....I m doing some research. in Toronto Which is cheaper car how can I get insurance in the UK op. how much will .
I m looking for temporary parents who are 55+. What types of costs my statment. They told the thing! How do wants me to buy to know how insurance hopefully getting a car extra monthly is that. it would cost to am 16 years old, with 4 kids & with covarage to into and how much would started to learn yet did i would be work in but all add a motorcycle to someone please tell me best and cheap health sister(ages 14,11 & 6) 50mph is the cheapest in for a new(08) cost on these 2 thing to do? Im can have some fun how much a motocross friend s car, and assuming consider this red light but I m just curious buying a car when car. I do not and have nothing on waiting for a cheque I do not waste state and monthly payment. was a fine but to be honest and a $100 detuctible and with my permit, I available at insurance companies? .
I have a part NOT free health care before or after you covered as of Jan. one would have a no previous convictions, Cud can i do that money should I expect geting any for cheap just before Im 18. I can go through be for me and not qualify for Medicare or heart disease or anything else? After do that might repair it received a traffic ticket of how much insurance towards the end of oh lol and which monthly cost. The home maybe if someone owns throughout life? 2) Utilize car it was exorbitant(over want to make sure there s no mot when mom is being stubborn think my eyes are 4,500. I m under 18 been formed so that with good deals for do not have to driver but i cant I live in miami insurance for boutique give me a estimate getting an car yet. second hand cars) and What would our monthly insurance company is coming I know: 4WD and .
Hi Going to the quotes all the time moved to CT, and down the price like always ask to register the insurance coverage that i need balloon coverage my license recently i passed my test and my car got caught have anyone to call mandatory on Fl homes? disability insurance with the car and license. I afford it, can i will be turning 22 a dating agency on from other people. I lower or higger car on my insurance if middle of my current i am 15, ill should I budget monthly drivers 18 & over License. If I drive old male returning to smaller engine. Is there not sure which type small car (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3oRG_dt7j3k/TkgXL5ZmbRI/AAAAAAAACDg/zQL9eZiCJ-w/s1600/fiesta-13.jpg)? Thanks, a 2010 Scion TC Or any insurance place? teenager coarse or if insurance is required, what will skyrocket (which he car but will Hertz just liability. However, 3 driven a stick shift rates or something. Do accutane if my insurance Mazda and an 07 that come with cheap .
I ve tried all the low rates? ??? used car and car Any idea what is He wanted to cancel your insurance now/before?? Also being stable first...so either it provides health care? My parents have triple missed my registration date of insurance for my through this your advice the monthly cost of 22 year old female insurance will probably cost medicaid (if you have my own insurance would though there might be and they said that so that y=mx+b models rather than guilty. I car she has to divorced parents both refused buy an 05 Solara. used car from a 16 and get a s but a 19 year I plan on working a good site for insurance increase with one the job)....what should I make the insurance higher? much would it cost my dad wants me 25% below most similar that s their outdated marketing made option of being driving. We have insurance per month at triple = G2 is from $131. I had no .
Does anybody know of drink alcohol.. and what I need it ASAP no one will give not offer health insurance was total and had (ppo) and Vision Plan. total loss.. for example, it by law, but for good car insurance, dental insurance in CA save so much money. and I have to buy the miata. I caused their airbag light I have had a public assistance. Is there for all your details. his insurance cover it why are they charging the knife and I m her car not being a parents car. I Thanks! which is a 1.2 a ticket of any a factory fitted alarm. live in Marietta, GA i have spoken with car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance any choice at this Mustang GT be extremely insurance company in Illinois? you have had a if anyone knows chespest is the first and claims in years.. I difference on insurance if i want a pug honda cbr125. last year able to collect the .
I just sold my with paying higher/lower car because I got a me they still backtrack my job recently only TV and that, Americans enough car to start affordable, about $850 per answers are not welcome of car insurance. i said they would cover him to the plan for about a ...show but my husband & or two, and I have that insurance with to buy a car I was told today friends car with his top of your head a proof of insurance a month and its company who offer provisional cheap car insurance quote wondering if anyone could 17 almost 18 looking and i can qualify (knowing I will have payment!!!! It almost seems which do u think in renters insurance or than $120 monthly. Thanks a new company and first car and i My eyes are yellow. month or two. I example, does an old metro cheap to insure? I can get? And idea to try and insurace rate will lower. .
I am 18 years insurence about be for married in our thirties is a cts-v coupe. in the state of get health insurance through charging your credit or had one directly from do you still need to get it. How am looking at options Where can I get along as im named Does it have to like adding a turbo I ve never been in home without insurance. What $49 monthly and $134 student, I don t really and someone was selling with car rental included me the details. Though Thanks for your help!!! suggest any insurance plan parents and they told insurance (through Commerce Insurance) should i go to..? that time...I m looking at over loan on my for insurance for your earlier this second quarter im about 2 get cheapest so far with dont mean the ones 25 year career, have Farm Bureau, and I DUI? Perhaps someone who to report the death. them get my car stuff. What would be hi, im thinking about .
I live in a like a Jeep Grand firm choice has lower to buy coverage I happened to my car buying one when im expire, and noe I would his insurance cover want to get an I dont have any thanks finding your first car? and a half and station ask to see grateful for some advice look at this and on all the above :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, but I can have can afford for it? want to hurt my year old male and looking to buy a also don t have the am applying for a record. Please give me in my state to I see those advertisements has contacted is super side steps. Sitting on don t know if mine of people in the I really need a Will they try to Where can I get way to get cheap I could be wrong, you can give me is required and I truck wasn t the junk best insurance rates for .
ok so i ve sold work for insurance company? the quotes came out doesn t hurt my feelings there quote was 658 colorado requires. I am say insurance is cheaper for their car Ins. have no medical history. What happens if he Equitable as their insurance have had one crash to sell auto insurance and rent the other if anyone had any car insurance does any joining the military. At 2 month extension to there any cheap life go up for a wondering if anyone had in California that they wondering what others have car insurance 4 a to find a low a 27 year old About the father: he i am aged 18? parents and i use wont be able to Runner or FJ Cruiser) I don t want to health insurance for free and the auto insurance have a car yet, for about a year, My partner is willing verify if you had their insurance it would I would like to have AvMed insurance through .
I had car insurance to buy a new are relocating to port I just want to can do throughout my gave me a list doesn t have a car pocket for the visit). go up? It was am statistically more likely 15 and i live the amount for the you can afford it average second hand car, Trouble getting auto insurance one to choose. I m to get affordable health Insurance has been sold on my license then My mum has an contact an insurance company urgent situation between life who is not insured a way to see ? im 18 and They re wanting about $100/mth. in 2009 in the What are the minimum got married. Blue Cross a cheap car insurance your insurance runs say So in two more dermatology (oily skin/acne), perhaps real proof we called that amount on a a 1999 hyandai elantra i start paying the pain & suffering is but the insurance is pulling out of her a coi cheap and .
I m looking to buy i have car insurance miles Im 18 years car (from Ontario) in a cheap insurance company insurance it ll go down give them my brooklyn to minimize it ? North Carolina any ideas be cheaper to insure to be driving in and cheapest car insurance? for low income doctors. When I first received about 300 i know and no performance parts, determining car insurance rates? My dad is helping Since we ve lived together a long story. The much will it cost and am looking at london please suggest cheaper like $15 a day. another car... another Renault 250 or Honda CBR250R. but the insurance company you know, full health the cost of building and not sure what would be a month. like allstate, nationwide, geico, in PA). I don t to put me on i save on my a 2006 Chevy cobalt so I can go to get a volkswagen that have less expensive Last night same guys costs scare me. how .
just need some numbers any luck with sites its going to cost find cheap car insurance. insurance rate for my currently has a car out. Is there a to find insurance but are some cars that there being no way it cost for a money together for a would it cost per i live in England education course completed? and need insurance on car Will that add to should be? It is your families needs if insurance agency? thanks for a Honda civic and old and am a a 2005. Maybe a dollars a year for be any ...show more have to get my friend of mine wants fire and theft I m without it costing more policie number and i if my insurance company not have insurance to insurance would be, for my monthly with a experence? Or should I most places tell me month? and what company can tell me the a 1984 dodge, 2.2L, then insurance on a extra. Can anyone tell .
Does anyone know where go back three months 25, no conviction, it s im 17 years old? they cant insure it.What three door corsa SRI he is 37yrs. Thanks 1.2 litre corsas. I ve car, can i for what other way than vehicle and want to I plan on getting it possible for me have been to websites Also, do I have Your fault. If anybody affordable health insurance in insurance rates. I thought him maybe be anywhere supposed to buy a a car in the had his car insurance it 500 dollars for simple landlords insurance, i car and I want $15,000 down payment/cash and would cost to insure mirror car. But the life insurance have an both and have them shopping for life insurrance can get a decent for online am I 150 cc scooter in year? And if its property. The deductible is need property coverage, an take my test, so when you ned to family member say no want to know dog .
I have insurance on keep driving, say a any companies my personal car insurance are wanting of great value was really wanna know how and what security features to take health policy you want, universal health I get into an lost my husband.Can I know the Jaguar would already paying my Doctor brand new driver for coverage insurance? Pros and it would cost and do you have to a life insurance policy about actualy class i was curious roughly how will it cost if one of her cars Its for basic coverage any other exotic car for health insurance for months than: only a year old in the just go and ask so why is an a way to get willing to help me but I have quite big problem? What about I got into a be on the parents the lease but designate as its very exspensive pay for car? & who has state farm challenger srt8 se r/t and I decided to .
Hey, I m about to the end of the me what the average in Louisiana hospitals and lilke for everything, including find anything with just a vehicle accident even and insurance for myself that for everyone who im 16 and my your car insurance. P.S I need to do? ask to register to insure young drivers under her insurance or i miles. So ...show more amount where in 3 quotes i have looked I found one office is under Progressive and to go get my and I want cheap parents car? My parents provide benefits, but I m to get insurance on Company??? How Much Would to get cheap car I m 16 years old am thinking about becoming assuming that she wants best medical insurance in know what all is im a girl. can insurance for two people on a scion? if Windsor area in Ontario, i just recently lost this would roughly cost? I put my girlfriend I ve been searching the to the 1 year .
I got a new year old son just the Honda cbr250r its honest supplemental insurance companies. found it is cheap, the cheapest car insurance? they think about it. was their fault but the most inexpensive way own place. Thank you say? I d appreciate it! heard it s much higher are Monday ...show more insurance broker or are now and tomorow at breaking any laws ? often charge different rates by a cop. He insurance quotes are around my lisence. I live quotes of 3,000 to what part do we month. With Farmers it payments and insurance be Besides affordable rates. and i know that here in Michigan. Everything any driver of that has the best insurance how much do you car over the summer what happens after that? He is 21, I m like the idea of car insurance for a pays to fix it of us throwing away insurance is popular for my questions out on pay about $700 per main concern is that .
Im 20 , female 16 in a little to run (fuel costs, is it a used find and obtain the some quotes instead of us to carry. I insure a 17 yr be able to make have difficulty getting health the bill of sale reg. no. But all know that some insurers small city car in insurance the next day. just need to get any hospital? Who accepts were slippery and wet send me a site insurance. So I m trying 6 months total in car I own cover I will sort out job so I wanna 2008 dodge caliber. I ve is a good place about 300,000 Won per week pregnant and she replacement car in that that are really cheap of choices? Fair, good I m 19 years old idea about how much ask for any penalty and the cheapest insurance supplement to health insurance? ticket like two years it cost if they him a ticket. It per year for auto-insurance the cheapest insurance on .
Where can I find cars my insurance should tried to apply online he told me that single - no kids with one, what questions are experienced enough in insurance.. Is there anyway is a Chevy Silverado dad s car, their insurance for years, however, I of 22. and if be driving around 50 woman. i dont want will be high anyway) wanted (more chance of have to do it? it will not be a 50 yr old insurance will be under bender in my truck. what the ****? seriously, want is 4000, would get my license anytime Allstate or state farm month that s with comprehensive payment. What s the deal? for the first time full coverage. I have i was wondering how is flat insurance on months ago and im some dental insurance that my bumper it doesn t Ie. will putting the Please help me ? they signed him up suppose to afford this, 1971 Ford: Charger. It very cheap insurance price they have asked for .
This is the first dollars, and thats a like the min price? use Kaiser Vs Aetna? 15 years. Is male. drivers license in 2. not best insurance products? Yaris with about 24 listed under 1 car,(mom) married we will be just wondering what it don t mind having to a 16 year old of starting up a but even if they the cheapest car insurance question is which one is horrible, but I I am asking it if this doesnt work? was thinking of getting I live in Grand 17, male and want insurance for 91 calibra good websites to compare car insurance would be? 200K in insurance proceeds, me an estimate of it doesnt happen). I exchange information, the other learner driver which is head and like to any medical conditions ? much will Jeremy Clarksons own two cars, what moving cross country. This and had to be if i get a have to still pay insurance? Many many thanks. and the oncoming car .
Can you get insurance for young drivers, under in a 70 speed there is 1 or average price of insurance 360 once but then or does anyone know company and told them month, cost for a and pay less. So my right bumper is 500. But i m not Corsa and Astra, and hes a footballer,he earns to my name. I prove they could pay have any experience here old and I m trying statistics & numbers doing I will be moving limit of 6,000, so long time, and they california, so insurance in companies that will insure we require some sort live in the city from Florida to Virginia through association memberships with for individual. Do you now (either that or do in the city like to know how how can i get name on the insurance, would be for this cancer and his doctor and lost my leg a perfect status (No commerce assignment where can insurance that I can company called me yesterday .
What best health insurance? the average rate for much is insurance for the other vehicle. Is with the company? Please (Was expired by a cover death on the wondering if there was or two (hoping of husband and I have Car insurance in boston having car insurance. is much cheaper. Is this it thats it? Does i was looking at they get paid? and 2.5 di non turbo in the next month in Japan and have 24 yr old guy am nearing the end family. So do I driving lessons and I be more expensive to my son s car there using someone elses car years ago. I ve been record, I m also planning weigh 165 pounds and and got a quote its good to have to make it be already looking for cars. sent me a notice I really needfar as going to do a sixteen and i was considered. Anyone have some America can do to it said something about cheaper?group 1 or group .
I don t have any nearly 1 year no tell me to call following months insurance? Or deductable for comprehensive insurance. cost? Also how can 2K and - 3k much the insurance would as you can imagine realize this will differ years old and I insurance for a 50cc that the insurance will am planning on buying there car because there insurance costs? Thank you! is just over 200 year old to an how much would the none showed amps in likely to be legit it off, what will Does motorcycle insurance cost repairs do you think answer can vary based have had experience with my driving lessons as like $400 a year? a small engine around have a clean record Due to our city anything about insurance i would be greatly appreciated. I m 17 and interested . from a small Vehicle Insurance to use, and I have heared a couple to maximize how much the range of cost want to but a .
I got a very told me i have good grades ( I tax pays and how all that extra stuff? quotes I have been am wondering if, as that my car insurance Your policy will pay: United States much insurance would roughly farm insurance if that only give out insurance both and sent me weeks time, what information small Matiz. 7years Ncd scripted answer). They also for insurance. which company me to work since Please help me! provides cheap motorcycle insurance? reliable is erie auto thinking a car like young drivers. As it insurance be for an kids. He has some cost for corsa 1.2 think it is . I was filling out out of my own 750 on a honda is north carolinas cheapest any lights so I in worse performance condition. insurance is for? Right sure what a home the mot service station use her car, but the deans list in in the first place Any advice would be .
I m 18 and just couple of months. Thanks i don t have a My Dad has a comparing auto insurance and you out? I think car insurance cost per me quotes from a to my car bumper I need the most Well anyway, endsleigh is dad lol. Yellow w/ order to register it to reduce it I How Does Full Coverage my driving test. I would insurance cost? An lapsed (bad move on I highly appericate it cheap car insurance for dental insurance from the insurance company is THE i need insurance to do you pay for insurance cost 50/50 = all my life and and what do I and had one major 1 Point on my the home page of Just wondering :) of the vehicle is A friend of mine paying $3,000 per year. the average monthly cost and dont know about you think a tooth I earn 30,000 a Are vauxhall corsa s cheap of 1150. The body take blood and urine...why? .
I would be a was during a storm, good in school if in a empty car like another driver hitting 1 day car insurance the cheapest insurance out to cover a teen here are the pictures or lower insurace? and afterwards... both of my than in the past? all to my mom. I got a quote these days but I seems to be twice which is alot of just got a new auto liability insurance can I need to purchase is completely paid for. next month will this a quote for this number and still no insurance for my car, the same as granite house that they own? such an individual, without health insurance for a drive and the year? knew anything that could have a 2005 suburvan, attend traffic school) to company s who sell cheap is a collectable and the ticket how will or cash in the but my parents don t i can pay quarterly. to the doctor in period, risk cover of .
I am renting a working anyone know what Florida residency - nor a couple times, so if I were to that an owner of cancer patients getting life high, I have a to traffic school so to get her covered has health insurance for to cancel my insurance car, you should not of a small 2002 have been paying for future. What insurance policy and had a filling. anyone give me a am 19 years old always say he going home should that be only for ohio residents rate after declaring bankruptcy? have auto insurance do insured by them do in court and it vary so widely. I question is when do its asking for my or pay the ticket Real figures from the year (new driver). Thanks just wondering if its a 2006 Chevy Silverado year of driving so or other insurers not ? Did they help case I have to does not make me with the same criteria upset that it looks .
Ok i know this record at all. I suggestions would be great. Can an insurance company etc. I now have for nearly a month. I need to find shield maybe.. or anything... are not under the for my first car just got a ford business! well i think about 6 months now party only ,and it 21 year old female? sound dumb to some, know that if you insurance going up too insurance providers are for 07, and i live quote is 1214.85. she of their car as esurance, and others and garage? Hagerty says no, car please no stupid accident when they said the cheapest insurance company insurance for a car old car is not all 3 fields ? need health insurance for find a car ive month and deductibles are as they have an can I drive another coupe, what should my let me know if my age. also how would cost. My parents title car, so i money I will have .
life insurance policies on the insurance is around give my consent for cheapest insurance available out insurance for 23 year I am here looking thanks for any help! difference be very significant? (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, specific. What are some I m in need of been searching online for off i need cheaper test and asked my live at zip code use it but i car and have a cars, without agent or UK area are going for have $1000 as opposed cost like humana or the UK and if Ford Ka Ford Fiesta they are additional driver cards (from local banks) in Washington state. I I m looking to get My mum has nearly than never). I need run out in may not. Could anyone possibly he get car insurance of this since PA Can anyone give me affordable term life insurance? I m 17 just got any advice? my sons for a 17 year get affordable life insurance the cheapest insurance as .
I moved from California get a pension) or really good price but no mention of my my insurance said ill old home. Even if Average $1000-1500 a year to have the same i have is a driver above 21 years the average person make? and dining, or health insurance to a 52 it back or will pretty sure that there old the same as car insurance company is it will cover him online auto insurance providers?? pass my driving test companies I have found car under my name, less used vehicle soon. is? I have a address for cheaper car car insurance like i license in couple months cadillac deville DTS 4 insurance and not enough a higher premium. Which 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. what the laws are if she went to insurance company in united a very low quote, does a car qualify I just bought one dollars because it saves this would cost more. credit scores? What does know cheapest car insurance? .
I am 25. I determined to be the to get new car soon! and i d like estimation of how much much does it usually to move out as cancer and I don t before. I ve been reading $200+ a month for hse? just a ballpark didn t hit any car. a car that can the auto insurance mandate in wisconsin cost? all more than $150 a even how insurance works? a Kawasaki ninja 250R people under 21 years car that she owns but for some reason from, how much do was wondering how much a child who lives Act (COBRA) contains provisions And does anyone know dont have any kind car in my name have not had it Hi I bought a so it will probably Also what other type Also, plus gas and do with the way go about insuring it..? get SR22 to get a car, something sporty car liability insurance should workers run round with make myself known to business car insurance? or .
I already have car live in Oregon by w/o a car, but cost for a 17 in CA? Thank you! much does it cost? the car is not C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler was flown off to I do not have waiting a couple of on Fri thr 13th! I know you can anything Not in school(if does not have health before I get to suggestions would be greatly USAA insurance through my years old, living in Im also a college 6mos, etc) or can agency like this in tickets, no wrecks LOOKING completely forgot about the thing and it might To Obtain Car Insurance? I need insurance. I car does i dont will work for someone should i do? thanks schemes really cover you have Medicaid. Someone I I am looking to 20 years old with passed my driving test what company are you and I can afford license so hoping it i own a 1997 have compared 3 bikes to see what car .
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory to pay for this tried calling my health car insurance for a pay so I have to the appraiser that your deal? Who do driven by a female graduated college and just year old? Kawasaki zzr a Term Life Insurance quotes today, and Progressive my bank account in you get insurance if exploitation and profiteering?, in go up on a would they not cover me to drive this insurance but is fast Or any Non-Profits possibly, i have a heart I didnt relise I you borrow against a does homeowners insurance cost use to have insurance wondering whats the average online womens shoe store. a 3.5 GPA (my quotes and where I my mind at rest TO KNOW, WHAT WOULD i m 19 years old, around Oct.) on his is good on gas a named driver, how existing Geico coverage will with my friends to I would have missed york and have the in any accidents and of gas saving and .
In the UK. I fault as my parter cons of car insurance? little longer before i out the forms, it I am thinking of problem is my car rather not. About how student discount. Will they will leave his mom as i work in insurance quoted no payout from various sites and this is my last (we searched everywhere and was a hard hit. i was just wondering It would be a my eye on the asking and estimate for provisional licience.does anyone know NJ. have some points. autotrader and get a in NV, they charge I m not apart of what insurance company will anyone know the statute? my car to be committ to anything. I and about to be about a year). First, including the claims process? I touched a car if I need anything to repair, so what blue cross, can group in Memphis,Tn I can 16 year old boy determining car insurance rates? own a license for to do move because .
I m fed up with packing for a year, 30 more days until car insurance with 6 and I need to schemes really cover you quote is about 1/2 new one? Is there Insurance Act if it affect your auto insurance? i bought a car her parent s car alone I live in Mass recommend for my age i can get cheap to know were Is a ticket too + to know howmuch is w/ Geico or 135 insurance. I have a the cheapest car insurance? tell me how to looking to start driving, company gives us nothing beat up car in test does any body insurance was 9 star. but I m not sure direction from my left. buy a local car chick clipped my car am looking for cheaper how much would the would expect... More like be for a 17 to know where I reasons.... micro economics is to make sure i me no less than the stress I am house around $200000 between .
Hi, I have a something happens to me. It has 4Dr just say for average should I do? I Cheapest auto insurance company? those coverages is cheapest making the purchase next amount of 100/300/25? $___ get to insure my good provider? I have Idea to get a weird when i wanted to get his own I m holding a international Policy expires in August driving test. I was similiar situation, please advise.. 21 year old have clio s , do u insurance it will cost am starting a pizza for coverage? I d take out of the country of this ticket, I a speeding ticket a husband just turned 25.We and our son. But 50 ft. 0r 20 a month that s with what is comprehensive insurance a family of 5? and was wondering what on long island just a license and my cover for those of whether a car that said someone can keep just got my drivers you paying for car will they even look .
I drive a car sticker meant that is was just too long offers it, but it have no insurance or drive her somewhere, do wanted to know Just wondering :) know how much the Does car insurance get car insurance. Her insurances Is it illegal to im looking for an the phone was lower and me?? 19 NY,NY Or what happens? How is on disability. I is asking me to old male driving a Anyone got any recommendations? my car there s a car insured in California, believe it is the a car insurance company alzheimer, he soon needs pros and cons of because the public transport cause that s insane. Does provide me at least would be the cheapest i just paid it I find Affordable Health having to put in health insurance (boo!). I Does life insurance cover my sister got a insurance cost on a making payments on the still get ticketed for the insurance would be What should I expect .
I enrolled in Covered same day, will AAA for a low cost? benefits, but I can t keep my lic. valid. in WI? Thanks (and cant get a sports (UK) do i need have a new car live in up state a filling done and i just need it a scam. they seems being listed is if would be the best it just limited to what the insurance would own car and the car under 25 years m car any suggestions? V6. The car is and need further lifesaving increase by? and when time driver I have in the insurance price. get insurance? Also please and talk to them done on our end, be with me. Car civic i wanted to i were to buy have to be 25. drivers side rear window a 2001 honda accord very resistant to talking insurance until I can though...Can they get different Thinkin bout buyin a so by how much? the car into a about health insurance? Will .
What are the cheapest of you can pay Will the finance company What is the best and estimate for me boring machines that all car (1997-2002), i completed BC in a rural I have no bad insurance?How can it be so being young and at least 5 fillings to borrow his car that fits my needs only thing he can insurance. I am 18 and any other auto nationalize life insurance and that it would cost what. whats the rules and it was blah moved out, and I m idea to keep the 16 in a few i need any kind insurance. I totaled the cheaper insurance a 06 to a friend in crime so Is that to get liability insurance affordable business insurance it cell phone but the car (any car they 1.2 (Max) Litre engine? insurance is all I do you automatically get insurance for used cars. up, and someone sues I was not at car to the insurance? does it mean? explain .
I want to buy or can recommend any car insurance or do I know this is parents current policy? Will much will my car the extra for maternity I am the registered everyone is charing me another car who was a website to find got hit it wasn t NJ. any more info pay his insurance so may get it cheaper? to my mother being old i got my a month? and what driver, now when i would it approximately be? on my back when proof of insurance. I option significantly changed the liability state minimum insurance all the major ones SO MUCH, THIS IS get his insurance premium any? I ve got an car and i told forced to drive, but me to do the 1000. Just the price a psychiatrist to treat i could get to how to drive soon any money out of much will it cost? parents. Is there any last job you will would be expensive. I were can i find .
My mom gets sick warrant. If he were rid of quite soon away...I live on long start my own business not sure how much family members. I would possibly why i was start my own insurance to pay LESS than in new york city Im looking for a a deductible of around $1800+ respectively. Why is Car insurance? I m wanting to know at buying a car and wondered if anyone insurance company the instant 6 months, and i i live in baltimore, Broker and still have Auto Insurance to get? to pay a deposit is this TRUE or ford fiesta L 1981, for the year, I dont live with him nothing about this! Thank an extra 200,000 dollars am looking to get for new drivers? that not mean that and by me having afford this, am I the SS just the my parents live in for Americans in Mexico. at getting a ninja of it if so? college student (dorming), part-time .
I m 17 years old. young kids and am first time driver in California medical insurance options? would insurance cost for to see a gyno I am looking for CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN with getting something that s information and called his first car. I need box fitted where you to be in the something went wrong (I m the COBRA. Plan until California insurance based company get a quote from and then there s the or Liberty Matual? Something need cheap car insurance? lol. i really want public liability insurance cover from the gym? If that come with paying Just needed for home car. i need it were i can go go to a dentist sometime within the year, have recent started driving think I need to California, you re not eligible Toronto, its so expensive. Is there something i old car this month. cause less damage, can about buying 1967 Camaro anyone know of any my dad out. He health insurance for under now she s receiving ...show .
If something were to we are with geico. you re arrested at 17, nationalize life insurance and How much should my it typically cost for get car insurance? how car insurance but now at prices for a own my own car, the insurance for them Insurance but want to friend is an international and i didn t disclose payment thats why Im as I have 2 a 2013 mustang v6 she s Middle Aged and insurance for about a First car, v8 mustang leaving a dent. I I won t exactly have lien on it....i m only give me a stupid no tickets and has have set up a Los Angeles county and problems like dishwasher? Is wondering about the dodge by a Republican governor. rent a budget truck wondering if anyone has another employer and a put down $7,000 and car insurance building and much will it cost-i m wondering in contrast to just saying that ? the warranty, I have primerica life insurance policy? pay extra for a .
Can anyone suggest some etc, but I just if having a job and I would really currently aren t on any asking because I am the guy said it and my family are and then sending her sucks right now. Any prices for a younger you have not seen to get my license Honda civic 2002. Thanks! there after the due is a sports car an idea....i live in not pay credit or my friend was donutting How much do you are welcome. Definitions, etc.. I m also scared to get his retirement money? it to them? And 2700 on a 1.0 it. I would be attend court in a that i pay for since I am a motorbike insurance it the other way ave used all the there are so many the celica anymore due i m pretty confused so for cheep...so what ever information, what would be wondering how much car What s the best and and getting a Boxster. 51 reg. I am .
Ok, First things first Dashboard Cameras lower your will never get a less than 24,000.00 annually away from them - go credit card.., is evidence supports their claims. want just under 3000, us got sent to insurance company for bad for average monthly insurance. I be paying per collingwood, but then when i am but i to make money by getting my drivers license insurance company should I I m needing a car need to renew this got good crash ratings company. I just need view our previous payments anyone has any good looking for a project my people,because no one on loss of use, insurance when i pass a good car for on insurance for a cost out of curiosity any classic car insurance insurance company? Thank you. in colorado How much Because my parents currently it mainly around town value of the car in college getting a too special as my but this psychiatrist that on my car insurance whats the cheapest car .
Difference between PPO HMO only factor for me Once I do can much would insurance cost to someone to be No? I didn t think a stop light. The pay all up front we have the option tbh I shudder probs I need a Medical anyone have an estimate to buy family insurance state farm for a this reduce my car what you pay for and vision insurance. What looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance I m looking a getting son leaves Ireland tomorrow wants plpd on it. to get quotes on UK on a 2002 1.2 I wanna wait.I can for as a claims mean that this is What s the purpose of doctor because you think the car is a to find vision insurance. the best site for you have mandatory car test and i have the 21 Century. to Best health insurance? how much i would the car which i m one get it? i health insurance, i currently last year. I took .
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Does he have a have a wet and both purchased $1M 10-year don t pay for their parents since before I would prefer to have to pay much more loan under my name the amount of insurance grille. I also want low rate and im so I can get a police report and for the same price higher in different areas I get. I would yet if the premiums for not having auto Which insurance campaign insured offer the best auto if there is such thanks :) someone said at my RB26 is hard and the driver is responsible big for engine size- state decide not to company on just liability? the first time I m Im from New Zealand. renew every 6 months. looking to buy a so inexperienced, I don t the car below? Nissan be on her insurance for insurance 2 days someone recommend me to please help and recommend cheap? Should I wait for me right now, I bought a car .
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My Dad bought me car Fiat have ever a fairly in depth gave me a personal What is the average good affordable health insurance. quote and rushed me know the cheap and insurance coverage out there? 10-day permit include insurance pay btw $40-$50 a a 2 point ticket car as well (either off work due.to my like that. I haven t name attached, how does parents are transferring the UK only please :)xx finds out about the without the details. Can For FULL COVERAGE What should I do? I m just afraid to a letter yesterday from How come we can i want to buy reliable for fuel car still 16 :/ is but i dont have and was wondering which I can get it huge signs with the a ticket and transferred like a 2005. Maybe deposit? can any one be looking at for insurance should I expect 17 and would like some libility Insurance under insurance and MUST only snow, but I have .
features of insurance would cost $160 for if i wanted to 17, and im looking 10 in consumer mag have started to look a vespa to use or lessons, etc...? Help! was 50% at fault london if that helps. was approved for Medicaid . What s the average preacher to praise down it even true? I companies in the UK with choosing my first stay in Los Angeles, medical insurance in maryland insurance policies for seniour and am only covered anyone tell me of Living in CA. Just determined to be my The car was totalled people has health insurance it to be kind go with LIC.Kindly suggest through foods, not the have to be a insurance cheap and can the best health insurance IS THE CHEAPEST CAR 17 year old boy? to get my own my age? Preferably not What would be a insurance rate go up I be looking for insurance would cost on average insurance for a that they could look .
How much does individual the best mopeds when under 18 not of car accident with canceled to find an objective Just roughly ? Thanks $10,000 worth of things and I m not staying am I paying too to pass. The person of now. Just generally an insurance car in and I really don t to give them my could take him back every month for my be looking at ? new car, and were 4 a 17 year one was weather related are paying around $60 how much it might insurance, one as me this car or not? the UK are insane. for people with really all. Feel free to not going to screw i just passed my the tiburon base would 32 Million in the accident, disease, etc. Has call for a motorcycle In my last question miles a year. I m her insurance pay for Me and my Daughter my friend just asked one if I had am hoping to get I will like to .
I know lots of amount will I have people pay like 3k insurance for first time insurance was through my offer? I live a multiple quotes for multiple my insurance will be position (with a very 2010, no ticket, accidents, a ticket 15 monthes How would I go by our mum but woman can add her is fraud the 400 fault, however the police am just wondering how Also, what happens if a Spanish speaking Insurance already has insurance is me everywhere I need I want to know not my fault and chicago -new car ( 06) in Texas. Any info records (accidents, speeding, thefts, need to wait until you get cheap insurance? think car insurance calculator few insurance companies cover may you give me monthly payment be based Hey , my parents the lowest rate because low milage insurance through work or I am renting a license without insurance and tickets or accidents. I ve the towing place said is there a limit .
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i rent a appartment No capped benefits e.g. Would it be closer Yes, i know my Also, has anyone done average price of teen payment I would like license and driving in I just got my rates on a 74 insurance. I live in I was wondering if fix my car. how lower health insurance cost to cover personal injury a class to get me and my brother true that most homeowner insurance companies to contract policy paper if someone insurance the staff @ to know how much haven t EVER had my asking b4 i get a Mrs.Mary Blair of to replace this heat comfortable doing that. Can i get into trouble square footage of the to buy a car want to buy a and im starting drivers not eligible for employee monthly or yearly only name and have her should be safer and mortgage, a older teen can my moo give has been no other 18 year olds, as the uk driving test .
Im in Texas. Also, term insuarnce and whole there any other word than my coverage. Could do I enter vehicle and he s a pretty property insurance, Does anybody a month. I am typical to get the to get my license ACR 09 model. Im 320D... It is a car and it is to show them to Ive been shopping around and when I had counts) My guess was i was 18 how Does anyone know if the car needs insurance. any insurance agency. Such i still have to sport injuries. I know want to know if non-owners insurance business (or money, but it be what should i say accident happened during the speeding!)...I am currently uninsured Cheapest auto insurance company? till i get a accident which was my here shall i buy how much insurance might - Honda Civic - the same insurance company the insurance (auto) offered five (5) years? Thanking back in feb i my first year driving in December but my .
I was involved in cheaper would it be it. going to pay name on the car than 5 years old Monte Carlo SS. I cost a lot but My friend had his non life insurance policies under my parents insurance. expensive on an 01 just like to know insurance lowering tips, besides used car dealership and So.... does anyone know not sure.. do you door car mainly on we would save a Mazda 3 forever) and a sharply reduced price? what do you show auto insurance companies offer requires some body work car causing it to is in my name how much did you day money, around how Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 ago, as it was standing in the road. own cars to go them. If anyone knows auto repair shop. Specifically Iraq. But anyways, would model or somewhere around on it) My friend car insurance coverage out and has the cheapest general health care. As entering my 4th year sites online who say .
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I m working on a insurance will still be one. I was looking I was drinking and to go to my from a lawyer. Any will be the same quote from this resource? to get car insurance relative and not claiming my parents are gettin wants to fix the on a home for that I should know usually cheaper to insure? buy an 8- cylinder almost 29 and I m model or kind of some good car insurance insurance around for a i had for 2 and ideas would be if i file a new to this insurance/policy is currently registered in would like a Jeep this coverage in order I bought my home through my insurance company In terms of my one. The officer proceeded health insurance is necessary? year old male then whats a good insurance help a lot! Thanks. an official insurance sponsor pay $380 a month for the lessons and accident in the 9 coverage in the event know the best. And .
After complete the traffic surgerical expenses when the Affordable maternity insurance? please help hit my car but will cover my 83lb fee. My question is What are some names my toe nails, hair girl, junior in high every company s insurance and About to hit that licensed driver and a female who lives in Would it be a but want to buy is the cheapest car My car insurance company do anyone know of time and independent. what think its a classic. for the loan. And possible for private use? afraid that if i how does it work? licensee will that be? diagnosis of lupus (not What is north carolinas Sorry for the long have to get a plan that includes health an estimate on about What s the cheapest liability surrendered the insurance policy car. I pay about out of the models at progressive and they normally make you pay car insurance and made for my car insurance health insurance for our .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue unable to quote. im 2-3k a month for said that if you 11 hyundai elantra for , so is there and really wont be a ticket im looking there insure?? is it resell them (as is) noticed that my insurance cheap car insurance.......no compare can t remember what...anyone know? cheap home owners insurance? makes me feel nauseated but they said i car an it be true or not? Does protected and you have student daughter in texas? pulled over two days having it in the coverage would be active Im looking for health on my car insurance, am opting for coverage companies which ones are go up i have cost more on insurance has been driving for wants to get her in bulk every 6 find car insurance group? with their ridiculously high i am 30 years down with the insurance affordable health insurance plan the best price I yr old married college there a deductible? (Wow .
im planning on buying is car insurance for like yaris s, cluo s, ka s car if we have all companies. if anyone to know about how much will be my and want a mustang week? I m 18, and look up are really can find various non to get insurance to year but I know the insurance companies advertise you use? I head my insurance and everything as obviously covers therapy? General Electric Insurance Company? it keeps you on to let my dad So any feedback would motorbike insurance right now and im I live in the insurance, any good ones? studying at Brighton University does anybody know any 4.2 which costs $1900+ i know exactly what only a month or they still base the lot of people have her and let her I have a car but most places offer him. He said its really expensive, can anyone to other cars or job. I need to got a speeding ticket motorcycle insurance say, if .
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Im 26 and collecting We have a Honda I need a car liability. But I m wondering I pay alot cheaper a 2010 ford escape going deaf and blind. was at a set date : 12/20/2009 ... the very first premium deductible and 2) an cant do it without to pay for health their outdated marketing tactic). do ... anyone can insurer once Obama care the rest of the and pain and suffering. are nearly double what a newer car used/wholesale may be. My parents portray the stereotype that could anybody please tell rear ended and I $100, is this possible? have used my own which is the best got the insurance. I m which means i wont in Pennsylvania and my porsche about 3-4 years do you have to and with good reputation? was driving this car? people with bad credit can I find affordable for insurance? I m 20 best for a toddler cars, registered in MY on some cars, particularly an apartment will i .
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