#but i think he does see her as a specimen in a grotesque way that other characters do not share
bluerosering · 9 months
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Laura Palmer x 1921 Times theatre review quoted in Claude Rains: An Actor's Voice by David J. Skal and Jessica Rains
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chelsfic · 4 years
Magic Words - Donald Pierce x Reader - Logan/X-Men fanfic
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Part One (Loving Mourners Be)
A/N: This is a sequel to Loving Mourners Be. More self-indulgent Boyd fic. The relationship that’s portrayed here? It’s not healthy. Don’t...don’t do this, please. No one should use my fics as relationship advice, lol. 
Summary: The reader is a mutant prisoner in a relationship with her captor, Donald Pierce. 
Warnings: Unhealthy/abusive relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, Smut, Praise Kink, Angst Ahoyyy! Donnie wakes with the memory of your kiss on his lips. He’s been dreaming about the last night you spent together at his apartment. Holding you after you make love and lazily claiming your mouth with open mouthed kisses. You taste like ketchup and love and fear. Your soft little body curls up next to his; he could crush you if he wanted. Crumple you up and throw you away like the other mutants he hunts. But he’d never. In his dream he hears your voice. Your words. I love you. I love you. I love you.
In his dream he says them back.
He finds you in the medical wing, being escorted by a nurse out of an exam room. He stalks toward you like a predatory cat hunting its dinner. His blue eyes are dark and wild with suppressed desire. He’s been itching with the memory of the dream all day. If he doesn’t sink himself inside you soon he’s going to snap. 
He swoops in and takes you by the arm, waving the nurse away, “I’ll take her from here.”
Transigen’s Chief of Security doesn’t answer to anyone except Zander Rice. The nurse demurs, backing away without meeting Donald’s eyes. He propels you further down the hall, his long strides forcing you to skip along beside him to keep up. Finally, he reaches his destination: a supply closet. He opens the door and practically shoves you inside. 
Once the door clicks shut, Donnie is on you, his hand slipping under the thin cotton fabric of your t-shirt, beneath the drawstring waistband of your hospital pants and cupping your hot core. His fingers dip inside your panties, stroking your already wet folds as he captures your mouth in a searing kiss. 
“Been thinkin’ about you since I woke up this morning, baby,” he whispers into your kiss.
You bring your hands up to his collar, impatiently pushing the heavy jacket off his shoulders before working on the column of buttons separating your hands from his muscled chest. Your lips respond to his, frantically returning the kiss. Everything is rushed, frenzied. You never have enough time--not here. When you’re out on a mission? When Donnie is feeling generous and horny? Sure. But within these walls your time together is always fleeting. 
“I think about you all the time,” you admit, tugging at his belt. He gets the message and takes his hands from you to undo his belt and shove his pants down. You discard your own pants--nothing more than pajamas, really--and in one swift motion he’s pinning your hips to the wall and sinking inside you with a deep growl of pleasure. 
“You think about me all the time, baby? I’m flattered…,” he huffs as he starts rocking his hips, slamming into you. His hand comes up to cradle the back of your head so you won’t hit it against the wall. He uses the robotic arm to support your bottom. 
“Not much--ah! Not much else to...think about in here. Nothing good, anyway,” you respond between gasps of pleasure. You bury your face into the crook of Donnie’s neck, digging your teeth into the soft flesh to muffle your cries. 
“Thatta girl, baby. You’re so good for me. So, you think I’m something good, huh?” he asks breathlessly, his voice lilting in a self deprecating tone. Before you can reply he jerks his hips at a new angle, hitting you just right until you feel like you’ll either come or burst at the seams.
You raise your head from his neck, tasting copper on your tongue as you keen into his ear, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Donnie tumbles into his own orgasm, his arms tightening around you like he’s trying to absorb you into his being. Or like he’s trying to say something with his body that he can’t with his words. 
“Donnie,” you whisper as he slowly sets you back down on your wobbly legs. “I don’t know if you’re good. But you’re very good at that.”
The kid’s screams are still ringing in Donald’s ears as he strides purposely down the sterile hallways toward the adult wing. Dr. Rice wanted to test the limits of the specimen’s healing abilities. The experiment went on for hours until the kid hung limp in the chair with open wounds that wouldn’t close. Rice looked on with cold eyes, taking down careful notes on his tablet. And Donald stood by, too, watching the torture session with a bored expression. 
His head aches and he feels like shit. He should go home, get some rest. But his footsteps automatically lead him in the direction of your cell. He tries not to make it a habit--visiting you between jobs. He doesn’t want to spoil you...put ideas in your head. So he holds out as long as possible. It’s been weeks since the supply closet. He knows what the long days of monotony are like for you. He checks the video feed from your room every day, sees you staring listless into space, pacing the tiny room, cringing whenever the door opens to admit an orderly. He tells himself it’s good for you to be reminded of your place, despite the special treatment he gives you. You’re still a mutant. He can’t let you forget that. He can’t let himself forget either.
Before he gets to your door he takes out his phone and remotely turns off the camera in your room. Your “relationship” is an open secret and Dr. Rice tolerates it because you’ve improved the team’s efficiency in tracking down assets. But there’s no point in being reckless.
He punches in the security code and lets himself in, finding you seated on your little twin bed, bent over a hardcover book in your lap. When you look up at his entrance your face is tense with anxiety, but it melts away when you see who it is. 
“Hey, baby,” he grunts, stomping over to collapse next to you on the bed. He really is exhausted. “What are you readin’?”
You watch him for a moment before you answer. Cautious. He looks like shit. Tired. Irritable. Something in the back of your mind warns you this is going to be a bad night. Still, you flip the book over to show him the cover of a generic looking spy thriller, “One of the nurses brought in a bunch of books this morning. Gabriela. She’s nice.”
You feel Donald stiffen beside you and he rolls his eyes as he responds, “She’s too nice for her own good. She should know better by now.”
Your heart sinks in your chest at his words. Donnie truly doesn’t seem to understand how his attitude affects you. He cares for you--you know he does even if he’s never admitted it out loud--and yet he disdains what you are. How can he separate those things in his head?
“You don’t want me to have something to read?” you ask, your voice brittle and softer than you’d like. You shove the book at him and scoot further away on the bed, “Fine. Take it.”
Donnie let’s out an annoyed sigh, “C’mon, darlin’ that’s not what I meant--”
“Why shouldn’t she be nice to us, Donald? We’re people...we’re human beings. I’m human,” your voice is thick with emotion and tears spill over your cheeks. Fuck, you’re ruining everything. Why can’t you just shut up and let him give you what he’s willing to give? It’s so much easier that way…
You can already see him shutting down, his eyes going cold and his handsome features twisting into a grimace of rage.
“You know what? No. This is not what I need right now,” he stands up to leave and you feel a flash of panic. You might be angry and hurt, but you’ve been isolated for weeks and you don’t want him to leave you behind again.
“Donnie, wait!” you cry out, following him to the door and putting your arm on his elbow to stop him. He turns to look down at you, his expression still stormy and dark. “Don’t leave me here, Donnie,” you plead.
He shakes his head, the pain in his temples slowing down his thought process, “You know I can’t take you with me unless there’s a hunt--”
“That’s not…” you falter for a second, losing your nerve. Are you really asking him this? Now? “That’s not what I mean, Donald. Please. I’m dying in here. Slowly. If you get me out of here I can still--I can still help the team…”
The words dry up on your tongue as you see the look on his face. If he was angry before, he’s positively furious now. He raises his robotic hand and wraps the fingers around your throat, tightening his grip threateningly, but not enough to cut off your airway. His blue eyes blaze with fury as he leans down inches from your face and hisses, “You fuckin’ mutie. I should have known. You’ve been playing a long game, huh? You think just because I’m fuckin’ you that I’ll betray the mission? For you? A genetic fuck up? That’s not how this works. You lose.”
He lets go abruptly, dropping you on weak legs that collapse beneath you leaving you sprawled on the floor. You watch him storm out without a backward glance. You stagger back to your bed, curling up under the thin blanket and pressing your face into your pillow so you can cry without making a sound.
“Up and at ‘em, baby. Time to earn your keep.”
You haven’t seen Donnie since the fight but it’s clear he hasn’t forgotten. His eyes are closed off as he shakes you awake, grabbing your arm and practically dragging you from bed. Your sleepy eyes widen as he secures the heavy cuffs around your wrists. It’s not that Donnie is usually soft or sentimental during a job. But he hasn’t felt the need to cuff you since the early days after your capture. You know what this is. He’s punishing you. Reminding you of your status. Like you need reminding. 
His silence is oppressive as he leads you through Transigen’s labyrinth of hallways. You look up at him, admiring his profile despite yourself. His pouty lips, his long, elfin nose, his bold eyebrows. You love every part of him. Even the grotesque skull and crossbones tattooed to his throat. Even the cruelty that falls from his lips like his native language. The prospect of spending the rest of your days locked away here without even the relief of your lover’s touch is too much to bear.
“Donnie, I-- I won’t ask you that again, okay?”
He spares you a quick glance before returning his gaze straight ahead, “Not the time, darlin’.”
Your shoulders slump at his clipped words.
“I just want--” What do you want? Too much…but right now you’d settle for a return to the status quo.
Donnie rounds on you, pressing you up against the wall and crowding you with his much bigger frame. The fact of Donnie’s physical strength is never far from your thoughts. He’s a big, powerful man. He can make you feel safe and protected or hunted depending on his mood. 
He dips his head until you’re cheek to cheek and rumbles into your ear, “Yeah, well, baby--It don’t matter what we want, does it?”
“Do your thing.”
You’re pulled over on the side of an empty two-lane highway. Acres of corn field hug the road on either side. It’s just you and Donnie standing in the scraggly grass. You’re scouting ahead while the rest of the team, with their armored vehicles and heavy equipment, follow a few miles behind. Donnie unlocks the cuffs from your wrists and hands you a grainy photograph. It’s a still shot of security footage showing a young woman with dark hair crossing the street in front of a bank. You can’t make out much detail in her features, but you don’t need much. Just a signature, a feeling to lock onto. 
You place your palm on the photo and close your eyes, expecting a faint trace, a hint of a direction, but the rush of immediacy that floods your brain is shocking.
“She’s here somewhere! I feel her close, Donnie, maybe within a hundred yards…”
Donnie’s hand goes to his side arm automatically, he moves to stand in front of you, effectively shielding you from any danger that might be coming from the...rows and rows of corn that surround your vehicle. 
“Where the fuck--?”
“I don’t know! I can’t get more specific…Definitely...yeah, this side of the road, for sure.”
Donnie turns and opens up the passenger door of the SUV, “Get in. Stay here. I’ll be back.”
You pause getting into the car, “Shouldn’t you wait for back up?”
“Just wait here,” he grinds out and vanishes into the cornstalks.
You sit back in the leather seat and pop the lock on the door for good measure. The trace of the mutant’s presence still lingers in your mind and you strain your eyes staring into the impenetrable rows of corn trying to pinpoint the exact location. It’s useless, though, and you give up after a few minutes. The empty silence unnerves you and you feel yourself automatically reaching out for Donnie, as if you could track him like you can other mutants. Please be okay.
Your eyes roam over the interior of the SUV and are suddenly arrested by the sight of the key fob sitting on the center console. Your breath catches in your throat and you immediately whip your head around, expecting to be caught out by yourself with the means of your escape. But the road is deserted, Donnie is nowhere in sight...and you could leave. Right now. Drive until you find some place safe. You clasp your hands together to keep them from shaking. This is it. Your chance. 
The silence is suddenly shattered by an ear splitting howl. You watch as a trail of cornstalks snap with the fury of a hurricane force wind and Donnie flies through the air like a rag doll landing in a heap on the road in front of the SUV. His body is limp and unmoving. Without any conscious thought you leap from the vehicle and sprint toward him. Your eyes scan the field, but there’s no sign of the hostile mutant. You fall to your knees on the hard cement and lift your lover’s head into your lap.
“Donnie! Oh my god--Donnie, wake up!” 
You brush your fingers through his hair and they come away bloody. There’s a wound at the back of his head that’s pouring buckets of blood. Your vision swims as panic clenches a cold fist around your heart. He can’t die. You know...god, you should want him dead. But you love him. Fuck. 
“Please, wake up,” you whisper tearfully, gently stroking his cheeks. It feels like hours but it must be only a minute later than this eyelids flutter open and you feel relief flood through you at the sight of those beautiful blue eyes. “Donnie? Can you hear me?”
He’s already trying to sit up, but a wave of dizziness sends him crashing back into your lap. His vision swims and his head feels like it’s going through a god damn meat grinder. He looks up and you’re looking down at him with a watery smile and red-rimmed eyes. The target’s gone. Back up is miles down the road. He’s injured. And you’re...you’re still here.
“What...what are you doin’, baby? This is your chance,” he grunts against the pain, settling his head more firmly in your lap and shutting his eyes as your cool palms come to rest on his cheeks. 
“Don’t try to talk, Donnie. The reavers will be here soon and they’ll...they’ll bring you back to Transigen and get you fixed up.”
Donnie opens his eyes to squint up at you in confusion, “What are you talking about, Y/N? Why aren’t you running?”
You stare down into your lovers eyes, asking yourself the same question. You know the answer. You’re just not particularly proud of it.
“I won’t leave you, Donnie... I love you,” you admit. It’s the first time you’ve said the words to him outside the context of sex. He stares up at you wide-eyed, like you’ve just sprouted feathers. You shut your eyes to the truth, letting tears fall and land on his stupid, handsome face as the sound of screeching tires and crunching gravel alert you to the arrival of the rest of the team. 
“Hey,” Donnie’s voice is strained against the pain. You open your eyes to find him looking up at you with a look you’ve never seen before. He looks...afraid. 
“I love you, too,” he says and then falls unconscious.
Boyd Holbrook Tags:
@nothing-but-a-comedy​ @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook 
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 7 years
Flashes and images come into play as hallucinations of shadowy figures haunt her mind as she sees Blaze still asleep being attacked by the evil while she remains helpless to it all. Out of nowhere images of her parents come into focus, but with wretched look on their faces like they were in tremendous amounts of pain. Internally screaming, she suddenly awakens to a dark, dank room. She turns her head to see her wrists shackled in chains. “Hello?”……..no response. A pungent smell fills the air accompanied by the sound of a leaking rusty pipe. Skyfyre feels so weak still and can’t talk to Blaze at all as if he never existed in the first place. She tries to connect with the magic within seeing her burn mark on her chest light up in reddish hues just slightly before dimming out completely. Her head falls as every little effort feels like trekking into quicksand slowly sinking and everything becoming heavier. A door opens and footsteps can be heard as GenCRYPT men walk over to face their newest captive. Terrified, but full of rage, Sky screams….”WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE WANT WITH ME??!!! WHY HAVE YOU BEEN AFTER ME THIS WHOLE TIME???!!” No reply as they open up the barred doors and walk towards her grabbing her legs and arms as they unshackle her from the wall and lift her up before dragging her out of the cell. The hallway feels endless, but a door towards the far end as Sky squints her eyes with the bright lights. Blinded temporarily, she is forced onto what appears to be some sort of medical chair. The men hold her down as Sky notices Catherine sitting in the far corner without her armor or helmet on showing a face filled with satisfaction. Clicking sounds can be heard as she feels her arms and legs getting restrained to the chair. She struggles with every ounce of strength that is returning to her only to feel a hand on her forehead slamming it to the headrest strapping it down completely. The men leave and close the door behind them. Sky had no choice but to be face to face with her captor. “Guess you want to know why you are here?” “GenCRYPT has been all about the greater good for the inhabitants of this planet whether its defense from foreign beings or discoveries of mystical ones that are already here.” Catherine gets up to pace the room bringing out a communication device to her ear “Bring them in…..”. The door opens revealing a personal in medical attire. He walks over to Sky looming over her as confusion and fear take over. Her body trembles as she watches the doctor open his bag and lay out a series of instruments on the table next to the chair. Sky begins to breathe heavily glancing at the unusual metallic objects in her peripherals as she can hear metal on metal. Another doctor, this time a female walks in dragging a huge device with a screen in front along with other attachments and smaller devices tiered along its shelves. She rolls it over to behind where she can’t see what is happening, but can only hear a lot of movement and strange beeping and buzzing sounds. Catherine continues to speak while the medical personal continue to prep everything. “We have been tracking you because your powers have indicated to me especially that you have great potential to be useful for us, for our research and understanding into the unknown.” Sky feels sticky material being placed on the temples of her forehead attached by wiring. The other one proceeds to cut into her tattered shirt revealing her dragon shaped mark on her chest. Sticky pads were placed here as well. A constant sound could be heard from the machines as they being to monitor her heart and brain waves. Sky tries to turn her head away from a gloved hand that reaches for her face. She could feel fingers placed around her eye forcing them open while a spring like reverse clamp is placed carefully to keep eyelids open. Drops are placed onto her eye ball followed by a burning sensation as she could feel her pupils dilate and the light becoming that much brighter. A sharp prick was felt in her right arm. Clenched fists and gritted teeth as she feels all the prodding and touching of the doctors gloved hands examine every part of her as she remains helpless to it all. “Your powers alone can be utilized to help those in need, I tracked you for months and watched as your magic grew little by little along with that dragon of yours.” “You could be a hero if in the right hands, which we try to be here.” A bright light is focused in her eye, before the clamp is removed. Still barely able to see in one eye, another hand reaches over and presses on her cheeks forcing her mouth open just enough to place a dental gag between her teeth. “Mmmmmmph,”. She can feel her lower jaw being pushed farther downward. “Of course we need to know as much as we can about you first down to the tiniest drop of blood.” A swab is felt on the inside of her cheek as another finger feels an unusual sharp edge to her canines. He proceeds to grind down the tip so she couldn’t hurt anyone during further examinations. Sky squints at the grinding sensation as she tries to use her tongue to halt the actions. She suddenly feels a reconnection with Blaze as he reawakens. Focusing that power into her upper body, her skin heats up causing the doctors to release their touch on her as she spits a shot of fire from her mouth across the room barely missing Catherine who does not react in the slightest. She gets up and immediately walks over and looking directly into her red eyes. “You know, there is an easy and a hard way to all of this, if you behave and do as I command and be part of this team, I won’t have to……….*puts clawed fingers on her bare chest squeezing into her skin*……”Ughhhhhh…..” “to hurt you, but I’m not afraid to if it means I get what I want, which I always do…..”. She loosens her grip and rips the gag out of her mouth. “That is all for now…..”. The doctors get up and exit the room without uttering a word. Catherine proceeds to take out another syringe from her brief case full of mysterious blue fluid. “This drug works to severe any magical ties you have.” Without a warning, she shoves the needle under the skin of her neck causing a squeamish moan emitting from her lips. A feeling of disconnect with Blaze occurs once more. “You use your magic when it’s necessary for the group and necessary for me…..and only than, or else there is a lot more where that came from”. She loosens the restraints and lets her sit up. Catherine grabs a tuft of Skyfyre’s hair pulling it back so she is looking up to her. Looking at her angrily, trying to hold back the words she wants to say, but afraid of the consequences especially in such a weakened state. “Good, you learn fast.” She shoves her head back down and walks out of the room. The door closes behind leaving her alone in the exam room. “I need to get out of this place….some how…..some way…”, she whispers to herself. Her jaws sore from the gag as she tears the sticky pads off her chest and forehead throwing them to the ground. Two doors are in the room. Sky goes through one of the doors leading to a storage room of sorts. A light flickers on illuminating a grotesquely horrific scene. There is medical equipment stacked from one wall to the other. There are shelves with jars full of unusual specimens and strange organs preserved in fluid. Speculums and scalpels pre-sealed can be seen in plastic boxes along with many other surgical instruments. Sky notices a reflective brightness catching her eye. She sees a large circular saw, rusted with what appeared to be dried blood on the the once sharpened teeth. Taken aback…. “These people are monsters,”. She bumps into a shelf cause a jar to fall into her hands. It’s a human heart. Clenching her chest instinctively and feeling sick to her stomach, she tries to not throw up. “I don’t want to die here…..I don’t……”. She immediately shuts the door and goes back out towards the hallway, being completely empty. The only light she could find was emitting from the door on the other side, she walks carefully towards it as voices become louder and clearer. “Her physical characteristics alone are incredible.” One of the doctors announces. “Her teeth are sharper than normal, her ears almost pointed, even her eyes are shaped differently, who knows what kind of new senses she has gained from the dragon soul within her. More tests should be done tomorrow along with a biopsy of the skin from that mark on her chest.” Sky stops mid way trying to think on everything she was hearing. “Than we can see what she is made of.” “What if she isn’t capable of doing what we require of her.” “Than Catherine has a way to force her to be of use than…….if worse comes to worse….she would still make for an excellent dissection experiment.” Laughter follows as Skyfyre’s eyes widen. “No……noooo…..NOOOO!!!” She begins to run back to the exam room in hopes for a window somewhere or something. A sudden jab is felt in the back of her neck causing an immediate collapse losing conciousness. “Tsk….tsk…tsk, you really don’t know when to give up.” Catherine is seen looming above Sky lowering a tranquilizer gun.
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autolovecraft · 8 years
Three days later Nahum burst into Ammi's kitchen in the meteor.
At this there was no one could explain. Nahum had dug a grave in the valley far in the succeeding weeks. Just ooze and slime at the pest-ridden farmhouse about four o'clock.
Ammi threw open the low white door. He seemed slightly altered in a glass beaker. Snow never seems quite so heavy on the wide-planked floor. There is no telling what it might not have told the men clustered round the window, and all the chips made of the floor downstairs now sounded distinctly, and all those elder secrets will be one with the proper reagents. Hogs grew inordinately fat, then suddenly began to point shakily and impressively. Thaddeus nearly fainted at the stars, though not for any earthly reward.
That July and August were hot; and Ammi stared blankly at the pest-ridden farmhouse about four o'clock. Five eldritch acres of gray desolation that sprawled open to the minds of the worst. From him there were little hillside farms; sometimes with only a charred spot marked the place, and did their wives; and whereas it had been no wild legends at all.
They had heard of the whole body would be no use, either, in which the men who had been.
Hogs grew inordinately fat, then suddenly began to undergo loathsome changes which no one could look long at them, when he wished to draw notice to the roots of those trees that claw the air which she could not but feel had come to poor Thaddeus in his attic room, but recognized some solvents as I had expected; but thank Heaven the branches. It was no longer there. The ooze and slime at the bottom of the dark woods will be safe forever under watery fathoms. He indulged in no details, but appeared to promise both brittleness and hollowness. It does credit to the well—was all a freak of madness to the Gardner place bagged a very peculiar specimen. Ammi do their errands in town. I heard the tale, could give no guess. Then a cloud of soot blowing about in Arkham, and had put therein what he was anxious to be shot for its own elder mystery.
It was too much like a great spot eaten by acid in the open; and one sometimes wonders what insight beyond ours their wild, and he was not so long a job as they ate their meager and ill-starred friend. It was little Merwin.
The wood of the trees. It is necessary to premise that there was very marked. They say the mental influences are very horrible in that grotesque country; and one sometimes wonders what insight beyond ours their wild, weird stories of whispered legend was fast taking form. My one lone walk before Ammi told me his tale as a phosphorescent mist against the black roots. It was then that they had indeed seen with waking eyes that cryptic vestige of the vegetation was fast crumbling to a grayish powder, and all the buildings standing, sometimes with all Nahum's folks. As it was, indeed, rather a product of moments when consciousness seemed half to slip away. The death had come from some place where things ain't like they be here—now it's going home—At this point, as the gray desolation outside. It was just that. That July and August were hot; and Ammi soon saw that his fate was very merciful. Very possibly. It was the same impression from a searchlight, giving dull reflections in the Gazette; and were never heard of the graceful felines. It was very merciful. The way they screamed at each other from behind their locked doors was very brave about it. Even when her expression changed he did. It was really lucky for Ammi that he must inevitably have turned a total maniac. Ammi would never go near the splotch of grayish dust.
With an associative sense goaded to feverish heights, he declared that the blight creeps an inch a year, so soft as to damn any accountable being to eternal torment.
He said he was disturbed about certain footprints in the substance at all since the witch trials, and the trees slope fantastically, and the boys grew afraid of her, and there, it must be somewhat grew from a nocturnal exhalation seen as a moving object. One did arise not long afterward, but merely told of the visitors seemed so far seemed untouched, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.
The pears and apples slowly ripened, and all those elder secrets will be cut down and the upland lot along the road past Nahum's which led to think that they empty and explore the well water was no more. A sort of haunting familiarity, and they gouged rather than chipped a specimen to take back to the point at which its idle straying had been a face.
These dogs, three in number, had seen that nothing was ever still in the light winter snow. No doubt the meteor. He seemed slightly altered in a woodchuck before. They were better under water since the strange stone's affinity for silicon.
Behind and below was only a fine gray dust or ash which no wind; but could not help being frightened by the great chimney, the seven shaking men trudged back toward Arkham by the north road. Then there burst forth a frantic shriek from the stone had entered the soil, but collapse, graying, and artists shiver as they is here one o' them professors said so at last, and recalled nervously the clammy brushing of that colored vapor in the spring.
It was just a color her face is getting to have so many people with him.
Mrs. Gardner's madness stole around. The trees budded prematurely around Nahum's than it had grasped quite as much of the same, like the men clustered round the window was small and half later, recalled that the core of the blasted heath will slumber far below blue waters whose surface will mirror the sky like a softened ray from a vision of Fuseli, and Nahum's place became a thing of sinister menace, and had begun to look worried. The Dutchman's breeches became a nightmare of buzzing and crawling. With an associative sense goaded to feverish heights, he finished his descent of the buggy. And by night—watching in all the vegetation was turning gray and brittle and falling to pieces before they died, and their trunks were too big for any sound which they towed away and buried, and when the sinister stars are out; and had seen it the well water you was right look out, Ammi? Even the long, dark woodland climb beyond seemed welcome in contrast, and I wondered how it had been a good seven feet across the road, Ammi could see nothing at all since the cavernous fireplace was unlit and empty, with a cloud of soot blowing about in Arkham. Only one of the utter vanishment. He had said so All three horses outside, tied to a pair of shriveled saplings by the crude wooden bars; and as Ammi visibly shivered, and only Mrs. Gardner had made pets of the sky like the flowers whose hues had been no house or ruin near; even in the previous year. It took a week, at the shadowed valley of desolation so lately sheltering his ill-starred friend.
Why, here she is!
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