#but i think it ENHANCES the importance of asmo falling for MC in the end (thats the whole point of “flirty” types tho)
gifti3 · 1 year
another thing I enjoy about asmos character is that we get hints about some of his past romantic relationships
Im sure the other brothers have engaged with others in the past but actually getting to read about it is interesting to me
#obey me asmodeus#i wanna learn everything about this character hah#it makes him feel more real the more info i get#also this info in particular makes sense for his type of character#being the avatar of lust and having so much love in his body#and ik it sounds weird cause#“ahh this is a self indulgent dating game we dont wanna hear about them being interested in others or having past lovers"#but i think it ENHANCES the importance of asmo falling for MC in the end (thats the whole point of “flirty” types tho)#also im nosy...im down to know!#trying to date changed my brain chemistry#me before would have not cared i think#anyways i refuse to believe none of the brothers other than asmo havent been interested in anyone other than mc#like only mc?#are u sure....#idk how to say it without sounding mean#but....thousands of years of existence and u never looked at anyone else other than mc?#no crushes even?#if they were aromantic it would make sense but they aren't cause mc (and even then people can experiment)#ik its fictional self indulgence but...it feels so unrealistic i cant take it seriously#when a character is only capable of falling in love with mc#and apparently NO ONE ELSE in the whole wide world#im already like “...hmmm naur” but now factor in that the character is not human and has been around for a very long time....#like theyve had to met so many people by now please be for real right now#well thats my spiel but i feel like i can keep rambling about this honestly
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fallowdoe · 4 years
All roads lead to Hell
MC gets kidnapped and has to make their way through Hell to reunite with everyone.
GN!reader x everyone (can be treated as platonic/romantic)
Trigger warnings for this chapter: none
I apologise for the quality of writing however this is a translated version of my fic.
If anyone is interested in that I was listening to Casey tells the truth, the whole Split soundtrack is my big inspiration for this story. I’d advise onto playing it in the background while reading.
Chapter 1 - Prolouge  ⇒
A few candles lit up the room. The gentle light was adding to its already mysterious aura. Solomon’s dorm was filled with all kind of grimoires and spellbooks. The floor was covered with tons of torn-out pages and patterns drawn on a yellowish paper.
Trying out one spell after another MC seemed to grow more and more annoyed. The upcoming exam was one of the most important ones and Solomon’s constant teasing wasn’t the most helpful.
"Focus or you won’t get anything done, MC." The sorcerer stated while leaning against a wall. He wasn’t even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
"I am focused" They mumbled irritated. It was their ninth try of casting this, so-called easy, spell. A marble laying on the table seemed to look at them pitifully. It was a one bastard piece of glass. Even more irritated MC moved their hand above it once again. 
"Neque ultra intuebitur eum" they mumbled. The space around them seemed to start drawing energy towards their hand. A quiet electric buzz filled their ears and they could feel their cheeks heat up. But just as they were about to direct the energy towards the toy it would suddenly unload. The marble remained untouched, and MC could bet that if it was possible it’d poke its tongue at them. Or maybe even raise a very specific finger up. "Neque ultra intuebitur eum!"
"No! It’s impossible! It’s impossible and that’s it! You gave me a broken marble." They grunted and dramatically sat on a chair pouting. 
Solomon snickered at them and approached the table. He muttered the words of the spell and the marble was gone immediately. 
"Cheater. I bet it was enchanted or something." 
"Maybe." He smirked. "Try again."
MC groaned under their breath but stood up again. The sorcerer walked up to them and placed his hand on their arm giving them a reassuring look. "That’s gonna be seriously lame if you fail again tho.” 
They replied with a huff and tried to refocus. Closing their eyes, MC began collecting energy again. It was a weird feeling. Suddenly they’d notice that the whole room was in fact like a river full of it. Their task was to change its current toward themself. This spell didn’t require a lot of effort, only a bit of thought. Stronger spells could even sweep someone off with an uncontrolled current.
 They’d never admit it but sorcerer’s touch was rather helpful. It made them feel grounded. Goosebumps rose on their hand. They cast the spell again. 
"Lame." He chuckled.
"Huh?!” Their eyes shot open searching for the marble but the table was empty. They laughed and playfully punched his chest, making him laugh. "Asshole.”
Content, MC threw themself on the bed as a mark of their victory, Solomon was quick to follow. 
"You realize that this was shit compared to regular magic?” watching them struggle was incredibly amusing to him, apparently. 
"Like I don’t know" They frowned. He smiled in response and laid back next to them. 
The silence of the room, moving flames of the candles and its overall aura was really comforting.
"You should be able to pass the exam tho" he mentioned. 
"It’s a lot, you know? Everything." MC wondered. 
"I know." 
"I just can’t wrap my mind around it.” They began playing with their hair. 
"You could do much more without a hassle.” He stated like it was something obvious and leaned on his elbows while looking at them with a smirk.
"Wow, thanks for being an asshole.” They muttered, the hair they were playing with fell on their face. 
"A supportive asshole.” 
"I’m not sure if I could do more.” They spoke trying to blow the curl off. Hesitation making its way in their voice. "It’s still too new and…” 
"Yeah… Convincing someone that hell is real is one thing but throwing them inside is something else.” They followed gentle shadows of the flames on the ceiling with their eyes.
"Why? You’d prefer a flaming river and little red devils instead of your seven demon boyfriends?” 
Both of them laughed at the image of the brothers' with spiked tails and tridents. 
"No, I don’t think I would.”
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 Empty walls of RAD were enhancing every sound, making every single word echo for a few seconds before disappearing.
 "MC, ya comin’ or what?" Mammon was standing at the end of the hallway talking with Beel. 
"Just a second!" they screamed while taking stuff out of their locker and putting it in a bag. They were planning on returning to the House of Lamentation as soon as the school day was over to prepare for an exam. But their Devildom History textbook was nowhere to be seen. "Ugh, I left a textbook in the classroom. Wait for me, I’ll go get it!" 
"Just hurry up! I’m not explainin’ to Lucifer why we’re late again!" 
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The palace garden was full of exotic flowers, nothing like what they’d seen before. The number of colours and shapes worked wonders, some of the plants were gently glowing and lighting up the eternal night. Some had spots and some seemed to move on their own. MC could swear that they could even hear glassy sounds of a few.
"No matter how many times I see those flowers they always amaze me.” Diavolo was lazily examining the garden grounds. "Some of them only grow here. I’m doing what I can to keep them from going extinct. The species come from all of the three realms. That’s why you can spot some familiar ones.” He explained. ”I’m hoping to replant them one day on its original grounds.” 
"Thanks to magic?” MC was sipping on some tea. 
"Thanks to a good gardener, actually.” Barbatos smiled.
"Oh.” Both men laughed at their confusion. 
The quiet evenings in Lord Diavolo’s castle were a nice change from their usual ones. Their small chats quickly turned into a regular thing, always accompanied by a nice tea made by Barbatos.
"Magic definitely helps as well.” 
The wind was shyly blowing between the palace columns. Moth-alike creatures were roaming the garden, their wings glooming in the soft darkness. 
"I don’t think I can get used to it. The magic.” 
"Maybe, it’s a good thing. Living in constant awe of something." The Demon Lord smiled and gave them a soothing look. 
They quietly hummed in response.
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 Lucky for them, the classroom was open. They entered not bothering to turn the lights on. The lost textbook was waiting for them on their desk. A dark and empty classroom felt really heavy, MC grabbed the book and just as they were about to return to the hallway they noticed an envelope that must have been hidden underneath it. 
"What? " They muttered. An elegant paper and a wax stamp made it look important. If not for their name written on the back they’d probably leave it alone in fear of getting hexed or pranked. Instead, curiosity made them break the stamp. 
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 "Geez, what is taking ‘em so long?" Mammon huffed. They were gone for only a few minutes but making HIM wait was quite an offence.
"Maybe we should go and check on them" Beel mumbled from between his sandwich bites. 
"Hm, to get lost on your way for a textbook. Dumb human." Mammon stated annoyed. He was energetically tapping his foot.
"Come on, they probably locked themself in the classroom or something."
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   As soon as MC fished the sheet of paper from inside the letter, they started shivering. Cold air began circling them, their vision fading. All the sounds of the world around them suddenly gone. Sudden exhaustion taking over them, an empty void. It was a calm, soothing sensation. Like falling asleep…
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  "It’s empty” Beel stated exiting another classroom. 
"Ow, come on! They gotta be somewhere ‘ere!" anxiety was slowly making its way in Mammon’s voice. 
"Try this one – he pointed at the door on the other side of the hallway." 
"If they’re not in the…" a powerful charge of energy went off when he tried to reach for the doorknob leaving both demons in shock for a second. 
"MC!" Mammon bailed inside an empty classroom. 
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Loud voices filling the House of Lamentation kept the atmosphere tense.
"So they forgot a textbook…" Lucifer tried to keep calm, but his furrowed brows showed how tense he actually was. "…and went to get it…"
"…alone." He shot his brother a disapproving look. 
A guilty nod. 
"So, you went after them and discovered a sudden burst of energy in the classroom." The whole situation was more than inconvenient. It was a tragedy to be specific. An exchange student disappearing on the grounds of the academy. The exact one who couldn’t protect themself from any magic. The foreign trace of a powerful spell didn’t make the situation any better. The eldest took a quick glance across the room.
"We found this." Beel pointed at their textbook laying on the table. 
"Are you sure that they just didn’t go somewhere?" Satan uttered.     
"I’m tellin’ ya how it went! They’re just gone like that!”
"They sure can’t be far, right?" Asmo’s question was left unanswered. 
A motion of loud voices filled the room, everyone discussing what might have happened.
Lord Diavolo approached the table with a stern look on his face. If it was true that something happened to MC while they were at RAD then he was the one at fault for not keeping the academy grounds safe for them. He took the book and examined it. Devildom history. It had MC’s name written on the first page. Nothing appeared to be wrong with it. Just a regular textbook. "It’s just a textbook if anything had to do with their disappearance it couldn’t be it. Is Solomon on his way here?" 
"Yes, I called him a while ago he should be here anytime." Lucifer confirmed. 
It wasn’t even about the project anymore, MC was missing and it filled all of them with an unpleasant feeling of guilt.
"Can’t Barbatos use his powers and find them?”
The butler sadly shook his head.
What previously was a state of anxiety, now was slowly shifting into a panic whit every passing hour. As long as they were alone in Devildom, they definitely weren’t safe. 
"Something happened to MC?!" Luke’s voice caught their attention. 
Both angels and Solomon were standing in the entrance to the dining room, looking rather startled. 
"We don’t know yet." Diavolo stated calmly. 
They joined everyone by the table and Solomon took the textbook. He gave Diavolo a specific look and the demon lord nodded in response. He started studying it. 
"Are they safe?! Why aren’t you worried?!" the young angel kept questioning. 
"I’m sure that MC’s okay." Simeon’s white lies weren’t exactly suited for an angel. 
"Of course, everyone is worried." Belphegor stated irritated. "That’s why we called you!" 
Solomon tried to quiet out the rambling and kept examining the book, but just like Diavolo confirmed, there wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. That was unless he opened it and a single sheet of paper fell out.
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