#but i think its cute !
dagrapesody · 29 days
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They‘re in love
(Guys can we have more Marx and traitor/crowned magolor together plssss i need it)
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scudden · 11 months
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Sansa in a winter dress
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Take Your Child to Work Day
Tomioka Giyuu x Wife!Reader • Kimetsu Gakuen AU
Synopsis: You and Giyuu couldn’t find a babysitter in time so Giyuu opted out to taking his son to work with him
A/N: I had Dad!Giyuu brain rot so then drew Giyuu reading to his son and then I thought of this idea as I was drawing so now I'm writing it lol
CW: none just fluff ♡
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“Are you really sure you're okay with that? Would the school be okay with that??” You ask your husband, taking another glance down at your phone to catch the time. You both needed to leave the house soon to get to work. However, you couldn’t leave your son home alone. He was too young to be left in the empty house unmonitored. But calling off of work wasn’t an option either. Your husband had offered to take his son to work with him.
“I mean, its a school. Its always filled with kids. I'm sure they won’t mind, especially if I explain what happened. The babysitter called last minute saying she got sick and couldn’t come today, its no one’s fault.”
You place your hand on top of your child’s head, still feeling worried about the time crunch and who would watch over your son. “Hmmm I guess. You sure he’ll have a spot to sit down and stayed entertained?”
“I’m sure.” Your husband responds, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth to reassure you that everything would turn out just fine. You smile back at him, looking at the time once more and taking note that you both didn’t really have much of an option anyways. You bend down to reach your child’s gaze, cupping his chubby cheeks into your palms.
“Okay, Sweetie. You’re going to be going to work with your Papa today. Make sure to behave and do what Papa says, alright?”
A wide grin appears on your child’s face, excited at the fact he’d get to spend all day with his dad. You start to place kisses all across his face, squeezing his cheeks and telling him how much you’ll miss him and to have an amazing day. Standing back up to place a kiss on Giyuu’s lips.
“Okay, I got to start heading out, take care. I’ll see you both later.” Giyuu gives you a goodbye as you rush out the door. Now looking down to his boy who already had his arms outstretched for his father. Giyuu bends down to grab ahold of him and lift him into his arms.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun today! Lets pack you a lunch super quick and then head out, okay?”
Giyuu’s larger hand held onto his son’s much tinier hand as they both walked onto the campus. Giyuu having to take much shorter strides for his son’s shorter legs to keep up.
“Here’s the plan, I’m gonna take you to the teacher’s office and you can sit at my desk. I have plenty of paper and markers there for you to draw with. I’ll also try and snatch some crayons from Uzui’s class if you’d like. But I’m going to have to be in the gym for my classes, okay? I wont be next to you all day, but I’ll still be here. You okay with that?”
“Yes, I’m okay with it!” Your boy cheered out, excited to be at his father’s desk. Already imaging to pretend to be his father at the desk and feel like a real teacher.
Giyuu walked into the teacher’s office, deep down hoping no one would be there to question why he had brought his child to work. But alas, almost every teacher was still at their desks, organizing through papers and planners to prepare for the day. He slightly grimaced to himself to see the full room.
“Oh, Tomioka-san! You’re here, you’re later than usual.” Kanae beams out. Her eyes slowly scan down to see a much smaller looking Giyuu attached to his leg. Her eyes instantly light up as she gets up from her seat. “Oh my goodness!! Tomioka-san! Is this your little boy?! He’s looks just like you, he’s so adorable!” Giyuu swallows, knowing that Kanae’s voice had reached the rest of the teachers and all heads turned to him instantly. Kanae resting her hands on her knees as she bent down to greet his son.
“Nice to meet you, Little Tomioka! I’m Kanae!” She smiles brightly. Your son starts to grow shy and clings on more to his father as he mumbles out a hello.
“Tomioka! You brought your son?!” Rengoku’s voice booms loudly standing up from his desk to catch a glimpse. Giyuu simply nods as Kanae straightens out her posture, “May I ask why?” She asks Giyuu.
“My wife and I couldn’t find a babysitter. The one we hired called in last minute apologizing that she couldn’t make it because she got sick. So I decided to take him with me.”
“Where the hell are you gonna keep him?” Sanemi asks aggressively, his intimidating eyes glaring at Giyuu. Arms crossed over his chest as he stayed seated in his chair, spun around to be facing the two.
“At my desk, of course.” He answers coolly. He looks over at Uzui was was curiously peering over the desks to get a look at Giyuu’s son. “Uzui, would it be alright if my son borrowed some crayons from the art room?” The tall man nods in agreement, a small smile on his face. He had to admit, a little version of Tomioka was indeed adorable. Even if he wasn’t the best of friends with his father, he wouldn’t deny a young child some crayons to help keep them occupied.
Rengoku walks over, standing beside Kanae to greet your child. A smile a lot bigger than his usual one making his eyes crinkle with joy. He voice booming out loudly as he greeted the small boy. Your son jumps, scared off by his voice and hides more behind Giyuu’s legs. Rengoku apologizes and kneels down, lowering his voice and hold out his hand for your son.
“Its Uncle Rengoku,” Giyuu calls out to his son. “You’ve both met before, though I’m sure you were too little to remember. No need to be so shy, say hi.” He pats the top of his child’s head to help reassure him. Now that your son was looking at him, he remembers a vague memory of hair that looked like fire. Still too shy, he waves hello from behind his father. Rengoku lets out a laugh, finding the boy adorable.
“He’s just as reserved as you!” Rengoku speaks as he stands back up. Giyuu lets out a small puff of air through his noise, a small smile as he looks down at his son.
“I have my free period first thing, I could keep your son companied while you’re teaching your class, Tomioka-San.” Kanae speaks out.
“That would be great, thank you.” Giyuu answers. He grabs a hold of his son’s hand and guides him over to his desk, lifting him to set him in his chair. “I have to get going real soon, okay? Kanae-san will keep you company for now. I’ll miss you, be good, okay?” Giyuu places a kiss on his sons forehead before heading out of the office to the gym.
The whistle screeches loudly as Giyuu blew air into it.
“No resting! Keep running! Looking at you, Agatsuma!”
The yellow haired boy groans, huffing out loudly as he tried to pick his pace back up to a jog again. It was already second period, meaning its already be a little over an hour since Giyuu had seen his son. He knew he would be alright, but his mind still wandered, hoping he was gleefully coloring on the spare papers on his desk. Kanae was a very nice women and very good with children, he knew she’d be able to soothe him if he did start to get anxious. Though it was second period, meaning she probably had headed to her class already. He hoped his son wasn’t too lonely now. There should at least be another teacher in the room, right? Hopefully no one too intimidating… Giyuu shudders at the thought of his poor son having to be alone in a room with Shinazugawa. Hopefully Rengoku had his second period as his free period.
“Tomioka!!” A voice shouts out behind him. Giyuu turns to see Sanemi walking into the gym, his son on his hip with tears rolling down his red cheeks. His little fists rubbing his puffy eyes.
“What happened?” Giyuu asks concerned, his attention no longer on his students as he reached out for his upset son. “You didn’t scare him, did you?”
“Asshole, I’m actually great with kids. I have a ton of younger siblings you know. Your kid was just crying ‘cause he missed you. Couldn’t get him to quiet down, all he did was ask for you.” Sanemi looks at your son as he passes him on to Giyuu. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but Sanemi actually looked concerned for the young boy. Maybe Sanemi really was a lot softer than Giyuu thought.
“ ‘M sorry, Papa. I just missed you…” your son hiccuped out through sobs, his small fists now clinging on to Giyuu’s track suit as he buried his face into his father’s chest. Giyuu combed his fingers through his son’s hair to help soothe him. “It’s okay, I’m here now. You can just stay in the gym with me, you can sit on the bleachers.” He brings his attention back to Sanemi who’s eyes were still trained on the boy. “Thank you for bringing him, Shinazugawa.” Sanemi nods, eyes darting back to Giyuu’s son. Satisfied to see that he’s finally calmed down and starts to walk out of the gym.
“Tomioka-Sensei!!!” A student yells loudly, “Is that your son?!” Giyuu suddenly remembers that he in the middle of a class. None of the students were doing their laps anymore and were all sparkling with joy as they eyed the small boy in his arms.
“I didn’t tell any of you to stop running!” He shouts at the students. They all jump at his command and go back to their physical activities.
The bell rings and all the students immediately run up to Giyuu who was standing beside his son who was sat on the bleachers, little legs swaying happily.
“Tomioka-Sensei! Your son is so cute!” A dark red headed boy chimes out first. His maroon eyes sparkling with joy as he stared at the little version of Giyuu.
“Kamado, what have I told you about those earrings?” Giyuu scolds.
“I apologize! They’re my father’s! But can I say hi to your son? Please?!” He beams, barely able to contain his excitement. His other friends gathered behind him, most of them also looking eager to say hello. Giyuu sighs in defeat, “Yes, but don’t bombard him, he can get shy.” Giyuu turns over, holding out his hand for his son to call him over. His son hops to his feet and runs to grab ahold of his father’s hand. His little eyes peering up at the students gleaming at him. Tanjiro gets down on his knee to get eye level with the boy, a sweet smile on his face as he speaks gently.
“Hi, Tomioka-kun! How are you? Happy to be at work with your Papa?”
Your son smiles at the mention of his father and nods excitedly. Tanjiro can feel his heart being squeezed, he found him just too adorable. Reminding him of his baby siblings back at home. Nezuko next to her brother, peering happily at the young boy also seeing her own younger siblings in him. Bringing her hand to pat the top of your son’s head.
“Tomioka-Sensei, I didn’t know you had a wife and family.” Zenitsu lets out quietly. He found his son adorable, but felt too nervous to get any closer. The boy with the unbuttoned shirt next to him just staring in silence with a certain twinkle in his green eyes. A girl with a ponytail on one side of her head with an adorable butterfly clip standing along with the group of kids but looking more spaced out than the rest. And finally another girl with inky black pig tails and blue eyes looking excited beside her. Though stepping closer to also greet the young boy, crouching down besides the Kamado siblings.
“Your son looks just like you, he’s super cute!” The girl chimes out.
“Thank you, Kanzaki.” Giyuu responds, peering down at his son. He looked a lot more comfortable with this crowd. Most likely because they were much closer to his age compared to a room full of adults. Giyuu cant help but smile to himself, watching his son enjoying the attention he was receiving.
Finally back home after a long day, Giyuu sighs as he opens the door with his son on his hip. You were already home and started on dinner, immediately wiping your hands on a towel to meet your two favorite boys at the door.
“How was it?” You ask excitedly, reaching out your arms for your son was doing the same for you and calling out "Mama". Immediately kissing his soft cheeks and squeezing him tight to you in a warm hug. Leaning over to give Giyuu his greeting kiss.
“It went well, the teachers were helpful and cared for him when they could. Though he did cry when Shinazugawa was with him.”
You gasp, “Oh no, did he scare him? He can be pretty intense sometimes…” you loved Sanemi but even you had to admit he can be scary to look at.
“No, he’s actually really good with kids. He was crying because he missed me. It was probably scary for him in such a big, unfamiliar building without his Papa.” Giyuu smiles at his son, moving some stray hairs out of his face. “Right? Uncle Shinazugawa was nice? You were just missing me?”
Your son nods at Giyuu’s words, remembering how nice the white haired man was. Remembering how he doodled funny images onto the paper with him. How his grip was too strong he ended up breaking half the crayons. Remembering how when he started to cry that he brought him into an embrace and rocked him to try and soothe him. His thumb wiping away tears that continuously rolled down his cheeks.
“Shinazugawa brought him to me in the middle of my class and all the students were staring.” Giyuu adds on. “It was too hot out so we had class inside so he was able to sit on the bleachers. Not much else happened after that. Just more teachers and students greeting him and telling me how identical we look.”
You smile at your husband, “That’s great to hear. I’m glad it all worked out. Now let me continue with dinner, you two must be hungry, I know I am!” You set your son down and walk back to the kitchen, Giyuu following behind you to help wherever he could.
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periwinkle-the-11th · 6 months
Percy sees that Architectural Wonders of the World deck of playing cards at Walgreens or smth and immediately gets it for Annabeth
He takes them home, does a whole bunch of research and writes down facts about each location on the back of the cards
Annabeth uses the deck like a checklist of places she wants to go, and she memorizes every fact that Percy wrote on the backs
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willyonilly · 2 months
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i can only draw side profiles when theyre anton. my muse
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greenllamas · 2 years
I love that every cc creator has their own style like...i saw this hair and i was like omg i need it but i didnt know what creator made it. but in my head i was like...thats a [REDACTED] hair and I looked it up and i was right!
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gummy-axolotl · 11 months
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peeyoshi · 7 months
people who flex about writing with their eyes closed are so cute, yes you do know how to write letters and you practiced this in private and were so proud of yourself when you mastered it !! I'm so proud of you too !!!!!!
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jikjinz · 1 year
God no...now that you mention him going dumb...bsjsjs my dumbification kink is coming in lmao. No cuz imagine you ask him smth like "does my bratty boy like being treated like a slut?" And he just doesn't reply because he's too lost in the pleasure, too dumb to speak up. So you slap his pretty face and tell him "I'm asking you a question, or did I fuck you dumb baby?" Degrade him more and he'll cum so fast lmao <3. Jdnsjs
Can I have this emojie please :3 🫐
talking about this post!
why does it really sound like him??? no because when asked, all he can produce is a string of moans as an answer. and when you slap him he moans again, again, and yet again! try to stop your movements to get an answer from him and all you'll get are high-pitched whines with pleas all over. and yes, as you degrade him, he gets only more squirmy in his place, cumming all over yet still wanting more
sure!!! 🫐 is yours now <3
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febbyfabear · 1 year
headcanon that fred takes over the body at night partially because he doesnt get tired when outside the body and doesnt need sleep. He gets bored when he spends over 8 hours alone in the dark and sometimes takes over the body to just... Get some movement. However, freddy needs his sleep and they compromise. They leave a youtube playlist playing overnight and fred tells freddy all about it on the commute
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ok so like- ive been having the idea of making something mc related but its really silly and i dont know if i have the confidence to fully expand on it yet </3 basically i had the idea of making creatures that are essentially nevada's tkl monsters and thats as far as im gonna elaborate for now .. idk if its gonna be a "species" type deal or not but if it is itll most likely be closed
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Okay dumb reader x Ghost headcanons later probably I hate myself woooooo
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spartalabouche · 1 year
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heres an update on angels clothes btw this is v2 of this overall dress so i am a litte impressed with myself how well it came out jjsr on the second try
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gofreakazoid · 1 year
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This 1 goes out to all the marzi mei heads out there (me) (its a wip)
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Against my tired judgment, I stayed up to finish the chapter of B&R 👌🏾👍🏾
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
Hiya! I saw your post about evil x having emoticons on his helmet, and I gotta say that has absolutely made my day :-)
I was just wondering, what fic is the excerpt from? Thanks a bunch, and have a great day/night
ohhhh i gotta say getting this ask was such a pleasant surprise!! i kinda just posted that snippet and forgot about it lol. The exerpt is actually from a fic that isn't posted yet (my unnamed TMA au)-- it should be done sometimes near the end of the year.? idk. production has been weird lately, but I think Nano month will help out a bunch.
anyways, here's an expanded form of that snippet you got earlier!
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