#but i wanna read white knight atleast once
bepoucorp · 8 months
Thoughts on batman: white knight and batman: beyond the white knight? (Ps: your super super cool and amazing! 💗💗)
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I havent read them yet! but from what Ive seen, the art is amazing!
And joker's design?? omg... hes so pretty?? his heterochromia(?) is so cool and i love that he has a bat in his eyes!!
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he's so beautiful and his hair?? I want to get a physical copy so I can have this artwork with me...
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infoglitch · 10 months
(I think I'm gonna phase out of my previous style and go into my normal writing style but I want yall to decide so ill put the poll in the end of this fic. Also merry Christmas everyone)
To say Weiss was incredible was a major understatement, atleast for one jaune arc. Despite the constant flash freezing she does to him he keeps trying... She didn't enjoy the constant attempts. She wouldn't nor shouldnt allow him to get to her, knowing her luck it's probably a facade. The moment he has her is the moment she gets trapped again.
Trapped like her own home was.
Trapped, Locked away and only released so others may gloat they were in her presence.
Trapped, and suffering.
But yet today, on the start of Christmas break no less. It was different. Her team, was out either with family or spending time with the other two.
Meanwhile Weiss? Weiss was in the library bored as looked for a nice book to read before stopping on... A children's book? A book made for children amongst the arsenal detailing the history of huntsman and huntresses. This... Intrigued Weiss, she grabbed it and pulled it out and read the title "the brave dragon"... Strange.
She decided to take it to the back of the library and began to read.
"a long, long time ago. A dragon who's heart was as beautiful as a diamond soon had it be frozen by the king of dragons. The once elegant and courageous dragon turned to isolation and bitterness. The humans that ones befriended it turned to its enemies with the dragon destroying it with its icy flame. The beautiful land and help cultivated was now A reduced to nothing but white hot ash. And so that dragon stayed alone and bitter. Until one day, a knight arrived to find this dragon, to require it's help, as the Greatest warrior of the knights home was gone, so the knight came to it and begged only to receive nothing but refusal and the dragons fury. Eventually the knight left causing a growing emptiness in the dragons frozen heart. Eventually the dragon would fly to the knight as it saw the knight fighting a giant bird that terrorized the people. With the bird striking the knight gravely wounding him and as the bird was about to strike the dragon would stand in its way as its heart was engulfed with flame as it forced the beast to return to its flock as unbeknownst to the dragon, it's cold heart had finally been allowed to melt. Soon after days of worrying the knight was able to finally return and thank the dragon for its bravery."
And the story ended there as Weiss was a tad annoyed for some reason. She didn't know why but something about the fact the story ended abruptly just... It bugged her. Weiss would sigh as she got back and put the book away as she noticed someone else coming through the library.. someone that should probably not be at school during the break.
One jaune arc was looking at the books in the shelves as he seemed indecisive as Weiss watch out of morbid curiosity before hearing another pair of footsteps as cardin and the rest of his flock entered and were chatting about something related to "putting fanaus bitches in their place" or whatever braindead idea they had.. which was somewhat ironic as one of the members, lark had shown attraction to a faunus. Regardless Weiss paid no more mind than what they deserved as her curiosity was now on jaune as he grabbed a book about the history of huntsmen fighting styles as he was walking toward the exit before being met with cardin.
"hey there jaune-jaune, how's your back feeling?" Cardin spoke as he had a smug look on his face as jaune just grumbled. "L-look cardin I don't have time for you and your crows, now may I please pass through?" Jaune spoke as he attempted to keep his voice steady as he tried to squeeze through before cardin put a hand on jaunes shoulder as cardin leaned close to his ear. "I dont think i feel like it. Besides.. I wanna use my favorite punching bag." Cardin spoke softly as jaunes face went pale, Weiss watched on expecting to see pyrrha show up to tell them to knock it off but so far.. nothing. Jaune stepped back and raised his fists as weiss raised an eyebrow as she didn't hear what cardin said but whatever it was jaune was preparing to fight.
"I'm not doing this cardin. I-im done with you." Jaune spoke as cardin just smiled before punching him in the gut as jaune opened his mouth shout in pain but nothing escaped his mouth.
Cardin then proceeded to grab him by his hair and kick him in the face as jaune stumbled back into a book shelf.
Weiss felt a pit in her stomach as she balled up her hands into a fist as something in her wanted to just grab Cardin and shove him into the ground. Weiss didn't know why she felt like this.. but she needed to keep her cool and wait for pyr-
"no invincible girl save you from this jauney-boy." Cardin taunted as he grabbed jaune by his shirt but before anything else could happen Cardin was flash frozen in a block of ice as his goons and jaune looked to see Weiss pointing myrtenaster at cardin as she had a scowl on her face.
"sometimes pyrrha, I worry your care for the dolt is rubbing off on me" Weiss thought to herself as she lowered myrtenaster. "Your boss will unfreeze soon. I advise you take him to your dorm and make sure he releases that dolt." Weiss spoke calmly as his goons nodded and picked up their frozen leader as he released jaune before they ran off. Leaving a confused jaune as he adjusted his posture as he stared at Weiss as he was about to say something.
"don't.. I shouldn't need to do your job of defending yourself." Weiss interrupted as her voice was cold with her turning away and walking out before arriving at her dorm as her face was red.
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ryodai89 · 2 years
Tumblr be confusing as fuck. Like, seriously. Majority of people here practically preach about ’minors dont interact’ and how we have to ‘keep the children safe’ and then write the craziest shit. I’m dumbfounded but it is what it is. Ya’ll scary af but to each their own. 
However, while I’m somewhat happy to see some sane people pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of this place and people, (Simping over a pedo) thats where my line is drawn. I don’t get it, it’s gross, but no one should be ’coming’ for anyone.
People wanna fuck a slasher? I’m here for it. An alien murderous clown that eats people? I’ll sign that slip and ride that train with you. People wanna fuck villains and write whatever and write controversial situations such as murder and rape and what have you I will stand by you no problem. Shipping child characters….. ehhhh depends on the story. Hell I personally don’t mind if teens read this shit because lets get real, we all started here when we were kids so the whole ’minors don’t interact’ just kills me honestly. You write what you wanna write. I got you. I’m even here for ‘some’ of The Black Phone stories that actually make sense given the content and don’t erase the horrors that were that movie… I will defend damn near anything except this weird ’forgetfulness’ that is an obvious trait of the character. And the obvious, which is pedophilia. I think thats just a line that gets waaay too murky for my liking. I think that particular subject is just a no-go. I think it’s hilarious that people get butt hurt when it’s brought up because they don’t want to feel bad or guilty for simping over someone like that. The hypocrisy is hilarious. But anything else other than that I’m here for it. Even if it’s not my cup o’ tea I will defend that shit.
However this is starting to turn into this crazy situation where now everyone is pointing out everything, every single thing, thats controversial. Everyone now is a white knight, as though I’m agreeing that everything should be a ’safe space’ and now its getting ridiculous. That was not the purpose of my previous comments.
I stand by what i said, some of ya’ll just fucked up. Some of ya’ll are absolute hypocrites, I don’t buy the whole ’it helps me cope’ bullshit and it’s both gross and hilarious. And I don’t get it at all. But that does not mean that I’m saying that anything even remotely dark or controversial is wrong. That doesn’t mean that anything and everything you don’t like is wrong. My only comments were on the whole pedo aspect, and people willfully erasing it for their own means, nothing else. I said some of the shit was concerning but never once said anything hateful. It isn’t necessary. I think pedo shit is going way to far when it comes to writing in fandoms. But everything else I think fucking go for it.
I do not understand the fics for the Grabber. Especially the readerxGrabber ones. I just don’t. Not just because the guy is a pedo and this site seems to be very ’but what about the children?!’ but you are taking literally a major aspect of the character and just erasing it like, c’mon ya’ll. I know ya’ll pissed he’s molesting kids. If he’d have JUST been killing them I maybe could have-might have jumped aboard that ship too but ya’ll are crazy to try deny the whole pedo thing. People are literally saying it’s not true. Like trying to tell me that he isn’t one. And I’m both laughing and confused. I atleast respect the people that admit its true but say ’for the sake of the story we won’t mention it’ but to the people that are defending the notion that he really isnt, ya’ll fucking nuts.
I’m a firm believer in if you don’t like something don’t read it. And you’ll never ever see me say or mention anything to anyone or send an ask or comment on someone’s story about how they ’shouldn’t write this or that or thats wrong or whatever’ or ’I don’t like this blah blah blah’. Or that’s ’triggering’ or what have you. I don’t understand people who do that. I also really really don’t understand stories where we change complete aspects of a character to bend to your whim just so we feel okay to write about it. But you do you. 
But pretending, willfully pretending or down right denying that this dude isn’t a pedo is ridiculous. He is. You may not like it but he is. You want to continue writing that shit then embrace it. Nothing necessarily wrong with writing ’certain’ shit but don’t go telling me this horse shit that he isn’t because we don’t see it. He is. And that’s perfectly fine for the basis of the film.
This shit has turned into such a white knight thing that while i completely stand by what i said previously (ya’ll make NO fucking sense writing for a fucking pedophile as though he isn’t one) I almost almost almost regret mentioning anything. Only because now it’s apparently turned into a ’you can’t like anything controversial’ situation and thats just not true at all. It’s turned into an excuse to attack people and that’s also not okay. It IS fiction. It IS gross, it is. Its disgusting. But coming for the writers like, I find the whole situation ridiculous but shitting on someone for writing something you don’t like is also just as ridiculous as some of the content. 
Ya’ll need to chill out. Seriously. Pedo shit is gross. Writing it is gross. Simping over a pedo makes no fucking sense but coming after writers is just as equally gross. It’s not just here it’s everywhere.  I don’t condone any of that shit so for the love of fuck please stop assuming that i do. Or that I’m on ’your side’. I enjoy fucked up shit. I do. Just not that particular kind of fucked up shit. I also enjoy having enough respect for people to not send hateful ass stuff because it makes you mad. Some of ya’ll should try it sometime. Try biting your tongue, you might find a new fetish you’ll enjoy…
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