#but i want sky to yell at prapai
I get the racy one night stand to the tender lovemaking pipeline . I'm all here for it. I like seeing Sky being loved and cradled and cherished.
But i want Prapai to utterly ruin Sky.
Even now , Sky has his inhibitions up. Some have fallen down ( due to both Prapai's pushy efforts and Sky daring to hope that Pai isn't an asshole) , but they still don't*know* each other fully yet.
Sky doesn't understand that Prapai is in it for the long game . He , at most , thinks Prapai wants to date him for sometime decently , albeit casually ,but he's falling more and more.
Prapai thinks he has Sky for now , but he's got to prove himself , work harder inorder to fully earn his love and more importantly, his unwavering trust. He sees this as a first of many wins he has to achieve in this relationship.
Both of them are underestimating the depth of the other one's feelings.
But one day , in the not so distant future , both will be on the same page. They both will understand fully that the other won't leave anymore.
They will fight , fights will get worse , get better. They both will hurt , and then come together after apologising to each other. Then they will fight again. And miss each other again.
Till they crash and burn together for Prapai to be like ' I won't hold back anymore.' and Sky to be like ' I want all of you. '
What Prapai does though , is take all of Sky , leave his entire body painted with signs of his desire , his lips puffed up red with blood and eyes tearing up with pleasure , then take one good look at Sky's pleading face for more , dive in again for a second , third and fourth time.
Because when the wind and sky meet on a hot day , thunderstorms results . It won't be tender , and it won't be one downpour .
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bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: Prapai’s Rescue of Sky (The Ambush Aftermath)
I always knew, KNEW that I would have to write a deep dive on the Sky & Prapai aftermath scenes (following Sky’s ambush). I knew that they were going to be emotionally weighty and encompass some of the most incredible acting of the series. These scenes deserve every bit of neurotic over-analysis.
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Part 1: "Answer me!”
When Prapai first approaches Sky after the attack, Sky is clearly shell-shocked, unresponsive and already starting to shut down. Note that Prapai begins by calling out to Sky in a neutral tone. When Prapai quickly realises that Sky is not responding to him, he panics. Panics severely. So he raises his voice and shakes Sky, and raises his voice again. He literally yells “Answer me!”
This is the line that really hit me, because I wasn’t expecting it at all. We always see Prapai as being very soft and coaxing with Sky. In Sky’s most vulnerable moment yet, Prapai yells harder than we’ve ever heard him raise his voice. Now note that this is not a yell at Sky, but for Sky. He sees that Sky is shutting down, which is a really bad sign. And Prapai, out of sheer desperation and panic, shouts in an attempt to get through to him.
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And most importantly, it works. It’s amazing how Prapai instinctively seems to know what he needs to do to reach Sky in the quickest way possible. He demonstrated this in the notebook scene, and now here too.
Once Sky finally registers that Prapai is there with him, he immediately pleads. Now this is the first time Prapai has gotten any direct reference to what Sky went through. Nothing further really warrants being said. The implication is loud and clear. Prapai appears to be stunned at first, taken aback by what he’s hearing. Slowly but surely registering this information as the pieces begin to fall into place in his head. It’s incredibly difficult to process such upsetting information all at once. Also because he’d probably never, ever, even contemplated that Sky’s trauma could be in connection to something as heinous and cruel as this.
We see Prapai grimace, bow his head in both anger and heartbreak over what he’s just heard. For all the tumultuous feelings that must be crushing him in that moment, he reigns them all in. Desperately squashes down his absolute fury for the sake of the person trembling before him. He collects himself to ensure he is who Sky needs to be. The gentle, soothing, reassuring Prapai. The protective Prapai. He immediately responds to Sky’s questions in an attempt to allay any spiralling thoughts Sky may have. He returns to a soft tone of voice. It’s almost like Prapai doesn’t want to risk spooking Sky any further.
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Part 2: “I told you to cry! I’m begging you!”
It’s Sky’s need for Prapai that snaps him out of beating the shit out of Gun. Rain’s calls of alarm, divert Prapai’s attention. Yes, he understandably wants revenge. Yes, he desperately wants this man to feel even a tiny fraction of what he’s inflicted on Sky. But Sky comes first and above all else. Always.
When Prapai returns to Sky, Sky is visibly numb. Sky is starting to repress in an attempt to avoid feeling anything. And this is where we see Prapai quickly break down. After the initial adrenaline of getting Sky out of danger, then taking his anger out on said danger, Prapai only has heartbreak and worry remaining. Prapai has never seen Sky in this state. He’s seen varying degrees of sadness or grief, he’s seen Sky cry, wail and sob. But he’s never seen Sky retreat into himself like this.
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It’s the most extreme form of Sky’s defence mechanisms. Prapai knows that this is only pushing down the torrent of pain and internalising it. This will only do Sky more harm in the long-term. Prapai has seen Sky display signs of an already fractured state to his mental health, and Prapai can’t allow Sky to inadvertently hurt himself further. Prapai can’t afford to lose Sky now, not emotionally, not mentally, not at all. Not when he loves him so dearly. Not when they just started to be so happy.
So Prapai begins to plead for Sky to feel something - to cry, to exhibit any form of emotion. Because the way Sky is retreating, is like Sky disappearing in front of Prapai’s very eyes. He’s watching the person he loves become a shell, a husk. Sky being numb is a way of shutting everything out. Not just his pain, but potentially all his other emotions too - including his love for Prapai.
And it’s not just numbness. There’s also a heavy sense of weariness. Sky looks so distant and tired, like he’s given up fighting. Like he doesn’t want to fight for himself anymore. He’s so exhausted and battle-worn from just fending off the residual trauma, let alone this entire situation on top of that. If you follow that line of thought, I’m sure you’d understand in a heartbeat why Sky’s response worries Prapai so much.
Crying is a form of release. And that’s what Prapai wants for Sky. He wants Sky to at least release the pain and hurt he’s holding in. He doesn’t want Sky to be compromised as a result of this. He wants Sky to stay his Sky. His every command to Sky is almost like he’s praying, ‘please baby, please fight for me, please come back to me, don’t leave me, don’t give up, not like this’.
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In the midst of Sky’s catatonic state, he stops to ask why Prapai is crying. He does this again in the scene after as well. There’s something innate in Sky, something still fundamental that is compassionate. That is loving. In the middle of all his own torment and suffering, the pain he sees Prapai going through pulls him out a fraction. But the question also genuinely comes from the voice of a younger, broken Sky. The Sky who is asking ‘Why are you crying for me? Why would you care enough to cry for me? No one cares about me, right? My sadness is worth nothing, right? I’m worthless aren’t I?’
The absolute killer is that Prapai understands. He sees and knows Sky far better than Sky realises. He knows what Sky is thinking, how Sky is thinking. He now sees even more clearly why Sky thinks the way that he does.
“If you can’t cry, I’ll cry for you. If you suffer, I’ll suffer with you. If you’re in pain, I’ll be in pain too.”
Prapai’s vow explains to Sky that it’s no longer just you and me anymore. We are one. Everything we experience, we share. It doesn’t just communicate how Prapai will help shoulder Sky’s pain and his burdens, but that it is physically impossible for Prapai to consider himself independent of Sky anymore. It’s a reiteration to Sky that’s he’s not alone. He’ll never be alone again. ‘You can’t shut me out, you can’t leave me behind, because wherever you go, I go. Whatever you feel, I feel.’
When Prapai says to Sky, “let me cry in your stead”, this comes from a place of immense understanding that Sky has been through so much pain, that perhaps he feels he has no more tears left to cry. Nothing left in him to even muster the response. And if that’s the case then Prapai will be his vessel, and will let these emotions out on his behalf.
His last phrase, “I’ll be in pain too” almost feels like another attempt to shake Sky out of his state of shock. He realises that Sky may be able to pull himself out of misery, if motivated by his respective concern and love for Prapai. If Sky is acutely aware that wherever he goes, Prapai will follow, then he may be more conscious about trying not to let himself slip off the precipice.
And finally Prapai reiterates that despite everything, despite the revelation, he still loves Sky. Of course he does. But Sky needed to hear that. He was so worried about how Prapai would react after finding out about his abuse. He refers to himself as ‘damaged goods’ in a later scene. He probably thought that Prapai would find him shameful, dirty, untouchable. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s once again Prapai’s love that pulls Sky back from the brink, that rescues Sky from imminent self-destruction. Prapai’s assurance that he will stay, that he will continue to love Sky no matter what, is what snaps Sky out of his sinking pit of despair. And when he does, the deluge of emotions he was trying so desperately to restrain, all rise to the surface.
I found the performances from both Fort and Peat to be absolutely arresting. And not just the body language, but the line delivery was a huge part of how the scenes impacted me. This is by no means an easy subject matter to tackle for any actor, so I am immensely proud of these boys.
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yilinggusu · 1 year
Phayu and Prapai talking about the bikes. Sky being a sarcastic little shit to Rain. These two scenes are what made me want more of this series because I loved the characters. Happy 1 year LITA.
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And Rain getting so wound up and losing it over having to deal with Phayu to the point he is yelling at the birds in the trees going about their day. Rain was very funny at times.
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I loved Sky straight away. Prapai had my curiosity but I hated it would be another 7 episodes before we got to see more of Prapai and Sky.
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
My Thoughts in Real Time as I Watched Episode 13 of Love in the Air That Absolutely Nobody Asked For:
- I can’t believe this is the (second to) last time I’m gonna see this intro, I already want to cry
- Fucking Sig, I love him so much.
- Can we get a spin-off just dedicated to Sig?
- Rain, you nosy motherfucker. We love you for this.
- Also, I’m so totally here for Sky finally not holding back his emotions. Agreeing to give Pai a ‘prize’ if he wins? We love to see it.
- Prapai’s posting picture of Sky on his Instagram? I’m fucking dead.
- These episode names are too much. Can’t do it!
- Aww, little baby Sky.
- Sky smoking? Oof. I don’t care how gross it is, smoking is hot. Sue me.
- If that was really the first time Sky took a drag of a cigarette, he’d have coughed it all back out. The first few cigarettes as a new smoker suck, and they fucking hurt.
- On that note, don’t smoke, kids! It’s bad for you!
- I knew that it was gonna be Gun, and as soon as I saw him, I honest to god growled. Fucker.
- Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. (To myself and to Sky)
- Listen to your friends, Sky!
- Okay, smoking’s not hot when this fucking dickbag does it.
- This should go without saying, but for everyone out there reading this, don’t let anyone take advantage of you or hurt you unless you’re into it. Don’t go along with shit you’re not comfortable with just to prove that you love someone. Fuck them, fuck their feelings, protect yourself.
- Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now.
- Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I don’t wanna watch this.
- I can’t imagine how hard this was for Peat. The reaction video is gonna hurt.
- Fuck, I hope someone kills this fucking asshole.
- I know this is an emotional scene, but I’m losing my shit over Pai calling Sky ‘baby’
- Take your fucking eyes off of him and wipe that smirk off your face, you shitbird.
- Fluffy PrapaiSky will be the death of me.
- I’m so proud of Sky for not being afraid and being able to admit how he feels. My sweet baby has come so far!
- The look of terror on Sky’s face when he didn’t know who was hugging him is just one giant foreshadow and I hate it.
- “My lucky star” 😭😭😭😭
- Payu is 1000% done with Pai’s lovesick ass like he probably wasn’t just as bad a few months ago.
- We need more Payu/Sky and Prapai/Rain. The boyfriend/best friend dynamic is so freaking cute.
- Every time I see that bastard, I get so fucking angry.
- I was gonna yell at Sky to run as soon as he saw Gun, but I remember when someone who looked like my abuser walked into my job and I shut down and just completely froze, so I understand why he couldn’t run.
- It’s absolutely killing me that Pai knows that Petch is a slimy little snake, but that he doesn’t know why.
- Yes, Sky! You stand up for yourself! Your man loves you, and don’t forget it!
- Rain, I know you’re trying to be helpful, but I kinda wanna smack you.
- Rain really is a gold(fish)en retriever, isn’t he? Head empty, no thoughts, attention span that only lasts two seconds, but damn it, he’s a good boy that’s trying his best.
- I feel nauseous watching Sky walk into that apartment.
- You fucking liars. I’m so angry.
- I’m so glad that Sky doesn’t believe them. It’s amazing to see how much he’s changed.
- Sky Protection Squad in full force, yes! Go rescue him!
- Where the fuck are Rain and Payu while Pai and Gun are in the bedroom? Are they just making tea with the other assholes that were in the apartment? Come on, guys.
- Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.
- Love him to death, but for the love of method acting, someone please teach Fort how to properly throw a punch.
- He should have killed him. And Payu should have hit Petch, too.
- I don’t know what hurts more, Sky being catatonic and not being able to cry, or Pai sobbing for him.
- He brought him home. Like, home, home.
- That picture of the two of them on Pai’s desk, I could cry.
- I don’t even have any more thoughts, I’m just happy that Gun and Stop are gone, all four of my boys are happy, and that Pai knows everything about Sky now.
- There are a bunch of scenes from the novel that I’m sad were not in the series, but that could be a whole separate post.
- Aside from finish KinnPorsche (I still have two episodes left), catch up on Remember Me and Between Us, binge all the other shows I have on my To Watch list, and tear my hair out waiting for Just Say Yes.
- Excuse me while I rewatch the entire series over and over.
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chocolatecakeandbl · 2 years
Sky checks his phone for the thirtieth time, nervously humming. There hasn't been a message back. Good, maybe it means Prapai is busy.
He elbows open the lobby's doors.
Maybe then...
"Oh, look who it is!" P'Joy yells, waving cheerfully over by the desk. "Sky! Sky, darling! Sorry to keep your man waiting!" She titters, batting her eyelashes at Prapai who smiles widely at her but rather politely.
Sky winces. Damn it, no. Prapai is here and not at his office?
His mouth throbs painfully as Sky's heart rate picks up. The swelling more noticeable for Sky. Maybe from this distance, they can't tell...
But, no, P'Joy follows eagerly behind Prapai coming over to Sky who darts his eyes towards the next set of lobby doors as his escape, nodding. "I was telling Pai about the girl from 203 who dumped her--"
Something slides into Prapai's eyes as soon as his eyes fall to Sky's bruised lip. His soft smile vanishing. Sky wants to vanish, too.
"What the hell happened?" Prapai mutters, gripping the side of Sky's face. As warm and as reassuring Prapai's touch is, Sky keeps glancing to P'Joy looking distressed for the same reasons as Prapai.
"Sorry to bother you, P'Joy," Sky mumbles, taking Prapai's hand.
He leads Prapai upstairs for Sky's dorm room.
PART 2!!!!!
Oh, baby, Sky... sweetheart. Prapai is ten steps ahead of you.... ofc he's waiting at your dorm for you!
I literally felt Sky's heart dropping. And I STILL stand for Prapai and his extraordinarly control over his feelings!! I wouldn't be THIS calm if my SO came home bruised. I am sitting at the edge of the chair, trying to climb into my laptop to see if Part 3 is somewhere hidden in my askbox. Ahhhh I can't waaaaiiiittt~
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forkaround · 2 years
BL Awards: Catch Me Sobbing Category
Sad things are just as important as the not-sad things and thus...
Scene that has me sobbing for whatever reason.
(BL Awards: At the end of an amazing year of absolute chaos in the world of BL. I come to you with my favorite moments of the year divided into categories that would not make it into any respectable Award show. But this is Tumblr. You know what you signed up for.)
Parpai reading from Sky's journal (Love in the Air)
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I don't want to discuss the ethics of this and mileage varies for every other person. But this had me sobbing to the point my mother yelled at me for crying over fictional characters. It's how both of them are hurting. It's about Sky not wanting to open up. It's about Pai being confused and hanging over Sky's words. Pai doesn't know what happened, to Sky in the past and to Sky now and he can't accept that Sky would say all those things. Fort and Peat were acting. Truly in their Oscars bag. I remember holding my breath as if I was underwater throughout this scene. Uff.
Sky not crying and Pai crying in his stead (Love in the Air)
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(I can't find a gif for the specific line.)
Who knew that not crying was worse than crying? This scene knocked me off the face of the earth. They are both reeling and the emotional intelligence Prapai shows here, god, another writer, another actor could have made this so much worse than it was. But in Mame and FortPeat's hands this was beautiful. It's gentle, it's mature, it's taking care of Sky before Pai can go around smacking people/taking revenge. But that was not the goal of this story. Revenge tel lene gaya. (revenge goes to buy oil. kinda like revenge go to hell.) This is about grace, this is about healing. I have never seen a narrative like this dealt with such gentleness and keeping the characters 'not-broken'. idk how to explain this. Gun gets everything that is coming to him but in this moment it's not about him. It's about SKY.
GAP: Mon being confused by Sam and crying
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Something less intense. I feel for both our girlies. Sam is constantly going hot and cold and that is so taxing for everyone around her especially Mon, who has loved her since she was a kid. tbf Sam doesn't know this. And Sam is herself so tragic. Never expressing who she is and what she wants leaving for those around her to interpret her intentions. As much as I feel for her though, I can't see her as a decent boss.
Triage: Tin goes into a coma and Tol is reading to him
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I did not expect this to hurt me as much as it did. I can't quantify even now why I love this show so much. But after the POV switch something about this show just fit. I was going to be so mad if they ended up unhappy. I was barely starting to get comfortable with BLs and their happy endings. And then this hit. It didn't end unhappy but I sure thought it would. (Also the clock tower kiss is just something else)
The Eclipse: Every AkkAyan scene towards the end
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There are so many gifs/scenes where this boy is crying. First must have had quite the month crying over and over each episode. He is so stuck in his circumstances, in his own head about what's right and wrong. Brittle things. And you see that with how he is caught in between Chadok and Ayan.
ChadokDika story
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Dika didn't deserve it. That's it. (tbf Chadok didn't deserve it either.)
(There's many different ways to kill the one you love / slowest way is never loving them enough)
180 Degrees Longitude Passes Between Us
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Literally everyone is hurting on this show and hurting everyone else. And it all just HURTS. I can't fully put a bad guy/good guy label on any of them. It's so complexly human. So simply human. So beautifully human and so pathetically human. Seeing my own family in this show didn't help. Mol can't move on from her past. Inn can't see the future. Waan can't live in the present. Them always being on a different wavelength keeps hurting and I think some part of them recognizes this. The ending doesn't help. It's realistic. It's hard. And it hurts. This show is just:
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The surety that no matter how much it hurts it would end happy help enjoy the angst so much better. I didn't have to worry someone might end up dead or they might not end up together. (there are exceptions to this, as you can see)
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solariswrites · 1 year
Reckless. Reckless. Reckless. 
Phayu’s replacement word for stupid. Instead of instilling determination and anger what Rain was feeling in the moment was pure disappointment and frankly resentment. He was confident that if Sky was in this seat right now there wouldn’t be a lack of trust going on. Just fear that Sky was pulling away from him. Rain? No he gets the distrust and belittling like he isn’t a grown ass adult in a relationship with these three men. He loathes his feelings right now which makes it worse. All he did was go with Aye, Thua, Kan, and Rain’s new friend, Zain. 
He knew it was going to be an adjustment for him, Sky, and Phayu when he changed majors; Prapai had been the most supportive of him switching to the Arts to focus on his writing degree. And to Rain, Prapai was the only one being supportive now because this was getting ridiculous. He had a right to spend time with his friends from his new faculty and old childhood friends too. They’d come here to get inspiration for their own projects and had accidently gotten stuck with Kan’s suv then walked back just as the storm started to roll in their direction. Akk had taken the other three as Rain had assured Zain that it was fine to leave with a brooding Phayu, annoyed Sky, and their ever peacemaker Prapai.
“This was beyond reckless. You should have called us before leaving town. This is what happens when you hang around Ayan and Zain. You do reckless things like this. Going out in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and a trail till you hit the main road…” Phayu’s words cut through Rain’s thoughts and he’d had enough. He didn’t give two shits that they were stopping at the stop sign in the blistering rainstorm. He wasn’t going to sit here and take anymore of this criticism for another second. 
“Yu…” Prapai started but Rain cut in. It hit him the silence coming from Sky and Prapai as Phayu had scolded him. They agreed with him. 
“And what P’Phayu? Wait for my busy boyfriends to decide for me if it’s alright to take a day trip with a group of friends that wasn't even supposed to take half the day? When without hesitation all three of you just drop whatever you want to do into our calendar? Do you know how hard it is to plan something or do something with you all when you do that to me? I take one day, hell not even a day; I take one lousy couple of hours… ” Rain angrily spat back, reaching for the door. “I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think I’ve consented to being treated like a fucking child but I haven’t. I deserve the same trust and respect as you clearly give each other.” 
“Rain!” Sky struggled to stop him from getting out just as much as Prapai. Phayu was stunned for a moment before he rolled the window partially down. 
“Get back in the car!” Phayu ordered over the heavy downpour, not that Rain was listening. He just flipped him off and started walking his way towards the village so that he could stay at another hotel. He sure as hell wasn’t staying with them. 
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him but the self defense classes he took since the incident with Stop allowed him to easily twist and shove the owner of said arms away. He glared at Phayu as soon as their gazes locked. 
“Don’t touch me! Venus!” Rain yelled, Sky and Prapai joined Phayu across from him. Their eyes wide that he still wasn’t budging on letting them near him. “I am not getting back in that car. You all say you love me but this isn’t how you show it. Trust goes both ways. I am so sick and tired of having to prove myself.” 
“You don’t have to, but we need you to get back in the car. It’s…” 
“Reckless right?”
“No, Darling, not safe! I just want us all safe. So please get into the car.” Phayu tried to get the younger man to listen to him.
“Baby that’s not what we meant.” Prapai tried to apologize as he shared a look with his partners. 
“Yes it is! I said venus P’Pai!” Rain quickly dodged Prapai’s hand. He knew it was instinctual because of how Prapai was tactile. But it still felt like they weren’t listening. That he hadn’t earned a voice. 
“We do trust you Rain, we were just scared!” Sky gave back and the look in his eyes let him know that this was true for Sky. 
“Of what? What happened before with that asshole repeating? Well it’s not going to happen again…” Rain found himself trying to console him  but shook his head, “No, you refuse to actually believe me that I can take care of myself. I retook the classes and I checked in a lot.” Rain snapped as he flailed his hands. “But it’ll never be enough will it? No matter what I do I’ll just get to watch you three thrive off each other till you tire of me just standing there.” 
“You’re not standing still.” Phayu cut in, “And we do tru-“
“You don’t get to tell me how I feel.” Rain argued, “especially when I cause you to turn into this jealous monster!” Those words earned a sudden shiver to go down his spine at the look Phayu gave him. He for sure thought that the man was going to start chiding him for his language. 
“You don’t get to tell us either. But yes, I’m jealous. But it’s not because I don’t trust you, darling, it’s because I loathe that Zain gets to spend all this time with you that used to be ours. I love you…We love you, Rain, and if you need us to stand out here in this storm all night to tell you all the reasons why we do, then we will.” Phayu argued right back and like that it was like all three of them despite the storm were on the same page. The focus on him was a bit overwhelming.
He was about to respond when Sky spoke first, “I’ve always loved your determination. It’s beautiful, wild, and unique to you.” Sky slowly reached out to Rain. Just as carefully, Rain felt like he could handle them coming closer. When he did, Sky lifted their joined hands to press a kiss to Rain’s knuckles. 
“You’re my buttercup.” Prapai stepped closer next, his hand reaching up to cup Rain’s cheek. His thumb rubbing softly over rain soaked skin, “Our love is different and so open despite all the bites the world has taken. Your bravery and willingness to adapt are just some of the reasons I love you, buttercup.” He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Rain’s forehead then he stepped back to let Phayu come closer. 
“Verbena?” Phayu asked, knowing it was his fault the fight had sparked anyways. Rain nodded and this time they stepped towards each other. Phayu cupping Rain’s face gently. “I love that you trust me with all of you and that you inspire me to be a better lover to us. You’re amazing and so beautiful, darling.” He leaned, pressing the softest kiss to Rain’s lips. When Phayu went to pull back Rain, gripped the now soaked through v-neck to keep him from moving away as he chased the kiss. This one thought carried a different feel as they poured their apologies and love for one another into the kiss. 
“Oi! You were supposed to kiss his cheek, you jerk! Jealous and greedy is more like it. Where is ours?” Prapai’s voice pulled them from their moment. 
“How about we have this conversation in the car?” Sky shivered as Rain laughed, resting his forehead on Phayu’s shoulder. He didn’t need to look to know that Phayu was sending Prapai a look. 
“Okay.” Rain agreed. He reached out for Sky, the two of them squeezing their hands before Sky headed inside. 
“Well I am not going till I get my kiss.” Prapai continued to tease. Rain wiggled his fingers towards the older man to draw him into a kiss. Those dark eyes beamed as he stepped closer, kissing Rain softly. 
“Now you have one. Let’s get back in the car and to the hotel before we all get sick.” Phayu guided them back to the jeep. Prapai wrapped his arm around the other side of Rain as they walked then stole the younger man into the backseat where they could cuddle until they got to the hotel. 
Read More of my works on AO3 for LITA
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clothes in Love in the air (BL)
So…I am into clothes and fashion, especially in series and movies, therefore I got really curious about the choices of clothing in certains dramas, especially BL thai. Because it is not something we talk about when It comes to BL. We tend to focus on acting, writing, music, but clothes are not the topic, and I do understand. Most BL Thai dramas take place in universities and they have uniforms so we don’t have much to explore outside of their hair and little details that they put to differentiate main characters from others. So, here is an approach that I decided to do, especially in my current obsession: Love in the air. This means is a personal interpretation, so does not need to be taken seriously. 
I will cover the main pairing first for obvious reasons but when PrapaiSky shows up I am definitely talking about them later on.
Love in the Air is a Thai BL show about two relationships, one between a senior architect and a junior, and the second is also about a student architect and a racer and businessman (we don’t know what Prapai does yet). The show focuses on how these two relationships between these very different people collide and become more than that. 
Our first character, Rain, is a bratty student who talks shit all the time and respects no one. He is in his first year of university and likes this college mate, Ple. From the start we only see Rain wearing the uniform that consists of a white shirt and black pants. Rain, however, wears his in a casual and informal way, with a colorful shirt under. Unlike Sky and Ple, who are seen put together, Rain looks like he doesn't care about rules and order that much. And then we also get this piece of information that I feel like has to do a lot with how Rain is: he does not know who Phayu is, and Phayu is the idol of everyone as well as a pretty respected senior. Everyone loves Phayu, except Rain.
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His hair is also an indication of his character. Ignoring the awful color and hairstyle, Rain is supposed to look inocent and dumb, which he is. He is cute, but he is also a child (keep in mind that he is 19 in the drama), so it makes sense that he wears comfortable clothes, but also colorful and shiny. 
When we are first introduced to his character we can also see how his clothes symbolize his nature: Rain does not follow the rules (he literally got into an illegal race), he don’t respect his elders (he yelled at Payu), he can’t keep boundaries (he kept following Ple even though she repeatedly said that she didn’t want to have anything with Rain) and he is irresponsible and unprofessional (does homework at the last minute, uses cell phone in class, leaves everything to the last minute).
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But, the moment that he starts getting his life together and dating Phayu he looks a lot more put together and his clothes are more visually pleasing. When this happens we can see a lot more blue in Rain’s clothings than before and where does blue appear too? Yes, in Phayu’s racer suit. 
The blue hue is associated with calm, intelligence, sincerity, and confidence. Blue is the color of the sky and ocean in nature. These create a sense of calm and security. A light version of blue contains both blue and white properties, making it a blend of both. For instance, white symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and openness (Rain is young and virgin). Lighter blues are a reflection of these properties. As a result, lighter blues become associated with peace, friendliness, approachability, youth, and loyalty.
Even thought I said before that Rain was really iresponsible and sometimes dumb, it is true that once he realize the importance of taking things serious and being more aware of his behaviour the choices of wearing blue fits a lot with him. Rain also feels safe with Phayu and looks for him when he needs security and comfort. That’s why I also think that the atmosphere of their scenes is always a mix of blues, greens and blacks. Because while the storm can be dangerous, it always gets calm afterwords and rain can be soothing and comforting (yes, i am talking about Episode 6 where Rain gets Phayu to stop growing) 
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Okay, so after trying to read more into Rain clothes, we can finally talk about my favorite boy and talk about how amazing his clothes are. This all started because I became obsessed with how they styled Phayu in every single scene and how I don't think this was unintentional and random.
Our second lead is Phayu. He is an architect for the day, and a mechanic in ilegal races for the night. This already tells us how dynamic and versatile he is as a person. He is professional and works hard to get things done right but also likes to have fun and is playful when it comes to things that he likes. He enjoys the bikes and the races, and he doesn’t like when people can't follow the rules. And I really like how important this is. Is it not that Phayu is obsessed with everyone following the schedule; on the contrary, he sees how important the order and the rules are because otherwise people are going to get hurt. He is responsible, organized and mature. So we clearly understand why he wears suits. But what I love the most about these types of outfits is that they are not a full suit. He wears jeans with it and he wears colorful jackets. This can be translated into the fun personality and youthful character that he is. While he does have a respectful job with older people, he still is young and jovial. Goes to drink with friends, helps people without them asking and is flirty. (Honestly, where the fuck can i get a Phayu? The more i write about him the more jealous and mad I am about the fact that he is fictional)  
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Phayu is also a mechanic and doesn't like when people insult their job. This can also add to his “bad boy vibe” because he does things at night that are not well known by a lot of people. The color black is a shade/color that comes off as mysterious, serious, prestigious, and powerful to most people. When worn, it is a symbol of class, business, elegance, and sexiness while also having an overbearing, even sometimes evil character to it. Is important to note that he does not wear black all the time. So we can say that he is not always this put-together and serious persona, especially when it comes to Rain. 
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So yeah, I love the color schemes of Phayu, because he can appear in outfits like this and makes completely sense for the character. Also, we, as society, don’t talk enough about this serve. This outfit. THAT 'S IT. I NEED HIM TO MAKE A COMEBACK. 
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I also feel like the hairstyle of Boss helps a lot with this characterization. At first it might look like the long hair is just to appear “bad, hot and sexy” and is obviously for that. But I feel like if the stylist also only styled him in dark colors and clothes, the aura wouldn’t be the same. Like, he is supposed to be an idol in his university so I feel like even though the bad vibe suits him, it wouldn’t work the same. 
But what i love the most about this is, unlike other shows from the same writer (and others shows, for that matter), Love in the air make the characters realistics, not only with other elements like friendships, work, college and sexuality; but with the way the style everything else (clothes, hair, scenarios, music, THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD FOR SOME REASON). Fiat and Leo from Don’t say no  for example look expensive because they have money and wear things that not many other people will wear, almost as if the clothes were made specifically for them, while Phayu and Rain wear clothes that everyone and anyone can wear: colorful jackets, jeans and shirts.  And they also used clothes to reflect their personalities.
Conclusion: Love in the air has really good stylists that know what fits the actors and the characters best. I hope that this keeps with the story of Prapai and Sky, because honestly I can already make connections with some of the colors I have seen. Like red signifies power, boldness, and confidence, it also symbolizes love, emotion, and passion, so we can already tell that this fits A LOT with the portrait of Prapai.  
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chocolatecakeandbl · 2 years
"I defended a friend," Sky protests. He's not Rain or Sig. Or heaven forbid, P'Som. Why would someone want to start a physical fight?
Ple's scream did attract attention -- Rain and the few juniors hanging around outside to eagerly (and rather rudely) ask Rain about dating P'Phayu -- they all came running. The mugger got in one last punch on Sky, with it happening too quickly, before they fled alone in the street.
Por got there first, yelling their names, grabbing Sky's wrist when Sky landed on a knee. Sky lost focus through the immediate jolt of pain.
Rain, along with the hot-headed juniors, took off after the mugger. Sig hugged a visibly distraught Ple clutching her purse to herself. She called out for Sky, kneeling with him, near-tears about the bloody lip.
After explaining this, Prapai's arms tighten around Sky.
"Let me take care of you?" Prapai murmurs, tilting his head to stare into his boyfriend's eyes going a bit unfocused. Violence feels familiar. Burning hot like a lighter on Sky's skin. "Hmm? Baby, I'm right here."
Sky blinks, frowning. "You don't hav--"
It's firm, and yet, Prapai's exhale feels gentle on Sky's bruised mouth.
"Stop carrying everything yourself... and let me. Let me take it for you."
Part 4!!!!!!!!!!!!
HIT ME IN THE FEELS, WILL YOU?!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHH The TURN! I didn't expect the turn, and ahhhh *incoherence and screaming following* adhaoghaoghcdhfagh
Okay, deep breath. Sky, baby. Sweetheart. Honey. PLEASE allow Pai to take care of you. And Pai: World's Strongest Soldier. I love their moments together when Sky is about to break, haunting trauma and all, and we see Prapai just being THERE for him, no questions asked. I mean, not that I want Sky to have a bad day (but let's be realistic, IT HAPPENS) but Prapai... I mean... Prapai.... I mean... you know what I mean....
-- Edit: Find all other parts in my Masterlist
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