#but i want themmmmmm
samspenandsword · 2 years
Guys I just found the cutest pair of boots and they aren't really in my price range but I want themmmmmmm
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fecto-forgo · 29 days
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cyn doodles+drew all the main guys in my style.ill miss them </3
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puphoods · 2 years
im so serious no one let me hatch or buy any more dragons until i have at least half of my other projects finishedor i am going to explode
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belatinysun · 2 months
shoyo spiking with his left hand during the jackadlers match was just SO ICONIC, this was one of the most memorable points in the entire manga, he hit the ball so fast with so much power and left everyone surprised as he did that so naturally, so majestically ✨️ he is sooo skilled aaaaa ninja shoyoooo you are THEE BEST!!! 🧡🧡🧡
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also, kageyama’s expression!!! he didn't expect less from his man, even tho it's annoying (he always loves to see him playing at his best after all 🧡💙
meanwhile tsukki looks disgusted 🥰🤭
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jesterofcringe · 3 months
Rock on! [General Headcanons] Venture x Reader
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ok so i dont know jack about overwatch lore but i was playing the game today and tried venture out and ended up falling in love with them so,,, here we are ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★They are sooooo strong from lugging around that heavy ass drill all day- like you'll seriously be minding your own business playing video games or making dinner and they just pick you up from behind like you weigh nothing.
★[could you imagine the bear hugs?? the strong arm cuddles?? omg-]
★You deadass start using rock puns because of them
"Movie night tonight?"
"Sure, let's rewatch Indiana Jones!"
"I could dig that-"
":D did you just-"
★They also have a ton of little injuries they somehow don't notice, so they'll yap to you about missions while you patch up their cuts.
[they insist that they're fine and don't need you to bandage them up but they do find it kinda nice when you kiss their bruises]
★You're also not the only person they yap to- they're a major yapper and general and sometimes will babble to their teammates about you.
"-They're so cool! I met them at the library because we were both looking in the history section and I saw they had a book about this artifact I've been seriously interested in so I said-"
"Hey Venture?"
"Yeah? :D"
"This is a stealth mission."
"Oh yeah-"
★There are rocks EVERYWHERE in your house, like literally on every surface you can name. You tried to get rid of some of them but Venture gave you a genuine reason for why they need every single one.
★*gets a triple kill* "HELL YEAH THAT ONE WAS FOR MY SPOUSE"
"You're married?"
"...Well not yet, I have to dig up the diamond first!"
★You also pack them lunch before they leave for work. It could be a straight up lunchable with a caprisun and they'd STILL be super excited.
[They also have an amazing immune system because they're the type to eat with their hands covered in dirt and soot lmao]
★They used to cut their hair themselves, but very quickly and very sloppily because they were always in a rush for whatever reason. You offered to help out once, and you've been doing it since. You're not a professional by any means, but it looks a little cleaner then when they would toss it into a pony tail, chop it off, and go about their day.
★They also ask you to watch over their pet rock while they go out sometimes, and you'll just send pictures of you out and about doing things with the rock.
★You guys play minecraft together too- obviously they're the miner and you do the building but they always dig straight down and it drives you crazy.
[There was fully a time they dug straight down and died in lava with a couple of diamonds in their inventory]
★They also do not keep up with update logs so they had no idea what the warden was and tried to fight it with nothing but a stone axe and an iron chestplate... they also kept going back and trying it again even though they clearly had no shot.
★I feel like they also have a really hard time settling down- like they're a massive caffeine addict and barely get any sleep from staying up all night on expeditions or doing research on new artifacts, but you figured out you could get them to sleep by asking them to lay with you for a little bit and just. Falling asleep on them. They're too polite to move you and actually find it really cute so they end up sitting there until they fall asleep themselves.
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chaoticstarling · 8 months
Havent drawn them in so long, thought i could do a few sketches
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strawberrycowtime · 1 month
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stg ive read like 10 terumob fics in the last two days. they make me ill
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icedkafei · 9 months
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date night ☕🍩
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chiquilines · 8 months
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Hi guysssssss its been a minute
I havent posted in a hot while due toooo many things one of which being im not that much into mha anymore... i still really really love all my girls, tgchk mmjr midjoke miryumi etc still hold a dear place in my heart, and I'm gonna keep drawing them, just less. I might start posting more art from different media, but regardless im not gonna be able to post much in the coming months cause I am about to have a very very busy time academically, so Im gonna have less time for drawing :( anyways, thanks to everyone whos been liking my my hero art, it means a lot to me and i appreciate everyone who takes the time to look at my silly self endulging wlw!! This isnt a goodbye btw, im just taking the opportunity to be sappy :) see yall in the next post!!
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
I have no idea what's the proper way to send a prop but I would love to see “If you do that one more time I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.” for Carrie + Douglass. Somethin' about the way they flirt, it's got me feelin' some typa way 😌 Of course, only if you can - thank you so so much!
HEY FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for dropping this in the askbox! so sorry it took me some time to get to it - the end of my semester was quite chaotic i must admit, but with the time i have, i was so excited to get to this one! (i think you asked it perfectly btw!!!) THEY MAKE ME LOSE MY MINDDDDD, i am so glad it is equally shared haha!! i hope you enjoy this then my friend!!! they are quite the duo!! :D
didn't think you'd notice
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(a/n): for my carrie x dougie fans, this is for you! let's just say - i did NOT expect this to end as it did, but honestly, for these two, i'm not at all upset about it so, please enjoy! had this sitting around for a bit, but it need a lot of editing, and finally had time so! i hope you enjoy! :D
A crooning Louis Armstrong song echoed somewhere above the flying club as Carrie took a long sip of her beer, reveling in the taste and the warmth that filled her body.
"You drink anymore of that and you'll be facedown on the toilet tomorrow." Marianne said, settling on the chair opposite Carrie with Frank, the orange cat, curled around Marianne's shoulders like some sort of expensive scarf - except the scarf was very much alive.
"You don't know that," Vivian chimed in as she settled into the other open chair and sipped at her martini, "You may not know this Mar, but Bergie's quite good at holding her alcohol. Unlike some people-"
"No need to rub it in." murmured Marianne with a low chuckle, "I'm just saying, we may have practice runs tomorrow, don't need our bombardier passed out at the bombsight."
"We ain't even dropping bombs!" Carrie admonished as she sat up and glanced at Marianne with a winning grin, "We're flying low over English coastline. Nothing's dropping outta the sky except maybe Blakely's formation."
"Heard that." Ev Bakely's voice called from somewhere to their right, "You know, I could tell Lieutenant Bradshaw you are talking quite disingenuous about me and-"
"I never said a word!" Carrie said sitting up and pointing a finger at Blakely with a smile, "You can tell her I said so. That I was sweet as maple syrup to you and all the fixings." Blakely raised a brow and took a sip of his own beer and nodded.
"Then what's this about dropping outta formation?" he asked her.
"What she's saying is that your crew oughta drop outta formation before Silver Bullets even dips-"
"Don't give him ideas, Mar." Vivian said, interjecting the tail gunner's query, "I think you do a bang-up job, Ev, but I gotta hand it to ya, Silver Bullets does her job."
"That's because you got Annie Bradshaw at the wheel." a new voice joined in, the likes of Francis Montez entering the picture, "You have someone like Brady who crashes a fort on any given day, you might've thought differently. Or better yet-" Francis turned to Blakely and patted his shoulder, "-Ev Blakely. Heard you had your fair share of crash courses in flying B-17s." Blakely rolled his eyes and turned to Carrie.
"You think if I tell Annie her co-pilot's talking about Brady she'll-"
"Lose her shit?" Carrie asked him, enticed, "Please, I'd love to see that."
"I'm sure you would." Carrie heard from the groups left and watched as Dougie waltzed over, stubbing out a cigarette and throwing an arm around Francis' and Blakely's shoulders, "I'd bet a hundred dollars to see Bergie lose her shit."
"I'm talking about Lieutenant Bradshaw, genius." Carrie said, with a raised brow and watched as Dougie let out a dry chuckle and slid his arms out from around their shoulders and bent down in front of Carrie slightly.
"First time you've considered my intelligence, I'm honored." he said and Carrie smirked.
"Don't get used to it." she offered back. Dougie smirked at her as the song changed to a sanguine Ella Fitzgerald tune. She stared at him and watched as he, quite nervously, stuck out a hand and wiggled his fingers.
"Not everyday I consider my hand in a dance either, so…." Dougie said, "take it or leave it." Carrie stared at Dougie for a moment, the pound of her heartbeat picking up as he watched her, like he was trying to read a book that was far too complex to understand.
"Not everyday that I take it." she said back smoothly, placing down her beer and standing, letting him take her hand toward the dance floor, knowing she'd get some heckling for this back at the table with some of the girls.
Slowly, she turned to him, his gaze making her feel hot all over in a way she blamed merely on the amount of beer she'd consumed. His hands moved from her upper hips, fingers dancing on her lower back, as hot chills eclipsed her form, her own arms coming to wrap up and around him neck, his presence tantalizing and intoxicating as suddenly every breath made her feel very conscious about just how close they were.
Carrie watched him up close, her head tilted slightly upward at the sudden nearness and slight bit of height he had on her. He smelled quite nice, his face clean-shaven except for that stubborn mustache that was growing on her, and his hair wasn't in that ridiculous gelled cut he usually sported. For a second, she was almost ready to run her hands up and through his dark locks, but she kept her hands firmly locked behind his neck instead and resisted every urge to do so. With just how closely she was studying him, she could tell he was doing the same thing.
"What?" Dougie asked her quietly, the music drowning out the thought of anyone else around them, "You got that look on your face."
"What look?" she managed out, her cheeks uncontrollably turning crimson. Dougie let out a chuckle and let his eyes go all soft, enough to make her heart lose control for a second.
"Maybe you save it just for when we're talking, but," Dougie said softly, "you got that stressed and stubborn look on your face. We're just dancing, look." Dougie shifted closer to her to where his breath was fanning across her face and she could feel each individual finger on her uniform, enough to pierce her skin underneath.
"You don't gotta be stressed when you're dancing with Dougie." Dougie said with a low chuckle, and Carrie snickered and shook her head.
"Didn't think you'd ask me to dance anyway," she said, her mouth moving faster than her brain, "and you really need to start wearing your hair like that more often." She stared at him as she said it and watched as his own brain seemed to rewire the longer he stared back.
"Like this?" Dougie asked her, his grip tightening on her waist as he lingered closer to her and smiled softly, "Didn't think you'd notice something like that." Carrie watched him, inches from his face and smiled slightly, her eyes fluttering shut slightly, before peaking out to stare just beneath his eyes.
"I notice a lot of things," she whispered back, her voice tight and high strung, "more than you might realize."
"Hm, is that so?" he whispered to her quietly, her eyes holding his gaze again as they stared each other, wrapped in one another's warmth and intensity, "How about the first time I met you, I remember that you were wearing your hair in that pretty braid. When your hair had been longer." She watched him as his hand slowly crept up her form to cup the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek.
"You tried convincing me to do a vodka shot with you," Carrie whispered back, trying to catch what breath she had left, "you did a poor job of doing so." Dougie let out a small chuckle, before adjusting those soft, puppy-dog eyes again onto her and smiling softly, enough to make her heart ache just at the way he watched her.
"Yeah, it was pretty bad," he whispered back, his smile riding high, before it disappeared, into a more desperate and yearning look that crossed his face, "listen, Bergie….." She felt her body press against his full, her hands finding their way up the back of his head into his hair. She watched him, from right in front of her eyes as her heart ached more and more.
"The second time I met you, you offered me a cigarette, a Lucky Strike. You had on your sheepskin, you gelled your hair and your aftershave was like Buck's. Pine and cotton." she said quickly, watching as he stared at her, "You danced with Marianne that night. Then the next night was Tatty, and then Charlotte, and then Gemma." She stared at him, her heart pounding.
"The next night, you asked Judy to dance and Dougie….I wished that was me." she managed out, her hand snaking up to the one on the side of his face, brushing her fingers over his soft skin, "You chew gum way too loud for my liking, you usually get a beer and then do a shot, before drinking water. It's all about balance, you say. You are a horrible dancer, but I am too." Dougie continued to watch her as she felt her face reddening and her palms become sweaty, but she didn't care. She couldn't hold back anymore with what emotions had been building for months, week after week.
"I could pick out your laugh in a crowd anywhere," she whispered, watching as his eyes grew wide with a certain depth and surprise, "and I sure as hell would notice when something is wrong." She stared a little longer, biting back her lip as she wrapped her hand around his a bit. "I always do." She watched him, a certain desperation filling her body.
"If you do that one more time, I don't think I'll be able to control myself." Dougie whispered, a certain lowness to his voice that made her cheeks burn.
"Look at me like that. Like you always do," he whispered back, his voice husky in a way that made her knees weak. His breath ghosted over her lips for a moment and before either of them were aware of the world around them and whatever was going on between them, Dougie was kissing her. She didn't care that they were in the middle of a shadowed, crowded dance floor, laced with smoke, the smell of beer, and low, swing music. She kissed back like her entire world was right there in front of her.
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chromodorid · 3 months
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mwagneto · 6 months
if they actually recast jack im blowing up the bbc like firstly coz i dont want characters from the old eras coming back like just make new ones. but especially because there isn't a single other person on earth that could play him like be so fucking real
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strange-waffles · 1 year
OK, GT fandom, get over here and check this out!
Who was gonna tell me that tiny item conventions were a thing???
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stardustfanfare · 8 months
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messy messy hiiai doodle cus my plan is to figure out designs for all of the cast at some point so might as well start with alkaloid
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
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excuse the dogshit quality but loooook :)) they have unique idle sprites :333 unfortunately severas gameplay footage is in the enemy phase so they dont show if she has one and lucinas looks prettyyy normal but like. ohmmggoddd… theyre soooooo cuuuteeeeee!!
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chillchaoticchaos · 7 months
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Thanks to my BF for making this for me because I’m kinda new to the game so I don’t have either of them
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