#but i work in q pharmacy
thatonegreyghost · 2 years
Guess who's positive for Covid!!!!
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Old Dog, New Tricks
Second to last prompt I want and need to fill. And slowly and surely running out of time, but I'll do this. My prompt fill for "Secondary Villain/Henchman" and for @meadowcastiel prompt, to be revealed at the end. With the tiniest nod to @thestalwartheart gorgeous poem that didn't leave me alone while finihing this up, please go and read it, it's so so gorgeous!
on ao3
Bond has a sudden influx of ideas for gadgets to take out into the field. Henchmen suffer the consequences.
"007, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, nothing in particular. Just wanted to see what R6D is working on these days." 
That stopped Q dead in his tracks and pinched the bridge of his nose in a feeble hope that it would delay the headache that was bound to result from this conversation.  "How often do I have to tell you that, unless you have a very good reason for it, there will not be an exploding pen for you."
Bond had the audacity to scoff, as if he hadn't asked for exactly that, and then continued his lazy stroll past the benches where currently, a few prototypes and blueprints were scattered. "I wouldn't dare come to you for something as trivial as that. Anymore."
"I'm not sure I like where this is going, but do go on."
"Well, I was thinking about how night goggles were actually rather handy, in general, but also very suspicious looking and bulky. And I know you've been tinkering around with your own glasses. Isn't there something to be done?"
Now, that piqued Q's interest, because: "There is, actually. As you've correctly stated, it can't be that only my glasses get tinkered with. There are a lot of things we're trying to do in that department, the easiest and most obvious one being cameras installed into the frame, or something as simple as a GPS tracker. Night vision has so far proven difficult because - Do you know how night goggles usually work?", he interrupted himself.
Bond shook his head, and Q motioned for him to step closer to his own bench, where he quickly opened a new browser window to pull up some graphics. "All right, so our problem currently lies in this."
Mission transcript for internal use.
H - Handler - Quartermaster
A - Agent - 007
Transcript written by Quartermaster for potential blackmailing purposes among the women of Q branch and Bond.
Transcript begins:
A: "Q?"
H: "Yes, 007?"
A: "Could you develop a repellent?"
H: "A repellent? Whatever for? I think you're quite capable of getting some nobite from a nearby drugstore or pharmacy."
A: "Not for mosquitoes. For all the women approaching me this evening who aren't my target."
H: "..."
A: "Q?"
H: "..."
A: "I take that as a no."
H: "I'll start a survey among the women who frequent Q-branch on which aftershave or perfume they think to be the most repelling. Otherwise, I will keep it to myself that you just asked me for a spray to repel women, but I will save this bit to bring out and show to R and Moneypenny should I feel the need to blackmail you, are we understood?"
It was the strangest thing, really, and unfortunately, horribly endearing in the way it reminded Q of his cats, at least distantly.
James was lounging on the sofa in his office, limbs akimbo, half asleep, a cooling pad still held to his face, and quite possibly loopy on pain meds.
Q thought it incredible that James appeared to be able to maintain that position without too much discomfort. His own joints probably wouldn't appreciate this kind of treatment, but that might be due to his own lack of exercise in recent years.
"Run that by me again?", he asked, mortified by the amount of affection that his voice held.
"S'mthing to call 'nimals. Useful ones. Like a swarm of bees."
"And how would calling a swarm of bees to your location be helpful?"
James shrugged to the best of his ability. "Don't know. Not to my location. the other guy."
"So let me get this straight, you want to call the bees so that they go after the bad guy."
The Double Oh agent made a sound that could, unfortunately, best be described as a giggle. That was that settled, at least. Certainly high on pain meds, and possibly not half as comfortable in this situation as the meds might make him believe.
"You said bad guy."
Q buried his face in his hands both in exasperation and to hide the redness he felt blooming in his cheeks.
Hopeless cases, the both of them.
"How small do you think you can make a taser?"
"About lipstick-sized. Of the larger variety, but about that size."
"So not the size of a ring."
"Not unless all you want to be able to stun is a blowfly. Or knock yourself on your arse because I'm not sure how the hell I'd isolate a metal ring properly."
"You want what?" James - Bond had caught him just on his way back to Q-branch from a meeting that surely could have been an email or three, at most.
"Come on, Q, you can't deny that it would be helpful."
"I mean, yes, except you'd ultimately always impede yourself as well. Plus, it would require you to get out of dodge in the blink of an eye."
James cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "Because that's never been known to happen."
He couldn't help the snort. "Careful with your knees at your age."
"You had nothing to complain about last-"
"Will you be quiet?", Q interjected snidely, but with a big grin on his face. Gosh, that surely had happened. And would happen again, and again. And a few more times after, for sure.
"Now, about my idea?", Bond teased, and Q sighed.
"Why do you always come to me with those things anyway? You very well know by now that R heads R&D, not me. I don't have time for those things anymore because I have meetings now that take a day and an age but could have been done in a fraction of the time, and she-"
James suddenly pulled him around a corner, pressed him up against a wall, and snogged him silly. It wasn't a good kiss, he was smiling way too much for that, but damn if it didn't make him feel good. He was so giddy with it it made him look stupid.
"You're very distracting," Bond murmured, lips only centimetres from his own. "Did I ever tell you that you're incredibly hot when you get worked up and commanding?"
Q bit his tongue not to giggle. "That explains so much, actually." He closed the gap between them and stole another kiss. "Where would you even stash them away?"
It visibly took James a few seconds to catch on to Q's drifting thoughts. "Depends on how small you can make them, but I was thinking about fastening them to the inside of my belt."
"Won't that be uncomfortable?"
James left featherlight kisses on the high point of his cheek, pushing his glasses up with his nose, the hinge of his jaw, corner of his lips, before he answered: "I've been through worse. Plus, I'm sure you'll come up with something."
Another kiss. He felt like a teenager again. It was embarrassing. It was glorious.
"I probably will. Don't think it'll be like that now just because you give decent head."
The indignant sound was almost as sweet as the kisses.
Mission monitoring was not going any worse than it had been before, and Q was a bit relieved about it.
No matter what he'd told James before, no matter what he'd told himself, deep down he had been worried that separating the mission from his personal feelings would in fact get more difficult now that he had something to lose that went beyond his feelings, but included a person almost sharing his flat and life and feeding his cats. But it was fine. Or at least not any worse than he was used to. Which was to say, it wasn't going great.
He was monitoring Bond, but couldn't communicate with him anymore, which at least was not Bond's fault. 007 was being led down a corridor, henchmen guarding him, Q and R watching him via the security cameras. Their journey ended in a windowless room, and Q and R exchanged a worried glance. They'd seen too many rooms of that variety in their time, though fortunately never from up close.
The henchmen kept their guns trained at Bond while he sat down on the singular chair in the room.
There was no audio, but his lips were moving.
The next thing they saw was the camera whitening out for a brief second, and when the feed returned to normal, black smoke filled the room and was already being filtered out. He could make out the feet of one of the guards, clearly sprawled on the floor, and the other one had probably suffered a similar fate, though Q was already going through the cameras to find Bond again.
"I can't believe it worked," mumbled Riley next to him, and only then did the reality of what had happened set in.
He groaned pitifully. "We will never hear the end of this."
They did never hear the end of this.
After this very first success, Riley was actually more open to working with Bond on several of her projects, and the litany of minions of various evil operations who'd fallen victim to increasingly ridiculous contraptions was growing by the week.
It also had the nice side effect that James was... Q didn't have any other words to describe it, but he felt that Bond was doing better. The time he spent in R&D shortened the time he spent on the bench, at least in his perception, and he wasn't as keen to go out in the field anymore between missions. As much as he'd like to think that it was in part his own doing, Q knew that James' work with R played just as big a role.
It was good, all in all. It was very good.
Q was standing at his desk in his office, double checking a mixup with an order of materials to find the error, when a heavy blanket of Double Oh draped itself over his back.
"What have you come up with this time? Or is it time to leave already?" It usually was one thing or another, these days.
"An EMP."
As much as he tried - not very hard at all, this bit of chasing tails had already robbed him of his last nerve - this one really caught his interest.
They never managed to figure out a way to make it work. It was fine, too.
When Q came home that day, exhausted beyond comprehension, James was already home, sitting in his favourite armchair, reading glasses on his nose while he was reading something on his tablet, the Admiral snuggled into his side.
"What do you think of freeze grenades?", he asked in lieu of a greeting.
"Freeze grenades?", Q asked incredulously, still getting out of his shoes. "What are they even supposed to do?" He wandered into the kitchen and scoured it for something left to eat. There was a sandwich sitting out, carefully protected from the cats, and Q picked up the plate with a grateful smile and joined James in the living room.
"Well, they're supposed to emit intense cold upon activation."
"To what end?"
"Depends. Freeze something over to make it brittle. Freeze water over to cross it, though I can imagine that might be difficult. Freeze burns are a bitch, too."
"As opposed to normal grenades, who don#t hurt much at all. What even are you reading there?" He leaned over to catcha glimpse at the screen, and James didn't try to hide it. Q tilted his head. "Is that a batman comic?"
James nodded. "I never read them when I was a kid, but I watched one of the movies on my way back from... I don't even know anymore. It was utterly ridiculous. I wanted to know more."
"Is that where you get all those ridiculous ideas from?"
"You say that as if they haven't worked."
Q's eyes widened in childish wonder. "You have. This is amazing. You're such a closet nerd." He leaned in and pressed an ill-aimed kiss to James' cheek.
James tried his best to appear annoyed at Q's antics, but there was the smile in his eyes that everybody else said was missing when they met him.
"So, what about batarangs?"
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marrow-and-bone · 1 year
Fic: you don’t know how you got here (you just know you want out)
I wrote a fic for the @dtqkbigbang! What better way to inaugurate this Tumblr, yeah?
Title: you don’t know how you got here (you just know you want out) Rating: M Words: 16K Fandom: DSMP Ships: Quackity/Schlatt, Quackity/Wilbur, Quackity/Karl/Sapnap
Like every other severed employee of DSMP Inc, Alex exists as two different people, who share the same body but know nothing about each other. Every morning when he goes to work, Alex becomes Quackity, and until now he’s been content to leave his other life a mystery.
But then late one night in a diner parking lot, Alex is confronted by a strange older man with mutton chop sideburns and alcohol on his breath, whom Alex can’t remember having met before but who clearly recognizes him, who calls him “Quackity” and tells him they’ve been lied to. And less than five minutes later, that man is lying dead on the ground.
Mind the tags!!!!! This is a weird one!! Q is not having a great time!
I'm also planning to expand on it, so if you enjoy what's been posted so far, definitely keep an eye out for more. :3
Alex needs to stop doing this. 
He’s gonna get a formal reprimand if he keeps missing his clock-in window at work — it’s the one part of his job description he’s really responsible for, and warnings keep turning up in his locker, polite anonymous form letters printed on plain white paper. And probably the worst that would ever happen is a ding to his end-of-year bonus, but Alex isn’t gonna risk it. He needs this job – this job in particular, with all its peculiarities, with all the ways it keeps him sane. He needs to be standing in the office elevator no later than nine fifteen tomorrow morning. He should already be in bed right now. 
Instead, he’s alone in a booth at McPuffy’s at one in the morning, nursing a bad-idea coffee with a notebook open in front of him, pretending like maybe he’ll work on his music if he stares at the blank page a little bit longer. He’s primed for a singer-songwriter era right now, after all — if being dumped by one fiance is great material, then two should be a goldmine. And maybe it would be, if he ever let himself think deeply about where he’s ended up — about the cold bed he’ll go home to tonight, or the empty apartment he’ll wake up in, or the rings that sit wrapped in a handkerchief at the bottom of his nightstand drawer. If he sat with how any or all of that felt, maybe he’d be the musician his mama always believed he could be.
But that’s not the choice he’s made, is it? That’s not the road he decided to take.
Funny, how people will judge you if you get blackout drunk every night as a way to cope…but if it’s your job that swallows your days, that strangles the part of you that feels much of anything at all, that’s fine. That’s capitalism, baby. That’s the system working as it should.
Alex doesn’t need to ask his waitress for the check. He gets the same thing every damn time, and he tips the same way — an empty coffee cup and a few crumbs of toast left on his plate, a ten dollar bill pinned under the salt shaker. There’s only one other customer, and he doesn’t look up as Alex takes his coat down from its hook. No one looks at Alex at all as he leaves, and he tells himself that’s how he likes it. 
He’s alone because he wants to be. He chose this for himself.
The night air is a shock — cold in a way that makes all the muscles of his back seize up. He’s already got his keys in hand, tucked into his coat pocket as he walks between pools of streetlight. 
Later, Alex won’t really remember what he was thinking about — probably hoping his car will start, or wondering if he should stop at the all-night pharmacy to buy more melatonin. He’s on auto-pilot, after all, normal thoughts for a normal night, variations on a bone-deep familiar theme.
Alex won’t remember what he was thinking, but he’ll remember the exact moment his night went off the rails; the pivot on which his life would turn.
Someone coughs, wet and painful-sounding and loud as a gunshot in the silent parking lot. There’s a rasp of gravel and asphalt under a heavy shoe.
Alex stops and turns toward the sound, his body humming with fresh adrenaline. He’s small and tired and alone. He calculates how long it would take him to reach his car; he slots his keys between his fingers, makeshift spikes on a fist he hopes he will not have to use.
A figure steps out from behind a pickup truck, stumbling forward into the light. A man, easily twice Alex’s size and at least a head taller – even stooped and shambling like this – leans heavily on the truck as he shuffles closer. He’s coatless and hatless, dressed only in a rumpled suit and a stained white cotton shirt, a cardinal necktie hanging loose around his neck, his dark hair and mutton chop sideburns heavily salted with gray. Even from here — at least ten feet away — Alex can smell that he’s been drinking. He reeks of whiskey and vomit.
Alex’s grip tightens on his keys. His voice is too high — too obviously scared — as he asks, “Can I help you with something?”
The man’s sharp bark of laughter dissolves into more coughing, and he wheezes as he catches his breath. There’s a smirking chuckle in his voice as he says, in a rough-throated rasp, “Jesus Christ, Quackity…you took your fucking time in there, you little shit.”
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aisy15-chan · 1 year
i have theory about both Quackity guys this kinda will long;;
OKEY— In the case/story that we know so far about Q & El backstory they are mentioned as two individuals separated from one individual they also call clone?? Hmmm, in the story it is said that a strange person appeared at their house & then when they were 'separated' ' Their mother left them??? It's like a plot hole and so weird… I analyzed and theorized this yey! I'll call Q!Quackity asQ and ElQuackity as El btw :].
I'm theorizing that Quackity's mom has pharmaceutical connections to federation & the weirdo is one of member of federation who wants a child to testing their 'project 'they're working on and Q's mom is responsible for having kids & teaching him two languages which makes Quackity's mom a bit suspicious... when the federation person came for her child Quackity's mother refused categorically knowing that her child would be taken by the federation and made into an experiment but in the end the federation person did a forced experiment in their house, their house was torn apart, Quackity was separated into Q & El and the federation did something on their mother who made her 'gone'. Q & El was raised by a federation on the island to be a 'perfect' agent & test how individuals who are 'similar' in any way except in language can have different behavior & personality, the result: El is considered more perfect, he is more obedient and very loyal to federation And Q? he considered imperfect & the product failed by the federation then when they were both teenagers they were released and made sure to return to the island.
What happened was that Q & El returned to the island with the other people with semi-erased memories except for El because he is a federation agent. The federation saw and watched how Q progressed after he leaving the island, they realized that Q is very easily attached emotionally deeply to people (especially Wilbur) and to the eggs (even though Q hates quite a few of them he still protects them) and he will be very aggressive when he is emotional is inversely proportional to El who is the opposite of Q who still adheres to training passively & just 'friends' without that strong emotional attachment. federation decided to 'replace' Q with El completely.
What might have happened to Q after being trapped? He might be changed just like El or maybe even he would be annihilated but Q managed to escape because he remembered the emotional ties he had… And chose to stay alive and escape from the pharmacy? Possible
This just theory guys pls & also if i typo;;;;
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mariposakitten · 2 years
Before anything else, I want to tell you about Cory. Because, for me, it's a story about Cory.
I didn't know him well. I wish I had. He was a kid - maybe 20 years old? Maybe as old as 22, as young as 18.
He worked two jobs: one at the CVS that was walking distance from my house, one at the Publix a few blocks away. So I saw him, on average, at least once a week.
He was kind. Soft-spoken. He had buzzed hair and a smile that could light up a room, and he never acted like you were an inconvenience. He was kind to my daughter, smiled at her, made her laugh, for over three years of her life.
He didn't live to see her fourth birthday.
When the pictures of the victims were published in the Orlando Sentinel, I was relieved - selfishly, guiltily - that I didn't recognize any of them. That by luck or fate, none of my friends had been there that night. I didn't recognize the boy who'd made me smile at least once a week. They'd used an old picture; he didn't look like that anymore. I didn't know until the next time I went to the CVS and saw the memorial.
I can't speak about him the way his friends or his family could. I didn't know him, not really. What I know is this: he was young, and he was kind, and he tried to put good into the world in small ways every day. What I know is this: we are poorer for his loss. We will never know what he could have been.
If you drive through downtown Orlando, there is still a memorial at Pulse. If you take 17-92 down to Colonial, you will see pride flags in front of all of the buildings and hanging from city lampposts, Orlando's "fuck you" to those who hate us. If you go to the Orlando Science Center, the walkway from the parking garage to the building is decorated with rainbow glass hearts, 49 in each color, to remember the 49 people lost. The City Beautiful remembers; the City Beautiful is angry, and doesn't care who knows it.
And if you go to the CVS on the corner of Edgewater and Maury, if you go to the back, in the pharmacy, there's still a posterboard memorial to Cory.
He is remembered. Not just by the people who knew him best, but even by those whose lives he just barely touched.
He was killed too young, and he didn't deserve it. He did nothing to incite the kind of hate that ended his life. None of them did. They will all be remembered.
I don't have any comforting words to share to the people of Colorado Springs in the wake of the Club Q shooting. The pain doesn't fucking fade; I wish I could say it did. It doesn't get better with time; it's not fucking fair, and it won't be any less unfair in a year or 10 years or 50. But I will say this: remember them. Keep them in your hearts. Let your pain and grief and fear become anger; let your anger become strength; let your strength build community. Come together and spit in the face of the bigots and cowards who want you dead. We've got a long fucking fight ahead of us; keep their faces in your mind to remind you why you fight.
I love you all.
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shrikehq · 2 years
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❝ every store at shrike mall prides themselves on their customer service. if a customer hasn’t left the mall with a smile - you haven’t done your job ! hope that’s not too much pressure for you. now, don’t forget to check out your to-do list ! welcome to the perkin’s pharmacy & clinic + skin deep teams, respectively !! ❞  
park hyungsik, bisexual, male + he/him ― hey look, it’s ahn jae-sun! they’re 30 years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for four years, and they’re currently working at perkin’s pharmacy & clinic. i heard they’re pretty fickle, but i think they’re so intelligent at the same time. can they make it out alive? || q, 24, he/they
wang yibo, bisexual, demiboy + he/them ― hey look, it’s lianjie lixin! they’re 25 years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for three years, and they’re currently working at skin deep. i heard they’re pretty disloyal, but i think they’re so amicable at the same time. can they make it out alive? || q, 24, he/they, duckies adopted sibling connection
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thehipovercor · 2 months
Woe: more Cor Lore be upon ye!!!
This time it's like... lore not a fic lol. I did poach some writing from a previous Q&A in the end but most of this is stuff in my head that I've neglected to share ------
Corda can be found in any geographic location on Earth due to the Hydra’s ability to reach any human in the world. Large population centers are typically found underground in cave networks deeper than where human spelunkers explore, with one Capital City per continent (including Antarctica!). Smaller towns and villages, also underground, supply materials that cannot be produced in the city. The North American Falsum Capital is unremarkable in age but is notable in cultural significance: the Hydra Pit is said to be close by and an instinctive draw for many Corda who may immigrate to follow the inexplicable tug. The NAFC is located approximately 8 miles outward, underneath the Atlantic Ocean coast, with the closest state being Maryland. The city itself is separated into districts with a large central district dedicated to parks (using lamps to support the plantlife) and market stalls. Corda do not have a unified currency; with the age of many individuals they work for the pleasure of their craft, bartering, and/or US currency. Homes are built in cosmopolitan styles depending on the resident, patchworking the layout with a villa here or a suburban sprawl there (so to speak). Homes are either built on the flattened cavern floor or into the walls; adventurous Corda build onto the giant natural stone column using lighter materials. The cavern walls feature connective tunnels to other civilizations, including to the surface, both natural and manmade. A series of netting covers the ceiling to prevent most rockfall debris. Bonfires are forbidden.
The Castle, named only for its design, is carved directly into the far eastern wall and contains the entrances to the Falsum Elders’ dens. Cicero, the Conduit Elder, has a straightforward path and she does not prevent visitors. Aristotle, the Cognizant Elder, supposedly connects but seems to be deliberately scrambled to prevent casual visitation. Indra and Agni, the twin Scout Elders, usually rest in their dens before wandering the streets looking for friendship and fun. Concordia, the Kindred Elder, [REDACTED INFORMATION]. The Castle itself is also home to the High Overcor, the Conduit Class Head who acts as a secretary and treasurer, overseeing administrative duties that cannot be automated or given to another worker. (Note: other towns and cities in the Underground have their own Overcorda, with villages sending their requests to the nearest Overcor. The High Overcor is the NAFC’s Overcor and the other continents feature their own High Overcorda as well.) Half of the Castle is for recreation, acting as a rec center and ballroom and features its own large kitchen if needed – the other half of the Castle is for administration.
The city also hosts a robust postage system led by Beowulf, the Scout Class Head. By far the fasted-rated Scout, he and his team run letters and packages throughout the city and to neighboring towns. The Cordial Couriers, as he calls it, has never failed a delivery. The nearby Concordia Memorial Hospital (oddly-named because he is not dead) can attest to their dedication, as Dr. Eve Aksoy the Kindred Class Head has treated many broken bones. The hospital is nonprofit and runs on donations, volunteers (in ample supply), and negotiations with nearby pharmacies. The Cognizant Labs, overseen by Qwerty the Cognizant Elder, does supply some materials in exchange for consenting medical information used for more research and improvement. The Labs are an inverted skyscraper located out of the way in the north Capital wall, delving deep into the earth by 100 floors. The top 10 floors are open to visitors and acts as a makeshift college for any Cor seeking an education they may not have, while the next 40 floors are open to visitors with strict supervision as they contain more volatile research (and Cognizants). The remaining 50 floors, downward, are more secretive and reclusive and work on equally important projects. Qwerty is at the bottom in a sort of luxury suite. The entire Lab complex is filled with Whisperers, strange blue bee-like insects, that have been taken on as pets. Warrior Class Corda also have Heads, but they are currently in the process of voting in new candidates. Warriors compete in a multi-stage process to prove empathy and capability. (Note: All Class Heads are voted in and serve “for life” or until they retire from the position.)
The legal system in the Capital is a two-layered Congress. The actual governing borrows from other countries' laws with custom laws being passed in congressional debate, usually with the Heads' cabinets present to argue and vote. Tentative decisions get passed by Elders and their input is either ignored or considered into the final decisions. There are courts with educated judges, leaving the Class Heads more free to do their normal jobs around the city. ...Unless, of course, the case is tricky and needs input. The recent Project Roots scandal required direct input from all serving Class Heads as the previous Cognizant Head, Thanatos, was immediately removed from the position for his actions. Aristotle was also involved but has faced no apparent punishment.
There a district set up for the large Warrior Classes humorously called the Barracks, but it’s mostly a section constructed to accommodate their large body type; however, there's a beloved amphitheater reminiscent of the Roman Coliseum, although the fights held there are more akin to sparring matches and the ring is also used for plays and similar performances. Some Warrior Classes live in the main city and some Common Classes dwell in the Barracks, but each find the architecture built for their size to be more comfortable. The Barracks are located close by the Lab entrance.
Miscellaneous Info:
Upon reaching approximately 900 years of age, Corda will begin to grow wattles/dewlaps on their necks like birds and some reptiles. Corda do not have sexual dimorphism, or even genitals for that matter, so sex does not apply to the colors, size, or shape of the wattle. Typically, but not always, Scouts have warm colors, Conduits have cool colors, Kindred have pastels, and Cognizants have vibrant displays. Warrior Classes usually have “ugly” colors. Shapes are limited by the space on the throat, but over the next few centuries a wattle will maximize from beneath the chin to mid-breast utilizing the loose skin of the neck. From then, growth is especially slow.
Corda are to blame for many mythological and folklore creatures, but not all. Some modern creepypastas can also be attributed to Corda playing pranks on humans. Particularly, Conduits love to telepathically jam radios and similar wireless electronic communications and can be blamed for EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon). Additionally, Cor telepathy is separate from their physical voices, which are animalistic and incapable of human speech.
Corda can shapeshift into a form that appears how they were as humans and they do so to wander the surface world. Some prefer life in human areas while others are merely visiting. The shift event itself is difficult to pinpoint as each Cor seems to transform differently. Some shift with grotesque body horror, some seem to ripple the air around them, some become void black before reappearing – despite the options, all shifts take place remarkably quickly. Corda who hold their human form, colloquially referred to as their “human skin,” for too long (a week or more) begin to look progressively more uncanny (i.e. eyes too wide, mouth too wide, fingers too long). Corda who, regardless, are more comfortable and connected to their human skins and shift often tend to have their human features grow at a normal rate: most notably fingernail and hair growth. A Cor who goes to the surface weekly will need regular haircuts compared to a Cor who has nearly abandoned their human skin and only uses it as an emergency, who would then have the same hair length as XYZ years it was last utilized. Shifted Corda are still beholden to using telepathy to speak, as their vocal cords do not change to provide human voices. Finally, Corda are fully capable of partial shifts in which only some of their bodies change and seem to prefer doing so to their ears and teeth.
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healthcaretipsandinfo · 2 months
Optimising Your Care with Online Super Specialty Pharmacy Services
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In today's hustle-bustle world, shouldn't managing your health be as easy as ordering your favourite food? 
Online super speciality pharmacies have emerged as the ultimate game-changer in healthcare, offering a streamlined way to access critical medications like anticancer treatments and kidney disease medicines. These platforms, exemplified by MrMed, are not just transforming healthcare; they're setting a new standard. Imagine getting your medications delivered to your doorstep with the same ease as ordering your groceries online.
Whether you're dealing with a chronic condition or need urgent medication, these pharmacies ensure that essential treatments are always within reach. It's healthcare tailored to your schedule, your needs, and your peace of mind. Explore how platforms like MrMed are reshaping the healthcare landscape, providing not only convenience but also personalised care and reliable service to patients around the globe. 
Why Choose Online Super Specialty Pharmacies?
The allure of online super speciality pharmacies lies in their convenience. No more waiting in long pharmacy lines or rushing to buy medicines before closing time. With just a few clicks, people can order their medicines from the comfort of their homes or offices. This accessibility ensures that vital treatments are never out of reach, catering to the needs of individuals managing chronic conditions or requiring urgent medications.
How Do Online Super Specialty Pharmacies Work?
The process is simple yet effective. Patients start by submitting their prescriptions through the online platform. Pharmacists then verify and prepare the medications for delivery. Through advanced technology and secure systems, these pharmacies ensure that every step, from prescription submission to doorstep delivery, is seamless and efficient. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also enhances medication adherence by eliminating barriers to access.
What Medications Are Available?
Online super speciality pharmacies offer a comprehensive range of medications tailored to specific health needs. Whether you're seeking targeted therapies for cancer treatment or medications to manage complex conditions like kidney disease, these platforms provide access to high-quality, FDA-approved drugs. Patients can rest assured knowing that their health needs are met with medications that adhere to stringent safety and efficacy standards.
Is It Safe to Order Medications Online?
Safety is paramount in healthcare, and online super speciality pharmacies prioritise patient well-being. They operate under strict regulatory guidelines, ensuring that medicines are sourced from reputable manufacturers and dispensed with accuracy and care. Additionally, these platforms employ secure payment methods and encrypted data transmission to protect patient information, providing peace of mind throughout the ordering and delivery process.
How Can Online Pharmacies Help with Medication Adherence?
Maintaining medication adherence is crucial for managing chronic conditions and achieving optimal health outcomes. Online super speciality pharmacies support adherence through innovative tools and services. Features such as automated refill reminders, personalised dosage schedules, and educational resources empower patients to stay on track with their treatment plans. By encouraging an active approach to managing health, these pharmacies contribute to improved patient outcomes and quality of life.
Q.1) Can I refill my prescription online?
A - Yes, online super speciality pharmacies offer convenient prescription refill services through their user-friendly platforms, ensuring continuity of care without the hassle of visiting a physical pharmacy.
Q.2) How quickly can I receive my medications?
A - Depending on location and shipping preferences, medications are typically delivered within a few days of ordering, ensuring timely access to essential treatments.
Q.3) What if I have questions about my medication?
A - Online pharmacies provide access to knowledgeable pharmacists who offer personalised consultations and guidance, addressing any concerns or questions patients may have about their prescribed medications.
Q.4) Can online pharmacies handle speciality medications?
A - Absolutely. Online super speciality pharmacies are equipped to handle a wide range of speciality medications, including those for rare diseases and complex conditions, ensuring access to vital treatments for all patients.
Q.5) Are online pharmacies cheaper than traditional pharmacies?
A - Online pharmacies frequently provide competitive prices and discounts on medications, offering a cost-effective choice for patients looking for affordable healthcare solutions.
Q.6) How secure are online pharmacy transactions?
A - Online super speciality pharmacies prioritise patient privacy and data security. They use encrypted communication channels and secure payment gateways to protect sensitive information during transactions.
Parting Words
Online super speciality pharmacies like MrMed are revolutionising healthcare delivery, offering a blend of convenience, personalised care, and technological innovation. By leveraging digital platforms to streamline access to specialised medications, these pharmacies empower patients to take control of their health management journey with confidence and ease. Whether you're navigating cancer treatments or managing chronic kidney disease, the accessibility and reliability of online pharmacy services ensure that your health needs are met promptly and efficiently.
Experience the future of healthcare today with online super speciality pharmacies. Explore the possibilities, enhance your health management, and embrace a new era of patient-centric care that prioritises your well-being.
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swatikhanduri · 8 months
Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet: Your Comprehensive Guide to Gentle Relief
In the realm of digestive health, Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet emerges as a trusted ally, offering effective relief from occasional constipation. This detailed guide unveils the nuances of Dulcoflex, covering its usage, benefits, potential side effects, and essential do's and don'ts for a well-informed approach to digestive wellness.
Understanding Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet:
1. Active Ingredient: Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet's active ingredient is Bisacodyl, a stimulant laxative that works by promoting bowel movements through increased intestinal muscle contractions.
2. Usage and Dosage:
Dulcoflex is commonly used to alleviate occasional constipation.
The typical dosage varies, but it is crucial to follow the specific instructions provided on the product packaging or as directed by a healthcare professional.
How to Use Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet:
Follow Instructions:
Adhere to the recommended dosage and administration guidelines provided by your healthcare provider or as indicated on the packaging.
Timing Matters:
Take Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet on an empty stomach to optimize its effectiveness. It typically takes 6 to 12 hours for the laxative effect to occur.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink an adequate amount of water to prevent dehydration, especially if you experience loose stools. Proper hydration supports the efficacy of the laxative.
Benefits of Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet:
1. Relief from Constipation:
Dulcoflex is designed to provide gentle and effective relief from occasional constipation, promoting regular bowel movements.
2. Predictable Onset:
The onset of action is typically within 6 to 12 hours, offering a predictable and timely response for those seeking relief.
Potential Side Effects:
1. Temporary Discomfort:
Mild abdominal discomfort or cramps may occur, especially during the initial use of Dulcoflex. These effects are usually temporary.
2. Dehydration Risk:
Excessive use or failure to stay hydrated may lead to dehydration. Ensure an adequate fluid intake to mitigate this risk.
Do's and Don'ts:
Follow recommended dosage instructions.
Take on an empty stomach for optimal results.
Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration.
Exceed recommended dosage without consulting a healthcare professional.
Use Dulcoflex as a long-term solution without medical guidance.
Rely solely on laxatives for digestive health—maintain a balanced diet with fiber-rich foods.
FAQs About Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet:
Q: Can Dulcoflex be used daily? A: Dulcoflex is not intended for daily, long-term use. Consult with a healthcare provider for a suitable regimen based on your specific needs.
Q: Are there alternatives to Dulcoflex for constipation relief? A: Yes, dietary changes, increased water intake, and lifestyle adjustments can complement or replace the use of laxatives. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
Q: Can I take Dulcoflex while pregnant or breastfeeding? A: Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult a healthcare provider before using Dulcoflex to ensure it is safe for their specific circumstances.
Dulcoflex Laxative Tablet, when used judiciously and in accordance with guidelines, stands as a reliable solution for occasional constipation. However, it is essential to approach its usage with awareness, understanding the do's and don'ts, and seeking professional guidance when necessary. Embrace digestive well-being with Dulcoflex—a gentle path to relief when occasional constipation arises.
Visit for more information :
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buykamagraonlineuk · 1 year
Buy Kamagra Online | Kamagra UK Next Day Delivery
In a fast-paced world, convenience is key. When it comes to addressing erectile dysfunction (ED), timely solutions matter. If you're seeking a seamless way to purchase Kamagra, an effective generic alternative to Viagra, this guide is here to help. Discover how you can buy Kamagra uk next day delivery , ensuring both convenience and discreetness.
Kamagra, a well-known generic version of Viagra, offers a cost-effective solution for ED. The great news is that you can now buy Kamagra online with next day delivery across the UK, making the process more convenient than ever. No more waiting in long pharmacy lines or dealing with awkward conversations. With Kamagra UK next day delivery, you can discreetly address your needs in a timely manner.
How Does Kamagra Work?
Before diving into the details of acquiring Kamagra, it's essential to understand how it works. Kamagra contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, which promotes increased blood flow to the penis. This enhanced blood flow helps in achieving and maintaining a firm erection, effectively countering the effects of ED. It's important to note that Kamagra, like Viagra, works when there is sexual stimulation.
Exploring Your Options: Buying Kamagra Online
The digital age has revolutionized the way we shop, and pharmaceuticals are no exception. Buying Kamagra online offers a level of convenience that traditional methods can't match. Here's how you can go about it:
1. Search for Trusted Online Pharmacies
Look for reputable online pharmacies that offer Kamagra. Ensure they are licensed, provide secure payment options, and have positive customer reviews.
2. Select Your Product and Dosage
Navigate through the options available and select the Kamagra product and dosage that suits your needs.
3. Add to Cart and Checkout
Add the chosen product to your cart and proceed to checkout. Here, you'll need to provide your delivery details and make the payment.
4. Choose Next Day Delivery
Opt for the next day delivery option to ensure you receive your Kamagra promptly.
5. Upload Prescription if Required
Some platforms may require a prescription. If so, upload a valid prescription for approval.
6. Confirmation and Tracking
After placing the order, you'll receive a confirmation along with tracking details. This allows you to monitor the delivery progress.
Advantages of Kamagra UK Next Day Delivery
The option of next day delivery for Kamagra in the UK comes with several advantages:
a. Convenience
The primary advantage is, of course, the convenience. No more waiting in lines or making multiple trips to the pharmacy.
b. Discreet Packaging
Reputable online pharmacies ensure that your Kamagra is delivered in discreet packaging, maintaining your privacy.
c. Timely Addressal of Needs
Whether you have spontaneous plans or simply want to address your ED concerns promptly, next day delivery has you covered.
d. Access to Information
Online platforms provide comprehensive information about the product, ensuring you make an informed decision.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Is Kamagra safe to use?
A: Yes, when taken as prescribed and purchased from a reputable source, Kamagra is safe to use. However, consult your doctor before starting any new medication.
Q: What dosages of Kamagra are available?
A: Kamagra is available in various dosages, including 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg. Your doctor can help determine the appropriate dosage for you.
Q: Are there any side effects of Kamagra?
A: Like any medication, Kamagra can have side effects. Common ones include headache, flushing, and indigestion. Consult your doctor if you experience any adverse effects.
Q: Can I take Kamagra with other medications?
A: It's important to inform your doctor about all medications you're taking to avoid potential interactions. Especially, nitrates and alpha-blockers should not be combined with Kamagra.
Q: How quickly does Kamagra work?
A: Kamagra typically starts working within 30 to 60 minutes after consumption, provided there is sexual stimulation.
Q: Is Kamagra only for men with severe ED?
A: Kamagra can be beneficial for men with varying degrees of ED. Consult your doctor to determine if Kamagra is right for you.
When it comes to addressing ED, timely and convenient solutions matter. Buying Kamagra online with next day delivery in the UK offers a hassle-free way to obtain the medication you need, without any unnecessary delays. Remember, consult your healthcare provider before starting any new medication, including Kamagra. Take advantage of the discreetness and ease that online platforms offer, ensuring a confident and comfortable approach to addressing your ED concerns.
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nancynoha · 1 year
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum: The Ultimate Solution for Beautiful Skin in Pakistan
Are you tired of dull, aging skin? Do you want a reliable solution to achieve a radiant and youthful complexion? Look no further than Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, the revolutionary skincare product taking Pakistan by storm. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the benefits, ingredients, and real-life experiences of using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum. Discover how this potent formula can transform your skin and restore your confidence. So, let's dive into the world of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum and unlock the secret to luminous skin!
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Skin Care Products in Pakistan: The Must-Have Beauty Essential
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is not just any skincare product; it is the ultimate beauty essential for individuals seeking a brighter, more youthful complexion. The product has gained immense popularity in Pakistan due to its exceptional results and outstanding customer reviews. By combining the power of natural ingredients and advanced scientific formulations, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum addresses multiple skin concerns, including whitening and anti-aging properties.
FAQs about Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Skin Care Products in Pakistan
Here are some frequently asked questions about Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, along with their detailed answers:
Q: What sets Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum apart from other skincare products in Pakistan?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum stands out from the competition due to its unique formulation and remarkable results. Unlike other products on the market, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum combines the power of natural ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants to deliver visible improvements in skin tone, texture, and overall radiance.
Q: How does Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum work?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum works by deeply penetrating the skin and targeting the underlying causes of skin discoloration and aging. Its active ingredients, such as Vitamin C, inhibit melanin production, reducing the appearance of dark spots and promoting a brighter complexion. Additionally, the serum stimulates collagen synthesis, resulting in firmer and more elastic skin, effectively reducing the signs of aging.
Q: Can Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum be used on all skin types?
Yes, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Its gentle yet effective formula ensures that even those with delicate skin can experience the benefits of this remarkable serum. However, it's always recommended to perform a patch test before incorporating any new product into your skincare routine.
Q: How long does it take to see results with Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum?
Results may vary depending on individual skin types and concerns. However, many users have reported visible improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. For optimal results, it is recommended to use Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum twice daily, morning and night, and follow a dedicated skincare regimen.
Q: Are there any side effects associated with using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is formulated with natural and safe ingredients, making it generally well-tolerated by most individuals. However, as with any skincare product, some users may experience mild sensitivity or irritation. If such reactions occur, it is advised to discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.
Q: Where can I purchase Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum in Pakistan?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum can be conveniently purchased from authorized retailers, leading pharmacies, and online platforms. To ensure authenticity and quality, it is recommended to purchase directly from the official website or authorized sellers.
The Power of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum: Ingredients that Transform Your Skin
The success of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum lies in its powerful blend of ingredients that work synergistically to deliver exceptional results. Let's explore the key components that make this serum a game-changer for your skin:
Vitamin C: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is enriched with Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. It also aids in collagen production, promoting a more youthful and plump complexion.
Hyaluronic Acid: This vital ingredient acts as a humectant, attracting and retaining moisture in the skin. By deeply hydrating the skin, hyaluronic acid helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a smoother and more supple complexion.
Niacinamide: Known for its anti-inflammatory and brightening properties, niacinamide helps even out skin tone, reduce redness, and improve the overall texture of the skin. It also helps strengthen the skin barrier, enhancing its resilience against environmental stressors.
Antioxidants: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is packed with antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. These antioxidants help combat the signs of aging, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion.
Real-Life Experiences: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Customer Reviews
To truly understand the impact of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, let's delve into the real-life experiences of individuals who have incorporated this product into their skincare routines:
Sarah M., a 35-year-old professional, shares, "I have always struggled with uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation. After using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum for just a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in my skin's radiance. The dark spots have visibly lightened, and my complexion looks more even and youthful. I can't recommend this serum enough!"
Ayesha K., a 45-year-old homemaker, says, "Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum has become my holy grail skincare product. Not only does it brighten my skin, but it also keeps it hydrated throughout the day. I love how my fine lines have diminished, and my skin feels plumper and more resilient. This serum has truly transformed my aging skin."
In conclusion, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is a revolutionary skincare product that offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking brighter, more youthful skin. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients, this serum addresses skin discoloration, dark spots, and signs of aging, revealing a radiant and rejuvenated complexion. Join the countless individuals in Pakistan who have unlocked the secret to beautiful skin with Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum. Experience the transformative power of this remarkable product and let your skin radiate with confidence!
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rightaidhomeopathy · 1 year
INDICATIONS: This homeopathic cough syrup works really well. This Cough Syrup and Tonic were created by the research division of Hahnemann Homoeo Pharmacy & Laboratory for those who have bronchitis, a cold, breathing issues, bronchial spasm, etc. It can also be used for chest pain, dry cough, whooping cough, and other conditions.
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DOSAGE: Take 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls, 3 to 4 times a day, or as your doctor instructs.
COMPOSITION: Each 5 ml. Contains: Aralia Racemosa Q 0.10ml., Belladonna Q 0.10ml., Bryonia Alba Q 0.10ml., Drosera Rotundifolia Q 0.10ml., Sassurea Lappa Q 0.05ml., Ipecacucanha Q 0.05ml., Justicia Adhatoda Q 0.10ml., Mentha Piperita Q 0.10ml., Ocimum Sanctum Q 0.05ml., Senega Q 0.05ml., Syrup Q.S. Colour Caramel Q.S Purified Water to 5 ml. Alcohol Content: 10. 36% v/v
For Catarrhal ailments of the upper airways, use bapi cough syrup. bronchitis, whooping cough, and rhinolaryngopharyngitis in all stages. An effective expectorant for bronchial asthma, phthisis-related coughing episodes, and chronic bronchitis.
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korjapan · 1 year
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So Barbara Bae, the "founder" of Open Arms, told me she uses Iope super rich cream (She has beautiful skin.) Someone said you can buy it at Artraum - trouble is, not so many around - and a couple I tried to find seemed not to exist. Not one to give up easily, I did locate one right across from Subway - near Jongno Tower. The lady said they do not do tax refund, but gave a 10% discount. The set I bought included a large and a "gift" of a smaller one... Then U thought of buying some more, so could give soje tiㄴSue and Mom. I tried to find the Artraum in Hongdae - no luck - (There was a 7-11 where it seemed to show up on Google Maps). Googled a bit, and it looked like also sold at Homeplus - (near the next subway station). What an ordeal there - but got another set, plus 2 nice gifts of samples, and tax refund. One of the gifts was the saje as what the lady at Artraum iffered INSTEAD of the smaller container of cream.o SCORE!! (I was determined because it us significantly more expensive on Amazon..)
Ordeal: No one at counter around 11:30 am. Person at next counter extremely 7nhelofuk, claiming no one would work there until after 1 pm - then proceeded to ignore me. Using the translation app, I asked someone else, who asked someone else, and he said someone would be there at 12:00. I waited a bit and went back, and there was someone there helping another customer. She was very nice -(and apparently she knew about me) - But, she told me just to go in the direction she pointed with the receipt to do the tax refund. I asked someone at a desk who had no idea - he sent me back in another direction..I saw a sign and a machine - and thought I verified it was the place to go when I asked at the nearby pharmacy counter. After scanning the passport, rexeipt, etc. it said the receipt was not tax refundable. I figured she did not give me the tax refund receipt (always separate when done at the cashier in other stores I've been to that have immediate cash refund). I went back to the counter and she was gohe. I asked another person, who called someone, and the nice woman from the counter came over. She walked me over to a different counter, the customer service counter, where the lady generated the tax refund receipt with the necessary Q code. Then she and I did the machine, and I THINK I should get refunded on my credit card. But if not, it wilk just be a lost cause to me. It was not much money, but I just did not want to leave "money on the table" when it was a matter of following through - and each step seemed l8ke it coyld be the last, but then it wasn't! "In for a penny..." (!!!)
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who womans clinic
Medical Abortions (The Abortion Pill) – Mifegymiso https://www.afro.who.int/countries/burundi
The Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso (Mifepristone/Misoprostol) was approved in Canada in July of 2015. The Abortion Pill has been successfully and safely used in Europe since 1988.
Abortion with the Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso is an alternative method for ending an early pregnancy up to 63 days. Taking the Abortion Pill DOES NOT involve a surgical procedure or sedation.
The pill also allows a woman to have an abortion in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
The way that Mifepristone works – is by blocking the hormone progesterone, a hormone naturally needed by the body to maintain an early pregnancy. It causes an early pregnancy to stop growing and detach from the uterine wall.
The Abortion Pill works naturally by ending an early pregnancy, similar to an early miscarriage. Another hormone – prostaglandin, has to be taken 2 days after Mifepristone to assure expulsion of the gestational sac.
95% of women choosing the pill require only one appointment in our clinic.
A follow-up blood test to measure whether the pill was successful or not is done at a local lab. https://www.afro.who.int/countries/burundi
Once we have received your results and assess them, we will follow up with you over the phone.
You cannot buy the abortion pill online or through a pharmacy. Only specially trained doctors in abortion care can purchase and dispense Mifegymiso (The Abortion Pill).
Our clinic doctors and nurses are specially trained in abortion care and we have superior knowledge and many years of experience.
 The Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso) is a three-step process:
Step 1:
On the first day, you will take the first medication Mifepristone. Mifepristone will destabilize the lining of your uterus and end the pregnancy. You cannot reverse the effects of the medication once you take it.
Step 2:
The second day of 4 pills, Misoprostol, are taken at home, 24-48 hours later. Misoprostol tablets cause the uterus to contract and evacuate the pregnancy naturally.
Step 3:
The follow up is blood work that is done at a local lab (ex: Dynacare or Lifelabs) to measure whether the pill was successful or not.
The Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso) is up to 95-98% effective. If the Abortion Pill is not successful, an aspiration procedure (D&C) will be necessary to evacuate the pregnancy.
Medical Abortion (The Abortion Pill) – FAQ
Q: How long does it take for the process to be completed?
You will need at least 1 visit. Some women may require 2-3 visits. 95% of patients doing a medical abortion using Mifepristone will be completed in the first week. Bleeding usually starts within 30 minutes to 3-4 hours after using the Misoprostol and may be heavy for 4-8 hours. You may continue to have some bleeding or spotting for a few weeks. There is a 5% chance of a delayed reaction. This does not mean you need surgery but does make the process take longer as you may require more medication and time to pass the tissue.
Q: Can the abortion pill fail?
There is a 3-5% failure rate with this medication and if they have failed to induce an abortion it is recommended that you return to the clinic for uterine aspiration to complete the procedure as the medication is known to cause fetal demise.
First week: 95% are completed
1% will fail after 1 week and need aspiration abortion
2% will require aspiration because of heavy bleeding
2% will wait longer for the bleeding; could be up to 4 weeks
Q: Do I Qualify for Medical Abortion with the Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso)?
In order to have a medical abortion by using the Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso, you must be no more than 63 days from the first day of your last menstrual period. We will do an ultrasound in our clinic to confirm that you are early enough into pregnancy to take the Abortion Pill. We also will review your medical history to be sure you medically qualify for an abortion with the Abortion Pill, Mifegymiso. You must speak and read English well.
Advantages of the Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso)
Your significant other or family member can be with you during the entire process. Many women appreciate having loved ones when a miscarriage occurs. It can be performed up to 63 days of the first day of the last menstrual cycle. It does not require a surgical procedure.
Common Side effect of the Mifepristone
*Side effects may include – mild gastrointestinal (stomach) upset nausea; diarrhea; headache; fever and chills or occasional spotting or bleeding.
Common Side effect of Misoprostol
*Abdominal cramping, mild fevers, and mild gastrointestinal (stomach) upset.
*Bleeding usually follows the cramping and can be heavier than usual for several hours. The bleeding then tapers off to light bleeding like a period.
Side effects are typically mild and tolerable, usually lasting a couple of hours but in some cases may last up to a few days. You will be prescribed pain medication and anti-nausea medications to be taken as needed to minimize discomfort.
Q: What I should expect to see after taking the Abortion Pill (Mifepristone and Misoprostol)?
Usually when early in the pregnancy there is no visible embryo. You may experience a heavier period, with some tiny cells that you cannot see, and some tissue lining (like normal shedding as experienced with a heavier period).
Q: Do I need to miss work/school?
One of the advantages is that you can plan when taking the Abortion Pill is convenient. Once you take the second set of pills, the miscarriage usually happens within 45 min. In this case, you don’t have to miss work or school. However, there are some uncommon instances where the miscarriage is delayed and it does not begin for several hours after taking the second set of pills. In this case, where the bleeding is delayed, we recommend that you stay home until the miscarriage takes place.
Q: Do you have translators?
No. Unfortunately, we receive no government funding for counseling, medication, or translation. The patient should be fluent in English in order to receive the pill.
To make an appointment to have a Medical Abortion please fill out the following form
Medical Abortion Booking Form
For more information regarding The Abortion Pill. https://www.afro.who.int/countries/burundi
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phantomtutor · 2 years
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