#but i would imagine both of them ending up with the family pantoran tattoos
itstimeforstarwars · 10 months
How about a doodle of Myles and Derry when they were kids?
Here we are!
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Derry had a (first) date, but Throckmorton broke their arm while spaceboarding so now the sibling who was supposed to babysit Myles is taking Throckmorton to the doctor, and Derry has to stay home with Myles.
They'll end up playing Bounty Hunter together and then watching a movie and stealing all the good bangcorn that Throckmorton keeps in their room.
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deathsficbin · 4 years
Foxiyo Week; Routine
First off, thank you @foxiyoweek for hosting Foxiyo week. It will be a lovely way to end a rather disappointing year. I’m hoping to participate in all days but knowing my schedule I’ll be lucky to manage more than one or two. 
I sort of took today’s prompt a bit literally? Apparently a certain Coruscant Guard Commander sets his entire morning routine on seeing a certain Pantoran Senator. Its still what I call unpolished but I wanted it down on the day of, so I’ll fix it all up and tweak it before I post it on AO3 here in a week or so.
Rated T  
Set on Ten
The alarm is sudden. Loud and jarring in the dark room.
Its one of the newer popular songs. A consistent thumping beat that grates on the nerves and sends him scurrying out of his bunk in an effort to shut it off before it becomes stuck in his head for the coming day. Thats happened before. Its not a bad song. Not exactly his taste in music but she likes it and Thorn is not afraid to use that leaked knowledge for blackmail or apparently for sneaking into rooms and resetting the alarm.
One of the perks to being Commander of the Coruscant Guard is a private fresher. Its not large. It can't even be boasted as acceptable in size. The sink takes four minutes to drain and the shower is always a balmy 10 degrees celsius. The drain is directly in front of the toilet so one basically has to straddle the permacrete while washing.
Its nothing like the freshers belonging to Senators but even so the boys on the frontline would be jealous.
He shaves under the spray and runs a comb through his hair before stepping out. It will need to be cut soon. He used to keep it trimmed short and tight. Perfectly up to regulation standards but she likes it longer and he likes it when she runs her fingers through it.
So longer it stays.
He's a soldier. Through and through. Bred, born, and raised. So he sticks to his rules, his regulations and his routines. Next is tidying up. Make the bed, neat and tight enough to bounce a credit. Then he cleans his armor. Polished and gleaming, touching up the paint if need be. Afterwards he sends yesterday's blacks to the laundry tube. Bedsheets will go tomorrow, per regulations. He'll have to smuggle the purple blanket out to an offsite laundry hovel to be cleaned. It is definitely not up to regulations and to send it down the tube would be to lose it forever. Something he's not willing to do.
It was a gift and lavender is his favorite color after all.
Breakfast. Six ration cubes, arranged in perfect symmetry, gray-brown in color and chalky in taste and texture. Some of the men crush it and mix it into a paste but he doesn't see the point. It tastes bad no matter the method. He swallows them quickly. Two bites each, chew well and chase with a mouthful of water. Its not the first time he misses those rare breakfasts elsewhere. With real caf, tea, fruit, cereals, flatcakes, freshly baked breads, sweet pastries and fried nerf steaks. She always leaves the heavier options for him, stating that she prefers a lighter breakfast but he knows she just likes seeing him eat something other than the cubes issued by the GAR. He imagines the last cube is the carved out heart of a shuura.
The taste truly ruins it.
Its probably the worst part of his morning. Spending time standing outside, inspecting the troops. Thire, Thorn, and Stone do the actual inspections. He's just around to take muster, yell at shinies, and watch the visiting legions take their own inspections in the courtyard over. Its the 104th today. Commander Wolffe looks as bored as he feels and he wonders how much his fellow Commander itches to return to the frontlines. He used to want it himself. But then he'd have to leave her behind and even the threat of daily inspections couldn't make it worth that.
Besides, with his luck he'd get stuck with someone like Skywalker. And one look at the 501st's exhausted Captain is enough to ward anyone off.
Next is paperwork. Reports from the late shift have to be gone over. Requisition forms have to be signed off. Squads have to be assigned and special requests have to be sorted and either signed or denied. Special orders from the Chancellor are at the top of his pile and subsequent Senators begging for the Coruscant Guard's protection are stuffed underneath. He skims through them, searching for her name.
He's both disappointed and relieved to find it absent.
He takes his job seriously. No other Commander of the Coruscant Guard will volunteer to make rounds in the Senate Executive Building with the new batch of shinies. Thorn raises his eyebrow when he announces he'll be taking them over the fifth and sixth floors so he sends the resident asshole a rude gesture before he ushers the new batch out the door. So what if the sixth floor is where the office of the Pantoran Assembly members are? That's no one's business but his. 
Nor is it anyone else's business to remind him how much he actually hates shinies. He's on his fourth lecture before they've even gotten halfway through the fifth floor. He's fairly certain the Nautolan senator they passed will remember to never ever lock his weapon while around civvies. Whether or not the shiny remembers is up for debate. Either way both of them now harbor a healthy amount of fear of him. Expected of the shiny. A pleasant side effect of the senator being within hearing range.
They're getting close and he's getting antsy. Ten o'clock standard is when she leaves her office to join the Chairman for brunch. He still doesn't quite understand the appeal of "brunch" but she promised to show him sometime and he hopes that day will be soon. Not today of course. Today he has five shinies to babysit but a quick glance is all he needs. Its all he needs to start every day. He hurries the shinies along, glaring at the red haired one when he stumbles onto the elevator. Its probably his fault. He's hurrying them and anyone can trip but a member of the Coruscant Guard must always be put together. Always up to standard.
A glare should be enough.
The elevator door opens to a busy hall. Its not crowded but Senators move back and forth on their way to their respective tasks. Most, he knows, have just woken up. He wonders what it would be like to sleep past eight o'clock. She promised to show him that too someday. He marches his shinies up the hall, making them pointing out possible breech points and the hidden weapon storage next to the door of the Alderaani senator. He's not actually watching any of it of course, his gaze is locked on the door twenty paces up and to the left. Any second it should open.
Any second and he'll see her.
He can hear the door open from down the hall and his breath catches when she steps out.
Riyo Chuchi stands in all her glorious beauty. The traditional yellow markings of her face stand out boldly against her perfect blue skin. Soft lavender hair is held up by a traditional Pantoran headdress. The two sections frame her lovely blue face perfectly. The gold of her head pieces accentuating her piercing eyes and bright yellow family tattoos. She's dressed in a simple red dress today. Long billowing sleeves with the back cut out and the edges trimmed in swirling gold. He loves it when she's not done up in all the frills and swills of the rich aristocracy. Unlike the Nabooian senator walking with her. That one is a walking speederwreck of color and fabric. He's not entirely sure what's her body and what's padding and pleats. Its not until she turns from speaking with her companion that she sees him.
And oh the beauty of her smile.
They do this every morning. He drags himself along until ten o'clock sharp when he always somehow manages to find himself standing in that hallway, waiting to see her beautiful smile. The same smile that gets him through every day. He might be able to meet with her later. He might not. But if nothing else, the familiarity of their morning routine is enough to get him through his day.
She's always enough.
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