#but i'm at home for the weekend and everyone is at my step-brother's football game so i'm gonna try to hammer out some replies and starters.
toomuchracket · 1 year
how about matty convincing d word girlie going to a football match with her?? (Maybe she doesn’t really like football that much, or even at all, idk?)
HA yeah ok so you and matty go for a little long weekend up the north-east to visit some of his family, and newcastle are playing at home on the saturday and before you go tim phones to say he's got tickets for all of you - you included. matty giggles when he tells you this, because any time he talks about football or watches it in the house your eyes just glaze over out of disinterest, despite your best efforts to pay attention, and he knows you'll wince at the thought of actually going to a match; you do, but quickly plaster on a hesitant smile and say "ok", and matty's like "you'll go? really?", and you're like "... yes. it would make you really happy, wouldn't it?", and matty kisses your head and says "it would, darlin', it would mean a lot to me if you were there", and you're like "so it's settled. i will go to the football". and matty's like "can you say that again? i need to film it and send it to your dad so he'll believe me when i tell him" - you point at him like "don't fucking push it, matthew", and matty laughs and takes your face in his hands to kiss you like "sorry, baby. thank you for doing this. i love you. it'll be fun", to which you're like "i love you too, and that's the only reason i'm ACTUALLY doing it. and i guess seeing your family will be fun, at least, lol". but as the weekend gets closer, you do actually start to get excited, just because matty's so hyped about taking his girl to see his team lmao (he is such a boy). he's like "try on one of my football tops to see if it fits, and you can wear it to the game. that would be cute", and you're a bit 😐 about the idea; that is, until you pull one of the black and white tops over your underwear and step into the living room to show matty, and he reacts by... literally pulling one of the sofa cushions over his lap and breathing heavily. your jaw drops like "babe you did not just get hard at the sight of me in a newcastle united shirt lmaoooooooo. it's that easy? wow", and matty groans into his hands like "shut up how else am i meant to react? the most beautiful woman on the planet, my beloved girlfriend, in MY football top? this is teenage wet dream material, sweetheart" - you go over to kiss him and say "well, if we have sex now with me wearing it, will that make it better or worse?", and matty thinks for a second like "better. i'll get it out of my system" lol.
and he's right, actually - a week later, when you appear in his cousin's kitchen with the same shirt visible under your coat, all matty thinks of is how cute you look lmao (but he does smirk a little bit when everyone says how sweet you are for wearing it, considering you did some arguably non-sweet things to him in it before lol). the actual day itself is quite nice; you all go for food and a couple of drinks before the game, during which you literally just share really cringe anecdotes about matty with his dad and brother, and then matty takes 948482 pics of you outside st james' park (and makes one his lockscreen) before you go in. he hugs you tightly before the game starts like "this is really special to me, sweetheart, thank you for doing this", and you're like "it's chill i actually am having fun lol". he stays holding you through the start of the game, too, because it's chilly, but pulls back to look at you in bewilderment when you hum along to the local hero theme as the players come onto the pitch; you're like "what? i've seen the film. it's good. so is the tune", and matty kisses you quickly like "you never fail to amaze me, honestly". anyway, the first half of the game is... kinda boring? nobody scores, there's not a lot of action, and the most exciting thing is you nearly burning your tongue on a bovril at half-time lol. it picks up in the second half, though - you spend the first few goal attempts looking and smiling at matty getting really into it, because he's so cute and animated, but then the tables turn and you catch him grinning at you when you swear at a near miss from newcastle. when they finally do score, you both cheer, and matty gets so hyped that he picks you up - well, he tries to, in the limited space between rows of seats lol. you have to ask him to clarify ref decisions at bits (fuck if i know what constitutes a yellow card btw), which he RELISHES doing, explaining them and kissing your cheek when you're like "ok cool. i see". in the end, newcastle win, and when the home support stands go into joyous uproar you're a part of it, hugging matty and tim and all the rest of the family as if you were an avid fan lmao; matty also probably tries to fully make out with you in excitement and just general happiness that you're with him, which you indulge in briefly before being like "come on, we need to move now so the people behind us can get out lol". but you continue the making out in the smoking area of the pub you all pile into to celebrate the win, matty like "this has been one of my favourite days ever, sweetheart. i'm so grateful for you, and even more in love with you, honestly" - you're like "i love you! and i really have enjoyed myself. don't think i could do it every week, in fairness, but i had fun. thanks for bringing me, baby". and matty's like "anytime, darlin'. and feel free to borrow the top anytime, too. in fact, i'd encourage it" lol <3
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flunkedwritten-blog · 6 years
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godlygreta · 3 years
Hi friend, I love your writing!
I’m really struggling lately, my Brother died last year and his one year anniversary of his death is coming up, could you write a fluffy fic on how Josh would possibly handle their significant other grieving a sibling? I just need some fluff right now. Life is really throwing hands…lol
Thank you so much friend
hi, angel ! i'm so sorry to hear about your brother. i really hope this helps with your process. please remember to be patient with yourself and feel all the things you need to. take care of yourself and make sure your needs are met. we love and support everyone on this blog. do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone (this goes for everyone, not just this sweet anon). we take care of each other, that's what this peaceful army does.
title | blueberry pancakes
summary | based off of this ask, josh comforts the reader in her time of need.
warnings | mentions of death, nudity, not taking care of ones self.
word count | 1.5k
November had never been nice to you. As the years passed, November always had something wicked up its sleeve. One year, your family dog passed away. A heart condition snuck up behind your beloved chocolate lab, quiet and nimble. A few years passed and death greeted you like an old friend, your grandfather finally succumbing to old age. Another year and it forced your best friend to move states, almost halfway across the country.
The latest trick was almost two years ago now. The sweet kiss of death welcomed your brother, a car accident. It had been late, he was driving back home from a friend’s house after watching a football game and he swerved avoiding the deer that inevitably jumped in front of him, his car wrapping around a tree. Your parents had been thankful that the flu kept you home, but almost every day since then you silently wished you would’ve been with him. Your heart became vacant, emotions dulled so much to the point where you felt nothing.
When you met Josh, he was like a breath of fresh air, the sun had finally stepped out from behind the clouds. You had found solace and comfort within the four walls of his apartment and his two arms. You never told him about your brother. You kept that locked behind the heavily protected walls of your heart. It wasn’t because you didn’t trust him. You did, with your entire heart. You just wanted to be Y/N, not the girl who was still grieving her brother.
He figured something was wrong when you hadn’t answered his texts in two days. He got increasingly more worried when you didn’t answer for four. On the fifth day, he let himself into your apartment with the key you gave him six months into dating. He knocked on your bedroom door, walking in to find you laying in your bed, facing the window. “Y/N?”
He waved to your side, sitting in an open spot on the bed next to where you were laying. Your cheeks were damp, as was your pillow. You didn’t mean for it to get this bad this time. You knew that things would get better eventually, you had to let yourself feel the things you were feeling. You had to be patient with yourself. Your eyes flickered up to Josh, wanting to pull the covers over your head, but you had no strength.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? How long have you been in bed like this?”
“What day is it?” You ask weakly, letting him pull back your comforter.
“It’s Friday, it’s the weekend, love.” It was Friday already? “How long have you been here?”
“Since Monday.” Your voice was hoarse, you were embarrassed for him to see you like this. It had never gotten this bad before. Anytime you even started to miss your brother, you found a way to excuse yourself for a few minutes and cry. You’d collect yourself and go right back to hanging out with Josh, doing whatever it is the two of you were in the middle of doing.
“Can you tell me why? I want to help you.” He helped you sit up, putting your back flesh against the headboard. You swallowed thickly, a lump forming in your throat so easy. You had finally stopped crying about an hour before Josh came in. Now here you were, starting to cry again.
“Two years ago on Sunday, my brother died in a car accident.” That was all you had to say. Josh pulled you against his chest, letting you sob into his sweatshirt. You clutched tightly onto the fabric of his sweatshirt, your head beginning to throb. Josh’s arms wrapped around you so tightly, you almost let him crush you.
“Just let it out, love. When you calm down enough, I’m gonna make you some tea and run you a bath, okay?” You nodded against him, letting him run his fingers through your hair. You wanted to swat his hands away, knowing the state of your hair. When you had calmed down enough, Josh led you through your apartment, helping you sit on the toilet seat while he ran the water. He made sure it was warm enough to keep you warm while he went to make you tea.
He helped you undress, taking his time with every article of clothing that came off. You wanted to cover yourself up, having not been naked in front of him yet. He kissed the tops of both of your hands, whispering to you. “You will never understand how beautiful I think you are. You are so amazing, so strong, okay? I will always be here to take care of you, mama. Til the end of time.”
Your lip quivered when his lips touched your forehead. You used his hands to steady yourself, getting ready to get into the bath. As soon as you were comfortably sitting in the bath, knees drawn to your chest, Josh left to go boil some water. He already knew what kind of tea was your favorite, the many bags of jasmine tea littered your cabinets. He pulled the honey out of the fridge, hearing the water begin to hiss.
He set the cup on the edge of the bathtub, “It’s really hot, so give it a second. Can I run some water through your hair – wash it for you?”
“Please.” You let him use an empty cup he got from the kitchen that he had brought with your tea. The water was warm as it soaked into your hair, falling down your back. You kept your eyes closed as Josh made sure that your entire scalp was saturated. He helped you take a sip of your tea, humming in appreciation at the way it felt going down your throat.
“Gonna shampoo it now, mama.” The way Josh’s fingers felt against your scalp was heavenly. His fingers worked to make sure that every inch of your scalp was clean, even if that meant shampooing your hair twice. He used one hand to block the water from running into your face, the soap falling down your back instead of into your eyes. When he had stopped, grabbing some of your conditioner into his hands, you looked over at him.
He gave you a smile, kissing the tip of your nose before running the conditioner through your ends. You chewed on your lip. Everything he had done today was more than you were ever expecting. In your heart, you knew Josh didn’t look at you differently. He saw you as the same Y/N you were when the two of you had met last December. All of the emotions you were feeling – half of them due to the anniversary of your brother’s passing, half being thanks to Josh’s sweetness. You let words slip you barely used, “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too, mama. So very much.” His eyes teared up, knowing how much you truly meant it. Although you had said it to him before, this time was more important. The love and appreciation you had for him dripped with every word. “Let’s finish cleaning you up and I’ll put new sheets on your bed. Then head back to bed alright?”
“Okay.” You let Josh run a soapy washcloth over your body, his hands gentle. Not gentle in the sense that you were going to break if he pressed even a hair harder than he currently was, but gentle in the way that he wanted you to feel how much he loved you. And you did. He kissed your cheek every chance he could, occasionally kissing the skin of your shoulder.
He left you to your own devices in the bathtub as he switched your sheets over, not bothering to make the bed before coming to get you. He grabbed a towel, tucking it underneath his armpit as he helped you out of the bath. He wrapped it around you, giving you another bone crushing hug. You walked with your hands gripping the edges of the towel, making Josh carry your tea to the bedroom with you two.
“I’ll pick out some shorts for you to wear. You can have my sweatshirt.” He pulled out a pair of underwear for you, including some of the pajama shorts that were in the middle drawer of your dresser. He helped you step into them, pulling them up until they were snug against your waist. He removed his sweatshirt, exposing the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath it. He looked to you after fully removing it, “Arms up.”
The sweatshirt was just as warm as Josh was. You pulled it closer to your body, looking up at Josh and wrapping your arms around his waist. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this all means to me.”
“Of course, Y/N. You don’t need to thank me. Tomorrow morning I’m gonna make you the biggest breakfast. What kind of breakfast foods did your brother like? Was he a pancake kind of guy?” He asked, getting the two of you settled underneath the covers. He pulled up Netflix, looking for something for the two of you to eventually fall asleep to.
“Blueberry pancakes were his favorite.”
“Blueberry pancakes it is.”
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
This is Cody Posey. Cody murdered his entire family when he was 14 years old; a few years later, at age 21, he was released back into society.
Cody had been living on a ranch in Hondo, New Mexico with his father, Delbert "Paul" Posey, his step-mother, Tryone, and his step-sister, 13 year old Marilea Schmid. From day one Cody's life had been troubled; two electricians would later recall doing some work for Paul when Cody was approximately 18 months old; apparently baby Cody did something which his father didn't appreciate, and Paul took his belt off. The electricians claim they had to physically pull the man off of this baby. Cody's biological mother, Carla Burst, couldn't deal with the abuse, she left Paul pretty early on. A bitter custody battle which stretched out over the years ensued; Carla finally gained full custody after Cody was beaten black and blue with a board by his father. The boy was thrilled to be with his Mama, but tragically Cody's happiness would only last a few months; there was a roll over car wreck which took the life of Carla Burst. Cody begged and pleaded not to be placed with his father, but that's precisely where he was sent.
From here on out Cody was abused each and every single day. The boy was beaten and forced to work 7 days a week on the ranch, from dawn to dusk, often without any food at all. But simple beatings and work wasn't the worst of it, Paul was sadistic bastard; he used an electric cattle prod on his son, beat the child with a lasso, dragged him behind a horse, and this is only some of the physical abuse in which this child withstood! Sadly Paul's wife, Tryone, was no better, and even Cody's stepsister was recruited to join in on the abuse; Marilea was rewarded for telling her parents whenever Cody did something his father wouldn't approve of. Even at school Cody could find no solace; he was watched like a hawk by his perfect stepsister who was just slightly younger than him, and beaten for every and any little thing. For Cody there were no buddies to hang out with, no football teams to cheer for, no days spent riding around on his bicycle, no little girlfriends to crush on. Cody was nothing more than an unpaid ranch hand and his father's whipping boy, and that's it. Well, I say unpaid, but that's not completely true: Cody was allowed ten dollars per month. Paul cashed the monthly SSI checks which Cody received from his mother's death, yet the boy reportedly worked every single day for months with holes in his boots until he could save enough allowance to purchase a new pair of work boots! Yes, child protective services was called several times throughout the years (I read somewhere that the abuse was reported 7 times!) but nothing was ever done; it's just one of those cases where everyone dropped the ball.
All of this went on for years, and maybe the teen never would've retaliated but Tryone and Paul finally pushed the boy too damn far. You know that old saying: There's only so many times you can kick a dog before he bites back? Cody finally bit back. On the evening before of the murders, 4th of July in 2004, Cody claims he was called to his parent's bedroom; when he walked in to see what was required of him, Cody found his stepmother, Tyrone, laying completely naked in her bed. Paul ordered that Cody be intimate with Tryone while he watched, and his nude stepmother attempted to pull the teen to her chest. When Cody refused, his father burnt him on the shoulder with a scrap of metal and a torch! The teen bit Tryone, an act for which Cody was burnt by his father once again. He somehow managed to get away from the situation, the teenager ran to his bedroom where he claims to have cowered in fear the rest of the night. Paul and Tryone had been abusing this young man for years; they'd beaten, tortured, isolated, starved, and humiliated him, but they would not sexually abuse him. In the morning Cody went out to perform his usual duties which included cleaning out the horse stalls. He wasn't performing this "chore" quickly enough, and his father slapped him; Cody later testified that this was when "I more or less lost my mind", it's thought that the teen likely dissociated. Cody grabbed a .38 Special out of his sister's saddlebag, went into the house, and walked up behind his step mother who was nestled up on the couch with a book; the teenager blew a couple of holes through his female abuser's skull. When his father and step sister heard the gun blasts they immediately ran to see what was the matter; the teen shot Paul, then he turned the gun on his sister. How could he leave Marilea alive when it had been her job in life to tattle on him for everything? When his family was dead, the teen loaded the bodies up in a backhoe, dumped them in a ravine, then covered them up with piles of manure. That right there says a whole heck of a lot about the way Cody felt, doesn't it? He physically buried his family in actual crap! Afterwords the teen discarded the murder weapon in a local body of water, drove his murdered father's vehicle to the store for a bottle of Sprite, then he went off to stay with a buddy until his arrest.
So the ranch was owned by a well known local reporter named Sam Donaldson, and by the 6th of July Sam had grown concerned. Paul had been strangely silent, so Sam and his wife decided to drive out to the property and see what was going on. Though Cody had buried the bodies in a crappy shallow grave, he hadn't even attempted to clean up any of the blood or gore; after walking into the home Sam called police. Cody was promptly arrested and charged with triple homicide, crimes to which he quickly confessed; the three corpses were soon recovered.
Much of the abuse in which Cody had survived came out during trial; literally dozens of witnesses testified on the teenagers behalf. A ranch hand named Isabel Vasquez testified to having seen Paul hit Cody in the stomach and shoulder with a pipe for no reason whatsoever, he had watched Paul strike the teen with rocks the size of golf balls, and in the photo I'm enclosing Isabel is demonstrating how Paul used a large metal hook to punish Cody for not moving bales of hay quickly enough.
The physical and emotional abuse was backed up by many witnesses, but of course nobody had been around during the attempted sexual abuse. That said, there's evidence which points towards it being the truth: during the investigation police discovered incestuous pornography on Paul's personal computer. This type of porn, much of it parent/child incest, had often been frequented while Cody and his sister were at school.
Sandy Schmid was Paul's second wife; the two had been married for 5 years while Cody was little. Sandy testified that Paul had always been abusive, and while she was living in the home she had done her very best to protect her stepson from his father's wrath. Sandy also stated that Paul had always had a strange obsession with incest porn. Nearly everyone begged the judge to have mercy on this young man, including the biological father of Cody's murdered stepsister; Marilea's dad, Jake Schmid testified on his daughter's killers behalf! It's a strange situation though, because Jake knew Cody pretty well; Jake had married Paul's second wife, Sandy, so when Jake would pick up Marilea for weekend visits, Cody would come with and spend time with the stepmother. Jake stated on the stand that he had always believed Paul to be abusive towards Cody, that he'd seen fear in the boy's eyes more than once when it was time to go home; Marilea's father also said that he did not hold any ill will towards the young man for what he had done, he felt nothing but empathy for his daughter's killer.
Now not everyone felt sorry for the teenager; the state claimed that Cody's abuse was widely over exaggerated. Their case was that Cody had become angry after his father smacked him as punishment for not cleaning out the horse stalls quickly enough, and they submitted seemingly happy family photos as proof that there had been no ongoing abuse. One of the few witnesses for the prosecution was Verlin Posey, Paul's brother. Verlin claimed that he had never noticed any abuse, nor did he ever see any bruises on Cody. Verlin was seemingly pleased with the idea that his nephew would be spending his life in prison: "One lifetime in prison is a pretty small debt for three.".
Cody was convicted of 1st degree murder in the case of his stepsister, Marilea, 2nd degree murder for killing stepmother Tryone, and manslaughter in the case of his father, Paul. There were also 4 charges of evidence tampering; Cody was looking at life imprisonment. Apparently it was left up to the judge to decide whether the teen was sentenced as an adult or a youthful offender. After hearing all of the evidence in this case, the judge had mercy; Cody was sentenced to psychiatric treatment, and to remain in a juvenile facility until he turned 21 years of age.
In September of '06 a couple of Paul's relatives (I'm willing to bet it was his brother, Verlin) filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the creators of the video game Grand Theft Auto and Sony, among others. In a nutshell, they claimed that the teen had been trained to kill by the video game GTA.
While incarcerated the teen finished highschool and continued his education with college. On October 9th of 2010, which was Cody's 21st birthday, he was released; today he is free, and that's pretty much all we know. He's blending in somewhere, presumably living amongst us.
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*I usually *try* to leave my opinion at the door, so to speak, but it's not really possible in this case; this is one killer who I would not mind living next door to me. There is so much abuse which was witnessed by people, so much was left out of this article. They isolated and abused this kid in every way possible. Anyways, I hope Cody is faring well out there, and that adult life is kinder to him than childhood was. Everyone has their breaking point, right? Have you ever thought about it? What could drive you to murder?
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