#but i'm just happy that i wrote a short mckirk thingie
lenievi · 5 months
First TOS thingie written this year \o/ It was written as mckirk.
prompt: signal
Could be longer, but I really wanted to make it only one hundred words.
The signal isn’t coming.
Jim grips the fabric of his pants. “Come on, Bones.”
The planet visible on the viewscreen is blue like home. Even now, Jim feels the wave of longing, but it’s quickly drowned by dread and worry.
“Two minutes to the eruption,” Spock says, and Jim holds himself back from snapping.
McCoy’s still on the surface! Doesn’t Spock care?
Uhura’s urgent calls for “Doctor McCoy” are the only sound on the bridge.
“One minute.”
Jim stands, fists clenched, seeing nothing but blue.
A noise in the intercom. “Enterprise?” McCoy. “Three to beam up.”
Jim exhales in relief.
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