#but i'm still very sad about gally even if i understand it's the right call :(
the10thdoctor · 4 years
//holiday retail officially kicks into high gear at the store i work at tomorrow and boy i’m not ready for that especially since i lack the promise of gallifrey one/california at the end of it 🙃
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Eleven
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As the sun started to set I met Fry at his makeshift cooking area. We didn't want to actually build anything cause we were constantly on the move. So we set a small area up so Fry could work his magic every morning and night. It was nice to have his cooking again. Oddly enough his cooking made where ever we were at the time feel a little more like home.
"Where's Thomas and Newt?" I asked him as I came to stand next to him.
He handed me a few discolored and chipped plates. I sat them down in front of me.
"Back there" he nodded with his head as a smile spread across his face.
I looked back to see my brother and best friend sitting practically on top of each other. Their heads were close together as they had a whispered conversation. I smiled when I noticed their intertwined fingers resting on Thomas' lap.
"About damn time" I whispered turning back to Fry.
The boy next to me laughed.
"How long have you suspected that?" Fry asked me.
"Since the beginning" I chuckled.
I helped Fry finish up what he was doing. Once everything was done he told me to give the call.
"Grub is up everyone!" I shouted.
Everyone dropped what they were doing then made their way over to me and Fry. I helped him fill the plates with food then pass them out to everyone. Fry and I were the last to grab our plates then join the group around the fire. I sat next to Thomas with Fry on my other side.
"You two look very friendly." I whispered to Thomas.
He chuckled then shook his head.
"Very friendly" he said with a grin.
It had been only a few short weeks since we lost Minho, Aris, Sonja, and countless others. The atmosphere around what was left of us had slowly loosened. There was still some tension especially when we were in the middle of following a lead. I had spent most of the time staying busy. Whatever needed to be done I was doing it. From sorting supplies to helping Fry cook and serve the food. Fry had been the one person I'd spent most my time talking to. It was mostly just random conversations like what was happening in and around the camp. It was a nice way to spend the time. As long as I wasn't thinking about everything that had happened.
After everyone was finished eating we all pitched in to finish loading everything up. We were heading out at first light. Our goal was to get to some dock Vince had told us about. We'd been at it for weeks now. We were trying to move forward but track WCKD's movements at the same time. It was a struggle to keep up with them. There had been times we'd lost them completely only to find them again a few weeks later. Now was one of those moments. We'd lost track of them about a week ago. The four of us gladers that were left were the ones that tried to track all of WCKD's moves. Vince and the others worked on getting us closer to the safe haven.
"Let's hit our beds. First thing in the morning we'll get moving again." Vince ordered as everyone finished loading the trucks.
I met up with Harriet so we could go to our beds together. They were right next to each other. When I say "beds" I really mean sleeping bags or blankets either on the ground or in the trucks themselves.
"Any more leads?" Harriet asked as we got to our beds.
"Not yet but we are working on it. We'll find them." I told her softly.
She nodded then crawled under her blankets. I did the same hoping sleep would come quickly.
The next morning Harriet woke me up. We immediately rolled up our blankets then climbed into our assigned vehicles. I was obviously with my fellow gladers. Thomas was driving while Newt happily sat in the passenger seat. Fry and I had our guns loaded and ready in the back seat just in case they were needed.
We drove for hours from sun up to sundown. We rarely stopped only if it was absolutely needed. When we did, it was late into the night. Vince had as stop in an area we could easily hide the vehicles. We all ate quickly then got back in the trucks to sleep for a few hours.
When we did start moving again Newt had taken the driver seat while Thomas took the passenger seat next to him. Not long into the drive, I saw Newt reach over and grab Thomas' hand. They intertwined their fingers together then rested them on top of Thomas' thigh. It was so good to see those two actually moving forward with their relationship. As I watched Thomas rub his thumb against Newt's hand a sudden sadness came over me. It was one I hadn't felt in some time. I had been so busy with everything going on I hadn't let myself have the time to think. To think about Gally and how he could have been apart of all this.
I turned to stare out the window. I had to clear my head. I couldn't let myself get distracted by the past or what could have been. Gally was gone and I had to make my peace with that no matter how hard it might be. I had to keep moving.
"You alright?" Fry asked quietly.
"I'm fine," I told him in a sharp tone.
I didn't mean to say it like that. I glanced at Fry who had a knowing look on his face. These three boys had come to know me way too well. They could read me like an open book.
"I know you still miss him. I do too. He was my friend as well. You know you can talk to us about it. Maybe talking about it will help you move on." Fry said softly.
Thomas had turned in his seat to look at me. Newt glanced back in the mirror.
"I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine you guys." I said softly with a small smile.
Thomas chuckled.
"We know you're not fine Em. It's okay to not be fine. He meant a lot to you. I don't fully understand it but I didn't know him like you did." Thomas said with a smile.
"I don't think any of us knew him like she did." Newt joked.
Fry laughed.
"That's for sure. Did I ever tell you about the time I caught the two of them in the wash pool?" Fry asked leaning forward to talk to Newt.
I felt my face instantly heat up. I had totally forgotten about that! Newt laughed and shook his head.
"No you didn't." Newt said.
Fry laughed again.
"Fry!" I shouted as I slapped his shoulder.
"Remember the day Emi was all muddy?" Fry asked.
Newt laughed again.
"Oh yea I remember that day." Newt nodded.
My cheeks heated even more.
"Can we not please?" I begged them.
"That night I went to wash up and I caught the sight of her and him in the water. Things looked like they were getting pretty heated too till I said something." Fry laughed.
Newt and Thomas both laughed.
"I hate you guys." I grumbled.
"Did you ever figure out why she was covered in mud?" Newt asked Fry.
"Newt!" I shouted in disbelief.
"What? It's not like any of it needs to be a secret anymore." Newt laughed as he glanced back at me in the mirror.
"While the two of them were supposed to be getting mud they ended up making out for the first time. He had mud all over his hands which ended up all over Emi." Newt laughed at the memory.
I couldn't help but smile. I realized at that moment that every memory I had with Gally was so precious. Even the bad moments at the end. Every second I spent with him should be cherished and not buried in my memory.
"I never knew you two were so handsy!" Fry shouted with a fake look of disgust on his face.
I laughed at him as I slapped his arm playfully.
"Let's just say it was a good thing I had my private room in the homestead." I chuckled.
"Ew" Newt said making the other two boys laugh.
The laughter died but I continued to smile. I think reminiscing was exactly what I needed. It reminded me of all the happy moments. The moments I'd almost let myself forget.
"Thank you guys" I said softly.
Gally might be gone but I'll always remember him. I'll always have those moments that no one else knows about. The quiet words shared only between me and him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
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