#but i'm tired and can only think of one braincell kitty
thesimperiuscurse · 2 years
Can we get 3 + 4 for Mako and Eva in the ask thingy? :D
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03 — Animal 
Black Cat; This can be interpreted as the black jaguar, ruling the shadows yet destined walk the nights alone. Or the black house cat, elegant and imperious yet winding around the ankles of his favourites. 
04 — Mythical Creature 
Basilisk; The king of serpents. Feared even by other monsters. Tales whisper of Death summoned by a glance. 
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03 — Animal
Ina A Little Grey Cat; Rough-and-tumble and perhaps not the brightest, this house cat is incredibly cute and much beloved. 
04 — Mythical Creature
Mermaid; Divine femininity, born of the sea foam, the mermaid is a creature often depicted as wild but beautiful. She sings songs that can guide sailors to their salvation or doom. 
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