#thank you for sending ♥
whirling-fangs · 1 year
3 A, give him a knife!!
I’m so f&@#ing done expression meme
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oh my god why does he have a knife
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hwaflms · 4 months
i'm ngl i was reading happy now but fell asleep midway and had the craziest dream abt jaehyun (...pornstar!jh don't ask, but your thoughts are very welcome, if you'd so graciously provide them 🙏), thank you for this blessing of a fic, i'm gonna go back to finishing it :3
UR SO SWEET??? thank you sm i hope you enjoyed it :(
and omg anon ur on to smth with pornstar!jae i NEED to hear abt ur dream hold on……..,
im thinking about pornstar!jae who knows he’s got a huge cock and acts like it too. no one has ever made a single complaint about working with him because he’s just too good at what he does; he knows just how to use his mouth, knows all the right dirty little things to whisper in her ear, never cums first.
pornstar!jae who catches you watching his latest, and is surprised that innocent little you seems to be enjoying watching him fuck a woman senseless on a kitchen counter, blushing as you keep your volume low at sounds of their pleasure.
pornstar!jae who jerked off to the thought for the first time in a long while, picturing your hand stuffed in your panties while you touched yourself to him, wishing it was you underneath him instead. being the little shit he is, he makes a number of allusions to the incident, driving you mad because you’re not sure whether he knows or not.
pornstar!jae who finally confesses he wants to fuck you in the most casual manner, stroking your bright red cheek with a thumb slowly. you can only imagine his surprise when you shyly ask whether you can make a lil movie out of it, all his thoughts shooting straight down to his cock.
pornstar!jae who has you bent over his balcony railing, drilling into you long and hard, a hand slapped over your mouth to not wake the neighbours. he has your dress bunched up over your breasts, watching them jiggle with each hard thrust, positioning you so you’re facing the lens of the camera. he gives you exactly what you wanted and more, and with each coo of “dirty girl” and each slip of his fingers into your mouth, your moans sound even more pornographic than those of the women he fucked on screen. you’ve already come all over his mouth, but he’s absolutely relentless as he slips a hand around you to rub fast circles on to your throbbing clit.
pornstar!jae who downloads and saves the video on to his ‘favourites’ album, knowing that would be the only thing he’d watch for the next couple months. he knows it would do numbers if he posted it but he wants it to be ‘his special lil secret’, even thought you both know there would be more to come.
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lexiluxray · 5 months
your rendition of sycamore is scrumptious, I eat it up every time
Fhfhfhf thaaaanksss I hope I'll keep feeding you well 🧡🧡🧡
As I'm not immune to compliment on my artstyle on a character I adore, I feel the absolute need to draw said character MORE each time I'll receive an ask about it u_u
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oc-center · 9 months
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Welcome to OC-Center's BIRTHDAY PARTY! 🎉
One year of sharing people's OCs to give them visibility, one year of a growing community, one year down with many to go ♥ Below I will share the OC-Center Wrapped, to see everything about this year in stats! 🙌
In the meantime, what better way to celebrate than showing off your own OC in this big party photo?
All your OCs are cordially invited to join in the festivities - add them to the picture in a reblog with a short tidbit introducing them to everyone; that's the best way to make friends at a party!
Will you accept OC-Center's invitation? 🥳
OC-Center Wrapped:
Anniversary: 11th of December Posts: 3,331 Followers: 866 'Needs Love' (posts with 10 notes or below): 41 Most popular original post: Bubble Web post
Number of OCs shared: 3233 'humanoid' OCs: 2261 'anthro' OCs: 646 'creature' OCs: 403 Submissions shared: 226
What a wonderful year! Thank you everyone, and here's to the next one ♥
Ressources used for stats:
Tumblr Stats: https://jetblackcode.com/TumblrStats Tag Counter: https://drunkonschadenfreude.com/
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threshasketch · 2 months
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Near + Kamen Rider Action Figures: Perfect for seeing how things look from their perspective... (This toy suggested by @travelingstrangermih ♥ Suggestion pic under the cut. Send Near more toys to play with here!)
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respondedinkind · 2 months
Quick (long) update.
|| I know I haven't been around in a hot minute, thought I'd give a quick update.
Sorry for vanishing like this, life has been a little wild recently; I started therapy a few weeks ago, next to me finding joy in a new game where I slipped into the fandom (rather hard lol) and realized that I am, right now, much happier with doing art and creating fics rather than RPing.
This might sound a little odd to some - but the thing is, my brain simply doesnt hold enough energy to do *all* the creative things I want to do. For example: RPing is incredibly fun but also *incredibly exhausting*, and whenever I put a lot of time into RPing, I am literally unable to do art or write fics. It's taking so much of my creative-energy-meter that it's empty quick, leaving me with being frustrated as I don't really get to create anymore.
So I decided to pursue creating art as well as writing fics for now, which means I basically vanished from RP tumblr in return. I know this might be frustrating to some - especially my writing partners - and I want to apologize for that, for said frustration I might have caused.
But it is what it is, and I am not going to change much about it anytime soon. I am actually feeling rather happy about being able to do art, write fics, and *not* worry about writing replies and possibly making partners wait. It's a sort-of-pressure that I've taken off of my own shoulders...
Which is needed right now as I, as mentioned, also started therapy. It's going to be a journey, and I was just diagnosed with general anxiety as well as depression (which could actually be a 'double-depression' on top of it, means it is a chronic depression as well as an 'episodic depression'). It feels... incredibly relieving, in a way, to finally have an official diagnosis and to know that yes, something IS going on with me, I am not just crazy in my head and/or lazy. However, the whole therapy-thing is only going to get harder from here on and I am already working on things that have been talked about, think about them in my head, work with what I have realized about myself and try to handle it.
I do have a whole diagnose-session going on in August for ADHD / Autism as well, which will *also* require a good chunk of my energy. So yeah, things are happening.
Long story short: I decided to put my priorities elsewhere for now, for my own mental health's sake, and my happiness. Reducing stress was *needed*, especially since I am only going to be more stressed while working on me, on my diagnosis, and on all the problems I finally want to be able to figure out and address, possibly solve. ---Something also happened in my private life a couple of months ago that basically, let's call it 'triggered', my sudden energy to finally ask for help after trying to handle everything for literal decades. So yeah. It's been a yeah so far lol.
I want to thank each and every single one of you for having been with me, RPed great stories, formed companionships over weeks and months; I won't delete this blog nor do I plan to 'archive it'. I'll just leave it like this and maybe, who knows, I will return to it (and my other blogs) at some point. I just don't want to put stress on me as in 'I will come back in x day / months', I'll just see where life takes me and when I find the energy to be here again, I will.
I love Khan, love Stephen, love Bones. I haven't lost my love for them, my attention is just elsewhere. (Including that cute game I have been playing, falling in love with some characters...)
I wish you all the best, sending you lots of vibes, happy thoughts, my eternal gratitude and some strength for whatever you need to deal with in your life. Remember that you are loved, that your thoughts are valid, that you are worth it. ♥
PS: I do miss you, the people I formed friendships with. I miss you, our RPs, our conversations. In case we have been interacting much on here, but not actually exchanged other ways of staying connected besides tumblr - discord, for example - you are absolutely allowed to hit me up and I'll give you my discord. ♥
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goodpvppy · 7 months
scratching my chin and playing with my hair as you work… letting me rub against you and be content as you give attention and love to your dear puppy while focusing on your own business… treat me like your perfect pup ♥︎
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capn-twitchery · 7 months
i lost track when my body attacked me last night--if you reblogged an ask meme last night & didn't get an ask from me, like/reply to this post & i'll send you one >:3
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crystalmarred · 1 month
"Hey!" Tykha's been leaning against the tree for some time now, eyebrow raised. When the set of purple eyes shielded under glasses shifts to his teals, he smiles. "Your shooting is immaculate. You ever tried doing Flamethrower?"
UNPROMPTED ⇢ @diademreigned
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T'was not a surprise for someone to call out to him. Koana had long gotten used to it, given the title bestowed upon him by being the second child of the Dawnservant. That it was one of the Warriors of Light that did so was also not a surprise, but the question certainly proved odd enough to disarm him, widen his eyes as a brief confusion set in.
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He repeated the word as if it was entirely foreign, his confusion audible as he continued, "I... have not..."
Koana had learned how to shoot after being introduced to the technology when he was in Sharalayan, but had never attempted to use it as a flamethrower, though he'd heard that it was possible among Ishgardian machinists.
"It did not occur to me to try, truthfully, though my musketoon should theoretically have the function, if provided with a sufficient quantity of aether—"
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moonsua · 2 years
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billlie on changmin's freehug radio
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
3C for demon verse
I'm so f&@#ing done expression meme
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When Douma is being a piece of shit as per usual and you're STILL not allowed to kill him >:[
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viitlumi · 2 months
❝ flowers are so overrated. they're bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons. ❞ // to whomever wants to come forth c: //
The meadow bloomed as if each petal was a bright memory. The bees flocked to the wildflowers that nature had planted for them. They buzzed around the chorus of blossoms, the accord of the wild in these sun-filled moments. Summer was most definitely a nourishing season on Paradis.
 In the golden hush of dawn, where the sky blushed with the first whispers of daylight, Solveig and Hilda found themselves amidst a sea of blossoms. The field stretched endlessly, a vibrant tapestry woven with fragrant flowers and herbs, each petal and leaf glistening with morning dew. The sisters, bound by blood and tradition, moved with a quiet ease, their bond evident in the synchronized rhythm of their work, their sickles—crafted for the impending autumn harvest—gleaming like silver crescents against the soft light. Beside them, Lyanna—a newfound companion whose acquaintance was as fresh as the morning. Though they scarcely knew her, Solveig had felt an intrinsic pull, a whisper from the heart urging her to embrace this stranger and the shared experience of womanhood. Together, the three females gathered nature's treasures, each cut and snip a testament to their unity and strength. It was in this shared labor, beneath the ever-brightening sky, that they wove bonds as delicate yet enduring as the flowers they collected, finding kinship and beauty in the simple act of harvesting life from the earth. Lyanna, the young woman they had recently met, paused and looked around. With a wry smile, she remarked, “Flowers are so overrated. They’re bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons.” She didn't appear too enthused to be in this environment, leaving Solveig with a bewildered frown on her pale features. Solveig, her hands gently placing a vibrant flower into her basket, turned to Lyanna with a thoughtful scowl. “Even the prettiest flower shouldn’t be mistaken only for its beauty,” she began, her voice soft but firm. “A flower can be so beautiful, but it can also harbor many dangers.”
She picked a foxglove from her basket, its purple bells hanging delicately from the stem like tiny, enchanted lanterns. “Take foxglove, for instance. In small doses, it can be used to treat heart conditions, mending broken rhythms with its potent touch. But too much, and it becomes a deadly poison, almost instant death. Yet, even this poisonous flower is essential for medicine when respected and understood.”
Moving through the field, advicing Lyanna to follow her, she knelt by another plant, its dark berries gleaming ominously in the morning light. “This is belladonna,” she continued, “used in tiny amounts to relieve muscle spasms, to soothe and heal. My people even use it to widen their pupils by injecting the juiced directly into their eyes, as it helps them to see better while hunting in the night. But its berries can be fatal to those who consume them.” Solveig met her blue gaze towards Lyanna again, her eyes meeting hers, imparting the gravity of her words. “Some plants can be easily confused, like wild parsnip and hemlock, each a doppelgänger to the other, one life-giving, the other life-taking. And the typical bitter taste of a plant can be easily masked, cloaked in honeyed deceit, making them even more dangerous. Remember, the dose makes the poison.”
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As the three women continued their gathering, the field became more than a simple meadow. It was a place of learning and connection, a classroom of the earth where each flower told a story, whispered secrets, and taught lessons of balance and respect. “What you have to get out of the habit of thinking is not to discount the lethality of beauty. It's the way with plants, just like with people. What would be the fun in desiring it instantaneously and without delay?” Solveig chuckled somewhat wryly towards Lyanna before she resumed her work. Each bloom was a dual symbol of life and death, of beauty and peril, a reminder of nature’s intricate dance and the essential role of even the most dangerous flowers in healing and medicine.
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naturesbeat · 2 months
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Things said in an adventuring party // ACCEPTING » @destrozcs said: ‘ as you can see, i’m not dead. ’
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𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴'𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝚃𝚈. Nelliel eyed the one-time Sexta with an indifference that bordered distaste. They had spent weeks rebuilding Las Noches-- clearing away the rubble, rounding up survivors, nevermind convincing them of Harribel's rule. Leave it to Grimmjow to walk in when all the real work was finished.
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"And what have you been doing in the meantime? Given it wasn't anything helpful."
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threshasketch · 2 months
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Near + Monkeynana Plush: There's some resemblance with those little smiles... (This toy suggested by @cat-soda ♥ Suggestion pic under the cut. Send Near more toys to play with here!)
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daily-kanda-yuu · 8 months
hi! I'm sorry but where do you read the manga? thaks for all the content, it's a blessing truly ♥︎
Hello! So very sorry for answering only now, I've sort of abandonned the blog as life got busy on my end (I do plan on coming back, though!) To answer your question, I personally read it all when the physical volumes come out as I've been collecting them for over a decade now. (I'm french so we get the volumes earlier than the peeps in America). However, you can find all the chapters here: mangadex
The kougeki team has been translating the newest chapters for the past few years now. However they are severly understaffed and need all the help they can get!
Lastly, if you are wondering where I get all the panels for my blog, I mainly use the ones provided by Viz as they upload good quality scans (their translations are shit tho so I wouldn't count on them for that)
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berylcluster · 2 months
Clark & Bruce baby 😤
Name: Theodore “Theo” Wayne-Kent 
Gender: Cis Male 
General appearance: Curse (or Bless) those Kryptonian genes! Dark feathery hair, short and cropped like his father’s, never a hair out of its proper place. Cutting blues, light and almost cat-like, with a face that could make the cover of magazines. If you thought Bruce and Clark were beautiful men, this kid has got them beat. It’s a low effort beauty, blemish free skin, and the most charming smile. Even as a kid he was so handsome, loved getting his photo taken.  
Personality: Handsome as the devil and twice as pretty, Theo finds himself a smoldering ember in terms of personality. He’s not necessarily good or bad, he’s a middle, moral grey. While Bruce played the part of playboy billionaire, Theo lives that life, he’s always having parties or partying, hooking up with strangers and enjoying not being with his family. He loves his freedom and the perks that come with being the prince of Gotham (in his mind).  
Special talents: Theo excelled at archery and marksmanship with guns, having been taught as a boy by all the superheroes on his lunchbox (and Jason), but he found more of the attention he wanted by being “normal” and becoming a debutant.  
Who they like better: Clark
Who they take after more: Bruce 
Personal headcanon: He gets kidnapped a lot because of his status and extravagant nature, but since he has no superhero persona, he just wants to live that citizen life. It’s literally a normal thing for him, he just asks for his phone or something to do while he waits for rescue.  
Face Claim: Thomas Doherty  
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