#thanks again to everyone for the questions ^-^
sophrosynesworld · 2 days
Yeah, Best Friends
Katsuki Bakugo calls you during a panic attack seeking comfort.
“Hello?” I mumble groggily as I answer my phone, rolling over and fumbling to switch on the lamp beside my bed. The sudden brightness stings my eyes, my eyelids droop heavily as I wait for a response.
I rub my eyes, blinking at the screen to make sure the call hasn't been disconnected. Bakugo’s contact name and photo glare back at me.
“Bakugo, are you there?” I ask, my voice still rough from the early morning wakeup. I sit up slightly, my curiosity piqued. The other line remains quiet. Just as I’m about to end the call, I hear it—a muffled cry from the other end.
“Bakugo?” I repeat, “Is everything okay?”
There’s a pause, followed by a shaky breath. “Yeah,” he finally replies, but his voice is uncharacteristically soft.
“What’s going on?” I question him again, my concern growing. The silence between us stretches thin, filled only with his ragged breathing.
“I… I didn’t know who else to call,” he admits, his voice cracking. “I didn’t want to be alone.”
My heart aches. “I’m here, Bakugo. I’m not going anywhere. Just talk to me.”
“I can’t,” his voice breaks off as he struggles to keep his composure, “I keep seeing it. The explosion, the screams… I can't get it out of my head.”
I throw the covers off and get out of bed, balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I pull on a pair of jeans. “It’s okay, Suki . You’re safe now. It’s just a memory.”
“But it feels so real,” he whispers, his voice strained. “I can’t breathe, I can’t—”
“Listen to me,” I interrupt, “Focus on my voice. Take a deep breath, in and out. You’re not there anymore. You’re here, with me. Just breathe.”
I can hear him trying to follow my instructions, his breaths shaky. "That’s it. Keep breathing. You’re doing great.”
I quickly pull on a sweater and grab my keys. “Why does this keep happening?” he asks, “I’m supposed to be strong. I shouldn’t be like this.”
“You are strong,” I assure him, pulling on my shoes and heading for the door. “How many times a week do I call you crying? That doesn’t make me weak, does it?”
There’s a long silence, then a soft “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” I lock my apartment door behind me. “I’m always here for you, Bakugo. We’ll get through this together.”
His breathing steadies further, “Yeah,” he murmurs. “Together.”
“Stay on the line with me,” I say, heading down the stairs and out into the cool night air. “I’m coming over.”
“What? You don’t have to—” he starts, but I cut him off.
“I want to,” I insist. “You don’t have to be alone right now.”
There’s a pause, then a quiet, “Okay.”
I pick up my pace, eager to get to him. “What’s on your mind?”
He hesitates, “It’s just… everything’s been piling up. The expectations, the pressure… I thought I could handle it, but tonight it just… it’s just harder tonight.”
“What happened?” I ask softly, turning a corner and quickening my steps.
“Everything started flooding back. The memories… when I was a kid,” his voice wavers. “I was always told to be strong. My quirk was so powerful, everyone expected so much from me. I couldn’t show weakness, not ever. And the explosions… they weren’t always under control.”
I listen intently, offering words of comfort and encouragement as I make my way to his place. “You were just a kid, Bakugo. It wasn’t fair for them to put so much on your shoulders.”
“I know that now,” he says, a hint of bitterness in his voice. “But back then, every mistake felt like a failure. I couldn’t control it… I saw the fear in their eyes, the way they looked at me like I was a monster.”
“You’re not a monster,” I scold him. “You’ve grown so much since then, I mean, I am quite literally best friends with the number 3 hero.”
“Thanks for reminding me of that,” I can’t see him, but I can feel his eyes roll. “Sometimes it feels like I’m right back there. I can hear people screaming my name, begging me to save them.”
I reach his building and buzz his apartment. “You’re not alone in this anymore. We’re all here for you.”
Moments later, the door buzzes open and I hurry inside, taking the stairs two at a time. When I reach his door, it opens slowly, revealing Bakugo looking more fragile than I’ve ever seen him.
Without a word, I pull him into a hug, feeling his tension melt away as he clings to me. “Thank you,” he whispers again, his voice muffled against my shoulder.
“Anytime,” I reply softly. “I’m here for you, Bakugo. Always.”
He steps back, his eyes glassy. “I didn’t want to be weak,” he confesses, his voice barely audible.
“You’re not weak,” I assure him. “You’re human, and humans need each other. We’re stronger together.”
He nods, a small, smile forming on his lips. “Together,” he echoes.
“Now, let’s get you settled,” I say, guiding him back into his apartment.
He squeezes my hand, his grip firm and reassuring. “Thank you,” he repeats, his voice steadier now. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You don’t have to find out,” I reply with a smile. “I’m your best friend for a reason.”
His smile falls, an unknown expression forming in his eyes. “Yeah, best friends.”
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 day
Jelly...... Pookie... Love.
I have another fluff idea.
Miguel sneaking out of HQ to see his wife (that worked with him at Alchemax) and cuddle with her.
Jess and Peter B. notice that Miguel has been sneaking out and want to know where is he going so they investigate (optional: Miles, Pav, Gwen and Hobie join in) because Lyla doesn't say anything (she ain't a snitch) and just discover Miguel showering his wife with love-
"Te amo mi vida"
[I love you my life (endearment word)]
"Brillas más que las estrellas"
[You shine brighter than the stars]
*Sobs* 😭
Oh my God I'm so sorry this took me a sec. Hope it was worth the wait. 🫶🏽 Thanks Pookie 🖤 my final request from the 1 year anniversary and they're all done.😩 (Everyone cheered)
Let me tell you it's probably gonna be a sec before I open them again because I am not strong enough 😂 I'm working on Gentleman part 5 then I'll do the Woman He Didn't Choose. 🫶🏽 My hyperfixation with Miggy is experiencing an ebb, so I'm trying not to burn myself out and let the inspiration come naturally so I don't lose it entirely, I hope y'all understand. thank you for being patient.
PLEASE REBLOG, and if you can't, then at the very least please COMMENT! 🖤 Even if it's just emojis. Your meaningful interaction is what keeps more content coming. 🫶🏽
Running Away From the World With You🌠💘
Miguel O'Hara x Fem Wife!Reader
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CW: a little suggestive, MINORS DNI, fluff, crack.
Word Count: 2.1k 🖤
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
Miguel is missing. MIA. Gone. Seemingly without a trace. The man had his bouts of brooding and mystery, or seasons where he'd withdraw a little more than usual. He wasn't dubbed the Batman of Spider-People for no reason. But something about his absence this time was odd. 
One thing about Miguel is he'd sooner watch all of the High School Musical movies back to back on a loop than leave his ship without a rudder. His neglect to tell even his second in command and one of his most trusted people, Jess, was quite out of the ordinary. 
She was the first to notice from his blank screens and the coffee pot in the break room that was normally on batch #3 by the time 10 am rolled around. Instead, it sat untouched and coffee-less.
She went through a list in her head, dotting her I's  and crossing her t's but, she couldn't think of anything. Miguel going radio silent like this was simply unheard of, like Peter B. un-bigging his back. 
Speaking of...
"Peter?" Jess elbows the tall man next to her in the cafeteria who's going to town on the all you can eat french toast special.  
"MMm-yeah?" Peter B.  struggles with a mouth stuffed with a syrupy bite of French toast with bacon and scrambled eggs wrapped inside(a combination of his own devise) which he almost came close to wearing on the front of his pink fuzzy robe a few times. 
"Have you seen Miguel yet today?" 
Peter pauses, as though he had never been asked that question before in his entire life, bringing a finger to his chin and tapping in contemplation. 
"Y know, I haven't." He says after a moment. "Why do you ask?" 
"I haven't either. In fact, he hasn't seen or spoken to anyone all morning." 
Peter nods, halfway listening, most of his attention occupied by the syrupy goodness on his plate, obnoxious chewing noises coming out of him. 
"He didn't even have coffee this morning." 
Obnoxious chewing noises cease, and Peter B. looks at her, frozen mid-chew as the next bite he has on his fork falls back onto the plate with a wet plop. 
Oh, it's that serious. 
"Alright, where is she, little hologram I know you're listening...." Jess mutters, keying in a few passwords experimentally to Miguel's monitors, the authentication failing numerous times with several loud error beeps. 
Lyla regenerates next to Jess's ear, legs crossed. "Might I ask what you're doing?" 
"Lyla! Where's Miguel? I'm trying to get a location on him. Haven't heard from him at all this morning." 
Lyla isn't listening, turning her attention to her nails with a smirk, the boss's unknown whereabouts seeming to be of little urgency to her at the moment. 
Jess narrows her eyes. "Lyla?!" 
"Hmm, wha-?"
"I'm trying to save the multiverse, and the leader of the whole organization holding it together is in danger and you're acting remarkably nonchalant!" 
"Who said he was in danger?" Lyla hums boredly. 
Jess pauses. "So you do know where he is?" 
"I know that he's not in danger, not where he is." Lyla tries to sidestep the question
"Oh would you look at that- ksssht, signal- kssht- getting weak -ksssht, Wi-Fi's going out again -kssssht -kssssht ksssht!!" Lyla feigns a glitching connection, despite remaining perfectly calibrated where she's floating. 
"Lyla....." Jess is not amused, but Lyla disintegrates entirely as though someone switched her off with a TV remote. 
Jess groans loudly, ripping Peter B. out of his mindless fixation with a random Funko Pop sitting on Miguel's desk. 
"Guess it's time to enact Project M&M." 
Peter B. raises his eyebrows. 
"Stop thinking with your stomach, Peter. Missing Miguel." 
"M&M mentioned!!" 
Miles Morales ricochets seemingly out of thin air from the ceiling, stopping abruptly, causing Pavitir who's bounding in behind him to smack into him like a domino, groaning as he holds his stomach with the wind temporarily knocked out of him. 
"You called?" Miles leans his elbow on Miguel's desk. 
"Hi Miles." Jess says with just a slight shred of irritation. No wonder Miguel's always pissed off, dealing with these spider folk and their little wisecracks all the time was enough to almost make her feel like she needed a drink (not literally since she's almost 8 months pregnant), but that was saying a lot.  
"I appreciate your eagerness, but I'm afraid M&M in this case is referring to Miguel being missing, not you." Jess clarifies. 
"Oh." Miles looks at the ground in defeat once again. 
"What are you guys talking about?" Gwen strolls in, followed by Hobie with his hands stuffed in his denim jacket pockets. 
"Sounded like a Might and Magic reference." Hobie remarks casually. 
"Y'all!" Jess rubs her temples. "There is no M&M's, Miles Morales, (sorry Miles),  or Magic the gathering or whatever obscure, ridiculous reference y'all think of next! We have an entire multiverse without a leader. I need your help to locate Miguel before M&M turns into massive migraine and I manhandle you misfits for making me lose my marbles! Capisce?!" 
A record scratches and everyone nods with a muttered, "Yes Jess," as they shuffle obediently in a line. 
"Yes Jess, sorry Jess." Pav apologizes in shame. 
Jess sighs deeply "It's okay Pav." (Pav was low-key Jess's favorite). 
"Alright y'all." Jess stands back as she activates her watch, opening a portal.
"Follow me."
And so, the group of Spiders went off in search of their beloved, fearless leader. 
Jess and Peter B. teamed up, but ended up getting stuck in endless timeshare presentation hell after Peter fell for the marketing pitch when one of the salesmen apprehended them at the local shopping mall. 
 "Jess! This nice, well dressed  gentleman is telling me you can rent to own one of these little condominiums in St. Lucia for just a yearly maintenance fee of $275!!" 
"Those are scams, Peter..."
"You and hubby could use a little vacation before baby Drew arrives right?" 
"No, I'm good. Peter?....Peter?! Wait!" 
Before she ran off to join her gullible partner in crime who was already being reeled in with a complimentary bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a cold Diet Coke. 
Meanwhile, Miles, Hobie, Pav, and Gwen wandered aimlessly around Nueva York, keeping their eyes and ears mostly peeled for traces of their grumpy boss. 
"If I was a Miguel, where would I hide?" Miles strokes his chin thoughtfully as though he had a long beard. 
Pav hatches an idea. "Oh, maybe he went to the movies!" He points at the movie theater across the street. 
"Good thinking, Pav!" Miles squints, assessing the movie posters. "Maybe he's at this show called, Magic Mike?" 
"Oh, um, that's not..." Gwen bares her teeth awkwardly as she hastily steers Miles back towards the original path they were on. 
"Wait, what's wrong with it? Isn't it like one of those shows where those magicians pull a rabbit out of a hat or they chop someone in half but it's all pretend?" 
"I'll tell you later." Gwen sighs. 
"Hmm, maybe he's at My Melody." Hobie nods in the direction of a Hello Kitty Sanrio store across the street. 
"Ooh! Can we please go inside? I need to buy Gayatri an anniversary present." Pav taps his fingers together excitedly. (Truth is he also wanted a Keroppi plushie for himself) 
"GUYS!" Gwen huffs. "I think the whole "M&M" reference was just a play on words and Jess didn't mean it literally. I doubt he's actually at a place that starts with M."
The group pauses, trying to put their heads together.
"Oh, maybe he's at this tall scientific looking building where that fancy sports car is parked." Pav points to a black sports car with a license plate that had "VMPIR3 NINJA SPDRMN" scrawled across it. 
"Alchemax? Of course!" Gwen straightens up, pulling her mask over her face as she webs in its direction, with the gang followed closely behind her. 
On the roof of Alchemax tucked in a shaded corner is a hammock spun from red, futuristic style webs hanging from one end of a water tower to another.
In it, is Miguel with you, his precious wife, cradled against his chest in his old lab coat from his days when he worked there, O'Hara stitched in black lettering on the breast pocket. 
Truth is, Miguel needed a damn break. Typically he can power through his discomfort and exhaustion of the work week, but, after dealing with one Spider-Ham too many that morning, he said fuck it and went off to find you, the one person who could grant him solace in an anomaly and chaos-filled multiverse. 
He pauses, letting the tops of his fingers linger just behind your neck, before he trails them so slowly down your back, halting at the halfway point where he spins them in graceful figure eights, before they wander down to the curve of your ass, giving it a squeeze. 
"Miguel..." You chastise him with a breathless giggle, feeling the heat in your body rise hotter and hotter when he starts softly kissing your neck. "We're.... shit ... we're technically in public..." 
"Shh...." Miguel continues teasing you with his lips. "A man can't love on his wife after a stressful week?" 
"Of course....he can...mmhhnnn....but..." 
"But nothing..." Miguel nips at the skin on your neck, drawing out a lengthy sigh. "Te amo mi vida..." (I love you my life)
"Yo también te amo, mi amor, pero...(I love you too my love, but)....I gotta get back, I have a meeting in 10..." 
Your breathy pleas turn to uncontrollable giggles when Miguel holds your chin in his fingers, trying to kiss every square inch of your cheeks. 
"Cancel it. You have a new meeting with your husband. They'll understand." 
"Oh okay. Let me just tell Osborn that word for word. Can you imagine the look on his face?" 
Miguel smirks. "No." He leans back in, whispering in your ear as his thumb teases your bottom lip. "Rather not think of that old man anyway when I'm trying to love on my wife..." 
"Mmmm...eres tan hermosa, mi alma. Brillas más que las estrellas..." (you're so beautiful my soul, you shine brighter than the stars) 
You whine, all but melting by now as he steadily wins you over with one lingering kiss to your pulse point at a time. 
"Flattery will get you everywhere..." You murmur as you nuzzle your face against his. 
Miguel pulls back a little, a smug look on his face as he gazes down at you underneath him.
"And you say I'm the workaholic..." He presses his forehead against yours with a feeble sigh.
"You met your match when you married me." You tease him, interlocking your fingers with his. Miguel brings your hand closer, looking at your wedding ring with fondness. 
"Indeed I did. My perfect match in every way." He softly kisses the sizeable diamond in the middle, before he brushes his knuckles against your cheek. 
"Can Mrs. O'Hara spare me 5 more minutes of her precious time?" 
You smile, pulling him closer. "Of course she can." 
From a short distance away, the makeshift squad of project M&M watches the sickeningly adorable scene that they so unfortunately stumbled upon between their boss and you, his wife. 
"Lovely, I'm gonna go vomit." Gwen turns around. 
"Quite enough for one day, innit? By the way, I was never here with you freaks." Hobie turns around with a bored expression, lamenting over his wasted morning all for an anticlimactic conclusion of his boss who apparently just wanted to play hooky, even though he loved to get on Hobie's case about putting in more hours. 
"They're so in love. And what was that line about the stars? So poetic, I feel like I'm interrupting something." Pav watches with his hands across his heart, tiptoeing away to catch up with Hobie. 
"Wait, he's married?!" Miles is just starting to piece together the information. 
"Let's go, Miles!" Gwen called after him. 
"So wait, you're telling me Miguel knows how to pull a woman?" 
"Miles! Come. On." 
"Nah nah! Because you're telling me he asked a woman out on a date. Said woman agreed to the date, and then she went out with him on another date? And then she married him?!" 
"Miles. Just drop it." 
The gang was off, leaving you and your husband alone to soak in your final five minutes of cuddle time as you promised, far off in another dimension of your own making, the fabric of your little universe comprised of the quiet love between you, and your faithful Spider-Man by your side. 
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lee-laurent · 12 hours
Scheiße - Luke Hughes
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Summary: In which Luke falls for Nico's friend despite the language barrier. Or in which Sofia dates an American boy even though she barely understands him... at first.
Content: fluff, a tiny bit of angst (sort of), implied sex but no smut, making out
also this fic is formatted a bit different! it's kinda like a timeline of Luke and Sofia's relationship!
notes: everything in italics is in swiss german. easier than having to translate everything!! this one is for all my other multilingual queens/kings :) i tried my best to represent the struggle that i felt trying to learn english, but obviously everyone's experience is going to be different. the squirrel scene is very much taken from an actual experience i had haha
"Stop picking at your nails, Sof. Everyone is going to love you," Nico attempted to calm his best friend.
"You don't know that. They could hate me," she argued, continuing to pick at her cuticles.
"Well... I'm their captain. So, if they do anything that makes you upset..."
"Don't threaten your team for me, Neeks."
"Just trying to reassure you, love."
The Devils were having a little pre-season get together with all the players and their significant others. Nico's best friend, Sofia, had recently made the move to America in hopes to improve her English; so, naturally he had decided to bring her along to help her make some friends in New Jersey.
Nervously, she followed behind Nico as they walked onto the roof of Nicole and Jesper's building. He placed a comforting hand on her back, leading her towards a group of WAGs.
"Nico! Hi!" Nicole smiled, "And you must be Sofia! Nico talks about you all the time."
"Hi," Sofia smiled sheepishly, playing with the hem of her skirt.
"Would you like a drink?" the blonde asked.
"Oh, sure. Thank you."
"I'll be with the boys. Let me know if you need anything," Nico smiled, walking off towards a group of hollering men.
Sofia fell into a steady flow of conversation with the Devils' significant others. Well, as steady as it could be with her limited knowledge of English.
"How long have you been seeing Nico?" one of the girls asked, taking a sip from her cocktail.
Sofia choked on her drink, giggling at the idea of being with Nico. "He is my best friend. We are not toether."
"Omg! I'm so sorry," the other girl blushed.
"It is fine! No stress," Sof smiled proudly at the use of the expression that Nico had recently taught her.
"So, anyone special back in Switzerland?" Nicole questioned.
"Oh, um, no. I... too focused on work. No time," she explained.
"Omg! We could set you up with one of the single guys on the team!"
"Oh... it's okay," Sofia giggled, taking a long sip of her drink.
"Let us know if you change your mind," Nicole winked, before starting a story about something that had happened at work earlier in the week.
"Sofia! Come here!" Nico beckoned her over to where he stood with a few players.
"Coming! It was nice meeting you all," she smiled politely at the girls.
"Wait! Give me your number! I'll add you to our group chat," Simon's girlfriend exclaimed. Sofia was giddy as she typed her number into her newly found friend's phone.
"Guys, meet Sofia," Nico smiled, placing his hand on her back once again. "Sof, meet Luke, Jack, Timo, and Dawson."
"Hi," Jack smiled widely.
"Nico always talks of you guys. Nice to meet you," the girl smiled, scooting closer into Nico's side. She was not a fan of all the eyes on her at the moment.
"Nice to see you again," Timo grinned. They'd met over the summer when Nico was training.
Luke could see her shoulders untense at the sound of her native language.
"You as well. It's crazy to meet everyone Nico talks about all the time. Like, sometimes I was convinced they were all in his head," she giggled, earning a glare from her best friend.
Luke, Jack, and Dawson chuckled awkwardly, completely unaware of what the conversation in front of them was about. They could be shit talking for all they knew.
"So... what do you do for work?" Dawson asked.
"Oh, fashion photography!"
"Ever tried sports photography?"
"I'm not as good at it," she nodded.
"She's being humble. She just prefers fashion," Nico laughed. While Nico talked to the boys, Sofia couldn't help but notice that the tallest boy in the group had yet to speak to her. Did he not like her? She was trying her best. She caught his eyes for a moment, but he quickly looked down at the beer in his hands. She was upset that one of Nico's close friends didn't like her, but she couldn't win them all.
It was the third or fourth time that Sofia had hungout with the WAGs. This time she'd invited them to have their wine night at her and Nico's apartment. The girls were sat in the living room, chatting animatedly about the upcoming season.
"I know that Simon is so excited for his rookie season! He told me that Luke is feeling the same way," Simon's girlfriend smiled.
"I- I don't think Luke likes me," Sofia spoke up, swishing her wine around in the glass.
"What?!" Nicole exclaimed, "Why do you think that?"
"He never talks to me. And when I go to stand with Neeks, he walks away."
"That's funny because Curtis told me something completely different," Reanne smiled cheekily.
"What did he say?" Sofia asked, chugging the rest of her wine, before pouring herself some more.
"That Luke has a biiiiiig crush on a certain someone."
"Ooo! Sofia!" the girls cheered.
"But... he doesn't talk to me."
"Luke has no play, girl. He's probably just wayyy too nervous to talk you cause you're so stunning."
"He thinks I'm cute?" Sofia blushed.
"Duh! Who wouldn't? Do you think he's cute?" Nicole pressed.
Sofia pressed her lips together in an attempt to hide her growing smile, "He is like... how do I say it? My..."
"Yes! He's my type."
"Can I tell Curtis? Maybe he can talk some sense into Luke."
"We should let them come together naturally, Reanne," Nicole giggled.
"Okay, well... next game you're talking to him. Sound good?"
Sofia nodded happily. She couldn't believe that Luke had a crush on her! She felt like a high schooler writing in her diary about the cute boy in her class.
First Date
Sofia stood in the bathroom mirror, fixing her hair for the 15th time. She hadn't gone on a date in over a year and she was shitting herself. Luke had asked her out after their most recent win against the Rangers. She hadn't exactly told Nico who were date was with, but he knew she was going on one.
"You look beautiful, Sof," Nico smiled as she walked into the kitchen.
"It's not too much?" she asked, pulling at the bottom of her top.
"Are you going to wear a jacket?"
"Yeah, my jean one."
"I think that's perfect. Where are you guys going?"
"Some pizza place. Then we're going on a walk, I think."
"Cute. How'd you meet?"
"Oh, at the Rangers game. He came up to me when I was waiting for you."
"He wasn't a Rangers fan... was he?"
"No," she giggled, "He was wearing a Devils' jersery."
"Good. Have fun! You'll be back tonight?"
"Yes, Neeks. I'm not going to his on the first date," she giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Stay safe! I love you!"
"Love you too," she grabbed her purse, blowing him one last kiss before disappearing out the door.
"Hi," Luke smiled, "I like your outfit."
"Thank you, Luke. You look nice too," she admired the way his chest looked in the blue polo shirt he was wearing.
The walk to the pizza place was full of laughter. Sofia wasn't sure she'd ever felt so confident in her English as when she was around Luke. He wasn't condescending at all, helping her when she asked and waiting when she didn't.
"Have you ever played hockey?" Luke asked, cutting himself a slice of pizza.
"No. That is not really... my thing?"
Luke nodded in understanding.
"But I love watching. You are very good."
"Thanks, Sofia. I have seen the outfits you've helped Nico make. Do you think you could help me?"
"You always wear same two suits," she giggled, covering her mouth.
"Don't bully me!"
"Sorry. I would love to help you, Luke."
"I, uh, wanted to apologize for ignoring you when we first met. I was under the impression that you were with Nico, so I was trying to push my attraction away."
"Nico is like a brother. I never think of him other ways. Promise."
"It's fine, Sof. No worries. I just being dumb."
"Maybe you are always dumb, Lukey."
Luke cackled, reaching out and holding her hand across the table.
"I'll just pretend that was your lack of English and not you bullying my again."
"I would never bully you," she smirked.
First Kiss
Sofia was cuddled up into Luke's side on the sofa, his hand holding tightly onto the dip of her waist.
"I can put the German captions on," Luke offered, as he watched Sofia's face scrunch up for umpteenth time.
"But maybe that would distract you."
"It won't, babe. I'll turn them on."
Sofia blushed at the pet name. Luke grabbed the remote, clicking on the German caption option on the film they were watching.
"What the hell is Eichhörnchen?" Luke asked, butchering the pronunciation.
"Eichhörnchen?" she giggled, correcting him, "It's squirrel."
"Say that again?"
"You say it so funny. I'm sorry."
"The 'skw' sound... that is not in German. Stop hating."
"Sorry, love," Luke giggled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Sofia looked up at him as he pulled away. She placed a gentle hand on the side of his face, leading him back down.
"What're you doing?" he whispered.
"Can we kiss?"
"Wha- what?"
"Can we kiss?" she asked just as confidently as before.
Luke nodded, running his tongue over his bottom lip. He leaned forward, capturing her top lip between his. He smiled into the kiss, ultimately breaking it. Sofia pouted, pulling him back in for more.
Wearing His Jersey/Becoming His Girlfriend
"Do a spin for me?" Luke smiled from his spot on his bed. Sofia was dressed in her panties and a jersey with 'Hughes 43' plastered on the back. She spun around giggling as he got off the bed, picking her up.
"You. Are. So. Fucking. Beautiful," he said between kisses, hands sneaking under the jersey to give her exposed ass a small squeeze. She gasped, smacking his chest.
"Jack will be home soon, I should go."
"Do you have to?" he whined, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap.
"Yes, Lukey. I'll be at the game, wearing my new jersey," she giggled, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He attempted to lay down and bring her with him, but she was quick to stand up. She walked over to the side of the bed, hopping into her jeans. The vintage bell bottoms looked amazing on her and Luke made sure to let her know, letting out a low whistle as she walked out the door.
"A Hughes' jersey?" Nico questioned after the game, pulling her into a hug.
"Thought I'd switch it up. Can't always be repping the Hischier one."
"Where'd you get it?"
"Luke let me borrow it."
"I'm glad you two have become friends. I was worrying you weren't going to befriend any of the guys."
"We're the same age. It just made sense," she shrugged.
"You never told me how that date you went on was."
"Oh, didn't really work out. He just wanted to use me to get free tickets," she lied.
"Sounds about right. You'll find someone, Sof. Don't worry."
"And if I don't?"
"You've got me," he winked, making her laugh. "Need a ride home?"
"Yes! Let me say thanks to Luke again."
"I'll meet you at the car," he smiled, kissing her cheek as he headed out.
"Look at you," Luke whispered as he pulled her into a 'friendly' hug. "Look so good in my jersey."
"Stop being so horny," she giggled, pulling away from him.
"Can't help it when my girlfriend looks sooooo fine."
"Sorry, I- uh, I just assumed because we spend all this time together. But if you don't want to be my girlfriend, I understand. I shouldn't have-"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend."
She pulled him into one more quick hug, before skipping off to meet Nico.
Nico Finding Out
Luke hummed as Sofia straddled his lap, running her hands through his hair. He pressed a kiss to her jaw, another on her neck, then one on her collarbone before connecting their lips again.
"I missed you," he mumbled.
"Missed you too."
The boys had been on a week long roadie, and now Sofia and Luke couldn't keep their hands off each other.
"Mmm, I love this perfume. Is it new?" he asked, kissing her neck again.
"Yeah," her voice was shaky, gasping when he nipped at her jaw.
"God, Sofia. You're perfect."
"Kiss me."
His hands gripped her waist as their lips met in another passionate kiss. They laid down on the couch, Luke holding himself up as his girlfriend giggled below him.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. I just missed this."
"Me too, babe."
Sofia's hands moved under his top, feeling the smooth skin of his chest. Just as Luke was going to ask if he could do the same, a new voice echoed through the apartment.
"Sofia? Who's here?"
"Who's here? There's some white sneakers at the door. Not mine."
"Oh, Luke's here! We're watching TV."
The couple scrambled to sit up and fix their dishevled looks.
"Hey, Luke! How's it going, man?" Nico entered the living room, dapping up his teammate.
"Good, good. How're you?"
"Good. You didn't tell me he was coming over," Nico turned to his roommate.
"Yeah... spur of the moment."
"Is that a hickey?" Nico asked in German, as not to embarass Sofia.
"What? No."
"It totally is! Who gave you a hickey?"
"It's not a hickey, Nico."
"Was it him?!" Nico gasped.
"What?! No!"
"It was! You're such a shit liar! How long?"
"Beginning of the season," she sighed, finally giving in.
"This is so funny! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I'm not a shit liar, for the record. You had no idea until now."
"Was that date with him?!"
"I'm right here... if you're talking about me," Luke scratched the back of his neck.
"One second, Luke," Sofia smiled. "It was, yeah. I... I was nervous to tell you. Was worried you'd think I was using you to get with him."
"That's funny, Sof. I couldn't care less. As long as you're happy."
Sofia stood up, pulling her best friend into a tight hug.
"I'm watching you though, Rusty. Hurt her and I'll hurt you," Nico threatened, heading to his bedroom.
"He knows?!" Luke gasped.
Guess Sofia had some explaining to do.
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starkwlkr · 4 hours
monster mash | oscar piastri
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summerween masterlist
Oscar didn’t think he would be babysitting on Halloween night, but then again he didn’t have plans. He was stuck babysitting his mom’s friend’s kid, Luke. The parents were going to a Halloween party so Oscar’s mom volunteered her son to babysit.
“Why would you do that? I’ve never even met the kid!” Oscar groaned as Nicole Piastri closed the front door after giving candy to trick or treaters.
“Laurie is a good woman and she even babysat you so please just look after Luke for one night.” Nicole replied.
“Mum, it’s Halloween.” Oscar frowned.
“And you’re babysitting.”
So Oscar got ready and drove to Laurie’s house that was decorated with skulls, pumpkins and fake spiderwebs. It was clear that this family took the holiday seriously. After ringing the doorbell, the door opened revealing a kid with a pirate costume.
“What are you supposed to be?” The boy asked.
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Your babysitter for the next three hours.”
“Luke! Be nice to Oscar!” The boy’s mother said as she walked to the door to greet Oscar. She was dressed as Dorothy from the wizard of oz while her husband was dressed as the scarecrow. “Hi, thanks for coming. Our numbers are on a sticky note on the fridge, he is not allowed to watch any scary movie no matter what he says and no more eating candy.”
“But it’s Halloween!” Luke whined.
“Listen to your mother, Luke, no more candy.” His father stated. “There’s money on the kitchen counter if you want to order some pizza. We should be home by 12.”
Oscar nodded at all their instructions. How was he supposed to keep a kid entertained? Legos? He didn’t know the first rule to entertain kids.
After Luke’s mom and dad left, the seven year old immediately ran to the living room and grabbed the landline. Oscar wasn’t sure if what to do. It’s not everyday that a little kid uses a landline. After dialing a number and waiting a few seconds, Luke spoke into the phone.
“They’re gone. My dad left money for pizza. Bring your candy too.” He said then hung up.
Oscar stood in the living room confused. “Who were you talking to?”
“Sarah.” Luke replied casually. He then walked to the coffee table and grabbed the remote, turning on the tv and clicking netflix. “Can you order cheese pizza?”
Oscar didn’t think much of it so he walked to the kitchen to grab the money. His heart stopped when he noticed the back door was wide open. Was this some kind of prank? Surely it was. Before he could do anything, a loud yell startled him from behind him.
“Fuck!” Oscar yelled out as he turned around and saw a random girl laughing along with Luke and another little girl in a Wednesday Addams costume. “That’s not funny.”
“You scream like a girl!” Luke laughed, but stopped when the little girl punched his arm. “Ow!”
“Sorry, it’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” The random girl said then extended her hand towards Oscar. “I’m Y/n. I’m Luke’s neighbor and this is my sister, Sarah.”
“Oscar, I’m Luke’s babysitter, but only for today.” He made sure to include the last part. He stared at the girl, captivated by her beauty. He figured he must’ve stared at Y/n for a while because Luke was complaining that he was hungry for pizza. “Oh, pizza, yeah right.”
While Sarah and Luke went back to the living room, Y/n hung out with Oscar in the kitchen. He dialed the pizza place. As he ordered, he started stuttering. That’s when Y/n offered to order instead.
“Hey, Tommy! Can we get our usual? And throw in those lava cakes too and a coke. Yeah, thanks. See ya.” Y/n spoke with confidence then hung up and gave Oscar his phone back.
“You know the pizza guy?” Oscar questioned.
“Yeah. He’s my ex, but it all ended on good terms.” Y/n said. “So Freddy, Michael or Jason?”
“Do you have a preference? I’m more of a Michael Myers kind of girl, but we can watch Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street or if you’re into something else, that’s cool too.” She smiled at Oscar as they walked back to the living room where the kids were trying to find a movie to watch.
“But he’s not—” Oscar pointed to Luke.
“Supposed to watch scary movies? We do this every year! My mom gets a babysitter on Halloween, Sarah and Y/n come over and we eat pizza and watch scary movies!” Luke interrupted. “My mom doesn’t know so don’t tell!”
“Yeah, don’t be lame!” Sarah added.
“Sarah! Be nice or we’re leaving.” Y/n warned. “It’s cool, they won’t get scared.”
“What about the other babysitter? Did they know about this too?” Oscar questioned. He really wasn’t in the mood to get in trouble.
“Yeah, but she was going to tell Luke’s mom and now she’s missing.” Sarah said with no emotion. Oscar nervously laughed, but stopped when no one around him was laughing.
“She’s joking. The last babysitter left because of college and yes she knew about this so come sit so we can watch a movie.” Y/n patted the seat next to her.
Oscar had to come clean at some point. He hated scary movies. He would rather sit through a romance movie than watch some person getting killed by a slasher. So instead of suggesting a more family friendly Halloween movie like Hotel Transylvania, he blurted out two words. Just Dance.
“You mean the game?” Luke asked.
“Yeah, the second one has Monster Mash. It could be . . . fun.” Oscar shyly said.
“Oh god, I haven’t played Just Dance in forever! I say let’s do it.” Y/n agreed and stood up from the couch. Since Luke didn’t have the game, Oscar put the dance on YouTube.
“Wanna try?” Oscar asked Y/n. He looked at the kids. “They don’t look too convinced.”
“Eh, they’ll just have to watch us dance horribly.” Y/n chuckled.
“Speak for yourself! I am a Just Dance champion.”
The kids watched as Oscar and Y/n danced like a zombie while the iconic Halloween song played. They didn’t even notice when Y/n’s ex aka the pizza guy knocked on the door ready to deliver the cheese pizza and lava cake and soda.
Luke opened the door and gave him the money. “Thanks. Keep the change.” He handed Sarah the bottle of soda.
“A dollar?” Before Tommy the pizza guy could get another word in, Luke slammed the door shut.
The kids watched as Oscar picked another song to dance to. Luke shook his head in disappointment. Even he could tell that Oscar had developed a crush on his neighbor.
“Do you know your sister’s number?” Luke asked Sarah.
“Cool.” Luke replied. “Want to share a lava cake?”
Eventually, Y/n and Sarah had to leave since Luke’s parents were coming back. As Oscar was putting Luke to bed, the boy gave him a piece of paper with a number on it.
“What’s that?” Oscar asked.
“Y/n’s number. She likes the color red, Agatha Christie books and scary movies.” Luke replied. “It looked like you needed help.”
Oscar couldn’t believe it. Was he that bad that a seven year old had to help him get a cute girl’s number?
“Uh, thanks?” He took the small slip of paper. “Get some sleep, Luke.” He smiled at the boy.
“Oscar? If you and Y/n get married—”
“Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.” Not yet at least.
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@yannew @annieoncrack @stinkyjax
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ldysmfrst · 2 days
American Mate (10) - A Date in the Right Direction
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 10 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,976
Work count for Story: 65,512
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I am currently not working because of a broken foot. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have mentions of lost pregnancy, pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, and close proximity, but mainly, it is just Fluff.
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The next morning is a complete departure from your usual routine. You had meticulously set your alarm for 7:30 am, anticipating a quick shower would suffice before your medical appointment. But fate had other plans in store for you.
Shuffling, giggling, and the hushed “Quiet Kookie” woke you. Wait… is that water running? What time… what?
Stretching as you blink your eyes, you end up face to face with Jungkook, “Ah! Jungkook! What are you doing?”
“Good morning, my sweets,” the bunny smiled brightly with his big eyes. No care in the world that he just spooked you await.
Still hearing movement, you take a look around. Jungkook is kneeling on the bed but not inside your fort. Yoongi has popped his head out of your bathroom, and Seokjin stands at the entry door with a tray.
“Good morning, Jungkook, Seokjin, Yoongi. What time is it?’ rubbing your eyes and stretching again. Man, that was the deepest sleep you have gotten in a long time. 
Each Alpha wants to coo at your cute little stretches, which are maddeningly hidden by Taehyung’s blanket. 
Seokjin is the first to snap out of watching you, “It’s almost 7 am, dear. I have a light breakfast, and Yoongi is drawing a bath for you. We want to make sure you're comfortable and ready for your day."
Looking at Seokjin with a bit of a question furrowing your brow. Yoongi retreats into the bathroom now that he sees you are not upset at the intrusion.
 “Sweets, we heard your doctor’s appointment was this morning. I hate doctor’s appointments, and we thought it might be uncomfortable for you, too.” Jungkook says while he giggles at your expression.
“Thank you, Alphas. I was going to try a shower today, but a bath sounds good,” you say. A smile blooms on your face at the knowledge of the Alphas trying to make your day good.
“Princess, the bath is ready. I used the Cassia and Cherry scented bath bomb for you today. I set a towel to the side for you like last time. When you are done, please call for any of us to help dry your hair, okay?” asks Yoongi as he heads toward the door.
“Sure thing, Yoongi. Thank you again.” With another smile, Yoongi looks pointedly at the youngest packmate before leaving to get ready, presumably.
“Jin, is breakfast something that will get cold, or can I eat it after the bath?” you ask. Meanwhile, you note that Jungkook has scooted closer to you but still not close enough to touch you or your fort. 
“It’s a simple breakfast: just some fruits and a bagel with cream cheese,” his eyes widened. He looked at the tray and then back at you. “You do like fruit, bagels, and cream cheese, right?”
Giggling, you kick out of the blankets and start scooting toward him. “Who doesn’t like those? They would be crazy not to like those!” 
You look at the array of foods on the tray, “Thank you, Jin. It looks good. Oh, you got mangos, my favorite!” 
You happily take a large bite of the slice and close your eyes to enjoy the burst of flavor. Seokjin watches you eat intensely, and Jungkook approaches your side.
Opening your eyes, you look back at the bunny, asking, “Can you have mangos?” At his nodding, you offer him to take the rest of the mango in your hand. 
Leaning forward, Jungkook eats the mango from your hand. His lips barely touch your fingertips, temporarily short-circuiting you. 
You immediately drop your hand and look back at Seokjin, only to notice he is watching Jungkook eat. You feel like you are getting too warm over witnessing something that should be between mates only.
“Umm... I am gonna go take that bath now,” you say softly. 
Bolting into the walk-in closet, you look for something comfortable and yours to wear today. You pull out a pair of leggings, a sports bra, a crisscross tank, and a non-thousand-dollar sweater.
When you leave the closet, you notice that the tray has been left at the end of the bed, and the two remaining Alphas have left the room. 
Softly, you bang your head on the door frame and mumble, “Good job, y/n. Way to keep professionalism.”
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You could ask someone to take you to a salon to wash it. 
Your mind didn’t focus on any one thing as you dried off and dressed. That seems to be your mode right now. 
Your mind is like a laptop with 20 tabs open, and you cannot figure out where the music is coming from or what language it is even in.
Walking out of the bathroom, you towel off your hair and head to the door to ask Yoongi for help, as instructed. 
At the sound of your name being called from inside the bedroom, you jump and spin around to see Seokjin sitting down with a brush and cordless hair dryer.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but it sounded like you were almost done with your bath. I wanted to help you with your hair,” Seokjin says, holding up the tools. “That and I wanted to talk to you while you ate.”
“It’s okay, Jin. I had joked with Yoongi earlier about getting him and Taehyung a bell, but now I think it’s not them being sneaky.” You shake your head and make your way to sit on the bed in front of the eldest Alphas.
You smile as you relish the feeling of someone else brushing your hair. Reaching out with your good hand, you pull the food tray closer and start munching. The mango, strawberries, and grapes are so fresh. The bagel and cream cheese also taste like they were made this morning.
Behind you, Seokjin noticed how tangled your hair was still. This prompted him to go into the bathroom and get some leave-in conditioner. Just like Yoonig, Soekjin brushes your hair gently.
When he goes to blow dry your hair, you turn around, stopping him from continuing, and ask, “Jin, umm… I wasn’t able to wash my hair as well as I would like to have. Can someone take me to a salon to wash it?”
“You could have asked one of us to help, dear.”Soekjin says, then quickly adds, “Like to wash it over the sink or something.”
“I didn’t think of that. Not used to having people willing to help me,” you respond, looking down shyly. 
Putting a finger under your chin, Seokjin tilts your head back to look at him. “I understand. It will take time to depend on the seven of us, but we are all here for you. I will see what I can do about getting your hair done. For now, what would you like me to do, dear?”
“I would normally braid it, but that won’t work. Maybe a bun?”
“I can do a bun, or I can see if Tae is still here. He has sisters, so I am sure he knows how to braid,” he offers.
“A bun is fine. We don’t have much time, and you said you wanted to talk to me,” you say, turning around and resuming your munching.
“I did… wanna talk to you.” Finishing up the bun, he puts the brushes in your bathroom and asks, “Namjoon talked to you about the outings that the pack wants to do with you right?” 
“Oh yes. I think it is nice of the pack to want to do that. I thought this would be more of a group activity kind of pack since you are all bonded. Goes to show you cannot make assumptions,” you giggle.
“Right, I may love my mates together, but sometimes you just need some alone or one-on-one time.” 
Sitting on the other side of the food tray, his eyes take in that you have avoided all of the melons on the plate. “You don’t like melons?”
“Not really. I mean, I will eat watermelon and cantaloupe if that is the only fruit, but I am not much of a honeydew fan,” seeing his shoulders drop at your response. 
You take a grape, eat it, and smile, “It was a great breakfast for not knowing me that well, Alpha.”
Smiling softly, he notes that he will tell the rest of the pack to avoid melons at all costs and stock up on strawberries, grapes, and mangoes.
“So the umm… outings. It will be interesting to fit them into your guys’ schedules soon. This first week is practically shot since it’s almost over, and the contract hasn’t even been finalized yet. So they will start next week if all goes well?”
“Actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about,” Seokjin takes your hands in his. “Y/n, I know the contract isn’t finished, but it really doesn’t matter. It’s more like a formality than anything at this point.”
You think of how everything has not followed standard operational procedures. You can hear Derek yelling at you about legalities. You nod slowly in hesitant agreement, waiting for him to continue.
“With that being said, Miss Y/n, Soekjin looks into your eyes, allowing his confidence and childlike anticipation to show. “Would you do me the honor of going out with me tonight?”
You automatically feel your face burst into a blush at his question. For some reason, you thought they would just tell you who would take you and where. 
But no. Kim Seokjin, the talented singer of the world-famous K-pop group, is asking you to join him… tonight. The contract is not set; you haven’t passed anything yet, and he is still asking.
Knowing that the pack planned and agreed upon this, you smile, “Tonight sounds great, Jin.”
Why does it feel like you just agreed to go on a date with the eldest member of the Bangtan pack?
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Yoongi and Jungkook were the only ones left in the packhouse, Seokjin having left after your conversation. 
At 9:30 a.m., Dr. Blackwell arrives with her bag and a smaller suitcase. The doctor has taken you into your room and done the physical exam, wanting to get that out of the way as quickly as possible.
Something about it makes the Alphas feel uneasy, given its vulnerability. 
Now, you are all sitting in the dining room, an alpha on each side, with the focus laser-focused on Dr. Blackwell, who seems not to be affected at all.
“Miss Y/n, these questions are personal in nature, and you can deny the presence of the Alphas at your side. They would be required to leave the packhouse and be out of earshot so that you can answer comfortably.”
“Do you want them to stay or leave?” the Doctor asks.
Feeling the hybrids at your side shift at the notion of having to leave you, you answer, “They can stay, Dr. Blackwell. Everything you ask will be in a report for them all to see anyway.”
“Very well,” she finally glances at the two men. “If either of you think you may hear things you do not want to hear then please take your leave now.”
“We are good,” Yoongi replies, and Jungkook nods in agreement.
“Alright. Well, Miss Y/n, can you tell me of your family history, any health conditions, addictions, or genetic background?” the doctor asks.
“Sure. My brother is healthy as a horse and backpacking around the Blue Ridge Mountain range right now. My mother is relatively healthy but does drink heavily in social situations. My grandparents were healthy too and drank socially also.”
“Are those your mother’s parents?”
“Oh yes, this is all my mom’s side. I don’t know anything about my father’s side. He was only in my life until I was about 10 or 11. He and my mother divorced, and mom took away all contact with him and that side of the family.”
“You don’t know your dad?” Jungkook asks with a frown. Bunny hybrids live in large family colonies, so it doesn’t make sense to him.
“No, I don’t. I tried to find him when I turned 18, but my mother threatened to disown me and stuff, so … yeah. I had tried for almost a year before she found out. I figured he would have contacted me by now, if he wanted to.”
Placing your hand on Jungkook’s, you smile softly at him, “It’s been years, Thumper. I am okay.”
“What about your personal history, Miss Y/n?” the doctor says, getting everyone back on track.
“Well, besides my being considered obese by medical standards,” you hear a soft growl from the jaguar but continue, “I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The main symptoms are tiredness, inability to lose weight, some food sensitivities and I am pretty much cold 24/7.”
“Can you list your food sensitivities, please? This is imperative for the contract, as all dietary restrictions must be factored in, Miss Y/n.”
“Umm... yeah. I can’t typically find my way around it, so they really are not restrictions,” you hurriedly say, trying to find a way to avoid the question.
“Princess, Hyung is going to want to know the specifics. His love language is food; remember his promise to keep you well-fed. This will help ensure he doesn’t hurt you in the process,” encourages Yoongi.
“Yeah, sweets. Even Jin-hyung is allergic to garlic, Tae Tae cannot eat spicy foods, and Joonie and Jiminnie-hyung don’t eat seafood. I don’t think it's an allergy for them, but it might as well be,” Jungkook adds, trying to help you feel comfortable.
“Okay,” you nod at both of them and turn to the doctor. I am allergic to chocolate. Citrus and spices give me blisters in my mouth. Sometimes, bananas and avocados make my mouth itchy because of my latex allergy, but I love them. I don’t have a gallbladder, so I avoid red meat for the most part.”
You glance at the jaguar hybrid beside you, expecting a negative response. 
However, you are met with a gummy smile and a tail wrapping your thigh, “thank you for sharing, Princess. You and Joonie can share all the surf and turf meals.”
This causes everyone to laugh, effectively making the mood lighter than before. 
You continue to answer a series of questions, and then you come to the questions that you hate: the social history, a.k.a. ‘how lame your sex life is’ questions.
“Miss Y/n, since the Bangtan Pack has requested not to include the rut clause. We do have to ask you about things that will affect that. It's best to rapid-fire these to avoid any awkwardness,” the doctor suggests while giving the two Alphas stern looks.
“Sure, rapid-fire works Dr. Blackwell.”
“Gender at birth?”
“Identify as?”
“The same.”
“Heterosexual and sapiosexual.” Piquing the interest of the Alphas at your side, but the doctor presses on.
“Ever had intercourse?’
“Yes, one that failed. I had a miscarriage.” Jungkook’s hand squeezes yours as Yoogni’s tail softly brushes your forearm.
“Last sexual encounter?
“Th… three years ago. I.. I stopped when I had the miscarriage.”
“Birth Control?”
“IUD implanted shortly after the miscarriage.”
“Well, I think that is all. Your IUD is still usable for another 2 years and the bloodwork will tell us if there is anything else to worry about.”
“Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I will walk you out and… I think I will take a walk around the property to get some fresh air.” 
Both you and the doctor go outside, chatting about random things. 
When she goes to get into the car, she stops you from walking off, “Miss Y/n, I didn’t ask with the pack there, but do you want any information on a therapist?”
“Oh no, Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I can give you Ryan’s number if you need it for the report. He is the Licensed Social Worker that I was seeing until about a year ago.”
“Yes, unfortunately, without his report, I would need to do a psych assessment for the contract.” With that, you gave her all the information for Ryan. 
You also decided to call him on your walk and to make sure to get the proper forms to release the sensitive information. Being a good therapist, he questions how you are doing, if you are having any complications with all the questions, and the change in your situation. 
You don’t hold back. You let your former therapist know everything. At the end of it all, you realize you have no issues with what has happened. 
You are playing your future with caution, and today’s visit wasn’t as terrifying or problematic as you thought it might be.
Inside the packhouse, however, Yoongi and Jungkook were very much dealing with how worrisome the doctor’s visit had become for them. 
Once you and the doctor left, they went to Yoongi’s den and chatted with Namjoon and Seokjin. Yoongi went over everything that had happened during the doctor’s visit. 
Seokjin was the calmest of the four. He was happy to learn about the dietary restrictions now and not during your date with him tonight. Being the eldest, he figured you had had an entire life before them. 
Your reactions to their advantages, the level of panic in certain situations, and your negative self-image have already told him more than enough.
Namjoon remained primarily silent throughout the conversation. With every new bit of information, his resolve to talk with your family pack without you present solidified. 
Not to mention, his Alpha now wants to ensure that your experiences with the pack are top-notch. He smiles, knowing Jin’s plans for tonight will hopefully start things off on the right track.
Ending the call, Yoongi and Jungkook head back downstairs and outside. They can hear you walking around the yard, but you are talking to someone about Dr. Blackwell and records. 
Considering that you chose to make this call without them around, they sit on the back patio. This allows them to watch over you but respect your privacy. 
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Bangtan Pack Group Chat
Prime: Hey guys, I want to ask you all something. Hob-ah already knows about this because we talked about it last night. 
Prime: After Y/n’s appointment today, which revealed a few new things, I think this idea is really our best bet.
Mochi: What is it, Hyung?
V: What happened at her appointment? Is she okay?
WWH: She is fine, but there were some concerns, which we will discuss later. Namjoon, what is your idea?
Prime: I want to go and talk to the Y/l/n Pack.
Bun: You did that already, though, with Jimin and Yoongi-hyung.  You wanna go again?
Seokie: Let him talk Kookie!
Bun: Sorry.
Prime: It’s OK, Kookie. Thank you, Hobi-hyung. I want to go but I want to go without Y/n.
Yoons: You better have a good reason to see a pack without their Luna, Namjoon.
Prime: I want to tell them Y/n is our mate. 
Bun: So we are okay with lying to her but not to her pack?
Seokie: No, Bunny. We are not lying to her. We are waiting til the right time to tell her. 
Bun: Same difference.
Prime: Talking with her pack and letting them know might get them to tell us more about her and how to tell without her running from us. 
WWH: I agree with Yoongi. This is playing with fire. But it may be our best chance. They could help open her mind to the idea.
Prime: Does anyone want to go with me?
Bun: Nope. Not even. She will be the next person I tell about the mate bond.
Yoons: I am with Jungkook on this one. I will stay out of this. 
V: I will go with you, hyung. I would like to meet her family pack to start with.
Seokie: I will go, too.
WWH: When is this happening?
Prime: I don’t know yet. I was hoping for tonight.
Prime: but maybe this weekend would be better?
Mochi: Sorry, but Manager Sejin asked what was happening.
Mochi: He thinks this is a good idea. The weekend would work best.
Mochi: also, Seokjin and Namjoon should go, but no more than 4
Mochi: So I am out. I saw them, and I still have other stuff.
WWH: If you schedule it this weekend, I will go. Tonight, I am taking Y/n out on a date.
Prime: Okay, Jin and Hobi-hyung plus TaeTae and I. Got it.
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The rest of the morning was quiet. Neither of the Alphas present sought you out, but you would see them skirt around wherever you were. You finally had enough of it and went back to your room.
Looking through the preliminary contract, you found Manager Sejin’s cell number. You decide to call him to ensure he is updated with everything. 
“Hello, this is Sejin.”
“Manager Sejin, it’s Y/n. How are you today?”
“Oh Y/n! Hi. I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Yourself?”
“I am doing, umm… well, I’m ok,” you hesitate to ask why the two Alphas are avoiding you.
“Yeah, should I pretend to believe you?” asks the BTS manager. Of course, he isn’t going to notice, but at least he is giving you an out.
“Can we put a pin in it for now? I want to go over a few things with you first.”
“Sure thing. What did you want to discuss? Actually, how did you get my number?”
“Your number is the only number listed on the preliminary contract, Manager Sejin,” you giggle slightly.
“Oh yeah, sorry, most Playmates don’t get a preliminary contract. Anyways, is there something I can help you with?”
“Yes, but first– Dr. Blackwell has come and gone. She did the full physical exam, blood sample, and full history. I also gave Dr. Blackwell my prior therapist's phone number. After she left, I contacted him and he will send me the ROI.”
“Wonderful news. You can tell this isn’t your first rodeo, even if you haven't been a Playmate before. Aside from the mental health report, everything else should be done by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ryan is already working on a mental health summary report and will have it ready by tonight. He is really quick with that. He is a PMS contracted therapist, Manager Sejin.”
“That is even more perfect. Nothing seems concerning on our end, or the doctor would have already called me.”
“Well, one would think that nothing is concerning,” you say, clearing your throat. 
Glancing at your door and deciding you are unsure where the Alphas are now in the house, you move to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the sink.
“Miss Y/n are... Are you in the kitchen?”
“No, I am hiding in the bathroom. I don’t know where Yoongi and Jungkook are, but they have been… umm, well… they have been observing me from afar.”
“Observing from afar? Like, what do you mean?”
“After the doctor left, I took a walk outside because some of the information at the end was intense but not unpleasant... for me.” 
You nibble on your bottom lip, “But maybe they aren’t okay with it.”
“Okay. I agree that their behavior indicates that something is off. Have you tried going to them? Maybe they are giving you some space.”
“No, I got nervous. I guess I got used to them always coming to me,” you contemplate. “Oh! Can you possibly have someone take me to the salon?”
“Umm, I take it you have no idea what you are doing for your date tonight?”
Your breath catches in your throat when he calls tonight a date. You turn off the sink and walk back to the bedroom. 
Is that what this is? 
Is that what he called it? 
Does the pack know?
“Well, yes, to all of that.  Jin said you accepted going out tonight with him. Is he supposed to call it something else?”
“Shit! I said that all out loud?”
Manager Sejin chuckles, “Miss Y/n. It is okay. All of them know about your date with Jin tonight. Actually, I think that may explain the distance.”
“They do? It does?” You sit on the edge of your bed. The revelation that everyone is calling this a date has you reeling.
“They do and don’t tell them I told you, but everyone is nervous about it. Seokjin may not be the Prime Alpha, but he is the oldest mate. There is a lot of pressure for him to make sure tonight goes well.”
“Oh, he could do a movie night in, and I would be happy.”
“Well, this is Kim Seokjin. I doubt you'll be having a movie night at the Pack House. I suspect he has more things planned for you than what you realize.”
“Oh boy, I really need to get my hair done then, ah… Where are we going? Do I need to go shopping? Do I have the right thing to wear?”
“Miss Y/n, now is not the time to spiral. He will let you know what is happening soon. Just be ready. Since it’s already lunchtime, I suggest snacking on something.”
“Wait, you still haven’t explained why tonight Jin has to do with Thumper and Yoongi staying away.”
“I'm going to try not to laugh at you calling Jungkook Thumper,” he says, clearing his throat and trying to mask his laughter. “I am sure you have heard that Alphas are territorial, right?”
“Riiiiight, but Namjoon said they weren’t territorial like that, and he didn’t think they would be with these… ah these dates.”
“They won’t. What Yoongi and Jungkook are doing right now is the reason why they won’t.”
“Oh, but we sat next to each other when I spoke to the doctor.”
“Well, if you want to have a super happy Alpha tonight, you might want to change clothes and wash your hands, but know that you really don’t have to. He isn’t the possessive one of the group.”
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After the call, you followed Manager Sejin’s advice by changing your pants, which Yoongi’s tail touched, and washing your hands up to your elbows just to be safe.
You were too nervous to eat now, so you looked around for the other two Alphas, which you knew had to be nearby. 
Only to realize that you, a human, were trying to hunt down two adult male Alpha hybrids. 
One of them could turn into a bunny that could fit who knows where and has the prey instinct to hide.
The other was an apex-like predator hybrid. You have already threatened to get a bell for him because of his sneakiness.
Giving up, you returned to your room and wasted time scrolling through Tumblr and Insta.
It has just hit 1 pm when you get a knock on your door. When you answer it, you are met with a woman in a pantsuit who doesn’t say anything and hands you a phone. Looking at the screen, you see that there is an active call.
“Umm… Hello? This is Y/n,” you speak into the phone.
“Hello, my dearest,” replies the voice on the other end of the line.
“Jin! You had to send a bodyguard to call me?”
“How else would I contact you? I haven’t been allowed to get your phone number. Her name is Jen, and she will be your driver today.”
“Ah yeah, I should get that to everyone, but why do I need a driver?” Smiling at the now-named woman, you cover the mic on the phone, “Hello Jen, I am y/n.”
“Yes, you do. Are you ready for tonight?”
“No, not even close. I don’t know where we are going, so I don’t know what to wear. My hair is still in the bun. Yoongi and Thumper have been nowhere to be found in the last hour.”
You hear a low chuckle from the phone line and look at the phone with irritated confusion: “You’re laughing?”
“From now on, the only Alpha you need to worry your pretty little head with is… Me.”
His voice has taken a lower tone than other times he has spoken to you, and there is something so stimulating about it.
“Now, my dearest, please go with Jen. She will take you to Mare Salon in West Hollywood, and you will join me for an early dinner. Ready?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you respond quickly, not wanting to upset the Alpha, who controls the rest of your day. While you are not a pushover, you want to be open to tonight and figure you might as well go with the flow.
“Good. Please hand the phone back to Jen and get ready to leave.”
Following his instructions, you hand the phone over. Then grab your purse, phone, and jacket. When you return to the door, Jen is no longer on the phone. “Ready when you are.”
(NOTE: If you would like to see what is being described, please go to American Mate - Date with Jin Pinterest Board)
She leads you to a sleek, all-black Town Car and opens the back door for you. Taking your seat, you find an envelope with your name next to you. Inside is a handwritten letter which reads:
My dearest Y/n, I want you to know that I am in awe of your grace throughout this past week. Even in the ups and downs, you held your ground, spoke your mind, and brought a life to the pack that none of us knew was missing.  Tonight, let us celebrate our paths crossing and our lives intertwining.  Our first stop of the night is Mare Salon, and this is my first chance to show you that I can treat you as you should be.  They will only show you options that can be completed in time to make our dinner reservation.  Feel free to pick any of the packages offered. Enjoy yourself right now. See you soon, Kim Seokjin
You read the letter multiple times. He calls you his dearest as if you are something important to him, and he is treating you to a top-tier salon experience. 
Seokjin may be known as World Wide Handsome, but he is a World Wide Charmer.
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The experience at Mare Salon was something new and something you swear only the 1% would typically experience.
First, you had a personal attendant, probably because you were their only customer for the rest of the day. 
Secondly, they offered you a smoothie of your choice, and you got a Peanut Butter Bananrama, which was so good. 
Finally, you had so many spa packages to choose from. Ultimately, you picked a Tea Tree treatment and a hydration facial.
About halfway through your experience, you received a delivery with a large black box, a medium purple box, and a black bag.
Automatically, a smile blooms on your face, and around you, the sounds of the staff cooing at the gesture have your face tinting pink.
Attached to the large box is another envelope with your name on it. The letter inside reads:
Are you relaxing, my dearest? Let me know if they are treating you like the Luna you are. Do not hesitate to ask Jen or the salon staff for anything. Once you have completed your pampering, Jen will drive you to meet me at the restaurant.  I know you were concerned about what to wear tonight. I hope you do not mind, but I took care of that. Just as I promised, I will take care of you. Please let the one who delivered these to you know if any alterations are needed, and they will make the adjustments per your request.  It shouldn’t be much longer, my dearest. See you soon, Seokjin
You really shouldn’t feel an emotional response from a mated man, but his words are so sweet anyone would swoon. Over your shoulder, you hear the staff mention something about being committed to a fan service.
It’s like ice buckets get thrown over you—fan service. You have seen videos of Idols treating their fans to a day of fun with them. Just recently, you saw NCT 127 make dinner for a super fan.
You were becoming a playmate. This wasn’t much different. They would be paying you to be their friend, their companion. It’s nothing more. 
You continued the services you had requested. The delivered goods are still sitting untouched after you read the letter.
You had been excited, but now the thrill of the letters and the day's excitement seemed dull.
“Miss Y/n, you have a phone call,” your driver, Jen, said while handing you the same phone from before. 
Taking the phone, you smiled and nodded at Jen, then waited for her to move away.
“Thank you for call… wait, no. Sorry, Hello?”
You heard a soft sigh, “You didn’t open the gifts.”
Hearing the statement, you didn’t feel the need to say anything, but there was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Dearest, why haven’t you opened them? Did I overstep a boundary?”
You didn’t know what was worse: the sinking feeling that you had disappointed him by not opening his gifts or the feeling that you were making him feel guilty.
“Seokjin,” pausing to take a breath, you were interrupted.
“Seokjin? I am Seokjin again. What did… Y/n, please tell me where I went wrong?” His voice sounds weak, but somehow, he is still in control.
“You haven’t done anything wrong, nor have you overstepped any boundaries,” you respond. Muttering to yourself, “Your service is top-notch.”
“My what?”
“Shit. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I am sorry, Jin.”
“Explain,” he states, his voice a new tone you haven’t heard before.
“Fan service. The staff here is all giggly about how well you are treating me. Then, one mentioned something about how this was a committed fan service.”
Another sigh comes over the phone. “My dear, my dearest Y/n. This is not fan service. I have not, nor will I ever treat a fan in this way.  All of this is for you.”
“You don’t have to do all this for me. I am just me.”
“Yes, you are just you. My promise to you and only you was to make sure you are eating well, so I am taking you to dinner.”
“Jin…” you breathed out.
“No, let me continue. I had promised to keep you happy and healthy, and spoiling you with this spa hair trip and the gifts was my attempt to follow through on that promise.”
“All this is so much. It’s more than I ever have been given,” you try to keep going.
“I want to impress you, Y/n. Not as World Wide Handsome or as Kim Seokjin of BTS but as Jin, the eldest Prey Alpha of the Bangtan pack. Can you allow me to do that for us?”
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After Jin’s phone call, you finished your time at the salon. With the help of the delivery person, you dress in the outfit he sent you for tonight’s dinner. Surprisingly, no alterations were needed.
Now, Jen was pulling the car up to a very green door with a lovely painted woman’s face and the word Amore in green fluorescent lights. 
The first room has vine-covered brick walls with glass ceilings, giving the feel of being outside. The booths out here are beautifully set with candles, and the room's center hangs a lovely chandelier. 
Continuing inside, you are greeted by large wooden panels along the main wall with built-in wine racks, highly decorative green and white walls, and a classic bar in the corner to your left. 
There stands the first person you have seen since you arrived. She smiles softly at you and tilts her head, indicating that you should turn in the other direction. 
Following her subtle hint, you turn only to be greeted with a sight that steals your breath.
He is all in black.
Your eyes drop as you take in Seokjin’s appearance.
Classy wingtip dress shoes.
Dress slacks that are loose but accentuate the length of his legs.
The dress shirt with the top two buttons is undone, allowing you to glance at his collarbones.
Finally, you catch his eyes, which seem darker than usual. However, he doesn’t hold your gaze. Instead, his eyes travel along your body.
 It’s like he was waiting for you to watch him as he assesses his gifts on you.
He has also dressed you in all black.
Your dress is made of tulle, and various parts have a dark silver metallic lining. 
Your neck was a halter with a deep V-neck, which stopped with a cinched high waist and bellowed out into an asymmetrical high-low skirt. You had found this in the large black box.
Out of the purple box, you discovered shoes that allowed you to show off your newly pedicured feet, colored with a deep blue polish. They were silver chain-buckled sandals with box heels that matched the lining of your dress.
Finally, the small bag contained a lovely pair of silver and sapphire earrings and a matching bracelet. The silver parts looked like a flower made of hearts, with gems lying between them.
As his eyes traveled back up your body, he found his voice, “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, Jin,” you say with a shy smile. “You are quite handsome as well.”
He holds his hand out to you, beckoning you forward and sliding your hand in his felt natural. His warmth even pulls you in. It relaxes the tension you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“Thank you for my gifts, Alpha.”
“I am sorry about your experience at the salon. Please don’t ever feel like we are just going through the motions with you. Everything that I do and that the pack does is for you.”
“Jen said something about the staff being jealous Army and that I needed to get used to them if I stuck around.”
“Ah, yes,” he says while guiding you into a small half-circle booth. His Alpha growled in his head, still wanting to fire the one who made you doubt the night's intentions.
When you sat down, you had thought he would go to sit on the other side, but instead, he sat down on the same side, scooting you over to make enough room and draping his arm across the back of the couch.
“In Korea, the crazy ones are called sasaeng. Anyone with fame has to deal with them,” he comments with his eyes focused on you. 
“Sadly, you will also have to deal with them. You may even get your own, but we do our best to protect you from them.”
“I have heard of them. Probably more often than you think. They would sometimes show up to the office either trying to apply to be a Playmate or trying to catch an Idol coming through the halls.”
Looking around the restaurant, “Jin, are we the only ones here?”
“Yes, I booked the whole restaurant. I wanted to make sure we had time to talk without getting bothered.” He gestures to the waitress that you saw when you came in.
“Jin, this is amazing. Have you ever been here?”
“Nope. It had excellent reviews online, and the chef was willing to accommodate our diets without complaint,” he said with a playfully bright smile. 
He looks at the waitress and says, “Please let the chef know we are ready for the first course. For now, I will stick with water, but my lady can have whatever she wants.”
“Miss, would you like to see the drink selection?” she asks. Both of them looked to me for my decision.
“Water. Ice water would be perfect, please, and thank you.”
“Make sure the water does not have a garnish. She is allergic to citrus,” he tells the waitress. Your jaw drops at the fact that he already knows this information. 
“Oh, and please make sure the chef has read the restrictions. I do not want my lady to get sick while eating here.” From your angle, you cannot fully see his face. 
If the waitress's reaction was any indication, it was not the happy face from a moment ago. Soon, his attention was back on you, and the waitress was gone. 
He must have caught your reaction somehow because he gave you a sly smile, “Yoon and Kook let me know of the food concerns right after Dr. Blackwell left, in case you were wondering.”
“Well, that makes sense. At least they talked to someone after the appointment,” you say bitterly.
“Did they do something wrong or make you uncomfortable with your appointment?” Jin asked, his face crunching with concern.
“Oh no! They were great and supportive during the visit. They actually helped me,” you quickly said. Looking down, you focus on the bracelet that he has gifted you. Jin waits patiently for you to continue.
“I spoke with Manager Sejin about their behavior. He said I shouldn’t worry.”
“Y/n,” he says. "What did the boys do to make you call someone outside the pack for advice?” Looking back at Jin, the seriousness of his face takes you back a bit. 
“I don’t want to sound like a child, but” sigh. “they ignored me after the appointment. I don’t think they were comfortable with what they learned about me.”
You go to scoot back, wanting a bit of room between you and Jin. “Manager Sejin said that it was more of a courtesy thing for you.”
That information was like a light bulb turned on over his head. The stern face melted away to a warm smile, “Do you know about Alpha bonding time and possession?”
“The only thing I know is what Derek, my beta, said, but that included imprinting and territory domains.” Your words pulled a soft chuckle from Jin.
The waitress took that moment to bring your drinks and a lovely plate called a Caledonia Blue Prawn Carpaccio. It looks incredible with the thinly sliced prawns, some small piles of what looks like foam, and a yellow gastrique. 
“Here, my dear.” While you had taken a sip of water, Jin had gathered some of the carpaccio and was now offering it to you. “I want to give you the first bite as a show of following through with my promise to always keep you well-fed.”
Blushing slightly, you lean forward and say, “Thank you, Alpha.” The bite offered is unlike anything you have eaten before. The play of textures and flavors sings. 
Humming in delight, you watch as Jin tastes it as well. His instant smile shows he agrees with your reaction.
“Now, back to our jaguar and bunny. I think your Beta is pretty spot on. However, it’s called territorial dominance and not domain. You’re not a website,” Jin says as he continues to feed you bites of food while he talks. 
“Oh. I knew it was something like that, but still, Namjoon said there were never any issues before. So what gives?”
“Oh gosh, how do I explain this to a non-hybrid?” He goes quiet as he contemplates. 
Internally, what he is trying to tell you would require you to know you are his mate. Whenever one bonded Alpha claims a day or period of time with their mate, the rest of the pack will avoid that mate to ensure several things:
1- The called mate(s) is aware that bonding time is needed
2- The calling mate(s) makes preparations for the bonding time for themselves as well as the called mate(s)
3- The remaining mate(s) keep their distance from all mates involved for temporary scent fading
4- The one or more of the remaining mate(s) are put in charge to guard the involved mate(s) until it is time for the bonding
It is an older version of the bonding time rituals. Having all Alphas in the Bangtan Pack, this version allows the called to fall into a following-like state of mind while the calling falls into a leading-like mindset. 
Sipping your water and watching Jin figure out how to tell you whatever it is, you take a note to ask Derek or Evie where you can find some reputable online courses to learn more about the Alpha sub-gender.
At the lull in conversation, the waitress brings out a tray with new dishes. The first is a Perigord Truffle Chawanmushi, Uni, and Trout Roe. 
After looking at it closely, you determine it is something like a flan made with fish and something else on a plate. Next to it is this soup puree topped with sea urchin and fish eggs. 
The second is known as a Comte Cloud, and that is when you have to try not to laugh because it is just a poached egg with shavings on toast: those 1% folks and their fancy-schmancy names for things.
You are 90% sure the soupy thing is raw and smells strongly of fish. The speckled flan looks interesting— until the server dumps it into the soup. 
So, the only safe thing is the poached egg on toast. You quickly pull that dish closer to you and hope it shows you want that and not the other concoction.
“I guess the easiest way to say this is…” Jin watches you pull the plate to you with a raised eyebrow.
“I love eggs. May I eat this one, Alpha?” you say sweetly, attempting to get your way and not being forced to eat something raw. 
“Of course, but here, try this too,” he agrees while he gathers a fair sample of the raw fishy flan dish. Bringing it up to your mouth to have you try it, you keep your mouth shut. 
Looking at him with pleading eyes, you ask, “Can I skip the Chawanmush… chawamjush. That,” you say, pointing to the spoon. “Can I please skip that?”
Laughing. That was his answer to you. He laughed to the point where he had to put the spoon down or risk dropping it.
“Alpha, it looks raw and smells fishy. We just ate that prawn dish, it was nearly raw, and I am not much of a raw or smelly fish eater.” You continue to pout at the thought of the Alpha making you eat it. 
“Alright, you don’t have to eat the Chawanmushi. I quite enjoy things in the natural raw state, even if it’s a bit fishy.” He watches you intently while saying those words, then takes a bite.
Why does it sound like he isn’t… wait nope. You are not gonna go there. You are going to eat your poached egg. Cutting into it, the yolk runs out just as it should, and you scoop it up and take a bite. Yum.
“Oh, good. It’s dripping nicely. It must be creamy and rich, too,” comments the Alpha, slightly causing you to choke on your bite.
Jin casually pats your back and reminds you of the water to help you swallow it.
You have got to get your mind out of the gutter. 
You tell the doctor today that you have been on a three-year re-virginity plan, and now that you are at a high-end dinner with World Wide Handsome, everything is becoming an innuendo. 
Get a grip!
“As with any hybrid, scents are very important to us. It allows us to identify many things. Pack bonds, mating seasons, emotions, and such.”
“When one of the individuals joining in the bonding time carries the scent of another pack member, no matter the sub-gender, it can block or alter the purity of the individual’s scent.”
Jin further explains, “Territorial dominance is not a bad thing. Since you are going to be with Bangtan now, we all want to bond with you properly. As an all-Alpha male pack, our individual Alphas can become quite controlling.”
“Wait,” you remember something from the scenting session. “The night you guys brought me the extra bedding, Jungkook wanted to scent before bed, right?”
Jin simply nods while continuing to eat the fishy soup.
“Yoongi said that Jungkook wanted to go last because he was my Alpha right now. Was your youngest mate controlling you and Yoongi?”
Jin's soft smile confirms it. He says, “In a way, yes. That wasn’t due to bonding; that was situational.”
“What do you mean? Do you guys switch who is in charge? Is there an Alpha of the Day or something?"
“No, no… The Alpha who found you in need of something was Jungkook, and therefore, he became the Alpha in charge of your bedding requirements. Yoongi and I supported him with that.”
“Okay. Okay, and I know that Yoongi is responsible for my wrist, I assume for similar reasons, but for how long is Jungkook going to be in charge of my bed?”
Seokjin, who has been fighting his laughter, finally loses the battle, and you look at him with a baffled expression.  
“That is actually a question for you to ask Alpha Kook. You see, as the youngest Alpha in the pack, Alpha Kook has never had someone to take care of.”
“What about the other playmates? Most of them were his age or younger. Didn’t he take care of them like a proper Alpha?”
“Be careful with that,” warns Jin, his serious face falling into place. 
“Not every playmate is the same. You are, by far, not the same. You are someone special to have gotten not only Alpha Kook and Alpha Yoon but also Alpha Tae to greet you.”
“What’s so special about that?”
“Since we are a mate-bonded pack, our Alpha’s tend to stay away from others unless there is a threat. You have never been a threat to us. What really is impressive is the fact that you met so many of our Alphas.”
“Topping it off with the fact that some of us don’t typically scent except for calming nerves, getting one of us out of Alpha Space, or during times of pleasure.”
Here comes the waitress again. Duuuddee… How many courses are there in fancy restaurants? 
In front of Seokjin, she places a Colorado Lamb Saddle with a Cacao-Miso sauce, white truffle, and roasted Brussels sprouts on a bed of chimichurri. 
The colors on his plate are vibrant. The lamb doesn't look dry, and the chimichurri is such a bright green, but the dark brown sauce stops you from wanting to ask for a taste.
“Did you say Cacao-Miso sauce? Did you not verify the restrictions?” Seokjin’s voice becomes dry and monotone.
“We did get it, and the chef and the rest of the staff reviewed the list several times.” Glancing onto the tray, she reads over what is written on paper.
“Ah, here. This Cacao-Miso sauce is made with carob. I suppose I could have called it a Carob-Miso sauce instead,” says the waitress, looking down to avoid Seokjin's piercing look.
“That is so considerate of the Chef to make that change, Miss. Since the dish is for him, he could have still made it with its original ingredients,” you comment, trying to ease the tension that now fills the space. 
“Please give the Chef and the staff our gratitude for their consideration and follow through,” you smile brightly.
Glancing over at you, a softness blooms on his face. “If they did that, then I wouldn’t be able to share it with you, dearest.”
The endearment causes you to blush. The fondness in his eyes only increases it, but the silent coo from the waitress causes you to look away and fiddle with the napkin in your lap. 
The waitress then places a Lavender Duck Breast with Carrot Puree in front of you and Endives finished tableside with a Romesco sauce. The smell was divine, and you couldn’t wait to try it.
Duck wasn’t something you had ever had before, but it was poultry, right? You were used to eating a lot of chicken, and, of course, you had turkey for most big holidays. Duck is just another one of the bigger birds that you could eat. 
You wonder what Yoongi or Taehyung would think of your all-poultry-tastes similar thought process. You giggled at the thought. The sound fills the room like chimes, drawing the waitress's and Seokjin's attention. 
In the silence of the room, you looked up from poking at the duck with your fork.
“Does your food normally quack you up?” Seokjin asked with an exaggerated serious face, to which you could only giggle more.
Looking at the waitress, he asks, “Does she get any quackers with her Duck?” This caused both of you to start laughing.
“Should she be worried about quacking her teeth, or is it cooked to perfection?” he continued, but he couldn’t hold back this time and started laughing along with the two of you. 
After clearing the table and refilling your drinks, the waitress leaves you two alone again. You cut the delicious food she brought out, and the taste shocks you. 
Duck, in fact, is not like chicken because it is much richer and heartier. It is almost like eating a steak while still having that poultry gamey flavor.
Seokjin waits patiently, watching you take your first bite. Your moan of delight at the taste feeds right into this fixation. Quickly looking away, he cuts into his lamb and offers it to you.
Taking a sip of water to clean your pallet, you smile, “You trust them to make it without the cocoa, Alpha?”
Watching as a frown takes over his face, bringing the lamb up to smell. You wait for his reaction. 
You have heard that a hybrid’s sense of smell is higher when smelling other people or hybrids, but you never thought it would be related to food. 
“To be honest, it smells more like a lamb and has a musk scent. I am sorry for not checking first. I just wanted you to try it. I think you are safe, but if you would rather be cautious, then you don’t have to eat it.”
“I don’t have my Epi-pen on me. With past experiences, I would rather not risk anything. But I would love to try your Brussels sprouts, Alpha.”
“Ah yes, sorry again,” apologizes the Alpha. 
He eats the bit and seems to enjoy it, but less than if you had been the one to eat it. Scooping up your requested bite, he offers it to you. 
“Thank you for providing for me, Alpha,” you say before eating the bite. You watch as he opens his mouth along with yours. His eyes never actually look at the food offered. 
It is a burst of flavor with the char on the sprout and the hint of the chimichurri it was served on. You hum in delight, wanting nothing more but to have another bite.
Looking down at your plate, you also desire to share with him. He has provided for you as an Alpha should, but you also want to care for him. 
You know it’s part of your “job” that has yet to start, but it also seems more than that. 
Deciding to follow your intuition, you cut a piece of your duck coated in the sauce and offered it to him. “Alpha?”
“Hmm?” His eyes were still focused on his plate.
“Can I offer you some of my duck?” You ask as you move the fork closer to his sight. 
You watch as his eyes snap to the fork. There is a brief hesitation, which makes you second-guess him when offering him food. 
You are not an Alpha. 
You are not a hybrid. 
Unlike offering food to Evie or Derek, you are not his Luna or of his pack. 
Pulling back your offer, his hand shoots out and takes hold of your wrist. His eyes snap to you as he watches your face and eats the bite you have offered him. 
Your eyes, however, glance at your now empty fork to his lips as he licks up the sauce and then down to his adam’s apple as he swallows. Finally, your eyes land back on his face.
“It tastes lovely, but was it Miss Y/n who offered me the taste, or was it Luna Y/n?” he asks, pinning you in place with his intensity, but he still has not released his hold on your wrist.
You swallow, searching his face for the correct answer. You should have kept to yourself. Your mother always said dotting on others was a sign of bad breeding.
Why did you do it?
Your scent starts to waver, pulling onto the side of the perfume, which alerts the alpha. You feel his thumb rubbing your wrist, and then you feel like you can breathe again.
“I don’t… I just..” You close your eyes and take a breath. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I wasn’t trying to take your position, Alpha. I promise.”
“Y/n, look at me, please?” You listen and open your eyes, preparing for whatever he says next.
“Y/n, I am Alpha enough to know that you are not trying to take my position. I am asking because I would like to gauge how to respond to you properly.”
“It's just me, Jin. I just felt I needed to share with you and take care of you in a way. I know I am human but I had to follow my intuition. I am sorry.”
As you speak, he smiles and shakes his head, “My dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. Trust me. Remember this is us learning about each other. For you, this is also you learning a lot about Alphas.”
“Then why does it matter if it’s Miss me or Luna me?  I am me. I am not your Luna.”
“They are both you, this is true. I suppose I am trying to learn how much of a Luna you are.”
“You guys are the first to call me Luna outside of Evie and Derek. I mean, even Evie’s mate who is an Alpha doesn’t call me Luna.”
“How does it make you feel when we call you Luna? Is it the same feeling that you get when your family pack calls you that?”
“Ah, well, it’s not the same. Bangtan pack has only called me after I had to correct my Omega, but no one has used it since then. Well, until now, and even then, you weren’t calling me that. It was just a title.”
“But how did you feel when Yoongi and Jimin called you Luna? Did you hate it? Did you feel empowered, aroused, or silly?”
Your mind takes you back to the balcony at your pack house, Yoongi’s soft touch and hot breaths: “Your actions were a sight to see, Luna.” Next, you feel like you are back in Jimin’s arms as he holds you. Alpha Chim shines through with a playful smile: “Luna.”
As your body remembers the thrum of energy playing at their touches, at their words, a tang of arousal filters into your sweet pea scent. The change in your scent tells Seokjin more than enough.
You nibble on your bottom lip, debating what to tell the Alpha sitting next to you. “It was awkward to hear it from them. I felt a kindling, but I am sure it was just nerves.”
“A kindling? That is understandable. Thank you for telling me, dearest. Now, since you don’t seem to understand the difference between being human and Luna you, I will drop it, but that might be something to speak with Namjoon about.”
“Thank you, Jin.”
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The rest of the dinner was almost generic. It was a simple icebreaker, get-to-know-you, 21-question conversation. 
You learned about this family, including his older brother, who was … still... younger… than you. You also learned more about his and Bangtan's passion for bullying, which led them to become involved with UNICEF.
While you knew he had a fantastic voice because of the song Abyss, you still took the time to listen to his development and struggles as an artist and eldest member of Bangtan.
Dinner ended with a lovely traditional mille-feuille for the two of you to share. Jin had suggested a walk around the area, to which you agreed. You had eaten more than expected, and walking would do you good.
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As you suspected, the BTS classic disguise was donned before leaving the restaurant. This time, the black bucket hat was replaced with a black fedora, which fit his suit perfectly. 
He also offered you a black mask, which you obliged. Once outside the door, it was clear that the fall season had started to settle. When Seokjin requested that you walk to the side, away from the cars, you smiled and felt slightly giddy. 
So far, he was a gentleman. 
He had never interrupted you, never pushed too far with the conversation, and even though he was letting his flirtatious sideshow, it never made you uncomfortable. 
You took about five steps before the Alpha covered your shoulders in his suit jacket. His naturally broad shoulders make it easy to drape across yours, even though you weren’t a skinny minny.
The scent of cherries and vanilla permeated the air. The scent brought a sense of calm over you. “Hmm… interesting.”
“What’s interesting?” asks Seokjin, though his eyes still look around at the passing cars and people. 
“I think I am starting to determine your individual scents to a degree,” you say, smiling up at him as he stops.
“You can. Who have you figured out so far?” he asks, gesturing to a nearby bench.
Sitting down, you angle toward him, saying, “I am pretty sure I know Jungkook’s, Yoogni’s, and now your scent. Maybe even Jimins, but I am least sure about his. I haven’t a clue about the rest.”
Leaning back and bracing his arms along the back of the bench, he takes a moment to think about this. If you can smell the scents, do you also smell the mate scent?
“Let’s see how close you are. What’s our baby Alpha’s scent?”
“He smells like my favorite cookie, Snickerdoodles. Well, it may not be that specific, but it's sweet, like sugar, with a spice that reminds me of cinnamon and warm butter.”
“Very good. Cinnamon, sugar, and butter are his primary scents. He would love it if you told our Kookie he smelt like a cookie. How about Yoongi-ah?
“Now his… I swear his changes.” This comment causes the Alpha to sit up with attentiveness.
“What do you mean?” His Alpha is very curious to know what scents you have smelled when it comes to Alpha Yoon, especially since humans shouldn't be able to detect changes like that.
“Well, typically, he smells like Petrichor, my favorite scent that rain can have. But the other day, I swore I smelled like a stormy ocean-like scent.”
“Yoongi, smelled like a storming ocean?” You nod and look at him curiously while he tries not to look shocked. “Whenever he smells like the ocean, it means his Alpha is out in full force, and the storm is when he is mad.”
“Oh well, okay yeah, totally explains it.”
“Explains what?”
Your eyes widened a bit before you looked down and pulled the jacket closed more. “It was when Prime Alpha made the request before Yoongi took me upstairs.”
“Ah, yes. Not one of our finest moments. Alpha Yoon was not happy. Honestly, I don’t think any of us were. What about Jimin? You mentioned you might know what is his.”
“Well, I figured out his scent yesterday,” you start, trying not to remember his physical actions. “Jimin’s eyes. The darkness stole away the white and tinged red when Alpha Chim… came out?”
“Fronted. When our Alpha’s ‘come out’ as you said, it is called fronting. Our Alphas are always present in our minds but they only front when there is something they want.”
“Yeah, Alpha Chim called me Luna. He said I smelled of Alpha Yoon but that it was okay because he is a mate, but then he asked if it was okay to scent me, too."
Scooting forward, Seokjin took your hand and looked at you with a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before. “He asked; Alpha Chim asked to scent you. Did you let him?”
“Yes, of course I let him,” you smile. “I wasn’t about to turn him away after what he shared with me, and it felt like it was supposed to happen.”
“His oranges blended with Alpha Yoon’s, and it smelt like I was in an orange grove after a spring rain.”
Seokjin squeezes your hand with a soft smile, “Y/n, you don’t know how happy I am to hear that Chim scented you.”
“I am glad that your pack doesn’t get upset with everyone scenting me. Jimin’s was surprising to me because of how distant he has seemed from the beginning.”
“Jimin may be a bit more hesitant than his Alpha when it comes to you, not that it’s your fault.”
“I understand. He told me about what happened.” Looking down at your joined hands, you recall the story of Seul-ki. “He also said that everyone seemed to be okay with playmates aside from Hoseok and Yoongi.”
“I bet that is hard to imagine. I mean, with how Yoongi is acting around you.” 
Seokjin notices that the temperature has dropped a bit more, and though you have his jacket, you are starting to shiver. 
Using your jointed hands, he pulls you up and starts walking back to the can where Jen has been waiting and watching the two of you.
“I know it's been said many times, but things have been and will continue to be different with me for the pack. I haven’t been trained to be a playmate, and I don’t know much about Alphas.”
“Don’t worry too much about being a proper playmate. I, for one, don’t feel like that title sets well with you. You feel more important than that.” 
When you approach the car, he waives off Jen to open the door for you himself—still being the perfect gentleman. The action, though simple, sets your heart a flutter and causes the vanilla of your scent to bloom as you hand back his jacket and enter the car.
Once you are in, you revel in the warmth it brings. The cold from outside had penetrated you deeper than you thought—one of the side effects of having an autoimmune disorder. 
Seokjin joins you in the backseat but notices you still shivering, “Y/n, are you okay? Did you get too cold?”
“I will be fine. I am used to it. I have always run colder than the rest of the world it seems like. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.”
Smoothing out your skirt, you continue, “I know you will get more information with the contract but just know, I have had it for a while and am used to it. So don’t worry.”
Next thing you know, an arm engulfs your shoulders, and you are being manhandled into the middle seat. You’re angled to have your back pressed against Seokjin’s chest, allowing his body heat to warm you up.
“Relax, dearest. As a hybrid, we run warmer than humans. As an Alpha, I run even hotter. Allow me to warm you up again, please?”
With every second that passes, you can already feel the tightness in your back release. The Alpha is almost like a heated blanket at your back. Nodding your head, you settle into his hold, “Thank you, Alpha.”
As you rest your head back, you take a slow breath. Smiling to yourself, you think about how safe and accepted Seokjin has made you feel all night. 
Your previous dates, boyfriends, and even your brother never took the time to treat you like a lady. Replaying the night in your mind, the Alpha’s scent surrounds you in the backseat, “Cherries.”
“What was that dear?”
“Cherries, your scent is subtle, but it's cherries, right?” you ask, moving your body enough to still lean against him but see his face. 
“Yes,” a shy smile tugs on his lips. “It’s not one of the stronger scents out of the pack.”
“Sometimes the best scents are not the powerful ones,” you notice the hint of sadness in his eyes. 
It stirs a desire to get the smile to reach his eyes and prompts you to say, “They are meant to comfort and not intimidate. Any Alpha can intimidate, but it takes an amazing Alpha to comfort.”
“Thank you.”
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The rest of the ride to the packhouse was held in comfortable silence.
Seokjin basks in the feel of your body relaxing against his, your scent seeping into his soul. Tonight was better than expected. 
Aside from you confirming the things he had already suspected, he learned a little from you. You may either need to learn to yourself better or need to trust him more.
He understands that trust takes time and can be built on transparency, so he was happy to answer your questions. This dinner had more riding on it than he thinks you will ever understand. 
Though he is not the Prime Alpha, being the eldest Alpha means he has been acting as the Pack Luna. His connection to you is just as crucial as Namjoons. 
While it is clear that you have a connection with Yoongi and Jungkook, the mate bond must be solidified by all the mates. 
It's an all-or-nothing kinda deal.
When the car comes to a stop, he gets out and then helps you as well. Ever the provider, he pulls you tightly to his side to keep you warm as you walk up the steps.
Shockingly, no one is waiting for the two of you to come home. While you look around, wondering where everyone has gone, Seokjin has hung his jacket and kneeled to help you remove your shoes.
“Thank you, Alpha,” you whisper, trying not to break the peace that seems to have settled over the packhouse. 
Retaking your hand, he leads you to your bedroom door, pausing briefly before he leans forward to rest his forehead on yours. 
“Dearest Y/n, taking you out tonight was a pleasure and an honor. I hope you see that I am more than just World Wide Handsome Jin.”
You nod and go to say something, only for him to continue, “Please think on tonight. How you felt going on a date with me, how it felt spending time with me, and how it may be with the rest of us.”
“I had a lovely time, Jin. I have never been treated like a lady of class before, and it made me feel special. Thank you for everything.”
“You are more than welcome. Thank you for giving us a chance.” 
With that, Seokjin pulls back just enough to kiss your forehead. His Alpha rejoices as you step forward and wrap an arm around his waist in a gentle hug. 
“Good Night, Alpha,” you say as Seokjin hugs back, rubbing his cheek on your hair in a small act of absent-minded scenting. 
“Good Night, my dearest,” says the eldest Alpha before opening your door and backing away as you close it with a tiny wave. 
Turning around, you lean against the door, your heart thumping faster than usual. Seokjin’s kiss still feels warm on your face.  
Stepping out of his hold felt more challenging than it should. You weren’t just stepping out of his arms but leaving some of yourself behind.
That’s when you realize you will be a mess at the end of six more dates.
At least you have several weeks to sort yourself out before your heart breaks eight times.
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btsmosphere · 3 days
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 11: Right Beside You
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Jungkook has you to thank, if only he knew how.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, past trauma (mentioned assault and torture), mentioned homelessness
a/n: the found family is strong with this one😌🥰 hi everyone, thank you for joining me for this next part of the journey! sorry for being super offline this week, it's been an exhausting one and I'm still a bit mentally checked out as I write this note, but all of the positive comments have been lovely to see🥰special note for the anon who wanted a sneak peek, I just couldn't find a good spot to post for this chapter and didn't have the energy to comb through for one either. I'll consider for future parts when I have more time to do so, but in the meantime I would love just to hear what you enjoyed so far💞enjoy the chapter!
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Jungkook didn’t speak to you about that night. Barely even looked your way the next morning when you slunk in to have breakfast.
It was entirely unfair that he was there bright and early, looking completely put-together in that handsome way he always did – or maybe it was one of the perks of having a face like his. A lucky side effect of his stubbornly ignoring you was that he didn’t seem to notice, certainly not acknowledge, your envious staring at him, before you were able to catch yourself and rid your mind of these thoughts.
You, however, had only gone back upstairs when you felt your eyes drooping again, long after Jungkook had disappeared. Even then, it was to fitful sleep. All the midnight epiphanies in the world weren’t about to make you forget your guilt over Hoseok.
So now, it was safe to say you were tired.
Hunching over a plate, you said little, but at least tried to smile at Hope, who caught your gaze. Yoongi eyed between the two of you, and you shrank again, unable to stand the thought he was also wary of you. Maybe Jungkook was just the most open about it.
You wondered over your toast whether Jungkook had a similar reason for being awake last night. Whether he knew yours.
Did he realise that you had been up because of your guilt-ridden nightmares? Would that make him feel better, to know you were being punished for your actions by your own psyche?
You hadn’t thought to question his own presence in the training room at night until now, though. Not that it was a particularly pleasant train of thought. Did he have nightmares of his own? Worse still, were they the same as yours? Had your near miss caused him the same fear it had you, enough to invade his sleep?
At the end of the table, Jungkook spoke in a low voice to Jin. There was no chance for you to guess what they were talking about.
Yet you were still watching. You couldn’t look away, almost wondering if you could see inside his head if you looked hard enough. Puzzle him out.
A scraping sound and movement beneath your hand jerked your attention away.
Your eyes darted to your plate – or where it had been. They followed as it dragged itself swiftly across the table, stopping in front of a clasped pair of hands. And Jimin’s eyes, intent on you under raised brows, made you shift.
“Well, if you’re not going to eat it,” he smiled innocently.
With a pout, you made a swipe for the toast you had abandoned on your plate in your (rather long) moment of distraction. The plate, of course, swiftly darted away from your reach, then switched directions.
Huffing, you gave up, slouching back sulkily in your chair while Jimin laughed.
Another hand reached over to slide your breakfast back to you, this time met with no protest. Jimin was still laughing, glittering pink dying in his eyes, and you smiled gratefully to V, your food restorer.
Lesson learned, you did keep your attention to yourself this time as you finished without looking back up.
As such, you missed the sharp eyes that had finally turned towards you.
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At a loss, and not keen as usual to head to training, you followed Jimin and V over to the couch and sunk into it after breakfast, ready to waste away some of the morning. The other two kept muttering between themselves, but you were happy to let them go on unbothered.
A weight dipping the cushion beside you made your head turn in surprise.
Hope flopped against the back of the sofa, looking up at you with a smile.
“Did I ever tell you how I got my powers?” he said, tone casual.
Meanwhile, you tried not to widen your eyes. While all the boys, for obvious reasons, knew about the cause of your powers’ arrival, you weren’t sure about theirs. It wasn’t something you could just… ask.
Or so you thought.
It had been one of the worst nights of your life, so you imagined it was similar for them. Why should they want to share that with someone they didn’t trust?
Maybe Hobi did trust you, though. Because when you shook your head, he shifted his elbows onto the back of the sofa, leaning forward to confide in you.
“I was a student,” he began the tale, “training for stunt work on the side. I had to work this shitty all-night convenience store to afford it… not exactly in the safest end of town.”
You could only imagine it all too well. You realised Jimin and V had stopped their chatter, lapsing into silent attention to the story, although they must know it already.
“One night, some random guy tried to rob the place. When he started attacking a customer, I vaulted the cash desk to stop him. He beat the shit out of me. Had a crowbar and everything. But then, when I was on the floor – couldn’t move anymore, not even stand – it’s like I suddenly woke up. I don’t know how else to describe it.”
Watching his face carefully, you found no words. It was clear the experience had been terrifying, his expression clouding for a moment as he told you the worst of it. You had never seen him look so serious.
He shook himself lightly, meeting your eyes again, and the normally permanent smile returned to his face.
“Suddenly I got the energy to fight back. Since then, I’ve moved faster, been stronger, than I ever was before. It turned a few heads on the stunt team, which is how Namjoon got wind of me.”
“Wow, that’s… scary,” you settled for, though it didn’t do his story justice.
“Yeah,” he nodded, before turning fully to you, a look fixing you in place. “Nothing compared with a slip in training.”
You wilted at the painful reminder which blindsided you. So that’s what this was about?
Hope clapped you on the shoulder.
“I still trust you, yeah? That’s not up to Jungkook.”
Nodding, you finally managed a weak smile of your own.
Not knowing how to settle back into the sofa, you shifted and spied V whispering something to Jimin. Jimin shifted back to look him in the face, brow tilting in question. V nodded.
Then Jimin spun to you.
“Tae also wants me to tell you… how he got his powers.”
Your eyebrows shot up.
“Really,” you shifted your gaze to V, “don’t feel you have to. It must be tough-”
“It may be hard to talk about, but you should hear it,” Jimin assured you, “we want you to know.”
Your heart softened at this double show of trust. Giving a nod, you watched Jimin take a bracing breath.
“I was the one who found him,” he began, “Namjoon sent me. He heard about the place, wanted to investigate… it was a testing centre. They were keeping him there like a prisoner, seeing what stuff they could inject until he…”
Jimin choked off the sentence. You didn’t want to hear the end of it.
Jimin’s eyes were wide and betrayed such dazzling emotion you could hardly look. It was no wonder he was such a fierce protector of V, that they loved each other so strongly.
“In the end, they gave him fire. We’re not even sure if they meant to, if they knew what they were doing. But they were using him, and I had to get him out of there.”
Letting silence stretch for a moment, you waited until it was clear he wasn’t going on.
“Good,” you spoke quietly. Shifting your eyes to V, you found him looking at you calmly, though the darkness in his eyes was heavier than normal. “I’m glad you made it here.”
Jimin squeezed his hand.
Though you tried to swallow it down, you couldn’t help your next question. You wouldn’t ask what happened to Hope’s would-be killer, but this…
“What happened to the lab?” you whispered.
V’s gaze remained unblinking.
“Burned,” he said, in that rare, low voice.
Not leaving his gaze, you only nodded.
You may have been accepted by your friends. Their trust bolstered you, it did, only… Something didn’t sit right while you were still so perplexed at your precarious footing with Jungkook.
When he did show up, Jungkook seemed oddly distracted all morning. Weirdest of all was that his mood didn’t drive him away to the gym like usual. He sat at the end of the sofa until Yoongi arrived, fishing controllers from the dreaded Drawer of Cables. Playing a few rounds of video games was fun, but you still found yourself glancing a little too often at the detached Jungkook. When a controller got passed to him, he nearly won without breaking into a sweat, only to apparently zone out and fall off the map near the end.
The others laughed at him and yelled their own victories, the two of you the only ones not joining in. At least you cracked a grin, but Jungkook seemed to have drifted.
Maybe, with the others knowing him better than you did, their lack of notice was a good sign. Surely you couldn’t be the only one caught so off-guard by his silence? Or maybe it was because of last night. None of the others had heard your odd midnight conversation.
With Jungkook acting this way, you had wondered how training would play out. If he would even show. You wouldn’t blame him after yesterday with Hobi, and… whatever that had been last night.
No, you wouldn’t blame him, but strangely you found yourself hoping for the opposite in any case. Some sign from him about what last night meant… or at least that you should forget about it.
In the event, your wondering was never answered.
Namjoon marching into the room wasn’t what any of you had expected. Usually, that meant business. And today was no exception.
“Are you guys ready to head out?”
Which meant that if you weren’t, now was the time to prepare. All you needed to do was grab shoes, and then you were following Jin as he grabbed keys and headed down the front stairs to the garage.
Behind you, Hobi was desperately searching for a second shoe, only having found one in his room. Yoongi had been begrudgingly roped into helping, and his sighs filled the air at regular intervals as he found yet another spot empty.
Jimin was hopping around as he tried to run to the door before tying his laces.
Namjoon walked through the sudden chaos, unfazed, raising his voice slightly.
“Bosun’s just had to flee his place at the edge of town. Says there are people inside already. So we’d better move.”
The garage door slid open as you reached it. Jungkook was already waiting. He had been the first one to his feet when Namjoon entered with a battle plan, and you got it. Some good action would force unwanted distractions from your mind like nothing else.
He pushed away from the wall, squaring his shoulders as he stepped towards the waiting cars. And stumbled.
You bit down on your lip, but it was as if he could sense your instinctive laughter. Yours were the first place his eyes glowered as he recovered balance.
Ducking your eyes, they landed on a sneaker strewn on the ground.
“Oi, Hobi!” you called, launching his missing sneaker up the stairs past Namjoon, who was now descending.
“Thanks!” came his call, and then he was beside you in an instant, yellow light flashing in his eyes.
“Hey, only one of us has speed powers!” Yoongi complained, jogging down the stairs last.
Namjoon’s eyes flickered over the lot of you and then you were piling into cars. Jimin tugged you after him and V into Jin’s car, while the others took the neighbouring one.
With the unexpected attack already apparently underway, Jin cut all the corners he could as you sped across the city. You remembered seeing Bosun’s name in one of the various files Jin was sifting through as he and Namjoon desperately tried to strategise their way out of this game already in motion. Clearly, his wasn’t one of their top places of concern as he hadn’t been relocated yet.
You were beginning to see why. The streets you passed grew less and less maintained, cracks, weeds and broken signs whizzing past your window. This was more similar to the end of town you used to live in, before Bolt. And you would assume it to be way off his radar.
Apparently not.
Jin pulled up in some alley beside an unassuming and leaky-looking warehouse. Fumbling to open the glove box, he passed you each a small receiver along with instructions.
“Jimin, V, take that side. The back entrance is around there. With any luck they aren’t expecting us, but be ready for anything. Y/N, go the other way, check it’s clear. Then head to the front where you’ll meet the others.”
Nodding hastily, you all scrammed from the car. Jimin patted your shoulder and flashed you a grin – a nod from V and they were sprinting away to the left. You peeled off right instead, focus setting in the moment your feet were in motion.
Rounding a corner, you were faced with a near-identical alley, narrow and shadowy with puddles nestled in cracks in the concrete.
Eyes scanning, you first checked the windows in the long expanse of wall. There were few, high up and tiny. From here, you could see no one looking back out at you. Hopefully that meant the surprise factor was still on your side.
It was when your eyes returned to the street in front of you that your steps faltered. Closer now, a figure became clear in the shadows that you hadn’t made out before.
Slowing, you squinted at them, hands already twitching. But they hadn’t made any move, although they had clearly seen you. Crouched against the wall, they looked directly your way as you approached hesitantly. Maybe they just didn’t know who you were? But if they were guarding this place, surely any passerby could be classed as a threat?
So why weren’t they attacking?
You stopped fully, now only paces from them. You saw it was a young man, maybe even a teenager. His eyes were large as they looked at you from below unkempt hair, and while they had a hard edge of practised hostility, all you read there was wariness and fear.
Hands retreating under fraying sleeves, he shifted uncomfortably the longer you stood in front of him. Worn-out shoes with a hole in the side shifted near to a puddle.
Frowning, your eyes caught sight of a bag he was sheltering with his body.
Breath slowed uncomfortably in your throat as it dawned on you. He wasn’t with the people attacking the warehouse – he probably had no idea anything was even going on in the building behind the two of you.
“You should get out of here,” you met his eyes again.
He didn’t need telling twice. Since you had showed interest in him, his discomfort had been clear, and he finally shot to his feet, still clinging to the overstuffed backpack behind him.
Then your eyes were torn from his nervous ones by a blast from the end of the alley.
Whipping around, you were briefly dazzled by a burst of gold light. Inexplicably, it put you at ease – or the knowledge of who was behind it did.
What had you instantly back on edge were the two silhouetted figures that now ran across the entrance to the alleyway. The sight of weapons clutched to their chests had your fingers flexing, feeling your powers simmer defensively.
It had begun.
A second after the armed people emerged, one of them was sent to the floor by a human-sized bullet – Hope. Their gun skidded away, landing in a shallow puddle with a splash.
Starting forwards intently to aid your team, you spared one last glance back at the boy you had found in the alley.
Those same fearful eyes were now fixed past you at the violence unfolding as it spilled from the warehouse entrance. Rigid, he seemed frozen to the spot.
“Go!” you barked, “I mean it!”
And then you were running. If he had any sense, the kid would get moving.
Another sharp blade of gold light descended, nearly knocking over the remaining assailant ahead of you, but they ducked and staggered on, the blast clashing with the neighbouring wall. Tracing the source of the attack, you spied Jungkook’s vantage point on the roof, his head visible though only a brief blur as he raced after his target.
Fixing your eyes front, you charged head-on at the fleeing man.
And he spotted you too.
Whatever weapon you were facing now, you didn’t fancy finding out. He was aiming it, giving you a clear view down the barrel.
Your step never once faltered. You didn’t need to reach for a weapon.
You were one.
Blue fired from your fingertips before his could move on the trigger. It caught him, flinging him backwards, flipping before slamming against the ground.
Still hot-footing it to the heat of the action, you glanced to Jungkook, smirk already lifting your lips, ready to share the momentary victory.
But he hadn’t changed direction. Instead, he was flying towards you, descending from the rooftop on a pillar of gold, and his other arm was aiming behind you-
Turning, you caught sight of the fleeing boy, almost out of sight now.
Your heart dropped in slow motion, but your body acted without waiting for permission.
Well-aimed gold streaked down the alley. Hand raising, you threw an arrow of blue to meet it. Lightning collided in the air, your shot throwing his off, a missile of sparking blue and gold smashing against the warehouse.
Outrage painting his face, Jungkook hit the ground, already dashing towards you and the boy. Readied his arm again…
“Jungkook!” you cried.
Not stepping out of his path, the two of you practically crashed into each other. Your hand caught his shoulder, restraining him as you twisted to look behind you.
The boy was on the ground, metres from the impact. As you watched, he scrambled to his feet, hoisted his backpack over a shoulder and ran, finally disappearing into another street.
“He’s not with them,” you panted, “…he’s just a kid.”
Turning back to Jungkook, you expected rage, frustration… but not this. His eyes were fixed on the spot the boy had fled from. As his eyes tracked, slowly, back to your face, he inhaled softly. Held it. Slack-jawed horror washed over him.
Struck by the force of emotion surfacing so suddenly in his eyes, you lightened your grip and took a step back.
A heavy frown pressed on Jungkook's brows, gaze once again growing distant, drifting to the alley behind you.
“I didn’t think…” he mumbled, but his lips stilled again, parted in horror.
“You’re not supposed to expect it,” you whispered.
Eyes fixed on Jungkook’s intently, you caught the sharp flicker as they returned to you. Lucidity flooded back to him and his throat bobbed in a hard swallow.
As he looked at you, his frown eased imperceptibly, realisation widening his eyes instead.
“He would be dead.” Jungkook’s voice was brittle.
Your heart was only now slowing in your chest, the shock of adrenaline subsiding. All it took was another blow from somewhere behind the pair of you, ringing out through the confined space, to pull you away from Jungkook.
His head turned; you stepped to see around him. Dropping your arm fully at last, you broke into a sprint once more, knowing even before you heard his steps that Jungkook would be right beside you.
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You eyed the warehouse and alleyway disappearing in the rear-view mirror. Soon they were eaten up by the maze of roads taking you back into the city that was none the wiser.
There hadn’t been many more attackers. No one of note, only bolstered by weapons of Bolt’s previous acquisition. In the end, the group of you had driven them out with relative ease.
Which was good. Bosun had shaken hands with Namjoon outside in relief as he found his work still intact.
But you wondered if you were the only one nagged by another win without sight of the orchestrator. Bolt seemed to follow you everywhere, without ever showing his face. You took your eyes from the cars around you to a news stand as you drove past. Blue splashed over the front cover, Bolt took his place in the glorious spotlight, right where he wanted.
Did the readers know what he had working behind the scenes?
The weapons these fighters were decked out with, you knew them. But you also knew Kuyang had never made so many of them as you were now encountering on each shout.
“Do you think Namjoon-hyung will mind if we skip training?” Jimin was nudging V with that playfully devilish grin of his, “we basically had a workout already!”
Glancing at the rear-view, you saw Jin raise a brow and shared a private smile with yourself. You didn’t think Namjoon was the one Jimin should be worrying about.
Then you sat up.
“Hey, Jin?” you spoke.
He hummed, glancing to you in the mirror, but your eyes had caught something else.
“The same car is still behind us.”
Jin’s hands tightened on the wheel and he shot a look to follow yours.
“You’re sure?”
He braked a little too sharply as a car pulled from a turning ahead of you.
“I’m sure. Not that red one, the black one behind it, do you see?”
Narrowed eyes scanning the mirror, he nodded.
“Since when?”
“A good few roads. Since the lights.”
Jimin had gone quiet, all three of you now watching Jin closely for an answer as he pursed his lips. Though you sincerely hoped it was simply a harmless coincidence, you had left the busiest roads and were nearing home. Best not to take chances.
“Let’s see what they’re about,” Jin said, voice low and calculated.
A challenge.
A turning approached, so he indicated and slipped into the right-turn lane. Tentatively, you turned your head, enough to eye the black car. It carried on behind the red one and you relaxed – for a moment.
Then, just before you were obscured by the corner, it, too, switched lanes.
Your car took a collective breath in.
Jin tilted his head.
Chewing your cheek, you glanced sideways. The same nerves were reflected back in Jimin and V’s eyes.
“Jimin, can you text Namjoon that we have a potential tail?” Jin asked, tone suddenly lighter, “might be late. And in the meantime-”
He turned again, taking you down a much smaller road. The opposite direction to your original destination.
Driving straight on, he waited until the black car showed itself behind you. There was almost no doubt in your mind now.
“Joon says he’ll see us back home,” Jimin said, lifting his phone up surreptitiously to snap some images of your stalker, “and that they’re all clear. Although maybe whoever’s following them is just more subtle about it.”
Jin chuckled with him, but it was brief.
“Well, without Y/N spotting it, I’m not sure I would be much the wiser,” he mused.
Another glance in the mirror, and the black vehicle was indicating, pulling between parked cars. Didn’t tuck itself all the way in, with what could be an effort to keep a view clear of your car heading further down the road.
“Oh, were heading this way after all, hm?” Jin asked dryly.
Looking back to the road with determination, he took a right. Not long after, another right, where he swung around and stopped, facing out onto the road you had just left.
It didn’t even take that long. Your lungs hadn’t even started straining from the breath you held.
The car drove in front of you.
Jimin was ready, taking another picture as the driver passed, but there was no double-take or visible glance your way. They had a hood up, mask and dark glasses on.
The car carried on, but this game wasn’t going to last. As Jin pulled out, they were already slowing down, turning onto the road parallel to yours.
A burst of speed had you pressed back in the seat.
“Jimin, can you stop this guy? I’ve seen about enough.”
Jimin hummed a casual agreement, but you saw the smirk that grew on his lips, the glint in his eyes before pink light bled into them.
Sure enough, at the next intersection, the black car was right there. Jimin held a hand up, splayed his fingers, and that was all it took. Your stalker hit an invisible wall. The tyres froze, car stuck fast on the road it had been speeding down.
Jin put his foot down.
Several turns and roads later, with no more signs of the same vehicle, or of any repeat followers, he finally turned on himself, resuming your intended route at last. Didn’t stop you all keeping lookout, even as you waited for the hidden wall to slip aside and let you home. Especially then.
It was a relief to spill up the stairs to the scents of cooking – tteokbokki, if you weren’t mistaken.
The second lot of relief came when you saw Yoongi was the one behind the stove. Bound to be a solid meal, trusting him.
While the group noticed your return, Hobi jumping to his feet and Namjoon striding forwards, checking on all of you, you paused on the top step. Just cast your eyes around, for a second. Sometimes these moments would hit you from nowhere. Some outdated part of you expecting to have to cook for yourself after getting back from an already exhausting day, only to find your team making things easier.
In the small ways, just as much as the big, your life had changed. In the small ways, it was definitely for the better.
Letting a fond, awed smile slip onto your face for a second, you breathed in.
Jimin’s laugh met your ears, and you turned back to the moment. He clapped a chuckling Jungkook on the shoulder, giving a playful shove before he moved on towards the table. You moved to follow, only to find Jungkook hadn’t budged.
Residual smile still on his face, eyes wide and cheerful, his gaze rested on you. There was a slight hesitation, his smile growing fainter, nervous as he appeared to stall in front of you.
“Thanks,” he said quietly. It would almost be conversational; if only you had had a casual conversation with the guy, you would know. “Glad you’re all back safe.”
At your stunned stare, he squeezed a hurried smile back in place, and fled to Yoongi’s side in the kitchen. Your mouth hung open, eyes following Jungkook’s back even as Jin marched past.
“Yah, trust me to take care of the kitchen hyung,” Yoongi complained to the back of Jin’s head as he bent to sample a spoonful of sauce.
“I’m just taste-testing,” Jin defended a second later with a cheeky grin on his face.
Yoongi didn’t bat an eye.
“Well if the inspector’s not happy, report me,” he harrumphed, “go sit down.”
Jin allowed himself to be shoved table-wards, self-satisfied smile permanently on his face.
Still hovering beside Yoongi, Jungkook finally looked back at you. It would have been subtle, too, if you had been able to tear your eyes from him yet. He gazed up from below his hair.
A small, startled expression flitted across his face – not so intimidating now, huh? – before your view was mercifully blocked by Namjoon.
“I heard you noticed the tail back there. Good spot.”
Smiling, you bobbed your head.
“Thanks,” you eyed the floor, “I don’t even know what made me look for it.”
“Whatever it was, I’m glad you did. It got us all back here. I’ll be working on finding out who they were, though, and what they were doing after us.”
Your eyes flicked back to his face, a flicker of unease shooting across your expression.
He sighed, his turn to drop his gaze this time.
“I’ll keep you all posted. For now, it’s done. And I believe dinner is in order.”
Stepping aside, he ushered you past, only somewhat assuaged. That hadn’t been some usual attack which you could put down all-guns-blazing. Someone following you… that was different. Someone playing a long game. And there was one person you could already think of who was running one of those.
In the time you had been speaking with Namjoon, Jin had somehow returned to the kitchen, though Yoongi was silent about it this time.
Yoongi passed dishes as Jin scooped food into them, Jungkook rooting through the cupboards for something too. Slipping into a seat, you watched them idly. Jin set the steaming plates on the side, which is when Jungkook leaned over to chop chives over the top. You sure were in for a luxurious meal. A decent reward, you thought.
Turning with the next plate, Jin paused. Didn’t set it down. He stared, frozen, at Jungkook.
Catching on a second later, the younger man looked up like a caught puppy. Even if he hadn’t been doing anything nefarious.
An amused smile stole over Jin’s face.
“Since when do you cook so fancy, Kook?” he grinned.
“F-fancy?” Jungkook blinked. “Isn’t this… how you make it?”
Jin shrugged, setting down the plate and turning to grab the one Yoongi proffered impatiently.
“Never thought to add them,” Jin mused, “looks nice though. Tell me, where did you pick up such cheffing tips?”
Jin was half-joking, still plating up, but something was dawning on the younger man.
Jungkook looked comically horrified, gaze darting between the green chives in one hand and the scissors in the other. He paused like that just a little too long to sound casual when he finally regained his voice to mutter:
“This is how Y/N likes it.”
Any hope of sounding nonchalant died as Jin’s eyes bulged from his face. Yoongi froze, eyebrows raising, before looking over his shoulder to you with a questioning smile.
Namjoon, mercifully, looked down to his lap with a private smile, but he was the only one. Hobi broke into a grin and Jimin spun to laugh openly at his younger brother, who looked thoroughly grumpy now. Jungkook’s mouth was fixed in a solid pout, his hard glare not helping in the slightest as the declarations of joyful surprise clearly got to him.
In the face of Yoongi’s now wiggling eyebrows, and a disconcertingly intense stare from V, you laughed weakly.
For a second, your eyes met with Jungkook’s. He snapped his gaze away an instant later, firmly hiding his flushed cheeks with his turned back, recommencing his chive-chopping rather more aggressively.
Jin clapped him on the back exaggeratedly, before scooping a dish up.
“I think this has the most,” he smirked, sliding it to rest right in front of you, “the Y/N speciality, made just for you.”
With a roll of your eyes and an exasperated laugh, you took the bowl.
“Yah, leave off! You brought this on yourself, you know. Why not teach Jungkook your way?”
“Wha-” Jin broke off, flicking a dish towel at Jungkook’s back, “how many times have I made tteokbokki with you, punk?”
Shoulders a little looser, Jungkook ducked out of the way.
“You mean made for me,” he defended.
Leaving Jin to splutter behind him, Jungkook marched over to the table with two more chive-topped bowls of food which he set down a little too hard, landing with loud clunks.
The others dutifully moved on to other things as the plates all reached the table and the lot of you dug in, grateful after an eventful day. When Jin made a comment about the added flavour of the dish, it was genuine and not a dig at their youngest.
Still, Jungkook picked quietly at his food. It may have been bold to claim he was avoiding your eye, as you couldn’t really remember a time he had sought it out, but though he was only a seat across from you, he didn’t once look at you. What was worse was that you couldn’t help but notice. Couldn’t stop your attention straying to him among the boys’ chatter which should have been distracting you.
At least he ate it all.
You made a point to collect his plate once you had all finished. Namjoon had already disappeared, Jimin gathering the rest of the dishes to wash.
Rounding the table, you lifted the empty dish from under his nose, making him look up.
“Thanks, Jungkook,” you said, before he could look away. You didn’t smile, just returned his startled gaze with your own steady one.
He had to know you weren’t laughing at him. Even if a sprinkling of chives was nothing to be embarrassed about in the first place.
Ducking his gaze after a long second, he followed the others to flop down on the sofa.
Watching with amusement, you had to force yourself to move too. You placed the dishes on the pile and distractedly grabbed a towel since Jimin had started washing. It was funny… Not long ago, you wouldn’t have thought the abrasive, menacing Jungkook you knew then could ever look like a deer in the headlights.
“What are you smiling about?”
An elbow from Jimin brought you abruptly from your reflections. Yelping, you swatted him away.
“Nothing,” you insisted, grabbing desperately for a dish to dry.
Your response only encouraged the teasing smile spreading across your companion’s mouth. You didn’t like the way his eyebrow quirked. He fixed you with a scarily knowing look that had you gulping.
Then he shrugged and turned back to the dishwater.
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THE CHIIIIVES😂Thank you for reading! How are you enjoying them all getting along?💜
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vulpixisananimal · 2 days
May your Heart be your Guiding Star.
A-Side: Chapter 1
"Hey, Sif, Siffrin, Siffarooni."
(. . . It's Isabeau.)
(It's always Isabeau. Every night, it's Isabeau who wakes you up to tell you nothing much at all. But, the script demands it, you turn and listen.)
"Um, sorry? To wake you up? I just have to tell you something. If that's ok."
(It's not like you had a choice anyway. You nod. Go on, Isabeau.)
"Then I shall tell you this thing! This thing I woke you up to tell you-"
(You zone out. You don't know why you decided to go through the sleepover again, was it selfishness? You were selfish, Siffrin. It just wasted time, and it just hurt your heart.)
(How long had it been? You were loosing track of your loops, was it months? Years? You hope it wasn't years. How much would you need to go through before it's all done?)
(You keep zoning out thru when Bonnie throws their pillow. This part was funny, once. The banter between your family, the ominous threatening, Isabeaus smile-)
(You snap out of zoning out. You hear thunder.)
"Woah." (Mira says in a whisper.) "M-must be close. . ."
"Stupid crabbing thunder! We're trying to sleep!- Huh? 'Frin?"
(You had stood up. What. What what what. There was never thunder at this time! Never, never never!! You rushed to a window to look out.)
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(It was storming, storming like it never had before.)
"What's up, Sif?" (Isa asks, concerned.) "Worried about the town?"
"Something's wrong." (You say, your breathing picking up.) "I-I, uh, I don't know but-"
(You wince, Loop?!? Loop what's- wait. You make the stupid hand sign Loop taught you, ignoring your family's looks of confusion.)
"Loop what's-"
"I-I don't-"
"Gems alive."
(You all rushed out of the clocktower, dressed and ready for anything. Your heart was beating our of your chest, what was going on?!? Was Loop ok?!?)
(The sky was cloudy and lightless, a level of lightless you'd never seen before! This, this couldn't be the end, right-)
"AAH!!" (Mirabelle shrieked.) "A S-SADNESS!!"
(You watch in confusion as a shadowy creature rises from the ground itself. It had antenae, sharp claws, and light-grey eyes. It's, what is that?!?)
"Weird looking sadness!" (Bonnie yells.)
(Odile analyses the enemy.) "It's not like any we've seen-"
(It lungest at your party, you move quickly and slice it in two, and it dissolves into shadow. It didn't feel like a sadness, it, it's wrong. You turn back to your family.) "Can't waste time! C'mon!"
"R-right!! We need to save the townsfolk!!" (Mirabelle agrees, everyone quickly following you to Dormont.)
(A hop, skip, and a jump and you were all back into town. Everyone was running about, more of those creatures were forming from the Darkness and attacking!! You run ahead and swipe at one that was about to hurt the frog-loving kid.)
"T-thank..." (They say meekly.)
(Mirabelle catches up with you, and addresses the kid.) "Go run to the library! We'll make sure everyone gets there, ok?"
(The kid nods, and runs off. Mirabelle turns to the rest of you.) "W-we, we should, we should make sure everyones safe, right? That was the right call, right???"
"It's a good call!! I'll help gather people!!" (Isa agrees.)
"Right, I'll make sure the Library's safe. Boniface, stick with me, please." (Odile adds.)
"Can I bonk one of those weird things???" (Bonnie says a bit too excitedly.)
"N-not now, Bonnie! Siffrin, can you help get people??" (Mira asks you. Was there any question?)
"Of course, I'll be fast about it, as always~" (You say cheekily.)
(You all split up, Mira, youself, and Isabeau looking for people to save. Odile and Bonnie to keep the Library safe.)
(You need to go see Loop.)
(You run through the town, striking at creature after creature, but with each one you slay two more take it's place!! You run past the Boulanger's, before you can stop it, one of the creatures strikes down the Big Boulanger. All you can do is slay the creature that did the deed, and tell the small Boulanger to run.)
(You run to the Favor tree. Loop's there, fighting off multiple creatures at once. You rush to help.)
(You strike at the creatures.) "LOOP!!! LOOP WHAT'S GOING ON?!?"
"STARDUST!!!" (Loop crushes a creature with a hand.) "What are you doing here!?! I told you to run!!!"
"I-I was worried about you!! We need to, t-to-"
"To WHAT, Stardust!!" (Loop snaps back.) "Can't you see!! The world is ending!!"
(You take towards them.) "L-Loop, Loop c'mon! Mirabelle is getting everyone together at the Library and-"
"What you want ME to be there?!?" (Loop laughs.) "Little old me at the END?!?"
"I-I-" (End of the world. It, it certainly felt like the end of the world. You could feel the earth rumbling, the storm getting worse.) "I, no!! I'm not arguing!! Come on!!!"
(You grab Loop by the arm and start dragging them, they don't resist-)
(You trip, what?!? What was that noise?!? You turn around and, a-and.)
(The world was, litteralt falling apart. Breaking, Falling, Rotting. The land where you were standing and where Loop was standing were slowly drifting apart, Loops side was crumbling into bits. Looking around, looking down, it looks like, like stars. Like void.)
"LOOP!!" (You yell for your friend.) "LOOP MAYBE, M-MAYBE-"
(You watch as horror as the ground they're standing on crumbles into nothing. Your friend, your sponsor, your star, falls into the abyss that's forming all around you.)
(No, no no no no, no that, that, that can't be right, right? That, that can't be it?!? You quickly make the hand sign. You call for Loop.)
(You don't hear anything.)
(. . . . .)
(Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together Keep it together-)
(You run back to Dormont. It's worse, it's so much worse here. Cracks where forming everywhere, the land was falling into nothingness. There where creatures everywhere. You could see Odile at the library door helping people in. Mirabelle stood at the foot of the Change God statue, fighting off waves of creatures, you run to help.)
"Sif!!!" (She yells, slicing a creature in two.) "W-what-"
"No time!! Where's Isabeau?!?" (You start hacking away at the dark creatures.)
"I-I don't know!! I thought, I thought he was with you!"
(Your heart drops, no, no not Isabeau. Stars, stars please not Isabeau too! No, this can't be happening. This, this is a nightmare!! A terrible, terrible nightmare that--)
(You feel a sharp pain in your side, a creature sliced you. No, no this isn't a nightmare.)
"S-Sif!!" (Mira runs over to you, healing at the ready.) "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm really, really sorry!!! I don't know, know, know where-"
(You and Mirabelle turn, the piece of land with the Library had broken off from where you were. Odile was looking at you in horror, Bonnie was holding onto her leg for dear life.)
"M-MADAME!!!" (Mira screemed.)
(No, no no no. You can see it already, the cracks were forming on their little island. You, you couldn't watch, you look away.)
(Mirabelles screams were all you needed to hear.)
(This can't be real. This can't be real This can't be real Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back Loop back WHY AREN'T YOU LOOPING BACK!!!)
(Your stomach hurts.)
(Mirabelle collapses to the ground next to you, she's sobbing. You, you should, at least, try, try anything, anything anything anything!!)
(None of this was in the script.)
"M-Mira. . ." (You very, gently put a hand on her shoulder. Why, why did YOU need to be the stable one here!!) "I'm, I'm here, they'll, they'll be-"
"S-siffrin. . ." (She's, distraught.) "We, w-we've failed. We failed didn't we!! We failed and, a-and, a-and everything ending, and, it's all, all my fault!!"
"N-no! No we, we still, might have a chance, i-if-" (If you can go through a house that's currently crumbling into bits and beat the King? Not likely. Admit it, siffrin. You lost.)
(You scream as you feel a pain on your back. A creature had snuck up on you and struck you. You collapse to your knees, it hurt, it hurt so much-)
(You hear a swish, and a. . . Sparkle? Singing? And a gasp from Mirabelle. You look up.)
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(Mirabelle had struck the creature that had attacked you, but, now in her hands was a weapon you'd never seen before. It was sleek and thin like a rapier, with thin strans of what looks like hair leading from it's tip to the wrist guard. As she swung it around to get a feel for the strange weapon, you could hear it sing, or talk, or just, make noise.)
"W-what is. . ." (She's as confused as you.) "I-it, it. . ."
"It's a gift, I bet." (You say, trying desperatly to lighten the mood. It was just the two of you here after all.) "What is it?"
"I-I, I don't know." (She swings it a few more times. It sings some more- actually, no! You could make out some of the things it's singing, or saying. "Storstorageroomroom." "Openphrase123." What? Mirabelle helped you to your feet.) "It, it feels strong though. And it reminds me of a violin, look! Horse hair!"
(Oh! Right! That's what you used to make musical instruments, right- WAIT NO TIME!!) "Maybe we can fix this! O-or-
(For the third time you heared that sickening noise, this time, from above you. You and Mirabelle look up, your face drops.)
(It was a dark creature, one that was so, so much larger. It looked, looked like a nightmare.)
"Change. . ." (Mirabelle gripped her new weapon tightly as the thing landed on the ground in front of you. It was multiple stories tall, with evil looking eyes.) "S-siffrin, what, w-what do we do?!?"
"Fight." (You say, gripping your dagger close.) "It's, it's all we can do."
(You charge forward.)
(Balls of lightless mist erupted from the creatures chest, you dodged them effortlessly and striked its body. Once, twice three time!! You were sick of these blinding creatures!!! Just die!!!)
([Just attack])
"S-sif!!" (Mirabelle deflected one of the lightless balls with her new weapon, catching up and striking the creature.) "B-be careful! Please!!"
(You ignore her, stab! Stab! Stab stab stab!!!)
(The creature knocks you away like you were nothing. You fly back, right past the edge of the land you were fighting on. You stab the ground frantically to stop yourself from falling into the abyss bellow. No, nononono!)
"S-siffrin!!!" (Mirabelle started running to you, but was cut off by the creature.) "Sif!! Hold on I-I-"
(You try pulling yourself up. Don't look down, don't look down Siffrin. Just, just don't, don't. Look.)
(Your heart stops.)
"SIFFRIN!!! NO!!!!!"
(Your falling. Everything, everythings turning dark. The world, the world is gone, being eaten, eaten by. . .)
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
(You wretch. Nothing happens. You feel a tug, nothing happens. Again, again, again!!! You're breaking, you're falling, you're, you're-)
(You're going to die.)
(This is it. The theater has burned down, with all the actors still inside.)
(You close your eyes. You hope you your death comes quick.)
(In a far away town, a boy looks up to the night sky. And sees a star blink out.)
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sunny-mercya · 2 days
Breakable Mind
Poly! Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Male Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> Anon
Masterlist | Related OS
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Oh how it shouldn't went down like this. How it wasn't meant to be, that you, their adorable crybaby—with a heart of gold, emotions so sensitive and a mind so submissive weak—of a boyfriend, finding out about their little secret.
You had though and although not on your own—as it was all thanks to little miss princess Sidney Prescott, who told you—planting subjective doubt in your pure mind—about her suspicions of Billy—and somewhat Stu and you too—being the Ghostface Killer, who terrorise her and the town as if it was some funny game—it did brought a minor bump into their plan.
Though nothing Billy and Stu weren't able to fix. There would be, if ever the case occurred that you might found out, only two options; kill you, which would be truly a tragic shame to do—or holding you hostage and making you in every possible way submit to them, showing who you belong to.
And of course Billy and Stu chose option two, because after all—like said before—it would be truly a tragedy of shame, if they had to kill you.
So when you've confronted them about it—honestly, it was more a question than an accusation from you, but it's the whole point about it which matters—well, Billy and Stu started with the simplest way—of necessarily disciplinary measurements and methods—to keep you at bay and by them, close under pressuring watch, making sure you wouldn't go off running to the police anytime soon.
In the first night, when you got told about the ugly truth, they started simple—not wanting to scare you right away into a mindset of sheer panic. Although, thinking back to it, perhaps they should have started with scary approache—would have saved them a few nights of not so gentle actions.
You were caged in Stu's hold—his lanky strong arms tightly enclosed around you—trying to break free from him, struggling considerably in your task as Stu's taller and a lot more stronger than you.
It's futile to break free, you soon realise the longer and more you struggled around. Body going limp, having giving up—for now at least, only for the remaining night as you felt tired—and while Stu said sweet meaningless nothing into your ear and then throwing you onto your bed—like he had playfully done all the times before—Billy's gaze that night was cold.
Perhaps breaking your hips and having you thus bedridden for a while now—till Billy and Stu have to either break some of your bones again or threaten you in any other way, to keep you at bay and by their side—might sound a tad bit extreme to do, but in hindsight—it was a necessary measurement to do.
You sobbed and screamed in agony through that night, some of your neighbours had called the police because of the disturbing noises and Stu—even though your bedroom was on the second floor and down below your window was nothing but solid hard concrete ground—had the brilliant idea to literally throw you out of your window to make sense as of why your hips are broken now.
Waking up in the hospital, high on morphine and other pain killers—bound to the bedside by one hand, because Billy told your dad and the doctor of your possible “suicidal” tendencies—you were neither depressed nor suicidal, but someone had to deliver an plausible explanation of why you did throw yourself out the window and breaking your hips in the process—and with Stu cooing lovingly endearments next to your side, wasn't another pleasant memory to remember.
All the while you were in the hospital, Billy inflicted you with more pain and injuries—going even as far and slitting your wrist open, breaking one of them as well, strangling you and giving you so much pills to swallow that a nurse had to force you to vomit.
It caused so much high strung anxiety and stress in you, that you started to hyperventilate into panic attacks—everything and everyone seemed to trigger them and sometimes it were yourself which did—that you occasionally, if not always, passed out from them—getting nosebleeds and migraines in the aftermath.
»You know, [Name]« Billy begun one morning, when he came for another daily visit—it was during your recovering period, which went really well so far—moving closer to you, till he had warped one of his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
»Wouldn't it be a shame, disappointing even, if you're getting injured once again? I mean, your dad, god bless him—Stu and me really likes him, he's a good man with a big heart after all—wouldn't want his precious only son to be any longer in the scary hospital and neither do we.«
Billy, after leading you back to your room—it was a slow and agonising walk back with your crippled hips and crutches—had caged you between the wall and his arms, slowly leaning in towards your neck—licking over your skin with his tongue, before biting into it—leaving behind a nice hickey.
»Really [Nickname],« Billy continues, picked you up with ease and carry you towards your bed and laying you down.
»Stu whines constantly about wanting to cuddle with you again, he misses you and so do I. Does that what we do, our small hobby, really deterred you from your love for us?«
Billy hooked you up on the morphine, setting it as high as possible, when you whined—moaning—out when the pain started to flare up again.
»I really don't like to see you in any pain and neither do I want to cause you any, but if you don't behave, love, I'm afraid it will end even more ugly than it was intended to be.«
»How....how could I still love you or Stu, when you two......you two...kill people as a hobby?« your voice was hoarse, dry like a sandpaper—as you had stopped to speak, after you were coherent enough from the morphine a few days later.
Billy drove his hand through your hair, his eyes—and maybe it's just the hospital light which makes it seem to look like it—emitting a soft gaze—an stark contrast to that night, where he glanced at you with such coldness that it stills cause a shudder through your spine.
»Maybe hobby was the wrong word to use. We're not killing people for fun or anyone we randomly see, love. Stu and I only kill those who deserved it, these people who ruin lives of others.«
With each passing second you're getting more and more drowsy and you wonder if that had always been the case when you're hooked on the morphine and pain killers.
And you didn't even knew yourself of the whys, but you nodded along to what Billy said—it sounds so logical now, making somewhat sense.
Maybe, you thought, you were wrong about your Boyfriends—still consider them as such, as you never broken the relationship off, not that you could anyways—and their possible evilness and murderous actions.
Billy seemed to see your hesitations and while you slowly begun to descend into dreamland, Billy continued to tell you all about their reasoning—feeding you sweet little believable lies.
It took almost three months of recovery, till the doctors (and psychiatrist) deemed you well enough—you still have to attend weekly therapy sessions, Physiotherapy and some other medical appointments of check ups—to be discharged.
Now you're here, back at home—in the comfort and safety zone of walls, you could call your own—and the first thing, besides your dads bear like hug as a welcome—because he's the most happiest to got you back, ready to pampering you in all his parentally love—was Billy and Stu's constantly touching and butterfly kisses at you.
»Stu, love, I can walk on my own again,« you reminded Stu once again, patting his grinning cheek softly—wanting to be let down.
»Oh I know, I know, but I love to carry you.« he swings you, in gentle ways, from side to side before walking towards the couch and laying himself with you down.
»[Nickname], I could just eat you up right away, you look so candy good, baby.« Stu preps your face with lots of tinies kisses, brought a giggling smile from your lips.
While Stu entertains you, showering you with much excessive up building love, Billy was in the kitchen—pouring for all of them some cool cola into cups.
Billy adds a few drops of highly dosed medications, the one which makes someone drowsy and loopy in the brain, in your cup—after all it's just a small precautions for them to guarantee you're forever theirs.
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dyns33 · 3 days
The Big Nice Punisher
I never gave love to Frank and Frank only in a story so I decided to change that
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Y/N should have gotten used to it, now that she was friends with Matt, Foggy and Karen.
It had happened several times that the devil of Hell's Kitchen had knocked on her window to ask for a medical kit since she knew his secret, even if the fool preferred to die in a trash rather than ask his friends for help.
It had taken everyone's intervention to force him to admit that he had a problem, and that he could count on them if he wasn't being chased by an army of ninjas.
More than stubborn, his priority was above all to ensure that he did not bring any danger into their home.
Karen wasn't Matt.
She didn't want her friends to be in danger either, but her moral compass was visibly broader, and allowed her to do more things.
Like coming to Y/N with the Punisher losing a lot of blood, asking if she could hide him for a few days and make sure he was still breathing.
Y/N had followed Frank Castle's trial on television, like the whole city. She had heard about all the people he had killed, but also the people he had saved. She had heard what happened to his wife and children. And above all, she had read in all the newspapers that he was dead.
“Can you explain to me or are you going to tell me it’s better if I know as little as possible ?” she asked as she helped Karen place him on her couch.
"Actually, I don't know. I found him like this when I came home from work. Your apartment was closer, excuse me. He doesn't want a hospital, for obvious reasons, and I was afraid he wouldn't manage to get to my place."
"Okay. Just promise me he won't jump on me when he wakes up."
“Frank is very nice, don’t worry.”
'Nice' probably wouldn't have been the first word Y/N, or anyone, would have used when talking about the Punisher, but Karen was pretty good at judging people, and that was out of the question to leave him to die anyway.
Even if she managed to see the good in him, it still seemed a bit exaggerated and even very optimistic that Karen would decide to leave Frank Castle unconscious in a stranger's house. She took the time to write a little note, telling Y/N that she could show him if he didn't trust her, but repeating that everything would be fine.
If he didn't have a reason to hurt her, he wouldn't hurt her. Really very reassuring.
Sure enough, the Punisher woke up in a panic as Y/N was making dinner, looking around with wary eyes and grimacing when he saw her. His first instinct was not to attack her but to try to flee, but his injury did not allow him to reach the door, his path ending in the middle of the living room.
“Karen warned me this would happen.” Y/N sighed, hesitating to put down her knife.
"Who are you ? Where am I ? Where is Karen ?"
“In order, I'm Y/N, you're at my house, and Karen had a job emergency so I'm babysitting for her.”
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter.” he groaned, holding his leg.
"Look, you don't want to be here, I'm not really happy about it either, but if you let me help you, you can leave quickly."
"I'm leaving now."
"Oh, no way ! I promised Karen I wouldn't let you die and I feel like you're just as stupid as Matt, so you're going to rest your ass on the couch, you're going to eat, then I'll see if you haven't reopened your wound !'
"… Yes Ma'am."
The terrible Punisher then began to look like a little lost dog, speaking little and accepting the plate that Y/N offered him, thanking her with a nod, his big black eyes following her as soon as she moved in the room.
He insisted that he could take care of his leg, but just one look made him shut up again, letting Y/N do what she wanted, since he obviously had no choice.
"I'm not a doctor, but between your broken ribs, the bullet that was in your leg, and the other marks on your body, I will say that it would be best for you to rest for a few days before you start punishing people again."
“No time to wait.”
"That wasn't a suggestion, doctor's orders."
“You just said you’re not a doctor.” he said with a smirk.
“I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
In the end, his leg was causing him too much pain and Karen had forbidden him to move over the phone, it was decided that Frank Castle would stay with Y/N ​​for at least a week. He seemed to be the most annoyed by the situation.
Both women were right about him : he was nice, and he was like Matt. He didn't like asking for help, and he was afraid of putting innocent people in danger by his mere presence.
Yes, he had tried to find Karen when he was injured, but Karen knew how to defend herself, and he would have found a way to convince her to let him go. He didn’t know Y/N. He didn't like the idea of ​​intruding into her home, into her life, into her world, even if Red wasn't far away.
"I also know how to defend myself if necessary, Mr. Castle."
"Of course Miss. And it's Frank."
“I can do the dishes by myself too, Frank.”
“I have no doubt about that, but I’m squatting on your couch, it’s the least I can do.”
A week might not seem like much, but aside from her colleagues and the trio, Y/N didn't see many people. This daily proximity to Frank made the atmosphere strange.
He always spoke little, almost never about himself, hiding his wounds like a proud animal, but being interested in her, not missing an opportunity to help her around the apartment as a sign of gratitude, and listening to her talk about her days with patience and sympathy.
It was almost difficult when his condition allowed him to leave. They had gotten used to each other and the separation gave them as much pleasure as their meeting.
Still looking like a puppy who didn't know how to behave, Frank gave her his number, just in case, taking hers if he needed to check on her. He wouldn't call her for a favor, it wasn't like him.
Obviously, his style was to stop giving any news at all and to completely disappear from people's lives.
Y/N could try to understand. He was dead in the eyes of society, he had a complicated past, his main occupation was murdering criminals… But all the same, a little message from time to time wasn't complicated.
The worst part was that he was in contact with Karen. Her friend seemed surprised that he hadn't contacted her. According to her, Frank loved her very much.
"He's shy, that stupid man. I'll tell him to call you."
"No, that's not necessary. I'm glad to know he's okay."
"Don't be ridiculous, you want to talk. He also asked me about you, I should have known he would do that."
Y/N probably should have too, but because in hindsight she didn't see why someone like Frank Castle would want to keep in touch with her. She had been useful, nothing more. Next to Karen, beautiful, intelligent Karen who he had known for a long time, Y/N didn't stand a chance.
There was also his family, for whom he had sacrificed everything. If he was only "friends" with Karen, there had to be a reason and that was because he refused to betray his dead wife.
This enchanted parenthesis of a week had been nothing other than a parenthesis.
It was stupid to be so sad for a man she had only seen for a week. And yet, Y/N was sad. So sad that she didn't pay attention to the time while having a drink at Josie's.
No doubt she forgot that despite the presence of Daredevil, Hell's Kitchen remained a dangerous place. Matt couldn't be everywhere.
So it wouldn't have been a surprise when she was followed by two guys, who cornered her in an alley and threatened her with a knife so that she would give them her bag. Then one of them looked at her with a funny look and licked his lips, and she tried to run away.
Before they could touch her, the first one had his head smashed against the wall. The other screamed, trying to defend himself with his knife, but the weapon ended up in his leg, and he was knocked out with a punch.
Slowly so as not to frighten her further, Frank helped her up, checking her for injuries and returning her things.
"Are you alright ?"
"Yes. I was careless."
“Not your fault, sweetheart.”
"I guess we're even now." she tried to joke, while sobbing. Y/N hoped he would think it was because of the shock, and not because she thought she wouldn't see him again afterwards.
This didn't make him laugh. He looked at her with his sad, worried eyes, shyly rubbing her shoulder as he listened to her breathing, waiting for her to calm down.
Then still without a word, he took out his coat to put it on her shoulders before walking her home.
There, he only left her when she was sitting on the sofa, to go get her a glass of water, letting go of it when he was sure she was holding it well, and remaining kneeling on the floor right next to her.
"… Karen said you were angry. Because I didn't call." he whispered, his eyes stopping from staring at her for a second.
"Karen is talking nonsense. I'm a big girl, and you owed me nothing. Nothing at all. I was happy to help you, and stupid to think that… Thanks for saving me. You don't have to stay."
Silence returned, but Frank didn't move. He stayed until she finished her glass, then until she was done shaking and crying, his hand never leaving hers.
But he still didn't move. And in that moment, Y/N wondered if he too had been disappointed when their week together was over.
Maybe Karen was right, he was shy, and he didn't want to put her in danger by staying in contact with her. As stubborn and insufferable as Matthew. And also nice. Why else would he have been there to protect her ?
"It's not a good idea." he suddenly muttered, closing his eyes.
"What ?"
Frank sighed, seeing that she might cry again. He could have left right away, because he didn't think his presence was a good idea, and probably he was right. No doubt it was ridiculous to love the Punisher.
But continuing to mutter, he stood up slightly, pressing his forehead against hers. Now he held both hers hands, looking desperate, opening pleading eyes.
He couldn't stay, but that didn't mean he didn't want to more than anything in the world.
"It's not a good idea." he repeated, however, as if to force himself to move, to remember his course of action, and he was quickly on his feet, ready to leave.
The door was closed as quickly as it had been opened and in an instant Frank was there again, kissing her like a thirsty man who had just found an oasis in the middle of the desert.
But the moment was furtive, almost a mirage, because the soldier quickly shook his head, swearing and saying again that it really wasn't a good idea, before fleeing the apartment.
Y/N could have been mad at him for that. But she was too busy touching hers lips, thinking that if he had kissed her against his principles, maybe Frank Castle loved her enough to come back.
This idea stayed with her, after she received a message just before going to sleep. Simple message, which made her smile.
"I was happy too. You're not stupid. Good night."
Yes, they would probably see each other again. In secret, at times when she wouldn't expect to find him in her apartment. But she was a bit used to Matt, Foggy and Karen. This wouldn't be a problem at all.
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reader tries to cook for Al, (we all know he’s a great cook). But reader sucks at cooking so Al has to step in (Or Lucifer)
Up to u to take the req or not, take care :3
Thank you for the request! I'll do both for you <3
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You just thought it'd be a nice thing to do. Alastor was always cooking something for someone, due to him actually being a good cook. You just thought it'd be nice to make him lunch
Staring at the very burnt stonetop, it occured to you that you were never really a good cook. Or decent
Ah well. When at first you don't succeed, try try again!
"What are you doing?" Alastor said from behind you, leaning over your head to stare at the atrocity that was your third attempt at cooking.
Of course he startled you, so you jumped, and everything went everywhere.
Even on Alastor's coat-
He'd be upset, obviously, but his curiosity out-weighed his desire to destroy everything and everyone.
So at the moment he'd just give you a look and repeat his question
When you tell him your goal and motives behind it, his expression softens.
Only for a second and if you say he looked soft he'll deny it
The drama queen just snaps his fingers and everything is all clean again.
He'd be wearing an apron that says 'Oh Deer' on it
Didn't you give that to him as a gift?
"Well, if you're going to insist on trying to burn down the kitchen let's at least make something edible, yes?"
You end up feeling kind of bad because this was supposed to be a gift and thank you to him.
He waves you off
"My dear, I'll consider teaching you how to not burn down a kitchen plenty thanks enough"
He actually really likes teaching you things but he'd never admit it
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You think Lucifer'd be a lot better a cook
He has his strong points, most of which were sweets and apple-related snacks
But eating sweets alone is not a good diet
You tried making him something with more vegetables and other healthy stuff
Then you remembered you also suck at cooking
He'd appreciate what you're trying to do for him
He's thankful for his permanent blush otherwise you'd see how flustered he is
So you end up trying to learn together!
It did not go well
You didn't burn anything down though
And what you ended up making didn't make you vomit
So you considered it a success!
Lucifer suggested just using magic next time
You told him you didn't have that kind of magic
"No worries, starling! I'll magic up something for you whenever you want!"
Even if you wanted to cook for him?
"OOoohhh... Well i mean if you want I guess I can just join you for a meal or two or whatever you want! Hahahahaa!"
Help this man
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haetrack · 1 day
camboy haechan.
- ☀️
STOP bc me and winnie talked abt this one time and i vaguely remember it… and of course it’s gonna be sub haechan bc what do you expect from us
thinking abt camboy haechan who like to present himself as more dominant in his livestreams… jerks himself off while teasing all the people who watch him… people begging to see him cum, low whines leaving his mouth as people tip him to let everyone cum.
it all changes once he meets you. after a few dates, he tells you that he’s a camboy. he’s not embarrassed, not when he has an easy way to earn money while he has all these people thinking he’s the hottest person they’ve ever seen. he even shows you one of his streams, laughing at the sheepish look on your face.
it’s when you question him, asking why he acts like he’s in control in his streams when in reality, he falls apart for you. you watch his cheeks turn pink, hand scratching at the back of his neck when you catch onto his act. you smile at him, “can i… can i join one of your streams?”
which is how he finds himself squirming on your lap, his back against your chest as his cock twitches for thousands of people to see. you could see the initial confusion from all his viewers, not used to seeing haechan crying out for someone to touch him. but they all seem to adapt quickly, tips coming in asking for you to edge, to get back at all the times he teased his viewers.
he melts in your lap once your hand wraps around his cock, closing in tightly around his tip. he tried bucking his hips up into your fist, but your free hand holds him down. the precum leaking out from his tip makes the slide easier, the slick sounds of you getting him off joining his loud whimpers.
you call out to him, “aren’t you gonna tell everyone how good you feel?”
he lets out a cry, “f-fuck, thank you! feels so good, thank you all for letting me feel good!”
you can tell he’s close to cumming, his whole body shaking on top of yours. you can’t let him cum this easily. you grab his face, forcing him to look at all his loyal followers laughing at him for being so submissive. tears well up in his eyes, the humiliation only getting him closer to the edge.
you lower your voice, just enough so that his viewers can still hear, “look at how everyone’s calling you a pretty crier… can’t believe you hid this from them so well.”
he lets out a cry before you feel his cum spill over your hand. you’re surprised, lifting your hand off of him, his head falling to his shoulder as cum shoots over his chest. he tries to bring a hand to his cock, but you push it away.
“still so hard after all that…” his cock twitches in response, “do you all think he deserves to cum again? maybe let him fuck me?”
you grab a handful of his hair and push his face towards his webcam, “why don’t you beg them to let you fuck me?”
it’s embarrassing asking all these people for permission when he was the one giving out orders before. as much as he doesn’t want to let everyone see him like this, the thought of being able to bury his cock in you is more than enough for him to give up, shaky voice calling out to the people watching:
“please… need to cum, wanna show everyone how good you make me feel…”
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Since the AI-related topic was brought up again and since it's already been in my mind for quite some time, I would like to have a few words about it. As you guys already know, in the past I've posted a lot of upscaled and logo-removed art since my Genshin blog but I wasn't aware that they were more or less touched by AI until recently. However, those touched-up art were proven to do more good than harm so from now on, images that were enhanced by AI will still be posted BUT it will be restricted to upscaled and logo-removed art ONLY, just as what I have always posted.
Thanks for reading and I hope this will clear up some questions everyone has.
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simplydannie · 2 days
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I just love protective brother Veneer okay!! Also, some ideas I’m playing around with to update my AU…again lol
Fame comes with a price… sometimes that includes handsy, creepy fans. It’s all fine, until it comes down to his sister… that’s where Veneer draws the line.
She did it.
The Mistress had found her six superstars. The six she was to bring up from Under Rageous to sail in stardom in Mount Rageous. That’s what they were referred to by the agency, the powers, the higher ups in Mount Rageous…The Six.
And the queen and king of these six were the twins, Velvet and Veneer. Each star knew and used the essence of the Troll…but somehow these twins had an hypnotic effect on the crowd. They brought in the most money, their music was the most downloaded, their images the most searched. The other four stars and starlets only looked upon the twins with envy as they continued to rise and rise.
The twins were treated like royalty by the agency, including Mistress. They were her little money makers…..Unfortunately, she didn’t care much for their well being, including the seductive eyes that would be thrown at either of her stars. Veneer began noticing this. He saw how they would look at him, especially his sister. Mistress told him not to worry, she told him it’s just all part of the job….but he didn’t like it, he didn’t like it one bit.
As a brother, his instincts kicked in…he was protective. What if one day these maniacs decided to take action on her?…
They were on a press tour to kick off their new album. They were being interviewed by DJ Orbit…only the best of the best would make it on his show, and they were there. Veneer was only half paying attention to what was being asked. His little facade began to fall as he saw the hungry eyes of the production team eyeing his sister. Unknowingly a scowl came over his face…
“You good there bud?”
Veneer just realized he was being talked to, “Huh?” He turned to see that Orbit had asked him a question. Velvet elbowed him. Get your act together, her eyes seemed to say.
Orbit laughed, “My question went out to both you: how do you come up with these songs that just captivates the people? Velvet already answered, what’s your take?”
Veneer was lost for words. If he had been paying attention he’d know what Velvet had said and would have followed up…He had to BS it now, “Well, as always, I follow my sister’s lead. She’s the brains who knows how to take any idea and make it..….” Again, they were eyeing her, he could see it. It stopped him in his tracks and kept him from saying anything more…
“And make it…?” Orbit seemed to push for an answer.
“…AMAZING! Make it amazing!” Veneer finished off.
“Of course what do we expect from the amazing Velvet herself! That’s all the time we have for today! We are greatly looking forward to this new album! It has already been labeled the most anticipated album of the year. Velvet and Veneer everyone!”
They cut.
“Thank you guys. Now as always, your fans await.”
As they stood up, Veneer kept eyeing the production team behind the cameras. They noticed his glare and turned away…That’s what he thought.
“What the hell Veneer! You can totally tell your mind wasn’t in that interview.” Velvet scolded as they headed to their next stop.
“Sorry! I was distracted…There were some creeps eyeing you..”
“Really Ven? Tell me something new I don’t know.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
“It’s all part of the job.”
The twins were lead through two doors that lead to the outside of the studio. A red carpet was laid out that led to their limo. On either side fans chanted their names. As they walked by the fans attempted to reach out and touch their skin, their clothes, their hair, anything. They were ushered through by security and as always, followed by cameras. Fans were asking for pictures and autographs. To keep their image, they obliged. Veneer stopped to take pictures with one side while Velvet went to the other. Throughout the whole time he eyed his sister, keeping careful watch over her.
She came across a group of boys who reached out and grabbed her arm. With a teasing smile she withdrew, but again they reached to touch her hand, her arm, her hair. Before he knew it, Veneer was between the boys and his sister.
“Aw, thank you for the support, but I would like if you didn’t touch my sister that way.” Veneer did his best to smile and pull her back.
“Knock it off Veneer. You’re going to make us look bad.” She whispered to him, but he stayed, still attempting to keep a smile. She pulled away from him and returned to her fans going down along the line. The star cameras that followed them hovered over Veneer….they were watching, so he put on a smile and kept going continuing to keep a watchful eye. They continued to reach out to her, one fan in particular got too comfortable and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in for a picture. Velvet attempted to pull her self away teasingly, but he had a good grip. He planted a kiss on Velvet’s cheek causing the crowd to gasp and aw in unison…But something snapped in Veneer…
He ran over and pushed the guy away from her…
“What the hell dude!”
“Veneer! Enough!” Velvet warned as the star cameras surrounded them. The crowd went quiet.
“S-sorry.” He murmured to her.
“Thank you! Thank you everyone! We really have to go now! Oh my gosh I love you too!” Velvet chimed to the crowd. The boy reach again pulling her in for another picture and planting another kissed on her cheek….Veneer could see how uncomfortable she was, but for the image, she played it off, which encouraged the guy more.
“Give me your number. I’ll definitely show you a good time.” He licked his lips….That’s when Veneer pounced...
“AAHHHH WHAT THE HELL!!! GET OFF ME SHIT FACE!!!!” The guy screamed as he was tackled to the ground by Veneer. Velvet called out her brother’s name, telling him, warning him to stop. The cameras hovered around them.
“Cameras off!” Velvet demanded…but they didn’t shut down. The recorded as Veneer began beating on the guy that was sprawled out on the floor. He kept attempting to get up, but Veneer continued to drag him down.
“Stop. Touching. My. Sister!” He said as he kept pounding the guy on the face. The crowd gasped and yelled. Security came and pulled Veneer off the bystander. They hauled him away towards the limo along with Velvet.
“WHAT THE HELL VENEER!” She screamed once they were alone in the vehicle.
“How could you let him touch you like that? I know you felt uncomfortable.” He responded.
“Who cares! It’s all part of the job!!! They recorded all that!! All of Rageous just saw what you did!!! To a fan!”
“No. They saw what I did to a creep.”
“This isn’t going to be good Veneer! You do this just as we’re about to release a new album! Oh my god they’re going to be mad! You screwed up Veneer!!!”
The Six were gathered into a conference room. A table at the center, the Mistress sitting at the opposite end scowling at her computer. A set of eyes turned to smirk at the twins….their cousins, Cashmere and Luster, the other sibling duo, though they weren’t twins.
“Screwed up big time didn’t we Vincent.” Luster smirked.
“Of course he would brother. What rises must eventually fall.” Cashmere smiled with an evil glint in her eye.
“Screw you.” Velvet said.
They all hushed as Mistress stood up from her desk. She walked around and stood in front of her six stars, casting a foul glare at Veneer.
“What the hell….was that.” She demanded.
He took a moment, but he finally answered, “He was touching her. He was getting to handsy. He just…wouldn’t stop.”
“Have I not told you all that this job comes with a price. A price you all must pay for. Fans adore you, they lust for you. You are there to satisfy their wildest dreams and greatest desires.” She said.
“But….That’s…..That’s wrong.” Veneer said.
“If the rest of your peers understand it, how is it that you don’t!” Mistress’s temper began to rise. Veneer fell silent. Looking around him he saw that everyone was willing to pay that price. Of course he would, but he couldn’t see that being done to his sister. For years it had just been them two, a protectiveness had grown in him to protect her always…but it seems that was all gone now. He hung his head low in defeat.
“I’m sorry…” He finally said.
“Cashmere and Luster, it’s your turn to shine.”
Cashmere smiled wickedly, “Of course Mistress. Let’s go brother.” They both smirked at the twins as they left.
“Thanks a lot Veneer!” Velvet scolded.
“Take him to his quarters. I shall deal with him accordingly when i am done dealing with this mess he created….Oh, and skip his dinner as well.” Two giant Bergens came in and grasped Veneer by both his arms dragging him off to his room.
“Wait? What? What’s going to….Why are you locking him up?” Velvet asked.
“Children that act out need to be punished.” Mistress replied.
“….You’re going to punish him?…..How?….He didn’t mean too.”
“Velvet. Your job is to control your brother in everything he does. Fail to do so and he will continue to act out irrationally. If he continues to act out irrationally he will be discarded and replaced.” She walked up to the young Rageon, her eyes glaring down at her, “Have I made myself clear?”
Velvet had no words. She just nodded. A fear came across her heart as the Mistress dismissed them…What was she going to do to him? No dinner, no food…All for protecting her. Velvet knew there would be consequences, but she never thought it would be something like this, something over a simple little thing…Like her brother protecting her. The jerk deserved that beating, he deserved every bit of it…but this…this was fame. They weren’t supposed to live their life…They needed to live the life the fans wanted, the life the fans painted for them.
Was it a mistake leaving Under Rageous? Yes it was dangerous….but they were somewhat free…
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pikahlua · 2 days
If you don't mind, can I ask something from BNHA? What do you think are Bakugou and Midoriya’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Also, If you don't mind me asking (again), can I also ask your top fav characters and fav moments from the series (BNHA)...? Thanks if you want to answer....
From which moment that made you sure that Bakugou is going to be your fav character ever....
I kinda have trouble with understanding your meaning behind "personality strengths and weaknesses." I've always described Izuku's and Katsuki's personalities with nuance such that their personality traits are good in some situations and not in others. Not to mention they both grow over the course of the story, so their personalities change a bit. But, if there was a trait they each clearly work on over the course of the story, for Katsuki that would be communication, and for Izuku that would be trusting others. As for a trait that serves each of them well, for Katsuki that would be holding himself and others to high standards, and for Izuku that would be his disregard for social norms and expectations when someone needs saving.
It's hard for me to just sum up what I love about their dynamic together lol. You can always reference this post of mine if you like. I guess to just name one thing, I like that they both are the catalyst for each other's growth. The way they change over the series is intricately connected with their relationship with each other. It's lovely to see how much of an impact someone can have on a person.
I don't think I can answer the "top fav characters and fav moments" any differently than I always have. It's Katsuki Bakugou, and then everyone else. Any Katsuki Bakugou moment is my favorite lol.
I think you'd be surprised by "the moment" when I knew Katsuki would be my favorite character ever. It's actually in the Overhaul arc lol. I started reading MHA while the manga was in the Overhaul arc. I finished watching season 2, then I decided to catch up with the manga. By Deku vs Kacchan, Part 2, I genuinely thought something to effect of "if the manga were to end here, I'd be happy with it." The story continued on, however, into the Overhaul arc...which I do not like lol. I read it with an open mind, but as time went on I found it more and more boring. It wasn't adding anything new or exciting to the shounen genre like the previous arcs had. At some point I stopped to evaluate why I was so bored reading it, and I realized the answer was the lack of Katsuki Bakugou. That's where all of this comes from:
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If Katsuki Bakugou ain't in frame, it's probably boring.
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oharaslove · 12 hours
Miguel O'hara as a cat
word count: 6,2 k
summary: After the fight with the Lizard you are left with a cat (your boyfriend) to take care of. How hard could that be?
warnings: Miguel x !SpiderReader, minor injury, fluff??
<<Part 1
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Part 2
When you stepped foot in Miguel’s office, everything was quiet. Thank god, you didn’t know how you could explain that Miguel was now a cat. You sighed in relief, one less thing off your list.
“Okay Migs” you said, talking to the now comfortable cat in your arms. “I am going to take this anomaly to the cages, so it can be shipped off, okay?”
Miguel purred in your arms. Oh, how cute was he? Obviously you couldn’t voice it out loud, because he would hiss at you and get away from your arms. Your boyfriend could be really emotional sometimes.
You walked towards Miguel’s platform, so you could sit him in his chair, while you went off to do your thing.
“Don’t touch anything Miggy.” you said sternly, knowing how workaholic he was. “You are a cat right now, so you could mess things up.” You finished petting Miguel on the head, but before you could go, Lyla popped up.
“There you are!” she greeted. “Where have you been? I thought you said this was going to be easy. The lizard isn’t that hard.”
“Excuse me?” you said, putting a hand in your chest acting offended and widening your eyes, trying to signal Miguel not to move or make any sound. “Why don’t you try it yourself, missy?” you taunted, you put your hands in your waist locking eyes with Lyla aiming to keep her attention on you, and not the cat sitting a few centimeters away.
“I can’t, remember?” she replied, placing her holographic hands in her waist, mirroring you. “I am merely an AI. There is not much I can do, physically at least.”
“Yeah well, so keep the catching of the anomalies to the professionals then.” You finished, crossing your arms over your chest and turning around.
“Where is Miguel?” she asked, making you stop dead in your tracks.
“Oh, ah-” you stuttered, turning around while scratching the back of your neck. “He, he is… umm.. taking the anomaly to the cages! Yeah, that” you said, pointing at Lyla with a triumph smile in your face. Feww, that was close, you thought.
“You mean, the anomaly behind you?” Dammit!.
“Oh!” you said, pretending to be surprised, turning to look at the anomaly and back at her. “He must have forgotten it. You know, it was a really difficult fight. I am tired, he is tired, everyone is tired” you emphasized, using your hands to explain.
“Miguel is never tired” Lyla replied, lowering her glasses over her nose. Oh, she was catching onto you.
“Well, he is now” you said, crossing your arms over your chest again. “I think I know my boyfriend.”
“Girl” Lyla said, before disappearing and materializing right in front of you. “I know Miguel, and I know you. What are you hiding?”
“Nothing!” you said, way too abruptly, making you cringe internally.
Lyla eyed you up and down before sighing. “You know, you are an awful liar.”
“I am NOT lying.”
“So, who is this cat?” she questioned, transporting herself right were Miguel was.
“Oh, that?” you said, playing dumb. “It is just a stray that I found on the street.”
“Then, why does he have Miguel’s colors?” she kept pressing.
“Omg Lyla, I don’t know, okay?” you replied, trying to get her off your back. “He just seemed cute, so I grabbed him.”
“And Miguel was okay with this?”
“Okay” she replied.
“Thank you!” you exclaimed. Finally! You managed to trick her.
You turned around and stepped off the platform, walking towards the anomaly.
Just as you were about to grasp the anomaly to take it away, you heard a “click”. You turned around alarmed. On the platform, you saw Lyla with her holographic phone, taking pictures of Miguel.
Right there and then, Miguel snapped. He hissed at Lyla and jumped towards her, trying to catch her, at which she disappeared and appeared some meters away.
“Lyla!” you shouted, but she didn’t pay attention. She was too busy trying to run away from Miguel, who was chasing her none stop, like a cat pursues a flashlight.
“Miguel, stop!” you said, now chasing him. “You can hurt yourself! STOP!” But he didn’t listen.
“Aha!” Lyla said, between transportations. “I knew you were lying.”
“Yes! Happy now?” you replied, opening your arms. “You can’t let anyone know! You can’t share that picture.” which caught her attention.
“Why not?” she asked, looking at you, forgetting for a split second that a cat was chasing her.
Miguel took advantage of the distraction and leaped at her. Obviously, he expected to grasp something on his mouth, but he passed through Lyla, disorientating him.
You had to watch how your boyfriend flew in the air right in front of your eyes, and then lost balance mid flight. You know that saying ‘All cats fall in their feet’? well, this wasn’t the case. Miguel landed roughly into his desk, head first.
“Miguel!” you shouted, running up to him. “Are you okay?”
Miguel just meowed slowly, clearly hurt. You grabbed him in your arms, being mindful of not putting pressure in his head.
“Shhh it is okay baby” you cooed at him. “I told you to be careful.”
You stroked Miguel’s fur, aiming to calm him down, while you rocked from side to side, like holding a baby. Once you heard him purr, you kissed his head repeatedly but softly, nestling your nose with his.
The beautiful moment was interrupted by another click. You and Miguel turned your heads towards Lyla. Miguel turned in your arms, trying to get away and hissing at Lyla, showing her his fangs.
You, on the other hand, stared at Lyla with a death stare. “Lyla” you barked. “I know you think this is a joke, but it isn’t.”
Miguel was fighting hard to get out of your arms, but you weren’t risking him getting hurt again.
“Miguel, STOP!” you shouted, trying to calm him down, but with no use.
Without realizing, Miguel took his claws out, scratching you several times.
“Ouch, Miguel” you yelped, letting him go.
Miguel landed on the floor, and turned to you. You looked at your hands and arms. Your suit was cut in various parts, showing your skin below, and that wasn’t any better. Blood was coming out of the scratches Miguel had give you. They weren’t painful, per se, but they burned.
You felt Miguel rubbed his body and tail against your legs, meowing. You stepped back, making him sit on his back legs, looking hurt.
You closed your eyes, taking deep breaths. These was going to be a loong couple of hours, you thought.
“Okay” you said, putting your hands together in front of you. “One, Lyla, you do NOT, and I hope I come off as clear, you don’t under any circumstance, post or send those pictures to ANYONE, understood?” you said sternly.
“No Lyla!” you yelled. “No one can know Miguel is a cat. This isn’t a joke. There is an entire universe that is full of humans transformed into animals and we have to fix that” you explained.
“I get that, but what does it have to do with me sending this pictures” she said confused.
“Well, for starters, Miguel wouldn’t like that. Second, people would come and roam in this office trying to see Miguel, which would make him stress, much more that I am sure he is right now. Besides, he could hurt himself, which he just did! And that was your fault”
“If you ask me it was your fault”
“What was that?” you asked, clearly pissed.
“That’s what I thought” you finished, breathing slowly through your nose. “Lyla, keep watching Miguel, don’t let him do anything. I am going to take this anomaly to the 'Go Home Machine' and then I’ll come and start working on a device to get those people and Miguel back, okay? Lock the doors as soon as I walk out” you stared at Lyla, waiting for a confirmation. She simply nodded, before disappearing into thin air.
You sighed. You loved Lyla, but sometimes she was too much.
“Come here Migs” you beckoned the cat.
Miguel walked towards you, before standing into his back legs and stretching himself towards you. You picked him up slowly, cradling him in your arms. He stared at you lovingly, and started licking your arms, where your wounds were.
“Migs, I know that you are trying to help, but your tongue is rough” you said, giggling, and kissing his head. “You have to stay here, alright? Promise me.”
He looked at you and meowed, before headbutting you on the lips. You kissed him before gently putting him on his desk.
“I’ll be back.” you said.
You rushed to get the anomaly back home, hoping no one dared entered Miguel’s office. The odds were in your favor on your way to the ‘Go Home Machine’ because no one stopped you or asked for Miguel, but on your way back….
“Hey girl!” Jess said.
“Oh, hi Jess.” you replied, wiping the sweat out of your forehead with the back of your hand.
“Are you okay?” she asked concerned. “You seem kind of in a rush.”
“Oh no.” you answered, shaking your hand dismissively. “It’s nothing.”
“Does Miguel have you running errands for him?” she questioned, placing her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow.
“Miguel? Who mentioned Miguel?” you hurried to get out, maybe too quickly, making Jess look at you weirdly. “Miguel is fine, in his office, as always. You know how he is.” You punched Jess’ shoulder lightly and laughed, trying to calm yourself down and convince her that everything was fine.
“Are you sure you are fine?”
“Yeah yeah, one hundred percent. Just a little tired.” you explained, putting a hand on your chest. “Oh! If you could get this information around. Miguel is doing something really important in his office, so no one can enter. And, also, all messages directed to him must come to me. He doesn’t want to be bothered. You know how grumpy he gets, hehe” you finished, giggling out of stress. You needed to get back, Miguel could be hurt again.
“Okay…. ” Jess said, clearly suspicious. “If you need help with anything, let me know.”
“For sure, yeah. Thank you Jess!” you exclaimed, running off to Miguel’s office.
Once you shut down Miguel’s office door, you let out a sigh. Keeping everyone out was easy, the thing was convincing the thousand something employees that his leader was okay and working. On top of bringing Miguel and all that city back to normal, you had to fill Miguel’s shoes, and you knew how hard that was.
Thankfully, Miguel was still where you had left him, the only difference being he was in deep sleep.
“Ohh Migs” you whispered, lifting your hand slowly to pet him. He was adorable, snoring lightly with his tongue out, sprawled out on the desk. He deserved to rest.
“Lyla” you whispered. The AI appeared right in front of you, without making a sound, clearly not wanting to piss you off like before.
“I’m going to go back to the dimension where the Lizard was” you explained, voice barely above a whisper. “His weapon exploded, but maybe there are parts that help me undo this. Take care of Miguel, and if anyone calls, redirect it to me.”
You used your gizmo to open a portal and went through. Thankfully, you remember where the fight took place. Once you reached a building near the street where you defeated the Lizard, you saw how a lot of animals roamed the streets, scared and helpless. The remaining humans weren’t any better.
Okay, one issue at the time you thought. You jumped off the wall to a near top of a car, so everyone could see you.
“Hi! Everyone?” you shouted, trying to sound confident, but failing miserably. Talking in public wasn’t one of your strengths. “I know all of you are concerned and scared, but I assure you than me and my team..” well just me you thought “… are doing everything in our power to get everything back to normal.”
“And who are you?” someone shouted in the crowd.
“I’m a superhero, you don’t have to be scared, I’m here to help.” you explained.
“And how can we trust you?” other person asked, while trying to calm a dog, presumably, someone he knew.
“What other option do you have?” you questioned back, causing a murmur around the sea of people.
“I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.” you continued. “Now, if you let me, I am looking for parts of a weapon.” You hopped off the car, and walked the street, looking at the ground, trying to avoid animals, people and other things.
Unfortunately, the weapon was no where in sight. Great you thought, running your fingers through your hair. This is going to be more difficult than I thought.
Before going back to Miguel’s office, you decided to make a trip to the Lizard’s dimension, hopefully, you could find Doctor Connor’s lab and see his notes.
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You got back to Miguel’s office with Dr. Connor’s notes. It would have been better if he had a prototype, but this would do. You were a woman of science after all.
You stepped out of the portal reading the papers, not paying attention to the world around you. All of a sudden, a giant shadow blocked your light, preventing you from seeing the words on the paper you were holding. You looked up from the notes just in time to see a giant ball of fur flying your way.
“MIGUEL!” you shouted, dropping everything to catch him in your arms. You weren’t successful though. The Maine Coon was too big and was coming at too much speed, so when you caught him in your arms, the momentum made you stumbled back and land in your butt.
“Ouch” you exclaimed, before grabbing Miguel by his front legs and stretching him in front of you. “What on Earth are you doing?”
“Don’t act innocent you little kitty” you said acting mad. “When I left you were sleeping, what the hell happened?”
“He woke up and when he realized you weren’t here he went crazy” Lyla explained, appearing over your left shoulder, with all her clothes out of place.
“And let me guess, he started chasing you.”
Miguel hissed at Lyla and started wiggling in your grasp, but you didn’t budge.
“That would be correct” she said, before glitching and fixing her appearance. “I would recommend that you wake him up next time, I am not a babysitter.”
Miguel snarled, probably saying he is not a baby.
You rolled your eyes, clearly you couldn’t leave him alone for more than five minutes.
“Stop it you two” you said. “Your bickering is cute and fun when we are in normal circumstances, which we are not right now, so please, can you two get along for a couple of hours until I figure this out?”
“Whatever” Lyla shrugged and then disappeared. Miguel, on the other hand, looked at you with those beautiful red eyes, begging.
“I am talking to you too mister, doesn’t matter how cute you are” you handled Miguel so you could cradle him in your arms and expose his belly, to tickle him.
“MEEOOWW” Miguel screamed, using his back legs to keep your hands away, all while you were laughing.
“Want me to stop? Mmm” you cooed at him, scratching under his chin. Miguel growled at you. “Then let me work in peace, or I’ll keep you this way.” He snarled at that.
You giggled to yourself, and stood up with Miguel still in your arms. You walked to his chair and placed him there, hoping he would fall asleep again. You kissed him in his head, which made him headbutt you, so you kissed him again, and again, and again.. until he turned around, putting his tail right in your mouth.
You took that as a signal to get the job done. So, you grabbed Dr. Connor’s notes and got to work.
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You spent hours trying to replicate the Lizards weapon. His notes were horrendous, but you got around them. You had the first step done, the machine that transformed humans into animals. Now you had to find a way to revert it.
You yawned, and stretched yourself.
“What time is it?” you said groggily, speaking to yourself. You looked to your side, where the clock was. It read 2:00 a.m. 2:00 A.M??! you thought Wow, time does fly. Now I understand Miguel. You were tempted to go to bed, but you needed to fix this thing, so you decided to keep working. A all nighter wouldn’t hurt you. But someone had other plans…
Miguel had been sleeping peacefully while you were working, but now he was awake. He hopped on your workspace, and meowed at you.
“Hi Migs” you said covering your mouth yawning. “How was that nap?” You turned to continue working. As you reached to grab the screwdriver near you, you saw from the corner of your eye how Miguel was walking towards you. Slowly, he headbutted your hand that was clutching the screwdriver.
You didn’t pay attention to him, too focused on trying to finish the machine. Miguel growled softly and then proceeded to drawn out a meow, trying to catch your attention, but not succeeding.
Your attention was solely on the machine, frowning and sticking your tongue out in concentration. One slip and you could be turned into an animal as well, or worse, turn the whole society. Boy, would that be a disaster.
You were so focused that you didn’t catch Miguel’s actions. He had gradually gotten close to you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Once your right hand, the one with the screwdriver, was away from the device, he jumped and bit your hand, making you drop the tool and quickly clutch your hand towards your chest.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed. “Miguel, what is wrong with you?” you didn’t expect an answer from him, so you carried on with your work, not before staring at Miguel with a frown and giving him a death stare. “I know you are impatient, but I am trying my best here.”
You continued working, not paying attention to the cat, but he knew how to gain it.
Miguel howled loudly, making you snap your head towards him. “Miguel” you hissed. “Someone could here, can you stay quiet please?” you were honestly losing your patience.
Miguel stared straight at you, while his paw gently push the screwdriver towards the edge.
“Miguel NO” you said sternly, but he didn’t listen. He kept giving the tool gentle pushes, until almost half of it was outside of the table.
“Miguel” you challenged. You locked eyes with him. You closed them and opened them, daring him to move, and see the consequences.
He looked at you dead in the eyes and pushed the screwdriver all the way through, making it drop to the floor and make a big noise, echoing through the big and empty office.
“That’s it” you said, dropping the tools and gloves you had on. “What do you want?”
Miguel walked towards you and headbutted your stomach. You looked confused for a minute, until something clicked on your head.
“Oh my god” you cried, covering your mouth with your hands. “You are hungry.”
Miguel meowed, as in telling you yes.
“Oh Miggyyy” you whispered, grabbing him and cradling him in your arms. “I am so so sorry.” You kissed his head while he purred and gave him a really tight hug. Just in cue, your stomach grumbled too.
“Okay, what if we go to my universe, hmm?” you asked. “I know a supermarket near my apartment that sells cat things, and then we go to my home and we sleep a little. What do you say?”
Miguel purred in your arms and meowed repeatedly. You had read enough about cats beforehand to know that meant he was excited.
“Alright, let’s go” you said, before letting Lyla know you were leaving and that she had to contact you if anything went wrong. And with that, you opened a portal to your universe and went home with a kitty in your arms.
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Once you landed on your universe, you rushed home to change and leave Miguel, not before telling him to be careful and that you would be back shortly.
Not wanting to leave Miguel alone for long, you ran to the nearest market and bought some cat food, tuna, some toys you saw that you thought were cute (and that Miguel would probably hate, but you wanted to tease him), and some food for you, for some weird reason you were craving empanadas. Yeah, not a good fast food to make at 3 a.m in the morning, but you wanted it, so you couldn’t deny your appetite anything.
You sprinted back with the shopping bags on your arms, and as soon as you opened your door, you heard the cutest pitter-patter of Miguel's paws running towards you on your wooden floors. Once he saw you he started meowing non stop. You weren’t sure if it was because he missed you or because he could smell the food you had brought.
You placed the bags on the counter, and Miguel climbed on it, smelling each bag, trying to decipher where the food was.
“You are so impatient” you giggled.
Miguel just meowed, and kept smelling the bags, until he found what he was looking for and got into the bag.
“Miguel!” you exclaimed, grabbing him. He cried and tried to wiggle out of your hold, but you were strong.
With Miguel in one arm, you looked for a plate to place his food. Once you found it, you put Miguel on the floor and proceeded to fix his food. As soon as you placed the plate on the floor, Miguel dived into it, as if he was starving.
“I’m sorry Miggy, I forgot about the food” you said. He didn’t answer, too busy shoving his mouth with food.
You laughed at him for a while, until your stomach grumbled, so then you proceeded to make your food, taking advantage that Miguel was busy with his own.
You started making the filling for the empanadas. You bought minced meat, onions, olives and bell peppers, to make them the Argentinian style just as your mom had taught you. You chopped all the veggies, making yourself cry with the onions, and hoping Miguel was alright, but as you heard no complaining, you assumed he was fine.
Just as the filling was done and you were about to start making the empanadas, Miguel finished his food, and hopped on the counter to watch what you were doing. He groomed himself, acting as a gentleman, but you knew he was up to no good.
You pretended to not pay attention, and continued making the empanadas and putting them in a tray, to take them to the oven. Once you finished the last one, you had an urged to go to the bathroom, so you let them on top of the stove, so they wouldn’t burn.
You rushed to the toilet. While you were using the restroom you heard Miguel scratched the door and meowed at the other side. I can’t believe this guy you thought, giggling to yourself. You hurried to opened the door, and there he was. He looked at you with those beautiful eyes, those eyes that you had learnt to love, but also that you could read like a book. He had done something.
You shook your head smiling. You crunched down to pick him up and kiss him. “You’ve become really needy in this past couple of hours” you said to him. “Maybe I should keep you like this a little longer” you joked, making him hiss, but then purred, as you scratched him behind his ears.
You walked towards the kitchen, and there it was. He had left printed paws in one of the empanadas. “This is why you are acting so cute?” you questioned, grabbing him to look at what he had done. He meowed slowly at you. You simply laughed, he was adorable after all.
After cooking, eating and cleaning everything, it was already 5 a.m, and you were exhausted and so was Miguel, who spent all the last 10 minutes yawning right in front of your face and headbutting you, demanding pets.
You prepared yourself for bed, knowing you weren’t going to sleep much, but that you needed it to stay focus tomorrow during work. You climbed into bed and called Miguel to cuddle with you. In only five minutes, you fell asleep, listening to Miguel’s purrs.
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Around 8 a.m you were rudely awakened by a paw hitting your nose. You opened your eyes slowly, feeling disorientated, the sun hitting your face making it difficult to see. You felt a weight on your chest, and then Miguel’s face emerged from the sun. He purr at you, making biscuits in your chest and licking your nose, cheeks and chin repeatedly.
“Miguellll” you groaned, but you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Meow” he responded. flopping in your chest, with his head tucked between your shoulder and neck. He nestled himself in, but you wouldn’t let him. You sat up quickly, causing him to slide off, and growled.
“If you wake me up, you can’t expect to receive cuddles mister” you said, getting out of the bed and into the bathroom, to start your morning routine. Miguel followed your footsteps, climbing into the sink, and staring at you, without uttering a sound.
You proceeded to do your things as always, plus, fixing a plate for Miguel for his breakfast. As soon as you were both ready, and you had packed Miguel’s things (food and the toys) you opened a portal to Miguel’s dimension, to continue working.
When you stepped out of the portal, into Miguel’s office, you were met with light over Miguel’s platform. Light? you thought. I thought I had turned off everything last night. Maybe it was Lyla.
You walked towards it and set him down in the chair, so he could be comfortable, and the bag with his things in the table. As you were about to call for Lyla, you heard a sound behind you.
You turned around alarmed. Scanning with your eyes the space, you couldn’t see anything out of place, but you could sense it. You signaled Miguel to stay hidden, in case it was a Spider person, and stepped out of the platform, walking towards the place where you heard the sound coming from.
Approaching your working station slowly and with soft steps, your senses where in high alert. You could have called Lyla, but she was way too noisy this days, and she would have probably said something about Miguel’s state, so you didn’t want to take any chances.
Your work station was dark, you could barely make senses of the shapes. The sound had stopped, but you knew someone or something was near. As you were about to reach the table, something moved quickly on your right side. You turned your body that way, when…
“AHHH” you screamed, falling backwards.
Peter B quickly grabbed your arm preventing you from landing on your butt and stabilizing you. You placed a hand over your chest, breathing rapidly.
“My god Peter!” you exclaimed, almost out of breath. “You almost killed me.”
Peter B and Mayday laughed. “I’m sorry” he said. “I was just waiting for the big guy, when I noticed this thing on the workspace. Is this what Miguel is working on?” he asked, pointing his finger towards the machine.
Miguel! you thought. I have to make sure he doesn’t see him.
“Oh! That?” you pointed. “Yeah, yeah. That’s Miguel’s.”
“So, where is he?”
“Where is who?”
“Ah” you exclaimed. “He is, uhmm, he is taking a break, yeah” you said, playing with your hands. “He had been working all night, so yeah, he was tired.”
“Miguel, tired?” Peter B questioned, looking at you raising his eyebrow.
“Well, not really” you answered scratching the back of your neck. “I made him take a nap. But anyways” you said, trying to change the course of the conversation. “What are you doing here? I thought I told Jess no one was allowed.” You crossed your arms, aiming to look intimidating.
“Yes, I know.” Peter said, looking down at Mayday in his carrier. “I just wanted to leave Mayday with you. I have a mission and you know Miguel doesn’t like when I take her.”
You widened your eyes. Dammit Peter, right now? you thought.
“I’m really glad you trust me with her Peter, but isn’t there someone else?” you said, looking discreetly towards Miguel’s chair. Taking care of Miguel, a baby and fixing a machine wasn’t an easy thing to do.
“Nope, everyone else is busy”
“Ughh, fine” you groaned, extending your arms to grab Mayday.
She happily jumped into your arms, this not being the first time you had taken care of her.
“Okay, bye babyy” Peter cooed at her. “Thank you y/n. Tell the big guy I say hello.”
“Okay, byeee” you said fake smiling.
Once Peter was out of the door, you dropped your smile and sighed. This is going to be a looong day you thought.
“Okay, baby” you said, turning Mayday in your arms to make her look at you. “There is someone I would like you to meet, but you can’t tell anyone. Okay??”
Mayday, laughed, and put her index finger in front of her mouth. “Yeah, shhh” you said, mimicking her.
You walked towards Miguel, hoping he would not go ballistic and not hurt Mayday. You turned the chair, and there he was, sitting while grooming himself. Once he felt the movement, he stopped and looked at you, and then down at Mayday.
He meowed, confused. Mayday, on the other hand, immediately reached to grab him, while chanting “Kitty Kitty” all over. Miguel scooted back, hitting the back of the chair, trying to get out of Mayday’s arm reach.
“Careful Mayday, this is a cute Kitty, but you have to be careful, alright?” you said. “And the Kitty will behave” you finished, opening your eyes to signal Miguel.
He growled at you, but then meowed. You grabbed the bag on the table first, and then him with your free arm, and took him and Mayday towards you working station.
“Lyla, lights please!” you said, loudly enough for the AI to hear. The lights turned on and Lyla appeared right in front of you.
“Busy day ahead huh?” she smirked.
“Yeah..” you sighed. “Any important thing I should know about?”
“Not really, only that the people from the universe where this happened,” she said, motioning to Miguel. “are becoming a little impatient.”
“Yeah, I can imagine” you huffed.
You bent down, placing Miguel on the floor, and then grabbing a blanket, laying it down to set Mayday on top of it. As soon as she was free, she launched herself towards Miguel.
“MEOOOW” he screamed, being grasped by her tiny hands.
Mayday hugged him towards her chest and started petting him, as slowly as she could.
“That’s good Mayday” you cheered, while clapping at her. “You are being so careful.”
Lyla took out her holographic phone and took a picture, making you look at her, raising an eyebrow.
“I thought we had talk about this” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“What?” she questioned. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to remember this. I promise it is just for Miguel, you and me.”
“Okay” you said, uncrossing your arms. “I have to admit, it is really funny.” you laughed.
Miguel, on the other hand, was staring at both of you angrily.
“Sorry” you mouthed at him, making him growled.
Before going back to work, you opened the bag and took out the toys you had brought.
“Here Mayday” you said, handing her a stick with a rat attached to it. “You can play with this, see if he likes it.”
She looked at it and grabbed it with one arm, the other still holding Miguel down. She laughed, and moved it around, in front of Miguel. He didn’t pay much attention to it, he was still locking at you, the only difference now was that he was even angrier.
“Oh, come on Kitty” you cooed, teasing him. “Play a little.”
Miguel meowed at you, but proceeded to play his part, only to humor you. Once you saw they were safe, you continued working, you didn’t want to prolong Miguel’s suffering any longer.
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Hours went by, now Miguel and Mayday, both exhausted from all the playing, were sleeping together on the blanket on the floor. You, on the other hand, had been working none stop, but you were close.
"One more screw and… YES!" you whispered, throwing your hands in the air. The weapon was done, or at least, that’s what you thought.
“Lyla” you murmured. The AI appeared in front of you. “I am going to the that universe to see if this works” you explained. “If Miguel or Mayday wake up, tell them, and take care of them while I’m gone”
Lyla gave you a thumbs up and disappeared.
You looked at the child and the cat and knelt down to give them both a kiss on the head. Standing up, you grabbed the device and opened a portal to the universe where the Lizard attack happened.
It only happened yesterday, but it feels like an eternity you thought, stepping through the portal. You swung your way to the most affected area. Police cars where lined up, containing the animals.
You landed on the roof of one of the cars.
“Officer!” you shouted. “I need a megaphone”.
The policeman handed it to you. “People of New York” you said into it. “I’m here to turn you back into humans, please all gather around.”
“Are you sure it is going to work?” the officer asked.
“Yes” Not really you lied. Well, it wasn’t exactly a lie. You just weren’t sure.
More and more animals swarmed the streets. Hopefully, everyone affected, or most of them, where there. You aimed the device towards the crowed, and prayed that it would work.
You pressed the trigger closing your eyes, not wanting to see the result.
There was a collective gasp among the people, which made you snap your eyes open. There, in front of you, where animals had resided, now there where people.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, jumping in place. It worked! you thought.
You continued to shoot the beam towards the affected, until there were no animals in sight, or at least, no humans transformed into animals.
“Thank you, superhero” the officer said.
“No, thank you” you replied. “I am sorry for the inconvenience. I am going to come back to leave this to you, in case there are others who aren’t here, but now I have to use it somewhere else” you explained, and without waiting for an answer, you swung to the nearest rooftop, opening a portal and exiting it in Miguel’s office.
Thankfully, Mayday was still asleep, which was perfect. Lyla popped up next to you, and asked:
“And? Did it work?”
“Yes! I’m going to wake up Miguel”
You walked towards the cat, still sprawled out in the blanket and shook him up a little.
“Miggy, Miggy! Wake up” you whispered.
Miguel gently lift up his head, looking confused.
“The device works! I can turn you back!” you exclaimed, still not raising your voice, as to not wake up Mayday.
At that, Miguel stood up quickly and positioned himself in the middle of the room. You shoot the beam towards him, and in a second, your boyfriend appeared in all his glory, 6 feet and all.
“Miggy!!!” you squealed letting go of the machine, and jumped into his arms hugging him.
He hugged you back, lifting you in the air, turning. You giggled, feeling dizzy. Once he set you back in your feet, you grabbed his face and kissed him, but pulled back quickly.
“Wait!” you exclaimed. “Be right back!”. You ran towards the device, grabbed it and opened a portal to drop it off with the officer.
Once you came back, Miguel was looking confused, but you didn’t give him time to question you, because you jumped right back into his arms and kissed him deeply.
“I missed youu” you said, barely above a whisper, after pulling back slightly, lips still brushing against each other.
“I missed you too amor” he replied, rubbing his nose against yours. You giggled, happy to have your human boyfriend back.
“I have to admit,” you started. “I’m going to miss having a kitty” you finished pouting, looking up towards Miguel with pleading eyes.
“No” Miguel said sternly.
"Pleeease" you pleaded, giving him puppy eyes.
After a stare contest, he gave up.
"Fiinne" he groaned. "But it can't be a Maine Coon".
"Yayyyy" you squealed, and gave him a quick peck.
Maybe the Kitty Adventures weren't over after all.
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<< Part 1
Hope you like this!!! The part 3 will be the last one, and I'm thinking of 2 bonuses. So, hope you enjoy!!!
Thanks @cupcakeinat0r for letting me use the idea of the cat putting his paws in the dough haha.
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candieduranium · 14 hours
I have a question that I really hope isn’t disrespectful. I thought Therians were different from furries? Can you please explain to me? I mean no disrespect I just am curious and want to learn I apologize if this was rude.
this isn’t a disrespectful question at all! many folks are confused about the definitions and differences between furries and therians. asking questions and knowing these differences greatly reduces the hatred and violence against both of these communities.
a therian is someone who literally and involuntarily identifies and associates oneself with an animal. it is 100% involuntary and usually stems from things like neurodivergency and/or trauma. the type(s) of animal a therian identifies as is called a “theriotype”. therians are under the alterhuman umbrella, meaning that there are more folks that don’t identify as strictly human and identify themselves as things like vampires, angels, plants, etc. the vast majority of alterhumanity is involuntary, but there are types like copinglinks who voluntarily identify as nonhuman things in order to cope mentally with issues. alterhumans are NOT inherently related zoophiles.
a furry is someone who enjoys and interacts with content about fictional anthropomorphic characters and often has a “fursona”, which is an anthropomorphic animal or object character. being a furry is 100% voluntary. anyone can be a furry! some furries make their characters as a sort of extension of themself and use it to express themself, but they do not identify AS their character. some furries own a “fursuit”. a fursuit is a costume worn by furries that has the design of their fursona, but they are rare since they are expensive and difficult to make. this is just for fun and isn’t to connect with a theriotype, since someone who is a furry and not a therian does not have a theriotype. furries are NOT inherently related to zoophiles.
while there are many folks who are both furries and therians, they are certainly two different groups.
then there are more groups that are also confused with furries and therians. two of the most prominent ones are quadrobists and otherhearteds.
a quadrobist is someone who practices the sport of moving around on all fours the way a quadruped would. this is can be done for exercise and fun, to connect with a theriotype, or all of these! you dont have to be a furry or therian to practice quadrobics, and furries and therians do not have an exclusive right to practice quadrobics! everyone is allowed to practice quadrobics. it is not done for sexual reasons, but many creeps like to sexualize it :C.
otherhearteds are folks who voluntarily identify as animals and have an extreme connection to animals. they are different from therians because it is voluntary and otherhearteds identify more WITH an animal as opposed to AS an animal. the animal(s) an otherhearted identifies with is called a “hearttype” or “kithtype”. (i myself am still not sure about all of the facts of otherhearteds, so if i got anything wrong it was probably about them)
again, thank you for asking a very important question. anyone please tell me if i got something wrong of if you have any more questions.
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