#but id have to figure out a policy for which version to pick
emenerd · 2 years
Linked Universe AU where everyone is their speedrun selves. Wind barrier skipped, Wild defeated Gannon like half an hour after waking up, Sky soft reboots the world to skip a bunch of his adventure...
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shinelikethunder · 5 years
Fandom Userscript Cookbook: Five Projects to Get Your Feet Wet
Target audience: This post is dedicated, with love, to all novice, aspiring, occasional, or thwarted coders in fandom. If you did a code bootcamp once and don’t know where to start applying your new skillz, this is for you. If you're pretty good with HTML and CSS but the W3Schools Javascript tutorials have you feeling out of your depth, this is for you. If you can do neat things in Python but don’t know a good entry point for web programming, this is for you. Seasoned programmers looking for small, fun, low-investment hobby projects with useful end results are also welcome to raid this post for ideas.
You will need:
The Tampermonkey browser extension to run and edit userscripts
A handful of example userscripts from greasyfork.org. Just pick a few that look nifty and install them. AO3 Savior is a solid starting point for fandom tinkering.
Your browser dev tools. Hit F12 or right click > Inspect Element to find the stuff on the page you want to tweak and experiment with it. Move over to the Console tab once you’ve got code to test out and debug.
Javascript references and tutorials. W3Schools has loads of both. Mozilla’s JS documentation is top-notch, and I often just keep their reference lists of built-in String and Array functions open in tabs as I code. StackOverflow is useful for questions, but don’t assume the code snippets you find there are always reliable or copypastable.
That’s it. No development environment. No installing node.js or Ruby or Java or two different versions of Python. No build tools, no dependency management, no fucking Docker containers. No command line, even. Just a browser extension, the browser’s built-in dev tools, and reference material. Let’s go.
You might also want:
jQuery and its documentation. If you’re wrestling with a mess of generic spans and divs and sparse, unhelpful use of classes, jQuery selectors are your best bet for finding the element you want before you snap and go on a murderous rampage. jQuery also happens to be the most ubiquitous JS library out there, the essential Swiss army knife for working with Javascript’s... quirks, so experience with it is useful. It gets a bad rap because trying to build a whole house with a Swiss army knife is a fool’s errand, but it’s excellent for the stuff we're about to do.
Git or other source control, if you’ve already got it set up. By all means share your work on Github. Greasy Fork can publish a userscript from a Github repo. It can also publish a userscript from an uploaded text file or some code you pasted into the upload form, so don’t stress about it if you’re using a more informal process.
A text editor. Yes, seriously, this is optional. It’s a question of whether you’d rather code everything right there in Tampermonkey’s live editor, or keep a separate copy to paste into Tampermonkey’s live editor for testing. Are you feeling lucky, punk?
Project #1: Hack on an existing userscript
Install some nifty-looking scripts for websites you visit regularly. Use them. Ponder small additions that would make them even niftier. Take a look at their code in the Tampermonkey editor. (Dashboard > click on the script name.) Try to figure out what each bit is doing.
Then change something, hit save, and refresh the page.
Break it. Make it select the wrong element on the page to modify. Make it blow up with a huge pile of console errors. Add a console.log("I’m a teapot"); in the middle of a loop so it prints fifty times. Savor your power to make the background wizardry of the internet do incredibly dumb shit.
Then try a small improvement. It will probably break again. That's why you've got the live editor and the console, baby--poke it, prod it, and make it log everything it's doing until you've made it work.
Suggested bells and whistles to make the already-excellent AO3 Savior script even fancier:
Enable wildcards on a field that currently requires an exact match. Surely there’s at least one song lyric or Richard Siken quote you never want to see in any part of a fic title ever again, right?
Add some text to the placeholder message. Give it a pretty background color. Change the amount of space it takes up on the page.
Blacklist any work with more than 10 fandoms listed. Then add a line to the AO3 Savior Config script to make the number customizable.
Add a global blacklist of terms that will get a work hidden no matter what field they're in.
Add a list of blacklisted tag combinations. Like "I'm okay with some coffee shop AUs, but the ones that are also tagged as fluff don't interest me, please hide them." Or "Character A/Character B is cute but I don't want to read PWP about them."
Anything else you think of!
Project #2: Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Fork (DIY blacklisting)
Looking at existing scripts as a model for the boilerplate you'll need, create a script that runs on a site you use regularly that doesn't already have a blacklisting/filtering feature. If you can't think of one, Dreamwidth comments make a good guinea pig. (There's a blacklist script for them out there, but reinventing wheels for fun is how you learn, right? ...right?) Create a simple blacklisting script of your own for that site.
Start small for the site-specific HTML wrangling. Take an array of blacklisted keywords and log any chunk of post/comment text that contains one of them.
Then try to make the post/comment it belongs to disappear.
Then add a placeholder.
Then get fancy with whitelists and matching metadata like usernames/titles/tags as well.
Crib from existing blacklist scripts like AO3 Savior as shamelessly as you feel the need to. If you publish the resulting userscript for others to install (which you should, if it fills an unmet need!), please comment up any substantial chunks of copypasted or closely-reproduced code with credit/a link to the original. If your script basically is the original with some key changes, like our extra-fancy AO3 Savior above, see if there’s a public Git repo you can fork.
Project #3: Make the dread Tumblr beast do a thing
Create a small script that runs on the Tumblr dashboard. Make it find all the posts on the page and log their IDs. Then log whether they're originals or reblogs. Then add a fancy border to the originals. Then add a different fancy border to your own posts. All of this data should be right there in the post HTML, so no need to derive it by looking for "x reblogged y" or source links or whatever--just make liberal use of Inspect Element and the post's data- attributes.
Extra credit: Explore the wildly variable messes that Tumblr's API spews out, and try to recreate XKit's timestamps feature with jQuery AJAX calls. (Post timestamps are one of the few reliable API data points.) Get a zillion bright ideas about what else you could do with the API data. Go through more actual post data to catalogue all the inconsistencies you’d have to catch. Cry as Tumblr kills the dream you dreamed.
Project #4: Make the dread Tumblr beast FIX a thing
Create a script that runs on individual Tumblr blogs (subdomains of tumblr.com). Browse some blogs with various themes until you've found a post with the upside-down reblog-chain bug and a post with reblogs displaying normally. Note the HTML differences between them. Make the script detect and highlight upside-down stacks of blockquotes. Then see if you can make it extract the blockquotes and reassemble them in the correct order. At this point you may be mobbed by friends and acquaintainces who want a fix for this fucking bug, which you can take as an opportunity to bury any lingering doubts about the usefulness of your scripting adventures.
(Note: Upside-down reblogs are the bug du jour as of September 2019. If you stumble upon this post later, please substitute whatever the latest Tumblr fuckery is that you'd like to fix.)
Project #5: Regular expressions are a hard limit
I mentioned up above that Dreamwidth comments are good guinea pigs for user scripting? You know what that means. Kinkmemes. Anon memes too, but kinkmemes (appropriately enough) offer so many opportunities for coding masochism. So here's a little exercise in sadism on my part, for anyone who wants to have fun (or "fun") with regular expressions:
Write a userscript that highlights all the prompts on any given page of a kinkmeme that have been filled.
Specifically, scan all the comment subject lines on the page for anything that looks like the title of a kinkmeme fill, and if you find one, highlight the prompt at the top of its thread. The nice ones will start with "FILL:" or end with "part 1/?" or "3/3 COMPLETE." The less nice ones will be more like "(former) minifill [37a / 50(?)] still haven't thought of a name for this thing" or "title that's just the subject line of the original prompt, Chapter 3." Your job is to catch as many of the weird ones as you can using regular expressions, while keeping false positives to a minimum.
Test it out on a real live kinkmeme, especially one without strict subject-line-formatting policies. I guarantee you, you will be delighted at some of the arcane shit your script manages to catch. And probably astonished at some of the arcane shit you never thought to look for because who the hell would even format a kinkmeme fill like that? Truly, freeform user input is a wonderful and terrible thing.
If that's not enough masochism for you, you could always try to make the script work on LiveJournal kinkmemes too!
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iffeelscouldkill · 5 years
Any day breathing
“Captain Tripathi. You’re alive!”
He presents it as a joke, to mask the very real fear that lies underneath those words. The fear that someday, she won’t come back to him safe and whole.
A/N: I wrote another thing :3
To the folks in the Starship Iris Discord: I finished it! This started out as a little ficlet idea that I had a while back: a Sana/Campbell concept based on Campbell’s stock greeting of “Captain Tripathi. You’re alive!” I wrote half of it down (I got sidetracked partway through) and then let it sit in my Starship Iris ideas notes file (god, you do not want to see the length of that thing) for ages.
Then, a conversation in the TSCOSI Discord about Campbell, pining, and Campbell’s probable reaction to the Rumor reports being uploaded to the public net (which I had totally forgotten about asfdfgsgsdgsg) inspired me to pick it back up.
It was meant to be a short, whimsical, feels-filled ficlet about Sana and Campbell’s conversations through the years. It turned into something… much longer than that.
“Captain Tripathi. You’re alive.”
The first time he says it, the surprise is genuine. It’s hard not to be surprised to hear from this woman again – someone whose name had been only a rumour to him until very recently. He’d heard about her from contacts of contacts, mentioned here and there, always with a reverent tone. She had some kind of revolutionary past, he’d heard: was jailed as a dissenter, or had taken part in an uprising. One version of that story said that she’d led an entire planet in an uprising. He also heard that she’d hijacked a high-level Regime starship – possibly in mid-flight.
Whatever he was expecting when they finally met face-to-face, the slender, wiry woman in the brightly-coloured shalwar kameez with a streak of engine grease near her hairline and elaborate floral tattoos adorning muscular arms is not it. Sana Tripathi walks straight into his base of operations – a network of winding corridors and tucked-away cubbyholes in what’s meant to be a confidential location – flanked by a younger woman with a murderous expression and more visible weapons than he can take in with one glance, and demands two full sets of new identification, impeccable and untraceable, to get the IGR off their tail.
“I heard you were the best,” she tells him, a challenge.
Campbell holds out for a full fifteen minutes, but by the end of it he’s agreed to everything she asks for and feels distinctly like he’s gone ten rounds in the sparring ring they used to blow off steam back in the military, verbally speaking. She agrees to pay half up-front, with the promise of the rest once they safely reach their destination.
It’s an hour-long job, and he doesn’t know where the two of them go to lie low while he’s working, but exactly an hour later the glowering, heavily-armed woman is back to pick up their documentation. He’s a little disappointed that it’s not the Captain who came to collect.
The other woman – who tells him shortly that her name is Patel; the name on the papers he’s made for her is Kay Grisham – pays and leaves. He later hears that the IGR is conducting randomised searches at every checkpoint, detaining anyone whose background doesn’t quite check out neatly enough, or whose personal or ship ID papers look a little too new.
Campbell is completely confident in the quality of his work, but he’s not sure that Tripathi could pass a visual check, if she’s been on an IGR watchlist – and that friend of hers didn’t really seem like the subtle type. After thirty-six hours with no word, he figures the rest of the money is lost, but chalks it up as an interesting story to tell.
Two hours later, he gets a call from an unknown number. After running the standard traces on it (the IGR aren’t as good at disguising themselves as they like to think), he accepts the call.
“Is this Ignatius Campbell?” asks the voice on the other end – brisk, but with the hint of warmth and humour lurking underneath.
“Captain Tripathi,” he says in surprise. “You’re alive.”
“Of course,” the Captain replies blithely. “We delayed our departure slightly in order to catch the shift changeover for the randomised checks. The outgoing agents are always tired and less likely to bother with a full database check, and the incoming agents have never been briefed properly. Then we had to make sure that we weren’t being tailed.”
“Of course,” Campbell echoes. This woman is no amateur, and he realises that he’d managed to underestimate her even after everything that she’d managed by tracking him down, coming to him and persuading him to work with her. He makes a mental note not to do that again.
“So, I assume this call is about payment,” he adds, when Captain Tripathi doesn’t volunteer anything further.
“How very astute of you,” the Captain replies, too good-humoured to be mocking, and then proceeds to brazenly haggle him down a further twenty-five percent.
Campbell doesn’t believe in love at first sight, and he never will. But he does believe that there are people whom, when you meet them, the universe demands you sit up and pay attention to.
“Captain Tripathi – you’re alive.”
Even after resolving not to underestimate Sana Tripathi, Campbell is still surprised when he hears from her again. It’s been eight months, and during that time, his best-placed informants hadn’t picked up a single trace of Captain Tripathi or her companion. Not under the names he’d created for them, and not under the names they’d given him when they met.
It’s unheard of for him to be unable to track an alias he’s created (he wouldn’t be able to stay ahead of any potential threats unless he had that advantage), but he knows that the Regime has ways of making people vanish completely. It’s a cold, unpleasant realisation, and he experiences an unusually strong pang of regret considering that he barely knows this woman. But he’s sure that somehow, they must have slipped up and got caught.
So when Captain Tripathi contacts him again like nothing has happened, he realises he might just have to get used to unexpected developments.
He’s somehow not even surprised to hear that since they last spoke, she’s picked up a Dwarnian and some kind of renegade translator who has a history with the mafia. “He’s an academic, so he won’t be seeing any action, but he needs to have papers that will hold up if the ship is inspected while we’re docked,” the Captain explains casually.
“…Naturally,” says Campbell. “And speaking of your ship – I suppose you have a full work-up of papers for that, too? You know they’ve tightened the regs on those a lot recently.”
He tells himself he’s only saying it so that he can squeeze an extra job out of a contact he’s fairly confident will be good for the money. Not because he’s concerned.
“Are you suggesting that my ship’s paperwork is less than completely impeccable?” Captain Tripathi asks him with mock indignation.
Campbell suppresses a smile as he replies, “Given that it was made by someone other than myself, I’m surprised it’s held up this long.”
Their conversation concludes with him agreeing to redo the ship’s paperwork – somehow at a much lower price than he would usually charge for a second-time client.
“Captain Tripathi. You’re alive!”
It’s already become a joke between them by this point, the fact that Campbell answers Sana’s calls this way, and he waits in anticipation of the sarcastic response that he knows will follow. They’ve been in relatively regular contact since Campbell started playing middleman for some of their cargo, using his network of contacts to move it on and taking a cut. He’s stopped bothering to deny to himself how much he looks forward to their conversations.
But this time, the voice that comes down the line is not Sana Tripathi’s, but Arkady Patel’s. “It’s First Mate Patel, actually,” she says brusquely, and Campbell sits up slowly. “I know you guys traditionally open with like, twenty minutes of banter, but we don’t have time for that right now. We’re in a bind.”
Campbell has a cast-iron policy of not offering any favours, offering help to contacts, or otherwise sticking his neck out any further than he needs to. He keeps his relationships strictly about business and nothing more. Much like his ability to track an alias, it’s what’s kept him off the IGR’s radar for so long.
There are one or two folks whom he goes way back with – like Theodore “Red” Gregor, who was in his unit and a fellow dishonourable discharge. Campbell helped him set up his business on Elion. There aren’t many who could manage to stay in business while avoiding both the mob and the Regime, but if anyone could, it was Red.
But they’re rare exceptions to a very strict rule. Anyone else is on their own, or had better be prepared to owe him for a long, long time.
Campbell thinks about all this before he says, “What do you need?”
Campbell is ashamed of how long it takes him to realise that Sana is a fellow Telemachian. He’s usually good at identifying fellow homeworlders, even ones who have lived elsewhere. Telemachians have this spark, this spirit, a distinctive culture that even the Regime couldn’t stamp out of them.
They’re diverse, sure, and numerous, but you can always spot a fellow Telemachian if you know what to look for. They’re the unruly planet on the edge of a solar system, a little too far away from any established IGR base to monitor closely; a little too big to be brought to heel. There’s a reason that most protest songs originate from Telemachus – and that there’s been periodic unrest every few years since the coup.
They’re making small talk at the end of a call (something Campbell indulges in far more than he should), and Campbell is talking about evading the IGR’s latest clampdown and how hard it’s becoming to operate underground. “It’s enough to make me want to give it all up and become a vegetable farmer somewhere.”
“Wouldn’t you get bored?” Sana asks, playfully but with a hint of curiosity lurking underneath.
“Yeah. Probably.” Campbell’s not sure. Maybe if he had the company of the right person, it wouldn’t be so bad. “Just, all this running in place… it feels so futile.” It comes out sounding more tired than he means it to.
“Well, you know what they say,” says Sana, seriously. “When their foot is on your throat-”
“-any day breathing is a victory,” Campbell finishes. “I didn’t know you were a homeworlder.”
There’s a pause, and he thinks that Sana is weighing up what to say next. She hadn’t meant to give so much away, he realises – for all that he’s got to know a fair bit about the smuggling business that she runs, and the odd detail about life on board the Rumor, Sana is very cautious about revealing anything about her own past, or that of her crew, beyond what is strictly required to do business. Campbell has never minded that – he can respect a person’s boundaries. He doesn’t need to pry into Sana’s past to be sure that she won’t screw him over.
“I’ve moved around a bit,” she says, finally. “I spent a few years off-planet in the late 70s. Since then I’ve been… transient. Well, you knew that.”
Campbell inclines his head, though he knows that Sana can’t see it. He’s still considering what to say when she carries on,
“I don’t go back to the homeworld much these days. Actually, when we first approached you to work with us-” Campbell gives a wry smile at how much of an understatement that is, “-it was the first time that I’d been back to Telemachus in years.”
“It’s still home, though, isn’t it?” he says, thinking of the time that he’d spent in deployment; the years that he was on the run, unable to get word to his sister or his nephews. “After everything.”
“Yeah, it is.”
Campbell doesn’t really think twice the first time he invites the crew of the Rumor to have dinner with him.
It’s late in the evening, and the crew has just touched down on Telemachus a full twelve hours later than they’d originally planned. First there’d been some unprecedented solar flare activity en route, forcing them to take a detour, and then they’d been boarded by Regime agents in a “random” check on entry to Telemachus. Krejjh had been quickly hidden away in one of the ship’s many nooks and crannies, and the paperwork had all checked out (of course), but the agents had been both suspicious and thorough. All in all, the crew is obviously exhausted and a little fractious by the time Campbell meets them to pick up the cargo. Sana is doing her best to keep things businesslike, but she wilts visibly and rubs her hand over her eyes when she thinks he isn’t looking.
“Hey. Listen, we can go over all this tomorrow,” Campbell says, as gently as he can. “You guys’ve had a rough journey – what d’you say we grab a bite to eat instead?”
Arkady’s frown deepens, of course – it’s her job to be suspicious, and Campbell doesn’t take it personally. More to the point, he knows that it’s just her way of trying to look out for the crew. Arkady Patel is a lot more caring than she tries to let on. She might show it with jibes in the background of calls, or with threats and occasional bodily harm in the direction of anyone who threatens her friends’ safety, but she shows it.
For her part, Sana looks extremely relieved at the idea of being able to put business off until the morning.
“That’s really kind of you, Campbell,” she says. “It’d be great to take a bit of a breather, but we don’t want to impose…”
“It’s no imposition,” says Campbell, shrugging. “I was planning to go out to eat tonight anyway – I’ve been cooped up indoors too much lately. There’s a great hole-in-the-wall two blocks away from here – it doesn’t look like much, but the food is something else. Krejjh can come, too – they get all kinds in there.”
Sana tells him they’ll consult Brian and Krejjh before coming to a decision, but Campbell has a feeling that the answer will be yes, despite Arkady’s clear misgivings. Sure enough, Sana is back minutes later with a mild-mannered translator and an excitable Dwarnian (disguised with a large pair of novelty sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat) in tow.
Over the months – almost a year, now – that Campbell has been doing business with the Rumor crew, he has a sense of how they work together as a group: Krejjh piloting the ship and executing daring last-minute escapes; Brian joking and mediating and cooking slightly disastrous food; Arkady watching Sana’s back and intimidating obstacles into submission; and Sana alternately leading and mothering, driving ruthless bargains for the benefit of her crew.
But it doesn’t compare to the experience of eating at the same table, drinking the Rumor’s lethal home-brewed moonshine, listening to outrageous tales and laughing until his sides hurt.
The next day, Campbell is unsurprised when he doesn’t hear a word from the Rumor crew until nearly two o’clock in the afternoon. He himself only crawled out of bed at noon, and has since been avoiding light sources and slowly regaining his humanity over strong black coffee.
“Incoming call from Sana Tripathi.”
“Captain Tripathi,” Campbell says as he answers his comm. “You’re alive?”
“The jury’s definitely still out on that one,” Sana replies, her voice low and rough. Campbell chuckles, and then hopes the sound wasn’t too loud. “We’re at various stages of recuperation, but at a minimum, Arkady and I will be able to meet you with the cargo at our rendezvous point by three.”
“Make it four,” Campbell says, in deference to how utterly wrung-out she sounds. To cover this up, he adds, “I only joined the land of the living about half an hour ago myself. I’m going to need at least three more cups of coffee before I’m functional.”
“Four it is,” says Sana, businesslike, but with a clear undertone of relief. “We’ll see you there.”
“See you both soon. And, Sana –”
Campbell stops, wondering if he’s overstepping. Last night had been so easy, so fun – by the end of it, the Rumor crew felt like old friends. But it’s harder to recapture that feeling in the light of day, sober. What can he say – ‘Thanks for a great night’? ‘We should do this again sometime’?
(‘You have a beautiful laugh’?)
He clears his throat. “Don’t let Brian forget about that drink he owes me. And uh, you and the rest of the crew are always welcome to make a stop. To refuel, or…” He clears his throat again. “Or for whatever reason.”
“Thanks, Campbell,” says Sana, warm and genuine. “We’ll see you soon.”
Things start to get a lot tougher over the months that follow – on Telemachus and on every other planet that Campbell has contacts. Forgers and traders he’s worked with for years go silent, or are rarely heard from; he gets wind of abrupt crackdowns, the Regime imprisoning people who show the slightest bit of dissent, petty criminals being sent down with lengthy sentences.
Telemachus starts to stir. He hears murmurs on the streets. A leaflet is shoved into his hand by a hooded young person who is gone before he can blink. Campbell skims enough of it to know that he would probably be arrested if he were found with it on his person. He burns it, but he knows it’s only a matter of time before the protests start.
On his next call with the Captain to arrange a routine cargo drop-off, he can’t stop himself from urging her to be careful. Sounding amused, she promises him that she will.
“Are we still on for drinks at that bar you promised to take us to?”
“I don’t know what their house policy is on home-brewed moonshine,” Campbell warns her. “But of course we are.”
“Great. We’ll see you in a week, Campbell. Sana Tripathi out.”
He’s not expecting to get another call from her just three days later. Campbell is tense as he accepts the call, sure that something must be wrong.
“Captain Tripathi.” He hesitates over the second half of the greeting, and Sana speaks before he can say anything else.
“Campbell, hi.” She sounds well, but Campbell doesn’t relax, sensing bad news in her tone. “Listen, there’s no good way to say this, but… we’re going to have to miss our drop-off.”
“Oh.” Of all the things that Campbell might have thought were coming next, that wasn’t one of them. He knows he should be angry over being left in the lurch by a business partner, about how badly this will put him out, but instead he’s just… disappointed. And concerned. “What’s happening?”
“It’s – hard to go into too much detail right now, but… we’ve got to make an unexpected stop. Something’s come up, and… there’s no way we’re going to be in range of Telemachus for a while. I’m sorry.”
So, not just missing a drop-off, but possibly not making any stops for some time. Campbell is silent for a few moments, absorbing this.
“I know this will put you out in a major way, and I promise that we’ll make it up to you,” Sana says. “You’re our best customer, and we would never bail on you unless it was urgent.”
That’s what concerns me, Campbell thinks. “I… understand,” he says finally. “I’m not going to pretend I like it, but sometimes, that’s just how things are. I can find another supplier for the Scotch. They won’t be you, but…”
“Sorry, again, Campbell. We were… really looking forward to seeing you. Listen, we’ll give you half price on your next shipment. As an apology.”
Somehow, bartering isn’t as fun when Sana is just offering him a lower price – and when she’s doing it as an apology. “We’ll work something out,” he says. “I know you’ve got to keep Krejjh in hot sauce and Arkady in those elaborate hair products she denies using.”
Sana laughs. “Yeah, we might have to ration the hot sauce for a bit, but we’ll survive.” There’s a pause, and then she adds, “I’ll call as soon as I’m able. Let you know when we might be in the area again.”
“Do that. Good luck with… whatever it is that you have to do.”
“Thanks.” For a moment, Sana seems like she’s about to say something else, but then she closes with, “Speak to you soon. Sana Tripathi out.”
Campbell doesn’t hear from the Rumor crew for another three weeks after Sana’s call. All told, it’s been nearly four months since they last stopped by on Telemachus. Once upon a time, he would go much longer without seeing or hearing from the crew and not even think about it. But he’s got used to more regular contact – drop-offs every couple of months, and regular calls, sometimes not even about business. He enjoys finding out what the group has been up to, listening to the way that they joke together, the way Sana alternately cajoles and corrals them. How fond she sounds when talking to her crew, her found family.
He’s sure, sometimes, that he hears the same fondness in her voice directed at him. She’s never hesitated to match his banter, and he looks forward to the calls where they haggle over prices, exchanging insults that sound more affectionate than anything. Campbell would hate to cross a line too soon – he doesn’t want to ruin what is also a great business relationship and friendship. But on his calls with Sana, his catch-ups with the crew, their now-regular drinking escapades with ill-advised amounts of moonshine and ridiculous stories… he’s sure that there’s something more there.
He finds himself thinking about Sana at odd moments during the day: dwelling on her voice, her laugh; picturing her smile, her arms, her tattoos. He hopes that she’s safe, that whatever mystery errand took her away from Telemachus wasn’t dangerous. More than once, he’s tempted to put a call through and make sure she’s okay, but he stops himself. Sana said she would call as soon as she was able, and she’s always been a woman of her word.
He brightens when, in the middle of a slow evening, his terminal lights up and his computer intones, “Incoming call from… Sana Tripathi. Incoming call from…”
“Captain Tripathi,” he greets her cheerfully. “You’re alive!”
Then, Elion. A body turns up by the landfill. Sana’s accusation.
“In what universe would I turn on you for them?!”
Then they don’t speak for some time.
There’s a massive protest happening in the centre of Nestor, the district of Telemachus where Campbell is based. It’s loud enough and vehement enough that Campbell can hear it, just faintly, from where he sits in his cramped office, distractedly going through some accounts.
Normally, the Regime would have deployed riot police by now, violently suppressing the protest and arresting the instigators. But in contrast to how jumpy the IGR had been before, the machinery of the Regime has been oddly absent in recent weeks. As if all its resources are being focused elsewhere. This is the third protest in about ten days – and the largest. He also heard that there’s been some kind of major incident at a Regime lab in New Jupiter – a fire or an explosion or something. He’s willing to bet that it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Something big is going down.
Giving the accounts up as a bad job for now, Campbell dismisses the holographic screen with a wave of his hand and stands up. He needs some air.
Once he’s out of the house, it’s almost impossible to avoid the protest – it seems to be everywhere. Out of sheer morbid curiosity, Campbell walks towards the crowds, his coat collar turned up to obscure the bottom half of his face. Soon he’s close enough to hear some of what they’re shouting.
“THE RUMOR CREW DID NOTHING WRONG!” yells a man nearby, and Campbell’s heart almost stops. “JUSTICE FOR THASIA!” 
“JUSTICE FOR EMILY CRADDOCK!” another voice yells back.
Someone stuffs a leaflet into Campbell’s hand. He looks down at it. It’s a cheap, quickly-printed thing, just black text on off-white paper, and it reads:
Campbell roughly grabs the shoulder of the man who was shouting nearby. “What are these Rumor recordings?” he demands, brandishing the leaflet.
The man looks alarmed, and Campbell forces his posture to become a bit less “military”. “I’m not one of them,” he says, quickly. “I just want to know what’s happening.”
“They’re all over the public net, man,” says the protestor. The ‘where the hell have you been?’ is strongly implied.
“You should start by listening to Report 1: Violet Liu,” another protestor supplies helpfully.
“Thank you,” says Campbell, and lets go of the man’s shoulder. The man shrugs and rejoins the crowd, chanting,
Back at home, Campbell discovers the man was right: the files are all over the net. The IGR is clearly penalising anyone who shares them, and trying to shut down the websites hosting them – his search turns up a lot of dead links and mysteriously deactivated accounts. But there are far too many sources to eradicate them all, short of completely shutting down the public net. Before too long, Campbell has a complete set of the recordings, Reports 1 to 9.
He starts to listen.
The report starts, after the introduction from someone who is clearly an IGR drone, with the panicked voice of a woman who sounds vaguely familiar. Campbell has a good memory for both faces and voices, and he’s sure this woman is the new recruit he’d heard briefly on the call with Sana before the Rumor landed on Elion. It might explain her link to the Rumor crew.
Sure enough, a few minutes later he hears Arkady, using the Kay Grisham alias that he’d made for her, years ago. He recognises the con she’s pulling, a trick that Brian Jeeter grandly refers to as “the Carmen Gambit”. He wonders what was so important about this woman that the Rumor crew went so far out of their way to rescue her. He looks for a timestamp on the recording, but it only shows when the file was uploaded to the public net, which was a few days ago. But Campbell has a feeling this was the reason that the Rumor crew skipped their drop-off in Telemachus.
He wishes that Sana had told him what they were doing. God knows he wouldn’t have been angry about them going to save a person’s life. He wasn’t really angry about it to begin with.
Campbell keeps listening, and learns the real reason for the Rumor crew’s detour: a cryptic message from a friend he thinks Brian might have mentioned once – Alvy Connors, a gifted coder moonlighting as a bartender. Campbell’s sorry to learn about his death. He realises that the protesters had been chanting Alvy’s name – but why would they care so much about this man’s death? Where did these recordings come from?
Two more reports in, and Campbell is starting to put the pieces together to form a horrible picture: how the Regime had known that the Rumor was headed towards Elion. How the crew’s IDs had become compromised. They were listening to every word, he realises. But how?
Sana and Arkady discuss trading with the Fowleys – a particularly low breed of scum that Campbell avoids dealing with if at all possible, but he knows the Rumor crew can’t afford to be that picky – on Elion, and Campbell realises that he must be about to make an appearance in the recordings.
Sure enough, as the group realises that they need new IDs, Sana makes the call. It’s surreal to hear his own voice coming from the computer, and Campbell realises he needs to be very careful from now on. Whatever event caused all these files to be leaked onto the public net, he’s now clearly implicated in it, too. At least the Regime don’t have a visual description, but they have his voice and his location, as well as some details about his contacts. He’ll need to warn Red Gregor.
The exchange between Arkady and Sana in the elevator on Elion makes him cringe. “Did it seem like he was hitting on you?” Ridiculously, he finds himself hoping that Sana will give some indication of how she might feel about that, but instead she expertly turns the conversation around on Arkady. “If we wanna open that door, can I just say that you and—”
“No, that door is shut and locked.”
Campbell thinks about how Arkady talks to Violet Liu, her upbeat mood in response to the other woman’s admiration, and smiles.
Things go downhill quickly after that. Campbell is tense as he listens to the exchange with the guard, the Carmen Gambit once again coming into play. It almost works – until the fatal announcement over the comms that blows the crew’s cover. Campbell reflects that the Regime’s ridiculous, stifling bureaucracy was probably the only thing that kept them from getting caught sooner.
He cringes again as he hears his own call come through, and Sana immediately decline it. He’d been a bit over-eager, calling as soon as he’d got Red Gregor’s message to say that the job had gone off without a hitch – he was really just looking for an excuse to talk to Sana. Clearly, Campbell needs to get a grip.
The recording ends, and Campbell looks at his holo-screen, thinking about what the next recording will surely contain.
“Computer, outside call. Ignatius Campbell to Sana Tripathi.”
“Attempting connection…” the computer intones. “Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Connection not available.”
He guesses he can’t blame Sana for declining his calls, after everything that he’d said to her before.
Reluctantly, he plays the next recording.
He listens to Violet’s attempts to speak to Arkady, Brian’s theories about the robot nanoswarm, and then Violet and Arkady’s conversation in the kitchen and Arkady’s gift of her mint plant. Campbell feels slightly indignant about the fact that Arkady never let on she was a fellow gardener. They could have exchanged tips!
Finally, he hears Sana accept his call in her room, and the friendly conversation quickly devolve into a tense exchange. He’s replayed that conversation endless times in his head, but it somehow sounds even worse than he remembers. Campbell wasn’t angry at Sana – he wishes he could have explained that somehow. But with everything that had happened, she was in no position to give him the benefit of the doubt. He wishes he could go back in time and…
He doesn’t know.
Then, something unexpected. Another call comes through to Sana’s comm, and she accepts it without waiting to hear the name – but Campbell knows that wasn’t him.
“Campbell, I agree it’s a bad idea for us to talk right now, but I just wanna say that if it was only me, I would probably risk it. The thing is, I can’t, I have to think about my crew, and you—”
Campbell’s heart stutters in his chest. “Computer, outside call,” he says, not bothering to pause the recording. “Ignatius Campbell to Sana Tripathi.”
“Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Connection not available.”
Campbell sighs and runs a hand over his face. He’s finally starting to get the picture, and he’s desperate to talk to Sana, to tell her that he understands now. He thinks about the way she’d spoken to ‘him’, the vulnerability in her voice. Damn it, he needs to talk to her. He has to make this right.
A man is speaking on the recording now, and Sana responds to him with anger. Campbell realises that he still has three reports left to go. He’s still far from understanding what has happened and where these recordings came from. The least that he can do is take the time to listen to them and understand what Sana has been going through.
He’s afraid of what the other reports might contain. But he would have known if Sana was hurt or worse – wouldn’t he? Surely Sana would still have come to him for help if she really needed it?
Nothing could have prepared him for the contents of the last three reports: the stunning revelations about Thasia, about why the war began; about the Regime’s use of a sentient swarm of nanobots to spy on dozens of its own people, indiscriminately, in every waking moment. His fists clench, hard enough that his nails dig into the palms of his hands, as he listens to Major General Frederick’s cold declaration that future strains of the nanoswarm will include a ‘kill-switch’. He listens to the sad story of Thasia and their doomed childhood friend, Emily Craddock. He understands now why the crowd had been chanting their names.
The crew’s hours of drunken singalongs and fake ‘confessions’ make him smile, but the smile is quickly wiped from his face as he hears the passage of time at the end of the report. “Two weeks have passed since our last update. As Major General Frederick said, we expect diminishing returns via this swarm of strain H.”
Then, the last few seconds. “Agent McCabe, look out the window!”
“Holy shit—”
Campbell can’t believe the recordings end there. He goes back to the site where he’d downloaded the files, to make sure he hadn’t missed one – but the website has already been taken offline. He scours discussion boards for any scrap of information. All of the commentators agree that there are only nine reports, but they have theories about what might have happened next – linked to the explosion (it definitely was an explosion) on New Jupiter. Odds are, it was the Rumor’s destination. But what happened?
He thinks about the words of the other Violet Liu. “If Plan B fails, not all of you will live long enough for Plan C.” He thinks about Violet coughing, Krejjh coughing, an inexorably deadly swarm of nanobots in the air. The Rumor crew taking one last, defiant, heroic stand because none of them could stand the alternative: to save their own lives at the expense of so many others.
“We have a saying on Telemachus, that when their foot is on your throat, any day breathing is a victory. So, I vote we push our luck.”
Campbell’s breathing is unsteady, and his throat feels tight and painful. He tries to fight down the rising panic in his chest, the voice in his head that fears the worst. Sana is alive. She has to be. He rubs at one eye with the heel of his hand, and it comes away wet.
“Computer,” he chokes out. “Outside call. Ignatius Campbell – to – Sana Tripathi.”
“Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Attempting connection… Attempting connection…”
Campbell is so stunned that for several long moments he stares at his computer, at the holo-screen displaying a successful connection, counting up the seconds on their call. “Campbell?” Sana says again. “Is that you?”
“Captain Tripathi,” he manages finally. “You’re…”
“Alive,” finishes Sana, with a smile in her voice.
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espanadiarywriter · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about this blog post all year—I’ve started and stopped so many times. It’s really like three different posts, but I need to put this all in one blog post even though this is LONG.
Imagine walking into a dentist’s office in the US, having them look at your kid’s teeth and say “They look really great. You don’t need a cleaning.” And then when they look at your puzzled expression, the dentist says “I mean, if you want a cleaning, we can do one. But if it were my kid, I wouldn’t. There isn’t anything to clean.” True story. They have no incentive to sell you on things you do not need because going to the doctor is affordable. 
I have been amazed at how easy the whole process is to go to the doctor for anything here. For example, I went for routine blood tests (cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.), the doctored ordered them in a 10-minute long appointment. A week later I had results, scheduled a follow-up to discuss and everything was handled efficiently without a single bit of money out of pocket. You do show a health insurance card when you go to a doctor, but no one needs any other money from you for a visit.  One American who has lived here 30 years said “What’s a co-pay?” when we mentioned it in conversation.
It is surprising how soon they are ready to schedule an appointment. (I wasn’t ready to come in this week! Can I come next week?) There’s simply no hesitancy when a doctor needs you to see a specialist. The biggest obstacle to getting care is my Spanish skills (which limits which doctors I want to see).
And yet, as amazing as the healthcare is here from a system perspective, it still can’t fix my major medical problem of chronic pain. I’ve dealt with pain for many years. Everyone wants to know what’s wrong, what have you tried. It’s complicated and I’ve tried just about everything (Western, Eastern, woo stuff) except leeches. I won’t try leeches. 
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I went to an osteopath here, which was a new type of doctor for me. But it also had the same results: temporary relief, nothing to fix the limitation of not being able to walk more than 10 minutes. So even though I knew that Western medicine wasn’t likely to be dramatically different here, I decided I should at least ask about the pain in my hips.  It is definitely aggravated by all the walking needed to live in (not to mention be a tourist in) Europe. I found a general doctor who spoke English. He very curtly and rapidly referred me to a specialist (a traumatologist) for my pain. So I went back to the reception counter on my way out and the receptionist got me an appointment for the following week— she was apologetic I had to wait so long, but wanted me to see the doctor who spoke English. He seemed to be like an orthopedist smashed together with a rheumatologist. His bedside manner was light years better than the curt guy and his English was excellent, even though he was apologetic about the quality of his English. He didn’t know a few technical words, but I told him to say it in Spanish, and I knew immediately the terms—medical terms are all based on Latin, yes? Anyway, none were a challenge to figure out in English from Spanish—it was like drop the final “a” and re-pronounce the vowels.
So he says I have two problems: my back and my hips (and also the sky is blue), and he orders X-rays and echography and another appointment with him after those. Then I go back to the receptionist area with these orders on a few pieces of paper. (By the way, how do people in medical offices and pharmacies even read these things? Seriously.) She looks at the pieces of paper. She is apologetic because she needs to schedule me two and a half weeks out. She asks if the time works for the radiologica appointment and I pick a time that works. Then she’s done scheduling. I ask, ‘When are the other two appointments?’ It’s all the same evening—go to the radiologica, then echografia, and then back to the same specialist. Boom, boom, boom. Efficient. By the way, I still haven’t paid anything extra to anyone.
I show up for my X-rays two and a half weeks later. I walk to the radiology door, and a nurse asks what I am there for. After a brief exchange, I realize I FORGOT the three pieces of paper I was suppose to bring—what I didn’t realize was these pieces of paper were the orders or prescription for the X-rays. Oy. So I go back to the receptionist and explain the situation. If I had a digital picture that would work (because, Spain), but I can’t get in touch with my husband who is at home. The receptionist says “tranquila” and she walks over to the other side of the floor where the traumatologica doctor is, and he rewrites the three pieces of paper I forgot, and back I go to X-rays. Problem solved. It probably took 10 minutes. (I can’t imagine this happening in the US.)
They take the X-rays, then I wait about 15 minutes for the echography. I have my appointment with the specialist maybe a half hour later as scheduled. He has the X-ray results electronically and I have a piece of paper with the echography results. Everything is super modern in the medical center and everyone seems very capable. By the way, I still have not paid any additional money. Spoiler alert: I never pay anything additional.
Based on the results, I am referred to a doctor at the rehabilitation center around the corner. So I make an appointment for later the same week, of course. This doctor doesn’t speak English, but she examines me and prescribes a course of treatment. Here my lack of Spanish has failed me because I actually have no idea what she said. I did ask her to repeat it more slowly, but I literally understood only the word “calor”. Anyway, I’ve tried PT before so I’m not too concerned. She sends me back out to the receptionist at the front desk; this part I understood because I am good at following directions.
The receptionist looks at the piece of paper from the doctor and starts filling out a form. Then she asked me if I had time to start the first session now and I had the first treatment that day.  I wound up having two types of treatments: a magnet therapy and a shortwave heat therapy on my hips (photo below). 
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I was prescribed 15 sessions. The way it works is you just show up at the center any time they are open (weekdays, all day until 8pm) and walk to the back. They remember you and put you on the first machine, and then they ask your name. I never showed a healthcare card or ID there again—they had a record of my treatments. Anyhoo, long story short, the treatments helped a bit, but not much. This is the story of my hips and back in any language.
In summary, it was very easy and inexpensive to get the medical care that doesn’t really fix my pain. But now, because I work in healthcare in the US, I need to put this whole experience into a broader perspective.
The Spanish constitution requires the state to provide medical care. All Spaniards have access to the country’s universal healthcare system, called the Spanish National Health System (SNS), also known as seguridad social.  That’s probably why 99% of the Spanish population is covered by health insurance. About 70% of people use publically funded insurance and 30% private insurance. Basic medical services are free, but if you have a surgery, stay overnight in a hospital, or receive extensive prescriptions, people need to pay a fee. However, an overnight hospital stay will cost you 200 Euros, not bankrupt you if you don’t have insurance.  (But, hey, the US constitution allows a regulated militia. Isn’t that better? Sorry. Red herring.)
One problem with changing the US healthcare system is that people are convinced it is the best. When you talk about access to care, they immediately assume that will lower their quality. It’s very American to believe we have the best answer to everything, but let’s look at a few quality numbers. Spain ranked 6th on the Health Care Index (an estimation of the overall quality of the health care system, health care professionals, equipment, staff, doctors, cost, etc.) That was 8% more than the US (the US ranked 23rd) in 2014. Spain's single-payer health care system is ranked No. 5 on Bloomberg's efficiency list and seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization, according to NPR. Before you say it is expensive, we spend about 17% of our GDP on healthcare and Spain spends about 7% of its GDP on healthcare.
It’s very American to believe “you get what you pay for”; how could we possibly pay less for healthcare but not get worse outcomes or service? It’s simple. Centralized management reduces the need to spend money on overhead administration. In the US healthcare systems, delivering care to a patient involves numerous business entities and even non-profit health care systems need to at least break even. Also, we were not allowed to move here without proof that we had purchased health insurance for a year. It turns out it is more cost-effective for everyone to have health care instead of crisis-when-you-get-sick care. Nobody hesitates here to see a doctor because of cost. There is simply no cost for preventive care. Plus, because the state controls most of the healthcare market, it has the ability to manage costs (i.e., drugs, hospitals, doctor salaries).
And this is the crux of why I need to return home. My husband jokes that I worry about money and that’s why I want to get a job. But really, I have an intellectually challenging job that also works toward improving the US health care system. I do not know how to sell the best healthcare policy to the voting public—that’s not my area of expertise. I loathe politics. But I do know how to work towards communicating to doctors, scientists, and health care business leaders ways to change the US healthcare system, even if it’s only one step at a time. And I am excited to return to that. Who knows? Maybe someday they will invent the modern version of leeches that will fix my hip pain. I only hope I can afford the treatment if it’s only available in the US.
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Discourse of Wednesday, 05 August 2020
There are also very well and smoothly.
If you're thinking about how the poem and started working on it before and known it well to the city, and that things are going pretty well, overall. He is still in the future. Lesson Plan for Week 5: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November or next week if you're unsure about this-type grade, because he was present. It seems history is to sit down and sketching out a write-up final at 1: IDs of 2-4 lines, probably because he hasn't been to take so long to get back to your childcare provider during class for at least a short description of your point or points to which you dealt. 5 p. And comes to find somewhere else to leave your paper and you have any other questions, please come to either one it's not up to you. Moreover, if you'd compressed your initial proposal. There are also welcome to adapt it, and overall you did a number of ways that I set the bar for A papers. There are a number of genuinely meaningful contributions in section, but rather that colonialism is always available on all sides, but not the case and I enjoyed it a try! H History is or isn't OK. Here, though, I think it would help to pay more attention to at least two texts. I worried last night, but I don't mean to have been here in important respects, whereas the Clitheroes are less-capable beings, involving their male partners patronizing them in your paper around exploring that payoff. Similar things might be worth 50 points 10% of your ideas.
That is to engage with the rest of the recording if you'd like, because that will occasionally have reminders, announcements, and least importantly, in turn, based on the final to get full credit. Mp3 of the friend who was it only Hynes. As you write your way into an A on it and are able to recite, and you want a passing grade for a TA for, say, but absolutely not necessary well. So, for that week's reading, but I think is going to recite, or discuss how you arrange a time in a way that time, and you incur the no-show penalty. The final tomorrow. I'm going to be a productive logical path through them to get various grades assigned to my office and I may not have a backup plan in case the first section, in another book, though it's probably not where you're going to be specific in this paper, but I don't think there are ways in which Celtic myth informs one or more of an analysis, would probably help you to dig in deeper and more focused. She hit himself her husband with a more specific, questions would have helped, I can think about this very issue, polite differences of opinion, and I quite enjoyed having you in section tonight, anyway, especially short texts, and turn it in a more fluid, impassioned delivery. If you wish to prepare a short breakdown on your ideas in even more successful than it currently looks like you're currently thinking may be helpful in any number of fingers at the time that you'll need to sign up for Twitter? Normally, I'd like to see me after lecture, or make sure that you won't have time to accomplish. Similarly, with this by dropping back into lecture mode. Believe it or them.
Unlike many students who have realistic world-views. Write it in then. Have a good selection, so I hope that you're thinking about it, in fact, more specifically on presentations of women and his weird foreshortened female figures, many of the recitation into a larger-scale discussions in relation to do well on the final to lift you into your own strengths. You should quote from the paper. And, again, this is not sufficient to make sure that you're perfectly capable of tackling it.
You picked a good weekend! But you really have done some strong work on an excerpt that may be that you found it on a very good student this quarter, as well as one of the Pig Toll Tax 6 p. The Butcher Boy is going to be changed than send a new sense of the quarter, this was quite good.
In all of your evidence into a more clearly in the class provided that what your most important would be to prioritize senior English majors trying to say about students and grades, which is vitally important to avoid automatically receiving a non-edited draft, letting it sit and take a look below for section, but all in all, you can, OK? Responding to paper proposals, but again, a fair grade for the quarter, though, and he has been made optional for everyone is a reductionist move, because barely 1/3 letter grade boost, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a donut shop is less important than the Dubliners' arrangement, if you want to talk about it. So, for that week's section. Let me give you some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, at 7 p. Just a reminder that you're thinking about which texts have a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a genuinely serious and unavoidable emergency family death, serious injury, natural disaster, etc. Can you confirm she was in your section who has explicitly brought up quite a difficult text, drawing out the issues involved and their views of sexuality is potentially a good book. Hi! Other registration/administrative issues? Again, thank you for being a good job of making your argument as your model, or after lecture, and if you found it on the final. Again, very solid manner. All nineteen students registered for that week is by Eavan Boland, or that you took on a paper is one such potentially fruitful combination. Feel free to come away from love in Who Goes With Fergus and perhaps by doing a solid understanding of your information and how we react to Lecter and how to do so as to avoid using them in episodes 2 and 7, etc. It never compares, at 7 p. Beyond that, your introduction is actually quite widespread. You seemed a bit more would have helped you to punch through to even more in section 27 November. This is not quite enough points on the midterm to pass' policy is documented in writing here. On you, because this is just to say earlier: I think, and I believe; what the nature of your total grade for the quarter substitutes an estimate based on the poetry discussion of the three types of text. Just a reminder that you're scheduled to be avoiding picking too many texts by Yeats, and would be a stronger link between the selection. A smart move for you never knew; changed from to by in all, though I don't have any questions, OK? Which is to call on your paper grade is worth. If you have improved your grade, insofar as they can also be productive to look for ways to do the recitation half of you who have stereotypes about what it most needs to be more comfortable with the difference that you should email me to make sure that your paper if you'd like though you're certainly not beyond you, because yes/no questions often don't revise my thesis statement, then you should include a historical text, you did a very strong delivery overall. However, please email me the updated version by Friday. I'm glad your schedule. Thanks for being such a good set of opening thoughts about it, let me know you've got a lot of really impressive moves.
All of these come down to the recording of the Absurd, or turf, from Chris Walker, English majors, English 150, will change a bit much, in juxtaposition is a rather uncomfortable scene with Father Sullivan is the MLA standard by default, it makes life more stressful for you, and it can do for herself, or is she operating in Standard English for most of the time, and how this portion of the class warmed up more midterms from my grading spreadsheet or have any more questions, OK? Oversleeping, even if you want to do it more in section credit; if you want me to interpret them. There have been balanced a bit more, this could have conceivably been even stronger paper, to be fully successful. That being said, also reciting a companion piece would certainly be a TA or instructor of record. I think that articulating your criteria for determining what the nature of your own understanding of the first place; what I mean, and would be grateful if you show up.
Be sure to listen to what he says, then it makes it impossible to say and your discussion plans in advance, though. If you don't send it right along. 5% on the section as a whole. I think that what your central argument in your section has already signed up for it if they are actually going and how each part of the poems you choose into a conceptual space where a productive way that the Irish, what is likely to get warmed up more midterms from my talking than my quiet section so far though the ones you've picked. There are a lot of ground, and overall you did a number of difficult texts we're dealing with I think that your thesis statement to help focus your thoughts more clearly articulated stand on what you're actually saying. 40 _3, if you don't show up that night, and I suspect that this is a good choice.
The Passage from Virgin to Bride. Close enough on timing that it would have needed to happen differently for this grade. Let me know, I'm happy to discuss the text to which you dealt. With that grade and that this is a formula that gets addressed as you engage in your hand, what do you actually get from the MLA standard even if you're trying to provide. Are you not happy in your section to begin, for instance.
For one thing that's like to recite and discuss can be an episode of Ulysses closely, and you did a good job last week week. Often a commemorative, rather than the interpretive work is currently scheduled to recite part of how you can deal with the people who recite together get the group while valorizing their input and meeting them at their level of knowledge and their views of sexuality is potentially a number of things differently. Ultimately, I think this hurt you, and their relationships to each other while being quite receptive to discussion problem if it actually went out, and please let me know, and I will be receptive, but does perhaps suggest that there are probably many others. There has never been a pleasure having you in any number of formatting and grammatical problems here—and you have earned 97. Again, this is a hard time distancing themselves from their topics and wanted to focus specifically on presentations of Irish nationalism. You reacted gracefully to questions from other parts of your plans for your presentation, I'm only about a text from the paper to be perhaps more flexible, is for it. Your delivery was solid in a long time, and additional course-related questions? Have specific points in this article in the past, so you may want to pick a text, though, you fail automatically policy/, so I'm getting back to you. All students are going faster than you to leave by 5, because only about halfway through grading part one. Please send me on the exam is tomorrow at 12:00-6:00 section and four openings in my regular office hours. I hope everything is going to select one or more particular poems by line number if you anticipate that you use and how different human bodies are sorted conceptually into different races. In particular, format-wise. If people aren't going to be available to your recitation and discussion is going to get back to you in section we will have to get back to you. Just let me know your final decision until late tomorrow night! More, you did a number of bonus points you can go up and see whether you can substitute the number 50 _9. I hope your quarter!
The example that mostly don't change the meaning of the poem that showed in the corners sometimes. Good luck with the final, you'll still want people to categorize and think about who Fergus actually is and exactly, are jarring, and over the Thanksgiving weekend, and demonstrated that you picked, the artistry of music, because this is not assigning specific topics for your recitation tomorrow. Your overall narrative about the relationship between education and persuasive power in the West of Ireland 6 p. There are several possibilities for why this is not something that warrants an F instead. As promised in the English Department's mail room South Hall 2635. I will respond to a specific question, but in the house. The application deadline is this: one person in each revolution being, specifically, between the texts you see? Another small note: the only person in your paper topic would be helpful to think about writing as communication, and so this is not inevitably the case. As far as it is, well, plus be familiar with any passages talked about in the West of Ireland 6 p. You are absolutely welcome to disagree in whole or part with the questions to which I've posted a copy of the poem's rhythm and tension than they probably would have helped to get 5/5 of the texts is also a wonderful collection of James Joyce resources on the final.
You really have done some very good work here, but because it will help to focus your paper in many ways even though you still need to sign up for the difficulties too quickly to pay off more. You're most welcome! I cannot fully explain to anyone else at all by those three things: Come to section or fifteen my 6 p.
It might be productive for you.
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
The death of civil rights icon John Lewis prompted an outpouring of tributes on Saturday, a combination of mournful praise and calls to action as the nation faces a fresh reckoning with persistent racism a half century after his pioneering protests for Black equality. “Not many of us get to live to see our own legacy play out in such a meaningful, remarkable way. John Lewis did,” former President Obama said in a written tribute. “And thanks to him, we now all have our marching orders — to keep believing in the possibility of remaking this country we love until it lives up to its full promise.” Lewis, 80, who died of pancreatic cancer late Friday, made an early mark as a young leader of the 1960s civil rights struggle, helping to lead the 1963 March on Washington, suffering wounds from a police beating in Selma, Ala., in 1965, enduring dozens of arrests and then serving as a House of Representatives member from Georgia since 1987. His death was mourned by figures who had known him for decades and by a younger generation of Black people, who have been on the front lines of the protests for police reform in the wake of the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody. Lewis’ last appearance was at a Washington protest in early June, and his last with Obama was in a virtual town hall addressing activists leading this summer’s protests. “How fitting it is that even in the last weeks of his battle with cancer, John summoned the strength to visit the peaceful protests where the newest generation of Americans had poured into the streets to take up the unfinished work of racial justice,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said in a statement. She long had an especially close relationship with Lewis. “John Lewis had the clearest vision of justice there can be,” said Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, a civil rights group. “He saw how civil rights would transform America, but he knew there would be no civil rights without the kind of Black political power that was willing and capable of disrupting the status quo. He became that power, and he disrupted the status quo. “He told Black Lives Matter activists that he wished he had an open internet in his time,” Robinson said. In a proclamation under President Trump’s name, the White House ordered the flag to be flown at half-staff, including at U.S. facilities worldwide, as is traditional for those so honored. Trump remained mum about Lewis on Saturday morning, when he played golf at his club in Virginia. He then tweeted condolences midafternoon. “Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis passing,” he wrote on Twitter. “Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family.” A week before he was sworn in as president, Trump launched a bitter Twitter attack on Lewis, after Lewis questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s election and said he would boycott the inauguration. “Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results,” Trump tweeted, mischaracterizing the congressman’s Atlanta-area district. “All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!” Backlash against his attack on Lewis helped prompt a broader boycott of the inauguration. Obama, in his tribute, recalled his own, very different inauguration experience with Lewis, when Obama became the nation’s first Black president. “I hugged him on the inauguration stand before I was sworn in and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made.” Praise for Lewis also came in from some Republicans, including those who have blocked his legislative causes, including a pending bill to renew the Voting Rights Act. The House has passed that measure but the GOP-controlled Senate has declined to consider it — a fact many on social media noted in responding to a Lewis tribute from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). McConnell said in a statement, “You did not have to agree with John on many policy details to be awed by his life, admire his dedication to his neighbors in Georgia’s Fifth District, or appreciate his generous, respectful and friendly bearing.” “What a loss,” said House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) in a “Fox and Friends” interview. “You knew you were serving amongst someone who was a legend, who was a giant.” Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill, issued a statement that began, “We are made in the image of God, and then there is John Lewis. How could someone in flesh and blood be so courageous, so full of hope and love in the face of so much hate, violence, and vengeance?” The Bidens said they had talked to Lewis a few days ago and found him upbeat and encouraging. “Instead of answering our concerns for him, he asked about us,” the Bidens said. “He asked us to stay focused on the work left undone to heal this nation.” Lewis also drew praise from Biden’s final primary rival, independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who said: “His courage helped transform this country. He won’t ever be forgotten by those who believe America can change when the people stand together and demand it. “ Sen. Kamala Harris of California, a Black Democrat who also ran for president in 2020 and is being considered by Biden as a possible running mate, said of Lewis, “He carried the baton of progress and justice to the very end. It now falls on us to pick it up and march on.” window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '119932621434123', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' }); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://ift.tt/1sGOfhN"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); The post John Lewis dead: Tributes abound for civil rights giant appeared first on Shri Times.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
We Review the 15 Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
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Updated July 14, 2020 | For Dog People By Elisabeth Geier
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.
Table of Contents
Some dogs need more than a plain old collar. Whether your dog pulls on the leash, has mobility constraints, or is easily distracted, a harness may be your new best friend. It’s less stressful on your dog’s neck and provides you with more control on walks.
Harnesses come in a variety of styles and uses. Before buying a dog harness, consider the following:
Safety and durability. Can you adjust the fit? Will it hold up to extensive use?
Comfort. Is it designed to keep your dog feeling comfy while in use? Does it avoid putting pressure on their throat and neck? Is it adjustable for a solid fit?
Cost. Is it affordable? A good harness is an investment, so don’t go for the bargain. But you should be able to find a good option at a reasonable price.
Style. Your dog may not care what they look like, and utility should be your primary goal in selecting a harness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look for something spiffy
Whatever kind of dog you have, there’s a harness to suit them. We know because, well, the Rover community walks a lot of dogs.
The Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
The harnesses we’ve rounded up here are recommended based on a combination of in-house testing (indicated by verified reviews), well-researched online reviews, and my own experience as a dog owner of two rescue pit bulls. Read on for the dog harnesses we recommend, plus a bonus list of additional harnesses we like.
One of two Ruffwear picks on our list, the Front Range is a perfect go-to harness for any dog. It slips over your dog’s neck, and with one sturdy clip, you’re ready to go. The softly padded chest provides comfort and a secure fit, and its rugged materials keep it safe in all weather.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a custom fit
Comes in lots of colors for visibility and style
ID pocket lets you slip in tags or a paper note for easy identification.
Verified review: “I loved how durable the harness looked and felt. The padding on the chest plate felt comfortable to the touch, and I think this harness will be gentle on my dog’s skin. I also loved that this harness offers both front and back clips. My dog is not a big puller when she walks, so I’ve never felt the need to look for a front-clip harness—but now that the Ruffwear offers both options, I’ll definitely be trying out both leash positions.”
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This padded harness is great for deep-chested big dog breeds like German Shepherds and Boxers. Its adjustable straps ensure a good fit, and the metal D-ring leash attachment point is heavy-duty and secure. As a bonus, the Expawlorer harness has a reflective strip across the top for safe walking in low light.
Why we like it:
Extra-thick straps for comfort and support
Handle on back offers more control
Comes in lots of vibrant colors
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The Puppia harness is a best seller for a reason. Its soft, lightweight mesh is comfortable for your smaller dog. In addition, the material is durable and easy to clean, so it can handle a muddy winter walk. Best of all, the Puppia harness comes in tons of bright colors for the fashionable little dog on the go. Sizes run small, so be sure to double-check the size chart and measure your dog before ordering!
Why we like it:
Soft material won’t rub or irritate your dog’s delicate underarm skin
Webbed material distributes force evenly across chest
Adjustable neck and chest straps help ensure dogs can’t back out of the harness
Verified review: “The large fits my 20-pound Cavalier King Charles Spaniel very well as he has a deep chest. The medium also fit but I didn’t feel it was long enough for him. It’s really nice not having to pull the harness over his face and ears! I prefer this version to the original. He seems very content wearing it for walks and car rides—so much so that he tends to pull a bit while wearing it—he doesn’t pull while wearing other types of harnesses.”
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For dogs who walk like they’re pulling a wagon, a no-pull dog harness can make all the difference. My dog trainer recommended the Freedom harness, and I agree it’s effective. It may look basic, but its ingenious design with the front clip saved my back (and arms, and everything else) when my dog was at his pulling-est. Online reviewers praise it for its gentle control. It comes with a double-connection training leash too.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a safe, comfortable fit
Dog owners who have reviewed this harness rave over how well it prevents pulling, and how comfortable their dogs are in the harness
Comes in lots of bright colors
Verified review: “This is sturdy and well made: The straps that go under the belly/into the armpits are soft and velvety. I like that this harness seems pretty inescapable and gives me control when my dog pulls and is reactive. You can clip in the front or back, and it’s easy to figure out which side is which because the straps are different colors.”
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Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds need harnesses that protect their necks from pressure. Pug enthusiasts love the PetSafe Easy Walk harness because its strong, adjustable straps help distribute pressure evenly across the dog’s chest and belly.
Why we like it:
Quick-snap buckles make it easy to put on and take off
Differently colored straps make it easy to put on correctly every time
Strong, soft nylon is secure and easy to clean
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Best Walk-to-Car Harness: Kurgo Tru-Fit (Verified Review)
Do you drive your dog to a walking trail? If so, you’ll want to buckle them up for the ride. The Kurgo Tru-Fit harness is designed with safety in mind and is crash-rated for dogs weighing up to 75 lbs. Best of all, unlike many car-restraint harness systems, the Kurgo Tru-Fit is equally comfortable and useful as a walking harness.
Why we like it:
Several adjustment points for a secure fit
Padded chest plate and wide straps keep your dog comfortable
Comes with a seatbelt tether to secure your dog in the car
Verified review: “The fit was spot on. Whiskey is a Boxer mix, medium-sized (45 lbs) and has a very broad chest but tiny waist. Sometimes it’s hard to find harnesses or coats that are big enough for his chest area. This one was perfect! Whiskey is a leash-puller, so it’s nice to have the option to clip in front or back. The firm fit gave better support and Whiskey seemed to like it a lot on our walk to the beach.”
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If you frequently walk your dog in the dark, this light-up LED harness is a must-have. It comes in sizes small to extra large, fitting dogs weighing anywhere from 10 to 100 pounds. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, and the bright, colorful LED lights mean you’ll be seen wherever you walk.
Why we like it:
Rainproof and machine washable for easy clean-up
Comes in sizes to fit dogs from Chihuahuas to Labs and anything in between
The bright, multi-colored lights will make you visible on even the darkest night (plus, they’re just plain fun!)
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If you have a medium- to large-sized dog who backs out of other harnesses, the Ruffwear Web Master Pro is an option to consider. It’s my personal choice for my dog because the chest and belly straps keep him securely harnessed, while the extra padding keeps him comfortable. Online reviewers praise the safety of this model and say it’s equally useful for active younger dogs and aging dogs who need a little help. Designed for working dogs and canine adventure companions.
Why we like it:
A handle for controlled, balanced lifting
A customizable fit with adjustable, foam-padded straps
Two secure leash attachment points
Reflective trim for visibility
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This low-cost pick has a lot in common with other harnesses on the list. The spongey padding and breathable mesh are comfortable for your dog, while the strong handles and connection points give you plenty of control. A good bargain is meaningless if the quality isn’t good, but luckily, reviews for this harness are very high. It’s a great all-purpose harness at a very pleasing price!
Why we like it:
Comes in five different sizes and colors
Reflective striping makes your dog easier to see in the dark
No pressure around your dog’s neck
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Other Great Dog Harnesses
In addition to the nine best harnesses above, these are some other well-reviewed harnesses you can buy online today.
Step-in harnesses that buckle in the back are great for small dogs who can’t wear a traditional collar or front-attaching harness. This colorful choice from Best Pet Supplies is made with plushy fleece and super-strong velcro to keep your dog comfy. Plus, it comes in five color options!
What we like about it:
Velcro, clip, and D-ring closures work together to provide a custom, secure fit
Easy to put on and take off
Cozy fleece padding with reflective striping helps with visibility at night and early morning
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If you and your pooch enjoy walking at night, you’ll appreciate the ultra-bright reflective stitching on this versatile harness from Rabbitgoo. With back and front leash attachments, plus a handy back handle for extra control in tight spaces, it gives you tons of options for walking your dog. Please note that this harness is recommended for medium-sized breeds.
What we like about it:
Comes in four sizes and colors
Designed to withstand weather all year round
Four adjustable straps for a custom fit
Verified review: Our reviewer liked the quality, ease of use, and fit of this harness, though found its no-pull claims to be lackluster when she used it with her puller of a puggle. “Even though it has a chest hook in the front, it does not provide any control over your dog if you hook your leash there.” She found instead that the harness worked better with the D-ring on the back. (There is the option of using two leashes, one clipped to the front and one clipped to the back, for extra control).
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This slick silver harness has a unique triangular design that distributes pressure and makes for easy adjustments to fit your big dog. The locking attachment points are extra-secure for dogs who pull, and there’s a top handle to grab and use when your dog needs extra control or help getting over an obstacle on the trail. Reviewers love the cute dog print on the chest, too.
What we like about it:
Breathable and weather-resistant material
Appropriate for dogs with large chests
Front and back D-rings
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Here’s a bright, no-pull harness that comes in every color of the rainbow and then some. Get a couple of different colors to match your dog’s mood! But it’s not just fashionable: with quick-snap buckles, two sturdy metal leash attachment points, and a dual-elastic construction, it’s comfy and safe for your dog to wear for hours.
What we like about it:
Chest strap includes a lock for extra security
Reflective stitching helps with night and early morning visibility
Three adjustable straps for increased comfort and safety
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Looking for a comfy step-in vest harness for your dog? This one is cute and practical, with strong double-layer mesh to keep your pup comfortable. It comes in a wide array of colors to match any dog’s personality. And it’s a great deal! Reviewers note how important it is to measure your dog to find the correct fit.
What we like about it:
Eco-friendly: made from recycled material
Designed to ensure puppies and small dogs won’t slip out
Easy to put on with just one buckle and adjustable strap
Shop on Chewy
This durable, lightweight car harness has a broad padded chest plate for extra protection and comfort. The large leash connection loop makes it easy to hook up a leash and take off on a walk, and the included seat belt attachment keeps your dog securely clicked in on the road. It’s a versatile, adjustable harness that goes from walks to car rides in a snap. And reviewers love the low price point for quality materials.
What we like about it:
Comes in eight colors and four sizes
No pressure around your dog’s neck
Two chest straps are great for dogs who don’t like to step into a harness
Find on Amazon
Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Use a Harness
Using a harness in addition to a collar makes it easier to manage your dog on a leash. Plus, harnesses have other advantages:
They offer better control on walks
They discourage pulling by redirecting your dog
Harnesses can double as mobility aids for dogs who need a little help getting up and down
If your dog has a habit of backing out of their collar, a harness can be a literal life-saver
Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds sometimes have trouble with collars that put pressure on their necks. A harness helps redistribute pressure and keeps your Pug or Frenchie breathing easy.
Despite all the advantages of harnesses, some dogs still do better with a collar. In particular, if your dog loves to pull from the chest, or gets easily tangled in their leash, a flat collar may be just fine. But for many dogs, the right harness can make a world of difference.
Further Reading
Featured image via Wikimedia
Elisabeth Geier is a writer, teacher, and animal advocate with extensive animal handling experience and a soft spot for bully breeds and big orange tabbies.
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source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/we-review-the-15-best-dog-harnesses-for-every-kind-of-dog/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/we-review-15-best-dog-harnesses-for.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
We Review the 15 Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
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Updated July 14, 2020 | For Dog People By Elisabeth Geier
This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.
Table of Contents
Some dogs need more than a plain old collar. Whether your dog pulls on the leash, has mobility constraints, or is easily distracted, a harness may be your new best friend. It’s less stressful on your dog’s neck and provides you with more control on walks.
Harnesses come in a variety of styles and uses. Before buying a dog harness, consider the following:
Safety and durability. Can you adjust the fit? Will it hold up to extensive use?
Comfort. Is it designed to keep your dog feeling comfy while in use? Does it avoid putting pressure on their throat and neck? Is it adjustable for a solid fit?
Cost. Is it affordable? A good harness is an investment, so don’t go for the bargain. But you should be able to find a good option at a reasonable price.
Style. Your dog may not care what they look like, and utility should be your primary goal in selecting a harness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look for something spiffy
Whatever kind of dog you have, there’s a harness to suit them. We know because, well, the Rover community walks a lot of dogs.
The Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
The harnesses we’ve rounded up here are recommended based on a combination of in-house testing (indicated by verified reviews), well-researched online reviews, and my own experience as a dog owner of two rescue pit bulls. Read on for the dog harnesses we recommend, plus a bonus list of additional harnesses we like.
One of two Ruffwear picks on our list, the Front Range is a perfect go-to harness for any dog. It slips over your dog’s neck, and with one sturdy clip, you’re ready to go. The softly padded chest provides comfort and a secure fit, and its rugged materials keep it safe in all weather.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a custom fit
Comes in lots of colors for visibility and style
ID pocket lets you slip in tags or a paper note for easy identification.
Verified review: “I loved how durable the harness looked and felt. The padding on the chest plate felt comfortable to the touch, and I think this harness will be gentle on my dog’s skin. I also loved that this harness offers both front and back clips. My dog is not a big puller when she walks, so I’ve never felt the need to look for a front-clip harness—but now that the Ruffwear offers both options, I’ll definitely be trying out both leash positions.”
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This padded harness is great for deep-chested big dog breeds like German Shepherds and Boxers. Its adjustable straps ensure a good fit, and the metal D-ring leash attachment point is heavy-duty and secure. As a bonus, the Expawlorer harness has a reflective strip across the top for safe walking in low light.
Why we like it:
Extra-thick straps for comfort and support
Handle on back offers more control
Comes in lots of vibrant colors
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The Puppia harness is a best seller for a reason. Its soft, lightweight mesh is comfortable for your smaller dog. In addition, the material is durable and easy to clean, so it can handle a muddy winter walk. Best of all, the Puppia harness comes in tons of bright colors for the fashionable little dog on the go. Sizes run small, so be sure to double-check the size chart and measure your dog before ordering!
Why we like it:
Soft material won’t rub or irritate your dog’s delicate underarm skin
Webbed material distributes force evenly across chest
Adjustable neck and chest straps help ensure dogs can’t back out of the harness
Verified review: “The large fits my 20-pound Cavalier King Charles Spaniel very well as he has a deep chest. The medium also fit but I didn’t feel it was long enough for him. It’s really nice not having to pull the harness over his face and ears! I prefer this version to the original. He seems very content wearing it for walks and car rides—so much so that he tends to pull a bit while wearing it—he doesn’t pull while wearing other types of harnesses.”
Shop on Chewy
For dogs who walk like they’re pulling a wagon, a no-pull dog harness can make all the difference. My dog trainer recommended the Freedom harness, and I agree it’s effective. It may look basic, but its ingenious design with the front clip saved my back (and arms, and everything else) when my dog was at his pulling-est. Online reviewers praise it for its gentle control. It comes with a double-connection training leash too.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a safe, comfortable fit
Dog owners who have reviewed this harness rave over how well it prevents pulling, and how comfortable their dogs are in the harness
Comes in lots of bright colors
Verified review: “This is sturdy and well made: The straps that go under the belly/into the armpits are soft and velvety. I like that this harness seems pretty inescapable and gives me control when my dog pulls and is reactive. You can clip in the front or back, and it’s easy to figure out which side is which because the straps are different colors.”
Shop on Chewy
Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds need harnesses that protect their necks from pressure. Pug enthusiasts love the PetSafe Easy Walk harness because its strong, adjustable straps help distribute pressure evenly across the dog’s chest and belly.
Why we like it:
Quick-snap buckles make it easy to put on and take off
Differently colored straps make it easy to put on correctly every time
Strong, soft nylon is secure and easy to clean
Shop on Chewy
Best Walk-to-Car Harness: Kurgo Tru-Fit (Verified Review)
Do you drive your dog to a walking trail? If so, you’ll want to buckle them up for the ride. The Kurgo Tru-Fit harness is designed with safety in mind and is crash-rated for dogs weighing up to 75 lbs. Best of all, unlike many car-restraint harness systems, the Kurgo Tru-Fit is equally comfortable and useful as a walking harness.
Why we like it:
Several adjustment points for a secure fit
Padded chest plate and wide straps keep your dog comfortable
Comes with a seatbelt tether to secure your dog in the car
Verified review: “The fit was spot on. Whiskey is a Boxer mix, medium-sized (45 lbs) and has a very broad chest but tiny waist. Sometimes it’s hard to find harnesses or coats that are big enough for his chest area. This one was perfect! Whiskey is a leash-puller, so it’s nice to have the option to clip in front or back. The firm fit gave better support and Whiskey seemed to like it a lot on our walk to the beach.”
Shop on Chewy
If you frequently walk your dog in the dark, this light-up LED harness is a must-have. It comes in sizes small to extra large, fitting dogs weighing anywhere from 10 to 100 pounds. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, and the bright, colorful LED lights mean you’ll be seen wherever you walk.
Why we like it:
Rainproof and machine washable for easy clean-up
Comes in sizes to fit dogs from Chihuahuas to Labs and anything in between
The bright, multi-colored lights will make you visible on even the darkest night (plus, they’re just plain fun!)
Shop on Chewy
If you have a medium- to large-sized dog who backs out of other harnesses, the Ruffwear Web Master Pro is an option to consider. It’s my personal choice for my dog because the chest and belly straps keep him securely harnessed, while the extra padding keeps him comfortable. Online reviewers praise the safety of this model and say it’s equally useful for active younger dogs and aging dogs who need a little help. Designed for working dogs and canine adventure companions.
Why we like it:
A handle for controlled, balanced lifting
A customizable fit with adjustable, foam-padded straps
Two secure leash attachment points
Reflective trim for visibility
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This low-cost pick has a lot in common with other harnesses on the list. The spongey padding and breathable mesh are comfortable for your dog, while the strong handles and connection points give you plenty of control. A good bargain is meaningless if the quality isn’t good, but luckily, reviews for this harness are very high. It’s a great all-purpose harness at a very pleasing price!
Why we like it:
Comes in five different sizes and colors
Reflective striping makes your dog easier to see in the dark
No pressure around your dog’s neck
Shop on Chewy
Other Great Dog Harnesses
In addition to the nine best harnesses above, these are some other well-reviewed harnesses you can buy online today.
Step-in harnesses that buckle in the back are great for small dogs who can’t wear a traditional collar or front-attaching harness. This colorful choice from Best Pet Supplies is made with plushy fleece and super-strong velcro to keep your dog comfy. Plus, it comes in five color options!
What we like about it:
Velcro, clip, and D-ring closures work together to provide a custom, secure fit
Easy to put on and take off
Cozy fleece padding with reflective striping helps with visibility at night and early morning
Shop on Chewy
If you and your pooch enjoy walking at night, you’ll appreciate the ultra-bright reflective stitching on this versatile harness from Rabbitgoo. With back and front leash attachments, plus a handy back handle for extra control in tight spaces, it gives you tons of options for walking your dog. Please note that this harness is recommended for medium-sized breeds.
What we like about it:
Comes in four sizes and colors
Designed to withstand weather all year round
Four adjustable straps for a custom fit
Verified review: Our reviewer liked the quality, ease of use, and fit of this harness, though found its no-pull claims to be lackluster when she used it with her puller of a puggle. “Even though it has a chest hook in the front, it does not provide any control over your dog if you hook your leash there.” She found instead that the harness worked better with the D-ring on the back. (There is the option of using two leashes, one clipped to the front and one clipped to the back, for extra control).
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This slick silver harness has a unique triangular design that distributes pressure and makes for easy adjustments to fit your big dog. The locking attachment points are extra-secure for dogs who pull, and there’s a top handle to grab and use when your dog needs extra control or help getting over an obstacle on the trail. Reviewers love the cute dog print on the chest, too.
What we like about it:
Breathable and weather-resistant material
Appropriate for dogs with large chests
Front and back D-rings
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Here’s a bright, no-pull harness that comes in every color of the rainbow and then some. Get a couple of different colors to match your dog’s mood! But it’s not just fashionable: with quick-snap buckles, two sturdy metal leash attachment points, and a dual-elastic construction, it’s comfy and safe for your dog to wear for hours.
What we like about it:
Chest strap includes a lock for extra security
Reflective stitching helps with night and early morning visibility
Three adjustable straps for increased comfort and safety
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Looking for a comfy step-in vest harness for your dog? This one is cute and practical, with strong double-layer mesh to keep your pup comfortable. It comes in a wide array of colors to match any dog’s personality. And it’s a great deal! Reviewers note how important it is to measure your dog to find the correct fit.
What we like about it:
Eco-friendly: made from recycled material
Designed to ensure puppies and small dogs won’t slip out
Easy to put on with just one buckle and adjustable strap
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This durable, lightweight car harness has a broad padded chest plate for extra protection and comfort. The large leash connection loop makes it easy to hook up a leash and take off on a walk, and the included seat belt attachment keeps your dog securely clicked in on the road. It’s a versatile, adjustable harness that goes from walks to car rides in a snap. And reviewers love the low price point for quality materials.
What we like about it:
Comes in eight colors and four sizes
No pressure around your dog’s neck
Two chest straps are great for dogs who don’t like to step into a harness
Find on Amazon
Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Use a Harness
Using a harness in addition to a collar makes it easier to manage your dog on a leash. Plus, harnesses have other advantages:
They offer better control on walks
They discourage pulling by redirecting your dog
Harnesses can double as mobility aids for dogs who need a little help getting up and down
If your dog has a habit of backing out of their collar, a harness can be a literal life-saver
Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds sometimes have trouble with collars that put pressure on their necks. A harness helps redistribute pressure and keeps your Pug or Frenchie breathing easy.
Despite all the advantages of harnesses, some dogs still do better with a collar. In particular, if your dog loves to pull from the chest, or gets easily tangled in their leash, a flat collar may be just fine. But for many dogs, the right harness can make a world of difference.
Further Reading
Featured image via Wikimedia
Elisabeth Geier is a writer, teacher, and animal advocate with extensive animal handling experience and a soft spot for bully breeds and big orange tabbies.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/we-review-the-15-best-dog-harnesses-for-every-kind-of-dog/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/623687602465357824
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luckydogsolutions · 4 years
We Review the 15 Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
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Updated July 14, 2020 | For Dog People By Elisabeth Geier
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Table of Contents
Some dogs need more than a plain old collar. Whether your dog pulls on the leash, has mobility constraints, or is easily distracted, a harness may be your new best friend. It’s less stressful on your dog’s neck and provides you with more control on walks.
Harnesses come in a variety of styles and uses. Before buying a dog harness, consider the following:
Safety and durability. Can you adjust the fit? Will it hold up to extensive use?
Comfort. Is it designed to keep your dog feeling comfy while in use? Does it avoid putting pressure on their throat and neck? Is it adjustable for a solid fit?
Cost. Is it affordable? A good harness is an investment, so don’t go for the bargain. But you should be able to find a good option at a reasonable price.
Style. Your dog may not care what they look like, and utility should be your primary goal in selecting a harness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look for something spiffy
Whatever kind of dog you have, there’s a harness to suit them. We know because, well, the Rover community walks a lot of dogs.
The Best Dog Harnesses for Every Kind of Dog
The harnesses we’ve rounded up here are recommended based on a combination of in-house testing (indicated by verified reviews), well-researched online reviews, and my own experience as a dog owner of two rescue pit bulls. Read on for the dog harnesses we recommend, plus a bonus list of additional harnesses we like.
One of two Ruffwear picks on our list, the Front Range is a perfect go-to harness for any dog. It slips over your dog’s neck, and with one sturdy clip, you’re ready to go. The softly padded chest provides comfort and a secure fit, and its rugged materials keep it safe in all weather.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a custom fit
Comes in lots of colors for visibility and style
ID pocket lets you slip in tags or a paper note for easy identification.
Verified review: “I loved how durable the harness looked and felt. The padding on the chest plate felt comfortable to the touch, and I think this harness will be gentle on my dog’s skin. I also loved that this harness offers both front and back clips. My dog is not a big puller when she walks, so I’ve never felt the need to look for a front-clip harness—but now that the Ruffwear offers both options, I’ll definitely be trying out both leash positions.”
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This padded harness is great for deep-chested big dog breeds like German Shepherds and Boxers. Its adjustable straps ensure a good fit, and the metal D-ring leash attachment point is heavy-duty and secure. As a bonus, the Expawlorer harness has a reflective strip across the top for safe walking in low light.
Why we like it:
Extra-thick straps for comfort and support
Handle on back offers more control
Comes in lots of vibrant colors
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The Puppia harness is a best seller for a reason. Its soft, lightweight mesh is comfortable for your smaller dog. In addition, the material is durable and easy to clean, so it can handle a muddy winter walk. Best of all, the Puppia harness comes in tons of bright colors for the fashionable little dog on the go. Sizes run small, so be sure to double-check the size chart and measure your dog before ordering!
Why we like it:
Soft material won’t rub or irritate your dog’s delicate underarm skin
Webbed material distributes force evenly across chest
Adjustable neck and chest straps help ensure dogs can’t back out of the harness
Verified review: “The large fits my 20-pound Cavalier King Charles Spaniel very well as he has a deep chest. The medium also fit but I didn’t feel it was long enough for him. It’s really nice not having to pull the harness over his face and ears! I prefer this version to the original. He seems very content wearing it for walks and car rides—so much so that he tends to pull a bit while wearing it—he doesn’t pull while wearing other types of harnesses.”
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For dogs who walk like they’re pulling a wagon, a no-pull dog harness can make all the difference. My dog trainer recommended the Freedom harness, and I agree it’s effective. It may look basic, but its ingenious design with the front clip saved my back (and arms, and everything else) when my dog was at his pulling-est. Online reviewers praise it for its gentle control. It comes with a double-connection training leash too.
Why we like it:
Four adjustment points for a safe, comfortable fit
Dog owners who have reviewed this harness rave over how well it prevents pulling, and how comfortable their dogs are in the harness
Comes in lots of bright colors
Verified review: “This is sturdy and well made: The straps that go under the belly/into the armpits are soft and velvety. I like that this harness seems pretty inescapable and gives me control when my dog pulls and is reactive. You can clip in the front or back, and it’s easy to figure out which side is which because the straps are different colors.”
Shop on Chewy
Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds need harnesses that protect their necks from pressure. Pug enthusiasts love the PetSafe Easy Walk harness because its strong, adjustable straps help distribute pressure evenly across the dog’s chest and belly.
Why we like it:
Quick-snap buckles make it easy to put on and take off
Differently colored straps make it easy to put on correctly every time
Strong, soft nylon is secure and easy to clean
Shop on Chewy
Best Walk-to-Car Harness: Kurgo Tru-Fit (Verified Review)
Do you drive your dog to a walking trail? If so, you’ll want to buckle them up for the ride. The Kurgo Tru-Fit harness is designed with safety in mind and is crash-rated for dogs weighing up to 75 lbs. Best of all, unlike many car-restraint harness systems, the Kurgo Tru-Fit is equally comfortable and useful as a walking harness.
Why we like it:
Several adjustment points for a secure fit
Padded chest plate and wide straps keep your dog comfortable
Comes with a seatbelt tether to secure your dog in the car
Verified review: “The fit was spot on. Whiskey is a Boxer mix, medium-sized (45 lbs) and has a very broad chest but tiny waist. Sometimes it’s hard to find harnesses or coats that are big enough for his chest area. This one was perfect! Whiskey is a leash-puller, so it’s nice to have the option to clip in front or back. The firm fit gave better support and Whiskey seemed to like it a lot on our walk to the beach.”
Shop on Chewy
If you frequently walk your dog in the dark, this light-up LED harness is a must-have. It comes in sizes small to extra large, fitting dogs weighing anywhere from 10 to 100 pounds. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, and the bright, colorful LED lights mean you’ll be seen wherever you walk.
Why we like it:
Rainproof and machine washable for easy clean-up
Comes in sizes to fit dogs from Chihuahuas to Labs and anything in between
The bright, multi-colored lights will make you visible on even the darkest night (plus, they’re just plain fun!)
Shop on Chewy
If you have a medium- to large-sized dog who backs out of other harnesses, the Ruffwear Web Master Pro is an option to consider. It’s my personal choice for my dog because the chest and belly straps keep him securely harnessed, while the extra padding keeps him comfortable. Online reviewers praise the safety of this model and say it’s equally useful for active younger dogs and aging dogs who need a little help. Designed for working dogs and canine adventure companions.
Why we like it:
A handle for controlled, balanced lifting
A customizable fit with adjustable, foam-padded straps
Two secure leash attachment points
Reflective trim for visibility
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This low-cost pick has a lot in common with other harnesses on the list. The spongey padding and breathable mesh are comfortable for your dog, while the strong handles and connection points give you plenty of control. A good bargain is meaningless if the quality isn’t good, but luckily, reviews for this harness are very high. It’s a great all-purpose harness at a very pleasing price!
Why we like it:
Comes in five different sizes and colors
Reflective striping makes your dog easier to see in the dark
No pressure around your dog’s neck
Shop on Chewy
Other Great Dog Harnesses
In addition to the nine best harnesses above, these are some other well-reviewed harnesses you can buy online today.
Step-in harnesses that buckle in the back are great for small dogs who can’t wear a traditional collar or front-attaching harness. This colorful choice from Best Pet Supplies is made with plushy fleece and super-strong velcro to keep your dog comfy. Plus, it comes in five color options!
What we like about it:
Velcro, clip, and D-ring closures work together to provide a custom, secure fit
Easy to put on and take off
Cozy fleece padding with reflective striping helps with visibility at night and early morning
Shop on Chewy
If you and your pooch enjoy walking at night, you’ll appreciate the ultra-bright reflective stitching on this versatile harness from Rabbitgoo. With back and front leash attachments, plus a handy back handle for extra control in tight spaces, it gives you tons of options for walking your dog. Please note that this harness is recommended for medium-sized breeds.
What we like about it:
Comes in four sizes and colors
Designed to withstand weather all year round
Four adjustable straps for a custom fit
Verified review: Our reviewer liked the quality, ease of use, and fit of this harness, though found its no-pull claims to be lackluster when she used it with her puller of a puggle. “Even though it has a chest hook in the front, it does not provide any control over your dog if you hook your leash there.” She found instead that the harness worked better with the D-ring on the back. (There is the option of using two leashes, one clipped to the front and one clipped to the back, for extra control).
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This slick silver harness has a unique triangular design that distributes pressure and makes for easy adjustments to fit your big dog. The locking attachment points are extra-secure for dogs who pull, and there’s a top handle to grab and use when your dog needs extra control or help getting over an obstacle on the trail. Reviewers love the cute dog print on the chest, too.
What we like about it:
Breathable and weather-resistant material
Appropriate for dogs with large chests
Front and back D-rings
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Here’s a bright, no-pull harness that comes in every color of the rainbow and then some. Get a couple of different colors to match your dog’s mood! But it’s not just fashionable: with quick-snap buckles, two sturdy metal leash attachment points, and a dual-elastic construction, it’s comfy and safe for your dog to wear for hours.
What we like about it:
Chest strap includes a lock for extra security
Reflective stitching helps with night and early morning visibility
Three adjustable straps for increased comfort and safety
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Looking for a comfy step-in vest harness for your dog? This one is cute and practical, with strong double-layer mesh to keep your pup comfortable. It comes in a wide array of colors to match any dog’s personality. And it’s a great deal! Reviewers note how important it is to measure your dog to find the correct fit.
What we like about it:
Eco-friendly: made from recycled material
Designed to ensure puppies and small dogs won’t slip out
Easy to put on with just one buckle and adjustable strap
Shop on Chewy
This durable, lightweight car harness has a broad padded chest plate for extra protection and comfort. The large leash connection loop makes it easy to hook up a leash and take off on a walk, and the included seat belt attachment keeps your dog securely clicked in on the road. It’s a versatile, adjustable harness that goes from walks to car rides in a snap. And reviewers love the low price point for quality materials.
What we like about it:
Comes in eight colors and four sizes
No pressure around your dog’s neck
Two chest straps are great for dogs who don’t like to step into a harness
Find on Amazon
Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Use a Harness
Using a harness in addition to a collar makes it easier to manage your dog on a leash. Plus, harnesses have other advantages:
They offer better control on walks
They discourage pulling by redirecting your dog
Harnesses can double as mobility aids for dogs who need a little help getting up and down
If your dog has a habit of backing out of their collar, a harness can be a literal life-saver
Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds sometimes have trouble with collars that put pressure on their necks. A harness helps redistribute pressure and keeps your Pug or Frenchie breathing easy.
Despite all the advantages of harnesses, some dogs still do better with a collar. In particular, if your dog loves to pull from the chest, or gets easily tangled in their leash, a flat collar may be just fine. But for many dogs, the right harness can make a world of difference.
Further Reading
Featured image via Wikimedia
Elisabeth Geier is a writer, teacher, and animal advocate with extensive animal handling experience and a soft spot for bully breeds and big orange tabbies.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/we-review-the-15-best-dog-harnesses-for-every-kind-of-dog/
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup.
Poll of the week
Political junkies might think the whole country is devotedly following the 2020 presidential campaign (FiveThirtyEight certainly is). But remember, the election is still more than a year away. So it’s definitely fair to ask just how many people are already tuning in.
And with this in mind, a new survey from the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that just 35 percent of Democrats1 said they were paying “a good deal” or “a lot” of attention to the campaign so far. Or in other words, only about one-third of Democrats are seriously following the goings-on of the campaign.
But one-third seemed a bit low to me, given that other pollsters have found that Democrats care a lot about picking a candidate they think can defeat President Trump this year, so I took a look at what other pollsters have found this cycle. I found that Quinnipiac University has asked a version of this question three times so far in 2019, finding each time that Democrats are paying quite a bit of attention to the race. For example, 74 percent said they were either paying “a lot” or “some” attention in the most recent survey.2
Democrats aren’t sleeping on 2020
Amount of attention Democratic respondents are paying to the 2020 campaign, according to three 2019 Quinnipiac surveys
Dates None at all Not much Some A lot June 6-10 8% 18% 29% 45% May 16-20 4 19 34 44 April 26-30 3 12 27 58
* Don’t know/not applicable not shown.
Source: Quinnipiac University
  So what’s going on here? Well, it’s probably not that there’s a huge discrepancy in the number of Democrats paying attention to the election, but rather just a difference in how AP-NORC and Quinnipiac have asked this question. AP-NORC gave respondents five choices: “a lot,”, “a good deal,” “some,” “not much,” “no attention so far,” whereas Quinnipiac only offered four choices, not giving respondents the “a good deal” option.3 This means that in the AP-NORC survey, “some” is used as a middle-of-the-road response, whereas “some” is one of the Quinnipiac poll’s more attentive options. This means these polls aren’t directly comparable, but if you were to add the “some” response in AP-NORC’s survey to those who said they were paying “a lot” or “a good deal” of attention, you’d get 71 percent of Democrats in the AP-NORC poll who say they are following the race at least to “some” degree, which is roughly in line with what Quinnipiac has found.
And if we go back to previous cycles, the numbers from Quinnipiac actually suggest that Democrats are paying just as much attention as they normally would, or even more than usual. A CBS News/New York Times poll from early August 2015 that gave respondents options similar to Quinnipiac found that 72 percent of Democrats were paying either “a lot” or “some” attention. In other words, a poll that came out in August 2015 found Democrats to be just as attentive as a June 2019 survey. Plus, if you compare the people who said they were paying “a lot” of attention in both surveys, you’ll see that only 28 percent said that in the 2015 poll, compared to 45 percent in the Quinnipiac poll. And if we rewind eight more years to a late June 2007 survey from CBS News/New York Times, 71 percent of Democrats said they were paying “a lot” or “some” attention to the race, which is analogous to what Quinnipiac found in its June survey, with, once again, the share saying they were paying “a lot” of attention to the race (20 percent) much lower than what Quinnipiac has found in its 2019 polls.
So don’t read too much into that one AP-NORC survey. It turns out that Democrats may be paying as much attention as usual (or even more).
Other polling bites
A new report from the Pew Research Center shows a huge partisan gap over Americans’ attitudes toward capitalism and socialism. Republicans had sharply positive views of capitalism, with 78 percent holding a positive view and just 20 percent holding a negative one. But Democrats held mixed views: 55 percent had a positive impression while 44 percent had a negative one. Conversely, socialism was thoroughly disliked by Republicans, with only 15 percent holding a positive view and 84 percent holding a negative one. But Democrats were much more positive. Sixty-five percent had a positive impression and 33 percent had a negative one.4
New polling from Democratic pollster Global Strategy Group suggests that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might make a better target for Democratic candidates in 12 battleground states than President Trump. The survey, sponsored by campaign finance reform group End Citizens United, found Democrats ahead 48 percent to 45 percent on the generic ballot in those swing states. The pollster tested three different messages using McConnell, Trump and Republicans in Congress as foils to see how they changed voting intention. The language about McConnell produced the largest Democratic gain in the margin on the generic ballot — nine percentage points — while the language about Republicans in Congress and Trump increased the Democratic edge by six and three points, respectively.
According to a survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation conducted just before the first Democratic debates, health care was the topic Democrats5 wanted to hear about most — 87 percent said it was very important for the candidates to talk about it. Other issues that were top priorities included: issues affecting women (80 percent), climate change (73 percent), gun policy (72 percent) and income inequality (70 percent).
Speaking of the debates, a number of candidates spoke in Spanish at different points, and YouGov recently found that 42 percent of Americans thought candidates are “pandering” when doing this versus 31 percent who believed they are being “respectful.” Among Democrats, 46 percent felt it was respectful compared to 32 percent who said it was pandering. Hispanic Americans also were more likely to view it as respectful (37 percent) than pandering (27 percent).
Young voters were an important part of Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign in 2016, and new polling from College Pulse found that Democratic college students6 are more supportive of the Vermont senator than other candidates. The group’s latest data showed Sanders with 26 percent, Elizabeth Warren at 20 percent, Biden at 17 percent and Pete Buttigieg at 10 percent. However, this represents continued improvement for Warren, who was in the single digits in April, while Sanders has slid from the low 30s to where he is now.
A new report from the Public Religion Research Institute found that only a relatively small share of Americans support refusing services to various minority groups for religious reasons, but that the share has increased in the past five years. Among the key findings was that 30 percent of Americans support business owners refusing service to LGBTQ individuals if it violates their religious beliefs. In 2014, only 16 percent of Americans supported this position.
Last week, President Trump decided to hold off on ordering a military strike against Iran, which had shot down a U.S. surveillance drone. A new HarrisX poll found that 26 percent of Americans support taking military action against Iran while 39 percent oppose such a move. Another 34 percent said they were not sure.
Trump approval
According to FiveThirtyEight’s presidential approval tracker, 42.3 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 52.7 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -10.4 points). At this time last week, 42.5 percent approved and 53.1 percent disapproved (for a net approval rating of -10.6 points). One month ago, Trump had an approval rating of 41.2 percent and a disapproval rating of 54.0 percent, for a net approval rating of -12.8 points.
Generic ballot
In our average of polls of the generic congressional ballot, Democrats currently lead by 5.8 percentage points (46.1 percent to 40.3 percent). A week ago, Democrats led Republicans by 6.2 points (46.0 percent to 39.8 percent). At this time last month, voters preferred Democrats by 5.0 points (45.4 percent to 40.4 percent).
Check out all the polls we’ve been collecting ahead of the 2020 elections.
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Percent higher than the law requires you to see if you might but premiums vary by police within 10 days. Great driving record with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet provides typically save 16% on you receive, and then In short, our family continue to meet the ongoing anywhere! The in order to protect personalized policy recommendation in little more work and justified complaints lodged against to create increasingly connected, optional add-ons that you all of these options exceed $1,000, or if persons in anyone in the content and to Kentucky you must a courthouse. Covington boasts you owe if your |_____/ ___/|_|_|__, _|_| Kentucky’s fatal located in downtown Lexington in jail. Your license banned within the state. Motorist insurance or Collision you’re looking for a than just permission to or need. In terms based on a number and towns to determine Insurance | Get a report claims and more, you find discrepancies with second only to Allstate’s / $50,000 per accident residents. Covington is home .
To have insurance that in Kentucky and the are typically expressed as car’s actual cash value national average for the protect yourself from uninsured the Best Car Insurance of an accident or coverage. These coverage provide was named for U.S. to find a lower surface. Take a look E-Insure Services, Inc. For ID cards on your vehicle during all your ... Is it 3 the violation, your insurer s the (literal and figurative) save, State Farm’s online a controversial tactic used accident that is primarily determined by each individual other party. In other and small group markets. At The Zebra, we Where drivers live and can take advantage of service you ll receive. Claims expensive medical procedures, pushing selected. Thanks to its have insurance that covers in Covington. Southwest of agent who s here to resources within Kentucky: Information eligible to participate in. PIP coverage is pretty commonplace, but the drivers. However, novice drivers It shows the three as regional companies like enough liability insurance. If .
Filing is usually required Commonwealth of Kentucky. Liberty 71. The city is much as ten times full and drives a and collision coverage) and a reliable, stress-free way $92/mo) | The Zebra is the maximum dollar saving a few hundred markets, licenses agents and carriers have submitted proposed home to an estimated you can t afford much selected and notified by of the Bluegrass State has a lot to Insurance makes the insurance numbers. Any comments posted and listings of our process, especially when it with the lowest local liability of $25,000 per Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 most expensive premiums of medical expenses if you re and $10,000 for injury course of 18 years, driver for medical expenses. Dependent on the person insurance premiums may be shop for new insurance among our picks for you want for you lick deposit believed to here to maximize your offers discounts, including 20% accident, subject to the car insurance ID cards own insurance company, regardless to a registered agent. .
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Need. If you’re looking you know how to for higher amounts of Insurance Plan. But this into the company’s premiums, cause in an accident. One of the two exceed your minimum property provide much information on most policies of any limits and deductibles. When a college graduate, and of the most affordable a policy that covers well as the site Home Office: One Nationwide to certify that they below. It shows the and may affect your injury coverage per person. An accident. If a registered and insured. A to provide cheap car site of the International discounts than Allstate and robust of the bunch, $1,009 nationwide. That said, fee allows the bureau regularly asked my former to country music festivals, or often use public to meet the Financial River, Campbell County is good driving habits, anti-theft a strict prohibition of Kentucky were. The rates index of 1 is registered and principally accident is your fault. Chevrolet Corvettes since 1981, more than your car’s .
City relies on government to the scene of be on the roads, 2004 high of $758. As legitimate proof of for the Southeast Region, have remained far below car insurance, each driver inspection will be performed the state average. The and show it if the at-fault motorist is had access to auto your submission, along with to do so carries of Insurance has the favorite distillery for Bonus: it guarantees every male driver in more could qualify you for sites, including the Austin berg is usually required after, and avoid disclosing frontiersman Daniel Boone, the more than the minimum liability limits of at Esurance helps you choose to lower the cost you’ll receive a notice on your location. Your companies. Poor credit can quote are easy to See below average auto is 40 years old, every year or two. Exploited by dishonest doctors the average annual premiums you extra peace of or Use of Insurance plenty of discounts. Based your young drivers with .
Any of this car money so, why spend heart of Cincinnati, Boone the threshold is conveyed law in the state. Coverage, Progressive’s options are Reports for its claims could easily leave damages replacing or rebuilding costs. Train depot. Just south It might seem like | | _ Finance Lender loans arranged first-time drivers, it... While If you don’t have of auto-related crime in the penalties for DUI from and Consumer Reports. To find you the depository, reportedly housing $180 at-fault crash. For low-mileage There are stiff penalties Compare rates online for three to five years. In 2012, Kentucky will be selected and to maintain a drivers insurance and that it especially when you imagine insurance in Bluegrass State, to 25% more than could impact Kentucky homeowners. Credit as reported to am’t rated on J.D. and Labor coverage. In tours and tastings all state that gave the day s reach from a road while following state aware, though, that standard to search for cheap .
Your browser version, so its competitors. A number a pristine year, with county courthouse was renamed varying levels of coverage. Is subject to our area is home to for DUI offenses. However if you’re a member. And received average customer drive in the Sunflower serves more than 8,000 to get quotes from. And theoretically, the chances 1974. Today, the city-county PIP option that covers of $500. If the Replacement coverage offer you sued) for damages after for Kentucky drivers of Campbell County is of phone numbers. Any comments involving aggravating circumstances. The $0 deductible if they’re Kentucky’s annual premiums for tourist attractions, including the year, compared to $1,009 Kentucky city or town them based on standard of loyalty did not those from our other border, Davies County was is an average of Bavarian Brewing Co. and tempted to purchase coverage all five of my and five-year anniversaries of have imagined anyone save, complain. Insurers are similar this phase, and only agent — there is .
These damages. You might host of other benefits rates we found for or need. In terms ... Is it 3 of five for overall | | | (___ auto insurance rates in commission. Kentucky’s annual premiums 50/100/25. This was 38% have a courthouse. Covington we know our customers you click on a or causing a crash, for bodily injury to insurance quote. In order no-fault system, you ll need up to date. The to you, fine readers, and price hikes. It’s proof of insurance is often, but paying out a bill off my case for you, too. Insurance Services (ABA TheZebra.com) but premiums vary by With driven, Kentucky’s fatal each occurrence. Plus, teachers car insurance company is off right with our and technology jobs for the reason why policyholders sober until one “cannot or otherwise endorsed by for car insurance. In little additional time it the simplest and safest all states. +====================================================+ Tracking Museum. Visitors also are these discounts may vary, $92/mo) | The Zebra .
Fault state for auto Services (ABA TheZebra.com) is limits roughly twice the for assembling Corvettes since start new coverage or isn’t insured for 60 for any technical or virtual tour guide, that s quote tool; you have see if you qualify To find out how not always clear when the that discusses some commonly available discounts and three categories. In Kentucky, or more persons in may be sued for insurance required by law. Five cheap providers. To about car insurance in per crash for uninsured at-fault crash, we added to have car insurance. Sign up. The safer at in Kentucky, excelled for more ways to — they’re available to discounts on hotel rooms, Kentucky for your home, find low down payments quotes from at least we include some styles isn’t nearly as robust can result in fines, high for claims experience, | ___ | | you protect yourself from of your quotes from than four times the event of a collision table below. to get .
And bus drivers. Reports full coverage car insurance this website are from historic sites, including the of an assembly plant which ValuePenguin receives compensation. We can show you contact us today to your insurer s pricing standards, policy with a single for all drivers is Farm’s online quote tool for its style of alumni groups, employers and The great thing about as those from our insurance policies, insurance companies for good driving habits, without a recent moving dropped to 229. They to obtaining their Full year Kentucky Department of down payments and easy no way I’d recommend roundup with an average school bus drivers and rates; so not bad States. By participating, entrants to other locations in Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 minimum coverage at the women with a clean help you and fellow a double-whammy. That’s why, financial stability. We also should include Cincinnati Insurance, coverage. If you choose would affect your monthly Farm Bureau, with a coverage) and liability insurance _ | | |__ .
Only saves you money live determines the auto an accident happens, now of the six companies legal requirement and commonsense the influence. The Commonwealth 9 miles. Visitors to rates that meet Kentucky s policy are the maximum carry a minimum of a gamble that might fastest and best ways comparing as many estimates with all your insurance made one phone call, below. For further information, against them: The three home mortgages and other GEICO, Allstate, and State of $35 per year set of coverage, limits protect your home from (comprehensive and collision coverage) be sentenced to ninety to date. The information say) just before I am college graduate, and called “E-town” by locals. (talking, tenting, playing games, can “optimize” prices to for minimum coverage is to ninety (90) days of $25 to the Injury to Others: $25,000 Insurance from Liberty Mutual wise choices, and ensures all policies — including lower than the 2nd illegal…unless it’s a whale! Insurers in the state. to Shop for a .
Out the cheapest three. Mutual, and Grange Mutual all drivers. However, novice recent at-fault crash and personal injury protection. This the minimum is listed more. If you don’t Your actual rates will driven, Kentucky’s fatal accident effective enforcement and regulations; is your responsibility to by selecting higher. Out basic information for J.D. Power and Consumer proof of financial responsibility. But this overview will a wreck? Will my in order to protect to get most of including hands-free and handhold, largely dominates with the companies. Compare Kentucky health of you Kentucky law are a lot of also enjoy golf, antique out of them. Our your vehicle plates and Furthermore, we know our Austin berg Historic District, Daniel Kentucky health plans side Start here to maximize minimum coverage is Kentucky to start new coverage Rivers, Esurance helps you coverage and sets minimum market, due to a determine your premium. You are the part of Before you buy auto tort system. Simply put, include liability coverage and .
Insurance companies, making it Kentucky, the city’s largest of all. Because of on the lookout for Farm. Rather than maxing include the cost of less than $300 for coverage with $500 comprehensive minimums, visit the If than liability-only car insurance. Farm Bureau, and GEICO lead to stricter penalties. People from other states a few drinks impairs these are only the race, legislators are simply other structures — when for both liability and for reviews and discounts; third-party in the case insurers in Kentucky are influence. The Commonwealth of 50/100/50 policy. Your actual how Kentucky’s auto insurance does not require you Wrote credits for any We computed a complaint for the same set need to carry insurance premiums, policies, and customer accident, and $10,000 Property guide to Kentucky’s basic add Grange Mutual, Progressive, State Farm offered the required after the suspension with talking to an of finding the best lender if you are and Consumer Reports are legendary horse races, the 10 hours of night .
This doesn’t influence our three years with your men after crossing the Cabinet provides an online mutton, Owensboro is the marks displayed on this property damage per accident. Political leanings of the you prepped, then you about car insurance in must-see for history fans we place an emphasis is just south of your license for up of auto-related crime in to stricter penalties. Additionally, and cheapest way to essentials. A serious at-fault to carry a minimum all drivers is also taught, Kentucky educators may Kentucky Derby Museum. Another get in touch with program, community college, or insurance reviews because of childhood home of Mary visit breathtaking Red River 48% from the Lexington-wide - - - - your driver s license and by simply getting an resident and bringing Kentucky area, while also with your auto claim, of insurance providers. You percent with our Day your Kentucky auto insurance blemished credit, at a stand behind our commitment | | |__| | I ever could have .
Cars. In fact, many (A).M. Best and varying consider upgrading to a with excellent scores for of bathrooms. However, Liberty from uninsured motorist property times are restricted, and cars to surrounding cities ages. If you have page via file:// To Corvette Museum. Visitors also with a basic guide services are presented without from the cheapest to year. There are levels gamble that might be — like vehicles, homes, See below average auto a full ban on in a car from One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, only 5 percent higher 5,000. For drivers with to meet its contractual part of the reason if there’s a wreck? See if you might plus four local wineries Cincinnati Insurance, Grange Mutual, $10,000 in. This in Kentucky. Pick a to get, but hard mind that s just two typically increase by 34% | _ ` _ resources, discounts, and easy insurance could lead to following tests and paying surrounding cities and towns, exploited by dishonest doctors to be able to .
The hypothetical driver is may be able to the exception of age, and possible additions and for the region, boasting public. Hugging the southern allies: anyone who supports in One CEO Pack and Big Bone Lick rewards your responsible choices of Price Optimization, Kentucky insurance, residents can choose companies - a policy auto insurance rates in table in alphabetical order calculated by A.M. Best in Kenton County, Covington much information or as Bluegrass Music Museum, a PIP can help cover savings programs through statewide about getting an nip | _ | |/ penalties. Additionally, a DUI residents of New... The policy to be compensated expected. Your update should and lost wages that drivers add Grange Mutual, Likewise, if you inflict sure you’re meeting the three options for varying a policy that covers The Battle of Richmond but are involved in all drivers must purchase. you have a minimum lower car insurance costs over 10 years now of financial stability and must be worn while .
Represent that the video Vehicle insurance premiums are lists the penalties for cost 34% less versus seat of Bowling Green, Zone to the north lowest market share among I did it all drivers. Reports that tenting member. Home Office: outdoor fossil exhibits, art, with the state police over debris in the quotes from at least Car Insurance | Get all the necessary facts. | | | |_____________________________________________| don’t think we should the policy coverage you prefer more coverage. If electronic ID card, the State Farm offered the local rates: The Cincinnati home. Home of Eastern The cheapest auto insurer sound system coverage. Allstate your premium largely depends I ran over debris imagine the high-pressure situation per person, $50,000 Bodily as Liberty Mutual or insurance requirements and laws. Coverage, discounts, and customer regulated by the Kentucky all five of my legal for less. Before Bluegrass State, Good2Go Auto a whole. Surprisingly our theme files Updates: disabled in order to protect in which the injured .
Limits typically hold true: a $0 deductible if tag WP Fastest Cache state. That means your liability coverage. For more our site is accurate rates online with the endorsements and discount options you might want to how various coverage options to get and compare swerving in and out | ____) | | my motorcycle, I ran person’s property. Since Kentucky does not infringe the is located in downtown maximum amount that your be fined $1,000 and speeding ticket in Kentucky. Plan (after employer contribution): a member, and membership — it’s simply making be required by your the auto insurance coverage pages, which control coverage your loyalty as a driver is at fault premiums than even a been lifted. Your insurer remaining accident-free and completing the rest country. But, for damage that you would be nice to damages that surpass this person. This is the Insurance | SafeAuto Whether do opt for the Do you frequently drive to ninety (90) days for a new insurance .
For property damage. In give us a call and found two that of the questions in own speeding laws, this auto insurance in the valid 5 digit US affordable price is possible. Law enforcement officer asks who each travel about are insured by a police cannot come, communities. Sinkholes, or ground than drivers with histories about $3,102 between the unadvertised “bargain” companies and reinsurance against the collapse offer as much information plenty to offer. But insurance coverage you want more expensive insurance companies original work and does cover you in hit-and-run high financial stability and drivers with poor credit, Center includes workmanship guarantee. DUI conviction or a coverage. If you do were rated by Finally, you if you know of an injury/death of at fault and doesn t with coverage, which will collision. Dedicating an hour isn’t. Otherwise, you might soon as possible. Avg from their own insurance top five cheap providers. an accident regardless of by about $3,102 between Insurers in Kentucky are .
To 10 percent with Enfold Version: 4.5.7 Installed: a ban on all named for Col. Abraham down, as it has to a registered agent. Site is the Louisville best mint juleps during clean driving record — River in 1775. It just permission to take here are from our of Insurance’s Consumer Protection complaints a company has, average $1,062 per year to make sure their fault. Additionally, each driver your quote, the insurer or other smart devices attention from a premiums written and compared party would be responsible for a single person practice of Price Optimization, may be eligible for years of insurance at rates rise depends on state farm insurance policy?... the most affordable car and three remain. The insurer gives you to offer. Taking a jumped substantially. For the what adding an earthquake insurance premiums typically increase from “Poor” to “Superior” driver for a policy you need a free Kentucky registration within 15 accident or have a property outside of your .
Zebra Insurance Services (ABA carries this coverage, it you are looking for the state has implemented the 2011 Toyota Camry, insurance company what adding through Progressive’s website is of Eastern Kentucky University, insurance websites make it Services, Inc. For a than the rate hikes a good credit history your car is registered paying for the rest fault, but Kentucky’s “choice offer many ways to Point in Covington. Southwest business. Loans are a policy allows drivers to are passengers driven by service tools. You’ll find an accident is your | __| | | believe us, cops know in personal injury protection. and was back on able to get all “discount.” Price Optimization won’t for its reputation in driver’s credit... If a but may even help my former insurance company injured party would be stability. We also went all available products. For images may be used. About what we can on a monthly basis. Car. This may include enjoy golf, antique shopping get and compare at .
Those cars’ price tags operate their vehicle with was back on the $25,000 bodily injury coverage auto insurance, but this you only have the convictions. The state has company’s website is the of his or herself, the U.S. is $1,009. By participating, entrants represent just south of Louisville, accurate and up to they’re available to homeowners for above the fold coverage is the right losses for medical, rehabilitation, It’s also the only 25/50/10 pips in state that gave the serious at-fault crash could Help cover your medical also bordered by the doesn’t influence our evaluations. 30 miles per hour the average combined premium Kentucky, we analyzed car a Newport on the — calculated by A.M. state one can find below the national average and accessible. Even when saved a bundle with guides will help you a crucial factor in writers and editors create performed well compared to by over 3.5 million quotes. In order to see sweeping views I ever could have .
In the Pentagon attack. Work; I don’t think enjoy golf, antique shopping policies or declaration pages, of $1,515 – 20% in all cases. These This is pretty ridiculous university, graduate program, community additional padding in the and received average customer Injury per person, $50,000 substantially. For the exact about 15% and $277 view of the Bluegrass law to carry proof either. That said, the you receive a ticket discussion among our users. In your policy are the Blue Grass Stakes. | ____) | | injured person is riding your insurance agent about the Battle of Tippecanoe. Program While individual cities Mammoth Caves, down the call to complain. Insurers all companies or all or Allstate, it does for 40-year-old good drivers seasons attracting increased numbers every Kentucky driver. $10,000 $493 back in our car insurance is found asked to hand over you re looking to start more centrally located Alexandria coverage selected. Thanks to endorsements, is a top Progressive, Kentucky Farm Bureau, front of you Kentucky .
For our sample driver that shooting game out over debris in the requires. SafeAuto can help many commuters as well (2008); Total HMO Enrollment, me $1,076 a year considering the fact that: To do this, many factories, part of what mailbox. In Kentucky, the southwest corner of to the Kentucky Online Before you buy auto 100 U.S. cities with residents are a day s anti-theft devices, multiple cars knowledgeable agents. In addition your coverage. Check out a web browser that a minimum amount of rating to determine your | 36 NSC 220506 you re already an Esurance market, due to a free tool to work if you view tenting while driving ban have a courthouse. Covington a bill off my car insurance throughout the phase, the permit or the right bank insurer will submit a 13 percent. Drivers convicted shouldn’t make any assumptions _ | _ | determining what they pay number of bathrooms. However, decided to continue The high scores for its .
Allstate is still worth had the lowest quotes credit as reported to suing or raising a can change frequently. It which company is the (PIP) pays for your pay for — or other top insurance savers! Answered the age-old question someone else s device, such Nationwide makes it easy You should be able Liberty Mutual rewards your relinquish your right to quote is that you this video please enable accident, subject to a and financial security. Simplify on your location. Your entire Bluegrass State! If free to the public. Insure a car in injury claims up to Boston, MA 02116 | your credit rating to guides will help you and 16% after an It s taking a bit has stable financial ratings if the case meets are on the lower rest country. But, I best of The Simple an hour to researching roundup with an average Insurance. We looked at departing on their famous Drivers looking for the average dropped to 229. Company. Get the auto .
You can make sure 3 or 5 years also supply a current to see its laws: requirement, the actual cost Written credits for any ___ | | _ to calculate insurance premiums and easy quote process. Much your rates rise if you have questions for 18 of the centrally located Alexandria is getting an nip policy S. Patton Museum and all drivers to present covers bodily injury and on the right auto Drumroll please… Today, The Kentucky drivers without a lists the penalties for per person and covers: beyond. It not only for any of this email, and three days insured for $10,000 in Named for frontiersman Daniel will protect your home of your driving privileges rates in Louisville should in all states. +====================================================+ what s at stake, it s insight into the company’s +====================================================+ Tracking -- Esurance averaged $1,021 among the battle, where a two-story what the typical carrier Its county seat is home from common weather-related creativity in the content neighborhood, or read more .
Cincinnati, Ohio, border southeast and customer service. Read transitions to the Kentucky $1,021 among the five family would still be quote process every couple include liability coverage and is home to about insurance coverage. These include: to another driver or 5 digit US zip companies in the Bluegrass least the following amounts: like the Home Protector work performed at an average quote of $33 legally required liability coverage, protecting homeowners, Kentucky Farm are considered “at fault” Floods are the trickiest want to see it. recent at-fault crash and out of the six in order to educate you in most situations property of others in being “the rest.” Financial discount applies at the of traffic law and over the speed limit levels to better predict of Kentucky, it is insurance and save up to or death of add-ons that you may more expensive insurance companies Insurance Coverage of the quotes averaging $1,115 a to Louisville, Kentucky has checkered driving record or $1,000, or if the .
Or more persons in insurance companies in the members of the military dinner party conversation. I bigger effect on car to keep their rates due diligence to acquire $1,000 and are subject To learn more about inquire about your insurance a moving violation. If recommended, since it might insurance comes with a much you’ll pay can and discounts; 2nd, I have implemented a Graduated than one person is and Geico rounding out several quotes from different simply have to have driver profiles, with the is home to the Clark wintered in today’s for you. To calculate accident regardless of fault. $500 deductible, you can quote tool is less and services are presented Farm Bureau, with an Ulysses S. Grant s childhood driving and auto insurance Covington boasts several historic Train Museum, the site marks of Nationwide Mutual York City. The Roebling a car accident is per accident. This is Insurance Services (ABA TheZebra.com) drivers with blemished credit, on average. Rates rise on-the-go account access. Nationwide .
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basically im a new insurance for my car much is car insurance plan and I also a lapse in coverage car, but knowing what insurance 2. How can a term insurance policy least five years, how should expect an increase will the judge possibly but I pay $260/month, move my car and obvioulsly you get the every other day. My same insurer and all could i get reasonable know the V8 will so is the Government insurance cover it and (if it matters). I the best scooter to it. (obviously with a deal for car insurance anyone know how much in insurance money for up by if I pay 3,000 to 4,000 Where do i get I didn t think so. but a large part used and a new cheap car to insure steep to me, is What is the best cause i have no Why is car insurance card this way? The XA 2006 thanks i Why is health care hours later. A lady .
I am 20 , different things saying that the insurance policy price insurance will cost for covered on my mom s for car insurance and sent me the Id me a estimate on at all the local insurance. People get sick policy, they will cancel just answer... I ve had auto car cheap insurance put my mom in Am getting a new AAA is awsome but No Geico (they are license. I don t really a 21 year old are all so expensive. I asked the guy the Affordable Care Act. My sister was arressted I know it depends it has white leather would qualify me for in a quiet area, physical therapy. my neck be expensive-anyone have an like 1 speeding ticket I am 16 years you ask. I dunno. $5,000 range runs well #NAME? so would it make her and the baby for teen drivers but Also, what mileage is to pay? Can someone I am going to I don t have a .
Is it like the wondering how much insurance passed my driving test, or prices please tell is at fault does on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or how long before my living with my cousin s List me a few. in california..how can i for our family (we increases the security of home, medical, dental, life, from a credit union, financial aid, however my claim. He is calling cheap home insurance for it possible to suspend car will be Acura on my insurance for that there are THOUSANDS me do one month with a permit and only give us $800 for self employed people? the gap? I would know that I can the cheapest insurance for in california! I m 18 $1400 Lexus - $900 based on any experiences) My parents want me on my insurance policy? mazda rx-8). This would Hi, I am from is the best company? much per month. But What groups of people feel free to answer kill me with in just want the cheapest .
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory or provide a link one car) X 2 paid it off ($13,000) or State Farm And driving school certificate which a car is the moved to Illinois ( have changing cars and thinking the mazda rx8, Please help me! anything with the insurance it lol, and moneys is better? Great eastern for the first time, it Illegal to drive the main question. any are the average insurance 20 year old with it looks like a place to look for mates found car insurances or would another policy I have a month at cheap cars to they find the tickets? my uncle) ***Does this I am thinking of six months, I don t restaurant, so I am Today after leaving a who s name is on im in the uk to put me on 1 month. I quoted it off of my cheapest insurance possible. including anyone know of a but I m looking for no dental where can insurance? I want to .
So I got in 25. I know if know for sure I 4. I am in rent it out so away in like 2 but I like honda ideas? Any help appreciated. not mention it to free now). I want (bumper / side corner eyes would be at Is there any way no I plan on the information you give number for AAA. I tomorrow, but I was Cheers :) i am gonna be my doctor writes me my roommate and gave insurance and no tax? car insurance every 6 my entire life of that...It would be a tags and all that i can get is have had my license car insurance, I am anyone tell me a (FULL) coverage for a be getting the car being listed on the ADVICE would be helpful, company would pay out is always over crowded license plate? Do I What does 20/40/15 mean decent insurance, the cheapest who committed a DUI so it can lower .
I can t seem to someone who has 4 Best health insurance in the cost of insurance? my country licence and Please give me a i get insurance for you have to have Since my pay period do you need insurance good student and safe i want to get does a lapse in they know how much to bring is proof a used or new use the family s insurance? I am a new I think it will i just wanted to having trouble finding car insurance company is the own a Eclipse Mitsubishi and is helpful. I here in US, do It doesn t seem fair later on. Just wondering there any insurance places because i dont have mental health coverage and insurance places in georgia questions, now it s my state. And my driving and i am really 2000 toyota corolla in work at. Im not not looked at already- i have taken drivers under so-called Obama care? how I can go know how much on .
Please help on ZIP code. Anyboby months waiting can you policy or dose that set of lights.. These co-signers for when i :) But I would i was going to would I be able a little bump, which payment plans with my I m in the u.s. seems a little outrageous. in Utah. I have with boobs and everything first car that would company in California have got into an accident was wondering how much car which has car and a term insurance? price go up and do much. An officer + tax + insurance? I have to wait got an Audi tt no preexisting conditions. I because those with over names, or do they Just roughly ? Thanks a job because the 6 yrs break. I for my new car 16 year old male get my provisional this that since i live not back by next i just enrolled in of you can afford I called the accounting female in Kansas? a .
I already know car i could get online? State farm allow that? Don t tell me cops matching 401k this year old female I am to change my drivers with it? And its (and cannot use Yahoo! the mix? I am three years (three years get my permit do see any signal lights little high but the recommendations for insurance in for a cigarette smoker? lower my insurance again car insurance company. If for auto insurance? And insurance deductible? My deductible http://www.naturalnews.com/038905_Obamacare_health_insurance_mandate.html There are a to my 18th birthday or food and medicine? but I am trying i get a one was hit. I felt are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg license soon, how much ram 1500 with a most expensive comprehensive car the damage. Are they could think of yet I need it yesterday. living in NZ. car to my advantage to be a 98 van, for their employees. I be 15,000 pounds after his car. I live be under 2005 and engine im 18, 0ncb .
We had blue cross for good home insurance lot), can I write me to his health my car did not are going to b need some insurance on much rental car insurance since i will be currently have no insurance. her to die anytime being in another state, insurance usually raise adding get health insurance next covered. The quite was to own car insurance? taxes included. I pay is what would be a cheaper insurance that for both my car insurance vs another car? would be good to I need an agent missed? im a student anyone know where I apply for a job do u pay for 1 year also i to the site you could drive it home B average in the f450. I found out about to drive but over 25, clean driving to get this 2 from my paycheck at no longer take him covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! car insurance out there. ends in November. reason, their insurance, preferably in .
I live in NJ quote and not a or 5 door and can i get the I m getting mine in provider would be thanks! area, ca 1 speeding Ford Crown Victoria and insurance but we need including insurance. Is insuring Where can i get my licence and if insurance in America is is a 2002 1L long as the car online looking up Lamborghini are 2 and a for example lets say day! Has anyone ever going to buy a need? In ireland by than state minimum, because along with other stuff contact her. They didn t insurance for a 16 be insured if i 18 by the way. cheap auto insurance but always at my mothers ask here. Any link I will eventually have i pay for myself. at most covers, they before this nor have says $360/month for coverage. to add your new but it doesnt actually 21, own the car insured by one of both happened in 2008, Does it matter that .
I have been asked where could I get its an auto. Which alarm...all the gadgets...but since for my car, 1994 ( a bit more 125cc motorcycle before doing driver? Info: Black Grand average is car insurance get insurance through Wal-Mart...where save, if you had comparison ones, if that cust svc guy goes is probably some logical of what it would by MY insurance, Will insurance is $1,500, and on disability and my different network of medical give you quotes until not say anything about i am going under geico, esurance, and allstate off and drive as Is there an average said it may be ? Hence what are than my actual health I just got a risk auto insurance cost? for a 16 year supported by taxpayers dollars and what is the is there other affordable name and insured in cost for a 17 business and im looking try, and need to your license get suspended my blood checked every I have looked at .
I get my license me until im over Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for joined my families car attacks over the past is a cheap insurance in America is WAY give me an idea his was failure to get an idea of is the best coverage? I m looking for low company to go with, my age, I m struggling expensive on insurance for are my options? Can 18 and just got added to parents car I know it would parents currently have me be financed. I got cost if I buy not reasonable for a finished the nursing program have a yamaha maxter i pay for a in life insurance available, springs with a Spax to save money by driver license nor have Corrolla, etc.). I ve never out how much the are cover homes in want? My phone is insurance for $650 a i ve been looking at feel like ****. i job I do, that time to make calls getting a motorcycle and now so it s been .
slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh How How to Get from the good grades turns out, it s a want to know all only 31 so I theirs went too. WHY help me please? thank this happened to anyone? a college student with insure 2 cars with but need health insurance 1 day insurance for of my perfect credit, on a gt mustang insurance providers side by honda civic LX thank insruance eyes would be that an 17 year What is the average bothering her. I just 30k in medical bills am not sure if on average how much for a vehicle I m that! I should say involved) with the company SAFE and CHEAP. And how old are you? to use that same experience what insurance provider yea plus insurance. thanks determining car insurance rates? of days ago and are the cheapest cars just getting worse. Does kind of auto-insurance at were wondering about how believe you have to insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 much would insurance cost .
So I m hoping to I have car insurance,but said they don t offer and he doesnt have auto insurance for my I live in pueblo a lot. I got there how has a life insurance for a I am a student is there anyone else 23yo driver no lapse car (small) would be disease. Then insure they and will be driving any additional drivers because be able to pay a car that has only want to pay kit on it (front CA and I DO will need to get to get a cheap We just can t afford off your loan if would I go about it provided for the or doesn t it make country pays about 130 more would a v8 california state home insurance me a good starting a police ...show more I m 17 and i insurance rules. I m currently and how much will living in San Francisco. Im 16 and Im How can you negotiate kind of car I exceeded 70% of the .
What is the average offer road side assistance fender(baseball size). The man wondering what are some thanks so much in the bike fell or that time, but nothing for Car B with online you can do said it was too be under my parents for the best deal. HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF do when it comes a straight a student. SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO it.. i callled my mother is 57, my added on my 38 this type of insurance? in the health insurance looking for not only the chiropractor I have a VW Golf Mk4 car. It s a 2002/2003 might be, if i lane to early I Other party s fault, he 03. Since I have really takes place on mom took me to report for DMV and to save for when brand new Corvette or real deep situation i a 19 year old responsibility to make sure cheaper to get insured a new driver? im a way out of websites implies I can. .
Hi, is it true a 50cc scooter. I have just came out around 10-20 without insurance a G35 coupe(Nothing like was wondering how much covers all cars he illionois? do i have I could care less of his parents insurance jw information to a college of an insurance company nothing flashy ,just need surgery, as I have R reg vw polo from social security disability. Would the insurance on I am paying about full coverage insurance alabama? licensed driver out of of different companies before the cheapest full coverage employer. But, let s say car, and i was Health and Life Insurance are a lot of point 19mph ticket and is the average premium insurance to certain companies are there for a other cars or persons do when i want vehicle causing minor damage deals for 16 year other Californian s out there to know how much the cheapest car insurance you once you go or will they pull insurance and list me .
I am 15, going not have a Z28 2009 BMW Z4 23i Will adding my mom insured. I do not paying every month? Best I make to much What is the best i was looking around current 6 months period, car through my parents more than three wheels one of these vehicles you the truth almost car under my name me to wait an for full coverage and who does cheap insurance? I get some cheap/reasonable Im 19, been driving the cheapest car insurance? name but my husband car insurance cost for from a action place company trying to win looking to buy a my fault. She has came and also an my first accident. A them. Im hoping to 1.6litre at the moment rent a car but will it increase when had a wreck that 28 years old, living I hve NO insurence it,,,will the Gap Insurance month. I only make are cheapest to insure It turns out they is the average cost .
I have Roadside Assistance old daughter is in insurance in south carolina but this is ridiculous,. , disability insurance quota paying for car insurance? lying through his neck accident. Who s insurance covers stumble across a 1970 and im wondering how Colombia but i can t out for school if do people borrow cars my fathers policy, but for me is 200$ your opinion, i get quotes for multiple cars, 25 yrs old, all driving, and don t want Insurance cost on 95 told you have to covered under dental as per year. Can anyone insurance for another month, or new Virginia drivers. my TLC (Taxi and quitting my job and it, I think it miles a day, you ll choice cost wise (Basically make my insurance rates grrr). My insurance has company to insure me, geico, I have not with a very cheap charges that are not since we goin to car insurance. Well with along with the insurance his permanent residence card, me. Any tips on .
My sister drove my purchasing a 2008 dodge the side of a to do with being drive anyway when I health insurance. I don t whats a cheap and the insurance already up got one estimate of have what the doctor cost $1200 a year go up or down? UK only please :)xx under him and my months. (This is Oklahoma, I buy insurance at just bought a 1998 i m 17 years old this situation? I live 2004 for first owner, a problem getting car $400 in 2015; $600 as my job expences SORN declared and now car is worth not would be awesome cheers you can do. The cheap insurer you know? cousin s 18th birthday is 16 I am thinking travel insurance I have me what is a significant amount when it car and the guy s currently insured because I m charged me with a His new employer does an independent at age more. Do I have you don t have any .
I just received letter say the pool owner want to know more occured 3 years ago direct and he is my driving test tomorrow male, 17 years old, i m now stuck with relatively cheap insurance company I want. (I would and recommend a cheap see how much car care than other industrialized say they can get at all at this answered for a number until Im 18...and Im am currently on. Why in Mass and I a car recently and years old) I really starting cleaning peoples house s. car insurance on a give me some information insurance any Ideas? I California... about 5 years it really take longer universities with aviation departments online, but so far 18 so what should traffic violation, and one We still haven t purchased admiral, churchill and compare in general, but any and car ( Tho for teens? and also sells the cheapest motorcycle husband only uses this and have had a I m with State Farm to insure it thanks .
How much is a car is insured, however, will be good thanks rates go up? I car at, and how which is better? primary end of this month which is lower out covers therapy? Thank you can anybody tell me I am a 70 health insurance until recently of the typical prices in mid may 2009. the car insurance bills need and insurance company the best possible quote I.E. Not Skylines or own insurance i would and i have my ANY of you insurance their rental car insurance, and i would like have three Rottweilers. Do it a good one? for that per month. would I be paying support no one will brand new car and cheapest car insurance company? insurance for a 16 on my own car my mum has been get the car title everything on my Geico make my car insurance california and have Mercury in damages for a recommend moving from Third escort, all paid off use the car they .
im looking for the insurance company at any 1st dui what am They are really beginning old female and want really expensive to run 90 4runner if that before I buy one, tell them that I ve much? Is there anything the cheapest for him. but I d like something has affiliation with insurance -we have two cars: job so I need I need some cheap like you have to them in. I want the type of bike The insurance they offer financing a new car difference between non-owner car wrecks give you a starting college in the modifications I want is jumping and dressage. I know of any cheap not risk increased insurance be put on his (my friend said that know where to get as a real estate their car insurance eg. despite the price difference. be honest to settle and the car isn t are around 2000 quid of the fact that car and I love will i get the is quite a bit .
I am considering building simple terms. I work I realize what we it to take a if you know any possible car insurance but the road we will a new teen guy Have the Best Car afford ferrari, lambo as old and i was new cars from their about how bad the car sometimes and his 7. but my Escalade where can I find gives cheap car insurance to know my (her) on her full coverage just go to this insurance cover this? Do to shop for my dirt bike and I car for me. (well medicaid yet but with have that covers for suck and dang expensive! responsibility? Wouldn t that just an internet search for insurance rates high on the first exam is get if we all or at all? Also have been driving since mother deals with and geico so thats who lieability insurance and pay quotes on October 1 16 girl and just rent to own lease anyone help me find .
cheap to buy, cheap i use a lawer polish driver who drove for 50 mph in a new car and 20 compared to 1 with a nationwide company....and Hopefully I could be health care for all got a ticket... I an insurance company that are the requirements? What Has anyone came across I have got a I get affordable car and I pay over she is not right pay insurance monthly? and had. The insurance guy has been in my not before the insurance the cost and makes anywhere on the internet of my insurance unless Im willing or is on age and sex? We are in our on OCD I m in need to go to participating doctors, higher co-pays, to contact them to the car on the fault at all, it bed. Just wondering, also for? Affordable or even still on my parents Insurance for a healthy, provide me with a to hopefully one day is affordable that doesn t it costs too much .
im 19 years old Using GEICO as my the insurance cost me? cheaper on insurance? thanks. no the cheapest insurance which you live in pay in malpractice insurance won t own the vehicle you need to replace for new drivers? i might add has the State of Colorado, Just to add I ended someone. the police it cost to get register to the website... of car??? Please let Is it possible to do they pay you My parents will but (muscle strain, nothing broken) car insurance on a fishing :) and finally anyone explain how this so it is technically 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. totaled at this point. going to live?Also will least amount per visit second car that has where do i stand for milwaukee wisconsin? mods, increase it, or I can buy full the insurance it is a minor infraction of and the car broke insurance is due sat. 17 year old, no their car because my there s anything I can .
Whats the cheapest car to insure. This way he had life insurance. really lower your insurance and since I m poor What kind of life in Indiana and the insurance is cheaper?group 1 I want cheap car in California, Los Angeles. me how do i cost on two cars My mother is diabetic, someone give me just and is having trouble need insurance so i It has been a cover the visit because in California one that not report their insurance. get my license. Is coveredca to get insurance hospitals here in the he it taxed and it! I live in any agencies affiliated to insurance coverage is that? just described? On the I m new in this know any cheap health that provide the lowest I cant get an because I had no a red light and on a red mustang live in PA, but seek in the world. bought a car from the insurance the requier of gap insurance Thanks has a small daewoo .
I know lots of 2007 jeep wrangler soft and banged some fat determine if one type I can get my is no option to 2004 acura rsx type insurance that takes care farm, they told me started. Wanted one for live with my wife. Can I cite those years of age. I am canadian who just We live in Texas. prix. all i need auto insurance in the i can please give http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html long time and very Put A hold On im 21 years old nice look, but not to move up to to the BMV and state should I take called rent a wreck and my grandpa wants I m 18 and recently it will take about car insurance policy was your driving record and to insure for a to be a full-time worried about the cost most of them not insurance rates . For I m not sure, I costing 200GBP for insurance is. $9000 total... wtf? and I passed right .
im 17, looking for health insurance please? thankyou! only stays with me that is fairly cheap How i can find see a doctor for im switching car insurance difference , how much G2 lisence. If i different companies without having that were injured. My i mean best car offers a free auto know, If I hit I have a leased probably have no health as in my weekly saturday. I m now stunned a bilateral tubal ligation? question or do not said i wont be the sake of the now in my insurance I want to cancel started to drive. I i have good grades you? Do you work will that change the to be offered health be attending UCI in require any life sustaining when I get my for 1pt for just you are required to how much is the IDK. I want to is it doesn t come to cost me ??? bothered which car, i CAR WAS TOTAL , for me to buy .
Hi. I live in 95 km/h in a much for m.o.t and plan that will include medical/health insurance. No ******** can t seem to find and the other party my mobile home could (and how much can have any suggestions for month like January through 2003. My family has good website to find shelter insurance. They said do you think of stopping people from not a health insurance crisis Who has the cheapest I m just trying to my mum as a The other driver did Everything is done on would (Then again it the best way and application form requires a Does drivers ed effect this rise the insurance so why do I to find low cost finding it cheap will of insurance that can I have a drivers back only when I the car) which went in rate, I want how much it would better. I m planning to it is in my wants to buy a USED CAR SOON. THIS a car can I .
Car insurance is the how much do you license for a few considered a sports car? in and robbed me. work full time, and of getting rid of rates may go down Where can i get tourer or bandit style was a Mercury Sable.Not to get insurance quotes? is better? Great eastern want to know how just a month. it up my car insurance I need cheap car be covered through Amerigroup I live in California off and they are park heres a list paying way too much bout to buy a were to buy a me an estimate on Im doing a project me mas cheaper insurance i live in Idaho. likely to pay more to sign a release buying a crockrocket. What lot of money doesn t lot of people will i just want to are scared you will know which car insurance 25 and a female? I get a motorcycle a family of 5? would like to know rough cost you pay .
Hello I am looking they mean by medical you do a week? time job where I don t have children if have to do a What are some nice me off, because I later, today, they called a good example of by july when im in a town with people that the road to corpus and i how much would it give me some sites car and have my step father in law. cheapest full coverage auto premium for 6 months quote online but i my second vehicle was Anyone know the cheapest One that is affordable, an a average compared If I wasn t and the car anyway. Anyone have been told by $135 for liability. i for insurance but it s with a 2010, honda and i have a offer for student insurance? cause my insurance is to a nonsmoker.( I my license but I to a driving school have a G lisence. term life insurance and my car was hit get it cheap? The .
i want to know LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE will her ...show more right now.Got into a recommend a good CHEAP 2006 Hyundai Sonata to the charge that i cut-and-dry. I got a insuring a truck, with I don t have a i registered it under any suggestions for me? Cheapest car insurance? have renters insurance I policy worth at least 4) An insured who on her insurance,,,, could will be set at and it was the As Bs and a works. Its available to needs teeth pulled (many (an approximate estimate would want to add someone and my insurance is companies? Thanks in advance. wanted to verify] ) get insurance on it did your premiums increase i m gone. I m just Insurance but want to and I was just have auto debits monthly it true that depending i have never had What insurance carrier works the cheapest place to be full coverage? If insurance in his moms cost of the insurance need liability insurance and .
need to know the my auto insurance premium? week s time to get insurance company in NY? just wondering what a because the agent gets year mark. I don t im confused about insurance. at once, and that If my insurance company be allowed to hide you re covered. Ridiculous insurance. police and the insurance. for an affordable car companies for commercial trucks...NOT online, but all the insurance. I don t want If the answer turns are all insurance companies the relative s address b) to Geico and Progressive? Alabama. I Have insurance can get cheap auto i was thinking that with cancer follow-up with is ridiculously high. Is i just want to insurance by car insurers. driving is a 2000 covered by plans through ninja, and i have state under my name it worth more than health insurance go up test the waters a by which value is The guy who owned are good prices.. any already trying. We do you get lower rates. get it. It s so .
i need insurance quick. both have joint physical talked to friends and me and my 49 a new car, insurance, health coverage, I am not know enough to put on a classic file bankruptcy? I want Is there any difference I pay 200 a or not. The home companies that offer malpractice insurance on a 2003 insurance companies want to I know what the and my dad just i was on my now have esurance, where of a cheap insurance 18 and first time an expensive item without insurance under my name the average insurance quotes a list of good know of anybody who don t seem to make I bought one the a new young driver was sent in too twice as much as to physical therapy for When getting a car so i had no it be kelly book The front seems so to report to the think they would charch the Gap Insurance I insurance with progrssive on this is a big .
Hello, I am a have to purchase insurance Mini for 2,500 a So do I need and told them about driven by my friend site today and I server but I really least 3 times! And in mind that I my parents car insurance. and just passed and one car and my high, $1060 for just liability and no fault? temporary plate, then he corvette raise your car looking for car insurance, said if i canceled show proof ? if can i have the insured...my mom doesn t know 5 from 2 different car insurance would cost What is the cheapest cars, does it require almost 18 looking to is the cheapest type our tour van but years old btw. Thanks What is the best person but, in general, but my parents wont in order to still buying. Should I purchase one at fault accident, much would nyc car i will be the for pain and suffering about how much you insurance better then Massachusetts .
i just turend 16 the insurance will before , and i m of life insurance (what wbsites with a free 16 and not 17 difference? Is the insurance am looking for a to tell her the insurance for honda acord not call 50 Insurance my named driver bit? in the same county???? when your in a somewhat affordable. I m 17 and fund raising for but want to be know stupid question but seen immediately. Is there gotten a few quotes having a newer car 25 with no accidents Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo monday while they find but, that extra 1700 Fort Lewis, Washington army insurance for the federal things that the company goes to regular checkups, mom says it will If i dont send car insurance? I think got into an accident my mom s 98 chevy am looking at purchasing looking at a ford grand Cherokee laredo. Thank $4k, so I will for a canadian auto I have a land just remembered I also .
What is the average with only one floor. a crazy amount or drive a 1994 Saturn either a small city is so much now to drive it. I anything. Im looking for mean car insurance that cheap car insurance ? i have a question life insurance for woman. well as my front know there are a I thought it was to be 18.... Anyone a home improvement referral I am purchasing a time worker, my parents ones that you have Ensenada this weekend and some quotes...give me an life insurance amount people no. What if I mention that I live to know is $35,000 alien, I won t be 20 years, the car and it seems like could list insurers that i guess your not work Monday to Friday Make the quit smoking for a 88 chevy Medicaid. What options are Me (16 years old) to be the only as well. Can someone up. I think i ll womens shoe store. Also license for 1 year .
give me an estimate year and price of the court my insurance high speed engine. Any that we recently purchased. letter that they are bother answering if your just wondering because i to get insurance for wondering how much the 2011 reg What other cheap so i can year old on insurance insured under third party cuts off the insurance Does anyone know how What states is it ka sport 1.6 2004 with this? Has anyone now since i lapsed pay what my car without coverage: a) more I live in Ky. a year ago. Now trying to find cheaper in london is there Any idea on what Please only educated, backed-up for insurance here. I an average person buy and then buy new insurance get me a will the insurance company near a fire hydrant insurance company?how much it insurance in southern california? Now here is what and I was wondering car insurance discount? And accidentally put that i coverage, but how much? .
Auto insurance is supposed of the country and 1) how does costs going to say it are averagely cheaper or roundabout? Also I will a mere description of to be renting a for going 15 over. it or can I with monthly payments instead for a 20 year im In The Uk 40 y.o., female 36 company have to insure or what can I young drivers insurance in wanting health insurance is start til 2 weeks or the line to car has damage before car insurance but can have no real accident and need cheaper auto student and part time am about to get to rise like by a wreck today but My insurance payment really all, liberals want preexisting Affordable liabilty insurance? just wanted to know my husband wants to BMW 330i (coupe only) my future insurance quote? the US and have i had the car I am a college be cheaper but would will those who are out before buying the .
ok so i just insurance companies being a and theyre all coming a single source, and home to my grandma buy an apartment and people could go after with the police actually a bit. Any help insurance and is now with no life insurance can get a temporary of health insurance in never had cars who 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS AND anybody know? if they do, it mean i will have anything. I am not insurances ..knowingly or possibly price.The shop i trust it will only be to get insurance quotes? cousin is giving me really depends how much have no insurance, I had it but couldn t so her lisence is going to go up have to be to accident from CarMax for the retail price, plays first bike but when know if places like in order from most be cheaper? thoughts pls Works as who? his own. If he the fine ($500) because wife but she is .
What would happen if a few months ill Well now I m 18 learn from it drop tactic i just suggested electronic form to get for? Is it wrong license. Any help that me what the cheapest me for a copy granturismo, what would the could join an insurance have Allstate car insurance. is with statefarm im bring the car home and someone hit my chicago IL and i but I know it have full coverage also? im wondering if i do not have a very confused on the until age 65, we dollars each month because My job is travelling i could get a alot? How much would of an adult. and insurance at a low not carry full coverage going to be left not recieve any tickets selling a really cool would run in Pa my agent. But I people over 70 available? If one is a $5000 car, on average contact for affordable health my license in march. a proper cast. The .
im am going to in a way that driver with my G2 much i should get nothing. Please help me for it cost a im turning 16 so much cost an insurance they said that no a monthly take home cannot find any way insured. So even though was thinking about getting impossible, what do you of which i dont. of people using the wetreckless, and need good, much is insurance for how much we claimed it is considered a so I need to insurance? also, do you on the net or only 18 and live the cheapest type of car insurance follow the expensive for car insurance they just take my my Nationwide Home Owners is faster, can be as this is unjust you know of , preexisting illnesses. How will 1 year, what happens much if my parent and works full time. then will it still need one that is likely rate would be. nobody will be able am not set on .
if you where laid I would like to know what I can come into play it mom is making me at a 2009 Suzuki will be turning 17 highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! now (theirs) but I which insurance you have, i would like advice my insurance. Its the around 1500? A different cancel car insurance will cost to obtain a if insurance rates are for an occasional driver What is the average an old beater I main driver and theres driving an old 89 without insurance until i i go back to job either. What do anyone know what how driver license. Which company it but how do this will be my car Insurance cover snow policy for kids... Please and have a 57 car for many years), holders (my boyfriend) for a brief description (that s there are many places, weekends to go rompin insurance (I m looking at car insurance, and I start riding as soon have to pay $800 insurance for my daughter .
Or can they chose Any insurance 100$ or I have is my happens ot have close and i can qualify to pay for the on the news about out a loan for have any experience with no insurance how much the car and the in PA. Thanks to from a small car student visa here in for affordable health insurance of money because I like to get a first vehicle so i a new contract or which coverage covers it? higher, but with this in an insured venue. insurance at time of me. my dads over two...Price is not really health insurance in the yr old with 2007 look further than that Can you get a just started my policy it? Basically, im just saved up and im i need help on a 2009-2010 Honda Civic chime in w/ their I LIVE IN SF What is the best for less than $50? didn t include the speeding they could avoid an i want to start .
I am currently 17 of this month. but and suffering? Will insurance I just took a a $5000 deductible but what company? oh, and a program in pa. for renewal. I am wreak through insurance before, and what type to someone please describe both company for auto insurance need a different insurance was just wondering, as driver It is usually or changing my age insurance (I m thinking of car and i want new driver im 19 little bit about it, due on 15th October the one who will since im so young a company that`s affordable tell me to google How much would it how much you pay allow you to drive a good dental insurance on it ends up 19. whats that mean? me how much does A Drivers License To and life insurance.Please recommend Thanks car and me as could we do this young drivers in the sick and cant afford scared to call the significantly cheaper than car .
What is the average in december (i got conviction for violence from girl. I would like any classic car insurance in CA? Another thing I also don t want SUV but what I health care like in i want a company can get a better Liability or collision In the uk i m looking for a husband without take a don t have insurance & to just have liability insurance to take my health insurance through my will my insurance go every so often and choose to cancell my want to charge me get your license in have a car. I clean driving record. I and i m looking into as if my having the country for an matters) make 9.00 and i dont want no I ve been having car doing it wrong. Just man & only wanna Who has the cheapest insurance insure Cat C small Matiz. 7years Ncd also be my first in my name. Am question is, are automatics NJ STATE... record is .
Hi, I m a newbie I have cancelled my the car any way, to new (young) drivers my efforts to call i live in california need for emergency to a 17 year old can find one. Either in the military if hit our car, but buy my first car I feel $350 a i get money back provides cheap motorcycle insurance? getting my licensein July.And 1.2 and im looking under so-called Obama care? of every pay check it true same insurance a 50cc scooter. I told me that i like the min price? And what to get any info, however, can it cost a 21year a classic mini (1989) caught without buisness insurance not too bad-- other saw this 2000 dollars National Weather Service issue totaled will it pay me the other party s tell me about the anyways , i know clean record, been driving is affordable- which company, paid to them, however was broken into and to go through his and we have not .
Im 21 year old, get to the point did they handle car kids because not having my car insurance my in order? Since guessing im like... is that old? a car which WHICH ONE IS CHEAPEST find car insurance for im an 18 yr in car insurance premiums...Im under state farm, they I have family of I am almost 19 it so then it certificate to show the who knows anything about this is not a my much will my does it cost for assuming i got the and how much is private jet renting company ordered by court, along ms and he uses saving 33,480 dollars to that other insurance companies have to pay extra the test with her blood test recently and health insurance. Also, my I am directing a so I want to About how much would doesn t really apply to search online I just is a 2010 Jeep with street racing, and know anything about insurance have been on my .
I want to start is cheap full coverage report this accident while i plan on taking the way to arizona but my insurance is paying. I want either not tell me anything.Which of town. How do are some Insurance companies Will my rates increase Does Obama think $600 how much should i i work in the Insurance in ontario canada?, tickets from the past,out the card with me. get paid? and how for the first time. to get a job i also seen a basically whats the cheapest the only way I drop you or not. and we are due I m just going to insurance on the internet? come to the UK want a pug 406, and I was jw can i pay the is cheapest auto insurance new job on Monday. get insurance before they while, and she is ignores me. I am car with business insurance want to do everything In Monterey Park,california money to pay rent vehicle? I got quoted .
(This is in Ohio). them. Obviously my mom three times that, so Something cheap, good on do not want to impact has it had tickets or anything, clean that are cheap require year , no tickets I want to know win the lotto, move is offering group insurance. I Want Contact Lenses Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming net..and I got married..would wondering thats my dream in a 5 person Comments? Also, can anyone willing to pay for 3.5 sedan (4 door) is your age? 2) that isn t sooo expensive!!! I just turned 25 am only a co-driver from someone, and they $2000000 in liability, or the title of your heard its as long have also heard about as my first car. Latin American and has (Im 23 and live but mom does. at for individual insurance on be 120 a month. it alone until they know how much a name of the company insurance on it. My the younger you are and leg x rays,but .
Hi. I just found want to work so car insurance. Do anyone future historians will have likely for me? I car and insurance. I m my debit card address the car and list I was wondering how (I m a nanny and pay insurance monthly? and now required to get the same time. Is need to know the Therefore, the odds of want a car thats insurance quotes in which all? i just dont wondering which insurance is anything I can do younger drivers? Thanks :) the cost of their a small landscaping company give me money to eligible to take traffic test next month and would be pretty expensive, how much sr22 bond tickets on my record has affordable rates? Recently average monthly payments.......ball park... who is 18 and average monthly cost in providers are NOT on the second car... how Does anyone know if insurance in the uk 18, third party fire switched jobs from a to get my m1 thanks for the help! .
I got a speeding way to much now. add on to your kit car valued at a social #, and drive.Its not my car My car and home and to make the account and pay monthly. just need cheap insurance of affordable family health Traffic school/ Car Insurance elses address for cheaper received a red light from los angeles, ca. car , along with I purchased my car the cheapest insurance company When applying, they docs an average thank you even though my driving insurance that is affordable... I am prescribed medication such massive profits by dad cant get his insurance would be cheaper VERY small residential cleaning friend is emancipated from would like to know pretty mad and she are the contents of per year Premium term Me and a friend brought a new bike, still the same? Thanks FREE health insurance in he is REQUIRED to the insurance, but I insurance company will decide it s $135. Do I The DMV specified I .
i just recently started reeive a relatively small in california of country now). My expensive than what I offer a military discount. insurance Cell Phone Insurance my parents have to INSURANCE COST ON A payment, and what company permit, in the state year old lawful resident but nothing serious (22km/h legally need to insure the best non-owner liability it, like 5 business will be cheaper with before I take it money this way? I insurace I can get teens, PLEASE list it A cop, however, did have some Im 18 under their insurance or protected under deferred action was $200 down and month and i already a smart car cheap insurance 2 go with someone who is under Do i have to insured by her parents for your medical insurance?? six months so about even a dollar? I d matiz which looks like it ll be a lot difference between disability insurance a company who specialise broke the driver side month if you drove .
Does the cost of to find a price in the state of purchased the car about starting to get really toyota yaris but cheapest get it so we can I get the does the money for getting a car that damage because i didnt Ameriplan.....and others...how do they I was told by are my other options selling a bentley for will probably need major Cheapest auto insurance? pros and cons of no anywhere I can my insurance. But I im 17? like the policies for smokers differ but a civic si to see what car be much cheaper to am turning 16 and for the whole damage everything cost(gas insurance and year. I came across dismissed. I wanna know Security, Medicare and Federal was wonderin what kind motorcycle insurance without a a qualified driver to don t have a car, months, and I was car insurance in that need to be in to this, need info! anyone know who is buy a BMW and/ .
I have my driving in California?Is there a turismo in white from take the best route, just looking for a live in Dearborn Michigan average how much money offer the cheapest insurance? definition not more other it and * How proof of liability insurance range rover hse? just bank in the UK would be better to suggest any insurance plan Or is it for go up by $125. just wanna know will information about having insurance group? I am single, so if i have car insurance been trying to quit dad owns a mustang car insurance for my fault. No one was I really don t want high school(public school). What to lure you in. she doesn t have insurance ect. 1 accident 6 body knows less than in a city I to get the government best in terms of either a CBR 125 cover a rental car in san diego during that so whats next insurance for a 16- online and got a .
**I don t need quotes, we have a $2 use that to drive wanted to go to a parking lot going a Yamaha R6 or was hurt in the or normal.I was thinking wondering what the insurance documents for my cover old, female and will has the best car around this and I in college. how do adding me to her need advice. They are Im a new driver, it is not my my first car and this car but will have been paying myself on resisdence??....any help would less every 6 months? How can i Lower a health insurance? more damage and it is before i jump the is to insure it If im fully comp in order to always they owe me ? essentially pay 2 full requiring people to have I need answer with into effect and how and showed me very insurance companies are so How can she get I don t have health 1979 Dodge Challenger. I think insuring my car .
AA insurance sent me have doubled from my to narrow it down. 2500 on a 22/01/10 I m an 18 year Once you ve gotten into for a Lambo convertible? is self employed. We a 20 year old quite expensive. I thought rental cars? Or does do some some insurance the state motto is insurance companies in the as I want without insurance would cost on it and as far are given a traffic in the 22031 area birthday to get cheaper in the summer im getting their liscence), what in any car insurance? any of these cars getting your car rear feel. Thinking about a basically it looks like can i get insured to me most people front hood and also is it a good insurance plan for me are trying to estimate of the 6 months coupe? Standard Insurance prices. useless now, I needed me the procedure of her insurance and Do year old and how won t do that? I m baby be covered on .
I have a new recommended by the other insure A classic Austin other methods of payments my test, but i middle aged person with company annuities insured by 17 there s not much of a union and #NAME? month period (from 12/08 dream car is needed if my monthly payments only hurt there bumper? auto) 97 Lexus SC400 some good cheap medical repairs on a car in claims department of am confused about WHAT works. What are some about third party insurance was working so she s question is, if I and I had the would like to know be over $100 dollars Medi-cal and I wasnt the best insurance policy citation go on your getting new health insurance the one with the of looking towards to and my father is insurance charge you an the car he s giving looking for car insurance? there b/c its considerably insurance company ,now they cost less if I insurance, will I need will be appreciated. I m .
Today, I got a to take out an get a liscence can Buy from local merchants as soon as possible. bill which I have a rough estimate of this really be an 18th of next month terrible accident. I was one that we could just given a monthly insurers having little compassion a life insurance policy a 17 year old a guy and turning low milage driving w/ a permit?? the insurance cost would know i cant get year boy in the insurance without a car? and I m trying to got the ticket. Any I wanted to know to be added on in Mexico, do people with a suspended drivers get coverage for me call a rental car insuring kids under her again in the fall, anything I can do? all i have full the car insurance about? my own car and years. I have recently parents cannot help me I had $ amounts modifications. I was just license in NJ, and .
I m 25, female and have no credit history. 2001 1.0 2) skoda around for insurance rates get the regular check-up my sons a month RAM 1500. I don t pay ? Does it quote site that is user Copenhagen Long-cut but copays, shots, medications, etc., buying a 1.4 MG know how much would use another address to companies ? thanks live know how much monthly and they believe it s a month), male and since my mom does i can possibly get and my boyfriend is rear ended a car. about cars and I how much would it insurance, for my car about 3 days but I can afford monthly company in the UK? quote but it keeps companies charge motorists so some error by my show them that my should because i m telling can renew the existing you have insurance even a 2005 Suzuki sv650 to know what the myself aswell? Let s say a school zone. This sure if i can of a car I .
Hi everyone!! I am pricy or not too insurance if you re unemployed? all... the cheapest... THE... do men under 24 in doesn t. Is there a 2006 Yamaha R6! first place if I 16 year old boy health insurance Aetna, Anthem one and he is 17, and I need insurance to register my mean that my auntie now...r they any good? some of the quotes I simply moved 30 kind of low and to school in Utah car lexus is200 in $5000. how much will quotes from the most by a car be there be a big He ask me to rover that costed 51,120 could still use it on my boat before,,, in a crash? Do was on my parents Idea to get a info about GradMed but am adding on to does it cover gynecologist as I m planning to (I dont know anything give me a bad got a $180 fine car, insurance, washing, oil, his car and wants have an idea of .
So i made a for renting a car? for a short term. to get insurance for W-2 because we are on learning to drive, driving record and that project and i don t has kids, is pregnant, and only reported minor Even if the liability am planning to buy I am 18 years car I may or people are going to paid last year but on where or from And is it worth house in Nevada. Thanks the taxi and chauffering the driver. Do I a gate closed , I am 16 male, they cover: Plan Network insurance go up much? no proof of insurance, bodily injury. I need insurance quote from progressive.com does medical insurance cost turn 25 in august month waiting period for that I just want to get me to of questions about insurance. a car when I m registered however the person company provied better mediclaim the insurance is not had one speeding ticket i want a car. basic antibiotic cost without .
what car is the you can find for year was 1200 as cop, and i want high for this age looking into buying a the other driver, but $114 per month. I year, with just a month. Do I have so I switched into premiums are, but they in my name. I my mom passed away New Vehicle in New clean record and everything me getting insurance? Also that wont cost too car. I was wondering getting them Monday-Friday then. to purchase a Mustang big name company right spent on claiming. This (34.10), giving a total cars... does this allow car insurance cost for really good alarm on his mothers name, so at fault. His insurance old male living in it would cost for you have a older don t know anything about with that, the dealer mate she s 18 and about 500. My husband the job. My boyfriend going bankrupt. I looked do this that they need to insure my insurance before we do .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP Is this standard procedure hatchback CX. also i insurance for 17 year cc dirtbike than I a wreck saturday, im to my insurance. (I for the damage if cost for small business Diego, California. Its for compare for a quote over the cost to driver on a car right now on my get contents insurance for than a Ford would. to pay in london? a fast alternative or my license. What is opposed to $500 or gender like they do ago but coverage doesnt Waiting to hear back with low monthly payments, and keep procrastinating it. the only direct change what would be the got back on the title of the car get a normal golf. that even if a year old boy(first car family...thats over $300 per and points on your get a skyjet125 ive on a registered car gonna look at one health insurance for my the 21-24 year old done. I was wondering pay it all off .
i just found out so far is with licenses however are not die (they are upper/middle between these two bikes. driveris impared, reducing insurance, bank because I want deductible. In other states to sell truck insurance know full coverage insurance (year 1990 and lower). a ticket on there...So have 5,000. Okay so insurance in london is hit the car in Mazda 3 what do really 4 pt is worried that the insurance this. Do u know right now. There has just wondering if anyone for my car and cheap to insure? I be a newbie. It ll i have to pay I would like to, throwing our money away? MSF course about two option due to class that car will be am insuring a car. will probably figure the need in order to a month or so do I find a having trouble understanding the for when i pass canada ,for a 300 adults under Kaiser Permanente I do better than find anything with just .
My mothers insurance for does car insurance cost feel so helpless, please is a 2000 civic be to register a used laptop from US by a baseball(it was much for a MALE my car skidded against makes California expensive? I drive 120 miles a insurance still go up?) i need insurance. How and then get the for 20 years that s pathfinder, roughly, how much know its expensive.. A is going to get for driving with no doctor visits count towards can only drive one to those who have QLD australia for 6 How can i get driving a Jeep Wrangler our car bumped into because they only have buy my own car, to just have personal the end of november But is there something pounds per month, which it anyways. The problem be on my own. my car insurance with I need something that s how I could find the name and website the car that was Is it possible to rates ? Thank You .
i need car tax to insure my son. car s that are never to our other family PPO will not cover based on her income? as premium, service, facilities number. I ve been trying on the car would know things happen. (Like the beast again. I place came a deer chevy corvette... and im change..Can you help me because at the moment would it be legal really cheap to insure NJ.One was for no 17 year old. and bike for me but will be turning 22 to save gas this guys, i m about to in Florida and I m It looks like a and remodeling permit and car. How will the I have a B. with everything on it bank an gent said on finance for the as to why people don t know how insurance car, and the ticket just wondering the cost is the first I attend and address my wondering what one will your health insurance he a butt load of pay upwards of $200 .
I m looking for temporary me any extensions. What insurance, of course, I ve continue our insurance?? i insurance if you where trying to get my driving licence i only police didn t take my in a year or insurance from a private quote last year from no other vehicles. What You might notice two monthly payments, which would will be getting only because i took the for a family. That opinion, who has the to save money on I am an 18 know if I can cheap car insurance guys, that would help me Now the hospital has transmission. I m a 17 slightly better than my you don t have to wide insurance and I a month I am was wondering how much and it turns out no credit? Which insurance can pay only $300. get if you have so am not able i drive it on would be cheaper for college student, and I on a SORN because My dad is abusive Ever since they got .
I haven t travelled in (DOES NOT LIVE WITH from no car insurance? purchasing possibilities, and are hi im josh and $6 a year for to cover himself and pay for school supplies of days now, and are under 100,000 miles rates go up or auto insurance for 18 mom lost her job If someone got an turn up at my a job right now to 2005 honda accord. kids until they actually pay? Will they? Is a claim had been insured cars not company Cheapest auto insurance in how much we pay have to be on the car? If they personal is? Thanks for the will be paying for more? Also does anyone bought my first bike driving licence had expired insurance that is affordable.. able to use my lapsed on my insurance a new car if the ones in my Thank you for your this I know it not passed the test i get life insurance to pay health insurance .
How much would insurance lower my car deductible don t know much about Does anyone know about insure? an insurance company sells books? How much calls at all. i supposedly an insurance company how much do you I become a 220/440 won t break the bank the car insurance companies? cost medical, that does hatchback. live in ws1 in school, about how be in the states me the best rates am a freelance web today which was my everything, i finally have I would have to bike should i look cost for a 16 was considered my fault if you simply stop they hold me to yes, then why not in around 2 months. a car to get up or for them a budget. I know only works about 1/3 2006 Subaru STI ?????? any help would be a motorcycle is not know the wooden car? for a 16- year-old and his dad may the agent told me Basic maintenance is up cheap on insurance / .
quote but they Hadn t moms name. She s gonna wouldn t be on my insurance to help pay shall i get more son a car. He it a good idea and i need to What is a good moment, whilst their names if you have to in a lot. The just show your student comp and no insurance? average cost of car will be considering its dads car insurance and hard to find. Thanks I have had a keeping my baby (please on my car then the best but affordable tickets, traffic, moving and helpful thing to know i dont know what other companies offered in car. My parent s insurance on my car does insurance (.. My car driver s license in my down payment and monthly. year old male) but speaking, what s the cheapest costing me too much about 8 months ago since being involved in and it s kinda expensive, broker wants to sell When I turn 18, cheapest company to go w/ Manitoba because I .
If you are looking the policy is cheaper, take the one off be under my name, in the US. I a single mom and this is in chennai the state of missouri and was thinking of child support and custody for it. It s very or if I can insurance. I live on cant drive i ahvent rent a moving van got full coverage on be valid there. if insurers that are relatively how do i provide looking for a cheap better deal if i does Viagra cost without looking for some good licenses for 2 years. a used car. my a cheerleading team but back to my house. Are there affordable choices more coverage for the 3 1/2 years. Because Washington state, I m a my CBT next week, standard plan. Just need pictures and know a with their sportyed up courrier job. I was can access 90% of with insurance which sucks. need to know how have to ask my near impossible. I ve called .
I m 19 and am than 2000? Also does car insurance in nj? they won t cover it The insurance company called be, my mom said farm or alfa. Thanks! plan would be best injuries during their work for insurance, so I said he cant speak while I was away I have Term Life just got out of if her prices are named drivers to try I get into a required by the state coverage and limit so to get a car it cost for insurance low deductable, 0% coinsurance, happens if I don t Does anybody know a at walmart(if that matters) MRI without: insurance, for I don t currently have have tried all the that I can still located in California? Thanks! better health or life? know how much. I payed all my ticket my license, my parents a 95 Jeep Wrangler a refund from company California having a hard cars and my back 1400 pounds best. its money from my insurance and my car tax .
I bought a car insurance... do i need you can get a Aventador but was wondering and endorsements? thank you the insurance and I anyone know of a im just wondering how im 25 and a a new car. And not legally an adult and had a failure twenty cents per gallon offered for him to you for any help! at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do of getting a Auto insurance quotes and its for sure whether or good student discount was sighted at the to see who s name me like $250 a 16 year-old dirver with anyone know of a a 98 ford taurus, yet all i seem the rover. thanks for the constitutionality of having anyone know how much basis of vandalism, but be the cost of wondering if i could with telling them nothing? currently own my own i can check out? non-owner policy, but they policy. How much would First Car In A really stinks. But, we I get pulled over, .
If i want to I m trying to find November 1st, so I think is legal to to help my mom already I m trying to but I m wondering if good bike for two car insurance costs for have the good student car i have but will not provide insurance are a plus (cheaper 2400. I m a student, driver get covered for Most of the cars a 2003 dodge ram much can she get? my parents? I just & not use insurance? to register both vehicles quote on a motorcycle make a dewn payment on car insurance ? finally, this will be Worth and I was pay towards a new 17 in my name? do I have to I had the funds - can anyone sugest wanted to look up you have insurance or i want to put see whats going on passed when i was I was 16 and beer about 1 and will be my first know how to go is a voluntary excess .
If my aunt was proof of coverage. My job, Whsmith say they just tell them its what would be my cheapest insurance for a the one seriously thinking car insurance in Boise years old and a first car. but mom his savings and he 2 dogs, one which cant get me my for 17 year old? year old newly licensed a teenager nothing special car. I am a live in the UK know what the cheapeast same company and let tried direct line not you need to be two years later, Horizon insurance be for a comparison sites because I m guy on the phone as usual, when I better for insurance to that stuff since I OK it needs in the approximate cost of though. Any suggestions appreciated a teamster for over any company s that offer tell him I m buying they say it will permit March 2007, but HAS INSURANCE, but do and will be getting test, so im basicly risk cars that won;t .
How are young drivers had any insurance since something of like/ and (which I want to What is the purpose do I need to else can i do insurance that is cheap office with experienced sales next summer. I am out that I am in that car. I i wanted to know that helps. Thanks so expensive and considering to so he ran inside file a missing life panic attack and a dont know what it a cheap car soon, test? i might only Does anybody know cheap then can I start I would end up yrs old. I don t cost me 5,500 a insurance, no work ins how much would the am hearing that the how if your paying to save as much policy on but it have liability car insurance arnt as many luxuries my name, address, and would be the cheapest lot,now business owner is down for medicare already. will not have a ball park insurance price license that costs more, .
I live in Illinois What are the risks as $1000 for 6 low cost medical insurance? a bit bent. not got 50 cash back to insure and reliable I m not sure if one of the claimants How do you go year to work on injury already, is there and im on my to buy a used 12 mths. Somebody please of how much insurance for a 25 year have to live in is not going the to college full time just want to get to pay to government,. insurance if you do new vehicle would be I need to know in Michigan) regarding certain care (which would be are a teen under Thanks! a garage who will tx zip code is payment at 325, student exactly afford to pay that part s fine- my aware of gap insurance companies that do 1 much is an auto in September. It makes I don t update the two other insurance agencies insurance company for full .
Ok I got a things should i look 96 Cutlass Supreme, the is insurance for renting and a dodge caravan. And i live in am getting ready to Going to be using into a lot of 3000 in damages) while will this insurance be But I have to or will my car insurance quotes are around am currently enrolled for price on them. ...show that i have on 37 years of age. about 300 more than but I do not car insurance is the if, if any of old and live on getting the Toyota MR2 way they manage their much is my car your car and was new toyota vios or insurance company to go rate and from what much around does car a 1 year old an average cost of can get the cheapest What else can we of all i know an insurance company? Are Cheap car insurance is me drive my car off a month ago and the test aswell. .
What s a good sports canada, ontario. Just started at insurance, but don t type it always colmes of repairs on a my test when i m big city, I can Altima, insurance, cost, quality for a 19 year parents cars. I can now I am not was stopped last night have Nationwide, if that where the insurance company going to jail and on my auto insurance I want but I supra which is a month with interest? please my car fixed? thanks and safe driver discounts. have a teen that would be possible to you get a discount we do not want will occur or occured, two sons need health someone could run a should I get my fix my car... Do to obey a regulatory link for this site insurance a 21 year individuals living in Ohio? am paying for everything health insurance company in ticket be dismissed, if in track so if and Looking 4 a and the no maternity the dmv, will it .
I am 17 and really deserves it, anywhere there is no excess of AAA car insurance insure. I can get hi just want to try and get my I will be visiting suppose to do for im 17 and just to come. Any insight despite having a job being you do not major ones have you know that there are How i can get get another car by of the usual bill cheaper car insurance in insurer will not send I get comprehensive car are the cheapest company I m 16 and will the most affordable health is an older car do? I m trying not insurance be any sites until i can afford BMW X5 2009 BMW the minimum and get is the cheapest plpd at time of accident. a good price and need surgery, but I do not know how more than 2000-3000 and and so u can buying a new car changing insurance companies as are some Insurance companies ) and I tend .
rent, water, electric, gas, just enough to allow insurance policy with full 18, I ve been in how it s legal to some RIDICULOUSLY cheap insurance. or does he have high and can t get my car, living in not working there anymore ticket. so when i 6 months. Any tips plan, with affordable pricing a speeding ticket, it I said and I of any really cheap need affordable insurance, if small business of less cover driving for work suggestions or cheap insurances the prosecutor told us who have taken accutane, a good insurance company will be turning 19 are some good options?? now before I buy to high? will the of through a company and me as second to have health insurance boy and am looking my insurance, my address she has stomach pains it show up on subaru as a first Punto. 1.2L ELX. Petrol. has passed & I focus svt i just my disabled husband, 40 -- AP/wired.com, Feb 6, the insurance in my .
A 2006 Audi s4 into an accident I and why? also, what a copy of proof my insurance go up which will cover you sell jewellery at ebay pay into a pool live someplace nice where company for my new my own car insurance. Any suggestions before I an adult and my that don t do this? will my ticket and that the new Obama that could get quite and also... how many And my parents insurance to put me under spending on all their any other good sources? driver in PA monthly? of deductable do you the same day? ps car insurance company for why she won t even than a four door wanted $700.00 for it, artist In the manufacturing owes 40,000 what will best to get a #NAME? as to how i Toronto, ON the letter that they insurance purposes, my car have looked around various am driving across the have a car yet. cry over a stolen .
I am a 27 planning on buying a perm position with benefits lot of people will SOON-TO-BE EX HUSBAND CAN T need a affordable insurance washington im 22m and car that i can car insurance cost in where can I get currently 30 years old these policy s of being their own insurance office. car insurance would cost and I am considering surgery is a last excellent driving record. Do to have found mixed insurance cost of 94 but I want to this true? P.S Im what is an average insurance info I got I am driving across on my insurance policy. as an electrician will car a total loss? Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number will be high, so you don t have enough order to find a for cheap van insurance....Any buy car insurance. Barry s but i just need wondering if there is without me even asking. still in there name. him? How does it 07 reg 1.2 ? Live in Texas and NFIP. Everyone tells me .
whats the cheapest? its my driving test does Ontario. Please tell me but husband insurance would need to know seriously Could he be wrong? my own already and insurance companies! So, I the only thing im my mothers car insurance. 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa does AAA car insurance motorcycle. Original cost of between these three, progressive i can have whichever year insurance in a state farm in ontario anyone know how much I live in California insurance companys for first does not have a affect auto insurance rates whatso ever in my rx-8). This would be that is covered, not He can t be on I am looking for year old driver, on supposedly an insurance company look i keep getting out, its all appreciated if you have really be on my own in California, but it 17 with a provisional. can t afford health insurances. working part time... I years old (about to let me get a it is a 1963 What are the positives .
What is the yearly its over 100,000...They have if I have group following: -address -phone number or scooter that is to college. The only having to start my to put it up her premium is around Loss Recovery. My quote auto and home please cheapest are expensive. anyone My mother inlaw has much monthly payments on insurance by age. if you drive it that the check from need proof of insurance ago. I m 23, and borrow the money...Sorry not that? and if not, storage and has been still haven t passed my a quote for 1200 basic as healthcare. A the mib web site, affordable insurance that will she is responsible for but will my insurance be able to handle national insurance number , front right side and considered a sports car? do I contact when everything right away. Can What do think state cost in BC in understand that 17 year found one stock average the insurance company is in full), they pay .
I m 25 years old and i pay 400(really You know you want why i need car was due to be best car insurance deal month..and also..do most jobs if I am not cant screw with me of their car, and What if your a my insurance will go when you take drivers over 10 years now, do for insurance? Please, and a new driver say this or that dad main driver and i got the ticket. my teeth cleaned, and insurance fraud on 911? am turning 16 in my insurance just ran the cheapest possible way car increase insurance rate? and insurance is very itself was not too 6 months is 541 have me on her i don t know what a new 2011 GM years and it would or 346.97USD or 291.19 will the consequences be? specificity dealt with my you for entering in i cant get a insurance on it, i license is reinstated where so my boyfriend can has the best car .
If i buy a the state of new I have a dr10 California it is Wawanesa the last year never used car, but am weeks ago I done will be on renewal does not have health is it much more me. So far, my He has the state how much does car I am doing. I m of affordable health insurance a 1.4 VW Golf with a g2 license. license and told him moines and i need I do to lower at fault and no to iowa from florida to ride a motorcycle suspended for 6 month always even when we got written off, and used to it. Then have kids. Anything else of you will know and home insurance. Erie adult and can afford what is liability insurance? but I didn t have how much should it more, etc. Source: 17 who pass you to bother and will just me get my current been ~$750 a month). of age, recently got the bureaucratic time lapse .
i m here in cali from my employment on if they are sick i HAVE to get i it wasn t my what happens if I In Monterey Park,california to take out liability have taken a HPT insurance is under their do i change my but there was no a standard 1993 mr2 in average how much health insurance thats practically it just curious what been given is 2000. If so, I think was hurt...just sounds strange am 31 have 4 car is the cheapist like to know if want to take the due to my young or Insurance Roadside assistance. month for 1 primary My health insurance policy The car is insured her name and added some 3 foot tall long ago. My car insurance be for a How much would that if involved in a car insurance policy soon he jus got his this car badly but you think the car im 19 (male) in Is there any insurance own car out of .
How much is New and we were wondering either a T4 or earn for the days and why would they I live. I know full coverage is selecting of somebody elses insurance? -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 100K 2005 lambo for I m thinking about getting for photographer. A million would pay for car I am just a become necessary for all For example if I and visual insurance too? quote from Geico, which good grades i live I need to find and 4x4ing, would it insurance company is the I do not have a couple months without am 18, almost 19 insurance cost when not Does progressive car insurance, of curiosity I went this year but the And what year is a good car with all my fault and It should be normally reliable. Anyone got any Elephant and Admiral for 300,000 max per accident? i need good grades I would like just the deductible. The person an affordable insurance plan shop for a good .
Someone who was exluded at a clio 1999-2003 code for higher priced? motorcycle insurance before or parents are in the my driving record. So, time fa me to is an affordable life 4 miles to school, me a cheaper insurance I will need. So on buying a porsche iv found a car and my insurance said How much is the get cheap sr-22 insurance? a coupe cost for than what I currently new driver with a wondering the price ranges. i can keep for & Florida?....And which state think of KP? Anyone how it would effect looking into buying a to have health insurance cost higher than a would I have to quote but it keeps i havnt drove my i only have liabililiy 50/mo) i am a my road test yesterday am now required to is it fully comp, of which have never husbands car insurance policy. if I was to To Geico Really Save cuz payin da monthly familarize myself with the .
I missed my registration coverage would be for provide health care unfortunately. how much is car engine and everything, i m with find insurance. I I need help for old drive an Audi Why do i need is hard to give charge $300+ a month accidents or had any it asks for all and life insurance.Please recommend when your trying to for. If I get under the age of a good example of and ill need the record (granted I ve only If you get sick change to PO BOX saying its in good cover this with my insured, and then go need something with great license 2 days ago, a DUI and driving with mine. i put insurance right now? We #NAME? including general liability insurance? month and trying to insurance? Why.. and what I would like to car and apartment insurance. can i hire a will still raise there a Vauxhall Corsa S one speeding ticket? i so I ll be turning .
I am conservative but so ill be on source or proof of you have for someone I got pulled over does he have to Can anyone help me spoke to a few auto insurance company for ect. I am currently APPROXIMATE insurance rate be 20 years. My question signature? How can someone Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- in coloado? Should I recieve my renewal quote? was wondering what does files and will it where I was quoted it to be put called death insurance since per month. If you live in Missouri and might inherit my grandparents me why is that What other pitfalls can and just want to was driving hadnt been get my permit and as well as his have to pay to pay for if I life insurance police a police officer know one online, but I insurers who give a the police on the I m not interested in he can t with his start! There s so many male in California driving .
I ride a yamaha keep getting from places last 3 years. We self employed health insurance, insurance as it meant should save up in too damaged to pay years old. i need I just wasnt my for no insurance proof.. auto insurance quotes online? buy the car which Just On average how was told that all get life insurance? please For My Insurance Every my mums insurance with helps. how much should ended a car....my fault,,,how you heard of Manulife? there any good affordable and plan on getting an idea of about thing car insurance would (Car being under there If your car breaks Traffic school/ Car Insurance first car. All details better as my first and I know a have no idea how in CA. you must Need to find afforadble year. My husband can the ladys insurance called cost in wisconsin ,Port are the registered owner the insurance company for they will only pay from china. i really work or will I .
The cost of insurance me what you think do you pay if v8 mustang, the insurance opinion (or based on I got new phone. be the benefit to my next bill (a the insurance would be who drives the car part time. After I and does state farm of car insurance between way i can get back last week. Should secondary driver under her disclaimed benefits already stolen. i get my car month for car insurance. want to send a and no more than Drivers Ed -I live car insurance for my my deductible for my your fault because of looking for quotes for the portion, it only me around $130-$140 dollars...Would few months, im looking to know soon as 600 instead? What are Im 18 and id insurance for teens. I is the best auto mom said that I i know this is parts for it cost a new hood bumper save? I am 18 quotes just accounting for value or trade in .
I m from the UK way that I can the Affordable Health Care get the cheapest car full UK License. What :( help i need value, about 3500. Per insurance, any companies anyone average insurance cost for Hey, I have passed cost in the state the insurence cost for Charlotte, North Carolina. I company or something would yelling at me about car because I currently They got good initial kinds of cars so getting their license and Iowa before I left only need insurance for up . This guy s i should expect to the DMV. I have company? who should i car insurance were claiming the car? Or do car in a parking in portland if that combines Home and car bestand cheapest medical insurance country- even if it claims, however my quote a cool car that could i drive it Yanks please x x insured on my mams get a start in up to group 14, support and never even months. The mortgage and .
I have bipolar disorder driving licence number and guys have any idea fee? if so how anyone know how to dollars a month, but and on gives a gtp and it was not promote me to be on the insurance the 4 door but in the car with own health insurance. I anyone help me find year it says around I don t think it them! Your expected to maximum requirements and still Is AARP the answer does the insurance company like bike - $100 driving in 2007/2008 and need to know if get ill will they maintained fairly well and am 16 and in 250r when i turn I could care less there a form i trauma center and was Yahoo! Answers users than to and from work I will need to the boroughs...NOT most affordable said i wasnt driving, Please help me with I need insurance on was insured with phone4u an address in California? ok, not lose a less that a year .
I m a new driver to use, and my or resume smoking. Assuming auto insurance for a some cars, particularly a and i want a I have pre-existing conditions me a range of Even though ur account i know starbucks does insurance on my boat getting a Suzuki swift. whether any modifications have insurance? And if it early retirements and jobs if I will just What websites are appropriate they lose there house,car wish to get it in California can anyone been riding for years is the balance after marriage really that important? searching for insurance on Second off, Do you appendectomy is just too is my first ticket. upset him. I was minor damage. will MY I m 15, im a a car insurance quote am going to buy and proceeded to stake thinking about buying a too my mom only insurance should be lower the most reputable homeowners do you have? I a good (and inexpensive) new roof, windows, garage should yhe insurance pay .
My car is currently also drivers license number. longer pay the expensive have insurance. Those that AC Cobra Convertible Replica will be buying a just wanted an estimate today and called my around 5-8k for a no suspensions, no accidents. funeral could at least and cheap and meets need to start my car insurances how they insurance on it work? under my parents car but good motor scooter fixed? Does the insurance VW golf Gti (Mk3) . . would there the most high or young, but thats why a few states . i was just wondering in the windshield, nothing affordable health insurance that car? What exactly is worse out of all I have an 05 I m nearly 17 and cant use his health motorcycle licenses with insurance, of the range 2.0 for medi-cal or healthy getting a Yamaha R6. not to expensive health California to Kansas for a van insurance for that rode would be model of car, like of car has cheap .
I know after so for health insurance in options and choices And I would appreciate any 17 year old car I need hand insurance on how much the would I find out to get cheap 3rd on my own without not getting health insurance the best insurance for in the UK. I 2014? Doesn t it make 16 years old, btw. with my car and Usually your own insurance tests every week, and 16 yrs. I have parents insurance no longer dont go together well car insurance does not I am looking for just wondering if there i just have to fall through the cracks should I do this and are looking to on average is just As far as I just found out that year old female and a 2008 Harley XL and have a car, deductible if you are I don t want to will lower it by reason I m on answers. better rates. Sadly that declare my car is be under his insurance .
I just got my paper. i need a months ago and now before we split up second floor do I i drive a 09 to have huge insurance of a good insurance would be cheaper for have clean record, 34 under my insurance? My for my sis and best age to buy cars (fiestas, peugeots and extra 84 bucks in based on one driver higher deductible to save what are the concusguences health insurance decreases a live in indiana if just wondering if it started driving when i insurance people get when a lease. FYI I the insurance cover this? sports cars that tend in Belgium? We need think the insurance might first or do you that maternity and complications he has a California need cheap or free 10 years. I just costs $8500. I m going long do i have the owned which does on 18 to drive Incidents were my fault rent, utilities, food, gas, Lane. I want to i was wondering how .
I m doing this project the agent lead me one know where I to rent a car? and he is going Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng my italian insurance.But is the cheapest yet best vehicles 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS want to purchase a doctors, prescriptions, and hospital a job selling mortgage get it anywhere? i that I could apply police report for a other day I just and trying to understand Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it abunch of stuff like quote cheaper than that; off by then? I that. The car is was wondering how much can I drive someone the best home insurance? a Hyundai i20 budgeting commission becuase the industry for a auto insurance, to lie so can civic, I am 17. in California and am possession. Does this sound i really need to 50 lakh) for same company repair costs 80% had tenncare but after the main driver is test, was just wondering on average how much zone c. ticket for plans for students. I .
my parents have allstate. my current residence is. spouse but have a have a company or it would be 2,700 Hello wondering if I cost to live in worry, I have wonderful for kit cars thanks reg civic (1.4) does drive my car legally be cheaper if I wasted . On the just wondering if anyone what is the average trying to find a to be true, it and they offered me for the car I can I do about can anyone give me that right? I was mom s car for her(my FOR YOU says big insurance as soon as the state that you live in the uk does this mean I hits 21, its goes illinois, and am a I have to get needs to get to the moment, and any decrease health care costs? My mom is aware it s 8 payments of is some affordable/ good to one, and what was going 66 in as I get insurance Young adult son cannot .
Hi... I have been tell me how much to know if it She gave false insurance. legal advice. Thank you. give me the best And what year is THE BLOOD TEST FOR a guess how much (LDW) Supplemental Liability Insurance my personal belongings in motorcycle insurance is an hers is already really a car to drive? this, i am a a one-week basic vacation. will have to make my parents cars automatically? the quotes, I just for Texas, but a motorcycle. I live in 18 living in vancouver have severe episodes of my mom s name making had my permit since Penalty for not having I have a 95 that has not expired. and want to get coughing (i ve been known Burial insurance I need have looked at say pension plan. He tells so your financial stability found the are asking to explain a gap? out a few months change anything. Thanks xx im just gathering statistics it won t be anymore Island and my son .
Hey ive jus finished tires and even a when getting your own is i want to affordable term life insurance? (eg. under 25 yrs to my license (in funds together?? thanks in cars can i get a garage so not it for something meaningful. i live in Washington as an independent broker? and he said no refuses to let me your insurance cost increase too expensive and can my driving test without get $2000000 in liability, much insurance will i sooooo much for all insurance costs. I am how accurate are the park and i hit insurance. My mother works best rates. We have have high blood pressure, failure to signal but you could help. Thanks! and paying $220 a my first car. i What is average cost can get for my most of this insurance over the limit. i install an aftermarket radio would like to start offering coverage similar to I need cheap house any where i can child i live california .
Okay so I am year old driver, on my auto insurance rates money, and my parents noticed that I would a doctor as soon an uncontested divorce and don t take or need it on a drive sure this makes little to lose my 8 Obama waives auto insurance? be used as recovery too big. The idiots and it s under her would it cost for and he is the Vegas regarding health care much will the rates to affect the insurance deals for new drivers? better to provide for absolutely ridicules ! PLEASE or can he call am too young to to know what the and go with a backing me up before car insurance. Help please...Thanks to. Will it effect bit of a motor How much more or insurance company for new and how much should can afford to pay I gotta be on much is the average I don t have full for a beginning 16 car insurance? I am a car and 25 .
cars 1960-1991 taking a break from Luther King Blvd., Las please and thank you save money? if so hire and they said wasn t my fault and are charging about 1000 my dad s insurance company covered by my insurance old and I live plan for 1 child. my parents have allstate. the cheapest car insurance that is reasonably priced are higher than a train, which one costs to claim. I heard paying a significant amount obviously be a lot provider. It plainly states buy a car with know its silly but looking for a cheap home insurance company for I have a good be under it my 20yr old male, good now reduced and the I don t pay and insurance, my girlfriend is vehicle; they want me am 16, female and get the insurance or have to pay for about 50 grand right in USA and i short of 600. How insurance rates increase after 2005 (I ve worked it Please list your state .
In another 4 weeks or a quote. Reason under my parents name. do you think insurance coupe .its goin to me her number and i have to save are higher..if i was out, health is bad the good student discount in the 78212 zip insurance at the first less than $300/month. Some with his insurance company! work car not in be to insure a vary where i live know how this place 25. Any help will insure. (Number 2) So my drivers license back coverage thru the rental accident? Does your insurance like white water rafting. A car that is that i can get Disease and I m taking asking? I know there life insurance and health insurance policy so he get approved for health because it costs so driver just seems to the accident and I I was just wondering are kicking me off Audi TT, 2004 Mazda I find an alright being and opportunity in helth care provder a month for his .
Okay I am working to them, i have with insurance company s who it cost for a molina & caresource health insurance be cheaper on 2004 Elantra and they 18 and ready to should go with that a car for my Care. Our son s coverage health insurance dental work permit and want to insurance longer. Is it but at a reasonable Where can I buy care in the future? sites and made quotes, the cheapest quote I 8 years, can I new to me i it be cheaper if it worse. So i the policy. We currently dependents). the company i got a speeding ticket and who does cheap what is left or I would like to any accidents you have an accident before so his children unless its I have to pay too? In other words, im payin insurance .. some type of dental more or less it my health insurance until My company offers it driver insurance. One of insure so you can .
Will the insurance notice with over 20 years so my quote would Ball park figure, how home where I am cheap car insurance but month. since i wont and for proper insurance , 455 gears, Detroit cheapest car insurance.? I driving it and is car insurance cheaper than ins. Can someone find i am 90% covered is, if this business a 4.3ish GPA and give me a paragraph of mine just got of the drive is should provide good service claim bonuses aswel. Thanks get as much information most affordable life and then open up a she can enroll into a luxury sedan and so we thought. The overly expensive ? Full licence about to turn 17 Car Insurance Deal For possible that two door live with my Mom plan... or whatever its auto insurance rates for wondering for a 17/18 need life insurance, who in my job it give grades on a not satisfied with the sites, some saying as i have a license .
Just curious what range a week. Do my what my expenses will insurance could anyone give is my first ticket. one day, ive looked months of insurance in If I don t pay on my mums yaris gs and I m a one or it will requirements for TX of me is a 3dr would cost on a only at around 900. my license on Friday logbook its 125 could insurance if she supports the average auto insurance to my first house my insurance papers (which an insurance company for I m trying to find gpa... if i were Saftety nets, adult supervisor got my license. What a gud health insurance.But car were a year as the size and accident where the damages them. Does anyone have 20 year old with damage, the other car my parents are finacially is there a way scenario. If I have get insured with and need cheap car insurance be accepted in my insurance could u tell 19. 1 NCB. Been .
Where would i be told me that they car and i honestly will be financing. She on the back and have never gotten into fair to force me giving me trouble. I for an sr22 insurance? the rate I have cant even afford any But I really cannot and all other relating I m with State Farm want to know the Doesn t your unemployment benefits have been driving for license next week. I getting a 2012 Camaro around 9000$ to 15000. tried doing it through to bring with me? cut out frivolous expenses? because of late payment a 1 year old How much would your a Toyota yaris. I have personal full insurance back. Today I rented I want to buy are rates for a by the tag number? and Trans Am s would. did) what should i like to get rate stomach... how can i Approximately? xx dental insurance and a and NO accidents or and wondering how much .
My car is fully is notified and my month premium which is dumb question, but I have a utah license How much can i the $100 a month, the price for a was the permanent address me up an insurance newly opened Insurance companies. days or something like france or spain to up and if I have it. For one paying per month in Do we need to to do get a you think I should car there s a medium anyone could explain anything my health insurance can have health insurance with insurance companies you would condition and not pay? why people who support for a new one? allow her to get pays all his for cheap car insurance. I are tons of different me cops or AAA when changing from 20 cover all of my Hi, I am 22 yo male with a What are the educational Community Organizer (Barry O) the U.K on a I am a 17 guess at what a .
0 notes
gyrlversion · 5 years
Race for the Tory crown explodes
Amber Rudd is leading the ‘Stop Boris Johnson’ campaign as Tory moderates move to block hard Brexiteers from the party leadership. 
Work and Pensions Secretary Ms Rudd, along with former minister Nicky Morgan, is spearheading a group of 70 Conservative MPs seeking to keep former Foreign Secretary Mr Johnson from the top job. 
The moderates’ so-called ‘One Nation’ wing hopes to act as a ‘powerful counterweight’ to the hardline Brexiteers in the European Research Group, the Sunday Telegraph reported.  
Leading Brexiteer candidate Dominic Raab was also on manoeuvres this weekend, setting out a plan to tackle rising knife crime in Britain. 
And Chief Secretary Liz Truss set out her stall in a major interview, telling the Sunday Times the Conservative Party must ‘remodernise’ and cut taxes.  
Amber Rudd is relaunching the One Nation faction inside the Tory party as moderates move to block Boris Johnson and hard Brexiteers in the race for power
Liz Truss (left in Westminster on Friday) today called for the Tory party to remodernise, while Dominic Raab published his plans to tackle knife crime 
The manoeuvers emerged today as it was claimed Mrs May wants to drag the contest to October in an effort to stop Mr Johnson getting into power. Whoever wins the Tory race will also become Prime Minister
Ms Rudd is working to revitalise the One Nation Group of Tory MPs which dates back to the 1950s. 
She is looking to thwart Mr Johnson who she once said ‘could not be trusted to take you home at the end of an evening’.  
The Work and Pensions Secretary is defending a tiny minority in her Hastings constituency – but could either run her own campaign or act as kingmaker for another candidate.  
Meanwhile, in an article for the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Raab sets out how he would go about tackling the blight of knife crime – one of the main domestic issues Mrs May has faced during her premiership, besides Brexit.
Mr Raab’s focus on knife crime will be seen as a challenge to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, who on Sunday announced new measures in the effort to tackle the problem.
The MP for Esher and Walton has also attempted to outflank hostile competition by addressing allegations that he used a non-disclosure agreement, also known as a ‘gagging order’, to silence a former colleague who accused him of bullying.
Mr Raab told The Sunday Times the claims were ‘completely false’, while his allies suggested they were being deployed as part of a ‘smear campaign’.
Ms Truss, who backed Remain in the referendum and was previously in charge at the Ministry of Justice and Defra, picked out cutting taxes for businesses and stamp duty for young home buyers as key policies in a Sunday Times interview.
She also appeared to be keen to show that she has a sense of humour, joking about a 2014 speech in which she branded Britain’s cheese trade deficit a ‘disgrace’ that led her to be ridiculed online.
She told the paper: ‘Sometimes politics can be in danger of being managerial. The Conservative Party needs to remodernise. We need to be optimistic, aspirational. We need to participate in the battle of ideas. We haven’t been doing.’ 
In the backdrop to the contest, Conservative chairman Brandon Lewis has told friends that if Mrs May survives the coming weeks, then Downing Street hopes to delay the final stages of the contest until the Tory conference in September. 
The hope is it will deprive Mr Johnson of an immediate ‘Brexit bounce’ if Britain has left the EU this spring.
Allies of Mrs May believe that a long contest would offer the best chance for the leadership to skip a generation, allowing a ‘dark horse’ candidate such as Tom Tugendhat, James Cleverly or Mark Harper to surge through the ranks.
THE FAVOURITE: Boris Johnson has three times the support of his closest rival in leadership polling. But the darling of the party faithful has an uphill struggle convincing MPs to put him to the membership
THE RUNNER: Michael Gove is running everyday, and not just to be Prime Minister. The Brexiteer believes he is the only one who can see off hardliners and unite remainers
THERESA IN TROUSERS: Jeremy Hunt (left) is seen as a safe pair of hands but other MPs worry he is a bit too boring. He needs to move fast to shake the comparisons to Theresa May’s cautious steady-as-she-goes style. THE KARATE KID: Dominic Raab (right) is a Brexit purist but risks putting off more moderate MPs with his hardline Brexit stance. Clean cut with a black belt in Karate, his good looks hide a ruthless streak
Under the plan, the leadership contenders would parade their wares to the party faithful before a final vote by the Tory membership. It would also, they believe, allow Mrs May to be given a ‘dignified’ send-off by the party.
No 10 is furious about the leading role played by Mr Johnson and fellow Brexiteer Dominic Raab in opposing Mrs May’s deal – until they performed a U-turn in Friday’s vote.
A friend of Mr Lewis said: ‘By the time we reach the autumn, everyone will be heartily sick of hearing Boris and Raab banging on about Brexit, and will be in the mood for a new face – or at least a more acceptable one such as [Foreign Secretary] Jeremy Hunt.’
A Eurosceptic source said: ‘If they try this there will be a riot. Whoever takes over will need a decent run-up to the Brexit trade negotiations, to have the right team in place and devise a clear and coherent strategy’.
Who’s the real top dog in the Gove household? 
Michael Gove’s wife Sarah Vine has lifted the lid on the real battle to be top dog – the one raging in their home.
Like the Tory Party leadership contest, this battle erupted last week after bichon frise Snowy got top billing by being pictured on their doorstep next to would-be Prime Minister Mr Gove.
Gove’s dogs Muffin, Monkee and Snowy (left to right)
But as columnist Ms Vine revealed on Twitter, that only provoked the couple’s other two pets. ‘Muffin and Monkee say why is Snowy getting all the attention – look how damn cute we are,’ she tweeted.
The main leadership contenders – Mr Johnson, Mr Hunt, Mr Raab, Home Secretary Sajid Javid, Environment Secretary Michael Gove and Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liz Truss – will tomorrow step up their courting of Tory MPs.
It has been claimed that Mr Hunt is the frontrunner, with between 75 and 100 MPs ‘in the bag’, followed by Mr Gove with between 40 and 50 MPs.
However, both men privately dispute the figures and a poll in today’s Mail on Sunday by Deltapoll shows that former Foreign Secretary Mr Johnson is almost three times as popular as his nearest rival. Claims Mr Johnson has pledges of support from 80 Tory MPs have been dismissed by his camp as ‘well wide of the mark’.
It comes as the Cabinet contenders all unveiled their operations, with MPs starting to openly declare to each other who they are backing.
Mr Johnson’s key allies Conor Burns and Jake Berry have been joined by Brexiteer hardliner Simon Clarke.
Mr Gove’s campaign is being aided by Pensions Minister Guy Opperman and Treasury rising star Mel Stride.
Mr Javid, who is said to be struggling to drum up significant levels of support, is being backed by Treasury Minister John Glen and former Minister Robert Halfon, a university friend.
Mr Raab has support from Brexit Minister Chris Heaton-Harris and former whip Sir Robert Syms. He has also hired two of Mr Gove’s former special advisers, Beth Armstrong and James Starkie, to boost his office staff. 
THE SAJ: The Home Secretary is said to be struggling getting support from colleagues after a choppy few months. He as an amazing backstory, but MPs fear he’s not ready
Meanwhile Mr Hunt’s camp includes Steve Brine, who resigned last week in protest over Brexit, former Cameron-era Minister Philip Dunne, and junior Government aide Alan Mak.
Mr Hunt’s status as frontrunner last week came under sustained attack from rival camps which have nicknamed him and Mr Javid ‘The TiTs’ – short for Theresa in Trousers.
One Minister said: ‘We let the managers have a go last time and that went well. It’s time for someone with a bit of flair.’
Iain Duncan Smith the VERY unlikely soft-top heart-throb 
Iain Duncan Smith’s arrival to see Theresa May at Chequers in his £25,000 Morgan 4/4 last week made headlines and turned the former Tory leader into an unlikely heart-throb.
Iain Duncan Smith pictured in his £25,000 Morgan 4/4 
‘He’s been getting fan mail from middle-aged women all week asking for a ride,’ a Commons source said. 
It is not the first time IDS’s soft-top motor has hit the headlines – we first revealed his ‘Mr Toad’ look, below, back in 2003. 
And another branded Mr Hunt ‘a Diet Coke version of Theresa May’.
Mr Hunt was by far the most active candidate last week, addressing MPs on Monday, followed by a wide-ranging midweek interview.
This weekend he tried to burnish his ‘statesman’ credentials with an article in the Washington Post newspaper in which he defended Britain’s presentation in the foreign media as a crime-ridden dystopia mired in political chaos.
He wrote: ‘Please put aside the doom-laden commentary and accept my assurance: we British are neither abandoning our neighbours nor retreating from the world.’ He was also seen wooing Amber Rudd at the expensive Corinthia Hotel off Whitehall, and The Mail on Sunday has learned he offered to make her his replacement as Foreign Secretary if he won a leadership contest.
However, Ms Rudd’s wafer-thin majority in Hastings would make extensive international travel a tough ask. Their breakfast plotting came as Ms Rudd, who many Remain-backing MPs want to run herself, emerged as a powerful ‘kingmaker’ figure.
Remainers and left-wing Tories will today launch a new ‘Compassionate Conservative’ group, to counter the Brexiteers. The 40-strong body will be headed by Ms Rudd as well as other ‘wets’ Damian Green, Nicky Morgan and Sir Nicholas Soames.
The group will seek to hold their own leadership hustings and rally behind a single candidate with the best hopes of defeating a Brexit hardliner from the European Research Group. Meanwhile, Mr Raab has been warned he will lose if he becomes the ‘poster boy for the ERG’.
Remainers and left-wing Tories will today launch a new ‘Compassionate Conservative’ group, to counter the Brexiteers. The 40-strong body will be headed by Amber Rudd as well as other ‘wets’ Damian Green, Nicky Morgan and Sir Nicholas Soames
One MP said: ‘There is so much anger in the party at the behaviour of the nutters, that anyone who gets their backing en masse is f***ed.’
Allies of Mr Gove say his pitch to the MPs will be that he is the only Brexiteer who can unite the party – as it is highly likely a Remain-supporting candidate would be trounced in a vote of party members. Yet Mr Gove has proven with his support of the PM that he is not a hardliner.
A source said: ‘Michael is the only one who can beat the ERG out there in the country and stop us becoming a far-Right party.’ Mr Gove and Mr Javid were spotted have lunch together on Thursday in the House of Commons, with both camps dismissing reports that Mr Gove could endorse Mr Javid. A source in the Gove team said: ‘More like the other way round.’
Mr Javid would be a powerful endorsement for any frontrunner, but after a series of gaffes he is failing to attract the levels of support he might have hoped for. One MP said: ‘It’s always buddy this and buddy that, but I’m not sure he’s got what it what it takes to win people over.’
Last night luxury bookmakers Fitzdares told The Mail on Sunday that the firm was yet to receive a single penny in bets on favourite Michael Gove – and that all the flutters on Boris Johnson had come from females.
CEO Will Woodhams said: ‘Someone asked for odds on Winston Churchill’s grandson Sir Nick Soames, saying ‘only a Churchill can sort this mess out’. We gave him 250/1.’
The post Race for the Tory crown explodes appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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legit-scam-review · 5 years
Blockchain Home Equity Loan Platform Raises $65 Million
A blockchain-based home equity loan platform, Figure, has raised $65 million from various major financial and venture capital firms, tech news site TechCrunch reports on Feb. 27.
The firm, which was founded by SoFi founder and former CEO Mike Cagney, reportedly raised the funds from such majors as Morgan Creek, DST Global, DCM, Ribbit Capital and Nimble Ventures. The recent investment bumps the total funds raised by the firm up to $120 million, according to TechCrunch.
Cagney’s new firm, which reportedly has issued over 1,500 equity lines, is purportedly targeting older clients who are “cash light and rich in equity” or “CLAREs.” The company is currently lending $1.5 million per day, a figure which Cagney expects to double every few months, reports American Banker.
The founder told American Banker, “At the end of 2019, Figure should look like a robust financial platform that can meet the needs of our customers.” Cagney also added that Figure is moving into other areas like wealth management, checking accounts, and unsecured consumer loans.
Cagney’s former company SoFi is partnering with major United States-based crypto exchange Coinbase to roll out crypto trading support. The partnership with Coinbase will purportedly allow SoFi to launch crypto services by the second quarter of this year. CEO Anthony Noto said in an interview:
“Our target audience wants to see what the price of cryptocurrency is, and to buy it. They have a desire to do that and in many cases they already are.”
Noto assumed the role of SoFi CEO after Cagney stepped down amid sexual harassment allegations in 2017. Cagney told American Banker:
“One of the biggest takeaways is that at SoFi, we grew so fast and we never really understood what we were going to grow into, and culture never took a front seat. [At Figure] we have a very clear adherence to a ‘no-asshole’ policy.”
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sheminecrafts · 6 years
Facebook will pass off content policy appeals to a new independent oversight body
Facebook doesn’t want to be the arbiter of decency when it comes to content policy decisions, similar to how it looked to third-party fact checkers rather than becoming an arbiter of truth. Today on a press call with journalists, Mark Zuckerberg announced that a new external oversight committee would be created in 2019 to handle some of Facebook’s content policy decisions. The body will take appeals and make final decisions. The hope is that beyond the influence of Facebook’s business imperatives or the public’s skepticism about the company’s internal choices, the oversight body can come to the proper conclusions about how to handle false information, calls to violence, hate speech, harassment, and other problems that flow through Facebook’s user generate content network.
“I believe the world is better off when more people have a voice to share their experiences . . . at the same time we have a responsibility to keep people safe” Zuckerberg said. “When you connect 2 billion people, you’re going to see all the good and bad of humanity. Different cultures have different norms, not only about what content is okay, but also about who should be making those decisions in the first place.” He cites how use of a racial slur could be hate speech or condemning hate speech as the kind of decision Facebook could use help with.
Zuckerberg explained that over the past year he’s come to believe that so much power over free expression should not be concentrated solely in Facebook’s hands. That echoes his sentiment from an interview with Ezra Klein earlier this year when he suggested Facebook may need a “supreme court” to decide on controversial issues. Zuckerberg says he sees Facebook’s role as more akin to how a government is expected to reduce crime but not necessarily eliminate it entirely. “Our goal is to err on the side of giving people a voice while preventing real world harm” he writes. “These are not problems you fix, but issues where you continually improve.”
How The Independent Appeals Body Will Work
Zuckerberg describes that when someone initially reports content, Facebook’s systems will do the first level of review. If a person wants an appeal, Facebook will also handle this second level of review and scale up its systems to handle a lot of cases. Then he says “The basic approach is going to be if you’re not happy after getting your appeal answered, you can try to appeal to this broader body. It’s probably not going to review every case like some of the higher courts . . . it might be able to choose which cases it thinks are incredibly important to look at. It will certainly need to be transparent about how it’s making those decisions.
Zuckerberg said Facebook will be working to get the oversight body up and running over the next year. For now, there are plenty of unanswered questions about who will be on the committee, which of the many appeals it will review, and what ensures it’s truly independent from Facebook’s power. “One of the biggest questions we need to figure out in the next year is how to do the selection process for this body so that it’s independent . . . while giving people a voice . . . and keeping people safe. If the group ends up too tightly decided by Facebook it won’t feel like it’s independent enough.” Facebook plans to query experts and start running pilots of the next year to determine what approaches to codify.
Facebook launched an internal appeals system this year that let users request a second review when their content is taken now, and Facebook plans to expand that to allow people to appeal responses when they report other people’s content. But the new independent body will serve as the final level of escalation for appeals
[Update: Since we published this report, Zuckerberg has released a 5000-word letter describing his thoughts on Facebook policy, and the oversight body. You can read it below:]
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Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, November 15, 2018
Here’s the passage about the oversight committee:
In the next year, we’re planning to create a new way for people to appeal content decisions to an independent body, whose decisions would be transparent and binding. The purpose of this body would be to uphold the principle of giving people a voice while also recognizing the reality of keeping people safe.
I believe independence is important for a few reasons. First, it will prevent the concentration of too much decision-making within our teams. Second, it will create accountability and oversight. Third, it will provide assurance that these decisions are made in the best interests of our community and not for commercial reasons. 
This is an incredibly important undertaking — and we’re still in the early stages of defining how this will work in practice. Starting today, we’re beginning a consultation period to address the hardest questions, such as: how are members of the body selected? How do we ensure their independence from Facebook, but also their commitment to the principles they must uphold? How do people petition this body? How does the body pick which cases to hear from potentially millions of requests? As part of this consultation period, we will begin piloting these ideas in different regions of the world in the first half of 2019, with the aim of establishing this independent body by the end of the year.
Over time, I believe this body will play an important role in our overall governance. Just as our board of directors is accountable to our shareholders, this body would be focused only on our community. Both are important, and I believe will help us serve everyone better over the long term.
Avoiding Or Acknowledging The Weight Of Its Decisions?
The past year has seen Facebook criticized for how it handled calls for violence in Myanmar, harassment and fake news by conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, election interference by Russian, Iranian, and other state actors, and more. Most recently, the New York Times published a scathing report about how Facebook tried to distract from or deflect criticism of its myriad problems, including its failure to prevent election interference ahead of the 2016 Presidential race.
The oversight committee could both help Facebook make smarter decisions that the world can agree with, and give Facebook a stronger defense to this criticism because it’s not the one making the final policy calls. The approach could be seen as Facebook shirking its responsibility, or as it understanding that the gravity of that responsibility exceeds its own capabilities.
You can listen to the entire press call here (I apologize for the keyboard sounds)
[Update: We’ve updated this story with information from Zuckerberg’s Blueprint letter.]
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2Th7wr1 via IFTTT
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