#but if anyone says something contradictory he'll be the first one to be like 'oh but kunikida said x'
benetnvsch · 1 year
uhhh Dazai imprinting on kunikida like a duckling for the first few months or so after joining the agency,, he follows Kunikida around and will do anything as Kunikida's partner even if it's more reckless or just plain stupid. takes Kunikida's words as truth. he still listens to the others ofc and does what they ask him to but after that its straight back to kunikida
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josnhoes · 1 year
Monster au courting ritual with Riddle, Sebek and Carter with human mc
Content warning: none
Riddle the werewolf is someone who prides himself on control. It's contradictory to his inner beast, but he refuses to faulter. That was until he met you.
He wishes he could say he fell for you slowly, but it was love at first sight. He takes his time to approach you with the intent to court you. Riddle isn't one to rush into something blind, so he is combing through old text to try and find information on human courting.
When that inevitably fails he calls in help from Trey. The living Doll had a way with people if anyone could get you to share information on human courting it was him. The information he came back with didn't help much. So he decided to fall back on how he would court another werewolf.
He provides healthy meals, and is almost obsessive with your health. Every party you have an invite to and a seat saved beside him. Lots of gifts as well, all usable like computers or books and such. He listens to all your worries and woes too. He will pull back if you seem to get overwhelmed. But he's always there waiting for his chance to prove himself to you.
Cater is a 4 tailed kitsune. Not nearly as strong nor wealthy as the 9 tailed Kalim; but far more clever. He's guarded emotionally and oh so careful with his words. So when he falls for you he tries to ignore it. He pushes those feelings off and does his best to simply be your friend.
But we all know ignoring your feelings never works. Instead as he spends his time with you, listening to your woes, watching you open up and smile...well he falls harder.
His courting is simple, he spends time with you. He shares his true self with you, showing how much he trusts you. He shows you his really neat magic and helps you make and maintain a magicam account. But despite that he keeps his feelings hidden until the time comes he has to tell you or you'll be taken by someone else. He doesn't want to get in the way of your happiness but he wants a chance to *be* your happiness.
Sebek the Lizard man is intense. Where Jack takes your feelings of being followed into account Sebek does not. He is trained to be a guard to ensure the safety of his prince. While you may not be his prince you are his human. So like the knight he is when he isn't guarding Malleus he's guarding you.
His courting is all about small gestures and keeping you safe. He helps you clean, warns you of things you should avoid, aids you in studying. It's all very sweet if a little much.
If you ask him to calm down with his courting, give you more space ect. He will comply but he'll be oh so pouty. Because even if you reject his courting he's come to view you as a close friend and he wants to spend time with you.
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