#but if he had a good council it might just work out 🤔
fatum679 · 2 months
Thoughts on ep 6? I see a lot of praise for it but I'm like 🤔. A lot of things were annoying and illogical and I don't like what they're doing with most of the characters this season. Now even Daemon gets a redemption arc, Aegon is the biggest victim of his family, but Aemond is 100 % evil, Helaena barely appears at all (at this point Sylvie and Dyana might be more important to the story). I'm just disappointed.
Hello dear.
I'm terribly tired of this season, it's a complete disappointment. Many fan theories and fanfictions are better written than this series. I don't know what writers get their money for. The whole season 2 is like Groundhog Day. The sixth episode is just water.
We continue to be shown Daemon, his hallucinations and his “redemption”. We are promoted that he loved his brother, but this love did not extend to Viserys’ other children. Daemon and Rhaenyra actually spent their entire lives ignoring, neglecting, rejecting, and abusing Alicent's children because their grandfather was Otto. Viserys did not accept his children because ANOTHER WOMAN gave birth to them. Alicent's children were indeed discriminated against by their paternal relatives. Therefore, I do not believe in the propaganda of Daemon's redemption, that Rhaenyra is kind, and Viserys is a good parent. Besides, I'm terribly tired of all these hallucinations in Harrenhal. It was interesting in the beginning, but now it's endless repetition.
The pointless scenes of Rhaenyra and Daemon could have been spent on a story arc with the north and Sarah Snow, showing Daeron, more scenes to Helaena.
It looks like we have Daemon, Rhaenyra and Alicent, other characters, playing the role of «trees» or «decorations» for them.
They decided to show Aegon as a victim. This is a cheap scenario move to divide the TG stans into two camps: those who support Aemond and those who support Aegon. As if we weren't already divided into helaemond stans and anti-helaemond long ago. Aegon could have been given a bit of heroism to get burned by Rhaenys. But we have what we have. The dynamic between Aegon and Aemond reminds me of the dynamic between Viserys and Daenerys. It really is déjà vu, but I don't believe the writers intended it that way.
Aemond tries to deal with the problems that Aegon and Rhaenyra created. The birth of the rebellion began after Aegon carried out a reign of terror by hanging the rat-catchers. Rhaenyra set up a blockade. Aemond closed the gates, but if he had not done this, the entire infrastructure would have stopped working, since there would be no people left in the capital. It's cruel, but it's true and it's wartime. The problem is that Aegon, as king, failed to convey to the people that they were starving because of Rhaenyra, staged a public execution and fired Otto. Aemond can no longer do anything, because the mechanism has already been launched and a riot was inevitable.
I don't think they're trying to make Aemond evil, but the normies will think he's evil. He is cruel to his brother for personal reasons, he fired Alicent (which I support him on) because she loves Rhaenyra (Alicent actually had a chance to end the war in episode 3, but she loves Rhaenyra more than her children). Aemond brought Otto back because he knows that his grandfather is the best Hand.
I feel bad for Helaena the most. I really believed that she would be on the small council. Ewan talked a lot about Helaena: “She is good with books and money.” I'm really upset. We weren't even shown the Dreamfyre. Why does Alice Rivers have more screen time in the Targaryen story? Where is Helaena's coronation?
Alys Rivers is absolutely disgusting to me. She's a maniac on the hunt for Targaryen sperm. She drives Daemon crazy like a brain parasite. I hope people stop romanticizing alysmond, because the same thing awaits Aemond.
Sylvia was offended that Aemond no longer came to her and did not pay her money, so she decided to spread lies about him that he was throwing a feast in the castle. Even Diana doesn't believe her because she served the royal family and knew Aemond's character. Sylvia is not a hero, she owns a brothel. She abused (ra**d) 13 year old Aemond and I'm sure other children too. She manipulated Aemond, and when he left, she decided to take revenge on him.
Rhaena was given the Nettles line, which is quite disappointing. Once again the writers show that in TB this is the Mary Sue team. The writers actually decided to remove the cool character because they didn't want to ruin daenyra.
Helaemond is pain. The writers decided to gaslight us. The entire written plot in the first season was destruction, all the potential was destruction. Ewan and Phia say that Helaemond was not in the scripts, but I don't believe it. There are many scenes and hints in the second half of the first season.
House of the Dragon is truly a complete disappointment for those with critical thinking skills. The scriptwriters' favoritism is not even hidden.
Bring back Miguel! He is the only one who knows how to write a script and characters!
We have two more episodes, but there's not much hope.
Aemond showed Larys his place and immediately understood his manipulation - the best scene of the whole season.
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aoxue · 2 months
AU ask game: Yi City peeps in space! What are they doing? 🤔
What are they doing indeed! There are so many ways to answer this prompt.... I'm going to go with a scifi setting with manageable interplanetary travel, in the vein of Star Wars or Star Trek (without the same major institutions). There are other alien races, but solely for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to say our quartet here are all human.
Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan are technically merchants, in so far as the work takes them all around the major trade routes through space. But they're not concerned about getting rich; Song Lan manages trade agreements and sales so they just have enough income to keep going, and their profits mainly come from wealthy markets where people won't miss the money. (Xiao Xingchen would give away their stock if someone in need asked him nicely).
Their focus is instead on helping people along the trade routes, especially in far-flung planetary systems that get less traffic and are a little more lawless. They offer aid, cheap food and resources, and useful equipment that might otherwise be hard to come by. They try to keep a low profile, but they're still wanted by several parties for interfering with their jurisdictions' affairs (powerful gangs, corrupt rulers, that farmer who owned the sand beast they killed because it was terrorizing the nomads on the Sand Planet, and who had ever heard of someone keeping one as a pet).
Other members of the MDZS cast exist in this world, too, but they're in more central places and positions of power, members of the Intergalactic High Council or whatever. By and large, they don't bother coming out to the fringes of Civilization.
Xue Yang is a mechanic on one of these far-out planets, and songxiao bring their ship to him for maintenance and repairs, and he doesn't ask too many questions. (Well, he'll ask to be annoying, but he doesn't actually care about the answer, or so he says, and will work with them regardless.) He runs his own operation and does good work for as sketchy as his shop might look. He gets business from some customers with pretty fat wallets, and a lot of that money does not come from savory places. But he keeps his nose out of people's affairs and the business keeps coming.
A-Qing is a street kid (as usual) on one of these distant planets; could be the same one Xue Yang is on, and she annoys him but will still hide out in his shop when situations get sticky. She stows away on songxiao's ship one day :) They only find her when they're far away from her planet, and then they have to outmaneuver some thugs in a drawn-out cat-and-mouse pursuit through an asteroid field or something and then lie low for a while. And. Well, A-Qing lives here now
AU ask game
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cacodaemonia · 2 years
I think I figured out why parts of the Dooku eps of Tales of the Jedi rubbed me the wrong way.
I had this written up already when I saw @sailorsol's reblog of this post. I considered just adding my rambling to a reblog of that, but my point kind of diverges and I didn't want to hijack the op.
Tbh, I agree with a lot of the things both sailorsol and @cosmic-herbal-tea said, and I think a lot of the episodes' interpretation is up to the viewer.
Anyway, that said, here are my completely unimportant thoughts:
The narrative in TotJ largely treats "the Jedi Council isn't perfect and has to work within the crappy governmental structure within which it's trapped" and "it's okay to commit genocide and start a totalitarian dictatorship because that will 'bring order to the Galaxy,'" in the same way that most US news media 'presents both sides of an issue.'
For example, a news channel might interview the two scientists on the planet who don't think climate change is caused by humans alongside two of the millions of scientists who know it is, and treat all four of them as if their opinions are equally valid.
Now obviously, as I and many others have said over and over, stories don't have to point at a Bad Thing and say, "This is a Bad Thing." However, I think the narrative of those TotJ eps really does try to treat Dooku's choices as reasonable when he is in fact doing objectively awful things and becoming a puppet of literally the most evil person in the Galaxy.
This is only a problem (and I say 'problem' like, a storytelling problem, because this is a fictional story and doesn't actually matter) in my eyes because the main Star Wars movies/shows have traditionally had a fairly black and white narrative of good guys versus bad guys. Yes, individual characters might be morally grey, but the stories as a whole don't leave much wiggle room for what is Good and what is Bad. Lucas has explicitly stated, over and over, that the Jedi were good people caught in trap they didn't even know existed. But when Filoni muddies the waters like this, he's sort of changing the fundamental way that the canon SW universe works, which imo is not great storytelling.
To return to the climate change analogy: giving climate deniers and anyone with a brain equal consideration allows bad actors to point and say, "see, it's okay to pump as much CO2 into the atmosphere as we want." Similarly, though obviously much less important, I think these weird narrative choices are only giving more fuel to the people who seem to think that the Jedi deserved what they got (imagine that: thinking genocide, even in a fictional setting, is ever justified in-universe...🤔) and that the Sith are... good?
A lot of the rules of a story are dependent on the way the fictional universe works, like how plot armor in SW is very different from plot armor in the first few seasons of GoT, but they both work within their universes. When you suddenly change those rules, though, like with lots of main characters in later GoT seasons surviving utterly ridiculous situations, it tends to break the immersion and confuse the narrative, which is what I think these TotJ Dooku eps do.
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edai-crplpnk · 6 months
i wanna know your thoughts on the kankuro rarepairs you don't really write for or even talk about much, so any prompt(s) of choice for kankusai, kanklee, and/or nejikank?
Ooh those are hard.
I never write Neji because, I don't know, I dont have him figure out and I haven't found the angle through which he would interest me. (I'm not saying he isn't interesting! But we haven't clicked yet.)
I do really like Kankurou and Tenten as a friendship, so I'm thinking maybe when Kankurou is in Konoha they spar every so often? Neji lives AU. Kankurou doesn't know Neji much, just to the extend that he's part of the Konoha 13 so they are vaguely appointed. But maybe he sees him around at times and I mean, he's a little pretty. He could ask Tenten if he's free. She might be excited about the gossip potential of seeing all of this unfold so she encourages it.
Or maybe Neji's having a rough time because of som clan shit or idk and Kankurou asks Tenten "Is you're teammate okay? He's been looking stressed out lately." and she explains a bit and Kankurou goes for a chat and offer a spar to Neji to distract him for a bit. After all Kankurou's not foreign to councils and heirs bullshit haha.
I had never thought about them and it's a bit hard to imagine I think because I ship GaaLee too much haha. (But then again I do ship KankuShika extensively, so that shouldn't stop me.)
I imagine Lee being over in Suna and sparring with Kankurou, and he's very enthusiastic about it because he is who he is, giving advices and praising Kankurou for good moves while they spar. And it's pissing Kankurou off that Lee is so much better than him that he has the time to do that while fighting 😂 Lee would be like "That was a great parade Kankurou-san!" while counterattacking with no struggle and Kankurou feels a little taken pity on. Lee is genuine, of course, but well, it's not rubbing Kankurou's ego the right way. He needs to come back to Lee for something he can win this time and flatter his self esteem with a bit. Maybe that thing is flirting, who knows?
I have an AU I have never written for yet that among others includes KankuSai. It's mostly a BDSM smut AU with Kankurou as a Dom. Sai's non-binary and not super experienced. They're the one of Kankurou's partners that he is the most gentle with. It's mostly a work of proving them that they are very much desirable and that there is no need to overpass their boundaries and do things that they're not comfortable with or that make them dysphoric to find ways to 1 feel good themselves 2 make a partner feel good.
For a more canonverse thing, I can actually also see it with Sai being the most proactive one in them getting together! Trying to hit on on Kankurou and his technique is probably... You know. Sai. At times too blunt, at times convoluted in an obscure way because he's read that in a book. And at first Kankurou is wondering if he's just making fun of him and is pretty confused by the whole thing, but eventually he decides to give it a try. After all he does have that much to loose. At worse it'll be weird between them but it's already weird, so. And it goes well! Sai is actually a bit funny and nice an interest, even if his communication is not always easy to understand. So they do it again and eventually I suppose become a thing.
Thanks for the question! Two Kankurou ship I haven't posted about but would like to are also KankuHina and KankuSaku 🤔 I should also write more KankuChou.
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staysuki · 3 years
omg. ash. you. :">. you really went over your limit and provided a wholeass masterpiece. your writing s improving update by update, i feel proud of you. ANWYAYS WTF 😠 it legit gave me goosebumps. heart? shattered ✔️ eyes? swollen ✔️ feelings? bitter ✔️ hotel? trivago ✔️ i can t still get over it aaaaa. FIRST OF ALL, HOW DID I NOT REALIZE CHANGBIN WAS DEAD ALRDY??? i literally counted them like twice, how did i not notice it 👁️👄👁️ i thought you were teasing again when you asked a "did you really?" BRUHHHHHH x9999
"it’s like how people are at peace when they’re dead, because they can’t feel anything anymore." I LOVE THIS SM , IDK Y BUT I REALLY FELT THAT MATE. it made me even more depressed for felix. BUT STILL, HE SHOULD VE SAID SMTH! i know he didn t want to feel like a burden but if you think about it this way, it would be less of a hassle if felix had said something and they were able to cure it immediately. they could have gotten medical supplies little by little every supply run (less weight when returning = safer) AND his wound wouldn t have been that bad. bUT UGH his character is just pure sunshine and wholesome. felix endgame for EHALOJ. anyways, made a guess that we re getting felix arc as introduction in the second season just bc he literally spoke first in the haunting.
this part -> "your mind still couldn’t erase the image of han jisung in the bathroom almost—" and when jeongin asked why jisung is dropping out in the sneak peak of EHALOJ s2. i feel like they re connected. in s1, jisung seemed to be the happy-happy-i-have-no-problems-in-life type of guy, imo. i feel like, one of the arcs will reveal his innermost problems and anxiety. interesting 👀🤔 and the predicted competition between the 2 brainiest members, i m sure as heck it s coming soon.
it might be just bc yeji was a crucial character in s1 but seeing her alive, plus the abundance change of her personality, may be a tease for her redemption arc. high possibility that she ll come back improved. also adding hyunjin here bc of his sacrifice. he already started redeeming himself but I PROMIS U, this will be the climax ✨
"you gently grabbed seungmin’s hand, shaky and tired" EXCUSE ME, IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN SMTH??? bc i sure hope it does. "he was staring at the things on it—pictures of the past tacked onto the wooden boards. pictures of us smiling, having fun together—halloween, christmas, new year’s, valentines." i m sure that this symbolizes smth for the student council arc. will something bad happen to chan? i feel like something will 🤷 AND , IT S LIKE CONFIRMED THAT VP IS NICE AND SOMEONE WHO THE STUDENT COUNCIL IS VERY CLOSE WITH 😌👌 EHALOJ chan didn t give any clues as to what her personality might be but TH chan did -> "she’d probably keep shouting at us for being so depressing.”
i relate with the 'continuous good luck will lead to great destruction" that s just how life works, unfortunately :">> what struck to me the most, btw, was minho s death :<< he died in the most cliche superhero way possible. but how you expressed his relief in seeing the sun shine after in like forever, really went straight to my heart. at least he saw something beautiful before entering an everlasting sleep.
are the deaths suggesting that they re out of y/n s harem list? 😶
moving on to the newly released chapter of SLC ! we love the love triangle 🥴 i feel like lia would turn into a EHALOJ yeji 2.0 but worse? the series already took in drugs and theft , i m not going to be surprised if lia backstabs the friend grp just bc of jake LMAOOO (sorry lia, ily) i remember you mentioning about wanting balance between the characters (yeji being a queen in jeongin s smau bc of how much a bitch she is in EHLOJ). since lia was the weak and tormented character, i feel like the tables will turn in a way that she becomes the manipulative one. but i also recall you bringing up wanting a slow-burn friendship between slc lia and y/n to make up with the slow-burn romance so ig it will end happily for their girl friend group? if you think abt it this way,, maybe the possible whole drama between lia and y/n WOULD BE THE CLIMAX of the stated slow-burn friendship. anyways, a bad girl with a puppy boy is 😎 so im still shipping ryujin with jake :<<
🌖 bub highlight the whole text, scroll upwards, and choose regular instead of numbered list 😭 i hope this helps 💀 OFC JUST DROP ALL THE THEORIES AAAA WE NEED ALL THE RESOURCES WE CAN GET 😌
OMGG NOW THAT YOU MENTIONED IT 🌺 , it really does remind of the second maze runner series 💀 i read the books and regret not watching the movie BC I SAW THE ARTIST WHO ACTED AS MINHO AND WAS LIKE, ok haha. i can t bring myself to watch or read a story that i already know what will happen. just takes the fun out of it :<<
slc jisung as a mafia boss (??) 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 i would love that.
https://ibb.co/JpLrhmt (feel like it s jennie tho)
LG ANON, I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!!! "(imagine going away for three days and then you come back and my account is deleted JHSJWSHSJS)" -> a great prank <333 it s tru, ash is very passionate about writing !!!
- ␈ i wish asks have a read more
this has the same energy as minho forgetting changbin when he was trying to remember everyone’s birthdays pls. i gave u trust issues now huh, u think i’m always just trynna bamboozle u or smth 😭
felix 🥺☹️ he just wanted to be useful, did u know i was considering killing him off but rly the image of jisung and yuna having to drag a dead felix away is just too dark, i cannot. and wow, that sounds like a gameshow 💀 “first person to speak first gets a character arc!!!”— you team felix again now 😭?
this is the part i’m lowkey excited about too. jisung’s arc. omg, i’ve been dropping subtle hints about jisung’s arc since season 1 episode 1 (as in the character intros even) and like, took me so long but it’s finally gonna come 🤧
and yeah, jeongin and seungmin face off is v v obvious at this point plus the hwang twins redemption arc 😏 also dropped a few hints about that in the haunting
JSHWJSHSS the student council arc oohfhdehajshwuhaajaha i’m so hyped, so many speculation about the VP, we’ll see 🤔🤔🤔. i’m gonna start writing for ehaloj soon, just thinking about HOW i’ll do it. i haven’t decided how i wanted it to start yet (whether in smau form or in an introductory written chapter) plus the setting, idk if i should start like, mid-season idk.
are you saying hyunjin’s death wasn’t superhero-like? 🥲😔 JSHWJSHWHS but yeah, that was also one of the parts that broke my heart, he really just jumped off with no hesitation. i could say some more stuff like “the rooftop is only on the fifth floor, and the height of that wouldn’t’ve been enough to kill him in one go”— but honestly, who wants to hear some more depressing shit like that 😀. and the juxtaposition of the rising sun vs. his falling body— i cant 💔💔💔💔💔
are they? 🤧😏
“the series already took in drugs and theft.” I’M SORRY OKAY 💀💀💀. hmmm you think lia’s gonna be a baddie eh? we’ll see we’ll see~ AND YEAH, I LOVE THE BADDIE x SOFTIE TROPE TOO OML. like, most of the time, the baddie is the guy so for this one, i wanted to reverse the tables and make the baddie the gal ♥️
KI HONG LEE ♥️♥️♥️ (minho). he’s also in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt plus a cute sad movie called “Everything Before Us”—had a phase where i literally watched everything he’s in. he’s so cute. honestly, all minhos are supreme.
brb deleting my account rn.
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