#but if i develop this specific wip more im probably going to go the opposite direction in that specifc area
maaaxx · 2 years
📓for the ask game. Gimme all the juicy details on a fic you haven’t written yet <3
okay so like i have this one mutual that got me really into shipping Sokka and Azula, (@balsa-margarita , hey bestie <3). And I really want to do something with that, But I have no confidence whatsoever in writing Azulas pov. I do, however have full confidence in writing Sokka and his pov. I feel like I depict him better than any other canon character I write, so maybe I can work with that.
this specific idea is still very new and im still working through the specifics but like, you know those Zuko stories where something happens that throws the course of the story completely away from canon and Zuko's redemption arc coils around that event like a snake and like launches him into Sokka's arms and a lot of his redemption is deeply inbedded in Sokka too??? (Think 'The Art of Burning, Leaving it all behind/Risking it all, Blue I think is another one) I want something like that, but like Azula.
Maybe even without the shipping part of it, but I really want to do a fic where Azula gets an actual support system and has her 'redemption' revolve around that, whether that be the gaang, the water tribe, ty lee and mai or even maybe ursa or zuko if i feel like having the 'repairing relationships' thing a part of it.
i also really want a large portion of that story going into her relationship with zuko and what specifically went wrong there and how it can be fixed to where they act like normal siblings and not what you see in canon. Same with Ursa and Iroh.
#This is the potential wip that has most of my focus right now despite it being nothing more than a vaque concept at best#But I love Azula and how her relationships are depicted#and people in this fandom dont seem to understand how complicated her relationships are#like there are so many different ways you can interpret Azula and Ursa#Because of my own mom issues I think I lean into the demonizing ursa part of this#im projecting#and im most likely going to go that route in ihiap#because when azula becomes a bigger part of the plot shes going to bring up some points about ursa that makes the swt go 🤨🤨 towards zuko#he is such an unreliable narrator#i love it#and a lot of the points im going to make are very construed and like the type of thing that could be cannon#but like its probably not#but if i develop this specific wip more im probably going to go the opposite direction in that specifc area#and have more of the ' ursa tried her best but it wasnt good enough' thing#and work on expanding on that#i think most people that follow me know im very critical iroh#like i feel like him and zuko had a good relationship when he was a kid#but like after lu ten died that shifted more into a zuko and iroh using eachother as a coping mechanism thing#another thing im going to touch on in ihiap#book three is going to be so great especially the second half#im getting off track#but i think irohs relationship with azula will also be touched on#and IF (big if) that can be repaired.#ANyWHO#eels tag#look your the first one of my mutuals to get their own tag#you better feel special#ly bestie :)#asks#max thinks shes relevant
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inyoursheets · 4 years
2, 16, 18, 23!
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
wow ok this is surprisingly hard to answer! confronting! im not even sure, there isn’t anything specific ive got planned out that im excited to write. i don’t have any future projects planned out yet. or. i mean.....there are some things at the tips of my writing fingers but i can’t allow myself to think about them properly yet bc i need to focus on and commit to finishing warm water. and my thesis (ugh).
there are some things from warm water that ive already written that im excited to share, but right now im in a place where writing just isn’t going smoothly, so whenever i have an idea (like the eloquent “sweatpants dick” note i took recently) (my only contribution that day) im not all that confident or excited about it bc im afraid the actual writing itself will be a pain? that i’ll drag my feet for days and it won’t come easy and i’ll hate every second of it -- until things click and the words start flowing, not unlike this post describes. idk i keep really wanting to write and sitting down for it and then it just--won’t happen. or if i do actually try putting pen to paper i just start hating it all, which i don’t want.
so! this is a sad note to end on! here’s some vague things i am looking forward to: i’m looking forward to being excited about writing in general! i’m looking forward to writing something i’m proud of, either in terms of plot or theme or characterization or dialogue or whatever! i’m also looking forward to having that oh-my-god-the-words-are-flowing-from-me moment, regardless of the result tbh, bc i just love that feeling of loving writing and having it come easily. that’s what im excited about -- being excited about writing again.  
Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
ok so i have this terrible writing tendency to not know how to not describe every single action characters make -- every movement, every gesture. particularly on first drafts i feel the urge to describe it all, otherwise i can’t continue. i know that it’s not always necessary to write what happens every single second of a scene, but i can’t seem to stop?
idk if im explaining what i mean correctly -- there’s probably terms for this that i dont know -- but someone who i think manages to do the opposite of what i do very well is @fairhairedkings, who is really good at time jumps and not going overboard w the minute-to-minute descriptions, the way i tend to.
i know it can be pretty tiresome and it’s one of the things that annoys me a lot about my own writing, both in terms of reading it (it can be plain boring?) and for the writing itself. it blocks me! but i can’t seem to stop doing it, feel like i’m glazing over things otherwise or lose track of where im going. i have to keep reminding myself that leaving out certain things doesn’t mean that nothing happens or that people assume nothing happens.
so, to answer the question, ive tried to be a bit more concise with it’s hidden in heartbeats, exhales and in the hope of open hands when i started writing it. that fic is a product of being fed up with my other WIPs and it didn’t take more than a week from its initial idea to the finished product, so i really wanted it to be a quickie, and i thought something tight and concise could work for the plot. i didn’t actually manage to succeed though, still ended up describing just about every action there, too. i don’t think i’ll ever manage to write something concise tbh. i do bad with time jumps, i do bad with less is more, which is unfortunate, bc less can truly, truly be more. so! im gonna try this again some time!
Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
mmm well, warm water originally didn’t include mutual pining -- beth wasn’t supposed to be in love with rio yet, we were gonna watch her fall in love slowly, while he already felt things. but then i ended up almost turning that entirely on its head and now we’ve got the mess that is that this fic in its current state lol. there’s also an AU to warm water that i briefly considered bc of you which i won’t go into now bc of possible spoilers -- but ive considered things!!! 
also for it’s hidden in heartbeats, it was supposed to be more about petty!rio and haha, look, exes trying to get “revenge”, and to be light and funny, but i realized that idk how relationships work, let alone how exes work, so i couldn’t really find any good reasons for them splitting up, at least nothing that could generate comedy, so it ended up getting fairly angsty? idk why this keeps happening -- me planning to do something rom com-esque and it developing into something wayyyyy angstier, but it did!
What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
oh wow idek! ive definitely been working on warm water the longest, so i guess technically that one, but there are some other ideas that have been drifting near the surface that have been there longer and are very underdeveloped and need time and nourishment and attention and love, all of which i can’t give them yet bc im trying to stay focused on warm water and thesis writing. maybe the beth/stan friendship snippet ive got hidden in somewhere in my docs!
thank youuuu for indulging me!!! meta writing asks!!!!
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