#but if i do the colours on paper i cant do them accurate to the irl clothes and that causes some kinda feelin in my brain
itsgeminiwitchling · 6 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. 
Tagged by: The lovely @forestsanctum :) This made my day, sorry I am just responding now I’ve been way too busy atm
1) Nickname: Gem, Gwen 
2) Gender: Female 
3) Star Sign: Well haha.... I haven’t done extensive research on myself and background which I need to and it’s on my list but all I know is I am the most Gemini human ever. 
4) Height: 5′8
5) Time: 1:30 pm 
6)Birthday: June 16th 
7) Favourite Bands: These questions stress me out because there are so many lol Florence + The machine, Vancouver Sleep Clinic, Novo Amor, Borns, The Killers, Cage the Elephant, 1975, One Direction (be quiet if you’re gonna give me shit I love them now and as a band and I have no shame), Fitz & The Tantrums,Young & Giant, Dawn Golden, Sleeping at last, Celtic women, Aquilo, Bon Iver, The Paper Kites, Lord Huron, Famy, Kings of Leon, Hey Violet 
8) Favourite Solo Artist: Lana del Rey, Halsey, Andrew Belle, Jaymes Young, Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Ben Howard, Lykke Li, Ed Sheeran, Saje, Lenachka,, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong 
~The people and bands I have listed here are the ones that I will listen to repeatedly but half the time I listen to specific songs by people but I might not like their other music~ 
9)Song Stuck in my head: Heaven Hiding- Halsey 
10) Last Movie I watched: The Conjuring with all my non-witchy friends and I was extensively asked what was accurate it was too funny, it was a great movie though! 
11) Last Show I watched: Frontier because Jason Moma is my other husband 
12) When Did I create my blog: This past summer I believe 
13) What do I post: (it’s more I just reblog rarely do I make my own posts :)) Witch tips, facts about different witchy items, basic witch stuff, nature posts, animals, positive posts, most of what I reblog is stuff that I plan on putting in my BOS later :) 
14) Last thing I googled: Blackboard for my college account because I needed to do homework lol 
15) Do you have other blogs? Yes I have a harry potter blog and another blog where I just repost stuff I like or fangirl about 
16) Do you get asks? I got one so far and it made my day. People don't send me asks usually ( and I just fixed it so it’s available now)  but I love getting them so if you ever want to send me one don’t be shy! 
17) Why did you choose your url?: Because it was very self-explanatory and people would know what kinda blog I was and I liked the ring to it :) 
18) Following blogs: lol 2,222 I don’t care if I like your blog I’ll follow you so i just keep following people and it’s nice because I see so many different types of content and witches :D
19) Followers: 216 and I love you all you guys are like my little family to me and I see you mutuals!! I appreciate you all so much xx 
20) Favourite colour: Teal, Mint green, baby pink, and yellow 
21) Average hours of sleep: use to be 7-8 now I’m lucky if I get 5 
22) Lucky Number: 6 (this is new), 19, 24,16
23) Instruments: I want to learn how to play the harp so badly and i need to work on my piano- I can play the flute and piano 
24) What am I wearing?: My boyfriends' sweatshirt, mismatching fuzzy socks, old sweatpants 
25) How many blankets I sleep with?: currently 4 
26) Dream job: A vet and conservationist which is what I am in school for right now <3
27) Dream trip: Going back to Scotland or Germany to visit family for a while, Italy, Montana, SanFransico, Washington state, Oregon, Iceland, and France. 
28) Favourite food: cheesecake or coconut creampie
29)Nationality: American
30) Favorite song right now:  I cant pick 
I tag @beastofthehunt @princesse-quartz @roseandwormwood @witchedcrystals @libra-moon-witch @norse-witch @basil-witch @mossmagick
@stepawayfromthecarrot @themysticwood @maebaby1 @lilgardenfaerie @flawedtrauma there are loads more of you feel free to fill this out :) 
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rpritchardjournal · 4 years
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In order to jump start my practice in my new studio space- I had an idea for a small project influenced by Daniel Joseph Martinez. When researching identity politics in art for my essays last term, I was particularly drawn to the controversies of the 1993 Whitney Biennial. Daniel Joseph Martinez’s now emblematic artwork Museum Tags, to me, epitomises the controversy of the time; labeled as racists and anti-white.
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(Daniel Joseph Martinez, Museum Tags: Second Movement (overture) or Overture con claque – Overture with Hired Members, 1993- image from)
I feel however, that Museum Tags highlights the too often miscalculation of what the dominant culture thinks minorities want- to usurp the dominant culture, or over take them- to become what they are. David J.Getsy explains “Difference should be difficult. It should not simply be grudgingly admitted and sidelined, nor should the aim be for it to disappear in some fantasy of an expanded and more inclusive ‘normal’ (p.13 ‘Queer’, Documments of Contemporary Art). The suggestion here being that it should be in celebrating our differences that we reach a more equal society. It is this sentiment that I see in Martinez’s work ‘Museum Tags’- the resistance of assimilation into ‘acceptable’ society, and a celebration of difference.
The ideas explained by Getsy- and the Cocteau quote “I will not agree to be tolerated. This damages my love of life and liberty” (Le Livre Blanc) are ones that I feel are important and that I want to remember while making my work. This year has made more clear than ever the work that still needs doing to confront systematic, institutionalised, and overt discrimination towards people of colour, ethnic minorities, and queer people- and as a queer person and ally to others, to not address these issues would be inexcusable. The ideas surrounding identity being explored in 1993 feel equally as relevant and poignant now.
I decided to do my own take on ‘Museum Tags’, changing the quote from ‘I Can’t Imagine Ever Wanting to Be White’ to ‘I Can’t Imagine Ever Wanting to Be Straight’.
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(Picture from)
The original ‘Museum Tags’ were modeled after the existing admittance tags to the Museum. Using images of the original tags I created an outline matching that of the shape in Adobe Illustrator, and tried to find a font similar to that used by Martinez- settling on Futura PT as a base for editing and customising the letters as objects.
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While Martinez’s ‘Museum Tags’ were colourful- I made a conscious choice to utilize the pride flag colours for my badges, matching the Hex codes of the official pride flag colours. 
It is sometimes overlooked, the significance of the pride flag colours- each having a symbolic meaning.
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(Picture from)
Over the course of lockdown there has been some controversy about the widespread adoption of the rainbow as a symbol for the NHS over the COVID-19 pandemic. The conscious choice to include the pride flag colours aims to reiterate the significance of the pride flag for queer people- especially as LGBTQIA+ lives and rights are worryingly being infringed upon. 
While I did not have physical metal tags to create an accurate replica of the ‘Museum Tags’- I did decide to print versions onto glossy photo paper to give them more weight and a similar shine. I cut these out to mirror the appearance of the original tags. I also experemented with variations of the text colour as I had seen different colours used amoungst the documentation of the original tags. 
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If I were to pursue this idea further- I would perhaps consider printing them onto stickers to be worn- to add a participatory element reflecting the act of labeling oneself. 
Overall, while I invision this work standing alone alongside a broader theme relating to safespaces and digital comfort and the implications for queer people within that, this project helped me to consider ideas that are important to me and that I want to hold onto while continuing my practice- as well as begin the creative process and generating of ideas. Over the course of this term I don’t want to shy away from small ideas to sit alongside my more focused work as I realize I perhaps have been in previous years- as I am coming to see that these projects can be just as valuable for stimulating and provoking new and different thoughts.
Sources + Information used: 
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mushmeyers · 7 years
elmer headcanon post
collab post with the loml @spotsies cuz they have the best fucking headcanons
elmer can’t keep a funny thought to himself. he’ll think of a good comeback and say it, no matter how inappropriate the context is. this has gotten him into trouble more than its worth
elmer doesn’t believe that anything is microwave unsafe. 
half of the lodging houses spoons can be found in elmer’s room, and the others have given up on getting them back from him
he’s amazing at maths! he adores math puns because hes a generally really humorous person so it appeals to two of his interests
he helps the other newsies out with their accounting and money saving. 
he loves wearing odd socks. whenever he gets more socks he gleefully unmatches them. albert is stressed
elmer clicks pens and it annoys the shit out of other newsies
he also chews on any pencil you could give him
dont give him stationary
he eats paper
specifically, the papes bc he heard jack say they did one time.
him and smalls are like, sitting together tearing bits off and eating them one night and race is like what the fuck are you doing
he is distractable and zones out often. he never has much clue whats going on but he takes it in his stride! 
if he was an animal he’d be a duck
elmer said one morning “ wow this is a headline even i can sell! “ because he loves making a joke out of himself/being the butt of the joke, b/c he finds it hilarious, and it became a meme
he's really interested in politics but super cynical of it and makes fun of it
he has a smile and a joke for anyone
hes not the best at advice but hes a great listener if he can stay on track
he has the beeeeest hugs 
when hes bored or stressed he twirls a lock of hair around a finger
he loves clinking sounds like the spoons so he carries his little bag of coins and shakes it when hes anxious for the ching ching ching and he taps his feet when hes anxious too, elmer is never still
elmer lives for fluffy blankets
he can also imitate a wide variety of animals like, scary accurate
spends an ungodly amount of time trying to lick his elbow and his nose.  hes SO SURE he can lick his elbow. he cant.  alberts creepy and doublejointed so he can, elmer is very jealous
he loves sweet food! hes not picky but its a treat
hates coffee, but drinks it with a SHITLOAD of sugar if he needs a wake me up
he has weirdly good posture
his mood is affected by the weather a lot 
he often has really vivid dreams about whatever was in the paper that day. he sleeptalks but never to the point whrre you can understand what hes saying
his favourite colour is blue, but he doesnt wear much of it
he sometimes puts coloured string around his finger to remember things,  but he can never remember what hes meant to be remembering
he tries to wear watches but always ends up taking them off because he hates how they feel on his wrist. nevertheless, whenever anyone asks him the time he says “time to get a watch!”
he loves documentaries, especially ones about conspiracy theories. he loves political conspiracy theories (and fights with albert about extraterrestrial ones)
 he mumbles times tables under his breath when hes really nervous- the repetitiveness and certainty calms him
he has his shoelaces triple tied because he trips over them really easy when they come undone so he does that to stop them 
he HATES the texture and taste of carbonated water with a passion
and he likes pigeons but sometimes their wings flapping unnerves him
his favourite kind of joke is shaggy dog stories. he’s good at getting people really invested in it and then laughs really hard at the end
he’s constantly laughing at his own jokes. like, sometimes he has to take a break because he says something so funny and just needs to leave the room and take a breath
hes terrible at hopscotch- but AMAZING at hand clapping games. one on one or in a group, hes just so good. the patterns come so easily to him
sometimes he waits for his ice cream to melt before eating it
he has so much fun making up secret handshakes but he never remembers them
in fact he’s generally pretty forgetful. he’s been known to forget vital things and have to have other newsies point it out to him. oftentimes he forgets to give context to stories he tells people and leaves them very confused
sometimes he waits for his ice cream to melt before eating it
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sour-gummi-kiwi · 7 years
hey here are some Shitty post-game troll kingdom ideas
I had a cool convo with @sparkliee so im gonna unlock the secrets of the universe via copy paste
There are only 4 (four) colours of blood, Cerulean, teal, jade, (all jade bloods are rainbow drinkers now, but whether or not they Activate is their own choice) and Candy Red. The population is about equal between them all, 35% red, 21% for the others. The difference is because hybrids exist, and as ppl got older and Libidos came into creation, prospitians, dersites, and humans all have red blood, changing the balance a bit. If a Teal blood and a prospitian were to make a baby, it would have red blood to support the prospitian features. It would be far more unbalanced if the species had been resurrected more than 20 years ago, but the balance will tip largely eventually. There are only four blood colors b/c the trolls that had them lived, and everyone else died to hard to get the genetic material back. (it  has to be jizz, unfortunately) and no one  wants to EVEN THINK abt gamzee here, lets b real.
The hemospectrum hierarchy can't even exist with so few blood colours, especially since the population amounts per colour are so even. Should things shift enough, or purple bloods return so there's more colours, the hemospectrum won't come back because it's Shitty, and the Kungeys would kick ur ass into the nth dimension if u tried to bring it back.
Before terezi hoofed it to find vriska, she oversaw the justice system in the trollian kingdom, and helped improve others elsewhere!!!! She was on earth for 5 years and set up all the laws, and how to deal with people that break them.
No Murder. Its illegal, just like it is in the rest of the world. No matter what, you cannot assist in a suicide bc thats murder!!!! if someone does you dirty, and not in a kissmesis way, u tell the Cops in your CH or area!!! (they can be found where the info gatherers are)
No Stealing. things still belong to people u stupid head, just barter with them for it!!!! Refusing to give service for something also counts as theft!!! if its not up for sale, or its in their h o m e, fUCK OFF!!!!!!! the punishment for this ranges, depending on previous arrests and the importance of said item. IF YOU STEAL A  P E R S O N YOU CAN BE HELD TO THE SAME STANDARD AS A MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!
Attempting to Bring Harm to another person is illegal, Unless That Person Is Your Kissmesis. You cant just assault someone if you’re in a bad mood!!!! Get ur kissmesis and a bucket, Dave’s sake. 
Attempting to Spread Ideals that Contradict That of The New State is Illegal. this might sound like "don't criticize the government or u go to jail" but its just dont bring back shit like the hemospectrum, anything like that. No nazis in our country.
Those are the big 4, basically anything else falls into one of those. (rape is #3 but even if its ur kissmesis its illegal.)
The jury Was, at first, the best lawyers terezi could find, but as time went on, actual Trolls took those places. Its 7 people, a prosecutor and defence lawyer, and the judge.  Since there's so little crime (b/c ppl are happy and don't feel the need to do Bad Stuff) Terezi herself is the Judge (while she was gone it was Rose), and shit gets INTENSE!!!! Its innocent until proven guilty on paper, but terezi is far more "guilty until proven innocent"-minded, so these trials can get S P I C Y. there was a small spike in crime for the first, like year or so, while terezi was gone looking for vriska. Once she was back, things changed back to normal. There has only been about 375 cases in the whole 20 years, most disputes over if something was "paid off" properly. Those are solved pretty easy. There has only been a couple dozen reports of #3, two of #1, and none of #4. There has only been about 375 cases in the whole 20 years, most disputes over if something was "paid off" properly. Those are solved pretty easy. There has only been a couple dozen reports of #3, two of #1, and none of #4.
Its been abt 20 years since the kiddos arrived on earth, and the trolls took their new kingdom to like, northern africa and the whole kingdom is no bigger than iran
It's just barter instead of money, and since money doesn't "exist," ppl just sort of, do stuff like build roads and stuff at the request of the Kringles, and they give them stuff in return. When dealing with other cultures that use currency, trolls kind of do that "if u give me a free coffee i'll clean your kitchen for u" thing. Other countries are p respectful abt the whole thing. 
Jobs are abundant, as trolls can do Lots of stuff humans can't (psiconics, animal communication, mind control) but they also do regular stuff in their society, like cook, clean, and do service jobs.
There are Communal Hives along with the regular 1 troll hive. Communal hives are like, first nations log houses (idk if u know what that is but its VERY accurate to what im going for here) but REALLY big buildings. There can be anywhere from 60 to 250 trolls living in a single communal hive. Once a troll turns, like 10, they can make the choice of going to a CH (communal hive) or staying on their own. This decision can be changed at any time, but all the stuff u have to do to get in a CH (like proof of identity, ur passport, the stuff u got) is more complicated the older you get. People still got lussi, but there are far more rules on what types of creatures can even be lussi (Vriska's for example, just wouldn't happen), and one would also get to take your lusus with you when you enter it. It’s the school and living space of most trolls.
Politics don't really exist for trolls?? Whoever is incharge of your CH tells "info collectors" what the deal with stuff is, then its overseen and sent off to the royals (kanaya+karkat) so they can do stuff. Ppl that live on their own have info collectors assigned to an area, and if u live there u tell them the deal. 
Cities in Troll Town (i dont got a name yet r ip) are basically just out door malls? like they got hotels ("u sleep here but u gotta fix it after, capiche?? and do ur own dishes, for Dave's sake") and stuff, but they're mostly hUGE barter places, where u trade stuff for other stuff. Things like libraries are in CH's but u can find more expansive ones in cities, there are universities, places u go when u want to learn more, and they're just university but Good, and most cities have a couple CH's in the area (like half a mile away or so) so ppl can actually. Go there. 
Trollian cities like Captor, Medigo, Ampora (yes i named them after the dead kiddos b/c they need to be remembered somehow) are H U G E attractions to other races. 
Ampora is a coastal town, big in fishing, and you can take tours of the waters there in submarines and stuff, theres lots of resorts.
Captor is mostly technology based, with Universities creating Cool New stuff all the time. Imagine troll tokyo.
Medigo is right in the desert, and has the biggest population of non-trolls in the trollian kingdom, humans mostly, b/c theres lots of stuff about history there, and the most expansive shows telling the tales of the gods (basically a play of all of homestuck) are there.
Knowledge of the gods and their stories are treated as history lessons all over the globe, and knowing what to do should you be chosen to play the game is knowledge as universal as knowing what friendship is. U gotta know this stuff, just in case. 
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tumblunni · 7 years
I suddenly had a random idea for WIP character Admiral Chiffon! I was thinking it could be cool if she had like a medieval age makeshift prosthetic arm. I was always REALLY dissappointed when I discovered Vincent from FF7 didnt really have one of those, apparantly he just chooses to wear one piece of armour on that arm and not the other one. Because aesthetic...? But yeah, my idea was something like that! More like a brace that helps her use a partially disabled arm, instead of replacing a missing one. I was thinking that maybe she suffered nerve damage and can move her arm a little but not control it very accurately. So she has it set to this gauntlet to keep it relatively steady, and it has some rudimentary pulleys and levers to move between several preset positions. She’d have some strings that run underneath her clothes and attatch to her other glove, allowing her to move that hand by tugging on it with the other hand. Doing different finger positions to call up the preset movements in her paralyzed limb. But she has trouble with not knowing how much strength she’s exerting with this arm, she can grip a glass so hard it shatters. And she can’t let go of a handshake unless she can flip the right switch on the mechanism. Both of these once combined in one big disaster of a political meeting, and we shall NEVER SPEAK OF THAT AGAIN
Also I’m randomly thinking that I wanna have some sort of dragons or wyverns or some new made-up monster steed of awesomeness. I liked the wyvern knights from fire emblem and I wished we could see more worldbuilding of what their day to day life is like. I figured in this setting it could allow for that, since we’re a civilian settlement trying to rally a ragtag improv army to defend our home! It could be cool as an optional sidequest to have the protagonist be able to take lessons in wyvern riding, or maybe you could select different characters to take the sidequest and have fun variations in how it goes down? But I think for protagonist it could be useful cos they’re unable to walk and getting an adorable steed would help them gain battlefield mobility. And with their specialization in long distance archery they could take a good role remaining super high up throughout the battle and scouting out and sniping and stuff! ALSO i just think wyverns are cute It could be hella sweet to have some sort of mentor wyvern keeper who’s like a kindly conservationist and the stables are basically old Folks Senior Dogs Sanctuary. And the wyverns could be an opportunity to have some actual traits of horses that most stories ignore when they’re used as mounts. They’re very skittish cuties! Imagine a big ol dragonhorse being spooked by a paper bag or a door painted a different colour. Snuffling around clumsily for treats cos they cant see past their nose~ And I was already thinking up an idea for how your training could be with a sweetheart elderly wyvern that cant fly anymore, and then at the end of it maybe bandits attack and wyvern grandma flies for the very last time to save you! And then you help raise one of her newborn grandchildren for your final lesson, and that becomes your mount instead of her. And maybe it would be possible to save her or possible for her to die during the raid, but either way she’s very old and very ill and probably won’t last until the end of the game. Pushing herself to fly one last time made her health even worse, so she just enters a peaceful retirement as a very large housepet. Which could actually lead to another sidequest, since as the leader of the army you’ll have to deal with people’s complaints that we can’t afford to waste resources on a non-combatant beast of burden. ENDLESS SAD GRANDMA HORSE PLOTS tho also a lot of cuteness and hope and relief and friendship and tiny tiny magic babies hatching from lil eggs and CHOOSE WHICH COLOUR ONE U WANT TO HUG FIRST And I was thinking it would be extremely adorable if Malachi was able to do the wyvern knight quest, he would just be SO FILLED WITH PURE CHILD JOY at all these big cuddly doggos that arent doggos. Never even seen one before! So pretty! Can you tell this one that I said “I love you”? Super death claws demon boy just sneaking down to the wyvern stables at night to give his blanket to his favourite. Man I love malachi, i wish i could friggin decide on his colourscheme so I could make more progress with his character...
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skiasurveys · 7 years
What is your name? jen How old are you? 20, 21 in december  And lastly, where are you located? canada How do you feel about tomato sauce with chunks of tomato? barf lol Do people think you look like either of your parents? they usually say i look like my dad, which i do, but i think im really half/half
Does that offend you? no
What is your nationality/heritage? Canadian (born), swedish, Ukrainian and French Does it fit you? yes. I look very Ukrainian IMO.not swedish though lol Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? regular but i dont really care Are you more of a talker or a listener? depends on who i am with, but usually a talker unless im around ppl idk then a listener  Do you interrupt when people talk? no unless i have to Do you think its weird when people talk to their pets like people? no Where do most of your relatives live? Canada, or the UK. Is your weight proportionate to your height? i mean apparently im supposed to be 105, but im 130, but i look good. i dont really think those things are accurate because everyone carries their weight differently, i would look weird 105 pounds What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? colins place with connor i think..damn that was a long time ago Do you prefer leather or lace? lace  What was the manufacturer of the last vehicle you were in? Toyota  Would you ever buy a motorcycle? no. What is the most unusual thing in your reach right now? ruler Are you sitting by a window right now? yes. Does your door have to be closed in order for you to sleep? no Do you have anything other than posters or pictures on your walls? no What is the furthest you have traveled alone? no where Have you ever ridden a train? no How about a subway? no What is the last thing you measured? my paper for art class Have you ever done something you told yourself you’d never do? yes..weed lmaoooo What did you do on the busiest day of your life? school probably Have you ever traveled to another country? yes. Have you traveled to another continent? no What is something someone can say that always cheers you up? “wanna get food” Do you think everyone is born innocent? yeah i do Or do you think “evil” is predetermined? no, i do believe environment has a lot to do with that, and how you are raised too. Obviously there are some mental health issues too that can go along with it. Are you tattooed? no. Or does it freak you out? no, i want some! Are you pierced? If so, where? no. i had my ears done but i took them out for like 20 mins and they closed -___- Are attracted to or put off by people who are heavily pierced or tattooed? no, i like tats but there is a limit imo but whatever floats your boat Do you have any predjudices? not rly Have you ever been called a derogatory name? yes What was the meanest thing you’ve been called? a cunt, pathetic, waste of space, all said by my ex friend, thanks jennifer  Have you done anything productive today, anyway? not really.. Eaten anything delicious today? mcdonalds haha Do you have any pets? If so, what species/breed? cats. both siamese mix How did you acquire said pets? we got misty when i was 11 from a farm, and i got archer from my boyfriend, idk how he got him..i think from a friend or something Have you ever gotten a pet at a shelter? no Have you ever taken in a stray animal? we did when i was a baby Do you have or want children? i dont want kids  How do you feel about marriage? i would like to be married to my boyfriend lol Ever been close? to marriage? yes Are you confident in your appearance? not reallly Do you enjoy looking at yourself? no ….Do people think you are conceited or vain? no i dont think so Are you optimistic, pessimistic or “realistic” ? realistic/pess Do you enjoying taking pictures? yes i do Do you take pictures of THINGS, or are you just a camera whore? both lol Do you have a significant other? yes i do, 2 years strong <3 If so, what’s your favorite thing about this person? just him i guess, just him being next to me doing whatever, the way he makes me laugh, and how he can talk to me and calm me down bout stuff How long have you been involved with them? 2 years and bit Do you think they are “the one”? i think so, i really hope. i dont wanna deal with heartbreak and i dont wanna deal with meeting someone else, im really in love with him …Do you believe in “the one” or “soulmates”? i do, but i do believe we have multiple “soul mates” because of the butterfly effect, like if i never said yes to a date with my current BF, i could be with someone els and maybe think they were my soul mate, its weird to think about i guess haha 4 Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? no but i have liked someone just cus they were hot lmao What about dating someone simply because you felt too bad to say no? noooo. i could never date someone i wasnt actually into!! How do you feel about casual sex? its cool but i couldnt do it. ..Are you eating anything right now? no. Does it drive you INSANE when people chew with their mouth open? eh, as long as i dont see or hear it LOL What about when they talk with their mouth full?? doesnt bother me unless they do it all the time and/or i cant hear shit Does any food always make you sick but you love it too much to not eat it? eh, bad food does usually. How do you feel about alcohol? i like it but not as much Have you ever been drunk? yes. Do you like orange juice with pulp? no Or… do you prefer not chewing your juice? yes Do you scream for ice cream? i actually don’t really like ice cream. <--- same Which orange came first; the color or the fruit? the colour i would imagine since colours have always been, and im assuming thats why they named it orange cus of its colour  Chicken or the egg, really? chicken but it probably was a diff type of chicken ..evolution maybe Are you addicted to anything? attention..smoothies Do you tell white lies? i do actually not intending too sometimes i do, but not an everyday thing What is your favorite pair of shoes? my doc martens or converse Are you more creative or logical? creative IMO Do you know what people mean when they say “type A personality”? i think they means they like stuff a certain way, and more logical than feelings Are you in school? If so, for what? college and for visual arts What is your dream job? animator i think Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? no. Do you feel bad when bad things happen to other people? yes. Or, do you not care? i care If you don’t, do you feel guilty about that? - Do you laugh at things that aren’t supposed to be funny? yeah i do Is it only funny til someone gets hurt? ummm  Then is it hilarous? idk. Does your favorite shirt have words on it? yes If so, what does it say? guns n roses Aren’t you a little nervous about posting photos online? no not really Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? depression and ocd Have you ever stolen something? yeah when i was younger44444 What was the reason you washed your hands last? i pet the dog How do you feel about getting blood drawn? dont like it, but idc. What are you afraid of? losing connor Is there something you should be doing?
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b1a4seeyou · 6 years
Birthday Gift
Summary: Celebrating your special day with an idol isnt easy
Genre: Kinda cliche but FULL OF FLOOF!!!!!
Note: Happy one day late birthday, @masatohijirikawas!!! I’ve been following you for who knows when and you’re one of my favorite Utapri, or more accurately, Masato love blog. Your love for Masato is so strong and full of pure love, please never forget that!! So since wishing you isn’t enough, I hope you dont mind that I’m giving you this rushed out cliche short writing and I hope you’re having the best days of your lives with your love for Masato. ;w; (PS: It’s best if you read this with Sanctuary ygfghvyfug)
Sounds of cheering screams calling their idols’ names, colourful rainbow lights surrounding the stage moving in unison to the beat, it was an amazing performance done by Starish and Quartet Night. As a fan of them AND a girlfriend of one of the members, watching them perform live isn’t new but the excitement feeling still arose in your heart. Watching every member singing while their fans dancing along with their lightsticks, concerts will never not excite you. Especially when he’s on stage and on the front stage right in front you. Getting the hot seat tickets was not that easy, but thank the gods you were lucky to get one so you can see him up close. Hearing his melodic voice never fails you from falling into him more, no matter how many times you’ve heard it. At certain times, he’ll catch a glimpse of you from the front row and shyly winked at you. Even though that excited the other fans around you but it’s better to think that way.
By the end of the concert, everyone exited the venue and you quietly slid through the crowd and to the backstage. You’d already mastered the skill on sneaking to the backstage ever since you started dating so it was a piece of cake to you. Making sure no one saw you, you hurriedly went inside to their dressing room. Knocking on Starish’s door with their cheerful reply, everyone was really happy to see you as you entered. Everyone gathered around you and asked about their performance, laughing and taking in your review as usual but the man you’re looking for wasn’t with them. You asked them for his whereabouts and not until then, the door behind you opened, revealing the strands of blue hair as he walked inside.
“Masato!” Your heart felt warm as the man you’re dying to see came to view and gave him the biggest hug around his neck. He wasn’t expecting that surprise but from you, any surprise made him blush. “Man, I’m really jealous of you both. Seeing you two being lovey dovey made my heart crushed huhu,” said Otoya as he clutched his chest, pretending he’s in pain. The both of you chuckled at his playful act and released each other from the hug. “Awwww. I never forget about you. Group hug!” And everyone gathered for a group hug. “Betting you’re waiting for him to go home, ay or nay?” asked Syo. “Well, as usual. I can’t let her walk alone at night,” Masato replied as he hugged your shoulder and pulled you close. “Well, well. We don’t get to see Masato getting all smooth in front of us that often, don’t we?” Masato gave a slight glare to Ren, you can feel the tension between those two. “I’ll wait outside while you get changed, okay?” You hugged him once more and stepped outside. Though once you closed the door, Masato was already started to feel embarrassed for being that straightforward, especially right in front of the group.
After Masato stepped out of the dressing room, you both walked side by side home and talked about your days with him. While in a conversation, you suddenly remembered an important note you’d set in mind to ask him. “Hey, Masato. Do you have any schedules or plans for tomorrow?” He stroked his chin, deep in thought, “I have a few shootings with the others and probably dance practice.” “Oh.” You already knew he already had a batch of projects in hand, not expected for an idol. “Do you have something in mind?” he asked, seeing your gloomy expression showing on your face but you shaked your head and smiled. “Just asking.” As you arrived home, you kissed him good night and entered your room, tossing your bag aside and slumped yourself on bed. Tomorrow is actually your birthday and that day would be very special to you celebrating with him. You already made plans with him by your side in mind but knowing he’s an idol, it was expected your plans wouldn’t come true. But not only you wanted to celebrate your birthday with him, you just want to spend some time with him. You both had rarely went on dates as his schedule was getting more packed. ‘I just want spend some time with him for just one day.’ You thought and got up, getting ready for bed.
Morning came once again and today’s the day! You wished yourself happy bithday and got up to start your day. You saw a note from Masato on your bedside, saying he had to get to the setting early. He must be really busy, forgotten today’s your special day but you already forgave him, it wasn’t his fault anyway. You went out to a cakery nearby and treated yourself with some sweets, spent your days on window-shopping, thinking he’ll probably asked you a bunch if you stared a certain item for too long, which made you giggled at that thought. You missed talking to him, holding his hand, his cute expression when his mood lightened. You missed his presence and even in this day, you just really hope he’s with you. You sighed and was about to head home for the day when your phone buzzed with a short message from Masato. [Park] It was strange, normally he would type out a long formal message. Seeing this one-word message coming from him, you were suspecting something so you shoved your phone into your bag and head for the central park.
The sun had set and you’re already at the park, but you see no sign of Masato around. It’s getting more suspicious that Masato is very punctual and isn’t the kind of person to be late in a certain appointment. You tried walking around to see any human presence when you saw a sudden human figure rushing into the forest nearby. “Masato?” You didn’t even see the glimpse of that figure but you believed that’s him. “Masato, is that you? Where are you?” You tried following the figure and walked into the forest. You felt really uncomfortable as the night comes and decided to go back, but your intention changed when you saw a piece of paper attached to a tree. You picked it up and by surprise, it’s a note written “Follow the string”. Your expression went shocked. The handwriting was different from the note that morning. So you searched around the area and found the string on one of the nearby trees.
As you followed the string, you saw something was clipped on it and picked it up. Your eyes widen as it was a polaroid photo of you. You looked up and found more of these polaroid photos were clipped on the string. Walking deeper and deeper as you follow the string while looking at the photos, you almost teared up for the last photo was you and Masato together. You weren’t expecting it until you turned to see bright lights hanged on the trees, given light to the center of flowerbeds under a bigger tree with all the photos of you two. Your heart felt so warm, you tried to held back the tears in your eyes, when you felt a pair of hands covering them while singing. You know this song. The melody, the lyrics, the angelic voice... You removed the hands and looked on your shoulder, facing the angel who you’ve been longing to be with. You’re trying so hard not to cry, he stroked your cheek as to say he wouldn’t mind. A tear flowed down your cheek and hugged him so tight, covering your face from letting him see you cry. Once he finished his song, you looked up to see him smiling while wiping the tears from your face. “I thought you were working,” you sniffed. “I did but I had time to get all of this prepared. Thanks to the guys.” Sounds of bushes ruffling from the side was heard, revealing the other members with their playful grins. “You guys... Then all this time...” “I know it was actually sudden but even though I’ve got my hands full, I’m not gonna miss my girlfriend’s special day. Happy birthday, Boo.” Even though you could see flushes of red on his cheeks, he then brought his face closer to you and his lips met yours. Cant handle the cuteness and sweetness from your beloved, you accept it and embraced this sudden but special gift he presented, with the boys cheering and coming out of the bushes to celebrate your birthday together.
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today was going to be my only full day in kyoto and i had planned a lot of good stuff such as: going to the golden pavilion and then going to the ryoanji zen garden and then making my way to the north east side of kyoto to have a cup of green tea at nanzenj and then walk around gion and go back to eikan-do for the night time illuminations. quite an AGGRESSIVE plan that i BRACED myself for. BUT DID NOT GO AS PLANNED. 
first of all, i left the hostel before 9am today. DIDNT SEE THE CUTE GUY in the olive green rain jacket. DIDNT SEE THE CUTE GUY THAT WORKS THERE EITHER. -.- before i left canada, today was the day that i planned to buy a bus and subway day pass, but since i was so successful with bussing the previous day, i opted to buy a bus pass to save some money. lol. so BEFORE i hopped on the bus to go to KINKAKU-JI (golden pavilion), i went to the convenience store to get a 500ML bottle of water and an onigri. the family mart was right outside the bus stop which was nice. so when i got on the bus, a few stops later, I NOTICED I WAS ON THE WRONG BUS -____-. so i got off AS SOON AS I COULD and went to a bus stop that would take me to the right place. luckily that bus was coming soon so i just waited and THEN HOPPED RIGHT ON :P. AND THEN THE BUS WENT OUT OF SERVICE SO EVERYONE HAD TO GET OFF. LIKE WTFFFFFFF -__- AND THIS BUS STOP WAS RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE FAMILY MART I HAD MY MORNING ONIGRI AT... WHICH MEANT THAT I WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET WHEN I FIRST BOARDED THE BUS. anyways, so then i just went on the next bus, since it was the same bus number. THEN I HAD TO GET OFF SOMEWHERE TO TRANSFER, which i did. HOWEVER, i transferred to the WRONG BUS. the final bus that i was on had “ginkaku-ji” on it BUT I TOOK IT AS KINKAKU-JI because “g” and “k” are often interchangeable in asian countries. (i.e. eunkwang, the leader in btob, is sometimes referred to as eungwang. also another example is the guy from infinite - sometimes he is sunggyu and sometimes he is sungkyu.) but DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME! so i i just rode the bus leading to ginkaku-ji until i hit the destination. once i got off the bus, it was around 11am. it took me 2 hours to reach this place -_____-. and I DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS AT THE WRONG PAVILION UNTIL I WHATSAPPED A PICTURE TO MY FAMILY AND THEY NOTIFIED ME I WAS AT THE SILVER PAVILION AND NOT THE GOLDEN PAVILION. LIKE FML. SO MORAL OF THE STORY: GINKAKU AND KINKAKU ARE NOT THE SAME!!! 
but i still went inside the silver pavilion which was 500 yen. 
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pretty leaves and trees, but the pavilion itself is a little underwhelming. like WHERE IS THE SILVER?! i think if you are tight on time in kyoto, this is somewhere you should skip. the trees/foilage is pretty but i cant imagine going to the silver pavilion when its not fall and when all the trees are green and boring. 
after leaving the silver pavilion, i walked along the philosopher’s path. during march and early april, the philosopher’s path is where all the cherry blossoms are. but during the fall the trees are a bit bare. its a little bit of a dreary path but i kinda liked it. 
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there were a lot of cool shops along the path. i went into one and i bought this really pretty accordion style scrapbook. i dont plan to use it, but the cover is a cherry blossom design, and its just a nice souvenir. there were a lot of other cool sights along the path. a lot of old people painting and i saw some cute japanese girl wearing a beret practicing her flute. def the type of girl some of my guy friends would lust over haha. 
so after my leisurely stroll along the philosopher’s path, i decided to go to eikan-do in the day time instead of night time because I NEEDED TO BUY STUFF AKA GREEN TEA before THE SHOPS CLOSE since EVERYTHING CLOSES EARLY IN KYOTO. and I ALSO decided to not go to nanzen-ji because BY THE TIME THAT I FINISH NANZEN-JI AND EIKAN-DO then it’d be too late to go to kinkaku-ji (MY ACTUAL FIRST DESTINATION FOR THE DAY) and why go to kyoto if you dont go to the GOLDEN TEMPLE?!!?! 
so eikan-do is SO GORGEOUS. it is quite pricy at 1000 yen (around $13 CAD), but totally WORTH. when you walk in, its just a colossal of colours just hitting your eyes since the trees are red, orange and yellow. 
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this is the entrance of eikan-do. pls take in all the TOURISTS there. x.x. with all the tourists, it was a little difficult to walk around and take pics but i managed. 
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so fricking pretty. i dont know what that stone monument is and/or what it means, but i liked it. 
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look at the colours! so gorgeoussss~ the key to having pics with no people in it is to take pics of random things, or just random small paths inside the temple. there is a pagoda inside this area, but when you go to the pagoda, you have to walk up some NARROW STEPS. i was EXTREMELY SCARED but i dont advise people with weak legs to walk up those steps. VERY NARROW and the STEPS ARE VERY SMALL!  that was the only thing beside the massive amount of tourists that i didn’t like. 
after eikan-do i was going to go to kinkaku. BUT ONCE AGAIN, I GOT LOST GOING TO KINKAKU. GODDAMN, i really HATE BUSSING. google maps IS SO UNCLEAR WITH WHERE THE BUS STOPS ARE. i think that part is a little inaccurate in kyoto. so i walked to some BUS STOP as per GOOGLE MAPS and then I TOOK THE BUS, AND IT LED ME BACK TO EIKAN-DO. like WTF?! so i asked the bus driver if i was on the wrong bus and he was like yeah, SO I GOT OFF. and then I JUST WALKED BACK TO WHERE I WENT to go on the WRONG bus, and then walked more to another BUS STOP and then FINALLY, I WAS ON THE RIGHT BUS. thankfully i DID NOT HAVE TO TRANSFER. so i just rode the bus until i hit the GOLDEN PAVILION. phew. PHEW. when i got off the bus stop, i was STARVED. there was a udon resto right outside the bus stop, but i looked it up and the google reviews didn’t look that good AND PLUS THERE WAS NO ONE INSIDE. but i had an okonimiyaki on a stick. i dont think it was particularly good since it was geared towards tourists, BUT I WAS JUST SO HUNGRY I DIDNT CARE. 
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so after wolfing down that okonomiyaki on a stick, i entered the golden pavilion and realized HOW BIG THE DIFFERENCE IS BETWEEN THE TWO PAVILIONS. the golden pavilion is just SO GOLD. ITS GORGEOUS! 
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i wish it was a less cloudy when i went so i could see the sun bouncing off the gold of the pavilion and then the reflection in the water would be prettier. but still, it was so pretty. NOW THATS A PAVILION. i walked around the whole pond just to get the pic at different angles. there were A BUNCH OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. november is truly peak season for kyoto -.- . theres a few things to do after looking at the golden temple - there is a coin toss monument and some other souvenir shops. at most of the temples/shrines in japan, you can write down your wish and or get your fortune. i got my fortune for 100 yen from a machine. 
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haha i was so happy when i got this fortune cos its SO GOOD!!!! BUT i dont think its very accurate because my luck has been quite poor since coming back from japan. but who am i to rely on a piece of paper from a machine to give me luck?! 
i spent around ~1 hour at the golden temple and by the time i was done walking around it was about 4:30pm. MY NEXT DESTINATION WAS TO GO TO GION FOR SOME ICECREAM AT GION KINANA. but AS YOU CAN IMAGINE. GETTING TO GION WAS NOOOO FUN. LIKE OMG I KEPT ON GOING TO THE WRONG BUS STOP AS PER GOOGLE MAPS. i had to ask around and the girls that i asked told me that i was at the wrong stop. -.- BUT WHEN i finally got on the RIGHT BUS AND IT WAS PACKED. SOO PACKED. SO THAT WAS VERY UNAMUSING. but luckily i got to transfer buses BUT WHEN I TRANSFERRED THE BUS, IT WAS JUST AS PACKED AND WAS PICKING UP EVEN MORE PEOPLE. SO I WAS EVEN MORE JAMMED. UGH. just thinking about it IS SO FRUSTRATING BECAUSE 1) I HATE BUSSING 2) I KEPT ON GOING ON THE WRONG BUS THE WHOLE DAY AND WASTED SO MUCH TIME BEING LOST 3) IM ON A SUPER PACKED LIKE SARDINES BUS. ughhhUGHHH. eventually I GOT TO GION. BUT WHEN I GOT THERE, it was just too late to see any geishas walking around :(. 
but when i got to gion, i noticed there were a lot of mainland chinese tourists. I SAW ONE OF THEM PICK THEIR NOSE WHEN CROSSING THE STREET. LIKE OMG...so gross. anyways, my main intention in gion was to go to gion kinana which is famous for their roasted soy bean ice cream. SO I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS TO IT using google maps OF COURSE. and it led me to these dark alley ways in gion which was a little scary since it was night time. but google maps told me that i had reached my destination. i looked at my destination and i saw 7 GIRLS IN KIMONOS ENTER THE SHOP FOLLOWED BY 2 MEN IN SUITS. LIKE WTF? DID GOOGLE SEND ME TO SOME GEISHA HOUSE OR SOMETHING? I WAS SO CONFUSED and i WALKED AROUND to make sure that google was right and GOOGLE WAS RIGHT!! THAT WAS THE ICE CREAM SHOP. but when i got in, i noticed that the 7 girls in kimonos were not related to the 2 men in suits. they were each their own party. haha. PHEW. 
so at gion kinana, they make all their ice cream IN SHOP. i was FRICKING EXCITED and i ordered a taster of 3 flavours. there was a bunch of other items in the menu but I REALLY WANTED ICE CREAM!!!!
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all of the orders come with their hojicha tea which really goes well with sweets. the ice cream flavours that i had were what was available for the day which was brown sugar, vanilla and roasted soy bean. i was so disappointed when they told me that i had vanilla because vanilla is such a BORING flavour, but it was pretty good. it wasnt too sweet and not too creamy which i liked. the roasted soy bean was BOMB tho :P. the one that i didn’t really like was the brown sugar. it just had a weird after taste. thankfully i ate that first and didn’t save it for last. that would have made me really sad. i think this shop is a MUST VISIT for kyoto! I WANT TO GO BACK and try more flavours of their ice cream and i wanted to try some of their parfaits too BUT I CAN ONLY EAT SO MUCH AS A PERSON. next time.. next time...
after gion kinana, i wanted to try some kyoto style sushi which i heard is pickled sushi. i went to izuju sushi which is famous of their kyoto style sushi, but it was PACKED. there was no way i was gonna be able to get in before closing and i was kinda full anyways so i just walked around. i wanted to find a container to hold some green tea leaves, but i couldnt find one that i liked and was of a size that i wanted. :( i also, walked past the mannequin restaurant, and was standing outside of the restaurant deliberating whether or not i should eat there. the restaurant only serves one type of dish which is the kyoto style okonomiyaki. i saw the chef make it but as i was looking inside the restaurant, looking RIGHT AT THE MANNEQUINS, I WAS STARTING TO GET REALLY SCARED. I WAS IMAGINING EATING MY FOOD, AND THEN THE MANNEQUINS STARTING TO MOVE. that thought really made me lose my appetite so i just left and walked more around gion. but the next time i go to kyoto and if im not by myself, i will DEF GO TO THIS RESTAURANT!! 
after walking around gion, i went back to kyoto station as i had to buy a bunch of stuff like TEA. getting back to kyoto station is EZ by bus because there are a bunch of buses for kyoto station. PHEW so i didn’t get lost getting there. when the bus dropped me off at the bus stop, you can see kyoto tower in the background which i recognized from an instagram pic of hyunsik’s. <3 aka i WAS WHERE HYUNSIK WAS <3 anyways, i went to kyoto station and i bought a lot of tea from nakamura toichi (aka matcha buckwheat noodle restaurant) and fukuguen. buying all that tea really took up a lot of time cos i had to buy for gifts and others. and i had to smell the tea too to make sure that i liked it. after buying a lot of tea, i went to daiso and this daiso was amazing. IT WAS SO BRIGHT AND CLEAN AND SPACIOUS!!! this daiso was outside kyoto station and it was at the mall that i went to the day before with uniqlo. i bought a lot of random things from daiso like cloth covers for bento boxes and instant miso soup. so fun fun, but to this date, i have not opened the cloth covers for the bent boxes and truthfully, i cant even remember where i put it... -_____- 
so after shopping for tea and other souvenirs I WAS STARVED. but the only thing that is opened past 9pm at kyoto station is ramen street. THIS TIME I WAS ABLE TO FIND RAMEN STREET! (you have to take the elevator at the south side of isetan.)ramen street is CRAZY. LIKE THE WHOLE FLOOR IS FILLED WITH RAMEN RESTAURANTS. i really didnt know what to get since everything looked the same to me EXCEPT ONE RESTAURANT, the tsukemen restaurant. i prefer tsukemen over ramen cos i just dont like submerged meats that much. most of the ramen restaurants on this floor required you to order from the machine. and most of the machines had an english option which was blessed. at this restaurant, i just ordered the small size of the tsukemen and i ordered gyoza too cos i was so starved. 
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the gyoza was gyoza..pretty standard. but OMGZ. i love the tsukemen. the flavour of the broth was so strong, the noodles were JUST AL DENTE. SOO GOOD. the broth was PIPING HOT and it was STILL HOT even though i took so long to eat my noodles. ugh this is something im missing from japan. i had tsukemen in toronto recently, and it wasn’t comparable to this. :( i purposely ordered the small size, because i was hoping to try another ramen restaurant afterwards. but i COULDNT COS I WAS TOO FULL AND PLUS since i eat so slowly, by the time i was done, it was almost 10pm which was closing time. SO SAD. tried to be ambitious, but i failed :( 
after finishing my tsukemen, i went back to the hostel to pack my purchases since i was going to nagoya the next day. i washed up and just relaxed and then fell asleep. and if you are wondering, i did not SEE ANY OF THE CUTE GUYS. which was good cos acne attacks dont go away in one day. 
what i learned today: kinkaku and ginkaku are NOT THE SAME. G AND K ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE IN THIS SCENARIO. also, kyoto is a beautiful city and next time, i need to be in kyoto for longer. theres so much more i want to do there. 
high point: kinkaku-ji. so pretty. and im glad i still went even though i went to the wrong pavilion initially. 
low point: just the bussing. getting from one place to another was so difficult. it was also my fault cos i would get too anxious and i would just go on a bus without checking the numbers and asking around. 
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