#but if i watch several episodes at once i'll group them into one post
lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about run on, episode one
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk)
the first thing i noticed was the cinematography. it’s so good and pretty. the quality of the images, the parallels and the colours make me want to continue watching the drama even more
i liked how run on started with a parallel between the two main characters. i know it’s nothing new but it’s a detail i enjoy seeing in dramas (when the plot can allow it that is)
when yook ji woo starts talking about her next movie and it shows the four main characters (seon gyeom, mi joo, dan ah & yonghwa), i thought it was a cool moment. kind of like how a fairytale starts
another thing i noticed is how this drama tackles very sensitive subjects (like bullying and sexism) but can still add in funny moments in between
something i really enjoyed is how the viewer can understand things without the drama having to spell it out
a great example of the previous point i made is the viewer is in seon gyeom’s shoes when he understood that park gyu beok & kim ki beom bullied and physically harassed kim woo sik. it’s like they want to let the viewer figure things out first and then talk about it
but the thing i liked the most is the main female character. my dear mi joo is such a strong and ambitious woman. she doesn't let her professor talk back to her. she's not afraid of him. she takes opportunities where she can and that's very admirable. when i learnt that she was a translator, i was pleasantly surprised because that was my first job/passion. so, when watching her talk about her job, i related to her a lot. can’t wait to see how being a translator will be shown on screen in the future episodes.
all in all, i can't wait to watch the next episodes. this drama is off to a good start!
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇯🇵I Hear the Sunspot [1/12] - I'm so grateful that I get a new jbl just as I'm mourning the end of the last one. I didn't read this manga but I've watched the film, and I really liked it even if it felt unfinished. Hopefully with 12 episodes it means we get the full story. This was a very good first episode, I feel like we established the main relationships dynamics and got a good insight into the main characters core. Taichi is my new child.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [6/12] - I continue to enjoy this group. Jane turned out to be a great addition instead of what I feared, but Peak really needs to step up so I can keep rooting for him and Thanwa, cause I'm also not a huge fan of the ex coming back as an obstacle for the couple. Latte and Almond are really great together and I'm curious how Almond will deal with his feelings for Latte, when he actually realizes he's having them.
🇹🇭Love Sea [4/12] - Before anything else, I love the ocean and I love when shows get out of the city. Also I like Mut. Now. I'm not a Mame hater. I'm a 'trauma is the only way to write deep characters' hater. I'm also a 'trauma gives you an excuse to be an asshole' hater. But most of all, I'm very much a 'love will fix you' hater. So just don't give me 3 out of 3 and it's fine. Also this last episode, all the talk about money and contracts made me feel some kind of way, although it doesn't seem to bother Mut so... And as much I like having Aya on my screen, Mook is really testing that line between cute and incredibly annoying. I'm not sure how long I'm staying with this one.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [4/12] - So... this is not good. The technical aspects of this are actually bad. Considering the number of sponsors is actually kinda incredible that it's so badly put together. The sound, the lighting, the editing, overall just... not good. Now, the rest. Look I don't want to ruin anybody's fun, so I'll keep watching this one quietly, unless something outrageous happens. But for the record, and this is all I'm gonna say, they are ruining the best parts of these characters and this story, and even if I ignore that (which I can't because it's an adaptation), it's pandering and it's a lazy attempt at recapturing the magic of msp, with a worse script and recycled material. Also I cannot believe they didn't put Atom in a trashing bag.
🇹🇭 My Stand-In [1/12] - For a number of reasons I'm waiting to binge this one. I do love watching the gifs on my dash though, pretty is pretty.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! [9/11] - It's so good. I love them all. This last episode I was close to tears in several parts but the street proposal ended me. It's definitely one of those shows that I'm grateful that I get to watch even if I can't always find the words to talk about it. These characters have my whole heart. [everyone should be watching this and the wonderful @isaksbestpillow has made that possible with her subs. Here is the post with the latest episode. ]
🇹🇭SunsetxVibes [3/12] - It's ridiculous, it's fun, it's cute. Sun is such a simp. Man basically proposed before they were even dating. And yeah the way it started was not amazing, with the lying, but these two actually communicate about their expectations and what they're feeling which is better than a lot of shows right now. And I adore the sides.
🇹🇭The Rebound [2/12] - Everyone is gay and naked. And they play a sport of some kind.
🇹🇭The Trainee [1/12] - OffGun are back! I really liked the set up for this. It's only the first episode but I really like how they are walking the line between the comedy and the seriousness of the workplace. I love a good friend group so I'm looking forward to seeing how the relationships between all the interns grow. Poon is once again playing the silly brainless child of the pack but I don't care, I adore that kid for some reason. And next week we already got Gun crying so what's not to like?
🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday [10/12] - I already talked about my feelings regarding the last episode. I'm here for Oyei/Cher and Plakao. I love Inn and Great, they deliver with the chemistry but the DeeYak storyline is just a mess for me right now. I am also not looking forward to the inevitable redemption of the terrible parental figure.
🇹🇭 We Are [13/16] - The friendships are still great and mainly why I'm watching. I have a really good time watching those scenes. Only 3 episodes left and ChainPun continue to be the tinniest of crumbs. I don't expect much from this couple at this point and I'm a bit disappointed. FangTan are so cute and such good communicators. They are my favourites. QToey are cute. Now, Phum and Peem. Look PondPhuwin are really good at looking at each other like they're the only person in the universe. However. There's only so many times I can enjoy them staring at each other in slow mo. Once per episode oughta be enough I think. Hopefully now that they're actual boyfriends it gets a little less annoying.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de - What an incredible journey. I have to say it has been a while since a show surprised me this much, for the positive. For most of it I wasn't sure where it was gonna go or how it would end or who would be doing the running. The way they played with the show within a show was so well done. I loved the change in pov, which I always love in jbls, but it not only gave us the opportunity to see how Hayama's crush started but also we were allowed to see behind the mask that Hayama had been keeping up. Speaking of. I love him, one of my favourite characters of the year. And Komagine Kiita did an incredible job. I can't wait to watch him again when Tengu returns. If I had to say, the one thing I wish I had was more of Shirasaki's backstory. I wanted to understand better why his self-esteem got that bad. But that ending was great and honestly, I earned it.
🇵🇭Marahuyo Project - Well that was excellent. This show is beautiful. I want to hug them all and walk next to them. I really don't have the words for it right now so just go watch it. Because these characters are incredible and the visuals are stunning. All episodes here.
🇹🇭 Only Boo! - This is getting tiresome. Here it goes. Why? It was so great. They were the cutest shit and I had a smile on my face the entire episode. Even with the singing. It was wholesome and the mains delightful. And then... Heartbreak, time skip, no consequences, unearned happy ending. I mean Moo is a great character still, and Kang is the best boy, but I'm tired.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Mood Indigo (2019) - I liked this one slightly better than the first. I think the visuals are stronger and there are some incredible shots throughout. The sex scenes are some of the best shot that I've ever seen. I love Kijima so even though I'm not always on board with prequels, it was great that we got more insight into him. Obviously we know this relationship was doomed from the start, and Kido has a lot to do with how we find Kijima in the beginning of The Novelist, but I can't help but feel for Kido. He is a mess that is struggling between the expectations that are on him (put there by others but also himself) and the affection and desire he feels for Kijima. And even without watching The Novelist there is always an air that this will not end well. For lack of a better phrase, it just wasn't meant to be. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this series.
Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020) - One of my first thoughts when I was watching this was 'we are using the word unhinged too freely'. Cause Ryoji has little competition on that score. This is not an easy watch. I really liked the way it was shot even if at times that meant my view was too narrow so I couldn't look anywhere else but the 'uglier' parts. In completely different ways they were both stuck in an uncomfortable (yeah that's not really the best word but I can't think of another) place and I could feel that throughout. I'm not sure about the ending but they look happy, so what do I know?
Other - Watched
There's a lot airing so I didn't watch much outside ql. I finished Under the Skin and rewatched a couple of things. My watchlist got longer and I have a bunch of shows that I'll hopefully tackle during my summer holiday in July. Speaking of...
There is a lot coming next month, so here is a post with all the shows that have been announced for July that I updated to include Meet You at the Blossom that was recently announced. New jbl starts tomorrow!!!!
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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multifandumbmeg · 6 months
Alright SCREW IT here's my Kiara defense post:
Is it annoying to watch get paired off with everyone in the main cast? Sure. Let me explain why that's not a character flaw or terrible, unplanned writing so yall can put some respect on her name.
1. They're ALL in love with her, and literally throwing themselves at her all the time. This is so important and well-documented that John B literally tells us IN HIS INTRODUCTION TO THE GROUP in episode one. It is literally so relevant to their entire group dynamic that he brings it up in the first episode summary of who they all are. Guys actually do this I have seen this happen. One of my high school best friends was constantly manic pixie dream girled (despite being profoundly depressed) and several entire friend groups of boys fell in love with her. She dated one guy, who was a piece of shit and dumped her saying it was because of his parents but told his friends it was because she had too much baggage. The fallout was so bad, one guy from one of the friend groups tattled to her and a different guy, who was best friends with the douche, literally got into a fight with him and THE DOUCHE HAD TO CHANGE FRIEND GROUPS BECAUSE HIS BOYS KICKED HIM OUT. I'm serious about these teenage boys all having the same taste and thinking it's a competition.
2. John B kissed HER. She immediately shut him down. Immediately. Everything before that can easily be explained as Kiara being concerned about him after losing his father. Teenage boys are dumb anyhow, but it's particularly easy to see why John B and JJ, who have both been routinely neglected and grew up without mothers (read, any positive female attention/influence) would interpret this as Kiara having feelings for them. They fall in love with anyone who sincerely gives them the time of day, basically. And that's a little too relatable moving on.
3. "Mixed signals" by kissing boys on the cheek. While I would not recommend this, I think there was a very clear pattern to her behavior and I have a theory I'm 99% sure is canon, based on copious textual evidence.
Kiara was in love with JJ all along. I'll come back to this. She only kissed the boys she friendzoned on the cheek. With John B, I genuinely think she never had any sort of romantic feelings for him and just saw him as a best bro. But she was worried about him, and maybe realized he listened to her more when she did it. Nonetheless, the minute he gets with Sarah it's almost like she feels relieved and never does anything remotely mixed signals to him again. Now Pope? That is a rich text. What the hell is going on with her and Pope?
4. When Pope first confesses, Kiara is once again caught off-guard. She once again rightfully turns him down IMMEDIATELY and gives extremely accurate and self-aware reasons. Her rejection of him is surprisingly mature, that the life he plans on and wants is ultimately and assuredly not compatible with what she wants for herself. So why did she kinda date him? Honestly, I think it was an attempt to move on from what she believed were doomed feelings for JJ. After all the things that happen in season 1, after Pope going off the deep end a little bit by smoking weed, getting drunk, and engaging in acts of violence, as well as ditching his scholarship interview, Kiara suddenly experiences a spark of attraction towards Pope.
Because he's acting like JJ. Reckless. Using substances to cope. Chaotic. Spontaneous. She knows these things are bad for Pope, and she's at times put off by how un-Pope-like they are as his friend, but she has a type. So following a moment of attraction and the sudden supposed loss of John B (and Sarah), she decides to give it a go. Maybe Pope's different after everything that happened. And he is, but not quite the way she was expecting. To link this back to the cheek-kissing thing, honestly, I think Kiara lowkey has the ick 😂. She consistently shoves any of the boys who try to touch her at all away except for JJ, the entire series mind you, except for these little cheek kisses like that's all she can manage to do. She kisses Pope like twice and ends up sleeping with him, at which point she realizes she just can't do it. She's not consistently attracted to her, and she can't get past her feelings for JJ, so she calls it off. Again, that's a fair healthy, and kind thing to do. When you realize it's not going to work, especially if you have feelings for someone else, it is distinctly NOT dragging people around to cut it off. If Kie has a real problem, honestly? I think it's that ultimately she wants a man she can fix. And Pope's fine. So that's him out.
My proof that the writers absolutely intended Kiara to have feelings for JJ from day one:
"Did you tell JJ?" specifically. Just JJ. She doesn't want HIM to think she's taken.
Shoving away John B and Pope every time they try to hug her or put an arm around her etc. Letting JJ hug her, take her hand, sling his arm around her etc. She also goes out of her way to touch him by taking his arm, holding him when he's crying, hugging him several times and then almost kissing him. So in a way, I'd very much like you to consider, Kiara was not in fact sending everyone mixed signals, her problem was that she was so consistent. Consistently attracted to and in love with someone she thought had no real interest in her. JJ flirts with her jokingly, and from episode 1 and the convo in the bell tower between John B and Sarah, we know that he's a horny little dude. And that's not surprising either, because people who've been abused tend to go one way or the other- either very physical touch-seeking in an attempt to balance about the bad, or very touch-avoidant. JJ is clearly, demonstably in column A. Not just with Kiara, but he also initiates hugs with John B and Pope, touches their faces, and even kisses Pope on the cheek once. He's clearly a very touchy person with everyone, so I can see how Kiara would be unsure about his feelings when he very much does not communicate his wants or needs with words.
Finally, the proof that Kiara had feelings for JJ, and that Jiara was the direction the show was headed, was in their conversation in thr storage container. When JJ tells her what he wants from life and plans to do with the money, it's a direct parallel to her initial reject of Pope. He wants to travel the world and be spontaneous and non-sedentary and have no use for money. Everything she said to Pope and is always trying to explain to her parents. That was 0% accidental, that was the writers making it clear: these two are a match, they're compatible on a much deeper level.
4. So if they always planned on JJ and Kiara, why didn't those two just get together to start? The answer, my friends, is jealousyy. This is a common tactic in writing to get a couple together: force the reluctant one to acknowledge their feelings by putting the other in a relationship with someone else. Im short: every moment between Kiara and John B or Pope was to show us JJ did not like that and therefore that his feelings for Kiara were serious, unlike how she interpreted them and him being a flirty himbo with other girls. It also helped Kiara realize she wasn't getting over him any time soon, and that she couldn't avoid her feelings either. So it forced them both to give up and acknowledge to themselves that they had feelings for the other.
5. "Teenage girls don't act like her" JOKES. This is the dumbest argument I've seen, I'm sorry. I'm happy you have met such well-adjusted teenage girls but buddy... I have known some teenage girls and people who used to identify as girls at that age who would make you roll over in your grave. Some people don't know what they want, some people desperately crave attention, some people just can't seem to avoid drama or make good choices and sometimes that's even a resulted of untreated disabilities or mental illness. Sometimes it's all of the above. My point is absolutely there are teenage girls who act like Kiara and faaar worse.
6. Lastly, why not John B or Pope? Why was Kiara totally valid for not liking them romantically? Well feelings are feelings so she's valid anyways but can we talk about them both touching her/making moves at inappropriate times without consent?? It's understandable she likes JJ and feels the safest around him when he's the only who doesn't act like he wants or expects anything from her. He never kisses her without consent, let alone while running from the cops randomly. He never tries to put his arm around her or make a move in the middle of them having an emotionally intimate conversation where she is clearly seeking emotional comfort. I'm not saying John B or Pope are bad people, but with Kiara both showed a lot of immaturity and failed to read the room numerous times. They acted whenever they personally felt attraction, regardless of where she was at at the time. There's such a thing as reading body signals, and the only times JJ comes close to making an actual move on Kiara is when she comes to him, gets close to his face and leans in. In the end, he only kisses her after she looks him dead in the eyes and tells him I LOVE YOU. That's on respect. Also, John B and Pope both get their shit together and learn this with their next girlfriends! So good on them!
But Kiara confessed to JJ at a random time too! I hear you shouting. NAY. Incorrect!! JJ is actively avoiding her and having a mature conversation about how they feel about each other, and also the fact that he stole from her family, and that is on HIM. That is a result of his issues and his fear and poor coping mechanisms. Kiara forced him to address it at an inopportune time because she already attempt to address it privately TWICE and he wouldn't let her. So all she did there was clear the air and make her own feelings known, which he needed to hear. That is the last conversation they have before he attempts to apologize and confess back. That is what convinces him that Kiara's feelings for him are both genuine and serious, and that no amount of pushing her away will succeed. She loves him unconditionally, which he did not know was possible until then.
So in short!! Kiara actually behaves like a real human being. She's not crazy, extremely selfish, nor an example of writers just testing out the waters and seeing what the fans want or who has the most chemistry. She is very consistent. The only thing I can really begrudge about her behavior towards her friends (her parents are a different story) is that she's insensitive to both John B and Pope after rejecting them, which I believe is because she doesn't realize they had actual feelings for her so much as thinking she's hot.
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Absbsbsn I should preface this post by saying that I'm not posting about this to call people stupid or hate or anything
But now that I've caught up to the dungeon meshi anime (as someone who hasn't touched the manga yet), it makes me laugh seeing those posts about anime onlies getting blown out of the water with the "tonal shift"
Like don't get me wrong, all of those scenes in episodes like 12 and 13 are very impactful (the scene where they're trying to bring Falin back after killing the dragon especially got me)
But like, having slice of life esque stuff only to come out of nowhere with dead or horror or gore or blood is not something that just suddenly starts happening in the recent episodes.
Like...after the orcs rushed the bar in that one episode, I started rolling with the punches😂
The first episode started out with Falin being eaten by a dragon
Marcille decided to try the dog method for harvesting mandrake, and it scared me for a minute when the bat collided with the tower and we learned that Marcille heard the scream
Laois is being Laois and wondering if he can eat living armor. He tells the group the story of how he got his sword and we watch him get stabbed through and die
The crew has decided to go and trade the fresh veggies so as to not waste food, so they go into a bar and fail to make it appeal to the bar owner. The bar is suddenly rushed by orcs who start killing people
We get to see all these tidbits of Kabru's party, introducing them as characters, and then Laois and friends come across them and they're DEAD
You think "haha Chilckuck has a funny vendetta against mimics and doesn't want to end up eating one because of Senshi and Laois" and then Chilkuck gets up in the middle of night to get water only to be stuck in a puzzle room of the horror genre variety where he's trying not to get stabbed/killed via trap or killed via mimic. Marcille thinks she accidentally killed Chilchuck for not looking out for him sooner.
Senshi tells the group that he's gonna cross the water without magic and calls up is kelpie friend, Anne, who he talks to everyone about. He gets on and Anne immediately drags him into the water and tries to kill him. Marcille and Chilchuck think Senshi or Laois died or got severely hurt because of the blood that pools to the top. Senshi prepares to eat the monster he once called friend, asking to do it himself
Marcille is worrying about Senshi's hair/beard cleanliness and trying to make the water walk spell work. Chilchuck and Laois walk on the water only to find Kabru's group dead...AGAIN?
Marcille pours out some hot water after cleaning herself and then has a deadly fight with the water spirit. Laois and Senshi go with Tansu's group so he'll heal Marcille (who is incredibly weak). Kiki and Laois almost die via tentacles in the process.
The giant frog throws out Marcille's staff and Laois's weapon. During the giant frog battle, Chilchuk almost gets eaten
Okay okay I'll quit now 😂
It's just funny to me because it felt like Dungeon Meshi is focusing on the slice of life esque bits and the delicious food, but from sudden violence to serious moments it's constantly reminding the audience and characters that the dungeon is a dangerous place, that they're on a dangerous mission, and of the problems beings who live in this world deal with (racial, monetarial, societal, etc)
And I should also mention that while for a while I just kind of saw everything as a constant "slice of life punctuated randomly by the horrors", I no longer feel that way. Honestly, I think it means a lot that so many makings of of the food(s) of the episode moments come just after the characters have been through a terrifying event, and it tells us a lot about the characters by how they handle these events (whether it affects them very visibly or they just kind of smooth over it because they're used to what it's like just being in the dungeon and having to fight for their lives)
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lynne-monstr · 2 months
i finished the spirealm show this morning. ramblings, both the good and the bad, under the cut. spoilers ahead!
i guess i should preface this by saying that i don't think most of the stuff I hated was bad. i just didn't like it. that's very much a me thing and i'm willing to own it. also i reference episodes in viki-length episodes.
anyway. i absolutely loved loved adored and am obsessed with the first 26 episodes. all the characters are great, the door mysteries are fun, and i really enjoy the glimpses of life outside the doors. yes, it's a video game murder show but for the most part, it's a fun romp.
super fun, super gay. literally every episode gave me something fun to shout about.
around halfway through i started bracing myself for people dying, but when it didn't happen i dropped my guard. and then episode 27 happened and i was not mentally prepared for cute fave li dongyuan to actually die.
to be honest, the reason i binged the last 12 episodes was because after he died, i lost a lot of interest and investment in the show. but i still wanted to know how it ended so instead of dragging it out for several more weeks, which i like to do when I'm enjoying something, i closed it off in under 24 hours.
that being said, i don't think they way it handled li dongyuan's death was bad. i loved that they kept referencing him afterwards. so many shows forget about characters the moment they die and i appreciate that my cute fave's presence continued to be strongly felt.
and then the more lovable side characters that died, the more i emotionally pulled away. I feel bad that my emotional enjoyment tanked so suddenly because I enjoyed the door with all the boxes and bonus that it was packed full of such good shippy stuff. but I mostly watched it on autopilot.
also it was a bit of a letdown that the big bad villain turned out to be so pathetic in the end. though on the other hand, it's exactly what he deserved.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I really loved all the stuff that happened after the 11th door when ling jiushi wakes up from his "coma." i guess because I love the trope of what happens once the hero's journey is over and they get booted back into normal life. there's so much good possibility there, especially with ling jiushi knowing all of his friends but now they're softer versions of themselves who don't know him.
i have a desperate need for post-canon fic where ling jiushi goes on a befriending mission with all the people who had become his family. together they use the power of friendship and combined financial assets to hunt down pieces of the original world that are still present in the new reality. ljs uses these pieces to bring rnz back to life. the whole team gets up to all sorts of shenanigans trying to get him a real identity and make sure no one else can find the clues to bring back the original murder game.
also i want the chen fei backstory of why he switched from veterinary medicine to people medicine in the new universe.
(the entire 50 Years Later epilogue was equal parts ridiculous and depressing and I'm going to pretend like it never happened. it gave me the sad vibe if ling jiushi never managed to connect with any of his old friends or ruan nanzu again. and so he made fake copies of them that he could play pretend with.)
okay this got way longer than expected so I'll end with my absolute favorite scene of the last 12 episodes that will live rent-free in my head forever. and that's the three-way obsidian group hug that happens after the npc reveal. specifically the way chen fei rests his chin on ruan nanzqu's shoulder. excuse me while i die of happiness. they're a team, they're a family!
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fluffytheresa · 5 months
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I'm putting this as my introductory post since I'm too lazy to actually make a real one so hello, I am Fluffy Theresa, I also go by the name of Matthew, I'm an artist and a small animator, i mainly make content of my 3 big projects which are the ones featured in this speedpaint, I'm not really prioritizing any of my projects, I guess I'm working on them at the same time, I'll give you some information about each of them.
Outcasts of Pannaroia; this is the first project that I ever came up with, I'm working on this project with a few of my close friends and my lover, this project is gonna be a YouTube series I guess but I'll post some content of it on my other platforms. The project is about a group of alien outcasts on their home planet, just going through their lives as outcasts.
Subliminals; Subliminals is a horror/analog horror series that I came up with several months ago I believe, again it'll mainly be on YouTube but I'll make content for it on other platforms book then ill make videos about it. The analog horror is essentially about a group of characters doing whatever and living their lives exploring places, it's the backrooms, but the cast is the entities, it focuses on a story, you'll get it once you watched it, I already posted a Christmas special episode for it.
Dreadful Menaces; yes it's a horror JJBA au, I know it's cringy but I don't care, I'm making it an online book series, I'm currently working on the first book, I'll advertise it once I'm finished with the first book.
I rarely post on here but I plan to post more frequently here on Tumblr, if you want to check out my YouTube channel then I'll put a link to it on my page.
And I'm pretty sure that's it, thanks for reading this and stay tuned for more content of these projects of mine, see y'all later! 👋
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lesbiansanemi · 3 years
Sorry if I bothered you by this, but have you read Edens Zero? In my opinion, it's one of the most underrated new gen Manga/Anime now. People just don't watch or read it because they call it "Fairy Tail in space". Pretty sure the reason is the character designs(while he has a lot of original designs there) is similar to FT, and the theme "Friendship"(while- like about 80% of that theme in the story is about the male lead likes to make friends in pre-timeskip). Hope you will try it one day!
Oh, you're not bothering me at all! (you guys never bother me with asks)
I have not read it, but I did watch the first... oh... 7 or 8 episodes of the anime? I did really like the premise, and Shiki was a cool MC, I really liked his concept and his powers! I am planning to, at the least, watch the rest of the anime that's come out. Maybe if I end up with some more free time sometime soon I'll read the manga (I tend to have to set time aside for reading, it's a little difficult for me to focus on it with my ADHD, but I did finally start treatment for that so maybe I'll get better in that department soon).
But anyways, yeah! Like I said, concept was neat! Honestly my main reason for not getting into it sooner is that... like... I tend to not get super into sci-fi? Or at least not in comparison with fantasy. It's cool! And there are several sci-fi series that I genuinely really fucking love, it's just a lot harder for me to get into and I'm a lot pickier with them than fantasy. On top of that, I do have to admit I wasn't a fan of Rebecca (bland MCs with very little true personality are a big turn off for me regarding fiction), and honestly Weisz wasn't super interesting to me either (plus his personality is... yeah, it's not one I'm a fan of in characters. His development I feel could be interesting, I just don't trust Mashima to carry through with it, so I don't have much hope in me liking him any better anytime soon). So yeah... out of the main group I really only genuinely enjoyed Shiki.
I do want to give it another shot at some point though. Because the world and concept were cool. Plus I've heard people say the writing quality is better than FT's and a lot of the side characters seem really interesting and I'd like to see more of them introduced. (Elsie was already v fucking cool)
Plus I love friendship centered stories! They're so good, and I always hate when people cite that as a reason that a story isn't good. Like yall will never bat an eye if it's a romance centric series but as soon as it's friendship it's badly written or cheesy or w/e. Sounds fake, but okay.
Anyways, to cut off my rambling... It might take me a bit, but I do want to give it a genuine shot when I have the time, and I'll definitely post my thoughts once I do :D
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tranquilpetrichor · 3 years
*✧・゚:* P1ece Tag Game *✧・゚:*
tagged by @choitaeyang ! Thank you for tagging me once again!
(this one got long)
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1. Since when have you been a P1ece?
I did hear about them predebut, but around debut day was when I officially stanned.
2. What made you decide to stan P1H?
I saw a P1ece who compiled a bit of their vlives, and they were quite funny and had good chemistry. I was also amazed by their dancing as well, which I'm glad they got to showcase. Also, I kinda heard Jongseob was debuting? I had binge-watched YG Treasure Box months prior in preparation for Treasure's debut and had wondered about what a lot of the trainees were doing now. Glad he's here now!
3. Who is/are your bias(es)? Is your first bias still your current bias? If not, who was it before that?
Keeho. I don't really change biases, yes it's still Keeho.
4. Your favourite era so far?
Disharmony : Stand Out aka Siren era because classic!
5. Your favourite title track/MV?
Siren in terms of music, although I have to admit Do It Like This MV looks really nice, especially the end of it.
6. Your fav P1H choreo?
Pyramid and Butterfly (dance practices where?)
7. Your fav b-sides?
This is so hard I'll just do 3: AYAYA, Butterfly and Follow Me. Honestly, I like their whole discography (especially Disharmony : Break Out as a whole).
8. Your fav cover of theirs?
It was a 1theK vocal cover where they sang various songs, the link speaks for itself. Really gave me an insight into the history that various songs have had..
All of their covers are quite good.
9. Any P1H video you keep coming back to?
That vlive where they knock over the TV, twice. I loved watching them play Superstar FNC. Also, any dance video they post, I will come back to that because damn. There's a lot of videos of them I come back to, but we'll save me gushing about the Stage + performances until next question.
10. Have you watched their little STAGE + performances? What’s your favourite?
Yep, when I first watched I was amazed, still am. I think I thought of them as the Region Stages in my head. 3 happens to be one of my favorites for its energy. 2 was so classy (I can only remember like 2 other groups that did a Kingsman concept).
11. Your favourite Saessak Harmony episode? (If you haven’t seen any, I highly recommend!!!)
I haven't entirely caught up on all of them (sorry, Superstar FNC calls), but the K-pop quiz one was so funny. I'd be most like Intak when it comes to that. Watching them get wet is too funny. I love seeing them smile.
12. Most iconic P1H tiktok in your opinion? (Again, if you haven’t seen any, please go watch them, these boys istg-)
I really have no intention of downloading TikTok (except for maybe dance purposes) but I like the one where Jongseob is dancing to like a Justin Bieber song. It made me burst out into laughter. He does a dice roll and I just absolutely lose it. Gotta love TikTok dances.
13. A P1H moment you love? (Or several, if you’re indecisive like me)
The classic "somebody said ew!", Soul Naruto-running, that one moment in Universal Studios where they call Shrek oppa. Basically all the crazy adventures we get to see.
14. Is there anything they’ve helped you with/you learned from them?
The members are somewhat on the young side, and I'm within their age range, so they feel relatable. One thing I've gotten from them is that youth is not a weakness, rather, it is a strength that can be channeled into so many things. The passion and determination they demonstrate is really inspiring. It makes me want to improve myself too.
15. A concept you want to see them do in the future?
Traditional Korean, maybe fused with futuristic too. I love the outfits and instrumentals for traditional songs.
16. A collab you’re hoping for?
Please get them with Ateez, they'll literally leave the stage incinerated. They're groups where I can watch them and not get bored because their performance is so captivating.
I could always use them with another FNC group too. Like a prod. Zuho feature on the next album, a performance together, I want more lol. Imagine if P1H performed live too with say, N.Flying accompanying them. I mean, FNC has good bands, after all.
17. Fav member combination from the partner vlives?
I am not one who usually watches vlives but nothing beats Keeho and Intak ! Those burnt tortillas.. sigh.
18. Fav lyric if you have one?
"Even if it feels like I'm left in the darkness, in the darkness / 난 약하지 않으니까 / 난 강해져 갈 테니까 (I'm not going to be weak / I'm going to be strong)
- Before the Dawn by P1Harmony
It's just so pretty. Keeho brings it justice.
19. Fav vocal, rapper and dancer? (I know, I know, these are all super hard questions...)
Vocal: It's Keeho even though I love all their voices. He has a voice that enchants you with its richness, tells a story and shows clear RnB influences, quite unexpected in Kpop.
Rapper: Jongseob's experience shines through in his flow. He's going places.
Dancer: Intak's fire when he performs! I'm really proud of all of them as dancers, though.
20. The moment you fell in love with your bias?
Keeho singing his song from the OST of their movie, called Sweet Memories (I need this released on Spotify ASAP). It was a debut showcase clip. Never looked back.
21. A member you can’t help but get wrecked by?
Jongseob. I just look at him, and feel like a proud sister and think of how far he's come (more on that one later). Also, him with purple hair was quite the blessing.
22. Something you love about each member? (Can be one thing or a whole rant, whatever you feel like^^)
Keeho: Ah, our leader. I have a bias towards leaders because it really can't be easy to deal with the members. When talking to interview hosts, he speaks well. It's not his "job" to translate, but he is very courteous in including international fans. He's honest (and we love him for it!), can say something wise and then can say something too damn funny right after.
I could write an essay on his voice, damn. He just has a voice where you can identify it right away. It's literally a whole gem—please, his runs. Dude, save talent for the rest of us. And his dancing. He couldn't dance at all when he got into FNC (it was because of his vocals). But then you look and it's like damn. He's clean. He has attitude when he performs. King shit.
Also how the hell is he so good at Superstar FNC?
Theo: His voice feels like the cold of winter. I don't know why. Like it's soft but it feels like it has an edge to it at times too. So interesting to listen to.
Despite the initial impression of him being cold, he's a fun person, roasting the members and seriously being the sassiest to walk this earth (along with Keeho). I feel like his facial expressions are a mood. Like one time when Keeho was shaking him and his eyes just screamed "get me out of here.."
Jiung: He's very deliberate about everything. There's a reason why he's our ace. He has a sweet voice (it's so light), doesn't slack on rapping, is such a good dancer, just did a collab on their Soundcloud, is amazing with languages too. He's crazy.
But then he's also very comforting. Hearing his voice feels like returning home after a long day. He's loving in his own way. Watching his PLOGs makes me feel at peace.
Intak: He's the embodiment of youthful energy if I ever did see it. The way he hypes everyone up, has such fun while performing, looks like a golden retriever who got excited about, well, something. It seeps into his rapping too. His verses feel like he's casually rapping to you in the moment, but they're practiced all the same.
Also, his damn smile. One of the best sights ever.
Soul: I root for all the "odd ones" out there. Our only INFP, unique to the very end. He's a wildcard, surprising me with his freestyle in Scared, saying that he wants to destroy the world, singing beautifully in the Reset bridge, and just overall having so much potential.
I want to tell him how proud I am of him. Of being who he is, with his humor and randomness. For improving his Korean. For every line that he gets. (Hoping for a Japanese song from them soon!)
The world can't stop him, with his secretive smile, unique nature and passionate performance.
Jongseob: How does one have that much stage experience under their belt? 16 years old internationally and already done so much. Practically a veteran. From Kpop Star 6 to YGTB, I'm in absolute awe of what he's done and love that he excels.
In general, P1Harmony have a lot of credits when it comes to production and writing lyrics on their albums, and as part of the rap line, I commend Seob especially for participating in that.
Also, can we talk about the P-Side video where he did Before the Dawn? Contemporary is so difficult and requires you to express your emotions. The rawness he was able to convey was amazing.
He has a maturity that is hard to find, even in those who are older than him. A very patient aura. But also, you can see he's the maknae. Has a heart-warming smile. At times he shows his embarrassment and I just laugh because it's a mood.
23. Something you love about being a P1ece?
We're really creative. I've seen lots of amazing art, writing and covers centered around P1Harmony.
Bonus: Anything P1Harmony-related that you want to recommend to your (non-P1ece) followers or to new P1eces?
I'll start with something free. Their PLOG (P1Harmony vlogs) series gives an insight to their days, and they open up about small success and emotions. It's a nice little experience, watching one member speak at a time.
If you can, watch their movie which contains much of their lore. P1H: The Beginning of a New World. It's technically only available on Weverse (but maybe you should ask for the link in the P1Harmony Discord server I'm a part of, cough cough). I'd literally be happy to meet new P1ece over there.
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Tagging: @p1hsoul005 @lcvekeum + any p1ece that see to do this!
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