#but if there is anything that is truly damned it is the Kineema
casie-mod · 1 year
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Car enthusiasts SPEED DEMONS
How I imagine the convo between them going: Kim: That's an intriguing and handsome motor carriage you have there.
Crowley: *flashes a toothy grin* Yes, she is gorgeous, isn't she? They don't make 'em like this anymore. *gazes fondly at the Bentley before turning a closer eye to Kim's vehicle* Must say, I'm rather intrigued by your car as well . . . .
Crowley: *looks at Kineema quizzically, cocking head side to side, taking in the spindly legs, the boxy shape, the levers instead of wheel, and numerous other things that don't make sense* So how does it uh. . . .work?
Kim: *rattles off a brief manual-worthy functional description and technical specs of which he's particularly proud, which ultimately make it clear to Crowley that the machine is a death trap*
Crowley: So if you were to take just one turn a bit too sharply, the whole thing would come toppling down and just . . . explode.
Kim: Yes.
Crowley: *reflects on how he would not have been able to come up with something so damned in another six millenia* Oh.
Kim: *barest hint of a smile*
Crowley: *raises eyebrows* I will never understand you lot!
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