#but if you don't want to count them then we can't assume that Hakuba knows anything about the organization targeting Kid or about Pandora
kawarikisaki · 1 year
What if Hakuba has figured out why Kaito choses to be Kid and that’s why he’s more obviously supportive of him even if he wish he’d stop being a thief.
I think he probably has figured out part of it, but realistically, he's probably missing a lot of the details.
Like, he definitely knows Kaito isn’t doing it for the thrill as he probably suspected early on. All the evidence he needs to Know that Kaito’s motive is something personal is the fact that he has enemies that are actively gunning for him (whether we want to take the specials as canon or not), and the fact that Kid's heists are scheduled in such a way that they normally align with the full moon (we haven’t gotten to see Hakuba witnessing how he checks gems like Conan has, but its not too much of a stretch for him to have noticed the moon's involvement.)
It's even fairly safe to assume that he’s noticed that Kid's disappearance 8 years ago just so happens to coincide with when Kaito’s father died in a tragic stage accident. Which would definitely tell him why Kaito is Kid.
But that doesn’t really tell him what purpose Kid has.
So Hakuba is still left with Questions.
'His dad died, it was reported as an accident, but what if it was a murder?' 'Is Kaito after revenge?' 'What does the moon have to do with anything?' 'Kaito wouldn't kill someone, right?' 'Why is he primarily targeting gemstones?' 'Why does he return what he steals' 'it'd be more efficient to not send advance notices, is there a reason he needs to draw attention? Or is it just for style points?'
And maybe he has a few of those answers... but he doesn't have all of them, and Kaito won't confirm anything.
So if we take the Kaitou Kid specials as potential canon (cause they do change things, but there’s so little canon Hakuba that I'll take some dubious canon as a supplement) then Hakuba knows about Spider and has been specifically investigating him, so its not much of a stretch to think he could also be aware of Snake and have some degree of knowledge about the organization they work for. And if that's the case, maybe he's heard snippets about Pandora, maybe he's able to make some assumptions about the how and why of Toichi's death...
Maybe he wants to pull a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' with Kaito, perhaps even try to get Kaito some kind of pardon for helping with the investigation. He may not have the power to grant that personally, but perhaps he could pull some strings or get his dad to pull some strings.
But even if we assume he has that much information on the situation, he still doesn't know for sure what Kaito intends to do.
He's almost certain that Kaito doesn't intend to kill anyone. But he can't be 100% sure, because Kaito won't talk to him about Kid, and even if he did Kaito has a skillset that's optimized for lying. Even so, Hakuba believes Kaito wouldn't do that, he believes that Kaito is simply trying bring his father's killers to justice.
And he wants to help.
He's trying to help. Doing all he can to offer short of outright saying it.
But he can't really do much unless Kaito lets him in.
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