#but ig in a controlled environment it would be safer to do that
farmcores · 29 days
heey :) i don’t know what country you’re in, but i was admitted to a belgian psych ward. and like. pretty much yes to what that other anon said. i think to me it was difficult at first to really… put effort into letting myself be helped? like, many people i know were in there and it didn’t do anything good for them because they didn’t want it to. if that makes sense. the environment strips you of a lot of coping mechanisms which is scary as fuck but it also makes you much more aware of what exactly is going wrong, or which behavior is destructive etc. its a different experience for everybody tho i will say that. ok. wish you all the best <3
hi!! ty ty so much for this info <3 !!
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entiish · 2 years
void ranting under cut xox 🫶🏾 
im in my feels rn it’s been like FIFTEEN YEARS on this platform, and writing/creating/fancasting etc has been my safe space and beloooved by me for about seventeen years at this point....  and im just high and emo and reflecting so this is NO BEARING if ur following me for musings or gifs or any of my creations 💜💜 
you know whats wild?? after i was mobbed by the Toxic rpc fandom and some RP partners about a decade ago — i’m taking breakdown crying hyperventilating level of carnage i went thru — , i took a break and when i came back i took on a whole new persona (and also only rped in controlled environments) but this person who was a white aussie, or an ASSUMED white aussie by everyone around.   i think thats bc a lot of people have hella misconceptions about australia and aussies and out multiculturalism but i digress)       idk why, aside from some weird online racism trauma ig, and fear.  like so much anxiety and fear.  and i used to often play two different aliases, or id eventually cave and make a second, just so i could be my authentic self even if my face or name wasnt shared.    but i could also be my pretend self who felt safer online at that time.   and like??? its so INSANE to think about late-teen me who did that.   bc it was still me, and i was just living in this Hyper Reactionary state where i was so sure that i would be targeted again so i kept switching myself around as both protection from those people (i STILL remember their aliases to this day)   ----- but like.. in the last few years those two personas meshed ig?? so even tho ill always be Aware and on the lookout for those people, i dont find myself as an adult reaching to hide online anymore. i’ll NEVER make the mistake of sharing my actual name online again but i dont feel the protective need to split myself into two pieces or hide my race out of fear of someone recognising me as the ‘mexican aussie’ anymore  — and thats not me being an ass, we’re straight a rare breed on this platform, like supER rare. how many aussies have yall rped with fr? and how many of those were of mexican heritage?? EXACTLY. point is, its definitely obvious and im cool w that now
the catch is tho, by trying to protect myself back then i lied to a lot of people to make myself “seem” more acceptable, which is so fucked up bc A) ive ALWAYS been acceptable as i am    & B) !!!! i made myself into a liar and i hate that and i struggle w that a lot, like to this day. i am sure that these people who developed bonds with the ‘white’ me will feel hurt by my actions and that makes me feel awful bc i never meant to do that.      & C) i’m too scared to go back and pick up old muses or work i spent time in etc, rp things that ive loved so deeply bc some where played by the ‘white’ me, and the others would have been played by my more autheNtic me. (EVEN THO. THEY’RE THE SAME PERSON.) and if someone i cared about who doesnt know this happened upon it, then refer to point B.
my point is that i made a mess for myself by being driven into a place where i didnt feel safe being me.    i’m not in that mindspace anymore but the mess i made still haunts me sometimes 😓
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Is it just me or it's getting difficult to find theories and meta on this fandom esp in reddit without someone going "yes genocide is 100% the solution" and as someone who lives under duterte's regime whose followers echo the same sentiments it's getting kinda difficult to navigate through fandom space without seeing those uncomfortable takes
Hello dear Nonnie,
Don't worry, it's not you, it's actually the general consensus in Tumblr that almost all is against a genocidal overlord 😢 but, if we were to share our opinions & stances on that for SnK fandom specifically in all other socmed channels (Reddit, Twitter, FB, IG, YT), get ready to be mentally recked, stand corrected & sniped virtually on the spot. Their genocidal overlord can do no wrong & all the alliance members are ungrateful, idiots & dumbasses for working collectively to stop millions of people and the earth from dying.
I feel so sorry for the people who has this type of mindset: their ancestors, their families and themselves have not been born in a situation where they've been through oppression. Eldians are no different. They were the first oppressor, then now the oppressed and these readers strongly believes that the rest of the world deserves to be fucked up. Eldians in Marley & Eldians in Paradis are like two children that was forced apart and separated when their parents divorced (Fritz 145 & Tyburs/remaining Eldians in Marley). Yet both parents remarried to toxic partners who, also, instead of suggesting of working together for the children's future + greater good, used the children as weapons to attack the other side.
For people from multiracial countries or countries that have or is suffering a regime/administration run by a tyrant, it is always ingrained in us to strive for unity, peace, humanity & livelihood. We were told stories of not of our oppressors but of how us, the people work together to fight for our independence. All different races, we love each other & we want our country be a much better, peaceful safer place for our children. Thus why, Isayama's work hits us so damn much in our hearts. It hits too close to home. Genocide is never a solution. Because even if Eren succeeds & only the Islanders are left alive, bet you how long it'll take for the remaining humans to fight each other even if they're both from the same place, have the same blood. E.g Kiyomi reiterated this to Floch & before that, the Jeagerists were a prime example of what extremists would do.
I myself, is from a country like Marley, where we have asylum-seeking refugees and we are multiracial. We have differences without a doubt but instead of a melting pot, we are a salad bowl where we mixed together in harmony but still retains our unique cultural identity, faith & attributes with respect for each other. Even if you've been blessed enough to not have to go through all that oppression in history, it doesn't take a genius to appreciate all living beings. It's humanity. The world had treated Paradis as an evil entity but you fight hate with love. It's easier said than done, yes, but you and I, we're both living proofs (like Ackermans & Azumabitos!) in the real world that peace has to be fought through unity, empathy, compassion and not violence or mass killings.
They said, the Eldians in Marley have thrown them under the bus but Niccolo & Onyankopon are amazing examples that the rest of the world can coexist with Paradis, but you have to be patient, work hard at it & you need time. My country managed to achieve our independence in 1957 because of our first Prime Minister's efforts; he has a globalist mentality like Armin has. What he did was if Armin goes to Marley to table a thick binder detailing our constitution proposals for an alliance/truce with Paradis. He believes in humanity & he united all races under one country name & constitution. It has been done in reality. (But some people just want to see the world burn)
Oh but no, their genocidal overlord doesn't have much time, (he's dying in four years!) & he feels genocide is the only solution. This is why I agree with Reiner when he said that the Founding couldn't have gone to a much worst person. OG Ymir & Eren are proof that tremendous powers would destroy worlds if they're given to children whose thinking have not fully developed & mature to be logical & objective. (I also want to share my grievances on OG!Ymir. I used to sympathize with her but the moment she got the powers & she went back to offer herself again as the tyrant King's slave, my sympathy just went down the toilet. She was a classic victim who has Stockholm Syndrome & she allowed herself to be manipulated by an abusive man just because she needed to be validated when she has this God-like powers. She should've killed that evil king from the beginning & ally with Marley. Yet now, she's using Eren as a tool/vessel to fuck the whole world up for her own mistake that she made.) also, these people are in denial that the MC/hero can do no wrong. That's the beauty of Isayama's writing: he flipped the table with Reiner as the MC and these people lose their minds. What if he always wanted the story to start with Eren but ends with Reiner?
Thus why, you can only still find a more positive environment that are more 'sound', 'sane' & 'humane' only here in Tumblr. However, I've also personally noticed the sudden appearance of new Tumblr accounts of these toxic members from other channels, sending unsavory asks & commenting with unsavory phrases on mutuals & some of the top posts on my page 😂
Hang in there, Nonnie. It's hard to voice out the truth sometimes but as long as you keep on breathing, you shouldn't stop fighting for humanity's survival just like the alliance!
People can disagree with our opinions but I drew the line at genocide & mass killings. Period. Even criminals have a legislation & justice system before they are ruled out for execution. Eren is a child that's been given the most dangerous powers. His own version of freedom is twisted & skewed. The Alliance is willing to die first, fighting for the world's humanity's survival than living peacefully (really? With the Jeagerists own regime?) in Paradis at the expense of the bloods shed and lives lost by millions around the world.
I'm so sorry for this barrage of texts, Nonnie. I get very emotional when those who supports genocide shits on the humanitarian's principles. You can't also be in other channels without getting brain damage of the 'genocide is right/the only way' sentiments. We can't control what other people posts but the only thing we can, is: how we react to them.
I hope Tumblr could still be a positive safe space if I can help it!
Thank you for the Ask! ☀️ Take care & stay safe ❤️
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Here's the reason why Hawaii is banning sun cream in 2021
Here's the reason why Hawaii is banning sun cream in 2021
Sun cream is the best it’s ever been. It’s lightweight, fast-absorbing, beautifully fragranced, and at long last a pleasure to use. There’s just one problem: Despite 2014’s Sunscreen Innovation Act, the FDA hasn’t OK’d any new sunscreen ingredients in 10 years. And now researchers are finding evidence that some commonly used chemicals pose a huge threat to our marine environments and may have unintended consequences on human health. This month Hawaii became the first place in the U.S. to turn these findings into something concrete, a first-of-its-kind legislation to outlaw the sale of sunscreens that contain the ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate starting in 2021. For context, those two actives are in more than 3,500 sunscreens on the market.
Talking to scientists and lawmakers about these two chemicals, it becomes clear that this may be a somewhat dire situation for the environment. Some background on sunscreen: It’s technically a drug, so the FDA has full control over which ingredients we get to use. That’d be fine, except of the 17 sunscreen ingredients on the market, almost all of them were approved back in the seventies. And according to Craig Downs, Ph.D. and executive director of the Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, a nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of natural habitats, almost no toxicity testing was done back then, and there certainly weren’t the stringent standards in place that there are today. So oxybenzone and octinoxate, among other chemicals, have been grandfathered in since then.
Yesterday in Hawai’i, lawmakers passed a bill that prohibits the use and sale of sunscreens that contain 2 harmful chemicals, oxybenzone and octinoxate. These chemicals cause mortality in developing coral, increase coral bleaching, and cause genetic damage. If the bill is signed by Governor David Ige, Hawai’i will ban these sunscreens beginning Jan. 1, 2021 and become the first state in the nation to enact this type of law. No need to worry though, there are many reef-safe sunscreen alternatives, which contain minerals such as zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide, instead of these harmful chemicals. We are excited that legal action is being taken to help preserve our gorgeous coral reefs! #wavewednesday 🌊 • • PC: Jeff Biege Photography
A post shared by MOC Marine Institute (@mocmarineinstitute) on May 2, 2018 at 11:12am PDT
That doesn’t sound good, but it wouldn’t necessarily be cause for concern.
Yet the legislation is happening now because over the past two years numerous studies have found evidence that these two chemicals (but especially oxybenzone) may be doing harm to marine life and possibly people. They’re what researchers call “endocrine disruptors.” So when we slather on sunscreen, the chemicals can then make their way into our bloodstream. There, according to recent studies, they may mess with our hormones in various ways. Downs says that several studies have found that oxybenzone in particular can significantly decrease testosteronelevels.
Hawaiian state Senator Mike Gabbard (D), who introduced the bill, along with five other Democratic state senators, recounts a laundry list of evidence-supported consequences. In the ocean it causes deformed coral larvae; in people he says the chemicals may be associated with breast cancer becoming more aggressive, polluted breast milk, deformities in newborns, women’s uterine diseases, threatenedmale sexual health, and damaged DNA.
David Andrews, Ph.D. and a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, says that in the water off the beaches of Hawaii, where tourists flock and sunscreen flows, the coral reefs are unable to recover from bleaching events, which are like a hit to the reefs’ ecosystem. And oxybenzone is everywhere: Downs describes the chemicals as similar to a virus, with oxybenzone showing up everywhere from the drinking water in Honolulu, to Alaska, to inside the fish we eat. And according to a 2008 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s found in the blood of 97 percent of Americans.
This is big news, and it’s been a long time coming. “It really points to what’s become a failure of both the sunscreen industry and the FDA to bring new, safer, and more effective ingredients to the market,” Andrews says. While new sunscreen formulas have been available for over a decade in other countries, Andrews says that the FDA has left the public with a catch-22. Even outside of oxybenzone and octinoxate, Downs says there’s no firm data to prove whether or not other sunscreen ingredients, like avobenzone, are safe.
“If the toxicity requirements by the FDA were applied now to the 17 chemicals, only nonnanosized zinc oxide and nonnanosized titanium dioxide would be left standing,” Downs says. Knowing how much sunscreen people now expose themselves to, the FDA needs detailed safety information to approve new formulas, but because there’s nothing to stop companies from doing so, Downs says that most have continued to use the same old ingredients, in the same old ways.
On the plus side, the FDA has recently initiated a study testing absorption of ingredients in sunscreens currently on the U.S. market. A spokesperson told Glamour that the study will “measure and evaluate the levels of active ingredients found in the blood of human subjects after exposure when applied under maximal use conditions.” For now, Andrew Alexis, M.D., the chair of dermatology at Mount Sinai hospital in New York City, warns against jumping to conclusions. While studies using extremely high doses of oxybenzone show some hormonal side effects, Alexis says we don’t typically encounter those levels in the everyday world.
How to find the right sun protection for your skin (and hair)
To put the doses into perspective, he explains that using a sunscreen containing 6 percent oxybenzone, it would take 277 years of daily application to reach exposure comparable to what the rats in the studies get. So while oxybenzone can be detected in the blood and urine of sunscreen users and the population at large, Alexis says that doesn’t necessarily mean oxybenzone is causing negative, systemic health effects.
Speaking to the ban, the Personal Care Products Council, which represents the global cosmetic and personal care products industry, released a statementacknowledging the importance of combating coral reef degradation, but arguing that fighting the prevalence of skin cancer is as important. And with the sunscreen ban waiting for Hawaii’s governor to sign it into law, enforced change is at best in the distant future. According to lawmakers, the bill will only take effect in 2021, so at least legally nothing has to happen until then—and even after 2021, there will be no legal way to keep sunscreens with the chemicals from coming into Hawaii.
Nicole Lowen, vice chair of Hawaii’s House Committee on Energy and Environment, says that’s fine. While they’re giving the sunscreen industry the next few years to come up with formulas that comply (and Gabbard says tons of sunscreens out there already do), a major aim of the legislation was raising public awareness about these toxic chemicals, and sending a message to companies and the FDA that, yes, change is something people care about, and we want it now.
In that respect, women in Hawaii agree that the bill is making them think twice about their sunscreen. Since the legislation came into the spotlight, Hawaii resident Emma Wo says that she’s gone through her medicine cabinet and tossed the sunscreens with controversial ingredients. Longtime Oahu resident Kathy Croman says she used to not be choosy about the sunscreen she used, but “when you grow up here and see the actual damage it’s causing, you become more aware.” It’s likewise struck Oahu newcomer Kait Hanson: “Before I moved to Hawaii, I used sunscreens with [oxybenzone and octinoxate] a lot. That was mostly due to being misinformed, unaware or trusting the labels of products.” After the conversation started around the ingredients, she says she switched to reef-safe sunscreens like Stream2Sea and Badger. (Stream2Sea relies on nonnanosized titanium dioxide, and Badger on nonnanosized zinc oxide. Both are confirmed eco-friendly ingredients.)
Marine conservationist Lauren Kitayama seconds it: Once you know the effect of these ingredients, you steer clear. “Most of our cosmetics do end up in the ocean, and they wreak havoc. If making small changes in my daily routine can protect the oceans and animals in them, I do what I can,” she says. To that end, Wo’s not waiting for 2021. “Even before the sunscreen ban goes into full effect, I think it’s a matter of social responsibility. One of my favourite quotes by Maya Angelou applies here: ‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better,’” Wo says. According to Lowen, it’s going to take more of the same attitude to fuel change.
“We have to create a consumer demand for safer products. We’re obviously facing many environmental crises with climate change, so there’s a lot coming that we’re going to have to deal with. And it’s all true—all those things weigh in,” Lowen says. “But my job’s not to get elected, be in office and say, ‘We give up. There’s no point doing anything, it’s too late.’ We’ve got to try our best.'”
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