#but im focusing on my longer replies since ive got a few long drafts that need finishing
angie-long-legs-moved · 5 months
//slow replies cuz I'm seeing friends today. also just in a rotten mood :(
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pearlplusau · 4 years
Coral and Greg’s relationship/dynamic (Pre-Mr.Greg)
So like, while we’re waiting for that awesome looking animatic... 
 So few weeks ago Tripixle from instagram asked us to submit questions abt Pearlplusau, and naturally, i had to ask one, but its not about shipping and expressions, (and it probably wasnt what she expected), it was about the relationship between Coral and Greg.
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It’s one way to predict and interpret how Coral and Greg would react to each other, either its during “Mr. Universe” or “Mr.Greg” in this AU.
So the question was: “In your AU,how would Pink pearl’s relationship with Greg be different from Pearl’s canon relationship? (Pre-Mr.Greg)
I was hoping to get a glimpse of their relationship from the AU creator, so i can get started on drafting the further episodes (or chapters), but i got a whole lot more than what i expected.
So she replied in two different text boxes, the one in pink was written, “Ive written Pink to be more repressive?? Is that a word IDK?? She doesnt necessarily express her disdain or discomfort around Greg, so their conversations usually consist of forced conversation.”
Ok so, it was obvious she already had intentions for what she wants and envisions for the general idea of everything in the AU, but she was more focused on other projects like “Gravity Fallen” and Pink pearl interacting with Jasper, so i would say shes given a lot more than what she intended for the AU. 
“Repressive” as in repressing their relationship? In canon, Pearl would have no trouble expressing her disdain and slight discomfort when Greg was around, and i would like to think its similar to Coral’s impression of Greg. However, stating that their conversations would be “forced” is a bit, unhealthy. Let’s say, its the episode of “Three gems and a baby”, i would interpret their conversation to be like,
Greg: “Oh hey, Coral! Whats in the present?”
Coral: “Oh..its uhh... nothing.. just a little something for... Steven here you go (shoves the present into steven’s hands without looking at Greg and flee from the house)”
Greg: Oh, okay, visit anytime tho!
This is my interpretation of their “forced” conversation, but this is just something we’re not into yet.
As for her second reply, “ She doesn’t express much since she’s been a pearl longer and so she’s usually down to follow.”
Which is a pretty big OOOF of an explanation.
Its kinda like, if your pet dog was once abused by its previous owner, and when it became your pet, it would have unusual behavior like biting on itself and refusing/resisting to wear a leash for walks.
Coral had been a pearl so long, after everything thats happen, she didnt really developed herself from a pearls position, unlike Pearl, who had learned and experienced more in the last few centuries.
She repress her thoughts and ideas towards someone, even if she doesn’t necessarily despise them. Honestly, just this one post can tell a lot about a character.
( Soo the other posts like the shipping and expressions will be posted in the future, because i wanted to analyse the response and got than i expected, and it gave me a lot of things to work with.
Next, the story, im drafting up a poster for the next two parts, but im considering to do it on paper cuz my stylus pen isnt coming anytime soon.
Also, if anyone’s interested, im considering to get some feedback from you, the readers. Some of you may be better writers than i am and critical feedback on the posted chapters are more than welcomed, if youre shy, just message me directly, and your ideas and comment for the chapters will be taken notice.)
Thanks for reading, have a niceday byee.
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