#might only post one or two responses and it wont be til later
angie-long-legs-moved · 5 months
//slow replies cuz I'm seeing friends today. also just in a rotten mood :(
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kara-does-fandom · 4 years
Why MC doesnt get her working phone back (part 1. Leo, Jean, Arthur, Sebastian)
At least, not til Comte finally caves and gets phones or laptops for the residents. 
Listen, you werent sure why you still had service and access to the modern internet all the way back in the past. You were glad you could still check in on things and listen to that one song on youtube you liked... but maybe you, Sebastian, and Comte should have figured out what would happen after you found yourself explaining your little pocket computer to the boys. Comte is a blessing of a vampire and manages to track your laptop down during his tech shopping trip. 
So here are reasons you dont see your phone as often as you’d like
As an inventor, he is fascinated by the phone. As an inventor, he is also fascinated by youtube’s DIY community and spends hours watching how people build things, the explanations on inventions, and likely the art restoration videos and other stuff dealing with old art. Likely spends a bit of time with discussions and videos talking about the pros and cons of different art materials and makes extensive notes on what toxic pigments exist and tbh Comte will have a shopping list on his desk and notes on what Vincent isnt allowed to have even when it comes into fashion. Maybe it wont effect them as much due to being vampires but.. nah. Best keep everyone safe. Leo also spends a good deal of time with cat videos, because of course he does. You see your phone occasionally, mostly when it is recharging. The library is even worse, as is his room during the first week of the DIY and invention youtube as there are scattered notes and ideas everywhere. 
Comte compares notes with you on what Leo uses the most and gets a laptop for him. You arent too surprised when a tablet shows up later. Be it an art tablet like or something like an ipad, Leo scribbles his ideas on anything and you had wondered what he’d do when he discovered layers and a good erase tool. 
Ok so you see your phone a lot more often when it comes to Jean, but you also sit down with him one evening in the library after offering to help him with his learning math and reading. You go over what the future technology can offer, and you eventually settle in next to him and find some good basic learning to read and math videos, websites, and other stuff. Sure, you may have personally subjected yourself to duolingo as you prepared for your trip to Paris, but maybe you will offer that later. The shy boy doesnt really ask for much else when it comes to what your phone can do, and honestly its charming to see him leaning over your phone’s screen as he stumbles through his lessons. You are reminded of those tumblr posts of actors in historical or fantasy garb using everyday tech. 
Jean is quite happy to use your phone for the small things, so while Comte might not get him a device of his own, you end up with a set of bookmarks on your laptop ad maybe Jean gets his own Youtube or a playlist full of videos to help him, nestled quietly amid your own. 
Oh god, Arthur. After ensuring he knows how to avoid his own famous creation on the endless internet, you... kinda dont see your phone ever again. He loves tumblr and all its drama, phrases, and the odds and ends of random info you can get as they float across your dash. You know for a fact he will likely get his own account the moment Comte returns with a laptop for him. He spends hours researching various medical stuff. Being the mansion’s doctor gives him a responsibility and he, like Leo, spends a good deal of time making notes on what advancements sound good at first but end up very damaging in the long run. Sebastian finds himself buying at lest two new notebooks for Arthur which quickly get filled with things he feels is important for the health of not only the other vampires, but you and Sebastian, who are the only humans. Other search history includes sex tips, as how could he not want to know if the future holds any new knowledge on pleasing his partner, and maybe a few movie clips or writing stuff. He half resigns himself to stumbling over Sherlock stuff. Your grimace of a smile when he asked how popular it was told him all he needed to know.
Comte of course gets him a laptop. Comte looks into solar power or some other extra electricity generating technology. Comte quietly starts making his own list on what inevitable purchases he will make as he listens to you and his boys as they confer over the phone screen and decides Santa Comte will have a very full bag of goodies that winter. 
He initially confiscated your phone the moment he figured out it worked with the predictable noises about messing with the flow of time and the future cannot influence the past and other things. You got it back, of course, especially after he resigned himself to the knowledge that the damage had already been done. Now he uses your phone to look up recipes, play some background music during chores, and look up anything else a good butler might need to know. He falls back into old habits from when he lived in your time, using the internet to augment his research as a historian. 
It takes him a while to decide between a phone or laptop. You arent sure what he got, as he keeps it as secretive as his little notebook he uses to keep tabs on the residents, but you can easily figure out he uses it for much the same reason. 
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devillainsarchive · 5 years
Part 1 on Why Cruella is the worst the parent, now with more proof from canon material:
this gets long so its under the cut
Movie Proof
First Cruella states that Carlos can’t go to Auradon because she wont have anyone to do some of her hygiene routine such as her hair and scraping bunions. Second, Cruella uses Carlos’ fear of dogs that she instilled in him, against him because “there are dogs in auradon, carlos.”
Third, these visuals from the movie itself and promotional material:
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Fourth, Carlos’ bag is a trash bag, implying he has little to know possessions, and why would that be when Cruella is one of the most extravagant villains hmmm. Fifth, “I will never forget mother’s day again” regardless of what I have written on the subject, the fact that Carlos’ reaction to seeing his mom is a specific event, should tell you something. Jay sees what his dad really is, Evie sees her mom and honestly to me it sounds like she kind of misses her mom, and Mal gets her show tune. But Carlos’ is very clearly a traumatic event.
Sixth, in Auradon at the parents day message, Cruella only cares about the fact that Carlos has a dog, clearly for her own uses. Seventh, at this same parents day meeting Carlos looks uneasy after standing up to his mother. Eigth, “Our parents will be really really angry” said before Ben promises their parents wont reach them here, and before Carlos turns good. He agrees to be good, to stay away from his mother.
First, “hear her voice in my head.” I have seen so many posts claiming that because this is Mal’s dream sequence that this line indicates that she still feels her mom’s pressure or whatever. However I don’t agree with that, because in my opinion this is something that he has spoken with Mal about. Each of the the others all have lines indicating things that they have to over come in order to stick it to their parents. This is also telling of suffering that we don’t see on screen.
Second, the second they are on the isle, we see a completely different Carlos from Auradon Carlos. His guards are up in a way that Jay’s and Evie’s aren’t. He mentions that they don’t want their parents to find out that they are there, he really means his mom. Not to mention there is a reason he does not want Dude on the Isle.
Third his little rivalry from Harry (and this actually stems from Uma’s Wicked Book), stems from the fact that Harry tried to steal Cruella’s car, and then locked him in a stockade for two days til Hook got Cruella to release him. If Cruella had her henchman do that to someone who isn’t her son, what would she do to her own son? Much worse. But yeah, that feud caused by Cruella, and Carlos knows it.
Book Proof
Aside from Uma’s Wicked Book mentioned above, lets start with the Spell Books since those act as companions to the movie. I will also later add to this post with the novelization of the movies to further show my proof. I also wont be going into much of the 3rd novel because their isn’t much about the parents in there.
Mal’s Spellbook
First off I’d like to remind everyone that the blanket that Jay and Carlos are fighting over is blue (not that I think its the one Evie gave Carlos but still), Carlos says “It was the one thing I wanted. Can’t I have a little security here?” Not only is this an awful pun, but it implies Carlos had none of that on the Isle thanks to his mom. .Later on page 81 he states, “I just want to go back to the Isle of the Lost, where no one expects much of me.”
On Page 108, he sees the hair spell, and thinks he should use it for his mom, so clearly still in that mindset of what his mother would want.
When asked about the saddest thing that ever happened to them on page 123, Carlos states, “A lot of of sad stuff happened to me, I don’t get upset about it, though, or cry about it. I guess I just try to forget. (And writing about it here isn’t going to help.)” So not only does Carlos have alot of sad stuff that happened to him on the Isle, he refuses to talk about it or get help, this could be just bullies, but considering what the others are writing about, their parents (save for Evie and her doll), its safe to say its not bullies with Carlos.
On page 141, and 143 Carlos claims he’s nothing like his mom after mentioning Ben states that they are not their parents. He also talks about how scared he is when Cruella sees Dude. Then on page 144, he states that they have to take over Auradon because he can’t say goodbye to Dude because he wont take the dog tot he Isle (which Disney Carlos is more than the fucking dog). Carlos also on page 148 is worried that Dude wont be safe once they get the wand, but I have a feeling he is projecting a bit here.
After Parents Day Carlos begins to think that they are as bad as their parents and they are as bad as the Auradon students and people say they are. Carlos also mentions that before Ben they had never met a “truly good person”.
On Page 166, the first thing on Carlos’ list of reasons to celebrate staying in Auradon, is being away from their parents.
Mal’s Spellbook II
The book starts out and one of the first things Carlos talks about is bananas, now its no surprise that food is bad on the isle, but Carlos’ fascination with it shows a bit more than it just being bad.
He feels bad and angry at himself for not confronting Chad even if that is the right thing to do. He can’t seem to speak, which I believe is fully related to Cruella. He had little to no ability to speak with her when she made him do something he did not want to. The same goes for anyone with significant power over him, like Chad.
So while its listed under funny things dude has said, I find it very telling that Carlos included it considering the other things on the list, I mean they are all about dog things, but this one just seems a bit odd to me. “Would you want me to walk you on a leash?”
School of Secrets - Carlos’ Treasure Hunt
I am not going to talk alot about this book mainly because I do not own it, and have not read the entire thing.
HOWEVER, Cruella has many items relating to dogs, and getting people to bend to her will without question. One of these items is in fact a dog collar, and she more or less implies that Carlos needs to use it. She also more or less implies that she would never need to use it on him.
The Isle of the Lost
First I am not going to go through every single page of the book, but I am going to talk about the bigger scenes in the book.
Carlos admits that sending his mom into hysterics isn’t hard, and he will hum Roger’s song for her to help her do it, At a cost to him of course. So on page 41 we have this conversation between Evie and Carlos. Evie is finally let out of her banishment, and admits she doesn’t remember much about her party, and that she doesn’t know Carlos is her neighbor. Carlos says he lives down the street in Hell Hall, and Evie is a bit confused and states, “But I thought no one lived but that crazy old lady and her---” Carlos cuts her off, and doesn’t want her to say the next word but Evie does anyways. Evie thought Carlos was a dog. Evie then goes on to say “BUt she’s always calling someone her pet, I thought you were a d---” She then goes onto ask “But how do you fit in the crate at night.” 
When presented with an image of his mom in all her glory he shudders and ignores class. When Mal announces that their will be a party at Carlos; house, he states that she knows that his mom doesn’t like having people over. Carlos lives in isolation, because of his mother.
This quote from page 64, “Cruella was always telling him how boring hew as because all he liked to do was fiddle with electronics all day. His mother declared he was wasting his time, that he was usless at everying except chores... Still, he wished that one day Cruella would see him as more than just a live-in servant who happened to be related to her.” This is a pure example of a type of abuse.
Carlos’ room on the Isle consists of a corner of his mother’s coat closet, which is covered in bear traps. He has what the book calls a “mattress” though its hardly that, no pillow, and no blanket. Again key signs of neglect. Along with this he states no one has ever cared if he was warm or not, when referencing a blanket, and the fact that he is not allowed to touch Cruella’s furs (something tells me he has tried before). He also gets embarrassed when he says he never had a pillow before. The only place he can keep things is in his tree house so his mom does not get to them. 
On page 130 Carlos insinuates his mother will skin him for the party, “If his mother had any idea that he’d let a bunch of people come over... and even worse let them near her fur closet.... let alone be tackled in a pile of full-length grade-a-pelt coats--- well lets just say it wouldn’t be a puppy she would be trying to skin.” Not to mention just before this, people apparently tell Carlos that Cruella has mellowed out with age, but his response is they don’t have to live with her, meaning she is just as bad if not worse.
Carlos like school, it is not a surprise he’s a nerd, but one thing he likes is structure. This is key because structure is not something he gets at home. On page 194 while Carlos got everyone to help him clean his house in order for him to go with them to retrieve Maleficent’s scepter Mal admits, “Her mother might ignore her, and resent her, and scold her; but at least she wasn’t Maleficent’s virtual slave” referencing Carlos. This isn’t the big quote from Mal about Carlos but this is a pretty big doozy if Mal admits that Carlos has it bad, if not the worst out of all of them, and all the kids on the Isle really.
Later on the same page, Cruella comes home. Carlos shakes because Cruella is home early, the house isn’t clean, and their are people inside. Mal even admits that no one is as scary as her mother so she doesn’t understand why Carlos is so jumpy. When Cruella calls out, “Carlos, Carlos, My baby!” Mal thinks that it isn’t too bad, because she is under the impression Cruella is talking about Carlos. Cruella then says her Baby needs a wash, which Evie is like “she knows your dirty from here.” Carlos then announces that Cruella is referring to her car, not him. The scene continues and Cruella asks about her one true love, Jay, Mal, and Evie all turn to Carlos, and Carlos is like hello what now? And Cruella elaborates she meant her furs. Carlos is embarrassed he forgot, something Mal can even tell. The scene goes on, and Cruella essentially makes them all clean her car by the end of it.
“...Carlos with his screeching harpy of a parent...” Now this quote is used all the time. I want to be clear that what we see from Carlos’ life it is more than just yelling. However even if it it was, that is still abuse. 
Carlos’ trial in the book is about his mother. The creatures ask what his mother’s one true love is, and Carlos cannot bear to say it out loud. She never means him though, because it is her furs and not him. Admitting out loud, and then saying that the other three already knew that is not easy for him. Upon leaving the castle, where they have to cross the bridge again, Carlos admits he doesn’t know if he can do it again.
Upon his return home, Cruella finds her coat closet, Carlos forgets to clean it. She starts screaming at him, and he says it will never happens gain. But he also indicates that he not only sees the gargoyles laughing at him, she ends with saying Carlos is a disappointment.
Also at some point in the book Mal states that while her mom is bad, she is not as bad as Cruella.
Return to the Isle of the Lost
On page 48 Carlos on the prospect of getting a message from his mother, and potentially having to return to the isle twists in fear at that his mother is right behind him (Even though she isn’t). Even though he says he just feels like she is near. On page 49 he then says, “While Maleficent might be able to turn into a dragon, Cruella was a dragon.” Mal throws his thoughts and words about her off as paranoia. But friends I think at this point we all know Carlos’ fear is valid from years of abuse and neglect.
When the four return to the Isle, and they are looking for their parents, they come to Hell Hall. Carlos whispers for his mom where Evie just goes right and yells causing Carlos to freak out.
On page 271 Carlos admits that his house was a house of horrors thanks to Cruella.
In collecting his talisman Carlos is the only one who actually faces his parent. Cruella wants him to leave, and Carlos almost does because she told him to. In fact the book states “everything in his brain told him to run from his mother...” He has to physically fight his mother. In fact when he gets the ring of envy, his mother says he can do what he wants with it. And he very nearly does destroy her. On page 278 the book implies that destroying Cruella would rid of him of his nightmares, “destroy his mother, rid the world of another villain, and stop having nightmares once and for all.” Cruella goads him, but he doesn’t do it when he puts the ring on because he thinks that “he is better than oyu, mother. no matter what you’ve always told me.” We know that this is all a vision, and not actually his mother, but a vision is a vision. He sees his mom (only confirming the line in D2) in his head all the time.
Cruella was abusive to Carlos both verbally, and physically. She neglected him worse than any of the isle kids could imagine, and submitted him to torture, such as making him submit to being a dog.
So that’s all I got for book proof at the moment, stay tuned for a part 2.
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