#but im really proud of this fsr!!!
redezign-yr-logo · 1 year
I thought it'd be cool to share my fan spinch equivalents of my favorite bands [which i created for fun since my sona has a Sparklecare form ^^] cuz i really like some of these hehe
Lime Angel = Lemon Demon [Just a classic thing and possibly maybe actually cannon iirc???]
ADMIN = MGMT [MGMT is short for Management n ADMIN is short for Administrative so i thought it was fitting!!]
Boingi Oingi = Oingo Boingo [This one is just funny to me]
Colonel Cowliver & His Mystical Ensemble = Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band [I just really like this one + it made my Dad laugh so Win]
We May Be Titans = They Might Be Giants [This was one that was stuck in my head for forever cuz i really wanted to use 'Titans' fsr n cant imagine it as anything else]
Hally Tall = Tally Hall [i couldn't think of anything better.. maybe Tally Ho? Actually i like that more maybe]
Marvel Melody = Miracle Musical [Hehe playing around with the letter M is fun]
Gameshow Girl = Talkshow Boy [Only thing i could think of and its just. really fun to say. alliteration is fun]
The Funny Laughs = The Scary Jokes [Bad n i know someone could do better [PLEASE] I was tired at the time n couldn't think of anything]
Walking Legs = Talking Heads [Self explanitory i think]
Run21 = Drive45 [im just really proud of this one]
I hope you enjoyed that :3 there are some bands i couldn't do anything with sadly [like what do i do if the name is litterly just the person's name] but oh well lol
Also i think this goes without saying but if you wish feel free to use these lol !!
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fierceyetflawed · 5 months
Can we see some of the photos you're really proud of?
I've tried answering this ask with said photos like ten times now but tumblr fsr won't let me do it!!!! tried posting them seperately but it still didn't work :( im SO frustrated
I'll try again tomorrow sighhhh you will be able to check them out here
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hadal-heart · 2 years
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cuddles begrudgingly accepted
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cheriboms · 4 years
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yes your honor, i am thinking about them constantly. next question
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abimee · 2 years
4 and 20 for the ask thing :0?
4. Favorite thing to draw
🤔 hard to say but i think how constantly i draw characters naked in bed asleep i would posit drawing characters naked in bed asleep is one thing. i think i also love drawing characters smoking fsr. i also loooove drawing character redesigns im too lazy to make OCs but i love being given a character to mold and shape into my own image especially if theyre really boring to look at
20. A piece from this year that you're really proud of
surprisingly ive been hating most of what ive made so far this year but i genuinely think althaea gag reflex comic is the best thing ive ever drawn so i think it counts even if its. well
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if i gotta choose a serious picture i gotta say im always devasted whenever a comic of mine doesnt do well because theyre the things i spend the most time on while Also considering them the ugliest and worst pieces of art i make, so when they dont do well i weigh the idea that they Are bad and that i wasted a bunch of time, and that valentines comic i made not doing well at all made me really sad at the time and i havent made a comic of that scale since. but i really like how it came out regardless and will consider it the best piece of art ill make this year because i put my time into drawing the anatomy closer to my usual style than using a shorthanded one for faster drawing, and i made sure to color most of it in and even use some light shading and lightsourcing to really make sure it looked nice. my most intensive piece of art in a few years so its going on the wall for a while
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musgo · 5 years
5 6 19
thank you so much for sending sdcjnskjdn i uhhhh recorded all of these basically immediately after you sent them but then i listened back and felt like i suonded so annoying and went on too long and my pronunciation wasnt very clear so i postponed posting them sdjnvdjs i decided to transcribe what i said (under read more) cause that makes me feel better abt it. 
5. I’ll talk about what I did today
6. I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0iLq52dlB1y  (the very good video i talk about: https://youtu.be/-6lMD9h_ix4)
19. I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0lPPvmwbvbI this ones the most ebarassing cause i decided to have fun and try switching to my alternative, vaguely british-inspired “accent”,,,, also the cohesion ... she just wasnt there.
5. today i went to college. i was really late and i missed the first class. i only attended one class today, cause i only have two classes per day rn - thats definitely gonna change next semester but anyway - the class was really good, the subject is Introduction to Literary Studies (i took a while cause i had to translate it from portuguese) but um yeah the class was about why humans create fiction. why humans.. you know.. how humans...... Human Nature is such that we are unsatisfied with reality and we create other lives and other experiences through fiction. and it’s not necessarily that we don’t like our reality, it could just be that it’s not enough; like, you could rly like your reality but you still have an innate, like.. NEED for experiencing Other Things that you couldnt in your own life. thats basically what the argument was, it was really interesting. and i rly like the teacher, she’s rly cool. so after that class i just had some lunch DELICIOUS the food in my college is so good ugh i love it so much and it’s just 2 reais for         for lunch when you’re a student there and it’s so good i’m.. ugh it’s the best part of college        cause its rly rly rly cheap for us students and it’s really good like It didnt even have to be that good cause it’s so cheap but it’s REALLY GOOD hh     um... yeah i love it  AND THEN after having lunch i went to the library which is a luh--another thing i rly like about my college cause  it’s the biggest library in my university.   so.. i study in the universtiy of são paulo which is one of the biggest universities in brasil .... so.. the campus is like rly huge and .. [i realized i was just explaining what a university is fsr?????? ]  uhhhh yeah i went to my library. [????? MY LIBRARY??? i dont own a library.] and i love my library theres like. i love to just walk around and see.    The Books cause theres like.. so such interesting books. and like books in so many languages... ugh it’s amazing so i went there to actually find some english learning books and i did , cause im trying to teach my sister english andt..    yeah i found this session-- Section. where theres all these    language learning books so theres like             a couple shelves that are like just english learning books and then theres a shelf thats just like japanese learning and then a couple shelves for russian   thens ome korean  some frickin SANSKRIT  latin ancient greek just everything . theeres also like indigenous south american languages which i was really happy to see and im definitely gonna check that out eventually but for today i just took the english ones cause ..  yeah i cant really  i dont really that much time and everyone for all that right now with college ..     AND THEN the rest of my day was that i left my phone!! cause i went to take the bus and  i left my pjhone on the bus stop.      i feel like my entonation is really annoying right now but yeah.. so yeah i left my phone on the bus stop and i was so scared.  i went back to the bus stop    got off the bus [wrong order] and it wasnt there , i went in the building - my college has 3 buildings for the different courses - i went in one of them cause i assumed it would be there because it was the closest to the bus stop so if somebody found my phone on the bus stop they wouldve taken it there and  left it there with the recepcionist or whatever so i went there and it wasnt there so iwas like “oh no its not here . maybe i left it in the bus instead of the bus stop and i just didnt notcie that it like fell from my pocket or sth.” so i took the bus again and went to the terminal which is where it would be if somebody found it in the bus and gave it to someone responsible for that stuff. but it obviously wasnt there. so i went home, very sad, This whole thing lasted like 2 hours and then its like over an hour for me to come home from college cause yk i live in a neighbouring city which is pretty close but its still an hour to an hour and a half everyday to go and ..... to go to and fro. is that how you say that expression idk . ...    and then when i got home!!!! i wnt in the facebook group of my college [course] to see if somebofy had posted something about a lost phone and Yes They Had they posted a photo of my phone and i was like oh thank god so im gonna get it back tomorrow. now im home im looking at my cat. occasionally looking after my nephews and my niece. and thats my day
6. i was sitting here thinking.. trying to think of something   and i remembered that--..............   Cause its rly hard for me to answer these questions where itsj ust one thing and i just..................          i just draw a blank whenever i get these questions but im just gonna say something that happened recently cause it was like : yesterday i found this video on youtube of a    an .. anemone? Swimming     like this starfish touches it and it like Changes Form it Elongates and just starts shaking to like get away. and its amazing it reminded me of how much i like Cnidarians(????)  the phylum .  the group of animals that includes jellyfish and corals, basically.   its just so cool like they alternate like one of the.... oh my gosh my house is so loud uhh...       yeah they like its really crazy i dont actually know a lot about it but i just think its so cool like the corals .. they.. reproduce.. and like.. their offspring sometimes is A Jellyfish . and then the Jellyfish sometimes produce Corals.   cause you look at the two things and they dont rly look that similar but they Are basically one and the same, and theyre Animals both of them just the same.  theyre just like inverted when you think about. its really cool and i didnt know that corals could MOVE like that just Get Out like... DeTach . from their thing and just start Swimming!! i had no idea that was a thing but yeah basically something that im obsessed with is um animals like that. the animals that arent chordates. so like sponges, cnidarians,  frickin ummmm echinoderms. You Can look at My Tags Page i have that stuff listed. i love it cause its so fun when you think about how theyre animals so theyre like closer to us structurally and cellularly than to other things.
19. you know. when people are mad at me for doing something not as fast as one possibly could or somethin like not understanding what they said or doing something a little bit wrong like following instructions a little wrong and you know when its not rly that important and people get mad and me for that and stuff.. i just.. i feel really happy that i'm not like that. cause i feel like most people around me.. they ARE like that like they just get so mad.. they allow themselves to get so mad about small things.. and i dont know i like that im pretty patient and i dont mind having to wait or to instruct someone a few times and correct them until they get it right and teach them and... all that. i dont know like i feel like.. idk im proud of myself for not like picking fights and getting mad at people for things that dont rly matter cause.. idk people around me do that a lot it makes me rly sad like... idk thats something i like abt myself i think i can like I'll feel angry sometimes and dont get me wrong anger is very necessary and its a very good thing when it is like... whats that word? its like... freakin.. deserved [i think the word i was looking for is "warranted"] like be angry at freakin capitalism or sth freakin racism you know set people on fire for that kinda stuff. but for small things on daily life i think people let it get to them too easily. and just create.. idk. it makes me sad so im happy that i dont have a lot of these impulses in these situations and when i do feel peeved from something petty im able to hold back cause im like.. its not worth it its just... this is so small. i'm.... you know? its not worht it.
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
tagged 8y @catboyjay thank you
name: Clove Wren (i have no actual last name yet)
nickname: every time someone calls me vriska or any vari8ion of it it amuses me to such degr33s it just evokes pure joy its literally so fucking funny like yes that is me the real vriska serket you are talking to right now
zodiac sign: cancer 8ut i WILL always mention the fact im moon scorpio 8c it makes me f33l cool even though i think people really h8 scorpios 8ut shshhh
height: i THINK 5′4′’??? its varied from 5′4′’ to like 5′6.5′’ so i do not know
hogwarts house: every official thing says slytherin 8ut literally everything else says hufflepuff
last thing I googled: OH i think i was googling sucre from OFF as a drawing ref OR i was googling the 8a8y from OFF 8ecause.
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fave musicians: iamamiwhoami/ionnal33, 8ut i went through phases of almost exclusively listening to florence + the machine, AURORA, and passion pit
last song I listened to: goods iamamiwhoami
song stuck in my head: OFF Pepper Steak All Levels At Once Remix
followers: like 80 something
following: 100 something sadly 8ecause i dotn know what self care is
amount of sleep: I ALWAYS SL33P FOR *EXACTLY* 8 HOURS FSR UNLESS I HAVE LIKE WIGGLE ROOM MY 8RAIN JUST HITS 8 HOURS AND GOES “ok fuck off we’re getting up now”
lucky number: i,,, 17 is like my UNlucky num8er? it just used to follow me around everywhere it could fsr. its chilled out now 8ut. also my fave num8er is 48 i find the sequence very pleasing i just wanted to share that
what I’m wearing: pajamas BBBB////
dream job: none. i want to live in a ca8in at the edge of the woods with partner and raise kittens and have a garden and invite my friends over to stay for like a w33k if they n33d a 8reak or arent f33ling too well
dream trip: MMMMM woter.. forest............... also ive never s33n the ocean
instruments: i can play you some rad tunes on my recorder i shoved in my closet 3 years ago it sounds like pressure/steam leaking through a pipe while the pipe is 8eing 8ent and hit in an attempt to fix it
fave food: OGUHUGH... udon.. ch33secake... Specific Food Places Here I Cannot Say The Name Of.... i cant pick faves
languages: english and homestuck
fave song: when i was 11 and i discovered florence + the machine trying to grasp the concept of a fave song at that point s33med so hard i just dropped the concept of picking a fave Anything Ever
aesthetic: i lit ear rally have a scenecore side8log 8ut also like.. hng. angelcore 8ut with anything even remotely religion-rel8ed p33led off of it???? just general ethereal shit. also sun8eams/moon8eams and other contrasty lighting things like that are the 8est things in existence never @ me
random fact: i have 4 nipples. i am very proud of this
i tag uhh uhhhhh @nbamyrose @ataliaf uh uhhhh connie was already tagged UHHHHHH you dont have to do this if you dont want to woooooooooo
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Dragon-Sized Replies
Hey friends, thanks for all the comments ♥ hope you’re all alive and well!
bouquet-of-scissors replied to your photoset “T: Do you…do you think I’m a bad mum? S: *gasps* Trellis, please… T:...”
Trellis.... ;-;
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “T: Okay. Well…you know what this means, then. You’re doing it now. And...”
Poor Connie. But also...poor Trellis :(
nernershuman replied to your photoset “T: Okay. Well…you know what this means, then. You’re doing it now. And...”
Tween drama.
I hope you guys don’t mind that I threw your comments together but they seemed to sum it up pretty well! Trellis might have been a bit too much of a serious adult, but Connie, like kids do it, really overreacted to a simple prohibition and in the end nobody was happy xD so yeah, poor both of them! But (which I didn’t show cause...Idk why) they sorted it out.
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “S: Trellis, stop. I mean, maybe don’t stop because we need to talk...”
Im dying scoob theyre so good :’)
;_; IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE i was like ‘this is her jam but also its not as good’ anyway how dare you dying this isnt the time not yet
melien replied to your photoset “T: Do you…do you think I’m a bad mum? S: *gasps* Trellis, please… T:...”
melien replied to your photoset “T: Okay. Well…you know what this means, then. You’re doing it now. And...”
Trellis why :( but Connie girl you could have written down your ideas on paper like we all did back in good old times so no need for drama
I know, kids these days right?
melien replied to your post  “Do you love... Yourself?”
You should go and love yourseeelf
xD out of context it’s nice but if you keep it in the song it isn’t really
melien replied to your photoset “This would be so cute if the hair colors had actually stuck.”
Sensitive topic #1
I know :/ this gen was tricky again with sleepwear, sleep and formal is usually most buggy for me. At least everyday sticks...and I’ve found that mismatched brows/hair are actually less buggy??????
melien replied to your photoset “HEY WHO’S THIS”
The F's are the best wink wink
melien replied to your photoset “HEY WHO’S THIS”
Eternally missing this face
;_; I know...he’ll be back tho I already have more pics!
melien replied to your post “What’s in my Sim’s bag?”
Ohhh it didn't come up in my notifications fsr but thank you! Wish I was as creative as you with these lmao
I’m not creative, it’s just the Miracles xD (also you can totally tag me back if you do it, I’m feeling more of these)
melien replied to your photoset “I figured I should give these three at least some queue time as well!...”
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Baby girl, you need a hug, and love. Let me give it to you!
okay we got a hug for Trellis, and one for Connie, we’re good now!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Okay. Well…you know what this means, then. You’re doing it now. And...”
Oh no :’(
monets-pumpkins replied to your photoset “T: Okay. Well…you know what this means, then. You’re doing it now. And...”
trust me this is all very relevant...also not but I wanted this Shine/Trellis scene and I had to get it somehow xD
amixofpixels replied to your post “Do you love... Yourself?”
I will come hug you and my magical slat powers will make you love yourself.
pixeldemographics replied to your post “Do you love... Yourself?”
I swear i will go up there and smack u and teach u to love urslef
guys sorry I just HAD to have a (figurative) side by side comparison of these two very different methods to get me to love myself xD I LOVE YOU BOTH OKAY
(also catii honestly if thats what it takes to get you up here ill continue)    
amixofpixels replied to your post “For your Y or N, is it true that you are a magical stached slotter? I...”
It's because I demand to be special, and get more than a simple yes or no answer. ;)
either that or I really need to make EVERYTHING about vampires, you get to choose xD
pixeldemographics replied to your post “is mal’s back hot y/n???”
Also im proud of u lmao
pixeldemographics replied to your post “is mal’s back hot y/n???”
Wow I’m Sure That Absolutely Independent Anon will be so proud to see this!!
opheliasim replied to your post “Do you love... Yourself?”
I love yourself! So love yourself too ❤❤❤
;____; awh thank you ♥
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
HE WILL tho hes not gonna complete it my salty friend...he has no room for his own rocket (ok that kinda...sounds really special but ill embrace it)
maybe trellis can accomodate it somewhere hmm
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Getting ready for work!”
chug, chug, chug
it’s liquid energy! How handy
evanurisandruil replied to your post “do u love me (for Y or N)”
how dare u browse
I mean...what do you expect, that I simply repeat the obvious? Brah NAH
treason-and-plot replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
I would steal your gorgeous face and make it my profile pic but that would be creepy, right? :P
Slightly! I feel very loved tho ♥ MUM MY OTHER MUM LIKES MY FACE
pixeldemographics replied to your photo “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH ;_;  i usually dont pass on chain...”
;) ;) ;) ;) i feel especially honored :')
you should! im being a better person just for you (and because i feel bad)
blueossa replied to your photoset
Gorgeous pics!
@melien forwarding this to you ♥ it’s true, the aesthetic is just YES
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rainbowxcircus · 7 years
i just wrote a letter to my old pen pal to let her know what im up to and that im okay and honestly...i feel really proud of how fsr ive come?
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