#but im sure if i emailed them id find out some things i don't like
beansnpeets · 1 year
After thinking about pomskies I got curious so googled breeders for funsies and YIKES. It's too bad. If anyone comes across any pomski breeders that DON'T have a dozen red flags on their website pls lmk.
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imjustli · 1 month
The digitalisation of society is awful for many reasons, but I think it's really insane (in the worst way possible) how much my friend's bf can control her life by locking her out of her phone
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quanxui · 2 years
i might have to go anon for this, but yup
aaa thank you, ate you're my life's saviour lmao. and it's so cool that you have little to no social messaging apps !! i mean, i only hav it bc of sch and fam ig but aside from that ill delete it in a heartbeat. my mother told me it'd be better to have no gadgets at all, or phones to be specific, and it's something im looking forward to do as i age hehe i imagine answering telephone calls or writing silly letters to my olden friends hihi, the idea's so cute tbh
anyway, im conflicted with myself whether im just sensitive or what flkfskd and the person im talking about is in my small circle 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍 at first, my feelings towards them was fine until i hav found their replies a bit hostile and callous, example: edi wow, sml, and more, especially sml after i tell a story huhu, ik they do it bc ofc someone influenced them and it sort of rubbed them into always and automatically reply that, lik a habit/mannerism or defense mechanism idk they're nice but that's how they casually talk, and i don't really lik it bc it is soooo unnecessary, insensitive, and childish. omgh wait, this is a big a toll to discuss about urgsvhj but yes, i feel wonky about it, i hate that we hav our small gc and id get to interact with them daily with the feeling of needing to stay on guard yk?? it's tiring !! ::((
omg! first of all, you're not sensitive at all. people have got to stop using those phrases!! especially online because it's more difficult to “hear” someone's tone and things could go wrong. but yeah, you're not being sensitive. i'm sure a big number of people also find those phrases offensive even me!
personally, i'd tell my story to my other friends separately. id interact with the friend as little as possible, sabi nga niya “share mo lang” edi sige wag na i-share yan sa kanya. also if they do that online only, and you guys meet up personally then sure, tell them the story in person. talk to them & interact with them in person! if they're like that in both irl and online, lol leave them out of your stories. leaving them out would or could bring a lot of drama though and it's childish hahahahh
the mature thing to do (i think? cause im not sure about my maturity ahsgajdgdh) would be to talk to them about it. i don't know the character of this person so i can't predict how they'd answer but maybe you can imagine it? and then, depending on that, you tell them through group chat (when they do it) or you privately message them.
“hey friend! i'm not really sure how to tell you this but your use of skl etc. honestly hurts me. i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or you really don't like my stories but even so, being sarcastic hurts me. if you have any problems with it, maybe tell me? did i do or say something wrong?” something like that i guess?? or when you want to do it in the group chat you could just say, “hey friend that actually hurts, did you really mean it?” and “i'm sorry i don't get if you're being sarcastic or what but it hurts.” not these exact words but something like this?
you could also talk to other friends about it so they'd understand your point of view before you confront the friend. as friends should, i'm sure they'd understand. you could tell them in person too! that feels more heartfelt and better! or thru video call?
this got too long but i really really hope this helps!! or it comforts you in some way? good luck to you and your friends! i hope you & the other friend come to an understanding, friendships are really really nice to have!
as for my online habits... i still have facebook for school, i just didn't download it on my phone & instead go on the computer to open it so that it's separated in some sense? i still don't interact that much though cause i open facebook once or twice a day to check announcements & instead go straight to the Classroom or to my emails. i made good acquaintances through group projects so we could help each other but that's about it. as for relatives, i have a telephone & a cellphone number and my other family members relay the messages or stories told online to me during dinner. or i ask relatives about it when we see each other, if im really curious. they have been bugging me about it but i won't budge. i'd get a flip phone if i could read manga & read emails & watch youtube there but right now i'm satisfied with my old phone!
and i actually have instagram and interact a bit there. my hs friend group has long separated from each other but i talk to some friends there & i like looking at pictures there so it's all good! i also open it on the computer sometimes. sometimes i even chat with some old friends on genshin lmao >.< i do have this cousin who would message my whole family if he had something urgent to tell me. it's so funny walking around the house and having people stop & tell me the same message!
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muffinlance · 4 years
Hey Muffin, you don't mention the current end of the world here... I just wanted To make sure if you're ok ? In lockdown ? No loved ones sick ?
I guess I should probably respond to one of these, huh. Ahem:
Thank you to everyone expressing concerns and well wishes!
Status: stay-at-home orders in my area. Spousal Unit, I, and my immediate family are working from home and/or retired. (And my mom no joke used to bring back rather adorable smallpox posters from infectious disease conferences when I was a kid, so she's not one of those older people that needs to be convinced that this is serious.)
(This is not The Poster, but it was similar to this, I am so angry at my college self for throwing The Poster out it was so cute yet horrifying in its implications because it was legit for bioterrorist attacks, this is but a pale replica:)
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[id: Color image of a zebra, with the classic doctor's "when you hear hoofbeats think of horses, not zebras mantra", overshadowed by much larger text reading "We Are All Zebras: How Rare Disease Is Shaping The Future of Healthcare". End id.]
So anyway, back to status report.
I'm a teacher, so doing the online learning thing. STEM teacher, so there's a lot of good online curriculums I've used before, I've got my kiddos doing game development. We're on day two of that and it's mostly working.
(Best human error so far: one of my students apparently does not understand what email is on a fundamental level. He needs to email our school tech support, and he keeps sending me screenshots of all the very-much-not-email programs that "don't work" when he tries. Child. Child you have a school Gmail account, I keep telling you to use your Gmail account, IMs are not email and chat clients are not email, use your email to send an email--)
Also my garden has All The New Rabbit Fencing (I love watching you in the yard you plant-murdering floofs, but I know you don't even like the strawberries so WHY ARE YOU BITING ALL THEIR LEAVES OFF THEN SPITTING THEM OUT ON THE GROUND. Nu-uh. Strawberry patch privileges REVOKED.)
And my fish tank is the cleanest it's ever been, LOOK at this tank, is this not CLEAN?
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[id: Photo of a reef tank with bubble-tipped anemones and various coral, and two clown fish begging for food as they wiggle in front of the camera. End id.]
(Fish I JUST feed you stop making me look bad on the internet.)
My cat is largely confused as to why this weekend of people-are-home-all-hours is lasting a month. I gave him a Confusion Blankie to sit on next to me, that helps.
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[id: Photo of cat on a chair pushed under a table. He is curled up on a fleece blanket, side-eyeing the camera. He is white with big black splotches and a foofy butt facing the camera. What a majestic beast. End id.]
Overall I'm in a good position but super concerned 'cause my mom's vulnerable due to age, my sis has asthma which I hear does not play nice with this virus, and I should probably at some point mention I'm super pregnant and guess what group of people tend to have complications with even regular coronaviruses? Nine months of a repressed immune system, yay! (F you too, nature. Don't make me rabbit fence you.)
(Due at the end of May which should be a FUN TIME to be in a hospital judging by the rate of spread in my area.)
Writing-wise, I work best when I'm doing All The Things so this sudden free time is actually terrible for me getting things done. Still figuring out how to manage my time so it's not suddenly 11PM and I did no writing where-did-the-day-go.
In conclusion: Worried but in a good position, certainty much better than many others (have I mentioned before that having stable finances is weird? It's super weird). Still trying to re-find my writing groove time management abilities. They're somewhere, I'll figure it out.
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nympsycho-ao3 · 3 years
Hi so sorry if this is a weird question. I start college next week and I'm really nervous and overwhelmed. I graduated high school almost 5 years ago so I'm really late getting to it, I don't remember a whole lot about school life. Do you have any advice?
Not sure why youre asking a random smut writer on the internet but i would love to help if i can!
I was a huge lazy sack of shit in college ahhaha. My college years were spent either drunk or high for the vast majority of it. So my first piece of advice is to dont do that lmao. I missed out on a lot of fun, socializing, and networking because i was inebriated alone in my room. Id imagine with covid its even harder to meet new people so take every opportunity you can.
Find at least 1 person in every class that can cover for you if you miss notes or have questions about material. Youll generally make a friend too which is a nice bonus but really that safety net is nice. Dont abuse it either, like dont skip class for days then just ask for notes lmao.
On that note go to class strategically. I was able to skip a few classes every semester in their entirety bc they were easy and i got away with it but if they take attendance make sure you go. Again with covid im not sure with this stuff but actually give a fuck about the stuff youre learning. I wish i did instead of just memorizing and forgetting. I wont tell you to go to every class every time bc fuck that, but prioritize the classes you simply cant skip.
Treat studying like a job. It is so much easier to study like an hour a day than cram studying in 10 hours overnight for an exam. Im a huge hypocrite with this so do as i say not as i do lmao.
Going into it late in the game is actually kind of a good thing because you might not be tempted into the dumb bullshit like drugs and booze like i was. Just keep it to the weekend like i shouldve hahaha
If youre on a campus, go out and enjoy it. Some of my fav parts of college were just going out and enjoying the campus and what it offered. Maybe better advice for spring but... nonetheless.
I shouldve put more effort into making friends. I really came out 4 years of college with no friends to speak of because i made the conscious decision to keep to myself because i am naturally a loner and comfortable alone. Still, i think i would have overall had more fun if i got to know the really cool people in my program.
In general, take the opportunity to leave your comfort zone. It's college, no one is expecting you to be perfect. Just have some fun while you can take advantage of the safety net of college and the bad decisions youre allowed to make. As long as you keep your grades up (or passable, which i recommend making your perrogative instead of perfection) go out, get laid, try new things, meet new people, learn new things, and enjoy expanding your worldview with little consequence.
Remember that everyone lives in their little bubble. I was so afraid of embarrassing myself that i avoided doing a lot of fun things. Not a single person gives a fuck about you in a way that theyre judging you like you think they are. So just do you, be the cool older person in the class that can buy the youngins booze (do this at your own risk but it was fun for me lmao) and tell stories like a grandparent. Also, on that note, dont be surprised at how fucking stupid these kids are. You might be the oldest and wisest in the class. Just enjoy the stupidity at your beckoning call and take it in, sometimes it's better than TV. dont hold it against them though, we were all stupid 18 yos once.
Dont ask a ton of questions in class. I mean a few is fine but not a lot. It just makes class run longer. Anyone who cares is doing the following: either asking them after class, going to office hours, or emailing the professor. Do that.
Speaking of office hours. Youll probably need some reference letters when you graduate to apply for jobs. Pick like 1 cool professor a year and really buddy up to them so you can use them as a reference. Yay, using people! And hey you might get some cool stuff out of it. Talking with my professors was always pretty neat and enlightening. They will know what youre doing but they know the game too and theyre just happy youre putting effort into earning the reference. Just dont get boners for the hot ones like i did oop--
And uuhh flash cards. All my homies love flash cards. I still have all my digital ones from my classes for no reason but... they came in clutch!
I didnt work through college bc im a privileged little brat but, i think i would have had my shit together more if i did. So depending on your major find something relevant and maybe find a flexible part time gig (easier said than done im aware)
I graduated with a 3.8 gpa and a damaged liver and lungs but hey i survived! Hope this helped. Again im not the best person to ask bc i really hated my major and most of my classes but i saw them as necessary stepping stones to my current job. Oh well!
Good luck anon. I know you will do very well even in these covid times. Just take your shit seriously! Unlike me...
Dont go to fucking parties unless youre an asshole and/or vaccinated or until this covid shit blows over please!!!
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contrapposto-leto · 2 years
Somethimes I wonder if you are watching in the shadows. Looking at the ghost of our public exihubition. I drempt of you a few times since we last spoke. The first was horrifying. The pain pourd from you, it flooded the hallway. The second. We were in a state park. You sat at my picnic table and looked outward. Gazing to the blue sky. Smiling softly. Happy to be near by. The last one you had me. Pinned to the bed by your stubble my skin tingled. First we flirted in the halls, letting the electricity charge, then you were swimming between my thighs, grinning as you held my leg on your shoulder.
I miss you.
I am scared to ventur out. To seek you in my dreams and about. It's as if I taste a fruit that is delicious yet kills me with each bite. But perhaps that is just the fear talking.
Yet. Here I am. Wondering about the trek. Would I be so daring?
To flaunt myselr?
I am sunburned today. I rememer how the sun kissed my skin that week and you could not look away. Your arm felt so strong as I clung to it in fear of the san diego traffic. The tingles that run through me when I imagine us together never stop. I felt them then I feel them now.
Sometimes I torture myself with our vast correspondences. You probably have no such luxury. You probably don't get to see my face whenever you feel like. You probably can't read letter after letter of how we would yearn for eachother. How we wanted to drag eachother into the mud and just never wash again. Nasty. The stories we'd write, the encouragement to continue to the next act, my creative writing thrived. As did yours. You are so gifted and Im afraid you are letting yourself languish.
Sometimes the moments are so intense it is like you are sitting next to me. Part of me wants to think we have some connection and that we are still (ugh) connected through the universe (cringe).
But I can still hear your voice
"What happened? I lost the connection?" Perhaps you are. You did say it then.
I do miss you. So often I just want to talk to you about the world and I get so upset, morose, weepy, angery that I cannot. I simply do not even have that luxury. Oh how I miss it.
So much has changed since then.
Clearly I want you to miss me like I miss you. But that is unlikely. I understand the situation.
Part of me wants you to be as batshit as I am. Thinking this is the only possible way you'd know.how to contact me. Unable to remember aything but this. Would be easier to find me here then to summon a long dead email. Part of me wants you to see this. Maybe because I didn't really get......closure? Part of me hopes that this public outcry will allow me to sleep or slip further into maddness, either way I'd rather expedite the process.
Perhaps I am also jealous. Knowing that I will never feel like that again, never experience the stubble on your chin again. Oh god i am such a sap.
Honestly so many people are terrible sexually. Some or them are downright aweful. But you were a god. Someone who can communicate effectively what feels best and understane their partners needs. Goddamn im getting flustered just thinking about it. I am jealous that someone who dosent want it gets to deny it every day. I wanted only to exsist in that erotic space.
It was hard, without your kindness. I had become so reliant on it.
I realized those words were gifts.
Even if you saw this what would it mean? That im still obsessed?
Or am I justified in my constant lusty sadness? No goodbye? That shit huuuuurt. Still hurts. Hurts that you won't see this (probably) id say I am 87% sure that you will never see this. Why would you.
I find myself wanting to say everything I never got to say to you, all the things I wanted to ask.
I already personally hate not knowing things and not being able to ask you questions is worse. Bevause it is like i had the opritunity and failed but that I also sorta could.
I have so much I want to share with you.
Why did we have to be so good?
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Watch "EXCLUSIVE: Ex Girlfriend of Paul Pelosi Jr Discusses Abuse, Fraud Allegations" on YouTube
So this guy in the interview is a Ben Clan Human Trafficker
Paul Paleosi Jr is only 20 years old.
The Paul she is talking about WAS Paul then he was killed in 1987 and taken over by aliens.
PPJ hasn't tried to contact her due to his old body being taken over by a Zulu alien.
Because they study intently, the Zulululu would mimic the good and romantic parts of the true person. But the rest of the time be taken down to the evil soul status.
So unfortunately her stories are 100% true and thusly sad
But the person soul is incorrect.
This is why we crested dna4u after 1991 when I blockaded the ability to overtake souls due to my daughters being kidnapped and one being overtaken by Zulululu and the other murdered for refusing.
So dna4u is decades into the making with Galaxies and planets helping as much as possible.
Check out the Google photos of this "51 year old man"
He told me "by the time you find me, I'll only be 20, shes makingbme lie about my age" she being Nancy Pelosi.
She in a long story Tree will post from that I wrote in a private email. With his information included, also abducted me. She's a real bitch
The minute men brought her to the aavuatuin studios and i was supposed to be picked up but I was blocked in traffic, so she was to sit in the lot and wait, she rolled under the plane for shade and was ran over by two planes when they thought they would have that chance to get me in a small window..
Still i haven't been able to be picked up.
Nancy has plenty of clones, tho. So I'm sure some hank ktch will be running her mouth soon.
But she was the worst 'clone' in the baby selling an human marketing trade.
She was mpst often in my Google with a sunk in face... Because she had plates of steel around her skull. Denise does, too as well as Billy and Nathaniel. Nathaniel in the back of his skull, Billy in the front.
She's photographed in my Google as the State Rep but ain't the one that goes to the Chairman Floor.
She's my father's soul mate but not my mother of birth..
In 2003 we banned the ability to get pregnant by anyone but our soul mates.
So Nancy's metal face was her backup. She gave her body to a Saturn good soul, so in thought she would be able to return to it in such times when she is attacked
Not only was and is that not possible but now we have destroyed the shell body. So her Saturn that tricked her to letting a guy her body is now free to work as ghost. And get much more done!.
And Paul and Karina are extra protected by those that waited to kill Nancy and with great and extreme force shoved the Saturn Soul Filled body into a sedan and dropped her to the lot, while invisible
Dino that she killed long ago.
They are extremely violent and more quickly than me with blinders to any other existence to stop them from destroying
So you will immediately die if you mess with my brother or my sister in law and any of my siblings and their children and soulmate.
We have the location of the people who kidnapped my niece and nephew. And so killing them and recapturing my family will continue
They were not reported as stolen. And time is up in order for them to do so.
We have earned experience due to Clayton Millicant, Clay Millican's evil twin.
Thusly we know exactly how to handle this
And I'm quite sure since Donald Trump hates her, that we will earn a monthly stipend instead of a one time payment if he continues to trust in our work
It just takes time
I had Clay and Aubrina murdered yesterday morning and had time to bring them back to life. So these Bastards that kept getting in my way to prevent my appearing at my own property and not being a POW still remain to be tedious. Just so you know, they killed a 12 year old girl last week in order to rape her so they arent made fun of how they can't perform quality sex. Since 2003, sex with a non soulmate is dull, boring and ugh gross. But these idiots don't realize that.
So they killed a 31 year old virgin and a 6 year old crippled child whom could barely walk. Its true she was on the Plane ladder because I taught her due to her disability and crippleness her super skill is to climb ladders because its less pain for her compared to our flat foot selves
She had been locked in a cage and starved and beaten and abused. And her way of sitting in that small space crippled her back and legs and feet and especially ankles.
She had been exercising in my personal bathtub and swimming pool to maximize her strength and ability to move distances greater than 4 feet without pain.
She worked diligently and as much as possible and was able to walk 16 feet on flat foot then walk 24 feet on tip toe and rest then walk 6 to 7 feet flat foot then stop. With minimal pain.
Due to her happiness and flexing her ankles ih the water for 3 to 6 or 8 hours per day.
She worked hard and got ecperiabce to gain health. And she was climbing that ladder of the plane to kill the people up there as they were the same type of people whom abused her. And were friends with them.
And they grabbed her by her neck and threw her 75 feet to the ground.
And so Clay climbed up, not in order to kill but just ask why they were there. He knew i would need to know in order to handle the situation.
And they just threw him down and broke his wrist in a way it was crumbled bones. Then not realizing it was broke. It was unhealed after he was back to life.
And it was extra painful. So don't think they both won't kill now.
He was in 7 to 8 hours of extreme pain and he was of harmless intent, trying to find the solution.
I gave a 6 year old child a revolver in order to protect herself. And she did. We were able to heal her better than the other healing methods we used due to her death.
That doesn't make it fine that they had the nerve to do that shit.
Im just better than they are. I keep warning you ass holes you need to be good in ACTION not by acting.
You don't you'll die.
Again as I said if you're not invited to my personal property including what APPEARS to be a business, you will be a trespasser with violent offence and die.
Im not playing. So Bobby and Edward were murdered for murdering both a pissed off child and a concerned man.
So y'all need to fuck off. Jesse and Alex are presumed to be still looking for Annabelle.
As they kidnapped Annabelle as an infant due ti my having twins. I do have my other daughter, Annabelle's twin safe.
Josie is still in an unknown location and Jesse, Alex and several others are attempting to find her And Annabelle.
Snoop was also a hostile take over but he was my friend. However he was killed by Bobby. And so yes i have friends that are illegal alien. But there is a REAL SNOOP. Out there. That looks like young snoop and less bug eyed.
Smooth, sweet skin and a smooth grace. Still tiny though like his old body. But not old. He was sent to Saturn from TSJ.
We became quality friends before we moved. He went to Venus to help the transition of the rescue pods but they beat him and so i had to go. Because i don't put up with that shit. And so then i took him in as well, not recognizing him due to his swollen facial features from bruising. And he became our Venus representative while sending Data to Saturn from me in order to help Save Saturn. They finished their exponents in 1989, they last was begun and completed in early 1990 due to an experience with Michael Jackson.
Then Jupiter finished.
But also we willingly took the opposite of their good to see the bad in small controlled experiments in order to help. Small traditional studies in the 1960's, and our research allowed them to succeed faster...
Unfortunately this lazy bitch from Uranus kept sending her ass holes here. And so we are in year 81 of trying to fix all supreme galaxies and planets with life.
So we will.
This bitch died by severe torture from the Galaxy Council and Echinecea took over with my life model. And so upon completion we get a ring and a moon. So Uranus has a ring, 4 of them. And i have a tatto of it and irs rings. It is the only planet i have a tattoo of
Its because i fixed it, with my heart and my life experiences, and so with only mine alone its saved 54 galaxies from incompletion.
Now they ain't got that swirl like Jupiter or Saturn because its simply my model and not a combo of theirs and ours. Like Saturn and Jupiter.
Our rings will be a figure 8 around our moon and Earth and then we will gain a moon as i posted yesterday that is being shielded and held by Jupiter inside their ring set and it is the color of my eyes from TSJ.
Mostly i have brown because i just want to kill people and bury them in the dirt, otherwise they're green because id rather bury them in the sea aka good things. Drown them in the spirit of love.
So adding pink is the sunset and sunrise... Truly i do want to live another day.
It hasn't been pink in a long time, so. Sont think I sont think y'all suicidal. If i want to play dumb.
Alright snot heads..
I sent Alex a series of maps. There is new information for them.
Trump get on that monthly stipend..
We need it to keep your people alive.
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