#but imma stick to using They/them because science and chaos has no gender šŸ˜Œā¤
princessozera Ā· 4 years
Scientist MC: PADs
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Word count: 1.3k
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Itā€™s come to my attention that certain feminine hygiene products are rare in the Devildom. While the Devildom isnā€™t completely barren of these items, Iā€™ve looked themĀ  over and they all contain one ingredient or another that would prove extremely harmful to any human exchange student that might need to use them. As such Iā€™ve prepared a short letter to Diavolo where I ask to use an empty stock room at RAD for human-centric necessities and comfort items, that I will provide if need be:Ā 
Okay, I donā€™t think any of the brothers honestly give a damn, and theyā€™ve all stopped reading by now. I need to come up with a secret code or carve out a piece of furniture so I can hide these notebooks. I caught Mammon snooping around in my room last week with Beel and while I donā€™t think either of them would care too much about a random journal, I REALLY canā€™t risk them finding out Iā€™ve been using them like Guinea pigs.Ā 
P(rotection) A(gainst) D(emon)s: PADs.
Yes I did choose pads specifically because I think Mammon is the most likely to look through this journal, and immediately put it back if he sees the word pad.
Okay so I may have become better acquainted with the 7 demon lord-brothers and the royals but a LOT of my other classmates are still proving to be a bit of hard asses. I had 3 attempts on my life in the past week alone and Iā€™ve caught a handful of individuals repeatedly trail me and Luke when we were a bit aways from our usual groups.
Also... I donā€™t want to doubt them, but, at the end of the day, even the demon lord brothers have a nasty temper in them. For as much as Lucifer talks about composure, when he loses his, itā€™s COMPLETELY gone. Heā€™s tried for my life at least once by this point, and knowing how we butt heads, I donā€™t doubt thereā€™ll be another murder attempt.Ā 
So Iā€™ve been thinking, I need a little protection and the only thing that I know for now, that works on demon is holy water (hw). I know where I can get a couple of cups of it, maybe even a liter if I ask nicely enough, but then we have the little problem of actually implementing/ hiding it. As it turns out, holy water leaves a distinct silver shimmer in itā€™s wake and smells of almonds and something sweet. While I have to focus to be able to smell it, Iā€™ve run a test on Beelā€™s sense of smell and found out how to counter act it, so really itā€™s just the storage thatā€™s giving me difficulties.
Spray Bottle:
Pros: It wouldnā€™t look out of place in my bathroom or my room, no training needed, doesnā€™t necessarily require a high degree of accuracy, and can switch between a mist (lighter damage, a bit of suffocation is all) and a direct squirt (concentrate stream, high damage in the same vein as third degree burns in humans)
Cons: Thereā€™s a high chance Asmo would walk in and randomly use it or one of the brothers casually uses it as a regular water spray bottle against another brother, accidentally harming them. Also, if you fuck up and try to shoot it on direct shot but end up with mist? Youā€™re done, dead, you wonā€™t get a second chance to fire.
Water Gun:
Pros: Different sizes available, it wouldnā€™t look out of place for me to just be wandering the back of the H.O.L with it strapped to my back, larger one have a great distance, only middle accuracy and little training, concentrated h.w will do a lot of damage.
Cons: It would look out of place in my room and around me in general 3/4ths of the year, and while I could carry a tiny version with me because most of these are very cheap toys they tend to leak.
Reusable Water bottle:
Pros: The most scent blocked, portable, can hold a substantial amount, would never look out of place in my bag or backpack. Depending on the top, it can shoot out a small stream.
Cons: Someoneā€™s gonna drink it. Not even the brothers on accident, there is a 98% chance Iā€™m going to forget whatā€™s in it, or Iā€™ll be tired and grab the first bottle in my vicinity and down it without a second thought. Very little accuracy and a weak stream so it would have to be used at close range and youā€™re not really allowed to miss because then youā€™re completely out.
Squirt Gun Umbrella:
Pros: About half a liter of water can be stored in it, on applicable days it would raise no suspicion, and it is a long range weapon. I could alter the sections of the umbrella itself to double as a shield with the right materials.
Cons: These donā€™t exist in the Devildom, I would have to recreate it myself. It would also look out of place most days, and if I DO have it and it DOES rain, the cross contamination would ruin my entire supply of holy water.
Perfume bottle:
Pros: Portable and inconspicuous in my vanity so itā€™s close at hand, if Iā€™m able to make it aerosolized, I can make a smallĀ ā€œperfumeā€ bottle for on the go as well. No accuracy needed, and can probably work as a general repellant as long as I donā€™t apply it too heavily and layer it with other scents.
Cons: It only has a mist form so it would have to be a close range attack where I realse enough to choke them so I can run away and maybe give them light acid-type burns. I would have to forsake a cup or two of h.w to try and see if I can make the holy water more... concentrated? If thatā€™s even possible. There is also a slight chance Asmo would use it, just to smell it once, and accidentally hurt himself. A bigger problem arises if Mammon were to take a bit for himself or to sell without actually using it, putting a random vial of h.w out into the Devildom market on accident.
Vial Earrings
Pros: Tiny, cute accessories that I can have on my person 24/7. I havenā€™t done crafts in a while so it would be fun.
Cons: If I made them for future students, there is no guarantee they have their ears pierced and I donā€™t want to even imagine the drama of someone trying to self pierce for the first time in HELL. Also, any reasonable vial that wouldnā€™t arouse suspicion would be so tiny it would only work to poison a demonā€™s food or drink.
Beads + slingshot:
Pros: I can make the beads myself, gel or glass as needed, watch with their own benefits. Gel are easy to store, while glass provided extra damage on impact, both would break easily. Long range weapon, and with itā€™s concentrated impact, if I can take out an eye or hit the ear, I can almost guarantee my survival.
Cons: A lot of training and extremely high accuracy needed, also I would get clowned for being a grown person with a little kids toy in my bag.Ā 
I think a mix of these items would be the best, but maybe Iā€™m getting ahead of myself. I need to actually go and get the holy water first because when it was offered to me it was in a half joke sort of sense. Maybe if I take him some of those pastries I saw him hiding in his backpack, the scream cheese ones from Madam Scream.....
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